1 La nostra storia inizia in italia trent’anni fa... La nostra passione ha radici molto più lontane ed è stata temprata dalle salite più dure, dalle strade roventi e dai passi innevati. Our history starts in Italy 30 years ago… Our passion has much more distant roots and it has been hardened from endless climbs, hot roads and snowy peaks. Nuestra historia comenzó hace 30 años... nuestra pasión tiene raíces mucho más lejanos y se ha endurucido por interminables subidas, calles calientes y picos nevados. LA NOSTRA STORIA È FATTA DI PERSONE, PASSIONE PER IL CICLISMO E RICERCA COSTANTE DELLA PERFEZIONE. OUR HISTORY IS MADE OF PEOPLE, PASSION FOR CYCLING AND A NEVER-ENDING SEARCH FOR PERFECTION. SIMONE FRACCARO - giessegi founder Professional cyclist 1974/1984 - In action Paris Roubaix 1979 2 NUESTRA HISTORIA ESTA HECHA POR PERSONAS, PASIÒN POR EL CICLISMO Y BÙSQUEDA CONSTANTE DE LA PERFECCIÒN. 3 TEAM ELITE COLLECTION 03230 03229 02085 03228 04072 10061 09036 11029 05272 05118 05102 05136 06072 07113 07114 08135 08136 08140 08141 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ELITE COLLECTION 03227 03241 03249 03248 04073 04074 10082 09030 09039 11031 05196 07092 06053 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 MTB COLLECTION 03134 04089 10071 11044 05265 07149 05264 05266 08141 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 WOMAN COLLECTION 03210 02097 05275 05283 06085 60 61 62 63 64 KID COLLECTION 03215 04085 10072 05246 07137 66 67 68 69 70 ACCESSORIES COLLECTION 12003 12012 12056 12093 12065 12064 12039 12037 12038 12117 12082 12116 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 12114 12115 12111 12078 12091 12005 12040 12097 12103 12095 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 5 OUR EXPERIENCE Giessegi was founded in 1984 on the idea of Simone Fraccaro to transfer his 10-years experience as professional biker in technical cycling wear. A DNA of cycling and agonism has never disappeared, and also today, celebrating 30 years in business, GSG is close to and partner of professional teams. Professional athletes of road cycling and mountain bikes wore, developed and brought success to GSG clothing in the most important cycling races, allowing GSG to introduce new innovations in products and make them available for everyone. Giessegi nasce nel 1984 dalla volontà di Simone Fraccaro di trasferire i suoi 10 anni di esperienza di professionismo in prodotti tecnici per il ciclismo. Il DNA ciclistico legato all’agonismo non è mai scomparso e ancor oggi, festeggiando i 30 anni di attività, GSG è partner tecnico di team professionistici. Atleti professionisti della strada e della mountain bike hanno indossato, sviluppato e portato al successo i capi GSG nelle più importanti competizioni, permettendo a GSG di introdurre sempre nuove innovazioni nei prodotti e renderle disponibili per tutti. Giessegi fue fundada en 1984 por el deseo de Simone Fraccaro de trasladar sus 10 años de experiencia como corredor profesional, en productos técnicos para el ciclismo. El DNA de GSG ligado al ciclismo competitivo nunca ha desaparecido, y aún hoy, celebrando 30 años de negocios, GSG és un partner de equipos profesionales. Los atletas profesionales de carretera y de mountain bike han vestido, desarrollado y llevado al éxito los artìculos GSG en las competiciones más importantes, permitiendo a GSG de introducir siempre nuevas innovaciones en los productos y ponerlos a disposición de todos. 6 7 ELITE COLLECTION RACING PERFORMANCE 8 9 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 03230 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03230 T215 MATERIAL: 03229 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03229 E35 T221 MATERIAL: BIOCERAMIC INTERPOWER TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, antistatic, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: ladderproof fabric on the back, carbon mesh sides. REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: sleeve opening and back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: printed reflective raw edge. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. INSERTS: ladderproof fabric on the back, mesh sides. REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: printed mesh cuff. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 10 11 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 02085 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 02085 T221 MATERIAL: 03228 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03228 T120 MATERIAL: INTERPOWER PL RAPID DRY TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, antistatic, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: perforated fabric on the back, mesh sides. REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. INSERTS: mesh sides. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 12 13 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 04072 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 04072 T503 MATERIAL: 10061 MAN-WINTER LONG SLEEVE JACKET 10061 T629 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX WINDOFF MAX TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: waterproof, windproof, water-repellent, anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: cuff. HEM: front turn-up, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. INSERTS: inside collar and cuffs in roubaix fabric. TEMP: -5°/+7° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem, pocket edge. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: cuff. HEM: raw edge silicone lycra. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + 1 right side with zipper. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 14 15 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 09036 MAN-RAINPROOF VEST 09036 T633 MATERIAL: 11029 MAN-RAINPROOF LONG SLEEVE JACKET 11029 T633 MATERIAL: WINDOFF LIGHT WINDOFF LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES: waterproof, windproof, water-repellent, breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: waterproof, windproof, water-repellent, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: TEMP: +12°/+20° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: left side label. ZIPPER: long covered. HEM: silicone elastic. INSERTS: mesh undersleeve. TEMP: +5°/+15° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: left side label. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic. HEM: silicone elastic. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 16 17 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 05272 MAN-BIB SHORTS 05272 T312 MATERIAL: 05118 MAN-BIB SHORTS 05118 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225gr COMPRESSION LYCRA 225gr COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: printed elastic LEG OPENING: raw edge silicone lycra. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 18 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: polypropylene LEG OPENING: raw edge lycra with silicone. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 19 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 05102 MAN-BIB SHORTS 05102 T312 MATERIAL: 05136 MAN-SHORTS 05136 E45 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225gr COMPRESSION LYCRA 225gr COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: polypropylene. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 20 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. WAIST: front lycra band, back elastic. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 21 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 06072 MAN-3/4 PANTS WITH BRACES 06072 E45 T504 MATERIAL: 07113 MAN-PANTS WITH BRACES 07113 T504 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 22 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: elastic foot loop. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 23 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 07114 MAN-3/4 PANTS WITH BRACES 07114 T636 MATERIAL: 08135 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE BODY 08135 T312 MATERIAL: WINDOFF ELASTIC, ROUBAIX LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, hich-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 24 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams on shorts. ZIPPER: invisible LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 25 ELITE COLLECTION MAN ELITE COLLECTION MAN 08136 MAN-LONG SLEEVE BODY 08136 T312 MATERIAL: 08140 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE BODY 08140 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, hich-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, hich-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams on shorts. ZIPPER: invisible LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 26 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams on shorts. ZIPPER: invisible. POCKET: 2 open pockets. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. 27 ELITE COLLECTION MAN 08141 MAN-LONG SLEEVE BODY 08141 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, hich-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams on shorts. ZIPPER: invisible. POCKET: 2 open pockets. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: REKORD BIO TRS SAT - printed. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 28 TEAM COLLECTION RACING PERFORMANCE 30 31 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 03227 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03227 T101 MATERIAL: POLYMICRO TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. DETAILS: ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 32 03241 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03241 T101 MATERIAL: POLYMICRO TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. DETAILS: ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 33 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 03249 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03249 T101 MATERIAL: 03248 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03248 T101 MATERIAL: POLYMICRO POLYMICRO TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: SIDELESS ZIPPER: long. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIDELESS ZIPPER: invisible 40cm. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 34 35 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 04073 MAN-LONG SLEEVE JERSEY 04073 T633 MATERIAL: 04074 MAN-LONG SLEEVE JERSEY 04074 T413 MATERIAL: WINDOFF LIGHT THERMOFLEECE TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, bi-elastic, breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back and pockets in roubaix fabric. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 36 37 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 10082 MAN-WINTER JACKET 10082 T632 MATERIAL: 09030 MAN-RAINPROOF VEST 09030 T609 MATERIAL: WINDFREE WINDLOCK TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, waterproof, water repellent, breathable, anatomic. TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, water repellent, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: sides, cuff, inside collar in roubaix fabric REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: cuff. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. INSERTS: back and pockets in polymicro fabric. TEMP: +15°/+20° ZIPPER: long covered. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 38 39 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 11031 09039 MAN-RAINPROOF VEST 09039 T609 MATERIAL: MAN-RAINPROOF LONG SLEEVE JACKET 11031 T609 MATERIAL: WINDLOCK WINDLOCK TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, water repellent, breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, water-repellent, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL INSERTS: mesh back. TEMP: +15°/+20° ZIPPER: long. HEM: silicone elastic. 40 TEMP: +10°/+20° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: left side label. ZIPPER: long. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic. HEM: silicone elastic. 41 TEAM COLLECTION MAN TEAM COLLECTION MAN 05196 MAN-BIB SHORTS 05196 E45 T312 MATERIAL: 07092 MAN-PANTS WITH BRACES 07092 T504 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225gr COMPRESSION ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL BRACES: polypropylene. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. 42 BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: elastic foot loop. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. 43 TEAM COLLECTION MAN 06053 MAN-3/4 PANTS WITH BRACES 06053 E45 T504 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 44 45 MTB COLLECTION RACING PERFORMANCE 46 47 MTB COLLECTION MAN MTB COLLECTION MAN 03134 MAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03134 T126 MATERIAL: 04089 MAN-LONG SLEEVE JERSEY 04089 T126 MATERIAL: ENDURANCE ENDURANCE TECHNOLOGIES: ladderproof, breathable, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: ladderproof, breathable, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: mesh sides. REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back pocket. ZIPPER: short. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 1 pocket with zip. INSERTS: mesh sides. SLEEVE OPENING: silicone elastic. HEM: 2 needle stitching. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 48 SIZES: XXS - 5XL 49 MTB COLLECTION MAN MTB COLLECTION MAN 10071 MAN-WINTER LONG SLEEVE JACKET 10071 T632 MATERIAL: 11044 MAN-RAINPROOF LONG SLEEVE JACKET 11044 T633 MATERIAL: WINDREE WINDOFF LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES: windproof, water-repellent, breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: waterproof, windproof, water-repellent, breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: back sides pocket in roubaix. TEMP: 0°/+13° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem, pocket edge. ZIPPER: long. SLEEVE OPENING: cuff. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + 1 with zip. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. TEMP: 0°/+15° REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back pocket edge. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic and velcro. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 1 pocket with zip. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 50 SIZES: XXS - 5XL 51 MTB COLLECTION MAN MTB COLLECTION MAN 05265 MAN-BIB SHORTS 05265 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: INSERTS: SAT protection. STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: raw edge lycra. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. 07149 MAN-PANTS WITH BRACES 07149 T504 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5. DETAILS: INSERTS: SAT protection. TEMP: +15°/+30° STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: elastic foot loop. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. OPTIONAL: inside S.A.T. protection inserts. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 52 SIZES: XXS - 5XL 53 MTB COLLECTION MAN MTB COLLECTION MAN 05264 MAN-BAGGY SHORTS 05264 T655 MATERIAL: 05266 MAN-BAGGY SHORTS 05266 T655 MATERIAL: POLYAMIDE POLYAMIDE TECHNOLOGIES: breathable, resistant to abrasion . TECHNOLOGIES: breathable, resistant to abrasion . DETAILS: DETAILS: INSERTS: bi-stretch cordura in crutch area, printed sides and back panel. STITCHING: strengthen. WAIST: front zipper, stretch adjusters. POCKET: 2 open front. INSERTS: bi-stretch cordura in crutch area, printed sides and back panel. STITCHING: strengthen. WAIST: front zipper, stretch adjusters. POCKET: 2 open front + 1 zipped left leg. SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL 54 55 MTB COLLECTION MAN 08141 MAN-LONG SLEEVE BODY 08141 T504 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, hich-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams on shorts. ZIPPER: invisible. POCKET: 2 open pockets. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs - printed. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 56 57 WOMAN COLLECTION RACING PERFORMANCE 58 59 WOMAN COLLECTION WOAMN COLLECTION 03210 WOMAN-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03210 ELA35 T221 MATERIAL: 02097 WOMAN-SINGLET 02097 T221 MATERIAL: INTERPOWER INTERPOWER TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, bi-elastic, breathable, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: INSERTS: mesh sides. REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: back hem. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: printed mesh cuff. HEM: front silicone lycra insert, back silicone elastic. POCKETS: 3 open pockets + ipod hole. SIZES: XXS - 5XL 60 SIZES: XXS - 5XL 61 WOMAN COLLECTION WOAMN COLLECTION 05275 WOMAN-SHORTS 05275 T312 MATERIAL: 05283 WOMAN-BIB SHORTS 05283 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: SIZES: XXS - 5XL SIZES: XXS - 5XL STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. WAIST: front lycra band, back elastic. LEG OPENING: raw edge silicone lycra. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs Woman - printed. 62 STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. BRACES: raw edge lycra. LEG OPENING: raw edge silicone lycra. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs Woman - printed. 63 WOMAN COLLECTION 06085 WOMAN-3/4 PANTS 06085 T312 MATERIAL: LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: anatomic, high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: STITCHING: 4 needle flat seams. WAIST: front lycra band, back elastic. LEG OPENING: raw edge silicone lycra. PAD: HD Ergonomic trs Woman - printed. KID COLLECTION RACING PERFORMANCE SIZES: XXS - 5XL 64 65 ELITE COLLECTION KID ELITE COLLECTION KID 03215 KID-SHORT SLEEVE JERSEY 03215 T120 MATERIAL: 04085 KID-LONG SLEEVE JERSEY 04085 T413 MATERIAL: PL RAPID DRY THERMOFLEECE TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. TECHNOLOGIES: breathable. DETAILS: DETAILS: ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: 2 needle stitching. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 2/3 open pockets. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: elastic. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 2/3 open pockets. SIZES: I - VI SIZES: I - VI 66 67 ELITE COLLECTION KID ELITE COLLECTION KID 10072 KID-JACKET 10072 T632 MATERIAL: 05246 KID-BIB SHORTS 05246 T312 MATERIAL: WINDFREE LYCRA 225GR COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGIES: breathable, windproof, waterproof, water repellent. TECHNOLOGIES: high-compression, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: DETAILS: REFLECTIVE ELEMENTS: pocket edge. ZIPPER: long covered. SLEEVE OPENING: cuff. HEM: silicone elastic. POCKETS: 1 pocket with zip. BRACES: polypropylene. LEG OPENING: printed silicone elastic. PAD: JOLLY KID printed. SIZES: I - VI SIZES: I - VI 68 69 ELITE COLLECTION KID 07137 KID-PANTS WITH BRACES 07137 T504 MATERIAL: ROUBAIX TECHNOLOGIES: bi - elastic, breathable, peeling resistance 5/5, upf 50+ (ultraviolet protecting factor). DETAILS: BRACES: roubaix. LEG OPENING: 2 needle stitching. PAD: JOLLY KID printed. SIZES: I - VI 70 71 ACCESSORIES COLLECTION 72 73 BANDANA 12003 T101 FABRICS: CAP BAND 12012 T503 FABRICS: BUFF 12056 T221 FABRICS: POLYMICRO ROUBAIX INTERPOWER SIZES: ONE SIZE SIZES: ONE SIZE SIZES: ONE SIZE KNEEWARMERS 12039 T503 FABRICS: ANATOMICAL KNEEWARMERS 12093 01 T503 FABRICS: ANATOMICAL LEGWARMERS 12065 T503 FABRICS: FABRICS: ARMWARMERS 12038 T503 FABRICS: ROUBAIX ROUBAIX ROUBAIX SIZES: S - M - L SIZES: S - M - L SIZES: S - M - L SUMMER GLOVES 12117 01 CHRONO GLOVES 12082 MTB SUMMER GLOVES 12116 FABRICS: LYCRA FABRICS: LYCRA FABRICS: LYCRA OPENING: bordo in lycra SIZES: XXS - 3XL OPENING: bordo in lycra SIZES: XXS - 3XL OPENING: velcro SIZES: XXS - 3XL ANATOMICAL ARMWARMERS 12064 T503 FABRICS: ROUBAIX ROUBAIX ROUBAIX SIZES: S - M - L SIZES: S - M - L SIZES: S - M - L 74 LEGWARMERS 12037 T503 75 WINTER GLOVES 12114 WINTER GLOVES 12115 FABRICS: WINDOFF FABRICS: WINDOFF OPENING: bordo in lycra TEMP: SIZES: XXS - 3XL OPENING: bordo in lycra TEMP: SIZES: XXS - 3XL BELGIAN BOOTIES 12040 FABRICS: WINTER SOCKS 12111 01 FABRICS: LYCRA SIZES: S/M - L/XL OPENING: zip SIZES: 39/40 - 47/48 FABRICS: BIOCERAMIC SIZES: S/M - L/XL SIZES: S/M - L/XL WINTER SHOECOVERS 12103 01 FABRICS: FABRICS: MTB WINTER SHOECOVERS 12095 FABRICS: WINDOFF WINDOFF OPENING: zip SIZES: 39/40 - 47/48 OPENING: zip + velcro on bottom SIZES: 39/40 - 47/48 SUMMER SOCKS 12005 FABRICS: COOLMAX + CARBON COOLMAX SIZES: S/M - L/XL SIZES: S/M - L/XL 76 FABRICS: POLYAMIDE + LYCRA SOCKS 12078 01 POLYPROPYLENE SUMMER SOCKS 12091 SUMMER SHOECOVERS 12097 01 77 SIZES CONVERSION CHART WHICH IS THE BEST POSITION FOR YOUR SPONSORS? Questa è la migliore posizione in bici..per gli sponsor! Per la maglia, oltre al parte frontale, molta visibilità è offerta dai fianchi e dalla spalla Per il pantaloncino, massima rilevanza allo sponsor è fornita dalla toppa posteriore, dai fianchi, ancora, e dal fine gamba frontale. This is the best position on bike…for sponsors! For jerseys, in addition to frontal side, big visibility is granted by side and shoulder. For shorts, highest relevance to the sponsor is given by the patch, by side, again, and by front of leg hem. Gana la mejor posicion en la bici...aunque para los sponsors! Maillot: además en el frontal, maxima visibilidad es en costados y hombros. Culotte: maxima visibilidad es en dorsal y en lateral y en final frontal de la pierna. 78 79 CONCORDE BIO 3X - TECH MAN HD ERGONOMIC PRINTED TRS MAN MAN HD ERGONOMIC PRINTED TRS CONCORDE è la rivoluzione dei fondelli per il 2014 lanciato da GSG per festeggiare il suo 30° anniversario. Un fondello realmente tridimensionale realizzato grazie alla nuova tecnologia 3X che permette di riprodurre una forma anatomica rivoluzionaria atta a garantire all’atleta il massimo per comfort e performance. Il Concorde, completamente senza cuciture, ha una curvatura morbida che segue le forme del bacino dell’atleta al fi ne di ottenere la massima performance. La speciale spugna multi-density è di derivazione medicale ed è antibatterica e anallergica per una pelle più sana. La spugna con struttura a celle aperte garantisce un supporto altamente stabile in tutte le condizioni. I pieni e i vuoti delle spugne 3D nelle aree perineali e ischiatiche garantiscono il massimo comfort e prestazione anche agli atleti con problematiche specifi che in quelle zone. Il tessuto Bio-Hitech, certifi cato BlueSign®, è bi-elastico, quindi si adatta alla forma dei pantaloncini e al movimento del ciclista assicurando comfort e performance. Il tessuto, inoltre, è percorso da fibre di carbonio che, oltre ad un effetto batteriostatico, migliorano la traspirazione. CONCORDE 2014 is a revolutionary pad made for GSG’s 30th anniversary. This pad is literally 3-dimensional! Created with new 3X-Technology, the pad ensures an anatomic shape in a completely new way. It is indeed a major advance in pad design! You will not find a more comfortable competitive pad. Concorde is completely seamless and its geography follows the athlete’s pelvis in order to grant maximum performance. The special bi-density foam has been used in medical products for many years, but is now being used in these pads for the first time. The material is non-allergenic and antibacterial which will assure all riders maximum hygiene and comfort. The open-cell structure foam guarantees high stability and support even in extreme conditions. The foam inserts placed in key pressure points in the perineal and ischiatic areas provide maximum comfort and performance. Finally, there is an additional outer fabric made from carbonium which has a natural “bacteria-static” effect, allowing for better breathability. REKORD BIO PRINTED TRS S.A.T. MAN Testato da vari team professionistici, HD ERGONOMIC offre massimo comfort grazie all’alto spessore (16mm) e alla massima densità poss bile (120kg/m3). Il fondello HD Ergonomic è in Coolmax stampato che favorisce l’espulsione dell’umidità dalla pelle, garantendo un’ottima traspirabilità, regolazione termica e rapida asciugatura. Il Coolmax è sottoposto al trattamento Polygiene, antimicrobico brevettato che impiega l’argento ionico per inibire lo sviluppo di microrganismi. L’effetto è permanente. Il modello è in TRS, la spugna innovativa perforata con fori da 5mm. PRINTED TRS Tested and improved together with professional teams, the HD ERGONOMIC offers maximum comfort on the long tracks. It is conceived with high density and multi level thickness grant the best impact protection and weight distribution on the saddle. HD Ergonomic presented with the high-tech Coolmax Testato dafoams vari toteam professionistici, HD Ergonomic offre massimo comfort grazieisall’alto spessore (16mm) e allafi bres which enable moisture expulsion from the body, granting an excellent transpirability, heat regulation and qu ck-drying quality. Polygiene is the face treatment. It is a patented innovamassima densità possibile (120kg/m3). Il fondello HD Ergonomic è in Coolmax stampato che favorisce l’espulsione tive and antimicrobial technology that employs the silver ions to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. The effect is permanent. The foam is TRS, innovative perforated dell’umidità dalla pelle, garantendo un’ottima traspirabilità, regolazione termica e rapida asciugatura. Il Coolmax è (5mm holes) foam. sottoposto al trattamento Polygiene, antimicrobico brevettato che impiega l’argento ionico per inibire lo sviluppo di microrganismi. L’effetto è permanente. Il modello è in TRS, la spugna innovativa perforata con fori da 5mm. Tested and improved together with professional teams, the HD Ergonomic offers maximum comfort on the long tracks. It is conceived with high density and multi level thickness foams to grant the best impact protection and weight distribution on the saddle. HD Ergonomic is presented with the high-tech Coolmax fibres which enable moisture expulsion from the body, granting an excellent transpirability, heat regulation and quick-drying quality. Polygiene is the face treatment. It is a patented innovative and antimicrobial technology that employs the silver ions to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. The effect is permanent. The foam is TRS, innovative perforated (5mm holes) foam. HD ERGONOMIC PRINTED TRS W WOMAN PRINTED TRS W REKORD, dallo stile tridimensionale rivoluzionario, fornisce protezione dove necessario, grazie agli inserti ad alta densità (120kg/m3) a cella aperta posizionati nei punti chiave di massima pressione. Il modello è in TRS, la spugna innovativa perforata con fori da 5mm ed è caratterizzato da S.A.T., l’esclusivo sistema di ammortizzazione, che fornisce la massima protezione ed assorbimento degli urti dissipando il 90% dell’energia e neutralizzando ogni vibrazione negativa sviluppata durante l’impatto con il terreno. Il tessuto é Bio-Hitech stampato, certifi cato dagli alti standard di BlueSign® a garanzia di sicurezza del consumatore e rispetto per l’ambiente. Si tratta di un tessuto bi-elastico ad alta estensibilità che si adatta al materiale dei pantaloncini ed alla libertà di movimento del ciclista per massimo confort e performance. L’articolo dall’effetto “mano pesca” ha un tocco estremamente morbido e piacevole, comodo da indossare come fosse una seconda pelle, garantisce massima traspirabilità ed ottima evaporazione dell’umidità, riducendo gli arrossamenti dovuti al surriscaldamento. Di facile manutenzione e rapida asciugatura. REKORD, with a revolutionary three dimensional style, provides protection where necessary thanks to the high density open cell foam inserts (120kg/m3) placed in the key pressure points. This chamois is in TRS, innovative perforated (5mm holes) foam, presented with S.A.T. the exclusive shock-absorbing system, which provides maximum protection and shock absorption dissipating 90% of the energy and neutralizing any negative vibration developed during the impact with the ground. The face fabric is in printed Bio-Hitech: Endorsed by the high certifi cation standards of BlueSign® approved fabric, Bio-HiTech is an additional guarantee for the consumer’s safety and environmental respect. The 4-ways stretch fabric has a high extensibility which adapts to the shorts material and to the movement of the cyclists and fi ts for m ximum comfort and performance. The brushed soft-touch fabric, comfortable like a second skin, grants an excellent breathability and a superb moisture transport ability, aids heat dispertion reducing friction and overheating areas. Easy care and quick-drying. 80 WOM HD ERGONOMIC Il modello Vuelta, combinazione di spugne, tessuti e tecnologie più avanzate, è il risultato di test con cicliste professioniste e di una serie di protocolli di laboratorio. Il fondello dallo stile tridimensionale rivoluzionario fornisce protezione dove necessario, graziediagli inserti ade tecnologie alta densità (120kg/m3) a cella aperta posizionati nei epunti di massima Il modello , combinazione spugne, tessuti più avanzate, è il risultato di test con cicliste professioniste di unachiave serie di protocolli di laboratorio. Il fondello pressione. Il modello è rivoluzionario caratterizzato da S.A.T., l’esclusivo sistema di agli ammortizzazione di La Fonte Pads fornisce la nei punti chiave di dallo stile tridimensionale fornisce protezione dove necessario, grazie inserti ad alta densità (120kg/m3) a cellache aperta posizionati massimaprotezione pressione. Il modello è caratterizzato da S.A.T., sistema di ammortizzazione La Fonte Pads cheogni fornisce la massima protezione ed assorbimento massima ed assorbimento degli urti l’esclusivo dissipando il 90% dell’energia edineutralizzando vibrazione negativa degli urti dissipando 90% dell’energia neutralizzando ogni vibrazione negativa sviluppata certifi durantecato l’impatto con il terreno. Il tessuto é Bio-Hitech stampato, certifi sviluppata durante ill’impatto con il eterreno. Il tessuto é Bio-Hitech stampato, dagli alti standard di BlueSign® cato dagli alti standard di BlueSign® a garanziaedirispetto sicurezzaper del consumatore rispetto Si bi-elastico tratta di un tessuto bi-elastico ad alta estensibilità che si a garanzia di sicurezza del consumatore l’ambiente.eSi trattaper di l’ambiente. un tessuto ad alta estensibilità adatta al materiale dei pantaloncini ed alla libertà di movimento del ciclista per massimo comfort e performance. L’articolo dall’effetto “mano pesca” ha un tocco estreche si adatta al materiale dei pantaloncini ed come alla libertà movimento del ciclista per massimo comfort performance. mamente morbido e piacevole, comodo da indossare fosse unadiseconda pelle, garantisce massima traspirabilità ed ottimaeevaporazione dell’umidità, riducendo L’articolo dall’effetto “mano pesca” haDiun tocco estremamente morbido e piacevole, comodo da indossare come fosse gli arrossamenti dovuti al surriscaldamento. facile manutenzione e rapida asciugatura. una seconda pelle, garantisce massima traspirabilità ed ottima evaporazione dell’umidità, riducendo gli arrossamenti dovuti Di facile manutenzione e rapida Vueltaal is surriscaldamento. the combination of the most technically advanced foams, fabrics asciugatura. and technologies. It is the result of the collaboration with top professional female riders and a Vuelta the combination of This thenew most technically advanced three foams, fabricsstyle and technologies. It is necessary the result of tothe series is of severe lab test protocols. hi-end pad with a revolutionary dimensional provides protection where thanks the high density open cell foam inserts (120kg/m3) placed in the female key pressure points. This with S.A.T. the exclusiveThis shock-absorbing system collaboration with top professional riders and a chamois series is ofpresented severe lab test protocols. new hi-end pad with a of La Fonte Pads which provides maximum protection and shock absorption dissipating 90% of the energy and neutralizing any negative vibration developed during the revolutionary three dimensional style provides protection where necessary thanks to the high density open cell foam inserts impact with placed the ground. The key face pressure fabric is in printed Endorsed by the high certifi of BlueSign® approved fabric,system Bio-HiTech is an additional (120kg/m3) in the points.Bio-Hitech: This chamois is presented withcation S.A.T.standards the exclusive shock-absorbing for the consumer’s safety and environmental respect. The 4-ways stretch fabric has a high extensibility which adapts to the shorts material and to the moveof guarantee La Fonte provides maximum protection and The shock absorption dissipating 90% oflike the energy and neutralizing ment of the Pads cyclistswhich and fi ts for maximum comfort and performance. brushed soft-touch fabric, comfortable a second skin, grants an excellent breathability and any negative vibration developed during the impact withfriction the ground. The face fabric is inand printed Bio-Hitech: Endorsed by a superb moisture transport ability, aids heat dispertion reducing and overheating areas. Easy care quick-drying. the high certification standards of BlueSign® approved fabric, Bio-HiTech is an additional guarantee for the consumer’s safety and environmental respect. The 4-ways stretch fabric has a high extensibility which adapts to the shorts material and to the movement of the cyclists and fits for maximum comfort and performance. The brushed soft-touch fabric, comfortable 81 like a second skin, grants an excellent breathability and a superb moisture transport ability, aids heat dispertion reducing friction and overheating areas. Easy care and quick-drying. TECHNOLOGIES INTERPOWER Trattamento persistente che favorisce il trasporto della traspirazione e del sudore dal corpo all’esterno del tessuto che asciuga con estrema rapidità. Il corpo rimane asciutto garantendo il massimo comfort. Lasting treatment that facilitates wicking of body transpiration and perspiration to the outer side of the fabric, which dries rapidly. The body stays dry and is therefore comfortable. HIDRO FIT Grazie alle sue sorprendenti caratteristiche di morbidezza, leggerezza e resistenza, HydroFit è un tessuto particolarmente indicato per lo sport attivo, in quanto la sua innovativa struttura, permette di trasportare velocemente l’umidità verso l’esterno, offrendo il massimo del comfort e della praticità. Due to its surprising softness, lightness and strength, HydroFit is a particularly suitable fabric for active sports because its innovative structure rapidly wicks away humidity, offering great comfort and practicality. NO SHOCK Tessuto con speciale fibra di carbonio altamente anti-statico in grado di ridurre la temperatura corporea. No-Shock™ fabric made from carbon fibre that ensures anti-static performance as well as lowering the heart rate and body temperature. SAT LYCRA SPORT La tecnologia Lycra Sport garantisce la riduzione delle vibrazioni muscolari diminuendo l’affaticamento dell’atleta, migliorando le sue performance. In particolare il tessuto utilizzato nei nostri capi offre: - perfetta vestibilità - elevato mantenimento della forma nel tempo - perfetta aderenza al corpo - protezione dai raggi UV (UPF 50+) - ottima resistenza al peeling e all’abrasione Because Lycra Sport technology reduces muscular vibrations muscle fatigue is diminished and the athlete’s performance improves. In particular the fabric used for our garments provides: - perfect fit - good shape-maintaining qualities over time - perfect body adherance - protection from UV rays (UPF 50+) - excellent resistance to peeling and abrasion La Fonte Shock Absorption Technology è il risultato di ricerche tecniche. L’esclusivo sistema ammortizzante garantisce la massima protezione e assorbimento degli impatti neutralizzando le vibrazioni negative sviluppate durante l’impatto con il suolo e distribuendo le pressioni. La Fonte Shock Absorption Technology is a result of technical researches. The exclusive shock-absorbing system provides maximum protection and shock absorption neutralizing any negative vibration developed during the impact with the ground, and distributing the pressures. E1 I tessuti E1 regolano attivamente la sudorazione senza seccare la pelle. Dunque, garantiscono benessere fisico perché offrono igiene, libertà di movimento e una piacevole sensazione sulla pelle. E1 fabrics actively absorb perspiration without drying out the skin. Thanks to their hygienic, skin-friendly qualities and freedom of movement, they ensure outstanding wearer comfort. RAPID DRY Trattamento che mantiene fresco e asciutto durante l’attività sportiva poiché espelle il sudore e asciuga rapidamente. Inoltre aumenta le qualità di morbidezza ed elasticità a contatto con la pelle. Treatment to keep the body cool and dry during sports activities because it expels perspiration and dries rapidly. Also increases the quality of softness and elasticity in contact with the skin.. TRS Schiuma innovativa traforata per incrementare la ventilazione e il trasporto dell’umidità. Innovative perforated (5mm holes) foam developed to ensure an excellent ventilation and moisture management. PIXEL Tessuto retroriflettente che permette di creare capi ad elevata visibilità per maggiore sicurezza su strada. PAD LINED WITH This fabric allows to create garments with high visibility giving to all users good safety quality. The fabric pixel, when illuminated by light source, reflects the light making the user visible to the source in low light conditions. 100% polyester technical fabric, really breathable. 82 Tessuto tecnico 100% poliestere estremamente traspirante. 83 TECHNOLOGIES WARMDRY WASH & CARE Questo tessuto utilizza fibre in poly micro, grazie ad un procedimento ad alta tecnologia. La sua capacità traspirante lo rende un prodotto innovativo nel mondo dello sport. Il tessuto non assorbente, offre un ricambio d’aria costante, migliorando la traspirazione del corpo. - Wash separately. This fabric use fibre in poly micro by an high technological process. His traspiration ability made it an innovative product into the sport environment. The fabric doesn’t absorb, and offer a good air exchange, to improve the body perspiration. - Before washing, turn the garment inside out. - We recommend to hand-wash your garment (max 30° C) - Machine-wash - always using a wash bag. TEK SERIES - Use mild liquid detergent only. TekSeries è una particolare membrana resistente al freddo e al vento, con un alto livello di traspirazione e resistenza all’acqua. TekSeries is a particolar membrane featuring significant resistance to cold and wind combined with a high level of transpiration and resistance to water. - Choose a delicate washing-cycle. - Do not use bleachers end/or softeners. - Do not spin after wash. - Do not soak, wring or rub. HYDRO OIL REPELLENT Il trattamento Hydro Oil Repellent respinge l’acqua, così come il fango e l’olio, lasciando il tessuto quanto più asciutto e pulito possibile. The external fabric with hydro oil repellent features, rejects water with a beading effect leaving the fabric as dry as possible. With water as with mud and oil. The Hydro oil repellent feature avoid these elements to penetrate in the fibers therefore it facilitates the cleanliness of the garment. - To remove excess water from your garment gently squeeze by hand. - Dry garments flat or hanging, never in the direct sunlight. - Do not tumble dry. - Do not iron. VUELTA Innovativo tecno-tessuto garzato che garantisce eccellente traspirabilità, protezione termica, perfetta vestibilità e resistenza al pillig Innovative techno-brushed fabric that provides excellent breathability, thermal protection, perfect fit and resistance to pillig ITTTAI Tessuto trattato con finissaggio che combina idrorepellenza e copertura antivento. A lightweight fabric which combine water repellent and windproof finish. 84 85 ICONS KEY UPF Protezione ai raggi ultravioletti. Ultraviolet protection factor. NOTES TEMPERATURE Le temperature sono puramente indicative. Temperatures indicated are approximate. ANATOMIC La sagomatura del capo garantisce una perfetta vestibilità e una migliore aderenza al corpo dell’atleta. The garment shape is very anatomic and grant a better comfort. WATERPROOF Tessuto con membrana che rende il capo impermeabile. The fabric has a membrane inside that is water proof but breathable granting protection against rain and wind. BIELASTIC Capo in tessuto bielastico che permette una migliore vestibilità e un maggior comfort. Fabric that allows freedom of movement and a better fitting and comfort. WINDPROOF Trattamento che rende il capo antivento, ma traspirante. Windproof but breathable treatment. PERSPIRATION Massima traspirabilità durante l’attività sportiva. Rende il capo più morbido ed elastico. This fabric keeps the body cool and dry during sports activities, increasing softness and elasticity. WATER REPELLENT Trattamento anti goccia, rapido ad asciugarsi. This treatment makes the cloth water-resistant but not entirely waterproof. RAW CUT Taglio al vivo della lycra che permette al fine manica, al fine maglia o al fine gamba aderenza al corpo senza il fastidio della cucitura o la costrizione dell’elastico. Lycra raw-edge allows a perfect fit to body for sleeve openings, hems and leg openings, without unpleasant discomfort of seams. or elastic thickness. IPOD Il capo con foro IPOD ha una apposita fessura per far passare all’interno i fili delle cuffiette audio. Garments provided with a technical hole in the back pocket (in the inner part of the garment) to introduce earphones. REFLECTIVE Gli inserti e le fettucce di tessuto rifrangente permettono la visibilità del capo, garantendo massima sicurezza sulla strada anche in caso di luce ridotta o assente. Reflective tapes and fabrics make the garment highly visible in order to grant safety on the road. 86 87 GIESSEGI Via E. Minato, 2 - 31030 Riese Pio X (TV) - Italy Tel. +39.0423.746809 - Fax +39.0423.747084 [email protected] - giessegi.com GSG srl, si riserva il diritto di apportare migliorie e/o modifiche ai propri prodotti senza alcun obbligo di preavviso.
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