VENUE The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering Invites you to the ICheaP-12 International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering will be held in Milano, Centro Congressi Stella Polare at Fieramilano (Rho Pero) – from 19 to 22 May, 2015. JOINTLY WITH IPACK-IMA is among the most attractive global exhibitions for suppliers of technology and materials for processing and packaging, as it is capable of giving room, voice and momentum to all industry players. The leading exhibition for processing and packaging technology will be held in conjunction with MeatTech - Processing & Packaging for the Meat Industry; Fruitech Innovation - the show dedicated to technology innovation in the fruit and vegetable industry; Dairytech - the first exhibition for the processing and packaging of the dairy industry; Converflex - specializing in package printing and converting technology; and Grafitalia - showcasing the printing, graphic design and communication industry. Also the industry of logistics and material handling technology will also be represented at Intralogistica Italia. In addition to its co-location with 7 international trade exhibitions, IPACK-IMA 2015 will also be held jointly with the EXPO, the Universal Exposition raising strong interest worldwide taking place from May to October. IPACK-IMA is the only exhibition recognized by the Expo as Italy’s leading event in processing and packaging technology for the food and non-food industry. The venue is located next to Expo 2015 site and offers the most modern and functional exhibition spaces. Fiera Milano boasts an unique experience in the organization and management of professional exhibitions and congresses and in the full range of specialized services needed by the trade fair business. Fieramilano can be reached from Milan by the subway (Red line 1), which has its terminus at the fairgrounds; but it is easily accessible from any location in Italy or abroad: it enjoys the strategic location of Milan in the European network of air, road and railway connections. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE ICheaP-12 is the twelfth event in a series of biannual events started in 1993 with "the first International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering" organized by AIDIC, the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering. It is expected, then, that the continuous participation of the past years will be maintained and enhanced also in this event. AIDIC so far continues to invite all the international specialists to see this event as an opportunity to exchange up-to-the minute information on industrial needs, new technology developments and research opportunities. The previous events attracted leading Industrialists and Academics from all over the world and provided a state of the art on Chemical and Process Engineering. Conference Participation confirmed the International character and appeal reached by ICheaP-Series and demonstrated the need of having a permanent forum and record of International R&D activities. ICheaP12 is organized in Milano during EXPO2015, a universal exposition addressed to the main strategic objectives: “Feed the Planet and Energy for Life”. EXPO2015 will last from May to October and will attract a worldwide participation that will provide visibility to the tradition, the creativity and innovation in food industry and in new global food scenarios. ICheaP12 will be jointly organized on occasion of IPACK-IMA an international fair on the technologies for food processing and packaging. The synergic relation with IPACK-IMA will contribute to the organization of sessions addressed to food losses control and to the definition of new targets on high standard level of food safety. So ICheaP12, in line with EXPO2015 objectives and favouring the IPACK-IMA themes, will call experts to provide answers and to define solutions to those thematic subjects with proper sessions and keynote presentations. It is therefore evident that joining ICheaP12, on occasion of EXPO2015 and IPACK-IMA, is an unique opportunity that gives to the event participants a world wide open window and an extraordinary opportunity to favor contacts and enlarge visibility CONFERENCE TOPICS The major aim of ICheaP-12 is to review the latest development, needs and issues on the thematic areas covered in general by emerging references of Chemical Engineering Science. Technical program is structured in parallel sessions; conference topics will be treated in invited plenary lectures, selected oral presentations and poster sessions. Topic I FOOD - Advances in food preservation technologies - Emerging process technologies and equipments - New technologies for improving food quality and safety - Novel and functional products - Structure properties relationships - Sustainable food packaging - Sustainable food production and distribution systems I C h e a P - 1 2 Topic II BIOTECHNOLOGY - Biorefinery: Unit operations and Processing systems. - Micro/minibioreactor design: Operation and relevance to Scale-up. - Cell Manipulation and Process Operation: The impact of cellular changes on fermentation and downstream processing. - Advances in Scaleup/scale down processes - Stem Cell processing - Biodegradable polymers production and processing Topic III BIOMASS - Conversion Analysis - Biomass Processes - Biomass Resources - Biomass Policies - Biomass as source of energy - Anaerobic digestion processes - Algae production and processing Topic IV NANOTECHNOLOGY - Composites: Nanoparticles, Nanofillers, Nanoclays - Coatings:Thin films, Surface characterization, Pigments - Biomaterials:Drug delivery, medical imaging materials, implants, nanosensors - Biofuel production trends and processes Topic V ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY, ENERGY, QUALITY - Loss Prevention, Risk Assessment, HSE Management Systems - Process Development for Sustainable Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Protection - Green House Gases, Emission Trading - Environmental Remediation - Energy Saving in the Process Industries - Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Management Systems - Carbon Dioxide as a valuable source of carbon for the chemical industry - Waste processing and waste-to-energy systems Topic VI PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY - Filtration and Separation - Crystallization - Mechanics and Particulate Solids - Drying - Comminution and Classification - Characterization of Particulate Systems - Agglomeration M i l a n , 1 9 - 2 2 M a y 2 0 1 5 Topic VII REACTION ENGINEERING - Chemical Reaction Engineering - Chemical Engineering in the Application of Catalysis - Polymer Reaction Engineering - Biochemical Reaction Engineering PAPER SUBMISSION The official language of the conference is English. The expression of English into the manuscript must be good and also presenters should be sufficiently fluent in running presentation and discussion on high academic standards. Authors wishing to present a contribution are asked to prepare maximum one page abstract to be submitted ONLY by web-page to the Conference Secretariat: Topic VIII PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING - Off-Line Systems - On-Line Systems - Computational & Numerical Solutions Strategies - Integrated and Multiscale Modelling and Simulation - Computer Aided Process Engineering for the users, society and education The first deadline for proposal submission is September 20th, 2014 Abstract is the first step evaluation, while the acceptance for presentation during the conference and publication into CET will be based on the full manuscript submission. No book of abstract will be distributed. Topic IX SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY AND TRANSFER - Fluid separations - High pressure technology - Membrane separations - Separation challenges in future fuels - Green solvents, ionic liquids, biofuels - CO2 capture - Integrated, hybrid and novel separations - Equipment design and revamp - Process troubleshooting and handling operational problems PROCEEDINGS & PUBLICATION POLICY Each full manuscript is evaluated for acceptance by at least two Peer Reviewers. The full set of final selected papers (in the form of short papers that must fit exactly 6 pages) will be published into CET "Chemical Engineering Transactions" Topic X FLUID MECHANICS AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA - Fundamentals - Multiphase Flows - Microfluidics and nanofluidics - Industrial Applications Topic XI PRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS - Polymers – Ceramics – Metals – Composites The publication will be available on USB memory stick - distributed during the conference to all the participants - or online at CET website. Hard copies of the volume can be printed and will be for sale on request The materials will not be available after the Conference by mail. Topic XII THERMODYNAMICS AND INTERFACIAL PHENOMENA - New Approaches, needs and trends - Industrial Applications The quality of this publication is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, reference by SCOPUS and THOMSON REUTERS (ISI Web of Knowledge, conference proceedings) citation indexes. In addition each paper will be available online thanks to the DOI identification. Each Paper in the volume is covered by a copyright assigned to AIDIC Servizi S.r.l. Topic XIII BIOREFILL - Special session dedicated to participants to the project on BIOREFinery Integrated Lombardy Labs I C h e a P - 1 2 M i l a n , 1 9 - 2 2 M a y 2 0 1 5 Requirements for publication - original article (never published before) - reviewers acceptance - full compliance with the Chemical Engineering Transactions formatting instructions - valid registration fee to the congress - transfer of copyright agreement duly signed ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Co-Chairman Elefante Domenico (AIDIC president; ENI) Co-Chairman Gani Rafiqul (EFCE president; Technical University of Denmark) The participation to the conference is mandatory for the publication of the paper per presenting author since only papers presented (either lecture and posters) will be indexed. Authors who do not present the paper during the conference will have the relative publication cancelled. Members Damerio Raffaella (AIDIC); Del Rosso Renato (AIDIC; Politecnico di Milano); Licciardello Manuela (AIDIC); Mino Umberto (AIDIC); Pierucci Sauro (AIDIC; Politecnico di Milano) Additional papers per presenting author will be accepted as posters, for an additional paper fee. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE KEY DATES Members September 20th, 2014 September 30th, 2014 th October 30 , 2014 December 5th, 2014 February 5th, 2015 February 20th, 2015 March 5th, 2015 rd March 23 , 2015 th March 30 , 2015 May 4th, 2015 May 19th, 2015 May 20-22th, 2015 Abstract submission Information to Authors on abstract acceptance Late abstract submission Full manuscript submission for refereeing & communication of the tentative presenting author Co-Chairman Pierucci Sauro (Politecnico di Milano, AIDIC) Co-Chairman Klemeš Jirí J. (University of Pannonia, Hungary) ANDREUSSI Paolo Italy ENGELL Sebastian Germany ANNESINI Maria Cristina Italy ESPUNA Antonio Spain AVELLA Raffaele Italy FABIANO Bruno Italy BARBOSA-POVOA Ana Portugal FERMEGLIA Maurizio Italy BARDONE Enrico Italy FINO Debora Italy BAROLO Massimiliano Italy FLOQUET Pascal France BERTUCCO Alberto Italy FRIEDLER Ferenc Hungary GARFORTH Arthur U.K. BEZERRA DE SOUZA JR. Mauricio Brazil BOGLE David U.K. GRIEVINK Johan The Netherlands BOZZANO Giulia Italy HENNING Gabriela Argentina BRAVI Marco Italy JALLUT Christian France BRUCATO Alberto Italy JOULIA Xavier France BRUNAZZI Elisabetta Italy KAFAROV Vyatcheslav Colombia CANU Paolo Italy KENIG Eugeny Germany CAO Giacomo Italy KESHAVARZ Taj U.K. Information to Authors about format of presentation & eventual request of additional revisions into the manuscript CHIANESE Angelo Italy KRAVANJA Zdravko Slovenia COZZANI Valerio Italy KUBICEK Milan Czech Republic DEL BORGHI Marco Italy LANCIA Amedeo Italy Technical program DEL ROSSO Renato Italy LANG Peter Hungary DENTE Mario Italy LE LANN Jean Marc France Registration deadline for visitors DIAZ Soledad Argentina LOGIST Filip Belgium DRAHOS Jiri Czech Republic MACCHIETTO Sandro U.K. DRIOLI Enrico Italy MACIEL FILHO Rubens Brazil EDREDER Elmahboub Lybia MANCA Davide Italy ELICECHE Ana Maria Argentina MANENTI Flavio Italy Information to Authors about definitive acceptance/rejection of the manuscript and reviewers’ comments Registration deadline for authors to have the paper included into CEt Volume and DOI publication Revised manuscript submission Opening session, plenary lecture and welcome cocktail Lectures & posters presentations I C h e a P - 1 2 M i l a n , 1 9 - 2 2 M a y 2 0 1 5 MARCHISIO Daniele Italy SANTARELLI Francesco Italy MARECHAL Francois Switzerland SARACCO Guido Italy MARIN Guy Belgium SCALI Claudio Italy MARTINS Fernando Portugal SEFERLIS Panos Greece MASCHIO Giuseppe Italy SENNI BURATTI Simberto Italy MASI Paolo Italy SERVIDA Alberto Italy MATOS Henrique Portugal SHACHAM Mordechai Israel MAURI Roberto Italy SOLDATI Alfredo Italy MAZZAROTTA Barbara Italy SPADONI Gigliola Italy MENSHUTINA Natalia Russia SPECCHIA Vito Italy MESHALKIN Valeriy P. Russia SRINIVASAN Rajagopalan Singapore MIZSEY Peter Hungary STEHLIK Peter Czech Republic MORESI Mauro Italy STOLLER Marco Italy MUJTABA Iqbal U.K. THULLIE Jan Poland PASMAN Hans J. The Netherlands TOGNOTTI Leonardo Italy PASTORINO Renato Italy TRONCONI Enrico Italy PEREGO Patrizia Italy TRYSTRAM Gilles France PIAZZA Laura Italy VENKATASUBRAMANIAN Venkat U.S.A. PLESU Valentin Romania WESTERLUND Joakim Finland POLETTO Massimo Italy WOLF MACIEL Maria Regina Brazil PREISIG Heinz Norway WOZNY Guenter Germany RANZI Eliseo Italy YOON En Sup Korea REKLAITIS G.V. U.S.A. ZUORRO Antonio Italy SAAVEDRA Jaqueline Colombia CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT All correspondence should be addressed to The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering Secretariat Raffaella DAMERIO Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A - 20133 Milano (Italy) Phone: +39-02-70608276; Fax: +39-02-70639402 e-mail: [email protected] I C h e a P - 1 2 M i l a n , 1 9 - 2 2 M a y 2 0 1 5
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