Curriculum Vitae Personal Information RONCO, Paolo Address Tel E-mail Nationality Date of birth Affiliate CMCC ISC Division at Dept. Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics University Ca' Foscari Venice Calle Larga S. Marta 2137, 30123 Venice, Italy +39 041-2348938 [email protected]; [email protected] Italian 22/03/1977 Occupational field Climate change and natural hazards mitigation, water resources management Work experience Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector From March 2013 to date Researcher (post-Doc) Development of multi-scale methodologies for the assessment of climate change-natural hazards related-risks (floods) and water resources management in Mediterranean and tropical basins, and the design of mitigation actions. Management of two FP7 Projects (KULTURISK: Knowledge-based approach to develop a cULTUre of Risk prevention; PERSEUS: Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas). University Cà Foscari Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics; Calle Larga S.Marta 2137, 30123 Venice (Italy); tel: +39 0412348975; Research, University Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector From August 2011 to date International Consultant Impact analysis and projects assessment, appraisal and design in the fields of: water resources management, climate change and natural hazard mitigation (torrential risks, floods, droughts), rural livelihood, international cooperation. Various Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities From November 2011 to February 2013 Project Coordinator and Environmental Eng. Coordination of an experimental project (SESAME) about phytoremediation of wastewater. Responsible for ecosustainability assessments, cost-benefit appraisals, assets optimizations, energy efficiency and water quality monitoring systems. Design and management of water schemes in Vicenza District. Acque Vicentine spa. Viale dell’Industria, 23, 36100, Vicenza (VI). Tel: 0444-955288. Public Utility Employer Sector Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector From March 2008 to June 2011 Country Representative and Project Coordinator in Tanzania Responsible for the institutional partnership, impact analysis and projects assessment and design (climate change, water resources, renewable energies and rural livelihood). Coordinator of an EU-EDF Water Facility Project about development of water resources supply and management systems and capacity building of water-related institutions. Duties: technical design, reporting, relationship with stakeholders, end-users and donors, monitoring and evaluation. L.V.I.A. (Lay Volunteers Int. Ass.), IV Novembre, 28, 12100 Cuneo (Italy), tel:+390171 696975, International Development Cooperation, NGO From January 2005 to March 2008 PhD Student Research on long-term and large scale morphodynamics of unsurveyed river basins. Development of simplified hydromorphological models and methodologies to process different data sets (remote sensing, DEM, hydro-morphological) for simulating the evolution of the Zambezi River with 1 year of field research and data collection. University of Padova, Doctoral School on Civil & Environmental Engineering., Via Loredan, 20, 35131, Padova (Italy), tel: +39 049 8275424 , Research, University Page 1/3- Curriculum vitae of RONCO Paolo Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities From March 2005 to February 2008 Country/Project Coordinator (in Mozambique until March 2006), Technical Advisor (in Italy) Responsible for the institutional partnership, impact analysis and projects assessment, appraisal and design (water res. resources and urban waste management, rural livelihood). Coordination of environmental projects for the economic development of the urban waste recycling value-chain. L.V.I.A. (Lay Volunteers International Association) International Development Cooperation, NGO Employer Sector From January to November 2004 Volunteer in international social service “Caschi Bianchi – White Helmets Project” in Mozambique Socio-eco-environmental assessment for urban waste recycling projects in the slums of Maputo; management and technical support to the “Comissão Justicia e Paz”, which provides legal aid to prisoners; teaching (computer science) and management of a recreational centre for disadvantaged youths. Caritas Italiana, Via Aurelia, 796, 00165 Roma International Development Cooperation, NGO Dates Position held Main activities and responsibilities Employer Sector From March to December 2003 Research fellow Hydro-morphological data collection (in situ), analysis and processing, development and validation of a 1-D morphological model for mountain rivers. In collaboration with UNESCO-IHP, organization of scientific workshops. IMAGE Department, Università di Padova Research, University Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Organisation Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Organisation From January 2005 to March 2008 PhD on Hydrodynamic and Environmental Modelling Research on long term-large scale morphodynamics river processes and impact of impoundments. Thesis: “Sediment Budget of Unsurveyed Rivers at Watershed Scale: the Case of Lower Zambezi”. Advanced academic courses on: fluids and continuous mechanics, statistical mechanics, numerical and mathematical methods. Università di Padova, Doctoral School on Civil & Environmental Engineering From September 1996 to November 2002 Laurea (Master Degree) in Environmental Engineering Soil erosion and water resources management. Thesis (in French): “Experimental Study of Bed Load Solid Discharge Fluctuations and Grain Size Distribution in Steep Slopes”, developed in collaboration with CEMAGREF (National Research Ins. for Mountain Dev.) and UJF in Grenoble, France (intern for 6 months during Erasmus Project). Università di Padova Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Organisation From September 2001 to May 2002 Post Graduate Courses Rapid Natural Dynamics (avalanches, debris flow, rock falls, river floods) and Torrential Hazards University Jacques Fourier - UFJ and European Summer School on Natural Risks (Grenoble, France) Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects covered Organisation From September 1991 to July 1996 Maturità Scientifica Maths, physics, computer science Liceo Scientifico Sperimentale F.Corradini, Thiene (Vicenza, Italy) Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Other language(s) Self-assessment European level English French Portuguese Kiswahili Italian Understanding Listening Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Writing Spoken production C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user Page 2/3- Curriculum vitae of RONCO Paolo B1 Independent user Social skills and competences Adaptability in a multicultural and complex social contexts. Rapid language learning, good communication skills; ability to maintain discussions and deals at different levels; good sense of solidarity and care of ethical and human values; independence and maturity of judgment; sense of responsibility. Organisational skills and competences Attitude to self-initiative, problem solving, team working and positive leadership. Strong organizational and managerial skills of groups of mixed people, even in challenging environments; experience in participatory methodologies for stakeholders and end-users; experience in organizing seminars-conferences and resource mobilization at various levels (local and international). Technical skills and competences Solid research skills in hydro-geomorphological modelling (impact of large impoundment, reservoir sedimentation, torrential hazards), water resources development and management, data collection, flood risk assessment methodologies, at river basin scale, also in developing countries. Proven experience in eco-sustainability assessment, cost-benefit and impact analysis, design and implementation of projects and capacity building of relevant institutions. Strong ability to work with the scientific community by producing papers and PPTs for scientific audiences as well as for the general public acquired during the participation at several conferences worldwide (Europe, Asia, Africa). Good lecturing skills, also at academic level. Extended knowledge of EU international cooperation projects management and procedures (project cycle, appraisal, design, assessment, monitoring, financial and adm. matters). Computer skills and competences Good command of: MatLab, C++,Visual Basic, Fortran. Basic knowledge of:AutoCad, ArcView, ArcMap. Publications peer reviewed Nones M., Guerrero M., Ronco P., (2014) OPPORTUNITIES FROM LOW-RESOLUTION MODELLING OF RIVER MORPHOLOGY IN REMOTE PARTS OF THE WORLD. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2, 9-19, doi:10.5194/esurf-2-9-2014. Mietto A., Borin M., Salvato M., Ronco P.,Tadiello N., (2013) TECH-IA FLOATING SYSTEM INTRODUCED IN URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS IN THE VENETO REGION – ITALY. Water Science and Technology, 68(5):1144-50. doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.357. Nones, M., Ronco, P., Di Silvio, G., (2012) MODELLING THE IMPACT OF LARGE IMPOUNDMENTS ON THE LOWER ZAMBEZI RIVER. Journal of River Basin Management. 11 (2) 221-236, Special Issue: Integrated Management of Large River Systems. doi:10.1080/15715124.2013.794144. Fasolato, G., Ronco, P., Langendoen, E. J., Di Silvio, G., (2011). VALIDITY OF UNIFORM FLOW HYPOTHESIS IN ONEDIMENSIONAL MORPHODYNAMIC MODELS. Journal of Hydraulic Eng., 137 (2), 183-195, doi: 10.1061/_ASCE_HY.19437900.0000291 Ronco, P., Fasolato, G., Di Silvio, G. (2010). MORPHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF DAMMING ON LOWER ZAMBEZI RIVER. Geomorphology 115 (1-2), 43-55 doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.09.029 Ronco, P., Fasolato, G., Di Silvio, G. (2009). MODELLING EVOLUTION OF BOTTOM PROFILE AND GRAINSIZE DISTRIBUTION IN UNSURVEYED RIVERS. Int. Journal of Sediment Research 24 (2), 127–144; doi:10.1016/S1001-6279(09)60021-4 Fasolato, G., Ronco, P., Di Silvio, G., (2009). HOW FAST AND HOW FAR DO VARIABLE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AFFECT RIVERMORPHODYNAMICS? Journal of Hydraulic Research 47 (3), 329–339. Ronco, P. (2008). SEDIMENT BUDGET OF UNSURVEYED RIVERS AT WATERSHED SCALE: THE CASE OF LOWER ZAMBEZI. PhD Thesis, Universita’ di Padova. Others Ronco P., Gallina V., Torresan S., Critto A., Zabeo A., Semenzin E. and Marcomini A. TOWARDS FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT IN A CLIMATE CHANGE PERSPECTIVE. Proceedings of the first SISC (Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima) Conference, Lecce, September 23rd-24th, 2013 Ronco, P., Fasolato, G., Di Silvio, G. (2007). SIMULATING THE PROFILE EVOLUTION OF LARGE UNSURVEYED RIVERS: THE CASE OF ZAMBEZI (AUSTRAL AFRICA). Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR Congress, Venice, July 1st - 6th Fasolato, G., Yafei, J., Ronco, P. (2007). STUDIES ON SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND MORPHODYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF A RIVER DUE TO SEDIMENT FLUSHING OPERATIONS OF AN ALPINE RESERVOIR. Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR Congress, Venice, July 1st - 6th Ronco, P., Fasolato, G., Di Silvio, G. (2006). THE CASE OF THE ZAMBESI RIVER IN MOZAMBIQUE: SOME INVESTIGATIONS ON SOLID TRANSPORT PHENOMENA DOWNSTREAM CAHORA BASSA DAM. Proceedings of the River Flow 2006 Conference, Lisbon, September 6th – 8th Fasolato, G., Ronco, P., Tregnaghi M. (2006). MORPHODYNAMICS OF MOUNTAIN RIVERS FOLLOWING REPEATED SEDIMENT RELEASE FROM RESERVOIRS. Proceedings of the River Flow 2006 Conference, Lisbon, September 6th – 8th Fasolato, G., Ronco, P., Di Silvio, G. (2006). SIMPLIFIED MODELS FOR SIMULATING MORPHODYNAMIC PROCESSES AT DIFFERENT SPACE- AND TIME-SCALES. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroscience ad Engineering (ICHE-2006), Philadelphia, September 10th-13th Fasolato, G., Ronco, P., Tregnaghi (2006). OPERAZIONI DI SGHIAIAMENTO DA UN SERBATOIO ALPINO ED EFFETTI SULLA MORFODINAMICA FLUVIALE. Proceedings of the IDRA 2006, Rome, September, 10th-15th Frey, P., Ronco, P., Recking, A. (2003). FLUCTUATIONS OF BED LOAD SOLID DISCHARGE AND GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ON STEEP SLOPES. Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. Barcelona Frey, P., Ronco, P. (2003). FLUCTUATIONS OF BED-LOAD SOLID DISCHARGE AND GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION ON STEEP SLOPES WITH IMAGE ANALYSIS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.5, 05136 Ronco, P. (2002). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE FLUCTUATIONS OF BED LOAD SOLID DISCHARGE AND GRAIN DISTRIBUTION ON STEEP SLOPES. Master Degree Thesis (in French), in collaboration with CEMAGREF in Grenoble (France) and Università di Padova (Italy) DICHIARO CHE QUANTO RIPORTATO NEL PRESENTE CV CORRISPONDE A VERITA’ AI SENSI DEL D.P.R. 445/2000 AUTORIZZO IL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI CONTENUTI NEL PRESENTE DOCUMENTO AI SENSI DEL D.LGS N°196/2003; Vicenza (Italy), 05/03/2014 Page 3/3- Curriculum vitae of RONCO Paolo
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