Space solutions to EU societal challenges An event under the Semester of Italian Presidency of the EU Rome, 19 September 2014 - Regione Lazio Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7, Sala Tirreno The main objective of the event is to discuss how to best exploit space technologies as drivers for competitiveness, innovation and smart specialization of the local economic systems. The issue of establishing efficient mechanisms to turn excellence in research into industrial leadership and socio-economic well-being is actually at the top of the EU policy agenda and represents a cornerstone of both the Horizon2020 programme and the new 2014-2020 EU cohesion policy. On an impulse coming from Lazio Region, the network NEREUS, bringing together 24 “space” regions all over Europe, constituted a dedicated task force to assess the potential contribution that space technologies, when adequately adapted and transferred, can provide for the development of innovative solutions to the key societal challenges of the Union and to pave the way for the establishment of an EIP “Space” acting as a basin of innovative technology solutions to be made available to the other existing EIPs (AGRI, WATER, ACTIVE HEALTHY AGEING, RAW MATERIALS, SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES). The event “Space solutions to the EU societal challenges” is intended to build on the results NEREUS has achieved on the last June 26th, when a dedicated workshop has been organized and the representatives of the existing EIPs have been invited to discuss the playground for cooperation between space and nonspace actors in developing innovating solutions for the benefit of the citizen and societies that can be globally competitive. To be successful, it is necessary that such a cross-fertilisation action occurs in the context of a sound strategic framework, providing for the alignment of priorities of space and non-space actors and the possibility to capitalize at the maximum extent (scalability, replicability, strategic address to further development) the results that may be achieved. Therefore, also in the light of the presentation of the initiative that NEREUS will have in front of the Council of the EU on the next 15th of September, the event will be the opportunity for to share views and promote a high-level policy debate on how to proceed towards the establishment of the EIP “Space”, or any other European level instrument that will be identified as better serving the purpose. Provisional Agenda Registration and welcome coffee 09.00 - 09.30 Welcoming address and introduction: 09.30 - 10.30 Chairman: Guido Fabiani, Regione Lazio - Regional Minister for Economic Development Nicola Zingaretti, President of Lazio Region Stefania Giannini, Minister of Education, University and Research Ferdinando NELLI FEROCI, EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship (ad interim) Keynote Speech 10:30 - 11:00 Roya Ayazi - Towards an EIP “Space”: role, objectives, state of play - NEREUS Secretary General, EIP “Space” Task Force Coffee break 11.00 - 11.30 Session 1 “Space as a driver for innovation and competitiveness”: 11:30 - 13.00 Chairman: Roberto Cantone, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Coordinator for Space (TBC) Philippe Brunet, Director of Aerospace, Maritime, Security and Defense Industries - EC DG ENT Dimitri Corpakis, Head of Unit Regional Dimension of Innovation - EC DG Research and Innovation (via videoconference) Nichi Vendola, President of Regione Puglia, President of NEREUS Raffaele Liberali, Regional Minister for Development, Labor and Research, Basilicata region Claudio De Vincenti, Vice-Minister of Economic Development Q&A Lunch 13.00 - 14.00 Session 2 “The role of key EU and national space organisations for Europe’s competitiveness” 14:00 - 15.30 Chairman: Lorenzo Lo Cascio - Nereus EIP “Space” Task Force Q&A Roberto Battiston, President ASI Thierry Duquesne, Director for Strategy, Programmes and International Relations, CNES Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General ESA (TBC) Carlo des Dorides, Executive Director GSA Mauro Facchini, European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry, Head of the Unit Copernicus Services Session 3 “Space as a factor for regional smart specialisation” 15.30 - 17.00 Chairman: Maria Ludovica Agrò - MED/Director of Agency for Development and Cohesion Alberto Piazzi, European Commission - DG Regio (TBC) Rosanna Bellotti, Regione Lazio - Structural Funds Managing Authority / Francesco Mazzotta, Regione Lazio Head of unit for Research, Innovation and Green economy Armando De Crinito, Regione Lombardia - Deputy General Manager for Production, R&I Sabine S. Groth, Land Hesse, Deputy Director-General for European and International Affairs Dr. Andreas G.N. Bergner, Land Brandenburg, University Potsdam Giovanni Bertolone, Italian Aerospace Technology Cluster, President 1. Do you have space in your smart specialisation strategy? How many regions across Europe do you guess have space in their smart specialisation strategy? 2. In which of the five existing EIPs is your region involved or wishes to be involved? 3. Give ideas/suggestions of potential cross-correlation of existing EIPs and space in your Region. 4. Can space be a driver for relatedness in the smart specialisation path of your Region? Q&A Coffee break 17.00 - 17.15 Session 4 “Ground for cooperation with existing EIPs”: 17.15 - 18.30 Chairman: Roya Ayazi (Nereus Secretary General) / Walter Pecorella (Nereus EIP “Space” TF) Arun Junai, EIP-Smart Cities - TNO Stephan Ourevitch, Spacetec Partners Prof. Piergiorgio Picozza - Unleashing the value of space research -University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Massimo Comparini - Space solutions for the EU societal challenges - Chairman SPIN-IT Concluding remarks 18.30 - 19.00 Antonio Bartoloni, Ministry of Economic Development, Directorate-General for industrial policy, competitiveness and small and medium enterprises, Division IV - Policies and measures for competitiveness Guido Fabiani, Regione Lazio - Regional Minister for Economic Development, Representative of Italian Regions for the National Space Policy
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