EUROPASS CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name - Surname Address Telephone E-mail Nationality Date of birth MARIA GABRIELLA MELCHIORRE Ancona ITALY Office (+39) 071 800 4887 [email protected] Italian th 26 July 1960 WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities 1997 – today Istituto Nazionale Ricovero e Cura Anziani - I.N.R.C.A. Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing Via S. Margherita 5, 60124 Ancona, Italy National Institute of Health and Science on Aging - Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) Senior researcher Since 2011 (today) Research Quality Referee (ISO 9001:2088) for the Centre of SocioEconomic Research on Ageing, Scientific Technological Area of INRCA. Since 1997 (today) management and coordination of different aspects related to National and International Research Projects on ageing: bibliographic research, training of interviewers and data input technicians, surveys, data analyses and writing of research reports and articles on social aspects of caregiving as well as on social policy and services for older people, preventing elder abuse, long term care, ageing well and adult well-being. Main International research projects carried out: • 2013-(2016): Principal Investigator ICARE4EU - Public Health programme, Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe • • 2010-2013: T.A.M T.A.M. – Helpline for abused elderly; 2010-2012: WEDO, European Partnership for the Wellbeing and Dignity of Older people (EU funded, submitted by AGE Platform Europe); 2008-2010: ABUEL: Elder Abuse: A Multinational Prevalence Study (European Agency for Health and Consumers); 2007-2010: PHASE: Public Health Impact of Interpersonal Violence (European Agency for Health and Consumers); 2007-2010: EURHOMAP: Mapping Professional Home Care in Europe (European Agency for Health and Consumers); 2006-2008: European review on ‘High quality care for the older people and the prevention of elder abuse’, Commissioned by the European Commission; 2003-2005: EUROFAMCARE: supporting family carers of older people in Europe: characteristics, coverage and usage (FP5); 2002-2004: ESAW: Ageing Well - A European Study of Adult Well-being (FP5); 2000-2003: ACMEplus: A European project to devise a hospital Admission Case-Mix system for Elderly patients, plus a standardised method of recording hospital outcome (FP5); 1999-2001: GATT (Geriatric Assessment Technology Training), Leonardo da Vinci programme; 1998-2001: COPE: Carers of Older People (FP4); 1997-2000: “The role of woman in family caregiving of the elderly" (CNR). • • • • • • • • • • • Page 1 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities November 2005 – December 2006 Università Politecnica delle Marche, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Ancona, Italy University, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Professor of Sociology (with contract) Professor of Sociology (integrated with the course of Nursing Theories) in the Threeyear Degree Course in Nursing 2005/2006. 1988-1997 Università Politecnica delle Marche - Facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi di Ancona - Istituto di Statistica e Demografia - Ancona, Italy University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Social Sciences Junior Researcher Participation in several Research Projects in the field of migration, gender, and social policies for the family: bibliographic research, training of interviewers and data input technicians, surveys, data analyses and writing of research reports and articles. Main research projects carried out: • 1994-1997: National Survey on “Coexistence of migrants and Italians: the inclusion in the socio-economic context”; • 1992-93: Local Survey (Marche Region - Italy) on “Migrant women and labour market in Marche Region”; • 1991: International Survey on “Issues and perspectives of women in the Southern Europe“; • 1990: National Survey on “The socio-demographic aspects of the medical profession”; • 1990: National Survey on “The women in the male professions”; • 1989: National Survey on the ”Attitude of Italian students towards the migrants”. • 1988-1989: National Survey on “The presence of migrant students in Italy” • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer th 1991, October 11 – November 29th Comune di Montemarciano; ISTAT, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Ancona, Italy • Type of business or sector Municipality - Italian National Institute of Statistics • Occupation or position held th Enumerator within 13 Italian Population Census • Main activities and responsibilities Enumerator with regard to population and dwellings in Montemarciono Municipality area EDUCATION AND TRAINING Main Studies • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization • Principal subjects • Title of qualification awarded • Title of the thesis • Level in national classification • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of oganization • Title of qualification awarded 1979-1989 Università Politecnica delle Marche – Faculty of Economics “G. Fuà” – Ancona, Italy Economics, Law, Sociology, Statistics Degree in Economics Migrant students in Italy: the case of the Iranians 110/110 (summa cum laude), 1974-1979 Liceo Scientifico “L. Cambi” Falconara (An) – Italy School-leaving scientific certificate Training courses • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization Page 2 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre 2013, December National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 • Principal subjects Health data management and Privacy rules-guidelines • Dates (from – to) 2013, November • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Privacy and guidelines on efficient communication and informed consent • Dates (from – to) 2013, September • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Safety in the workplace. Agreement State-Regions 21.12.2011 • Dates (from – to) 2013, September • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Privacy management and National Health System. • Dates (from – to) 2013, March • Name and type of organization CIRM – Italian Consortium on Medical Research – FAD online Course • Principal subjects Health and Safety in the workplace. Legislative Decree 81/2008 • Dates (from – to) 2013, January-April • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Quality Management and clinical risk. Improvement Activity on the job • Dates (from – to) 2012, December • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Bivariate and multivariate analysis. Multivariate Statistics Using STATA (English) • Dates (from – to) 2012, November-December • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Methodological issues in epidemiology. • Dates (from – to) 2012, September • Name and type of organization • Principal subjects National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy ISSA – International Summer School on Ageing • Dates (from – to) 2012, March • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care Page 3 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization The documentation of the Quality System Manager (QSM) 2011, September National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Epidemiology and clinical trials in geriatrics • Dates (from – to) 2011, April • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects ISO-9001:2008 Certification – Quality Management System and Procedures • Dates (from – to) 2007, October • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Biomedical information on line, Scientific writing • Dates (from – to) 2004, December • Name and type of organization National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy • Principal subjects Statstical analyses for the scientific research – SPSS program - Basic course • Dates (from – to) 1998, September-October • Name and type of organization • Principal subjects National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (I.N.R.C.A.) – Public elder care provider and research institute (IRCCS) – Ancona, Italy SPSS program for Statstical analyses – Preliminary course PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES MOTHER TONGUE ITALIAN Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Listening European level (*) ENGLISH (First Certificate of English – Gr. B) C1 Proficient user Speaking Reading C2 Proficient user Spoken interaction B1 Spoken production Independent Independent B1 B2 user user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Page 4 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 Writing Proficient user TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ▪ Operating systems: Windows ▪ Microsoft Office ▪ Internet: Explorer, Navigator, Outlook Express ▪ Statistical software: SPSS RESEARCH INTERESTS ▪ Public policies for the elderly ▪ Health-Social services for the elderly (context and quality) ▪ Social studies: family care of older people; female role in caregiving; reconciliation of work and care; migrant care workers; prevention of elder abuse and neglect; long term care; technology for improving the quality of life of older people; ageing well and adult well-being. SOCIAL SKILLS ▪ Participation in working meetings in different European Countries, sharing experiences with scientists from several research centres in English language and with regard to international research projects. AND COMPETENCES ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES ARTISTIC SKILLS ▪ Organizational and coordination ability with regard to: National and International Project management; National and International surveys; Training of Interviewers and Data input technicians Management of administrative and budget documents within National and International Research Projects Drawing, Creative writing, Photography AND COMPETENCES Selected publications of the last five years: BOOKS Di Rosa M , Greco C.. Melchiorre M.G., (2013), ‘L’assistenza a domicilio’, in Senin U., Bartorelli L. and Salvioli G. (eds.), I grandi vecchi: curare ancora, pp 215-225, Roma, Carocci Faber Editore I S B N : 9788874666799 Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Barbabella F., Greco C., Melchiorre M.G., Principi A., Santini S., Lamura G. “Migrant care work for elderly households: trends and developments in Italy on the background of global developments”. In: Troisi J., HansJoachim von Kondratowitz (eds.), Ageing in the Mediterranean, The Policy Press, Agosto, 2013 Drożdżak Z., Melchiorre M.G., Perek-Białas J., Principi A., Lamura G. Ageing and long-term care in Poland and Italy: a comparative analysis. In: Ervik R., Skogedal Lindén T. (a cura di), The making of ageing policy: theory and practice in Europe. Edwar Elgar, Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham Glos UK June 2013 Lindert J., Soares J.J.F., Csöff R.M., Barros H., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Lamura G., de Dios Luna J., Macassa G., Melchiorre M.G., Stankunas M., Gewalt und Gesundheit bei älteren Menschen in Europa, EVANGELISCHE HOCHSCHULE LUDWIGSBURG, INSTITUT FÜR ANGEWANDTE FORSCHUNG, Lit Verlag, 2013 Melchiorre M.G., Greco C., Lucchetti M., Chiatti C., Lamura G. (2013) “Italy”. In: Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M., Hutchinson A., Saltman R. (eds) Home Care in Europe – Case studies. Volume II. WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, NIVEL, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, United Kingdom, pp. 150-160. Garms-Homolová V., Naiditch M., Fagerström C., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G. Gulácsi L., Hutchinson A. (2012). “Chapter 3. Clients in focus”. In: Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M., Hutchinson A., Saltman R. (eds) Home Care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Observatory Studies Series 27. Volume I. WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, NIVEL, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, United Kingdom, pp. 55-70. ISBN 978 92890 02882 78 92 Genet N., Hutchinson A., Naiditch M., Garms-Homolová V., Fagerström C., Melchiorre M.G., Kroneman M., Greco C. (2012). “Chapter 4. Management of the care process”. In: Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M., Hutchinson A., Saltman R. (eds) Home Care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Observatory Studies Series 27. Volume I. WHO, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, NIVEL, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, United Kingdom, pp. 71-104. ISBN 978 92890 02882 78 Page 5 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 Chiatti C., Melchiorre M.G., Di Rosa M., Principi A., Santini S., Döhner H., Lamura G. “Family networks and supports in older age”. In: Phellas C. (ed.), Ageing in European Societies, Healthy Ageing in Europe, Springer, 2012, pp. 133-150. ISBN 9781-4419-8344-2, October 2012 Chiatti C., Principi A., Melchiorre M.G., Tomassini C., Lamura G.,. “Issues of Gerontology in Italy: an evidence based overview”. In: Garcia Ramirez J.C. (ed.) Old age in the era of globalization: the perspectives of gerontology in movement [Envejecimiento mundial y desafío regional. Nuevos paradigmas para la investigación, la salud pública y los derechos humanos], Academy of Gerontology of the Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE), pp 145-184, October 2012 resve.pdf) Melchiorre M.G, Lamura G. (a cura di) Soares J.J.F., Barros H., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Lamura J., Lindert J., de Dios Luna J., Macassa G., Melchiorre M.G., Stankunas M, Abuso e salute tra gli anziani in Europa, INRCA, ERREBI-Grafiche Ripesi, Ancona, luglio 2012. ISBN 978-88-8249-070-6. pp 118. Gagliardi C., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Spazzafumo L., Marcellini F. “Italy and the Ageing Society: Overview of Demographic Trends and Formal/Informal Resources for the Care of Older People”. In: Jared A. Jaworski (Ed.) Advances in Sociology Research, Volume 13, pp. 85-104. ISBN: 978-1-61942-423-4, NOVA Publishers, July 2012 Soares J.J.F., Barros H., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Lamura J., Lindert J., de Dios Luna J., Macassa G., Melchiorre M.G., Stankunas M, (Francisco Torres-González ed.). Abuso y salud entre las personas mayores en Europa, 2011, Editorial Universidad de Granada, ISBN: 9788433853059 Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Lamura G. (2010). I servizi domiciliari tra reti informali ed assistenti famigliari In: Network Non Autosufficienza (ed.), L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia – 2° Rapporto 2010, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pp. 181-197. Melchiorre M.G., Di Rosa M., Chiatti C., Lamura G. (2010). Italia ed Europa confronto. In: Network Non Autosufficienza (ed.), L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia – 2° Rapporto 2010, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna, pp. 199-206. Soares J.J.F., Barros H., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Lamura J., Lindert J., de Dios Luna J., Macassa G., Melchiorre M.G., Stankunas M. (2010) Abuse and Health Among Elderly in Europe. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Press, Kaunas. -_ISBN: 9789955151944 ARTICLES FOR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Kersti Danell Stén, Joaquim JF Soares, Eija Viitasara, Mindaugas Stankunas, Örjan Sundin, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Gloria Macassa, Henrique Barros, Jutta Lindert, Francisco Torres-Gonzalez, Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou, The relationship between abuse, psychosocial factors and pain complaints among older persons in Europe, Medicina, (in press) Soares JJF, Viitasara E, Macassa G, Melchiorre MG, Stankunas M, Lindert J, Barros H, The impact of psychological abuse on somatic symptoms: A study of older persons aged 60-84 years, The Journal of Adult Protection (in press) Stankunas M, Stankunienė A, Avery M, Radziunas R, Soares JFJ, Melchiorre MG, Torres-Gonzales F, Baranauskas A, Lindert J., Use of medications among older persons in Kaunas, Lithuania. Central European Journal of Medicine, (in press) Principi A., Lamura G., Sirolla C., Mestheneos L., Bień B., Brown J., Krevers B., Melchiorre M.G., Döhner H. on behalf of the EUROFAMCARE research group, Work restrictions experienced by midlife family caregivers of older people: empirical evidences from six European countries, Ageing & Society, 2014, 34(2): 209-231, First Published online October 2, pp 1- 23 DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X12000967 02/2014; 34(2):209-231 Sílvia Fraga, Joaquim F Soares, Francisco Torres-Gonzales, Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapoulou, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Jutta Lindert, Mindaugas Stankunas, H Barros, Elder abuse and socioeconomic inequalities: A multilevel study in 7 European countries, Preventive Medicine, online 15.1.2014 Joaquim J.F. Soares, Fraga S., Eija Viitasara, Mindaugas Stankunas, Örjan Sundin, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Macassa G., Barros H., The chronicity and severity of abuse among older persons by country: A European study, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2014, Vol. 6 Iss: 1, pp.3 – 25 – DOI: 10.1108/JACPR-06-2013-0015 Joaquim J.F. Soares, Örjan Sundin, Eija Viitasara, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Mindaugas Stankunas, Jutta Lindert, Francisco Torres-Gonzales, Henrique Barros, Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou, Quality of life among persons aged 60-84 years in Europe: The role of psychological abuse and socio-demographic, social and health factors, Journal of Biosafety And Health Education, 2013 Di Rosa M., Barbabella F., Chiatti C., Melchiorre MG., Lamura G., Private employment of home care workers and use of health services by disabile older people in Italy, Euroregional Journal of Socio-Economic Analysis (EURJSEA), Year I, Issue 1, November 2013, pp. 33-42. Page 6 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 Mieke Rijken, Verena Struckmann, Mariana Dyakova, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Sari Rissanen and Ewout van Ginneken, on behalf of the ICARE4EU partners. ICARE4EU: IMPROVING CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH MULTIPLE CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN EUROPE, Eurohealth incorporating Euro Observer — Vol.19, No.3, 2013:29-31 Mindaugas Stankunas, Joaquim F.J. Soares, Eija Viitasara, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Örjan Sundin, Francisco TorresGonzales, Aurima Stankuniene, Mark Avery, Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou, Henrique Barros, Jutta Lindert, Factors associated with refraining from buying prescribed medications among older persons, Australasian Journal on Aging, DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12075, 2013 Chiatti C., Di Rosa M, Melchiorre M.G., Manzoli L., Rimland JM, Lamura G. Migrant care workers as protective factor against caregiver burden: results from a longitudinal analysis of the EUROFAMCARE study in Italy, Aging & Mental Health, DOI:10.1080/13607863.2013.765830 Version of record first published: 19 Feb 2013 Lindert J., Torres-Gonzalez F., Barros H., de Dios Luna J., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Melchiorre M.G., Stankunas M., Soares J.J.F., Abuse and neglect of older persons in 7 cities from seven countries in Europe - a cross sectional community study, International Journal of Public Health, February 2013, Volume 58, Issue 1, pp 121-132 Stankunas M, Soares JFJ, Stankuniene A, Melchiorre MG, Torres-Gonzales F, Ioannidi-Kapolou E, Barros H, Lindert J. Differences in reporting somatic complaints in elderly by education level. Central European Journal of Medicine, February 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 125-131, First published online October 30, 2012, DOI: 10.2478/s11536-012-0093-x Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C., Lamura G., Torres-Gonzales F., Stankunas M., Lindert J., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Barros H., Macassa G., Soares J.J.F. (2013). Social support, socio-economic status, health and abuse among older people in seven European Countries. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54856. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054856. Published: Jan 30, 2013 Ingrid Tredal, Joaquim F.J. Soares, Orjan Sundin, Eija Viitasara, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Francisco Torres-Gonzales, Mindaugas Stankunas, Jutta Lindert, Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou, Henrique Barros, Alcohol use among abused and nonabused older persons aged 60-84 years: An European study, Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. Posted online on 3 Jan 2013. DOI: 10.3109/09687637.2012.751087 Macassa G., Viitasara E., Sundin Ö., Barros H., Torres Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Melchiorre M.G., Lindert J., Stankunas M., Soares JJF, Psychological abuse among older persons in Europe: A cross-sectional study, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Jan 2013, 5(1):16-34 Aurima Stankunien, Mindaugas Stankunas, Joaquim JF Soares, Mark Avery, M Gabriella Melchiorre, Francisco TorresGonzales, Raimondas Radziunas, Algirdas Baranauskas and Jutta Lindert, Somatic complaints and refrain from buying prescribed medications. Results from a cross-sectional study on people 60 years and older living in Kaunas (Lithuania), DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012, Published on line 20 November 2012, 20:78 doi:10.1186/2008-2231-20-78 Bogusława Karczewska, Barbara Bień, Jacek Jamiołkowski, Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Carlos Chiatti, Giovanni Lamura. Support gap in dementia family caregivers from Italy and Poland ZDROWIE PUBLICZNE Polish Journal of Public Health, 2012; 122(2): 160-164. Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C., Lamura G., Tackling the phenomenon of elder abuse in Italy: a review of existing legislation and policies as learning resource, Educational Gerontology, 2012;38(10):699-712. Melchiorre M.G., Book review: Jordan I. Kosberg (ed.) (2007). Abuse of Older Men. New York: Haworth Press, 202 pp. ISBN 978 0 7890 3541 7. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2012;7(1): IX-XII (final) Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Lucchetti M., Lamura G. (2012). The impact of migrant work in the elder care sector: recent trends and empirical evidence in Italy. European Journal of Social Work, First Published 2012;15(1):9-27. Melchiorre M.G., Di Rosa M., Lamura G., Quattrini S., Chiatti C., Greco C., Soares J.J.F. Il maltrattamento delle persone anziane in Italia: alcuni risultati dallo studio ABUEL. Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie, 2012; 3 (marzo): 16-19. Tumminello, M., Miccich`e, S., Dominguez L.J., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Barbagallo M., Mantegna, R.N., The happy aged are all alike, while every unhappy aged person is unhappy in its own way. PLoS ONE 2011,6(9): e23377. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023377 Genet N., Boerma W., Kringos D.S., Bouman A., Francke A.L., Fagerstrøm C., Melchiorre M.G., Greco C., Devillé W. Home care in Europe:a systematic literature review. BMC Health Services Research, 2011, 11:207 Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Lamura G. (2010). I servizi domiciliari tra reti informali ed assistenti famigliari. Psicogeriatria, 3: 61-71. Lamura G., Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Barbabella F., Greco C., Principi A., Santini S. (2010), Migrants Workers in the Long-Term Care Sector: Lessons from Italy. Invited Article II, The Geneva Association Newsletter, Health and Ageing 22 (aprile):8-12. Page 7 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS, ABSTRACT OR PROCEEDINGS Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Greco C., Di Rosa M., Quattrini S., Santini S., Soares J.F., Tombolesi V. La lotta agli abusi sugli anziani: alcune recenti iniziative dell’IRCCS INRCA. Evento conclusivo del progetto “Vittimizzazione: prevenzione e sostegno” , Roma, 5 feb 2014 Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Short report about recent development in the field of elder abuse in Italy, within Presidential Symposium “International Perspectives on Family Roles and Obligations”, by Ariela Lowenstein, ”, 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Korea, Seoul, 25 June 2013 Barbabella F., Di Rosa M., Chiatti C., Melchiorre M.G., Lamura G., (2013) Opportunities and challenges of migrant work in the Italian long-term care sector, The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 17, supplement 1, p. S133. Abstract of the oral communication at the 20th IAGG World Congress, Symposium “Migrant care workers in the context of an ageing world”, Seoul (South Korea), 24 June 2013. Di Rosa M., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Barros H., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi – Kapolou E., Lindert J., Stankunas M., Soares J.J.F. Elder abuse in Italy: selected findings from the ABUEL Project. IFA 11TH GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON AGEING 28 May – 1 June 2012, Prague - Czech Republic. Book of abstracts “Ageing Connects” p. 211. Ioannidi Kapolou E., Mestheneos E., Torres-Gonzales F., Stankunas M., Barros H., Melchiorre M.G., Lindert J., Soares J.J.F., Quality of Life of Older Europeans: A South- North division? Conference “Aging & Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region” University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 18th -20th September 2011. Handbook of Abstracts, 30. Melchiorre MG, Elder abuse and social support, IAGG's VII European International Congress - Healthy and active ageing for all Europeans II, Aging Clin Res, 2011; 23(suppl to n.1):84. Bien B., Chiatti C., Karczewska B., Lamura G., Melchiorre MG, Family caregivers of the frail older people with probable dementia in Italy and Poland. An importance and satisfaction level with supportive services. IAGG's VII European International Congress - Healthy and active ageing for all Europeans II, Aging Clin Res, 2011; 23(suppl to n.1):243. Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Lamura G., Quattrini S., Chiatti C., Greco C.., Soares J.J.F., (for the ABUEL group) (2011). Elder abuse in Italy: findings from the ABUEL study. SIS-AISP, Population Studies, IX Edition, Ancona, 2nd-4th February 2011. Book of Abstract, Department of Economy “Giorgio Fuà”, University of Ancona, Giancarlo Ripesi Ed., pp 95-97 McKee, K.J., Bien, B., Wojszel, B., Kofahl, C., Krevers, B., Melchiorre, M.G., Mnich, E. & Prouskas, C. (2010). The willingness of informal carers of older people to continue caring: results of the EUROFAMCARE study. Psychology and Health, 25(Suppl. 1), 59 Stankunas M., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Barros H.., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Lindert J., Soares J.F.J, Physical ABUSE of the elderly: results from ABUEL study in seven European countries, 19th International Conference on Safe Communities, Suwon, Korea, 23-26 March 2010, Abstract Book: 58. Minicucci N., Andreotti A., Rigby M., Alexander D., Vincenten J., Bellis M., Perkins C., Hughes K, Perttu S., Savola T., Geldschläger H., De Los Angeles Zurilla M., Tabacchi G., Trendafilova P., Penhale B., Lamura G., Lowenstein A., Melchiorre M.G., Gage Lindner S.N., Sethi D., Mirandola M., Kisser R., Rogmans W.. Interpersonal Violence in Europe: markers of prevalence and effective prevention programmes, Injury Prevention, September, 2010; 16(1). Lamura G., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C (2010). The interaction among migrant care workers, family carers and professional services in the Italian elder care sector. 8th ESPAnet Conference “Social Policy and the Global Crisis: Consequences and Responses”, Budapest, 2nd-4th September 2010. Stankunas M, Torres-Gonzales F, Ioannidi-Kapolou E, Barros H, Melchiorre M.G., Lindert J, Soares J.J.F., ABUEL - tarpautinis prievartos paplitiko tarp senyvo amziaus tyrimas (ABUEL – international prevalence study on abuse in eldery). (in Lithuanian) National Public Health Conference Named After Vydunas, Health and Long Life, Klaipeda, Lithuania, March 26, 2010, Abstract book pp.80-81. Stankunas M., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Barros H.., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Lindert J., Soares J.J.F., Physical ABUSE of the elderly: results from ABUEL study in seven European countries, 19th International Conference on Safe Communities, Suwon, Korea, 23-26 March 2010, Abstract Book: 58. SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Melchiorre, M.G., & Lamura, G. (2014). Challenges of long-term care in Italy: Lessons from a migrant-in-the-family care model. Oral communication at the Asia University, Taichung (Taiwan), 13 March 2014. Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Melchiorre, M.G., & Lamura, G. (2014). Employment of migrant care workers in longterm care systems: Lessons from Europe and Italy. Presentation at the Taiwanese Association of Gerontology (TAG), Taipei (Taiwan), 14 March 2014. Giovanni Lamura (in rappresentanza del gruppo di lavoro composto da F. Barbabella, C. Chiatti, G. Casanova, M. Di Rosa, C. Greco, M.G. Melchiorre, R. Papa, A. Principi, S. Quattrini, S. Santini, M. Socci, V. Tombolesi), L’assistenza continuativa agli anziani in Italia in un’ottica comparata, Forum sulla Non Autosufficienza – La Non Autosufficienza vista da Sud, Bari, 56 giugno 2013 Page 8 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03 Giovanni Lamura (in rappresentanza del gruppo di lavoro composto da F. Barbabella, C. Chiatti, M. Di Rosa, C. Greco, C. Lancioni, M.G. Melchiorre, R. Papa, A. Principi, S. Santini, V. Tombolesi), Recenti esperienze di ricerca sull’invecchiamento dell’IRCCS INRCA. Presentazione convegno IRPPS-CNR, Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e Politiche Sociali-IRPPS, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR, Comune di Napoli Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali, “Una sfida (im)possibile: l’invecchiamento attivo nelle strutture residenziali, Napoli, 23 aprile 2013 Greco C., Melchiorre M.G., Lamura G., Il progetto TAM TAM - “Telefono Anziani Maltrattati”. La fase pilota 2010-2012. Meeting nazionale conclusivo del Progetto Europeo WEDO, Roma, 6.11.2012. Di Rosa M., Chiatti C., Melchiorre M.G and Lamura G. Long-term care needs and service provision in Italy and Europe. UNIFAI – Unidade de Investigação e Formação sobre Adultos e Idosos Oporto (Potugal) – PhD Workshop 10th May 2012 Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Addressing labour shortages: the case of the long-term care (LTC) sector, Conference on “Social and economic impact of migration: Central & Eastern European perspectives”, Warsaw, 17-18 November 2011 Lamura G., Chiatti C., Di Rosa M. and Melchiorre M.G. on behalf of the EUROFAMCARE and of the ABUEL research groups, Burden, support needs and risk of abuse in families caring for older people in Europe, TORUŃ LONG-TERM CARE AND HEALTHCARE DAYS - 14th International Long-Term Care Conference - ‘Problems of comprehensive long-term care’ Toruń, 20th-22nd September 2011 Di Rosa M., Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Chiatti C., Greco C., J.F. Soares J. Elder abuse in Italy: findings from the ABUEL Project. I.A.G.G. VII European Congress Healthy and Active Ageing for All Europeans – II, Bologna, 14th-17th April 2011. Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Di Rosa M., de Dios Luna del Castillo J., Torres-Gonzàlez F., J.F.Soares J. (for the ABUEL group). Elder Abuse & Social Support, selected findings from the ABUEL project. Final Conference of the Daphnefunded EUSTACEA Project on ‘A European Strategy to fight elder abuse’, European Parliament, Brussels, 17th November 2010. Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Migrant LTC workers: what role, what challenges, what policies? OECD expert meeting on long-term care workforce and training, OECD Conference Centre, Paris, 15-16th November 2010 Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Di Rosa M., Chiatti C., de Dios Luna del Castillo J., Torres-Gonzàlez F., J.F.Soares J. (for the ABUEL group). Violence & Social Support. Pre-Conference on “Violence and Psychopathology among persons aged 60 years and above in the European Union”, Research workshop arranged by the EUPHA Section of Public Mental Health, 3rd European Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, 10th November 2010. Stankunas M., Torres-Gonzales F., Ioannidi-Kapolou E., Barros H.., Melchiorre M.G, Lamura G., Lindert J., Soares J.F.J, Violence and ABUSE in the elderly: results from ABUEL study. Baltic Public Health Conference in Tartu (Estonia), 23rd –25th September 2010 Lamura G., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Chiatti C (2010). The interaction among migrant care workers, family carers and professional services in the Italian elder care sector. 8th ESPAnet Conference “Social Policy and the Global Crisis: Consequences and Responses”, Budapest, 2nd-4th September 2010. Chiatti C., Melchiorre M.G., Di Rosa M., Principi A., Lamura G. Migrant care workers supporting older dependent people: potentials and risks of the Italian “solution” to the increasing demand for LTC services. IAGG ESR Conference, Swansea University, 1st-2nd July 2010. Lamura G., Melchiorre M.G., Quattrini S., Di Rosa M., de Dios Luna del Castillo J., Torres-Gonzàlez F., J.F. Soares J. (for the ABUEL group). Violence & Social Support. Results from the ABUEL Study. International Conference “Quality of Life and th Maltreatment of Elderly in Europe”, Madrid, 28 June 2010. Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Principi A., Greco C., Lucchetti M., Lamura G. Migrant care workers supporting older dependent people in Italy: recent trends and future developments. International Conference on “Transforming care: Provision st rd and inequalities in later life”, Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI), Copenhagen, 21 -23 June 2010. Chiatti C., Di Rosa M., Melchiorre M.G., Principi A., Greco C., Lucchetti M., Lamura G. Migrant care workers supporting older dependent people in Italy: recent trends and future developments. Changing social organization of care and its implications for social politics, Care and migration, Ljubljana, 13th-14th May 2010. Ancona, March 24th, 2014 Page 9 - Curriculum vitae di Maria Gabriella Melchiorre Maria Gabriella Melchiorre I authorize the use of my personal data under D.Lgs. 196/03
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