CV - Francesca Ervas

Name: Francesca
Surname: Ervas
Date of birth: September 12, 1978
Birthplace: Treviso, Italy
Citizenship: Italian
Academic position: Temporary Researcher in Philosophy of Language
Academic address: Department of Education, Psychology, Philosophy
University of Cagliari
Via Is Mirrionis, 1
09123 – Cagliari
Personal Web page:
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Philosophy of Language, Translation Theory, Pragmatics, Experimental Pragmatics.
Social Cognition, Irony/Metaphor Comprehension, Pragmatic Understanding in
Autism Spectrum Disorders.
2006/2007 Master degree in Teaching Philosophy and Psychology, University of
Venice “Cà Foscari”, under the supervision of Prof. Luca Illetterati and
Prof. Achille Olivieri.
2002/2005 European PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences,
Università Roma Tre, with a dissertation entitled Equivalence in
Translation. A Philosophical Approach. The dissertation, written in English
and defended on May 15, 2006, was supervised by Prof. Roberto Pujia
(University of Roma Tre), Prof. Alberto Voltolini (University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia) and Prof. Andrew Chesterman (University
of Helsinki), and evaluated by Prof. Kirsten Malmkjær (Middlesex
University, London) and Prof. Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City
Visiting student under a Roma Tre scholarship at the Department of
General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, under the supervision of
Prof. Andrew Chesterman, for research in the “Multilingual
Communication Programme”.
Degree in Philosophy, University of Padua, with a final mark of
110/110 cum laude, under the supervision of Prof. Luca Illetterati and
Prof. Massimiliano Carrara with a thesis defended on March 22, 2002
and entitled Il problema della traduzione in Donald Davidson. L’interprete
radicale come ‘misura’ della traduzione [The Problem of Translation in the
Work of Donald Davidson. The Radical Interpreter as “Measure” of
Qualification as Associate Professor in Philosophy of Language (Italy)
Temporary Researcher in Philosophy of Language at the Department
of Education, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari.
Qualification as Master of Conferences in Philosophy (Sec. 17, CNU
France, n. 12217231049) and Linguistics (Sec. 7, CNU France, n.
2010/2012 Young Researcher Fellowship in Philosophy of Language at the
University of Cagliari, under the supervision of Prof. E. Gola.
2009/2010 “Ville de Paris” Post-doc fellow in Philosophy of Mind and Language
at Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, under the supervision of Prof. T. Zalla.
Affiliate Academic at UCL Department of Linguistics, London, under
the supervision of Prof. R. Carston.
2006/2007 Post-doc fellow in Philosophy of Language, Department of Philosophy,
Università Roma Tre, under the supervision of Prof. R. Pujia and Prof.
A. Voltolini.
2013 Pensare e parlare. I fondamenti cognitivi della comunicazione [Thinking and Talking.
The Cognitive Foundations of Communication], Editori Riuniti University
Press, Torino, 2013.
2009 Uguale ma diverso. Il mito dell’equivalenza nella traduzione [Equal but Different: the
Myth of Equivalence in Translation], Quodlibet, Macerata, 2009
(Castiglioncello Prize 2010 – Young researchers’ section “Antonella Musu”
/ “Special Mention” at “Viaggio a Siracusa” Prize 2009). Reviews of the book by
E. Gola, «APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia analitica» 2, 2010; C.
Vergaro, «Journal of Pragmatics» 43:12, 2011, 3095-3097; R. Garcia
Jiménez, «Revista de Traductologia» 14, 2010, 190-192.
2008 Dare un nome nuovo alle cose. Il principio di traducibilità [How to Give a New Name
to Things. The Principle of Translatability], Sapere, Padova, 2008.
2007 Psicologia cognitiva della comunicazione [Cognitive Psychology of Communication],
CD-ROM, Giuntilabs, Torino, 2007.
Edited Volumes:
2014 (editor with Elisabetta Gola), Metaphor and Communication, John Benjamins,
Amsterdam, 2014.
2014 (editor with Massimo Sangoi), Metaphor and Argumentation, «Isonomia» 4, 2014.
2013 (editor with Elisabetta Gola), Metaphor In Focus. Philosophical Perspectives on
Metaphor Use, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2013.
2012 (editor with Vera Tripodi), Word and Object. 50th years later, «Disputatio.
International Journal of Philosophy» 4, May 2012.
(editor with Elisabetta Gola), Philosophical Perspectives on Experimental Pragmatics,
«Humana.Mente. Journal of Philosophical Studies» 23, December 2012.
2011 (editor with Paolo Labinaz and Valentina Cuccio), La dimensione pragmatica in
filosofia, linguistica e semiotica [The Pragmatic Dymension in Philosophy,
Linguistics and Semiotics], «Esercizi filosofici» 6:1, 2011.
2009 (editor) Traduzione, terra di nessuno [Translation: a Nobody’s Land], «Paradigmi»
2, 2009.
2007 (member of the editing board), Primo tesoro della lingua italiana del Novecento [First
Thesaurus of Italian Language in the Twentieth Century], ed. by Tullio De
Mauro, Utet, Torino, 2007.
2014 La “casa della ragione”. Razionalità e irrazionalità nei contesti conversazionali [The
“House of Reason”. Rationality and Irrationality in conversational contexts], in
P. Graziani, G. Grimaldi, M. Sangoi (eds.), Animali razionali. Studi sui confini e
sulle possibilità della razionalità, Limina Mentis Editore, forthcoming.
On Semantic and Pragmatic Equivalence in Translation, in B. Pasa - L. Morra (eds.),
Pragmatic Issues in Legal Translation, Sellier, München, 2014, 85-99.
The Role of Metaphor in Argumentation, (with Massimo Sangoi), «Isonomia» 4,
Metaphors in Quaternio Terminorum Comprehension, (with Antonio Ledda),
«Isonomia» 4, 2014.
2013 La question de l’équivalence dans la traduction, in C. Le Blanc - L. Simonutti (eds.),
Leonardo Bruni. De la traduction parfaite, Editions Droz, Genève, 2013, 783-799.
Lessico e immaginazione nella traduzione delle metafore [Lexis and Imagination in
Metaphor Translation], (with Elisabetta Gola), «E/C. Rivista dell’Associazione
Italiana Studi Semiotici» 7, 17, 2013, 91-96.
Traduzione [Translation], (with Lucia Morra), «APhEx. Portale italiano di
filosofia analitica» 8, 2013.
A Philosophical Guide to Metaphor Use, (with Elisabetta Gola), Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2013, 1-8.
The Pragmatics of Metaphor Use. From the Conceptual View to the Relevance-Theoretic
Perspective, (with Elisabetta Gola), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge,
2013, 21-35.
2012 Polisemia ed ambiguità lessicale nella traduzione [Polysemy and Lexical Ambiguity in
Translation], in S. Ferreri – E. D’Andrea (eds.), Lessico and Lessicologia [Lexis
and Lexicology] Bulzoni, Roma, 2012, 301-312.
New Perspectives on Quine’s “Word and Object” (with Vera Tripodi), «Disputatio.
International Journal of Philosophy» 32:4, 2012, 317-322.
Sperimentare la pragmatica filosofica. Una ridefinizione delle competenze comunicative nel
linguaggio figurato [Experimenting Philosophical Pragmatics. A re-definition of
the Communicative Competencies in Figurative Language], «Reti, Saperi,
Linguaggi», 4:1, 2012, 28-33.
Intuizioni semantiche e disagreement. Polisemia e omonimia in contesti conversazionali
[Semantic Intuitions and disagreement. Polysemy and Homonymy in
Conversational Contexts], in C. Amoretti – M. Vignolo (eds.), Disaccordo
[Disagreement], Mimesis, Milano, 2012, 79-85.
Gender Stereotypes and Figurative Language Comprehension (with Roberta Cocco),
«Humana.Mente. Journal of Philosophical Studies» 22, 2012, 43-55.
The role of “Naïve Sociology” in irony comprehension (with Tiziana Zalla), «Logic and
Philosophy of Science» 1, 2012, 445-453.
The Experimental Turn in Philosophical Pragmatics, (with Elisabetta Gola),
«Humana.Mente» 23, 2012, III-X.
The Definition of Translation in Davidson’s Philosophy: semantic versus functional
equivalence, «TTR. Traduction, terminologie, rédaction» 25:1, 2012, 243-265.
2011 Donald Davidson (with Cristina Amoretti), «APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia
analitica» 3, 2011.
What does rationality need to be bounded? Discussion of R. Cordeschi, Artificial
intelligence and evolutionary theory: Herbert Simon’s unifying framework, in C. Cellucci,
E. Grosholz, E. Ippoliti (eds.), Logic and Knowledge, Cambridge Scholar
Publishing, Cambridge, 2011, 155-158.
Introduzione [Introduction] (with Paolo Labinaz and Valentina Cuccio) a La
dimensione pragmatica in filosofia, linguistica e semiotica [The Pragmatic Dymension
in Philosophy, Linguistics and Semiotics], «Esercizi filosofici» 6:1, 2011, 1-15.
Perché l’ironia riguarda il pensiero [Why Irony Concerns Thought], in V. Cuccio, F.
Ervas and P. Labinaz (eds.), La dimensione pragmatica in filosofia, linguistica e
semiotica [The Pragmatic Dymension in Philosophy, Linguistics and Semiotics],
in «Esercizi filosofici» 6:1, 2011, 64-75.
Do Stereotypes Cue Comprehension of Speaker’s Ironic Intent in Autism and
Schizophrenia? (with M. Champagne-Lavau, T. Zalla, M. Leboyer, V. Laurent)
Actes, Colloque de la Société de Neurosciences, Cederom, Marseille, France,
2011, 1217.
A Cognitive Approach to the Pathologies of Normativity (with Tiziana Zalla), «Fogli di
Filosofia» 2, 2011, 135-151.
2010 A Naturalistic Explanation of Communication across Cultures, «Polylog. Forum for
Intercultural Philosophy» 17, 8:14, 2010.
Ai limiti del significato letterale [At the Borders of Literal Meaning], in P. Storari –
E. Gola (eds.), Forme e formalizzazioni [Forms and Formalizations], Cuec,
Cagliari, 2010, 278-287.
Equivalenza ed adeguatezza pragmatica nella traduzione [Equivalence and Pragmatic
Adequacy in Translation], in S. Dal Maso – G. Massariello (eds.), I luoghi della
traduzione [The Wheres of Translation], Bulzoni, Roma 2010, 53-64.
Quine, Jakobson e il problema della sinonimia nella traduzione [Quine, Jakobson and
the Problem of Synonymy in Translation], in G. Panno – M. Quaranta (eds.),
Annuario della filosofia italiana, Edizioni Sapere, Padova, 2010, 43-51.
2009 Introduzione a Traduzione: terra di nessuno [Introduction to: Translation: a
Nobody’s Land], «Paradigmi» 2, 2009, 11-15.
Come può una traduzione essere “radicale”? [How can a Translation be “Radical”?],
«Paradigmi» 2, 2009, 59-73.
Tre ipotesi sulla coevoluzione di metarappresentazione e linguaggio [Three Hypotheses
on the Coevolution of Metarepresentation and Language], D. Gambarara – A.
Givigliano (eds.), Origine e sviluppo del linguaggio, fra teoria e storia [Origins and
Development of Language: between Theory and History], Aracne, Roma,
2009, 221-233.
2008 Significare e comprendere. Percorsi della filosofia del linguaggio [Meaning and
Understanding. Pathways in Philosophy of Language], «Paradigmi» 1, 2008,
Della traducibilità tra parola e segno [On Translatability of Words and Signs], F.
Giuliani – M. Barni (eds.), Il logos nella polis. La diversità delle lingue e delle culture, le
nostre identità [The “Logos” in the “Polis”. Difference of Languages, Cultures
and Identities], Aracne, Roma, 2008, 265-276.
Davidson’s Notions of Translation Equivalence, «Journal of language and
translation» 2, 2008, 7-29.
2006 Il problema dell’unità di traduzione [The Problem of Translation Unit], (with R.
Pujia), R. Pititto – S. Venezia (eds.), Tradurre e comprendere. Pluralità dei linguaggi e
delle culture [Translating und Understanding. Plurality of Languages and
Cultures], Aracne, Roma, 2006, 157-169.
2005 Equivalenza semantica nella traduzione: tra linguistica, semiotica e filosofia [Semantic
Equivalence in Translation: among Linguistics, Semiotics and Philosophy],
(with R. Pujia), A. Frigerio – S. Raynaud (eds.), Significare e comprendere. La
semantica del linguaggio verbale [Meaning and Understanding. The Semantics of
Verbal Language], Aracne, Roma, 2005, 229-244.
2003 L’interprete radicale come "misura" della traduzione in Donald Davidson [Radical
interpreter as “Measure” of Translation in the Work of Donald Davidson],
«Verifiche» 32, n° 1-2, 2003, 69-121.
2014 Il lungo cammino da me a me. Conversazioni con Peter Vardy, (trad. it. di I. Toth, Le
long chemin de moi à moi. Conversations avec Peter Vardy), in press.
2009 Norme e natura nei Translation Studies, (trad. it. di K. Malmkjaer, Norms and Nature
in Translation Studies), «Paradigmi» 2, 2009, 89-100.
2012 Review of R. Gibbs – H.L. Colston (eds.), Irony in Language and Thought,
«APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia analitica» 5, 2012.
2011 Review of J. Knobe – S. Nichols (eds.), Experimental Philosophy, R. Davies (ed.),
Analisi, Mimesis, Milano, 2011, 217-224.
2010 Review of C. Bianchi, Pragmatica cognitiva. I meccanismi della comunicazione,
«APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia analitica» 1, 2010, 174-185.
2008 Review of M. De Caro - E. Spinelli (eds.), Scetticismo. Una vicenda filosofica, «Iride.
Filosofia e discussione pubblica» 55, XXI, 2008, 495-496.
Review of the workshop Di causalità si può parlare in molti modi, «Babel» 4, 2008,
2007 Review of M. Fumaroli, L’età dell’eloquenza, «Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni» 57,
2007, 412-417.
Video and Interviews:
2012 Elisabetta Gola and Vincenzo Fano on “Metaphor and Argumentation”, (with Pierluigi
Graziani), «APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia analitica » 6, 2012.
Interview to Rachel Giora, «Humana.Mente» 23, 2012, 189-196.
2011/2014 Lecturer in Theory of Languages, Faculty of Languages, University of
2007/2014 Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology of Communication and Cognitive
Pragmatics of Communication, School of Communication Studies,
University of Cagliari.
2007/2010 Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy of Language and Communication,
School of Communication Studies, Università Roma Tre.
2010/present Member of the research group “LinguisticaMente”, Dipartimento di
Scienze Filosofiche e Pedagogiche, Università di Cagliari. Organizers:
Prof. Elisabetta Gola and Prof. Pietro Storari.
2012/present Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD Program in History,
Philosophy and Didactics of Science (Membro del Collegio dei
Docenti del corso di Dottorato in Storia, Filosofia e Didattica delle
Scienze), Faculty of Humanistic Studies, University of Cagliari, Cagliari.
Member of the European Project “Euro X-Prag” in Experimental
Pragmatics, Section on irony comprehension. Project organizers:
Francesca Ervas, Katarzyna Bromberek-Dyzman and Tiziana Zalla;
Project available at:
2007/2009 Member of the PRIN project “Philosophy and Naturalization of Mind.
New Perspectives on Knowledge and Human Nature”. Director: Prof.
Sandro Nannini.
2005/2007 Member of the PRIN project “The Architecture of Theoretical and
Practical Knowledge. An Inquiry into the Concept of Belief, Truth and
Rational Justification”. Director: Prof. Rosaria Egidi.
2005/2007 Member of the editing group: “Primo Tesoro della Lingua letteraria
italiana del Novecento”. Head of the group: Prof. Tullio De Mauro.
2005/2008 Member of the International Project on Translation “Leonardo Bruni.
De la traduction parfaite”. Project organizers: Prof. Charles Le Blanc
and Prof. Luisa Simonutti.
2006/2009 Member of the research group “Naturalism and Human Nature”,
Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre. Organizers: Prof.
Mario De Caro, Prof. Francesco Ferretti and Prof. Massimo Marraffa.
2003/2006 Member of the research group “Mind, Language and Communication”,
Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre. Group organizers:
Prof. Roberto Pujia, Prof. Mario De Caro and Prof. Massimo Marraffa.
2003/2005 Member of the PRIN project “Representation and Reasoning”.
Director: Prof. Carlo Penco.
2002/2005 Member of the project (Ex-60%) “La specificità del discorso
filosofico”. Director: Prof. Luca Illetterati.
African Journal of History and Culture, APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia
analitica, Colloquium Philosophicum, Esercizi filosofici, Humana.Mente, Isonomia,
Journal of Languages and Culture, Linguistics Journal, Paradigmi. Rivista di critica
filosofica, Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio, Topoi.
Awards: “Special Mention” at “Viaggio a Siracusa” Prize 2009, Castiglioncello Prize
2010 in the young researchers’ section “Antonella Musu”.
Grants: MIUR Scholarship for PhD Programme in Philosophy and Theory of
Human Sciences (2002-2005), RAS Award for FIRB “Future in Research”
(2008), “Ville de Paris” Fellowship (2009-2010), RAS Fellowship (20102012), EURO XPRAG Grant (2010-2012), Contributo di ateneo CAR
2012, Analysis Bursary at the Institute of Philosophy, London (2013).
January 14-18, 2008
Winter School in Philosophy of Cognitive Science,
Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre.
(Epistemological Concepts – Mario De Caro; Mind,
Language and Evolution – Francesco Ferretti; Models of
Relationships between Psychology and Neuroscience –
Massimo Marraffa).
September 5-6, 2008 Summer School “Naturalism and Human Nature”,
Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre and
Italian Society of Philosophy.
July 19-30, 2010
CEU Summer School “Meaning, Context, Intention”,
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (Course
Directors: Zsofia Zvolenszky and Jason Stanley).
September 7-10, 2010 EALing Autumn School in Linguistics, Department of
Cognitive Studies, École Normale Supérieure, Paris,
2013 Il potere del linguaggio figurato nell’argomentazione [The Power of Figurative
Language in Argumentation], RAS Lecture, University of Cagliari, October 25,
2013 (speaker).
Comment to Giovanna Colombetti, Can affectivity be extended?, Workshop
Extended Mind, Dynamicism, and Computation, University of Cagliari, June 10,
2013 (discussant).
From a Ghost to a Sketch: Translating Metaphors in Context, Lecture at the
Workshop Metaphor, Analogy and Reasoning, University of Urbino, May 27-28,
2013 (invited speaker with E. Gola).
The Persuasive Force of Metaphors in Argumentation, Lecture at the Workshop
Metaphor, Analogy and Reasoning, University of Urbino, May 27-28, 2013 (invited
speaker with E. Gola, A. Ledda, G. Sergioli).
Comment to Paolo Fabbri, Ragionare per figure: oltre la metafora [Reasoning with
Figures: beyond Metaphor], Workshop Metaphor, Analogy and Reasoning,
University of Urbino, May 27-28, 2013 (discussant).
Comment to Fulvio Ervas, Se ti abbraccio non aver paura [If I hug you, don’t be
afraid], Libreria Piazza Repubblica Libri, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 370 09100 Cagliari, February 22, 2013 (discussant).
2012 On Semantic and Pragmatic Equivalence in Translation, Conference Pragmatic Issues in
Legal Translation, Centro di Diritto Comparato e Transnazionale e
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Torino, Torino, November
30-December 1, 2012 (invited speaker).
Metaphors in Quaternio Terminorum Comprehension, Lecture at the Congresso
Internazionale della Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze (SILFS),
Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, November 20-21, 2012 (speaker with E. Gola, A.
Ledda, G. Sergioli).
Lessico e immaginazione nella traduzione delle metafore, Lecture at the XIX
Convegno della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio (SFL), Senso e sensibile.
Prospettive tra estetica e filosofia del linguaggio, University of Bologna, Bologna,
October 5-7, 2012 (speaker with E. Gola).
How do Metaphors Influence Quaternio Terminorum Understanding?, X Convegno
della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA), The Answers of Philosophy,
Alghero, September 12-15, 2012 (speaker with E. Gola, A. Ledda, G. Sergioli).
Identità e linguaggi: nuove forme di comunicazione [Identities and languages: new ways
of communicating], Workshop Com.Unica senza frontiere, Exmà, University of
Cagliari, Cagliari, July 26, 2012 (invited speaker with E.T. Arthemalle e V.
Stelle e attori. Sperimentare le metafore nella comprensione di quaternio terminorum [Stars
and actors. Experimenting with metaphors in quaternio terminorum
comprehension], Lecture at Workshop Metafora e Argomentazione, University of
Cagliari, Cagliari, June 13-14, 2012 (invited speaker, with A. Ledda).
Comment to Giuseppe Bomprezzi, Bontempelli, Calvino, Montale e Luzi: pensieri
sulla metafora nella letteratura italiana contemporanea [Bontempelli, Calvino, Montale
and Luzi: thoughts on Metaphor within Contemporary Italian
Literature],Workshop Metafora e Argomentazione, University of Cagliari, Cagliari,
June 13-14, 2012 (discussant).
Donne, specchi e tradimenti. La filosofia della traduzione per metafore [Women, Mirror
and Betrayals. The Philosophy of Translation by Metaphors]. Lecture at
workshop, University of Trieste, Trieste, February 29, 2012, (invited speaker).
2011 A Cognitive Approach to the Pathologies of Normativity, Lecture at Conference
Naturalismes et Rationalités en Situation. Raison et Nature du XVIIIe au XXIe Siecle,
Collège Internationale de Philosophie, Paris, December 8-10, 2011 (invited
speaker with T. Zalla).
Stereotypes and Irony Comprehension in ASD. Lecture at the EURO XPRAG Pisa
Workshop, Experimental Pragmatics in Europe, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa,
September 30 - October 2, 2011 (invited speaker with K. Dyzman and T.
Stereotipi sociali e comprensione del linguaggio figurato [Social Stereotypes and
Figurative Language Comprehension]. Lecture at conference Un conto aperto. Il
neoculturalismo dopo la svolta cognitiva, XVIII Conference of the Italian Society for
Philosophy of Language (SFL), Università Roma Tre, Roma, September 1517, 2011 (speaker with T. Zalla).
Social Stereotypes and Irony Comprehension in Autism. Lecture at the Royal Institute
of Philosophy, Workshop on Irony and Related Figurative Uses, University of
Birmingham, Juin 15, 2011 (invited speaker).
“They are all like that”. Experimenting with gender stereotypes in irony comprehension.
Poster presented at the EURO XPRAG Conference, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona, Juin 2-4, 2011 (with K. Dyzman and T. Zalla).
Perchè il traduttore non è un traditore [Why the translator is not a traitor], Lectio
Commandiniana at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, May 18, 2011
(invited speaker).
Do stereotypes cue comprehension of speaker’s ironic intent in Autism and Schizophrenia?
Poster presented at the X Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences,
Marseilles, May 24-27, 2011 (with M. Champagne-Lavau, T. Zalla, M. Leboyer,
F. Ervas, V. Laurent).
“They are all like that”. Social stereotypes and irony comprehension in high-functioning
autism. Lecture at the Workshop “Just the opposite of what you said? Irony
Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale
Supérieure, Paris, April 11, 2011 (organizer and speaker, with T. Zalla).
Lying by Telling the Truth. Irony Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Lecture
at the Doc’in Nicod Seminar, Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure,
Paris, March 23, 2011 (speaker).
Le rôle des stéréotypes sociaux dans la compréhension du langage non littéral chez un groupe
d’adultes avec autisme de haut niveau [The Role of Social Stereotypes in Non-literal
Language Comprehension in a Group of Adults with High-functioning
Autism]. Lecture at the EHESS Postdoctoral Seminar, École des hautes
études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, February 3, 2011 (invited speaker,
with C. Chelini and B. Moutaud).
2010 The role of “Naïve Sociology” in ironic vs. literal utterances understanding. Lecture at the
International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of
Sciences (SILFS), University of Bergamo, Bergamo, September 15-17, 2010,
(speaker, with T. Zalla).
A Missing Bridge between Social Knowledge and Mind-reading. EURO X-PRAG
Project on Experimental Pragmatics. Lecture at the University of Poznan,
Poznan, December 7, 2010 (invited speaker).
Le rôle des stéréotypes sociaux dans la compréhension de l’ironie chez un groupe d’adultes
avec autisme de haut niveau. Poster presented at the Congrès français de
Psychiatrie, November 17-19, Lyon, France, (with Ansellem F., ChampagneLavau M., Herbrecht E., Leboyer M., Zalla T.).
Pierre Menard ovvero dell’impossibilità della traduzione letterale [Pierre Menard or the
Impossibility of Literal Translation]. Lecture at workshop: Il poligono delle idee,
University of Cagliari, November 4, 2010 (invited speaker).
The Role of Social Stereotypes and Irony Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Lecture at the Workshop Social Cognition. Moral Intuitions, Social Perception,
Motivation and Decision, Journées thématiques du DEC, Department of
Cognitive Studies, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 22-23,
2010, (speaker, with T. Zalla).
Failures in Translation. Lecture at the VI Conference of the Spanish Society for
Analytic Philosophy (SEFA), University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain,
October 14-16, 2010 (speaker).
Polisemia ed ambiguità lessicale nella traduzione [Polysemy and Lexical Ambiguity in
Translation]. Lecture at the International Congress of the Italian Society for
Linguistics (SLI), Lessico and Lessicologia [Lexis and Lexicology], Università della
Tuscia, Viterbo, September 27-29, 2010 (speaker).
Translation and Pragmatic Enrichment. Lecture at conference Verità, conoscenza e
scienza [Truth, Knowledge and Science], at the IX Conference of the Italian
Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA), Università di Padova, Padova,
September 23-25, 2010 (speaker).
Perché l’ironia riguarda il pensiero [Why irony concerns thought]. Lecture at
conference La dimensione pragmatica in filosofia, linguistica e semiotica [The
Pragmatic dimension in Philosophy, Linguistics and Semiotics], at the XVII
Conference of the Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL),
Università di Trieste, Trieste, September 16-18, 2010 (speaker).
The Role of Social Stereotypes and Irony Comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Lecture at the XVIII Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy
and Psychology, Bochum and Essen, Germany, August 25-28, 2010 (speaker,
with Tiziana Zalla).
Three Definitions of Translation. Lecture at the CEU Summer School Meaning,
Context, Intention, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 19-30,
2010 (speaker).
What Does Rationality Need to Be “Bounded” ? Comment to R. Cordeschi, Artificial
Intelligence, cognitive science and evolutionary theory: a unifying framework by Herbert
Simon, International Conference, Logic and Knowledge, Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, June 16-19, 2010 (discussant).
Le problème de Pierre Menard et le paradoxe de la intraduisibilité. Lecture at Cité
Internationale Universitaire, Paris, June 8, 2010 (speaker).
Notes on Indeterminacy of Translation. Comment to S. White, The Indeterminacy of
Translation: Fifty Years Later, International Postgraduate Conference,
Colloquium in Celebration of W.V.O. Quine, Word and Object, 50 years later,
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, May 28-29, 2010
(organizer and discussant).
Epistemic Vigilance toward Deception. Lecture at the CogSoc Meeting, Institut Jean
Nicod, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, May 3, 2010 (speaker).
On irony/lie distinction. Lecture at the CogSoc Meeting, Institut Jean Nicod, École
Normale Supérieure, Paris, April 8, 2010 (speaker).
2009 Lost (and Found) in Translation Equivalence. Lecture at the Speaker Guest Day,
Centre for Research in Translation, Middlesex University, London, December
8, 2009 (invited speaker).
Equivalenza ed adeguatezza pragmatica nella traduzione [Pragmatic Equivalence and
Adequacy in Translation]. Lecture at the XLIII International Congress of the
Italian Society for Linguistics (SLI), I luoghi della traduzione, Università di
Verona, Verona, September 24-26, 2009 (speaker).
What is a Literal Translation? Lecture at the Fourth Meeting of the Portuguese
Society for Analytic Philosophy (SPFA), University of Évora, Évora, Portugal,
September 17-19, 2009 (speaker).
Ai limiti del significato letterale [At the Limits of Literal Meaning]. Poster at the
XVI Conference of the Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL),
Forme e formalizzazioni [Forms and Formalizations], University of Cagliari,
Cagliari, September 10-12, 2009 (speaker).
Translation and the Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction. Lecture at Congress of the
Société de Philosophie Analytique (SOPHA), University of Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, September 2-5, 2009 (speaker).
Io so che tu sai che io so: comprendere e comunicare [I know that you know that I
know: understanding and communicating]. Lecture at workshop: Com.unica
senza frontiere, E-learning Communication Workshop and Showcase, University
of Cagliari, Cagliari, July 29, 2009 (invited speaker).
Defining Translation: Semantic Equivalence versus Functional Equivalence. Lecture at
the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Translation and Philosophy,
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 23-25, 2009 (speaker).
Il “cooperative e-learning" in Psicologia cognitiva della comunicazione [The “Cooperative
E-Learning” in Cognitive Psychology of Communication]. Lecture at the
Workshop Learning by E-learning, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, April 1-2,
2009 (invited speaker).
2008 Minimalism and Davidsonian Notion of Truth. Comment to G. Longworth,
Knowledge of Truth Conditions, Workshop Action, Mind and Language: Conceptual
Analyses and Empirical Results, Department of Philosophy, Università Roma
Tre, Roma, November 3-4, 2008 (organizer, speaker and discussant).
Definire la traduzione: equivalenza semantica versus equivalenza funzionale [Defining
Translation: Semantic Equivalence versus Functional Equivalence]. Lecture at
the VIII Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA),
Bergamo, September 25-27, 2008 (speaker).
Coevoluzione di
metarappresentazione e linguaggio [Coevolution of
Metarepresentation and Language]. Lecture at conference Origine e sviluppo del
linguaggio [Origin and Development of Language], the XV Conference of the
Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL), Arcavacata - Cosenza,
September 15-17, 2008 (speaker).
Translation Equivalence and Communicative Triangulation. Lecture at conference
Language, Culture and Mind, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, July 1416, 2008 (speaker).
Translation Equivalences. Lecture at the Department of Communication Studies
– University of Bologna. Seminar of the PhD Program “Mind, Logic and
Language”, May 15, 2008 (invited speaker).
Davidson’s Notions of Translation Equivalence. Lecture at the Aphex Seminar,
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, May 12, 2008
2007 A Naturalistic Explanation of Communication across Cultures. Lecture at workshop:
Community in Difference: Collective Agents in Intercultural Contexts. Section of the
International Conference Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies,
Research Institute for Regional and Transnational Processes, Vienna,
December 6-9, 2007 (speaker).
Dalla parola al gesto. Le diverse realizzazioni del linguaggio umano [From Word to
Gesture. Different Modalities of Human Language]. Lecture at conference Il
logos nella polis. La diversità delle lingue e delle culture, le nostre identità [The “Logos”
in the “Polis”. Difference of Languages, Cultures and Identities], the XIV
Conference of the Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL), Siena,
September 24-26, 2007 (speaker).
Translation Studies and the Davidsonian Theory of Meaning. Lecture at conference:
the XIII Italian-Spanish Meeting for Analytic Philosophy, Discussant: Josep Macià
(University of Barcelona), Department of Philosophy, University of Roma
Tre, Rome, May 31, 2007 (speaker and organizer).
2006 How Can a Translation be Radical? Lecture at Workshop Translation: A no Man’s
Land between Philosophy and Linguistics?, Department of Philosophy, University
of Roma Tre, Rome, November 10, 2006 (organizer and speaker).
2005 Uguale ma diverso: il mito dell’equivalenza nella traduzione [Equal but Different: the
Myth of Equivalence in Translation]. Lecture at conference: the XVI National
Postgraduate Conference in Philosophy, Reggio Emilia, December 14-17,
2005 (speaker).
Il problema dell’unità di traduzione [The Problem of Translation Unit]. Lecture at
conference Tradurre e comprendere. Pluralità dei linguaggi e delle culture [Translating
und Understanding. Plurality of Languages and Cultures], the XII Conference
of the Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL), Piano di Sorrento
(Naples), September 29 - October 1, 2005 (speaker, with R. Pujia).
2004 Equivalenza semantica nella traduzione: tra linguistica, semiotica e filosofia [Semantic
Equivalence in Translation: among Linguistics, Semiotics and Philosophy].
Lecture at conference Significare e comprendere. La semantica del linguaggio verbale
[Meaning and Understanding. The Semantics of Verbal Language], the XI
Conference of the Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL), Milan,
September 16-18, 2004 (speaker, with R. Pujia).
The Philosophy of Translation Equivalence. Lecture at the “Multilingual
Communication Programme”, Department of General Linguistics, University
of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, May 24, 2004 (invited speaker).
2003 Interpretazione radicale [Radical Interpretation]. Lecture at the Department of
Philosophy, Università Roma Tre, Rome, March 28, 2003 (speaker).
2014 Organiser (with the research group “LinguisticaMente” and the Metaphor
Club) of the RaAM Conference on Metaphor in Communication, Science and
Education, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, June 20-23, 2014. Programme
available at:
2013 Organiser (with M. Sangoi) of the Workshop Metaphor, Analogy and Reasoning,
the Meeting of the research groups “LinguisticaMente” and “ALoPhis”
(University of Cagliari) and “Synergia” (University of Urbino), University of
Urbino, Urbino, May 27-28, 2013. Programme available at:
Organiser (with C. Amoretti, V. Favrin, J. Gill Férez, A. Ledda, M.G. Rossi,
G. Sergioli, G. Vivanet) of the 3rd SIFA Graduate Conference, Language, Logic
and Mind, Cagliari, September 16-18, 2013. Programme available at:
2012 Organiser (with E. Gola, P. Graziani, M. Sangoi) of the Workshop Metafora e
Argomentazione, the Meeting of the research groups “LinguisticaMente” and
“ALoPhis” (University of Cagliari) and “Synergia” (University of Urbino),
Univerity of Cagliari, June 13-14, 2012. Programme available at:
2011 Organiser (with T. Zalla) of the workshop on irony comprehension, Just the
opposite of what you said?, EURO-XPRAG Project, Institut Jean Nicod, Ecole
Normale Supérieure, Paris, April 11, 2011. Programme available at:
Organiser (with the research group “LinguisticaMente” and the Metaphor
Club) of the International Conference Metaphor and Communication, University
of Cagliari, Cagliari, May 12-14, 2011. Programme available at:
Organiser (with the research group APhEx – Analytical and Philosophical
Explanation) of the International Colloquium on David Lewis, Another world is
possible, University of Urbino, June 16-18, 2011. Programme available at:
2010 Organiser (with the research group APhEx – Analytical and Philosophical
Explanation) of the International Colloquium on Willard van Orman Quine,
Word and Object. Fifty years later, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rome “La
Sapienza”, Rome, May 28-29, 2010. Programme available at:
2007 Organiser (with M. De Caro) of the Italian-Spanish Meeting in Analytic Philosophy,
Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre, May 31-June 1, 2007.
Organiser (with the research group APhEx – Analytical and Philosophical
Explanation and PRIN group coordinated by R. Egidi) of the Workshop on
Causality, Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre, September 20-21,
2006 Organiser (with R. Pujia) of the Workshop Translation: A no Man’s Land between
Philosophy and Linguistics?, Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre,
November 10, 2006.
Italian: native language;
Spanish: DELE – nivel superior C2;
French: DALF – niveau C1;
English: IELTS, CAE, level C1;
Some ability to write and read German.
Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) - Member of the Executive
Committee (2012-2014)
Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS)
Italian Society for Philosophy of Language (SFL)
Italian Society for Linguistics (SLI)
Cagliari, 09/04/2014
Francesca Ervas