NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title Fresh-water Crabs of Taiwan Author(s) Hwan, Jiuan-Jiuan; Mizue, Kazuhiro Citation 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.57, pp.1-21; 1985 Issue Date 1985-02 URL Right This document is downloaded at: 2015-02-01T01:43:49Z Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., 1 No.57 (1985) Fresh-water Jivan The authors collected species, including litterata, Nanhaipontamon of fresh-water (Isolapotamidae): and Eriocher 23 places in Taiwan. japonicus, taiwanensis Candidiopotamon G. miyazakii of these crabs MIZUE from Somoniathelphusa G. Candidiensis of some crabs species, were found: (Grapsidae); formosanum chiui, Distributions mountain specimens sp. of Taiwan HWANG1)and Kazuhiro an undescribed Varuna Geothelphusa -Jivan Crabs E. rectus, Ten Varuna (Parathelphusidae); rathbuni (Sinopotamidae); (Potamidae). are limited either in east or west of the central range of Taiwan. Edwards and Eriocheir De Haan. Introduction Key Fresh - water crabs creeks and springs mediate are plentiful of Taiwan. They are inter- hosts of the lung fluke which is injurious to the health of both humans Ten species presenting collected waters. in the rivers, (including one new species) five families by the teristics, and authors This paper habitat six in describes genera rewere Taiwan fresh- the main charac- and distribution presents a classificasion the first pleopod. Collection, and animals. of them based on the shape and to the genera 1. The merus the a tuft of hair, the propodus auriculate, of the the plams present Most among found two 1) than between of the crabs genera in The A gap is family are or on sand, some species found are on floating timbers. We found of this family; Varuna H. Milne- Address National as of April Taiwan hair, strongly the propodus flattend and torial. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• nataVaruna De Haan, is rectangular, vaulted. The front 1835 flattened rarely and exceeds the width of the carapace. are four teeth behind the orbital angle and the last tooth is minute. The palms of the cheliped are bearded The endopod maxillipeds. this Eriocheir maxilliped legs more than one-third squarish. region. the two external the rocks clinging and the rear with of the ambulatory lack ambulatory as long of the cheliped of the external The carapace Dana,1851 is depressed is broader palms legs cylindrical. ••••••••••••••• 2. The merus There The carapace Taiwan of and Discussion Grapsidae from maxillipeds as it is wide, somewhat front of the external Genus Eriocheir Measurement Family of Grapsidae fresh-waters: of the margin articulates of with a tuft of soft hair. with the middle portion the merus of the external maxilliped. Two species were found; De Haan and E. rectus Eriocheir Stimpson. 1986: College of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung, Taiwan. japonicus 2 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan Key to the species of genus Eriocheir: 2. The front edge wavy, the palms of the cheli− 1. The front edge straight, the palms 6fh the peds covered with thick hair.・ ・ . E. J’aponicus chelipeds covered with a patch of hair on the outside.・・・・・・… ’・・・・… .・・・… E. rectus e 26 ・L Tai−Pei Tao一一 ’〉 ”M ”一 e N・ ク 24e ぐ「uan (’ 1.ノ:/ N. L・. 《ゾノ 220N e’Xt k r’ Hsin一 ’k.NChU 3 c7.12 ,.iyt’ 2i 120e 12ie・ 1220E 、・4ソエーLan. 改ao喪三ニン《γ干し了2 1:Shuang−Shi 2:Tsang−Hsin .v. 6 ,・ 3:Chu−Pei ●!・一・ Tai−Chung . Fγノ 4:Kuang−Hsi ./ ’、 /’v’ 1> 5 : Ta一一Hu ヘ ノ 〉・ノ 8 Tsan− ( 7 ● 6:Ten一工、in Hwa ・ ● 7:Hsin−Yi 、. ’ 一. .N 8:Tung−Pu 9:Mei−Shan 一一..f Nan−Tou ,r l HsfTa一 ’ Lien ! }品 Yuen−Lin ( .,〆・^・\.、Σ)へ. ノ lO:Bei−Ho ノ 、 ノ 11:Yu−Chin Chia−yi ,9 ”Tt;,’N/ 福恥ブイλ、 ・ / / 12:Ryou−Kuei @ ● ’v. r・ , ー一.ノ N.ノ .一.」17’,3 ノ w P 気一.ノ ・\ .一pt’ / E翫一く7● @矯\\ ⋮ !4 −一 Kao−Hsiung ; 柑( A.X.’N. ハu ノ /●一. !■噂.ノゴ’ @ w 8● 1 ’Tai−Tung 13:Chia一一Shen 14 : Wu−T’a z’ 15:工一La 16:Ping−Tung 17:Su−Chpng−Shi 18:Shian−L:n 19:Ta−Wu 20:Sou−Fong 21:Ta−Tung 22:Lo−Tung 23:工一工ian Fig. 1 Collection places in Taiwan 3 No.57 (1985) Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., ETiocheir joponicus De Haan. 1835 Chu−Pei, Hsin−Chu county. 1 S , 1 1 . Sep. (Fig.2) 8.1983. Yu leg. Eriocheir J’aponicus: Edwards 1853, p. 176; Shuang 一Shi, Taipei County, 1 C,3 ¥ ¥.June Ortmann 1893. p. 716; Doflein 1902, p. 665; 6, 1982. Yu leg. Ta−Hu. Miao−li County, 4 X X. 3 ¥g . Panning 1938, p. 105; Sakai 1976, p. 664, pl, 221 July 25, 1984. Hwang leg. Material examined: Tsang−Hsin. Tao−Yuan county, 1 C ,1 9 . Lo−Tong, 1−Lan county, 8 S S,2 ¥ ¥.Nov.23, July. 27, 1984. Hwang leg. 1983. Hwang leg. Ta−Wu. Tai−Tung county. 1 X . July 31. 1983. Ping−Tong county, 1 X . Nov. 23, 1983. Hwang leg. 浅 Hwang leg. A B 1〈7”・“’一“一一”””一’・・. ℃¥ 一一 ’一t ’一’ N 価 ● ■ , ”●’”●”¥き fi−V /iT 写 , ’・. ’ち・ .曹... ...輸r9ノ∫ , ’ , ロ も ノ . ii/””””’:’IZi ’’’ , \’”1 ロ ロ 「屍 ℃ 4mm C E 4mm へ D t 亥 、 織㍉寒・、, 1参’ii4. 一 一 一 、 ・ ・ N 馳 . 6 ら ● D 、 ・ ○ ● ● sN ”’ 魅, ロ コ 一l ; s,1 o . 躍 ● ら ● ’ ∫ のづロ レ ● ・ .. ● . ロ も .を’...い・τ .ご .b ●畢・ 唱 。 ’7 ● ’ ’ ’ ’ :・も・.旨噺1・ r.一 「 ’ .こ.・ 。畠 ,・ 〆 の の トー一一 ’. .2mm 一・ _.一一一 .3mm 4mm Fig.2 Eriocheirノαponicus A:Carapace B:Abdomen of male C:Adbomen of female D:Third maxilliped E:Dorsal view of first.pleopod ロノ ’、, ’ . ぐ. 吾 馬 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan 4 1 (1} , 35.5 mrn Measurements: ’1.X , 38 mm CB (Carapace breadth), 34.5 mm CB, 36 mm CL; 1 SP一 , 31.5 mm CB, 32.5 mm CL. CL (Carapace length); 1 ? , 48.5 mm CB. 51 mm CL. The carapace is flat and is more depressed The carapace is squarish and flat, but the than that of E. 」’aponicus. The frontal margin antero−lateral margin is a little convergent. is almost straight. The antero−lateral margin The front edge is wavy. The surface of the cara− has three large and one rudimentary teeth. The pace is flat and smooth with an H−shaped chelipeds are provided with a patch of hair only groove in the central region. The chelipeds are on the outer side of the palm. The ambulatory symmetrical and covered with thick hair on both legs have growths of short dark hair just like the outer and inner sides of the palm. that of E. joponicus. There is a spine on the distal part of the medial margin of the carpus of the chelipeds. Distribution: The length of the ambulatory legs is one and a This species is found only in Taiwan and half te two times that of the carapace. The dis− northern China. tal three segments of the ambulatory legs have short hairs in longitudinal rows. Remarks: This species was first found in southern China Distribution: by Stimpson (1858). Though closely related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Japan E. joponicus. the crab has 1) flatter carapace, and its archipelago, north and east coast of 2) nearly straight front edge, and 3) chelipeds Korea. Vladiovostock and Sakhalin. bearing dense hair only on the outer side of the Remarks: Shen (1932) reported collection of this species E. J’aponicus is the only fresh−water crab from northern China. However, his description eaten in Taiwan and it is the second inter− and figures suggest that his specimen was E. palm. mediate host of the lung fluke paragonmus, leptognathus. Moreover, Kemp (1918) once cla− pulmonalis・ (Baelz,1880) ssified this species as the juvenile of E. sinensis. The specimen we collected indicates that it is EriocheiT rectus Stimpson, 1858 certainly different from both E. japonicus and (Fig. 3; pl. IA) E. sinensis. Eriocheir rectus: Stimpson 1907, p. 125; Kemp 1918, p. 232; Tesch 1918, p. 107; Sakai 1935, p. 5; Edwards 1938, p. 107; Panning 1939, p. 107; Sakai 1939, p. 669, pl. 109, fig. 3; 1976. p. 647, figs. 355a−c. Material examined: Sou−Fong. Hwa−Lien county. 1 8 . Aug. 22, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Shian−Lin, Ping−Tong county, 1 C . 1983. Hwang leg. Measurements: Nov. 26, No.57 (1985) ’BulL Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. ︵ ﹂境 A 5 ’㌘ 望 t / 亀 4mm D 聡﹂ 難 E 4㎜ 二 .1凸}1, .{ t; e: tr.: .T,tlt.r;,z.M.i , . .;ti 彫 ㌶馬x :1・/rr , ’. 、ノ ㌦ ?堰@l・: ・・ 卿繁多, D・ し ” びロ 業 一 一 一 奪 t’ ;, .t ● ■ σ ρ ■ 唖 コ 伽‘『!’ ’‘’。・ lt ・ 8 ・ ♂ の の ■ ● Oo●. 一 ’ン ゼ. ま 葡 2mm 一葡 Fig.3 ETiocんeir rectus A:Carapace B:Abdomen of male C:Abdomen of female D:Third maxi至liped E:Dorsal view of first pleopod Genus Varuna H. Milne−Edwards, 1830 Remarks: The genus includes only two species;V.1碗ε一 The carapace is flattened and depressed. The rata (Fabricius) and V. tomentosa Pfeffer. The front is horizontal and straight. The upper or− fomer is widely distuributed in the lndo 一Pacific bital margin is notched conspicuously, the third region; the latter is known only from East maxilliped is auriculate and the palp articulates Africa. at the subdistal upper .anterior margin. The exognath is narrower than the ischium. The Varuna litterata (Fabricius, 1798) ambulatory legs are flattened and heavily fringed (Fig. 4; pl. IB) at both margins. HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan, 6 VaTuna litterata: Edwards 1853, p. 176; Ortmann Yu−Chin, Tai−Nan county, 2 22 . Nov. 12, 1983 1893, p. 713; De Man 1898, p. 112; Alcock 1900, Yu & Hwang leg. p. 401; Dorflein 1902, p. 664. Schenkel 1902. Ta−Tong, 1−Lan county, 7 S g,6 ¥ ¥. Nov. p. 545; Lenz 1905, p. 370; Stimpson 1907, p. 124; 1983. Hwang leg. Kemp 1918 p.230; Tesch 1918, p. 85; Sakai 1935, Shian−Lein, Ping−Tong county, 4 S e . Nov. 25 p. 227, pl. 63, fig. 2; Barnard 1950, p. 122,figs. 1983. Hwang leg. 22 (c), 23(f), 24(d); Crosnier 1965, p. 34 figs. Lo−Tong, 1−Lan county, 5 S g, 7 ¥ ¥.July 20, 40−1. 46,pl; 6 fig. 1. 1984. Hwang leg. Material examined: Su−Chong−Shi, Ping−Tong county, 2 S g . Measuremant: july 14, 1982. Yu &’Hwang leg. 1 1),45.8 mm CB, 41.5 mrn CL;1 fiP‘,43 mm CB, Sou−Fong. Hwa−Lien county, 2 C g ,2 ¥ ¥. 40 mm CL. Aug. 22 mm 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. ︶ A .;2, .髪 ’ s t 、。= \こ/ ーノ扁 、‘... s ︻﹂, i>il)tsl 璽● :, ﹂OO 短 ニヤロ ココロコロココ r 、 ・、㍗ ●,・.∵,,0 , ぎざ・} F ..,㌧− .. ■.一ン● . ●.,.ゴ㌦ §購 4mm へ ●塗・ ?ワ’.・ , .. @, , ・ も 2mm .扁 3mm Fig.4 Vαrunαlitteratα A:Carapace B:Abdomen of male C:Abdomen of female D:Third maxilliped E:Dorsal view of first pleopod F:Lateral view of first pleopod Bull..Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. No.57 (1985) 7 The carapace is depressed, flattened, glabrous Genus Somaniathelphusa ,Bott, 1968 and pitted. The antero−lateral margin is very The carapace is smooth, there are three thin with three teeth including the outer orbital spines behind the outer orbital angle; the first tooth. The front edge is straight. An H−shaped pleopod is trumpet−shaped with a broad base mark is present between the mesogastric region gradually tapering to a slender distal end, and and the cardiac region. There is a gap between it is contorted towards the outside . the external maxillipeds. The distal region of The only species in Taiwan is S. taiwanensis the first pleopod is bilobed and concave. ln the Bott. female, the abdomen covers the whole of the sternum and has a hairy margin. The ambula− Somaniathelphusa taiwanensis Bott,1968 tory legs are swimming paddles and are fringed (Fig. 5; pl. IC) with hairs. Potamon (Paratelphusa).sinensis: Parisi 1916, Distribution: p. 169. From the lndo−Pacific region, the east coast Pαrαtんelphusα(Pαrαthe’lphusα)S珈ηsゴs3 Make of Africa through Taiwan to Japan. M. and H. Tsuchiya 1923, p. 155, pl. 19 fig. 5. Remarks: p. 113, pl.21 figs. 48−50, pl.30 fig. 83. Somaniathelphusa S inensis taiwanensis: Bott 1970, This crab is called the ‘flat crab’ in the Somaniathelphusa taiwanensis: Minei 1974, countryside of Taiwan since its carapace is very p.240, fig. 1. flattened. This kind also lives in brankish water and is found clinging to floating objects in the Material examined: sea. Mei−Shan, Chia 一Yi county, 7 X C ,2 ¥¥ . Nov.9, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Varuna sp. Measurements: In appearance, this species is very simillar 1 (!),25.8 mm CB, 21.3 mm CL;1 SP一 24.9 mm CB, to Varuna litterata but many characteristics 20.5 mm CL. are different. The authors consider this to be a new species which will be described in detail The carapace is very smooth and a little in later paper. convex, especially in the branchial region, the front region is protuberant and the orbital re− Family Parathelphusidae Colosi, 1920 gion is sunken. The antero−lateral margin has four acute The palp of the mandible has two parts, and spines including an outer orbital spine. The the subfrontal region is triangular in shape with pOstero−lateral’margin has many short striae. the base upwards. The epigastric ’ 窒?№奄盾氏@is divided by a little The antero−lateral margin has two or three groove. The’ モ?窒魔奄モ≠戟@groove forms a clear ‘H’ spines behind the orbital angle. The abdomen mark on the middle of the carapace. The dacty− of the male in most cases is T−shaped and slen− lus is long, the cutting edges oppose each other der. The first pleopod is particularly short with almost without ’ ≠獅凵@intervening space. There the last two segments fused together and slender is a big sharp spine on the inner side of the with a spiral apex. carpus and a small spine on the upper surface This family has only one genus in Taiwan, of the merusi on each cheliped. Somaniathelphusa Bott. The external maxillipeds seldom have a gap 8 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water C.rabs of Taiwan ︵二 t A .詳.’・ “ノ !ノ .㌣\ 、、㌧ 4mm B 4mm D /♂し∼4」 E 〃ノ く プ 阻v〆 ノ 一 t ノ d , , 璽 , , 日,♂ , . へ :x, !’ ^ノ トー一一一一一一一一一一→ )一一一一一・一一・一一一一一・一 4mm 一 X一.一’ 3mm 2mm Fig. 5 Somaniathelphusa taiwanensis A : Carapace B : Abdomen of male C : Abdomen of female D : Third maxilliped E: Dorsal view of first pleopod between them, the exognath of the third maxi− distinct species because of the following features: 11iped is very narrow and the width of the merus 1) the shape of the first pleopod, 2) the striae is greater than the length. The abdomen of the of the post−orbital region, 3) the adult size, 4) male is T−shaped, the last segment is semielli− the antero−lateral teeth. Therefore, the present ptical and the base of一 penultimate segment is name is used. broader proximally than distally. Family lsolapotamidae Bott, 1970 Distribution: This species has never been found in any other The palp of the mandible is simple. The distal place except Chia 一Yi county of Taiwan. end of the first pleopod is not conical, it is either Remaks: cut trans−versely or round in shape. According to Bott 1968, this species is a sub− In Taiwan there is only one genus. species S. sinensis (H.Milne−Edwards, 1.853). Nanhaipotamoh Bott. However, Minei(1974) proposed that it was a Genus Nanhaipotamon Bott, 1968 9 No.57 (1985) Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., p. 156, pl. 8. fig. 16. Isopotamon (Nanhaipotamon) formosanum: Bott 1968, p. 124, fig. 9. The last segment of the first pleopod is flat ATanhaipotamon formosanum formosanum: Bott 1970, and triangular. p. 195, fi g. 8. One species isfoundinTaiwan, Ar. formosanum Nαnh卿otαmonノ’ormosαnum:Minei 1974, p.248 (Parisi). figs.10−12. IVanhaipotamon formosanum : (Parisi, 1916) Material examined: (Fig. 6; pl. ID) Mei−Shan, Chia−Yi county, 1 C . 魑.. C ρ, ︵ A Nov. 9, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Potamon (potamon) for7nosanum: Parisi 1916, 鴨こ≧ t 一一 ,♂ C渚 !,,, 1 一: 一一一 一一’ 一ts一一t一一s一+sd一:t , 噛 一 {鱒 E ,濤 一 F 馬 磨 猛,ノ 障(ク ,’ コ ト__→ .2mm 3mm 4mm Fig.6 Nαnhαipotαmon fomosαnum A:Carapace B:Abdomen of male C:Abdomen of female D:Third maxilliped E:Dorsal view of first pleopod F:Lateral view of first pleopod HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan ・10 Bai 一Ho, Tai 一Nan county, 3 C X , 1 ¥ . Nov.14, Genus Candidiopotamon Bott, 1967 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. In this genus the first pleopod is spiral in Measurements: shape and twisted backwards, the distal region 1 (1) , 30 mm CB, 24.2 mm CL: 1 Sii一 i 36.8 mm CB, is twisted inwards. 29.5 mm CL. Only one species is found in Taiwan. The’ carapace is smooth and strongly convex Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) in an antero−posterior direction. The front is (Fig. 7; pl. II A) very deflexed, and is less than a−third of the breadth of the carapace. The depth is about two− Potamon (potamon) rathbuni: thbuni: Parisi 1916, thirds of the maximum breadth of the cara− p. 153; Maki & Tsuchiya 1923, p. 153. pl. 19 pace. The cervical groove is very faint. The fig. 12. post orbital region has a groove which extends Potamon rathbuni: Koba 1936a, p. 202, fig. 1; from the antero−lateral margin inwards on 1936b, p.166, pl. 2. fig.1; Pretzmann 1963, bothsides. The edge ridge ・of the merus of the p. 365, pl. 4, fig. 15. external maxilliped is prominent; the middle Candidiopotamon rathbuni; Bott 1967, p. 210. reglon ls concave. fig.10; Bott 1970, p.189. pl.40 fig.74, pl.55 The first pleopod is almost triangular in fig.75; Minei 1974, p.246. figs.7−8. shape at its distal end, and appears twisted when viewed from the lateral side. The chelipeds Material examined: are similar in shape but different in dimensions. Mei一 Shan. Chia−Yi county. 6 C S ,2 ¥ ¥ . The walking legs are little slender. The color Nov. 9, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. is greenish−yellow in the living state. 1−La, Ping−Tong county, 10 g C ,7 ¥ 7 . June 12, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Distribution: Ten−Lin, Tai−Chung county, 1 e . Aug. 28, Taiwan only. 1982. Yu leg. Chia−Shen. Kao−Hshiung county. 3 X C . July Remarks: 13. 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. This species resembles N. yaeoruma Minei Wu−Tai. Ping−Tong county, 6 S X,3 ¥ 1 . 1973, and N. globosum (Parise,1916). Pretzmann July 11, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. (1963), Bott(1968) and Minei (1974)had already Ryou−Kuei, Kao−Hsiung county, 5 X e , 1 ? . pointed out that this species differs distinctly Apr. 18, 1983. Yu & Hwang leg. from N. yaeyuma and N. globosum in the first Su−Chong−Shi, Ping−Tong county, 7 X 2 , pleopod. 4 ¥1 . July 14, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Ta一 Hu, Miao一 Li county, 3・X g,4 ¥ ¥.July 25 Family Sinopotamidae Bott, 1970 1984. Hwang leg. Tung−Pu, Nan−Tou county, 1 X .1 ¥ . July 24, ・The palp of the mandible is simple; The first 1984. Yu & Hwang leg. pleopod is twisted inwards and is mostly short and blunt. Measurements: Only one genus is found in Taiwan which is 1 1) , 38.5 mm CB, 31.9 mm CL; 1 SF・ , Canclidiopotamon Bott. 31 mm CL. 37.8 mm CB, The carapace is a little flattened in the No.57 (1985) Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ. 11 ノ鯛 /^^∬ B 、t A 獅 若 ” / ! ● 幅. ツノ に 〆へ’一・∼・’・t・・.ギ O . . . o 欄 ■ . ・ 緊 ㌧ ヴ 二榊,㌧ ノ O O ノ ・ 6 . , . , ... ● . ’ノ’ 6 暉 O O . C E 4mm H繍 , −o 幽 避 ・ , . , 伽 ● ・ . . . . t ・ ロ ゆ , ・層 1 ・ 「 . , . , . ● ‘ , . ・ \ 9 ■ ● ● ・ 巳 . し 匡、一 ● ● сg^・月 〆 獣 .﹃ f一 騨 9 ㌔ 、 ’ ・ .・ 0 . O 0 ・ 一\ . . ・ ● ● ● O 翼く D ・ ● . , Sl. .’ . @, ! ● , . ・ O ・ , ・ , . . , , 噛 腎 , 4mm 2mm 3mm Fig. 7 Candidiopotamon rathbuni A : Carapace B : Abdomen of male C : Abdomen of female D : Third maxilliped E : Dorsal view of first pleopod middle region and the posterior region of the Distribution: carapace is smooth. The front is slightly de− Taiwan only. flexed. protuberant and straight. The post frontal crest is distinctly convex, the antero− Remarks: lateral margin is conspicuously crenulate and C. rathbuni is closely allied to C. okinawaense, this region bears vesiculous granules. The ex− C. kumejimense and C. amamense. Nevertheless, ternal maxillipeds rarely have a gap in between we can recognize one from another by the first them. The first pleopod is spiral. The chelipeds pleopod and the post orbital region. are similar in shape but one is a little smarller than the other. The colour is orange−red in the Family Potamidae Ortmann, 1896 living state. The first pleopod is narrow. points outwards 12 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan and the distal end is conical. times as long as broad. ・・・・・・・・… ’・’”2 This family has only one genus in Taiwan, −Big size, carapace very convex, antero− it is Geothelphusa Stimpson. lateral margin more smooth and faint than the others, synovial membrance over five Genus Geotん吻husαStimpson,1858 times as long as broad.・・・・・・・… G. chiui 2. Small in size. antero 一 lateral margin crenu− The first pleopod is sword shaped. slender, late, epibranchial region has many tuber− long and curved outwards. Three species are cles, the distal three segments of the fo.und in Taiwan: G. chiui Minei, G. candidiensis ambulatory legs have many spines and bris− Bott.’ tles in rows.・・・・・・・・・・… G. canclidiensis @and G. miyazakii (Miyake and Chiu). −Medium size, an obtuse spine or notch after Key to the species of genus Geothelphusα: the outer orbital angle. the epibranchial と region smooth. ・・・・・・・・・・… . G. miorazahii 1.Medium or small in size, carapace is a little convex, synovial membrane never over five 、 誌 A B ,8見.ド 、 ’ 甲 一 胃 一 冒 鴨 一 F一 ’ ’ 一 c s 一一 4mm 皿 一 − 4mm t r− 1 一 4mm Fig. 8 Geo孟ん吻枷sαcんiui A:Carapace B: D:Third maxilliped 2mm へ ’ ρ へ 3mm Abdomen of male C : Abdomen of female E: Dorsal view of first pleopod Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., No.57 (1985) 13 Geotん吻んusαchiui Minei,1974 Potamon (Geothelphusa) obtusipes: Miyake 1963 (Fig. 8; pl. II B) p.66, fig.4. Geothelphusa dehaani candidiensis: Bott 1967, Geo置ん吻husαc伽た Minei 1974, p.243, figs. 4, 5, 6E, F. p.122, pl.10, fig.12; 1970, p.157, pl.40 figs.62. 63. pl.53 fig. 64. Geo孟ん吻んusαcαnclidiensis:Minei 1973, p.212, Material Examined: figs.7, 9E F; 1974, p.214, fig. 2, 6A, B. Shian−Lein, Ping−Tong county, 1 C , 1 ¥ . Nov. 25, 1983. Hwang leg. Material Examined: Su−Chong−Shi, Ping−Tong county, 2 e e , Sou−Fong, Hwa−Lien county. 3 C ¢ ,4 ¥ ¥ . 4 ¥ i . July. 14, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Aug. 22, 1982. Yu & Hwang leg. Ta−Hu, Miao−Li county, 2 2 S,1 ¥. July 25, Tsang−Hsin, Tao−Yuan county. 8 C e,5 ? 9 . 1984. Hwang leg. July 27, 1984. Hwang leg. Kuang−Hsi, Hsin−Chu county, 1 g 1 ¥ .July Kuang−Hsi, Hsin−Chu county. 4 C S ,2 7 ¥ . 26. 1984. Hwang leg. July 26. 1984. Hwang leg. Measurements: 1 G , 35.2 mm CB, 27.4 mm CL; 1 ¥ , 43.2 mm Measurements: CB, 33.8 mm CL. 1 1) , 18.6 mm CB, 14.5 mm CL; 1 Eii’ , 20.2 mm CB, 15.2 mm CL. The carapace is very convex from front to aft. Front is straight, behind the outer orbital angle The carapace is smooth and a little convex in there is no spine or notch. Antero−lateral an antero−posterior direction. The antero− margin is smooth. The cervical groove is faint lateral margin is crenulated. The orbital and The chelipeds are unequal in dimension. There frontal margin are rimmed but not strongly. is a big gap in between cutting edges of the big The outer orbital tooth is blunt, the surface chelae. The length of the merus of external of the postero−lateral margin has faint oblique maxilliped is a little less than the breadth. The rugae. The chelipeds are different in dimension first pleopod is slender and straight, synovial in the male, and there is a big gap between the membrance is about one−third time the length cutting edges of the big hand. The ambulatory . of the first pleopod. Ambulatory legs are Iegs arecovered with tufts of bristles and spines. scatterred with very short bristless. Distribution Distribution: Taiwan and Ryukyu archipelago. Taiwan only Remarks: Remarks: This species aJlied to G. miorazakii but differs In this species, the shape of abdomen in both in the size of the chelipeds of the male. Bott sexes and first pleopod are almost the same as (1970) classified this spfcies in subgenus G. G.miyazakii and G chiui. But the overall deんα面. However, Minei 1973 distinguished it morphology of each is quite different. We can as different by the crenulate striae of the carapace distinguish one from another very easily with and the shape of the first pleopod, so,we have other characteristics. agreed to consider it as G. candidiensis. Geothelphusa candidiensis Bott, 1967 Geothelphusa miora2akii (Miyake &Chiu, 1965) (Fig. 9; pl. II D) (Fig. 10; pl. II C) 14 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan Potαmon(Geotゐ吻ゐusα) miorazαkii : Miyake&Chiu Hsin−Yi, Nan−Tou county. 1 2. Jul. 24. 1984. 1965. p. 595, pls. 13, 14. Yu & Hwang leg. Geothelphusa miya2ahii : Minei 1973, p.214, figs.8 Ta−Hu. Miao−Li county, 1 X ., 1 ¥ . July 25’ 9G, H; 1974, p. 242, figs. 3, 6C, D. 1984. Hwang leg. 1−Lan county. 2 2 X . 1 ¥ July 19, Hwang leg. C Measurements: Material Examined: Suang−Shi, Taipei county, 2 g S ,1 ¥ . June 1, 1 1) , 23 mm CB, 18.5 mm CL; 1 ¥ , 29 mm CB, 1982. Yu leg. 22.9 mm CL. Chia−Shan, Kao−Hsiung county, 3 C C ,1 ¥ . The carapace of this species is smooth and a Apr. 17, 1983. Yu & Hwang leg. ア ノ A B 一 ・ 1: 1 ∠ .s き ≒ く﹂記 s一”n i“’1 i::tt+一一J+一t 一一一一一一一一一一一一一t一一 i ”’ ノ 、 L 、 9 一 一 . ’ 、 9 C 響 匿 .砦 D,/ 、 E .θr●層’り \ ︸口 ’ 一_’L 4mm ﹂ 烽秩D ’ ,タ.’ 拶 C 鴨刷 ヨリ 宿 ’ 一 = x“ 狽窒R’ ・. g, ’ = N 、 壕 、 馬 、 .、 、 瓢、 ﹃ =﹁、 、 ・■■ 一 .s. ご 冒 2mm 4mm Fig. 9 Geothelphusa candidiensis 3mm A:Carapace B:Abdomen of male C:Abdomen of female D : Third maxilliped E : Dorsal view of first pleopod K No.57 (1985) Bull. Fac, Fish. Nagasaki Univ., 1ittle convex. The cervical groove is conspicuous 15 bearded with bristles and spines. and extends transversely to the branchial region. The front is deflexed and the breadth is almost Distribution: one−third of the breadth of the entire carapace. Taiwan and Ryukyu archipelago. The orbital and frontal margins are very faintly rimmed, the outer orbital angle is absent. The Remarks: postero−lateral portions have short oblique This species is very much like’G・ candidiensis, tuberculate rugae. The chelipeds are unequal but this species is medium sized whereas G. but the shape is the same in both sexes. The candidiensis is small. From the appearance we distal three segments of the ambulatory legs are can distinguish them easily. ’ 、 “ ∠ 彦7移 B く﹁ A h h 、 , 一 ﹃ 、 魑 ﹁ 二 一 ,.’ ・’ @’ 磨E 9 ・ ), 二 ’= 一 一 9 4mm 1 K((22x E D,,, 〃彫ん! c 4mm 慢 , , ーミsS ・ i/,,,k x x 一奪 ク鼠 y l ’ t 4mm Fig. 10 Geothelphusa miorazaki 2mm 3mm A:Carapace B:Abdomen ’of male C: Adbomen of female D : Third maxilliped E : Dorsal view of first pleopod 16 HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan Table 1. The distribution of fresh−water crabs in Taiwan Nan−Tou o ca. ○○ o o ○○ Hwa−Lien Tai−Tung ○○ Kao−Hsiung Ping−Tung ○ ○○ Chia−Yi Tai−Ndn mi. o ○○○ ○ Tai一 Chung ch. ○○○○○ Mieo−li ra. ○○○ Hsin一 Chu fo. ○○○○○○ Tao−Yuan ta. ○○ I−Lan 1 re. ○○○○○○○ ○ ○○○ Tai−Pei 91 ja, ● Species 1) County 1) The full name of each species is as follows: ja・ :E. 」’aponicus re. :E. Tectus IL :’V. litterata ta. :S. taiwanensis fo. :N. fo Tmosanum ra・ :C. ra thbuni ch. :G. chiui mi. :G. 7niyazakii ca. :G. candidiensis IV. formosanum . Table 2. The abundance of fresh−water crabs but E. rectus, S. taiwanensis and However, C. in Taiwan are found in small numbers. Abundance Speeies E.∫aρo国画8 abundant common few rare are most widely distributed to the west of the o o E. rectus ○○ o V. litterata S. taiwanensis IV. fo rmosanum C. rathbuni o o G. miyazakii central mountain range. According to Minei (1981) and Dai et al. (1977) four species are distributed both in Taiwan and Japan, namely E. japbnictts, V. litterata, G. candidiensis and G. miorazakii. Also o G. chiui G. candidiensis rathbuni, N. fomosanum, S. taiwanensis and G. chiui o three species are distributed both in Taiwan and mainland China, which are E. rectus, Y. litterata and N. formosanum. General habitat and life style Distribution Each species of fresh一 water crabs in Taiwan The distribution of crabs in Taiwan is in: has its own particular habitat and life style fluenced by geographic features. There is central (Tables 3, 4). ln general, bigger crabs such as mountain rapge which extends from the nortern Varuna litterata, Eriocheir japonicus and E. rectus tip to the south of the island, and the distribution of the family Grapsidae live either beneath rocks of fresh−water crabs in Taiwan is divided into in river or in burrows, butwhenthey spawn, they two parts; one part to the east of the central migrate to river mouths or estuaries. Theyspend mountain range and the other to the west. their whole lives moving backand forth between Tables 1 and 2 shows the species are easily fresh water, brackish water, and sea water.Other found in rivers or creeks include E. /’aponicus, smaller crabs such as Parathelphusidae, lsola− V. littera, C. rathbuni, G. candidiensis and G. miora2aki, potamidae, Sinopotamidae and Potamidae live 17 No,57 (1985) Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., Table 3. The habitat of the fresh−water crabs in Taiwan Habitat Creek Rice bank Farming area or 一pond River or creek Eγ&Nαα E. joponicus rectus Fresh−water to brackish ○○○ pabby dike Species littera ta o taLwanensLs o fo rmosanum o ○○ ra thbuni chiui ii G. miyazak G, o candidiensis Table 4. The life style of the fresh−water aquatic. amphibious and terrestrial. From field crabs in Taiwan observations we found the life styles of the crabs Life style E.ブaρoπガ。拐8 E. rectus amphibitious terrestrial ○○○ Species aquatlc gories. Grapsidae andSinopotamidae belong to the aquatic type and feed in water. Potamidae ○○ V. litterata S. taiwanensis and Parathelphusidae are amphibious and feed both in water and on land. lsolapotamidae belongs to the terrestrial type and feeds on land most of ○○○ N. fo rmosanum C. rathbuni G. chiui G. miyaza hii G. candidiensis that we colleoted also fall into these three cata− the time. Acknowtedgements o We have to heartily thank Dr. Yu for his kind only in fresh water. and valuable suggestions and for his help which Somaniathelphusa taiwanensis of the family made sampling easier for us. We are also indebt− Parathelphusidae lives in holes in the rice fields ed to Dr. Minei for helping us collect references and dike walls covered with weeds or shrubs. and take the photographs. Our thanks are also Nαnh吻otαmon加脚sαnum of the family due to Dr. Ahmed and Miss Helena Gomm for Isolapotamidae lives in ponds or holes near wet reading the manuscript. farming areas. Candidipotamon rathbuni of the family Sinopotamidae and Geothelphusa References candidiensis of Potamidae live beneath pebbles in clean and clear creeks. G. 7niorazakii and Alock, A. (1900). Materials foracarcinological G. chiui of the family Potamidae live in holes in fauna of lndo. no. 6. The Brachyura Cato− the rocky banks or muddy burrows along creeks metopa or Grapsidae. 」. Asiatic Soc. during the daytime, and hunt for food in the Bengal. 69, 279−456. creeks during the’night. ln the monsoon or (1910). Catalogue of the lndian Decapod sometimes in the day time they move out of the Crustacea in the collection of the lndian burrows and wander on the slopes or bank of Museum. Part 1. Brachyura. Fasc. II. The the creek$. Indian Frensh−water crabs.Potamonidae. According to Minei (1981) the life style of fresh− Culcutta., 1−130 water crabs can be catagorized into three types; Barnard, K. H. (1950). 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A New Potamonidae (1).Noteson Potamon rathbuni Potamonid Crab, Potamon (Geothelphusa> de Man as a second intermediate host of miorazahii sp. nov. , as an intermediate host Paragonumus westermani(Kerbert)in Formosa. of the lung−fluke from Formosa. 」. Fac. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa. 26; 164−172. Agric., Kptushu Univ.,13, 595−600. (1936). Revision of the specific name of a Ortmann, A. (1893). DieDecapoden−Krebse des crabs as a second intermediate host of Strassburger MuseuMs, mit besonderer Paragonimus westermani in Formosa. Sci, BerUcksichtigung der von Herrn Dr. D6derlein Rep. Tokyo Bunrzika Daigaku. Sec. B. 2, bei Japan und bei den Liu−Kiu−Inseln 155 一207. gesammelten und zur Zeit im Strassburger Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ., Musem aufbewahrten Formen. III. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 7, 699 -716. Parisi, B. (1916). I Decapodi giapponesi del Milano VI. Catometopa e Paguridea. Atti della Soc. Ita. Soc. Ita. Sc. Nat. 57, 90-114. G. (1963). 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G. candidiensis, G. miyazakii (Potamidae). これ ら の う ちVaruna sp.は 未 記 載 種 と思 わ れ る 。 一 部 の カ ニ類 の 分 布 は地 理 的 に偏 在 して いて 、 は 東 部 に の み 、Somaniathelphusa Eriocheir recutus taiwanensis, Nanhaipotamon お よび formosanum は 西 部 に の み 生 息 し て い る 。 な Geothelphusa お、 chiui お よびNanhaipotamon Eriocheir rectus,Var は 中 国 大 陸 に 、ま た Eriocheir formosanum japonicus, Varuna litterata, Geothelphusa お よび candidiensis は 日本 に も分 布 して い る。 G.miyazakii 曳 2 ’ 甘 ㌔へ ¥ ︵ ( 甘 ︵叶︶§§§o物。§﹄ミ§o§ミ。魯Oく§o≧”︹︻ ︵印︶聡物§§§ミ。§鴫§曽鴫軸ミ§§oの Q ㍗κ ︸鴇 ノ 甲 空 . s 、 , 酔 翻 自 HΦ冨己 ︷ ( ︵印︶ミ§﹄叔鴇、o§§﹄o﹄”ロΩ ︵⑩︶リミ8﹄慧勉鴫8な国 く く 卜 〆 ザ ‘ ︷ り 織 せ︸ ︷ 説苧 ( ψ 冠 A ㌔ t ♂か ザ HWANG and MIZUE : Fresh−water Crabs of Taiwan 20 沖 甘 ︵⑳︶ 、 ◎ κ ︾ 、 甘 Q ”< ︵⑩︶鴇毫§む§。§§§80 ︵④︶鴇§§ミ§§琶§餐δ 国Φ至畠 ザ 生り§§階s竃ミ§き軸。δ ”Q 、 “ロq i叶︶聴奄。§§§80 ヒ ノ 4 、 .ウ・曲∼ ザ φ4 甘 ザ ︵ ( 21 (1985) 57 Bull. Fac. Fish. Nagasaki Univ 皆 22 長崎大学水産学部研究報告 第57号 正誤表 P10 右8行目 thbun i : P27 右6∼7行 誤 bass−ensis 削除 正 bass−iensis
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