Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura CURRICULUM VITAE Matteo Mura Department of Management -‐ University of Bologna Via Terracini, 28 – 40131 Bologna Tel. +39 051.2090212, Fax +39 051.2090222 E: [email protected] W: ACADEMIC POSITIONS University of Bologna, Department of Management Assistant Professor of Management 2007 -‐ onward Cranfield University, School of Management Visiting Research Fellow 2008 -‐ onward OTHER ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2013 -‐2016 Cranfield University – School of Management External Examiner for the MSc in Managing Organisational Performance. 2014 -‐ onward Value Exchange Labs Founding member of the Value Exchange Labs (VEX Labs), inter-‐university research centre that aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice in the fields of business model innovation and reconfiguration. Partners: University of Bologna, Echole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), ETH Zurich, USI Lugano. 2014 -‐ onward University of Bologna -‐ Integrated Research Team -‐ Alma Low Carbon Founding member of the Integrated Research Team -‐ Alma Low Carbon, a multi-‐ disciplinary research team of the University of Bologna that aims to promote the integration of different research fields within the area of sustainability and low carbon technologies. 2012 -‐2014 University of Bologna Teaching Committee for the MSc in Engineering Management. 1 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura 2007 -‐2014 University of Bologna Supervision of more than thirty theses of MSc students in engineering management and management courses. EDUCATION Cranfield University, School of Management Visiting Fellow 2008 (January-‐August) University of Padua, Department of Industrial Engineering PhD in Engineering Management 2007 University of Bologna, School of Engineering Chartered Engineer 2003 University of Bologna, School of Engineering MSc in Engineering Management 2003 POST GRADUATE TRAINING 2006 (June) Training program in “Categorical Data Analysis”, SAS Institute, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. 2005 (July-‐August) Summer training program in “Quantitative Methods of Social Research”, Inter-‐University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. 2005 (January) Training program in “Statistical Methods for Management Research”, European Institute for Advance Studies in Management, Leuven, Belgium. 2004 (June) Training program in “Event History & Survival Analysis”, SAS Institute, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2012 Chris Voss Best Paper Award -‐ 4th Production & Operations Management (P&OM) World Conference / 19th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam. Reference: Lettieri E, Radaelli G, Spiller N, Mura M, “Innovating Healthcare Operations: lessons from a micro-‐level investigation”. 2011 Giorgio Pagliarani Best Paper Award – 12th Annual Meeting of the Italian Association of Engineering Management, Genoa. Reference: 2 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura Lettieri E, Mura M, Spiller N, Radaelli G, “Behavioural Operations in Healthcare Organizations: promoting innovative behaviours through knowledge sharing”. 2008 Marco Polo Fellowship, University of Bologna. 2004 -‐ 2006 PhD Fellowship, University of Padua. TEACHING: UNDERGRADUATE, MASTER, EXECUTIVE AND PHD COURSES My teaching activity at the undergraduate level mainly focuses on performance measurement, management control systems and cost accounting. Since 2007 I have been teaching these topics within the courses of “Principles of management” and “Management accounting” at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna. Having taught these topics in different curricula (mainly engineering management, but also environmental engineering, chemical engineering and management students), I have learned how to customize the subjects accordingly to the different wants and needs of the students. Since 2009 I have been in charge of the course of “Principles of management” in the engineering management curriculum. The course covered the following topics: principles of financial accounting, management and cost accounting, capital budgeting techniques (NPV, IRR, pay back, etc.). Since 2010 I have also developed a relevant teaching experience at post-graduate and executive levels both in Italy and abroad (mainly the UK). The topics that I taught mainly focused on: performance measurement, business analytics, management accounting and financial accounting, decisions support systems (mainly statistical-based models and techniques), sustainability and corporate social responsibility, innovation. I have developed this experience by being the holder of courses, modules and seminars taught at the University of Bologna, at the Cranfield School of Management, at the Warwick Business School and at other post-graduate training institutions. My teaching methods mainly focus on lectures, case studies as well as team assignments developed by means of econometric softwares like Stata, SPSS, Lisrel, Smart-PLS and MS Excel. Please find below an outline of my teaching experience. University of Bologna – School of Engineering (from 2007 to 2014) • Principles of Management: A 90-‐hour course which provides basic management science tools and intended for undergraduate students in engineering management, environmental engineering and chemical engineering. The emphasis of the course is on management accounting techniques, strategic cost management, and capital budgeting. Management Accounting: A 30-‐hour course which provides basic management accounting tools and intended for managers working in R&D and operations. University of Bologna -‐ Bologna Business School (from 2013 to 2014) • • Management Control Systems: A 30-‐hour course which provides advanced management accounting techniques and is intended for postgraduate students. 3 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura • Business Analytics: A 12-‐hour module within the course of “Strategic Cost Management” which provides an overview of the business analytics field together with details on the different tools and models which can be applied. The module is intended for postgraduate students. • • Business Analytics: A 8-‐hour module within the course of “Purchasing and Supply Chain Management” which provides an overview of the business analytics field together with details on the different tools and models which can be applied within the supply chain and purchasing functions. The module is intended for postgraduate students. Sustainable Innovation: A 10-‐hour module within the Executive Master in Technology and Innovation Management which provides an overview of the sustainability field together with insights on tools and technique on how to apply sustainability strategies and policies. The module is intended for postgraduate students. University of Warwick – Business School (2013) • Business Analytics: A series of seminars on process improvement from the point of view of business analytics, intended for undergraduate students in operations management and management accounting. The lectures provide an overview of the business analytics field, relate it to business strategy and introduce to business analytics main techniques and approaches by means of empirical cases. Cranfield University – School of Management (2012) • Quantitative Methods for Survey-‐Based Research: A 16-‐hour course which provides analytical tools and techniques on multivariate statistics and intended for post-‐graduate/PhD students. The course focuses on multivariate regressions, factor analytic techniques and introduces to structural equations modeling. University di Bologna -‐ Alma Mater Foundation (from 2011 to 2012) • Performance Management in Healthcare: A 6-‐hour module within the course of “Healthcare Management” of the Master in Clinical Engineering. The module is intended for postgraduate students. RESEARCH TOPICS (1) Performance measurement and management, with a special focus on strategy implementation, organizational ambidexterity and strategic human resource management. (2) Innovation management, particularly referring to the effect of intellectual capital on organizational ambidexterity and of employees’ knowledge sharing behavior on innovative work behavior. (3) Sustainability, specifically looking at the relationship between corporate social responsibility practices and company performance. 4 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura RESEARCH GRANTS 2013 – 2016 • Sinergia Project -‐ Swiss National Science Foundation Grant Work Programme 2013: “Business Model Dynamics” Grant nr. CRSII1_147666/1. Grant: approx. Euro 1.300.000. A 36 months project that explores business model dynamics in established organizations as well as in new firms at the European level. The Bologna sub-‐project will specifically focus on the role played by intellectual capital and knowledge stocks in business model dynamics. Partners of the project are: EPFL Lausanne (project leader, Prof. Chris Tucci as principal investigator), University of Bologna (Matteo Mura in the role of co-‐investigator), ETH Zurich, USI Lugano. 2008 – 2010 • European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry, Grant Work Programme 2008 (ENT/CIP/08/E/N04S00): “BRC – Building Responsible Competitiveness” Grant nr. SI2.ACGRACE020970800. Grant: approx. Euro 250.000. An 18 months project that explored the relationship between corporate social responsibility practices and company competitiveness in the European construction sector. Partners of the project were: University of Bologna (Matteo Mura in the role of co-‐ investigator), Impronta Etica (Italy, principal investigator), Nuova Quasco (Italy), ResPortugal (Portugal), Követ (Hungary), Respact (Austria), Forética (Spain), CSR Europe (Belgium). 2007 – 2009 • Italian Ministry of University and Research: “Intellectual capital evaluation and management models for value creation dynamics and analysis of the impact on organisational performance: strategic and managerial implications. The case of health care organizations”. Grant nr. 2007ST2M53. Grant: approx. Euro 76.000. A 24 months research project that aimed to develop new methodologies for the measurement and management of intellectual capital resources within organizations belonging to the Italian National Healthcare System. Partners of the project were: University of Bologna (Matteo Mura in the role of co-‐investigator), Polytechnic of Milan, University of Basilicata. 2004 – 2007 • “Stakeholder management. Creating value by means of intangible assets”. Grant: approx. Euro 30.000. A 24 months applied research project funded by the Granarolo Group, a leader Italian company in the food product market. The project aimed to analyze the link between corporate social responsibility practices and employees performance. 5 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura AD HOC REFEREE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Ad hoc referee for the following journals: Long Range Planning; International Journal of Operations and Production Management; Management Accounting Research; Journal of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Research and Practice; Journal of Intellectual Capital. Member of the following associations: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA); European Academy of Management (EURAM); European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM). PUBLICATIONS Journals [1] Mura M., Radaelli G., Spiller B., Lettieri E., Longo M. (2014) “The effect of Social Capital on Exploration and Exploitation: Modelling the moderating effect of Environmental Dynamism”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 430-450. [2] Bourne M., Pavlov A., Franco-‐Santos M., Lucianetti L., Mura M. (2013) “Generating organisational performance: The contributing effects of performance measurement and human resource management practices”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 33 No. 11/12, pp. 1599-‐1622. [3] Mura M., Longo M. (2013) “Developing a tool for intellectual capital assessment: An individual-‐level perspective”, Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 30 No.5, pp. 436-‐450. [4] Mura M., Lettieri E., Radaelli G., Spiller N. (2013) “Promoting professionals’ innovative behavior through knowledge sharing: the moderating role of social capital”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 527-544. [5] Mura M., Lettieri E., Spiller N., Radaelli G. (2012) “Intellectual Capital and Innovative Work Behaviour: Opening the Black Box”, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Vol. 4, p. 1-‐10, ISSN: 1847-‐9790, doi: 10.5772/54976. [6] Radaelli G., Mura M., Spiller N., Lettieri E.(2011) “Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Sharing: the mediating role of Organisational Knowledge-‐Sharing Climate”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 365-‐376. [7] Longo M., Mura M. (2011) "The effect of intellectual capital on employees' satisfaction and retention ", Information and Management, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 278– 287. [8] Micheli P., Mura M., Agliati, M. (2011) "Exploring the roles of performance measurement systems in strategy implementation: the case of a highly diversified group of firms", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1115-‐1139. 6 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura [9] Longo M., Mariani M., Mura, M. (2009) “The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. the case of the Bologna Opera House”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol.7, No. 4, pp. 365-‐376. [10] Longo M., Mura M. (2008) “Stakeholder Management and Human Resources. Development and Implementation of a Performance Measurement System”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 191-‐213. [11] Longo M., Mura M. (2007) “A Multidimensional Measure of Employees’ Intangibles. A Managerial Implementation of the Tool”, Management Research News, Vol. 30 No.8, pp. 548-‐569. [12] Longo M., Mura M., Bonoli A. (2005), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: the Case of Italian SMEs”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 5. No. 4, pp. 28-‐42 Book Chapters [13] Longo M. and Mura M. (2010) “A methodology for measuring intellectual capital. A structural equations modelling approach” in Sharma M.K. (Eds) Advances in Measurement Systems, INTECH Publ,. pp. 491-‐510, ISBN 978-‐953-‐307-‐061-‐2. [14] Longo M. and Mura M. (2011) “Measuring knowledge assets within organizations. An individual-‐level perspective”, in Schiuma G. Managing knowledge assets and business value creation in organizations: Measures and dynamics, Hershey PA: IGI Global, USA, ISBN 1609600711. Under review and working papers [15] Bourne M., Mura, M., Pavlov, A., Franco-‐Santos, V. “Does performance management need human resource management to generate firm performance? An empirical analysis of interaction effects”. To be submitted to the International Journal of Operational Research. [16] Lettieri E., Radaelli G., Spiller N., Mura, M. “Innovating Healthcare Operations: lessons from a micro-‐level investigation”. Submitted to the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (January 2013) – To be submitted to Social Science and Medicine. [17] Mura M., Longo M., Spiller N. “Intellectual capital architectures and contextual ambidextrous learning. Evidence from the healthcare public sector”. To be submitted to the Journal of Management Studies. Italian Journals [18] Mura M. (2013) “Business analytics in pratica. Due casi nell’industria food and beverage”, Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, ed. IlSole24Ore, n. 7. 7 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura [19] Mura M. (2013) “Business analytics. Approcci e metodologie operative a confronto”, Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, ed. IlSole24Ore, n. 6. [20] Mura M. (2013) “Business analytics. Un approccio integrato all'analisi dei dati aziendali”, Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, ed. IlSole24Ore, n. 5. [21] Mura M. (2010) “Capitale intellettuale e risorse umane. Analisi di un caso aziendale”, Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, ed. IlSole24Ore, n. 10. [22] Mura M. (2010) “Misurazione e controllo del capitale intellettuale. Principali metodologie a confronto”, Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, ed. IlSole24Ore, n. 8-‐9 pp. 721 – 728. [23] Longo, M. e Mura, M. (2007) “Stakeholder management e risorse umane. Una misura di prestazione del capitale intangibile. Parte 2”, Sistemi & Impresa, settembre, pp. 12 -‐ 26. [24] Longo, M. e Mura, M. (2007) “Stakeholder management e risorse umane. Una misura di prestazione del capitale intangibile. Parte 1”, Sistemi & Impresa, luglio-‐ agosto, pp. 15 -‐19. [25] Longo, M. e Mura, M. (2005), “CSR e processo di innovazione nella corporate governance”, Sistemi & Impresa, N.2 marzo, pp. 21-‐28. [26] Longo, M. e Mura, M. (2005), “L'approccio stakeholder nell'impresa italiana: il caso del gruppo Granarolo”, Sistemi & Impresa, N.3 aprile, pp. 37-‐45. [27] Longo, M. e Mura, M. (2005), “Responsabilità sociale d'impresa: analisi delle politiche di base e strumenti gestionali. Osservazione di un campione di piccole e medie imprese della Provincia di Bologna”, Piccola Impresa-‐Small Business, N. 2, pp. 59-‐83. Book Chapters in Italian [28] Longo M., Mura M. (2011) “Capitale intellettuale e innovazione nelle organizzazioni sanitarie”, in Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M., Valutazione e Gestione degli Intangibili nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie, Altrimedia Edizioni, pp. 91-‐101. [29] Longo M., Mura M. (2011) “L’effetto del capitale intellettuale sull’innovazione: il ruolo dell’apprendimento organizzativo”, in Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M., Valutazione e Gestione degli Intangibili nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie, Altrimedia Edizioni, pp. 103-‐116. [30] Lettieri E., Radaelli G., Spiller N., Masella C., Mura M. (2011) “Condivisione di conoscenza tra professionisti in sanità: il contributo di alcune variabili organizzative all’impiego del capitale intellettuale a disposizione dell’organizzazione sanitaria”, in Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M., Valutazione e Gestione degli Intangibili nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie, Altrimedia Edizioni, pp. 143-‐ 168. Conference Proceedings 8 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura [1] Spiller N., Mura M., Radaelli G., Lettieri E. (2014) “The Role of Team Social Capital in Affecting Employees’ Intention to Share Knowledge: a Multilevel Investigation”, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Copenhagen, 13th -‐15th June. [2] Micheli P., Mura M., Longo M. (2014) “The effect of performance measurement systems use on contextual ambidexterity and company performance”, 21st European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Palermo, 20th-‐ 25th June. [3] Mura M., Radaelli G., Spiller N., Lettieri E., Longo M. (2013) “The effect of social capital on exploration and exploitation: Modeling the moderating effect of environmental dynamism”, International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Zagreb, 12-‐14 June. [4] Carlucci D., Schiuma G., Mura M. (2013) “Organisational Climate, Openness to Innovation and Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour: An Analysis In Healthcare Setting”, European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, 7th – 12th June. [5] Lettieri E., Mura M., Radaelli G., Spiller N. (2012) “Promoting professionals’ innovative behaviours through knowledge assets: the mediating role of knowledge sharing and psychological safety”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Matera (Italy), 13-‐15 June. ISBN: 9788896687086. [6] Bourne M., Mura M., Pavlov Andrey, Gray D. (2012) “Does performance management need human resource management to generate firm performance? An empirical analysis of interaction effects”, PMA Conference 2012, Cambridge (UK), 11-‐13 July. [7] Gaeti G., Micheli P., Mura M. (2012) “The relationship between strategy, KPIs and company performance”. PMA Conference 2012, Cambridge (UK), 11-‐13 July. [8] Lettieri E., Radaelli G., Spiller N., Mura M. (2012) “Innovating Healthcare Operations: Lessons from a micro-‐level investigation”. 4th Production & Operations Management World Conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 1-‐5 July. This paper has won the ‘Chris Voss Best Paper Award’. [9] Lettieri, E., Mura, M., Spiller, N., Radaelli, G. (2011) “Behavioral operations in healthcare organizations”, Annual Meeting of the Italian Association of Engineering Management, Genoa 13-‐14 October. This paper has won the ‘Giorgio Pagliarani Best Paper Award’. [10] Spiller, N., Radaelli, G., Lettieri E., Mura, M. (2011) “Organisation level drivers that promote innovative work behaviour in healthcare delivery: a micro-‐level perspective”, 18th International Annual EUROMA Conference, Cambridge (UK), 3-‐6 July. [11] Lettieri, E., Mura, M., Radaelli, G., Spiller, N. (2011) “Exploring the linkage between knowledge assets and knowledge sharing behaviour: the role of psychological safety, role ambiguity and organizational identification”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Tampere (Finland), 15-‐17 June. 9 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura [12] Longo M., Mura M., Spiller N. (2011) “Intellectual capital architectures and ambidextrous learning. Evidence from the healthcare public sector” International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Tampere (Finland), 15-‐17 June. [13] Longo, M., Mariani, M., Mura M. (2010), “Intellectual capital, organizational performance and innovation: evidence from performing arts”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal (CANADA), August 6-‐10. [14] Longo, M., Mura, M. (2010) “The effect of intellectual capital on contextual ambidextrous learning. Evidence from Italian hospitals”, 5th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 24-‐26. [15] Lettieri, E., Mura, M., Radaelli, G., Spiller, N. (2010) “Intellectual capital and performance improvement in healthcare. Opening the black box”, 5th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 24-‐26. [16] Carlucci, D., Lerro, A, Schiuma, G., Lettieri, E.,Radaelli, G., Masella, C., Mura, M., Longo, M., Testa, S. (2010) "Knowledge and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: an Ongoing Research Agenda”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 6-‐9. [17] Lettieri, E., Radaelli,G., Spiller, N., Mura, M. (2010) “Innovating Healthcare Delivery: the (un)explained leverage of knowledge sharing”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 6-‐9. [18] Barbieri, P., Longo, M., Mura, M. (2010), “Ethical issues in buyer-‐supplier relationship. A dyadic examination in the European constriction industry”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 6-‐9. [19] Longo, M., Mariani, M., Mura, M. (2009), “The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. The case of the performing arts organizations”, 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), Nice, France, September 23-‐25 [20] Barbieri, P., Longo, M., Mura, M. (2009), “Exploring the link between corporate social responsibility and company performance. The case of European construction companies”, 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), Nice, France, September 23-‐25 [21] Micheli, P., Agliati, M. and Mura, M. (2009), “Performance measurement within a highly diversified group of companies”, Performance Measurement Association (PMA) Conference 2009, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 14-‐17. [22] Bourne, M., Mura, M., Franco-‐Santos, M., Pavlov, A., Martinez, V., Lucianetti, L. (2009), “Performance management practices and the drivers of business performance”, Performance Measurement Association (PMA) Conference 2009, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 14-‐17. [23] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2009) “Intellectual capital and innovative capabilities: does health care?”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Innovation Capabilities, Glasgow, UK, February 14–15. [24] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “Intellectual capital, individual performance and perceived corporate strategy. An exploratory study”, EUROMOT 2008, Nice, France, 17-‐19 September, ISBN 0-‐9815817-‐1-‐4. 10 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura [25] Longo, M., Mariani, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “Performance measurement in Italian opera houses using an intellectual capital framework”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Innovation Capabilities, Matera, Italy, June 26–27 [26] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2007) “Intellectual capital. Development and implementation of a measurement system”, 3rd Workshop On Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (EIASM), Ferrara, Italy, October 29–31 [27] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2007) “Intellectual capital. Development and validation of a measurement system”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Performance Management, Matera, Italy, June 22-‐23. [28] Longo, M and Mura M., (2006) “Intangible assets related to employees. An empirically tested measurement model”, 2nd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 25-‐27. [29] Longo, M and Mura M., (2006) “Stakeholder management and human resources, a methodology for measuring intangibles”, 5th European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) Colloquium: Corporate Sustainability, Strategic Management and the Stakeholder View of the Firm, Milan, Italy, September 11-‐12. [30] Longo M. and Mura M., (2005) “Stakeholder management and human resources”, 3rd Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), September 21-‐23, Nice, France. [31] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2004), “Stakeholder approach and innovation in corporate governance. The creation of intangible capital”, Workshop on Corporate Governance (EIASM), November 4-‐5, Brussels, Belgium. [32] Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2004), “Corporate governance and CSR: toward a stakeholder approach in the Italian enterprise. A topic Italian case study ”, EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference, May 5-‐8, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland. [33] Longo, M., Mura, M. and Bonoli, A. (2003) “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: the Case of Italian Small Medium Enterprises”, Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, September 3-‐5, London Metropolitan University, London, UK. COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS Data analysis techniques: • • General univariate and multivariate statistical modeling Structural equations modeling • STATA (excellence knowledge) Computer software: 11 Curriculum Vitae - Matteo Mura • • • • SPSS (excellence knowledge) LISREL (excellence knowledge) Smart-‐PLS (excellence knowledge) MS Excel (excellence knowledge) 12
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