Cinzia Zadra (27th cycle)

Cinzia Zadra (27th cycle)
PhD student at the University of Bolzano-Bozen, Faculty of Education
Educational Consultant Training and Certification
Master's Degree in Modern Languages (German, Spanish)
Lecturer at the Department of Romance Studies of Karl-Franzens-University Graz (Austria)
Researcher at the Pädagogisches Institut für die deutsche Sprachgruppe in Bolzano-Bozen
Teacher at a German Secondary School in South Tyrol
My research project is conducted at an Italian speaking educational hub in South Tyrol which includes
kindergarten, primary school, middle school and secondary school and pays particular attention to
social and civic competences and relationships to the territorial community. My aim is to look more in
depth into the role of the community in the building of learning networks and to investigate the
relationship between the promotion of social and civic competences and the establishment of learning, interaction- and communication networks. The research methodology for this project is guided by
qualitative research paradigm. My research is based on a case study and uses different types of data
collection for qualitative studies, including shadowing, in-depth interviews and document analysis.
My PhD research is supervised by Professor Liliana Dozza and Professor Susanne Elsen.
Zadra, C. (in press). Schooling and Lifelong Learning. The Role of Transversal Key Competences.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Zadra, C. (2013). School-Community Relations for Development of Social and Civic Competence. In
del Carmen Pérez Fuentes M., del Mar Molero Jurado, M. (Eds.), Variables Psicológicas y Educativas
para la intervención en el ámbito escolar (pp. 153-158). Almería: Asoc. Univ. de Educ. y Psic..
Zadra, C. (2012). Apprendimento permanente e scuola: attraverso e oltre le competenze trasversali.
In Dozza, L., Chianese, G. (Eds.), Una società a misura di apprendimento. Educazione permanente tra
teoria e pratiche (pp. 73-82). Milano: Franco Angeli.
Zadra, C. (2012). Recensione a Frabboni, F. (2012). Il problematicismo in pedagogia e didattica.
Crocevia di un’educazione inattuale e utopica. Trento: Erickson, In Pedagogia PI٠didattica, vol.
2012/13, pp. 71-73.
Zadra, C., Caldaro, M. (2002). Spazio lingua. Persone e luoghi. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Zadra, C., Caldaro, M. (2002). Spazio lingua. Io e gli altri. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Zadra, C., Di Gennaro, G. (2003). Spazio lingua. Gente e storie. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Zadra, C., Di Gennaro, G. (2004). Spazio lingua. Idee e punti di vista. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Zadra, C., Di Gennaro, G. (2005). Spazio lingua. Incontri, scambi, imprevisti. Bolzano: TappeinerAthesia.
Zadra, C., Di Gennaro, G. (2006). Spazio lingua. Mondovisione. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Zadra, C., Di Gennaro, G. (2006). Spazio lingua. Opinioni a confronto. Bolzano: Tappeiner-Athesia.
Italian (mother tongue), German (C1), Spanish (C1), English (B2)