(2) グリーンエネルギー研究拠点

ࢢ࣮࢚ࣜࣥࢿࣝࢠ࣮ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ H25 ᖺㄽᩥࣜࢫࢺ
‫ ۑ‬M.Kim, M.J.Shin, D.Gwon, H.S.Ahn, S.N.Yi, P.S.Kim, S.C.Yoon, C.Lee, J.Park, K.Shin,
D.H.Ha, and N.Sawaki,͆Development of the Hybrid Conjugated Polymer Solar Cell Based on
GaN Quantum Dots͇,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 ᕳ 01AD02(4pp)
‫ ۑ‬J.Y.Kim, G.S.Lee, S.G.Jung, M.A.Park, M.J.Shin, S.N.Yi, M.Yang, H.S.Ahn, Y.M.Yu,
S.W.Kim, H.S.Lee, H.S.Kang, H.S.Jeon, and N.Sawaki, ͆ Growth of GaN on Metallic
Compound Graphite Substrate Using Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy͇, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 ᕳ
‫ ۑ‬N.Sawaki, S.Ito, T.Nakagita, H.Iwata, T.Tanikawa, M.Irie, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and
H.Amano㸪͆Defect generation and annihilation in GaN grown on patterned silicon substrate͇,
Proc. of SPIE, 8625 ᕳ 86250K(6pp)
‫ ۑ‬ᚨ⏣㇏㸪ࠕGaN ୰ࡢⅬḞ㝗ホ౯ࠖ㸪ᛂ⏝≀⌮ ➨ 82 ᕳ ➨ 10 ྕ 862-865
‫ ۑ‬S.Ito, T.Nakagita, H.Iwata, N.Sawakui, M.Irie, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and H.Amano㸪͆TEM
analyses of GaN grown with AlInN intermediate layer on Si substrate͇ ISPlasama 2013,
Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1 P3056B
‫ ۑ‬K.Hagiwara, N.Sawaki, K.Yamashita, T.Tanikawa, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and H.Amano㸪
͆FTIR analyses of carbon doped (1-101)GaN grown on a patterned Si substrate͇ ISPlasma
2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3072B
‫ ۑ‬T.Nakagita, S.Ito, H.Iwata, N.Sawaki, T.Tanikawa, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and H.Amano㸪
͆Defect structure in a (1-101)GaN grown on a patterned (001)Si substrate͇ISPlasma 2013,
Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3073B
‫ ۑ‬T.Fujisawa and N.Sawaki㸪͆A high efficiency InGaN solar cell with graded composition
p-InGaN top layer͇, ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3087B
‫ ۑ‬J.Kim, G.Lee, S.Jung, S.Bae, M.Park, M.Shin, S.Yi, M.Yang, H.Ahn, Y.Yu, S.Kim, H.Lee,
H.Kang, and N.Sawaki, ͆Growth of GaN on metallic compound graphite substrate using
HVPE͇, ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3067B
‫ ۑ‬D.Gwon, M.Shin, M.Kim, G.Lee, H.Ahn, S.Yi, S.Yoon, C.Lee, D.Ha, and N.Sawaki,
͆Characteristic analysis of hybrid photovolataic devioces with different surface structures of
GaN͇ ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3080B
‫ ۑ‬M.Shin, M.Kim, D.Gwon, G.Lee, H.Ahn, S.Yi, D.Ha, and N.Sawaki, ͆Synthesis of hybrid
heterojunction based on GaN nanostructures with optimized thickness of organic layer͇,
ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3081B
‫ ۑ‬S.Jung, G.Lee, S.Bae, H.Jeon, M.Shin, S.Yi, M.Yang, H.Ahn, Y.Yu, S.Kim, H.Kang and
N.Sawaki, ͆Characterization of SAG-GaN LED grown by HVPE method͇, ISPlasma 2013,
Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3086B
‫ ۑ‬G.Lee, S.Jung, S.Bae, H.Jeon, M.Shin, S.Yi, M.Yang, H.Ahn, Y.Yu, S.Kim, H.Kang, and
N.Sawaki, ͆Ohmic contact method of vertical GaN LED using pocket type shadow mask͇,
ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3088B
‫ ۑ‬M.Park, S.Bae, G.Lee, S.Jung, J.Kim, M.Shin, S.Yi, M.Yang, H.Ahn, Y.Yu, S.Kim, H.Kang,
and N.Sawaki, ͆Fabrication and characterization of single chip with multi-GaN LED͇
ISPlasma 2013, Nagoya Univ. Jan.28-Feb.1, P3089B
‫ ۑ‬S.Ito, T.Nakagita, S.Kawakita, H.Iwata, N.Sawaki, M.Irie, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and
H.Amano, ͆Growth of High Quality GaN on (111)Si using AlN:In Nucleation Layer͇, 6th
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, May 12-15, 2013, Taipei, WA1-4,
‫ ۑ‬T.Nakagita, S.Ito, H.Iwata, N.Sawaki, T.Tanikawa, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and H.Amano,
͆Coalescence and Generation of Stacking Faults in a (1-101)GaN Grown on a Patterned
(001)Si Substrate͇, 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors, May 12-15, 2013,
Taipei, PM16,
‫ ۑ‬N Sawaki, ͆Epitaxial relationship and nano-structures at GaN/Si interface͇ EMN2013
Openaccess 2013, Chengdu, Oct. 21-27, C08, Oct 22
‫ ۑ‬Yutaka Tokuda, ͆DLTS Studies of Point Defects in MOCVD n-GaN͇,The 8th International
Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-8) and the 6th International
Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces (ISCSI-VI), Fukuoka, (2013) B4-2
‫ ۑ‬S.Ito, T.Nakakita, N.Sawaki, M.Irie, Y.Honda, M.Yamaguchi, and H.Amano, ͆Nature of
Yellow Luminescence Band in High Quality GaN͇, ISPlasma2014 (Meijo University 4.March
2014) 04aC02O
‫ ۑ‬K.Aaki, K.Suzuki, N.Sawaki, K.Yamashita, Y.Honda, and H.Amano, ͆FTIR spectra in a
heavily carbon doped (0001)GaN͇, ISPlasma2014 (Meijo University 4.March 2014) 06aP29
‫ ۑ‬M.Yoshimoto, K.Miyamoto, Y.Tokuda, T.Katuno, H.Ueda, T.Kachi, ͆Characterization of traps
in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by deep level transient spectroscopy͇, 6th International Symposium on
Advanced Plasma Science and its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/7 th International
Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science, Nagoya, 06aP30.
‫ ۑ‬H.Iwata, M.Takagi, and Y.Tokuda, ͆New Aproach for Nano Fablication on the surface of
Silicon with Ion Implantation and Locally Focused Heating͇ 6th Inter. Symp. on Advanced
Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2014), 05pP64,
‫ ۑ‬୰໭ኴᖹ㸪ఀ⸨⩧ᝅ㸪ᒾ⏣༤அ㸪⃝ᮌᐉᙪ㸪ᮏ⏣ၿኸ㸪ᒣཱྀ㞞ྐ㸪ኳ㔝ᾈ㸪༙͆ᴟᛶ
(1-101)GaN ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ✚ᒙḞ㝗ࡢ᣺ࡿ⯙࠸͇㸪㟁Ẽ㛵ಀᏛ఍ᮾᾏᨭ㒊Ꮫ⾡ㅮ₇఍ࠊ㟼ᒸ
኱Ꮫ 2013, Sept.25, B4-㸯
‫ ۑ‬ఀ⸨⩧ᝅ㸪୰໭ኴᖹ㸪⃝ᮌᐉᙪ㸪ධỤᑗႹ㸪ᮏ⏣ၿኸ㸪ᒣཱྀ㞞ྐ㸪ኳ㔝ᾈ㸪͆Si ᇶᯈୖ
GaN/AlInN ࢚ࣆࢱ࢟ࢩࣕࣝ⭷ࡢ PL ࢫ࣌ࢡࢺ͇ࣝ㸪㟁Ẽ㛵ಀᏛ఍ᮾᾏᨭ㒊Ꮫ⾡ㅮ₇఍㸪
㟼ᒸ኱Ꮫ 2013, Sept.25, B4-2
‫ ۑ‬ᐑᮏ୍㍤㸪ᚨ⏣ ㇏㸪͆Ⅳ⣲ࢻ࣮ࣉࡉࢀࡓ GaN ᇶᯈୖ MOCVD n-GaN ୰ࡢࢺࣛࢵࣉホ
౯͇㸪2014 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 26 ᖺ㸧➨ 61 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍
‫ ۑ‬಴⏣࿴ஓ㸪 㧗ᮌㄔ㸪 ᯇᐊ᫛ோ㸪 ᒾ⏣༤அ㸪 ᆏබᜤ㸪͆Si ༢⤖ᬗࡢ᭤ࡆ࠾ࡼࡧ⑂ປᣲ
ື͇㸪2014 ᖺᗘ⢭ᐦᕤᏛ఍᫓ᮇ኱఍Ꮫ⾡ㅮ₇఍ㅮ₇ㄽᩥ㞟㸪pp.355-336
‫ ۑ‬Ỉὶ୍ᖹ㸪㧗ᮌㄔ㸪 ᯇᐊ᫛ோ㸪 ᒾ⏣༤அ㸪ᆏබᜤ㸪͆✀ࠎࡢ⎔ቃୗ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ Si ༢⤖
ᬗࡢ࣐࢖ࢡࣟࢺࣛ࢖࣎ࣟࢪ࣮͇㸪2014 ᖺᗘ⢭ᐦᕤᏛ఍᫓ᮇ኱఍Ꮫ⾡ㅮ₇఍ㅮ₇ㄽᩥ㞟㸪
‫ ۑ‬Shizuyasu Ochiai and Santhakumar Kannappan㸪͆FABRICATION OF ORGANIC THIN
‫ ۑ‬Shizuyasu Ochiai, Shogo Imamura, Kannappan Santhakumar, Palanisamy Kumar, Paik-Kyun
Shin㸪͆Characteristics and the Effect of Additives on the Nanomorphology of PTB7/PC71BM
composite films䇿,Current Applied Physics, 13, Supplement 2, 20 (2013) S58–S63
‫ ۑ‬಴⏣ 㐩ஓ㸪 ὠ⏣ ⣖⏕㸪 ᒣ⏣ ㄭ㸪ⴠྜ 㙠ᗣ㸪͆ࣇ࢙࣒ࢺ⛊࣮ࣞࢨ࣮࡟ࡼࡿኴ㝧㟁ụ
⏝᭷ᶵⷧ⭷ࡢຍᕤ͇㸪࣮ࣞࢨ࣮◊✲㸪Vol.41, No.5(2013) pp.356-360
‫ ۑ‬Im-Jun No, Paik-Kyun Shin, Santhakumar Kannappan, Palanisamy Kumar & Shizuyasu Ochiai㸪
͆Fabrication and Characteristics of Organic Thin-film Solar Cells with Active Layer of
Interpenetrated Hetero-junction Structure͇ Applied Physics Research, 4, No. 4, (2012) 83-90
‫ ۑ‬Santhakumar Kannappan, Kumar Palanisamy,Jiro Tatsugi, Paik-Kyun Shin and Shizuyasu
Ochiai, ͆Fabrication and characterizations of PCDTBT: PC71BM bulk heterojunction solar cell
using air brush coating method͇,J Mater Sci (2013) 48:2308–2317
‫ ۑ‬Im-Jun No, Paik-Kyun Shin, Santhakumar Kannappan, Kumar Palanisamy, and Shizuyasu
Ochiai, “Performance of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Fabricated Using Spray-Deposited
ophenediyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-4,7-diyl-2,5-thiophenediyl]/[6,6]-Phenyl C71 Butyric Acid
Methyl Ester Blend Active Layers” International Journal of Photoenergy Volume 2013, (2013)
Article ID 202467, 5 pages
‫ ۑ‬Tatsuo Mori, Xiaoling Ma, Hideo Furuhashi, Takao Nishikawa,͆Control of Open Voltage of
Organic Photovoltaic Cells Using Fluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayer͇J. Photopolym. Sci.
Technol., 26,pp. 377-381
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy Kumar, Santhakumar Kannappan, Paik-Kyun Shin and Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆High
Performance Organic Solar Cells based on Low Band Gap poly-ThienothiopheneBenzodithiophene Polymer and Fullerene Composite Prepared by Airbrush Spray Coating
Technique͇ Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 62, Issue 8, (2013) pp 1169-1175
‫ ۑ‬Masaya Miwaa and Hideo Furuhashi, ͆Morphologies of P3HT and P3HT/PCBM Thin Films
Prepared by Drop Casting and Spin Coating͇ Advanced Materials Research Vols. 718 - 720
(2013) pp.3-6
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy Kumar, Kannappan Santhakumar, Jiro Tatsugi, Paik-Kyun Shin, and Shizuyasu
Ochiai, Comparison of polymer organic solar cells using highly conductive modified
PEDOT:PSS films prepared through
spin and spray coating method͇ Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53,
(2014) 01AB08
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy KUMAR, Kannappan SANTHAKUMAR, Paik-Kyun SHIN,Shizuyasu OCHIAI,
͆ Improving the Photovoltaic Parameters of Organic Solar Cell using Soluble Copper
Phthalocyanine Nanoparticles as a Buffer LayerJpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53, (2014) 01AB06
‫ ۑ‬Paik-Kyun Shin, Kannappan Santhakumar, Kumar Palanisamy, Abhirami Kumar and Shizuyasu
Ochiai, ͆Effects of Organic Solvents for Composite Active Layer of PCDTBT/PC71BM on
Characteristics of Organic Solar Cell Devices͇ International Journal of Photoenergy 2014,
(2014), Article ID 786468, 8 pp
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy Kumara, Abhirami Kumara, Kannappan Santhakumara, Paik-Kyun Shinb, and
Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆High performance PEDOT:PSS films prepared through a treatment with
fluoro compounds and their application in polymer solar cells͇,Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8830 (2014)
88301Q-1 doi: 10.1117/12.2023460
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy Kumara, Kannappan Santhakumara, Jiro Tatsugib, Paik-Kyun Shinc and Shizuyasu
Ochiai, ͆Fabrication and Characterizations of PBDTTPD: PC71BM Bulk Heterojunction Solar
Cell using Air Brush Coating Method͇ Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8830 (2014) 88301R-1
‫ ۑ‬Hee-Sung Kim, Boong-Joo Lee, Paik-Kyun Shin, and Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆Floating-gate type
organic memory device with organic insulator film of plasma polymerized styrene͇, Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys.,53, (2014) 031602
‫ ۑ‬Palanisamy Kumar, Abhirami Kumar, Paik-Kyun Shin, and Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆Influence of
solvent treatment with fluoro compounds on the properties of PEDOT:PSS polymer as a hole
transport layer in polymer solar cells͇Journal of Photonics for Energy 4, (2014) 043097
‫ ۑ‬Yoshinori Kobayashi, Hiroki Akenaga, Yoshiyuki Seike, Keiji Miyachi, Shizuyasu Ochiai,
Takuya Morimoto, Xiaoling Ma, Takao Nishikawa, Tatsuo Mori, ͆A Study of the Spray
Coating for Organic Photovoltaic Cells͇, Seventh International Conference on Molecular
Electronics and Bioelectronics, Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 17-19 (2013) E-03
‫ ۑ‬Norio Tsuda, Tatsuya Kurata, Shusuke Ono, Jun Yamada, Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆Femtosecond laser
processing of organic thin film͇,31th International Conference on Phenomena in IonizedGases,
4-035, July 14-19, 2013 Granada Congress Centre, Granada, Spain
‫ ۑ‬Tatsuo Mori, Sang-Geon Park, Haiying Wang,͆Effect of a Co-evaporation Layer of MoOx and
a-Naphthyl Diamine Derivative for Organic Light-Emitting Diode͇, The 4th Int’l Symp. On
Organic and inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies, Kanazawa, Japan,
June 17-20, P2-9
‫ ۑ‬Tatsuo Mori, Xiaoling Ma, Hideo Furuhashi, Takao Nishikawa,͆Control of Open Voltage of
Organic Photovoltaic Cells Using Fluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayer͇, 30th Int’l Conf.
Photopolym Sci. & Techno., Chiba, Japan, 25-28, June, B3-01
‫ ۑ‬Tatsuo Mori, ͆ Application of Fluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayer to Organic
Light-Emitting Diodes & Interface Mechanism (Invited)͇,Int’l Conf. on Flexible and Printed
Electronics (ICFPE-2013) Jeju, Korea, Sept. 10-13, G03-I04
‫ ۑ‬Tatsuo Mori, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Hiroki Akenaga, Yoshiyuki Seike, Keiji Miyachi, Takao
Nishikawa, ͆ Fabrication of Organic Photovoltaic Cells using Various Spray Coating ͇ ,
Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-23), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-Nov. 1,
‫ ۑ‬Shusuke Ono, Norio Tsuda, Jun Yamada, Shizuyasu Ochiai,͆Properties of Femtosecond Laser
Ablation Plasma for Organic Thin Film Spin Coated on Grass Substrate͇,8th International
Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 31st Symposium on Plasma Processing, 4P-PM-S11-P40,
February 4-7, 2014, Fukuoka, Japan
‫ ۑ‬ఀ⸨ඔ୍㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪Shin Paik-Kyun,㸪͆ῧຍ๣ࢆ⏝࠸࡚స〇ࡋࡓάᛶᒙࢆ᭷ࡍࡿ᭷ᶵ
ⷧ⭷ኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶ͇㸪28p-G13-3͇, 2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓Ꮨ
Ꮫ⾡ㅮ₇఍, 28p-G13-3
‫ ۑ‬ฟཱྀ㞝୍㸪Shin Paik-Kyun㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪͆ࢫࣉ࣮ࣞࢥ࣮ࢺἲࢆ⏝࠸ࡓ஧㔜άᛶᒙࢆ᭷ࡍ
ࡿ᭷ᶵⷧ⭷ኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶホ౯͇㸪29a-G14-4͇, 2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀
⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍, 29a-G14-4
‫ ۑ‬ᒣᮏ኱ᆅ㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪͆㟼㟁ሬ⿦࡜ࢫࣉ࣮ࣞࢥ࣮ࢺἲࢆే⏝ࡋ࡚స〇ࡋࡓάᛶᒙࢆ᭷ࡍ
ࡿ᭷ᶵⷧ⭷ኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶ͇㸪29a-G14-5㸪2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ
‫ ۑ‬ᑠᯘ⩏඾㸪᫂Ọ⿱ᶞ㸪Ύᐙၿஅ㸪ᐑᆅィ஧㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪᳃ᮏᣅஓ㸪㯞ᬡு㸪すᕝᑦ⏨㸪
ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍㸪29p-G18-12
‫ ۑ‬ᑠᯘ⩏඾㸪᫂Ọ⿱ᶞ㸪Ύᐙၿஅ㸪ᐑᆅィ஧㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪᳃ᮏᣅஓ㸪㯞ᬡு㸪すᕝᑦ⏨㸪
2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍㸪29p-G18-13
‫ ۑ‬Kumar Palanisamy㸪Santhakumar Kannappan㸪Shin Paik-Kyun㸪Ochiai Shizuyasu㸪͆᭷ᶵኴ
㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶࣃ࣓࣮ࣛࢱ࣮࡟ཬࡰࡍ͇㸪ZnO-PVP 」ྜⷧ⭷⭷ࡢຠᯝ㸪29p-G18-15㸪2013
ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍㸪28p-G13-3
‫ ۑ‬Kannappan Santhakumar㸪Kumar Palanisamy㸪Jiro Tatsugi㸪Shin Paik-Kyun㸪Shizuyasu Ochiai㸪
͆ᨵ㉁ࡉࢀࡓ PEDOT:PSS ⭷ࢆ⏝࠸ࡓ᭷ᶵኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶࣃ࣓࣮ࣛࢱ࣮ࡢホ౯͇㸪
29p-G18-16㸪2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍㸪29a-G14-4
‫ྜⴠ ۑ‬㙠ᗣ㸪Santhakumar Kannappan㸪͆PCDTBT/PC71BM ΰྜ⁐ᾮ࡟ࡼࡾస〇ࡉࢀࡓάᛶ
ᒙࢆ⏝࠸ࡓ᭷ᶵኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ≉ᛶࡢホ౯͇㸪OME2012-85㸪2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇ
ᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ⾡ㅮ₇఍, 29a-G14-5
‫ ۑ‬಴⏣㐩ஓ㸪ὠ⏣⣖⏕㸪ᒣ⏣ ㄭ㸪ᮡᒣ ൉㸪ᰙᮌ 㥴㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪͆ࣇ࢙࣒ࢺ⛊࣮ࣞࢨ
࣮↷ᑕ࡟ࡼࡿ᭷ᶵⷧ⭷ຍᕤホ౯͇㸪D7-30aII-9㸪2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀
‫ ۑ‬ᑠ㔝⚽௓㸪ὠ⏣⣖⏕㸪ᒣ⏣ ㄭ㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪͆᭷ᶵⷧ⭷ୖ࡟⏕ᡂࡉࢀࡿ࣮ࣞࢨ ࢔ࣈࣞ
࣮ࢩࣙࣥࣉࣛࢬ࣐ࡢ≉ᛶ͇㸪D2-9㸪2013 ᖺ㸦ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㸧➨ 60 ᅇᛂ⏝≀⌮Ꮫ఍᫓ᏘᏛ
‫ ۑ‬ᒣᮏ኱ᆅ㸪ⴠྜ㙠ᗣ㸪͆ΰྜ᭷ᶵ⁐፹࡜ࢫࣉ࣮ࣞࢥ࣮ࢺἲࢆ⏝࠸࡚స〇ࡋࡓάᛶᒙࢆ᭷
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‫ ۑ‬୰⏣⠜ྐ㸪ᶫᮏ㈗ྐ㸪ᑠ⃝ဴኵ㸪㫽஭᫛ᏹ㸪᳜⏣᫂↷㸪͆㒊ศⓗ㝜ࢆ⪃៖ࡋࡓ PV ࣔࢪ
࣮ࣗࣝฟຊ࡜ኚᅽჾࢱࢵࣉษ᭰᪉ᘧ PCS͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍, 4-069
‫ ۑ‬ᇼ ㇏㈗㸪ᮧ℩ ὒ㸪౫⏣ṇஅ㸪⟪㍯ᫀᖾ㸪͆㧗㟁ᅽ┤ὶ㟁Ⲵࡢ₃ὤ⌧㇟࡟Ẽ୰㞺ᅖẼࡀ
୚࠼ࡿᙳ㡪͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍,7-090
‫ྜྷ ۑ‬㔝 ┿㸪㫽஭᫛ᏹ㸪᳜⏣᫂↷㸪͆ࢯࣇࢺࢫ࢖ࢵࢳࣥࢢ୕┦୍▼᪼ᅽᙧᩚὶᅇ㊰ࡢࣇ࢕
ࣝࢱࢥࣥࢹࣥࢧ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍, 4-052
‫ ۑ‬㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪ྜ⏣ᛅᘯ㸪͆ㄏᑟᶵᑟධ⣔⤫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ⣔⤫
㐃⣔⿦⨨ࡢ༢⊂㐠㌿᳨ฟ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ᳨୍ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍㟁ຊ࣭࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮㒊㛛
኱఍㸪No.P53 (2013.8)
‫ ۑ‬ᇼ ㇏㈗㸪ᮧ℩ ὒ㸪౫⏣ṇஅ㸪⟪㍯ᫀᖾ㸪͆㧗㟁ᅽ┤ὶ㟁Ⲵࡢ₃ὤ⌧㇟࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㏦㢼ࡢ
ᙳ㡪͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍㟁ຊ࣭࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮㒊㛛኱఍,No.328
‫ ۑ‬㫽஭᫛ᏹ㸪୰⏣⠜ྐ㸪᭮᰿຾฼㸪᳜⏣᫂↷㸪͆PV ࣔࢪ࣮ࣗࣝࡢ⡆᫆࡞ IV ᭤⥺࡜➼౯ᅇ
㊰࡟ࡼࡿ᭱኱㟁ຊ᫬ࡢ㟁ᅽ⟬ฟἲ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍⏘ᴗᛂ⏝㒊㛛኱఍ 1-59
‫ ۑ‬㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪୕ዲᏹ᫂㸪ᑠᒣṇၿ㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪Ṋ⏣ 㝯㸪ኴ⏣ᣅᘺ㸪
ᖺ㟁ẼタഛᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍ Vol.2013,E-23 (2013.9)
‫ ۑ‬ᇼ⏣㝧ᖹ㸪㐲⸨኱௓㸪㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪͆ࢽ࣮ࣗࣛࣝࢿࢵࢺ
ࢆ⏝࠸ࡓ⵳㟁ụࡢ SOC ᥎ᐃࡢᇶ♏ⓗ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺᗘ㟁Ẽ㛵ಀᏛ఍ᮾᾏᨭ㒊㐃ྜ኱
఍㸪Po2-19 (2013.9)
‫୕ ۑ‬ዲᏹ᫂㸪㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪Ṋ⏣ 㝯㸪ኴ⏣ᣅᘺ㸪࣐͆࢖ࢡ
ࡢᇶ♏ⓗ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺᗘ㟁Ẽ㛵ಀᏛ఍ᮾᾏᨭ㒊㐃ྜ኱఍㸪Po2-17 (2013.9)
‫ ۑ‬㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪୕ዲᏹ᫂㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪Ṋ⏣ 㝯㸪ᯇᑿⱥᚨ㸪͆ࣆ࣮ࢡ
ࢩࣇࢺࢆ⪃៖ࡋࡓ࣐࢖ࢡࣟࢢࣜࢵࢻᑟධ⣔⤫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ EV/PHV ࡢ඘ᨺ㟁ไᚚࡢ᳨୍ウ͇㸪
ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍㟁ຊᢏ⾡࣭㟁ຊ⣔⤫ᢏ⾡ྜྠ◊✲఍ Vol.2013㸪Page.123-128㸪
PE-13-71,PSE-13-87 (2013.9)
‫℧ ۑ‬ᕝὒᖹ㸪㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪୕ዲᏹ᫂㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨ᗣஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪͆ศᩓᆺ᭱኱㈇Ⲵ㏣
ࢬ࣒♫఍࣭⎔ቃࢩࢫࢸ࣒ྜྠ◊✲఍ Page.19-24㸪FTE-13-048㸪MES-13-004 (2013.11)
‫୕ ۑ‬ዲᏹ᫂㸪㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪Ṋ⏣ 㝯㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪 ୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪ኴ⏣ᣅᘺ㸪͆⵳㟁ụ
ࢆ᭷ࡋࡓኴ㝧ගⓎ㟁ᑟධࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢ⣔⤫ᨾ㞀Ⓨ⏕᫬ࡢື≉ᛶࡢ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺᗘ᪥
ᮏኴ㝧࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮Ꮫ఍࣭᪥ᮏ㢼ຊ࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮Ꮫ఍ྜྠⓎ⾲◊✲఍ Vol.2013, No64㸪
Page.235-238 (2013.11)
‫ ۑ‬ᇼ ㇏㈗㸪ᮧ℩ ὒ㸪౫⏣ṇஅ㸪⟪㍯ᫀᖾ㸪͆Ẽ୰㞺ᅖẼ࠾ࡼࡧ㢼ࡀ㧗㟁ᅽ┤ὶ㟁Ⲵ₃ὤ
⌧㇟࡟୚࠼ࡿᙳ㡪͇㸪ᖹᡂ 25 ᖺ➨ 44 ᅇ㟁Ẽ㟁Ꮚ⤯⦕ᮦᩱࢩ࣏ࣥࢪ࣒࢘ MVP-4
‫ ۑ‬ᑠᒣṇၿ㸪୕ዲᏹ᫂㸪Ṋ⏣㝯㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨ᗣஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪᳜ᖹ ㄔ㸪ᑠᒣ᫴࿃㸪
ᒸ⏣┤ᶞ㸪͆EV ά⏝࡟ࡼࡿᑠつᶍ⣔⤫ࡢ⤥㟁ไᚚࡢ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 26 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ
‫୕ ۑ‬ዲᏹ᫂㸪㔠⣡᭸㍤㸪Ṋ⏣ 㝯㸪㞷⏣࿴ே㸪ᚋ⸨Ὀஅ㸪୍ᰗ຾ᏹ㸪ኴ⏣ᣅᘺ㸪͆DC ࣐࢖
ࢡࣟࢢࣜࢵࢻ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࣆ࣮ࢡ࢝ࢵࢺ࣭ࣆ࣮ࢡࢩࣇࢺ㐠㌿࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ᳨ウ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 26 ᖺ
‫ ۑ‬ᇼ ㇏㈗㸪ᮧ℩ ὒ㸪౫⏣ṇஅ㸪⟪㍯ᫀᖾ㸪͆Ẽ୰⢊ሻࡀ㧗㟁ᅽ┤ὶ㟁Ⲵ₃ὤ⌧㇟࡟୚࠼
ࡿᙳ㡪͇㸪ᖹᡂ 26 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍,7-100
‫▼ ۑ‬ᕝ ῟㸪୰⏣⠜ྐ㸪㫽஭᫛ᏹ㸪᳜⏣᫂↷㸪͆㒊ศ㝜ࡀ࠶ࡿኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ᭱኱㟁ຊ᫬ࡢ㟁
ᅽ᥎ᐃ͇㸪ᖹᡂ 26 ᖺ㟁ẼᏛ఍඲ᅜ኱఍,4-062