Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi Enrico Calossi E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Personal Information: Nationality: Italian Date of Birth: 9-7-1977 Place of Birth: Massa Marittima (GR) Working Address 1: Department of Political and Social Sciences, via Serafini 3, 56126 Pisa – Italy Working Address 2: EUI -Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9, I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy Education: - September 2012 – September 2013, Post-Doc Research Fellow at University of Pisa on the subject “Electoral systems, parties and political personnel in Italy: 1987-2008”. - 2011-2012: Post-Doc Fellowship at University of Pisa, research title: “Corruption as element and factor of influence in the evolution of career paths within Political Parties: the role of ethic codes as prevention tool of corruption in political parties and public administration”, directed by Prof. Alberto Vannucci. - 2009, 15 December: PhD, with Scholarship, in Political System and Institutional Change at IMT Alti Studi Lucca. Title of the PhD Thesis: “I Partiti Politici a Livello Europeo. Il caso del Partito della Sinistra Europea”. [Political Parties at the European Level. The Case of the Party of the European Left] - 2003: Degree cum Laude in Political Sciences, Curriculum International. Università degli Studi di Pisa. Title of the Master Thesis: “Due transizioni a confronto, il ruolo dei partiti della sinistra nel passaggio dalla democrazia consensuale a quella maggioritaria in Francia e in Italia” - 1996: Diploma at the Scientific High School “Carlo Cattaneo” – Follonica (Gr) Languages: Italian: native English: Level C1. University Examination: 29/30 1 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi French: Sufficient Level, certification Delf A2 at Alliance Française. University Examination 30/30. 2008: Three Months Stay in Brussels. Computer Knowledge 4-5 October 2010: Intensive Course on STATA, at the Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca sul cambiamento politico (CIRCaP) dell’Università di Siena (Italia) July 2007: crash course on SPSS at the Summer School ECPR, Lubiana (Slovenia) Office Package. June 2004: ECDL, Full version. Research Fields: - European and Italian Political Parties (Party Organisation and Party Systems) - Anticorruption Public Policies - Italian Foreign Policy Publications: Books: 1. Calossi E. (2011), “Organizzazione e funzioni degli Europartiti. Il caso di Sinistra Europea”, Pisa, Edizioni PLUS. [“Organisation and Functions of Europarties. The Case of European Left”] 2. Bardi L., Bressanelli E., Calossi E., Gagatek W., Mair P., Pizzimenti E. (2010), “How to Create a Transnational Party System”, Brussels, European Parliament. 3. Bardi L., Bressanelli E., Cicchi L., Calossi E., Gagatek W., Pizzimenti E. (2014), “Political Parties and Political Foundations at European Level. Challenges and Opportunities. Brussels: European Parliament. Articles in peer reviewed journals: 4. Calossi, Enrico, Fabio Calugi & Fabrizio Coticchia (2013) “Peace and war in the political discourse of Italian Marxist and post-Marxist parties”, Contemporary Italian Politics, 5:3, 309-324, DOI: 10.1080/23248823.2013.848618. 5. Calossi E., Coticchia F. (2009), “I partiti italiani e le missioni militari all’estero: valori condivisi o scelte a coerenza alternata?” in “Quaderni di Scienza Politica”, Anno XVI, Terza Serie, III, n. 2, agosto 2009, pp. 269-302. Calossi has written pp. 278-288; Coticchia pp. 291299; the two authors have written jointly pp. 269-278, pp. 288-291 and pp. 300-302. ISSN: 1124-7959 2 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi Articles in journals: 6. Calossi Enrico, Pizzimenti Eugenio (2014), “Os partidos políticos ao nível europeu: evolução, institucionalização e possíveis desenvolvimentos”, “Relações Internacionais”, Março 2014, n. 41, pp. 027-043. ISSN: 1645—9199. 7. Calossi, Enrico (2014) “Partiti e alleanze, il mosaico elettorale europeo” in “Affari Internazionali” 17/4/2014. ISSN 2280-9228. 8. Calossi E., Bardi L. (2010), “Le elezioni europee in Italia e in Europa” in Giuliani M., Jones E., (eds), “Politica in Italia 2010, I fatti dell’anno e le interpretazioni. Edizione 2010”, il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 203-222. ISSN: 1124-7959. Calossi has written paragraphs 1, 2, 3. Bardi par. 4. Introduction and Conclusion have been written jointly by the two authors. 9. Bardi L., Calossi E. (2009), “Le elezioni di Obama come realigning elections?” in “Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale”, 163-164, 1° e 2° trimestre 2009, anno quarantaduesimo. ISSN 0303-9714. Calossi has written paragraphs 1-4 and Bardi par. 5. Conclusion and introduction have been written jointly by the two authors. Working Papers 10. Calossi E., Coticchia F. (2013) “The role of europarties in framing the European Union Foreign and Security Policy”, Working Paper, EUI RSCAS Series 2013/03. ISSN 10283625. Enrico Calossi wrote paragraphs 2, 4 and 5, Fabrizio Coticchia wrote paragraphs 1 and 3. Both the authors wrote Introduction and Conclusion. Chapters in Book: 11. Calossi, Enrico (2014) “L’Altra Europa con Tsipras: tutti per uno, uno per tutti?” in Marco Valbruzzi e Rinaldo Vignati (eds) “L'election day del 25 maggio. Elezioni europee, regionali e amministrative”, Bologna: il Mulino. Link: uzzi%20%20Vignati%20%20LItalia%20e%20lEuropa%20al%20bivio%20delle%20riforme%20-%20completo.pdf 12. Bardi, Luciano e Calossi, Enrico (2014) “Verso uno spazio politico europeo? La questione democratica a livello di Unione europea” in Bonvicini, Gianni (ed) “Il Parlamento europeo per la nuova Unione,” Roma: Quaderni IAI, pp. 73-92. ISBN 9788868122805 13. Calossi, Enrico and Eugenio Pizzimenti (2014) “Hierarchy, Stratarchy and Party Politics Denationalization. Procedures of Candidate Selection in the Italian Parties (19912012)” in Bardi, Luciano, Kriesi, Hanspeter and Alexander H. Trechsel (eds) “Elections in Europe in times of crisis: contributions from the 2013 EUDO dissemination conference”, Florence: European University Institute, pp. 35-55. ISBN: 9789290842194 14. Calossi E. (2014), “Peter Mair, dalla periferia dell’Europa al centro della Scienza Politica”, [“Peter Mair, from the periphery of Europe to the center of Political Science”] in Solano G. e Sozzi F. (eds) “I maestri delle scienze sociali”, VOL.2, Limina Mentis, Milano. 15. Calossi E. (2013), “Bianco, rosso, verde … e celeste. I partiti in Lombardia” [“White, Red, Green … and pale blue. Political Parties in Lombardy”] in Ignazi P., Bardi L., Massari O. (eds) “Non solo Roma: Partiti e classi dirigenti nelle regioni italiane”, Egea, Milano, pp 73127. ISBN 978-88-8350-198-2 3 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi 16. Calossi E., (2012), “Introduzione. Una rassegna politologica della corruzione” [“Introduction. A Politological Overview of Corruption”] in Barocci R. “Arsenico e scellerati progetti. Cronaca di abusi e omissioni a danno delle fonti di acqua potabile” Stampa Alternativa-Nuovi Equilibri. 17. Calossi E., Sberna S., Vannucci A. (2012), “Disasters and Corruption, Corruption as Disaster” in De Guttry A., Gestri M., Venturini G. (eds) “International Disaster Response Law”. TMC Asser Press. Calossi has written paragraph 3. Introduction and conclusions have been written jointly by the authors. 18. Calossi E., Vannucci A. (2012) “Politiche di liberalizzazione e democrazia in Georgia” [“Policies of Liberalization and Democracy in Georgia”] in AAVV “Liberalizzazioni: è vera svolta? Decimo rapporto di Società Libera”. Calossi has written paragraph 1. Introduction and conclusions have been written jointly by the authors. 19. Calossi E, Bardi L. (2010), “European Elections in Italy and Europe” in Giuliani M., Jones E. (eds), “Italian Politics. Managing Uncertainty” Berghahn Books. Calossi has written paragraphs 1, 2, 3. Bardi par. 4, Introduction and Conclusion have been written jointly by the two authors. ISBN 978-0857451347 20. Bardi L., Calossi E. (2009), “Party responses to new challenges: the emergence of Europarties” in Cross W., DeBardeleben J., Pammett J. (eds) “Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Citizen Participation in Europe and Canada”, Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, pp. 151-172. ISBN 9780230575943. Calossi has written pp. 154-169 and Bardi pp. 151-154 and 169-171. 21. Calossi E. (2009), “Criticità e proposte di intervento per la tutela della sicurezza e per l’emersione del lavoro irregolare” in Vannucci A. (ed) “Nero, grigio, sommerso. Attori e politiche per l’emersione del lavoro irregolare dal contesto italiano alla dimensione locale”, Felici Editore, Pisa, pp. 308-361. ISBN 978-88-6019-253-0 22. Calossi E. (2007), “Rifondazione Comunista e Comunisti Italiani” in Bardi L., Ignazi P., Massari O. (eds) “I partiti italiani. Iscritti, dirigenti, eletti”, Egea, Milano, pp. 217-246. ISBN: 8883500830 23. Calossi E. (2006), “Cronologia del Pci” in Le Paige H., Moretti N., Tobagi B. (eds), “La cosa - Il fare politica - C'era una volta il PCI (1982-2004)”, Feltrinelli, Milano, pp. 163-172. ISBN: 978-8807740268 Reviews: 24. Calossi E., Review (2009): “The future of Europe: reform or decline”, by Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2006, in Modern Italy, Vol. 14, No. 2., Maggio 2009, pp. 238-240. issn: 1353-2944 25. Calossi E., Review (2009), "Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe”, by Cas Mudde, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, in Modern Italy, Febbraio 2009, pp. 96-96. issn: 1353-2944 26. Calossi E., Review (2009): “Partiti e sistemi di partito nelle democrazie europee” a cura di Pietro Grilli di Cortona e Gianfranco Pasquino, il Mulino, Bologna, 2007, in Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 1/2009, pp. 164-166. issn: 0048-8402 Doctoral Thesis 27. Calossi E. (2009), Tesi di Dottorato "Organizzazione e funzioni dei partiti politici a livello Europeo. Il caso del Partito della Sinistra Europea", Imtlucca. 4 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi Web-blog articles: In the blog: “Per una Cultura dell'Integrità nella Pubblica Amministrazione”:, 2011: a. Soluzioni per la corruzione nel mondo arabo? [Solution for the corrution in the Arab World?], 15-12-2010. b. Il divieto di sosta come indicatore della corruzione [the No-Parking Signal as Corrution Indicator], 24-1-2011. c. Svizzera, Andata e Ritorno [Switzerland, Go and Back], 21-2-2011. d. Acqua pulita [Clean Water], 10-3-2011. e. La Liberia a piccoli passi verso l’integrità [Liberia step by step towards integrity], 23-32011. f. UK Citizenship on Sale?, 25-4-2011. g. Quando il rispetto della legge fa notizia [When the respect of law is a relevant news], 125-2011. h. La quotidiana e sotterranea truffa della patente a punti [The daily and underground fraud of the driving license penalty points], 25-5-2011. i. ll garantismo della Costituzione Italiana. La Raccomandazione n° 7 del rapporto GRECO [The guarantism of the Italian Constitution: the recommandation n°7 by GRECO to Italy], 306-2011. l. Ancora tempi duri per chi denuncia irregolarità all'interno della PA [Still hard times for whistleblowing in the Public Sector], 21-7-2011. m. Neologismi della corruzione nell'Est Europa [Neologismes of corruption in Eastern Europe], 20-9-2011. Proceedings: Follow Up of the Study ““How to create a transnational party system” (2010), funded by the AFCO Committee of the European Parliament. Electoral systems, parties and political personnel in Italy: 1987-2008. Programma di Ricerca a Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN 2009) directed by profs Luciano Bardi. (Università di Pisa), Piero Ignazi (Università di Bologna), Oreste Massari (Università la Sapienza – Roma). Affiliation and disaffiliation processes of National Parties to Euro-level structures (Europarties, EP Party Groups, etc.) Corruption as element and factor of influence in the evolution of career paths within Political Parties: the role of ethic codes as prevention tool of corruption in political parties and public administration. Under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Vannucci. Political Parties at the European Level and the Political Parties of privileged non-EU countries (at OPPR Observatory, EUI). Political Parties at the European Level and Turkish political parties (with Prof. T. Tosun, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey). Attended Conferences: 7 May 2014, Pisa (Italy), conference organised by the University of Pisa “Chi votiamo per le elezioni europee”, roundtable with profs M. Neri Gualdesi, G. Bonvicini, S. Poli. 5 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi 30 January 2014, Genoa (Italy), Conference “I partiti europei”: presentation of the paper “Il Partito della Sinistra Europea” 28-29 November 2013, Florence (Italy) EUDO Dissemination Conference: Presentation of the paper “Hierarchy, Stratarchy and Party Politics Denationalization. Procedures of Candidate Selection in the Italia Parties (1991-2012)”, by Enrico Calossi and Eugenio Pizzimenti. Enrico Calossi talked about "Italian Political Elite and the European Integration" in the conference "Italy and the Promotion of the European Integration Process". 9 November 2013, Torino (Italy) Partecipatory debate organised by POLITICALLY.EU on “Politica estera e della difesa europea” [Foreign Policy and European Defense]. 10-11 October 2013, Ljubljana (Slovenia), conference organised by the European Liberal Forum “Political Foundations in Europe: Mobilising the Citizens and Raising Political Culture“: Presentation: “Monitoring European Political Foundations” 12-14 September 2013, Florence (Italy) Congress of the “Società Italiana di Scienza Politica”: presentation of the paper “"The Degree of Centralization of Candidate Selection Procedures: the Italian Case", by Enrico Calossi and Eugenio Pizzimenti. 4-7 September 2013, Bordeaux (France), 7th ECPR General Conference: Writing of the paper "Normal Versus European Party Democracy: Some Theoretical Reflections", by Luciano Bardi and Enrico Calossi. 17-21 March 2013, New York City (USA): Policy Advisor at “Model United Nations” for University of Siena and University of Pisa. 26 February 2013, Conference "Political Foundations at the European Level. Five years in Promoting Democratic Political Culture in the European Union", organised by the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR), and hosted by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament. 13 September 2012, Roma (Italy) Congress of the “Società Italiana di Scienza Politica”, Panel: “Per prove ed errori: come (non) fare scienza politica”, presentation of the paper “Alla sinistra dei Socialisti. Attori politici in cerca di definizione” [“At the left of Socialists. Politcal actors looking for a definition] by Enrico Calossi and Fabio Sozzi. 6 June 2012, Roundtable “Sviluppo Locale, sicurezza ambientale e grandi opere nell'era della crisi finanziaria” [“Local Development, Enviromental Security, and Great Works”] with Vittorio Agnoletto (Flare), Ivan Cicconi (Itaca), Alessandro Volpi (Università di Pisa). 1-4 April 2012, “International Studies Association” (ISA) Annual Conference, San Diego (USA). Writing of the paper “Europarties and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union” by Enrico Calossi and Fabrizio Coticchia. 23 November 2011, Florence (Italy), Seminar “The People, the Parties and Europe” of the Robert Schuman Center of Advanced Studies (EUI) Seminar Series. Presentation of the paper “Models of Affiliation and Disaffiliation of European National Parties to the Europarties” by Enrico Calossi. - 9-10 November 2011, Brussels (Belgium), “EUDO Dissemination Conference”. 8- 10 September 2011, Palermo (Italy), Congress of the “Società Italiana di Scienza Politica”: co-chair of the panel “Rappresentanza e Partiti Politici nell’Unione Europea” and presentation of the paper “Europarties as Legitimizing Organisations” by Enrico Calossi. 6 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi April 2011, Pisa (Italy), KRISIS-CRISI Seminars of the Department of Political and Social Sceinces: Writing of the paper “Away from was through words? Marxist and postMarxist parties, peace discourse and the evolution of the Italian defence policy” by Enrico Calossi, Fabio Calugi, Fabrizio Coticchia. 7 March 2011, Livorno (Italy): Speech at the Roundtable “European Caravan for Legality”. 15 November 2010, Follonica (Italy): Roundtable “La Costituzione è ancora un fondamento per il Popolo Italiano?” With Emanuele Rossi (Professore di Diritto Costituzionale alla Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna – Pisa), Donatella Rapezzi (Assessore Comunale – Follonica). 16-18 September 2010: XXIV Congresso Annuale SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica), Venice (Italy): Presentation of the paper “La sinistra alternativa alla sfida della polity europea. Il Partito della Sinistra Europea e i suoi rapporti con i partiti nazionali” di Enrico Calossi. 8-10 September 2008, Inaugural World Conference: “Ideology and Discourse Analysis (IDA) Rethinking Political Frontiers and Democracy in a New World Order”, Roskilde University, (Denmark): Presentation of the Paper “Away from war through words? Marxist and post-Marxist parties, peace discourse and the evolution of the Italian defence policy” by Enrico Calossi, Fabio Calugi and Fabrizio Coticchia. 4-6 September 2008, XXII Congresso Annuale SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica), Pavia (Italy): Presentation of the Paper “I movimenti e la democrazia. Il caso dei giovani della Quarta Internazionale” by Enrico Calossi. July 2008, WISC – Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana (Slovenia): Presentazione del Paper: “Italian parties and military missions abroad: shared values or alternate coherence?” and Enrico Calossi by Fabrizio Coticchia. September 2007, XXI Congresso annuale SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) a Catania con la presentazione del Paper “I partiti italiani e le missioni militari all’estero: valori condivi o scelte a coerenza alternata?” by Enrico Calossi, Fabrizio Coticchia. November 2006, Follonica (Italy): book presentation of “Il decennio MoroBerlinguer” by and with prof. Giorgio Galli, 2006, Baldini-Castoldi-Dalai. September 2006, XX Congresso annuale SISP, Bologna (Italy): Presentation of the Paper “Tra mutamento e continuità: l’organizzazione dei partiti post democristiani e comunisti nella Seconda Repubblica” by Enrico Calossi, Simona Iacopetti, Eugenio Pizzimenti. Research and work experiences: Since January 2011, Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) at the European University Institute (EUI): Coordinator of the Observatory. September 2012 – September 2013, Post-Doc Research Fellow at University of Pisa on the subject “Electoral systems, parties and political personnel in Italy: 1987-2008”. June 2013 – July 2013, Observatory on European Democracy (EUDO) at the European University Institute (EUI): scientific editing of special issues in memory of Peter Mair in the journals “Party Politics” e “West European Politics”. 7 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi January 2013 – December 2013, Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) at the European University Institute (EUI): Research Assistant of profs Stefano Bartolini e Alexander Trechsel. January 2011 – December 2012, Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) at the European University Institute (EUI): Research Assistant of profs Luciano Bardi and Peter Mair. September 2011 – September 2012, Post-Doc Research Fellow at University of Pisa on the subject “Corruption as element and factor of influence in the evolution of career paths within Political Parties: the role of ethic codes as prevention tool of corruption in political parties and public administration”. October 2010 - May 2011, Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione (SSPA) [High School of Public Administration], Roma: Junior Researcher in the project “Per una Cultura dell'Integrità nella Pubblica Amministrazione”. September – December 2010, European University Institute (EUI): Research Assistant of profs Luciano Bardi and Peter Mair. February - July 2010: External collaboration with the European University Institute (EUI) in the project “How to create a Transnational European party system?”, funded by the European Parliament in the behalf of the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) at the European University Institute (EUI) and directed by prof. Luciano Bardi and Peter Mair. 30 November 2008 – 15 February 2009: Stage at the European Parliament (Brussels) with the MEP V. Agnoletto. 2008-2010: Collaboration in the research project “La regionalizzazione dei partiti italiani” (ex Prin 2007) coordinated by Profs. Luciano Bardi, Piero Ignazi and Oreste Massari. January 2006 – January 2009: PhD Student with Scholarship at the IMT Alti Studi Lucca. November 2008 – January 2009: Internship at the “Party of the European Left”, Brussels. August – November 2008: Contract of collaboration with the Dipartimento di Scienze della Politica dell’Università di Pisa on the research “Il lavoro irregolare e la sicurezza sul lavoro nella Provincia di Pisa”, directed by prof. Alberto Vannucci (Università di Pisa) February - March 2007: External collaboration with the European University Institute on the research “La corruzione politica”, directed by proff. Donatella Della Porta (EUI) and Alberto Vannucci (Università di Pisa). Since November 2006 “Cultore della Materia in Scienza Politica e Relazioni Internazionali” at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Pisa University. November 2004 - January 2005 and April - December 2005: Contract of Collaboration with the dipartimento di Scienze della Politica della facoltà di Scienze Politiche (Università of Pisa) on the research on party organisation “Party Change Project”, ex PRIN 2003. Spring 2004: Contract of Collaboration with the Comune di Follonica (GR) as school educator. Teaching Experiences: 2014: Spring Semester, California State University Italian Program, Florence, Italy: Course in “Italian Politics and Society”. Total hours: 45. 8 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi 2013: Fall Semester, California State University Italian Program, Florence, Italy: Course in “The European Union”. Total hours: 45. 2013: 10 July, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy: Discussant and Chair at the workshop “Members and Political Groups in the European Parliament” at the Summer School on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe (2nd edition) “The European Parliament: Organisation and Functioning”. Total hours: 2. 2013: Spring Semester, California State University Italian Program, Florence, Italy: Course in “Italian Politics and Society”. Total hours: 45. 2012, 7 March, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy: Lecture in the behalf of the bachelor course “Diritto pubblico dell'Economia” [Economy Public Law] tenured by prof. Mirella Pellegrini. Title of lecture: “Il processo elettorale. Un approccio politologico” [“A Politological approach to the Electoral Process”]. Total hours: 2. 2013: 7 January – 15 March, University of Siena, Italy: Consules Model United Nations. Simulation of UN conferences: How to write a UN Position Paper, Country Profile (Republic of Mali) and UN Position Papers. Total hours: 14. 2013: 7 January – 15 March, University of Pisa, Italy: Consules Model United Nations. Simulation of UN conferences: How to write a UN Position Paper, Country Profile (South Sudan) and UN Position Papers. Total hours: 14. 2012: 27 November, Consules Roma, “Le Nuove Relazioni Transatlantiche” [“The New Transatlantic Relations”]. Total hours: 4. 2012, 12 November, University of Pisa, Italy: lecture as part of the course “international Relations” held by prof. Eugenio Pizzimenti. Title pf lecture: "Europeanisation of Political Parties. The Emergence of Europarties" Total Hours: 2. 2012, 4-16 July, High School of Public Administration (WSAP), Bialystok, Poland: teaching at the “Summer School on Good Governance in the Context of European Integration: Institutions – Rights – Societies”, Bialystok, Poland, funded by LLP – Erasmus Intensive Program. Titles of the held lectures: “Human Rights Protection in Public Administration”, “Tolerance in Public Administration”, “Quality in Public Administration”, “The Process of Decision Making Process and its Implementation”. Total hours: 16. 2012, 7 June, Follonica (Italy): lecture in the behalf of the summer school ESDAS. Title: “Disasters and Corruption, Corruption as Disaster”. Total hours 3. 2012, 9 May, Metropolitni Univerzita Praha, Prague (CZ): lecture as part of the course “Development of European Cooperation and Integration” held by prof. Francesco Giumelli. Title pf lecture: "Europeanisation of Political Parties. The Emergence of Europarties" Total Hours: 2. 2012, 4 April, University of Pisa, Italy: seminar in the behalf of the bachelor course “Relazioni Internazionali” [International Relations] of prof. Luciano Bardi. Seminar title: “La politica estera dell'Unione Europea” [“The EU Foreign Policy”]. Total Hours: 1. 2012, 3 April, University of Pisa, Italy: seminar in the behalf of the bachelor course “Relazioni Internazionali” [International Relations] of prof. Luciano Bardi. Seminar title: “Organizzazione e Funzioni degli Europartiti” [“Organisation and Functions of Europarties”]. Total Hours: 1. 2012, 29 March, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy: Lecture in the behalf of the bachelor course “Diritto pubblico dell'Economia” [Economy Public Law] tenured by prof. Mirella Pellegrini. Title of lecture: “Il processo elettorale. Un approccio politologico” [“A Politological approach to the Electoral Process”]. Total hours: 2. 2012, 19 March, University of Pisa, seminar in the behalf of the bachelor course “Political Science” of prof. Alberto Vannucci and of prof. Massimiliano Andretta. Seminar title: “Le elezioni”. [“The elections”]. Total hours: 2. 2012, 27 February, University of Pisa, seminar in the behalf of the bachelor course “Political Science” of prof. Alberto Vannucci and of prof. Massimiliano Andretta. Seminar title: “Origins, Themes, and Approaches to the Political Science”]. Total hours: 2 9 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi 2012: 19 January – 14 February, University of Siena, Italy: Consules Model United Nations. Simulation of UN conferences: Country Profile (Sierra Leone) and UN Position Papers. Total hours: 12. 2012: 13 January, University of Florence, Italy: World Model United Nations. Simulation of UN conferences: Country Profile (Czech Republic) and Techniques for Preparation of UN Position Papers. Total hours: 4. 2011: 4-16 July, High School of Public Administration (WSAP), Bialystok, Poland: teaching at the “Summer School on Good Governance in the Context of European Integration: Institutions – Rights – Societies”, Bialystok, Poland, funded by LLP – Erasmus Intensive Program. Titles of the held lectures: “Human Rights Protection in Public Administration”, “Tolerance in Public Administration”, “Quality in Public Administration”. Total hours: 12 2011, 31 January – 28 February: University of Siena, Italy: Consules Model United Nations. Simulation of UN conferences: Country Profile (Liberia) and UN Position Papers. Total hours: 12 2010, 28 June – 9 July: teaching at the “Summer School on Good Governance in the Context of European Integration: Institutions – Rights – Societies”, Bialystok, Poland, funded by LLP – Erasmus Intensive Program. Titles of the held lectures: “The role of Ethics in Public Administration”, “Modern Model Careers of Civil Service in Europe”, “The European Code of Good Administrative Behavior”. Total hours: 12 2007: Università dell'Età Libera – Follonica (GR), Italy: Organisation and teaching at the course: “L'Unione Europea. Cosa è, come funziona” [European Union. What it is, and how it functions] 2006: Università dell'Età Libera – Follonica (GR), Italy: Organisation and teaching at the course: ”I conflitti armati nel mondo” [Armed Conflicts in the World]. 2005: Università dell'Età Libera – Follonica (GR), Italy: Organisation and teaching at the course: “Le Organizzazioni Internazionali: cosa sono, come funzionano” [The International Organisations. What they are, how they function]. Other academic experiences/roles: 2011 – present: Coordinator of the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation at the European University Institute, Florence. Since November 2012: Research Committee “Consules Association” 2012, 4-17 June, Tutor at the Summer School “European School on Development and Security” (ESDAS), Erasmus Intensive Programme, Follonica (Italy). 8 May 2012, European Commission (Brussels): Participation at the Informal Experts Meeting to review the current statute of the Political Parties at the European Level. 2011 - 2012: Project Manager of the post-degree Master in “Analisi Prevenzione e Contrasto della Criminalità Organizzata e della Corruzione” [Analysis, Prevention, Contrast of the Organised Crime and Corruption] organised by the Department of Political and Social Science, Pisa. December 2005 - September 2007: local co-organizer of the 4° General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research”- Pisa 6-8 September 2007 (1.800 participants from the whole world, and 1.500 presented papers) Peer reviewer for the journal European Journal of Political Research. Voluntary Experiences: 2004-2009: City Councilor at Follonica (GR) 10 Curriculum Vitae Enrico Calossi Military Service: Civil Service from 5-6-2003 till 5-4-2004 at the Public Library of Follonica and as educator at the Middle School “Pacioli” (Follonica). Signature ____________________________________________ Last Update: 16 July 2014 11
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