DESIGN , INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CIVIL AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ELECTRO-INSTRUMENTAL AND ELECTRICAL MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION L'Azienda LUX IMPIANTI S.r.l., costituita nel 2003, è un’Azienda giovane e pronta ad affermarsi e competere in ambito commerciale ed industriale. Fornisce un’ampia gamma di servizi specializzati al fine di soddisfare appieno la richiesta del cliente, essere conforme alle condizioni concordate ed al contempo assicurare il benessere dei dipendenti, della proprietà e dell’ambiente. L’Azienda ha mantenuto un approccio integrato che presuppone lo sviluppo e l’implementazione di politiche standard e processi che supportano le attività primarie, rendendo l’organizzazione in grado di adattarsi ai cambiamenti e di migliorare l’efficacia. Nel corso degli anni ha consolidato la propria presenza operando nel settore della progettazione, installazione, montaggio e manutenzione di impianti elettrici e tecnologici, di strumentazione e automazione nei settori chimico, petrolchimico, civile, industriale, Pubblica Amministrazione e privato. Company LUX Impianti S.r.l, is a young company founded in 2003 that’s ready to compete and establish itself in the commercial and industrial sectors. We provide a wide range of specialized services in order to fully satisfy the customer’s needs and comply with the agreed requirements. We’ve established a professional approach that requires the development and implementation of policies, standards and processes to support the primary activities and to improve our efficacy while remaining adaptable to change. Over the years the company has consolidated its presence operating in the design, installation and maintenance of electrical appliances, technology, instrumentation and automation in the chemical, petrochemical, civil, industrial, public and private sectors. La Société LUX Impianti Srl, fondée en 2003, est une societé jeune et prêt à rivaliser et à réussir dans les secteurs commerciaux et industriels. On offre une vaste gamme de services spécialisés afin de satisfaire pleinement la demande du client, respecter les conditions convenues et en même temps assurer le bien-être des employés, des biens et de l’environnement. La société a maintenu une approche intégrée qui nécessite l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des politiques, des normes et des processus qui soutiennent les activités primaires, ce qui rend l’organisation peut s’adapter aux changements et à améliorer son efficacité. Au fil des années, on a consolidé notre présence opérant dans le domaine de la conception, l’installation et la maintenance d’installations électriques, de la technologie, de l’instrumentation et de l’automatisation dans l’industrie chimique, pétrochimique, les secteurs civil, industriel, public et privé. servizi e attività services and activities services et activités Le esigenze del cliente e le sue aspettative sono al centro della nostra strategia Customer needs and expectations are at the heart of our strategy Besoins et attentes des clients sont au cœur de notre stratégie servizi e attività L’azienda Lux Impianti è in grado di offrire molteplici servizi ed attività in grado di fronteggiare le esigenze del cliente (dal privato al Pubblica Ammistrazione). progettazione, Installazione e manutenzione impianti elettrici e speciali. distribuzione di materiale elettrico ed elettrostumentale Design , installation and maintenance of civil and industrial electrical systems. electrical and electro-instrumental material DISTRIBUTION Conception installation et maintenance de systémes électriques civils et industriels. DISTRIBUTION de matériels électriques civiles et électro-instrumentals In dettaglio, le attività svolte dall’azienda sono: Dalla realizzazione al revamping di impianti Facility management e manutenzione globale Automazione e controllo dei processi industriali Depurazione e trattamento delle acque Produzione, trasporto, trasformazione e distribuzione di energia elettrica Istallazione di apparecchiature di telecomunicazione e telecontrollo La società è inoltre specializzata nella commercializzazione di materiale elettrico ed elettrostrumentale. L’obiettivo che l’azienda si prefigge è quello di crescere in maniera sinergica per costruire il futuro su basi tecniche, commerciali e finanziarie nonché attraverso partnership con gruppi selezionati di aziende. Le esigenze del cliente e le sue aspettative sono al centro della nostra strategia. The company Lux Impianti is able to offer a multitude of services and activities to meet the needs of the customer (from private to public administration). La société Lux Impianti est en mesure d’offrir une multitude de services et d’activités pour répondre aux besoins du client (du privé au administration public). In detail, the activities carried out by the company are: From the creation to the revamping of plant. Facility management and overall maintenance. Automation and control of industrial processes Water purification and treatment Production, transportation, processing and distribution of electricity Installation of telecommunications equipment and remote control Dans le détail, les activités menées par l’entreprise sont: De la création à la refonte d’installations électriques Gestion des installations et la maintenance globale Automatisation et contrôle des procédés industriels Eaux usées et de traitement de l’eau Production, transport, traitement et distribution de l’électricité Installation de l’équipement de télécommunications et de contrôle à distance The company also specializes in marketing electrical and electroinstrumentalequipment. Our purpose is to grow through an effective synergy in order to build our future on technical, commercial and financial skills as well as through partnerships with selected groups of companies. Customer needs and expectations are at the heart of our strategy. La société est également spécialisée dans la commercialisation des équipements électriques. L’objectif est de croître grâce à une synergie efficace pour construire l’avenir sur les questions techniques, commerciales et financières, ainsi que grâce à des partenariats avec des groupes choisis d’entreprises. Besoins et attentes des clients sont au cœur de notre stratégie. Quality certification ISO 9001:2000 SOA to participate in tenders II ranking , category: OG10 , OG11 and OS30 Birth of the LUX of Calandriello Michele that operates in the field of civil and distribution of electrical equipment and appliances 2004 1983 2003 2007 2005 The Lux Impianti S.r.l. was born from the idea of renewal and development, a company that aims to create something new and expand its customer base and areas of interest from industrial to Oil & Gas sector, from public administration to the industrial maintenance Our History Opening new office in c/da Matinelle - Tramutola (PZ) First contracts with Saipem SpA in Oil & Gas 2008 New office building Further impl Quality Syst ISO 14001:2 18001:2007 Standards In always at your service Launch the e-commerce: Industrial supplies with Eni E. & P. S.p.A. Implementation Certification SA8000 Renewal of Quality System CSQ SpA Expanding the customer base for supplies in the Oil & Gas 2010 lementation of the tem ISO 9001:2008, 2004 , OHSAS 7 by the British nstitute 2014 2012 2011 2013 Parternership for industrial supplies with Eni E. & P. SPA Maintenance Tasks multi service - facility management with Poste Italiane SpA relationships control maximise directors board definition exercised ensure rights compan definiti place roles managers need negative financial directors positive control financial suppliers systems enterprise compan stuctu stakeholders control wealth business relationships good IFAC run objectives Corporate Governanc definition maximise exercised however control s good Con “Governance” si intende la gestione responsabile e trasparente nel controllo della società. Non si tratta semplicemente di attenersi a regole formali ma, soprattutto, di una gestione che persegua il successo della società e il raggiungimento di valore nel lungo termine. Il management di Lux Impianti ha come obiettivo il miglioramento del valore della società. Mettiamo le esigenze e le aspettative del Cliente al centro della nostra strategia così da conseguire una crescita a lungo termine aggiungendo valore alle operazioni del Cliente con servizi altamente differenziati. Ci impegniamo per essere sempre pronti a proporre soluzioni creative per qualsiasi sfida. L’Amministratore Unico della Lux Impianti è l’organo di gestione della società ed è impegnato ad adottare il Codice Etico e ad implementare il “Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo” previsto dal D.Lgs. n.231/01 “Disciplina della responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche”, chiamato “Modello 231”, basato sul Sistema di Controllo Interno esistente. suppliers rights ensure put two committee control two ensure rights individuals rights business enterprise companies maximise relationships auditors systems systems financial board statements individuals directors IFAC run control need company relationships board rights wealth negative directors control individuals ensure business run wealth two objectives role balance good structures business creditors stakeholders directors put put set run individuals managers positive financial directors long-term individuals systems directors stucture managem creditors rights directors financial negative need run place set definition stuctures definition exercised lationships shareholders defin Corporate Governance managers negative need directors role efinition financial control selection place business enterpris ionships responsabili succe directo performan control definition negative directors systems selection directors negative need run financial systems individuals By “Governance” we mean a reliable and transparent way of managing the company. It’s not a matter of merely following formal rules but, and above all, a way of pursuing success for the company and the achievement of long-term value. The first purpose of Lux Impianti’s management is to increase the company value. We put the needs and expectations of the customer at the core of our strategy in order to achieve long-term growth and add value by differentiating the services we provide. We are always ready to offer creative solutions to any challenge. Lux Impianti’s CEO is the management body of the company. He is committed to adopt our Code of Ethics and to implement the “Model of Organisation, Management and Control” as per the Ordinance. N.231/01 “Regulation of administrative liability of legal persons”, also named “231 Model”, based on the existing internal control system. “Governance” est un concept de gestion responsable et transparente de la société. Il ne s’agit pas simplement de se conformer à des règles formelles, mais, plus important encore, d’une gestion que permet de poursuivre le succès de l’entreprise et la réalisation de la valeur à long terme. La gestion des systèmes Lux a pour objectif l’amélioration de la valeur de l’entreprise. Nous mettons les besoins et les attentes du client au centre de notre stratégie de manière à obtenir une croissance à long terme en ajoutant de la valeur aux opérations de la clientèle avec des services hautement différenciés. Nous nous efforçons de toujours être prêt à offrir des solutions créatives à n’importe quel défi. Le chef de la direction des systèmes Lux est l’organe de gestion de l’entreprise et s’engage à adopter le code d’éthique et de mettre en œuvre le «modèle d’organisation, de gestion et de contrôle “dispositions du décret Règlement N.231/01” de responsabilité administrative des personnes morales, appelé “231”, basé sur le système de contrôle interne existant. roles director managers auditors performa compan suppliers performances ensure rights exercised control however control IFAC good good good need maximise exercised negative ensure rights individuals business enterprise companies companies enterprise financial statements set relationships definition need put positive individuals sharehold definiti creditors control Corporate Governance maximise Corporate Governance nce systems maximise systems relationships ensure success long-term ors board rights exercised control ities ess positive directors stuctures stakeholders d rights company relationships individuals directors set enterprise relationships performances compan definition exercised board definitio managers need negative financial roles e ce directors need business stuctures long-ter roles busin s place run Lux Impianti ha implementato un Sistema di Gestione Qualità secondo gli standard internazionali ISO 9001:2008, ottenendone la certificazione dall’Istituto Marchio Qualità - CSQ. Oggi il Sistema di Gestione Qualità persegue la Soddisfazione dei Clienti attraverso il continuo miglioramento dei processi aziendali, dei prodotti e dei servizi. Lux Impianti possiede attrezzature e mezzi idonei alla realizzazione sia dei processi che dei prodotti/servizi e per l’esecuzione delle attività dispone di personale qualificato. Il Sistema di Gestione della Sicurezza risponde ai criteri definiti dalle Linee Guida UNI, INAIL, ISPESL e Parti Sociali. Certificato dall’Istituto Marchio Qualità - CSQ , secondo la norma OHSAS 18001:2007. Il Sistema di Gestione Ambientale è conforme agli standard ISO 14001:2004 e certificato dall’Istituto Marchio Qualità - CSQ. La Politica Ambientale e la Politica per la Salute e Sicurezza stabiliscono le linee guida per perseguire il fine della prevenzione dell’inquinamento, del miglioramento delle prestazioni ambientali e la tutela della salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori. Per poter mantenere il miglioramento continuo ciascun Sistema di Gestione segue la struttura ciclica “pianificare-eseguire-controllare-implementare” proposto nei modelli ISO 9001 , ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. Il 22 maggio del 2014 Lux Impianti ha implementato la Certificazione per la Responsabilità Sociale (certificazione standard SA8000:2008). La responsabilità sociale d’impresa costituisce senza dubbio una problematica rispetto alla quale si stanno realizzando nuove dinamiche economiche che non possono non interessare la competizione sia su scala globale che su quella locale. Lux Impianti si impegna quindi a rispettare i principi e i requisiti di responsabilità sociale dello standard di riferimento, le disposizioni contenute nelle direttive internazionali Onu e Ilo, le leggi nazionali applicabili nel comparto e gli accordi sottoscritti con le parti sociali. C E D 8000 SA RTIFIE qualità qualité quality Lux Impianti has implemented a Quality Management System according to international standards ISO 9001:2008 and obtain certification by the Quality Mark - CSQ. Today, the Quality Management System pursues Customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement of business processes, products and services. Lux Impianti has facilities and equipment suitable means to the realization of both the process and product / services and the execution of the activities has qualified personnel. The Safety Management System meets the criteria defined by the Guidelines UNI , POS , ISPESL and Social Partners . Certified by Brand Quality - CSQ, according to OHSAS 18001:2007. The Environmental Management System complies with ISO 14001:2004 and certified by the Quality Mark - CSQ. The Environmental Policy and the Policy for Health and Safety lay down the guidelines for pursuing the goal of prevention of pollution, improving environmental performance and the protection of the health and safety of workers. In order to maintain continuous improvement each Management System follows the cyclic structure “plan - do - check deploy “ in the models proposed ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. On May 22, 2014 Lux Impianti has implemented the Certification for Social Accountability (SA8000 certification: 2008). The corporate social responsibility is undoubtedly an issue with respect to which you are creating new economic dynamics that can’t fail to affect competition both on a global and on the local machine. Lux Impianti is committed to respect the principles of social responsibility and the requirements of the reference standard, the provisions contained in the ONU and ILO international guidelines, the national laws applicable in the sector and the agreements signed with the social partners. Lux Impianti usine a mis en place un système de gestion de la qualité selon les normes internationales ISO 9001:2008 et a obtenu la certification par le label de qualité CSQ. Aujourd’hui, le système de gestion de qualité poursuit la satisfaction de la clientèle grâce à l’amélioration continue des processus d’affaires, produits et services . Lux Impianti dispose d’installations et équipements des moyens appropriés à la réalisation à la fois du processus et des produits/services et l’exécution des activités a un personnel qualifié. Le système de gestion de la sécurité répond aux critères définis par la norme lignes directrices UNI, INAIL, ISPESL et les partenaires sociaux. Certifié par Marque Qualité CSQ, selon OHSAS 18001:2007 . Le système de gestion environnementale conforme à la norme ISO 14001:2004 et est certifié par le label de qualité CSQ. La politique environnementale et la politique de la santé et de la sécurité fixent les lignes directrices pour la poursuite de l’objectif de prévention de la pollution, l’amélioration de la performance environnementale et la protection de la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs. Afin de maintenir l’amélioration continue de chaque système de gestion suit la structure cyclique “Plan-Do-Check-deploy” dans les modèles proposés ISO 9001, ISO 14001 , OHSAS 18001 . Le 22 mai 2014 Lux Impianti a mis en place la certification pour la responsabilité sociale (certification SA8000: 2008). La responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise est sans aucun doute une question au sujet de laquelle on a crée une nouvelle dynamique économique qui ne manquera pas d’affecter la concurrence à la fois à l’échelle mondiale et sur la machine locale. Technical References Public Comune di Tramutola Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Viggiano Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Marsico Nuovo Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Marsicovetere Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Sarconi Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Sasso di Castalda Public buildings , public lighting Comune di Campomaggiore Public Lighting Comune di Armento Public Lighting Comune di Calvello Public Lighting Comune di Matera Public lighting system to District Piccianello Comune di Montemurro Public lighting Comune di Policoro Public Lighting Lungo Mare, Piazza Centrale Comune di Paterno di Lucania Public lighting Comune di Grumento Nova Public buildings , public lighting Provincia di Potenza Electrical installations school ITAS Villa D’Agri (PZ) Provveditrato ai Lavori Pubblici Regione Basilicata Electrical Systems and Technology Caserme GdF Viggiano Poste Italiane SPA Facility management ANSALDO INDUSTRIA SPA Hydroelectric power plant to Tramutola PATERLEGNO SNC Industrial factory plant SIMAR Srl Industrial factory plant GDM MARGHERITA Srl Industrial factory plant Enel distribuzione SpA Construction works on the network mt/bt Enel rete gas spa Plant construction ATEX cabine REMI EON SPA Plant construction ATEX cabine REMI Boffetti SPA Industrial supplies CONSORZIO INIZIATIVE VAL D’AGRI - ENI Plant costruction electro-instrumental oil center Val d’Agri GARRAMONE MICHELE E FIGLI S.N.C. Material supply electro-instrumental SAIPEM ENERGY SERVICES SPA (2007-2010) Contract to supply materials electrointrumental, maintenance contract for electric motors ENI E&P SPA Contract to supply materials electro-instrumental SUDELETTRA SPA Material supply electro-instrumental service maintenance oil center Val d’Agri COSMI SPA Material supply electroinstrumental service maintenance oil center Val d’Agri IMPES SERVICE SPA Material supply electro-instrumental service network of collection Eni SpA DEPURAGRI SCARL GIUZIO SRL – ARES SPA Realization of electrical service purifiers of Tramutola, Grumento Nova, Montemurro, Spinoso Technical References Private Prodotti Products Produire and any more... Area Commerciale - General Manager - Zone Commerciale T.I. CALANDRIELLO ROCCO [email protected] Relazioni con i clienti - Relationships with customers - Relations avec les clients DOTT.SSA MUCCIANTE CATIANNA [email protected] Contatti - Contacts Area Amministrativa - Administration - Zone Administrative RAG. PETRONE NICOLO’ [email protected] Segreteria Generale - Secretary - Le Secrétaire Général DOTT.SSA LOTITO MARIANTONIETTA [email protected] Area Programmazione - Programmin - Zone Programmation ING. RUSSO ANDREA [email protected] Area Tecnica - Technical Area - Zone Technique P.I. ARGENTIERI ANGELO [email protected] Settore Manutenzione Poste Italiane - Zone Entretien Poste Italiane GEOM. MONTENEGRO NUNZIO [email protected] Resp. Magazzino/Vendite - Sales - Warehouse Manager SIG. SABATO VLADIMIRO [email protected] Magazzino/Vendite - Sales - Warehouse SIG. LA TORRE SALVATORE [email protected] Lux Impianti s.r.l. Società con socio unico C.da Matinelle zona PIP 85057 TRAMUTOLA (Pz) Italy T +39 0975 354033 Fax +39 0975 354812 mail: [email protected] mailpec: [email protected]
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