CURRICULUM VITAE - EVILA PIVA Personal Details Full Name: Evila Piva Date of Birth: 30/11/1978 Place of Birth: Milano, Italy Nationality: Italian Languages Spoken: English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Italian (native language) Office address: Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, Via Lambruschini 4/B, 20156, Milano, ITALY Mobile: +39 334 6551837 Tel.: +39 02 23993961 Fax.: +39 02 23992710 E-mail: [email protected] Degrees held - PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2007. Thesis title: “Academic start-ups: do they differ from other new technology-based firms?” (Supervisor: Prof. Massimo G. Colombo). MSc in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2002, summa cum laude. Thesis: “Intranet for knowledge management: technological and managerial choices” (Supervisor: Prof. Mariano Corso). Current position Assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, since 16/12/2008. Previous appointments March 2007-December 2008: Research fellow at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering January 2003-September 2004: Research fellow at Politecnico Innovazione, Technology Transfer Consortium of Politecnico di Milano. Visiting periods - March 2006-July 2006: Visiting PhD student at Nottingham University Business School (UK). Local supervisor: prof. Mike Wright. 1 Teaching Experience Undergraduate level (BSc or MSc Courses) 1. Course director of Economics and Corporate Organization B, BSc in Electrical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 8 CFU, academic years 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014; Students’ evaluation: high score. 2. Course director of Economics and Corporate Organization D at the Faculty of System Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic year 2009-2010. 3. Seminars in the course High-tech Entrepreneurship (course director: prof. Massimo G. Colombo), Politecnico di Milano, 5 CFU, academic years 2010-2011; 2009-2010. 4. Course director of Economics and Corporate Organization D at the Faculty of Information Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic year 2008-2009. 5. Assistant in the course High-tech Entrepreneurship (course director: prof. Massimo G. Colombo), Politecnico di Milano, 5 CFU, academic year 2008-2009. 6. Course director of Economics and Corporate Organization D, Politecnico di Milano, 5 CFU, academic year 2007-2008. 7. Assistant in the course Economics of Innovation and Technological Change (course director: prof. Massimo G. Colombo), MSc in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic years 2009-2010; 2008-2009; 2007-2008; 2006-2007; 2005-2006; 2004-2005. 8. Lecture at the Alta Scuola Politecnica, Politecnico di Milano, academic years 2005-2006; 20042005. 9. Assistant in the course Economics and Corporate Organization (course director: prof. Paola Garrone), Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic year 2005-2006. 10.Seminars in the course of Economics of network industries(course director: prof. Massimo G. Colombo), Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic year 2004-2005. 11.Assistant in the course Economics and Corporate Organization (course director: Sergio Campodall’Orto), Politecnico di Milano, 10 CFU, academic years 2003-2004; 2002-2003. Graduate level (MBA or Executive education) 1. Course director of the executive course Finanziarsi con il CrowdFunding: dalle imprese al noprofit, 24th March 2014, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 2. Lectures in the course Economics - Firms and competitive system, Master in Management 2014, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, 3. Course director of the elective Entrepreneurship and new technologies. Strategies and tools for growth, EMBA since 2010 edition, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 4. Course director of the core course Economics - Firms and competitive system, EMBA-Part time Rome, since 2012 edition, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 5. Lectures on Investments evaluation, since 2008/2009 edition, Scuola Master F.lli Pesenti, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politecnico di Milano. 6. Lectures in the elective Economics of Innovation, MBA International, since 2004 edition, MIPPolitecnico di Milano. 7. Lecture on Economics of Innovation, Master Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, 2010 and 2012 editions, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 8. Lectures in the core course Industrial Economics, EMBA-Part time Milan, 2009 and 2011 editions, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 9. Lectures in the core course Industrial Economics, EMBA-Part time Milan, 2nd and 4th editions, MIP-Politecnico di Milano. 10. Lecture Academic start-ups in Italy, course in Management for Universities and research centers, 2008, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, 2 11. Lectures Economics of Innovation, Master in Business Management 2005/2006 at Stoa’ (Institute of Studies for the Management of Firms), Naples, 12. Lecture Italian new technology-based firms, executive course in Management for Entrepreneurship, 2005 edition, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, 13. Lecture in the course Industrial economics, EMBA-MEB 2004/2005 edition, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, 14. Lecture in the master “Science and technology of media”, course “Management of Communication and E-commerce” 2004/2005 edition at the European School of Advanced Studies (ESAS) of University of Pavia, PhD level 1. Lecture on Strategic alliances in the elective Economics of Innovation, PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, September 2012, 2. Laboratory on Market structure, technological environment and innovation rates: methodological problems in applied research, AiIG Summer School, Bressanone, September 2008, 3. Lectures on New technology-based firms and Academic start-ups, PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, V cycle, University of San Marino, 2007. Since October 2012, Evila Part is part of the Collegio Docenti of the Phd in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Supervision of PhD students • • • • • Since October 2013: Supervisor of the PhD candidate Beatrice Matassini, 1st year, PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Since May 2012: member of the guidance committee of the PhD candidate Annelore Huyghe, PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University (Belgium). 2012: member of the reading committee of Dr. Annelies Bobelyn, Dottorato in Economia, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University (Belgium). Thesis title: “Technology acquisitions: a study of the three parties involved” 2007-2010: co-supervisor (with Massimo Colombo) of Dr. Lorenzo Pirelli, PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Thesis title: “An analysis of the structure of European R&D networks and networking institutions”. Active collaborations in research proposals of other PhD students enrolled in the Ph.D. Program in Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering of Politecnico di Milano: Francesca Tenca (1st year), Anita Quas (graduated in 2013), Diego D’Adda (graduated in 2010). Course design and conference organization activity Evila Piva has been responsible for the design of the following courses: • Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, not launched yet, MIP-Politecnico di Milano; • the executive course Finanziarsi con il CrowdFunding: dalle imprese al no-profit, 24th March 2014, MIP-Politecnico di Milano; • the elective Entrepreneurship and new technologies. Strategies and tools for growth, MIPPolitecnico di Milano. She has been involved in the organization of the following events: - XI Conferenza Italiana Software Libero, Milan, 23-24 June 2011; - EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Economics and Management of Innovation, Milan, 3-7 May 2010; 16-20 March 2009, 10-14 March 2008; - DIME conference Organizing for networked innovation, Stresa, 14-16 April 2010. 3 - Seminar “The dynamics of science-based entrepreneurship”, Sestri Levante, 31 March-2 April 2008. Institutional activity - Since 2008: member of the Evaluation Committee for students admission to the MSc in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa. Academic year 2009/2010: adjunct member of the Commission for the Italian State Exam enabling to the profession of Engineer. 2009: member of the task force for the transfer of the Department Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering to the Bovisa Campus. Participation in research projects Participation in national research projects: - Since February 2013: involved in the PRIN 2010-2011 research project Market and non-market mechanisms for the exchange and diffusion of innovation: when do they work, when they do not work, and why should we care, funded by MIUR. - 2012: project Definition of an evaluation system for Open Innovation activities, funded by Whirlpool. - Since November 2007: research project RITA 2008: Report on Italian New Technology-based Firms, promoted by Unicredit SpA. - Since 2005: research project RBNE03ZLFW_002 funded by MIUR, FIRB 2003 - 2005-2006: research project Growth and development of new technology-based firms in the province of Milan, promoted by Chamber of Commerce of Milan - 2005-2006: research project New technology-based firms: the role of local characteristics, promoted by Unicredit Banca d’Impresa - 2005: research project Financial schemes for academic spin-offs funded by Finlombarda - 2005: research project on the production system and the industrial policy measures in Italy promoted by the Institute for Industrial Promotion (IPI) - 2004: analysis of European universities and their activity of support of spin-offs and entrepreneurship promoted by PANEL network - 2003-2004: benchmark Lombardy-Bavaria in Progetto Paralleli promoted by Lombardy Region Participation in European research projects: - 2006-2009: involved in the research project PICO – Academic entrepreneurship from knowledge creation to knowledge diffusion, funded by the European Union in the FP6 - 2004-2009: involved in the activities of the Network of Excellence PRIME - Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move FP6 Framework Programme. In particular, involved in the research projects: REBASPINOFF - Addressing the knowledge gap: Towards a better understanding of research based spin offs and Venture FUN - 2005: realisation of two teaching cases sponsored by Gate2Growth Academic Network in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance 4 Conferences and research seminars at international institutions - Since 2005: regular participation as a speaker and/or discussant in International Conferences including EARIE Conference, DRUID Conference, Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, among the others. January 2012: seminar at the Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich. Title: “Community interaction as a dynamic capability and related diversification: the case of Open Source Software community”. Referee activity Evila Piva as served as referee for Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Small Business Economics, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, European Management Review, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, Asia Pacific Management Review. Awards - - - 2012: Nomination for the SMS Best Conference Paper for Practical Implications. Paper: Colombo M.G., Piva E., Schleimer S., “Mitigating transaction hazards of inter-firm alliances: The interplay of governance form and contractual complexity” 2011: Paper selected to be presented in the plenary session in the DRUID Summer Conference 2011, 15-17 June 2011, Copenaghen. Paper: Piva E., Rentocchini F., Rossi-Lamastra C. "Absorbing knowledge from unconventional sources. How collaborations with the Open Source community shape the innovation performance of entrepreneurial ventures". 2010: Award of the UAM-Accenture Chair in Economics and Management of Innovation. Paper: Colombo M.G., D’Adda D., Piva E., Rossi Lamastra C. “The innovation impact of the allocation of decision authority in the acquisition of high-tech start-ups: integrating competenceand resource-based theories with multi-task agency theory”. November 2006: Best Paper Award in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance in the XXth RENT Conference. Paper: Colombo M.G., D’Adda D., Piva E. “When do university-based knowledge spillovers influence the growth of NTBFs?” September 2005: Nominated for Best Paper Award in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance in the 35th EISB Conference. Paper: Colombo M.G., Piva E. “Academic start-ups and other new technology-based firms: Are they different?” January 2005: Award at the Early career poster competition 2005 promoted by the Network of Excellence PRIME. 5 PUBLICATIONS The scientific activity of Evila Piva is mainly in the Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship fields. So far, her main areas of research have been the following ones: - strategic alliances of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures: determinants of alliance formation, governance decisions, and performances; - collaborations of entrepreneurial ventures with communities of users and developers (focus: collaborations of software firms with the Open Source community): organization and impact on diversification and firm performance; - M&A of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures: organization and innovation performance; - academic start-ups: relationships with public research organisations, role of TTOs and incubators; differences between these firms and other high-tech entrepreneurial ventures; - high-tech entrepreneurial ventures: determinants of firm creation, financing strategies, modes of growth, and success factors. LE2 - Books (editor) 1. Localizzazione, Innovazione e Crescita delle Giovani Imprese ad Alta Tecnologia. Il Caso della Provincia di Milano, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo), Franco Angeli, Milano. RV1- Articles in ISI / Scopus refereed international journals 1. “Sales and Employment Changes in Entrepreneurial Ventures with Family Ownership: Empirical Evidence from High-Tech Industries”, (2014), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Alfredo De Massis, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra, Mike Wright), Journal of Small Business Management, 52(2): 226–245. 2. “Technology transfer offices as boundary spanners in the pre-spin-off process: The case of a hybrid model”, (2013), (with Annelore Huyghe, Mirjam Knockaert, Mike Wright), Small Business Economics, published on line: DOI 10.1007/s11187-013-9537-1. 3. “Open innovation and within-industry diversification in small and medium enterprises: The case of open source software firms”, (2013), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina RossiLamastra), Research Policy, published on line: DOI 10.1016/j.respol.2013.08.015. 4. “The sensitivity of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures’ employment to a sales contraction in a negative growth scenario: The moderating role of venture capital financing”, (2014), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), Managerial and Decision Economics, 35(2): 73-87. 5. “Systems of indicators to evaluate the performance of university-industry alliances: a review of the literature and directions for future research” (2013), (with Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), Measuring Business Excellence, 17(3): 40-54. 6. “Family firms and internationalization: An exploratory study on high-tech entrepreneurial ventures”, (2013), (with Cristina Rossi-Lamastra, Alfredo De Massis), Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 11(2): 108-129. 7. “Authorizing employees to collaborate with communities during working hours: when is it valuable for firms?”, (2013), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), Long Range Planning, 46:236-257. 8. “The license choices of SMEs doing business with Open Source software: Empirical evidence on Italian firms”, (2012), (with Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 4(1): 20-36. 9. “Does free/open source software enable new forms of entrepreneurship? An analysis of the start-ups created to exploit the business opportunities stemming from free/open source software”, (2012), (with Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 16(3-4): 173-190. 6 10. “The effects of incubation on academic and non-academic high-tech start-ups: Evidence from 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Italy”, (2012), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Francesco Rentocchini), Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 21(5-6): 505-527. “Is Open Source software about innovation? Collaborations with the Open Source community and innovation performance of software entrepreneurial ventures”, (2012), (with Francesco Rentocchini, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra), Journal of Small Business Management, 50(2): 340364. “Firms’ genetic characteristics and competence-enlarging strategies: A comparison between academic and non-academic high-tech start-ups”, (2012), (with Massimo G. Colombo), Research Policy, 41(1): 79-92. “The creation of high-tech entrepreneurial ventures at the local level: The role of local competences and communication infrastructures”, (2011), (with Luca Grilli, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Industry & Innovation, 18(6): 563-580. “Firm dissolution in high-tech sectors: An analysis of closure and M&A”, (2010), (with Luca Grilli, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Economic Letters, 109(1), pp. 14-16. “The contribution of university research to the growth of academic start-ups: an empirical analysis”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), Journal of Technology Transfer, 35(1), pp. 113-140. “Effects of international R&D alliances on performance of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(4), pp. 346–368. “Academic entrepreneurship and business schools”, (2009), (with Mike Wright, Simon Mosey, Andy Lockett), Journal of Technology Transfer, 34(6), pp. 560-587. “Strengths and weaknesses of academic startups: A conceptual model”, (with Massimo G. Colombo), (2008), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 55(1), pp. 37-49. “In search of complementary assets: The determinants of alliance formation of high-tech startups”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), Research Policy, 35(8), pp. 1166-1199. No. of Scopus citations: 66. “Conceptualising the heterogeneity of research-based spin-offs: a multi-dimensional taxonomy”, (2006), (with Philippe Mustar, Marie Renault, Massimo G. Colombo, Margarida Fontes, Andy Lockett, Mike Wright, Bart Clarysse, Natalie Moray), Research Policy, 35(2), pp. 289-308. No. of Scopus citations: 101. RV2- Articles in refereed national journals 1. “Cambiamenti strategici in risposta alla crisi e crescita delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia”, (2012), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Anita Quas, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Economia e Politica Industriale, 39(1), pp. 23-54. 2. “L’allargamento dei ranghi manageriali nelle giovani imprese: il caso delle start-up ad alta tecnologia”, (2011), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Massimiliano Guerini, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), L’Industria, 32(3), pp. 513-538. 3. “L’effetto moderatore delle caratteristiche dei partner sulle performance delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia”, (2011), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), Economia e Politica Industriale, 38(3), pp. 77-103. 4. “The effects of human and infrastructural capital on the entry rates of new technology-based firms at the local level”, (2010), (with Luca Grilli, Camilla Lenzi, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Economia e Politica Industriale, 37(4), pp. 9-37. 5. “La delega dell’autorità decisionale nelle acquisizioni di NTBF: l’impatto sull’innovazione”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Economia e Politica Industriale, 37(3), pp. 39-68. 6. “L’allocazione del potere decisionale nelle imprese open source. Un’analisi empirica”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Economia e Politica Industriale, 37(2), 7 pp. 63-93. “Nuove tendenze nei settori ad alta tecnologia: il caso italiano”, (2010), Economia e Politica Industriale, 37(2), pp. 133-146. 8. “Le start-up accademiche: Teoria ed evidenza empirica sul caso italiano”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo), L’Industria, 2, pp. 289-328. 9. “Le alleanze delle giovani imprese italiane nei settori ad alta tecnologia: il ruolo degli sponsor”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), L’Industria, numero speciale 2007(1), pp. 65-110. 10. “Le giovani imprese italiane ad alta tecnologia: fatti stilizzati e implicazioni di politica tecnologica”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Sergio Mariotti), Economia e Politica industriale, 32(1), pp. 17-42. 7. CL1- Chapters in international books 1. “Social aspects in the governance and organizational model of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), in Social dimension of innovation, (eds.) Karel Muller, Steffen Roth, Milan Zak, Centre for Economic Studies, Praga, ISBN 978-80-86131-90-0. 2. “Sponsors and the alliance activity of new technology-based firms”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), in Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007, (eds.) Gillin, L. M. Swinburne University, Melbourne, VIC. 3. “A review of the venture capital industry in Italy”, (2006), (with Fabio Bertoni, Massimo G. Colombo, Annalisa Croce), in Venture capital in Europe, (eds.) Greg N. Gregoriou, Maher Kooli, R. Kraussl, Elsevier, Amsterdam. 4. “A.M.E.T.”, (2006), in Case Studies on Entrepreneurship and Finance, (with Massimo G. Colombo), (eds.) Amparo de San Jose Riestra, Bart Clarysse, Gerry van Dick, Brussels CL2 - Chapters in Italian books 1. “How are high-tech entrepreneurial ventures coping with the global crisis? Product innovation and internationalization strategies”, (2012), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Anita Quas, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Entrepreneurial Strategies and Policies for Economic Growth (eds.) M. Muffato, P. Giacon,, Padova. 2. “Le determinanti della crescita delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), L’Imprenditorialità. Pensiero, elementi, contesto (eds.) Lucio Cassia, Matteo Kalchschmidt, Stefano Paleari, Bergamo University Press, Sestante edizioni, Bergamo. 3. “Le imprese emergenti dell’high-tech: le specificità delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia del mezzogiorno”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo), Il Sud in competizione. L’innovazione nei settori produttivi e la crescita delle imprese emergenti - Survey, (eds.) SRM - Associazione Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno, Giannini Editore. 4. “La ricerca e l’innovazione”, (2006), (with Sergio Mariotti, Massimo G. Colombo), in Le Condizioni per Crescere. Diagnosi e Proposte per il Sistema Produttivo, (eds.) Riccardo Gallo, Francesco Silva, Il Sole 24ore Editore, Milano. 5. “L’innovazione”, (2006), (with Silvia Mazzuccotelli, Massimo G. Colombo), in Milano Produttiva 2006, (eds.) Servizio Studi della Camera di Commercio di Milano, Milano, pp. 169202. 6. “Le start-up accademiche italiane: caratteristiche genetiche, strategie, prestazioni” (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), in Internazionalizzazione, Innovazione e Crescita dell’Industria Italiana, (eds.) Sergio Mariotti, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano. 7. “Il progetto "innet": la condivisione della conoscenza fra differenti organismi di ricerca”, (2003), (with Sergio Campodall’Orto), in Condividere la conoscenza per competere. Strategie tecnologie e casi aziendali di Knowledge Management, (eds.) Sergio Campodall’Orto, Franco 8 Angeli Editore, Milano. CV1- International conference proceedings No more updated since September 2010 1. “The entry rates of new technology-based firms at local level: exploring the role of human and infrastructural capital”, (2010), (with Luca Grilli, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), EARIE 2010, Istanbul, 2-4 September 2010. 2. “Is Open Source about innovation? Effects of the interactions with the OS community on firms' innovative performance”, (2010), (with Francesco Rentocchini, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), 8th Annual International Open and User Innovation Workshop, Cambridge, Massachussets, 2-4 August 2010. 3. “The allocation of decision authority by software firms collaborating with the OS community”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), EURAM Conference, Roma, 1922 May 2010. 4. “The allocation of decision authority with OS firms. A multi-task agency approach”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), IIOC - 8th International Industrial Organization Conference, Vancouver, 14-16 May 2010. 5. “Communities as a gateway to diversification for entrepreneurial ventures. The case of software firms’ collaborations with Open Source communities”, (2010), (with Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Knowledge in organizations conference, Monte Verità, 30 May-3 June 2010. 6. “The impact of ambidextrous alliances on innovation”, (2010), (with Liliana Doganova, Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Philippe Mustar), DIME conference Organizing for networked innovation, Stresa, 14-16 April 2010. 7. “The creation of NTBFs at local level: the role of internal and external human capital networks”, (2010), (with Luca Grilli, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), DIME conference Organizing for networked innovation, Stresa, 14-16 April 2010. 8. “The effects of international R&D alliances on growth of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis”, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), 2nd European Conference on Corporate R&D – An engine for growth, a challenge for European policy (CONCORD), Siviglia, 3-4 March 2010. 9. “The effects of international R&D alliances on the performance of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), 2009 Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Washington, 12-14 October 2009. 10. “Social aspects in the governance and organisational model of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), International Conference on Indicators and Concepts of Innovation, Praga, 1-2 October 2009. 11. “Positioning the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), PRIME ENID Summer School, Amsterdam, 1-4 September 2009. 12. “M&As Of High-Tech Firms: Organizational Challenges And Innovative Performances”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 2009. 13. “Employees’ empowerment in firms’ doing business out of open source”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), 3rd FLOSS International Workshop on Free/Libre Open Source Software, Padova, 2-3 July 2009. 14. “The effects of human and infrastructural capital on the entry rates of new technology-based firms”, (2009), (with Luca Grilli, Camilla Lenzi, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Workshop Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, San Sebastian, 18-19 June 2009. 15. “The impact of ambidextrous alliances on innovation”, (2009), (with Liliana Doganova, Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Philippe Mustar), DRUID Society Summer Conference 2009, Copenhagen, 17-19 June 2009. 9 16. “The innovation impact of the acquisitions of high-tech startups: new insights from combining competence-based and multitask agency theories”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Final Conference of the PICO project, Parigi. 17. “The impact of ambidextrous alliances on innovation”, (2009), (with Liliana Doganova, Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Philippe Mustar), Final Conference of the PICO project, Parigi. 18. “The effects of international R&D alliances on the performance of high-tech start-ups: a longitudinal analysis”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), International Entrepreneurship: Managerial and Public Policy Implications, Toronto, 17-18 April 2009. 19. “Connecting public and private research systems: The design of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Amsterdam, 26-28 April 2009. 20. “How to outline a boundary-spanning institution: the case of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), ACDD Cournot Days, Strasburgo, 21 March-2 April 2009. 21. “Delegation of authority in firms doing business out of open source. the case of employees’ empowerment”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), FIRB-RISC CONFERENCE, “Research and entrepreneurship in the knowledge-based economy”, Milano.o 22. “The alliances of new technology based firms: governance structure and contractual complexity”, (2008), 2008 Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Colonia, 13-15 October 2008. 23. “Acquisitions of new technology-based firms: the impact on innovation”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), EUNIP 2008 Conference, San Sebastian, 11-12 September 2008. 24. “The alliances of new technology based firms: what are the determinants of governance choices?”, (2008), EUNIP 2008 Conference, San Sebastian, 11-12 September 2008. 25. “Which model for the European Insitute of Innovation and Technology?”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), EUNIP 2008 Conference, San Sebastian, 11-12 September 2008. 26. “The governance of NTBFs’ alliances: a two-stage model”, (2008), Knowledge for Growth: European Strategies in Global Economy, Tolosa, 7-9 Luglio 2008. 27. “Designing the European Institute of Innovation and Technology: in search of the most effective model to strengthen academia-business collaboration”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Lorenzo Pirelli), Knowledge for Growth: European Strategies in Global Economy, Tolosa, 7-9 Luglio 2008. 28. “The contribution of university research to the growth of high-tech start-ups: an empirical analysis”, (2008), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), The dynamics of science-based entrepreneurship, Sestri Levante, 31 MarchSeptember – 2 Aprile 2008. 29. “The dyadic alliances of new technology based firms: Governance form and contractual complexity”, (2008), DRUID 25th Celebration Conference 2008, Copenhagen, 17-20 June 2008. 30. “Sponsors and the alliance activity of new technology-based firms”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), 4th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Brisbane, 6-9 February 2007. 31. “The case of A.M.E.T.”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo), G2G - IESE Teaching Case Workshop, 20-21 December 2006. 32. “When do university-based knowledge spillovers influence the growth of NTBFs?”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), XX RENT Conference, Brussels, 23-24 November 2006. 10 33. “The determinants of the alliance strategies of new technology-based firms”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), 2006 Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Vienna, 29 October-1 November 2006. 34. “Strengths and weaknesses of academic start-ups: A conceptual model”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo), 2006 Annual Conference Technology Transfer Society, Atlanta, 28-29 September 2006. 35. “University-based knowledge spillovers and the growth of NTBFs”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), 2006 Annual Conference Technology Transfer Society, Atlanta, 2829 September 2006. 36. “Localised knowledge spillovers from public research organisations: are they a free lunch?”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), 11th International J.A. Schumpeter Society Conference, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 June 2006. 37. “Public policies towards research based spin-offs: The case of Italy”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), Workshop on “The public policies to foster the creation and development of research based spin-off firms (PPforRBSOs)”, Paris, December 2005. 38. “Are academic start-ups and new technology-based firms different?”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), 19th RENT conference, Napoli, November 2005. 39. “Conceptualising the heterogeneity of research-based spin-offs: a multi-dimensional taxonomy”, (2005), (with Philippe Mustar, Marie Renault, Massimo G. Colombo, Margarida Fontes, Andy Lockett, Mike Wright, Bart Clarysse, Natalie Moray), Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, USA, August 2005. 40. “Strengths and weaknesses of academic start-ups: A deductive-inductive approach”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), PRIME Network of Excellence Rebaspinoff workshop, Paris, November 2005. 41. “A matched pair analysis of academic start-ups and other new technology-based firms”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), Annual Strategic Management Society Pre-conference Junior Faculty Research Workshop, Orlando, October 2005. 42. “Italy country report on the venture capital industry: A false departure?”, 2005), (with Fabio Bertoni, Massimo G. Colombo), Prime Network of Excellence Venture Fun conference, Helsinki, August 2005. 43. “Are academic start-ups different? A matched pair analysis”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), 32th Annual EARIE Conference, Oporto, Portogallo, September 2005. 44. “Academic start-ups and other new technology-based firms: are they different?”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), 35th 2005 EISB Annual Conference, Barcellona, September 2005. 45. “Testing the differences between ASUs and other NTBFs through matched pair techniques”, (2005), Prime Doctoral Conference, Brighton, June 2005. 46. “Academic start-ups and new technology based firms: a matched pair comparison ”, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo), 5th Triple Helix Conference, Torino, May 2005. 47. “Italy country report on the venture capital industry: A false departure?”, (2005), (with Fabio Bertoni, Massimo G. Colombo), Prime Network of Excellence Venture Fun workshop, Sestri Levante, January 2005. 11 CV2 – National conference proceedings No more updated since September 2010 1. “The effects of human and infrastructural capital on the entry rates of new technology-based firms at the local level”, (with Luca Grilli, Camilla Lenzi, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), AISRE 2010, Aosta, 20-22 September 2010. 2. “Is Open Source about innovation? Whether and how interactions with the OS community enable innovation processes by entrepreneurial ventures”, (2010), (with Francesco Rentocchini, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), IV Conferenza Italiana sul Software Libero, Cagliari, 11-12 June 2010. 3. “La creazione di PMI nei settori ad alta tecnologia: il ruolo delle reti interne ed esterne. NTBF creation in high tech sector: the role of internal and external network”, (2010), (with Luca Grilli, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Il sistema produttivo di fronte alla crisi: le imprese, le industrie, le istituzioni, Parma, 24-25 June 2010. 4. “La delega dell’autorità decisionale nelle imprese Open Source. Un’analisi empirica”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), XX Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Udine, 28-30 October 2009. 5. “The impact of international R&D alliances on the productivity of new technology-based firms”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Samuele Murtinu, Lucia Piscitello), XX Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Udine, 28-30 October 2009. 6. “Le determinanti della delega dell’autorità decisionale nelle imprese OS. Un test empirico della multi-task agency theory”, (2009), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), 50ma Conferenza annuale della società italiana degli economisti, Roma, 22-24 October 2009. 7. “Le scelte di governance nelle alleanze delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia”, (2008), XIX Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Palermo, 23-24 October 2008. 8. “Mergers and acquisitions of research-based spin-offs: Effects on post-deal innovation”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), IRIS Workshop programme, Torino, 1213 November 2007. 9. “Alliances of new technology-based firms: Scope and governance choices”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo), IRIS Workshop programme, Torino, 12-13 November 2007. 10. “Fusioni ed acquisizioni di RBSO: quale impatto sull’attività innovativa?”, (2007), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), XVIII Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Milan, 11-12 October 2007. 11. “Localised knowledge spillovers dalla ricerca pubblica: l’effetto moderatore delle caratteristiche delle imprese e delle organizzazioni di ricerca”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda), XVII Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Roma, 12-13 October 2006. 12. “Le strategie di alleanza delle giovani imprese ad alta tecnologia”, (2006), (with Luca Grilli), XVII Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Roma, 12-13 October 2006. 13. “Le alleanze delle giovani imprese italiane ad alta tecnologia: il ruolo degli sponsors”, (2006), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), XXX Convegno di Economia e Politica Industriale de L’Industria, September 2006. 14. “La ricerca e l’innovazione”, (2006), (with Sergio Mariotti, Massimo G. Colombo), Convegno IPI, Roma, January 2006. 15. “Verso un modello di analisi delle start-up accademiche”, (2004), (with Massimo G. Colombo), XV Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Napoli, October 2004. 16. “Un network per innovare”, (2003), (with Sergio Campodall’Orto, Roberto Gandini), XIV Riunione Scientifica AiIG, Bergamo, October 2003. Reports 1. 3° Rapporto RITA Sulle Giovani Imprese Italiane ad Alta Tecnologia, (2010), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Anita Quas), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale - Politecnico di Milano. 2. Le Nuove Imprese ad Alta Tecnologia: il Ruolo delle Specificità Territoriali, (2006), (with 12 3. 4. Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Luca Grilli), Unicredit group, research paper n. 10. Strumenti di Finanza Innovativa a Supporto degli Spin-off Accademici, (2005), (with Fabio Bertoni, Fabrizio Colarossi, Massimo G. Colombo, Marco Giorgino, Paolo Landoni, Roberto Verganti, Mark Whelan), Finlombarda report, September 2005. 2° Rapporto RITA Sulle Giovani Imprese Italiane ad Alta Tecnologia, (2005), (with Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale - Politecnico di Milano, January 2005. Submitted papers 1. “Hybrid alliances and radical innovation: the performance implications of integrating exploration and exploitation”, (con Liliana Doganova, Massimo G. Colombo, Diego D’Adda, Philippe Mustar), Journal of Technology Transfer, resubmitted after revisions. 2. “Entrepreneurial teams’ characteristics and founders’ exit paths: sales of shares to internal vs. external buyers”, (with Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 3. “How are high-tech entrepreneurial ventures coping with the global crisis?”, (with Massimo G. Colombo, Anita Quas, Cristina Rossi Lamastra), Industry & Innovation, revise and resubmit status. Working papers 1. “Crowdfunding entrepreneurial ventures. The role of human and social capital”, (with Cristina Rossi Lamastra). To be submitted to Small Business Economics. 2. “On the contingent value of dynamic capabilities: Dynamic bundles and big environmental jolts”, (with Massimo G. Colombo, Anita Quas, Cristina Rossi Lamastra). To be submitted to Strategic Management Journal. 3. “The innovation impact of the allocation of decision authority in the acquisition of high-tech start-ups”, (with Massimo G. Colombo, Cristina Rossi Lamastra). To be submitted to Research Policy. 4. “Mitigating exchange hazards in entrepreneurial ventures’ alliances: The role of ownership- and contract-based governance mechanisms”, (with Massimo G. Colombo, Stephanie Schleimer). Rejected by Strategic Management Journal. 13
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