P o r t f o l i o Arch. Martina Massari selected works 2009 | 2014 c o n t e n t s 1 curriculum vitae 2 master thesis 3 workshop 4 competitions 5 academic projects 03 05 11 13 24 Martina Massari 1 CV Personal information Date of birth: 18-03-1988 Adress[es]: via Ugo La Malfa 26, 47030 San Mauro Pascoli, (FC) via Savonarola 27/a 44100 Ferrara (FE) Nationality: Italian E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +39 338 5298061 Education and training 26/06/2014 Architect’s registration Board 13/01/2014 Licensed architect Working experience 20-5-2013 | present Indipendent contractor Studio Canapè - Cantieri Aperti Via Fondobanchetto 22 (FE) - 2nd prize for ideas competition “Riordino urbanistico e riconversione funzionale del Comparto dell’Ospedale degli Infermi” (Biella). Working group: Canapè cantieri aperti - Arch. Sergio Fortini, Arch. Elisa Uccellatori (FE) Uteco - Arch. Francesco Vazzano, Dott. Arch. Anna Luciani (FE) Arch. Roberto Melai (GE) - international competition “Vlora Waterfront competition” Working group: Arch. Elisa Uccellatori, Dott. Arch. Vittorino Belpoliti - urban design project “Museo diffuso del paesaggio rurale” di Jolanda di Savoia. Working group: dott. Arch. Francesco Alberti, dott. Agr. Gloria Minarelli, Arch. Sergio Fortini - collaboration in the process for the masterplan of the Comacchio PSC (currently underway) - graphic assistance to urban and architectural project 27/04/2014–10/05/2014 05/05/2013–16/05/2013 22/03/2013 Draftsman at Amga Energia Servizi s.r.l Amga Energia s.r.l., San Mauro Pascoli (FC) (Italia) Graphic assistance CAD designer Master Degree in Architecture with final grade “110 e lode” (First class honours) Urban planning, architectural design, technical drawing, history of architecture and restoration, tecniques of restoration, urban design, landscape design, administrative law. Final thesis work: “Re-thinking Europe’s gate: project of urban and territorial regeneration for the island of Lampedusa.” with Professor Francesca Leder , link: http://issuu.com/martinamassari/docs/tesi_lampedusa_ceno_ massari/1 2/05/2012 – 12/5/2012 Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme TESS1-Territorial Empowerment and Social Sustainability Francesca Leder, University of Ferrara, department of Architecture, via della Ghiara, 36, Ferrara TESS1 explores ways of combining spatial structures and social relations. 09/2010 – 06/2011 ERASMUS programme Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA BARCELONATECH, Av. Diagonal, 649-651, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) Urban and architectural design, environmental planning, anthropology, landscape planning. Intensive course of Spanish language. Course of Catalan language. Academic Tutor for Erasmus Intensive Programme TESS 2 Francesca Leder, University of Ferrara, department of Archi- tecture, via della Ghiara, 36, Ferrara Activities of teaching support, management and organization of the workshop 2007 | 2013 Università degli studi di Bologna - Facoltà di architettura di Cesena Professor for Erasmus Intensive Programme TESS 3 Francesca Leder, University of Ferrara, department of Architecture, via della Ghiara, 36, Ferrara Preparation of educational content of the workshop Collegial seminars: presentations of research work carried out through the year inscription at Ordine degli architetti, pianificatori, paesaggisti e conservatori della provincia di Forlì-Cesena with the number 1358. 2002 – 2007 High school diploma with final grade 96/100 Liceo Scientifico “Marie Curie” Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 1, Savignano Sul Rubicone (FC) (Italy) 15/05/2014–16/05/2014 04/04/2014 1-12-2013 Conferences, awards and publications Personal skills and competences XVII National Conference Italian Society Urbanism Italian: mother tongue Inglese: level C1 Spagnolo: level C2 SIU - Società Italiana Urbanisti, Milano (Italia) Atelier 11: “progettare green cities”. Coordinators: Maurizio Carta, Ester Zazzero. Discussant: Carlo Gasparrini. Presentation of the paper “Un’opportunità per Lampedusa. Studio di un quartiere eco-turistico per la riattivazione dell’isola. “Ferrara school of architecture” diploma Unitown - Università degli studi di Ferrara - Comune di Ferrara Diploma of excellence and international value of the academic curriculum and thesis. Inclusion in the university network of European universitary excellence “Unitown”. Publication: “Heritage Preservation through Local Community Action” synthesis report of the work of the 2nd year of Intensive Programme. Text editing and graphic layout. link: http://issuu.com/giovanna.ceno/docs/heritage_preservation_ through_local 17/06/2013–19/06/2013 27/09/2012 – 10/10/2012 Good organizational skills gained during the two years of collaboration in educational and laboratory activities of the workshop TESS in Vicenza. Good management skills of multilingual working groups. Technical skills and competences Research team “Tracce Urbane”, Rome (Italy) Participation as auditor at the conference on the processes of re-appropriation of the city, practices, places and imaginary. 7th Bienal de Paisaje Computer skills and competences Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - ETSAB - UPC Master arquitectura del paisatge Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain) Exposiciòn Internacional de Proyectos de Paisaje de Escuelas de Arquitectura y Paysaje. Participation with the works produced during the workshop TESS. IELTS Certification (International English Language Testing System) - Academic module - level 7.5 First Certificate in English (FCE) - livello B2 University of Cambridge – ESOL Examinations, Rimini (Italy) 1-12-2013 Organisational skills and competences Conference “Tracce Urbane - 4” British Council examinations. European level C1. 2006 Excellent communication skills and team work, gained through the experience of studying abroad and established during the workshop activities carried out; opening to interdisciplinary and horizontal work experience. Good knowledge and inclination for urban planning Great expertise in post-production of images Good expertise in urban planning Good knowledge in competitions of architecture and urban planning Mastery in architectural and structural design Good expertise in the layout, and graphics in the care of publications in architecture / urban planning Certifications 21/09/2013 Social skills and competences European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Patente Europea del Computer AICA-Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico MS Windows 7 Apple Mac OS X Autodesk Autocad 2D - 3D Google SketchUP Nemetschek Allplan Maxon Cinema4D Suite Adobe Creative ( Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign ) Suite iWork Suite Microsoft Office ( Word, Excel, Power Point) e OpenOffice 2 master thesis | Ripensare la porta d’Europa progetto di rigenerazione urbana e territoriale per l’isola di Lampedusa territorial regeneration | environmental sustainability | urban design Ferrara 2013 | Tutors: prof. Francesca Leder, Arch. Sergio Fortini Moving from the awareness that Italy’s most significant heritage lies in its diversities and specific local uniqueness, that today are undergoing so many pressures unconceivable only 50 years ago, our thesis wants to develop a project for the urban and territorial renovation with the aim of managing today’s situation offering a new scenario in which a new balance between tradition and innovation may prevail. The rebirth of small areas, especially if minor or far-away, can occur only if we consider an overall arrangement. A suitable strategy centered on the correct reuse of the existing building heritage and on the urban requalification and valorization of public spaces must develop within a frame of binding together the existing and its physical and space elements with the cultural, historical and local traditions. Ages and events intertwine and shape places, form layers of different shapes which today remain just as feeble marks, hiding new answers and opportunities but in original structure. The remains of a complex past, the “wounds” of the land and of the souls, the elements that haven’t disappeared yet, must form the starting point in the research of new planning solutions for a transformation at local level, for ordinary places, as well as at world level, in a globalised scenario in which endemic self-sustainability seems now to be left out. The Island of Lampedusa, an isolated and extremely fragile territory, is an extraordinary case-study where the theme of local development requires to be adapted to an extra-ordinary reality being at the same time field of experimentation for a model project which aspires to be repeated in other contexts. The project can only be realized with the juxtaposition of the two scales, regional and local levels. Only by controlling the two levels and their interactions we allow the island to become truly autonomous, chasing the autonomy and stability guaranteed by its social fabric and its economic and relational system. While demonstrating, in due time, the approach and the model proposed by the thesis lead to the accomplishment of self-sustainabilityit may be stated the repeatability of the model. The project has to evolve with the application of the “invariants of transformation” that are the basis of every local regeneration project, including the construction of multi-functional spaces which entrust the role of “urban magnet”, the attention to landscape aspects and environmental factors and especially the integration of punctual elements, the urban and the territorial context. 3 Erasmus Intensive Programme TESS Being a space becoming a place territorial empowerment | social sustainability | participation IIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ?I?II?I?II?II?II IIII ? ?? !!!! II IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII II III I I II I IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!! I I IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII I IIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I?I?IIIIII!I!! IIII ??? ? ???? ?!! ??? 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I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I I IIIIIII I II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIII III IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIII III IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIII I IIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIII I IIIIIIII II IIII IIIIIIIII IIII I I I I IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I wondering about [people of] ferrovieri... IIII IIII II IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII G5 IIIIIIII IIIII IIII I IIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII II II II I IIIII II III III G4 IIII I IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIII I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIII IIIII G6 ??? 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III IIIIII IIII II III IIIIIIII IIIII I IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII II IIIII IIIIIIII III IIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII II II III IIIIIIIII II II II I IIII IIIII I IIIII IIII IIII I IIIIIIIII III IIII IIII IIII II IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIII G6 IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII In the most recent years, considerations about economic and social development have become urgent questions both for design and planning practice.TESS aims to introduce the students to a different design approach based on the need of providing individuals and communities the basic skills for understanding the physical implication of urban policies, considering this approach crucial for citizen empowerment in the planning process of postindustrial cities and territories. TESS 1/2012 was focused on the idea of the importance of physical space as an agent of social innovation: Being a space, becoming a place wish to represent not just a city beautification design slogan, but as first goal the key to urban regeneration and to the collective civic action. The proposed training project is a collaboration of three schools of architecture (Ferrara, Barcelona and Lisbon) coordinated by a team of teachers who are working on issues related to the management of the processes of urban transformation. A comparative analysis of different European experiences is set as the main educational objective of this Intensive Programme which aims to provide participating students the opportunity to explore some important aspects of urban policies in Europe, in particular the practice of planning and design developed in the context local Italy, Spain and Portugal are characterized by a fruitful collaboration between public administrations and citizens. IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII I I II II II II I!I!I!I!I II !!I!II! III IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Vicenza 2012 | Professori: Francesca Leder, Silvano Custoza, Giulio Verdini, Carles Llop, Graca Moreira, Pedro Rodriguez wondering about [people of] ferrovieri... I n q u a d r a m e n t o 4 Design Competition | Ludoteca per disabili Milano Porta Nuova design for disabilities | cohesion spaces | urban grafting Ferrara 2014 | Canapè - Cantieri Aperti, Arch. Sergio Fortini (FE), Arch.Elisa Uccellatori This project develops a new piece of the park “the library of the trees” in a coherent way with the context: a building accessible, secure and free of architectural barriers, which functions as a device for children to discover the world through play and exploration. The building follows an endogenous logic, that allows the spatiality of the interior of generating external environments always different although belonging to a unique system. The volume of the project is a single body, transparent on the ground floor and more massive on the first floor. This is intended to reflect the two types of users: children, who should have free access (physical and visual) in all areas, in security; parents, who may want a more intimate setting in which to share their experiences and get help and advice. Interior space | classrooms The design concept is that of a central core of services and vertical connections from which is dynamically developing a crown of classrooms, with windows to the garden, in perfect continuity with each other and with the outside world. The outdoor areas are a natural continuation of those covered: visual continuity between inside and outside that goes with it, feeds the perception of a complex and rich space which seems bigger. The outdoor area Designed as a sort of outdoor classroom, the outside is a natural continuation of the park in front of it and implements the educational purpose through the division into different areas, five of which are related to the senses. The area includes tactile elements or carved in relief and a sandpit. The auditory area was instead designed with tubs of different heights: the water, going from one tank to another and between different types of green, develops special sounds that attract the interest and curiosity of children. Design Competition | A new centrality for Taglio di Po urban design | environmental sustainability | heritage preservation Ferrara 2014 | Arch. Michele Giordani, Arch. Riccardo Rubini, CITER: Prof. Romeo Farinella The present town of Taglio di Po sees the partition of its public space in three recognizable areas each reflecting a singular centrality, with their different characteristics: Piazza IV Novembre is perceived as an amorphous space, without clear boundaries and rarely practiced by pedestrians (except for market days) since colonized almost entirely from a parking lot; Piazza Venezia which has trees and parking spaces, a waiting place well-defined in its own and finally the churchyard suffering of separation from the rest of the areas by the busy road in front of it. Each area work in itself, but remains untied from the others, depriving the value of a central public space with great potential. The project strategy aims to unify the value and physical continuity of these spaces with a simple approach, but at the same time generating areas rich in social features and new meanings: a unique, distinguishable main route winds, from the churchyard to the town square, through each area, giving rise to other signs that redefine surfaces, connect flows, redesigns road layouts. This creates a single coherent system, within which each centrality develops its own particular role within the urban fabric: a centrality for the town (‘listone’ in porphyry from Piazza IV Novembre to the churchyard), a service for territory (parking IV Novembre), a centrality for the environment (the large green area in Piazza Venezia). Within the system, the sense of autonomy of each urban area allows the realization of a project in phases. LA FLESSIBILITA’ DELLO SPAZIO il recupero della pavimen il mercato settimanale accessibilità/pedonalizzaizone/ev sagre/fiere 62 m 66 m la piazza-giardino a spettacoli/eventi identità locale/aggregazione/fun alta MANUTENZIONE prima piantata ARBUSTIVE ERBACEE PERENNI seconda piantata bassa TAPPEZZANTI anno 1 anno 2 anno 3 anno 4 0,00 DIVERSIFICAZIONE NEL TEMPO / stabilizzazione della manutenzione e incremento della biodiversità -0,20 0,00 0,00 International Competition | V for Vlorë Valorisation. Vision. Viability. urban design | public spaces | landscape design Ferrara 2014 | Canapè - Cantieri Aperti, Arch. Elisa Uccellatori, Arch. Vittorino Belpoliti, Arch. Anna Luciani Working on VLORA the goal is to propose a new vision for the whole Albanian coast, embracing the ongoing plan of the Government to demolish every building on the west side of the panoramic road that runs along the coastline. Giving the waterfront back to the public domain will increase the potential of Albania’s shoreline and maximize its touristic appeal. Shore for Albanians, shore for tourists. Several and diversified uses of the coast will be suggested by an in-depth project to give new functionality to different areas. The new vision of the coastline can act as a promoter for inland areas. The road meets the water in Vlorë, creating an interesting mixture of speed and visibility. Taking advantage of these interweaving aspects it’s possible to create a synapse and use the natural stage the city offers to promote the territory and suggest a stop where it used to be mostly transit. We invite the people to stop and enjoy the area or to take a panoramic detour. To do so we will insert HUBS in the network of roads and paths to function as LANDMARKS visible and recognizable, being always different but containing a common range of functions. HUBS are meant to pace the journey along the coast, being repeated in locations where the paths cross and the landscape invites for further discovery. HUBS will be highly VISIBLE and recognizable. HUBS will work as a node for infrastructures; they can be used as pit stops and crossings at the same time. HUBS are places to change mean of transportation. the entertainment barge moves through construction-sites to attend and control the building process it hosts concerts parties and artistic exibitions it is self-standing or it can dock to targeted equipped areas along the shoreline Design Competition | Quello che non ho Urban regeneration of the Ospedale degli Infermi Biella | 2nd prize urban refurbishment | public spaces | territorial transformations Ferrara 2013 | Canapè - Sergio Fortini (FE), Studio Architetto Melai (GE), Arch.Anna Luciani, Arch.Francesco Vazzano An area of nearly three acres within a city of about forty-five thousand inhabitants can not be a trivial area. Size, location, nature of the expectations compared with the current historical period, the redevelopment of the “Ospedale degli Infermi” requires a number of considerations not granted on the socio-economic landscape of Biella, and what is a priority compared to a purely architectural project, a strategy approach that defines the redevelopment strategy for time, functions, operational phases. In the proposed work, the strategy aims to build the conditions for a deployment of the area within the existing urban fabric, transforming it in enclave in the neighborhood. The goal of this transformation will not only coincide with the actual future redevelopment of existing volumes, but should work in centrifugal terms on the axis and polarity outside the area, giving them back new meaning. This is exactly the meaning of the operation that we are going to propose: an urban regeneration project that aims at reconfer the macro-area of the hospital a set of new meanings such as to respond to the expectations of a variety of social and human fabric disoriented by the crisis. The answers for the near future wich Biella, today, does not have. The question plotted from our proposal resides in the research, on one side, of a weighted balance between voids and built spaces in order to form a framework of high urban quality; on the other, a system of multiform and interacting functions able to reactivate economic and social dynamics of vital importance and still dormant. 4 academic project | Progetto di restauro del Battistero degli Ariani (RA) metric survey | conservative restoration | small scale design Laboratorio di restauro Ferrara 2011 | Professor: Arch. Serena Ciliani, Arch. Annalisa Conforti The analisys of the degradation was carried out on the masonry with reused bricks of different dimensions whether they are on portions in which the restorations was carried out recently or in the past. In particular, on the west front, can be seen the different stages of reconstruction took place after 1954, dissimilar compared to the original brick fachade. Inside of the apses there is a thin layer of biological patina and in some cases a lack of mortar joints, due to modifications of the artifact not performed in a workmanlike manner, any disruption resulting from cracks or structural damage or to use of unsuitable sand or mortar. In the southern apse, in the central part of the curtain wall, there are several bricks affected by efflorescence, due to humidity of the atmosphere that can condense on the walls, but also by the use of a not suitable mortar, combined with the temperature swing between inside and outside, which may have led to its disintegration and the surface deposit of salts. The part of the vaulted South niche is characterized by the disintegration of the mortar joints and powdery surface deposits, which is likely caused by a lack of maintenance, deposition of dust pollution, changes in the level of humidity inside and due to the passage of the visitors, as well as the presence of rising damp in the masonry. It has been hypothesized a conservative restoration of the masonry, by the removal of harmful sediments, cleaning, until the consolidation with coatings and resins. academic project | L’H Cosme Toda urban transformation | social housing | context integration Habitatge i ciutat | Residence and city Barcelona 2010 | Professor: Joan Pascual The parcel in question is located in Hospitalet de Llobregat, in the district of Barcelona, and hosts a disused factory named “Cosme Toda”, designed by the architect Puig i Gairalt, exponent of modernist industrial. The approach to the analysis of the site has started from the in-depth analysis of the densities which characterize mainly the left side of the parcel. Most of the residential Catalans neighborhoods have the form of “manzanas”, quadrangular blocks overlooking the street frontage with an interior patio, often narrow, dark and with little living conditions. In respect of the continuity of the urban fabric, it was decided in first place to use as embryonic forms of the two main buildings, two squares, each placed adjacent to a separate side of the parcel. At the heart rests on the factory, which for its historical importance it is chosen to maintain and emphasize altering the volume of the newly constructed buildings, so that coming from the main streets emerge the side and the roof of the building. Penetrating inside the district the historical artifact will reveal in its entirety. academic project | Poble Sec urban sustainability | housing | context integration Habitatge i ciutat | Residence and city Barcelona 2011 | Professor: Joan Pascual The complex fits into the heart of the district of Poble Sec, old “barrio” of Barcelona, which creeps in between the majestic mountain of Montjuic and the busy street Parallel. The project is placed exactly at the point of confluence between the two realities of Poble Sec, forcing a dialogue and leaving to assume a functional type of proposal in line with the diversified demand, but that finds a point of contact in the natural identity of the district. The parcel is divided in two by the Passeig de l’Exposició, a slow road, which is included in order to create a service and housing settlement wich dialogues through the volumes, materials and strategic openings to the landscape behind and user flows. The accommodations in duplex allow a varied and unusual facade, leaving the possibility of entering into the volume with real cuts on the ground floor, leaving the pedestrian within the architectures, which by massive and monumental become ethereal and porous. Arch. Martina Massari e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39 338 5298061
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