RIMINI (ITALY), MAY 29th - JUNE 1st 2014 VETERINARY MEDICINE MEETS IN RIMINI FOR SCIVAC 30th ANNIVERSARY 1984-2014 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHORT COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM Deadline FEBRUARY 15th 2014 (without review) http://abstract.evsrl.it/ In collaboration with ORGANIZED BY: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING SHORT COMMUNICATIONS SCIVAC - Via Trecchi, 20 - 26100 Cremona Phone +39 0372/403504 - 460440 - Fax +39 0372/457091 E- mail: [email protected] - [email protected] SCIVAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Rimini (Italy), May 29th - June 1st 2014 INSTRUCTION FOR SHORT COMMUNICATIONS (15’) Deadline FEBRUARY 15th 2014 (without review) Works sent after February 15th 2014 will not be accepted http://abstract.evsrl.it/ The Scientific Committee of 2014 SCIVAC International Congress invites authors to submit scientific abstracts for presentation of Short Communications on Subject. Works not included in any of the specialist areas scheduled for the Congress will not be considered. The list of the specialist areas is: CLINICAL PATHOLOGY/CYTOLOGY, DERMATOLOGY, DENTISTRY, EMERGENCY, INTERNAL MEDICINE, NEUROLOGY, ORTHOPEDICS For abstract submission please go to directly to the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CENTRE at web site: http://abstract.evsrl.it/. The system will follow you while filling the fields. To access to the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CENTRE it is necessary to get a user name and a password for the EGO System. Should you do not get user name and password please go to EGO Home Page at http://ego.evsrl.it/. Username and password will be sent in 2 days. The ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CENTRE will follow you while filling the following fields: 1. WORK / ABSTRACT TYPE 2. TITLE 3. INTEREST AREA / SUBJECT-TOPIC 4. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE 5. AUTHORS 6. TEXT AND ESSENTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY • Maximum 5400 characters including spaces (unbreakable). • Graphs, images, tables and photos will not be published. SUBDIVISION IN CHAPTERS In the case of original research abstract must be divided in the following chapters: aim of work, materials, methods used, results and conclusions. For clinical cases: Introduction, Case description and Discussion. Abstracts that do not comply with this format will automatically refused. The statement “results will be discussed” is not acceptable. ETHICAL STANDARDS The abstract must be based on ethical principles. Therefore it should be avoided as far as possible the experimental procedures and unnecessary suffering on animals. Works that do not comply with these ethical principles are rejected automatically. CONGRESS REGISTRATION THE AUTHOR/SPEAKER OF AN ACCEPTED WORK WILL RECEIVE A FREE FULL REGISTRATION. (Registration at the Congress, Pre-registered sector) EVALUATIONS AND DEADLINES Works must be sent before deadline FEBRUARY 15th 2014. Works cannot be modified and can only be accepted or refused. Works sent after FEBRUARY 15th 2014 will not be accepted in any way. Works will be evaluated, if possible, by diplomats of Veterinary. European College corresponding the topics presented. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THAT THE DEADLINE REFERS TO THE LOCAL TIME The system does not accept works after 24:00 (CET) of the day fixed as deadline. COMMUNICATIONS TO THE AUTHORS Abstracts will be evaluated and authors definitely informed by March 30th 20143 by e-mail. LANGUAGE AND TIME OF RELATING Short Communications have to be presented in English or Italian. To present each abstract will be granted FIFTEEN (15) minutes, discussion included. POSTER PRESENTATION Posters will be considered in case of exceeding number of accepted free communications. Posters will be considered in case of exceeding number of accepted free communications. The authors have to be available for questions and clarifications during the coffee breaks of the corresponding session. The size of the poster should be 1.30 meters high and meters 0.80 wide. Indicate the title, author or authors and their affiliation in printed characters with at least 5 cm high. The text of the poster must respect the text of the short communication and be readable from a distance at least 1 meter. The posters are attached to specific supports . Where possible the results should be presented with graphs and images. 10.00-12.40 (3 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 14.00-17.20 (4 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 10.00-12.40 (3 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 14.00-17.20 (4 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 9.00-12.20 (4 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 14.00-16.40 (3 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 9.00-12.20 (4 x 40’ + Coffee Break 40’) 13.40-15.40 (3 x 40’) THURSDAY May 29th MORNING THURSDAY May 29th AFTERNOON FRIDAY May 30th MORNING FRIDAY May 30th AFTERNOON SATURDAY May 31st MORNING SATURDAY May 31st AFTERNOON SUNDAY June 1st MORNING SUNDAY June 1st AFTERNOON Orthopedic SIOVET Dermatology SIDEV Emergency and Critical care KATE HOPPER Cytology SICIV Odontostomatology SIODOCOV Feline Medicine SIMEF Neurology SINVET Odontostomatology SIODOCOV Hall 8 Sala del Parco 110 Feline Medicine SIMEF Hall 7 Della Marina 165 Internal Medicine CLAUDIA REUSCH Hall 6 Sala dell’Arco 260 Cytology SICIV Exotic Animals SIVAE Hall 5 Del Castello 2 260 Neurology SINVET Internal Medicine SIMIV Imaging DAVID BILLER Oftalmologia SOVI Oftalmologia SOVI Hall 4 Del Castello 1 260 Internal Medicine CLAUDIA REUSCH Internal Medicine SIMIV Imaging DAVID BILLER Surgery KAREN TOBIAS Exotic Animals SIVAE Orthopedic SIOVET Dermatology SIDEV Emergency and Critical care KATE HOPPER Surgery KAREN TOBIAS Hall 3 Dell’Arengo 282 Hall 2 Anfiteatro 750 Hall 1 Anfiteatro 750 VETERINARY MEDICINE MEETS IN RIMINI FOR SCIVAC 30th ANNIVERSARY 1984-2014 Rimini (Italy), May 29th - June 1st 2014 Hall Del Ponte 110 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM - Rimini (Italy), May 29th - June 1st 2014 THURSDAY, MAY 29th 2014 FRIDAY, MAY 30th 2014 HALL ANFITEATRO 1 EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE HALL ANFITEATRO 1 SOFT TISSUE SURGERY MEET THE SPEAKER KATE HOPPER 10.00 10.40 12.00 12.40 14.00 14.40 15.20 16.00 16.40 Shock fluid resuscitation Assessment of the hemodynamically unstable patient Management of the patient with kidney failure Lunch Break and Exposition Area Management of the patient with liver failure Evaluation of the bleeding patient Coffeee break and Exposition Area Short Communications Sepsis HALL ANFITEATRO 2 DERMATOLOGY Veterinary dermatological therapy: new drugs and new protocols 10.00 New therapeutic tools for pyoderma in dogs Alessandra Fondati (I) 10.40 News regarding the treatment of ectoparasitic diseases in dogs and cats Federico Leo (I) 11.20 Coffeee Break abd Exposition Area 12.00 Atopic dermatitis therapy in dogs: what’s new? Chiara Noli (I) 12.40 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 14.00 Allergic diseases therapy in cats: what’s new? Silvia Colombo (I) 14.40 Use of deslorelin in the control of alopecia X Francesco Albanese (I) 15.20 Use of antivirals (famciclovir, lysine, imiquimod, interferon) in cats - Luisa Cornegliani (I) 16.00 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 16.40 Immunoglobulin therapy: when it might be indicated? Michela De Lucia (I) HALL DELL’ARENGO ORTHOPEDICS 10.00 Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty. The start of prosthetic organic surgery in veterinary Ermenegildo Baroni (I) 10.40 The Ilizarov method revolutionized the modern orthopedics. Is it still relevant? Antonio Ferretti (I) 11.20 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 12.00 Specificity of osteoarthritis in dogs. From biomechanics to biology Carlo Maria Mortellaro (I) 12.40 Coffee break and Exposition Area 14.00 How and why I changed my approach to fracture treatment - Peirone Bruno (I) 14.40 Evolution and impact of the preventive medicine applied to veterinary orthopedics Aldo Vezzoni (I) 15.20 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 16.00 Arthroscopy: a real revolution in orthopedics for dogs. Achieved Objectives, limitations and future perspectives Filippo Maria Martini (I) MEET THE SPEAKER KAREN M. TOBIAS 10.00 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.40 14.00 14.40 15.20 16.00 16.40 Wound management, difficult wounds, adjuncts to wound therapy - Karen Tobias (USA) Tips and tricks for urinary tract surgery - Karen Tobias (USA) Coffeee Break and Exposition Area Ear surgery and complications: a case based approach Karen Tobias (USA) Lunch Break and Exposition Area Surgical treatment of intestinal foreign bodies linear and non Karen Tobias (USA) Surgery of the gallbladder and biliary diversion - Karen Tobias Coffeee Break and Exposition Area Challenging thoracic surgery cases: a case based approach Karen Tobias (USA) Peritonitis: medical and surgical treatment Karen Tobias (USA) HALL DELLA MARINA FELINE MEDICINE 10.00 Pandora’s syndrome, a new name for FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis)? - Magda Gerou - Ferriani (I) 10.40 Principles and guidelines for a correct interpretation of diagnostic tests as FIP, FIV and FeLV - Saverio Paltrinieri (I) 11.20 Coffeee Break and Exposition Area 12.00 Rare and / or emerging infectious diseases in the cat: Calicivirus, Bordetella, Mycoplasmas, Mycobacteria Stefano Bo (I) 12.40 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 14.00 When (and how) the diagnostic laboratory is different for cats and dogs Silvia Rossi (I) 14.40 When (and how) the cat is different from the dog in gastroenterology - Enrico Bottero (I) 15.20 Is the skin a marker? When the skin suggests a systemic disease - Paola Cavana (I) 16.00 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 16.40 Head and neck itching: is it always an allergy? Paola Cavana (I) HALL DEL PARCO DENTISTRY 10.00 Periodontology: nowadays it is not only extractions: new knowledge, new approaches and new treatments Goddess Bonello (I) 10.40 The evolution of dental radiology, from film to cone beam CT Alessandro De Simoi (I) 11.20 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 12.00 Management of dental fractures: from extraction to modern endodontic treatments - Margherita Gracis (I) 12.40 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 14.00 From turbine to the piezosurgery. How the maxillo-facial surgery has changed - Mirko Radice (I) 14.40 The light in the hands. Use of laser in oral therapy and surgery - Paul Squarzoni (I) 15.20 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 16.00 Short Communications 16.40 New frontiers in the treatment of chronic feline stomatitis Dea Bonello (I) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM - Rimini (Italy), May 29th - June 1st 2014 SATURDAY MAY 31st 2014 SUNDAY, JUNE 1ST 2014 HALL ANFITEATRO 1 IMAGING HALL ANFITEATRO 1 INTERNAL MEDICINE MEET THE SPEAKER DAVID BILLER 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 12.20 14.00 14.40 15.20 16.00 Production of a Great thoracic radiograph. Accurate interpretation of radiographs is dependent upon quality radiographs among other things. Hints will be given on how to take a great thoracic radiograph David Biller (USA) Interpretation of a Normal Thoracic Radiograph-It Takes Understanding the Normal to Appreciate the Abnormal - David Biller (USA) Coffee Break and Exposition Area Panicking about Pulmonary Patterns - David Biller (USA) Old Radiographic Techniques Revisited David Biller (USA) Lunch Break Exposition Area Understanding Most often used Contrast Studies in Small animal patients: Techniques and interpretation - David Biller (USA) Hints to Help with Gastrointestinal Interpretation of Radiographs - Survey and contrast radiography of the gastrointestinal tract will be discussed using clinical cases - David Biller (USA) Coffee Break and Exposition Area Clinical Utility of the Right Intercostal Ultrasound Scan Plane - The right lateral intercostal approach is essential in evaluation of right cranial abdominal structures - David Biller (USA) HALL ANFITEATRO 2 NEUROLOGY 9.00 Micturition disorders, which therapy? Gualtiero Gandini (I) 9.40 Which immunosuppression for the hematologist? Paolo Silvestrini (I) 10.20 Clinical cases presented by SIMIV members 11.00 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 11.40 Clinical cases presented by SIMIV members 12.20 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 14.00 Therapy of leukemia in dogs and cats Magda Gerou-Ferriani (I) 14.40 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 15.20 Short Communications 16.00 Transfusion therapy - Clare Agnoli (I) HALL DELL’ARENGO EXOTIC ANIMALS 9.00 Ectoparasites in exotic animals: diagnosis and therapy - Marta Avanzi 9.40 Recent acquisitions in laboratory diagnostics of small mammals - Paolo Selleri 10.20 Hot-spots in ornithology: what’s cooking in avian medicine - Lorenzo Crosta 11.00 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 11.40 Raptors: risks and rewards of life in captivity Marco Bedin 12.20 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 14.00 What’s news in reptiles imaging Giordano Nardini 14.40 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 15.20 Veterinarian’s role in the protection of zoo’s animals Michele Capasso (I) 16.00 Laboratory diagnostic in rabbits - Alessandro Melillo (I) MEET THE SPEAKER CLAUDIA REUSCH 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 12.20 13.40 14.20 15.00 15.40 Etiopathogenesis of feline diabetes mellitus Claudia Reusch (CH) Therapy of feline diabetes mellitus Claudia Reusch (CH) Coffee Break and Exposition Area Glucose monitoring, any news? - Erik Zini (CH) Pheochromocytoma: possible the diagnosis before surgery? - Claudia Reusch (CH) Lunch Break and Exposition Area Addison’s disease (typical/atypical) Claudia Reusch (CH) Free communications Feline acromegaly: how recognize it? Is it frequent? Claudia Reusch (CH) End of the Congress HALL DEL CASTELLO NEUROLOGY 9.00 Surgery of thoracolumbar herniated disks: Six characters in search of an author Stefania Gianni (I) 9.40 CCSM: my surgical evolution Nicola Gasparinetti (I) 10.20 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 11.00 DLSS: my surgical evolution - Daniel Corlazzoli (I) 11.40 DLSS: my surgical evolution Cristian Falzone (I) 12.20 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 13.40 The spinal cord injury: my surgical evolution Raffaele Gilardini (I) 14.20 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 15.00 Intracranial tumors: my surgical evolution Massimo Baroni (I) 15.40 End of the Congress HALL DELLA MARINA CYTOLOGY 9.00 Cutaneous cytology in dogs: simple and complex clinical cases - Mario Caniatti (I) 9.40 Nasal cytology: simple and complex clinical cases Enrico Bottero (I) 10.20 Citologia dei versamenti: simple and complex clinical cases Walter Bertazzolo (I) 11.00 Coffee Break and Exposition Area 11.40 Cytology of internal organs: simple and complex clinical cases - Carlo Masserdotti (I) 12.20 Lunch Break and Exposition Area 13.40 Cytology skin in cats: simple and complex clinical cases Mario Caniatti (I) 14.20 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 15.00 Cytology of the lower respiratory tract: simple and complex clinical cases Davide De Lorenzi (I) 15.40 End of the Congress CONGRESS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Anaesthesia FEDERICO CORLETTO - Behaviour FRANCO FASSOLA - Cardiology MARCO POGGI - Cytology ENRICO BOTTERO - Dentistry MIRKO RADICE - Dermatology FRANCESCA ABRAMO - Emergency MARCO BERTOLI - Exotic Animals SIVAE MARCO BEDIN - Feline Medicine SAVERIO PALTRINIERI - Imaging GILIOLA SPATTINI - Internal Medicine FEDERICO FRACASSI Neurology Eurostile ExtendedTwo MASSIMO BARONI Nutrition LIVIANA PROLA - Oncology LAURA MARCONATO - Ophtalmology NUNZIO D’ANNA - Orthopedics FILIPPO MARIA MARTINI - Physiatry and Rehabilitation LUDOVICA DRAGONE - Practice Management ANMVI MARCO VIOTTI - Reproduction MARIA CARMELA PISU - Surgery EMANUELA MORELLO - Physioterapy, European Vepra Congress LUDOVICA DRAGONE - Technicians ATAV IRENE BENDONI INVITED FOREIGN SPEAKERS SURGERY KAREN M. TOBIAS, DVM, Dipl ACVS, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA IMAGING DAVID S BILLER, DVM, Dipl ACVR, Professor and Section Head, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA SOCIAL PROGRAM Il Congresso Internazionale del Trentennale SCIVAC 2014 si sviluppa su 4 giorni e costituisce la sede per la prima riunione annuale delle Società Specialistiche SCIVAC. Per questo motivo tutti gli iscritti alle Società Specialistiche 2014 avranno l’ingresso gratuito per tutte le giornate del Congresso Internazionale del Trentennale SCIVAC. VETERINARY TALENTS The SCIVAC International Congress discovers the talents among veterinarians. Photography, video and music: It’s your chance to show to your colleagues your hidden talent. Details and registration procedures will be available on the web site www.scivacrimini.it, Facebook page Scivac Rimini and Congress leaflet INTERNAL MEDICINE - ENDOCRINOLOGY CLAUDIA REUSCH, Dr Med Vet, Dipl ECVIM-CA, University of Zurich, Svizzera EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE KATE HOPPER, BVSc, MVS, PhD, Assistant Professor Surgical & Radiological Sciences, Davis, California, USA SPORT ACTIVITIES For all Athletic Vets: beach volley, human table football, running and road bike. Details and registration procedures available on www.scivacrimini.it, on the Facebook page Scivac Rimini and on the Congress leaflet. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONGRESS SECRETARY Via Trecchi, 20 - 26100 Cremona Phone + 39 0372/403504 - 460440 Fax +39 0372/457091 E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] www.scivacrimini.it
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