GIACOMO PARRINELLO CURRICULUM VITAE 21.07.2014 Louisiana State University, Department of Geography & Anthropology 234 Howe-Russell Bldg. Baton Rouge (LA) 70803 USA (225) 578-6184 [email protected] EDUCATION 2011 Ph.D. (Dottorato di ricerca) in Historical, Geographical, and Juridical Sciences, specialization in History, University of Siena, Italy. Dissertation: Urbanization, Environment, and Society through Disasters: Messina 1908- Belice 1968. 2007 M.A. (Laurea magistrale) Summa cum Laude in History of Europe. University of Bologna, Italy. Thesis: Il tempo della rivoluzione Evento storico e rappresentazioni collettive in Italia 1968-1977. [The time of revolution: historic event and collective representations in Italy 1968-1977] 2004 B.A. (Laurea triennale) Summa cum Laude in Contemporary History. University of Bologna, Italy. Thesis: Il Memoriale di Aldo Moro: Una fonte per la storia dell'Italia repubblicana.[The Memorial of Aldo Moro: A source for the history of Republican Italy] ADDITIONAL TRAINING Summer 2011 Intensive course of German language and culture. Goethe Institut, Berlin, Germany. Summer 2010 First Summer School of the European Society of Environmental History, « Disasters, Events, Narratives and Temporalities in Environmental History ». Port Royal des Champs, Yvelines, France. 1/7 2009 et 2010 Doctoral exchange program under the supervision of Professor Michèle Dagenais. Département d’Histoire, Université de Montréal, Québec. Fall sessions 2009 and 2010. 2005-2006 Erasmus Master Student at the Université Paris VII - Denis Diderot, U.F.R. Géographie, Histoire et Sciences de la Société. 2003-2004 Stage at the Historical Institute Ferruccio Parri in Bologna, under the supervision of Director Dr. Luca Alessandrini. EMPLOYMENT AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2013- Research Fellow. Louisiana State University, Geography & Anthropology Baton Rouge (LA) United States and Alpen-Adria Universität, Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna, Austria. Research project: River Basin and Water Circulation in the Transition to an Urban-Industrial Society: the Po Drainage Basin, 1860-2000. 2012-2013 Research Fellow. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LudwigMaximilians-Universität and Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany. Book manuscript: Earthquake Cities: Disaster and Urbanism in Modern Italy, Messina 1908-Belice Valley 1968 (tentative title). 2013- Italian Regional Representative of the European Society for Environmental History. 2013- Member of the Italian Association for Urban History AISU. 2010- Member of the research team Orent “Osservatorio sui Rischi ed Eventi Naturali e Tecnologici”, University of Siena and co-editor of the website 2010 Inventory of records for the Italian Department of Civil Protection during and intensive archival research session in the Department archives in Rome, Italy. GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND HONOURS 2013 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship for Career Development (IOF), 36 months, European Commission, European Union. 2012 Carson Fellowship, 9 months, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany. 2008 Doctoral scholarship, 36 months, University of Siena, Italian Ministry of University and Research– MIUR, Italy. 2/7 2012 Travel Grant, E.V. and Nancy Melosi Travel Grant, American Society of Environmental History 2012, Madison (WI), USA. 2011 Scholarship DAAD-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Goethe Institut, Berlin, Germany. 2011 Travel grant and waiver of registration fees. ESEH-European Society of Environmental History, 6th ESEH Conference, Turku, Finland. 2010 Bursary- waiver of registration fees. EAUH-European Association for Urban History, 10th EAUH Conference, Gand, Belgique. 2009 Scholarship for international academic exchange, 4 months University of Siena Siena, Italy. (Waiver of fees at Université de Montréal) 2005 Scholarship Erasmus, 9 months, European Union and University of Bologna. PUBLICATIONS Books and book chapters 2015 Earthquake Cities: Disaster and Urbanism in Modern Italy, Messina 1908-Belice Valley 1968 (tentative title), New York-Oxford, Berghahn Books, ESEH/RCC series «The Environment in History: International Perspectives», p.306. (Accepted, forthcoming) 2015 «Belice 1968: istituzioni, territorio, memorie» in Mariuccia Salvati and Loredana Sciolla, eds. L’Italia e le sue regioni (1945-2011), Vol. 3 Pratiche, memoria e varietà linguistica, section Luoghi e memorie, edited by Gabriella Gribaudi, Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, p.45. (Accepted, forthcoming) Articles in peer reviewed journals 2014 «After the Earthquake: Risk Perceptions and the Ambiguities of Nature in post1908 Messina, Italy», in «Risk culture and crisis communication», Kerstin Dressel, ed. Special issue of International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. (Accepted, forthcoming) 2013 «The City-Territory: Large-Scale Planning and Development Policies in the Aftermath of the 1968 Belice Earthquake (Sicily) », Planning Perspectives: An international journal of history, planning, and the environment, 28, 4 (2013), 571593. [Planning Perspectives’ candidate for the 2014 AESOP-Association of European Schools of Planning Best Published Article Prize.] 2012 «Post-Disaster Migrations and Returns: the 1908 Messina Earthquake and the 3/7 2010 2008 1968 Belice Valley Earthquake (Sicily) », in «Environmental Change and Migration in Historical Perspective», U. Luebken, ed., special issue of Global Environment: Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences, 9 (2012), 2649. «Chi gioca solo e chi no. Ricerca sociale e azione democratica in Sicilia, 19521968», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea. Dossier: Luoghi e non luoghi della Sicilia contemporanea: istituzioni, culture politiche e potere mafioso, 3, 2 (2010), 1-28. «La sinistra rivoluzionaria italiana dopo il 1968: esperienze orizzonti e linguaggi», Storicamente: laboratorio di storia, 4 (2008), Published interviews, book reviews, and proceedings 2014 Review of S. Castonguay and M.Evenden (eds.), Urban Rivers: Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America, Pittsburgh: PA, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012, in The AAG Review of Books, 2, 3 (2014) 94-96. 2012 Oral history interview: «Il terremoto del Belice: intervista a Lorenzo Barbera» in «Terremoti: storia, memorie, narrazioni», G. Gribaudi, A.M. Zaccaria, eds., special issue of Memoria/memorie. Materiali di storia, 5 (2012) 171-200. 2012 Multiple books review «Disastri, territorio e politiche pubbliche», Il Mestiere di Storico. Rivista della società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, IV/2 (2012), 66-69. Review of John Dickie, Una catastrofe patriottica, 1908: Il terremoto di Messina. Rome-Bari, Laterza, (2008) H-Net Reviews, (March 2012), 2012 2011 Review of Bruno Ziglioli, La mina vagante: il disastro di Seveso e la solidarietà nazionale, Milano, Franco Angeli (2010), Storia e Futuro. Rivista di storia e storiografia on line, 27 (2011), 2010 «Industrial Urbanization as a Pattern of Development: Disaster Explanations and Reconstruction Strategy in the Aftermath of the Belice Valley Earthquake, Sicily 1968», European Association of Urban Historians-EAUH 2010 Conference, Ghent, Belgium (2010). Review of Andrea Noto, Messina 1908: I disastri e la percezione del terrore nell’evento terremoto, Maneria Sovelli, Rubettino (2008), Storia e Futuro. Rivista 2009 4/7 di storia e storiografia on line, 21 (2009). Scientific blog entries and digital projects 2013-now Environmental History Newsletter: Bollettino di storia ambientale, diffused via email to Italian members of the ESEH and Italian environmental historians. 2014 Field Trip Virtual Tour: Dewatering Wetlands: A Multimedia Map of the Po River Delta. 2014 Public Research Diary on Facebook: The Po Valley: Humans and Water in the Anthropocene. 2013 Blog Entry: Making Tracks: Giacomo Parrinello, in Seeing the Woods, a blog by the Rachel Carson Center. 2011 Blog Entry: Giappone, 11 marzo 2011: appunti dalla periferia di una catastrofe, in Orent, Osservatorio Rischi e Eventi Naturali e Tecnologici. 2010 Blog Entry: Belice, 1968, in Orent, Osservatorio Rischi e Eventi Naturali e Tecnologici. CONFERENCE PANELS AND PAPERS 2014 - 2nd World Congress of Environmental History-WCEH: Organizer: River, Region, Watershed: Scales in the Environmental History of Water Systems, Guimarães, Portugal, 8-12 July 2014. Presenter: Scales and Narratives in the Environmental History of the Po River, Guimarães, Portugal, 8-12 July 2014. 2014 - Annual conference of the American Society for Environmental History-ASEH: Presenter: Water, Development, and Disaster in the Making of the Belice River Valley, San Francisco, 14-16 March 2014. 5/7 2013 - 6th Conference of the Italian Association for Urban History-AISU: Presenter: Conoscere per governare: la produzione tecnico-scientifica sulla “natura urbana” tra Otto e Novecento, Catania, Italy, 12-14 September 2013. 2013 - 7th conference of the European Society of Environmental History-ESEH: Organizer: Governing Water Circulation: Watershed Knowledge and Management in Historical Perspective, Munich, Germany, 20-24 August 2013. Presenter: From the River to the Basin: Governing the Po River in the Twentieth Century, Munich, Germany 20-24 August 2013. 2013 - Annual conference of the American Society for Environmental History-ASEH: Presenter: Post-Disaster Displacements and Migrations: Case Studies from Twentieth Century Southern Italy, Toronto, Canada, 3 – 6 April 2013. 2013 - Conference at the Rachel Carson Center, «Rivers, Cities, Historical Interactions»: Presenter: Urban Sprawl and River Basin: a Methodological Exploration of the Po Valley, Munich, Germany, 21-23 February 2013. 2012 - 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference-IDRC: Presenter: From displacement to migrations, Davos, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2012. 2012 - Annual conference of the American Society for Environmental History-ASEH: Speaker: Roundtable: Beyond the Book, Madison WI, USA, 28-31 March 2012. 2011 - 5th Conference of the Italian Association for Urban History-AISU: Organizer: Città territori e società urbane di fronte ai disastri naturali del XX secolo, Rome, Italy, 8-10 September 2011. 2011- 6th conference of the European Society of Environmental History-ESEH: Organizer: Crisis on the Border: Disasters in Urban Coastal Areas, Turku, Finland, 26 June-1 July 2011. Presenter: The Sea, the Land and the City: The Reconstruction of Messina after the Earthquake of 1908, Turku, Finland, 26 June-1er July 2011. 2011 - Conference at the Rachel Carson Center « Environmental Change and Migration in Historical Perspective »: Presenter: Post-Disaster Migrations and Returns in Sicily: The 1908 Messina Earthquake and the 1968 Belice Valley Earthquake, Munich, Germany, 3-6 August 2011. 6/7 2010 - 10th Conference of the European Association of Urban History-EAUH: Presenter: Industrial Urbanization as a Pattern of Development: Disaster Explanations and Reconstruction Strategy in the Aftermath of the Belice Valley Earthquake, Sicily 1968, Ghent, Belgium, 1-4 September 2010. INVITED LECTURES 2013 After the Earthquake: The Ambiguities of Nature and the Future of the Settlement in post-1908 Messina, Italy. Louisiana State University, prof. Craig Colten seminar “Urban Environment”, Baton Rouge, USA, October 2, 2013. 2013 Abbandoni, ricostruzioni, trasferimenti: le scelte insediative e il rischio sismico in Italia da Messina al Belice, Conference of INSMLI-Istituti per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea «Storie di terremoti: incontri a un anno dal sisma», Carpi, Italy, Avril 19, 2013. 2013 Natural Hazards and Disasters: The 1908 Messina Earthquake and the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, dr. Uwe Luebken hauptseminar “Nature and the City: Urban Environmental History of the United States”, , LMU, Munich, Germany, February 2, 2013. 2012 Disaster Urbanism: Earthquakes and the Making of Modern Urban Italy, Rachel Carson Center Lunchtime Colloquium, Munich, Germany, November 28, 2012. 2010 Repenser l’urbanisation à la suite d’une catastrophe naturelle : le cas de Messine, , prof. Michèle Dagenais course « Villes et Environnement », Université de Montréal, Canada, November 10, 2010. . LANGUAGES Italian : Mother tongue. Français : Proficient. English : Proficient. German : Intermediate. 7/7
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