^c[dhj^hhZ Publication of the Swiss Canadian Chambers of Commerce Ontario and Quebec Publication des Chambres de Commerce Canado-Suisse de l’Ontario et du Québec August/September Août / Septembre 2014 Feature/Reportage eature/Reportage:: Energy / Énergie www.swissbiz.ca www.cccsqc.ca DÉCOUVREZ LA R ÉVOLUT I ON SUR WWW.NESPRESSO.COM #TheCoffeeRevolution Publication of the Swiss Canadian Chambers of Commerce Ontario and Quebec Publication des Chambres de Commerce Canado-Suisse de l’Ontario et du Québec FEATURE / REPORTAGE Energy / Énergie 4 6 7 9 15 Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies in Alberta’s Booming Economy Nanotechnology and Energy Canadian Energy Sector – Fast Facts Hilti Canada: Reinventing your Business Model UBS Commodity Markets Update BUSINESS AND OTHER NEWS ACTUALITÉS ÉCONOMIQUES ET D’AFFAIRES 10 12 13 17 20 28 Tribeca Insights: China: New Frontier for Swiss Banking The Employer’s Edge A Little Humility Goes a Long Way Minimum Wages in Canada and in Switzerland Business News Trade Fairs CHAMBER NEWS INFORMATIONS DE VOTRE CHAMBRE 2 3 15 17 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 President’s Message SCCC/Upcoming Events Message du Président CCCS / Événements à venir Quote of the Month Scholarship Fund SCCC New Members Nouveaux Membres – CCCS La Suisse à Montréal en Lumière 2015, le festival hivernal de Montréal Golf Tournament 2014 in Association with CGCIC Le golf avec votre Chambre; une sortie agréable pour tous! Soccer (Football) World Cup 2014 Travel News SCCC Group Health Plan Oilfield Pipeline CONTENTS / INDICE ^c[dhj^hhZ Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Ontario) Inc. 756 Royal York Road • Toronto, Ontario M8Y 2T6 Tel: (416) 236-0039 • Fax: (416) 236-3634 • E-mail: [email protected] • www.swissbiz.ca BOARD OF DIRECTORS • 2014 – 2015 President / Director: Ernst Notz Nacora 2 Hunter Avenue, Toronto ON M6E 2C8 Tel: 416-784-2872 Email: [email protected] 1st Vice-President/Director: Julien Favre UBS Bank (Canada) 154 University Avenue, Toronto ON M5H 3Z4 Tel: 416-345-7033 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ubs.com/1/e/canada Treasurer/ Director: Monica Stevens-Wyss Trowbridge Professional Corporation 25 Adelaide St. E.; Suite 1400; Toronto, ON M5C 3A1 Phone: 416-214-7833 ext.104 Email: [email protected] Website: www.trowbridge.ca Secretary & Legal Counsel: Bernard Lette Lette LLP 20 Queen Street West, #3300, P.O. Box 33, Toronto ON M5H 3R3 Tel: 416-971-4898 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lette.ca Past President / Director: Philipp Gysling Mesh Innovations Inc. 174 Hallam Street, Toronto ON M6H 1X5 Tel: 416-871-8159 Email: [email protected] Website: www.meshinnovations.com Directors: Brett Berman IMD Alumni Club of Canada 107 Cottingham Street, Toronto, ON M4V 1B9 Tel: 416-464-9422 Email: b.berman@intifin.com Rudi Blatter Lindt & Spruengli (Canada) Inc. 181 University Avenue, Suite 900, Toronto ON M5H 3M7 Tel: 416-351-8566 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lindt.com Heidy Lawrance WeMakeBooks.ca 238 Willowdale Ave., North York ON M2N 4Z5 Tel: 416-733-1827 Email: [email protected] Website: WeMakeBooks.ca Sandra Leuba RBC Wealth Management CINEBOXX Film & Television Inc. 136 Curzon Street, Toronto ON M4M 3B5 Tel: 416-616-4251 Email: [email protected] Marianne Mian-Krenger Re/Max Legacy Realty Inc. Brokerage 2485 Taylorwood Dr., Oakville, ON L6H 0E1 Tel: W: 905-272-5000 Tel: H: 416-820-2003 Email: [email protected] Dear Members, Both Chambers had a very busy month of June organizing various events. We both had our golf tournament and some world cup soccer related fun gatherings. Especially the golf tournament required a lot of preparation and detail attention; I would like to thank our own golf committee for their dedicated successful work. Our two chambers met at the residence of Ulrich Lehner, our departing Ambassador. We would like to thank him for all his support during his stay in Canada and we wish him much success at his new demanding assignment in Paris with the OECD. His successor, Ambassador Beat Nobs, will arrive some time in September and we are looking forward to welcoming him at latest at our Dinner & Dance on November 15th which is now in preparation stage. The social, pleasant lunch meeting in Ottawa was very beneficial and lead to discussion on cooperation and common challenges. It was nice to meet with our friends from Montreal. Please see the various articles in this issue. In cooperation with the IMD Alumni Club and the International University Clubs of Toronto we were able to profit of the visit of a member of the Executive Board (Mr. Meyrat) who gave us a valuable presentation on how Hilti, Liechtenstein based manufacturer of high end construction tools and fasteners, reinvented their business model and introduced a new fleet management program to differentiate itself from its competitors. Our various committees are working on the SCCC future orientation focusing on e.g. how to facilitate and promote business, engage members to network and broaden our membership base with different offerings incl. social media, succession planning etc. We will report on this in one of our next issue. SCCC also dealt with the anti-spam legislation (CASL) introduced effective July 1, 2014, and we are in the process of obtaining consent to send a “commercial electronic message” (CEM) to our interested parties. The feature articles in this bi-monthly publication focuses on “Energy”. You can read about the Business opportunities for Swiss companies in Alberta’s booming economy; or how Nanotechnology and in particular several nano-materials have become interesting candidates for solar energy harvesting, largely inspired by the Grätzel Cell developed at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne; as well as a market update on “Energy”. Ronnie Miller Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd 2455 Meadowpine Boulevard, Mississauga ON L5N 6L7 Tel: 905-542-5522 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rochecanada.com Thank you in advance for participating in our upcoming fall events as per the schedule below. Christoph Oehy Swiss Reinsurance Company 150 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1J9 Tel: 647-775-2443 Email: [email protected] Website: www.swissre.com Yours sincerely, See you soon! Ernst Notz, President Daniel Oehy Swissmar 35 East Beaver Creek Rd, Unit 6, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B3 Tel: 905-764-1121 Email: [email protected] Website: www.swissmar.com Urs Uhlmann Zurich 400 University Avenue, 25th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 1S7 Tel: 416-586-2959 Email: [email protected] Website: www.zurich.ca Honorary Director: Kathy Utigard Honorary Consul of Toronto 193 Riverview Street, Oakville, ON L6L 5S3 Tel: 905-845-1259 E-mail: [email protected] Executive Assistant: Patricia Keller Schläpfer – SCCC 756 Royal York Road, Toronto ON M8Y 2T6 Tel: 416-236-0039 Fax: 416-551-1011 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.swissbiz.ca Typesetting and Assembly: Nancy Raitt @ corptype Printed by: J. B. Deschamps 2 INFO SUISSE 2014 COMING EVENTS August 19 Pub Night with the British Chamber September 20 CSCA Event at Shaw Festival: Cabaret Musical November 15 Gala Dinner Dance Further Information can be found on www.swissbiz.ca/upcoming_events Dates above are subject to change La Chambre de commerce canado-suisse (Québec) Inc. Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Quebec) Inc. 1572 Avenue Docteur Penfield, Montréal, Qué. H3G 1C4 • Tél: (514) 937-5822 • Fax: (514) 954-5619 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.cccsqc.ca CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION / BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013 – 2014 Président / President M. Christian G. Dubois Président Onix international Tel: (514) 624 5740 courriel:[email protected] Secrétaire / Secretary Me Monica Schirdewahn Avocate / Lawyer Lette & Associés Tel: 514.871.3838, # 213 E-mail: [email protected] Vice-présidents / Vice-Presidents Mr. Bruno Setz Consultant Tel: 514.767.5123 E-mail : [email protected] Mr. Olivier Rodriguez Gestionnaire de portefeuille Mirabaud Canada Inc. Tel: 514.393.1690 E-mail : [email protected] Trésorier / Treasurer Mr. Othmar Widmer Consultation Widmer Tel: 450.973.2864 E-mail: [email protected] Directeurs / Directors Mme Mina Cicale Directrice Générale Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. Tel: 514.954.5600 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Christian G. Dubois President Onix International Tel: 514.624.5740 [email protected] Me Jean-Marc Ferland Avocat Ferland, Marois, Lanctot Tel: 514.861.1110 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Moritz Gruber Consultant Tel: 450.264.6278 E-mail: [email protected] Mme Marie-Josée Loiselle Présidente Nuno ID Tel: 514.574.6641 [email protected] Mr. Jean-Aymeri de Magistris Directeur Ventes et Marketing Stambac International Tel : 514.564 6798 E-mail: [email protected] Chères, chers membres, C’est avec beaucoup de fierté que j’ai accepté la présidence de la Chambre pour un mandat de deux ans soit de 2014 à 2016. Je remercie les membres qui ont participé à notre dernière assemblée générale annuelle pour leurs témoignages de confiance. Je ne peux certainement pas prendre ma charge au poste de président sans tout d’abord remercier chaleureusement Jean-Serge Grisé qui m’a précédé. Jean-Serge, par sa vision d’une chambre plus active sur la scène commerciale avec son « virage affaires », a permis à notre chambre de recruter de nouveaux membres grâce à ses nombreuses activités telles que les 5 à 7 conférences ainsi que le style entrevu avec notre bon ami Simon Durivage. Et n’oublions surtout pas tous les membres du conseil qui ont fait un travail extraordinaire sous la présidence de Jean-Serge, merci à vous tous. Je prends l’engagement de continuer ce beau travail en organisant encore d’autres activités durant l’année en cours. 2014 est une année intéressante pour notre chambre avec la création ce printemps du SWISS BUSINESS HUB qui va ainsi permettre une encore meilleure collaboration avec les autorités suisses et ainsi favoriser les échanges commerciaux entre les deux pays. Cette collaboration est d’autant plus appréciée qu’elle s’ajoute aux relations privilégiées que nous entretenons déjà avec notre Consul général, Monsieur Beat Kaser, ainsi que toute son équipe. Il me reste un souhait profond pour cette première tranche de mandat: augmenter la participation à nos activités de réseautage et vous demander de poursuivre vos efforts dans le recrutement de nouveaux membres. Une participation soutenue est le gage d’une Chambre dynamique, à l’écoute de ses adhérents et ouverte sur l’avenir. Je vous souhaite un excellent été et au plaisir de vous revoir lors de notre cocktail d’ouverture le 10 septembre prochain. Christian G. Dubois Président du conseil d’administration Mr. Paul Wieser PDG pour le Canada Busch Vacuum Technics Inc. Tel: 450.435.6899 E-mail: [email protected] Directeur honoraire / Honorary Director Mr. Beat Kaser Consul général de Suisse Tel: 514.932.7181 E-mail: [email protected] ÉVÉNEMENTS / UPCOMING EVENTS 2014 10 septembre / September 10th Cocktail d’ouverture / Opening Cocktail 19 novembre / November 19th Soirée Fondue / Fondue Night Liaison au Consulat général de Suisse Mr. Paolo Bezzola Consul Tel: 514.932.7181 E-mail: [email protected] Conseiller juridique / Legal Counsel Lette & Associés Tel: 514.871.3838, # 213 E-mail: [email protected] Responsable de l’administration / Administration Officer Des événements supplémentaires seront ajoutés au fur et à mesure Additional events will be added as soon as the dates will be known Dates sujettes à changement / Dates are subject to change INFORMATION et détails/and details : www.cccsqc.ca ou/or (514) 937-5822 Mme France Nadeau Tel: 514.937.5822 E-mail: [email protected] A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 3 Energy / Énergie BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SWISS COMPANIES IN ALBERTA’S BOOMING ECONOMY Alberta is energy. The province has 168 billion barrels of established crude oil reserves and is the third biggest resource holder in the world, behind Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Alberta also contributes 80% to national gas production, resulting in Canada being the third biggest producer globally. Since 2010 Alberta’s economy has been booming, mainly because of the development of the oil sands. In 2013, the province attracted more than a quarter of all investments in Canada, surpassing Ontario for the first time. This year investments are expected to total $114 billion, with about half of this flowing into projects in the oil and gas sector. In recent years the population of Calgary and Edmonton has grown rapidly. Both cities 4 INFO SUISSE have reached about 1.2 million inhabitants. The growing population stimulated the housing sector, but also increased the demand for services and consumer goods. Last year Lindt Outlet Boutiques– as an example of a Swiss company - opened shops in Calgary and Edmonton. Great opportuni- ties also exist in healthcare, waste management (‘waste-to-energy’ and biogas), water supply and wastewater treatment facilities. Calgary, the centre of the Canadian oil and gas industry, has evolved into a thriving business hub. In 2012, the head offices of 135 companies, each with a turnover of more than CAD$ 100 million, were located here. Calgary now ranks, in terms of company headquarters, as number two in Canada behind Toronto. New high-rises are being built in Calgary and Edmonton to accommodate the increasing demand for office space. They are often certified to LEED standards. In older office buildings mechanical installations, heating and cooling systems etc need to be replaced. These projects create business opportunities for companies like Schindler Elevator Corp. The rapid spread of the residential areas in recent years (“urban sprawl”) led to infrastructure problems. New roads are being built and public transport systems need to be expanded. There is a greater need for efficient traffic management systems. Of the $57 billion expected to be invested this year in the oil and gas industry, $33 billion will flow into projects in the oil sands. It may be a surprise that only 20% of Alberta’s bitumen reserves can be produced from the well-known surface mines. The other 80% are buried under a thick surface layer of rock and have to be accessed by so-called in situ methods: Horizontal wells are being drilled through which steam is pressed into the subsurface. The heat of the steam liquefies the bitumen and the resulting bitumen/water mixture can be pumped to surface for further processing. The volumes produced by the in situ industry are rapidly growing and in 2015 will surpass the quantities from the open pit mines. The in situ production, however, is very expensive and requires vast amounts of energy and water. The costs and environmental footprint are being reduced by the re-use of wastewater, harnessing of process heat and reducing CO2 emissions(‘cleantech’). The in situ production is technologically challenging and requires a wide range of sophisticated equipment. This was very evident at the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary in June 2014, the world’s largest energy event, where more than 2000 companies exhibited their pumps, compressors, process equipment, electronic measuring devices, valves and pressure vessels in the large exhibition venue of the Stampede grounds. Among the exhibitors were companies from Switzerland and Liechtenstein like ABB Inc., Burckhardt Compression, Your in-depth knowledge Our risk assessment His quality of life Who will provide the healthcare that our ageing populations need, and the quality of life they expect? You know the issues better than the back of your own, elegantly ageing hand. And so do we. For example, right now in the US we’re working with clients to combine their expert market knowledge with our risk assessment capabilities. The result? Affordable private insurance that will not only provide retirees with comprehensive medical cover for the rest of their lives – but peace of mind for everyone concerned. Especially him. We’re smarter together. www.swissre.com/info2 A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 5 Energy / Énergie Endress+Hauser, the Hilti Group, Mettler Toledo and Panalpina Inc. The value of the imports of manufactured goods for the oil sand industry amounts to $5 billion per year and is expected to grow steadily. Several Swiss companies have their subsidiaries in Alberta. ABB Inc., for example, concentrates on power transmission and distribution, as most of the energy consumed in the oil sands comes from gas fired power plants. Endress+Hauser is a supplier of industrial measurement and process automation equipment. Their services allow for optimising the economic efficiency, environmental performance and safety of industrial processes. Relatively new to Alberta is OTI Greentech AG, a company specializing in environmentally responsible cleaning solutions for storage tanks. Other products can be utilized for oil spills and land remediation. The company also offers a range of high performance chemicals for hydrocarbon recovery. They allow maximizing the recovery of oil from conventional and non-conventional reservoirs, including oil sands and shales. Sulzer Ltd. maintains a major service centre in Edmonton, where all types of rotating equipment are repaired and refurbished, and solutions can be provided for a wide range of hydraulic, mechanical, and metallurgical problems. Companies from the finance and commodities sector in Switzerland are becoming increasingly visible in Calgary. Credit Suisse expanded their business in recent years and their ‘Canada Energy Group’ is located here. In July 2014, Glencore XstrataPlc took over Caracal Energy Inc., an exploration company based in Calgary with activities in the African Republic of Chad. The oil trader Mercuria Energy Group is on the way to becoming a major player, after buying JPMorgan’s physical commodities business earlier this year. During the Calgary Stampede in early July, their flags and signs were visible all over the Stampede grounds. By Mr. Andreas Bayer, Honorary Consul, Consulate of Switzerland, 4053 Edgevalley Landing N.W., Calgary, AB, T3A 5H5, [email protected] – T. + 1 403 208 3296. 6 INFO SUISSE ■ NANOTECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY This might sound like another buzz word competition. Yet some very practical implications arise from linking the two concepts. Nanotechnology can potentially provide low-cost and scalable solutions to greener energy production and storage. At the same time, certain types of nano-particles might be extremely damaging to the environment and human health. As always, new technologies come with their bundle of opportunities, threats and regulatory uncertainty. Nanotechnology is no exception. It is and will remain a conundrum for societies to assess its strengths and weaknesses regarding green energy and careful case by case studies will be required. Keeping this in mind, risk management regarding the development and use of nanotechnology should be discussed in light of the current global context. The BRICs economies are rising and leaning towards high-consuming lifestyles. The world’s population is growing at a rate that is more than exponential. Climate change is threatening our ecosystems and the global economy is slowing down. This means that incremental innovation will not suffice to generate the market forces permitting a transition towards a sustainable system. In such a context, every possible avenue for green energy production should be explored. Those observations provide a strong rationale for carrying out research and development in the field of nanotechnology. The interest in nano-materials arises from the observation that materials at the nanoscale behave differently than their bulk counterparts. By manipulating the size and shape of matter, scientists can confer extremely interesting properties to materials. This can in turn lead to radically new modes of device operation. In terms of energy production, several nano-materials have become interesting candidates for solar energy harvesting, largely inspired by the Grätzel Cell developed at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne. For example, there is the Quantum Dot Solar Cell, a device developed by several research groups in parallel all around the world with some of the most competitive ones located in Canada and Switzerland. Those solar cells employ spherical semi-conductor nano-particles – called quantum dots – as sunlight absorbers. Even though the devices still suffer from problems such as long-term degradation, their advantage is that they are using much less material than the standard Kambhampati research lab at McGill University, where quantum dots are being characterized using advanced laser spectroscopies. bulk panels. Recently, tremendous progress has also been achieved in terms of efficiencies, which can now hit 8 to 10 percent. This might seem low when compared to stateof-the-art mono crystalline silicon solar cells: yet progress in the field is fast-paced. Most importantly, the potential for improvement and upscaling remains significantly larger than in most traditional solar cell technologies. Beyond solar energy conversion, other active areas of research involve, among others, the development of nano-batteries and energy storage in super-capacitors. Those are equally promising and relevant to the future of energy systems. It is thus clear that at the research level, nanotechnology is perceived as having one of the highest potentials for solving the energy challenges. But just how far are those hopes from turning into a commercial reality? Nanotechnology is sometimes forecasted to be at the origin of the next tions raised in this article. Not only are the science infrastructures outstanding: both countries also seem to reflect upon nanotechnology in a wider context. Because the links between nanotechnology and energy are so multi-faceted, gaining an understanding of cultural and business sensitivities in different countries beyond pure scientific perspectives is not only enriching but also essential. Different size of quantum dots absorb and emit different colors, making them interesting candidates for solar light harvesting. Kondratiev wave, which designates waves of long-term and sustained economic development initiated by a radical innovation. Some put nanotechnology’s potential to steer a system-wide transformation on par with historical technological revolutions such as the information and communication industries. Nanotechnology may thus well be “big”. Realistically though, large-scale commercialization of nanotechnology-based green products may still lie a few decades from now. The first market applications are just starting to appear in fields often not directly related to energy production. For example, the big display companies are now starting to use semi-conductor nano-crystals to produce more vividly colored TV screens. Some of those nano-crystals are composed of cadmium, a heavy metal. It is still unclear how those displays will be recycled. In such a case, nanotechnology and sustainability do not seem to be walking hands in hands. At the same time, the fact that mass markets are becoming interested in nanotechnology might help drive costs down by scaling-up production at the industrial level. It can be hoped that these market forces will in turn be harvested to foster the mass production of other devices employing greener materials. As a Swiss researcher in Canada, it is thriving to work in the field of nanotechnology. A Canadian would very likely say the same about working in Switzerland. Both countries benefit from truly amazing research environments and as such, provide excellent platforms for exploring the ques- Hélène Seiler is a Swiss researcher currently working on her P.hD. At McGill University in the field of quantum dots. Email : [email protected] ■ CANADIAN ENERGY SECTOR – FAST FACTS Canada means energy! Here at a glance the importance of this sector and the opportunities: • Energy is the 4th largest contributor to Canada’s GDP: $1,6 T or 7,6% of GDP (2012) • Canada is a net exporter of energy • Because of a small population compare to geography – 30% of our energy is used for transport • Because also of the cold climate – 40% of the energy goes for heating A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 7 Energy / Énergie • • • Canada is in the top 10 energy producers in the world (production is higher than consumption) • 3rd for Crude Oil Reserves (2011) • 3rd for Natural Gas Production (2009) • 2nd for Uranium Production (2010) • 3rd for Uranium Reserves (2009) • 5th for Primary Energy Production (2008) • 6th for Electricity Generation (2008) • 3rd for Hydroelectricity (2009) Oil & Gas Labour Force (direct employment): 287 120 (2011) Canada has a very diversified supply (production): • Conventional Crude Oil / equivalent • Condensate • Pentanes Plus • Oil Sands • Natural Gas Liquids, Natural Gas, Natural Gas from Coal • Coal • Uranium • Electricity (petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, wind, tidal, biomass) • Alternative Fuels (ethanol, biodiesel) Provinces : Energy Production Alberta: 1st in Canada for Conventional Crude Oil (reserves and production) and 1st in Natural Gas (reserves and production). Québec: 1st in Electricity Generation, 1st in Hydroelectricity. Ontario: 1st in Electricity Generation from nuclear and wind power, 2nd in thermal and combustion turbine. Even with new oil production in the US – Canada has increased its share of US imports from 2005 to 2013 (from 16% of US imports in 2005 to 32% in 2013) – this will not change soon according to the National Energy Board of Canada due to new refineries conversion in the Midwest designed specifically to process heavy oil from Canada. Challenge: the transport is a major challenge as more oil is now being shipped through rail (according to the National Energy Board of Canada – crude-by-rail exports from Canada more than doubled in 2013, reaching an average of 160,000 bpd 8 INFO SUISSE or about 20 fully loaded trains per day by the end of the year) to the East but also new pipelines will need to be approved if the scheduled production of oil is to be met by 2030. OILS SANDS: INVESTMENTS AND SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITIES As outlined by a recent report in 2012 by the Conference Board of Canada, a good part (1/3) of the benefits of the oil sands investments in the coming years (2012-2035) will also go to companies outside of Alberta. The investment according to the report is estimated to be $364B. This is sometime viewed as one of the largest investments since the Interstate Highway System in the US (Michael Burt, director Industrial Economic Trends). For many companies in Ontario, Québec and other foreign companies opening branches in Canada, this is a great opportunity to supply an industry which literally needs almost anything one can imagine (construction, housing, food, IT, waste management, etc.). As the chart below indicates maintenance and on site work will require is important because a lot of the equipment is unique. The work usually will come from engineers and designers but the end user (Suncor, Exxon…) has to approve the facility and then you are on the vendor list. Alberta fabricators have long lead times due to the load of work and the pressure on the workforce availability; thus there is an opportunity for Ontario, Québec and others to fill the gap. Transportation is often mentioned as a possible hurdle but as Alps Welding notes, this is a relatively small portion of the cost. To get more information on the opportunities (matching customers with suppliers): - Energy Summit (Calgary) www.energy.ca - Canadian Energy National Supply Chain Forum (Calgary) www.supplychainforum.ca - National Buyer Seller Forum (Calgary) www.cme-mec.ca Sources: • Center for Energy, Statistics www.centerforenergy.com • National Energy Board of Canada, Canadian Energy Dynamics 2013 www.neb-one.gc.ca • Conference Board of Canada, Oil Sands Investment Expected to Generate Economic Benefits in all Parts of Canada, October 24 2012 www.conferenceboard.ca • Canadian Energy Supply Chain Forum, Winning Oils Sands Business From Ontario, October 2014 www.supplychainforum.ca By Marie-Josée Loiselle, Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Québec) inc. the most investments: Companies in Ontario and Québec are looking most often south of the border to the US for new business but many would gain at supplying this sector in Alberta even when most think the distance can be an issue. As Alps Welding in Woodbridge Ontario has demonstrated, if you are flexible and have a state-of-the-art fabrication facility, you can win oil sands contracts. In effect, flexibility ■ HILTI CANADA: REINVENTING YOUR BUSINESS MODEL By Hilti Canada On June 24th, at the conference facilities graciously provided by Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada, the IMD Alumni Club of Canada and the Swiss-Canadian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario, hosted an engaging and motivating learning event featuring Marco Meyrat, Member of the Executive Board of Hilti Corporation. With the topic “Reinventing your Business Model”, Mr. Meyrat eloquently presented the thesis that: one secret to maintaining a thriving business is recognizing when it needs a fundamental change. Mr. Meyrat, a Swiss national, has been a Member of the Executive Board since the beginning of 2005. He is responsible for the markets in Europe and North America. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OLMeRO AG, Glattbrugg. After providing a brief introduction about Hilti, Mr. Meyrat shared with the audience of 50 participants how Hilti, a Lichtensteinbased manufacturer of high end construction tools and fasteners for the construction industry, was able to transform the business model and capitalize on a game changing opportunity to increase customer engagement by turning their product into a service. He explained how the fleet management program allowed the company to continue to differentiate itself from its competitors, and how adopting the business model, building the internal processes and sales force competency build up, allowed for this change to be successfully implemented. “Thanks to the uniqueness of our business model, we have been successful in transforming tangible products into service offerings which differentiate us from our competition and give our customers flexibility that they never had before”, shared Mr. Meyrat summarizing his lecture. As this concept is applicable across multiple industries, there were many questions during the lively Q&A period. The ideas presented and the featured presenter were both very well received. Most of the participants stayed on for further informal discussions and networking – an additional benefit of the event. www.hilti.ca ■ A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 9 Tribeca Insights China: New Frontier for Swiss B anking CHINA: NEW FRONTIER FOR SWISS BANKING By: Beat J. Guldimann, LLD NEW AGE IN TAX POLICY HALTING GROWTH Swiss Private Banking, most importantly offshore private banking, has seen better days. In the past five years or so, Swiss banks have seen their business with wealthy international clients erode in the wake of an unprecedented and globally coordinated effort by all major G7 countries to put an end to tax evasion. As a result of this U.S. led new age of global tax policy across the G7 and the OECD, Switzerland has seen itself forced to sign on to a much higher level of cooperation in global tax matters. The aggressive approach taken by U.S. in enforcing cooperation from Swiss banks has led many of them to shutting their business with wealthy American clients down. Swiss banks today apply the strictest know-your-client rules in tax matters known anywhere on the planet. This complete change of policy has led to the end of growth in cross-border business with wealthy clients from traditional markets such as Europe and North America. Swiss Private Banks are experiencing trouble with 10 INFO SUISSE profitability and they are slow to adapt to the new environment. CHINA: KEY MARKET FOR GROWTH With the growth outlook dimming in typical markets across Europe and North America, Swiss banks need to look for new frontiers. Asia in general has been a growth engine for global wealth management and private banking for a couple of decades now. Hong Kong and Singapore have seen tremendous expansion of their international banking sector as a result. The same cannot yet be said of Mainland China, even though the PRC has seen growth rates in domestic wealth creation that top every other country by a significant margin. While Swiss wealth managers have been highly successful in attracting Asian clients outside of China to their platforms, access to the wealthy in China has been slower than one might expect. We see two main reasons for this: First, the Chinese wealth management market is still developing and sophisticated global investment strategies are competing with double digit yields that wealthy Chinese investors can (or at least used to be able to) generate in the domestic real estate and manufacturing sector. However, with signs of China’s economy slowing down, interest in global investments will slowly pick up. Secondly, in order to be successful in China, international banks need to find a way to partner with key financial services firms in the PRC. The few Swiss banks – large or small - that are first to implement a strategic partnership for access to the domestic Chinese market will be able to seize a significant early mover advantage. SWITZERLAND – STILL AN ATTRACTIVE DESTINATION FOR GLOBAL BANKING Despite the recent and seismic changes that have shaken up old business models, the Swiss banking and finance centre remains highly attractive to globally minded investors. • Switzerland is the most stable democracy in the world with a dependable rule of law and a stable, consensus-based political system. It is also one the most fiscally sound countries in the world with a debt to GDP ratio of around 35%; • Switzerland has a well-diversified economy with an established reputation for highest levels of quality and innovation in which financial services only make up 10% of GDP; • Switzerland has an enviable unemployment rate of just 3%; • Switzerland is home to several worldleading multinational corporations such as Novartis, Roche, Nestle, ABB, Sulzer, Oerlikon and Rieter, just to name a few; • As a result of its international exposure, Switzerland also has a global talent • pool of highly trained and educated professionals and executives; Switzerland remains the world’s Number One booking centre for global private and institutional investors. Foreign and domestic assets held in Switzerland currently total just over CHF 5 trillion and Swiss banks have 26% share of the global wealth market, doubling Hong Kong and Singapore combined. A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CHINA Switzerland is the first country outside of Asia with whom China has entered a wideranging Free Trade Agreement. The FTA has come into full force and effect on July 1, 2014 and provides a framework for mutual trade that also extends to financial services. Swiss banking institutions will also play a key role in the process of moving the Renminbi to full convertibility over the coming years. They are well equipped to handle large volumes of RMB transactions given their decades of experience in handling multi-currency platforms. It can be expected that the FTA and all the other factors outlined above will soon lead to heightened interest among Chinese investors to benefit from the Swiss financial sector to facilitate the increased level of economic activity between China, Switzerland and – by extension – its trading partners. Swiss banks are currently valued at less than half of the price five years ago. This creates a secular buyer’s market for investors with strategic growth objectives as the search for elusive growth in global private banking forces many smaller to mid-sized Swiss banks to rethink their strategic options despite the unfavorable price environment. While the Swiss banking regulator (Finma) has significantly tightened the process for new bank licenses or change of ownership of existing banks, serious acquirers with a sensible business plan that takes advantage of the opportunities of a Swiss banking hub to develop international business in new markets will generally find Finma to be cooperative. This is particularly true in the context of the Swiss-China Free Trade Agreement and the “open for business” stance that the Swiss Government is taking towards developing its new relationship with Beijing. It is far from a stretch to see the absence of Chinese-owned banks from the Swiss market soon coming to an end. Beat Guldimann, owner of Tribeca Consulting Group, holds a Doctorate in Law from the University of Basel; he was legal counsel at the former SBC (86-96), President and CEO of UBS Canada (97-01), Head of Global Private Banking at CIBC (01-04) and Vice-Chairman at Hampton Securities (05-07). ■ “ We make communication work seamlessly across six continents. Zurich does the same with our insurance.” Andrew M. Miller, President & CEO Polycom, Inc. A single property insurance solution designed to help reduce coverage gaps and overlaps. Polycom, a global leader in telepresence solutions, needed a financially strong carrier that could make complex insurance coverage easier. Zurich provided a custom solution that’s as simple as it is seamless, integrating property with liability coverage all under one policy. It’s an example of how Zurich delivers the help businesses need when it matters most. Watch the video to learn more. www.zurichcanada.com/stories Insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries within the Zurich Financial Services Group including, in Canada, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. Insurance product obligations are the sole responsibility of each issuing insurance company. For example, only the assets of Zurich Canada (and no other assets of the Zurich Financial Services Group) are available to meet its obligations for the performance of its products. For more complete financial information, audited annual statements of the Group and information on the ratings of the underwriting companies of Zurich in North America, access www.zurichcanada.com. Zurich® is a registered trademark of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 11 Business and Other News Actualités économiques et d’affaires THE EMPLOYERS’ EDGE ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT: EMPLOYER’S OUT-OF-PROVINCE PAYROLL IS RELEVANT TO ESA SEVERANCE PAY THRESHOLD By Rob Boswell Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP Management Labour & Employment Lawyers. As a result of subsection 64(1) of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, certain circumstances of a dismissal trigger an obligation on the employer to provide an employee with severance pay. The most common threshold test is that an employee must have at least five years of service at the end of the statutory notice period and the employer must have an annual payroll of at least $2.5 million. The common interpretation of this subsection, one which has been consistently endorsed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour and the Ontario Labour Relations Board, is that only the payroll of the employer arising out of its operations in Ontario shall be included in the calculation of the employer’s payroll for the purposes of s. 64(1). The rationale behind this analysis is that the Province of Ontario only has the authority to make legislation pertaining to the operations of businesses within Ontario. In a recent French-language decision, Paquette v Quadraspec Inc., the Ontario Superior Court has determined that all of an employer’s payroll, both inside of Ontario and outside of Ontario, shall be included in the determination as to whether the severance pay threshold has been met. This decision, if followed in other decisions and most importantly if followed by the Ministry of Labour and the Ontario Labour Relations Board, could have far reaching implications for Ontario employers whose operations spread into other provinces within Canada. In this case, an Ontario employee was dismissed without cause after more than 26 years of employment. A written employment contract governed his employment. That contract, among other things, purported to determine his entitlement to payment to him in the event of termination of his employment without cause. The termination clause was found to violate the Employment Standards Act, 2000. While it is not our intention to examine this portion of the decision at length, it is a useful case to demonstrate the importance of careful contract drafting. An effective and enforceable termination clause may well have averted a trial in this case. The employer’s annual payroll in Ontario was less than $1.5 million. In Quebec, the same employer’s annual payroll was more than $3 million. Combined, the annual payroll more than exceeded the severance pay threshold in the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Looking at the Ontario payroll alone, the annual payroll was more than $1 million short of that threshold. Ultimately, the termination clause was found to be void for reasons unrelated to the determination of the severance pay issue. Had the contract been drafted in a manner that was enforceable, however, the severance pay threshold would have been key to a determination of whether the employer had complied with the contract. In other cases where an employee brings a claim to the Ministry of Labour under the Act, this is a critical determination as to the quantum of an employer’s liability. A shift in the interpretation of section 64(1) could give rise to significant future liability on cases where a dismissal has already taken place, without severance pay, and could significantly alter an employer’s decision about whether and how to proceed with a dismissal of a long service employee. We will monitor this decision in respect of any future appeals, but also to gauge the application of the decision in future MOL and OLRB proceedings, as well as similar wrongful dismissal actions in Superior Court. All of the lawyers of CCPartners are experienced in the drafting of employment contracts. We would be pleased to assist employers with any issues which may arise in both the drafting of new contracts, in the analysis of the risks associated with the 1 800 874-1071 514 631-6565 www.amjmontreal.com DÉMÉNAGEMENTS 12 INFO SUISSE I N T E R N AT I O N A U X dismissal of a long service employee, and in the defense of any claims or actions relating to wrongful dismissal. For more information on above or other topics visit their website at www. ccpartners.ca or contact David Chondon by e-mail at [email protected]. LAWYERS – AVOCATS – RECHTSANWÄLTE ■ A LITTLE HUMILITY GOES A LONG WAY by Heidi Garcia Have you ever had a conversation with someone who thinks they know it all? Regardless of the subject matter, they either know it, have heard it, or have an “expert” opinion to offer. These individuals love to hear themselves talk and tend to go on and on and on. They are more concerned about being interesting than being interested. I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with many brilliant, highly successful, and well-travelled people from all over the world. Time and again, one of the most fascinating things about these individuals is that they are always eager to learn more. They have a wonderful zest for knowledge and understanding. They certainly know a lot but they realize that there is still so much to learn. Nicknamed the “Wizard of Westwood”, John Wooden was a highly successful head coach of UCLA’s basketball team and often lectured his players that being teachable is the single most important element to becoming a leader. He said: “Without humility, one will never learn from the greatest teacher of all, failure. Losses come at you in every shape and size, and hit you in every area of your life - and that much is guaranteed. What is not guaranteed is your being humble enough to learn from them.” The opposite of humility is pride. How many people have experienced great failure because their pride got in the way? Has that For over 50 years, many of Europe’s largest corporate groups, as well as numerous small and medium-size companies, have counted on Lette to provide them with practical, sophisticated and cost-effective legal advice in Canada. CONTACT BERNARD LETTE [email protected] WWW.LETTE.CA TORONTO – LETTE LLP MONTRÉAL – LETTE & ASSOCIÉS S.E.N.C.R.L. ever happened to you? Has your pride or ego caused you heartache or regret? Have you ever said, “if only I had listened”? How many companies have suffered financial ruin due to the pride of some of their leaders? A very wise ancient king said: “Pride is before a crash and a haughty spirit before stumbling”. Why do we always have to learn things the hard way? Being open and willing to learn is humility in action. It is one of the key foundational elements of successful people. Although we may believe that we are legends in our own mind, the reality is that no one knows it all. Everyone has something to learn and improve. The hard part is acknowledging this and making the necessary adjustments in our thinking and attitude. It’s easy to point out the failings and weaknesses of others PARIS – LETTE ALÉRION MUNICH – LETTE & KNORR but much more difficult to recognize our own faults. Humility is often misunderstood and thought of as having a low opinion of one’s abilities and worth. Being humble does not mean we think less of ourselves. It simply means we think of ourselves less. “Humble people are not self-deprecating,” says psychologist Christ Peters in an article for Psychology Today, “but rather accurate in how they regard and present themselves.” By making an honest and accurate selfassessment, you will know where your strengths and weaknesses truly lie. This can save you from embarrassment in some situations while ensuring greater success in others. Kirk O. Hanson is the Executive Director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 13 Business and Other News Actualités économiques et d’affaires at Santa Clara University and a pioneer in the study of business ethics and business responsibility. He has compiled a list of characteristics demonstrated by unteachable leaders. According to Professor Hanson, you are an unteachable leader if you: • believe you know it all • tend to think you should be in charge • believe the rules do not apply to you • tend to believe things get done better all by yourself • believe you shouldn’t fail • believe you are better than others with less talent or status • think you are more important than the organization How did you rate? How many of these characteristics do you feel apply to you? Awareness is the first step. This list may be a good wake-up call and may give you the motivation to become more open, humble and teachable. You may need to let go of already knowing it all or always needing to be right. It may not be easy but a little humble pie is good for all of us. Pride can weaken a leader. Humility can strengthen a leader. Prideful leaders have all the right answers. Humble leaders ask all the right questions – of themselves and others. A prideful leader ignores what is obvious to everyone else. A humble leader is realistic and objective. A prideful leader says “me”. A humble leader says “we”. So what are the benefits of cultivating humility? There are many. It improves interactions across all levels, it reduces anxiety, it encourages cooperation, respect and surprisingly, it enhances one’s self-confidence. People enjoy being around those who are considerate and who think about others and not just themselves. Humility also promotes learning and growth by keeping us open to new possibilities. Humility is not usually talked about around the board table or in conference rooms but it is a powerful virtue that we should all do our best to cultivate Heidi Garcia is a Human Performance Specialist, working for and with KARICO Performance Solutions, located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Karin Lindner is the founder and owner of KARICO and her mission is to “help organizations and individuals in manufacturing environments to become the best they can be by positively impacting their ROI (Relationships, Outcomes and Improvements)”. ■ Bringing high-quality products to the world. It’s a Swiss tradition. There’s comfort in high-quality products. We should know. We export them. As the airline of Switzerland, we translate high quality into comfort on every Ðight by oøering service and hospitality you can count on. For daily Ðights from Montreal to Zurich, with connections to over 70 worldwide destinations, contact your travel agent or visit us on swiss.com 14 INFO SUISSE Energy / Énergie • UBS COMMODITY MARKETS UPDATE UNEVEN DYNAMICS IN CHINA’S COMMODITY IMPORTS • • • • The consolidation in commodity prices in May has room to run further, as we believe a set of factors is in place that remains bearish for the asset class. Favorable weather conditions, solid U.S. crude oil production, China’s structural growth slowdown, and normalizing U.S. monetary policy remain headwinds for commodities this year. Arbitrage and individual commodity considerations should keep China’s trade dynamics heterogeneous despite the structural deceleration in economic activity. That said, some of the recent import dynamics in copper, zinc, iron ore, crude oil, and soybeans are out of sync with the cyclical picture of the economy and China’s structural demand needs, warranting a sharp deceleration. We add sugar and cotton to our existing long recommendations. A market deficit in sugar and downward-sloped forward curve in cotton make these investments attractive in our view. Dominic Schnider, analyst, UBS AG [email protected] Giovanni Staunovo, analyst, UBS AG [email protected] CRUIDE OIL: U.S. ALLOWS CONDENSATE EXPORTS • • • The U.S. Department of Commerce has approved exports of partially refined condensate. While U.S. exports of refined oil products (e.g. gasoline, diesel) are not restricted, any change in the U.S. crude oil export ban is very unlikely this year, in our view. As long as the ban remains in place, a discount of at least USD 7/ bbl between WTI and Brent is required to ensure sufficient exports of U.S. crude oil products. No change in the U.S. crude export ban U.S. exports of unrefined crude oil and condensate are generally banned. Some market participants perceive the latest decision by the U.S. administration – two companies received approval to begin exporting processed oil condensate – as an initial step toward the removal of the U.S. crude oil export ban. However, the permit is for the export of a refined product, which is generally not restricted. While the crude export ban topic is likely to remain on Washington’s radar, the ban is unlikely to be lifted anytime soon. Some U.S. policymakers remain concerned about energy security, the potential impact of exports on domestic crude prices as well as U.S. consumers being sensitive to gasoline price changes, making them reluctant to relax export restrictions quickly. Solid exports of crude oil products are needed to compensate for strong U.S. crude oil production, which is rising by Quote of the Month “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Henry Ford A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 15 Energy / Énergie 1mbpd per year. These product exports are already quite well established – currently at around 3.6mbpd. This is unlikely to change, but requires U.S. crude oil prices to continue to trade at a discount to international benchmarks. A discount of at least USD 7/ bbl between WTI and Brent is still required, in our view. This ensures U.S. refineries enjoy healthy margins versus their European peers, keeping refinery runs high and resulting in increased demand for local crude oil at the expense of imports while motivating ample U.S. exports of crude oil products. UNREST IN IRAQ – A LONG-TERM CONCERN • • • The insurgency in Iraq has not disrupted oil supply so far, but oil markets are concerned that this could occur. Short-term crude oil supply from Iraq should only be affected marginally, since most Iraqi production comes from the South. That said, a prolonged Iraqi civil war would put incremental supply in coming years at risk. Iraq is expected to account for 60% of incre- mental OPEC oil supply until 2019. 2H13 and 51% in 1Q14. For 2014, we believe India’s official gold imports could come in at 825-850 tons versus 825 tons last year. This modest uptick reflects our view that neither the RBI nor the government wants meaningfully higher gold imports – just enough to reduce smuggling. Modestly firmer Indian demand should fail to offset the lack of investment demand, especially if outflows from ETFs gather pace. Gold ETF outflows are expected to accelerate as U.S. economic data is likely to improve further, supporting a stronger USD and the normalization of U.S. monetary policy, with policy rates grinding higher from 2H15 onward. Indifference toward the yellow metal is found not only in the Western world but in Asia. Despite a 26% y/y decline in the gold price in 1Q14, Chinese bar and coin investment declined by 55%, thereby outweighing the 10% rise in jewelry consumption. Dominic Schnider, analyst, UBS AG [email protected] Giovanni Staunovo, analyst, UBS AG [email protected] TANT D’HORIZONS À EXPLOR R Giovanni Staunovo, analyst, UBS AG [email protected] PRECIOUS METALS - INDIA NOT SAVING GOLD FROM ANOTHER PRICE DECLINE India’s import restrictions on gold have been relaxed, with room for more policy easing. A sharp decline in the country’s current account deficit and a new government taking office motivated the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to grant additional banks and designated trading houses the right to import gold under the existing 80:20 rule (20% of the imports need to be re- exported). As a result, the Indian gold price premium versus London has started to narrow on expectations of a better-supplied Indian gold market. Expectations of higher gold imports by India are justified to certain extent. Following last year’s restrictions (the 80:20 rule and the import duty increase to 10%), official imports dived by around 60% y/y in 16 INFO SUISSE MIRABAUD ÉLARGIT SON HORIZON, AUTANT POUR LA GESTION PRIVÉE QUE L’ASSET MANAGEMENT ET L’INTERMÉDIATION. S’ENGAGER AUTREMENT POUR ALLER PLUS LOIN. www.mirabaud.com MIRABAUD Canada Inc. - Olivier Rodriguez / MIRABAUD Gestion Inc. - Yves Erard 1501, avenue McGill College - Bureau 2220 - Montréal (Québec) H3A 3M8 - T +1 514 393-1690 - F +1 514 875-8942 MIRABAUD Canada Inc. est membre de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières inc. et du Fonds canadien de protection des épargnants. ■ Business and Other News Actualités économiques et d’affaires MINIMUM WAGES IN CANADA AND IN SWITZERLAND By Kurt Schläpfer, Switzerland Canada has minimum wages individually set by the provinces or territories. Contrary to this, Switzerland does not have a minimum wage written into law. As Swiss voters have recently rejected plans for a nationwide minimum wage, it is interesting to compare the arguments in Switzerland with existing solutions in Canada and in other countries. CANADA The minimum wage in Canada depends on the province or territory and ranges from CAD 9.50 to CAD 11.00 per hour. Alberta has the lowest minimum wage at CAD 9.95, while Nunavut’s is the highest at CAD 11.00. Minimum wages in all the other provinces and territories are now at least CAD 10.00. Ontario’s minimum wage has been frozen at CAD 10.25 since 2010. Under the Conservative government, it was CAD 6.85 an hour for nine years before the Liberals began to raise it in 2004. Since then, Ontario’s minimum wage has gone from being one of the lowest in the country to one of the highest. Currently, there is a province-wide campaign to increase the minimum wage from CAD 10.25 to CAD 14.00 an hour. The Ontario government has appointed a panel to advise it on increasing the minimum wage. An important question is in which relationship the minimum wage should be to the average wage. Ontario’s current minimum wage accounts for just 42 per cent of the province’s industrial wage which is CAD 24.22 an hour. Experts recommend setting the minimum wage to 60 per cent of the average Ontario industrial wage – which would be CAD 14.50 an hour. SWITZERLAND for a minimum wage of SFR 22.00 per hour or around SFR 4,000 per month. This hourly minimum wage of SFR 22.00 represents two-thirds of the average Swiss wage of CHF 33.00. According to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs this would be the highest minimum wage in any member country of the OECD. SCHOLARSHIP FUND OF ONTARIO The Swiss Canadian Scholarship Fund of Ontario is pleased to offer yearly scholarships. It is open to members of the SCCC and the Swiss Community in Ontario. Swiss law does not specify any minimum wage. In many cases, a minimum wage is part of a collective employment agreement negotiated by industries or companies. But only half of all workers are covered by a collective agreement guaranteeing a minimum income. In January 2011 the Trade Union Federation launched a referendum calling To find out more about the availability and eligibility criteria, please visit the Ontario Chamber’s website at: www.swissbiz.ca/scholarship R e stau r a n t, bar et douc e s fo l i e s 426, RUE SAINT-GABRIEL M O N TREA L Q C T 514.878.3561 A U BE RG E S A I N T- G ABR I E L . C O M A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 17 Discover 8 Swiss mountain peaks. With the new Swiss Peak Pass you discover 8 of the most fascinating Swiss mountain peaks. Available only in combination with a Swiss Pass 4-days or 8-days. Book now on www.raileurope.com Business and Other News Actualités économiques et d’affaires The Trade Unions have argued that Switzerland may be a rich country, but there are still many “working poor” – people who work but are under the poverty line – a situation that the Unions want to change. Most employers, however, see minimum wages as damaging for employment. According to them many countries with minimum wages have not managed to reduce their unemployment rates. And in recessions a minimum wage would cause firms to move abroad and obstruct the creation of new jobs. Moreover, the Unions make the wrong assumption that only one person of a family works, whereas often there are two wages per family. There are industry sectors in Switzerland where the average salary is only around CHF 4,000, meaning that the new minimum wage would have a strong impact on their salary structure and jeopardize jobs. On May 18, 2014 the Swiss voters have now rejected to accept a minimum wage with a majority of 76%, mainly because they feel that a government intervention in a free market economy is not necessary. The minimum wage referendum was the third time in less than two years that Swiss citizens had to vote on issues dealing with salaries. Last year voters approved a restriction of “fat cat” salaries for top managers. Then they rejected to cap executive salaries being 12 times higher than that of the lowest paid employees. MINIMUM WAGES IN OTHER COUNTRIES A number of European countries such as Germany, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway have no statutory national minimum wages. Germany is now set to introduce a national minimum wage, because this was a key demand of the new centre-left governing partners to form a “grand coalition” government. The national minimum wage of Ð 8.50 an hour may be introduced by 2015. Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party had first opposed this scheme, arguing that it would cause job losses. In the US the minimum wage is US$ 7.25, the lowest among the countries compared in this article (see table below). Increasing this minimum wage to US$ 9.00 is one of the main items on US President Barack Obama’s second-term agenda. The higher minimum wage would amount to about 40 per cent of the US average income, still not an ambitious goal compared to the solutions in other countries. UK and France have minimum wages that are higher than in USA and in Canada but well below the proposed wage in Switzerland. Comparison of minimum wages: Country Minimum wage in local currency Minimum wage in U.S. $ * Effective Switzerland Proposed in a referendum: SFR 22.00 25.66 Rejected on 18.05.2014 Canada ** Ontario min. CAD 9.95 CAD 10.25 10.21 10.52 01.09.2013 31.10.2010 USA US$ 7.25 7.25 01.07.2009 Germany Ð 8.50 12.38 Not before 2015 UK £ 6.31 11.85 01.10.2013 France Ð 9.53 13.86 01.01.2014 * Exchange rate of 04.07.2014 (UBS Currency Converter) ** Individually set by each province or territory WELCOME NEW MEMBERS SCCC (ONTARIO) INC. New Personal Member: Alexandra Soriano Vertical International 324 Roselawn Avenue Toronto, ON M4R 1G1 Web: www.verticalinternational.com Email: [email protected] Tel: 647-985-7898 How to become a member of the SCCC: Sign up online at www.swissbiz.ca/memberships or contact our office at [email protected] or 416-236-0039 A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 19 Business and Other News Actualités économiques et d’affaires SWISS INVESTMENTS IN RESEARCH INCREASE In 2012, Switzerland has invested a total of CHF 18.5 billion in research and development, which corresponds to an increase of 14 percent compared to 2008. Especially Swiss universities contributed to this increase. With CHF 12.8 billion or about two-third the largest share of expenditure on research and development (R&D) still comes from the private sector, according to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The contribution of Swiss universities, however, has risen by 32 percent to CHF 5.2 billion since 2008. Overall, the share of R&D expenditure to the gross domestic product of Switzerland was 3.1 percent. In international comparison Switzerland comes in sixth place. GOOD COUNTRY INDEX: SWITZERLAND IN TOP 3 The Good Country Index measures how much each of 125 countries contributes to the planet. Switzerland ranks 3rd overall, excelling particularly in prosperity and equality as well as science and technology. The Good Country Index, released on June 24th 2014 by policy adviser Simon Anholt, analyses 35 different types of data from the UN, the World Bank and other international organizations and NGOs. The measure is based on 35 datasets broken down into seven areas, such as technology, health and culture. Switzerland does particularly well in terms of science and technology, ranking 6th regarding the number of international students and publications, patents, trade journals and Nobel Prize winners. With respect to prosperity and equality, Switzerland even holds 2nd position. Ireland ranked ahead of Finland, Switzerland and the Netherlands in the top four. The US reached 21st place whereas Libya, Vietnam and war-torn Iraq were joint bottom. 20 INFO SUISSE BUSINESS LOCATION SWITZERLAND STANDS OUT WITH HIGH QUALITY AND STABILITY The number of foreign direct investment in Switzerland has risen by 25% in 2013, according to this year’s «Swiss Attractiveness Survey» by EY. In the ranking of Europe’s most attractive investment locations, Switzerland advanced from rank 14 to 12. For international investors the business location Switzerland stands out with values such as stability and quality. Top marks were obtained in particular for the quality of life in Switzerland, the stable political system including a reliable government, the stability of the social environment and the stability of the Swiss currency. And the attractiveness of Switzerland will even increase over the next three years, according to the survey of EY. 36% of respondents were positive about the development of Switzerland as a business location. In addition, results show a strong loyalty to location. The proportion of respondents which plans to move away parts of their business from Switzerland is as low as 8%. The churn rate has thus fallen to the lowest level in the past ten years. «The excellent fundamentals of the Swiss economy have not changed in recent years: Switzerland still performs very well with regard to macroeconomic variables such as economic growth, unemployment and government debt. The country can even be considered a benchmark in terms of crisis management worldwide» says Alessandro Miolo, Regional Lead Partner for German-speaking Switzerland at EY. THREE OF THE TEN SMARTEST CITIES ARE SWISS In the 2014 IESE Cities in Motion Index three Swiss cities are ranked among the top 10 smartest cities in the world. Zurich ranks 4th followed by Geneva on rank 6 and Basel on 7. In the study conducted by researchers from IESE business school in Spain 135 cities were ranked based on 50 indicators along 10 different dimensions. These included governance, public management, urban planning, technology, environmental awareness, international outreach, social cohesion, mobility and transportation, human capital and the economy. Switzerland proved to be the country with the best result overall, with three of its cities in the top 10. Out of the top 20, 10 cities are European, 6 American, three Asian and one is Oceanian. Tokyo, London and New York formed the podium for the third consecutive year. ■ BIENVENUE AUX NOUVEAUX MEMBRES CCCS (QUÉBEC) INC. Membre senior Pius Kaufmann, fondateur Kaufmann de Suisse 2195, rue Crescent Montréal (Québec) H3G 2C1 (514) 848-0595 Membre individuel Charles Kaufmann, Président Kaufmann de Suisse 2195, rue Crescent Montréal (Québec) H3G 2C1 tél: (514) 848-0595 e-mail: [email protected] Chamber News Informations de votre Chambre LA SUISSE À MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE 2015, LE FESTIVAL HIVERNAL DE MONTRÉAL « Bienvenue en Suisse ! Quatre saisons, quatre cultures et plein d’idées » La Suisse est le pays à l’honneur du prochain festival hivernal Montréal en lumière (MEL) qui aura lieu du 19 février au 1ermars 2015. Un des festivals principaux de Montréal, le MEL draine chaque année presque 1 million de visiteurs. Avec ses partenaires principaux, Suisse Tourisme et Swiss International Air Lines, le Consulat général de Suisse à Montréal souhaite présenter au public une Suisse multiculturelle, innovante et créative. La présence de la Suisse au MEL 2015 se déclinera sur les activités extérieures et intérieures axées sur la gastronomie, les arts et l’animation sur la Place des Festivals de Montréal. Placé sous la direction du Consulat général, le comité d’organisation du projet suisse prépare des événements dont Montréal se souviendra. Ainsi, en gastronomie, notre pays a un nombre impressionnant de chefs étoilés. La Suisse est championne du monde en chefs étoilés par nombre d’habitants. Elle a aussi des vins remarquables et dispose donc de tous les atouts nécessaires pour écrire une page d’or dans l’histoire de la gastronomie à Montréal. Une quinzaine de chefs suisses, parmi les meilleurs, seront ainsi invités à Montréal, de même que le meilleur sommelier du monde et le champion du monde (inofficiel) de la fondue ! Les artistes suisses ont quant à eux découvert Montréal et le Québec il y a longtemps déjà. Les échanges sont intenses, particulièrement autour de la langue française que nous partageons avec le Québec. Nous présenterons des artistes suisses reconnus mais également des jeunes talents à découvrir, si possible en provenance des diverses cultures suisses. Nous ne souhaitons pas encore révéler les noms des artistes invités, afin de préserver la surprise pour les conférences de presse officielles. Outre les arts de la scène, nous travaillons également sur les domaines du design et de l’architecture. IMAGINEZ UN GESTIONNAIRE DE PATRIMOINE Imaginez un gestionnaire de patrimoine à la convergence des gestions traditionnelle et alternative. Imaginez un gestionnaire de patrimoine à la recherche de réelles performances et non d’indices à battre. Imaginez un gestionnaire de patrimoine dont les collaborateurs ont la latitude nécessaire pour donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Imaginez un gestionnaire de patrimoine capable de diversifier véritablement les risques. Imaginez un gestionnaire de patrimoine qui façonne l’avenir de la gestion de fortune. Bienvenue chez Lombard Odier. Lombard Odier Gestion (Canada) Inc., commandité pour Lombard Odier & Cie (Canada), société en commandite 1000, rue Sherbrooke Ouest · Bureau 2200 · Montréal (Québec) · H3A 3R7 · Canada Téléphone 514 847 7748 La place des festivals de Montréal, site extérieur gratuit et centre névralgique du MEL, proposera des animations pour toutes et tous. Ainsi des projets d’exposition de photos, de projections de films, d’illumination de bâtiments, de stands gastronomiques et autres sont à l’étude. Un centre d’information sur la Suisse sera disponible. Nous recherchons encore des partenaires suisses qui souhaiteraient utiliser avec nous cette magnifique plateforme pour leur communication. Contactez-nous afin de discuter des possibilités d’une coopération ! Pour plus de détails sur le festival et notre projet, visitez www.montrealenlumiere.com ou contactez-nous à [email protected] Le Comité Consulat général de Suisse – Swiss International Air Lines – Suisse Tourisme A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 21 Chamber News Informations de votre Chambre GOLF TOURNAMENT 2014 IN ASSOCIATION WITH CGCIC The annual SCCC Golf Tournament in association with CGCIC took place on June 10th at the a beautiful day of golf and an evening with over 140 guests in attendance. The day was not just about the golf. Some of the special extras of the day included the Chalet Suisse where players SCCC President Ernst Notz handing over the cheque to Marijke Vandergrift from Right to Play Congratulations to the winning team (from left to right): Bruno Arnold, Jay Hogan, Auran Durrani and Marcus Arnold from Euromart ClubLink’s King’s Riding Golf Club. Returning to its “Swissness”, the event was a great success with over 110 players who enjoyed took a break to enjoy Raclette cheese served with Bünderfleisch and Apfelschorle. Accompanying this mouth-watering Swiss delicacy were the traditional Alphorn tunes. There was also a Nespresso stand, where freshly prepared coffee was offered to keep the golfers’ energy up. The Gelato Fresco Offrir au monde ce qu’il y a de mieux. Une tradition suisse. Les produits de haute qualité sont synonymes de confort. Nous sommes bien placés pour le savoir. Nous les exportons. En tant que transporteur aérien de la Suisse, nous traduisons la haute qualité en confort sur chaque vol, en vous oørant un service et une hospitalité jamais démentis. Pour les vols quotidiens de Montréal à Zurich, et des correspondances vers plus de 70 destinations à travers le monde, contactez votre agent de voyage ou visitez swiss.com * *Notre emblème est notre promesse. 22 INFO SUISSE station provided delicious ice cream to help the players cooling off under the sun. A part of the proceeds from this event supported the charity Right to Play, and guests had the chance to meet Canadian Olympic Beach Volleyball player and Right to Play Ambassador Martin Reader on the course. A donation of $5,000 was presented that evening for this global organization, made up of inspirational coaches, athletes and staff using play to engage kids in their education, to teach them health lessons and to show them how to build peaceful communities. Cocktail hour offered golfers the opportunity to mingle, as well as the chance to bid on fabulous items at the silent auction tables. The evening ended with a live auction, sponsored by Swiss Airlines, Switzerland Tourism and the Lausanne Palace & Spa Hotel. And at the end of the day, every golfer went home with a Lindt & Sprüngli gift certificate and truffle golf balls. Our kind sponsors were very generous in helping us making this year’s golf tournament a success; without them this event would not have been possible! Thank you to all companies who have generously donated to this year’s golf tournament. Dinner Sponsor: Zurich Canada Hole-in-One Sponsors: BMW Group Canada Kuehne+Nagel Ltd. Hole Sponsors: Artisan Complete Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Hoffmann-La Roche Hottinger Lette LLP Nespresso Northbridge Financial Corporation Stikeman Elliott UBS TUV SUD Trowbridge General Sponsors: CG&B Group corptype Ice Cream Sponsor: Gelato Fresco Besides golfing, the players had to put their soccer skills to the test at the “World Cup Hole” Water Sponsor: Naya Coffee Sponsor: Nespresso Premium Sponsors: BMW Group Canada Lindt & Sprüngli Inc. Kuehne+Nagel Ltd. Live Auction Sponsors: Swiss Airlines Switzerland Tourism Lausanne Palace & Spa Hotel Cart Sponsor: Crawford Chondon Lunch Sponsor: Dale & Lessmann Award Sponsor: Lette LLP Reception Sponsor: Sony A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 23 Chamber News Informations de votre Chambre LE GOLF AVEC VOTRE CHAMBRE; UNE SORTIE AGRÉABLE POUR TOUS! Encore une fois cette année, le tournoi de golf de la Chambre de commerce canadosuisse du Québec a été marqué par le beau temps et la bonne humeur! Quelque 120 personnes ont eu le plaisir de jouer sur le magnifique parcours du Whitlock, à Hudson, un club privé de grande classe. La formule “Vegas”, occasionnant un jeu plus rapide puisqu’on joue la meilleure balle du quatuor, nous a aussi permis de compléter les 18 trous en moins de 5 heures, après un agréable lunch, propice aux contacts d’affaires et aux retrouvailles amicales. M. Bruno Setz, Dr. Benoit Goulet, M. Olivier Rodriguez Nous désirons d’ailleurs saluer la délégation importante accompagnant notre président d’honneur cette année, M. Guy Diamond, le patron de PVC Québec Inc. Votre chambre a pu contribuer, avec l’aide des joueurs, à une levée de fonds de 1 150$, en faveur de la 24 INFO SUISSE Mme Vibeke Daoust Ljungberg (Swiss), Me Gilles Gagné (Gagné Bennett), M. Andreas Kraeuchi (Swiss) Société canadienne du cancer grâce à un défi amical intitulé « Beat the pro ». Cet après-midi mémorable a été suivi du traditionnel cocktail, qui a permis aux golfeurs de revenir sur leurs exploits sportifs de la journée, souvent cocasses, et de renouer avec d’autres, dont une vingtaine d’invités supplémentaires s’étant joints à nous pour la soirée, et un délicieux dîner, durant lequel toute l’équipe du Whitlock a, encore cette année, fait preuve d’un grand professionnalisme. Comme par le passé, les meilleurs joueurs, et joueuses, se sont mérités pendant cette belle soirée divers trophées, dont le celui du Consul Général, et le trophée Jacques Thévenoz, pour ne mentionner qu’eux. Notre tournoi avait d’ailleurs été nommé le Jacques Thevenoz Memorial, et cette année, Mme Madeleine Paquin (Thevenoz) nous a fait visionner une très belle présentation audiovisuelle, à la mémoire de son mari qui nous a quitté il y déjà 5 ans. Nous avons aussi, grâce à la générosité de nos commanditaires dont notamment M. Jean-Jacques Laurans, président de Alfid Services Immobiliers Ltée, pu offrir à l’Institut et l’Hôpital Neurologique de Montréal un chèque de 5 000$. On reconnait d’ailleurs, sur la photo ci-jointe , M. Bruno Setz, Vice-président de la Chambre, et responsable de l’organisation de cet événement majeur, et le Dr. Benoit Goulet, Neurochirurgien, qui reçoit le chèque des mains de M. Olivier Rodriguez, de Mirabaud Gestion Inc., président par intérim. De très beaux prix de présence ont aussi été remis pendant la soirée à des dizaines de personnes, sous la direction efficace de M. Setz, et nous en profitons pour remercier nos indispensables commanditaires, à cet égard aussi. Le grand prix, soit un voyage en Suisse en classe affaires sur les ailes de Swiss International Airlines pour 2 personnes, avec les arrangements terrestres couverts par Tours Chanteclerc a cette année été remporté par Me Gilles Gagné, de l’étude Gagné Bennett, qui avec son épouse épaulent solidement notre chambre depuis de très nombreuses années, et le méritaient bien. On le reconnaît ici arborant fièrement son prix, en présence de Mme Vibeke Daoust Ljungberg, de chez Swiss, et de M. Setz ainsi que M. Andréas Kraeuchi, qui s’est aussi beaucoup impliqué dans l’organisation et le déroulement de cet important événement et qu’il convient de remercier, ainsi que toute l’équipe de bénévoles lui ayant prêté main-forte. Me Jean-Marc Ferland Membre du conseil d’administration ■ de la Chambre SOCCER (FOOTBALL) WORLD CUP 2014 EVENTS WITH THE SCCC/CANADIAN SWISS CULTURAL ASSOCIATION/ SWISS CLUB by Ernst Notz Photo by PKS The “Futebol” hype is over, it is again business as usual but some great games with most goals scored ever, brought the daily routine to a standstill. Who would have thought that Spain, Italy, Portugal and England would not make it out of the group stage, how far Costa Rica went and that the host country Brazil would get beaten so badly by the Germans. It was a lot of fun to organize some events at two different Toronto locations. Many Swiss showed up and displayed our red/white color shirts and flags, made noise with the cowbells and even alphorns were played. A soccer goal (hockey goal size to sympathize with Canadians not being present at the World Cup) with a Swiss cross net, entertained former soccer players and young people (see photo).At each game a different educational quiz brought our opponent countries closer together; representatives of Ecuador, France, Honduras and Argentina were invited to attend our gatherings. On TV screens we saw our Swiss players giving their best and maybe other then against France they did a great job and made us proud. With a little more luck we could have made it to penalty shots against Argentina, who turned out to be the finalist and runner up. A big thank you to all sponsors (mainly Lindt, Kuehne + Nagel and Northbridge) that contributed to the quiz prizes and to all the soccer enthusiasts that showed up to these most famous sport events. Please make a note that Switzerland will already play against England on Sept. 8th for the EuroCup ■ qualification… STEIGER, ZUMSTEIN & PARTNERS AG B U S I N E S S A N D M A N A G E M E N T C O N S U L T A N T S • Establishment and management of Swiss corporations CONTACT: • Accounting services Nauenstrasse 49, P.O.Box, • International Tax Planning for companies and individuals CH-4002 Basel • Management functions in Finance and Administration for Phone +41 61 270 99 10, Fax -19 Swiss- and international companies • Services provided in English, French and German E-mail: [email protected] www.steiger-zumstein.ch MEMBER OF: A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 25 Travel News BASEL: A HOTEL TO BE DISCOVERED Do you want to experience a unique way of living in Basel? Stay at «The Passage» – a place of transition between the old and the new city, in the heart of downtown Basel. The hotel will open in the first quarter of 2014, close to the main train station and to all major commodities. Located on the ancient fortifications, it occupies a unique position in the city. It’s your turn to discover «The Passage» before everyone else does. LAUSANNE: MEET AT A UNIQUE MEETING PLACE In April, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) opened the first ever fully automated conference center: the Swiss Tech Convention Center. It offers a total capacity of 3000 seats and features fully modular rooms and halls. The Center is equipped with the technology of the future including some truly revolutionary features: the seats can be retracted at the touch of a button so that the intelligent floor swallows them up and replaces them with a completely flat surface. ST. MORITZ: THE WINTER TOURISM ORIGINAL The British were the first winter tourists in the Alps and discovered a whole new world: the white winter holiday. It all started in St. Moritz in the Engadin valley 150 years ago: the hotelier Johannes Badrutt made a daring bet with some of his summer guests. Subsequently, the British flocked to the Engadin, and over the years left their mark in the form of polo and cricket tournaments, the Cresta Run, and skeleton and bob-sleigh races. LUCERNE: READY FOR THE «SWISS CHOCOLATE ADVENTURE»? As of June 19, the Swiss Transport Museum features a new attraction: the «Swiss Chocolate Adventure». This new multimedia experience world focuses on the subject of chocolate as a Swiss quality product. Visitors learn more about the origins, production and transportation of chocolate. The «Swiss Chocolate Adventure» is a journey of discovery for all senses. 26 INFO SUISSE SAAS-FEE: DISCOVER THE FIRST WELLNESS SWISS YOUTH HOSTEL This summer the Swiss Youth Hostel Association opens a new youth hostel at Saas-Fee. The building’s unique architecture and the integrated «Aqua Allalin» complex with an indoor pool, wellness and fitness areas already make it something out of the ordinary. The new youth hostel provides a facility made for active families, sports groups as well as solo travelers. ZURICH: WHERE THE CHAMPIONS MEET This year the European Athletics Championships are coming to Zurich in 2014. Between August 12 and 17, about 1400 athletes from 50 countries compete for medals in 47 disciplines at the legendary Letzigrund Athletics Stadium. 250,000 spectators are expected in the stands and 360 million viewers will follow the event live on television. A truly superlative event! LAS VEGAS: NEW EDELWEISS FLIGHTS TO ZURICH Edelweiss Air, a member of the Swiss International Air lines family, will add service to Las Vegas. Edelweiss began nonstop flights to and from Las Vegas on May 5, with twice weekly service on Mondays and Fridays. A SWISS PEAK PASS OFFER THAT’S UNSTOPPABLE. Spectacular views, stunning rides, simple access – all this and more awaits you when exploring the scenic splendors of the Swiss Alps with the Swiss Travel System. Some of Switzerland’s majestic peaks can be discovered via mountain trains and cable cars when booking a 4- or 8-day Swiss Peak Pass in addition to the consecutive 4- or 8-day Swiss Pass. With the Swiss Peak Pass you’ll have access to 8 specific Swiss Peaks like the Mt. Allalin, the Mt. Brienzer Rothorn or the Mt. Stanserhorn. This offer is available between January 1 and December 23. FIND THE BEST SWISS HOTELS THE EASY WAY. Are you looking for a great hotel for your next vacation in Switzerland? Thanks to the new «Best Swiss Hotels» App, created by Switzerland Tourism, that’s a breeze. The app allows you to chose various criteria, such as type of hotel (for instance in the mountains, near water or in the city) or the number of stars. Once you find the perfect one, you can directly book your rooms. The app can be downloaded from the iTunes App or the Google Play Store and works on iPhones, ■ iPads and Android Smartphones. chartered accountants | tax advisors trowbridge.ca Andrea von Moeller Director, Business Development We take the complication out of tax • • • • • Corporate and Expatriate tax services Full cycle accounting services Business and corporate structure consulting services Managed payroll services Multilingual−English, German, French Monica Stevens-Wyss Manager, Accounting & Business Services [email protected] 25 Adelaide St. E., Suite 1400, Toronto, ON M5C 3A1 2Market International B2-125 The Queensway, #131 Toronto, Ontario M8Y 1H6 Canada Phone: Mobile: Fax: Fax: +1-416-907-8012 +1-416-505-1870 +1-866-407-0719 +1-647-439-0831 [email protected] 77 Foster Crescent Mississauga, Ontario L5R 0K1 [email protected] 8c\oXe[\imfe?ldYfc[k >\idXe@ek\ieXk`feXcJZ_ffc Ki`c`e^lXcgi`mXk\jZ_ffc Gi\jZ_ffckf^iX[\() ?`^_$jkXe[Xi[>\idXeZlii`Zlcld`eZfigfiXk`e^Hl\Y\Zi\hl`i\d\ekj <ok\e[\[Y`c`e^lXc>\idXe<e^c`j_ jZ`\eZ\gif^iXd =i\eZ_[`m`[\[`ekfdfk_\ikfe^l\Xe[j\Zfe[cXe^lX^\ZcXjj\j JkilZkli\[_fd\nfibgif^iXd @ek\ieXk`feXc\em`ifed\ekXe[ZlckliXcXZk`m`k`\j <Xicp[ifg$f]]Xe[X]k\ieffejlg\im`j`fe Ef\c`^`Y`c`kpZ\ik`ÔZXk\i\hl`i\[ The only inspirational newsletter of its kind. First published in Switzerland, now in Canada and read worldwide. Interested in personal growth? Subscribe at www.brunogideon.com. It is absolutely free. )(-#il\M`Zkfi`X#9X`\$;Li],(+$+,.$)//-nnn%Xm_%dfeki\Xc%hZ%ZX A U G U S T /S E P T E M B E R 2014 27 SWITZERLAND CENTRE FOR TRADE FAIRS/ LA SUISSE – PLACE DE FOIRES Art Masters 22-31 Aug 2014 St Moritz, Switzerland SwissPel 25-26 Aug 2014 Dietikon, Switzerland SuisseEMEX 26-28 Aug 2014 Zurich, Switzerland Ostschweizer Bildungs-Ausstellung 29 Aug-02 Sep 2014 St. Gallen, Switzerland Sindex 02-04 Sep 2014 Bern, Switzerland Home Ownership Fair Switzerland 04-07 Sep 2014 Zurich, Switzerland BAUEN & MODERNISIEREN 04-07 Sep 2014 Zurich, Switzerland Gehla 05-05 Sep 2014 Chur, Switzerland ZAGG Lucerne 07-10 Sep 2014 Lucerne, Switzerland Expat-Expo Zurich 07-07 Sep 2014 Zurich, Switzerland Through your membership in the SCCC, you can join a group health insurance plan The country’s leading benefit program for small business • • • • • Covers businesses with up to 35 employees, including one person firms Is open to all industries Pools claims for price stability Never targets an individual firm for a rate increase or cancellation Offers a full range of benefits, including coverage normally reserved for big businesses Discover the wide range of benefits available to you, such as Health and Dental, Critical Illness coverage, Short & Long Term Disability income replacement and more! For more information, contact Patricia Keller Schläpfer at the SCCC or visit www.chambers.ca. 28 INFO SUISSE Global perspective. Local presence. Based in Switzerland with a more than 150-year history— and locally with over 60 years serving high net worth and ultra high net worth clients in Canada—UBS is connected to the global economy like no other wealth manager. More than ever, clients need global solutions that are aligned XJUIUIFJSMPOHUFSNJOWFTUNFOUTUSBUFHJFT6#4PťFST EJSFDUBDDFTTUPHMPCBMNBSLFUTFYDFQUJPOBMBTTFUEJWFSTJÏDBUJPO vehicles, global investment and multi-currency platforms, as well as physical precious metals custody solutions in Canada. For more on how we can bring our full global resources to bear on your portfolio, as well as deliver the advice and solutions to help you reach your ultimate goals, connect with us today. Please contact: Julien Favre, Regional Head, Ontario +1 416-345-7033 [email protected] Christian Rime, Regional Head, Québec +1 514-985-8100 [email protected] ubs.com/ca We will not rest ab ©UBS 2014. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. All rights reserved. UBS Bank (Canada) is a subsidiary of UBS AG. 140116-0072_r4
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