Poli plast beats Knobs Batticuore Poliplast Pomoli Knobs / Handles / Feet Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini Poli Plast beat Batticuore PoliPlast Poliplast nasce nel 1970 da una felice intuizione del fondatore Narciso Bevilacqua che, con passione e determinazione ha rivoluzionato il modo di concepire l’accessorio per arredamento, introducendo i polimeri come materia prima di costruzione. Dopo più di quarant’anni di attività, quella passione è ancora accesa, un battito vitale che ci permette di offrire ai nostri clienti sempre il meglio nella progettazione e realizzazione di pomoli, maniglie e piedini di qualità, complementi che, oltre a svolgere la loro naturale funzione, siano capaci di suscitare un’emozione, un palpito al cuore. Poliplast was founded in 1970 by a happy intuition of the founder Narciso Bevilacqua who, with passion and determination, has revolutionized the way of conceiving decor accessories, introducing polymers as a construction raw material. After more than forty years, that passion is still on, a life beat that allows us to offer our customers the best in design and implementation of knobs, handles and feet of quality, complements which, in addition to performing their natural function, are able to elicit an emotion, a throb to the heart. 2 3 Knobs / Handles / Feet Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini Cosa Ci isPiRa What insPiRes us MaDe in italY beat I nostri prodotti vengono ideati, progettati e realizzati totalmente in Italia. Ci prendiamo cura dei particolari che costituiscono gli ambienti in cui viviamo ogni giorno, ricerchiamo soluzioni sempre più efficaci mettendo il cuore in ogni singola fase della fabbricazione di un accessorio. Our products are entirely designed, engineered and manufactured in Italy We take care of the details that make up the environments in which we live every day, we are looking for effective solutions and we put our heart in every single phase of the manufacture of an accessory. 4 5 Knobs / Handles / Feet Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini design e innovazione Design and innovation life stile beat Nel progettare i nostri articoli esprimiamo il meglio del design italiano, con forme capaci di catturare l’attenzione e volumi che sanno donare il piacere di utilizzare un prodotto in modo facile e naturale. Design e innovazione sono i fattori principali che caratterizzano le nostre creazioni. La ricerca di nuove forme è un lavoro che svolgiamo costantemente, un impegno continuo per fornire nuove idee e nuovi complementi per l’arredamento contemporaneo e del futuro. When designing our products, we express the best of the Italian design, with catchy shapes and volumes that give the pleasure to use a product in an easy and natural way. Design and innovation are the main factors that characterize our creations. The search for new shapes is something we do constantly, an ongoing effort to provide new ideas and new accessories for the contemporary and future decor. 7 Knobs / Handles / Feet Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini PRoDuzione PRoDuCtion huMan beat Poliplast è un mondo fatto di umanità e impegno, di partecipazione e di dedizione. La caratteristica che ci distingue è la passione che mettiamo in tutto ciò che facciamo: dalla selezione dei materiali alla progettazione, dalla produzione al controllo della qualità. Ci prendiamo anche cura dell’ambiente, l’energia che utilizziamo è verde, derivante da impianti fotovoltaici di proprietà. Poliplast is a world made of humanity and commitment, participation and dedication. The feature that distinguishes us is the passion we put into everything we do: from the selection of the materials, to the design, production, and quality control. We also take care of the environment; the energy we use is green, produced by photovoltaic systems. 8 9 info Il catalogo è suddiviso in tre sezioni: pomoli, maniglie, piedini. Di seguito sono riportate le indicazioni per consultare il catalogo nel modo corretto. The catalogue is divided into three sections: knobs, handles, feet. Below are the instructions to view the catalogue in the correct way. Dati teCniCi technical data Codice articolo Code Disegno tecnico Technical drawing Immagine prodotto Photo Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini 27 110 399 110×110 h 27 Knobs / Handles / Feet i 32 LA GA SA 110 LA GO GF Gff SA SV 83 Finiture disponibili per l’articolo o per il particolare dell’articolo (Vedi pag. 143) Finishes available for article or part of article (see pag. 143) carateristiche speciali special features Polimero morbido Soft polymer Regolazione con cacciavite Screwdriver adjustment Regolazione con chiave Key adjustment finituRe PoMoli knobs finishing Laccato LA Lacquered Gomma GO Soft lacquered Satinata SA Matt 10 K Cubicato Kubic finishing Galvanica GA Plated Stampato ST Pressed Satinato vetro SV Matt glass Polimero morbido MO Soft polymer Goffrato GO Emboss TR Polimero trasparente Transparent polymer Goffrato fine Gff Fine emboss Cromo metalizzato CM Metallized chrome 11 023C 023 Ø 24 Ø 26 h 22 LA GO GF Gff SA K 24 h 20 LA GO GA Gff ST GF SA K 26 22 20 9 13 006 Ø 32 020 h 22 Ø 24 LA GO GF Gff SA K ST 32 22 h 20 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 24 20 13 16 011 Ø 20 SV 019 36×18 h 23 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 20 23 h 22 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 18 SV 22 10 36 ReggiMensola 906 angle bracket 906 412 Ø 16 85x30 412B h 19 Ø 16 LA ST SA K ST SV CM Per piani da 5 mm fino a 25 mm For panels from 5 mm to 25 mm LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 30 16 53 19 19 85 12 i 32 LA GO GF Gff SA K h 19 LA GO GF Gff SA K 16 h 53 32 13 50 25 EXAGON 429 50X60 h 25 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 60 Poliplast beats Batticuore Poliplast poliplast beats Batticuore poliplast 414 Ø 40 h 21 LA ST SA SV TR 1879P 022 Ø 40 Ø 32 h 19 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K SV h 19 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K SV 022Q 422 30x30 25×25 h 19 LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV h 27 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K SV GA SA LA 40 40 sisteMa geo 21 20 19 19 32 30 15 30 15 15 19 25 27 10 25 Dalle forme geometriche, i pomoli Geo si combinano in una gamma completa con le maniglie Geo2 e rispondono, con la versione trasparente, a diverse esigenze d’arredo. Geometrically shaped, the Geo knob combines in a completerange with the Geo2 handle and meets various furnishing needs with the transparent version. 414Q 410 40x40 30x21 h 21 h 20 LA ST SA SV TR LA GO ST GF Gff SA K GA SA LA LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 40 410SB 025 30x16 16x16 h 19 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K 016 Ø 22 h 19 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV h 26 LA GO GA GF Gff SA K 21 30 40 16 20 30 21 19 9 19 16 16 16 12 22 26 20 20 16 17 65 20 GEO 440 Ø 65 h 20 LA ST SA SV TR GF SA LA Multi 097 Attraverso la tipologia di posizionamento e la combinazione di più elementi, nella sua essenzialità, Multi097 permette infinite soluzioni nel design d’arredamento. Thanks to the typology in the positioning and the combination of various elements, the Multi097 make it possible to find an infinite number of solutions for furnishing design. 416M 416 32x12 33x13 h 20 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 12 001 h 21 Ø 27 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 32 Ø 30 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 21 13 20 002 h 27 33 Ø 29 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 27 27 003 h 31 30 h 28 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 31 29 28 12 097 66x24 h 29 i 32 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 24 66 SV 29 009 424 Ø 22 Ø 15 h 28 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K h 15 Ø 15 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 15 28 22 SV 408 15 418 h 23 Ø 20 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA 15 23 25x15 h 25 15 25 602C 401 25x15 Ø 20 15 Ø 15 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA Gff K h 25 h 24 LA GO GF Gff SA K 20 25 24 15 23 20 25 21 9 407B 407 Ø 20 Ø 16 h 29 h 27 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K LA GO ST GF Gff SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA 20 16 29 13 25 h 21 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 12 LA GO GF Gff SA K LA GO GF Gff SA K h 23 20 6 602 402 16 27 13 21 poliplast beats Batticuore poliplast UFO 428 Ø 52 h 24 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV 52 24 426T 024 36x36 Ø 36 h 22 h 21 024Q 426X 36x36 40x40 h 21 LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV LA GO ST GF SA SV LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV LA ST SA GA LA ST SA LA ST SA GA LA ST SA GA 36 22 36 36 21 36 36 20 100x92 h 22 005 LA SA ST GO GF Gff SV 48x48 h 25 20 LA GO ST GF SA Gff K 22 SA SV Only in RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 48 024QM 024M 36x36 Ø 36 MO h 21 Polimero morbido Soft polymer MO LA ST SA 25 21 sisteMa iRiDe h 21 Polimero morbido Soft polymer 36 21 92 36 48 20 22 40 LA ST SA 36 40 21 427 FANTA 100 h 22 20 Forme elementari che diventano un tributo al colore e alle dolci sensazioni. Iride è disponibile in diverse tonalità e in moltissimi materiali, anche in gomma morbida. Elementary forms that become a tribute to color and to sweet sensations. Iride is available in various shades and many materials, even in soft rubber. 25 poliplast beats Batticuore poliplast 423 Ø 45 h 33 45 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K LA K 33 SV ST Gff SA Solo con foro per vite autofilettante Only with hole for self-threading screw 015 Ø 49 013 h 30 Ø 41 LA GO ST SA K SA GA LA GO ST SA SV SV Solo RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 SA GA Solo RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 41 30 49 h 25 25 20 20 425 Ø 70 h 29 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K ST 29 70 SV Solo RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 015M 013M Ø 49 Ø 41 h 30 30 49 h 25 41 20 008 Ø 52 52 h 22 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K 26 22 MO SA SV 25 20 MO Solo RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 Polimero morbido Soft polymer SA Solo RAL 9006 Only in RAL 9006 Polimero morbido Soft polymer ClouD 073 Da oggi le nuvole si possono toccare. Ideata per i più piccoli, la maniglia 073 si abbina perfettamente con la linea Fantasy di Poliplast. Since today it is possible to touch the clouds. Developped thinking to the kids, the 073 handle matches perfectly the Fantasy line of Poliplast. 073 135 135x74 h 26 74 Disponibile anche nella finitura “cielo con nuvole” Available also in the “cloudy sky” finish i 32 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV 32 26 427E 427F 71x53 53x56 h 27 LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV 71 h 25 53 27 25 53 56 427P 427G 44x41 27x56 h 23 LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV 44 h 24 LA GO ST GF Gff SA SV 27 23 41 24 56 Finitura Glitter Glitter finishing 29 1667 1600F 135x74 72x50 LA GO GF Gff SA Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive 1669 255x86 LA GO GF Gff SA 135 72 74 Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive LA GO GF Gff SA 3 Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive 255 50 86 2 5 1665 1666 1600S 67x70 72x70 70x70 LA GO GF Gff SA 67 70 30 Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive LA GO GF Gff SA 3 72 70 Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive LA GO GF Gff SA 3 70 Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive 3 70 31 1599G 1599M 1599P 115x130 h 8 90x105 h 8 75x85 h8 LA GO SA GF Gff SA K LA GO SA GF Gff SA K LA GO SA GF Gff SA K Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive Fissaggio con biadesivo Fixing with biadesive 115 8 90 8 75 8 85 105 130 32 CuoRe 312 La maniglia Cuore312 amplia e completa la serie Fantasy dedicata ai più piccoli. The handle Cuore 312 extends and completes the Fantasy series dedicated to children. 312 84x97 h 26 i 32 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K 97 26 32 84 35 50 24 64 87 500-509 50x87 h 24 i 64 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV linea CifRax Disponibili dal zero al nove, con le maniglie Cifrax finalmente potete dare i numeri in arredamento. Particolarità importanti della serie Cifrax sono l’uniformità delle dimensioni e degli interassi di fissaggio che consentono un perfetto allineamento dei numeri in fase di montaggio. Available from the zero up to the nine, by the new handles of the Cifrax line you can finally, “give the numbers in the furnishing”. Important and peculiar characteristic of the Cifrax line is the uniformity of the overall dimensions and of the distance between the fixing hole centers, which allows the perfect alignment of the numbers in the assembling operations. 36 37 413 40x23 h 22 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 22 23 40 021B 021 Ø 27 Ø 32 h 23 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA 27 23 18 38 h 27 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA 32 27 25 021A 026 Ø 32 Ø 35 h 27 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 32 27 25 h 26 026E 028 Ø 35 Ø 22 h 26 GA ST K ST LA GO GA ST SA 35 26 18 SA 35 26 18 h 21 028B 029 Ø 22 Ø 25 h 19 h 20 LA ST SA K LA ST SA K LA GA ST SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 22 21 11 22 25 19 11 16 20 13 39 421 56x22 h 28 LA GO ST GF SA LA ST SA K SV 28 22 16 56 417 007 Ø 32 h 22 43x13 LA GO GA ST GF SA K 409 h 25 26x15 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K SV h 28 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA LA ST GF Gff SA SV 15 25 13 32 28 22 26 43 13 floWeR 415 Disponibili in innumerevoli colori, i fiori 415 entrano con gioia nelle camerette dei nostri bambini. Available in a lot of colours, the flowers 415 enrich with joy our children's rooms. 415 Ø 56 004 h 24 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K Ø 20 403 h 22 Ø 18 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA SV Gff 56 h 23 29x21 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K h 19 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K 24 20 18 22 10 40 356 17 23 20 19 12 32 41 poliplast beats Batticuore poliplast 010 Ø 20 010B h 25 Ø 12 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K ST Solo bianco o nero Only in white or in black 20 25 017 Ø 15 h 22 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K ST Solo bianco o nero Only in white or in black 12 22 018 411 h 27 Ø 11 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA 15 27 Ø 30 h 23 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 11 SV 23 h 25 TR 30 25 20 baloon 419 bath 018 Robusto ed ergonomico, il pomolo 419 si inserisce nella logica dei prodotti nati per offrire concretezza e semplicità d’uso. Trasparente come l’acqua, il pomolo Bath018 ha la vite a scomparsa per adattarsi alle chiusure dei box doccia, dal più semplice al sofisticato. Sturdy and ergonomic, the 419 knob has been designed following the concept of all the products born to offer concreteness and ease in the use. 012 Ø 10 52 419 Ø 52 h 38 10 38 404 h 23 LA GO GF Gff SA K 10 23 Ø 10 h 23 LA GO GA ST GF Gff SA K 10 SV Transparent like water, the Bath018 knob has hidden screws to adapt to shower closures, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. 23 LA GO ST GF Gff SA K Solo con foro per vite autofilettante Only with hole for self-threading screw 3 2 43 aPPenDiabiti hangers Poliplast presenta una linea di appendiabiti eleganti, raffinati, ma soprattutto estremamente funzionali. Poliplast presents a line of elegant, sophisticated but above all, extremely functional hangers. 90 90 181 62 40 Knobs / Handles / Feet 90 90 181 62 450 65×65 65 h 40 42 i 32 LA SA K 902 Ø 90 h 181 ST SA SV 65 Pomoli / Maniglie / Piedini 40 SA GA 32 34 PassaCavo 905 Desk cable grommet 55 54 74 32 55 905 Ø 74/55 1705L h 11-26-38 11-26-38 Ø 55 h 54 LA GO GA Gff GF SA Gff LA ST SA CM 60 44 54 MO 32 Maniglie hanDles ColoRi e finituRe ColoRs anD finishing indice dei prOdOtti - prOduct list POMOLi DOOR KNOBS art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 001 . . . . . . .21 002 . . . . . . .21 003 . . . . . . 21 004 . . . . . . .41 005 . . . . . . .25 006 . . . . . . .12 007 . . . . . . .41 008 . . . . . . .26 009 . . . . . . .20 010 . . . . . . .43 010B . . . . . .43 011 . . . . . . .12 012 . . . . . . .43 013 . . . . . . .27 013M . . . . .27 015 . . . . . . .27 015M . . . . .27 016 . . . . . . .17 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 017 . . . . . . .43 018 . . . . . . .43 019 . . . . . . .12 020 . . . . . . .12 021 . . . . . . .38 021a . . . . . .38 021B . . . . . .38 022 . . . . . . .17 022Q. . . . . .17 023 . . . . . . .12 023c . . . . . .12 024 . . . . . . .25 024M . . . . .25 024Q. . . . . .25 024QM . . . .25 025 . . . . . . .17 026 . . . . . . .38 026e . . . . . .39 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 028 . . . . . . .39 028B . . . . . .39 029 . . . . . . .39 073 . . . . . . .28 097 . . . . . . .20 312 . . . . . . .35 356 . . . . . . .41 401 . . . . . . .21 402 . . . . . . .21 403 . . . . . . .41 404 . . . . . . .43 407 . . . . . . .21 407B . . . . . .21 408 . . . . . . .21 409 . . . . . . .41 410 . . . . . . .16 410sB . . . . .17 411 . . . . . . .43 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 412 . . . . . . .12 412B . . . . . .12 413 . . . . . . .38 414 . . . . . . .16 414Q. . . . . .16 415 . . . . . . .40 416 . . . . . . .20 416M . . . . .20 417 . . . . . . .41 418 . . . . . . 21 419 . . . . . . .42 421 . . . . . . .41 422 . . . . . . .17 423 . . . . . . .26 424 . . . . . . .20 425 . . . . . . .26 426t . . . . . .25 426X . . . . . .25 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 427e . . . . . .29 427f . . . . . .29 427p . . . . . .29 427g . . . . . .29 427fanta. . .24 428 . . . . . . .22 429 . . . . . . .14 440 . . . . . . .18 450 . . . . . . .13 602 . . . . . . .20 602c . . . . . .20 902 . . . . . . .13 905 . . . . . . .13 1665 . . . . . .30 1666 . . . . . .30 1667 . . . . . .30 1669 . . . . . .31 1600s . . . . .31 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 1600f . . . . .30 1599g . . . . .32 1599M . . . .32 1599p . . . . .32 1705l . . . . .13 1879p . . . . .16 906 . . . . . . .44 1564 . . . . .106 1565 . . . . .106 1643 . . . . .106 1650gr. . .107 1650pi . . .107 1766B . . . .106 1784 . . . . .107 1911 . . . . .106 025c . . . . . .82 030 . . . . . . .92 031 . . . . . . .92 032 . . . . . . .92 033 . . . . . . .92 035 . . . . . . .97 036 . . . . . . .64 036B . . . . . .64 036d. . . . . .64 036e . . . . . .64 037B . . . . . .57 039 . . . . . . .80 040 . . . . . .104 041 . . . . . . .81 042 . . . . . . .71 043 . . . . . . .71 044 . . . . . . .47 045B . . . . . .71 046B . . . . . .74 048 . . . . . . .71 049 . . . . . . .71 050 . . . . . . .73 050B . . . . . .73 051 . . . . . .110 052 . . . . . . .63 052B . . . . . .63 053 . . . . . .109 054 . . . . . .108 055 . . . . . .103 056 . . . . . .109 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 057 . . . . . .108 058B . . . . . .97 059 . . . . . .108 060B . . . . . .73 060c . . . . . .73 062 . . . . . . .77 062B . . . . . .77 063 . . . . . .109 064 . . . . . .109 066 . . . . . . .46 066B . . . . . .46 067 . . . . . . .85 068 . . . . . . .81 069 . . . . . .108 070 . . . . . . .62 072 . . . . . .102 074 . . . . . . .66 076 . . . . . . .60 076a . . . . . .60 076B . . . . . .60 076c . . . . . .60 076e . . . . . .60 077 . . . . . .105 078a . . . . .107 078B . . . . .107 078c . . . . .107 079 . . . . . . .97 080 . . . . . . .97 081 . . . . . . .82 082 . . . . . . .82 142 145a . . . . .133 145ar . . . .133 700a . . . . .127 700B . . . . .127 701a . . . . .126 701B . . . . .126 701c . . . . .126 703 . . . . . .132 704r . . . . .136 706 . . . . . .134 706r . . . . .134 707 . . . . . .125 707r . . . . .125 709 . . . . . .116 709r . . . . .116 709 trasp .119 710 . . . . . .125 710-12 . . .122 Gli articoli Poliplast possono essere laccati con tutta la gamma di colori RAL. Poliplast’s items can be lacquered in the complete RAL colour range. ST STAMPATI PRESSED The items are produced with originally coloured plastic. Minimum order 5.000 pcs. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art art. art. art art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 083 . . . . . . .82 084 . . . . . . .71 085 . . . . . .110 085g . . . . .110 085l . . . . .110 086 . . . . . . .47 087 . . . . . .109 088 . . . . . . .81 089B . . . . . .63 089c . . . . . .63 091a . . . . . .73 091B . . . . . .73 092 . . . . . . .85 092B . . . . . .85 093 . . . . . .104 093B . . . . .104 094 . . . . . . .53 094M . . . . .53 095 . . . . . .109 096 . . . . . . .53 096M . . . . .53 098 . . . . . . .97 099 . . . . . . .97 100 . . . . . .109 300a . . . . . .84 300B . . . . . .84 300c . . . . . .84 300d. . . . . .84 300e . . . . . .84 302 . . . . . . .85 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 303d. . . . . .58 303Q. . . . . .58 304 . . . . . . .48 304B . . . . . .48 305 . . . . . . .65 306 . . . . . . .47 307 . . . . . .104 308 . . . . . . .96 310 . . . . . . .69 311 . . . . . . .69 314 . . . . . . .62 315 . . . . . . .91 317 . . . . . . .87 318 . . . . . . .89 319 . . . . . .103 322 . . . . . . .78 324 . . . . . . .97 325 . . . . . . .85 326 . . . . . . .81 326pl . . . . .81 327 . . . . . . .97 329 . . . . . . .95 334 . . . . . . .98 335 . . . . . . .98 337 . . . . . . .55 337B . . . . . .55 339B . . . . . .52 339M . . . . .52 341 . . . . . .103 343 . . . . . .103 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 344 . . . . . .108 345 . . . . . .108 346 . . . . . . .96 348 . . . . . .103 350 . . . . . . .66 362 . . . . . .109 363 . . . . . . .67 363B . . . . . .67 364 . . . . . .103 366 . . . . . . .72 366B . . . . . .72 366c . . . . . .72 366f . . . . . .67 372 . . . . . . .80 374a . . . . . .80 374B . . . . . .80 374c . . . . . .80 375 . . . . . .110 376 . . . . . . 81 377 . . . . . . .65 380 . . . . . . .62 381 . . . . . . .96 385 . . . . . . .96 386 . . . . . . .96 387 . . . . . . .66 388 . . . . . . .66 389 . . . . . . .93 389B . . . . . .93 389c . . . . . .93 389d. . . . . .93 art. 391BM . . . .52 art. 391M . . . . .52 art. 392 . . . . . . .54 art. 392B . . . . . .54 art. 393 . . . . . .100 art. 394 . . . . . . .85 art. 395 . . . . . . .97 art. 396a . . . . . .72 art. 396B . . . . . .72 art. 396c . . . . . .72 art. 397 . . . . . . .96 art. 399 . . . . . . .83 art. 405 . . . . . . .50 art. 406d. . . . . .58 art. 406Q. . . . . .58 art. 430 . . . . . . .70 art. 434 . . . . . . .98 art. 434Q. . . . . .98 art. 500 . . . . . . .36 art. 501 . . . . . . .36 art. 502 . . . . . . .36 art. 503 . . . . . . .36 art. 504 . . . . . . .36 art. 505 . . . . . . .36 art. 506 . . . . . . .36 art. 507 . . . . . . .36 art. 508 . . . . . . .36 art. 509 . . . . . . .36 giunzione t . . . . . .92 PiEDiNi FEET art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art art. art. art. art. art. LACCATI LACQUERED Gli articoli vengono realizzati con plastiche colorate all’origine. Ordine minimo 5.000 pz. MANiGLiE HANDLES art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art art. art. art. art. art. LA 710 led. . .120 711 . . . . . .125 716 . . . . . .132 717 . . . . . .132 718 . . . . . .133 720 . . . . . .117 720 led. . .121 720r . . . . .122 720 trasp .119 720W . . . .117 724 . . . . . .137 725 . . . . . .133 727r . . . . .112 729 . . . . . .133 729a . . . . .133 730 . . . . . .123 731 . . . . . .137 731sp . . . .137 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 733 . . . . . .127 734 . . . . . .136 735 . . . . . .136 740 . . . . . .124 740a . . . . .124 740B . . . . .124 741 . . . . . .127 743 . . . . . .131 744 . . . . . .132 747 . . . . . .131 750 . . . . . .131 752 . . . . . .127 753 . . . . . .129 754a . . . . .138 754B . . . . .138 755 . . . . . .131 756 . . . . . .128 757 . . . . . .124 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 758 . . . . . .132 758r . . . . .132 759 . . . . . .126 760 . . . . . .126 761 . . . . . .128 761B . . . . .129 761s . . . . .129 762 . . . . . .133 763 . . . . . .126 764 . . . . . .138 765 . . . . . .128 765B . . . . .128 766 . . . . . .114 766r . . . . .114 767 . . . . . .114 767B . . . . .126 769a . . . . .129 769B . . . . .129 art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. 770 . . . . . .128 770B . . . . .129 774 . . . . . .138 776 . . . . . .115 776r . . . . .115 777 . . . . . .115 777r . . . . .115 778 . . . . . .115 778r . . . . .115 900 . . . . . .140 900W . . . .140 900f . . . . .140 1001 . . . . .141 1002 . . . . .141 1002f . . . .141 1003 . . . . .141 1003f . . . .141 1004 . . . . .141 art. 1004f . . . .141 art. 1005 . . . . .141 art. 1538 . . . . .126 art. 1550 . . . . .131 art. 1560-5 . . .133 art. 1560-6 . . .133 art. 1593 . . . . .129 art. 1663 . . . . .133 combi art. at 764 . . .139 art. at 764B . .139 art. at 764Bf .139 art. at 764f . .139 art. at 764p . .139 art. at 764s . .139 art. at 764t . .139 art. at 774 . . .139 art. at 774p . .139 CUBICATO KUBIC FINISHING 8 tinte base per 5 varianti di venatura più 2 colorazioni speciali danno la possibilità di ottenere 37 “finiture legno” diverse per soddisfare qualsiasi tipo di esigenza. 8 basic colours in 5 different graint variants added to 2 special colourings from which it is possible to obtain 37 kubic finishings to satisfy each requirement. GF GOFFRATI EMBOSS 4 colorazioni in tessuto liquido. 4 velvet lacquered colourings. SV SATINATI VETRO MATT GLASS Sono disponibili 13 colorazioni satinate vetro. Gff Available in 13 matt glass finishings. GOFFRATO FINE FINE EMBOSS Sono disponibili 20 colorazioni goffrato fine. Available in 20 colors. SA SATINATI MATT Sono disponibili 5 colorazioni satinate. MO GOMMA MORBIDA SOFT MATERIAL Available in 5 matt finishings. Sono disponibili 8 colorazioni. Available in 8 colors. GO GOMMA SOFT LACQUERED Disponibile in un’unica colorazione nera opaca. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. art. K TR POLIMERO TRASPARENTE TRANSPARENT POLYMER CM CROMO METALLIZATO METALLIZED CHROME Available only in matt black finishing. GA GALVANICI PLATED Finiture a specchio disponibili in 2 cromie. Glass finishings available in two chromies. 143 LA LA LACCATI LACQUERED LACCATI LEGNO LACQUERED WOOD Gff MO GOFFRATO FINE FINE EMBOSS Bianco 01 Withe 01 Bianco 03 Withe 03 Avorio 01 Ivory 01 Avorio 04 Ivory 04 Giallo 01 Yellow 01 Faggio 1 Beech 1 Bianco Z White Z Magnolia B Magnolia B Giallo Cedro B Yellow cedro B Bianco White Giallo 02 Yellow 02 Giallo 03 Yellow 03 Giallo 04 Yellow 04 Giallo 05 Yellow 05 Rosa 01 Pink 01 Rovere 2 Oak 2 Giallo Z Yellow Z Arancio Z Orange Z Rosso B Red B Giallo Yellow Rosa 02 Pink 02 Rosa 03 Pink 03 Rosa 04 Pink 04 Rosso 01 Red 01 Rosso 02 Red 02 Noce chiaro 15 Light Walnut 15 Rosso Z Red Z Rosa B pink B Viola B Violet B Arancio Orange Rosso 03 Red 03 Rosso 04 Red 04 Rosso 05 Red 05 Azzurro 01 Azure 01 Azzurro02 Azure 02 Ciliegio 1 Cherry 1 Fuxia B Fuxia B Azzurro Z Azure Z Azzurro B Azure B Rosso Red Azzurro 04 Azure 04 Blu 01 Blue 01 Blu 02 Blue 02 Blu 03 Blue 03 Blu 04 Blue 04 Noce 1 Walnut 1 Blu B Blue B Verde Pistacchio Z Pistachio nut Green Z Verde Prato B Field Green B Verde Green Blu 05 Blue 05 Blu 06 Blue 06 Blu 09 Blue 09 Blu 10 Blue 10 Verde 01 Green 01 Noce scuro 2 Dark Walnut 2 Rovere sbiancato S White Oak S Moka Z Moca Z Moka S Moca S Azzurro Azure Verde 02 Green 02 Verde 03 Green 03 Verde 04 Green 04 Verde 05 Green 05 Verde 06 Green 06 Rovere Grigio S Grey Oak S Rovere Moro M Moor Oak M Verde 07 Green 07 Verde 11 Green 11 Verde 12 Green 12 Verde 13 Green 13 Verde 14 Green 14 Grigio 01 Grey 01 Grigio 02 Grey 02 Grigio 04 Grey 04 GOMMA MORBIDA SOFT MATERIAL Grigio Grey Nero Black le colorazioni del prodotto potranno avere leggere variazioni rispetto alle tabelle the colourings of the product might have slight differences respect the indicated tables 144 145 SV SA SATINATI VETRO MATT GLASS SATINATI MATT GF GOFFRATI EMBOSS GA GALVANICI PLATED ST glitter e glitter èmulticolor A richiesta disponibile la finitura Glitter glitter and multicolor glitter STAMPATI PRESSED applicabile su tutti i prodotti Poliplast. On request i available the glitter finishing on all Poliplast items. Opalino Opale Azzurro 01 Azure 02 Satinato alluminio Matt aluminium Verde Green Azzurro 02 Azure 02 Azzurro 03 Azure 03 RAL 9007** metallizzato Metallic** RAL 9007 Blu Blue Rosa Rose Verde 01 Green 01 Oro satinato Matt gold Verde 02 Green 02 Verde 03 green 03 Arancio 01 Orange 01 Arancio 02 Orange 02 Giallo Yellow Lilla Violet Rosso red 9006 Fuxia Fuxia Cromo Chrome Oro Gold Grigio Grey Nero Black CM CROMO METALIZZATO METALLIZED CHROME Cromo metalizzato Metallized Chrome GO GOMMA SOFT LACQUERED Bianco White Nero Black Giallo Yellow Rosso Red Celeste Sky blue Grigio Grey 1 3 13 13 A 13 B 15 VITERIE PIEDINI FEET SCREWS Nero Black A1= vite/screw 6 MA×16 B1= dado/nut 6 MA A2= vite/screw 8 MA×16 B2= dado/nut 8 MA le colorazioni del prodotto potranno avere leggere variazioni rispetto alle tabelle the colourings of the product might have slight differences respect the indicated tables 146 147 K CUBICATO KUBIC FINISHING Radica Briar Palissandro Palisander Fibra di carbonio Carbon fiber Aritmetico Arithmetical Retinato alluminio Aluminium texture Cielo con nuvole Sky with clouds Aragosta 15 Noce Rovere Bay oak Frassino Ash Ciliegio Cherry Faggio Beech Rovere sbiancato Bleched oak Acero Maple-tree Aragosta 1 13 B / 15 13 B 13 A Sabbia chiaro / Light sand Bianco / White 1 le colorazioni del prodotto potranno avere leggere variazioni rispetto alle tabelle the colourings of the product might have slight differences respect the indicated tables 148 149 note 150 151 Poliplast snc Via Roma, 118 31024 Ormelle (TV) - Italy Tel. +39.0422.815408 - 815426 Fax +39.0422.814123 [email protected] www.poliplast.net le illustrazioni, i dati e le colorazioni riportate in questo catalogo sono indicative. la poliplast si riserva di apportare, senza obbligo di preavviso, tutte le modifiche che riterrà più opportune per l'evoluzione del prodoto. listed pictures, details and finishing areindicative. M/s poliplast reserve the right to apply without any advanced obligation all the opportune changes for products evolution. Poli Plast beats P studio.it
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