MICHELE BELLONI Curriculum Vitae April 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Economics Dept. University Ca' Foscari of Venice San Giobbe 873 30121 Venezia, Italy T: +39-3483235143 [email protected] [email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT POSITION Post-doc at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics – since 2012 NETSPAR research fellow (http://www.netspar.nl/) – since 2011 CeRP – Collegio Carlo Alberto research fellow (http://cerp.carloalberto.org/) – since 2001 SHARE Italian team member (http://venus.unive.it/share/index.php?id=46) RESEARCH INTERESTS Aging, Labour Economics, Health Economics, Demography PAST PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2010 - 2012 Post-Doc, Department of Economics, University of Turin (project: ‘Aging, Labor Productivity and Sustainability of Public Pension Systems: an Investigation through Macro and Micro Modellng’) 2001 - 2012 Researcher at CeRP – Collegio Carlo Alberto 2011 Visiting scholar, Tjalling Koopmans Research Institute, University of Utrecht 2010 Consultant for the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin 2010 Visiting scholar, University of Groningen 2010 Consultant for Centro di Ricerca L. Einaudi, Turin 2009 Visiting scholar, University of Utrecht 2004 Visiting scholar, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam 2004 Consultant for the Italian Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for Workers (ISFOL), Rome 2002 Visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Economics I EDUCATION 2002 - 2006 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Turin Thesis: ‘Retirement Incentives in Pension Systems: Theoretical Models with Applications to the Italian Transition’, Supervisor: Prof. E. Fornero 1999 - 2000 Master in Economics, CORIPE Piemonte Turin Supervisor: Prof. E. Fornero 1995 - 1999 Laurea in Economics, University of Pisa Supervisors: Prof. C. Bianchi, Prof. P. Vagliasindi SHORT COURSES 2013 RAND Summer Institute (“Mini-Medical School for Social Scientists” & “Demography, Economics, Psychology, and Epidemiology of Aging” conference), RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, US 2011 ‘Duration Analysis’ by N.M. Kiefer (Cornell), 8th NIPE summer school, Universidade do Minho, Braga 2008 ‘Lectures on Structural Estimation’ by C. Flinn (NYU), short course, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin 2005 ‘Dynamic Panel Data Analysis’ by F. Windmeijer (LSE), 2nd NIPE summer school, Universidade do Minho, Braga 2004 ‘Political Economy’ by H. Rosenthal (Princeton), short course, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin 2003 ‘Applied Microeconometrics’ by R. Alessie (VU), M. Lindeboom (VU) and G. van Den Berg (VU), M.Phil course, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Amsterdam 2003 ‘The Econometrics of Program Evaluation’ by G. Ridder (USC), M.Phil course, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Amsterdam 2002 ‘Public Sector Economics II’ by N. Eissa, Ph.D. course, University of California at Berkeley 2002 ‘Global Sensitivity Analysis: a primer. How to assess parameters importance in model based studies’ by A. Saltelli, short course, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra 2001 ‘The Econometrics of Social Insurance’ by J. Rust (Maryland), Ph.D. course, The Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus 2001 XII Summer School in Econometrics, CIDE, Bertinoro GRANTS AND COMMISSIONED RESEARCH 2012-2015 NETSPAR theme project, ‘A Second and a Half Pillar for the Self-Employed?’, PI: M. Mastrogiacomo 2012-2014 ‘DASISH - Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities’, FP7th Collaborative Project, EU Commission, Coordinator: University of Gothenburg 2010-2013 NETSPAR theme project, ‘Pensions, savings and retirement decisions II’, PI: R. Alessie and A. Kalwij 2010-2013 ‘NEUJOBS - Employment 2025: How will multiple transitions affect the European labour market’, FP7th EU Commission, DG Employment, Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) II 2010 NETSPAR visiting grant 2010-2011 ‘Aging, Labor Productivity and Sustainability of Public Pension Systems: an Investigation through Macro and Micro Modelling’, Regione Piemonte, Italy 2005-2008 ‘AIM - Adequacy of Old Age Income Maintenance in the EU’, FP7th EU Commission, DG Employment, Coordinator: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) 2006 ‘Background information on flexibility in the age of retirement’, EU Commission, DG Employment 2006 ‘Implications of demographic change in enlarged EU on patterns of saving and consumption and in related consumer’s behaviour’, FP7th EU Commission, DG Employment PUBLICATIONS IMPACT FACTORED JOURNAL ARTICLES ‘The effect of training on older workers’ wage: evidence from Europe’ (with C. Villosio), revise and resubmit with European Journal of Ageing, 2014. ‘Lifetime Income and Old Age Mortality Risk in Italy Over Two Decades’ (with R. Alessie, A. Kalwij, and C. Marinacci), Demographic Research, 29(45), pp. 1261-1298, 2013. Also published as: NETSPAR DP 08/2012-026, CeRP working paper 129/12 ‘Actuarial Neutrality when Longevity Increases: An Application to the Italian Pension System’ (with C. Maccheroni), The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, 38, pp. 638–674, 2013 Also published as: NETSPAR DP 11/2011-092, CeRP working paper 47/06-revised version 2011. ‘Retirement Choices in Italy: What an Option Value Model Tells us’ (with R. Alessie), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 75(4), pp. 499-527, 2012. Also published as: Tinbergen Institute discussion paper 2010-10/14; CeRP working paper 92/10; Netspar DP 10/2010-58. ‘The Importance of Financial Incentives on Retirement Choices: New Evidence for Italy’ (with R. Alessie), Labour Economics, 16(5), p. 578-588, 2009. Also published as: Tinbergen Institute DP 08-052/3; CeRP working paper 73/08; Netspar DP 2008-014; Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute DP 08-10. BOOK CHAPTERS, BOOKS, AND OTHER JOURNAL ARTICLES La Crisi Economica del Nord Ovest. In: Centro Einaudi e Unicredit. La finanza delle imprese del Nord Ovest: che cosa cambiare per crescere. Studi Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, chapter 1, p. 5-11, Torino, 2010 I prestiti all'economia e alle imprese prima e durante la crisi. In: Centro Einaudi e UniCredit. La finanza delle imprese del Nord Ovest: che cosa cambiare per crescere. Studi Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, chapter 2, p. 12-22, Torino, 2010 III ‘A classification and overview of micro simulation models, and the choices made in MIDAS’ (with G. Dekkers) in: G. Dekkers et al. What are the consequences of the AWG-projections for the adequacy of social security pensions? Chapter 2, pp. 5-23, CEPS: Bruxelles, 2009 ‘Gender differences in retirement income and pension policy: simulating the effects of various DB and DC schemes’ (with E. Fornero and A. Manello), n. 59, CEPS: Bruxelles, 2008 ‘The Option Value Model in the Retirement Literature: The Trade-off Between Computational Complexity and Predictive Validity’, n. 50, CEPS: Bruxelles, 2008 ‘Per Scelta o per Forza: l’Innalzamento dell’Età di Pensionamento in Italia’, (with M. Borella), Quaderni Europei sul Nuovo Welfare, n.5, July 2006. ‘Retirement Choices of Older Workers in Italy’, (with Borella M. and E. Fornero) in Fornero, E. and P. Sestito (eds.), Pension Systems: Beyond Mandatory Retirement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005. ‘La normativa sul pensionamento e il dibattito sulla riforma: possibili riflessi su aspettative e comportamenti’, (with E. Fornero), in A. Golini, (ed.), Aspettative e comportamenti di individui e aziende in tema di invecchiamento della popolazione e della forza lavoro. I risultati di due indagini, I libri del fondo sociale europeo, ISFOL, Rome, 2005. ‘Descrizione del modello di simulazione’, in La riforma del sistema previdenziale italiano, Fornero, E. e O. Castellino (eds.), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001, pp. 149-176. WORKING PAPERS ‘Manual versus semi-automatic coding of occupation: Recode SHARE data for the Netherlands using CASCOT’ (with A. Brugiavini and E. Meschi), paper prepared for the conference: ‘CASCOT: Occupational Coding in Multi-national Surveys’, University of Warwick. ‘Age and Productivity: Human Capital Accumulation and Depreciation - The effect of Lifelong Learning on European older workers’ productivity’ (with A. Ruzik-Sierdzinska, M. Lis, M. Potoczna, C. Villosio), CASE wp 114/2013. ‘Early-life conditions, lifetime income and mortality risk in Italy’ (with R. Alessie and A. Kalwij), paper presented at the Ifo/CESifo & University of Munich & MEA Conference on “Empirical Health Economics”, Munich, February 2013. ‘Politiche di bilancio ed equità intergenerazionale in Italia: un’analisi a livello nazionale e per area geografica’, (with Bianchi C. and P. Vagliasindi), Quaderni di Economia, University of Pisa, Dep. of Economics, 1999. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ‘La mortalità differenziale per reddito fra gli anziani in Italia: 1980-2000’, Neodemos.it, 26 February 2014 ‘Il regalo del retributivo’, (with F. Coda Moscarola), Lavoce.info, 25 October 2011 ‘Così nascono gli assegni d’oro’, (with F. Coda Moscarola), Il Sole 24 Ore, 1 August 2011 ‘Capitale infrastrutturale, interdipendenze settoriali e crescita: Un’analisi con simulazioni numeriche del costo del ritardo infrastrutturale italiano e dei suoi effetti dal lato della domanda e dell’offerta’ (with G. Russo), STEP report, 2008. IV ‘Flexibility in Retirement: A framework for the analysis and a survey of European countries’, (with C. Monticone and S. Trucchi), Research Report commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities, 2006. ‘Estimating private consumption profiles’, in: C. Maccheroni, T. Barugola, G. Diale, P.M. Ferraresi Implications of demographic change in enlarged EU on patterns of saving and consumption and in related consumer’s behaviour, Research Report commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities, cap. 5, pp. 96-116, 2006 ‘Le Pensioni degli Artigiani. Un’analisi della situazione italiana e una comparazione a livello europeo’, (with Borella M., P.M. Ferraresi and S. Trucchi), Quaderni EPASA-CNA, n. 26, 2005 ‘Strumenti di previsione dei tassi di occupazione per età, con particolare riferimento ai lavoratori anziani’, Italian Ministry of Welfare, 2004 ‘Scelte lavorative e di pensionamento degli anziani in Italia’, Italian Ministry of Welfare, 2003. ‘Ma l’incentivo non convince’, (with E. Fornero), Il Sole 24 Ore, 28 December 2003 ‘Valorizzare le scelte dei singoli’, (with E. Fornero), Il Sole 24 Ore, 19 October 2003 REFEREEING ACTIVITY Labour Economics, Elsevier Journal of Population Economics, Springler Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Cambridge University Press The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Palgrave De Economist, Netherlands Economic Review, Springler The European Journal for Comparative Economic, LIUC University SELECTED PRESENTATIONS EALE conference, Turin, September 2013 Ifo / CESifo & University of Munich & MEA Conference on “Empirical Health Economics”, Munich, February 2013 NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Amsterdam, January 2013 ‘Fifth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics’, CIDE Conference, Genova, January 2013 Università Politecnica delle Marche, Seminari della Facoltà di Economia “G. Fuà”, Ancona, November 2012 CeRP Conference, Financial Literacy, Saving and Retirement in an Ageing Society, Moncalieri, September 2012 ‘ALP-POP 2012’, The Alpine Population Conference, La Thuile, January 2012 V Utrecht University School of Economics, External Seminars Series, Utrecht, October 2011 NETSPAR International pension workshop, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, June 2011 Seminar series, Epidemiological Dept. University of Turin, Turin, April 2011 ‘Fourth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics’, CIDE Conference, Pisa, Jan. 2011 MEA seminar series, MEA-Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, Mannheim, June 2010 ‘ESPE 2010’, European Society of Population Economics conference, Essen, June 2010 ‘Financing the extension of Social Protection: Recent developments in Italy’, Social Security Financing Course, International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, March, 2010 ‘Third Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics’, CIDE Conference, Ancona, Jan. 2009 International ABRAPP (Brasilian Association of Pension Funds) seminar, Rome, 2009 ‘Pensions, Savings and Retirement Decisions’, NETSPAR Conference, Utrecht, Nov. 2007 ‘Collegio Carlo Alberto Monday Lunch Seminar’, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, May 2007 Fourth workshop ‘Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU’, Federal Planning Bureau, Brussels, Nov. 2006 MAF 2006 ‘Metodi Matematici e Statistici per le Assicurazioni e la Finanza’, University of Salerno, Oct. 2006 Seventh workshop Marie Curie Research Training Network: ‘The Economics of Ageing’ joint with ‘Economics and Health Determinants of Retirement Behaviour NIA-P01’, University of Venice, Oct. 2005 Seminar at Central Planning Bureau, The Hague, Oct. 2005 2nd workshop ‘Adequacy of Old-Age Income Maintenance in the EU’, Madrid, Oct. 2005 Annual conference of ‘International Social Security Administration’, Antwerp, May 2003. PhD Lunch Seminar, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Amsterdam, April 2003. TEACHING ‘Economics of Savings and Pensions’ (professore a contratto), Quantitative Finance and Insurance Master, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, 2012. ‘Economics of Pension Funds’ (‘Aspetti Economici della Previdenza Complementare’), master, University of Florence, Centro Interuniversitario per le Scienze Attuariali e la Gestione dei Rischi, 2011. ‘Pension Funds Managers training (‘Corso per Dirigenti di Fondi Pensione’), master course, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, 2009. ‘Macroeconomics’ (professore a contratto), undergraduate, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, 2008, 2007. VI ‘Macroeconomics’ (esercitatore), undergraduate, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, 2006. ‘Microeconomics’ (esercitatore), undergraduate, University of Turin, Faculty of Economics, 2006, 2005, 2004. ‘Pension Economics’, master, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht, 2006. Course on ‘Stata’ (esercitatore), master, Master in Economics CORIPE Piemonte, 2005. LANGUAGES: Italian (native), English (very good), Portuguese (good) Consapevole della responsabilità penale prevista dall’art. 76 del D.P.R. 445/2000, per le ipotesi di falsità in atti e dichiarazioni mendaci ivi indicate, dichiaro che tutto quanto sopra dichiarato corrisponde a verità. Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Dlgs 196 del 30 giugno 2003. VII
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