June March 19 Opening Prize 22 Tiger and Rabbit Louisiana MB Greensome Stableford April 05 Club Charity 12 Bucadiciannove Trophy 15 Service 7000 Trophy 25 Ticino Championship 26 Men reserved exact Hcp: 0-5.0 27 Ladies' reserved exact Hcp: 0 -9.0 Louisiana a due Greensome Stableford Stableford IN 54 Holes Strokeplay * 10 Trofeo Patriziato di Ascona 17 Coppa Villa Orselina 24 Trofeo Julius Baer Terme di Saturnia Golf Trophy Banque SYZ Trophy Vaudoise Challenge Tour President's Prize Golf Piacere e Gusto Trophy Porsche Golf Cup Hotel Sonnenhof Challenge Cup Campionati Ticinesi Assoluti Stableford Stableford IN Stableford Strokeplay+Stableford LP Strokeplay+Stableford LP Stableford Stableford Strokeplay IN July May 09 BSI Golf Tour 01 06 07 14 21 27 28 29 Stableford IN Strokeplay+Stableford LP Stableford Stableford 05 15 16 17 18 19 Arte&Golf Trophy Campionati Svizzeri Juniores 2014 Boys 17-18 Exact Hcp 5.0 Boys U16 Exact Hcp 14.0 Girls 17-18 Exact Hcp 9.0 Girls U16 Exact Hcp 16.0 Stableford 72 Holes Stroke Play * 20 Pro & Shop - Sponsored by TAM Strokeplay+Stableford LP Flag Competition Hotel Giardino Trophy Jaguar Swiss Golf Final Captain's Prize 05 12 14 17 20 Banca Stato Prize Coppa Credit Suisse 2014 Coppa Cornèr Banca 21. V-ZUG Construction Trophy Bucherer Trophy 26 BMW Swiss Final 28 Seven Golf Trophy Stableford Stableford Scramble a due Stableford Stableford Stableford Stableford IN IN IN IN Stableford October 04 10 11 12 Selvaggio-Hotel Eden Roc Trophy Pro-Am Comune di Ascona & Ente Turistico Lago Maggiore Pro-Am Castagnata 17 Golf Cup 2014 Privatbank IHAG Zürich AG 25 Coppa Autunno Stableford 36 Holes 4 Ball Pro - Am 18 Holes 4 Ball Pro - Am Flag Stableford Stableford IN Strokeplay+Stableford LP 08 15 Club Louisiana with dinner Staff Tournament with members Di norma sono autorizzati ad accedere al campo solamente i soci di una federazione di un circolo di golf e con un handicap esatto che non sia superiore a 30.0. La prenotazione delle partenze può essere fatta con tre giorni d’anticipo mentre le iscrizioni alle gare possono essere effettuate a partire da una settimana prima della gara e chiudono due giorni prima alle ore 12.00. Il giorno antecedente la gara, a partire dalle ore 12.00 telefonando al numero 091 785 11 75, un registratore fornirà ogni informazione riguardo gli orari di partenza oppure sul sito www.golfascona.ch. La Commissione Sportiva si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche al presente programma. * * Stableford IN Strokeplay+Stableford LP Louisiana MB MB November August 01 23 29 31 Importante September Wichtig In der Regel sind Gäste auf unserem Golfplatz willkommen, sofern sie Mitglied eines anerkannten Golf Clubs sind und ein offizielles exact Handicap nicht über 30.0 vorweisen können. Startzeiten können drei Tage im voraus reserviert werden. Anmeldungen zu den Turnieren werden eine Woche im voraus bis zwei Tage vor dem Wettspiel 12.00 Uhr entgegengenommen. Die Startzeiten können jeweils am Vortag ab 12.00 Uhr über Tel. 091 785 11 75 (Tonband) abgehört werden oder auf unserer Homepage www.golfascona.ch. Das Wettspiel-Komitee behält sich das Recht vor, das vorliegende Programm zu ändern. Important Normally only players member of a Golf Union and having an exact handicap not over 30.0 are allowed to play on Ascona Golf Course. Tee-time reservations can be made three days in advance while inscriptions for the competitions should be made one week in advance and not later than two days prior to the competition by 12.00 noon. One day prior to the competition from 12.00 noon, the Tel. 091 785 11 75 (tape) gives you information about the starting time or www.golfascona.ch. The Sports Committee may be required to modify this programme if necessary. MB IN LP * Tournaments reserved for GCPA members only Tournaments on invitation Annual Championship Laurent Perrier (see the special programme) Course reserved for the participants of the tournament only L’uso delle scarpe con “soft spikes” è obbligatorio tutto l’anno. Die Benützung der Golfschuhe mit “Softspikes” ist das ganze Jahr obligatorisch. It’s compulsory to wear shoes with “soft spikes” all year round. Golf Club Patriziale Ascona CALENDARIO GARE 2014 TURNIERKALENDER 2014 COMPETITIONS 2014 18 Holes - Par 71 - 5948 Mts Slope Rating Course Rating Green Fee 1 Round 1 Day 11 Green Fee’s Juniors Week, Month, Year White 129 71.2 Yellow 126 69.4 Blue 129 73.0 Red 126 71.1 Week Weekend/Holidays CHF 130.150.CHF 190.220.(not transferable) CHF 1300.CHF 65.75.Packages on request. Professionals Lo stile, la natura Stil und Natur Style and nature Il Golf Club Patriziale Ascona, fondato nel 1928, si estende su un’area di oltre 50 ettari di natura rigogliosa, e consente il gioco tutto l’anno grazie anche al clima mite e soleggiato della regione. Le sue 18 buche, considerate tra le più avvincenti della Svizzera, sono distribuite in una vera e propria oasi naturale e presentano una grande varietà di livelli tecnici. La Club House, di stile mediterraneo, si armonizza perfettamente con il parco circostante grazie alla sua atmosfera, raffinata e accogliente. Il suo elegante ristorante si affaccia con la grande terrazza direttamente sul percorso di gioco e offre una cucina ricercata e squisita, mentre l’ampia e attrezzatissima sala conferenze è a disposizione per meeting e raduni di rilievo. L’esclusivo Pro-Shop No.1 offre un’ampia gamma di prodotti di rinomate marche. Il moderno campo pratica può accogliere fino a 60 persone, per allenarsi assistiti, all’occorrenza, da maestri di comprovata esperienza. Il Golf Club Patriziale Ascona, aperto tutto l’anno, è annoverato tra i campi più belli e prestigiosi e viene spesso scelto per eventi e competizioni ad alto livello, di respiro nazionale ed internazionale. Der Golf Club Patriziale Ascona, gegründet im Jahr 1928, umfasst eine Fläche von über 50 Hektar üppiger Natur. Dank des milden und sonnigen Klimas der Region ist das Spiel das ganze Jahr möglich. Der 18-Loch-Kurs wird zu den attraktivsten der Schweiz gezählt und verläuft in einer wahren Naturoase, auch technisch eine grosse Herausforderung. Das Clubhaus im mediterranen Stil fügt sich perfekt in den umliegenden Park. Das elegante Restaurant mit seiner großen Terrasse grenzt direkt an das 18. Loch mit herrlichem Blick auf den Parcours und bietet eine raffinierte Küche. Der große und gut ausgestattete Konferenzraum ist ideal für Tagungen und Meetings. Der exklusive Pro-Shop No.1 bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten namhafter Marken. Die moderne Driving-Range verfügt über 60 Plätze und es stehen bestens ausgebildete Golflehrer zur Verfügung. Der Golf Club in Ascona, das ganze Jahr geöffnet, zählt zu den schönsten und eindrucksvollsten und wird oft für Veranstaltungen und Turniere auf hohem Niveau auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene ausgewählt. The Golf Club Patriziale Ascona, founded in 1928, covers an area of over 50 acres. Thanks to the mild and sunny climate of the region, the game can be played year round. The course is considered among the most compelling of Switzerland because of its lush nature. The 18 holes have a variety of technical difficulties. The Club House, Mediterranean style, blends in perfectly with the surrounding park. Its distinguished restaurant overlooks the golf course and offers a refined and exquisite cuisine. The large and well equipped conference room is available for various meetings and gatherings. The exclusive Pro-Shop No.1 offers a wide range of products of renowned brands. The modern Driving Range can accommodate up to 60 people. Teaching professionals are available for lessons. The Golf Club Patriziale Ascona is counted among the most beautiful and prestigious courses in Switzerland and has often the pleasure to host important national and international competitions. Carlos Duran +41 79 357 10 92 Diego Zeppetella +41 79 423 71 07 Simone Castelanelli +41 78 801 33 41 Head Pro Assistant Pro Golf Club Patriziale Ascona via al Lido 81, 6612 Ascona Switzerland Office T. +41 91 785 11 77 F. +41 91 785 11 79 [email protected] www.golfascona.ch Cliff Potts Golf Academy +41 91 780 93 92 +41 79 773 23 61 www.cliff-potts-golfacademy.com Lessons 25 min. 50 min. Season Ticket Driving Range (5 lessons included) Driving Range 1 entry 10 entries 20 entries CHF CHF 50.100.- CHF 1500.CHF CHF CHF 25.200.300.- Vi preghiamo di prenotare le lezioni direttamente in segreteria. Reservationen für Golf-Lektionen sind im Sekretariat anzumelden. Reservations for golf lessons should be made directly with the Secretary. Club House Competitions Restaurant T. +41 91 791 21 59 F. +41 91 791 82 76 [email protected] www.bucadiciannove.ch Starting Times T. +41 91 785 11 75 Pro-Shop T. +41 91 792 14 36 F. +41 91 792 11 60 www.sm-sportswear.ch
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