A tribute to Ferdinando Rossi Organizer Marco Molinari Tim Ebner Co-Organizers: Maria Leggio Mario Manto Ferdinando Rossi Maria Teresa Viscomi Program Committee Local Committee Tim Ebner Noriyuki Koibuchi Mario Manto Jean Mariani Marco Molinari Ferdinando Rossi Honorary Chair: Carlo Caltagirone Chair: Maria Leggio - Maria Teresa Viscomi Elisa Bisicchia, Silvia Clausi, Laura Latini, Iolanda Pisotta, Valeria Sasso, Federica Tamburella, Anna Maria Tedesco. Venue: Centro Congressi Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS. Via Ardeatina 354 I00179 Roma Italy. Web: http://www.hsantalucia.it Congress Secretariat: Maria Framartino: [email protected] – Tel: +39 0651501610 Fax: +39 0651501679. Organizing Secretariat: Website: http://www.aristea.com/src2014/ TOPICS: Cerebellar Development, Cellular and synaptic mechanisms, Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation, Cerebellar networks, behavior and cognition, Cerebellar pathologies and clinical trials. Meeting Format: Invited presentations & Poster session. Supported by Sixth International Congress of the Society for Research on the Cerebellum Congress Center Santa Lucia Foundation Rome Italy Opening Wellcome Address Session 08:30:00 08:45:00 Time Speaker 09:00:00 Michisuke Yuzaki 09:30:00 Hiroshi Nishiyama Cerebellar Development 10:00:00 Masanobu Kano 10:30:00 Giacomo Consalez 11:00:00 Ying Shen Cellular, Synaptic and Physiological Mechanisms 11:30:00 COFFEE BREAK 12:00:00 Michael Hausser 12:30:00 Philippe Isope 13:00:00 Giorgio Grasselli 13:30:00 LUNCH 14:00:00 LUNCH 14:30:00 Marija Cvetanovic Cerebellar pathologies and clinical trials 15:00:00 Georgia Mandolesi – 15:30:00 Jeremy D. Schmahmann 16:00:00 Maria Teresa Viscomi 16:30:00 17:00:00 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 Constantino Sotelo 19:30:00 20:00:00 20:30:00 Thursday July 3, 2014 Tim Ebner - Marco Molinari Lugi Amadio CEO FSL - Carlo Caltagirone Scientific Director FSL Title Affiliation Cbln1 and C1qL1—New synaptic organizers in the cerebellum Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Japan In vivo time-lapse imaging of developmental climbing fiber University of Texas at Austin competition Retrograde signaling for climbing fiber synapse elimination Department of Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Modular regulation of cerebellar neurogenesis. An in-depth analysis San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy of Zfp423 allelic mutants Roles of Lgi1 in the development of embryonic and postnatal mouse Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China cerebellum Cerebellar neuronal integration University College, London Modular information processing in the cerebellar cortex Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Integratives CNR, Strasbourg Plasticity of the post-complex spike pause in Purkinje cells Department of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA Non-neuronal pathology in SCA1 Department of Neuroscience, Institute for Translational Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Santa Lucia Foundation , Neuroimmunology and synaptic plasticity Lab, Rome Harvard Medical School IL-1β dependent cerebellar synaptopathy in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome - what is it, and who gets it? Remote cell death mechanims afte cerebellar lesion Santa Lucia Foundation, Exp Neurorehab Lab. COFFEE BREAK + POSTERS Meeting of the SRC executive commitee Transfer to Dinner Lecture to honor Ferdinando Rossi SOCIAL DINNER Session Cerebellar networks, behavior and cognition 1 Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation Cerebellar networks, behavior and cognition 2 Time 8:00:00 8:30:00 Speaker Registration Chris Miall 9:00:00 Kathy Cullen 9:30:00 10:00:00 Rond-Reig Maria Leggio 10:30:00 11:00:00 COFFEE BREAK Pablo Celnik 11:30:00 Friday July 4, 2014 Title Affiliation Cerebellar contribution to predictive motor control and language processing Learning to expect the unexpected: Rapid updating in the cerebellum during voluntary self-motion Cerebellar contribution to navigation Cerebellar sequencing: a trick for predicting the future School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK Johns Hopkins University Giacomo Kock Understanding and modulating motor learning with Cerebellar stimulation" Non-invasive stimulation of cerebello-thalamo-cortical circuits 12:00:00 Alberto Priori Transcranial cerebellar DC stimulation in Parkinson's disease Università degli Studi Milano - Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda 12:30:00 Rachel M Sherrard What does rTMS do to the cerebellum? Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, IBPS and CNRS UMR8256 13:00:00 14:30:00 15:00:00 LUNCH LUNCH Peter Marien Cerebellum and language 15:30:00 Fabrizio De Vico Fallani Functional reorganization of motor cortical networks in focal cerebellar patients 16:00:00 Narender Ramnani Cerebellar engagement in the automation of cognitive operations Department of Neurology, General Hospital Middelheim, Antwerp, Belgium Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle epinière (UPMC/CNRS/INSERM/INRIA, UM75/UMR7225/U1127/Aramis), Paris, France Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London 16:30:00 Kamran Khodakhah Short latency cerebellar regulation of Basal ganglia 17:00:00 Laura Petrosini Cerebellar involvement in personality traits 17:30:00 END OF THE CONGRESS Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada IBPS-Neurosciences, CNRS, UPMC, INSERM Dept Psycology, Sapienza University of Rome and Ataxia Lab, Santa Lucia Foundation IRCCS Rome Santa Lucia Foundation and Tor Vergata University of Rome Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA Dept Psycology, Sapienza University of Rome and Santa Lucia Foundation IRCCS Rome
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