気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 GMS-4 Observations of Volcanic Eruption Clouds from Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines Masami Tokuno* Abstract Visible Mt. and Pinatubo, at one hour studied and textures infrared intervals cloud's surface were by indicated appeared (心−83 imageries Philippines the the temperature UT A giant more than and diameter, and showed temperature area indicating surrounding several the covered the volcano occurred the cloud than the area up to 100 km upwind. the imageries showing tropopause were a “wave” The temperature of − 27 °Cwas located spread At 400 km in Furthermore, a higher in the surrounding 0840 UT the a surface suggests This out to an area at 0740 UT. having This from Time) was injected into the stratosphere. of 20 m/sec. activity continued. and (VECs) (Universal 300 tanin diameter. temperature hot spots (Q;−30 °C) appeared decreased, VEC an area in its surface temperature volcano's −60 °C further expanded material indicating clouds satellite. These disc-shaped 10 °Cgreater an easterly wind an increase with that thereby against eruption 0540 − 0940 UT meteorological features. visible image was volcanic 15, 1991 from °C). In addition. a small hot spot with a maximum cloud radially expanded 1 gigantic on June geostationary following in the 0640 at the center of the cloud. thus of the taken the volcano. surface temperature temperature higher than that a radial flux of injected hot after 0740 UT. sible, however, few analyses have been performed Introduction Volcanic gained ence eruption much attention on global are accessible, thereby and remotely The making first Japanese additional was launched vals. and to study sensing volcanic Arai (1983) Mt. El Chichon, GMS multispectral the development while imageries and uso] 1987 Philippines accompanied ved is an The VECs 15, 1991), which GMS-4 occur- (15°O7'N, were being obserimag- GMS-4. present investigation UT m, June by gigantic eruption Pinatubo at l hr intervals using the multispectral eries from providing volcanic on Mt. 120°2O'E. altitude: 1745 hourly (Universal on study reports the the development imageries Time) obtained on June results of VECs from of an using 0540 − 0840 15, 1991. at 3 hr interGMS (1987) of eruption 2. VEC photoashes Visible Imagery Figures l − 4 show used Features a series of VEC visible (VIS) imagery photographs taken at l hr intervals study from 0540 − 0840 UT clouds The 23 volcanoes。 March century's largest easily meteorologi- to analytically dispersal using this data. This Many activities。 of volcanic Sawada on VECs red in the in 1977, with this imageries the movement from In not satellites subsequently multispectral graphs safety. and geostationary low-resolution Funada recently it difficult to monitor useful tool to monitor cal satellite (GMS) from aviation located As a result. satellite remote extremely and have due to their significant influ- climate volcanoes VECs. clouds (VECs) VECs on June 15,1991. in Fig. 1(0540 UT) are character- ized by a visible gray area (A) and disc-shaped hourly imagery became pos- clouds which * Meteorological SatelliteCenter 一一1− appear in the center of LUZON DiuBD[OA padBqsosip E aiBDipui ApAipadsaj g due v Lfl OWO IE XjaSBiui siqisi v a t amSia 一 .るコ︵︶一.1 31UE010A pasjMsip puB pnoiD uonfliua I66T 'SI sunf リ 1991 N0.23 NOVEMBER NOTE TECHNICAL CENTER SATELLITE METEOROLOGICAL 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 li・゛t'尚7一撃ク1 ■sajnjxai sabm。 dub.juaiiuns 10 uoijoaipj oj anp aDUEJBadde ajiqM b 。v\ous ')g \ padEus-Dsip aq; jo Mopeqs B ajBDipui AiaAipadsaj ^ pue g'V Xn ()W(こo UDiii.vi s'A j -1 q0 sdoj Ajsaeiu! aiq!S!y\ z smSi^ −3− \………… j(4 ‥卿 t ’− i i 1 ●・.*i Sj ● jt Ui-H……i.1 jj,j!?ji 1 :i.I 、. ̄=tl' -、..!j4: バ l jべ.? t IIい’rll“゛ ・4 ♪ v-'£* −4− !・ a jtべL4︲It″・I OUBDTOA oqn^eui<j *iw 、S・ g 3-in3ij . E'・-_り ' j'・. ・ in0t^L0*Qr9’1661 t’-SWD j.4y・ ・1゛. /l xf[ ot^ZO J” AJaSBiui aiqisf^ yt::j L 八丁゛ド spnop uon − ・ゝ じg \ padEusosip am io modbus b dub 9DUBJBaddB 〃r− ●・ ● 4; 9 こ.` ajm.tt B SuiAEu S33A io sdoj aqj ajBoipui X[9A!P3dsaj g puB y ■ ● tu こ r<ii 7−4 \ 0 李 ● 、 ♂ ● 1991 N0.23NOVEMBER NOTE TECHNICAL CENTER SATELLITE METEOROLOGICAL − l anp SB3JB ajiq.tt コ - 一ヱ ’ 勁一・ :’ .】_. .フフ弓 笏 ̄ =- -一一 t ajn^ij 一一一’ − 一一 − lJ’ IIII。i。。 一一・?・ご﹃y }‘・ j n Ot'HO }” AJtSJ^Kiui aiqisi a ・IE −−− .・?゜Ξこ・. --r・ Lこ ?●一哨 --- きこ , 'SMcDBus ^jJA 'luiiiiuns Id uoipauaj oj 1 ∼ − ■S>)jrHXaj 。3ABM。 pUE v ■ ・− − .j− n , S' )-q A paswdsip ajBDipui AiaMpadsaj n pue 3 a ' ざい 濤 −・ ・‥・-・一 一 几こ.L・. 一 一a- rt≪' 'ti −一一 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 −=一一一一 ’7二 METEOROLOGICAL island. The SATELLITE formation clouds repeatedly and appeared eries taken on the morning area which the next VEC as can The top of the shadows on the disc-shaped One shaped ter. are at a higher hour VEC The later (Fig. white their shadows appeariiw to the east they travel westward The both last VIS further extension especial】y 200 km also westward away image from up from dispersion of are at higher by “waves” shown in the image VEC obtained imageries west respectively of the white due to VECs cast and the of the disc- VECs (Figs. speed when owed and the volcano (A)。 The next 0740 the vo】cano, and (A). White UT. In and eastward major hourly VIS and (b) the volcano of the VECs as expected. extension was (22 m/sec) extension the on the volfoil- northward (25 directions。 occurred largest from average VEC velocity occurred side (%20 m/sec), with all the velocities showing boundaries obtained the volcano's 0640 − extension from successive hourly VIS imageries (Fig. 1 - 4) on occurred the largest respectively (39 m/sec), this case L 2o? | −6− disc- (a) the VEC's side(47 m/sec), significant decrease. Figure 5 Extensions of VEC 4, of the Fig. l as a basis。 by the southward m/sec), shows 6 velocity of this extension as UT) and initial extension cano's westward and succesive Figures the distance between 0540 − 0640 UT, average from 4). of the VEC using which 3, (B);Fig. the boundaries 1 - show the edge The diame- altitudes and highlight effects caused shaped white of the one。 the shadow of the VEC. UT), VECs VECs 5 shows the to 600 km in diameter. upwind are revealed from 4.0840 these side (C)on the southeastern Figure are clearly observed (Fig. northwestern (D)). from up to 400 ㎞in tops the 1991 should be noted that the textures of the VECs result from thus indicating 3,0740 on the disc-shaped It altitudes。 further expands seen their shadows by the sun angle (Fig. 2, (C);Fig. These VEC, and (A) appear the ref】ectionof sunlight on them. (B) VECs N0.23NOVEMBER and extending located VEC. areas than having on the surrounding (B), NOTE side indicate UT),a is observed. on the east edge VECs Another 2,0640 A shadow appears be seen these the volcano。 (Fig. VEC center of the disc-shaped that they day. 20 km west of the volcano disc-shaped cloud from image up to 300 km in diameter. of as the fuzzy pattern westward VIS di9c-shaped its center of that (B) is shown is dispersing remarkable dispersion TECHNICAL in all the satellite imag- visible gray In CENTER east a 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 ●X■▲ (33S/ID) X1ID019A uoisua^xg WEST EAST : *BST :EAST :NORTH :SOUTH ︵日ぶ︶aouBisiQ 七 → ← ←一一曇-一一・ 七 ●一一一一一通r一一∼ 0 0840 0540 0640 0740 Satellite Observat ion Time (UT) Figure 6 (b) 50 0540 0840 0640 0710 0740 Satellite Observation Time (UT) Figure Figure 6 (a) Distance changes in the N,S. E, W 6 (a) directions between the volcano and the VEC shownin Fig. 5. (b) Same as (a) except chages in VEC ofpumiceous lapi111occurred. Form 0740 − 0840 UT ed up to 50 km upwind the VEC with In fl】rtherexpand- Fig. with isotherm 3. VEC Infrared Imagery emitted ved. plane infrared from The surface homogeneous atmosphere ary. (IR) the surface VEC investigate of the IR VEC is assumed cloud (1987) VECs layer temperature from reported occurred were in an is generally IR higher to be applicable were Figures contrastingly VEC the tern- same is −80 (B) °C less observed psudocolor observation IR north whereas (D) the about as and ture and in the located being another dew (b) −7− of the volcano。 show wind located to the tempera- (approximatdy sea are that at height is HTl ) occur in the stratosphere- in level) It is believed while at (13.1N, − 80 °Cthe VEC to the tropopause. the speed (Fig. 5). The at 100 mb less than disperesed LEGASPI correspondingly area area (−60∼ and and −83 °Cand 20m/sec. (>−80°C 2. warmest respectively point. area in the is in the center warmer tropopause/咄16㎞above equivalent in The to the far west speed An in a fan-shaped and (Fig. −80 °Cand is observed 一60°C (HT2) south of volcano wind VECs tropo pause. volcano. 11 (a) temperatures imageries times of the Figures east of the vEC。 °C (HTl) LAOAG(18.2N,120.5E) injected into the stratosphere。 at the VEC the 7,(C))is less than 一70 air temperature. thus it is believed that these 7 − 10 show by patterns of the dispersed is greater than 123.7E). were vicinity of the volcano. enclosed wave appear −70 °C) is observed in the troposphere。 VECs has disc-shaped to that in the than of HTl, to VECs the highest temperatures in Section VEC phenomenon Pinatubo's taken which to than of warmer Fig. surrounding bound- However, VECs warmer at its origin, with the being and is equivalent isothermal imageries the surface. This considered area and temperature 1, (B), obser- that the lowest of the penetration under the −80 °Cwhich The radiances to be a parallel GMS in the lee area origin's because occurring used and surface temperature perature Images, overlying a non reflecting lower Sawada (A), UT)the Features than In the 7(0540 coincident a velocity of 15 m/sec. boundary extension velocity. At 0710 UT a heavy fal】 The and HT2 heights AiaA^Dsasaj j 09- puB 3. OZ- u^qj jauuBM sbsjb aJB zxH P”e UH ' O. 0i- 09-︶ ^ ● O. 08- ”^Ml sssi s^g^ pssjaasip '3^ 08- UBqj j3mo[ sajnjBjadiusj qjiM sujauBd uuaqiosi f)^ 08- 941 M paso[3U3 DHA padEqs-osip aqj ajEOipui A[3A!P8dS3j q puE f] 'g ' ・ 33A pasjaasip b puB v SP'S S 一’・ IL==一..= −8− }uau am uo awos m一〇3 ai{︸ Aq pajBDipui ajB sajnjBjadtusj。 Xfl Ot'QO IB XjaHEiui >ji jo[ODopnsj r ajnSij ︻︷J t ]i aABM 〔〕 ・L″r︲・り’ ,畠. 1991 N0.23 NOVEMBER NOTE TECHNICAL CENTER SATELLITE METEOROLOC】CAL □ l v ' 一一 ● `・ |● f「 −9− − 一一 一一 − 一一 - 一 一一 一 一一 − 一 一 一一 - 一 一一 一 一一 − 一 一 一 一 − 一 一 一一 一 一一 一 一 I Sij sb quibs g ajnXij I● 10 OWO IB jdaoxa ^ ■ 一 一 −一 一一 _ A aqj Jo gSpa am ajBDipui ApAipadssj ftii pue 9 ' ・ 3 09- u^m jajB9a2 eaae ajnjEjaduiaj e due '︵U・品−∼a1︶sajn}EJSdiU9} jaMoi ujim sujajjed SAEM '03 一 コ士︱− 一一 一− 一 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年n月 皿 a ● ● [コ ● 一一 ¬= ㎜㎜ 一 一一 一一 一 一 一一 一‥ 一 一一 −一 言ザ言ナプ……5 一一 一一 − - − - 一一 一一 一 一 一一 一一 一 −一 一 −一 一 一一 ・一 ㎜ ■■ 一一 ‥ 一 一一 一一 一 一一 一一 一一 一一 一一 一 一一 一 一 一一 一一 一一 一 一一 一一 一− 一一 一一 一一 一一 ‥一 一 一 一 一 一一 − -一一一一 。一一一一 一 一 一一一一 一 一 tF°゜ !1 じ つ。。っよ,‥ レ∇………∇2 ̄・92 c wnSu な; N0.23NOVEMBER ・. ‘︵U・吊−汐︶siods −10− NOTE Xn OPLO IE ;d3Dxa g aij sb amec 一 TECHNICAL jauSm B sgjEDipui v 一 CENTER IBjaAaS SUIABU BSJE 9jrHBjadUI9J 一一 }0U 1 1 一一 SATELLITE r一− 一一 METEOROLOGICAL 1991 き= 皿 ¶ ゞt り ≪.. ‘.’ld!L4 門 J ■- ゛1 t [] 1 i ● − | 「7」 D 。柘 −11 j SB auiBC; nr ainSijt │ 一一 ・(D.09- 09-)siuaiiEd 3ABM ajniEjgdiuai jau2iu sajBDipui v ' I D 0*80 ?b jdSDxa o -31 −j 1﹃﹁1 − 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 METEOROLOGICAL of HT1/HT2 SATELLITE are measured level using the assumption CENTER at 18/21㎞above that the VEC TECHNICAL sea NOTE The last IR image the westward from a vertical profilebased on the tropical atmo- the surface sphere model (McClatchey and both HTl and HT2 than at 0540 UT. et. al.,1972)。 shows that mum ward (maxi- The next IR image ward extension of HT2, HT3, hourly at a height of 23 Im above sea level。 (Fig. 9,0740 the eastward extension of HTl. UT) the shows HT2 and the increase of surface temprerature 0740 UT VIS image (Fig. 3, (O) correspond °C), and As HT3 fall of pumiceous compared area having respectively between of HTl east・ show the the volcano (−70 lapilli was and °C), HT2 °C). It is important to the injected hot material temperature 1t is wave the extension to of after a observed on the especially up to 100 km upwind。 The on the appearance on the VEC's in all directions (30 minutes HT3 volcano's activity is considered to have appear 0740 −0840 UT the high temperature areas west of the volcano. continued based temperature (−50 that from ground), to of HT2. higher - (c) isotherm occurred heavy shown in the in the volcano. expansion distance variations recognize the westward dispersion of 12 (a) boundary (−60 the rapid west- surrounding the volcano. White VECs surrounding that UT)shows the decrease side (Fig.10,(A))。 Figures temperature of −27 °C),being located in the center of HT2 temperature to note 10,0840 of HT3, patterns ( ―50∼−60°C) a new temperature area appears greater than −50 °C(HT3) (Fig. dispersion the further eastward interesting have extended to 3 times larger Furthermore, 1991 (A))。 tempera- ture is equivalent to ambient temperature derived In Fig. 8(0640 UT)the IR image N0. 23NOVEMBER this additionally dispersions of HTl and suggests that a radial f】ux of occurred after 0740 UT. of a higher several hot 4. spots (々−30 °C)which surrounds the volcano (Fig. 9, Siunmary Visible IR imageries of the 100 ●X べ S X S ● ゝ 溥 y4 vol- Wind Speed→/'叫 タハシ ’^rtr u ︵\ f︷r 200 /y ︵1︶ajnss3J(j 30 釦 ︵qui) ajnssajH 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rり p0 7 500 gigantic *^^. tl t r″ and ?S 1000 `ヽ、 80 60 40 20 20 60 40 -20 0 20 lenperilure (X) IPUPP£atijr£CC} Figure 11 (a) Figure 11 (b) Figure 11 Air 123.7E). temperature. 00 UT June dew point. and wind at(a)LAOAG(18.2N,120.5E),(b)LEGASPI(13.1N, 15, 1991. −12− 気象衛星センター 技術報告 第23号 1991年11月 ●X■▲ WEST EAST NORTH ︵日ざ 200 aouBisin 匹 ︵j︶DDUtJSin 150 100 50 0540 0640 Satellite Figure 0640 0710 0740 0840 0710 0740 Observation Satellite Time (UT) 12 (a) Observation Figure Time (UT) 12 (b) 300 0 0 20 15 ︵1︶SSt召 250 □m 50 Saiellite Observat Figure i on Time (UT) 12 (c) Figure 12 Distance changes in the N, S, E, and W directions between the volcano and the isotherm boundary of (a) HTl (-70 °C).(b) HT2 (-60 °C).(c) HT3 (-50°C). canic eruption clouds (VECs) from Mt. Pinatubo, ed in the 0640 UT visibleimage and covered an Philippines were taken on June 15,1991 from 0540 area 300 kl in diameter. −0940 UT at one hour intervals by the GMS-4 2) The laieest average velocity of the VEC ex ten- satellite.These imageries were studied and indjcat- sion(47 m/sec) occurred from 0540 −0640 UT ed the following: on the volcano's westward 1)A giant VEC showing “wave” textures appear- 3 )At 0640 UT −13− was side. the surface temperature of VEC METEOROLOGICAL was more than tropopause (>−50 SATELLITE CENTER 10 °C higher than the temperature ( ―80 °C),and a temperature °C) with temperature a small hot TECHNICAL of sis Division area for spot (a maximum of − 27 °C) appeared of the VEC. 4) The height of the high temperature (>−50°C)was心23㎞above 5) The VEC radially area up N0. 23NOVEMBER 1991 of the Meteorological many helpful are given Director, and Division, for manuscript, sea level. expanded their thanks at the center NOTE Kroda, Yotuya, to Dr. Particular Analysis System their beneficial and University, discussions. to Mr. Mr. Satellite Center Division Engineering comments Koyaguchi, on the Kumamoto for his advice. to 400 km in Reference diameter increase against in its surface 0640 − 0740 UT, surrounding 6) At an easterly wind with 0840 UT of the volcano. than the creased, The occurred VEC further surface occurred °C) expanded temperature the Funada, H. tion of volcanic chon. up to cal up to 200 km upwind surrounding suggesting injected hot material from present. to 100 km upwind. temperature thereby being especially −60 °Cspread surface temperature An several hot spots (^-30 the volcano 600 km in diameter, of 20 m/sec. and Note, from observa・ volcano El Chi- Satellite Center 7, 13 −27 (inJapanese Techni- with English abstract). greater McClatchey, R. the erties of the volcano de Envim. Res. flux (1983):GMS-2 ashes Meteorological whereas that a radial K. Arai of Sawada, after 0740 UT. Y. volcanic image A. et al. (1972):Optical atmosphere Papers (3rd N0. 411. ed.). 108 pp・ et al. (1987):Study on eruptions eruption data based obtained by on propAFCRL the analyses of cloud geostationary Acknowledgments Gratitude is extended to members of the Analy- meteorological satellite (GMS). Meteorol. Inst.. No. Res. GMS-4号によるフィリピンのピナツボ火山噴火の火山雲の観測 徳野 正己 気象衛星センター解析課 フィリピンにあるピナツポ火山は,1991年6月15日大噴火をし,それによる巨大な火山 雲が発生した。 1991年6月15日5時40分から9時40分(世界標準時)の間に日本の静止気 象衛星「ひまわり4号」が観測した毎時間の可視・赤外画像からこの巨大な火山雲の特徴 を解析した結果,次のことがわかった。直径約300 kmの円盤状の巨大な火山雲が6時40分 の可視画像に現れた。この火山雲の表面には,波状性の隆起が見られた。火山雲の表面温 度は中心付近に−27°Cの高温点を持ち,圏界面温度(約一83°C)より10°C以上も高く観 測された。このことは,火山雲が成層圏に突入したことを意味している。 7時40分には, 約一30 °Cの高温域が,火山上空の周囲をリング状に取り巻くようにこの火山雲に現れた。 更に,この円盤状の火山雲は表面温度を上昇させながら,東風(約20 直径400 m/sec)に逆らって kmにまで拡大した。8時40分には,火山周辺の火山雲の温度は低下したが,−60°C 以上の高温域は更に風上100 kmまで拡大した。このことは,火山雲に注入された高温の物 質が,7時40分の後に放射状に広がったことを示唆している。 14 Tech. 22. 335 pp・ Rep.
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