EXHIBITOR LIST PRODUCERS Azienda Agricola “La Madonna” Bastianich Brandland Canciani Cavit Cignomoro Madonna Alta - Fondo Del Sole MGM Mondo Del Vino Srl Provinco Italia Spa San Silvestro Cantine Sartori Casa Vinicola Scuderia Italia - Prestigious Italian Wines Società Agricola Stella Streda Belvedere Azienda Agricola Yes!Grapes Zonin Casa Vinicola COLLECTIVES Consorzio Piedmont Top Bric Cenciurio Dogliotti 1870 Snc Rizieri - Azienda Agricola Tenuta Montemagno Spa Famiglie dell’Amarone d’Arte Allegrini Estates Azienda Agricola Begali Lorenzo Azienda Agricola Brigaldara Azienda Agricola Musella Masi Agricola Speri Tedeschi Estates Tenuta Sant’Antonio Tommasi Viticoltori Venturini Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola IMPORTERS Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., LTD Andrian Argentiera Bertani Botter Calatrasi Castello di Volpaia Ca’ del Bosco Collavini La Mi’ Birra Marchesi di Barolo Zenato Marramiero Medici Ermete Tenute Silvio Nardi EMW (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited Argiolas Bisol Col D’Orcia Planeta Tommasi Viticoltori Fiabe Ghione Ca’ de Lion Luzi-Donadei-Fabiani Marziano Abbona Montalbera Monteverdi Tre Secoli Hoonay Wines Antinori Ceci Gaja Sassicaia Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer Arnaldo Caprai Bibi Graetz - Testa Matta Bortolomiol Cantina del Vermentino Monti Cantine Colosi Cordero di Montezemolo Il Borro Il Marronetto La Spinetta Lini 910 Mastroberardino San Fabiano Terenzi Toblar Varvaglione Vigne & Vini Vignavecchia Villa S. Anna Villa Sparina Zaccagnini Vini Superiori Limited Angelo Rocca Insider International (Shanghai) Limited Anna Fendi Consorzio dell’Asti DOCG Lady Asti Marenco Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) LTD Bellavista Franciacorta Cantine Casabella Cantine Riondo Spa Cavalierino Organic Winery Contri Spumanti Spa Torrevento Villa Brunesca Qingdao Star Dragon Trading Co., LTD Schola Sarmenti SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD Bricco dei Guazzi Castellare di Castellina Falesco Ferrari Leone de Castris Masciarelli Tenuta S. Anna Torre Rosazza 1 VM Fine Wines Baracchi Cantina di Sorbara Clemente Conti Zecca Feudo Arancio Ginori Lisci La Versa Le Capanne Mocali Monte Tondo Olivi Tolloy 100 ITA Aneri Bortolomiol Cantine Vinci Casa alle Vacche Casalbordino Cascina Barisel Cascina Bongiovanni Madonna Nera Tenuta Ambrosini Zoina ABRUZZO Casalbordino - 100 ITA - T16-26 Marramiero - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd T16-29 Masciarelli - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD - T16-42-43 Villa S. Anna - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Discover Italy! 20 different regions and more than 2000 types of wine. Tradition and diversity in the name of pleasure. Come and visit us in the Vinitaly area on the 5th floor of Kempinsky Hotel. APULIA Cignomoro - T16-20 Conti Zecca - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Leone de Castris - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD T16-42-43 Schola Sarmenti - Qingdao Star Dragon Trading Co., Ltd - T16-41 Torrevento - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd T16-35 Vignavecchia - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Varvaglione Vigne e Vini - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 CAMPANIA Mastroberardino - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 EMILIA ROMAGNA Cantina di Sorbara - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Cantine Casabella - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd - T16-35 Ceci - Hoonay Wines - T16-38 Lini 910 - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Medici Ermete - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 MGM Mondo Del Vino Srl - T16-16 Aosta Valley FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Bastianich - T16-1 Brandland - T16-17 Canciani - T16-14-15 Collavini - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd T16-29 Toblar - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-37-39 Torre Rosazza - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD - T1642-43 LATIUM Anna Fendi - Insider International (Shanghai) Limited - T16-30-31 LOMBARDY Ambrosini - 100 ITA - T16-26 Angelo Rocca - Vini Superiori Limited - T16-32 Bellavista Franciacorta - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd - T16-35 Ca’ Del Bosco - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 La Mi’ Birra - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd T16-29 La Versa - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Monteverdi - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Scuderia Italia - Prestigious Italian Wines - T16-18 www.vinitalyinternational.com 2 MARCHE Zaccagnini - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-36-37 PIEDMONT Albino Rocca - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 Barisel - 100 ITA - T16-26 Bric Cenciurio - T16-2-3 Bricco dei Guazzi - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD T16-42-43 Consorzio dell’Asti DOCG - Insider International (Shanghai) Limited - T16-30-31 Cordero di Montezemolo - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 Dogliotti 1870 Snc - T16-2-3 Gaja - Hoonay Wines - T16-38 Ghione Ca’ De Lion - Fiabe - T16-33-34 La Spineta - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-37-39 Lady Asti - Insider International (Shanghai) Limited T16-30-31 Luzi - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Marchesi Di Barolo - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Marenco - Insider International (Shanghai) Limited T16-30-31 Marziano Abbona - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Montalbera - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Rizieri-Azienda Agricola - T16-2-3 San Silvestro Cantine - T16-24 Società Agricola Stella - T16-14-15 Tenuta Montemagno Spa - T16-2-3 Tre Secoli - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Villa Sparina - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Yes!Grapes - T16-11-12 Zoina - 100 ITA - T16-26 SARDINIA Argiolas - Emw (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited - T16-39-40 Cantina del Vermentino Monti - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Cantina Monti - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 SICILY Calatrasi - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd T16-29 Cantine Colosi - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 Feudo Arancio - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Palari - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-36-37 Planeta - Emw (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited - T16-39-40 Vinci - 100 ITA - T16-26 TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE Andrian - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Bongiovanni - 100 ITA - T16-26 Cavit - T16-23 Ferrari - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD - T16-42-43 Provinco Italia Spa - T16-19 Tolloy - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 TUSCANY Antinori - Hoonay Wines - T16-38 Argentiera - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd T16-29 Azienda Agricola “La Madonna” - T16-14-15 Baracchi - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Ca’ D’Orcia - Emw (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited - T16-39-40 Casa Alle Vacche - 100 ITA - T16-26 Castello Di Volpaia - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Castellare di Castellina - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD 3 - T16-42-43 Cavalierino Organic Winery - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd - T16-35 Donadei - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Ginori Lisci - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Il Borro - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-36-37 Il Marronetto - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Le Capanne - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Madonna Nera - 100 ITA - T16-26 Mocali - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Olivi - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 San Fabiano - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Sassicaia - Hoonay Wines - T16-38 Streda Belvedere Azienda Agricola - T16-13 Tenute Silvio Nardi - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Terenzi - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-37-39 Bibi Graetz Testa Matta - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 UMBRIA Arnaldo Caprai - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-36-37 Falesco - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD - T16-42-43 Madonna Alta-Fondo Del Sole - T16-25 VENETO Allegrini Estates - T16-7 Aneri - 100 ITA - T16-26 Azienda Agricola Begali Lorenzo - T16-4 Azienda Agricola Brigaldara - T16-4 Azienda Agricola Musella - T16-10 Bertani - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Bisol - Emw (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited T16-39-40 Bortolomiol - 100 ITA - T16-26 Bortolomiol - Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer - T16-37-39 Botter - Amore Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - T16-29 Cantine Riondo Spa - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd - T16-35 Clemente - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Contri Spumanti Spa - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd - T16-35 Fabiani - Fiabe - T16-33-34 Masi Agricola - T16-9 Monte Tondo - VM Fine Wines - T16-27-28 Sartori Casa Vinicola - T16-21 Speri - T16-5 Tedeschi Estates - T16-9 Tenuta Sant’antonio - T16-8 Tenuta Sant’Anna - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD T16-42-43 Tommasi Viticoltori - Emw (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited - T16-39-40 Tommasi Viticoltori - T16-5 Venturini - T16-10 Villa Brunesca - Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd T16-35 Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola - T16-6 Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola - SinoDrink Trading Co., LTD - T16-42-43 Zonin Casa Vinicola - T16-22 • Producers - Importers - table MAP ROOM T16 - Walk Around Tasting 10 9 8 7 ROOM T10 - Vinitaly Tasting Room 6 5 4 11 3 29 28 12 35 30 27 31 34 41 36 33 40 37 42 39 VINITALY PAVILION PROGRAM TUESDAY 25.03 - 9:00AM - 5:30PM THURSDAY 27.03 - 9:00AM - 5:30PM 9:30am - 5:30pm Walk Around Tasting (Room T16) 9:30am - 5:30pm Walk Around Tasting (Room T16) 10:00am Opening Ceremony (Room T16) 10:00am - 10:45am Vinitaly International Masterclass: Amore Trading (Room T10) 10:30am - 11:00am Presentation of Vinitaly International Academy by Ian D’Agata (Room T10) 2 12:00pm - 12:45pm Vinitaly International Masterclass: EMW Trading (Room T10) 43 13 1 26 32 38 24 23 22 25 11:30am - 1:00pm Vinitaly International Academy, Executive Wine Seminar: “Bolgheri Superiore 2010: Tuscany’s greatest wines from international grapes” (advanced level) by Ian D’Agata (Room T10) 1:45pm - 2:30pm Vinitaly International Masterclass: SinoDrink Trading (Room T10) 21 14 15 16 17 T16-1 Bastianich T16-2-3 Consorzio Piedmont Top (Bric Cenciurio, Dogliotti 1870 Snc, Rizieri Azienda Agricola, Tenuta Montemagno Spa) T16-4 Azienda Agricola Begali Lorenzo - Azienda Agricola Brigaldara 18 19 20 T16-14-15 Società agricola Stella - Azienda agricola “La Madonna” - Canciani T16-27-28 VM Fine Wines 2:00pm - 3:30pm Vinitaly International Academy, Executive Wine Seminar: “A panorama of Italy’s great wines and wine production zones” (introductory level) by Ian D’Agata (Room T10) 3:30pm - 5:30pm Vinitaly Lounge (Room T10) WEDNESDAY 26.03 - 9:00AM - 5:30PM 9:30am - 12:00pm Walk Around Tasting (Room T16) FRIDAY 28.03 - 9:00AM - 12:00PM T16-29 Amore Trading Shanghai Co. Ltd. T16-16 MGM Mondo del Vino Srl T16-17 Brandland T16-30-31 Insider International (Shanghai) Limited T16-18 Scuderia Italia Prestigious Italian Wines T16-32 Vini Superiori Limited La Rocca T16-5 Tommasi Viticoltori Speri Viticoltori T16-19 Provinco Italia T16-33-34 Fiabe T16-6 Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola T16-20 Cignomoro T16-35 Kelit Italian Wine (Shenzhen) Ltd. T16-7 Allegrini Estates T16-21 San Silvestro Cantine T16-36-37 Venas Vinus Co., Ltd Italian Wine Importer T16-8 Tenuta Sant’Antonio T16-22 Cavit T16-9 Masi Agricola - Tedeschi Estates T16-23 Zonin Casa vinicola T16-10 Azienda Agricola Musella - Venturini T16-24 Sartori Casa Vinicola T16-39-40 EMW (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited T16-11-12 Yes!Grapes T16-25 Madonna Alta Fondo del Sole T16-41 Qingdao Star Dragon Trading Co., Ltd. T16-13 Streda Belvedere Azienda Agricola T16-26 100 ITA T16-42-43 SinoDrink Trading Co. LTD T16-38 Hoonay Wines 4 9:30am - 5:30pm Walk Around Tasting (Room T16) 9:30am - 12:00pm Vinitaly Lounge (Room T10) 10:00am - 11:30am Vinitaly International Academy, Executive Wine Seminar: “Italy’s greatest wines from Italian native grapes Io” (advanced level) by Ian D’Agata (Room T10) Provisional program 12:30pm - 2:00pm Vinitaly International Academy, Executive Wine Seminar: “Famiglie dell’Amarone: the velvet underground” (advanced level) by Ian D’Agata (Room T10) 3:30pm - 5:30pm Vinitaly Lounge (Room T10) 5 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers AMORE TRADING (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD PRETTYNYONYA TRADING (GZ) CO. LTD - FIABE Suite C2, 12th Floor, Xinda Mansion, 1399 Beijing West Rd, Jing’an District, city Shanghai, +86 21 62477108 200040,China [email protected] www.amorewine.cn Room 1702, n. 9, Huanqiang Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, City Guangzhou +86 02023300206 510000, China [email protected] www.fooditaly.org DESCRIPTION Founded in 2005, AmoreWine is the first Italian owned Importer and Distributor of Fine Italian Wines in China. Exclusively focused on wines from Italy, the Selection covers all wine-relevant regions and it is the result of a careful research of unique products from boutique family owned wineries. DESCRIPTION FIABE, The Food & Beverage Export Association of Italy, is an organization based in Italy with branches in Guangzhou, Beijing and Hong Kong. Our mission is to promote the Italian life style, the love for wine and food culture throughout China. REPRESENTED WINERIES REPRESENTED WINERIES VINI SUPERIORI LIMITED (ROCCA) EMW (SHANGHAI) TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Room 202, Man Po International Business Center, No.660 Xin Hua Road, Changning District, +86 21 62824966 city Shanghai, 200052, China [email protected] - www.emw-wines.com DESCRIPTION EMW focuses on high quality wines, carefully selected and professionally marketed. We are playing an active role in the market place, implementing wine education programs in China. The dynamism and the experience of EMW have contributed to one of the most successful development in the Chinese Market. Unit 2B, Tin Fung Industrial Mansion, 63 Wong chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong 852 28939289 [email protected] www.vinisuperiori.com DESCRIPTION The Rocca Wine is a historic winery in Italy. It began in 1880 and has been through four generations. But the Rocca family’s passion for wine remains unchanged in the modern era. In the recent years, Rocca family also acquired a large farm in Puglia and developed it into a modern wine cellar. Rocca Winery Wines have been awarded DOC, DOCG, IGT’s reputation for Italian made wine. REPRESENTED WINERIES REPRESENTED WINERIES 6 7 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers HOONAY WINES KELIT ITALIAN WINE (SHENZHEN) LTD Rm 3705, Great Wall Building, N.3000 North Zhongshan Rd, city Shanghai, 200063, China 02161671066 [email protected] www.hoonay.com 18 D-E Sun Island Building, Dongmen Nan Rd, Luohu, Shenzhen, China 0755-82208606 [email protected] www.cdwines-kelit.com DESCRIPTION Hoonay Wines was founded in Shanghai in 2010, with the purpose to introduce Italian fine wines and culture in China. We established cooperation with top brands, such as Sassicaia, Antinori, Gaja, Ceci. After four years of incredible fast development, Hoonay has now a strong sales network all over the world. DESCRIPTION Kelit Italian Wine, is engaged in importation, distribution and promotion of Italian wine in China. Headquarted in Hong Kong (C.D. Wines) and Shenzhen with branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou, Kelit has spread dealer networks and established stable businness throughout all of China. REPRESENTED WINERIES REPRESENTED WINERIES INSIDER INTERNATIONAL (SHANGHAI) LIMITED 静安区南京西路1191号6丁 - Room 6J,No.1191 West Nan Jing Rd, Jinan District, 200040, city 4006 328 728 SHANGHAI, 中国- CHINA [email protected] - www.insiderchina.com QINGDAO STAR DRAGON TRADING CO., LTD NO. 31-10 YAN AN YI ROAD SHI BEI DISTRICT, city Qingdao, 266023,China 13697682259 [email protected] www.stardragongroup.com DESCRIPTION Insider International Ltd has 17 years of experience in the exporting industry in China. Exporting the best Italian wines and food from Italy to China for almost two decades, Insider International has estabilished the best relationships within custom and free-trade zone in Shanghai. DESCRIPTION Qingdao Star Dragon Trading Limited, founded in 2009, is branded original wine provider focusing on worldwide noted producing regions. Adhere to the principles of original purchasing, selecting by oversea and domestic tasting. We provide better wine with lower cost. We offer the administration divisions, the enterprises, hotels and restaurants, with classed wines and professional service locally, and provide the agencies and dealers with daily wines and supporting service in better performance all over China. REPRESENTED WINERIES REPRESENTED WINERIES 8 9 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Importers VM FINE WINES SINODRINK TRADING CO., LTD 广州市林和中路146号天誉花园C3001, City Guangzhou, 510610, China Room 101, No. 1-2, Lane 518, Zhao Hua Road, Changning District, Shanghai,China +86 21 62267586 info@SinoDrink Trading Co. LTD.com www.SinoDrink Trading Co. LTD.com DESCRIPTION SinoDrink Trading Co. LTD - Italian Wine Specialist with Professionalism, Passionand Perseverance. As a member of Generali, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, SinoDrink Trading Co. LTD is the most comprehensive and professional Italian wine importer in China. We are exclusive distributor for over 1,000 Italian fine wines, liqueur, mineral water, glassware and coffee. We are also specialized in wine investment, wine event organization, fine wine collection and winery tour. 0086 20 38852091 www.vmfinewines.com [email protected] DESCRIPTION VM Fine Wines is an established importer and distributor company specialized in Italian fine wines, olive oil, water and french cognac. With more than 300 labels, we are able to satisfy every taste. Thanks to our experience, we also provide professional wine tasting events and sommelier training. REPRESENTED WINERIES REPRESENTED WINERIES VENAS VINUS CO., LTD. ITALIAN WINE IMPORTER 100 ITA Room 1814 BIHUJU, 9 chaoyang GongYuan Xi Road, Chaoyang district, city Beijing, 100026, P.R.China 010 65525133 e-mail: [email protected] www.venasvinus.com DESCRIPTION We use special cellars of constant temperature and humidity to store the wine. Each year we organize specific trip to Italy for all the wine lovers that want to have a close and significant contact with the original lands and wine makers to let them feel the real essence of our products. REPRESENTED WINERIES Room 1909, Building NO.7, Guangqu Jiayuan, Dongcheng District, city Beijing, 100022, China +86 10 87224820 | [email protected] www.100ita.com DESCRIPTION 100ITA is a brand of trust for the consumers, which groups more than 50 Italian producers of food and wine, acting as reference point for products 100% Made in Italy. 100ITA has a structured sales network, showrooms and its own import and distribution licenses to control the entire supply chain. REPRESENTED WINERIES 10 11 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Producers BASTIANICH Darnazzacco street, 44/2 - 33043 Cividale dei Friuli (UD) +39 0432 700943 Friuli-Venezia Giulia [email protected] www.bastianich.com WINERY The Bastianich winery, founded in 1997, strives to understand the history and culture of FriuliVenezia Giulia and take it to a new level. We create unique wines that speak of place but, at the same time, show remarkable power and balance. WINE Vespa Bianco. The flagship wine of the Bastianich estate, Vespa Bianco (IGT Venezia Giulia) was created to showcase the power and evolution that a great Friulian white can have. Consisting of equal parts Sauvignon and Chardonnay with a measure of Picolit, vespa becomes more than a sum of its parts, a wine of uncommon complexity and longevity. Produced from estate fruit from our wineyards in Buttrio/ Premariacco in the Friuli Colli Orientali zone. BRANDLAND Grillo street, 61 - Messina (ME) - Sicily +39 040 2418719 [email protected] www.brandland.info WINERY BrandLand is a group of over 30 producers from all Italian regions, working on the Asia markets to offer the best selection of traditional & new-style Italian wines. The high quality of our wines is well known and also proved by the excellent ratings of famous wine critics like Robert Parker and by the several awards on the international competitions in Asia. WINE Rivaluce Prosecco DOC Millesimato. White sparkling wine made from Glera grapes, typical of Veneto region, produced in the DOC area of Treviso. Vintage 2013 (Millesimato); Colour: Light yellow; Aroma: Very fine and intense bouquet of flowers and yellow fruits, as peach, banana and apple. Palate: Tiny bubbles with a frothy feel on the palate. Ideal as aperitif, during whole meal, in particular with fish or shellfish. CAVIT Del Ponte street, 31 - 38123 Trento (TN) - Trentino Alto Adige +39 0461 381711 [email protected] www.cavit.it WINERY Founded in 1950, CAVIT today is consortium of 11 associated co-operative wineries representing about 4,500 member vine-growers, for overall 5,500 hectares of vineyards. With 200 employees, it produces about 60 million bottles every year and reaches an annual turnover over 150 million euro. WINE Antico Palazzo Merlot-Cabernet Sauvignon IGT delle Venezie 2011. Grapes varieties: Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grown in the vineyards south of Trento and on the foothills along River Adige in the province of Verona. Description: ruby red colour, intense nose with hints of red fruits and light spicy notes. Elegant, well-structured and smooth on the palate. 12 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Producers CIGNOMORO M. Spadaro street, 64 - 74100 Taranto (TA) - Apulia +39 3341219936 [email protected] www.cignomoro.it WINERY Cignomoro is located in the heart of the region Puglia, an important wine-region in the south of Italy. Here the flavours and terroir are influenced by the closeness to the sea and plenty of the sun. Our philosophy is the promotion of the human, historical and cultural heritage by producing wine of the high quality in limited quantities. Our vineyards are cultivated by methods of integrated agriculture. WINE 80 Vecchie Vigne. Production area: Manduria (TA). Vintage: 2012. Grape varietal: Primitivo di Manduria DOC. Retail price: € 30,00. Characteristics: dark and dense with a heavy concentration and a big intensity. An opulent Primitivo gives chocolate tobacco flavor and that of ripe fruits. MADONNA ALTA - FONDO DEL SOLE L. Ariosto - Fraz. Pietrauta street, 37 - 06036 Montefalco (PG) - Umbria +39 331 1745952 [email protected] - [email protected] www.madonnalta.it - www.fondodelsole.com WINERY We produce great Italian wines such as Sagrantino, Aglianico, Sangiovese, Brunello, Falanghina. Our company owns 50 hectares of vineyards. The annual production is 500000 bottles. WINE Nativo is the union of Sangiovese, Merlot e Sagrantino in part aged in French wood barrels and then in bottles. Characteristics: intense ruby red colour, with aromas of ripe fruits, currant, blackberry, vanilla. The taste is full, soft, with sweet tannins at the end. It is excellent with roasted meet and wild meat. MGM MONDO DEL VINO SRL Seganti street, 73/F - 47121 Forlì (FC) - Emilia Romagna +39 0543 789911 [email protected] www.mondodelvino.com WINERY Grape harvesting and processing is not just to make an excellent wine. It takes passion, curiosity, and enthusiasm. The idea that underliens MGM Mondo del Vino is just: to make premium wines with aim of leaving a real mark, that is, the satisfaction of customers and consumers. WINE Rinforzo Salento IGT Primitivo. Cultivation and winemaking take place in Puglia in the Salento area. Vintage 2011, variety of Primitivo grape. Rich, complex and persistent nose, hints of dried plumes, dark chocolate and Mediterranean herbs. Great aging potential. 13 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Producers PROVINCO ITALIA SPA Per Marco street, 12/B - 38068 Rovereto (TN) - Trentino Alto Adige +39 0464 557081 [email protected] www.provincoitalia.com WINERY We develop innovative products from all italian wine regions at the highest level of quality and operate with outstanding service. WINE Vino rosso d’Italia Grande Alberone. Alcohol: 14,5%, Grape Varieties: Primitivo, Cabernet, Merlot & Teroldego. Characteristics: intense red colour with ripe fruit bouquet with a light scent of spices, its taste is full, deep, rightly tannic and gentle. SAN SILVESTRO CANTINE Ciocchini street, 7 - 12060 Novello (CN) - Piedmont +39 0173 731136 [email protected] www.sansilvestrovini.com WINERY San Silvestro winery is located in the heart of the Barolo region and has been run for four generations by the Sartirano family, maintaining the almost respect for tradition and territory. The grapes vinified come from Langhe, Roero and Monferrato wine growing areas, in Piemonte region. WINE Barolo DOCG 2010 “Patres”. The Nebbiolo grapes used to produce this great wine come from the 11 villages in the Barolo area in Piemonte. Noble and austere, after a long aging in oak barrels, this classic dry red wine shows notes of dried flowers and spices on the nose. On the palate is smooth, with elegant tannins. SARTORI WINERY Via Casette street, 4 - 37024 S. Maria-Negrar (VR) - Veneto +39 045 602 8011 [email protected] www.sartorinet.com WINERY Sartori di Verona, founded in 1898, is located in northern Italy, Verona. Behind a wide and “solid” range of wines, there are continuous improvements being made in the management of wineyards, facilities, and production methods. Sartori wines are exposed all over the world, to more than 60 countries. WINE Corte Brà Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOC 2007. Vintage 2007. Grown in the Corte Brà estate in the Valpolicella classico hills, the grape varieties are 50% corvina 30% corvinone 15% rondinella and 5% oseleta. Produced with dried grapes, this wine powerful, full bodied on the palate with rich fruit flavours, bright acidity, and a lingering finish. Approx. Price 1288 RMB. 14 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Producers SCUDERIA ITALIA - PRESTIGIOUS ITALIAN WINES Bedeschi street, 18 - 36045 Alone (VI) - Veneto +39 388 6219045 [email protected] www.scuderia-italia.it WINERY Scuderia Italia selects and exports worldwide some of the best and prize winning Italian wine producers, serving as ambassador of Italian excellence in the world. At the same time SCUDERIA ITALIA offers an exclusive line of prestigious wines, spirits and other Italian gastronomic products, with its own private label. WINE Pruno Sangiovese di Romagna Superiore Riserva DOC - Drei Donà. Territory: Predappio, Romagna; Vintage: 2010; Grape variety: 100% Sangiovese; an important wine of great character, made for special occasions, with full body and high extract, balanced with crisp acidity and sweet tannin. Drei Donà Winery - represented by its Pruno - is considered one of the Italian Top 100 Wine Producers according to Wine Spectator Magazine. STREDA BELVEDERE AZIENDA AGRICOLA Streda street, 46 - 50059 Vinci (FI) - Tuscany +39 0571 729195 [email protected] www.streda.it WINERY We are located in the heart of Tuscany in the fabled Borgo di Streda Belvedere in Vinci birth place of Maestro Leonardo. We produce quality wine and olive oil based on total respect for environmental equilibrium and adoption of traditional wine making methods to ensure the absolute naturalness of our wines. WINE Duccio rosso di Streda belvedere igt Toscana 2011. This typical Tuscan Wine shows ruby red color with hints of red fruit and floral, well balanced in mouth is smooth and rounded with soft tannins and excellent finish it accompanies the most tasty plate of the chinese cuisine for lighter meal taste ‘Duccio White Streda Belvedere’ and ‘Duccio Rosè Streda Belvedere’ very nice and gently with the palate. YES!GRAPES (是的!葡萄) Vivaro street, 21 - 12051 Alba (CN) - Piedmont +393456617761 [email protected] www.yesgrapes.it WINERY Yes!Grapes is a group of family winegrowers from different italian regions. through the wines produced: Amarone, Barolo, Brunello, Barbaresco, Prosecco, Barbera, Dolcetto, Primitivo, Aglianico, Bolgheri and Pinot Grigio - www.yesgrapes.it (www.notedincanto.it to see our special artistic collection). WINE Amarone della Valpolicella DOC Classico (经典瓦尔波利切拉DOC 阿马罗内葡萄酒) it is produced in the Valpolicella Classico Area-Verona. Vintage: 2009. Grapes: Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Molinara. Garnet red with aromas of fruit jam, red cherries and vanilla. The aromas of dried fruit and spice come from the “appassimento” process. A full-bodied, elegant and velvety wine. 15 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Wineries Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Collectives ZONIN CASA VINICOLA SPA Borgolecco street, 9 - 36053 Gambellare (VI) - Veneto +39 0444 640144 [email protected] www.casavinicolazonin.it WINERY Master vintners since 1821, the Zonin family operates Italy’s largest private owned vineyard and winemaking complex. The house exports its wines to 105 countries on all continents. WINE Nero D’Avola IGT Sicilia Feudo Principi di Butera 2011. One of Sicily’s most representative wine, produced in Riesi, 100% Nero D’Avola grapes. Dry, well structured and extremelly rounded, it offers very complex fruit flavors on the palate. SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA STELLA DI ANSELMI GIUSEPPE E LUIGI S.S Bassi street, 16 - 33050 Pocenia (PD) - Veneto +39 0432 779157 [email protected] [email protected] - [email protected] WINERY Anselmi wine label La Reguta has a special mention in the 2014 Italian Wine guide Gambero Rosso. This prestigious credit arrives thanking to the passion, experience, know how which went throughout the Anselmi’s generations. CANCIANI SAS DI VITTORI ROBERTA 4 Novembre street, 35/a - 34170 Piedimonte del Calvario (GO) +39 0432 530 736 Friuli Venezia Giulia | [email protected] - [email protected] www.distelleriecanciani.com WINERY Distillerie Canciani was founded in 1896 as an artisanal distillery producing grappa. Today Canciani is synonymous with quality combining Italian traditions and know how with new technology offering high quality products. Italian Grappa and Fruit in Liquor and semi - finished products for Ho.Re.Ca. AZIENDA AGRICOLA “LA MADONNA” Località La Madonna - 53024 Montalcino (SI) - Tuscany +39 339 3534356 [email protected] www.madonnanera.it [email protected] WINERY “La Madonna Nera” is located in a hilly terrain, set in enchanted landscape of Tuscany. Its ancient name was Madonna where nature and art are allied with the incredible mastery that is the special mark of Tuscany. Producing Madonna Nera Brunello di Montalcino and Madonna Nera red IGT 16 CONSORZIO “PIEDMONTOP” Strada Porini street, 1, 12050 Guarene (CN) - Piemonte +39 347 1827251 - [email protected] - www.piedmontop.com The Consortium includes 4 companies that best represent the identity of the territory, all eager to keep improving the quality of their wines: Dogliotti 1870; Bric Cenciurio, Rizieri, Tenuta Montemagno. BRIC CENCIURIO Roma street, 24 - 12060 Barolo (CN) - Piedmont +39 0173 56317 [email protected] - www.briccenciurio.com WINE BAROLO DOCG 2010 is produced in the comune of Barolo. Grape: 100% nebbiolo. The price is approximately € 13,50. The wine is well-structured with a round and complex bouquet. It is good for ageing. DOGLIOTTI 1870 SNC Fratelli Vicari street, 70 - 14054 Castagnole delle Lanze (AT) - Piedmont +39 0141 878153 [email protected] - [email protected] www.dogliotti1870.com WINE Moscato Asti DOCG 2013 is the best according to the sensorial intensity criterion. It has a rich aromatic heritage thanks to careful wine-making. It is produced only in the hills in the southern part of Piedmont from Moscato Bianco grapes. Price E5,50 for the bottle 750ml. RIZIERI – AZIENDA AGRICOLA S. Calocero street, 7 - 12055 Diano d’Alba (CN) - Piedmont +39 01736 9183 [email protected] www.rizieri.com WINE Barbera d’Alba Superiore DOC Rizieri. Grape 100% Barbera.Grape harvest 2011.The vineyards are located in Diano d’Alba. Wine-making in steel, ageing over 12 months in wood. Intense ruby colour with violet nuances. Nose: plum and black cherry. In the mouth, round, dense with a typical sour note.It can age for 10 years. Export price € 5,90. TENUTA MONTEMAGNO SPA Cascina Val Fossato street, 9 - 14030 Montemagno (AT) - Piedmont +39 0141 63624 [email protected] www.tenutamontemagno.it WINE Mysterium wine Barbera d’Asti Superiore DOCG,100% Barbera. Production area - Montemagn., Vintage 2010. Intensive red and brilliant colour with crimson and black reflections. 17 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Collectives Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Collectives AZIENDA AGRICOLA MUSELLA S.S. Ferrazzette street, 2 - 37036 S. Martino B.A. (VR), Veneto +39 045 973385 AMARONE FAMILIES - FAMIGLIE DELL’AMARONE D’ARTE WINE Amarone Riserva DOC. orvina, Corvinone 70%, Rondinella 20%, Oseleta 10% - vintage 2008 Veneto-Valpolicella-San Martino B. A. 20/40 €. Via Saval 21/c - 37124 Verona (VR) - Veneto +39 045 8303264 +39 045 8303296 [email protected] Twelve historical producers of a celebrated wine - Allegrini, Begali, Brigaldara, Masi, Musella, Speri, Tedeschi, Tenuta Sant’Antonio, Tommasi, Venturini, Zenato - have created the association “Amarone Families” combining their wealth of tradition with exceptional craftsmanship and standards in wine-making. ALLEGRINI ESTATES Giare street, 5 - 37022 Fumane (VR) - Veneto +39 045 6832011 [email protected] www.allegrini.it WINE Allegrini, Amarone Classico Della Valpolicella, DOC, 2009. The result of the Allegrini family’s expertise, this red wine embraces tradition, territory and the knowhow of country ways. Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Oseleta are left to air dry at least until December and are checked daily to ensure perfectly healthy grapes. AZIENDA AGRICOLA BEGALI LORENZO Cengia street, 10 - 37029 San Pietro in Cariano (VR) - Veneto +39 045 77251498 [email protected] www.begaliwine.it WINE Amarone della Valpolicella monte cà bianca 2008. Withering is approximately 4 months aged in tonneaux of 3,5 hl for 40 months and then in oak barrel of 20hl for 8 months. Grape varietals: Corvina 40%, Corvinone 35%, Rondinella 20% e Oseleta 5%. BRIGALDARA Brigaldara street, 20 - 37020 S. Floriano (VR) - Veneto +39 0457701055 [email protected] www.brigaldara.it WINE Amarone Case Vecie 2008. The wine is produced from grapes grown in case vecie area that is situated close to Grezzana village. Vintage 2008. Blend Corvinone 40%, Corvina 30%, Rondinella 15%. 94 points w.s. 18 MASI AGRICOLA S.P.A. Monteleone street, 26 - 37015 Sambrogio V.lla (VR) - Veneto +39 045 6832511 [email protected] www.masi.it WINE The slopes facing the sunset are the best ones in Valpolicella Classica for producing high-quality Amarone: a unique wine due to its origin, ancient grape varieties and production method (the grapes are semi-dried for 3-4 months on bamboo racks). The Costasera Amarone expresses majesty and complexity. SPERI Fontana street,14 - 37029 S. Pietro in Cariano (VR) - Veneto +39 045 7701154 [email protected] www.speri.com WINE Amarone della Valpolicella DOC Classico Vigneto Monte Sant’Urbano 2009. Alcol: 15% vol., grape varieties: Corvina veronese and Corvinone 70%, Rondinella 25%, Molinara 5%; an important wine, of rare elegance and complex structure. Perfect for important gastronomic occasions and ideal for ageing. TEDESCHI ESTATES Giuseppe Verdi street, 4 - 37029 Pedemonte (VR) - Veneto +39 348 0811021 [email protected] www.tedeschiwines.com WINE Amarone Capitel Monte Olmi 2008 is a Cru (single vineyard grape selection), made with dried grapes (Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Oseleta). It is a full bodied, elegant with peppery and berry note. It is perfect with red meat, medium spicy and fat food and grain cheeses. Price: 2000 rmb. 19 Vinitaly International - Tasting Notes - Collectives TENUTA SANT’ANTONIO Ceriani street, 23 - 37030 Colognola ai Colli (VR) - Veneto +39 045 7650383 [email protected] www.tenutasantantonio.it WINE Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Selezione Antonio Castagnedi. Production area: Mezzane di Sotto/ Vintage 2011/Grapes: Corvina 70%, Rondinella 20%, Croatina 5%, Oseleta 5%/ wine-making in steel, ageing in wood for 2 years. TOMMASI VITICOLTORI Ronchetto street, 4 - 37029 Pedemonte (VR) - Veneto +39 045 7701266 [email protected] www.tommasiestate.com WINE Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOC. Grapes: Corvina Veronese50%, Corvinone15%, Rondinella30%, Oseleta 5% Alcohol: 15,5%. An intense bright ruby colour. Aromas of red berry fruit, raspberries, blackberries, cherries and notes of spice and licorice. It shows sweet, round tannins with a balancing, tonic acidity and savory mineral notes. VENTURINI MASSIMO E FIGLI S.S. Semonte street, 20 - 37029 San Floriano (VR) - Veneto +39 0457701331 [email protected] www.viniventurini.com WINE The Vineyard is located in the hills in Monte Mausa. The exposition is SouthWest.Grape: Corvina 70% Rondinella 20% Corvinone 10%.The wine is produced only in a great year.It is intense on the nose. ZENATO AZIENDA VITIVINICOLA San Benedetto street, 8 - 37019 Peschiera D/G (VR) - Veneto +39 045 7550300 [email protected] www.zenato.it WINE Amarone DOC Classico 2009. Our Amarone is a wine with a great structure, complex, elegant, velvety. It is produced with grapes cultivated in the municipality of Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella, a land full of tradition. Grape variety: 80% Corvina, 10% Rondinella, 10% Oseleta and Croatina. 20
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