A. I. S. Re. Italian Association of Regional Studies Call for papers XXXVI Annual Scientific Conference Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza) - 14 -16 September 2015 EUROPE AND ITS REGIONS Inequalities, human capital, competitiveness policies The Italian Association of Regional Studies (AISRe), announcing its Annual Scientific Conference, invites to present an original, unpublished scientific work addressing the conference theme or one of the following topics: A. Governance, regional and territorial policies, European programmes 1. Territorial governance, programming and planning 2. Territorial institutions and local finance 3. International economy, cooperation and regional development B. Growth, regional and sub-regional disparities, local economy 4. Growth and local and urban development 5. Green economy 6. Internal areas, high-lands and rural development C. Firms, innovation, value chains and local productive systems 7. Firms, productive systems and regional industrial policies 8. Services to firms and regional development 9. Knowledge, innovation and regional development D. Methods for territorial analysis and evaluation 10. Methods and models for territorial analysis and spatial econometrics 11. Evaluation of policies, plans and programmes 12. Regional sciences teaching and disciplines E. Labour markets, welfare, personal services and social policies 13. Regional labour markets, demography, immigration 14. Welfare, inequalities, personal services and social policies 15. Education, training and employment F. Welfare, culture, tourism 16. Welfare indicators, social capital and local development 17. Culture, tourism and territorial marketing 18. Creativeness, cultural districts and policies for tourism G. Urbanization, real estate market and cities development processes 19. Urban transformation and real estate market 20. Urbanization and development processes 21. Suburbs and urban and social requalification H. Infrastructures and regional and urban transports 22. Infrastructures, accessibility, logistic and regional and interregional transports 23. Mobility and urban transports 24. Policies for transports at the interregional and European scale A more detailed list of the conference themes is available on the Association website: www. aisre.it PROCEDURES AND DEADLINES The XXXVI AISRe Annual Conference will take place in Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), from 14th to 16th September 2015. Interested authors are invited to participate by choosing one of the following options: - By sending single contributions, which will be assigned to parallel sessions by AISRe secretariat, according to the theme indicated by the authors when sending their abstracts (see the 24 themes listed above); By organizing and coordinating a session on a specific theme, and inviting researchers to subscribe to the Conference and present their contributions. Each session can have only one coordinator. Coordinators will benefit from a reduced registration fee. Deadline for communicating coordinator’s name, session title and the (indicative) number of slots is March 6th, 2015 (email address: [email protected]). Coordinators will be notified of acceptance by March 13th, 2015. Each relator has to send an abstract (300 – 400 words) by April 7th, 2015 through the Association’s website (www. aisre.it), following the procedure there indicated. It is worth recalling that each author cannot submit more than two abstracts, even if jointly written with others; commonly, each author is in fact supposed to held just one presentation. The abstracts will be examined by a referees committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April, 17th, 2015 and the list of the accepted abstracts will be published on the aforementioned website. The payment of early-bird registration fees and the final version of the papers must be sent by June 20th, 2015 (always using www. aisre.it). The provisional Programme of the Conference, based on the submitted abstracts and papers, will be published on the Association website by the mid of July. The final deadline to subscribe and pay the registration fees is July 15th, 2015 . All accepted papers will be available on the Association website. In each session, the chair will be selected and notified by the Segretariat among the Conference participants. Each speaker presenting its paper will be also the discussant for the subsequent speaker. In the absence of one or more speakers, the Chair will be the discussant. During the Conference, AISRe Members are invited to participate to AISRe Ordinary Assembly, where President, Segretary and Treasurer will present their reports. Young Researcher Best Paper Award. To encourage young researchers to participate, AISRe will award the most excellent paper presented at the Conference by a young scholar (received by June 20th, 2015). IN order to participate, authors must be 35 years old or younger on September, 14th 2015. This prize cannot be combined with other awards granted by AISRe. HOW TO JOIN THE ASSOCIATION / CONFERENCE and REGISTRATION FEES To register for the Conference as author or coauthor of a paper, it is necessary to enroll at the Association as Individual, Collective or Young Member. The members take out the subscription to Regional Sciences Journal for the calendar year following that of the registration (www. rivistasr.it/), receive all the volumes of the Regional Sciences Series (edited by F. Angeli) published during the registration year, obtain the registration at the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the online subscription to Papers in Regional Science Journal for the calendar year following that of the registration. Furthermore, AISRe Members have the opportunity to enroll at reduced fees at the annual Conferences of the International European Regional Studies Association (ERSA) (www. ersa. org/) and Regional Studies Association International (RSAI) (www. regionalscience. org/). These registrations can be formalized during the Conference registration or in any other moment. All the registrations carried out after December are valid for the consecutive social year. AISRe social year lasts from the 1st of July to the 30th of June. The registration to the Annual Conference allows to join all the scientific sessions, receive the Conference materials and benefit from all the services offered during the Conference. Registration Instructions To register for the Conference and the Association it is necessary to fill out the registration forms available at the association website (www.aisre.it). Registration fees must be paid via online Paypal, accessible from the Association website, or with a bank transfer (additional expenses to be paid by the client), to: A. I. S. Re – Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali IBAN: IT71S0569601620000010269X08 Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Agenzia 21 Milano, Via Edoardo Bonardi 4, 20133 Milano For international bank transfer payments it is necessary to specify the Iban and Branch Identifier BIC/SWIFT: POSOIT22. Young Members have also to send a copy of the identity card or the fiscal code card ([email protected]). Registration type Individual Member author of a paper Young Member (1) author of a paper Collective Member (2) author of a paper Organizer and coordinator of an organized session Author of a paper in an organized session Auditor not author of a paper (3) Registration to AISRe Registration to the Conference before after 20/06/2014 20/06/2014 Total before 20/06/2014 after 20/06/2014 € 130 € 120 € 220 € 250 € 350 € 65 € 50 € 140 € 115 € 205 € 1.300 (4) €0 (first 3 registrations) € 100 (from the 4° registration) € 160 € 130 €0 € 160 € 130 € 290 € 130 € 100 € 160 € 230 € 290 € 100 € 100 € 100 € 100 €0 € 160 € 100 1) By “Young Member” we mean people who are younger than 35 years old, to be proved by sending a copy of the identity card. 2) The Conference registration fees are individual and they are applied to participants who are members of institutions enrolled at AISRe as Collective Members. The first three conference registrations are free. 3) Auditors are participants who are not authors of papers presented at the Conference.. 4) The amount of 1.300 euros must be paid by the enrolled Collective Member who has the task of communicating the names of the three participants who can join the conference free. Organizing Commitee: Mariarosaria Agostino - Università della Calabria, Francesco Aiello – Università della Calabria, Giovanni Anania - Università della Calabria, Antonio Aquino - Università della Calabria, Alessandro Bianchi Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Sergio Bruni - Università della Calabria, Floro Ernesto Caroleo Università di Napoli “Parthenope”, Domenico Cersosimo - Università della Calabria, Vittorio Daniele - Università di Catanzaro, Maria De Paola - Università della Calabria, Guerino D’Ignazio - Università della Calabria, Fiorenzo Ferlaino - IRES Piemonte, Antonella Rita Ferrara -Università della Calabria, Demetrio Festa - Università della Calabria, Alfredo Fortunato - Contesti SRL, Domenico Gattuso - Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Anna Giunta - Università di Roma Tre, Rosetta Lombardo - Università della Calabria, Ornella Wanda Maietta - Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Ivar Massabò - Università della Calabria, Fabio Mazzola - Università degli Studi di Palermo, Maria Mazzuca - Università della Calabria, Massimiliano Menzietti - Università della Calabria, Marco Musella -Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Roberto Musmanno - Università della Calabria, Rosanna Nisticò - Università della Calabria, Riccardo Padovani - Svimez, Guido Pellegrini - Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Francesco Prota - Università di Bari, Filippo Reganati - Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Francesco Russo - Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Domenico Scalera - Università del Sannio di Benevento, Marianna Succurro - Università della Calabria, Michele Trimarchi - Università di Catanzaro, Francesco Trivieri - Università della Calabria, Guglielmo Wolleb - Università di Parma. Local Organizing Commitee: Mariarosaria Agostino - Università della Calabria, Sergio Bruni - Università della Calabria, Domenico Cersosimo - Università della Calabria, Fiorenzo Ferlaino - IRES Piemonte, Antonella Rita Ferrara Università della Calabria, Rosetta Lombardo - Università della Calabria, Ivar Massabò - Università della Calabria, Fabio Mazzola - Università degli Studi di Palermo, Rosanna Nisticò - Università della Calabria, Guido Pellegrini - Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, Marianna Succurro - Università della Calabria, Francesco Trivieri - Università della Calabria. AISRe Managing Board: Salvatore Capasso - Università di Napoli Parthenope, Roberta Capello - Politecnico di MIlano, Riccardo Cappellin - Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Giancarlo Corò - Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari, Fiorenzo Ferlaino - Ires Piemonte (Segretario), Ugo Fratesi - Politecnico di Milano, Francesca Gambarotto Università di Padova, Patrizia Lattarulo - Irpet, Edoardo Marcucci - Università di Roma Tre, Fabio Mazzola - Università di Palermo (Presidente), Corinna Morandi - Politecnico di Milano, Dario Musolino - Università L. Bocconi, Guido Pellegrini - Università di Roma La Sapienza (Tesoriere), Paolo Rizzi - Università Cattolica di Piacenza, Carlo Tesauro - ISMAR –CNR Ancona. Accounting Auditor Andrea Caragliu - Politecnico di Milano, Vincenzo Provenzano - Università di Palermo, Mario Volpe Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari. Conference Location: Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, Rende (Cosenza), Ponte Bucci - Cubi 0/C e 1/C, Italy. Contacts: AISRe Secretariat Fiorenzo Ferlaino Ires Piemonte Via Nizza 18 – 10125 Torino e-mail: [email protected] tel. 0116666430 cel. 3934504136 AISRe Technical Secretariat Diana Sarmiento, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Francesca Silvia Rota, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Additional information will be available on the Association website: www. aisre.it
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