SAPIENZA UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA, Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI URBINO “CARLO BO”, Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica LUISS UNIVERSITÀ “GUIDO CARLI”, ROMA SCUOLA SUPERIORE SANT’ANNA, PISA, Institute of Economics UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE, MILANO, Istituto di Politica Economica UNIVERSITÀ ROMA TRE, Dipartimento di Economia in cooperation with ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI CENTRO LINCEO INTERDISCIPLINARE «BENIAMINO SEGRE» WORKSHOP EXPLAINING ECONOMIC CHANGE Wednesday 12 November 2014 Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Economia, Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto, Viale del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma The Workshop follows up on the Conference “Economic Change and Evolution”organised at the Accademia dei Lincei on 10-11 November, and presents conceptual and empirical investigations – mostly by younger scholars on the process of economic change. It aims to open up a dialogue between different approaches and themes, including macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives, evolutionary approaches, investigations on structural change, studies on institutions and policies. Senior scholars will deliver keynote lectures, chair sessions and discuss the presentations. Full papers have to be submitted by 20 October 2014 and will be available on the conference website. Participants will have to register for the conference by 30 October 2014, following the indications provided in the website. Registration is free. Organising Committee Giovanni Dosi, Maurizio Franzini, Anna Giunta, Luigi Marengo, Mario Pianta, Marco Vivarelli, Antonello Zanfei Information and contacts Valeria Cirillo and Dario Guarascio, [email protected] Conference website Programme 9.00-9.30 Opening Sala del Consiglio, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor (Building on the right of the main entrance) Silvia Fedeli Director of the Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto, Sapienza University of Rome Tito Orlandi, Director of the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare “Beniamino Segre”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 9.30-11.30 Plenary Session Explaining change in economies and firms Chair Richard Nelson, Columbia University Keynote lectures Michael Landesmann, WIIW Vienna, Change in economies Uwe Cantner, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Change in firms and markets Paul David, Stanford University and UNU-Merit, Maastricht, Economic change in the history of US growth Discussion 1 The Workshop proceeds with parallel sessions organised on four themes Theme 1 : EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE Sala del Consiglio, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor (Building on the right of the main entrance) Theme 2: MACROECONOMIC CHANGE Aula Steve, 5th floor Theme 3: STRUCTURAL CHANGE Aula Marrama, 6th floor Theme 4: CHANGE IN FIRMS Aula del Consiglio di Dipartimento, 6th floor 11.45-13.30 Session 1 Session 1.1 Evolutionary Models Chairs and discussants: U. Cantner, G. Dosi, Sala del Consiglio, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor P. Saviotti, A. Pyka, Université de Nice, INRA-GAEL On the Coevolution of Innovation and Demand: Does Demand Saturate? F. Villafranca, I. Almudi, University of Zaragoza A Formal Discussion of the Sarewitz-Nelson Rules S. Vannuccini, U. Cantner, F. Schiller University, Jena Modeling Acquired Purpose: Industries Linked Payoffs, Innovation Inducements And the Emergence of General Purpose Technology M. Jadack, A. Pyka, Hohenheim University Competition in the German Market for Retail Energy: An Agent Based Simulation Session 2.1 Variety of capitalism Chairs and discussants: C. Antonelli, F. Bogliacino, Aula Steve 5th floor R. Pavelchievici, Université de Nice Changes in the US Financial Capitalism: Reembedding Money and Finance Into The Social Fabric? S. Le Chevalier, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris) Liberalization, Increasing Corporate Diversity, and Rising Inequalities The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism G. Capone, R. Boschma, IUSS Pavia and Utrecht University Show Me Who You Are and I’ll Show You Where You Go: An Evolutionary Approach to Varieties of Capitalism A. Simonazzi, Sapienza University of Rome Bubbles as An Engine for Growth? Session 3.1 Labour, skills and wages Chairs and discussants: M. Pianta, M. Vivarelli, Aula Marrama 6th floor F. Vona, D. Consoli, F. Rentocchini, Science Po, Ingenio (Spain), Skema (France) That Was Then, This is Now: Skills and Routinization in the 2000s V. Cirillo, Sapienza University of Rome Innovation and Skills D. Antonioli, P. Pini, R. Antonietti, University of Ferrara and University of Padova Flexible pay Systems and Labour Productivity: Evidence from Emilia-Romagna Manufacturing Firms A. Heimisch, O. Falck, S. Wiederhold, IFO, Germany Does Exposure to the Internet Trigger ICT Skills? Evidence from PIAAC 2 Session 4.1 Micro studies on firms performance Chairs and discussant: A. Giunta, L. Marengo, Aula del Consiglio di Dipartimento 6th floor Bianchini, G. Pellegrino, F. Tamagni, Scuola Superiore S. Anna and BETA Innovation Strategies and Firm Growth: New Longitudinal Evidence from Spanish Firms L. Nascia, F. Bogliacino, M. Lucchese, M. Pianta, Istat, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, University of Urbino The Virtuous Circle of Innovation in Italian Firms M. Virgillito, G. Dosi, M. Pereira, Scuola Superiore S. Anna The Ubiquitous Tent Shape Distribution of Firm Growth Rates R. Gallo, G. Barbaresco, D. Mauriello, Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Mediobanca Res. Dept. and Unioncamere Main Changes in The Growth Process of The Italian Industrial System 13.30-14.45 Lunch break 14.45-16.45 Session 2 Session 1.2 Evolution and Institutions Chairs and discussants: M. Franzini, L. Marengo, Sala del Consiglio, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor J. Silverberg, UNU-Merit, IIASA Global, Endogenous, Unique, Evolutionary: Sleuthing the Industrial Revolution P. Pelikan, Prague University of Economics Towards a Conceptually Precise and Logically Consistent Synthesis of Evolutionary and Institutional Economics for Safe Policy Applications S. Lucarelli, University of Bergamo A stock-flow Analysis of Schumpeter's Theory of Economic Development P. Ramazzotti, University of Macerata Economic Theory and Purposive Economic Change in an Evolutionary Environment P. Michaelides, K. Konstantakis, National Technical University of Athens R&D Expenses and Business Cycles in The US Sectoral Economy: A Schumpeter Inspired Approach (1957-2006) Session 2.2 Macro-models Chairs and discussants: G. Dosi, M. Landesmann, Aula Steve, 5th floor A. Roventini, G. Fagiolo, T. Ferraresi, University of Verona, Scuola Superiore S. Anna and IRPET Fiscal Policies and Credit Regimes: a TVAR approach R. Martino, University of Pisa Convergence and growth. Labour productivity dynamics in the European Union M. Tancioni, E. Beqiraj, Sapienza University of Rome Evaluating Labor Market Targeted Fiscal Policies in High Unemployment EZ Countries I. Almudi, F. Villafranca, G. Jarne, J. Sanchez, University of Zaragoza Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy Within a Simple Dynamic Model Session 3.2 Structural change and services Chairs and discussants: L. Orsenigo, M. Vivarelli, Aula Marrama, 6th floor L. Romano, F. Traù , Centro Studi Confindustria, Italy The Nature of Industrial Development and the Speed of Structural Change 3 D. Palma, D. Ciriaci, S. Montresor, ENEA, EU Commission and University of Bologna Do KIBS Make Manufacturing More Innovative? An Empirical Investigation for Four European Countries M. Savona, V. Meliciani, J. Gonzalez, Sussex University, University of Teramo and OECD When Linder meets Hirschman: Inter-industry Linkages and Global Value Chains R. Evangelista, V. Meliciani, M. Lucchese, University of Camerino, University of Teramo and ISTAT Manufacturing Exports and the Impact on Businness Services A. Vaona, A. Tescari, University of Verona Gender Employment Disparities, Financialization and Profitability Dynamics on the Eve of Italy's Long Crisis Session 4.2 R&D and multinational firms Chairs and discussant: U. Cantner, A. Zanfei, Aula del Consiglio di Dipartimento 6th floor D. Castellani, S. Montresor, T. Schubert, A. Vezzani, University of Perugia and University of Bologna Multinationality, R&D and Productivity: Evidence on the top R&D spenders C. Cozza, A. Zanfei, University of Trieste and University of Urbino The Cross Border R&D Activity of Italian Business Firms C. Fassio, LUISS Rome Export-led Innovation Among European Firms: Demand and Technological Learning Effects F. Aiello, F. Ricotta, University of Calabria Firm heterogeneity in productivity across Europe. What explains what? A. Ferragina, F. Mazzotta, University of Salerno Agglomeration Economies Impact on Heterogeneous Firms Survival in Italy 17.00-19.00 Session 3 Session 1.3 Innovation Chairs and discussants: C. Antonelli, L. Orsenigo, Sala del Consiglio, Palazzina della Presidenza, 2nd floor M. Divella, University of Bari Determinants of Business R&D Investments. An Investigation at Industry Level R. Cappellin, Tor Vergata University Innovation and investment in an urban cross sectoral growth model: a change of course is needed in macroeconomic policies F. Crespi, V. Costantini, A. Palma Roma Tre University Policy Inducement Effects in Energy Efficiency Technologies. An Empirical Analysis on the Residential Sector D. Archibugi, National Council of Research (Italy) Blade Runner Economics. Will Innovation lead the Economic Recovery? F. Blandinieres, F. Schiller University, Jena As a matter of fat: the importance of public organization in the emergence of new search routine in drug development Session 2.3 Social norms and experiments Chairs and discussants: M. Franzini, M. Tancioni, Aula Steve, 5th floor M. Raitano, R. Fantozzi, Sapienza University of Rome & ISTAT Political cycle and reported labour incomes in Italy: a quasi-experimental evidence on tax evasion E. Carrera, E. Accinelli, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (Mexico) Corruption, Inequality, and Income Taxation F. Bogliacino, G. Grimalda, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Kiel Institute for the World Economy Social Norms, Violence and Bandwidth: Evidence from Field Experiments in Colombia S. Innocenti, UNU-Merit Institutional Persistence, Social Structure and Human Agency: an NK Model 4 Session 3.3 Structural change in open economies Chairs and discussants: M. Landesmann, M. Pianta, Aula Marrama, 6th floor R. Stoellinger, WIIW Vienna Global Value Chains and Structural Change G. Felice, L. Tajoli, University Carlos III Madrid and Politecnico di Milano External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link? D. Guarascio, Sapienza University of Rome Exports, New products and R&D. Modeling Complexity and Change M. Grazzi, G.Dosi, D. Moschella, University of Bologna and Scuola Superiore S.Anna Technology and costs in international competitiveness: from countries and sectors to firms A. Gkypali, K. Tsekouras, K. Kounetas, N. Chatzistamoulou, University of Patras (Greece) European Countries competitiveness and productivity performance evolution: unraveling the complexity Session 4.3 Global value chains Chairs and discussants: A. Giunta, A. Zanfei, Aula del Consiglio di Dipartimento 6th floor D. Del Prete, A. Rungi, Sapienza University of Rome and IMT Lucca Organizing The Global Value Chain: a Firm Level Test R. Brancati, E. Brancati, A. Maresca, MET and LUISS Global Value Chains Diffusion, Governance and Upgrading Process: Evidence From Italy A. Bramucci, A. Zanfei, University of Urbino The Governance of Offshoring and Its Effects Home. The Role of Codetermination in The International Organization of German Firms B. Potì, G. Cerulli, CERIS-National Council of Research Firm Investment Sensitivity to Cash Flow, Liquidity Constraints and The Evidences From a Public Subsidy Doseresponse Model. M. Duenas, M. Campi, Universidad de Bogotà Jorge Tadeo & Scuola Superiore St. Anna Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade of Agricultural Products Related events Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica, Via Saffi 42, Urbino Thursday, 6 November 2014, h.14 Lecture by Prof. Giovanni Dosi La dinamica delle imprese al tempo del declino industriale Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa Thursday, 13 November 2014 Lecture by Prof. Sidney Winter LUISS Università “Guido Carli”, Roma Thursday, 13 November 2014 Lecture by Prof. Paul David Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Istituto di Politica Economica, Largo Gemelli 1, Milano Thursday, 13 November 2014, h.10.30 Lecture by Prof. Uwe Cantner On the Schumpeterian Entrepreneur 5
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