The 1st International Conference on Global Aging Tsukuba Opening Remarks 9:45-10:00 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall Provost of Faculty of Yoshiki Tsuboi Humanities and 坪井美樹 Social Sciences 9:45-10:00 Opening Remarks Chair of Doctoral Hitomi Matsuda Program in Human 松田ひとみ Care Science Oral Session Ⅰ(English and Japanese) 10:00-11:10 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall Chair: Ai Oishi 10:00-10:20 O-Ⅰ-01 Library services for the elderly in an Saori Donkai aged society in Japan Chieko Mizoue Proenvironmental behavior, happiness, and perceived future happiness among 10:20-10:30 O-Ⅰ-02 Naoko Kaida the elderly: an exploratory analysis on Swedish and Japanese survey data Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems The relation between perceived social support on depression of carers of Graduate School of 10:30-10:40 O-Ⅰ-03 community-dwelling elderly people from Felipe Sandoval Comprehensive a nationwide survey in the Republic of Human Sciences Chile 10:40-10:50 O-Ⅰ-04 高齢者救急のポリファーマシー Toshikazu Abe 阿部智一 10:50-11:00 O-Ⅰ-05 Takahiro LOH症候群におけるテストステロン補充 Suetomi 療法のインスリン抵抗性に対する効果 末富崇弘 11:00-11:10 O-Ⅰ-06 頸部装着型デバイスを用いた嚥下スク リーニグ方法の開発 筑波大学附属病院水戸 地域医療教育セン ター・総合病院水戸協 同病院 臨床医学系泌尿器科 Yohei Teramoto フロンティア医科学専 攻 寺元洋平 Photo Session 11:10-11:20 Venue: Lawn outside University Hall Poster Session 11:20-12:10 Venue: University Hall Annex Chair: Toshie Manabe Noriko Okamoto 岡本紀子 人間総合科学研究科 ヒューマン・ケア科学 専攻 高齢者ケアリン グ学分野 11:20-11:25 P-01 高齢者ケアを担う看護者の手指衛生の実 践に影響する要因 11:25-11:30 P-02 高齢者によるまちづくり活動と公共図書 Sayaka Izumi 館の関わり-鹿児島県鹿屋市柳谷集落を 泉沙也香 中心に- 情報学群知識情報・図 書館学類 11:30-11:35 P-03 Effects of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Japanese version (CST-J) for people Katsuo with dementia: a single blind, controlled Yamanaka clinical trial Faculty of Human Science 11:35-11:40 P-04 Activity of Daily Living (ADL) factors Takafumi among Japanese Older Adults: Monma Analyses of Age and Gender differences Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences 11:40-11:45 P-05 Factors related to the subjective wellbeing by gender in middle age people ‐Tsukuba aging survey Department of Health Yoko Moriyama Services Research, Faculty of Medicine 11:45-11:50 P-06 Releasing oppressed feelings in the caregivers of Japanese parents with dementia: a pilot intervention study Yumi Hashizume 11:50-11:55 P-07 Population aging and care burden of the Yumiko family in Asia Miyashita Department of Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine 11:55-12:00 P-08 The utilization of healthcare services among rural elderly in North Thailand Watcharakorn Riabroi Department of Clinical Trial and Clinical Epidemiology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences 12:00-12:05 P-09 Personality factors and self-perceived health in Chilean elderly population Pedro Olivares- Department of Health Tirado (Felipe Services Research, Sandval) Faculty of Medicine 12:05-12:10 P-10 A pilot study to explore actual monthly consumption of the people under the Public Livelihood Assistance Program (PLAP) in Japan -A Receipt Study based on ethics- Hideto Takahashi Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine and Medical Sciences Biostatistics office, Faculty of Medicine Luncheon 12:10-13:00 Venue: University Hall Annex 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology オムロン株式会社 OMRON Corporation Display Booth 展示ブース 株式会社NTTデータ NTT DATA Corporation 12:30-12:45 Video Message ビデオメッセージ Mark A. Supiano, Marilyn Luptak Center on Aging The University of Utah, USA Peter LloydSherlock School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK Neantro SaavedraRivano The Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM), University of Tsukuba Key-note presentation (English) 13:00-13:30 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall Chair: Nanako Tamiya 13:00-13:30 Long-term care for older people: The Mayumi Japanese example Hayashi Institute of Gerontology, King’s College London, UK Oral Session Ⅱ (English) 13:30-15:30 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall Chair: Yumi Hashizume, Toshikazu Abe 13:30-13:50 O-Ⅱ-01 Towards a Cultural Gerontology 13:50-14:10 O-Ⅱ-02 Population Ageing in Africa: Trend and Impact Analysis Herrad Heselhaus Department of Literature and Linguistics Josephine Laker Global 30 program Yoshiaki 14:10-14:30 O-Ⅱ-03 The well-being of elderly self-neglectors Takahashi Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems 14:30-14:40 O-Ⅱ-04 Aspiration pneumonia and DAB Hitachinaka Medical Research Center Shinji Teramoto Age- and Socioeconomic-related Risk Department of Health 14:40-14:50 O-Ⅱ-05 Factors for Hospitalized Pneumonia due Toshie Manabe Services Research, to Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Mexico Faculty of Medicine Singular Experiences: Media 14:50-15:10 O-Ⅱ-06 representation and lived experiences of Kristie Collins single women across the life course 15:10-15:30 O-Ⅱ-07 The Power and Challenges of Numbers: Moges, Abu Population Ageing in Africa Girma 15:30-15:40 Break Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Oral Session Ⅲ (Japanese) 15:40-17:00 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall Chair: Ichiro Okubo 15:40-15:50 O-Ⅲ-01 ひきこもりの子どもを抱える家族の高齢 Tamaki Saito 化と支援ニーズに関する研究 斎藤環 15:50-16:10 O-Ⅲ-02 子供の健康の評価と母親の教育水準の関 Koichi Ushijima システム情報系社会工 係 学域 牛島光一 16:10-16:20 O-Ⅲ-03 震災が介護サービス利用・要介護度の推 移等に与えた影響 Nobuyuki Izumida 泉田信行 人間総合科学研究科 16:20-16:30 O-Ⅲ-04 認知症医療と介護の連携の現状-全国調 査より Atsuko Yoshimura 吉村敦子 人間総合科学研究科 疾患制御医学専攻 16:30-16:40 O-Ⅲ-05 高齢女性のドメスティック・バイオレン Tomoko Suga スの認識と予防啓発に関する意見 須賀朋子 社会精神保健学分野 16:40-17:00 O-Ⅲ-06 ド イ ツ に お け る 「 年 齢 に 公 正 な 労 働 世 Yoko Tanaka 界」報告書をめぐって 田中洋子 人文社会系 国際地域 研究・国際日本研究専 攻 医学医療系 Closing Session 17:00-17:15 Venue: International Conference Room, University Hall 17:00-17:15 Commendation: Miyoko Best young scientist oral presentation Motozawa Best young scientist poster 本澤巳代子 presentation Nanako Tamiya 田宮菜奈子 Closing Remarks Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Medicine
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