Enhanced Perioperative Medical Management for Total Joint Arthroplasty How to control haemostasis, pain, and infection PROGRAM www.oic.it/arthroplasty Grand Hotel Baglioni Florence 2223 May 2014 Presidents Andrea Baldini Patrizio Caldora Gradimento Scientifico Enhanced Perioperative Medical Management for Total Joint Arthroplasty How to control haemostasis, pain, and infection Florence 2223 May 2014 Meeting Presidents Andrea Baldini (Firenze) Patrizio Caldora (Arezzo) Scientific Secretariat Bernardo Barbanti (Firenze) Lorenzo Castellani (Firenze) Domenico Lup (Arezzo) Meeting Website www.oic.it/arthroplasty Organising Secretariat OIC srl Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 7 50121 Florence Italy Tel. +39 055 50351 Fax +39 055 5001912 [email protected] Thursday 22 May 8.00 Registration 8.459.00 Welcome A. Baldini, P. Caldora, G. Berni HAEMOSTASIS CONTROL (BLEEDING / THROMBOEMBOLISM) 9.0010.05 Lectures Moderators: L. Bolognese, P.F. Indelli 9.00 Modern blood management in arthroplasty G. Gentilini 9.10 How to reach 0% transfusion rate in TKA E. Thienpont 9.20 Multimodal protocol for bleeding control in TKA I. Miniati 9.30 The right balance between clots and hematomas in arthroplasty J. Parvizi 9.40 Antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary stent undergoing orthopedic surgery: is still no man’s land? L. Bolognese 9.50 Discussion 10.0510.20 Coffee break 10.2011.20 PointCounterpoints Moderators: G. Danelli, F. Giron 10.20 LMWHs are still the gold standard in arthroplasty In favour R. Abbate In opposition A. Gonzalez Della Valle 10.32 Discussion 10.40 A low hemoglobin transfusion trigger is not dangerous In favour H. Husted In opposition G. Gentilini 10.52 Discussion 11.00 Detection of DVT: all patients need pre and postop ultrasound screening In favour M. Marcucci In opposition M. Scardino 11.12 Discussion 11.2012.30 Round Table interactive discussion on common thromboembolic complications in arthroplasty, thromboembolic prophylaxis regimens, complications related to bleeding, blood management, clinical consequences of blood loss in arthroplasty Facilitators: A. Baldini, P. Caldora Discussants: R. Abbate, F. Giron, A. Gonzalez Della Valle, H. Husted, J. Parvizi, R. Rossini 12.3013.40 Industry Workshop (see page 9) 13.4014.30 Free time for lunch 3 Thursday 22 May PAIN CONTROL 14.3015.30 Lectures Moderators: P. Adravanti, E. Gabbai 14.30 What works and what does not work for pain control in arthroplasty G. Danelli 14.40 Patient mental preparation to the arthroplasty procedure J.L. Chiti 14.50 Optimized pain control protocol J. MacDonald 15.00 Cost/effectiveness of the various modalities for pain control J.N. Argenson 15.10 How to avoid chronic pain after hip and knee arthroplasty E. Thienpont 15.20 Discussion 15.3016.30 PointCounterpoints Moderators: J.N. Argenson, A.R. De Gaudio 15.30 What I would like for a better pain control… …from my anaesthesiologist P. Adravanti …from my surgeon E. Gabbai 15.42 Discussion 15.50 Dealing with pain in a “Fast Track” protocol EU perspective H. Husted US perspective J. Parvizi 16.02 Discussion 16.10 Best technique for local wound infiltrations Injection site matters E. Thienpont The drug matters F. Traverso 16.22 Discussion 16.3017.00 Coffee break 17.0018.30 Round Table interactive discussion on strategies for pain control in arthroplasty, the role of patient education, fast track protocols with European and American flavors, the science behind local infiltration techniques Facilitators: A. Baldini, P. Caldora Discussants: G. Danelli, E Gabbai, H. Husted, J. MacDonald, J. Parvizi, E. Thienpont 4 Friday 23 May INFECTION CONTROL 8.309.30 Lectures Moderators: B. Moretti, G. Riccio 8.30 Prevention of infection the host factors M.C. Ferrari 8.40 Prevention of infection the wound factors J. Parvizi 8.50 Prevention of infection the environment factors A. Gonzalez Della Valle 9.00 The fight against the slime: can we ever win? M. Lisanti 9.10 Antibiofilm strategies in orthopaedics: where are we? C.L. Romanò 9.20 Discussion 9.3010.30 PointCounterpoints Moderators: A. Farese, C.L. Romanò 9.30 The best prophylaxis for primary arthroplasty Orthopaedic surgeon view point M. Innocenti Infectivologist view point G. Riccio 9.42 Discussion 9.50 How to deal with fever (38°C) after arthroplasty (10 days postop.) The infectivologist perspective T. Ascione The surgeon perspective R. Rossi 10.02 Discussion 10.10 Prolonged wound drainage (7 days) after hip arthroplasty What the infectivologist suggests A. Farese What the surgeon suggests J. MacDonald 10.22 Discussion 10.3011.00 Coffee break 11.0012.30 Round Table interactive discussion on infection prevention in arthroplasty, current modalities to treat the operative environment and the patient, future directions in infection control Facilitators: A. Baldini, P. Caldora Discussants: T. Ascione, A. Farese, A. Gonzalez Della Valle, J. Parvizi, G. Riccio, C.L. Romanò 12.30 Completing CME questionnaires for italian accreditation Adjourn 5 FACULTY LIST R. Abbate (HeamostasisItaly) P. Adravanti (OrthopaedicsItaly) J.N. Argenson (OrthopaedicsFrance) T. Ascione (InfectivologyItaly) A. Baldini (OrthopaedicsItaly) L. Bolognese (CardiologyItaly) P. Caldora (OrthopaedicsItaly) J.L. Chiti (PhysiatryItaly) G. Danelli (AnaesthesiologyItaly) A.R. De Gaudio (AnaesthesiologyItaly) A. Farese (InfectivologyItaly) M.C. Ferrari (InfectivologyItaly) E. Gabbai (AnaesthesiologyItaly) G. Gentilini (HaematologyItaly) F. Giron (OrthopaedicsItaly) A. Gonzalez Della Valle (OrthopaedicsUSA) H. Husted (OrthopaedicsDenmark) P.F. Indelli (OrthopaedicsItaly) M. Innocenti (OrthopaedicsItaly) M. Lisanti (OrthopaedicsItaly) J. MacDonald (OrthopaedicsUSA) M. Marcucci (OrthopaedicsItaly) I. Miniati (RheumatologyItaly) B. Moretti (OrthopaedicsItaly) J. Parvizi (OrthopaedicsUSA) G. Riccio (InfectivologyItaly) C.L. Romanò (OrthopaedicsItaly) R. Rossi (OrthopaedicsItaly) R. Rossini (CardiologyItaly) M. Scardino (AnaesthesiologyItaly) E. Thienpont (OrthopaedicsBelgium) F. Traverso (OrthopaedicsItaly) 6 MEETING INFORMATION MEETING VENUE Grand Hotel Baglioni P.zza Unità Italiana, 6 Tel +39 055 23580 Fax +39 055 23588895 www.hotelbaglioni.it ORGANISING SECRETARIAT OIC srl Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 7 50121 Florence Italy Tel. +39 055 50351 Fax +39 055 5001912 www.oic.it/arthroplasty [email protected] REGISTRATION DESK The Organising Secretariat is located in the Meeting Area close to the Auditorium and open with the following time schedule: Thursday, 22 May 8.00–18.30 Friday, 23 May 8.00–12.30 The registration to the Meeting is free of charge for participants with limited seats available in the Auditorium, therefore preregistration is required on firstcomefirstserved basis. The registration kit includes: u Access to the scientific sessions u Meeting kit including name badge and certificate of attendance u Programme u CME questionnaire for those participants interested in the Italian CME credits u Coffee breaks on 22 and 23 May according to the programme BADGE Each participant receives a name badge upon checkin at the Registration desk. The badge is the official Meeting pass and must be worn at all times. Badges are colourcoded as follows: Blue Faculty Transparent Participant Yellow Exhibitor 7 CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE Registered participants receive a certificate of attendance with the registration kit. COMMERCIAL EXHIBITION The technical exhibition is located in the outside foyer of the Auditorium to maximize inte raction between participants and sponsor representatives. CATERING Coffee breaks are served in the catering room located in front of the Auditorium according to the programme. INTERNET – WIFI WiFi is free and available in the Meeting areas, participants may require the password at the Registration desk. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English is the official language, simultaneous translation to Italian is provided in the Audito rium. Participants may collect the headsets at the Registration desk. INSURANCE The Organisers do not assume any liability for personal injuries sustained or loss of, or dama ge to, property belonging to participants (or their accompanying persons), either during or as result of the Meeting. Participants are recommended to make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS Any change or cancellation of hotel reservations must be sent in writing to the Organising Secretariat. Noshows incur in a 100% penalty charge, meanwhile approved refunds are pro cessed after the Meeting. ITALIAN CME CREDITS – CREDITI FORMATIVI ECM Il Meeting “Gestione Medica Perioperatoria Avanzata per Interventi di Artroprotesi” ha ottenuto 5,5 crediti formativi ECM rivolti alle seguenti categorie e discipline. Medici specialisti in: Anestesia e Rianimazione, Cardiologia, Ematologia, Geriatria, Malattie Infettive, Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione, Medicina Interna, Medicina Trasfusionale, Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Assistenti Sanitari, Fisioterapisti ed Infermieri. Avranno diritto ai crediti ECM solo coloro che saranno presenti per l’intera durata del Meeting (giorni 22 e 23 maggio) ed avranno compilato i questionari di apprendimento e di valuta zione nonché la scheda anagrafica, avendo cura di inserire tutti i dati richiesti e firmare in originale tutti i moduli. La rilevazione delle presenze avverrà attraverso la compilazione dei questionari, che saranno distribuiti unicamente all’inizio dei lavori e che dovranno essere riconsegnati al personale addetto all’uscita della sala al termine della prima giornata. Sarà cura del partecipante ritirare nuovamente il questionario presso il desk registrazioni all’inizio dei lavori della seconda giornata per poi restituirlo definitivamente al ter mine del Meeting così da certificare la presenza obbligatoria richiesta al 100% del programma formativo. 8 Thursday 22 May Industry Workshop 12.3013.40 Modern oral approach in thromboembolic prophylaxis: dailybased and scientific evidence for a simplified patient management Facilitators: A. Baldini, P.Caldora Discussants: C. Cimminiello, M. Scardino, L. Vena 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Organisers would like to thank the following companies for their generous support A special thank to: 11 Quality of Life for Orthopaedic Patients L’impegno di Zimmer è di capire i bisogni dei pazienti prefiggendosi come obiettivo il miglioramento dei risultati clinici. Il business di Zimmer è guidato dai bisogni del “nuovo paziente” che è più attivo, più competente e vive più a lungo. Il nuovo paziente è anche donna, visto che oggi le donne rappresentano il 63% dei pazienti soggetti a patologie legate all’articolazione del ginocchio, paragonato al vecchio 52% di 10 anni fa. L’incremento è dovuto in parte alla maggiore incidenza di artrite e osteoporosi e alla longevità della donna paragonata all’uomo. Le donne inoltre prendono l’85% delle decisioni in ambito salute. Il nostro spirito di innovazione nei prodotti, processi e tecnologie cambia l’attenzione alle cure in ortopedia ogni giorno. La Zimmer ha scritto la storia dell’ortopedia per oltre 75 anni grazie alle idee e allo spirito di inventiva dei pionieri della chirurgia ortopedica: innovazione ed esperienza sono gli obiettivi che ci poniamo quotidianamente alla Zimmer. www.zimmer.com
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