Bachelor of Voice Level of qualification 1st Cycle Mode of study: Full-time Programme director or equivalent: Specific admission requirements: In addition to the general requirements explained in “General Admission Requirements” all applicants are expected to pass a specific entrance examination. Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: There are no specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning for this Programme. Credits are transferred according to the general arrangements for recognition of prior learning of the Institution. Qualification requirements and regulations: The Programme is based on the ECTS credit accumulation system. Students can be awarded the degree upon completion of 180 credits. These credits are allocated to compulsory and elective course units. The list of course units is provided in the course structure. Profile of the programme: Key learning outcomes: Examination regulations, assessment and grading: The Italian grading system is based on a scale of 0-30, with 18/30 as the lowest passing grade. 30/30 cum laude may also be awarded. The final grade is based on a scale of 0-110, with 66/110 as the lowest passing grade. To the highest grade of 110/110, cum laude may be added, but only with the unanimous decision of the examining board. Graduation requirements: The final exam consists of a performance based on the student's major subject and of the discussion of an essay of adequate scientific value. Occupational profiles of graduates with examples: The Programme provides career opportunities in the following fields: opera singer; chamber music singer; chamber choir singer; symphonic choir singer; operatic choir singer. Access to further studies: Graduates holding 1st cycle degree are eligible to apply to 2nd cycle Programmes. Bachelor of Voice Year Course unit: ECTS credits Area Basic 6 54 HOUR 1 Ear training 1 Piano practice 6 Basic 15 1 Harmony theory and techniques 6 Basic 72 1 Choral training 3 Basic 24 1 8 Specific 27 6 Specific 15 1 Voice - performance practice and repertoires 1 Voice : repertoire practice 1 Literature and texts for music 3 Specific 36 1 Music notation software and music digital publishing 3 Related or additional 24 1 Elective educational activities 6 Elective 15 1 European foreign language 3 Related or additional 24 1 Ear training 6 Basic 54 1 Piano practice 6 Basic 15 2 Harmony theory and techniques 6 Basic 72 2 Music history 6 Basic 72 24 Specific 36 2 Voice : performance practice and repertoires 2 Voice : repertoire practice 6 Specific 15 2 Theory and techniques of scenic representation 6 Specific 72 2 Elective educational activities 6 Related or additional 15 3 Music history 6 Basic 72 3 Voice : performance practice and repertoires 18 Specific 27 3 Theory and techniques of scenic representation 6 Specific 72 3 C 3 h 3a m 3b er M u s Chamber music 3 Specific 18 Vocal Score reading 3 Supplementary 12 Elective educational activities 6 Elective 15 Final examination 18 12 Final examination ENTRANCE EXAMINATION In order to enter this Bachelor is compulsory : - Knowledge of Italian for foreign people,- who have to pass the test before Voice examination. - Solfeggio examination and certification. If they haven’t got, they have to pass a specific examination to establish the level of knowledge. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION - Scales and arpeggios; - Vocalized solfeggio or using the key names among four presented and chosen among: Concone – Seidler II e III parte – Panofka – Busti o analoghi, not considering the op.. 9 di Concone, the op..85 di Panofka, the book del Busti, del Solfeggi by Tosti , of I part Solfeggi by Ricci, of I parte op. 9 by Nava. -- Chamber aria between two among : old/ classic/ romantic repertoire -- Opera aria among two of different centuries. -- Reading at first sight , with keys, of a piece chosen by the commission Bachelor of Voice FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: VOICE – PERFORMANCE PRACTICE AND REPERTOIRES I, II E III KIND OF UNIT: SPECIFIC LEVEL : : First cycle PERIOD OF TEACHING : full semester NAME OF PROFESSORS : please visit the website at the link related to Teaching Staff LEARNING OUTCOMES : After completing the studies concerning the first level Academic Diploma in voice , students must have acquired technical skills and cultural specifications such as the capability to express their artistic ideas . To this end, emphasis will be given to the study of the most representive vocal repertoire ( opera , symphonic , sacred , chamber ) and related repertoires and practice , also with the aim to develop students ability to interact within groups . Considerable attention will be devoted to the acquisition of proper emotional and postural control . At the end of the bachelor students have attained a great knowledge of historical and musical features to their specific area . Another important feature of course is the acquisition of appropriate skills in the field of music information technology as well as those relatives to a second Community language. ECTS CREDITS : 18 – first Year- 24 second year- 18 third year KIND OF LESSON : individual FIRST YEAR Programma d'esame 1- Scales and arpeggios 2- A classical study with the names of keys between 2 of these texts: • F. ABT, Practical Singing Tutor (for All Voices) op. 474 . Ed.Schirmer- New York London, .Parte IV • G. APRILE 36 esercizi per sop., ten., alto o bar. • M. BORDOGNI 24 nuovi vocalizzi adatti a tutte le voci, Milano Ricordi 1566 • M. BORDOGNI 24 nouvelles vocalises per mezzosop. o contralto, ed. Peters 2255 (o 6938) • A. BUSTI Studio di canto - Melodie per tutte le voci, libro III e IV • B. CARELLI l’ARTE DEL CANTO, vol. VI, dal n°6 in poi • G. CONCONE 25 lessons op.10 (sop., ten., mezzosop.) • G. CONCONE 25 lessons op.10 (baritono, basso) • G. CONCONE 15 vocalises op. 12 per soprano o mezzosoprano, Ricordi 1569 • G. CONCONE 40 lezioni per baritono o basso op.17 dal n°11 al n°20 • A. GUERCIA L'arte del canto parte III, Milano Ricordi 1556 • L. LABLACHE Vocalizzi per basso, contr. e mezzosop. parte II • L. LABLACHE 28 esercizi per basso, ed.3261 n° 10,12,13 • L. LABLACHE 12 vocalizzi per voce di basso, ed. 12566 • G. B. LAMPERTI Solfeggi per basso, parte III • LAMPERTI Sei Solfeggi e Sei Vocalizzi per tutte le voci • M. MARCHESI 24 vocalizzi op.3 ● S. MERCADANTE Studi di canto Ed. Curci 11526 • S. MERCADANTE 12 melodie parte I, I° e II° libro • G. NAVA 25 solfeggi per tutte le voci, dal n°13 al n°25 • G. NAVA Solfeggi per basso parte I • NAVA Solfeggi per mezzosoprano op. 9 (II e III parte) • E. PANOFKA 24 vocalizzi op. 81 per sop., mezzosop. o tenore • E. PANOFKA 24 vocalizzi op. 81 per contr., barit. o basso • PANSERON dai 36 vocalizzi del "Metodo completo di vocalizzazione per mezzosoprano", dal n°21 al n°29 Ed. Lucca (Milano) o E.R.109532 • N. PORPORA 25 vocalizzi, dal n°1 al n°12 • V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, prima serie. 50 solfeggi per soprano, mezzosop. o tenore, dal n°21 al n°50 • V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, seconda serie50 solfeggi per alto o basso, dal n°21 al n°50 V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, terza serie. 45 solfeggi per il medium della voce, dal n°21 al n°45 • G. ROSSINI Gorgheggi e solfeggi per rendere la voce agile, Milano Ricordi, solfeggi n°1,2, 3. Bachelor of Voice • C. SEIDLER L'arte del cantare, parte III e IV, dal n°21 al n°40 • F. P. TOSTI Altri 25 solfeggi per l'apprendimento del canto, Ricordi 138156, dal n°42 al n°50 • N. ZINGARELLI Solfeggi per voce di basso, ed. 16448 Milano – Lucca, °10,11,12,15,16,18 3 - A chamber aria chosen by the commission between 2 within the repertoire – Ancient ( till 1750) or later; 4 – opera aria between 2 , one of these must be in Italian and another one with recitativo ; 5 – First sight reading Second year Examination programm: 1 – A classical study vocalised among:: • A. BETTINELLI 12 Solfeggi progressivi per br. e bs. Ed. Suvini- Zerboni-Milano 4186, dal n°8 al n°12 • M. BORDOGNI 3 esercizi e 12 nuovi vocalizzi op. 8, ed.R..1559 (sop., ten.) Ed. Ricordi • M. BORDOGNI 3 esercizi e 12 nuovi vocalizzi op. 8, ed.R..1560 (mezzosop., ten.) Ed. Ricordi • M. BORDOGNI 3 esercizi e 12 nuovi vocalizzi op. 8, ed.R..1561 (bar., basso) Ed. Ricordi • M. BORDOGNI 36 vocalizzi (per tutte le voci nelle ediz. pubbl. per sop., ten., mezzosop., ten., barit., basso) • A. BUSTI Studio di canto - Melodie di perfezionamento • G. CONCONE 15 vocalizzi op.12, per soprano e mezzosoprano, Ed. Ricordi 1569 (dal n°6 al n°15) • G. CONCONE 40 lezioni op.17 per basso e baritono (dal n°21 al n°40) Ed. Ricordi • GUERCIA L'arte del canto, parte III, il n°18 • L. LABLACHE 28 esercizi per basso, ed.3261, dal n°21 al n° 28 • F. LAMPERTI 6 solfeggi per voce di baritono, ed. R.115383 • LEO Vocalizzi (rev. Malipiero) • B. MARCHISIO Solfeggi della scuola classica napoletana, Ed. Ricordi, Milano • S. MERCADANTE 12 melodie parte II libro I° e II°,ed. da 36491 a 3502 • W. A. MOZART Solfeggi per soprano, Vienna, Universal Edition • G. NAVA Solfeggi per basso , parte II • PORPORA 25 vocalizzi, dal n°13 al n° 17 • H. PANOFKA 12 vocalizzi d'artista op.86 (sop., ten., mezzosop.) • PANSERON dai 36 vocalizzi in calce al "Metodo completo di vocalizzazione" per mezzosoprano, dal n°30 al n° 36 Ed.Lucca (Milano) o E.R.109532 • V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, quarta serie, parte I, 30 solfeggi per soprano o tenore • V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, quarta serie, parte II, 30 solfeggi per alto o basso • V. RICCI L'antica scuola italiana di canto, quarta serie, parte III, 30 solfeggi per mezzosoprano o baritono • A. RONCONI Il baritono moderno, 12 vocalizzi, Milano Ricordi 107890 2 - Esecuzione di uno studio moderno vocalizzato, scelto tra i seguenti testi: • AA.VV. Racc. Ed. RICORDI Vocalizzi nello stile moderno (I e II serie) per ogni registro vocale • AA.VV. Racc. Ed. CURCI Antologia di vocalizzi (fasc. I, II, III, IV) per ogni registro vocale • AA.VV. Racc. Ed. LEDUC Répertoire moderne de Vocalises - études, per ogni registro vocale, a cura di A.L. Hettich • B. BETTINELLI 12 vocalizzi moderni per baritono e basso • B. BETTINELLI 20 vocalizzi moderni per soprano o tenore • B. BETTINELLI 6 vocalizzi moderno per soprano leggero • F. CILEA 3 vocalizzi da concerto, Milano, ed. Ricordi 3 -Chamber aria of the 19th century or a concert aria in Italian; 4 – One aria of the international repertoire composed till the 20th century; 5 – one aria coming from the sacred repertoire; Nel caso di brani tratti da opere che prevedono un organico orchestrale (Messe, Oratori, Cantate ecc..), l'esecuzione dovrà avvenire nella tonalità originale. 6 – First sight reading ; Bachelor of Voice THIRD YEAR Programma d'esame 1 – Chamber aria between 2 presented; . 2 –Chamber or opera aria from the international repertoire till 20th century 3 – 2 opera arias from the Italian repertoire of the 19th century; 4 – First sight reading -- Culture examination: knowledge of the vocal organ, different repertoires and kind of voices . FINAL EXAMINATION -- Free recital – of 30 minutes ( 20 minutes must be devoted to opera repertoire); OTHER COURSES RELATED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Ear training ( first year and second year) KIND OF UNIT: Basic LEVEL : first cycle PERIOD OF TEACHING : Autumn LEARNING OUTCOMES: Ear training teaches us to listen and to think of melodies, rhythmic fragments. concatenations harmonics induces understanding by listening to the music and puts the student in the state to have advanced tools of perception of sound, designed to improve their music qualities. NAMES OF PROFESSORS : Please visit the website – section teaching staff COURSE CONTENTS : intervals, major and minor scales, modes, diatonic melodies, coloring within lines melodic, rhythmic formulas of increasing complexity. polyrhythm, triads, 7th chords. basic harmonic progressions, harmonic dictation of formulas cadenza, dictation in 3 parts ECTS CREDITS : 6 pro year METHODS : listening, • Reading sung, • rhythmic reading, • Identification and transcription melodic, rhythmic and harmonic. Bachelor of Voice FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: HARMONY – THEORY AND TECHNIQUES ( 1ST year and 2nd year) KIND OF ASSESSMENT: Basic LEVEL : first cycle SEMESTER : during the whole academic year NAMES OF PROFESSORS : please visit the website – section teaching staff LEARNING OUTCOMES : at the end of the whole course , that’s to say the two years, students must have acquired the capability to recognize chords, and analyse what it is part of their study course CONTENTS: knowledge of intervals and various types of scales. - Theory of the chords - Read the motion of the parties. - Positions melodic and addressed. - Various numbering systems and encryption of the chords. - Features tone. - Cadences and cadence formulas. - General laws on the use of dissonance. - Dissonant Triads: 5th diminuished chord on the seventh degree;on the second degree -Chords of four sounds: classification. - chords dominant seventh. - Chords dominant ninth. - Chords derived from the dominant ninth. - Minor seventh chords. - Seventh chords on the second degree. - General principles of modulation: modulation tones neighbors. - Note ornamental melodic and pedal. - Delays most frequently used. - Elements of Rhythm: rhythmic units, the training period - The small form, bipartite and tripartite. Deepening delays: delays in the bass. - Seventh Chords on all grades. - Progressions. - Alterations, leading altered chords (Neapolitan sixth, augmented 5th, 6th increased). - Enarmonia: enharmonic transformation of the agreements - Modulation tones far: diatonic, chromatic and enharmonic. - Resolutions exceptional. - Aspects of the harmony of the twentieth century. - Polyphonic forms: characteristics of counterpoint imitated - The fugue - The suite. - Sonata ECTS CREDITS : 6 every year TEACHING METHOD : group BIBLIOGRAPHY : it will be provided by the Professor FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT : MUSIC HISTORY KIND OF UNIT : Basic LEVEL : first cycle Bachelor of Voice SEMESTER : during the academic year LEARNING OUTCOMES : at the end of the course students will have acquired knowledge about the music history from the Greek music to the National schools . CONTENTS : see the learning outcomes and bibliography METHODS : group lesson FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: CHORAL TRAINING KIND OF UNIT: Basic Level : 1 st cycle Semester : the whole academic year NAME OF PROFESSOR : Marco Cimagalli ECTS Credits : 3 in the first year LEARNING OUTCOMES : the course is aimed at training and learning vocal choral repertoire chosen and its performance practice. CONTENTS : The specific content of the lessons is closely related to the annual program of artistic activities and teaching at the Conservatory. METHODS : group lesson FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT : Piano practice – 1st year and 2nd year KIND OF UNIT : Basic LEVEL : 1st cycle SEMESTER : during the first semester generally PROFESSOR: see the website – section- Teaching staff ECTS CREDITS : 6 every year LEARNING OUTCOMES: at the end of the whole course students should be able to play with piano at least their vocalizes and easy arias . CONTENTS: free program lasting no less than 15 minutes, including: • performing a piano piece • running (even in a duo) of one or two songs from the chamber music literature vocal or instrumental; • proof reading at first sight; • easy to transport not more than one tone above the track; • creation of an accompaniment by the chords or arpeggios more simple melodic line to a proposal by the committee. BIBLIOGRAPHY : indicated by Professors. Bachelor of Voice Methods : Individual lesson FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Voice : repertoire practice KIND OF UNIT : Specific Level : first cycle SEMESTER : at the beginning of the academic year NAME OF THE PROFESSOR : see the website - section teaching staff LEARNING OUTCOMES: students will be able to accompany on piano arias and romanza. CONTENTS : the programm depends on arias, and chamber arias studied METHODS : individual FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: THEORY AND TECHNIQUES OF SCENIC REPRESENTATION KIND OF UNIT: Specific LEVEL : first cycle SEMESTER : fall ECTS CREDITS : 6 every year LEARNING OUTCOMES : at the end of the course ( two year) students will have acquired knowledge about librettos and lyric opera but even about costume, masks history. METHODS : group lesson CONTENTS : the study of some excerpts of lyric operas will be aimed to realize a recital at the end of the academic year. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Chamber Music KIND OF UNIT: specific LEVEL : 1st cycle SEMESTER : during the academic year ECTS : 3 NAME OF PROFESSORS : see the website : section teaching staff LEARNING OUTCOMES : to develop the capability of performing in groups. METHODS : group lesson CONTENTS : it depends on the kind of musicians Bachelor of Voice FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: LITERATURE AND TEXTS FOR MUSIC KIND OF UNIT : Specific LEVEL : first cycle SEMESTER : during the whole academic year NAMES OF THE PROFESSORS : Luana Palladino LEARNING OUTCOMES: to analyse different styles and techniques of drama and to know whatever concerning librettos and operas in general. METHODS : group lesson CONTENTS : from Greek theatre to opera in 20th century. For the examination it is compulsory to prepare a short written dissertation on one of the features studied during the course. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT : Vocal score reading KIND OF UNIT : additional LEVEL : 1st cycle NAMES OF PROFESSORS : see the website section teaching staff ECTS CREDITS : 3 pro year LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to provide students with the means and method of study necessary for learning of a work in its entirety. This will be done by addressing a role taken from the repertoire of the lyric theatre chosen on the basis of type voice of the singer. METHODS: Individual / group lesson CONTENTS : the programm depends on what the main voice Professor wants student to study FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Music information technology KIND OF UNIT: Additional LEVEL : first cycle SEMESTER: during the academic year NAMES OF PROFESSORS : it depends LEARNING OUTCOMES: to know the main tools that allow you to work on digital sound. Make students understand the principles of digital audio, since today the music is played primarily in registered form. Reflect on the fact that knowledge today is digital and that the transmission of information both to other people and as a cultural heritage for posterity is entrusted to the specific encoding formats. The choice of the digital format is not, therefore, a causal choice but of paramount importance in the dissemination of culture through time and space. Manipulate, albeit at the elementary level, digital sound, developing a sense of the finished product METHODS : group lesson Bachelor of Voice CONTENTS: use of Csound and Audition ECTS CREDITS : 3 CONTENTS : we are waiting to define the programm FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: European foreign language KIND OF UNIT : additional ECTS CREDITS : 3 credits Students can choose among three foreign languages . English, French, German and the program for the examination depends on the result of the entrance test .
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