///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GENNARO POSTIGLIONE - CV JUL2014 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 1/40 Qualifications Education and positions 2014 Qualified – after a International competition – to practice in Italy as Full Professor in Architecture of Interior 2003 Qualified – after a National competition – to practice in Italy as Associate Professor in Architecture of Interior (position taken in 2005 at Facoltà di Architettura -‐ Politecnico di Milano) 1998 Gains – after a National competition – the position of Assistant Professor in Architecture of Interior at Facoltà di Architettura -‐Politecnico di Milano 1993-‐96 Awarded with a Grant for a 3 years Master in Industrial Design -‐ Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Thesis never discussed 1994 PhD Disputa, Rome, Ministry of University and Education (title gained) 1990-‐93 Awarded with a Grant for a 3 years PhD scholarship in Architecture of Interior & Museography -‐ Politecnico di Milano 1989 One year Master Degree in Architecture of Interior -‐ Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II 1988 MAs in Architecture -‐ Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (110/110 e lode) Member of the Architects’ Association of Naples & Isernia (nr. 4213) Scientific roles at POLIMI -‐ from 2014: Chair of the Board for Internationalization and Erasmus Mobility programme of the School of Architettura e Società -‐ from 2013: Elected representative member of the BA Study Course “Architettura Ambientale” -‐ from 2013: Member of the DAStU Department Board/Politecnico di Milano -‐ from 2013: Member of the School of Architettura e Società Board/Politecnico di Milano -‐ 1999-‐2005: Member of DPA Board/Politecnico di Milano -‐ 1999-‐2005: Chair of Lab Informatico DPA/Politecnico di Milano -‐ 2000-‐2003: Member of Centro Informatico di Ateneo (CIA)-‐ Board/Politecnico di Milano -‐ from 2003: Member of PhD Board in Interiors/Politecnico di Milano -‐ 1998-‐2000: Member of Senato Accademico Integrato/ Politecnico di Milano National and International Academic positions -‐ 2014: Visiting professorship upon invitation – one trimester -‐ Design Academy Eindhoven -‐ 2014: National Scientific Qualification to practice for the S.C. 08/D1 PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA -‐ S.S.D. ICAR/16 ARCHITETTURA DEGLI INTERNI E ALLESTIMENTO as Full Professor -‐ 2007: Visiting Professorship Award – one year -‐ Leeds University/School of Architecture – NOT USED -‐ 2003: National Scientific Qualification to practice for the S.S.D. ICAR/16 ARCHITETTURA DEGLI INTERNI E ALLESTIMENTO as Associate Professor GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 2/40 -‐ 1998: National Scientific Competition for a position of Assistant Professor -‐ S.S.D. ICAR/16 ARCHITETTURA DEGLI INTERNI E ALLESTIMENTO -‐ at Politecnico di Milano-‐School of Architecture: 1st Prize (permanent position) National and International scientific Research Grants -‐ 2012: EU-‐Culture 2000 (2007-‐13): REcall-‐EUROPEAN CONFLICT HERITAGE LANDSCAPE REAPPROPRIATION 24 months; Promoter and Project Coordinator (Grant ca. 150.000 euro) -‐ 2011: EU-‐FP7 2010 (2011-‐2015): MeLa-‐project: EUROPEAN MUSEUMS IN AN AGE OF MIGRATIONS, Proj coord. L. Basso Peressut. 48 months; Promoter and Technical Manager (Grant 2.700.000 euro) -‐ 2004: EU-‐Culture 2000 (2000-‐07): THE ATLANTIC WALL LINEAR MUSEUM 12 months: Promoter and Project Coordinator (Grant ca. 150.000 euro) -‐ 2001-‐ Nordic Research Council: NORDIC THIRTIES ARCHITECTURE 12 months: Promoter and Project Coordinator (Grant ca. 30.000 euro) -‐ 2000: EU-‐Culture 2000 (2000-‐01): 100 HOUSES FOR 100 ARCHITECTS 12 months: Promoter and Project Coordinator (Grant ca. 150.000 euro) National and International fellowships -‐ 2009: Sabbatical Semester at DogA – Research Centre, Oslo (11/2009-‐02/2010): research on the Sverre Fehn legacy in Norway -‐ 2003: Mendrisio Academy of Architecture-‐Archivio del Moderno (09/2003-‐06/2004): commission for a monograph on Panos Koulermos (with Kenneth Frampton) -‐ 2000: Centre for Cultural Studies – UCSC (USA): fellowship for a semester as guest researcher (2002: NOT USED) -‐ 1996: Grant – Norway-‐Italy agreement -‐ for a visiting semester as researcher at AHO (Fall 1996) -‐ National Competition -‐ 1994: Grant – Norway-‐Italy agreement -‐ for a visiting semester as researcher at AHO (Fall 1994) -‐ National Competition -‐ 1993: National Competition for a Fellowship to attend a three years Master Program in Industrial Design (1994-‐96) at the School of Architecture of Napoli: 1st Prize -‐ 1990: National Competition for a Fellowship to attend a three years PhD Program in Architettura Degli Interni E Allestimento (1990-‐94) at the Politecnico di Milano: 4th Prize (nr 5 fellowships delivered) -‐ 1988: National Competition to attend a one year Master course in Architettura Degli Interni E Allestimento (1988-‐89) at the School of Architecture of Napoli: selected. -‐ National and International scientific awards -‐ 2012: Officer of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit (for studies and dissemination activity of Norwegian architecture abroad) -‐ 2008: Peer Review -‐ Politecnico di Milano 2005-‐2008, qualified of “International Excellences”: Research Unit ‘New Museography’ (now MIBE) -‐ 2006: Europa Nostra Awards 2006, First prize, session “Studies & Researches” -‐ 1995: Member of Norwegian Architects Association (1995-‐2001) -‐ 1988: Member of Architects Association of Napoli and Isernia (from 1988) National and International professional results -‐ 1999: International Competition: IUAV extension in Santa Marta, Venice – 3rd Prize (together with Studio Archea) -‐ 1998: National Idea Competition: C'era una volta la casa a botte – 3rd Prize -‐ 1997: National Idea Competition: Il recupero abitativo dei sottotetti – 2nd Prize (1st Prize not delivered) -‐ 1990: National Award Competition Luigi Cosenza: awarded with Casa Marroncini a Scarperia (FI) – section first work Member of National and International Peer Reviewed Journals and Editorial Boards (acting as a Referee) -‐ Member of the Advisory Board of the refereed Journal IDEA-‐Australia (2012-‐2015) -‐ Member of Board for updating the ECIA Chart -‐ European Charter of Interior Architecture Training: 2011-‐13 -‐ Member of the Referee panel for evaluation of for the National agency for scientific accreditation for GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 3/40 -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Italian University (ANVUR) – from 2012 Member of the Referee panel for evaluation of European Research proposals (CORDIS) – from 2011 Member of the Referee panel for evaluation of Italian Research proposals (PRIN) – from 2010 Member of Editorial Board of the refereed Journal “Interiors” (UK): from 2010 Member of Peer Review panel del Convegno Internazionale IFW-‐Interior Forum World edizioni 2008 e 2010, Politecnico di Milano Member of Scientific Committee of the refereed journal “Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura” (from 2009) Member of Peer Review panel del “Convegno Nazionale di Architettura degli Interni” edizioni 2005 e 2007, IUAV Venezia Member of Referee panel for «Rientro dei Cervelli 2008» (CINECA-‐Italy, Ministry of Education) -‐ 2008 -‐ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Research Activity Member of the Research Unit Diffused museum & museal networks of Material Culture/Cultural Heritage – now MIBE – Museums Interiors and Built Environment (chaired by prof. L. Basso Peressut) has been appointed of “International Excellence” by the last International Peer Review Panel at Politecnico di Milano in 2007. -‐ Along the years of work at POLIMI, the following Projects have been Granted by National or International Grants: 1998 "MUSEO DEL LAVORO" AREE NORD-‐EST MILANESE: CITTA'-‐STUDI E SESTO SAN GIOVANNI (coord L. Basso Peressut, resp. UdR M. Fosso) – MIUR-‐ National Grant 1998 (1998-‐2000) (tot Grant ca. 200.000 euro). Research focused on Industrial Heritage seen not only as an artefact of architectural interest but as a socio-‐political material culture product in which stories of workers and labour have been imprinted in the structure of buildings and landscapes. -‐ 2000 100 HOUSES FOR 100 ARCHITECTS programma EU-‐Culture 2000 (2000-‐01); Promoter & Project Coordinator (tot Grant ca. 250.000 euro): http://www.meamnet.polimi.it/ A research-‐action to safeguard and highlight the neglected heritage of architects' own houses of the XX century. Together with 27 institutions involved and 10 partners, the project was Granted by EU Commission, programme Culture 2000 (The Norwegian Museum of Architecture was involved). Actions developed: international seminar, travelling exhibition, catalogue publication and web site edited. -‐ NORDIC NINETEEN THIRTIES ARCHITECTURE Nordic Kultur Raad (2000): Promoter & Project Coordinator (total Grant ca. 30.000 euro). The research focused on the contribution Nordic Countries/Culture gave to the Modern Architecture during the Thirties: for the first time together, the project produced a traveling exhibition, a catalogue and seminar. -‐ 2005 THE ATLANTIC WALL LINEAR MUSEUM programme EU-‐Culture 2000 (2004-‐05); Promoter & Project Coordinator (total Grant ca. 200.000 euro): http://www.atlanticwall.polimi.it/museum/ The AW was one of the last major defence lines of this century. It was build by the German occupation forces in the period 1941-‐1944 along the Atlantic coast.The infrastructure, which is a unique example of its kind, is of great value for many reasons. The architectural quality of its vast building system, the ability of these objects to define a new aesthetic canon for modernity, GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 4/40 the relationship they have established with their natural and or urban contexts becoming essential elements for interpreting the cultural landscape . The greatest value of this system of military fortifications however resides in its being the most widespread heritage of European culture preserving a collective memory of WWII. -‐ 2008 ARCHEOLOGIE DELLA MEMORIA. NODI E PERCORSI DI UN SISTEMA MUSEOGRAFICO DIFFUSO IN AREA MILANESE E LOMBARDA (coord. M. Vaudetti, Resp. UdR L. B. Peressut) -‐ PRIN 2008 (2010-‐2012) – National Grant; Theme leader of “Museography for Conflict Heritage” (total Grant ca. 300.000 euro) The traces of war present in the urban foundation of cities as in landscapes, represent a patrimony which is difficult to manage and have a relationship with because they are linked to unpleasant memories, often traumatic ones. They raise issues of primary importance, such as, for example, the construction of a collective identity on a European scale, which goes beyond the local context in which they refer and are connected to. -‐ 2011 EUROPEAN MUSEUMS IN AN AGE OF MIGRATIONS coord. L. Basso Peressut -‐ programma EU-‐FP7 2010 (2011-‐2015); vice-‐Project Coordinator, Project Manager and theme leader WP5/POLIMI-‐Design investigations and experiments (total Grant ca. 3.000.000 euro): http://www.mela-‐project.eu/ MeLa is a four years long research project funded by the European Commission under the Socio-‐economic Sciences and Humanities programme (FP7: SSH-‐2010-‐5.2-‐2). The Project moves from the European call Reinterpreting Europe’s cultural heritage: towards 21st century libraries and museums? and aims to define new strategies for museums and libraries in a context characterized by a continuous migration of people and ideas. -‐ 2012 RECALL/EUROPEAN CONFLICT ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE REAPPROPRIATION programme EU-‐Culture 2007 (2012-‐2014); Promoter & Project Coordinator (total Grant ca. 200.000 euro): http://recall-‐project.polimi-‐cooperation.org/ REcall seeks to formulate a new role of the architectural environment based on invigorated research on the cultural landscapes of WWI and WWII and strengthen the attention on the management, documentation and preservation of this heritage. -‐ RY-‐CYCLING ITALY – PRIN 2012 (national coord R. Bocchi, POLIMI coord I. Valente); role: Adaptive Reuse investigations (total Grant ca. 800.000 euro). http://recycleitaly.iuav.it The UR contribution is related to the issue of recycling of construction and architectural elements located in urban dwelling areas, focusing the definition of design tools and territory management policies applicable to the lifecycle of new fabrics, constructions, land for production purposes in national and Lombard context. The declination of the recycling issue aims at operating towards the definition of a new lifecycle (defined as “hyper-‐cycle”) taking up and changing, through subtraction, addition and recovery, the stratification of areas, constructions, applications involved in productive fabrics obsolescence diachronic processes. GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 5/40 Thematic Research Clusters A) INTERIORS & ARCHITECTURE: Masters and Paradigms The study has as main objective the understanding and illustration of master works (historical and/or contemporary). Analytical research therefore aims to understand phenomena by discovering and explaining the relationships between the different aspects identified as significant. 1998-‐2003 “ONE-‐HUNDRED HOUSES FOR ONE-‐HUNDRED EUROPEAN ARCHITECTS OF XX CENTURY”: With the submission of the project One-‐Hundred Houses for One-‐Hundred European Architects of the Twentieth Century financed by the EU Cultural Committee within the Programme “Culture 2000”, the researh team at Politecnico di Milano, has undertaken an innovative and specific action within an international project of co-‐operation. Its aims are to preserve, share, evaluate and protect the common European heritage constituted by the residential houses/homes of the most important modern European architects. 100 HOUSES FOR 100 ARCHITECTS – programma EU-‐Culture 2000 (2000-‐01); Promoter & Project Coordinator (tot Grant ca. 250.000 euro): http://www.meamnet.polimi.it/ Related publications POSTIGLIONE G. (1999). Touch this earth lightly in N. FLORA, P. GIARDIELLO, G. POSTIGLIONE. (a cura di) (1999). GLENN MURCUTT. p. 1-‐180, Napoli: CLEAN, ISBN: 9788886701679 POSTIGLIONE G. (1999). Arne Korsmo Eget hjem, in N. FLORA, P. GIARDIELLO, G. POSTIGLIONE. (a cura di) (1999). Arne Korsmo-‐ Knut Knutsen. p. 5-‐180, Roma: Officina Edizioni POSTIGLIONE G. (2001). S. Fehn, B. E. Knutsen, K. Knutsen, F. Konow-‐Lund, T. Moe, C. Norberg-‐Schulz, J. Utzon, P. Celsing, F. Albini, C. Malaparte, G. Murcutt. In: A. CORNOLDI (a cura di) (2001). Le case degli architetti. Venezia: Marsilio ed. POSTIGLIONE G (2001). S. Fehn, B. E. Knutsen, K. Knutsen, F. Konow-‐Lund, T. Moe, C. Norberg-‐Schulz, J. Utzon, P. Celsing, F. Albini, C. Malaparte, G. Murcutt. In: A. Cornoldi. Le case degli architetti. Marsilio ed., Venezia 2001 POSTIGLIONE G (2002). Le case degli architetti, in ANANKE, vol. 35, p. 88-‐89, ISSN: 1129-‐8219 POSTIGLIONE G (a cura di) (2008: prima ed 2004). One hundred houses for one hundred architects. p. 1-‐ 480, Kolon: Taschen, ISBN: 978-‐3-‐8228-‐3786-‐3 POSTIGLIONE G. (2011). La natura come paradigma. Il cottage di Knut Knutsen a Portor. In: A. DE ROSSI; E. MONCALVO (2011). Cultura architettonica e ambiente alpino. p. 126-‐137, Torino: CELID, ISBN: 9788876619151 (atti dell’omonimo convegno, Torino 2000) 2003-‐04 PANOS KOULERMOS Responsible, in collaboration with Kenneth Frampton, of a research aimed at surveying the Panos Koulermos archive stored at the Archives of Modern -‐ Mendrisio Academy of Architecture. The project was funded by the Academy and the Italian canton of Switzerland and it aimed to arrange an exhibition (curated by Mateus brothers), a conference (organized by Frampton) and a monograph (curated by Frampton and Postiglione) on the work and thought of the Cypriot architect. Related publications K. FRAMPTON, G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (2004). Panos Koulermos. Opera completa. Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio Edizioni, ISBN: 9788887624151 POSTIGLIONE G. (2004). Panos Koulermos: il paradigma dell'interno. INTERNI, vol. 7/2004, p. 130-‐133, ISSN: 1122-‐3650 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 6/40 ON GOING RESEARCHES: Alison and Peter Smithson: articles & essays The goal is to edit the very first anthology of all articles & essays publishes by A+P Smithson in magazines during all their lives. At the moment the bibliography is ready and we are looking for a publisher. Alison and Peter Smithson: critical anthology A collection of the main essays published in English will be finally available in Italian: the selection was developed together with two young scholars, Enrico Forestieri and Michela Bassanelli (forthcoming) 1992 – on going NORDIC ARCHITECTURE MODERN NORDIC ARCHITECTURE Since 1991 GP held several research periods (as Research Fellow) at the School of Architecture in Oslo -‐ two granted Norwegian Research Council and two by the Electa publisher house, as a visiting researcher -‐, under the guidance of prof. C. Norberg-‐Schulz. The studies were focused on the analysis of some historical-‐critical periods of the Norwegian architectural production of the twentieth century, with particular attention to domestic interiors, culture of dwelling and museum. Related publications POSTIGLIONE G (1992). Trent'anni di architetture domestiche, in AA.VV, Sverre Fehn, architetto del paese dalle ombre lunghe, F.lli Fiorentino Napoli 1992 G. POSTIGLIONE. (a cura di) (1996). Funzionalismo norvegese. Oslo 1927-‐40. p. 5-‐191, ROMA: Officina edizioni POSTIGLIONE G (1997). Il museo dei Ghiacciai di Sverre Fehn. In L. Basso Peressut (a cura di) Stanze della Meraviglia, Bologna: Clueb, N. FLORA, P. GIARDIELLO, G. POSTIGLIONE. (a cura di) (1999). Arne Korsmo-‐ Knut Knutsen. p. 5-‐180, Romas: Officina Edizioni C. NORBERG-‐SCHULZ, POSTIGLIONE G (1997). Sverre Fehn: complete works. New York: Monacelli Press, ISBN: 8246700138 (Electa 2001; Monicelli Press, New York 2002; Orfeus, Oslo; seconda ed. ampliata, Electa, Milano 2007) POSTIGLIONE G (2000). Paradox of Modernity. In: AA, VV. Wood and Modern Movement. Helsinki: DO.CO.MO.MO. press, p. 93-‐97 POSTIGLIONE G (2000). P. Celsing. Chiesa di S. Tomas. COSTRUIRE IN LATERIZIO, vol. 4/2000, p. 36-‐41, ISSN: 0394-‐1590 POSTIGLIONE G (2000). Musei in Scandinavia. ANANKE, vol. 25, p. 6-‐53, ISSN: 1129-‐8219 POSTIGLIONE G (2000). Architettura e paesaggio nei paesi nordici. ANANKE, vol. 25, p. 4-‐9, ISSN: 1129-‐ 8219 POSTIGLIONE G (2000). C. Norberg-‐Schulz. Testamento professionale. QUADERNI DI ARCHITETTURA, vol. 22, p. 100-‐107 Sigurd Lewerentz, 1885-‐1975, N. Flora, P. Giardiello, G. Postiglione, Electa, Milano 2001; Monicelli Press, New York 2002 (nuova edizione, Phaidon, London 2013) G. POSTIGLIONE (2001). C. Norberg-‐Schulz. Terre notturne. Milano: UNICOPLI, ISBN: 8840007482 POSTIGLIONE G (2001). Ivar aasen zentrum. In: AA.VV. Sverre Fehn arkitekt. p. 31-‐45 PADOVANI G, POSTIGLIONE G (a cura di) (2003). Il Museo del Ghiacciaio di Sverre Fehn. Firenze: Alinea POSTIGLIONE G (2006). Sigurd Lewerentz: il paradosso della costruzione. In: AA.VV.. Otras Vias 2: Omage to Lewerentz. p. 21-‐30 POSTIGLIONE G (2008). Architettura nordica. In: F. ARGENTERI. Lost in Nature. p. 6-‐7, ROMA: Gangemi, ISBN: 9788849214765 POSTIGLIONE G (2008). Il Tetto e il recinto. “IL GIORNALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA”, vol. 63, p. 15, ISSN: 1721-‐5463 POSTIGLIONE G (2009). Sverre Fehn tra tipo uso e costruzione. “AREA”, vol. 106, p. 21-‐31, ISSN: 0394-‐ 0055 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 7/40 NINETEEN THIRTIES NORDIC ARCHITECTURE The research, merged in an exhibition in an international conference and a catalogue, was inspired by an archival and research work done to edit special issue of “Rassegna" Journal (no. 77/1999). Grouped by themes, are presented the research on exposure Stockholm International in 1930, the design of objects for the home, intervention planning new concept and many bathing facilities built in Scandinavia just during the thirties. Related publications G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (1999). Scandinavia anni Trenta. RASSEGNA 77, p. 13-‐132, Bologna: Editrice Compositori POSTIGLIONE G (2001). Nordic Thirties Architecture. p. 1-‐380, Milano: Litogì (seconda edizione, 2012: DPA press -‐Politecnico di Milano, ISBN: 97888951943322000) POSTIGLIONE G (2000). Architettura e paesaggio nei paesi nordici. ANANKE, vol. 25, p. 4-‐9, ISSN: 1129-‐ 8219 G. POSTIGLIONE (2011). La natura come paradigma. Il cottage di Knut Knutsen a Portor. In: Antonio DE ROSSI; Enrico MONCALVO . Cultura architettonica e ambiente alpino. p. 126-‐137, TORINO:CELID, ISBN: 9788876619151 NORWEGIAN TALKS A research on the work of three members of the Norwegian contemporary architectural culture (merged into an exhibition and a catalogue) that are identified as Sverre Fehn followers: the research was developed during a sabbatical semester spent at DogA (Oslo), the national research centre for architecture and contemporary design. Related publications N. FLORA, G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (2010). Norwegian Talks. Macerata: Quodlibet, ISBN: 9788874623525 N. FLORA, G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (2010). AREA Norway. AREA, vol 116, Milano: IlSole24Ore, ISBN: 0003940055 B) NEW MUSEOGRAPHY: FROM MUSEUM OF PLACES & OBJECTS TO ACTIVE-‐ACTIONS PROCESSES The research team works on contemporary theories, methods and design of museum buildings, of museographic and exhibition design between tradition and innovation. Our belief is that the contemporary culture of museum, history and heritage is permeating the society and deeply concerns the way the architects operate with design in architecture, cities and territory and their “landscapes” of interior and exterior spaces of human living as places of collective memory and understanding. Museography becomes a “space of interpretation and knowledge” non only concerning objects and collections but also architecture, its history and settings, and territory with its complex historical and cultural stratifications. 1998-‐2000 “MUSEI DEL LAVORO” The research deals with the coordination of the work on the Museum of Culture City Polytechnic University and to collect examples of interventions conversion of assets of Industrial Archaeology. Granted by MURST 1998: “Musei per il Lavoro” (coord. Nazionale F. Drugmann; Resp. UdR L. B. Peressut) Related publications S. MARINELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (2002). La memoria del lavoro nella metamorfosi del corpo urbano. In: Luca Basso Peressut, Mariella Brenna, Fredi Drugman (a cura di). Il museo della cultura politecnica. p. 274-‐291, MILANO: Unicopli, ISBN: 9788840008479 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 8/40 2000-‐02 e 2010-‐1015 MUSEUMS, CULTURE, IMPERIALISM. FROM PLACE OF POWER TO PLACE FOR KNOWLEDGE In connection with the analogies you can read between house and museum, an investigation was done in order to define the role and the meaning of museums in the forthcoming communities: from place of powership into place of divulgation and socialization. Follow-‐up: “MeLa-‐European Museums in an Age of Migration” -‐ EU “FP7 2010 (2011-‐15). Related publications POSTIGLIONE G (2000). Musei e metropoli multiculturali. ELARQA, vol. 4/2000, p. 45-‐47, ISSN: 0797-‐ 728X POSTIGLIONE G (2001). Musei e memoria, cura della sezione in “Area”, vol. 56, maggio/giugno 2001 POSTIGLIONE G (2001). Esporre nella metropoli multietnica. “Area”, vol. 55, luglio/agosto, 2001, p. 42-‐49, ISSN: 0004-‐0894 POSTIGLIONE G (2001). Negotiating Tradition. Ivar Aasen tunet. Byggekunst, vol. 1/2001, p. 19-‐25, ISSN: 0007-‐7518 2011-‐2015 EUROPEAN MUSEUMS IN AN AGE OF MIGRATIONS MeLa (www.mela-project.eu) is a four years long research project funded by the European Commission under the Socio-‐economic Sciences and Humanities programme (FP7: SSH-‐2010-‐5.2-‐2). The Project moves from the European call Reinterpreting Europe’s cultural heritage: towards 21st century libraries and museums? and aims to define new strategies for museums and libraries in a context characterized by a continuous migration of people and ideas. MeLa reflects, with an interdisciplinary approach, on the role of museums, dealing with several complex and crucial issues such as history, socio-‐cultural and national identity, the use of new technologies and, last but not least, exhibition design and museography. The Project therefore involves nine European partners, including different universities, two museums, a research institute and a SME (small enterprise), which have all been chosen for their specific competences and skills in the fields of the project. The main objective of MeLa is to achieve a relevant advancement in terms of knowledge. To reach its goal the Project will exploit and develop different research actions and tools including both innovative ones – as ‘Brainstorming’ modules and ‘Research by Art’ – and traditional ones – as Desk & Field Research and Call for Papers. Awarded with FP7 Grant of 2.700.000 euros with the research project (9 Institutions, 6 countries, 4 years programme). Related publications F. LANZ, G. POSTIGLIONE (2012). The MeLa Project: Research Questions, Objectives and Tools. In: Luca BASSO PERESSUT; Clelia POZZI. Museums in an Age of Migrations. p. 55-‐64, Milano: DPA-‐Politecnico di Milano press, ISBN: 9788895194325 M. PARATI, G. POSTIGLIONE, C. POZZI (2012). «Vibrations» e «ordre compliqué»: strategie per immaginare il museo postcoloniale. ESTETICA. STUDI E RICERCHE, vol. 88-‐6026-‐157-‐1, p. 23-‐36, ISSN: 2039-‐6635 L. BASSO PERESSUT; F. LANZ, G. POSTIGLIONE (2012). European Museums in the 21st Century: Vol. 1; 2; 3. pp 825. MILANO: DPA-‐Politecnico di Milano press, 9788895194332: 2004-‐on going WAR HERITAGE In 2004 he began a research on the assets related to the difficult wars, understood both as tangible artefacts as either intangible memories, occurring in different contexts and at different scales the role of architectural design, the museum design, exhibition. GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 9/40 2004-‐06 THE ATLANTIC WALL LINEAR MUSEUM The traces of war present in the urban foundation of cities as in landscapes, represent a patrimony which is difficult to manage and have a relationship with because they are linked to unpleasant memories, often traumatic ones. They raise issues of primary importance, such as, for example, the construction of a collective identity on a European scale, which goes beyond the local context in which they refer and are connected to. Granted by EU-‐Culture 2000 (2004-‐05): http://www.atlanticwall.polimi.it/museum/ Related publications G. POSTIGLIONE (2006). Atlantic Wall Linear Museum. “ANANKE”, vol. 47, p. 25-‐55, ISSN: 1129-‐8219 POSTIGLIONE G (2006). Atlantic Wall: bunker and architectonic Culture. COVJEK I PROSTOR, vol. 6, p. 64-‐ 71, ISSN: 0011-‐0728 G. POSTIGLIONE, G. PADOVANI (2010). Il “Muro dell’Atlantico”. Geografie sottocutanee. In: Aa.Vv. (2010). Il backstage del mosaico paesistico naturale. Gorizia: CD-‐Rom G. POSTIGLIONE (2012). The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum. p. 1-‐488, Milano: DPA-‐press -‐ Politecnico di Milano, ISBN: 9788895194349 (prima edizione 2006, Milano: Litogì) 2010-‐12 MUSEOGRAPHY FOR CONFLICT ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE The traces of war present in the urban foundation of cities as in landscapes, represent a patrimony which is difficult to manage and have a relationship with because they are linked to unpleasant memories, often traumatic ones. They raise issues of primary importance, such as, for example, the construction of a collective identity on a European scale, which goes beyond the local context in which they refer and are connected to. National grant: PRIN 2008 (2010-‐2012) (Grant ca. 300.000 euro). 2012-‐14 EUROPEAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE OF CONFLICT REAPPROPRIATION REcall seeks to formulate a new role of the architectural environment based on invigorated research on the cultural landscapes of WWI and WWII and strengthen the attention on the management, documentation and preservation of this heritage. Granted by EU “Culture 2000” (2012-‐14) (Grant 200.000 euro): http://www.recall-‐project.polimi.it As part of this project, it has been delivered a proposal to the EU bid for European Citizenship/action “Conflict Memory” with a research action on “places/people/stories”. Related publications M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE et Al. (a cura di) (2014). Beyond Memorialisation. Design for Conflict Heritage. pp. 444, MILANO: Politecnico di Milano, ISBN: 978-‐88-‐95194-‐41-‐7 G. POSTIGLIONE (2011). The MAK project: CAT Contemporary Art Tower. In: P. Noever. Art, not compromise. p. 116-‐119, Vienna:MAK-‐Vienna, ISBN: 9783900688981 M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (2011). The Archaeological Landscape of Conflicts. SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue, ISBN: 9788862420419 M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (2012). Museografia per il paesaggio archeologico dei conflitti nel xx secolo in Europa. In: M. VAUDETTI; V. MINUCCIANI; S. CANEPA. The Archaeological Musealization Multidisciplinary Intervention in Archaeological Sites for the Conservation, Communication and Culture. p. 188-‐197, Torino: Allemandi, ISBN: 9788842221203 M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (a cura di) (2013). Museography for Conflict Heritage. SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue, ISBN: 9788862420648 M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (2013). Conflict Archaeological Landscape. In Harju J. (2013). Museums and Difficult Heritage. Helsinki. M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (2013). Re-‐appropriation: Museography for Traumatic Memories. In “Int I AR” Volume 04/2013. M. BASSANELLI, G. POSTIGLIONE (2013). Re-‐enacting the past. SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue, ISBN: GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 10/40 9788862420648 G. PADOVANI, G. POSTIGLIONE (forthcoming). Il Vallo dell’Atlantico. In R. Grignolo e B. Reichlin (a cura di). Enciclopedia critica per il restauro e il riuso dell’architettura del XX secolo. FORTHCOMING RESEARCHES -‐ RE.Act: Project proposal for EU-‐FP7-‐8_SSH 2013.5.2-‐2: Transmitting and benefiting from cultural heritage in Europe (delivered in February 2013 negative result); -‐ RE.Act: project proposal for EU JPI framework (delivered in March: waiting for feedback); -‐ Project proposal for next EU framework Horizon 2020 (University of Amsterdam as Coordinator): on Conflict Heritage (waiting for the Application delivery: 07 JAN 2015); 2009-‐in corso GEOGRAFIE DELL'ABBANDONO The project "Geographies of dismission" is aimed at recognizing mapping and enhancement of cultural heritage now forgotten, typical of the Italian landscape: the hamlets. This is because they represent living testimony of those human settlements that have defined the history of Italian culture and a model of development and design of man-‐made features in natural settings. 2011 Application for a Grant by Fondazione Telecom: negative result. 2012-‐14 Part of the work is included in the National granted research project “Re-‐cycling Italy” (PRIN 2012-‐ 2014) 2013-‐14 Several conferences arranged in cooperation with La Rete del Ritorno Symposium planned for November 2014 in Milan Exhibitions POLIMI, Fall 2014 MusAA, Lanciano, 2013 POLIMI, Summer 2010 C) PUBLIC ARCHITECTURE: “ACTING UPON THE EXISTENT” -‐ Research by Design Research by design has invested in the current issue of the recovery and reuse of large areas of land once characterized by the presence of extensive facilities dedicated to production. The theme of industrial archaeology is expanded and enhanced with a new value related to the idea of a recovery that does not distort the identity of places, focusing on abandoned and dismissed realms and marginal environments. Marginality and miss-‐use of everyday scapes can be identified as main focus of design interest. Iconography is provided under the section: Teaching activity Theme 1: Adaptive Re-‐use & RE-‐Active-‐actions Researches focus mainly on reuse and valorisation of minor heritage – among which also the one coming from conflicts -‐ and on the relationship between collective memory and cultural identity, putting the resources of architecture in the public interest. Adaptive reuse ensues from the assumption that identities are formed in the correlation and interdependence between places and people(s). Once the interrelations break, a place loses its meaning and people lose their sense of belonging to that place. Places traditionally are the crucibles of people’s identity, the concrete background of people’s actions and life, the prerequisite of the creation of cultures, skills and economies. Place-‐ identity refers to the construction of identity for and by the people(s), through the reference to a place, as well as the construction of identity for a place, through the reference to its materiality: morphology, architectural forms, spaces, objects, artefacts, namely the material heritage that is stratified on the territory. GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 11/40 Theme 2: Culture of Dwelling & the Art of Inhabitation In connection with research on the theme "Living Tradition, domestic architecture, modernity," which involves the problems of living and relationships between built form and culture of the company that owns, were made of the design experiments and historical research criticism with some undergraduates. The study aims to discover a relationship that links the most recent and contemporary achievements with the "tradition", trying to overcome the dialectical opposition between tradition and modernity. Theme 3: The sky as ceiling: acting in the ladscape The goal is to propose a way to develop the project able to understand the context more as a starting point and reference point. In these terms, each spatial position itself as a "room" and each project action as an "intervention on the existing". ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Scientific activity Seminars & Conferences -‐ curatorship 2014 REcall – European Conflict Heritage Landscape Reappropriation: Beyond Memorialisation, Closing symposium Atmospheres: human environments, Milano Design week and Biennale di Venezia Sessions Athens course: Modern Interior Architecture 1, Politecnico di Milano (Spring term) Athens course: Modern Interior Architecture 2, Politecnico di Milano (NOV) Design for remembrance and for thinking, Source symposium, Design Academy Eindhoven (OCT) – together with Lorenzo Bini Borghi abandoned and Borghi reloded in Italy, seminar, Politecnico di Milano (NOV) 2013 Lecture series: Around Robin Hood Gardens. The work and the thought of Alison and Peter Smithson, Politecnico di Milano 2012 REcall – European Conflict Heritage Landscape Reappropriation: Museography for Conflict Heritage, Kick-‐off-‐Meeting, Biennale di Venzia Sessions 2010 International Biannual Interiors Conference IFW 2010: Places and Themes of Interior Research world wide, Politecnico di Milano (2010) MIAW – Milan International Architecture Workshop week at POLMI (2010; 2011; 2014) – including Conference series 2009 UNPLUGGED ITALY: 3 meetings per 9 talks, AHO -‐ Oslo School of Architecture and the Norwegian Museum of Architecture, Oslo 2008 International Biannual Interiors Conference IFW 2008: Places and Themes of Interior Research world wide, Politecnico di Milano (2008) GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 12/40 2007 Architecture of Interiors national seminar, IUAV 2007 2005 The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum, Politecnico di Milano Architecture of Interiors national seminar, IUAV 2005 2001 Nordic Thirties Architecture, Politecnico di Milano 100 Houses for 100 Architects, Triennale di Milano Exhibitions editor/curator 2014 Beyond Memorialisation Felleshuset, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin (together with Michela Bassanelli) The Jewish Resistance Monument Revisited Gallery Amstel 41, Amsterdam (together with M4gastatelier) 2013 Geografie dell’abbandono MusAA, Lanciano (together with Marco di Nallo) 2012 Venice WWII Stories&Places Biennale di Venezia Sessions (within project REcall) 2011 Norway: mellom himmel og jord Museum MACRO Testaccio, Rome 2010 Norwegian Talks School of Architecture, Ascoli Piceno Norwegian Pavilion at Biennale di Venezia (together with The Norwegian Museum of Architecture) 2009 Unplugged Italy The Oslo School of Architecture, Oslo 2005 The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum Politecnico di Milano GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 13/40 2001 Nordic Thirties Architecture Politecnico di Milano 100 Houses for 100 Architects Triennale di Milano 1997 Sverre Fehn, architect Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza (in coll. with The Norwegian Museum of Architecture) Lectures & Conferences Keynote speech, paper presentation, invited speaker 2014 -‐ The next monument, Hoffland gallery, round table, promoter and speaker -‐ 27-‐29 JUN -‐ BITs Annual Congress of Designers /Dalian, China – invited keynote speaker > NOT performed -‐ 6 JUN – Riversjde open air museum, International Atlatic Wall symposium -‐ invited keynote speaker > NOT performed -‐ 15-‐17 SEP – Falstad Memorial (N), International symposium on Difficul Heritage – invited speaker at round table -‐ 18-‐19 SEP – Middlesex Univ, London, International seminar Body and space – invited keynote speaker -‐ 27-‐28 SEP – Biennale di Venezia, International seminar C. Norberg-‐Schultz Genius, invited speaker -‐ 29 SEP – POLIMI, MIAW workshop weeks opening, curator’s speech 2013 -‐ From the very large interior to the continuum interior, TU-‐Delft, International seminar “The very large interior” a new MAs education at TU-‐Delft (keynote speaker) -‐ Architecture of Interiors education, WIM-‐World Interior Meeting, Amsterdam 2013 (invited speaker) -‐ Museography for Conflict Heritage, UvA International seminar “Competing Memories” (invited speaker) -‐ Beyond memorialisation, Unv of Newcastle-‐Fine Arts source seminars (invited speaker) -‐ Architects’ own houses, Leuven Catholic Univ, Athens course (invited speaker) -‐ Italian borghi dismissed, RE-‐Cyling Italy seminar, Pescara (paper presentation) 2012 -‐ Museography of Conflict Heritage, Politecnico di Torino, International seminar “Musealization of Archaeology” (paper presentation) -‐ Round table: “EU identities & citizenships”, EU Commission & FP6-‐7 programme, Bruxelles (invited discussant) 2011 -‐ Sigurd Lewerentz. The Paradox of Construction, ADSL2011 workshop week, ARTESIS -‐ School of Architecture, Design and Art, Antwerpen (Keynote speaker) -‐ The Roof and the Precinct: the architecture of Sverre Fehn, , Toledo School of Architecture, Toledo (invited speaker) -‐ Carso 2014+, Helsinki City Museum, International conference “Difficult Heritage”, Helsinki (paper presentation) 2010 -‐ Sverre Fehn. A Master, Norwegian Museum of Architecture Opening, Oslo (Keynote speaker) -‐ Flak Tower re-‐use, MAK museum, Vienna (A) con Peter Noever (direttore MAK) e James Turrel (artista) GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 14/40 -‐ Redifining the Atlantic Wall Seminar, Amesfoort (NL) (invited speaker and session chair) -‐ -‐ -‐ 2009 Occupation, International Conference, Brighton (paper presentation) Sulle orme di Sverre Fehn, Ordine degli Architetti di Palermo (invited speaker) AW bunker – Geografie sottocutanee, convegno paesaggio a Gorizia (paper presentation) -‐ -‐ 2008 Nordic Contemporary Architecture, conference & exhibition, Casa dell’Architettura, Roma (invited Speaker) Legitimating a Master: Sverre Fehn Architecure, Museo di Architettura di Oslo, Sverre Fehn symposium (keynote Speaker) 2007 International seminar "DOCOMOMOIberico", Associazione degli Architetti di Cadiz (SP) (paper presentation) International seminar "Think Inside the Box", Glasgow School of Art (paper presentation) International seminar "Architecture&Phenomenology”, Politecnico di Haifa, (paper presentation) International seminar "Tectonic”, Università di Eindoven (NL) (paper presentation) 2006 International seminar "Manors & Villas": Università di Zagabria: Rural heritage and sustainable tourism (paper presentation) International seminar "Media&Heritage", Università di Oslo: The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum web site (paper presentation) National seminar on Interiors, Facoltà di Architettura di Torino (paper presentation) International seminar “WWII Heritage”, AzV Vienna: The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum (invited speaker) International seminar “The Atlantic Wall”, Raversijde Open air Museum (B): Geografie sottocutanee (invited speaker) Milan Architects Association, Milano: The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum (invited speaker) -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ 2005 International seminar “Otras Vias/Sigurd Lewerentz”, Avila: Sigurd Lewerentz. The paradox of construction (keynote speaker) FGP studio di architettura, Zagreb Architect Association, 2005 (invited speaker) 2004 International seminar “Unum et parum”, C.R. Mackintosh own houses as paradigm, Facoltà di Architettura di Palermo (paper presentation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Teaching activity Design studio courses http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/02_year-‐books/ Research by design invested in the current issue of the recovery and reuse of large areas of land once characterized by the presence of small and extensive facilities dedicated to production. The theme of industrial archaeology is expanded and enhanced with a new value related to the idea of a recovery that does not distort the identity of places. Focusing on abandoned and dismissed realms and marginal environments, Design studio mainly focus on marginality and miss-‐use of everyday scape. GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 15/40 2013-‐14 • Design studio 3rd year BA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Bella Lì: spazi minimi per una socialità quotidiana a Milano http://bellali.polimi-‐cooperation.org 2012-‐13 • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Utopia Reloded: A+P Smithsons Robin Hood Gardens http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/07/29/lab-‐int-‐2013-‐robin-‐hood-‐gardens/ 2011-‐12 • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Resue of Agip petrol station in viale Certosa, Milan http://service.enizyme.com/pdf/catalogo_on_the_road.pdf 2010-‐11 • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Tram Tram: reuse of ATM tram garage in via Teodosio, Milan http://www.lablog.org.uk/2012/07/12/lab-‐int-‐2011-‐yearbook-‐now-‐released/ 2009-‐10 • Design studio 2nd year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Dismised Medieval Borghi: the case study of Abruzzo http://www.abarchive.info 2008-‐09 • Monographical course 2nd year BA Letture di Interni/Interiors lectures http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/cm-‐int08/ • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Milano metro stations as public urban spaces http://www.lablog.org.uk/2010/11/14/yearbook09-‐mmilano/ 2007-‐08 • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Civitella del Tronto Retail Park http://www.lablog.org.uk/2008/11/12/civitella-‐sustainable-‐retail-‐park-‐report-‐lab-‐int-‐08/ 2006-‐7 • Design studio 1st year MA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Transforming AW bunkers http://www.lablog.org.uk/2007/12/01/aw-‐bunker-‐report-‐lab-‐1ls07/ • Design studio 1st year BA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Zero speed architecture http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/lab1amb07/ GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 16/40 • Design studio 3rd year BA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Rural Heritage. Humac Seminar Centre http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/12/30/the-‐pleasure-‐of-‐use-‐report-‐lab-‐304/ • Design studio 1st year BA Facoltà di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano Terrace housing at Parco Lambro http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/lab1-‐06/ 2004-‐05 • Design studio 3rd year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano A room for oneself http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/12/01/housing-‐report-‐lab-‐305/ 2003-‐04 • Design studio 1st year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano Martesana Canal Linear Park http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/12/01/millepede-‐report-‐lab-‐104/ 2002-‐03 • Design studio 2nd year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano School of Echology in the ex-‐Vendicari fish factory http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/12/01/vendicari-‐report-‐lab-‐203/ 2001-‐02 • Design studio 1st year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano Addition: temporary exhibition space for Venice Biennale Pavillions www.polimi-‐cooperation.org/downloads/addizioni+++.exe 2000-‐01 • Design studio 1st year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano Exhibiting Swahili Culture in Msasami bay, Tanzania www.polimi-‐cooperation.org/downloads/lab-‐arch-‐2002/index.htm 1999-‐2000 • Design studio 2nd year BA Facoltà di Architettura-‐Leonardo/Politecnico di Milano House/info point for a guardian of architects’ own house in Milan Diploma studio works http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/diploma-‐works/ As last chance of students’ training, the Diploma should provide an opportunity to show and prove what the candidate learned during his/her training and what he/she is able do, what are his/her design skills and critical thinking. The task of the tutor, therefore, is the one of a mentor that never overwhelms or impose own ideas. Any thesis, however, have the obligation to have a starting point that is based on a research that justifies the direction and goals, manifesting the relationship between research and design, or better, what is our task: to develop research by design. GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 17/40 Main topics, as expressed before, are the following: Theme 1: Adaptive Re-‐use & RE-‐Active-‐action -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Museum in an age of migrations -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/12/22/museum-‐in-‐an-‐age-‐of-‐ migrations-‐oslo-‐kulturhistorisk-‐museum/ Redefining Landscapes -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/12/16/redefining-‐landscapes/ Urban farming in Milan -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/10/07/urban-‐farming-‐in-‐milan/ if INntangible Heritage -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/05/01/if-‐inntangible-‐heritage/ Architecture of integration -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/05/01/architecture-‐of-‐integration/ The Liquid Museaum -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/05/01/the-‐liquid-‐museaum/ collACTION -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/04/27/collaction-‐is-‐on-‐air/ Ma(se)-‐Riabitiamo -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2012/06/28/new-‐diploma-‐works-‐published-‐on-‐issuu/ Slow life -‐ http://issuu.com/erica.borsa/docs/slow_life Deposito [non] comune -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/10/03/deposito-‐non-‐comune/ The Hub spokes -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/10/03/the-‐hub-‐spokes/ Salvagente -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/04/01/salvagente/ Artists-‐in-‐residence -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2009/12/28/scheletri-‐urbani-‐milano/ Ospitare le differenze -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2008/11/14/ospitare-‐le-‐differenze/ Binario zero -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2008/04/01/diploma08-‐binario-‐zero/ WWII voids Milan -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/02/04/wwii-‐voids-‐milan/ Theme 2: Culture of Dwelling & the Art of Inhabitation Shrinking Montevideo -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/12/16/shrinking-‐montevideo/ Better shared house -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/10/07/better-‐shared-‐house/ Inclusive city -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/05/01/inclusive-‐city/ Milano green cages -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2012/06/01/milano-‐green-‐cages/ S+L alloggi per studenti e lavoratori a Milano -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/12/21/sl-‐alloggi-‐per-‐ studenti-‐e-‐lavoratori-‐a-‐milano/ Alta densità -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2010/07/30/alta-‐densita/ Anche una parete è una stanza -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2009/11/20/anche-‐una-‐parete-‐e-‐una-‐ stanza/ Borghi sostenibili -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2010/05/25/borgi-‐sostenibili-‐la-‐valle-‐di-‐zeri/ Una aia solidale -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2009/09/04/abitare-‐solidale/ Tokyo-‐to Apartments -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2007/12/10/diploma07-‐tokyo-‐to-‐apartments/ INFILLiving-‐Milano -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2007/12/01/diploma’07infilliving-‐milano/ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Theme 3: The sky as ceiling: acting in the landscape Borders memories -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2014/04/28/border-‐memories-‐along-‐isonzo-‐river/ ContrACTIONS -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2013/05/25/contractions/ Trat[t]ouring -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/10/18/trattouring/ Vedere l’invisibile -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2011/07/30/vedere-‐linvisibile/ Dispositivi fruitivi -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2009/12/29/dispositivi-‐fruitivi/ Vuoti a rendere -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2008/04/01/diploma08-‐vuoti-‐a-‐rendere/ Martesana Linear Park -‐ http://www.lablog.org.uk/2005/12/05/mafrtesana-‐linear-‐park/ Interiors PhD Courses (POLIMI) -‐ -‐ Course for Scientific Papers writing (from 2007) Laboratorio di Interni – I-‐II-‐III° semestre 2007-‐08 PhD in Interiors, Politecnico di Milano (together with L. Basso Peressut, I. Forino) Mapping Interiors Research world wide http://www.interiorsforumworld.net/ GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 18/40 -‐ -‐ Laboratorio di Interni – I-‐II-‐III° semestre 2010-‐11 PhD in Interiors, Politecnico di Milano (together with M. Molon, M. Ugolini) Museography for Conflict Heritage www.recall-‐project.polimi.it Laboratorio di Interni – I-‐II° semestre 2014-‐15 PhD in Interiors, Politecnico di Milano (together with L. Basso Peressut, A. Gritti, A. Rocca) Beyond memorialisation: Design for Conflict Heritage Other teaching commitments http://www.lablog.org.uk/category/03-‐ws-‐reports/ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Design studio WS “La scatola interna”, Scuola di Architettura ORT, Montevideo (1999) Design studio WS, Istituto Superiore di Design, Napoli (1999) Design studio WS “Art Med-‐Biennale accomodations”, Biennale del Mediterraneo, Sarajevo (2001) Design studio WS “Intorno al vuoto”, Ordine degli Architetti di Cadice (2002) Design studio WS, Arredamento, Facoltà di Architettura di Siracusa (2003-‐5) Design studio WS “Soustinable tourism”, Facoltà di Architettura di Zagabria, Unije/Croazia (2004) Design studio WS “Villa Adriana”, Politecnico di Milano/Tivoli (2004) Design studio WS, Facoltà di Architettura di Siracusa/Caltagirone (2005) Design studio WS, “Milano Difficult Voids”, Domus Academy (2005) Design studio WS “Taorminaland”, Politecnico di Milano, Taormina (2006) Design studio WS “Bunker possible re-‐use”, Domus Academy (2007) Design studio WS “Le Corbusier: a formal analysis”, Aalborg School of Architecture (2007) Design studio WS “Contaminiamoci”, Politecnico di Milano/UNESCO Millennium Goals (2007) Design studio WS, “Aspo island”, Lund School of Architecture, laboratorio di Recupero (2008) Design studio WS “Bunker re-‐use”, Aalborg School of Architecture (2008) Design studio WS “Serendipety”, ARTESIS/ADSL workshop week (2009) Design studio WS “Stories. From Shapes to Forms”, ELISAVA, Barcellona (2009) Design studio WS “Urban voids”, Politecnico di Milano/Sesto Sangiovanni (2009) Design studio WS “Structural Architecture”, POLIMI/Erasmus Intensive Programme (2011) Design studio WS “Creating a Contex”, Bologna/Erasmus Intensive Programme (2012) Design studio WS “REcall project -‐ WWII Places&Stories” IUAV & Biennale Sessions (2012) Design studio WS “Creating a Contex”, Duisburg/Erasmus Intensive Programme (2013) Design studio WS “Creating a Contex”, Krakow/Erasmus Intensive Programme (2014) Design studio WS “Feed Europe”, Bologna/Erasmus Intensive Programme (2014AUG) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 19/40 Architectural Practice Along the years the practice has been developed in different ways, for the first twelve years I had an office in partnership with arch Nicola Flora and Paolo Giardiello (FGP studio). Due the teaching and research commitments at POLIMI, from 1998 I decreased my participation until I quitted from the office. From 2005, a new form of collaboration started with the office of a young practitioner in Milano, arch Lorenzo Bini (Studiometrico and now Binocle) who has been until 2012 also my teaching partner in Design studios at the Master level. Mainly, my collaboration is based in consultant work on different commissions but with special attention to competitions and building transformations. 1988 – 2000 partner of the FGP studio practice in Napoli (http://ec2.it/fgpstudio) 2005 – on going consultant partner of the Binocle studio practice in Milan (http://binocle.it/) Competitions 1994 -‐ Europe and Young Designers, Frankfurt (Mention) 1997 -‐ Reuse of roof space for dwelling, Milan (Second prize – no first prize assigned-‐with FGP studio) -‐ Once upon the time: the vault house, Naples (Third prize-‐with FGP studio) 1999 -‐ IUAV extension, Venezia (Third prize – with FGP studio and Studio Archea) 2000 -‐ Naples waterfront, Naples (Third prize-with FGP studio) 2005 -‐ Abitare a Milano 2: Social Housing, Milano (with Binocle) -‐ Dublino Waterfront (with Binocle) 2006 -‐ Urban voids re-‐use: Tokyo (with Binocle) 2007 -‐ Diocesan Museum extension, Milano, taking part at the pre-‐qualification (with Binocle) -‐ Archaeological Museum extension, Bari, taking part at the pre-‐qualification (with Binocle) GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 20/40 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List of pubblications GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 21/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 22/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 23/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 24/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 25/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 26/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 27/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 28/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 29/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 30/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 31/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 32/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 33/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 34/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 35/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 36/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 37/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 38/40 GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 39/40 -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Forthcoming publications Postscriptum, in M. Bassanelli, E. Forestieri, G. Postiglione. The Smithsons anthology of critics. SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue (forthcoming in 2014) G. Postiglione et Alt. (a cura di), Museum Multiplicities. Field actions and Research by Design. MILANO: Politecnico di Milano (forthcoming in 2014) Entry Il Padiglione dei Paesi Nordici alla Biennale di Venezia for Dizionario di Architettura II (Opere e Autori) A. Ferlenga e M. Biraghi (eds.), Einaudi, Torino (forthcoming) The Atlantic Wall. Entry the for the Critical Encyclopaedia of restoration and reuse of 20th century architecture, R. Grignolo, B. Reichlin (eds.) (forthcoming) GENNARO POSTIGLIONE -‐ CV 40/40
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