INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER WWW.SATCARGO.COM INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER WWW.SATCARGO.COM INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER PRESENTATION PRESENTAZIONE Sat Cargo was founded in 1999 by a professional team with many years of experience in the management of freight forwarder company. SAT Cargo viene fondata nel 1999 da professionisti che hanno alle spalle diversi anni di esperienza con aziende di The Company specialty is toprincipale offer highest quality, integrated services the field of AIR FREIGHT, OCEAN trasporto. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di offrire massima qualità,in servizi integrati nel campo dei trasporti internazionali via aerea, via mare, intermediazione doganale,aslogistica di distribuzione. Oggi SAT Cargo FREIGHT and INTERNATIONAL ROAD TRANSPORT, well ase servizi CUSTOM BROKERAGE, LOGISTIC ŧŧEťE ť ťťŧŧŧťEEťʠEEť ʠŧť and DISTRIBUTION SERVICES. ťť ʠEE>)E tŦ tť EťEť ŵ?ťŦŦťE tťŧʠŧť Today Sat Cargo place is among the first one in its field. This reality is based on a excellent team of higly qualified .!"* "*$(3 { .# =445 ť tť 8448 ť ť ť ((> &ť ť ť ť ťť O ťť professional people eager to face the challenges of the future. ŧŧEťť t!("Eť ťŧťŧEťťEE ŧEŧ Pursuing our goal of best quality Sat Cargo has earned the certification “SINCERT CERTIQUALITY / ISO 9001” tťťŧ ŧťťťŧťťŧŧťE> and since 2002 Sat Cargo is part of IATA agent. Beside, since many years Sat Cargo was recognized by the Civil Aviation Authority as agent for cargo safetyUFFICIO and able etoMAGAZZINO prove to have followed all the requirement procedure and compliance on the control of goods in transit in Sat Cargo warehouse with equipment charge. HEAD OFFICE - Lainate (Milan) OFFICE and WAREHOUSE Tel. ++39 02 HEAD 93796188 OFFICE - Lainate (Milan) Fax ++39 02 Tel. 93799545 ++39 02 93796188 [email protected] Fax ++39 02 93799545 [email protected] MEXICO OFFICE - Circuito de Rancho Seco - Mza 6 Lt9 - Haciendas del Valle II - Toluca, Edo Mex Tel. ++01 722 0727Seco - [email protected] MEXICO OFFICE - Circuito de 217 Rancho - Mza 6 Lt9 - Haciendas del Valle II - Toluca, Edo Mex Tel. ++01 722 217 0727 - [email protected] Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] PRESENTATION PRESENTAZIONE SERVIZI Sat Cargo was founded in 1999 by a professional team with many years of experience in the management of SERVICES freight forwarding companies. Sat Cargo bases its respectable position in the market asuna trattamento result to a personalized service to each customer, a SAT Cargo viene basa la fondata sua buona nel 1999 posizione da professionisti nel mercato chesuhanno alle spalle diretto diversi anni e personalizzato di esperienza per con ogni aziende cliente, di Eťʠŧ?ŧ ťť ŵ?ťť trasporto. Il nostro obiettivo principale èoffer quello di offrire massima qualità, servizifor integrati nelpackage campo trasporti The Company’s main objective is totimely highest quality, integrated services inthe theentire fields of AIRdei FREIGHT, service built to provide accurate and responses, with competitive prices of the offer. dettagliate internazionali sullevia merci, aerea, questo via mare, ancheintermediazione grazie sua rete doganale, diTRANSPORT, agenti logistica internazionali. e servizi di distribuzione. SAT Cargo OCEAN FREIGHT and INTERNATIONAL ROAD as international well as CUSTOM On time detailed shipping information, Thisalla also allowed by the network of agents OggiBROKING, ŧŧEťE ť ťťŧŧŧťEEťʠEEť ʠŧť LOGISTIC and DISTRIBUTION SERVICES. ťť ʠEE>)E tŦ tť EťEť ŵ?ťŦŦťE tťŧʠŧť Today Sat"*$(3 Cargo occupies a prominent place among the companies in its field. This reality is based on a excellent .!"* { .# =445 ť tť 8448 ť ť ť ((> &ť ť ť ť ťť O ťť ; AEREO IMPORT/- EXPORT AIRFREIGHT IMPORT /EXPORT team of higly qualified professional people eager to face the challenges of the future. ŧŧEťť t!("Eť ťŧťŧEťťEE ŧEŧ Pursuing the goal of absolute quality Sat Cargo has earned the certification “SINCERT CERTIQUALITY / ISO tťťŧ ŧťťťŧťťŧŧťE> ; MARE IMPORT / EXPORT OCEAN FREIGHT TRANSPORT - IMPORT / EXPORT 9001” and since 2002 Sat Cargo is IATA agents. From several years Sat Cargo has been recognized by the Civil e MAGAZZINO Aviation Authority as agent for cargo safelyUFFICIO proving to have followed all the required procedures and compliance ; DOGANA IN PROCEDURA FACILITATA “IN HOUSE” CUSTOM CLEARANCE HEAD OFFICE - Lainate (Milan) INTRASPORTO TRANSPORTATION AND MAINTENANCE OFFREDDO THE COLD ; SPECIALIZED SPECIALIZZATI NEL E MANTENIMENTO DELLA CATENA Tel. DEL ++39 02 93796188 CHAIN Fax ++39 02 93799545 ; MERCI PERICOLOSE [email protected] DANGEROUS GOODS ; LOGISTICA LOGISTIC MEXICO OFFICE - Circuito de Rancho Seco - Mza 6 Lt9 - Haciendas del Valle II - Toluca, Edo Mex Tel. ++01 722 217 0727 - [email protected] Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] AIRFREIGHT SERVIZIOSERVICES AEREO Sat Cargo started its activities as a company specialized in airfreight, composed by a qualified experts team in our field. SAT Cargo ha iniziato la propria attività come azienda specializzata in trasporto via aerea, composta da un team di Currently Sat Cargo ranks among the leading forwarders registered under IATA and has earned the reputation of reliability Eť ʠŧť >(Eť SAT CargoOŧ ťʠŧťťťŧť ŧ((O and quality of services offered, aiming to fulfill customer request. EťťťťEťEťťʠťŦ ŵEť ŵ?ŧť ťE ŧ > SATCargo CargoťťťB, ťCťť ťEťŧ ťEť ʠŧťť Sat headquarter is in Lainate (Milan) and has an international network of agents for a complete and qualified gestione del TutteBesides, le nostre collegateconnected in via telematica la nostra This sedeallows centrale, management ofservizio. the service. wedipendenze have all oursono dependencies with our con headquarters. us toquesto offer ŧŧťEʠŧťťť ŧ(0'ť an efficient service to meet directly to requests for issuance of AWB and other documents. documenti. The services we offer are asifollows: I servizi chethat vi offriamo sono seguenti: IMPORT/EXPORT - SERVICES ; WORLDWIDE SERVIZIO IMPORT/ EXPORT ; CONSOLIDATION CONSOLIDAZIONI IN OUR WAREHOUSE TO “DOOR DOOR”TO SERVICES ; “DOOR SERVIZIO DOOR” AIRPORT DELIVERIES AND “PICK-UPS” WITH SAT-CARGO TRUCKS ; INRITIRI E CONSEGNE IN AEROPORTO CON NOSTRI MEZZI OF AND & DANGEROUS ; SHIPMENT SPEDIZIONI DIPERISHABLE MERCE DEPERIBILE PERICOLOSE GOODS Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] OCEAN FREIGHT SERVICES SERVIZIO MARITTIMO Sat Cargo sea shipping department relies on highly qualified professionals who follow the company policy ťťťťʠťEť ťEť ʠŧťŧE ť ŧťťť offering personalized service. offrendo aun servizio personalizzato. Servizio/ import/ export datoe and per tutto mondo Import Export services fromilall over the World: FCL CONTAINERS, PROJECTS ; “GROUPAGE” GROUPAGE. CONTENITORI COMPLETI, PROGETTI DE-CONSOLIDATION WAREHOUSE ; CONSOLIDATION CONSOLIDAZIONI EAND DECONSOLIDAZIONI PRESSOIN NSOUR MAGAZZINO COMBINED SERVICES ; MULTIMODAL MULTIMODAL COMBINED SERVICES HOUSE” DOGANALI CUSTOM CLEARANCE ; “IN PROCEDURE FACILITATE RISK INSURANCE ; ALL ASSICURAZIONI ALL RISKPOLICIES All services are coordinated through our worldwide network of agents Tutti i nostri servizi sono effettuati in combinazione con i nostri agenti Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] MERCI DEPERIBILI Trasporti Transport frigo PERISHABLE GOODS / /Refrigerated &ť ť ťťťťOŧť ťť ťŧŦ E ťťEEť Since many years Sat Cargo has increased its specialization in transport of perishable goods, for this our company è organizzata con mezzi propri frigo in modo da Always mantenere semprethe il controllo del freddo. its organized with this own refrigerated trucks. to ensure control ofdella the catena “cold chain”. Beyond our special equipment we have built in our warehouse a “cool room” with capacity of about hundred # ťťŦŦťŧEť t ťťEťŧ ťŧŧťťŧŵŧŧťŧť ŧ utilizziamo merci in transito o per or necessità nostri clienti. pallets, that per we le use for goods in transit, for the dei needs of our Customers. Also we are known by the majority of air carriers for the transport of perishable goods to all over world with Inoltre siamo conosciuti dalla maggior parte dei vettori aerei per il trasporto di merci deperibili per the tutto il mondo its of noleggi containers Envirotainer /RAP / RKN etc./ RKN etc. conrental relativi di contenitori Envirotainer / RAP Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] SERVIZIO CUSTOMDOGANALE SERVICE SAT CARGO conseguito la possibilità da vari anni delle procedure facilitate doganali utilizzandole seguenti Since manyha years Sat Cargo hold the possibility of custom procedures facilitated by using that for per the ifollowing: servizi: ; “IN IMPORT / EXPORT doganali CLEARANCE “INHOUSE” HOUSE” IMPORT AND procedure EXPORT CUSTOM CUSTOMDOGANALI TRANSIT ; TRANSITI CUSTOM INSPECTION SERVICE ; VISITE DOGANALI BONDEDDIWAREHOUSE SERVICES ; SERVIZIO MAGAZZINAGGIO DOGANALE Expressed customs procedures are performed in our offices and Lainate warehouse ŧEťť EťEʠŧťťťť> Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected] LOGISTICA LOGISTIC In our warehouse located in Lainate we are able offeralla to nostra our Customers logistic services as Nel nostro magazzino di Lainate siamo in grado di to offrire clientela aunpersonalized servizio logistica personalizzato follows: come segue. ; RICEVIMENTO E CLASSIFICAZIONE MERCEOF MERCHANDISE RECEPTION AND CLASSIFICATION VERIFICATION AND STOCK CONTROL OF STOCK ; VERIFICA E CONTROLLO STORAGE IN COOL AREA FOR PERISHABLE GOODS ; MAGAZZINAGGIO IN CELLA FRIGO PER MERCE DEPERIBILE LABELLING AND PACKING ; CONFEZIONAMENTO ED ETICHETTATURA CONSOLIDATION AND DECONSOLIDATION ; CONSOLIDAZIONI E DECONSOLIDAZIONI WAREHOUSINGE AND DISTRIBUTION ; MAGAZZINAGGIO DISTRIBUZIONE BONDED WAREHOUSE ; MAGAZZINAGGIO DOGANALE ; DEPOSITO TEMPORANEA / INTRASTAT / DEPOSITO IVA CUSTOMIN TRANSIT AUTHORIZED Key Contacts (E-mail): [email protected]
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