G. Caboto Club Notizie / News Nov., 2014 Dal Presidente Roberto Tonial Dear Members, It is hard to believe that four years have already passed us by and it seems that it was only yesterday that I wrote my first message to the Members. Being your President has been one of the greatest honours of my life and I have been truly blessed to be associated with such an outstanding organization. I look back at all that has taken place here at the Club these past four years: Car Shows, Wine Tours, Communications, Cook Book, archiving the Club’s history and an Art and Culture program that is second to none. We have accomplished much these past four years, but it would not have been possible without the hard work of the Board and the support of the Membership! It is my dream that this hard work and the advancement of our Club continues, so I ask all of you to come out to the election in December and vote. Vote not only because someone is your friend, but because he has shown you his dedication to our Club, he has shown you that he is here to work and he has shown you that he is here to lead and make the hard decisions that are required of a Board Member. Winter is fast approaching and with it comes the Holiday Season, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Remember to take some time out of your holidays to come by the Member’s Bar for a drink or an espresso with your friends! In closing, let me say thank you once again for all your support these past four years and I look forward to seeing you at the Club. Roberto Tonial, President Cari Soci, E’ difficile credere che siano già passati quattro anni, eppure sembra ieri quando ho scritto il mio primo messaggio ai Soci. Essere stato il vostro Presidente é stato uno degli onori piú grandi della mia vita e mi considero fortunato di fare parte di questa eminente organizzazione. Guardo indietro a tutto quello che é successo quí al Club negli scorsi quattro anni; dall’esposizioni d’auto alle gite ai vigneti, dal programma di Comunicazioni al Libro di Cucina, e dagli Archivi a un programma di Arte e Cultura che é secondo a nessuno. Abbiamo realizzato tanto in questi ultimi quattro anni, ma il tutto non sarebbe stato possibile senza l’arduo lavoro del Consiglio e il sopporto dei Soci. Il mio sogno é che questo grande lavoro e avanzamento del nostro Club continui, perció vi chiedo di essere presente il giorno delle elezioni a votare. Votate non soltanto per il candidato che é un vostro amico, ma per quelli che hanno dimostrato un interesse per il Club e che sono quí per lavorare e per fare parte delle difficili decisioni che sono richieste da ogni Membro del Consiglio. L’Inverno si avvicina e cosí anche le Feste Natalizie, perció colgo questa opportunità per augurare a voi e le vostre famiglie un Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo. Ricordatevi di fare una visitina al bar dei Soci per gustare una bevanda o un caffé con i vostri amici. Nel concludere, desidero ringraziarvi ancora una volta per tutto il sopporto che mi avete mostrato in questi ultimi quattro anni e spero di vedervi spesso al Club. Il Presidente: Roberto Tonial Giovanni Caboto di Saverio Galli EVENTI Novembre 2014: 01 Banchetto dei Trevisani 01 Banchetto Assoc. Cult. Siciliana 03 Culture Lecture (Friuli V.G.) 05 GCC Charity Pasta Night 09 Cerimonia per i Soci Defunti 10 Ladies Aux. Remembr. Mass 11 Italian Conversation Class 13 Riunione Consiglio 14 Photo Contest Subm. Deadline 15 Alcamesi Banquet 16 Assemblea 17 Ladies Aux. Afternoon Social 22 Bocciofila Banquet 24 Ladies Aux. Exec. Meeting Dicembre 2014: 01 Award of Merit Nom. Deadline 01 Culture Lecture (Liguria) 03 GCC Charity Pasta Night 08 Ladies Aux. Christmas Dinner & General Meetying 09 Italian Conversation Class 11 Riunione Consiglio 14 Assemblea & Elections 21 Children Christmas Party Gennaio 2015: 06 Culture Lecture (Puglia) 07 GCC Charity Pasta Night 08 Riunione Consiglio 10 Banchetto dei Volontari 13 Italian Conversation Class 17 & 18 Wedding Show Extravaganza 23 Emilia Cundari/Pat Sturn Concert 25 Assemblea 25 Ladies Aux. Polenta Dinner Febbraio 2015: 04 GCC Charity Pasta Night 05 Blood Donor 10 Italian Conversation Class 19 Riunione Consiglio 21 Musical Evening with the Palazzolos 22 Assemblea 23 Ladies Aux. Exec. Meeting 27 Veneto Regional Dinner 28 Autism Gala Home Made Wine Contest Editorial Board Editor; Sec. Joe Vesco V. Editor; Matt Sgrazzutti Roberto Brait (pp) Mauro Chechi Mario Fabris (pp) Gino Piazza, Tino Pistor Dan Tonial, Paolo Savio (pp) For the Next Edition, please send articles by email to: [email protected] or [email protected] by February 1, 2015 Il comitato si riserva la facoltà di fare delle correzioni senza modificare il contenuto. The committee reserves the right to edit submissions without changing to the content. A special thank you goes to our judges Rose Vesco, Roberto Brun and Roberto Tonial along with Joe Vesco for helping out and taking pictures. This year we had 15 entries. It was very difficult to decide a winner with all entries coming within points of each other. The winners are: Red Wines: Tied for first place: John Schembri and Nereo Favrin Second Place: Dan Amicone White Wines: Mike Vettese Rosé: Gino Piazza Chairmen: Matt Sgrazzutti and Pietro Palermo INFO Office 519 252-8383 Fax 519 252-6954 Bar 519 252-4910 [email protected] www.cabotoclub.com Nuovi Soci per il mese di: Settembre, 2014 Anthony Peticca Cesare Di Cesare Tommaso Giuseppe Butera Joseph Abaldo Mike Mazza Onorio Tersigni Ottobre, 2014 Riccardo Chiarenza Mike Mazza Stefano Nicola IN MEMORIAM Dei Soci Recentemente Deceduti Of Recently Deceased Members New members for the month of September 2014 Cesare Di Cesare, Onorio Tersigni, Joseph Abaldo, Anthony Peticca, Mike Mazza, Tommaso Giuseppe Butera. Rino D’Angelo Angelo Campigotto Anacleto Magnante Mario Liburdi Vinicio Pupatello Peter Testani Stefano Lombardo Luigi Bietola Elections / Elezioni 2014 Le elezioni verranno tenute alla Assemblea Generale del 14 Dicembre, 2014. Voto Anticipato: Venerdi 28 Novembre 6-10 p.m. Sabato 29 Novembre 11-5 p.m. The elections will be held at the General Assembly on December 14, 2014 Advance Polls: Friday November 28 6-10 p.m. Saturday November 29 11-5 p.m. Lista dei Candidati / Candidates List (L to R) John Froio, Domenic Froio, Joe Prestia, Louis Coccimiglio, Edy Facca, Tony Carriero and John Benotto. Gara di Salumi Contest (ACC.) = Eletto per acclamazione Elected by acclamation We had a great turnout for our 1st annual Gara di Salumi contest. The judging was so close where only 1 point separated 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Thank you to all 21 entries in the 5 categories. A huge thank you to our judges who enjoyed the sampling of all the entries: Roberto Tonial, Robert Brait, Adam Pellarin and Jimmy Pugliese. Winners in each category are: Soppressata: 1st Place: Louis Coccimiglio, 2nd Place: Domenic Froio, Tied 3rd Place: Tony Palermo & Biagio Lattuca. Prosciutto: 1st Place: Tony Carriero, 2nd Place: John Froio and 3rd Place: Edy Facca. Capicollo: 1st Place: John Benotto, 2nd Place: Louis Coccimiglio and 3rd Place: Domenic Froio. Salami: 1st Place: Gino Benotto, 2nd Place: Joe Prestia and 3rd Place: Louis Coccimiglio. Sopressa: 1st Place: Gino Benotto and 2nd Place: Edy Facca. President: Dennis Segatto 1st Vice Pres.: (One to be elected) 1. Sal Albano 2. Gino Piazza 2nd Vice Pres.: (One to be elected) 1. Alex Sorrentino 2. Frank DeLuca Treasurer: Anthony Cutrone (ACC.) Corr. Secretary: Mauro Chechi Financial Secr.: Giuliano Lunardi (ACC.) Chairman: Gino Piazza………Co-Chair: John Benotto Sgt. At Arms: Roberto Tonial (ACC.) Sick Visitors: Gino Benotto Pietro Palermo (ACC.) (ACC.) Wine Tasting Contest (ACC.) (ACC.) Council: (12 to be elected) This years wine tasting was a huge success with 87 people in attendance. Everybody had a great time and can't wait until next years tasting. This year’s winners were: Deborah Quagliotto and Flavio Forest for 1st place. Our 2nd place winners were Marco Ciotoli, Jason Pillon, Angela Trepanier and Madeleina Murray. A special thank you goes out to all of our volunteers. Chairmen: Matt Sgrazzutti and Pietro Palermo 1. Ian Accetta 2. Laurie Farano 3. Dino Rizzo 4. John Bonato 5. Joe Giuliani 6. Dave Quagliotto 7. Rick Buzzeo 8. Robert Brun 9. Matt Sgrazzutti 10. Bruno Quagliotto 11. Renato Baggio 12. John Benotto 13. John Naccarato 14. Sean Lunardi 15. Joe Vesco 16. Amelio Fantin Chairman: Robert Brait Co-Chair: Fabio Bernabó Assistant: Mario Fabris Prepping Crew for the Empty Lots (L to R): Paolo Savio, Luigi Chemello, Giancarlo Cocchetto, John Naccarato, Dennis Segatto, Onorio Tersigni, Gino Piazza (Chairman), Frank Denardi, Frank Moro, Graziano Frighetto (Absent in Photo: Alessandro Sorrentino, Pietro Palermo, Frank Politi, Bruno Quagliotto and Roberto Tonial). Thanks to this group who put in a total of 116 man-hours over the course of two days preparing the three (3) empty lots for Spring-2015. Cerimonia per i Soci Defunti La cerimonia in ricordo dei nostri Soci Defunti sarà tenuta Domenica, 9 Novembre 2014, alle 11:30 al Caboto Club. Contiamo sulla vostra presenza, specialmente le famiglie dei Soci Defunti. Un pranzo sarà servito dopo la Cerimonia al costo di $15.00 a persona. Per ulteriori informazioni chiamate l’ufficio. (519) 252-8383 Chairman: Pietro Palermo Co-Chair: Dennis Segatto Memorial Ceremony for Deceased Members A memorial ceremony in honour of our Deceased Members will be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. at the Caboto Club. We hope to see all members and especially the families of deceased members at the Ceremony. A luncheon will be held after the Ceremony at a cost $15.00 per person. For further information please contact the office. (519) 252-8383 Chairman: Pietro Palermo Co-Chair: Dennis Segatto FAMIGLIE BISOGNOSE ***** NEEDY FAMILIES Il Natale si avvicina e forse ci saranno delle famiglie che avranno bisogno d’aiuto. Come nel passato, il Club Caboto cercherà di aiutarle. Se conoscete qualche socio che in questo periodo richiede la nostra assistenza, date il nome al Chairman del Comitato Pietro Palermo (250-9017) oppure al Vice Chairman Gino Benotto (253-9391). Ricordate che si manterrà la massima riservatezza e discrezione. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christmas should be a happy time of the year with a lot of celebration. Unfortunately, there are people within the Caboto Club itself, who do not have the means to enjoy the Holidays. The Caboto Club has a Committee set up to help members in need of support at this time of the year. If there is anyone in need, you think we should know about, please contact our Chairman, Pietro Palermo (250-9017) or Co-Chairman, Gino Benotto (253-9391). There are various ways in which we can help. Rest assured that each case will remain private and be reviewed with discretion. Chairman: Pietro Palermo Co-Chair: Gino Benotto Laura and Sarah have had a fantastic start this season with the Choir, singing at St. Angela Church and preparing for Holiday performances. They’ve been working hard planning ahead for the Caboto’s 90th Anniversary Members’ Banquet: they are looking for any past Choir members to join their current members for a few practices to sing together for this very special occasion – ALL PAST MEMBERS WELCOME. Practices held Fridays, 6:30 – 7:30pm Info: Caboto Club Office 519-252-8383 Chairman: Mauro Chechi Co-Chair: Gino Piazza Regional Dinner Our 1st Regional Dinner highlighting Sicily was a success and sell-out. Everyone who attended enjoyed the 5-course meal, wines from Sicily and the slide presentation of Sicily. Thank you goes out to our Executive Chef Steven Ward and his kitchen staff for putting together the evening meal. Our 2nd Regional Dinner, featuring Veneto, is scheduled for Friday, February 27, 2015. Reserve your tables early. Chairman: Gino Piazza Co-Chairs: Joe Vesco and Pietro Palermo BLOOD DONORS On behalf of the G. Caboto Club Blood Donors Committee, I want to thank each and everyone who have contributed in making 2014 a very successful year and encourage the Membership of G. Caboto Club to step up and DONATE. Many lives were saved by your pledges. The next scheduled drive for 2015 is: Thursday, February 5, 2015. The hours of operation at the C.B.S. are as follows: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday: 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Thursday: 12noon to 7:30 p.m. Chairman: John Naccarato Co-Chair: Gino Piazza Italian of the Year Giovanni Caboto Club Italian of the Year nomination forms are available at the club office. All nominations must be received by Oct. 30th, 2014. The annual awards banquet will be March 7th, 2015. Chairman: John Bonato Co-Chair: Pietro Palermo Caboto’s Over 50’s The 7th annual International Match between the Livonia Green Machine and the Caboto Over 50's was held in Windsor on Sunday July 27th. After a close 2 to 1 lead at half time for Caboto, a strong second half ended in a 6 to 1 victory for the Caboto Club. A pizza dinner at the club followed which was enjoyed by both teams. CABOTO CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY Once again, Santa Claus will be visiting the Caboto Club! In this newsletter you will also receive your official Santa Gift Card. In order to receive a gift, this card must be completed and brought with you on the day of the Christmas Party. Parents print your card clearly and accurately to avoid any complications. Gifts will only be given to member’s children aged ten years or younger. Your child must be born on or after January 1, 2004 to enable him or her to receive a gift. No gifts will be given out the day after the party. Only Member’s children are invited and eligible to attend the Christmas Party. Unfortunately, children who are not the sons or daughters of members – that is cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren or friends cannot be invited. Children have been turned away in the past, and to avoid disappointment, we ask that you please respect this request. No gifts will be given out prior to Santa’s Arrival, with doors opening at 12:15 p.m. on Sunday, December 21, 2014 in the Canada Hall. Entertainment begins at 1:00 p.m. and includes a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus. A hot dog lunch will be available while Santa visits with the children and distributes his gifts. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!! Chairman: Gino Benotto Car Show Co-Chair: Pietro Palermo L’esposizione ha avuto grande successo con una partecipazione di 117 vetture. Caboto Italcultura-Cultural & Members Upcoming Events Chairman: Gino Piazza……….Co-Chairman: Mauro Chechi ______________________________________________________________________________ If you are interested in assisting in any sub-committee or have an idea, please contact: Gino Piazza – 519-254-1347 [email protected] Mauro Chechi – 519-962-5226 [email protected] “Caboto Italcultura is striving to promote and encourage our culture through educational, recreational, fraternal and charitable endeavors”(GL) GCC Italian Culture Lecture Series Discover the Rich History & Culture of Italy’s 20 Regions 1st Monday of Month (Oct-May) 7 PM - G. Caboto Club - Free - All Welcome Presented by Americo ‘Rick’ Buzzeo Host, Roberto Tonial President G. Caboto Club G. Caboto Club 2175 Parent Ave. Windsor Ontario 519 252-8383 www.cabotoclub.com [email protected] Friuli V.G. Liguria Mon. 3 Nov. Mon. 1 Dec. Presented by Presented by Roberto Tonial Puglia Giuliano Lunardi Mon. 6 Jan 15 Presented by Remo Tortola The Culture Lecture Series Continues We have been asked by Canterbury Elder College U of W to do a 6 week program (next March & April) on the History of Italy, its people and its Living Legacy. It’s not yet finalized but the tentative time is Saturday mornings 9:30-12. For this project we would like to recruit Curious Young Members to help us with the Research, Audio/Visual Preparation and, if interested, do a 5-10 minute presentation. For classes or groups please reserve your space well ahead by calling the Giovanni Caboto Club Office 519 252-8383
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