F.I.S.G. C.O.N.1. SPORTIVI Associazione GHIACCIO Sportiva Dilettantistica TRENTO fondata nel Via Doss Castion 29 - 1-38121 Cognola (T N) - Italia - Tel. 0461.986286 E-mail: s po rt i v i 9 h i a cc i ot re n [email protected] - http://www.sportivighiaccio.trento.it Codice Fiscale 96002730222 - Partita IVA 01464190220 - Codice Federale FISG 1959 18-059 15th EZIO BENINI / PARIDE RAVANELLI MEMORIAL PLACEITRACK Baselga di Pinè (TN), Ice Rink Pinè, ice rink 400m DATA Saturday November 29th and Sunday November 30th 2014 ORGANIZATION Sportivi Ghiaccio Trento PARTECIPATION SIA/B/C/D/E/F lunior F lunior E Ladies and Men from the eight-year-old completion until luly 1st 2005 Ladies and Men born between luly 1st 2003 and lune so" lunior D Ladies and Men born between luly 1st 2001 and lune 30th lunior C Ladies and Men born between July 1st 1999 and lune 30th lunior B Ladies and Men born between luly 1st 1997 and lune 30th 2005 2003 2001 lunior A 1999 Ladies and Men born between luly 1st 1995 and lune 30th 1997 DISTANCES Senior Ladies and Men born not later than lune 30th 1995 Master Ladies and Men only category lunior F MenlLadies 300 I 500 Junior E MenlLadies 300 I 500 Junior D MenlLadies 300 I 500 * 300 I 500 Società a cui è stata conferita la STELLA DI BRONZO del C.O.N.1. al merito sportivo C.O.N.I. F.I.S.G. SPORTIVI Associazione GHIACCIO Sportiva Via Doss Castion 29 - 1-38121 E-mail: [email protected] Codice Fiscale 96002730222 - Partita Junior C MenILadies Junior B MenILadies Junior A Men/Ladies Senior Men/Ladies Master Men/Ladies Dilettantistica TRENTO fondata nel Cognola IVA (TN) - Italia - Te!. 0461.986286 - http·//ww\Y.sportivighiaccio.trento.it 01464190220 - Codice Federale FISG 1959 18-059 * 500 / 1000 500/1000 * 500/1000 500/ 1000 * 500/ 1000 500/1000 * 500/1000 500/1000 * 500/1000 500 / 1000 Intemational competition for Master, Senior, Junior A,B,C,D,E,F RULES categories, ladies and men for Nations and Clubs. The event will be held in accordance with the "Ice Speed Rules" F.I.S.G. and I.S.U. for the season 2014/2015. Ifnecessary, it will be allowed doing batleries with different categorie s, the final ranking will be done by category. JURY Race Official Group F.I.S.G / organizing staff TIMEKEEPERS F.I.C. Timekeeper group Secretary's Office ofTrento COMPUTER SERVI CE Computer Team Sportivi Ghiaccio Trento MEDICAL FACILITIES Ambulance and doctor SECURITY SERVICE Police Force appointed of Trento Police PROGRAM Saturday, November 29th 2014 10.30AM Jury meeting/drawing Saturday, November 29th 2014 03.00PM Start ofrace Saturday, November 29th 2014 at the end ofrace prize giving ceremony EIF Società a cui è stata conferita la STELLA DI BRONZO del C.O.N.1. al merito sportivo C.O.N.I. F.I.S.G. SPORTIVI Associazione GHIACCIO Sportiva TRENTO Dilettantistica fondata nel Via Doss Castion 29 - t-38121 Cognola (TN) - Italia - Tel. 0461.986286 E-mail: sport iv i q n i a cci otre [email protected] - http://www.sportivighiaccio.trento.it Codice Fiscale 96002730222 - Partita IVA 01464190220 - Codice Federale FISG 1959 18-059 categories Sunday, November 30th 2014 08.30AM Start ofrace Sunday, November 30th 2014 at the end ofrace prize giving ceremony MlS/ AIB/C/D categories From the website of F.I.S.G. at ENTRIES http://www.fisg.it/backend/myindex. php?j id=49&id=3606#iscrizioni In case of prob1ems please contact the organization at the following address [email protected] Preliminary entries: no later than 06:00PM ofNovember, Entries: no 1ater than 12:00AM of November, 10th 2014 zs" 2014 Possible deletions : no later than 12.00AM ofNovember, 28th 2014 In case ofissue get in touch with Giancarlo Bertò 3478838214 Mauro Gastainer 3356639372 AlI competitors must be a member of a Club recognized by National Federation ENTRYFEE € 10.00 for each competitor Junior E/F categories, € 20.00 for each competitor Master, Senior, Junior AlB/C/D categories. The fee will be due for athletes absent, unless de1etion no 1ater than 12:00AM Friday, November 28th 2014, to communicate to the Organizers. ACCOMODATION Hotel Edera Fraz. Tressilla n019 Baselga di Pinè phone +39-0461-557221 e-mail [email protected] http://www.albergoedera.net/ Società a cui è stata conferita la STELLA DI BRONZO del C.O.N.1. al merito sportivo F.I.S.G. C.O.N.I. SPORTIVI Associazione GHIACCIO Sportiva Dilettantistica Via Doss Castion 29 - 1-38121 E -ma i I· sportivighia [email protected] Codice Fiscale 96002730222 - Partita TRENTO fondata nel IVA (TN) - Italia - Te!. 0461.986286 - http·//www.sportivighiaccio.trento.it 01464190220 - Codice Federale FISG 1959 Cognola 18-059 The Ezio Benini e Paride Ravanelli Memorial will be assigned to the first PRIZES ranked Nation or Club, according to the score table in the F.I.S.G. rules for the season 2014/2015. All skaters will partecipate in the points assignrnent. Medal to 1°,2°,3° classified of each categories Memento medal to all competitors ANTIDOPING In accordance with F.I.S.G. and I.S.U. standard procedure, anti-doping testswill be carried out. LIABILITY The organizers assume no liability with personal injury or property loss or damage incurred or caused before, during and after the competition. All participants should be covered by their own medical and accident rnsurance. The President of the Or Società a cui è stata conferita la STELLA DI BRONZO del C.O.N.I. al merito sportivo
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