October 30, 2014 FINANCIAL SUMMARY [Japan GAAP] First Half of FY2015 (April 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014) DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. 前連結会計年度 (26.3.31) 連結貸借対照表 当第2四半期連結会計期間 (26.9.30) (単位:百万円) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Millions of Yen) 資産の部 流動資産 現金及び預金 預け金 受取手形及び売掛金 商品及び製品 仕掛品 原材料及び貯蔵品 その他 貸倒引当金 [流動資産総額] 固定資産 有形固定資産 建物及び構築物 機械装置及び運搬具 土地 その他 無形固定資産 投資その他の資産 投資有価証券 その他 貸倒引当金 [固定資産総額] 資産合計 ASSETS Current assets Cash on hand and in banks Deposits Trade notes and accounts receivable Finished goods Work in process Raw materials and supplies Other Less allowance for doubtful accounts Total current assets FY2014 (Year ended March 31, 2014) First half of FY2015 (Ended September 30, 2014) 150,341 208,316 315,946 30,733 16,489 25,564 107,812 (1,644) 853,559 116,029 169,201 278,443 53,886 16,733 23,198 105,350 (1,581) 761,262 148,168 129,153 129,839 60,830 153,303 143,620 133,032 80,306 6,940 7,395 Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Buildings and structures Machinery, equipment and vehicles Land Other Intangible fixed assets Investments and other assets Investments in securities Other Less allowance for doubtful accounts Total fixed assets Total assets 96,017 25,294 (261) 595,982 1,449,542 99,472 22,230 (266) 639,094 1,400,357 前連結会計年度 (26.3.31) 当第2四半期連結会計期間 (26.9.30) (単位:百万円) LIABILITIES, MINORITY INTERESTS AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (Millions of Yen) (負債の部) 流動負債 支払手形及び買掛金 短期借入金 未払法人税等 製品保証引当金 引当金 その他 [流動負債総額] 固定負債 長期借入金 引当金 退職給付に係る負債 その他 [固定負債総額] [負債総額] (純資産の部) 株主資本 資本金 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 自己株式 FY2014 (Year ended March 31, 2014) Current liabilities Trade notes and accounts payable Short-term debts Accrued income taxes Provision for product warranties Severance benefits Other Total current liabilities 合計 281,201 113,901 22,353 15,769 454 197,369 631,050 251,941 122,868 14,347 15,548 231 175,867 580,804 59,805 1,650 83,265 8,152 152,873 783,924 57,496 1,623 66,046 8,825 133,991 714,796 28,404 10,949 514,793 (610) 28,404 10,949 534,029 (612) 18,382 (14) (7,521) (13,342) (2,496) 20,571 (10) (9,324) (12,413) (1,177) Long-term liabilities Long-term debts Severance benefits Net defined benefit liability Other Total long-term liabilities Total liabilities Net Assets Shareholders' equity Common stock Capital surplus Earned surplus Treasury stock, at cost その他の包括利益累計額 Accumulated other comprehensive income その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized holding gain on securities 繰延ヘッジ損益 Deferred loss on hedges 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustments 退職給付に係る調整累計額 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans Total accumulated other comprehensive income [その他の包括利益累計額合計] 少数株主持分 First half of FY2015 (Ended September 30, 2014) Minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 114,577 665,617 1,449,542 113,968 685,560 1,400,357 連結損益計算書 前第2四半期 (25.4.1~25.9.30) 当第2四半期 (26.4.1~26.9.30) April 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 April 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Millions of Yen) 売上高 売上原価 売上総利益 Net Sales Cost of Sales Gross profit 900,168 697,228 202,940 848,633 683,535 165,097 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 受取利息 受取配当金 持分法による投資利益 為替差益 雑収入 営業外収益合計 Selling, general and administrative expenses Operating income Other income Interest income Dividend income Equity in earnings of affiliates Foreign exchange profit Miscellaneous income Total other income 132,658 70,282 127,979 37,117 2,512 502 2,566 2,483 1,785 9,850 3,624 631 3,018 1,860 1,459 10,594 営業外費用 支払利息 固定資産除売却損 雑損失 営業外費用合計 Other expenses Interest expenses Loss on sales and disposals of fixed assets Miscellaneous expenses Total other expenses 840 502 708 2,051 860 460 594 1,915 78,080 45,797 経常利益 Income before extraordinary items and income taxes and minority interests 特別損失 税金等調整前当期純利益 Extraordinary loss Income before income taxes and minority interests 76,338 45,797 法人税等 26,195 14,767 少数株主利益 Income taxes Minority interests in net income of consolidated subsidiaries 13,386 10,575 当期純利益 Net income 36,756 20,454 1,742 - セグメント情報 1.報告セグメントごとの売上高及び利益の金額に関する情報 前第2四半期(25.4.1~25.9.30) 売上高 (1)外部顧客への売上高 (2)セグメント間の内部売上高又は振替高 計 セグメント利益 2.報告セグメントの利益の金額の合計額と四半期連結損益 前該差額の主な内容 報告セグメント計 セグメント間取引消去 四半期連結損益計算書の営業利益 SEGMENT INFORMATION 1. Information on net sales and profit amounts by reported segment (Millions of yen) First half of FY2014 (April 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013) Net sales Japan Overseas Total (1) Sales to external customers 576,398 323,770 900,168 (2) Intersegment sales and transfers 60,871 22,466 83,338 Total Profit by segment 637,269 37,358 346,237 32,797 983,507 70,155 2. Difference between total profit amount for reported segments and amount stated in quarterly consolidated statement of income and main reasons for difference (Millions of yen) profit amount Total for reported 70,155 segments Intersegment 126 transactions Operating income in consolidated statement of income of first half of fiscal year 70,282 セグメント情報 1.報告セグメントごとの売上高及び利益の金額に関する情報 当第2四半期(26.4.1~26.9.30) 売上高 (1)外部顧客への売上高 (2)セグメント間の内部売上高又は振替高 計 セグメント利益 2.報告セグメントの利益の金額の合計額と四半期連結損益 当該差額の主な内容 報告セグメント計 セグメント間取引消去 四半期連結損益計算書の営業利益 SEGMENT INFORMATION 1. Information on net sales and profit amounts by reported segment (Millions of yen) First half of FY2015 (April 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014) Net sales Japan Overseas Total (1) Sales to external customers 545,670 302,962 848,633 (2) Intersegment sales and transfers 53,476 18,587 72,064 Total Profit by segment 599,147 12,367 321,550 24,444 920,697 36,812 2. Difference between total profit amount for reported segments and amount stated in quarterly consolidated statement of income and main reasons for difference (Millions of yen) profit amount Total for reported 36,812 segments Intersegment 305 transactions Operating income in consolidated statement of income of first half of fiscal year 37,117
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