BPM0580SJ ■入出力条件(Input-output condition) 項目 規格 Item Specification 入力電圧範囲 DC100V~420V Input voltage range 最大入力電圧 420V or less Maximum input voltage 入力リップル電圧下限値 75V or more 条件・備考 Conditions・Note 平均電圧 Average voltage ピーク値含む Including peak value AC入力整流後のリップル電圧 Ripple voltage of the AC input rectified Input ripple voltage lower limit 定格入力電圧 Rated input voltage 定格出力電圧 Rated output voltage 定格負荷電流 Rated load current DC140V, DC340V 5V 8A ■電気的性能(Electrical specification) Ta=25℃ 項目 規格 Item Specification 効率 85% or more (87% TYP) Efficiency 出力電圧精度 ±5% Output voltage tolerance 静的入力変動 50mV or less Line regulation 静的負荷変動 100mV or less Load regulation 無負荷電力 50mW or less (25mW TYP) No-load power リップル 60mVp-p or less Ripple リップルノイズ 100mVp-p or less Ripple noise 条件・備考 Conditions・Note 定格入力電圧 Rated input voltage 定格負荷電流 Rated output current 入力電圧 DC100V~420V Input voltage DC100V~420V 出力電流 0~8A Output current 0~8A 定格入力電圧 Rated input voltage 定格入力電圧 定格負荷電流 Rated input voltage Rated output current 測定回路 (Measurement circuit) Module DC100V~DC420V 13 1 Vin(+) L201 Vo E1 W1 C102 2 11 Drain 10 3 Vin(-) 4 Vcc 5 VccW 6 NC V1 Vo 12 GND 9 RC(+) 14 REF 7 RC(-) 8 C201 C202 C203 C204 P1 C205 LM1 RL1 GND C104 C103 E1 : DC power supply W1 : Wattmeter WT210 (YOKOGAWA) RL1: Electronic load V1 : Voltmeter Class 0.5 P1 : Differential probe DP-100(KG) LM1: Ripple noize meter RM-103(KG) C102 C103 C104 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 L201 : : : : : : : : : TAMURA CORPORATION 1/6 450BXW100M (RUBYCON) CD75-B2GA331K (TDK) CD75-B2GA331K (TDK) 10ZLG2200M (RUBYCON) 10ZLG2200M (RUBYCON) 10ZLG2200M (RUBYCON) 10ZLG2200M (RUBYCON) 10ZLG1000M (RUBYCON) PC8Z-1R0N (KORIN) Rev.A Oct, 2014 BPM0580SJ ■保護機能(Protection) 項目 Item 過電流保護 Overcurrent protection 過電圧保護 Overvoltage protection 過熱保護 Overheat protection ■絶縁性能(Insulation) 項目 Item 1-2次間耐電圧 Insulation voltage (Between Pri-Sec) 1-2次間絶縁抵抗 Insulation resistance (Between Pri-Sec) 規格 Specification 8A or more 条件・備考 Conditions・Note 自動復帰 Auto recovery ラッチ停止 Latch off ラッチ停止 Latch off 5.75~7.5V 規格 Specification 3.0kV (or 3.6kV) 条件・備考 Conditions・Note AC 1min (or AC 2sec) Cutoff 2mA 100MΩ or more DC500V ■環境条件 (Environmental conditions) 項目 規格 Item Specification 使用温度範囲 -20℃~80℃ Operating temperature 使用湿度範囲 20~95%RH Operating humidity (結露なきこと 保存温度範囲 -25℃~85℃ Storage temperature 保存湿度範囲 5~95%RH Storage humidity (結露なきこと 条件・備考 Conditions・Note 温度ディレーティングあり Refer to the Ambient temperature derating curve No condensation) No condensation) ■温度ディレーティング (Ambient temperature derating curve) 以下温度ディレーティングに従い負荷電流を軽減のこと。 Reduce the load current according to the following temperature derating table. TAMURA CORPORATION 2/6 Rev.A Oct, 2014 BPM0580SJ ■代表特性 (Typical characteristics) Ta=25℃ 無負荷電力 効率 Input power (at no load) Efficiency 100 50 90 80 Input Power [mW] 40 Efficiency [%] 70 DC140V 60 DC340V 50 40 30 20 30 20 10 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100 150 Output Current [A] 300 350 400 450 軽負荷時入力電力 静的負荷変動 Input power (at light load) 5.25 1.0 5.20 DC140V 0.9 5.15 DC340V 0.8 5.10 Input Power [W] Output Voltage [V] 250 Input Voltage VDC [V] Load regulation 5.05 5.00 4.95 4.90 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 DC140V 0.3 DC340V 4.85 0.2 4.80 0.1 0.0 4.75 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 50 150 軽負荷時効率 静的入力変動 Efficiency (at light load) Line regulation Line regulation 100 No load (0A) 90 Rated load (8A) 80 70 Efficiency [%] 5.25 25.2 5.20 25.0 5.15 24.8 5.10 24.6 24.4 5.05 24.2 5.00 24.0 4.95 23.8 4.90 23.6 4.85 23.4 23.2 4.80 23.0 4.75 22.8 100 100 100 Output Current [mA] Output Current [A] Voltage Output [V][V] Voltage Output 200 DC140V 60 DC340V 50 40 30 20 10 0 150 150 200 200 250 300 350 250 300 350 Input Voltage VDC [V] Input Voltage VDC [V] 400 400 450 450 0 50 100 150 Output Current [mA] TAMURA CORPORATION 3/6 Rev.A Oct, 2014 BPM0580SJ ■外形寸法図 (Outline dimensional drawing) 単位 (Unit):mm TAMURA CORPORATION 4/6 Rev.A Oct, 2014 BPM0580SJ ■推奨穴径・ランド寸法 (Recommended hole diameter and land size) ※丸抜き数字はピン番号 The round pulling out figure is a pin numbering. 単位 (Unit):mm 部品面面視(Component side) ■端子機能・接続(Terminal function and connection ) 1次側 Primaries 名称 端子説明 Pin No. Name Explanation of terminals 直流電圧入力端子(プラス側) 1 Vin(+) DC voltage input terminal (+) ノイズ調整用端子 2 Drain Terminal for noise adjustment 直流電圧入力端子(マイナス側) 3 Vin(-) DC voltage input terminal (-) 起動時間調整用端子 4 Vcc Terminal for start-up time adjustment 制御巻線端子 ※他回路への接続不可 5 VccW Auxiliary winding terminal ※Don't connect with other circuits. 未使用端子 ※他回路への接続不可 6 N.C. Unused terminal ※Don't connect with other circuits. 2次側 Secondaries 名称 端子説明 Pin No. Name Explanation of terminals 出力電圧調整端子 7 REF Output voltage adjustment terminal 出力電圧検出端子(マイナス側) 8 RC(-) Output voltage detection terminal (-) 出力端子(マイナス側) 9 GND Output terminal (-) 出力端子(マイナス側) 10 GND Output terminal (-) 出力端子(マイナス側) 11 GND Output terminal (-) 出力端子(プラス側) 12 Vo Output1 terminal (+) 出力端子(プラス側) 13 Vo Output1 terminal (+) 出力電圧検出端子(プラス側) 14 RC(+) Output voltage detection terminal (+) TAMURA CORPORATION 5/6 Rev.A Oct, 2014 BPM0580SJ ■アプリケーション回路例(Application circuit example) AC90V~AC264V (50/60Hz) TH101 L101 L Module D101 13 1 Vin(+) L201 F101 Vo C102 2 C101 Vo 12 11 Drain C201 C202 C203 C204 10 N 3 Vin(-) 4 Vcc 5 VccW 6 NC GND 9 RC(+) 14 REF 7 RC(-) 8 C205 GND C104 C103 回路記号 部品名 型番 製造業者名 Symbol D101 Description Diode Part No. D2SB60A Manufacturer SHINDENGEN L101 L201 Inductor Inductor HL-24R-E100THA PC8Z-1R0N KORIN KORIN C101 C102 C103 C104 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor LE104-MX 400BXW100M CD75-B2GA331K CD75-B2GA331K 10ZLG2200M 10ZLG2200M 10ZLG2200M 10ZLG2200M 10ZLG1000M OKAYA RUBYCON TDK TDK RUBYCON RUBYCON RUBYCON RUBYCON RUBYCON F101 TH101 Fuse Thermistor FIH 250V 2.0A SCK102R55AMIAY499 NIPPON-SEISEN THINKING ※安全性確保の為、入力Live側に必ずヒューズを付加すること。 Mount the fuse on the input Live side to ensure safety without fail. 推奨部品(Recommended parts):FIH 250V 2.0A~3.15A / NIPPON-SEISEN ※適用する安全規格に応じて、C101と並列に放電抵抗を付加すること。 Depend on the applying safety standard, please add the discharge resistance in paralell with C101. TAMURA CORPORATION 6/6 Rev.A Oct, 2014
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