GIOVANNI RICEVUTI, M.D. ADDRESS: Divisione di Geriatria - ASP - IDR S.Margherita - Via Emilia 12 - 27100 Pavia - Italy E-MAIL: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> PHONE +390382381273 - +390382984110 - +390382984109 - +390382984107 FAX +39/0382465447 (segreteria) CURRENT POSITION: Full Professor of Internal Medicine – Geriatrics – Emergency Medicine, Chief of the Division of Geriatrics of the University of Pavia. CURRICULUM VITAE Born in Pavia, Italy, 26.10.1946, Dr. Ricevuti obtained a First Class Degree, together the Lepetit prize from the University of Pavia in 1971. He was first fellow of C.E.C.A European Community Foundation at the Institut of Humam Physiolgy of the same University, Assistant Professor in 1972/73 at Geriatric Clinic, Fellow for Research and University Researcher until 1984, Associate Professor of Medical Therapeutics from 1984 and Full Professor of Internal Medicine from academic year 2000/2001 at the University of Pavia. He is at present the Chief of Geriatric Clinic of the University of Pavia at ASP Pavia, IDR S.Margherita Hospital, in Pavia. He is teacher of Geriatric Medicine, Medical Therapeutics and Emergency Medicine for the students of Medicine and Nurse School and of some Postgraduated Specializations of the University of Pavia, and Immunology and Physiopathology to students of Postgraduated Course in Laboratory Technician. He is the Chief of the High School (Specialization) in Emergecy Medicine of the University of Pavia. He is Responsible for the International Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine and ERASMUS Project and for the international exchanges of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pavia. In this role he organized the first international trilateral project involving the Universities of Pavia (Italy), Zaragoza (Spain) and Bordeaux (France) for an experimental Trilateral Medical Degree in Medicine and Surgery, and enlarged the partnerships of the Medical Faculty of the University of Pavia and the number of the students involved in these exchanges. In addition Prof Ricevuti participated (2000-2007) in the European Projects ECTS and MEDINE 1 (Thematic Network on Medical Education in Europe), and he is the delegate of the Medical Faculty of the University of Pavia for the activities of the European MEDINE 2 project (2007-2013), and in particular he is involved toghether with academic and administrative staff and students of the university of Pavia in several work packages (01 MEDINE lingua, 02 Mobility Toolkit, 03 Tuning Process, 04 Bologna First Cycle, 05 Curriculum Trends, 06 Progressing Bologna, 07 Research, 08 Network management, 09 Dissemination of MEDINE2 outputs, 10 Exploitation of MEDINE2 outputs, 11 Quality Assurance of the Network). The Network will investigate and promote modern curriculum trends in medicine, through workshops across Europe, with proceedings disseminated on-line. We will investigate and promote the Bologna Process as a vehicle for educational enhancement in medical education. Obstacles will be evaluated, solutions and examples of best practice will be identified and disseminated. As the responsible for the International exchanges of the students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Pavia, he is involved in the organization and practical carrying out of IFOM exams (International Foundation of Medicine exam) for the students of our Faculty. He took care of the development of all examination sessions performed until now. On the basis of this supported exam offered to our students of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr Ricevuti in the referent academic people for the GHLO project (Global Health Learning Opportunities) of the American AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges is a not-for-profit association representing all 133 accredited U.S. and 17 accredited Canadian medical schools) started on 2012 academic year, that is involving only 21 Medicine Faculties of the world (8 from USA and 13 from the rest of the world) and Pavia is only one from Italy. GHLO is AAMC’s new initiative that is a network of collaborating institutions in over 16 countries, facilitating global mobility for final year medical students pursuing clinical or research electives outside their home country. GHLO utilizes a Web-based platform that enables students to search and apply for electives, Home Schools to endorse student applications and track progress, and Host Schools to manage the elective selection and evaluation processes. In 2013 he lauched two Interest Group for students, EMIG EMERGENCY MEDICINE INTEREST GROUP and GerMedIn GERIATRIC MEDDINE INTEREST GROUP to offer more information about didactical activities and research projects and exchange or working possibilities in these topics. The groups are supported by the CV Giovanni Ricevuti 1 10 hard work of some students and the information are posted on KIRO network of the University of Pavia ( From 2014 he is the coordinator of the ALZMED PROJECT (Alzheimer in the Mediterranean Coutries), research project of the Italian Ministry of Health. After general medical training, he completed his training in internal medicine, haematology and cardiology at I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico S. Matteo Hospital in Pavia. He obtained his Postgraduate Specializations in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases and Clinical and Laboratory Haematology at University of Pavia. He worked at Nuclear Medicine Laboratory of the First Medical Clinic "Adolfo Ferrata" on physiopathology of red blood cells and of platelets; then he organized his own Laboratory of Cellular Physiopathology and Clinical Immunology of the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics where he organized studies on cellular immunology, on phagocytes, on neutrophils, adhesion molecules, complement and complement receptors, cytokines and endothelial damage. Of particular interest he performed studies on the role of neutrophils, oxy-radicals, adhesion molecules on endothelial damage and on pathogenesis of angina and hearth ischaemia "in vivo" in humans with studies on blood from aorta and coronary sinus. Dr Ricevuti also followed up his patients clinically and built up large series of patients with leukaemia, lymphomas, tumors, familiar hypocomplementemia, hypo-CD4 syndrome and neutropenia. He is performing researches on ATIII immune effects in collaboration with collegues from Austria and UK andf he is involved in studies about pathogenesis and clinical and immunological aspects of Aging and Alzheimer Disease.. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS -Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Leeds UK. -Department of Biology, University of Liverpool, UK. -Dreyfus Medical Foundation, New York, USA. -Department of Internal Medicine, University of Innsbruck, Austria. -Department of Neuropathology, University of Liverpool, UK -South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) -AWARDS: - Fellowship from the Amministrazione Provinciale of Pavia (1965-1969) National Prize LEPETIT (1971) Fellowship from CECA. European Community (1971) Fellowship from Italian University Ministry (1973, 1974) National Prize SIDEV (1983) National Prize "L. LIBERTI" (1985) National Prize "L. LIBERTI" (1988) TOPICS OF Dr. RICEVUTI'S RESEARCHES are: 1) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF WESSEL WALL AND TROMBOSIS 2) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ANEMIA AND BONE MARROW APLASIA 3) ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY 4) INFLAMMATORY REACTION 5) PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PHAGOCYTES 6) CYTOKINES AND ADHESION MOLECULES 7) PHAGOCYTE AND CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE 8) ATIII AND PHAGOCYTES AND PLATELETS 9) ALZHEIMER AND AGING Dr Ricevuti presented comunications and gave lectures to several national and international Congresses, and organized the"International Congress on The Biological and Clinical Aspects of Phagocyte Function", Pavia, Italy, 1986, and the "2Nd International Congress on Phagocytes: Biological and Clinical Aspects", September 1996, Pavia with Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti and prof. Antonia Notario, hosting the Nobel Prize Prof Samuelsson ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSABILITIES: -Responsible of the Ambulatory of Clinical Immunology of the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics at the IRCCS Policlinico S.Matteo; member of the Directive Council of the Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics of the university of Pavia from 1982 to 1985, from 1985 to 1989, from 1991 to 1994; from 1994 to 1998, from 1998 to 2002; CV Giovanni Ricevuti 2 10 Administration of research founds from MURST 60% e 40% , Italian CNR, Dreyfus Medical Foundation in New York, member of the Directive Council of the College of Physicians of the Province of Pavia, member of the Commission for Internal Medicine of the Lombardy Country in Italy, member of the Council of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine, Lombardy Country. He is in the Editorial Board of the “International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology”, indexed in the Index Medicus, in the Current Contenst, Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE), BIOSIS, SUBIS. He served as referee for several international journals such as Atherosclerosis, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Haematologica, Functional Neurology, International Journal of Immunopharmacology, Biochemical Pharmacology, Circulation, and others. Dr. Ricevuti is author or co-author of more than 500 publications, of which 300 papers and reviews in peerreviewed journal. He published some books or special issues on topics of immunology or phagocytes. The last book has been published in 1997 on "Phagocytes" by New York Academy of Sciences with Proff. Rodolfo Paoletti and Antonia Notario. Qualification and recent results Recently, he studied the molecular mechanism of hypocomplementemia and the pathogenetic role of congenital and acquired hypocomplementemia in the development of immunomediated disease. He carried out studies on cellular immunology, on phagocytes, adhesion molecules, complement and complement receptors, cytokines and endothelial damage. He also carried out studies on the role of neutrophils, oxyradicals, adhesion molecules on endothelial damage and on the pathogenesis of angina and hearth ischaemia "in vivo" in humans with studies on blood from aorta and coronary sinus. Dr Ricevuti also followed up his patients clinically and built up large series of patients with leukaemia, lymphomas, tumors, familiar hypocomplementemia, hypo-CD4 syndrome and neutropenia. His group has examined the functional aspects of neutrophils in CAD patients before and after PTCA with the demonstration (one of the first observations in humans) of the increase in the expression of neutrophil and monocyte adhesion molecules in unstable coronary artery disease. He also showed the degranulation of PMNs releasing elastase and ROIs into coronary vessels of patients suffering from atherosclerotic unstable angina. Recently he is studying the effect of ATIII on neutrophil and platelet function in vitro and the immunologic alterations in patients suffering from Alzheimer disease. Recently, the most important research topic is related to molecular and morphofunctional aspects of Alzheimer disease and their modulation by TDCs and TMS. The interest is to evaluate the efficacy of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) treatments in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and to identify related molecular pathways. In particular, the interest is oriented to molecular level towards the identification of changes in the expression profiles of microRNAs (miRNAs) gene-regulatory sequences, following EMFs exposure. Papers of Prf Ricevuti have been cited in the following journals: -JAMA, -LANCET. –Circulation – Inflammation, -Haematologica, -Journal of Leukocyte Biology, -Chinese Journal of Dermatology, -Journal of Clinical Investigation, -New England Journal of Medicine, -European Journal of Clinical Investigation, -Journal of American College of Cardiology, -International Journal of Immunopharmacology, -International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. G: RICEVUTI, A: MAZZONE, M: DANESINO, M: TOSCANO, SC RIZZO Phenytoin to prevent or control granulocyte transfusion reactions The Lancet, 1984, 8392, II, 37 IF 16.135 2. RICEVUTI G.,BAIGUERA R., MAZZONE A., ROSSINI S.,FASANI F., TUMMINELLO M.C., PENSATO D. Effects of phosphatidylserine on immunologic indices in aged patients. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.,496, 731 - 734,1987 3. RICEVUTI G., MAZZONE A., and HARLAN JM. CV Giovanni Ricevuti 3 10 Membrane glycoproteins of neutrophils and related diseases Haematologica , 73, 415 - 422,1988. IF 2.560 4. RICEVUTI G., MAZZONE A., DE SERVI S.,FRATINO P. New trends in coronary artery disease: the role of granulocyte activation. Atherosclerosis 78, 261 - 265,1989. IF 2.889 5. DE SERVI S., MAZZONE A., RICEVUTI G., FIORAVANTI A., BRAMUCCI E., ANGOLI L., GHIO S and SPECCHIA G. Granulocyte activation after Coronary angioplasty in human Circulation, 82, 140-146, 1990 IF 15.202 6. RICEVUTI G., DE SERVI S., MAZZONE A., ANGOLI L., GHIO S. and SPECCHIA G. Increased neutrophil aggregability in coronary artery disease European Heart Journal 11, 814-818, 1990 IF 3.631 7. DE SERVI S., RICEVUTI G., MAZZONE A., PASOTTI D., BRAMUCCI E., ANGOLI L.,SPECCHIA G. Transcardiac release of leukotriene C4 by neutrophils in patients with coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiology 17,1125-1128,1991 IF 14.09 8. MAZZONE A., DE SERVI S., RICEVUTI G., MAZZUCCHELLI I., FOSSATI G.L., PASOTTI D., BRAMUCCI E., ANGOLI L., MARSICO F., SPECCHIA G., NOTARIO A. Increased expression of neutrophil and monocyte adhesion mplecules in unstable coronary artery disease. Circulation, 1993; 88; 358-363 IF 15.202 9. S.DE SERVI, A.MAZZONE, G.RICEVUTI , G.FOSSATI, I.MAZZUCCHELLI, G.FOSSATI, D.GRITTI, L.ANGOLI, G.SPECCHIA. Clinical and angiographic correlates of leukocyte activation in unstable angina. JACC 1995, Vol. 26 n° 5 : 1146-50. IF 14.09 10. Mazzone, I.Mazzucchelli, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, M.Fea, G.Ricevuti. Granulocyte defects and opioid receptors in chronic exposure to heroin or methadone in humans. Int.J.Immunopharmacol., 1994, 16: 959-67. IF 4.092 11. A.Mazzone A., G. Ippoliti., G. Fossati., I. Mazzucchelli., P Abelli., D.Gritti, C. Canale., G. Randine and G. Ricevuti. The CD11/CD18 Leu-CAM deficiency disease in a family with abnormal granulocyte fMLP receptors. Int.J.Immunopath. and Pharm. 1994, 7: 163-182. IF 4.092 12. S.De Servi, A.Mazzone, G.Ricevuti, G.Fossati, I.Mazzucchelli, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, L.Angoli, G.Specchia. Clinical and angiographic correlates of leukocyte activation in unstable angina. JACC 1995, 25: 114650. IF 14.09 13. A.Mazzone, I.Mazzucchelli, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, S.Girola, C.Canale, C.Cusa, and G.Ricevuti. Iloprost effect on phagocytes in patient suffering from ischaemia disease: in vivo evidence for down26: 860-866. IF 3.365 14. A.Mazzone, C.Porta, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, I.Mazzucchelli and G.Ricevuti. Granulocyte dysplasia and dysfunction, and CD11/CD18 defects in Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1996, 23: 267-275 15. A.Mazzone, I.Mazzucchelli, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, C.Canale, C.Cusa, and G.Ricevuti. Increased expression of 2 integrin onphagocytes in ischemic disease: a bridge between inflammation and coagulation system. Eur.J.Clin.Invest. 1997, 27: 648-652. IF 3.365 CV Giovanni Ricevuti 4 10 16. A.Novella, G.Bergamaschi, C.Canale, G.Fossati, D.Gritti, C.Luccotti, A.Mazzone, L.Tanon and M.Cazzola. Expression of adhesion molecules and functional stimulation in human neutrophils: modulation by GM-CSF and role of the Bcr gene. Brith J Haematol 1997, 98: 621-626. IF=2.815 17. C.Canale, G.Fossati, I.Mazzucchelli, D.Gritti, M.Celano, S.Girola, A.Mazzone. Flow cytometry assay of phagocyte integrins in ischemic diseases. Europ.J.Histochem. 1997, 41/suppl.2; pp.7-8. IF=0.959 18. G.Ricevuti, I.Mazzucchelli, D.Gritti, C.Canale,C.Pistone, M.Intili, M.Montagna, G.Fossati.. Over expressionof Mfl2 integrin on pheripheral blood human neutrophis stimulated with GM-CSF. Europ.J.Histochem. 1997, 41/suppl.2; pp.41-42. IF=0.959 19. R.Paoletti, A.Notario, G.Ricevuti. (Editors). Phagocytes: Biology, physiology, pathology and pharmacology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 832, New York 1997 20. G.Ricevuti. Host Tissue Damage by Phagocytes. In Phagocytes: Biology, physiology, pathology and pharmacology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 832, pp 426-448, New York 1997 21. G.Fossati, I.Mazzucchelli, D.Gritti, G.Ricevuti, S.W.Edwards, D.A.Moulding and M.L.Rossi. In vitro effects of GM-CSF on mature peripheral blood neutrophils. Int.J.Mol.Med. 1998, 1: 943-951. IF 2 22. QUATTRINI, R. NEMNI, B. SFERRAZZA, G. RICEVUTI, G. DELL'ANTONIO, A. LAZZERINI, S. IANNACONE. Amyloid neuropathy simulating lower motor neuron disease. Neurology, 51:600-602, 1998 IF 4.972 23. G: KOOPMAN, T: E: I: TAHER, I: MAZZUCCHELLI, R: M., J: KEEHNEN, R: VAN DER VORT, E: MANTEN-HORST, G: RICEVUTI, S: T: PALS, P:K: DAS CD44 isoforms, including the CD44v3 variant, are expressed on endothelium, suggesting a role for CD44 in the immobilization of growth factors and the regulation of the local immune response. Biochem Biophys Res Com, 1998, 245, 172-176 IF 2.780 24. G.RICEVUTI Free radicals in gliomas: friend or foes 25. Eur J. Clin. Invest, 1998, febbraio IF 3.365 26. G. FOSSATI, G. RICEVUTI, S.T. EDWARDS. C. WALKER, A. DALTON, M.L. ROSSI Neutrophil infiltration into human gliomas Acta Neuropathol. , 1999, 98, 349-354 IF 2.336 27. G.Ricevuti. Free radicals in gliomas: friends or foes? Eur J Clin Invest. 29: 185-188, 1999. IF=2.255. 28. Fossati G, Ricevuti G, Edwards SW, Walker C, Dalton A, Rossi ML. Neutrophil infiltration into human gliomas. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 1999 Oct;98(4):349-54. IF=2.165. 29. Norbert Reinisch, Christian J. Wiedermann, Giovanni Ricevuti. Impaired human pripheral blood neutrophil respiratory burst by alcohol-based venipuncture site disinfection. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol, 2000, 7, 980-982. IF=1.809. 30. T. Buratti, M Herold, FJ Wiedermann, G Ricevuti and CJ Wiedermann. Biological markers of left ventricular dysfunction in septic shock. Clin Chem (2000), e-letter: IF=4.371. 31. T Buratti, G Ricevuti, C Pechlaner, M Joannidis, FJ Wiedermann, D Gritti, M Herold and CJ Wiedermann. Plasma level of procalcitonin and interleukin-6 in acute miocardial infarction. Inflammation 2001, 25: 97-100. IF=1.643. CV Giovanni Ricevuti 5 10 32. CM Reinisch, S Dunzendorfer, C Pechlaner, G Ricevuti and CJ Wiedermann. The inhibition of oxigen radical release from human neutrophils by resting platelets is reversed by administration of acetylsalicylic acid or clopidogrel. Free Rad Res 2001, 34: 461-466. IF=2.735. 33. Giovanni Ricevuti and Christian J. Wiedermann. Immune Activation Augments Infection-dependent Atherogenesis. In: Shoenfeld Y, Haratz D, Wick G (eds). Atherosclerosis and autoimmunity. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Publishing House, 2001. 34. G.Ricevuti, D.Gritti, C.Gasparetto and C.J.Wiedermann. Immune activation as effect modifier of atherogenesis in chronic infection. Int Rev Immunol 2002, 21:27-31 IF 1.868 35. Donatella Gritti, Chiara Gasparetto, Angela Malinverno, and Giovanni Ricevuti. Inhibition of Leukocyte and Platelet Aggregation in vitro by Antithrombin. Acta Medica Austriaca 2002, 29:97-99. IF=0.287. 36. Keneider NC, Egger P, Dunzerdorfen S, Noris P, Balduini CL, Gritti D, Ricevuti G, Wiedermann CJ. Reversal of thrombin-induced deactivation of CD39/ATPDase in endothelial cells by HMG-CoA reductase inhibition: effects on Rho-GTPase and adenosine nucleotide metabolism. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002 Jun 1;22(6):894-900. IF=7.432. 37. Marchioni E, Ceroni M, Erbetta A, Alfonsi E, Bottanelli M, Imbesi F, Ricevuti G. Severe acute cerebrovascular disease revealing hepatitis C virus infection: effectiveness of alpha-interferon. J Neurol. 2002 Aug;249(8):1111-3. IF=2.653. 38. Kaneider NC, Kaser A, Tilg H, Ricevuti G, Wiedermann CJ. CD40 ligand-dependent maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by activated platelets. Int . J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 2003 Sep-Dec;16(3):225-31. IF=4.092. 39. Gritti D., Malinverno A., Gasparetto C., C.J. Wiedermann C.J. * and Ricevuti G. Attenuation of leukocyte (Beta)2-integrin expression by antithrombin-III. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. Vol. 17, no. 1, 27-32 (2004). IF=4.092.. 40. Lorusso L, Hart IK, Giometto B, Pezzani R, Broome JC, Gritti D, Gasparetto C, Ricevuti G. Immunological features of neurological paraneoplastic syndromes. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2004 May-Aug;17(2):135-144 41. Zorzetto M, Ricevuti G, Martinetti M, Gritti D, Gasparetto C, De Silvestri A, Salvaneschi L, Cuccia M. HLA and hypocomplementemia: the disadvantage of carrying the HLA-B35 and the silent alleles of the C4 complement component. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2004 Sep-Dec;17(3):307-16. IF=4.092 42. BENZONI E, TORRE ML, FAUSTINI M, STACCHEZZINI S, CREMONESI F, CONTE U, VILLANI S, RUSSO V, RICEVUTI G., VIGO D. (2005). Transient transfection of porcine granulosa cells after 3D culture in barium alginate capsules. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY. vol. 18, pp. 677-682 ISSN: 0394-6320. IF 4.092. 43. GASPARETTO C, MALINVERNO A, CULACCIATI D, GRITTI D, PROSPERINI PG, SPECCHIA G, RICEVUTI G. (2005). Antioxidant vitamins reduce oxidative stress and ventricular remodeling in patients with acute myocardial infarction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY. vol. 18, pp. 487-496 ISSN: 0394-6320. IF 4.092. 44. KANEIDER NC, FEISTRITZER C, GRITTI D, MOSHEIMER BA, RICEVUTI G., PATSCH JR, WIEDERMANN CJ. (2005). Expression and function of syndecan-4 in human platelets. THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS. vol. 93, pp. 1120-1127 ISSN: 0340-6245. IF 5.138 45. NGONGA GF, FERRARI D, LORUSSO L, GASPARETTO C, NEZNAMA E, D'ABRAMO M, RICEVUTI G. (2005). Paraneoplastic syndromes: pathogenetic theories, clinical aspects and therapeutic approach. ANNALI ITALIANI DI MEDICINA INTERNA. vol. 20, pp. 28-38 ISSN: 0393-9340. 46. BIRGIT MOSHEIMER, NICOLE C KANEIDER, CHRISTOPHER R ROSS, RICEVUTI G., JOSEF R PATSCH, CHRISTIAN J WIEDERMANN. (2006). Heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent neutrophil CV Giovanni Ricevuti 6 10 chemotaxis toward PR-39 cathelicidin. JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION. vol. 3:14 ISSN: 1078-7852. IF 2.14 47. RICEVUTI G., GASPARETTO C. (2006). Bioethics, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, and the industry. WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT. vol. 118, pp. 65 ISSN: 0043-5325. IF 0.65 48. LORUSSO L, HART IK, FERRARI D, NGONGA GK, GASPARETTO C, RICEVUTI G. (2007). Autonomic paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. AUTOIMMUNITY REVIEWS. vol. 6, pp. 161-168 ISSN: 15689972. IF 7.965 49. ROSS CR, RICEVUTI G., SCOVASSI AI. (2007). The antimicrobial peptide PR-39 has a protective effect against HeLa cell apoptosis. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN. vol. 70, pp. 154-157 ISSN: 1747-0277. IF 1.720 50. BIRGIT MOSHEIMER, NICOLE C KANEIDER, CHRISTOPHER R ROSS, RICEVUTI G., JOSEF R PATSCH, CHRISTIAN J WIEDERMANN. (2006). Heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent neutrophil chemotaxis toward PR-39 cathelicidin. JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION. vol. 3:14 ISSN: 1078-7852. IF 2.14 51. RICEVUTI G., GASPARETTO C. (2006). Bioethics, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, and the industry. WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT. vol. 118, pp. 65 ISSN: 0043-5325. IF 0.65 52. LORUSSO L, HART IK, FERRARI D, NGONGA GK, GASPARETTO C, RICEVUTI G. (2007). Autonomic paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. AUTOIMMUNITY REVIEWS. vol. 6, pp. 161-168 ISSN: 15689972. IF 7.965 53. ROSS CR, RICEVUTI G., SCOVASSI AI. (2007). The antimicrobial peptide PR-39 has a protective effect against HeLa cell apoptosis. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN. vol. 70, pp. 154-157 ISSN: 1747-0277. IF 1.720 54. Lorusso L, Mikhaylova SV, Capelli E, Ferrari D, Ngonga GK, Ricevuti G. Immunological aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome. Autoimmun Rev. 2009 Feb;8(4):287-91. Epub 2008 Sep 16. IF 7.965 55. L. Venturini,*,_ C. Osera,_ A. Pascale,_ M. Amadio,_ F. Sardi,*,_ M. Mainardi,*,_ S. Govoni,_ & G. Ricevuti Lowered immune system reactivity as a feature of Alzheimer Disease patients with hypocomplementemia Immunology (2010), 131, pag 190, Impact Factor: 3.276 56. Lees KR, Bluhmki E, von Kummer R, Brott TG, Toni D, Grotta JC, Albers GW, Kaste M, Marler JR, Hamilton SA, Tilley BC, Davis SM, Donnan GA, Hacke W; ECASS, ATLANTIS, NINDS and EPITHET rtPA Study Group, Allen K, Mau J, Meier D, del Zoppo G, De Silva DA, Butcher KS, Parsons MW, Barber PA, Levi C, Bladin C, Byrnes G. Ricevuti G. Time to treatment with intravenous alteplase and outcome in stroke: an updated pooled analysis of ECASS, ATLANTIS, NINDS, and EPITHET trials. Lancet. 2010 May 15;375(9727):1695-703 Impact Factor: 30.758 57. Tavazzi E, Bargiggia V, Pichiecchio A, Delbue S, Maserati R, Bastianello S, Ferrante P, Minoli L, Ricevuti G, Ceroni M, Marchioni E. HIV-related acute inflammatory leukoencephalopathy of undetermined origin: review of the literature. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. (2010); 23(3):693-700 IF:4.092 58. E. CAPELLI, R. ZOLA, L. LORUSSO, L. VENTURINI, F. SARDI and G. RICEVUTI CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME/MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS: AN UPDATE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY CV Giovanni Ricevuti 7 10 Vol. 23, no. 3, 0-0 (2010) IF:4.092 59. Osera C, Fassina L, Amadio M, Venturini L, Buoso E, Magenes G, Govoni S, Ricevuti G, Pascale A. Cytoprotective Response Induced by Electromagnetic Stimulation on SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line. Tissue Eng Part A. 2011 Jul 5 IF: 5.444 60. Chiara Boiocchi 1, Elisa Maggioli 1, Giovanni Ricevuti 2, Stella Gagliardi 3, Cristina Cereda 3, Mariaclara Cuccia 1 1 University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy - 2IDR S. Margherita, University of, Pavia, Italy - 3IRCCS Fondazione “Istituto Neurologico C.Mondino, Pavia, Italy AN HAPLOTYPIC STUDY OF HLA CLASS III GENE POLYMORPHISMS IN ALZHEIMER DISEASE , Abstract for the 25th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference (EFI) 61. Functional immunogenetics: from basic mechanisms to clinical implications Boiocchi C, Maggioli E, Cereda C, Ricevuti G, Cuccia M BC, ME and CM Immunogenetics Laboratory, Department of Genetics and Microbiology, University of Pavia; CC Laboratory of Experimental Neurobiology, IRCCS Foundation Istituto Neurologico C. Mondino, University of Pavia; RG Department of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, IDR S. Margherita, University of Pavia., Convegno Congiunto IGM-DGM, 22-23 Febbraio 2011 62. Enzo Emanuele1, Valentina Martinelli1, Vera Abbiati1, Giovanni Ricevuti2,3 Linking atherosclerosis to Alzheimer’s disease: focus on biomarkers Frontiers in Bioscience, in press 2011 63. Alzheimer's disease, autoimmunity and inflammation. The good, the bad and the ugly. Sardi F, Fassina L, Venturini L, Inguscio M, Guerriero F, Rolfo E, Ricevuti G. Autoimmun Rev. 2011 Oct 5 IF 7.965 63) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) variants and Alzheimer's disease: an association study in an AD Italian population. 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