TOP‐UIC PROGRAM Politecnico di Torino – University of Illinois at Chicago LAST UPDATE: April 2014 Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Studying in the US US University System College (= University) Undergraduate studies •1° year : Freshman year; •2° year : Sophomore year; •3° year : Junior year; •4° year : Senior year Degree attained: Bachelor’s Degree Labour market Graduate studies Generally, 1 or 2 year program, with or without Master Thesis Degree attained: Master’s Degree Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Studying in the US US University System Campus: Costs: •Higher than in EU: studies as a literal investment for your future •Wide range of student services: on‐campus residence halls, canteens, free sport facilities, libraries open 24/7 •Multicultural milieu •Difference between public and private universities •Tuition fees vary on the basis of: study level, school, in‐state/out‐of‐state residence Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING University of Illinois at Chicago Introduction STUDENTS Public Research University •16,660 undergraduates • 8,186 graduate students •2,743 professional students 27,529 total STAFF • 1,960 faculties • 7,938 administrative, professional & support staff More info on: About us Key Facts Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING University of Illinois at Chicago Services and student life • Office for International Students (OIS) Public transport pass (CTA Upass) UIC Campus Housing University sport facilities Unique Contact person at UIC for any administrative issue Canteens on campus Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING and much more… University of Illinois at Chicago College of Engineering Departments: •Civil and Material Engineering; •Chemical Engineering; •Computer Science; •Electrical and Computer Engineering; •Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Focus on RESEARCH and INNOVATION CENTER CORPORATE RELATIONS “a community of industry entrepreneurs and academic researchers working in partnership to instigate breakthroughs: fusing the uncommon, taking risks, thinking big” University as a central point of contact for corporate involvement on campus More info on: Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING University of Illinois at Chicago Cooperation with PoliTo The TOP‐UIC program was set in 1997 Since then, more than 230 PoliTo students took part in the TOP‐UIC program Joint study program: Exams passed at PoliTo are recognised in your UIC academic carees and viceversa Two Degrees: Two possible paths: Master of Science awarded by University of Illinois at Chicago + Laurea Magistrale awarded by Politecnico di Torino •Mechanical Engineering ‐ME • Electrical and Computer Engineering ‐ECE Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Scheme 1st year LM PoliTo ‐classes‐ PoliTo ‐classes‐ 2nd year LM UIC ‐classes‐ PoliTo or UIC ‐thesis‐ MSc + LM TOP‐UIC classes are split into You MUST defend your Spring and Fall semester final MS thesis at UIC during the dedicated defense period! Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Entry requirements 1. ME path: Laurea* in Mechanical Eng. or Automotive Eng. or Energy Eng. and enrollment in the Laurea Magistrale in Mechanical Eng. ,Energy Eng., Mechatronic Eng. or ECE path: Laurea* in Electronic Eng., Computer Eng, Telecommunications Eng. and enrollment in the corresponding Laurea Magistrale degree courses (for Computer Eng. only the Embedded systems track is admitted). LM in Mechatronics: TO BE DECIDED 2. Valid certificate of English proficiency (results within 30 September 2014): – TOEFL: overall score: at least 80; TOEFL or Institution Code – IELTS: overall score: at least 6.5; 1851 University of Illinois at Chicago 3. Average grade of exams passed during the Laurea: at least 24 / 30 (restrictions apply) * The Laurea must be awarded within October 2014. Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Requirements In order to remain in the TOP‐UIC program you have to: Keep an average GPA equal to B over the whole duration of the program Take and pass exams immediately after the ending of classes. Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Sustainability IMPORTANT N° participants Minimum: 7 ECE + 7 ME Max: unlimited If the minimum number of students is not reached, the TOP‐UIC program cannot start. Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Tuition fees @UIC Tuition fees are at the students’expenses Further to the agreement signed between UIC and PoliTo, PoliTo students have the advantage to pay in‐state tuition fees, that are much lower than the out‐of‐state ones. The amount of in‐state fees is around 16,000 $ per year (around 12.000 Euro). Just note that “standard” international students are usually asked to pay around $ 30,000!! In the following slides, you will find the amount of in‐state tuition fees during the past Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 . NOTE: 1. tuition goes up every fall semester, by about $ 500, according to UIC rules! 2. tuition fees change depending on the semester (Spring or Fall term) and on the amount of credit hours. More info on: Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program In‐state tuition fees @UIC Fees Tuition Graduate Resident Other fees General fee $ 425.00 Grad Engr Tuit Differential Grand Total $ 5,560.00 $ 1,040.00 $7,025.00 Costs are determined by UIC on an annual basis and are subject to change without notice Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program In‐state tuition fees @UIC Tuition Other fees including eng. Differential ($1,450.00) General fee $425.00 Service fee $323.00 Student to student $3.00 Sustainability fee $4.00 Health Service fee $89.00 $7,000.00 Health Insurance (estimate) $401.00 waived w/ proof of insurance CTA Upass (estimate) $141.00 International Student Orientation Assessments $7,000.00 $99,00 Acad.Facilities Management Fund $315.00 Library and Information Technology $200.00 $1,485.00 $515.00 Grand Total $9,000.00 Costs are determined by UIC on an annual basis and are subject to change without notice Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program In‐state tuition fees @UIC FINAL SEMESTER If you plan to develop your MS thesis at UIC during the final semester, UIC can charge for 0‐ credit hours registration (e.g. around $2,500 in Spring 2014. Costs are determined by UIC on an annual basis and are subject to changes) No tuition fees are due to UIC if you come back to PoliTo to work on your MS thesis Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Further costs I The previous tables do not include the following expenses, which have to be paid by the students: Expenses for passport issue/renewal Expenses for Visa request Return air tickets Living and housing expenses at UIC IMPORTANT: we recommend having the passport issued as soon as possible! Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Further costs II REMINDER As any other PoliTo student taking part into mobility programs, also TOP‐UIC students will have to pay PoliTo tuition fees for the whole duration of the program (final semester included). Upon decision made yearly by PoliTo Governing Bodies, PoliTo tuition fees may be partially reduced. Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Scholarships The following refers to the past edition. Information on the grants for next edition will be announced as soon as possible. Scholarship partially covering UIC tuition fees Awarded to the top students admitted to the TOP‐UIC (7 ECE + 7 ME) Mobility scholarship (Fall term) Limited n° of students (based on merit ranking lists) Application: summer notice of competition (ending of BSc III year) Application: summer notice of competition Amount: 400 Euro/month* (ending of BSc III year) Allocation: 2 instalments Amount: 6.500 Euro Allocation: 2 instalments *see “tabella importi mensili extra‐ue”, 2014/2015 summer notice of competition” Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Application – from June 2014 STEPS (more details on the 2014/15 summer notice of competition) 1.Login on Portale della Didattica 2. Sid@Home 3.Apply for Outgoing Mobility Programmes 4.Special Programmes GO 5.TOP‐UIC 2014/15 Conferma After you regularly apply, a confirmation message will be displayed on your desktop Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Documents required by UIC To seek admission To ask for I‐20 form 1. Online Application form (guidelines provided by the Outgoing office) + payment of application fee ($60) 1. Specific form provided by UIC 2. Proof of English knowledge 3. Transcript of records (Laurea) and proof of award of BSc. It has to be original, stamped and signed, officially translated in English. If you graduated at PoliTo, the Outgoing Office will prepare transcripts. If you graduated in another University: bring original transcripts to the Outgoing Office! Deadline: September 2014 (bring everything to Outgoing office) 2. Copy of passport 3. “Declaration and Certification of Finances" form 4. Bank Statement Deadline: ~ April 2015 To request on‐campus housing SSR 1. UIC Campus Housing Application (provided by UIC) 2. Medical immunization form (provided by UIC) Deadline: ~ May 2015 Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Project Timeline (1) 2013 2014 Nov‐Dec 1st informative meeting April 2nd informative meeting July‐mid Sept. Application (2014/15 summer notice of competition) Pre‐selection merit ranking list end of Sept. December •Application to seek admission to UIC •SIGNATURE OF COMMITTMENT STATEMENT •UIC informs about admissions SIGNATURE OF POLITO MOBILITY CONTRACT Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Project Timeline (2) 2015 January •Allocation 1st instalment SCHOLARSHIP for tuition fees •Payment 1st instalment UIC tuition fees April Beginning Visa request process May On‐campus housing request July Allocation 2nd instalment SCHOLARSHIP for tuition fees Possible allocation mobility SCHOLARSHIP August •Beginning Fall classes at UIC •Payment 2nd instalment UIC tuition fees after Fall term Return to PoliTo and deliver required docs Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Program Contacts at PoliTo ECE (academic issues) Prof. Giuseppe Vecchi [email protected] ME (academic issues) Prof. Muzio Gola (Mech Eng.) [email protected] Prof. Marco Masoero (Energy Eng.) [email protected] Administrative Staff (organization) Student Mobility Unit OUTGOING Mail: top‐[email protected] Tel: (+39) 011 090 8664 Desk hours: mon‐tue‐thu‐fri 9 – 11.30 When you contact anyone please ALWAYS state: 1) what program (ECE, ME) you are interested in; 2) what BS you will have (Electronics, Mechanics, Telecom, etc.) Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING TOP‐UIC Many thanks for the attention! And now… Question time! Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Domande & Risposte 1. Domanda: COME FACCIO SE IL MIO PIANO DEGLI STUDI PREVEDE CHE ALL’ULTIMO SEMESTRE DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE, OLTRE ALLA TESI, SI SEGUANO ALCUNI CORSI? Risposta: Gli studenti ammessi al TOP-UIC seguono un piano degli studi specifico che non prevede la frequenza di corsi durante l’ultimo semestre della LM. Riportiamo un esempio della suddivisione del carico di lavoro (CFU) in semestri sia per il percorso ECE sia per quello ME ECE 1°anno LM – 1° sem = corsi per un totale di 30 CFU, 2° sem = corsi per un totale di 30 CFU al Politecnico 2°anno LM – 1° sem = corsi a UIC riconosciuti con un unico codice da 30 CFU al Politecnico, 2° = tesi da 30 CFU ME 1°anno LM – 1° sem = corsi per un totale di 30 CFU, 2° sem = corsi per un totale di 30 CFU al Politecnico 2°anno LM – 1° sem = corsi a UIC riconosciuti con 30 CFU al Politecnico, 2° = tesi da 18 CFU + 12 CFU di “Attività formative esterne all’Ateneo” riconosciute come parte integrante della tesi Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Domande & Risposte 2. Domanda: HO SUPERATO L’IELTS AL PRIMO ANNO DI LAUREA. E’ ANCORA VALIDO? Risposta: L’IELTS ha validità di 2 anni. Deve risultare valido a settembre 2014. Se non si rispettano queste due condizioni, bisogna sostenere il test una seconda volta in modo che questo sia valido al momento della presentazione della candidatura. 3. Domanda: NON HO UN PUNTEGGIO SUFFICIENTE DELL’IELTS: COSA POSSO FARE? Risposta: La UIC scarta le candidature con punteggi dell’IELTS che non soddisfano i requisiti. Bisogna quindi presentare un IELTS con un punteggio complessivo di almeno 6.5. Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Domande & Risposte 4. Domanda: QUAL è IL PIANO DEGLI STUDI PREVISTO PER GLI STUDENTI DI INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA? Risposta: Consigliamo di contattare il prof. Masoero, referente Ing. Energetica, per avere ragguagli sul piano degli studi proposto per gli iscritti a questo corso di studi. 5. Domanda: SONO ISCRITTO A ING. ENERGETICA. SE VOGLIO CANDIDARMI AL TOP-UIC DOVRÒ IMMATRICOLARMI ALLA LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN INGEGNERIA MECCANICA? Risposta: No. Puoi candidarti al TOP-UIC e iscriverti alla LM in Ing. Energetica Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING Domande & Risposte 6. Domanda: DOVE SI PAGANO LE TASSE? ALLA UIC O AL POLITECNICO? Risposta: Per tutta la durata del TOP-UIC occorre essere in regola con l’iscrizione al Politecnico, bisogna quindi definire il carico didattico e pagare le tasse dovute al Politecnico entro le scadenze definite. Per tutta la durata del TOP-UIC occorre essere in regola anche con l’iscrizione alla UIC e pagare le tasse richieste. La UIC richiederà il pagamento tasse per il Fall term, lo Spring term e, se si rimane a Chicago per il semestre di tesi, anche per il semestre conclusivo. Misure per agevolare gli studenti: Borse di studio; Riduzione delle tasse del Politecnico (stabilito di anno in anno dagli Organi di Governo del Politecnico); Possibile esenzione tasse UIC per il Fall term solo al migliore studente del programma (stabilito di anno in anno). Ufficio Mobilità OUTGOING
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