Directory of the French Wind Power Industry Annuaire de l’industrie éolienne française 2014 CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE: LEADING THE WAY IN WIND POWER 1 # FRENCH REGION FOR WIND POWER IN TERMS OF INSTALLED CAPACITY UÊÊÓä£Î\ÊÈäÊÜ`Êv>ÀÃÊ>`ÊÈÓÊ>ÃÌÃ]Ê ÃÌ>i`ÊV>«>VÌÞÊvÊ£]ÓÈ{Ê7Êà Ài UÊÊÞÊÓäÓä\ÊÌ>À}iÌÊvÊÓ]nÇäÊ7 ÀiÊÞÕÊvÊÜ`Êv>ÀÊ`iÛi«iÀ]Ê>ÊÃiÀÛViÊV«>ÞÊ ÀÊ>ÊiµÕ«iÌÊ>Õv>VÌÕÀiÀÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜ`ÊÃiVÌÀ¶ With its firm commitment to renewable energy, the Champagne-Ardenne region offers you: UÊV«iÌÌÛiÊÃiÌÕ«ÊVÃÌÃ]Ê UÊÊ>ÊÃÌÀ>Ìi}VÊV>ÌÊÊÌ iÊ i>ÀÌÊvÊ>ÊÀi}ÊÜÌ ÊiÊvÊÌ iÊ}Ài>ÌiÃÌÊ growth potentials in France, UÊ>ÊiiÀ}}Ê>ÀiÌÊvÀÊÜ`ÊÌÕÀLiÊ>Ìi>ViÊ>`ÊÀi«ÜiÀ} UÊÊÃÕLVÌÀ>VÌÀÃÊëiV>Ãi`ÊÊÌ iÊwi`ÃÊvÊiÌ>ÜÀ}]Ê boilers or electronics, UÊÌÀ>}ÊÃÕÌÃÊÌ >ÌÊiiÌÊÌ iÊii`ÃÊvÊÌ iÊÜ`Ê«ÜiÀÊÃiVÌÀ° >«>}iÀ`iiÊ,i} i«>ÀÌiÌÊvÊVVÊiÛi«iÌÊ `iÛiVJVÀV >«>}i>À`ii°vÀ WINDUSTRY FRANCE THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 Directory CONTENTS FOREWORD by Arnaud MONTEBOURG, Minister for Industrial Renewal..................................................04 INTRODUCTION by Jean-Louis BAL, President of the Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (French Renewable Energy Association) ..........................................................................06 THE WIND POWER INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN ..................................................08 DIAGRAM OF THE VALUE CHAIN .........................................................................10 LIST OF FIELDS OF SPECIALTY ............................................................................12 MAP OF FRANCE WIND FARMS...........................................................................16 PARTNERS OF THE WINDUSTRY FRANCE PROJECT ......................................19 BUSINESSES SELECTED TO BE PART OF THE WINDUSTRY FRANCE PROJECT ....................................................................................................................35 TRAINING CENTRES FOR WIND TURBINE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS ...........................................................................................................51 WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS .....................................................................57 WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION DEVELOPERS AND OPERATORS ................75 WIND POWER INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS .............129 INDEX Alphabetical .............................................................................................................381 By speciality..............................................................................................................386 By region ..................................................................................................................392 Advertisers ................................................................................................................400 Published by the SER, February 2014 – Design/Production: [email protected] – English Translation: ITC Traductions - Editor’s note: The information published in this directory was provided by the companies. It in no way engages the responsibility of the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables who cannot be held responsible for the contents of the businesses’ pages - Photo credits: cover (left to right): © AREVA, © WeserWind/Matthias Iberler, © ENERTRAG, © AREVA - p 10, 11 (left to right) : © Benoît SEVENO, © B. MENTREL (photos 2, 3), © DR, © SER/ENERCON, © La Compagnie du Vent/Djamel DINE ZITOUT. FOREWORD WINDUSTRY FRANCE is a government-backed industry initiative aiming to help French businesses succeed in the wind power industry In the first edition of this directory, 140 companies operating in France were identified as active subcontractors in the French wind power industry. As part of its efforts to reindustrialise the country, the Ministry for Industrial Renewal decided to found Windustry France, as a way of supporting the sector’s small and mid-sized businesses. The initiative aims to showcase French expertise and how it can be transposed to both the onshore and offshore wind energy industries. At the very core of the “made in France” campaign, the companies identified by the Windustry France initiative operate at all stages of the value chain, from parts manufacture (masts, generators, brakes, blade orientation systems, yaw drives, electrical components, power electronics, etc.) to related activities such as site development, power grid connection, civil works, and the transport, assembly and storage of wind turbine parts. The Windustry France directory of skills and expertise in wind power production now features over 250 companies from France’s industrial base. Windustry France also has a programme to provide individual assistance and support so that companies seeking to break into new markets can diversify into the wind power industry. Led by the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables (France’s Renewable Energy Association), Windustry France is a strategic reindustrialisation tool which, with the support of the Ministry for Industrial Renewal, can help businesses that have historically been active in the energy, automotive, rail, naval, and aviation sectors. Industrial renewal is a vital issue for France, requiring the commitment of both the State and all the country’s economic forces, whatever their field of operation. It is to be achieved through thirty-four industry programmes, one of which is entirely dedicated to renewable energy. 4 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 With transition to new energy sources on the horizon, France must build an industrial base that will ensure independence for both its energy supply and its economy. Windustry France will help achieve this objective as well as helping businesses in the wind power sector keep their promise © Ministère du Redressement Productif of creating 50,000 new jobs by 2020. Arnaud MONTEBOURG Minister for Industrial Renewal WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 5 INTRODUCTION WINDUSTRY FRANCE and the 2014 French Wind Power Industry Directory THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT HAS ENTRUSTED THE COUNTRY’S WIND POWER INDUSTRY, AS REPRESENTED BY THE SYNDICAT DES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES (SER - FRENCH RENEWABLE ENERGY ASSOCIATION), WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF ITS OWN INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING PROGRAMME, WINDUSTRY FRANCE, INCLUDING USING THE PUBLIC FUNDS IT HAS RECEIVED AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE, TO EXPAND ACTIVITY IN THIS PROMISING NEW FIELD. The programme focuses on providing customised support and guidance to businesses, in order to help them develop new industrial processes so as to win contracts from wind power contractors, thus diversifying their activity and creating new jobs. The goal of the programme is to provide assistance to at least 50 businesses: 20 in 2013 and 30 more in 2014. Beneficiaries of the programme are selected by contractors in the wind power industry, who are the programme’s partners and members of its steering committee. Assistance begins with an audit of a company’s industrial plant by a wind power expert, who will make a list of recommendations that the company will have to follow if it is to satisfy purchasers. The next stage of support is provided by a technological expert, who advises the company on the investments it will need to make in order to fulfil the recommendations of the wind power expert. The Windustry France directory complements this individual support programme by mapping the French wind power industry. It is intended to provide an overview of all the players involved in the industry, on the one hand showcasing what French manufacturers have to offer (such as electrical and mechanical parts, and industrial and technical services), and, on the other, listing the contractors operating in the wind power industry - wind turbine manufacturers, power plant developers and operators, etc., on whose strategic choices will depend the ability of French subcontractors to develop their business. 6 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 The 2014 edition of the directory also includes other types of player, including Windustry France’s regional partners (e.g. Chambers of Commerce, clusters, and development agencies), who take the activities conducted by the Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables and players in the wind power sector to the regions, and training centres for wind turbine maintenance technicians, who will represent a significant proportion of the jobs created by the development of the wind power industry in France. Jean-Louis BAL President of the Syndicat des énergies renouvelables WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 7 VALUE CHAIN © Areva THE WIND POWER INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN 8 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 > ONSHORE WIND ENERGY Altogether, France’s onshore wind farms have a total capacity of over 8,000 MW. A wind turbine consists of a number of sophisticated sub-assemblies that transform the wind’s mechanical energy into electricity. A wind turbine generally comprises the following components: • a rotor comprising three blades and a hub • a nacelle consisting of a frame, gearbox, generator, and a shell made of composite materials • a tower consisting of a mast, electric converters, a transformer, and a control system. Today, onshore wind turbines have multi-megawatt power ratings ranging from 2 to 3 MW on average, but a few particular machines have even greater capacity. > OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY France has Europe’s second highest potential for offshore wind energy and has set a goal of installing 6,000 MW off its coasts by 2020. One of the main differences between onshore and offshore wind turbines lies in the latter’s foundations, which are based on the same technology as is used for oil rigs. Installing wind farms offshore enables to increase generator capacity. Currently, turbines are available with capacities of 5 to 6 MW, and turbines with up to 8 to 10 MW of power are under development. > DOMESTIC WIND POWER Small or domestic wind power is used by private individuals who install a turbine in their garden. Domestic wind turbines have capacities of less than 36 kW, range from 10 to 35 m high, and have a total diameter of 2 to 10 m.These installations are especially useful when combined with photovoltaic and energy storage devices to supply power to isolated areas not connected to a power grid. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 9 DIAGRAM DIAGRAM OF THE VALUE CHAIN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Wind studies - Environmental studies Technical surveys etc. ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL TRANSPORT Smelted parts WIND TURBINE ASSEMBLY Onshore - Domestic wind power - Offshore Masts and bases Nacelles Blades Flanges and slewing rings Electrical materials and equipment PARTS MANUFACTURE Mechanical parts Brakes 10 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 THIS DIAGRAM SHOWS THE VARIOUS STAGES OF THE WIND FARM VALUE CHAIN, FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT TO MANUFACTURE OF WIND TURBINE PARTS, AND COMMISSIONING AND OPERATION OF THE INSTALLATION. SITE PREPARATION Geotechnical surveys Foundations and earthworks Electrical engineering ASSEMBLY GRID CONNECTION COMMISSIONING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 11 FIELDS 22 FIELDS OF SPECIALTY TECHNICAL SURVEYS, DESIGN OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONIC ELEMENTS, MANUFACTURE OF STEEL AND COMPOSITE PARTS, CIVIL WORKS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE– THE WIND POWER INDUSTRY EMBRACES A VARIETY OF TRADES. Contractors WIND FARM DEVELOPERS The development of a wind farm project starts with the identification of a potential site, discussions with local communities and landowners, environmental studies, and obtaining administrative authorisation. This is followed by site preparation, supply and assembly of the wind turbines, connection to the power grid, and commissioning. WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS There are several types of wind turbine manufacturers. Some are merely integrators, while others prefer to be in charge of the production of certain key components. Still others handle all aspects of turbine manufacture, right from the design stage to the manufacture of almost every part, and final assembly. WIND FARM OPERATORS The operator comes into the picture when the wind turbine is ready to be commissioned. The operator is the producer of the electricity that is injected into the power grid. Operators oversee and maintain the wind turbines, either using their own teams or external service providers. Parts Manufacture BLADES The average blade on a modern wind turbine is 30 to 80 metres long. Its shaping closely resembles that of an aeroplane wing or a ship’s hull. 12 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 NACELLES The nacelle is the compartment housing the parts at the top of the wind turbine. It is normally made of composite materials.The process for making the nacelle and the nose cone is the same as for a blade, although nacelles do not require the same level of precision or strength. Nacelles are usually made up of multiple sections. CAST PARTS The processes for making the nacelle frame and hub are the same: they are both large, smelted, machined parts. The framework for a 2 MW turbine generally consists of two or three pieces that can weigh up to 4,500 kg each. FLANGES AND SLEWING RINGS A slewing ring transfers force from a turning part of a mechanism to a fixed part. In the case of a wind turbine, slewing devices allow the rotor and blades to change direction depending on the direction and force of the wind. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS Components are assembled and integrated into various subassemblies throughout the wind turbine, including the generator, power converters, motor reducers, wiring, transformers, and control systems. BRAKES If necessary, especially when wind speed is too high, disc brakes can be used to stop the wind turbine in no more than a few rotations. The system allows the turbine to brake gently without putting too much strain or fatigue on the tower or mechanical elements. MECHANICAL PARTS Power transmission is one of the keys to a wind turbine’s output and capacity. An array of mechanical and hydraulic parts transmits the wind’s kinetic energy to a gearbox, which transfers the rotating movement at more than a thousand rotations per minute to the generator, which converts the energy to electricity. MASTS Wind turbine masts are made of steel or reinforced-concrete conical tubes. Modern towers range from 65 to 140 m in height. The base of the mast can be over 5 m in diameter, WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 13 but the mast becomes narrower towards the top, usually reaching about 3 m in diameter. Towers usually come in three or four sections. Site Preparation GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYS Before a wind turbine is assembled, geotechnical surveys are conducted to inspect the subsoil structure and determine the necessary size of the foundations. Such surveys include taking soil samples and analysing them in a laboratory. WIND MEASUREMENTS Wind measurements are taken before building a wind farm, in order to measure the quality of the wind on site and determine the best position for the turbine. Turbines are also equipped with wind measurement devices to help determine the direction of the rotor and blades, so that the turbine always produces a maximum amount of energy. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Companies specialising in electricity transport and distribution systems are involved early in the project, to find the best technical solution for evacuating energy produced to the power grid. They provide electrical equipment that is integrated into city gate stations, as well as cables to link wind turbines together. They also work at construction sites to install underground cables and build city gate stations and connections. FOUNDATIONS AND EARTHWORKS Safe access to the site must be provided so that the wind turbines can be delivered and assembled. Roads must be widened and sometimes reinforced. Earthwork and foundation-building services are generally performed by local companies specialising in civil engineering and road-building. EXPERT ASSESSMENTS Engineering offices specialising in the wind power industry assist developers throughout a project, conducting the necessary expert evaluations, such as assessment of the total arising, structural calculations, and modelling of electrical installations, etc. 14 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 INSPECTION OFFICES Inspection offices are authorised to help both the initial contractor and the companies contracted to provide the services required. They check to ensure that wind turbine installations comply with prevailing regulations, from dimensioning through to construction and operation. Commissioning SPECIAL TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, HANDLING, AND HOISTING Each wind turbine is transported in several pieces, most of which require special transport. Ocean or river transport is preferred. The pieces are then taken the rest of the way by lorry to the installation site. AIRCRAFT WARNING LIGHTS As a safety measure, wind turbines must be marked and visible from the air. Current technology uses powerful LED lights, with all the lights on a single wind farm blinking simultaneously. ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE The process for unloading and assembling wind turbine parts requires two cranes: one very high capacity crane (at least 800 tonnes and a minimum 100 m boom) and a medium-capacity crane (about 120 tonnes) that can turn parts around, for example, from a horizontal position to a vertical one or vice versa. Wind turbine maintenance requires skills in mechanics and electrical engineering, as well as familiarity with IT tools and the ability to work at great heights. OFFSHORE The expertise required to build offshore wind turbines is similar to that needed for building offshore oil rigs. The skills of the shipbuilding and maritime industries are indispensable when constructing or maintaining offshore wind farms. DOMESTIC WIND POWER Small wind turbines are often manufactured by smaller businesses and sold locally. Designers come up with all sorts of ideas for creating silent, pleasant-looking machines that can work with a wide range of wind speeds, in their attempts to satisfy the requirements of private individuals. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 15 MAP OF FRANCE MAP OF FRANCE WIND FARMS t/EEZ'zdZ< ZKZWZZ'/KE ĂƉĂĐŝƚLJĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĞĚ ĂƚϯϭͬϭϮͬϮϬϭϯ ƐƟŵĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁŝŶĚ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϯ ƐƟŵĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ ƐƵƉƉůŝĞĚ ďLJ ǁŝŶĚ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϯ ǀĞƌĂŐĞ ĐŽǀĞƌĂŐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƚŽƚĂů ĐŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶ ďLJ ǁŝŶĚ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϯ ϭ DĞŐĂǁĂƩ ;DtͿ с ϭ͕ϬϬϬ ŬŝůŽǁĂƩƐ ;ŬtͿ ϭ DĞŐĂǁĂƩŚŽƵƌ ;DtŚͿ с ϭ͕ϬϬϬ ŬŝůŽǁĂƩŚŽƵƌ ;ŬtŚͿ K&&^,KZt/E&ZDZ^ E'>/^,,EE> ƌŝƩĂŶLJ ϳϴϮDt ϭ͕ϰϬϲ'tŚ ϱϬϰ͕ϱϵϲ ϲ͘ϭй ^ĂŝŶƚƚͲ ƌŝĞƵĐ t/EWKtZ W/dz KEEd ϭ ϬϬϬ Dt ϳϬϬ Dt ϰϬϬ Dt ϮϬϬ Dt ^ĂŝŶƚͲE ^ĂŝŶƚ EĂnjĂŝƌĞ Ğ ϭϬϬDt 2ůĞƐĚ͛zĞ ĞƵĞƚ Ƶ ĚĞE Ě EŽŝƌŵŽƵƟĞƌ ƌŵ ŵŽƵƟĞƌ ŵ ŽƵƟĞƌ ŽƵƟ ŽƵ ϱϬ Dt ϯϬ Dt 'ƵĂĚ ĚĞ Ğ ƉĞ ĞůŽƵƉ ϮϲDt ϰϳ'tŚ ϭϵ͕ϬϬϬ E ĂƐ ĂƐƐ ĂƐƐĞ ĂƐƐĞ ƐƐĞ ƐĞͲdĞƌ ddĞƌ ĞƌƌƌƌĞ ϱ Dt ϯϬŬŵ Ϭ Dt DĂƌƟ ƟŶ Ɵ ŶŝƋƵĞ ϭDt Ϯ'tŚ ϴϬϬ E ƌĞĂƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĮƌƐƚ ƌŽƵŶĚ ;ĂůůŽĐĂƟŽŶ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϮͿ &Žƌƚ &Ž &ŽƌƚͲĚĞͲ&ƌĂŶ ŽƌƚͲĚĞͲ&ƌĂ Žƌƚ ͲĚĞͲ& ĚĞ &ƌĂŶĐĞ ĂŶ Ğ ƌĞĂƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƐĞĐŽŶĚ ƌŽƵŶĚ ;ĂůůŽĐĂƟŽŶ ŝŶ ϮϬϭϰͿ d>Ed/ KE ϮϬŬŵ ZĞƵ ƵŶŝŝŽŶ ƵŶŝŽ ^ƚͲĞŶŝƐ ŶŝƐƐ ϭϱDt Ϯϵ'tŚ ϭϭ͕ϵϬϬ E ϮϱŬŵ ^ƚWŝĞƌƌĞĞ ^ƚ WŝĞƌƌĞ Ğ ĞƚDŝƋ ƚ DŝƋ ƋƵĞůŽŶ ϭDt Ϯ'tŚ ϳϬϬ E EĞǁ ĞǁĂůĚ ůĚ ĚĞŽ ĞŽŶŝ ŶŝĂ Ŷ ϯϴDt ϲϳ'tŚ Ϯϳ͕ϲϬϬ E E ^ƚͲWŝĞƌƌĞ ϭϱŬŵ ϭϯϬŬŵ ŶŐůĂŶ Ě ;hE/d</E'KDͿ Ed,Z>E^ EKZd,^ >' /hD © THINK UP EŽ EŽƌĚͲWĂƐĚĞĂůĂŝƐ ϱϯϬDt ϭ͕Ϭϴϵ'tŚ ϱϬϱ͕ϳϲϴ Ϯ͘ϵй > >ŝ >ŝůůĞ >ĞdƌĠƉŽƌƚ &ĠĐĂŵƉ ŵŝĞŶƐ ŵŝĞ ŵ ŝĞŶƐ Ğ ĞŶ ŽƵƌƐĞƵůůĞƐͲƐƵƌͲDĞƌ hƉƉ ƉĞƌEŽƌŵĂŶĚLJ ƌEŽƌŵĂŶĚLJ >hy D KhZ' ϮϰϵDt ϱϭϱ'tŚ ϮϬϬ͕ϰϰϰ Ϯ͘ϳй Ă ĂĞŶ ZŽƵĞŶ ƵĞŶ WŝĐĂƌĚLJ ϭ͕ϭϰϲDt Ϯ͕ϭϰϲ'tŚ ϴϱϲ͕Ϭϵϭ ϭϰ͘Ϯй W W Z/^ Z Z/^ > ĞƌEŽƌŵĂŶĚLJLJ >ŽǁĞƌEŽƌŵĂŶĚLJ >ŽǁĞ ŚąůŽŶ ŚąůŽ ŚąůŽ ŽŶ Ž ŶƐ ŶƐͲĞŶ ŶƐͲ Ŷ ƐƐͲĞ ĞŶͲ ŶͲŚĂŵƉĂŐŶĞ ŚĂŵƉĂ ƉĂŐŶĞ ŐŶĞ ŐŶ Ğ /ůĞͲĚĞͲ /ůĞͲĚ ͲĚ ĚĞͲ ĚĞ ĞͲ&ƌĂŶĐĞ ͲͲ&ƌĂŶĐĞ ϮϮϳDt ϰϱϰ'tŚ ϭϰϵ͕Ϯϴϲ ϰ͘Ϭй ZĞŶŶĞƐ Z ĞŶŶĞƐ ŶŶĞƐƐ 'ZDEz DĞƚnj DĞ DĞƚnj Ğ ϯϭDt ϲϬ'tŚ Ϯϵ͕ϯϮϬ Ϭ͘ϭй ϳϭϵDt ϭ͕ϮϮϱ'tŚ ϰϴϵ͕ϮϱϮ ϱ͘ϲй WĂLJ WĂLJƐ ĂLJƐĚĞůĂ>Ž LJƐ ĚĞůĂ>Ž >ŽŝƌĞ >Ž ŽŝƌĞ Ž ŝƌ ϱϯϱDt ϵϴϯ'tŚ ϯϱϵ͕ϯϱϭ Ϯ͘ϯй ŚĂŵƉĂ ŚĂŵƉĂŐŶ ƉĂĂŐŶĞͲƌĚ ƌƌĚ ĚĞŶŶĞ ĚĞ KƌůĠĂŶƐ ϭ͕ϮϴϯDt Ϯ͕ϰϱϭ'tŚ ϵϲϭ͕ϳϰϰ ϮϮ͘ϯй ĞŶ ĞŶƚ ĞŶ Ŷƚ ŶƚƌĞ ϳϴϭDt ϭ͕ϰϵϲ'tŚ ϱϬϲ͕Ϭϴϱ ϳ͘ϲй EĂŶƚƚĞ EĂŶƚĞƐ Đ ů ϭϮDt E E E ƵƌŐƵŶĚLJ ƵƌŐƵŶĚLJ ƵƌŐƵŶĚ ƵŶĚLJLJ ϭϱϬDt ϮϯϮ'tŚ ϴϲ͕ϵϯϮ ϭ͘ϵй ŝũŽŶ ŽŶ ĞƐĂ ĞƐ ĞƐĂŶĕ ĞƐĂŶ ƐĂĂŶĕŽŶ ^t /d Z> E &ƌĂŶ ƌĂŶĐŚĞ ĞͲŽŵƚĠ Ğ Ž ŽŵƚĠ ϯϬDt E E E ƵǀĞ ƵǀĞ ǀĞƌŐŶĞ ǀĞƌŐŶĞ ĞƌŐŶĞ WŽŝƟ ƟĞƌƐ ƟĞ Ɵ ^ƚƌĂƐďŽƵƌŐ ^ƚ ƚƌ >ŽƌƌĂŝŶĞ ŶĞ ϭϴϴDt ϯϰϱ'tŚ ϭϯϭ͕ϱϮϲ ϯ͘ϰй WŽŝƚŽƵͲ ŽƵͲŚĂƌĞŶƚĞƐ ŽƵͲ ĞƐ ϯϮϱDt ϲϭϴ'tŚ ϮϬϳ͕ϯϲϮ ϰ͘ϱй >ŝŵŽŐĞƐ ĞƐ ůĞƌŵ ůĞƌŵ ŵŽŶƚͲ&Ğƌƌ ŵ ƌƌĂŶĚ ƌƌ ĂŶ > ŽŶ >LJ >LJŽŶ ZŚƀŶĞ ZŚƀŶĞ ZŚƀŶĞͲůƉĞ ŶĞͲ ŶĞͲůƉĞ Ğ ĞƐƐ Ğ ϭϲϵDt ϯϵϵ'tŚ ϭϲϮ͕ϲϮϵ Ϭ͘ϳй >ŝŵŽƵƐŝŶ >ŝ ŝŵŽƵƐŝ ƵƐŝŶ ϰϱDt ϳϲ'tŚ Ϯϴ͕ϮϬϲ ϭ͘ϱй /d>z ŽƌĚĞĂƵdž DŝĚŝ WLJƌĠŶĠĞƐ DŝĚŝͲWLJƌĠŶĠĞƐ DŝĚŝͲWLJƌĠŶĠ ƋƵŝƚĂŝŶĞ ƋƵŝƚĂŝ ĂŝŶĞ ϰϬϭDt ϴϵϳ'tŚ ϯϮϮ͕ϰϲϳ ϰ͘ϰй dŽƵůŽ dŽƵůŽƵ ůŽƵ ŽƵƐĞ >ĂŶŐƵ >ĂŶŐƵĞĚŽĐͲZ ŐƵĞĚ ĞĚŽĐͲZ Ě ZŽƵƐƐŝůůŽŶ ZŽƵƐ ŽƵƐƐŝůůŽŶ ůůŽŶ Ŷ ϰϳϵDt ϭ͕Ϯϵϲ'tŚ ϰϰϴ͕ϲϳϬ ϳ͘ϰй WƌŽǀĞŶĐĞͲůƉĞƐͲƀ W WƌŽǀĞŶĐĞͲůƉĞƐͲƀƚĞĚ͛njƵƌ ĞŶĐĞͲůƉĞ ĞͲ ĞƐͲƀƚĞĚ ƀƚĞĚ͛njƵ ƀƚĞ Ě Ě͛njƵ njƵ Ƶƌ Ƶƌ ϰϱDt ϭϭϲ'tŚ ϯϴ͕ϴϭϮ Ϭ͘ϰй DŽŶ DŽ DŽŶƚ ŶƚƉĞůůŝĞ Ŷ ƚ ůů Ğƌ Ğ DKEK DĂĂƌƐĞŝůůĞ D ĂƌƐĞŝůůĞ ŝůůĞ Ğ D/dZZEE^ EKZZ ŽƌƐŝĐĂ ϭϴDt Ϯϭ'tŚ ϳ͕Ϭϰϭ Ϭ͘ϵй ^ W /E EŽƵŵĠĂ ϬŬŵ ϱϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϱϬŬŵ ^ŽƵƌĐĞƐ͗WĂŶŽƌĂŵĂŽĨƌĞŶĞǁĂďůĞĞŶĞƌŐLJŝŶϮϬϭϯZd͕^Z͕Z&͕Ğ&Θ^ZĞƐƟŵĂƚĞƐ ũĂĐĐŝŽ ũĂĐ ũĂ ĐĐŝŽ ŝ PARTNERS OF THE WINDUSTRY FRANCE PROJECT Get spotted ! Ô CONTACT US 16, rue Chevreul - 75011 Paris - FRANCE Tél. : + 33 (0)1 43 70 98 88 Fax : + 33 (0)1 43 70 49 41 Mail : [email protected] Advertising space sales and editing agency CREATIFSAGAGES.COM We would like to thank the advertisers and SER without whom this directory would not have been possible PARTNERS BRETAGNE DEVELOPPEMENT INNOVATION 1 bis route de Fougères, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné +33 (0)2 99 84 53 00 + 33 (0)2 99 84 01 20 [email protected] ORGANIZATION As a interactive hub overseeing Bretagne’s economic activities, Bretagne Développement Innovation operates across three main areas: • Providing greater structure to the region’s core industries (marine energy, shipbuilding, pleasure boating, ICT, energy, materials, vehicles and mobility...) • Fostering innovation in business • Driving the region’s inward invest and branding strategy TRAINING CENTRES Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI) is Bretagne’s regional development and innovation agency. BUSINESSES SELECTED B LOCATIONS Head office in Rennes, and offices in Brest. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 21 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS As part of its MRE sector strategy and with backing from Bretagne Regional Council, BDI is leading the development of Bretagne’s MRE sector and is responsible for promoting it. This involves the agency overseeing business support organisations, especially for offshore wind. BDI’s partners are Pôle Mer Bretagne, Bretagne Pôle Naval, Bretagne Commerce International, the regional Chambers of Commerce network, Université Européenne de Bretagne, and the businesses associated with current projects. Bretagne does feature some strong assets: ability to conduct consultations, high potential in offshore technologies (fixed and floating wind, wave, tidal and tidal stream); a network of capable, diverse, MRE-related SME’s, core industrial partners in position, effective university and life-long learning provision, and the largest concentration of technical and marine sciences in France. Above all, Bretagne has the political will to seize this opportunity. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Industry Cluster PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED B BRETAGNE POLE NAVAL 3 rue Marie Dorval, 56100 Lorient +33 (0)9 83 71 30 44 +33 (0)2 97 02 40 58 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES 90 companies with proven technical skills organised by working group are the pillars of the BPN MRE cluster. From design right through to maintenance, the entire value chain in the Marine Renewable Energy sector is represented within the MRE Cluster. With expertise acquired in the naval sector, the industrial players specialize in five technologies: tidal energy, bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines, floating offshore wind turbines, wave energy, and ocean thermal energy. The development of the MRE sector is a major issue for all Breton businesses, and they are committed to promoting an excellence initiative to the benefit of the advancement of Marine Renewable Energy. LOCATIONS BRITTANY is on the forefront of MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGY development. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BPN is an industry cluster uniting over 125 businesses in the Brittany region of France. BPN is comprised of three sectors of excellence: Marine Renewable Energy (MRE), Naval, and Offshore Oil and Gas. 22 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 23 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED X PARTNERS France’s first business incubator dedicated to renewable energy and energy g management PARTNERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED C CCI LITTORAL NORMAND-PICARD 20 rue du Chevalier de la Barre, 80142 Abbeville cedex +33 (0)6 86 66 67 43 [email protected] ORGANIZATION An interregional player involved in structuring the wind power economic sector: Led by a wind power professional and with the support of local authorities in Normandy and Picardy, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Normandy-Picardy coastal region opened the first business incubator entirely dedicated to renewable energy in September 2009. The incubator is recognised both for hosting and assisting businesses, particularly in various aspects of the wind power sector, and for its contributions to the development of industrial diversification in onshore and offshore wind power and hydro-kinetic power. ACTIVITIES Housing and assistance to businesses: The group offers offices (20 to 45 m2 in size) and office/workshop units (230 to 365 m2 in size) with specialised assistance from renewable energy experts. The Oust-Marest renewable energy incubator is already home to: • A maintenance base for onshore wind farms (Enercon Service) • The head office and a regional office of a developer/operator of onshore wind farms (Energie Team) • A logistics company for offshore wind energy (STO Logistique). Industrial diversification into wind and hydro-kinetic power: • Co-organisation of a variety of events: 4 May 2010: the first “Windustry France” interregional convention for companies at the Renewable Energy Incubator 8 December 2011: the first “Windustry France” business convention in Amiens 1 and 2 October 2013: Third “Windustry France” business convention in Le Havre • Organisation on behalf of the regional network of economic players in Normandy of the initiative to mobilise industrial companies for offshore wind farms through the “Vigie-Business-Éolien Offshore” online platform (1,100 business members in the Grand Ouest area of France) • Organisation of business events with major prime contractors (EDF EN, GDF SUEZ, Areva, Alstom, Siemens, etc.) at the Renewable Energy Incubator and in various Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Grand Ouest region (Le Havre, Fécamp, Caen, Cherbourg, Brest, etc.) • Along with the Picardy Conseil Régional, organisation of a regional industry diversification initiative for large wind turbines and a business club for the sector. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Upper Normandy, Picardy. 24 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS DUNKERQUE PROMOTION D BUSINESSES SELECTED Economic Developement Agency Bâtiment le Remorquage, 2508 route de l’écluse Trystram, 59140 Dunkerque +33 (0)3 28 22 64 40 +33 (0)3 28 22 64 41 [email protected] ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES Economic Developement Agency, Dunkerque Promotion is the regional pilot of Windustry Nord Pas de Calais and is in charge of the animation of the cluster and promotion of the industrial & logistics expertise in the field of wind turbine. ACTIVITIES More than 80 companies are involved in the cluster, you will find a profile of each one on our website : LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 25 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Logistics : operations and maintenance ports, but also industrial and assembly ports in Boulogne-sur-Mer & Dunkerque. PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED E EOLISSIMA CCI DE REGION NORD DE FRANCE- Providing help to the SME of the North of France to reach wind energy markets 299 boulevard de Leeds CS 90028, 59031 Lille cedex +33 (0)3 20 63 68 00 +33 (0)3 20 13 02 00 [email protected] French Chambers of Commerce are public bodies headed by elected business representatives, and dedicated to the promotion and defense of business interests to the public authorities. They participate in the local development of businesses, the planning of an attractive business environment and offer a wide range of services to its members. ACTIVITIES • Communication around Nord of France’s industrial potential • Business information through workshops and website • Audit and support • All these actions are related to Windustry Nord-Pas de Calais. LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais region. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION 26 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS LE MANS WIND CLUSTER L BUSINESSES SELECTED Business, training, and R&D cluster for the wind power sector in Le Mans and Sarthe 75 boulevard Oyon, 72000 Le Mans Wind Cluster +33 (0)2 43 57 72 24 +33 (0)2 43 57 72 30 [email protected] ACTIVITIES • Business sector: Represented by Le Mans Développement, the business sector brings together local businesses that wish to invest in wind power, promotes businesses, and facilitates access to calls for tender from major prime contractors (such as Maser, Chastagner, Fimor, and Net-Wind). • Training sector: Represented by GRETA and certified by BZEE, training targets is provided for holders of the Baccalauréat and plays an active role in the structuring of an integrated wind power sector in our region. The only offshore maintenance training program in France. • R&D sector: The R&D sector is led by the Université du Mans Acoustic Laboratory (LAUM - CNRS) together with the Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et Mécaniques Avancées (ISMANS), the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs du Mans (ENSIM), and the Centre de Transfert de Technologie du Mans (CTTM). These research centres are a testimony to our region’s dynamism and work to develop innovations in acoustics, composite materials, on-board systems, and mechanical engineering. MANUFACTURERS The Le Mans Wind Cluster is a group of private and institutional stakeholders led by Le Mans Développement. The cluster has three sectors: the business sector (focusing mainly on the maintenance of installations), the R&D sector and the training sector. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 27 SUPPLIERS The Le Mans Wind Cluster unites players from the greater Le Mans area and the French département of Sarthe. The Le Mans Wind Cluster also acts as a local representative for Néopolia, the Adéo Association, and the Syndicat des Énergies Renouvelables (SER). DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS PARTNERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED N NEOPOLIA EMR MRE Business Cluster 35 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 44600 Saint-Nazaire +33 (0)2 40 17 21 52 +33 (0)2 40 17 21 45 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Neopolia is a network of 180 industrial companies in the Pays de la Loire region. Its 5 business clusters (marine, oil and gas, aerospace, rail, and MRE) are concrete evidence of its market focus. They reflect the willingness of the participating businesses to unite around a shared strategy and a common industrial offering to conquer new markets both in France and abroad. ACTIVITIES Néopolia MRE brings together over 85 companies who pool their knowledge and work together to respond innovatively to the needs of the MRE market. A steering committee composed of 12 directors determines the MRE cluster’s strategic and commercial goals. The organisation in 8 Strategic Business Units means companies can be grouped according to expertise to facilitate the development of partnerships and help break into MRE markets. Each of the 85 companies falls into one or more of the eight SBUs: 1) Land infrastructure 2) Industrial processes and equipment 3) Logistics and the supply chain 4) Primary and secondary steel 5) Integrated systems 6) Complex turbine assemblies 7) Operation and maintenance 8) Service vessels Each SBU includes one steering company and a cluster of companies. The cluster of companies in each SBU focus on three specific areas: • Creating B2B partnerships with the major players in the market in order to identify and determine market needs • Co-construction of the strategic positioning of the companies • Individual or collective responses or co-development projects. Our added value is based on: • A single point of contact to access an entire network of industry expertise • Optimisation of your supply chain • Assistance for co-development projects to increase competitiveness • Transfer of the best technological solutions from the multi-market expertise of the companies. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Pays de la Loire. 28 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 ACTIVITIES Lower Nromandy is the territory of the marine renewable energy, and there are few project in devellopement • a project of manufacturing unit in Cherbourg • a commercial farm of wind turbine in Coruseule sur mer • a Tidal Farm project in Raz Blanchard where share approach with wind farm will be essential. Created in 2012 ONEM is supported by: • The Regional Council of lower Normandy • The County Council of La Manche • The Town of Cherbourg Onem is the focal point for the deferent state body, the european committee, local actor involved in the different area of R&D, Training & education & industrial devellopement. ONEM main action are: • to develop & manage link with key industrial player in local MRE project • to manage external relation, the communication and local & international cooperation around the different local project. • to organise and coordonate relation between State and major industrial companies • to facillitate setling down of companie in Cherbourg on the area dedicated by Port Normand Authority and more globally in Lower Normandy • to promote project tp build up MRE skills and Knowledge to support Off shore WInd project • to contribute to project acceptability (population & Environmental) LOCATIONS North west Suburb of Caen. 29 PARTNERS TRAINING CENTRES SPL Public Company Managing Director: F.Piquet MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 3 rue René Cassin, 14280 Saint-Contest +33 (0)2 61 45 17 30 SUPPLIERS Develop and manage marine renewable energy in Lower Normandy WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 O BUSINESSES SELECTED ONEM (Ouest Normandie Energie Marine) PARTNERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED P PICARDY - SOMME WIND POWER NETWORK Conseil régional de Picardie - Lucas Toussaint 03 22 97 38 99 [email protected] Conseil général de la Somme - Thomas Hutin 03 22 71 82 04 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Picardie is one of the first onshore wind region of France, with 1.83 TWh of electricity produced in 2012 and is also involved in offshore wind power development. Our regional plan for wind development targets 2,800 MW by 2020. According to these assets, the region Picardie and the county of Somme support the development of eco-activities and structure the wind energy’s field in connection with wind power industries, research teams and public institutions. ACTIVITIES A wind power industry which strengthens: • Professionals of the wind power are highly mobilized, and strengthen their presence in the region: Enercon, H2AIR, Maïa Eolis, Valorem, Energie Team, … ; • A large panel of subcontractors in any steps of your project ; engineering offices, public works companies, electricians, manufacturers for electrics, hydraulics and mechanicals products, specialists of transport and lifting; • Particular welcome for Green business (renewable energy business incubator, public subsidy for renting buildings, estate Investments); • Pioneering public stakeholders (First 100% public wind farm in Montdidier); • A strong public support in favour of wind power; • WindLab: a plateform dedicated to the wind turbine technicians training programme certified by the BZEE. A network of skills and know-how: • High industrials skills: several renowned companies in aeronautic, composites, hydraulics and mechanics, also supplies the wind industry (Scott Bader, Nexans, Hempel, Enercon, Nof Metal Coating, Duff Norton, …) • High Research & Development capacities on wind turbines:Technical & technology transfer centers, French National Institute for the Industrial Environment and Hazards, research laboratories involved in wind energy project (University, Engineering Schools …). • IndustriLAB: the center of research, innovation, training and technology. IndustriLAB offers 5,000 m² of factory space and 2,500 m² of office space at the Picardie airport, in an entirely secure building, including confidential areas with controlled access. IndustriLAB relies on its network of partners (universities, technical centers, industries) to mobilize the skills and technical resources necessary to your project. Support for business: • Support for the potentials sub-contractors • Organization of meetings with contractors – subcontractors, including the National Windustry meeting December 8th and 9th 2011 (more than 2,000 business meetings); • Promotion to the EWEA events • Support for setting up business, constructing and financing projects • Specific Greenfield and brownfield solutions for green business industries. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Picardy. 30 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 One of the types of renewable energy currently under development is marine energy, which includes attractive technologies to respond to European energy development issues. Marine energy causes fewer disturbances to society due to the fact that equipment for it is installed out at sea.There are seven distinct types of marine energy: fixed-bottom and floating wind turbines; tidal and river turbines and sea-current energy, wave energy, marine thermal energy (SWAC, sea water heat pump, electricity production by ocean thermal energy), tidal power, biomass transformation, and osmotic pressure. The Pole Mer Méditerranée cluster runs a collaborative R&D program dedicated to marine renewable energy. The cluster is especially involved in the development of the floating offshore wind energy industrial sector. The Pole Mer Méditerranée cluster is a member of France Energies Marines. Key numbers: A sustained R&D program with more than 200 certified projects with a research and development budget of €564 billion. A 350-member network that includes 168 small and medium-sized businesses, 80 groups and large businesses, and 73 research and training organisations. The cluster was certified as an internationally-oriented competitiveness cluster in the Sea category by the CIADT committee on 12 July 2005. LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS The global marine economy has an annual turnover of $1.5 trillion. Of this, nearly $190 billion-worth of business did not exist ten years ago.The new activity includes marine and underwater mineral extraction, marine energy, algae-based biofuels, and aquaculture, etc. By 2020, these new fields are expected to generate nearly $450 billion in annual turnover. Since its creation in 2005, the Mer Méditerranée Cluster has opted to focus on sustainable development and maritime safety in six strategic fields: maritime safety and security, shipbuilding and sailing, energy resources and marine mining, marine biological resources, coastal development and environment, and ports, infrastructure, and maritime transport. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS 229 chemin de la Farlède, 83500 La Seyne-sur-Mer +33 (0)4 94 03 89 03 +33 (0)4 94 03 89 15 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED P Competitiveness cluster 31 PARTNERS PÔLE MER MEDITERRANÉE PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED R RÉGION CHAMPAGNEARDENNE Local authority and key partner in the economic development of the region 5 rue de Jéricho - CS 70441, 51037 Châlons-en-Champagne cedex +33 (0) 326 708 577 +33 (0) 326 708 899 [email protected] SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION The goal of the policy adopted by the Champagne-Ardenne region is to boost the economic appeal of the region and create an environment conducive to the development of the companies. The region has developed tools adapted to the local conditions to sustain the regional economy, consolidate its quality business hosting environment, and run its Centres of Excellence, including the wind power sector. The region provides support to strategic projects and helps French and international investors relocate to the area. ACTIVITIES Since 2002, Champagne-Ardenne has been a popular area for the installation of wind turbines, thanks to its abundant wind resources and the vast open spaces available. With more than 1,264 MW of rated power, Champagne-Ardenne is now France’s leading region for wind power, with 60 wind farms and 629 wind turbines. Businesses specialising in wind power development will find huge growth potential (with a goal of 2,870 MW by 2020) and a favourable public policy formalised in a regional wind energy plan approved in 2012. Relocating companies will find competitive relocation costs, a strategic location in the heart of one of the most promising areas of France, and an emerging market in wind turbine maintenance and repowering. More than 50% of rated power in France is located within a radius of 300 km around Champagne-Ardenne and benefits from easy access to wind farms in the Benelux zone. Champagne-Ardenne will be one of the first regions concerned by repowering and thus by the development of an industry based around deconstructing and the management of components’ end-of-life. Many companies in Champagne-Ardenne are involved in subcontracting for the wind power industry and are able to produce the enormous, highly-complex equipment. This hotbed of companies offers great opportunities for European prime contractors to diversify their suppliers. Finally, training opportunities also meet current wind power industry needs with in particular since 2006, the first training course in France recognised by the profession and leading to the BZEE certificate. LOCATIONS Located in Châlons-en-Champagne, the Economic Development Department is available to wind farm developers, equipment manufacturers and maintenance companies in the wind power sector. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 32 PARTNERS UBIFRANCE ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 33 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS UBIFRANCE, the French Agency for International Business Development, is an executive agency of the French government placed under the supervision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance, the Minister with responsibility for Foreign Trade and the Directorate General of the Treasury. UBIFRANCE is the France’s export-support agency supported by a worldwide network. In France: • International Chargés d’Affaires (ICA) based in the Regional Departments of Bpifrance • Regional Delegates based in the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) • Business specialists: sectoral, legal, regulatory… Worldwide: • 80 UBIFRANCE offices in 70 countries : also organised in sectors of activity, they are the gateways for French-based SMEs to export markets 1,400 multicultural UBIFRANCE staff worldwide, dedicated to assisting French-based SMEs in their export drive • Exclusive partners (CCIFE) in those countries in which UBIFRANCE does not have its own local office TRAINING CENTRES 77 boulevard Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris +33 (0)1 40 73 32 70 +33 (0)1 40 73 30 27 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED U PARTNERS WIND FOR FUTURE DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED W 8 rue du 19 Mars 1962, 21600 Longvic +33 (0)3 80 39 43 65 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Wind for Future (W4F) has 70 members, including over 50 wind power companies in Burgundy, Franche-Comté, and the Centre Est areas of France.The group was founded in September 2010 by companies who wanted to work together to promote themselves in France and abroad. It offers a wide range of subcontractors and partners in France working along the entire value chain, including: • Industrial manufacturers and processors of wind farm components of all sizes • Energy operation and wind farm management companies • Engineering, electrical connection, and building and public works companies involved in the installation of wind farms in Northeast France • Audit and consulting firms, engineering firms, and maintenance companies. Our mission is to: • Foster business development and help prime manufacturers to source cluster members • Promote the industry • Better exploit trades and expertise, innovation, and employee training needs • Develop collaborative programs and projects in France and abroad. W4F endorses the Windustry approach to encourage the emergence of the French wind power industry. ACTIVITIES The W4F cluster is a government-approved business cluster (DATAR) supported by the Burgundy region and by Europe (FEDER). W4F is a network consisting mostly of small to medium-sized businesses in a single region motivated by a common strategy of shared programs and services that define W4F. W4F was the only 100% wind power cluster to be selected. The operations team is composed of an executive officer and an innovation programme manager. Wind for Future is divided into four committees: innovation, training, attractiveness/promotion, and energy/climate/regions. • Communication tools: Own logo and identity; brochure with a list of all members; a website (www.windforfuture. com) detailing the cluster’s activities, history, members (with each member’s activities shown in a template and a link to the member’s website), upcoming programmes, innovative projects etc.; and a bimonthly newsletter • Training: With the help of the UIMM, the employment agency and the Burgundy Region, Wind For Future runs a training programme leading to a qualification where job-seekers can become wind farm maintenance technicians. Wind For Future also reinforces training in industry trades (welders, machining specialists, electrical mechanics) and adapts training to new trades (wind farm project managers, etc.). A training centre dedicated to initial training (BZEE certified) and ongoing training in onshore wind energy in Central and Eastern France is being built in Dijon • Innovation: Promote the setting up of innovative programmes. A dozen collaborative projects are currently being processed. Wind for Future works alongside the Spares in Motion platform to aid its development in France • Collective goals (Attractiveness/Promotion Committee): The second National Wind Power Symposium (18-19 October 2011 in Dijon), organised by the Syndicat des Énergies Renouvelables (SER) and by Wind Energy France (FEE), and the first wind power trades forum. Cluster members were grouped in the same hall. EWEA 2011 Brussels, 2012 Copenhagen, 2013 Vienna, 2014 Barcelona, overseeing the EWEA Offshore trade show in 2011 in Amsterdam and in Frankfurt in 2013. Presence of the cluster on a stand at Windustry business meetings (Amiens in 2011, Nantes in 2012, Le Havre in 2013) • Energy/Climate/Regions: Contributions to the Burgundy Regional Plan, with a goal of 1,500 MW by 2020. SUPPLIERS LOCATIONS Burgundy, Franche-Comté, and Center-East of France. 34 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 BUSINESSES SELECTED TO BE PART OF THE WINDUSTRY FRANCE PROJECT PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED AETE ENERGIE Cathodic Protection 32 rue des Prunus, 76290 Fontaine La Mallet / Le Havre +33 (0)6 48 55 96 80 +33 (0)2 35 13 97 68 [email protected] A AETE ENERGIE is an integrator of cathodic protection solutions in the offshore sector (wind farms, marine and ports, and oil and gas). AETE ENERGIE offers environmentally-friendly cathodic protection systems. ACTIVITIES AETE ENERGIE is specialised in impressed current systems with MMO titanium anodes and protects submerged equipment internally and externally using a monitoring system. LOCATIONS AETE ENERGIE’s offices are located close to Le Havre, near to prime contractors. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION 36 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED BESNÉ MÉCANIQUE DE PRÉCISION Manufacture of large mechanical parts - Design and manufacture of mechanical systems (industrial processes). ZA La Harrois, 44160 Besne +33 (0)2 40 17 33 30 +33 (0)2 40 17 33 31 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Besné Mécanique de Précision works in the following trades: design, mechanised welding, small- and large-capacity machining (up to 13,000 x 4,000 x 2,000 with 5-axis milling) and assembly (in-house or on-site). We work in the aviation, defence and energy sectors. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES TRAINING CENTRES B Manufacture of mechanical parts. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 37 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED DIALOG Industrial logistics - Construction support Siège social : La Heuperie ; Ets principal : Vallée de Quincampoix, 50000 50130 Saint-Lo ; Cherbourg Octeville +33 (0)2 33 23 67 67 +33 (0)2 33 23 67 60 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES D ORGANIZATION DIALOG has 3 logistics platforms: Cherbourg, Mézidon-Canon Sotteville-lès-Rouen. Cherbourg has specific means of handling forklifts 16 and 28T, truck loader cranes, tractor capacity 250T. In terms of transportation, DIALOG has permissions 1st and 2nd category exceptional transports. The building of Cherbourg (10,000 m² covered. 35,000 m² site) is secure and heated.The interior of Cherbourg has a dedicated workshop in industrial packaging and containment area and a RCC-M (EDF certification). DIALOG is approved by the SEILA. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES DIALOG offers customers storage services, packaging, packaging and containment, handling and transport. We assist our principals in the assembly and pre-assembly equipment. Our staff is trained, warehousemen, stevedores, chief operating, truck drivers, elevated platforms, bridge operators slingers.... This staff has already intervened on industrial and nuclear sites. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Cherbourg Octeville (50130) - Sotteville-lès-Rouen (76) et Mézidon Canon (14). 38 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED FERRY CAPITAIN SUBSIDIARY OF GROUPE CIF DE BUSSY- Cast iron - Steel - Mechanised welding - Power transmission equipment Usines de Bussy - BP 33, 52300 Joinville +33 (0)3 25 94 04 24 +33 (0)3 25 94 35 07 [email protected] FERRY-CAPITAIN currently has 430 employees, including 15 engineers, with an average age of 42. The site is located in Joinville in Haute-Marne, 250 km east of Paris. In 2011, FERRY-CAPITAIN invoiced a total of €85 million, 75% of which came from exports. ACTIVITIES FERRY-CAPITAIN specialises in the manufacture of large, mechanical assemblies, machining completed, for capital equipment. The company’s target markets include grinding in mineral processing, the cement industry, the energy sector (including wind energy), the steel industry, and large-scale mechanical engineering. It has large iron and steel foundries (up to 70 tonnes) and a machining and cutting shop for large-scale gears (up to 14 metres in diameter). FERRY-CAPITAIN produces wheel hubs, blade bases, covers, and hollow shafts, machining finished, for various wind farm builders. Key numbers: 430 employees. €85 million in turnover, 75% of which came from exports. Maximum weight of finished parts from the foundry is 110 tonnes in spheroidal graphite cast iron and 80 tonnes in steel. MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES F Champagne-Ardenne, Nord-Pas de Calais. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 39 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED FIXATOR Design and manufacture of working-at-height access solutions for wind turbines, including suspended blade and mast access platforms, service lifts, and laddermounted climb assist systems Parc d’activités 8 rue du Bois Rinier - BP 10041, 49181 Saint-Barthélémy d’Anjou +33 (0)2 41 31 17 00 +33 (0)2 41 31 17 10 MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES F ORGANIZATION For more than 80 years, Fixator has been designing and manufacturing winches and suspended platforms to lift personnel and equipment. Our teams of engineers and technicians have the skills and expertise to provide innovative solutions that satisfy the most demanding requirements with regard to working at great height. All motorised suspended wind turbine platforms are designed in accordance with machine directive 2006/42/EC and approved by a notified body. All Fixator services are performed according to ISO 9001, version 2008, and are certified by the LRQA. ACTIVITIES Fixator designs and manufactures motorised suspended platforms to access blades and wind turbine masts. Fixator also designs internal access systems such as service lifts and ladder-mounted climbing aids. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. 40 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED FMGC SUBSIDIARY OF FARINIA GROUP- Manufacture ballasts in grey cast iron Z.I. de Soudan, Hochepie, 44110 Soudan +33 (0)2 40 28 50 73 [email protected] Farinia group includes different companies in foundry and forge. The BPI, a public funding company, is shareholder of the group. FMGC is a foundry which generates a turnover of 70,7 M€ with 326 employees. Company has a production capacity of 110 000 t/years of grey cast iron for parts between 500 kg to 25 t. ACTIVITIES Located in west of France, FMGC makes design, realizes and develops ballasting solutions in grey cast iron for cranes and publics works equipments. For 3 years, the company has launched a diversification of its activity towards the market of Marine Renewable Energy, especially for wind power onshore and offshore but also for tidal and wave power. Aware of needs of the sector concerning factory of complex mechanical parts, that french foundries are not able to produce ; with a wealth of investment and technologic ongoing program. FMGC positions as a leading player to supply and develop the foundry sector. MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES F WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 41 SUPPLIERS Loire-Atlantique, at less than one hour from Atlantic Coasts. We are thinking about opportunities to build a new foundry in dockside to meet all needs of Marine Renewable Energy sector as a whole. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED FOURÉ LAGADEC SARL SUBSIDIARY OF FOURE LAGADEC SA- Industrial Maintenance and Boilermaking 164 boulevard de Graville, 76600 Le Havre +33 (0)2 35 25 59 99 +33 (0)2 35 25 20 85 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES F ORGANIZATION The Fouré Lagadec company, based in Le Havre harbor, build boiler works and is ready to provide towers, foundations and steel structure. During the Group history, we have acquired an expertise in the Energy and Marine areas and we have assimilated a wide know-how and technical competencies in the industrial maintenance, in the pressure vessel manufacturing, in the electrical motors and the marine engineering. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Currently, we develop those essential features from the Wind Energy: • Steel Structures (transition pieces – nodes – towers…) • Conception and manufacturing of special equipments for cabling vessels • Maintenance services LOCATIONS We own multiple technical resources dedicated to the industry. Our plant in Le Havre has 30 000 m² workshop area, a 250 T lifting capacity and an in-house control and mechanical test laboratory. 42 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED PAUMELLE Boilermaking, Sheet metal working, Mechanic, Metallic structure building 2 rue de l’abbaye, 76210 Gruchet le Valasse +33 (0)2 35 31 07 82 +33 (0)2 35 38 80 13 [email protected] P Paumelle is a 50 years old company specialized in all aspects of metal working: • Mechanic – Industrial maintenance • Machining • Metallic structure building (qualibat 4412 – 4421) • Sheet metal working • Boiler construction / mechanized welding • Renovation of water mills and hydroelectric power stations ACTIVITIES Our goal is to develop our business in the wind power industry. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 43 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS We are located at Gruchet le Valasse in Normandy, close to Le Havre, Fécamp, the A29 motorway, the Seine river and the sea. MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED PLASTIMA COMPOSITES SUBSIDIARY OF FA2P- Manufacture of composite parts ZA de la Maladrerie, 53240 Andouille +33 (0) 243 697 014 +33 (0) 243 687 374 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES P ORGANIZATION SAS (simplified private limited company) with a capital of €150,000. Eighty employees. Plastima Composites specialises in the development and manufacture of composite parts for the building sector, boats, industrial bodywork, shipbuilding, and more. Its engineering office is equipped with a 3D workstation and works closely with regional laboratories. The office is available for any kind of design work and technical assistance. Plastima Composites is an expert in the various open- and closed-mould manufacturing processes, such as RTM and infusion. Its infrastructures enable it to manufacture all nacelle shroud parts and all other external fittings (platforms, ladders, etc.) In addition to moulding composite parts, we create fully-equipped subassemblies, fitted with metal, electrical, and electronic parts. LOCATIONS Located near Laval, Plastima Composites owns a 12,000 m2 indoor industrial site on 30,000 m2 land which could be extended. The company also has two other industrial sites: Polyecim in Saint-Nazaire and Yffiplast Composites near Saint-Brieuc. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES 44 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED PRONAL SAS Elastomer Engineering Z.I Roubaix Est - Rue du Trieu du Quesnoy, 59115 Leers +33 (0)3 20 99 75 29 +33 (0)3 20 99 75 20 [email protected] P Pronal has a long & solid experience in the design of customized solutions to increase buoyancy during the installation of 3,4 or 8 legged jackets and to provide sealing systems for the annulus grouting operations used in Oil&Gas and Marine Energy projects. Pronal can provide offshore expertise in five main areas: installation of platforms, subsea construction & maintenance, pipeline support & protection, salvage & decommissioning operations and the handling of fluids topside & subsea. LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 45 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Pronal production site is located in Leers, close to the Belgium border. PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SOLUTIONS COMPOSITES Composite materials construction and engineering 2 rue du plateau - ZI les Gaudières, 37390 Mettray +33 (0)2 47 54 99 36 +33 (0)2 47 54 36 70 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES S ORGANIZATION Technical components, advanced technology equipments and infrastructures “turnkey” ... our expertise in the field of composites is recognized and translated by numerous references, innovative concepts, and numerous clients in the constuction and industrial sector. 12 persons, 1,000 m2 of infrastructure and around 1Meuros of turn over. We control the value chain of your projects during all stages: RandD / Design / Engineering (Design and calculation) / Construction / Installation and deployment site / After-Sales Service. We are able to position ourselves on projects of all sizes, from simple to more ambitious with a strong network of partners that beyond our borders. Our organization relies on entrepreneurial teams and qualified, very concerned about the quality of our services throughout the development process • A team RandD, skilled in the innovation process (applied research, laboratory / testing) • A design and industrialization team Conception of parts, components, and composite profiles. Degree in design technology Pultrusion, PULLWINDING, centrifugation, infusion molding, RTM, SMC. (CAD SolidWorks) Not to mention the design of plastic and metal parts, integration of components (equipment, information systems ...) and design of structures. Selection of appropriate production technologies, development of specific industrial processes, selection and monitoring supplier quality • A team of production / construction Our companions, skilled, experienced and versatile mastered all the production technologies used in our company: - Machining and assembly of composites - Woodworking and metals - construction in workshop and on-site deployment ACTIVITIES Helicopter deck or plateform,blade reinforcement profiles by pultrusion, nacelle cladding, wind turbine spinner, inside tower or work plateform and access, ladder, technical parts LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Only one plant in center-western area of France. 46 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ST INDUSTRIES Machining of mechanical parts ZA de Kerbiquet, 22140 Cavan +33 (0)2 96 91 38 67 +33 (0)2 96 91 30 72 [email protected] S ACTIVITIES UCN Méca is ISO 9001-certified and guarantees Armor Précision Méca, which specialises in large-scale machining. After a recent audit, the companies were pre-qualified by Areva for bidding on the “Ailes Marines” project in the Saint-Brieuc bay. MANUFACTURERS ST Industries is an operational holding company that owns shares in four Breton companies: Armor Précision Méca, UCN Méca, Decarmor, and Breizh Usinage Services. They have an annual turnover of €11 billion, 115 employees, and a capacity of 250,000 hours of numerical control per year. ST Industries offers a wide variety of services and products, from prototypes to mass production, mechanical integration, repairs, maintenance, small and large parts, all types of metal, titanium, engineered plastic and composites. UCN Méca and Breizh Usinage Services make highly-technical small and medium-sized parts with high added-value. The companies work mostly in the fields of oceanography, oil exploration, telecoms applications, special laboratory machines and energy. Armor Précision Méca provides maintenance services for regional industries, mechanised welding of subassemblies, and machining of large parts. Decarmor is a bar turning company that works mostly with valves and water and gas regulation. The equipment consists of 25 machining centres, 31 numerical control lathes, 19 conventional lathes and 9 conventional milling machines, 5 MIG and TIG welding stations, and wire and die-sinking electrical discharge machines. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 47 SUPPLIERS UCN Méca, Armor Précision Méca, and Decarmor are all located in Côtes-d’Armor. Breizh Usinage Services is located in Finistère and has two workshops: one in Pleyben and one in Guipavas. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED STO LOGISTIQUE Service vessels for charter 32 bis rue d’Ault, 80130 Bethencourt-sur-Mer +33 (0)3 22 61 34 38 [email protected] S Supply of service vessels to conduct studies, take measurements, provide assistance, transport technicians and small freight, put up markers and buoys, and perform underwater work. LOCATIONS Head office located in Picardy, the vessel can operate along the entire coast of France. Operations from Calais to Saint-Nazaire since 2008. We also carry out operations and work in the Mediterranean Sea. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES 48 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TE2M Design and manufacture of magnetising equipment for permanent magnets, devices for magnetic measurements, magnetic systems, and magnetic mechanisms (couplings, electromagnetic suction cups, gears, etc.) 600 rue Alain Colas - Z.I.Portuaire, 29200 Brest +33 (0)2 98 02 22 36 +33 (0)2 98 42 16 73 [email protected] [email protected] ORGANIZATION Design: Magnets/mechanical assemblies/electromagnets, machining, milling, grinding, 4- and 5-axis machining centre, surface treatment, painting, and fully integrated manufacture of our equipment. TRAINING CENTRES T • Magnetising alternator magnets - Before or after assembly (depending on the configuration) • Remagnetisation of demagnetised permanent magnets (disassembled or on alternators, depending on the configuration) • Magnetic measurements of magnetic circuits or magnets (flux, field, induction, etc.) LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 49 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Brittany. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES :,1'/$% $ 75$,1,1* '(9,&( '(',&$7(' 72 :,1' -2%6 &5($7(' %< 3,&$5',(5(*,21 :LQG/DEWKLVLV $SDUWQHUVKLSZLWKWKH QHWZRUNDFWRUV $QRSSRUWXQLW\IRUHYHU\ERG\ LQWHUHVWHGLQZLQGWXUELQH PDLQWHQDQFH &217$&7 ZLQGODE#FUSLFDUGLHIU ;DYLHU5HQRX[5pJLRQ3LFDUGLH $QRYHUDOOWUDLQLQJNLW TRAINING CENTRES FOR WIND TURBINE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES C.E.P.S. (Centre d’Etude et de Pratique de la Survie) Centre for Maritime Safety Training in Lorient 37 avenue des Colverts, 44380 Pornichet +33 (0)2 40 61 32 08 +33 (0)2 40 61 61 08 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Certified by BZEE, ISO 9001, and 29990 LRQA. LOCATIONS Lorient (Morbihan). SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS C 52 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 72 avenue de l’Europe, 86500 Montmorillon +33 (0)5 49 83 06 16 +33 (0)5 49 91 57 24 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The training site at the La Barre industrial zone in Montmorillon features a 30-metre training tower, a 150 m2 workshop with a two-and-a-half-tonne bridge crane and three nacelles. At the Lycée Pro Raoul Mortier, students can learn how to repair wind turbine blades in a 60 m2 composite workshop. ACTIVITIES The Lycée provides training for wind farm maintenance technicians and issues BZEE certificates. The training course lasts 16 weeks, plus eight weeks’ training at a company, and one week of exams. Students at least 18 years old with a BTS (technician certificate) or Bac Pro (vocational baccalaureate) are hired in electronics or maintenance fields. The course can accept up to 12 students. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 53 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Montmorillon is a municipality in the Vienne department of France. It is close to large cities, including Poitiers (44 km), Châtellerault (58 km), and Limoges (82 km). L MANUFACTURERS Vocational training, BZEE certification TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED LP RAOUL MORTIER (Lycée des métiers des énergies et des services aux entreprises) PARTNERS LYCEE DHUODA TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED FCIL:Training course for wind farm maintenance technicians* ORGANIZATION The institute offers post-Baccalauréat training to become a wind farm maintenance technician. Training takes place on high-powered equipment. Learning modules meet the standards of professionals seeking qualified labour. At the end of training, certified students will have the skills and knowledge to work on a wind turbine. For more information, go to ACTIVITIES Training as a school student or a job seeker, as an employee or on study leave. Key numbers: Training lasts six months (26 weeks, including eight at a company). Two sessions are held each year (a September and a January session, each with 15 places). LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS L 17 rue Dhuoda - BP 17155, 30913 Nîmes cedex +33 (0)4 66 04 85 82 +33 (0)4 66 04 85 77 [email protected] SUPPLIERS *Training that meets the criteria of the Format’eree Charter. 54 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS LYCEE FRANCOIS BAZIN BUSINESSES SELECTED Training 145 avenue Charles de Gaulle, 8013 Charleville-Mézières +33 (0)3 24 56 81 56 +33 (0)3 24 56 81 57 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES Wind farm maintenance technician training leading to a BZEE professional qualification certificate recognised by industry professionals. Mixed initial training with GRETA for 20 technicians per year.Training partnership with Technifutur in Belgium: 16 technicians trained each year. Training partnership with the IUT in Châlons-en-Champagne. LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES Lycée des Métiers des Technologies Industrielles et de l’Énergie François Bazin. (François Bazin college of industrial technology and energy trades). L WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 55 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Champagne-Ardenne. PARTNERS WINDLAB PICARDY REGIONAL COUNCIL- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED Picardy regional platform ORGANIZATION WindLAB is equiped by: • workshop : 3 nacelles, gantry, painting room, advanced electrical materials, measuring instruments • 30 metres training tower, • technical class room. ACTIVITIES WindLAB area propose 3 main activities : • Windindustry promotion, professional guidance, • Training for maintenance technician for jobseekers, students and employees, • Provision of technical equipments for partners’ R&D projects. LOCATIONS Amiens. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS W 11 mail Albert 1er - BP 2616, 80026 Amiens cedex 1 +33 (0)3 22 97 38 83 +33 (0)3 22 97 35 45 Virginie Renault : [email protected] 56 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS The Windustry directory was printed on PEFC certified paper PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is to show that wood comes from sustainably managed fo f rests based on the Helsinki criteria. • Preservation of the fo f rest heritage and contribution to global carbon cycles. • Maintenance of healthy fo f rest ecosystems. • Maintenance and encouragement of fo f rest production systems. • Improved biodiversity. • Improved systems for f protecting fo f rest management, especially soil and water. • Maintenance of socio-economic conditions. Like fo f r the FSC, our role as a processor is to manage the traceability of paper, r and the conditions for using the logo are subject to regulations. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) This international non-governmental organization was created in 1993 under the impetus of associations like Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and the WWF. Its aim is to certify that wood comes from well-managed fo f rests in line with replanting and biodiversity objective is to organize thorough traceability of matter used. To T that we can only use the FSC logo on documents we produce if PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ALIZEO Wind turbine manufacturer 4 rue Saint Florentin, 75001 Paris +33 (0)1 73 02 94 42 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Designer and manufacturer of 1 MW, retractable wind turbines. Developer and operator of wind farms inside and outside of cyclone zones: • Civil engineering structures that can be fully dismantled with ease • Very small footprint, less than 200 m2 • Technology based on counterweight systems and equipped with hydraulic jacks • Use of standard equipment of proven reliability available on the market • 1 MW synchronous wind generators with direct drive or Multibrid epicyclic drive train and permanent magnets • Large-diameter, three-blade rotors for low to medium winds • Retracts into the earth in less than an hour in the event of a cyclone • Rises and restarts production in less than an hour • Withstands sustained winds of 150 kph when vertical • Withstands sustained winds of 250 kph when retracted. A LOCATIONS 59 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Our plants and subsidiaries: ALIZEO Industrie in Lons le Saunier (Jura) ALIZEO ROUSSILLON in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) ALIZEO MASCAREIGNES in Réunion ALIZEO CARAÏBES in Martinique SOFTWIND subsidiary manufacturing wind generators. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 MANUFACTURERS SA (Limited liability company) with a capital of €1,375,669.01 • Paris Trade and Companies Register 495 311 391 TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ALSTOM Energy sector 3 avenue André Malraux, 92307 Levallois-Perret +33 (0)1 41 49 20 00 MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS A Alstom is a world leader in infrastructure used to produce and transmit electricity and in the rail transport industry. The Group raises the bar with its innovative, environmentally-friendly technologies. With the largest portfolio of products on the market, Alstom covers all energy sources, from gas to wind power. Its clean technologies generate enough electricity to power 1.2 billion households around the world. ACTIVITIES With 30 years of experience in wind power, Alstom provides global solutions, covering the development, design and installation of wind farms to supplying and maintaining wind turbines. Alstom offers a wide range of onshore wind turbines with up to 3 MW of nominal power. Its 2,500 wind turbines have a total power of more than 4,500 MW. Alstom, a major player in the offshore wind industry, installed the world’s largest offshore wind turbine, the Haliade™ 150-6 MW, off the Belgian coast.This new generation 6 MW turbine incorporates proven Alstom Pure Torque® technology, which guarantees reliability of the transmission line. Each Haliade™ 150-6 MW unit powers the equivalent of 5,000 homes. These high-tech, innovative direct drive offshore wind turbines stand up to all offshore conditions and supply electricity at competitive prices. With its Haliade™ 150-6 MW wind turbine, Alstom is the exclusive provider for the consortium led by EDF EN. Alstom was selected for the three projects it tendered for at the Saint-Nazaire, Courseulles-sur-Mer, and Fécamp sites, for a total of about 240 wind turbines. An industrial plan allowing the creation of a sector for outstanding French industries in offshore wind energy is taking shape, in particular with the installation of four plants at Saint-Nazaire and Cherbourg. This measure will be accompanied by the opening of an Alstom engineering and R&D centre dedicated to marine renewable energy—the first of its kind in France. LOCATIONS Alstom’s head office is located in Levallois-Perret. Its engineering centre is located in Nantes. Its wind power operations headquarters is located in Barcelona, Spain. 60 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS X LEADING THE NEW GENERATION OF LARGE HIGH-EFFICIENCY WIND TURBINES With its 122m rotor diameter and swept area of 11,700 m2, Alstom’s ECO 122 offers a unique combination of high power and high capacity factor in medium and low wind regions worldwide. The new ECO 122 range available with a nominal output of 2,7 MW and now 3 MW (offering up to +6% additional yield vs. the ECO 122 2.7MW), is the latest evolution of Alstom’s proven ECO 100 platform and the result of more than 30 years of experience in wind turbine design. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 61 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ECO 122 - NEW 3 MW UPGRADE PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS A AREVA - BU OFFSHORE WIND SUBSIDIARY OF AREVA- Wind turbine fabrication and maintenance 1 place Jean Millier, 92084 Paris La Défense cedex +33 (0)1 34 96 30 00 +33 (0)1 34 96 35 40 [email protected] ORGANIZATION AREVA supplies advanced technology solutions for power generation with less carbon. Its expertise and unwavering insistence on safety, security, transparency and ethics are setting the standard, and its responsible development is anchored in a process of continuous improvement. Ranked first in the global nuclear power industry, AREVA’s unique integrated offering to utilities covers every stage of the fuel cycle, nuclear reactor design and construction, and operating services. The group is also expanding in renewable energies – wind, bioenergy, solar, energy storage – to become a European leader in this sector. With these two major offers, AREVA’s 46,000 employees are helping to supply ever safer, cleaner and more economical energy to the greatest number of people. ACTIVITIES AREVA designs, manufactures, assembles and commissions high-output wind turbines specially designed for the offshore market. The 5 MW AREVA M5000 have proven their performance at sea on the alpha ventus offshore wind farm, in operation since 2009. Thanks to its proven technology and its industrial basis the group was selected for 2 major projects, which installation was launched during summer 2013. By 2014, 120 turbines representing 600 MW will be installed at sea. The group also developed the next generation turbine, the AREVA 8 MW, based on its proven platform. For the offshore wind farms in France, Belgium and Southern UK, the AREVA 5 and 8 MW turbines will be produced in the group’s factories to be settled in Le Havre ; an opportunity for the French suppliers to take part into the offshore wind industry built by AREVA. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Upper Normandy. 62 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS 712 054 923 RCS NANTERRE – TRAINING CENTRES – Crédit photo : Jan Oelker BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS L’AVENIR POUR ÉNERGIE, C’EST INSTALLER 120 ÉOLIENNES EN MER DU NORD D’ICI À 2014. Chez AREVA, les défis énergétiques de demain sont une préoccupation de tous les jours. En mobilisant nos expertises pour porter les énergies renouvelables au plus haut niveau de maturité technologique et de compétitivité, nous nous donnons les moyens de figurer au premier rang des acteurs de la transition énergétique. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 C’est aussi ça, avoir l’avenir pour énergie. L’énergie est notre avenir, économisons-la ! 63 SUPPLIERS X SUPPLIERS © ENERTRAG DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS X 64 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF OVH- Manufacturer of high power wind turbines Parc d’Activités Europescaut - 1 rue de l’Europe, 59410 Anzin +33 (0)3 27 32 07 98 +33 (0)3 27 31 60 41 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED DDIS LOCATIONS 800kW Wind turbine prototype: DDIS60 in Onnaing (North of France) First wind turbine site equipped with 8 DDIS60 (800 kW) in Ortoncourt (East of France) WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 65 MANUFACTURERS DDIS designs, certifies and manufactures wind turbines offering several advantages : • Intrinsic reliability using simple and modular components i.e each module stator is impregnated under vacuum and pressure • Compactness through a clever and modular design • Significant weight reduction thanks to the axial flux and multiphase technology • Fully compliant with the new grid regulations (“grid code”) thanks to a permanent magnet machine and a full power converter (DC bus controlled by a chopper) • Capable of operating easily under withdrawal mode and /or enhanced performance through the design of the multiphase machine • Easily switchable to the multi-megawatt range without costly investments in production • Readily transportable due to its modular design The primary target of DDIS is the wind energy sector, a fast growing market in which DDIS’s technology can bring real competitive advantages:no gearbox, lower total head mass, high grid compatibility. Using an innovating technology protected by international patents, DDIS has developed a three-bladed wind turbine equipped with a direct drive, permanent magnet, multiple pole, multiphase synchronous axial flux generator. As the same time as the marketing of DDIS60, the DDIS target is double : • Impose its technology on the offshore market and develop wind turbine multi-megawatt by capitalizing on the technological developments carried out on the DDIS60. • Sell Manufacturing Licenses of its Technology D DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ACTIVITIES SUPPLIERS DDIS is an electrical engineering company founded in may 2008. Prizewinner of the “Concours National d’Aide à la Création d’Entreprise en Technologies Innovantes”, DDIS, Young Innovative Company, federated many supports among which Oseo, the Ministry of Research, Europe... TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ENERCON GMBH GMBH : construction and sale of wind turbines ESF : maintenance and after-sales service GmbH : Z.I N°2 - Impasse du Pré Bernot ESF: 9001 rue du Tourteret, 60880 Le Meux GmbH : +33 (0)3 44 83 67 20 ESF: +33 (0)3 44 37 35 10 GmbH : +33 (0)3 44 83 67 29 ESF: +33 (0)3 44 37 35 20 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1984, Enercon GmbH is a German constructor of wind turbines with branches and subsidiaries around the world. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Picardy. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS E Enercon designs, manufactures, and sells wind turbines of varying powers, from 330kW to 7.5 MW. Its unique technology without a gearbox reduces noise levels and facilitates maintenance operations. Today, the company owns nearly 40% of all patents in the wind power industry. There are currently more than 19,000 Enercon wind turbines in operation in over 39 countries, for a total of more than 26,000 MW of rated power. The company employs nearly 13,000 people around the world. 66 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED GAMESA EOLICA Construction, sale, and maintenance of wind turbines 97 allée Borodine - Cedre 3, 69800 Saint-Priest +33 (0)4 72 79 49 39 [email protected] LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Nord, Upper Normandy, Pays de la Loire, Aquitaine, Franche-Comté, Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Poitou-Charentes, and Limousin. Île-de-France Office: 118-122 avenue de France, 75013 Paris • [email protected] WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 67 MANUFACTURERS Gamesa offers onshore wind generators with the following output: • 850 kW: G52 and G58 models • 2.0 MW: G80, G87, G90, G97 and G114 models • 2.5 MW: G114 models • 4.5-5 MW: G128 and G132 models. Gamesa also designs offshore wind generators with 5 MW and 7 MW of output. Its first operational prototype appeared in late 2013. Gamesa provides wind generator maintenance services, ranging from simple remote management to full contracts with standard, 15-year terms. A new Life Extension program for wind generators is also available. G DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ACTIVITIES SUPPLIERS With an annual turnover of €2.7 billion worldwide, 2,600 MW of energy sold in 2012, 19 years of experience gained on 28GW of rated power, and plants and offices around the world, Gamesa is a world leader in wind generator construction (ranked 4th in the world for cumulative installed capacity in 2012, according to BTM Consult). Gamesa also offers a wide range of services, in particular, it oversees maintenance for 19,800 MW around the world (including 600 MW in France at the end of 2013 out of 720 MW installed by GAMESA). Gamesa has invested in considerable R&D resources (€150 million over three years) to reduce energy costs (20% by 2013 and 30% by 2015) by developing more efficient wind generators. The company has three entities which: (1) develop, produce, and sell wind generators; (2) maintain wind generators throughout their service life and (3) develop wind farms. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS G GE WIND ENERGY SUBSIDIARY OF GENERAL ELECTRIC- Construction, sale, and maintenance of wind turbines Tour Europlaza 29C3 - 20 avenue André Prothin, 92063 Paris La Défense cedex +33 (0)1 41 97 56 33 +33 (0)1 41 97 56 56 [email protected] ORGANIZATION GE Power & Water has more than 90,000 employees worldwide in the gas turbines, nuclear energy, water and process technologies, and renewable energy sectors. GE Power & Water is a leading world provider of energy solutions and related technology. The company has more than 9,500 employees in Europe. Its Belfort site in France has 1,000 employees and is a world centre of excellence. Belfort is the only production site in France for medium- and high-power gas turbines. The Salzbergen location in Germany is a centre of excellence in wind power. ACTIVITIES Today, GE Power & Water is considered one of the world leaders in wind power, with more than 18,000 wind turbines already installed worldwide. GE Energy designs and manufactures wind generators from 1.5 to 4.1 MW. It also offers a wide range of related services, from project development (technical and financial assistance for project development) to wind farm maintenance and operation. Its range of 2.5-100/3.2-103 wind turbines is particularly adapted to the European market. They are based on GE Energy’s experience in 1.5 MW technology and are the most widely-sold turbines in the world, with more than 16,000 units installed and in operation. Since 2013, GE Energy has also been selling GE 2.5-120 wind turbines which are particularly suited to less windy sites (class 3). This new turbine features the best load factor in its category. All GE wind turbines offer very high annual outputs and serviceability and have more advanced network integration technologies. LOCATIONS GE Energy Europe centre of excellence: Belfort Sales office: Paris La Défense Wind turbine maintenance bases: St-Omer (Pas-de-Calais), Lempdes (Haute-Loire), Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), and Chalons-en-Champagne (Marne). GE Energy has more than 3,000 employees in France, including 30 for wind power alone. 68 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 A developer of wind farm projects and a designer, manufacturer, and constructor of wind generators, Nordex SE is both a veteran in the sector and a pioneer in the wind power industry. Founded in Denmark in 1985, the company was the world’s first mass-producer of 250 kW, 1.5 MW, and 2.5 MW turbines. Since it was founded, the company has installed over 4,800 wind generators around the world, for over 7,500 MW of rated power. With production units in Germany, the United States, and China, and numerous subsidiaries worldwide (including France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, and Spain), Nordex SE currently has almost 2,500 employees, of which 150 work in France. ACTIVITIES Divided into four main departments (Sales, Development, Project Management, and Maintenance), Nordex France employees can handle the entire value chain for a wind farm project for their customers. Our clients receive the full benefit of the Nordex SE group’s expertise in wind turbine design and manufacture, and are offered the most comprehensive range of services on the market plus over 17 years of experience in executing turnkey projects in France. Nordex has created a strong skills network that makes it a market leader: Complete development of projects, supply of wind generators, execution of entire construction sites, and providing long-term maintenance of wind turbines and more. In 2011, Nordex installed its 1,000th MW in the French market. LOCATIONS Through its subsidiary Nordex France SAS, the company has created 13 maintenance centres to provide some of the highest availability rates on the market. Every day, 80 maintenance technicians perform crucial wind turbine inspection and management services WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 69 BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES 1 rue de la Procession, 93217 La Plaine-Saint-Denis +33 (0)1 55 93 43 43 +33 (0)1 55 93 43 40 [email protected] [email protected] MANUFACTURERS Design, manufacture, sale, installation, and maintenance of wind turbines N DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUBSIDIARY OF NORDEX ENERGY GMBH- SUPPLIERS NORDEX FRANCE PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SENVION FRANCE SAS SUBSIDIARY OF SENVION SE (FORMERLY REPOWER)- Wind turbines development, manufacturing, sales, installation and maintenance 10 avenue de l’Arche - Immeuble Le Colisée - La Défense, 92419 Courbevoie cedex +33 (0)1 41 38 93 93 +33 (0)1 41 38 93 94 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Senvion SE is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of onshore and offshore wind turbines. With more than 3,300 employees worldwide, the company can make use of the experience gained from the manufacture and installation of more than 5,000 wind turbines (9.5 GW) around the world. Senvion is present in France since 2002. Today, Senvion France SAS employs 180 people, of which 100 technicians in France. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Wind turbines development, sales, manufacturing, installation, service and maintenance. LOCATIONS 13 service bases in France: Champagne-Ardenne, Picardie, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Poitou-Charentes, Normandie, Bretagne, Languedoc-Roussillon and Centre. Senvion France SAS is headquartered in Paris La Défense. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS S 70 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Energy 9 boulevard Finot, 93527 Saint-Denis +33 (0)1 49 22 94 08 +33 (0)1 49 22 94 00 fi[email protected] ACTIVITIES Secteur Energy is a world leader and major player in the French energy market, in particular with its comprehensive range of products, services and solutions for renewable energy production and energy transmission. A world leader in offshore wind energy with nearly 3.4 GW installed, Siemens Wind Power offers reliable, robust, turbines based on advanced technology, particularly in the field of blade design (Siemens IntegralBlades®) and power electronics (Siemens NetConverter®). Design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance: Siemens wind power generators benefit from over 25 years of experience in onshore and offshore wind turbines. Siemens Wind Power has a sound organisation in France, with a sales team offering the entire range of Siemens wind turbines, a project team that closely manages execution phases, and specific maintenance teams for each site, guaranteeing a high level of availability for the 302 MW already in operation in France and the 72 MW currently being installed. Thanks to its skills centre, which has a staff of 120 employees and constructs substations in France and abroad, Siemens Wind Power can provide a full range of turnkey solutions for offshore wind farms, including the civil and electrical engineering. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF SIEMENS SAS- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SIEMENS WIND POWER S WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 71 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord, Picardy, Tarn, and Brittany. PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS V VESTAS FRANCE Design, manufacture, sale, installation, and maintenance of onshore and offshore wind turbines Siège social : 55 impasse John Locke - Parc de l’aéroport - 34470 Pérols Etablissement de Paris : Tour Opus 12 - La Défense 9 77 esplanade du Général De Gaulle - 92914 La Défense cedex, Siège : + 33 (0)4 67 20 22 02 Paris : + 33 (0)1 55 67 97 00 Siège : + 33 (0)4 67 20 78 99 Paris : + 33 (0)1 47 74 73 88 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Vestas is a world leader in wind turbine production. For 30 years, the company has specialised in developing, manufacturing, selling, installing, and maintaining onshore and offshore wind turbine systems that use wind to produce electricity. At the end of June 2010, Vestas had delivered more than 41,400 wind turbines around the world generating over 60 million MWh per year–enough energy to power millions of households. ACTIVITIES Vestas France sells, installs, services, and maintains wind turbines in France. The company has been present in France since 2000, opening its first sales and maintenance office in Pérols near Montpellier in 2002, before opening a new office in Paris in 2009. Today, Vestas France has nearly 200 employees, and its staff has more than doubled in the last three years. On 30 June 2010, Vestas France had more than 534 wind turbines in operation, for a total of more than 1,000 MW of rated power. Vestas France is ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. LOCATIONS Besides its Montpellier and Paris locations, Vestas France has created 6 maintenance centres in Ardèche, Aveyron, Côtes-d’Armor, Eure-et-Loir, Haute-Marne, and Pas-de-Calais. The company has signed technician training agreements (e.g. Nîmes, with the support of the Languedoc-Roussillon authorities) and has created a Product Support department, which includes all of its technical skills for its French clients. 72 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VERGNET World leader in Farwind wind turbines 12 rue des Châtaigniers, 45140 Ormes +33 (0)2 38 52 35 60 +33 (0)2 38 52 35 83 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Vergnet is the only French manufacturer of wind turbines. For more than 20 years, it has specialised in electricity production for the Farwind® market (for areas with reduced or cyclone infrastructure) and the Proxwind® market (for decentralised production).Thanks to their unique technology, Vergnet’s 200 kW to 1 MW wind turbines can be retracted to the ground for maintenance or in the event of cyclones. Vergnet also plays a major role in supplying water to rural areas in emerging countries, providing more than 50 million people with drinking water. Vergnet offers villages a complete range of services, from pumping water to transporting and storing it using products that are easy to install and maintain. Vergnet also works in the photovoltaic power sector, mostly in Africa to operate pumps and provide electricity to rural areas, and in professional applications in isolated regions where the cost of electricity generated from oil is directly affected by the price of oil. MANUFACTURERS The Vergnet group was founded in 1989. It works in three main areas: • WIND TURBINES, through Vergnet SA and its subsidiaries: Vergnet Caribbean, Vergnet Pacific and Vergnet Indian Ocean • HYDRAULICS, through Vergnet Hydro for manual pumps • PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER, through Photalia, to provide electricity in rural Africa. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION V LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 73 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Centre. Cabinet d’avocats indépendant et pluridisciplinaire composé d’une quarantaine de personnes, CGR Legal est engagé depuis près de quinze ans dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables. CGR Legal is an independent multispecialised law firm with forty staff. CGR Legal has been involved in the renewable energy sector for nearly fifteen years. Ses équipes accompagnent les clients (développeurs de projets, fabricants de turbines, opérateurs électriques et fonds d’investissement) dans le développement et la sécurisation de leurs projets industriels - en France comme à l’étranger - ainsi que dans le cadre d’opérations d’acquisition ou de cession de projets Energie. Its teams accompany clients (project developers, turbine manufacturers, electricity operators and investment funds) in developing and securing their industrial projects, both in France and abroad, as well as in acquisitions or disposals of Energy projects. Offrant une expertise transversale reconnue, CGR Legal intervient, notamment, en : Offering renowned across-the-board expertise, CGR Legal is notably involved in : droit public des affaires, droit de l’urbanisme, droit de l’environnement, droit électrique, contentieux administratif ; fusions-acquisitions, capital investissement, financement, droit des sociétés ; droit de l’immobilier, investissements immobiliers, et construction ; fiscalité ; droit social ; droit des contrats ; contentieux d’affaires et industriels. public commercial law, town planning law, environmental law, electricity law, administrative litigation; mergers and acquisitions, private equity, financing, company law; real estate law, investments, construction; taxation; employment law; contract law; and commercial and industrial litigation. 35 Bd des Capucines, 75002 Paris - T 33 (0) 1 53 45 40 00, F 33 (0) 1 53 45 40 10 WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION DEVELOPERS AND OPERATORS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES AILENERGIE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE Wind farm development 19 avenue Charles de Gaulle - BP 53, 08300 Rethel cedex +33 (0)3 24 38 70 10 +33 (0)3 24 39 65 92 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 2003, AILENERGIE Champagne Ardenne is a ‘société anonyme’ (limited liability company) that develops wind farms. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Champagne-Ardenne DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Development, construction, and operation of wind farms in Champagne-Ardenne. SUPPLIERS A 76 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS Development, financing, execution and operation of wind farm projects 50 ter rue de Malte, 75011 Paris +33 (0)1 55 31 49 80 +33 (0)1 55 31 49 88 [email protected] BayWa r.e. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BayWa AG and concentrates on renewable energy. Created in 2009, BayWa r.e. is a holding for several wind, solar, bioenergy, and geothermics companies. BayWa r.e. France SAS, a French subsidiary of the company, is based in Paris. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS BayWa r.e. works in the field of wind and photovoltaic energy, bioenergy, and geothermics. BayWa r.e. develops, codevelops, finances, executes, and operates turnkey projects. It also manages the commercial and technical operation of power plants, provides technical consulting, and is a distributor of photovoltaic components and assembly system components. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France and Aquitaine. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 77 SUPPLIERS B SUPPLIERS X 78 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS © Benoît MENTREL MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED BOREAS Development, construction, and operation of wind farm projects 4 rue Marconi - Centre d’affaires CESCOM - Metz Technopôle, 57070 Metz +33 (0)3 87 20 41 67 +33 (0)3 87 20 41 65 [email protected] BOREAS SARL was created in 2003 in Metz, France. It develops wind farms across France, especially in eastern regions. It uses local resources and the expertise acquired by its parent company in Germany over the last 15 years. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Development, construction, and operation of wind farms. With nearly 15 years of experience in wind farm development in Europe, BOREAS handles all the phases of projects. It performs exploration and construction, financing, maintenance, and operation for wind farms. Our early years of work culminated in the construction of our first wind farms in France in 2007, with 12 2.5 MW Nordex wind turbines erected across three farms in Boulay-Moselle, for 30 MW in rated power. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Lorraine. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 79 SUPPLIERS B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES French producer of 100% renewable energy 2 rue André Bonin, 69316 Lyon cedex 04 +33 (0)4 72 00 69 69 +33 (0)4 72 10 66 70 ACTIVITIES CNR is dedicated to renewable energy. It is the second-largest producer of electricity in France and the top producer of 100% renewable energy. The company was founded in 1933 to develop the Rhône River and use it for hydroelectricity production, navigation, irrigation, and other agricultural uses. A long-standing producer of hydroelectricity and a centre of excellence in hydraulics for GDF SUEZ in France, CNR is continuing highly active development in hydroelectricity and wind and photovoltaic power. CNR has 3,022 MW of installed power in hydroelectricity on the Rhône and elsewhere, 301 MW in wind energy, and 15 MWp in photovoltaic power. Its goal is to be producing 4,500 MW of 100% renewable electricity by 2015-2020. Very aware of environmental issues, extremely attentive to the surrounding populations and mindful of local development and respect for the environment, CNR places sustainable development at the centre of its concerns. It is involved in a broad general-interest programme to improve waterways, optimise hydroelectricity production, protect the environment, and strengthen its commitment to the local region. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE (CNR) SUPPLIERS C 80 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED Exclusively renewable energy Bollène hydroelectric power plant Founded in 1933, the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône was given the concession for operating the most powerful French river in 1934, with the aim of developing and harnessing it to fulfil three missions for the community: energy production, navigation, and supplying irrigation and other uses for agriculture. It is France’s second largest electricity producer and an acknowledged actor on the energy market. With its energy certified 100% renewable, CNR is committed to developing renewable energies and diversifying its methods of producing electricity. Its goals for developing and generating capacity are ambitious, in particular in the hydropower, wind power and solar sectors. A partner of the GDF SUEZ Group, CNR places sustainable development at the heart of its strategy. A fully integrated company and expert in intermittent energy management, CNR controls all the processes from the design and operation of its production facilities to the sale of the energy it produces. Its experience acquired from operating the Rhone also gives it expertise in river and hydropower engineering, services that it offers in France and abroad. Since 2004, it has carried out ambitious and voluntary programmes in the framework of its Missions in the General Interest in concert with the parties involved. This business model, considered as a reference in the sector of hydraulic concessions, is based on redistributing the results of the growth and sustainable development of the territories in which the electricity is produced. MANUFACTURERS Fos-sur-Mer wind farm DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Graphistar 01/14 : Photothèque CNR / Camille Moirenc Saulce-Sur-Rhône solar power plant EnergyWINDUSTRY is our FRANCE future, so save it! - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 81 SUPPLIERS X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DONG ENERGY Development, construction, and operation of wind farms Kraftværksvej 53, 7000 Frédéricia, Danemark +45 99 55 11 11 [email protected] ORGANIZATION DONG Energy is one of the largest energy companies in Northern Europe. It has over 30 years of experience in wind power, including 20 in developing, constructing and operating offshore wind farms. The company owns offshore and onshore farms throughout Europe. Fifteen per cent of the energy produced by DONG Energy comes from wind power. ACTIVITIES As a seasoned player, DONG Energy has built more offshore wind farms than any other company in the world. In 2010, it commissioned the offshore wind farm Gunfleet Sands (172 MW) off the coast of Britain. In early 2011, DONG Energy and its partners began the construction of the offshore wind farm London Array. With 175 wind turbines with individual capacities of 3.6 MW (for 630 MW of rated power), London Array will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world. At the end of 2010, the total capacity of DONG Energy’s onshore and offshore wind farms in service was 1,035 MW. The capacity of its farms under construction was 1,316 MW. DONG Energy plays an active role in all phases of a project. As a developer, builder, and operator of offshore wind farms, the company has extremely extensive experience that surpasses the competition. Its involvement in all phases of projects has enabled it acquire the knowledge that is of such importance for the development and optimisation of new wind farms. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS Denmark. SUPPLIERS D 82 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 5 rue d’Athènes, 75009 Paris +33 (0)1 44 63 39 98 [email protected] ORGANIZATION E.ON France has its head office in Paris and handles all of E.ON’s activities in France (production, sales and renewable energy). Founded in 2000, the E.ON group is a world specialist in energy solutions. Renewable energy is an integral part of its strategy for cleaner, more efficient power. Over the next five years, E.ON intends to invest €7 billion in renewable energy. ACTIVITIES E.ON France is well-established and is the third largest multienergy operator in France. It supplies gas and electricity and produces electricity and has more than 3.2 GW of production capacity (coal, gas, wind, and solar). Benefitting from the know-how of the pioneer group in renewable energy, E.ON France has structured its expertise around the creation of production installations (development, construction, operation, and maintenance) and managing energy produced. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS Multi-energy operator TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED E.ON WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 83 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ECO DELTA Wind farm development 420 rue des Mattes - ZI ATHELIA 1 - Bat C, 13705 La Ciotat cedex +33 (0)4 42 01 65 80 +33 (0)4 42 82 31 47 [email protected] A ‘société anonyme’ (limited liability company) with executive and supervisory boards. €1,743,339 in capital. 17 employees. ACTIVITIES • Two types of energy: wind and solar Many projects feature solar and wind power at the same site • Specialised in large projects Average size of 20 MW for wind and 8 MWp for solar • Strong presence in the southeast of France As well as the Central/Île-de-France area and the eastern portion LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS E 84 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ECOTERA DEVELOPPEMENT SAS Development, construction, and operation of wind farms 521 boulevard du Président Hoover - Le Polychrome, 59000 Lille +33 (0)3 20 37 60 31 +33 (0)3 20 13 96 02 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Engineering office. 6 employees: 3 engineers, 2 technicians. ACTIVITIES Wind, biomass, hydroelectric. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Nord-Pas de Calais. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 85 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES Producer of green energy 100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle - Cœur Défense Tour B, 92932 Paris La Défense cedex +33 (0)1 40 90 23 00 +33 (0)1 40 90 23 66 ORGANIZATION EDF Energies Nouvelles is a major player in the renewable energy sector. It focuses mainly on wind power (which represents 87% of its installed capacity) and photovoltaic power, but also works on other renewable energy, including offshore wind power, marine energy, biomass, biofuel, and biogas. The company is an end-to-end industrial operator, acting as a developer, constructor, investor/owner, and power plant operator. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES EDF Energies Nouvelles does everything from initiate wind and solar power projects to sell electricity, including: • Selecting sites and conducting technical feasibility studies (evaluating resources, measuring wind and sun, etc.) • Analysing impact on the local area and natural environment (measuring noise levels, running landscape simulations, etc.) • Working with administrative bodies, studying power grid connections, applying for construction permits, organising financing, and engineering and construction • Providing operation and maintenance services through its European subsidiary EDF EN Services. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. SUPPLIERS E 86 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 30 boulevard Pasteur, 75015 Paris +33 (0)6 09 98 04 17 fi[email protected] ORGANIZATION Electrawinds France SAS is the French branch of Belge Electrawinds. It produces green energy from wind turbines, biomass plants, and solar power plants. The company develops, constructs and operates its projects and currently operates a rated power of nearly 200 MW. It has offices in Paris and Bordeaux. ACTIVITIES Electrawinds specialises first and foremost in developing, executing, and operating wind farm projects. It makes equity investments in its projects, giving it complete control over project finances and allowing local residents to invest in projects in the form of bonds. In Belgium, Electrawinds is a major offshore wind energy player and has been granted four leases in partnership. It is developing wood cogeneration projects from the CRE 2 and CRE 3 calls for tenders. Work on the first project began in October 2013. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France, Aquitaine. MANUFACTURERS Development, execution and operation of wind farm projects TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ELECTRAWINDS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 87 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE Development, construction, financing, and operation of renewable energy projects Immeuble Le Bonnel - 20 rue de la Villette, 69328 Lyon +33 (0)4 78 92 68 70 +33 (0)4 78 42 03 44 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Enel Green Power France is the French renewable energy operator of the Enel energy group, one of Europe’s top electricity producers. Enel Green Power is the ENEL group company dedicated to developing and managing projects generating electricity from renewable sources in Italy and around the world. It has an installed capacity of over 8,000 MW in wind, hydroelectric, solar, geothermic, and biomass power in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Enel Green Power France specialises in designing, developing, financing, building, and operating renewable energy production. ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE possesses acknowledged expertise enabling it to successfully complete renewable energy projects from exploration to operation. SUPPLIERS E 88 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Cap Cergy - Bâtiment B - 4-6 rue des Chauffours, 95015 Cergy Pontoise cedex +33 (0)1 30 30 60 09 +33 (0)1 30 30 52 57 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ENERTRAG AG Etablissement France is the French arm of the German group ENERTRAG AG, created in 1998. It is one of the biggest producers of clean energy in Europe, with around 440 employees in several European countries. The company has 35 employees in France and operates in most of the country. ACTIVITIES ENERTRAG intervenes at all stages of the life-cycle of a wind farm project, from the initial ideas to feeding into the grid. The group develops, finances, builds, and operates its installations, and offers a wide range of operation and maintenance services. ENERTRAG sells the ENERTRAG Powersystem, a management system for farms in operation, as well as its own aircraft warning light system from the EST range. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS Development, financing, construction, and operation of wind farms TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ENERTRAG WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 89 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Development and operation of renewable energy projects 94 rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris +33 (0)1 49 70 95 30 +33 (0)1 49 70 85 20 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Eneryo is run by a team of professionals with extensive experience and expertise in the renewable energy sector. The company has around ten employees. Eneryo manages the development, project ownership, financing, and operation of renewable energy projects. The company has significant investment capacity, allowing it to undertake large-scale projects. Eneryo develops, constructs and operates projects involving solar power (panels mounted on buildings and on the ground), wind power, and biomass. ACTIVITIES A producer of green energy, Eneryo is a developer, investor/owner, and operator of power plants. Its main areas of development are photovoltaic and wind power. Eneryo’s growth is mainly based on developing its own projects, as well as by acquiring others. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ENERYO SUPPLIERS E 90 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ACTIVITIES Eole Avenir Développement is an independent company which was founded for individuals wanting to invest in renewable energy development and specifically in wind energy. The company’s four founders combined their expertise in wind power technology and financial engineering to open up the industry’s profits to more than just large corporations. Eole Avenir Développement is the first company in France that offer individuals the chance to participate in wind farm development in partnership with industry experts. How it works: Although wind farms are part of a French and European renewable energy objective, the creation of a wind farm is first and foremost a local project resulting from local discussions and decision-making. Eole Avenir Développement has based its strategy on this observation, allowing local players to take a central role in the development of the projects it is managing. To develop projects in a manner consistent with this strategy, Eole Avenir Développement receives help from expert companies located near project sites. Objectives: Eole Avenir Développement is developing a portfolio of wind farms with a total potential of 300 MW and a portfolio of solar power plants with a total potential of 50 MWp. The company has set itself the goal of putting at least 100 MW online by 2013. Locations: On 1 January 2010, the company’s portfolio of wind farms was constituted of wind farms throughout France (Midi-Pyrénées, Brittany, Auvergne, Basse-Normandie, Picardy, Nord-Pas de Calais, Languedoc-Roussillon, and Rhône-Alpes) and in Eastern Europe. The team: Eole Avenir Développement has four founding partners who run the company and sit on the board of directors. The partners work in pairs due to their respective skills and experience: • Jean-Pierre Dubouchet and Christian Ravion are in charge of relations with private individual investors and manage the company • Pascal Berlu and Damien Borot are in charge of the company’s strategy, the development of financial engineering projects, and the management of these wind farms. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS 52 rue d’Aguesseau, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt +33 (0)1 41 31 21 72 +33 (0)1 41 31 21 41 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Co-development, acquisition, financing, construction, and operation of wind farms TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED EOLE AVENIR DEVELOPPEMENT WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 91 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Wind and solar project development 25 place de la Madeleine, 75008 Paris +33 (0)1 40 07 95 00 +33 (0)1 40 07 95 06 ORGANIZATION Founded in 2004, Eolfi has offices in France, Greece, and Poland and is the project development subsidiary of the Asah Lm group, an independent company specialising in wind power. Based in Paris, Asah Lm covers the entire renewable energy value chain through its four areas of activity: • The development of onshore wind farms and solar power plants: EOLFI • Assets management: EAM, the first management company in France specialising in wind power infrastructures • Design of floating vertical-axis wind turbines: SPINFLOAT • Design and development of projects for underwater compressed air energy storage (UW-CAES): AGNES. Operating through their joint subsidiary, Eolfi, Asah Lm was Veolia’s exclusive partner for wind power until 2013, when Asah Lm took back full control of Eolfi. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS EOLFI SUPPLIERS E 92 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Development and operation of wind farm projects 9 avenue de Paris, 94300 Vincennes +33 (0)1 41 74 70 40 +33 (0)1 41 74 70 41 [email protected] ORGANIZATION EPURON is a European leader in wind farm project development in France. Already well-established in France, EPURON is dedicated to consolidating its presence by expanding its project development, acquisition and construction, and project development activities. Since the end of 2010, EPURON has been owned by Impax Asset Management Ltd., an investment fund based in London specialising in renewable energy. EPURON has significant investment capacity and has become a participant in its own right in France’s wind power sector, acting as a project developer, constructor and producer of clean energy. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED EPURON SAS Epuron develops projects from start to finish, from identifying suitable sites to operating sites and reselling electricity. Thanks to its expertise and an international network of skills, the company has acquired the knowledge it requires to execute all stages of wind farm projects. Since 1998, Epuron has been committed to providing unbeatable service as a personal advisor to government officials and bodies, landowners, and farmers. To do this, it has cultivated a strong culture of discussion and consensus, resulting in a climate of trust where the stakeholders can express themselves. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 93 SUPPLIERS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Development, acquisition, construction, and operation of wind farms 770 rue Alfred Nobel, 34000 Montpellier +33 (0)4 27 04 50 49 +33 (0)4 67 99 61 82 ORGANIZATION EuroCape New Energy France is an SARL (limited liability company) with its headquarters and main office at 75 boulevard Haussmann in the 8th arrondissement in Paris, and a secondary operational office at 770 rue Alfred Nobel in Montpellier, France. It is the French subsidiary of the international EuroCape New Energy group. EuroCape New Energy France uses its technical expertise to underpin its strong commitment to the development of renewable energy for its public and private institutional partners. ACTIVITIES EuroCape New Energy France specialises in the development, acquisition, construction and operation of wind farms in France. LOCATIONS Languedoc-Roussillon. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS EUROCAPE NEW ENERGY FRANCE SUPPLIERS E 94 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 5 rue Jean Macé, 35700 Rennes +33 (0)2 23 45 06 99 +33 (0)2 23 45 06 21 ORGANIZATION Falck Energies Renouvelables is the French subsidiary of Falck Renewables SpA, a European leader in the energy production exclusively from renewable sources. ACTIVITIES Development, financing, construction, and operation BUSINESSES SELECTED Development, financing, construction, and operation of wind farms TRAINING CENTRES FALCK ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Brittany. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 95 SUPPLIERS F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED GDF SUEZ Energy producer 1 place Samuel de Champlain - Faubourg de l’Arche, 92930 Paris La Défense cedex +33 (0)1 44 22 39 94 +33 (0)1 44 22 26 11 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION As the world’s leading independent producer of energy, GDF SUEZ’s mission is to satisfy energy needs, ensure the security of the supply, fight climate change and optimise the use of resources. Renewable energy subsidiaries and affiliates in France: • Wind power: Futures Energies SARL, La Compagnie du Vent, Maïa Eolis, CN’Air • Photovoltaic/thermal power: Clipsol, Energia, Panosol, Futures Energies SARL, La Compagnie du Vent, CN’Air, Inéo • Biomass: Cofely DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Control of the entire energy chain: • Electricity: production, sale, trade and marketing, transmission and distribution networks, infrastructure design and construction • Natural Gas and LNG: purchase, production and marketing, exploration/production, distribution networks, transportation infrastructure, storage, methane terminals • Energy Services: on-site management of urban power and utilities grids, design and construction of installations, a portfolio of multi-technical services, energy services • Environment: water and sanitation services, water treatment engineering, cleaning services LOCATIONS Île-de-France. SUPPLIERS G 96 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 97 SUPPLIERS X DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS SUPPLIERS 98 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 © ENERTRAG X DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS Development and operation of wind farms 17 rue de la Frise - BP 183, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9 +33 (0)4 76 84 89 21 [email protected] ACTIVITIES GEG ENeR is the renewable energy production subsidiary of the Gaz Electricité Grenoble group (GEG SAEML), a local energy company. It owns 11 hydroelectric plants, one wind farm, 18 photovoltaic power plants, and a dozen small gas cogeneration plants that it operates mostly with its own personnel. GEG ENeR’s project team works on development with the backing of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and/or partners from all the hydroelectric, wind power, photovoltaic power, biogas and cogeneration sectors. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED GEG ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 99 SUPPLIERS G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES GEOLIS Development and construction of wind farms VCF OUEST - BP 46, 44220 Coueron +33 (0)2 51 11 25 79 +33 (0)2 51 11 28 48 fl[email protected] ORGANIZATION With its extensive experience in wind farm construction, VINCI Construction France embarked on the development of projects with the launch of the Geolis brand. Geolis uses its expertise to provide assistance to executive directors of VINCI Construction France. With nearly 400 locations in France, projects are overseen by local companies. ACTIVITIES Wind power: Geolis’ expertise ranges from identifying suitable sites to constructing wind farms. Pays de la Loire. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS G 100 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF GLOBAL WIND POWER EUROPE A/S- Wind projects development 15 rue Jean Jaurès, 92800 Puteaux +33 (0)1 73 00 67 85 +33 (0)1 73 00 67 99 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES • Development of wind projects (Greenfield) • Acquisition of wind projects with partners • Construction and implementation of wind projects (Turnkey and semi-turnkey) • Sale of wind projects and running farms - Global Wind Power is not a producer of electricity • Technical and commercial management of wind projects LOCATIONS Located in Puteaux, the team is focused on the northern half of France. 22 MW are under construction and 40 MW under instruction in Champagne-Ardenne, 8 MW have recently started to produce in Pas-de-Calais. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS In 2009, the French company “Vent Invest”, wind energy project developer since 2002, became Global Wind Power France, a subsidiary of the Danish company Global Wind Power Europe A / S, specialised in the development, the implementation and the management of wind investment projects since 1999. Global Wind Power now has 8 employees in France and 40 in the group. Since its creation, Global Wind Power has participated in the implementation of 610 MW throughout Europe and carries on the development of a 600 MW pipeline, including 200 MW in France. In France, Global Wind Power built in 2010 the first public park (8 MW) of France, in Montdidier (Somme - 80), and is in charge of the technical and commercial management since then. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED GLOBAL WIND POWER FRANCE WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 101 SUPPLIERS G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Development of renewable energy projects 5 rue Paule Raymondis, 31200 Toulouse +33 (0)5 61 20 16 92 +33 (0)5 61 20 60 85 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Development of renewable energy projects. LOCATIONS Midi-Pyrénées. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES HYSEO SUPPLIERS H 102 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Development Developm p ent of renewable energy energgy pr pprojects ojjects 8 rue Escudier, 92513 Boulogne-Billancourt cedex +33 (0)1 47 12 44 71 +33 (0)1 47 12 42 65 ORGANIZATION Headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, Idex is France’s leading independent operator in energy and environmental services. For more than 30 years, Idex has firmly established its activity in business related to renewable energy by performing major operations in diverse sectors: • Construction of the first WIND farm in France (Port-La-Nouvelle in 1992) • GEOTHERMAL power plants providing urban heating (Le Mee/Seine in 1980) • Anaerobic METHANISATION of household waste (Amiens in 1992) • Multiple operations in WOOD and SOLAR thermal energy • Regional and agricultural methanisation (Géotexia in Saint-Gilles-du-Mené) Idex has formed teams that specialise in setting up renewable energy projects and work closely with the 54 agencies throughout France.The teams offer fixed-term guarantees regarding the performance of installations through maintenance contracts and operation of the sites and/or projects developed. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED IDEX SAS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Idex works in the fields of: • Wind power • Wood energy • Waste recovery • Photovoltaic and solar thermal energy • Energy and cogeneration optimisation. Idex is a unique operator in that it is active at all stages of the project, including: • Feasibility studies and expert assessment • Financial and legal engineering • Leading and/or executing construction projects • Managing the completed structures • Technical operation with guarantee of results. Idex serves a wide range of clients: • Local authority and public project owners • Farmers associations • Public and private industrialists • Investors. LOCATIONS I WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 103 SUPPLIERS Île-de-France. PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES Installer and producer of renewable energy 41 ter boulevard Carnot, 22000 Saint-Brieuc +33 (0)2 30 96 02 21 +33 (0)2 96 01 99 69 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS I Founded in January 2004, IEL is an independent group specialising in the development, installation, and operation of renewable energy projects. Based in Saint-Brieuc in France in a low-energy-consumption building, IEL has 30 employees and is continuing its controlled growth. Since it was founded, IEL has developed more than 70 MW in wind power, 50 MW of which is currently in operation. The company is continuing its wind energy activities with studies concerning a portfolio of more than 200 MW in advanced projects. Backed by its extensive experience in wind power, IEL also develops solar power projects with panels mounted both on buildings and on the ground with a view to operating them. Almost 100 MW of solar power is currently in development in the Grand Ouest area of France. Since 2007, IEL has been designing, installing, and maintaining solar power plants mounted on buildings for industrial clients, farmers and local authorities Working through its subsidiary, IEL Etudes & Installations, IEL has become one of the main players in the photovoltaic power sector in the Grand Ouest area and is an acknowledged expert in the field. IEL remains true to its philosophy by working exclusively with European manufacturers. IEL has been working as a producer of electricity since 2008 through its subsidiary, IEL Exploitation. Its operations portfolio currently contains 4.5 MW of wind power and 2 MW of solar power. The company will launch a number of other production units in 2013 and 2014. IEL has been working in the methanisation sector since 2011, in partnership with Odipure. This partnership, formalised by IEL’s majority involvement in the capital of Odipure, develops and operates methanisation projects, allowing the recycling of waste from agriculture, the food industry, and local authorities. ACTIVITIES In the wind power industry, IEL conducts studies prior to obtaining construction permits, finances construction projects, oversees their installation, and handles their operation. IEL is involved throughout all the phases of the project life-cycle with multidisciplinary development teams, teams of project financing specialists, and an operations centre. A single contact today and tomorrow for the local elected officials: IEL. LOCATIONS IEL South Loire 1 rue de la Belle Allée - 85290 Mortagne-sur-Sèvre - France Tel.: 09 67 21 31 62 104 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED JMA ENERGIES Development and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power installations Corn-Ar-Hoat, 29150 Cast +33 (0)2 98 16 12 60 +33 (0)2 98 16 12 60 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Family business working in development and operation. ACTIVITIES Development and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Brittany. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 105 SUPPLIERS J PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT Creator of renewable energy 57 rue de la Chaussée d’Antin, 75009 Paris +33 (0)1 44 50 55 47 +33 (0)1 44 50 55 46 [email protected] SAS (Simplified private limited company) with capital of €1,245,000. ACTIVITIES JP Energie Environnement develops, finances, builds, and operates power plants that produce electricity from all types of renewable sources, including wind, photovoltaic, hydroelectric and biomass. In 2013, JPEE was operating 6 wind farms and 53 photovoltaic power plants, for a total of 94 MW in installed power, enough to power around 56,000 homes. More new farms will be built this year which will double JPEE’s installed power. JPEE’s projects are mainly financed by private investors. To date, more than 2,000 shareholders have already entrusted their renewable energy investments to JPEE. LOCATIONS Head office: Caen Engineering offices: Paris Satellite offices: Le Mans, Nantes DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS J 106 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Le Triade II - Parc d’activités Millénaire II, 215, rue Samuel Morse CS 20756, 34967 Montpellier cedex 2 +33 (0)4 99 52 64 70 +33 (0)4 99 52 64 71 ORGANIZATION La Compagnie du Vent, part of the GDF SUEZ group, had 143 employees in 2013. It has installed and currently operates 23 wind farms and 2 photovoltaic power plants. ACTIVITIES A wind energy pioneer in France, today La Compagnie du Vent is one of the leading players in renewable energy. At end 2013, it was behind more than 30 installations (wind and photovoltaic) in operation or construction in France and Morocco, for rated power of nearly 400 MW. The company also initiated the offshore wind farm project ‘Deux Côtes’ off the Somme and Seine-Maritime coast and is working on the project in conjunction with GDF SUEZ. La Compagnie du Vent has undertaken a promising diversification into solar power with the operation of the largest photovoltaic tracker power plant in France (Porette de Nérone in Corsica) and has seven projects under way, for a rated power of 66 MWp. Key numbers: • 23 wind farms installed in France and 2 in Morocco, and 2 photovoltaic power plants in France • Rated power: 359 MW (in France and Morocco), of which 63 MW are project managed • Number of wind turbines: 299 (in France and Morocco), of which 99 are project managed • Production in 2012 (in France): approximately 500 million kWh, or enough electricity for almost 280,000 people (source: RTE 2011 - excluding heating) • Turnover in 2012: €42.7 millions • Capital: €13,872,375. LOCATIONS Head office in Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon. MANUFACTURERS Production of electricity using wind and photovoltaic power DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUBSIDIARY OF GDF SUEZ GROUP- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED LA COMPAGNIE DU VENT WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 107 SUPPLIERS L PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Wind power professionals Tour de Lille - Boulevard de Turin, 59777 Lille +33 (0)3 20 214 214 +33 (0)3 20 131 231 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Maïa Eolis, a subsidiary of the Maïa group, owns owned at 49% by GDF SUEZ. Founded in 2006, it has a capital of €230,040,000 and develops, constructs, operates, and manages the maintenance of its wind farms in France. ACTIVITIES Maïa Eolis has around 60 employees, engineers, and technicians based in Lille and Lyon and at our maintenance centres in Picardy and Lorraine developing and operating wind farms in France. We are your sole contact, covering all the stages of the life-cycle of a wind farm project: studies and development, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance services for our wind farms. LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS MAÏA EOLIS SUPPLIERS M 108 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Our regions need all our energy sources 1 rue Etienne d’Orves - Base de Keroman, 56100 Lorient +33 (0)2 97 37 56 06 +33 (0)2 97 37 56 54 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED NASS&WIND SAS Founded by Peter Nass and Nathalie Le Meur in Morbihan, France in 2001, Nass&Wind is today one of the leaders in renewable energy development in France. Nass&Wind’s subsidiaries develop renewable energy projects across France (e.g. offshore wind energy, photovoltaic power, and wood energy), from exploring potential sites to operating them, including financing and building power plants.The company’s reputation hinges in particular on the quality of its environmental and technical surveys, the importance it places on consultation, the involvement of local players in the development and finalisation of projects, and the relevance of the technical and financial arrangements. Nass&Wind is an independent French group with capital of €40 million. It is located in Lorient (Morbihan) and has about 40 employees. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION LOCATIONS Brittany. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 1. In 2012, Nass&Wind Offshore was a joint winner–along with EDF EN, DONG Energy, and Alstom–in the first call for tenders for the installation of offshore wind farms. Currently, the company is working on several offshore wind farm projects off the coast of France (in the Atlantic, English Channel, and North Sea), thereby contributing to national and regional energy production goals. 2. Nass&Wind Industrie offers an extensive range of engineering services for offshore wind farms and is leading the Winflo floating offshore wind turbine project launched in 2007 in close partnership with DCNS, and with the help of IFREMER and ENSTA Bretagne. The aim of this project is to design, industrialisation, and sell an innovative, multimegawatt floating offshore wind turbine system that is effective from a depth of 50 metres. A demonstration model will be launched in 2013 off the coast of France. A pilot farm with several machines will be installed in 2016, paving the way for the installation of an initial commercial farm, which will be operational by 2020. Production ramp-up will create several thousand jobs in France. The project was certified by the Mer Bretagne competitiveness cluster in 2008 and has received support from ADEME as a future investment. 3. The group’s other subsidiaries are dedicated to acquiring and operating photovoltaic power plants (Nass&Wind Invest) and forests (Nass&Wind Forêts), and using global solutions to help local authorities and professionals finance, build, and operate wood boilers to produce heat or heat and electricity (Nass&Wind Bois Energie). MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 109 SUPPLIERS N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED NEOEN Energy producer Tour Maine Montparnasse - BP 108 - 33 avenue du Maine, 75775 Paris cedex 15 +33 (0)805 160 022 +33 (0)1 70 91 62 20 [email protected] neonen develops, finances, constructs and operates green energy power plants such as wind farms (onshore and offshore), solar power plants, and biomass units. neonen’s goal is to become one of the top five independent producers of green energy in France. Present in France and Portugal, neonen is striving for a diversified, complementary portfolio of 1,000 MW in assets by 2016. It is breaking into high-potential markets in Central America, North America, Africa, and Australia. ACTIVITIES neonen performs all the stages of power plant projects, from development, financing, and construction to operation and dismantlement.To develop its production infrastructures, neonen is turning to farmers, local authorities and businesses, offering them flexible solutions adapted to local areas. neonen helps its clients understand the main issues linked to projects and guides them through the administrative processes required to successfully complete these projects. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS N 110 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED NOUVERGIES Development and operation of wind farms 21a boulevard Jean Monnet, 94357 Villiers-sur-Marne +33 (0)1 77 61 55 60 +33 (0)1 77 61 55 03 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Nouvergies was founded in 1999. It is committed to developing and supporting new projects that address current issues concerning the control of energy consumption and the use of resources that do not emit greenhouse gases. Its projects have a regional focus and aim to contribute to local development to meet residents’ environmental, social, and economic expectations. After acquiring the Goulien and Assigny wind farms in 1998 and 2005, the company’s teams assisted with the commissioning of the Trémeheuc wind farm in Ille-et-Vilaine (2 MW 6xV90). With 10 years of experience in the wind power sector throughout France, Nouvergies is continuing its growth as an independent developer. Its teams assist local authorities and landowners in the design of high-quality, participatory projects that comply with regulations, promote the region’s development, and are environmentally-friendly. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS Nouvergies: Operation of wind farms in Haute-Normandie and Brittany, and development in France. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 111 SUPPLIERS N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL SUBSIDIARY OF OSTWIND AG- Development, design, construction, and operation of wind farms 1 rue de Berne - Espace Européen de l’Entreprise, 67300 Schiltigheim +33 (0)3 90 22 73 40 +33 (0)3 90 20 09 48 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The OSTWIND group, located in Ratisbonne, Germany, is an independent family business that operates throughout Europe via a team of around a hundred employees. Its French subsidiaries, OSTWIND International and OSTWIND Engineering, employ more than 30 people across seven sites. ACTIVITIES OSTWIND develops, designs, builds, and operates wind farms. The company is involved in every step of the execution of a wind farm project. Its strength lies in its thorough understanding of all the parameters necessary to design wind farms that reflect their region: preliminary investigations, an analysis of constraints, coordination of studies consultations, authorisation procedures, the design stage, legal and financial arrangements, construction, project management and operation. OSTWIND also produces electricity. It owns 32 MW out of the 235 MW currently available in France. LOCATIONS In addition to its engineering office near Strasbourg, OSTWIND International has six local offices: • in Fruges, Toulouse, Tours, Amiens, and Lyon for development • in Tincques for operations. Between 1999 and 2013, OSTWIND connected wind farms in the following areas: • Ardèche (Saint Clément, 1.2 MW) • Pas-de-Calais (Canton de Fruges Communauté de Communes (joint local authorities), 140 MW; Atrébatie Communauté de Communes, 54 MW), • Basse-Normandie (Saint-Jacques-de-Néhou, 10 MW) • Meurthe-et-Moselle (Deux Rivières Communauté de Communes, 30 MW). SUPPLIERS O 112 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Domaine de Patau, 34420 Villeneuve-les-Béziers +33 (0)4 67 26 61 28 +33 (0)4 67 01 32 97 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Quadran is one of the leading independent integrated producers of renewable energy (wind power, photovoltaic power, hydroelectricity, and biogas/biomass) in France and abroad. Quadran was formed by the merger of JMB Energie and Aérowatt on June 30, 2013. Since then, it has drawn on the combined experience and undeniable expertise of each company. From its knowledge of wind resources (through its subsidiary Winergy) to the production of electricity (with 136 power plants in operation), Quadran is a fully-integrated group. Quadran is an independent company backed by specialised financial partners (Demeter, IRPAC, and SORIDEC). ACTIVITIES The Quadran group is involved in all the stages of the life-cycle of a power plant: the search for sites and the administrative processes, wind studies, technical studies, searching for financing, construction, operation, sale of electricity and dismantling. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Languedoc-Roussillon. MANUFACTURERS Free energy, developer, builder, and operator of renewable energy power plants TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED QUADRAN (JMB énergie + Aérowatt) WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 113 SUPPLIERS Q PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SAINT-LAURENT ÉNERGIE Hydroelectric, wind and photovoltaic operation 2 rue du Char d’Argent, 88000 Epinal +33 (0)3 29 64 14 46 +33 (0)3 29 32 31 12 [email protected] Saint Laurent Energie is a holding composed of 14 companies. Saint Laurent Energie develops and operates hydroelectric and photovoltaic power plants and wind farms. ACTIVITIES Saint Laurent Energie SNC started out in 1984 working in renewable energy and hydroelectric plants. It had six power plants in operation with a capacity of 10 MW and an annual turnover of €2 million. In 2003, the company made its wind power debut, acquiring several wind farms under development in partnerships. The company is also developing photovoltaic power plants. LOCATIONS Lorraine. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS S 114 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SAMEOLE Producer of wind energy rue du Poirier, 14650 Carpiquet +33 (0)2 31 29 20 00 +33 (0)2 31 29 20 09 TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Developer, investor, and operator of wind farms. ACTIVITIES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS • Development of wind farm projects • Arranging of financing • Project management services • Technical management for wind turbine construction sites • Supervision, maintenance and management of wind farms. Wind farms in operation for 75 MW: • SAUCOURT (Somme) • MEAUTIS-AUVERS (Manche) • MAISNIERES (Somme) • PITHIVIERS (Loiret) • GUEHENNO (Morbihan) • BAZOCHES (Loiret) • ST-MARTIN-DE-CRAU (Bouches-du-Rhône) • PLOUISY (Côtes-d’Armor) Seven wind farms with a projected total of 104 MW. Over 100 MW in development. LOCATIONS Lower Normandy. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 115 SUPPLIERS S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SERGIES Development, financing, construction, and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants 78 avenue Jacques Cœur - CS 10000, 86068 Poitiers cedex 9 +33 (0)5 49 44 79 42 +33 (0)5 49 60 54 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 2001, SERGIES is a Société d’Economie Mixte Local (semi-public company) with executive and supervisory boards. Eighty-five per cent of its €10,100,010 in capital is held by the Syndicat Intercommunal d’Electricité et d’Equipement of the Vienne ‘département’ (Syndicat ENERGIES VIENNE), and fifteen per cent by institutional partners. ACTIVITIES In response to the expectations of the 265 communes which are members of the Syndicat ENERGIES VIENNE, SERGIES is positioned as a local public investor committed to the carefully planned and controlled development of its projects. SERGIES owns the largest wind farm (12 wind turbines) in Vienne. The farm is currently under construction in the communes of St-Macoux, Lizant, St-Gaudent, and Voulême. SERGIES has also built the largest photovoltaic surfaces in Vienne, with more than 150,000 m2 of roofing covered by photovoltaic panels so far. It has also worked in bioenergy (landfill gas, methanisation) and in promoting the control of the energy demand. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Poitou-Charentes. SUPPLIERS S 116 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED STATKRAFT FRANCE SAS European leader in renewable energy Cité Internationale de Lyon - 66 quai Charles de Gaulle, 69463 Lyon cedex 06 +33 (0)4 78 94 94 86 +33 (0)4 78 94 94 87 [email protected] Statkraft’s sole shareholder is the Norwegian government. The company was founded in 1895 when a waterfall was acquired for the purpose of producing electricity. ACTIVITIES Statkraft is a leading producer of hydroelectricity in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. It has a rated power of 16,430 MW, including 13,000 MW of hydroelectricity. Statkraft also produces power from onshore and offshore wind farms and owns several biomass production plants. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 117 SUPPLIERS S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SOFIVA ENERGIE Independent engineering office specialising in renewable energy Route de Montélimar - BP 70 - Parc d’activités commerciales du Moulon, 07202 Aubenas cedex +33 (0)4 75 35 40 41 +33 (0)4 75 93 35 52 sofi[email protected] ORGANIZATION The activity covers everything from construction to operation. The office works exclusively with energy engineers and manufacturers of turbines and parts for renewable energy projects to co-develop wind and solar power projects. Due to its work in wind power in late 1995, the company became a partner and later, an associate, of Enron and then GE Energy. In 2005, Sofiva extended the development of existing wind farms on its own behalf, and it participated in explorations and administrative and technical studies in Spain aiming to develop of solar power plants, (in France as well) up until June 2010. In 2006, Sofiva Energie opened several wind farms in the Languedoc-Roussillon and Rhône-Alpes regions, co-developing them with a major operator on the market. In 2014, Sofiva Energie will continue co-developing wind and solar power plants before moving on to the operational phase in late 2015. ACTIVITIES Sofiva Energie’s development services cover all technical and administrative operations, from exploration to industrial commissioning according to the contracts signed with its partners or associates in the wind power sector. Despite current shortages in the market, Sofiva is studying wind power, photovoltaic power and concentrated solar power both in France and abroad. Key numbers: • Nine employees. • Capacity under co-development: approximately 70 to 120 MW in wind power and solar (in France and abroad). LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS S 118 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Immeuble le Régent - 4 rue Jules Ferry, 34000 Montpellier +33 (0)4 67 58 22 70 +33 (0)4 67 92 58 61 ORGANIZATION THEOLIA France began as an engineering office in 2001 and was incorporated into the THEOLIA group in May 2005. Today,THEOLIA France employs close to 50 people and has three locations for better proximity: its headquarters, located in Montpellier, the northwest office based in Rouen, and the eastern office, located in Strasbourg. The company has all the technical, administrative, and financial skills it needs to function for the entire life cycle of a wind farm project, from exploration to operation. ACTIVITIES As a developer, builder, and operator of wind farms, THEOLIA France is an expert in all the phases of wind farm construction: identification of suitable sites, development and financing of projects, construction of the farms and maintaining and operating them. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Languedoc-Roussillon. MANUFACTURERS Designer of wind farms TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED THEOLIA FRANCE WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 119 SUPPLIERS T PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED UNITE Production of renewable energy 2 rue Président Carnot, 69293 Lyon cedex +33 (0)4 72 41 08 08 +33 (0)4 72 77 97 97 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Founded in 1985, UNITe is a veteran in renewable energy. The group’s three main development structures are: • UNIT ENERGY SAS in Lyons: hydroelectric, photovoltaic, and wind energy production • HYDROWATT SAS in Lyons: hydroelectric engineering, new builds, site renovation, operation, and maintenance • ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIQUE (AL TECH) in Nantes: development of wind and photovoltaic power projects, an environmental engineering office (AL TECH has developed more than 250 MW in wind energy for third parties). HYDROWATT owns two plants, in St-Girons (in Ariège) and Charézier (in Jura), that manufacture hydromechanic and electrical equipment. It also has five maintenance sites in France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES UNITe is a specialist in the production of renewable energy. The UNITe group works in the following sectors: • Hydroelectricity: installed power of 43 MW across 25 plants throughout France • Wind energy: installed power of 20 MW across 3 installations • Photovoltaic power: own installed power of 8 MW. UNITe operates renewable energy sites with more than 100 MW of rated power for itself and on behalf of third parties. The annual production of renewable energy sold directly by the UNITe group stands at around 250 GWh. In addition to its production activities, the UNITe group is also an industrial engineering company which handles all the phases of project development, construction and maintenance of installations. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS U 120 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VELOCITA ENERGIES Development, financing, construction, and operation of onshore wind farms 65 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris +44 207 952 2232 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Development, financing, construction, and operation of onshore wind farms in Europe. Velocita Energies currently has around 20 projects under development in France, for a potential total power of more than 700 MW. In France, the regions involved include Franche-Comté, Champagne-Ardenne, Midi-Pyrénées, Burgundy, Rhône-Alpes, Alsace, and Lorraine. In the UK, an initial project in operation (24 MW), one project under construction (12 MW), and about 15 projects in development in Scotland, for a potential of 450 MW. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS General Director: Pierre-Antoine Tetard ([email protected]) Operations Manager: Eric Caradec ([email protected]) TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 121 SUPPLIERS V PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VENDÉE ENERGIE Development and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power installations 3 rue du Maréchal Juin, 85036 La Roche-sur-Yon cedex +33 (0)2 51 45 88 86 +33 (0)2 51 45 88 99 [email protected] Vendée Energie is an energy-producing Société d’Economie Mixte Locale (SAEML) (French semi-public company) created by the SyDEV (Syndicat Départemental d’Energie et d’équipement for the Vendée region) in 2012 to replace the Régie d’Electricité de Vendée (REVe). With a capital of €3,778,264, 75% of Vendée Energie’s shares are held by SyDEV, 10% by Caisse des Dépôts, 10% by SOREGIES, and 5% by SERGIES. ACTIVITIES Vendée Energie develops, invests in, and operates power plants, especially plants that produce renewable energy (wind, photovoltaic, methanisation, etc.), in conjunction with all the economic players (local authorities, farmers, industrialists). Vendée Energie operates six wind farms with a total of 50 MW in rated power and 36 photovoltaic power plants of 2.5 MWp installed on public buildings. LOCATIONS Pays de la Loire. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS V 122 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VENT D’EST SAS Operator 9 boulevard Thiers, 88201 Remiremont cedex +33 (0)6 42 71 33 90 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Vent d’Est brings together private investors and residents living near production sites. ACTIVITIES Generation of wind energy LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 123 SUPPLIERS V PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES VENTS D’OC ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES Development and construction of wind farms and photovoltaic power installations 14 rue Bourrely, 34000 Montpellier +33 (0)4 67 47 86 61 +33 (0)4 99 64 08 31 ORGANIZATION Vents d’Oc - Energies Renouvelables is associated with German company Windwärts Energie GmbH, located in Hanover, Germany. Since its creation in 1994, Windwärts Energie has developed renewable energy projects in Germany, Italy, and France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Developer of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants. Vents d’Oc assists with all stages of project development and execution, from looking for a suitable site, feasibility studies, and authorisation procedures to technical planning and commissioning. It also organises the monitoring and management of wind and photovoltaic power plants. Its partner, Windwärts Energie, develops, finances, and operates wind farms and photovoltaic power plants, and also acquires projects in all stages of development. As a general contractor, the company develops and builds turnkey photovoltaic power systems. LOCATIONS Languedoc-Roussillon. SUPPLIERS V 124 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 1350 avenue Albert Einstein - PAT Bât 2, 34000 Montpellier +33 (0)4 11 95 00 30 +33 (0)4 11 95 00 31 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Vol-V is a group with a capital of €18.9 billion. Its head office is located in Montpellier and it has two satellite offices in Rouen and Rennes. Mid-2013, Vol-V employed around 35 people. ACTIVITIES Vol-V designs, develops, monitors construction, obtains financing and operates renewable energy power plants on its own behalf based around three areas of activity: • Vol-V Eole: develops and operates wind farms • Vol-V Solar: develops and operates photovoltaic power plants installed on buildings • Vol-V Biomass: develops local power plants that produce biomethane from agricultural or agribusiness materials. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Languedoc-Roussillon, Upper Normandy and Brittany. MANUFACTURERS Designer of renewable energy solutions - Independent producer of green energy TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED VOL-V SAS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 125 SUPPLIERS V PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VOLTALIA Producer of renewable energy 12 rue Blaise Pascal, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine +33 (0)1 40 88 96 10 +33 (0)1 40 88 96 11 [email protected] Founded in 2004, Voltalia is a French société anonyme (limited liability company) with a capital of €72,760,537.05. Voltalia’s majority shareholder is Voltalia Investissement, a holding whose majority shareholder is Creadev, an investment vehicle owned by the Mulliez family. Voltalia has been listed on the Open Market (NYSE Euronext) since May 2006. ACTIVITIES A fast-growing producer of renewable energy, Voltalia has 80 employees in France, Guiana, Greece, and Brazil. It develops, builds, and operates power plants according to a multi-energy strategy, using the best technology for each site: wind, solar, hydroelectricity, or biomass. Voltalia manages all steps of a project, from obtaining land and the proper authorisations to financing, building, and operating/management of the power plants. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, and Guiana. Greece and Brazil. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION SUPPLIERS V 126 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS La Neuvillette - 47 rue Louis Pasteur, 51100 Reims +33 (0)3 26 35 29 72 +33 (0)3 26 35 62 80 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Windvision is an international company founded in 2002 specialising in the production of renewable energy from wind turbines. ACTIVITIES Windvision coordinates all the processes for building a wind farm: searching for the ideal site, negotiating with landowners and authorities, scheduling, conducting studies, obtaining building permits, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of the farm. It places special emphasis on consulting project stakeholders and keeping them informed to create a real partnership with them. A pioneer in the development of 7.5 MW machines, Windvision continues to pursue its ambitions for development in France and abroad. LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Champagne-Ardenne. MANUFACTURERS Development, construction, and operation of wind farms TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED WINDVISION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 127 SUPPLIERS W PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE Development of offshore wind farms 94 rue Saint -Lazare, 75009 Paris +33 (0)1 82 72 61 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The WPD group operates in 20 countries and has been specialising in developing, financing, constructing and operating onshore and offshore wind farms since 1996. With 1,500 turbines in operation representing 2.5 GW of rated power, WPD is a European leader in the wind power sector. The group’s financial soundness is proven by the ‘A’ rating it has received from Euler Hermes (a subsidiary of Allianz) every year since 2003. WPD Offshore currently has 18 projects under way in six countries, for total power of over 10 GW. Eight of the projects have already received authorisation (five in Germany, two in Sweden, and one in Finland) and are at different stages of completion. WPD Offshore France, a subsidiary formed in 2007, is developing wind farm projects off the coast of France on the English Channel - North Sea coast and on the Atlantic coast with the aim of constructing and operating these installations. These projects are developed in close collaboration with the regional players and represent a potential rated power of 2,500 MW. ACTIVITIES In Germany, WPD Offshore developed the first offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea (Baltic I, inaugurated in 2011), and in February 2013 the company finalised financial arrangements for Butendiek (80 wind turbines in the North Sea built with an investment of €1.3 billion), construction of which will be under the responsibility of WPD Offshore and is scheduled to begin in Spring 2014. WPD Offshore France draws on the wind power expertise of the WPD group and its subsidiary WPD Offshore Solutions, a specialist in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms. In France, WPD Offshore won its two longstanding projects in consortium with EDF Energies Nouvelles and DONG Energy, and with Alstom as the exclusive supplier: Fécamp (Seine-Maritime) and Courseulles-sur-Mer (Calvados), totalling 948 MW. On 29 November 2013, WPD Offshore, in association with EDF EN, submitted bids for the Tréport, Île d’Yeu, and Noirmoutier sites. As part of the second call for tenders for offshore wind energy in France, these projects will strengthen the company’s ambitious industry plans already agreed with Alstom. By taking up this challenge, WPD Offshore France is utilising its local expertise and knowledge of offshore wind energy to propose viable projects that will help create a new industry in France and bolster regional development. LOCATIONS Paris, Nantes. SUPPLIERS W 128 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 WIND POWER INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS 3 3E FRANCE Engineering office and independent consultant 1 rue du poids de l’huile, 31000 Toulouse +33 (0)5 81 18 07 70 +33 (0)5 81 18 07 71 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 3E is an international engineering office specialising in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable management of energy consumption (electrical grids, processes, sites, etc.) 3E advises and assists clients throughout the development and operation of projects. 3E also has an R&D cell and develops high-performance, online monitoring software. The company employs around a hundred people and has offices in Toulouse, Brussels, Istanbul, Beijing, and Cape Town. ACTIVITIES • Onshore and offshore wind farms: Feasibility, measurement of wind resources, analysis of production potential, design and optimisation of wind farms, wind power development zones, connection studies, second opinions, operational monitoring (production and maintenance), and autonomous and hybrid systems. • Photovoltaic:Technical, economic, and administrative feasibility, project management for the preparation of an entire project, second opinions, and monitoring and analysis of system performance using specialised SynaptiQ Solar software. • Thermal solar: Feasibility, production potential, design and optimisation of installations, expert assessment and project management. • Energy in buildings and green neighbourhoods: Design of very high performance energy sites and energy-positive sites, renewable energy feasibility studies, dynamic thermal simulations of buildings, project management support for High Quality Environmental standards, and energy audits. • Applied research and innovation in photovoltaic power and power grid connection. LOCATIONS Midi-Pyrénées. 130 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Your renewable energy production system under the protection of our expertise 45 rue Merlot - Zone d’activité la Louvade, 34130 Mauguio +33 (0)4 67 29 74 43 +33 (0)6 72 66 80 97 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED 8.2 FRANCE The Group has offered its multidisciplinary competences in the Renewable Energy domain since 1995. Today, 95% of 8.2 France’s turnover is generated in the wind energy business with a turnover of 1 million € in 2013. We offer to our customers monitoring and supervising packages by experts, at any stage of completion, from planning, financing, as well as construction and operation, up to plants dismantling. Our services consist of integrated solutions, and a complete system, based on various components, which allow completing a project successfully: Technical inspections and supervision • spot or online vibration monitoring with analysis • video-endoscopy • predictable maintenance analysis • blade inspection on rope or cherry picker • various measurements: insulation, soil, mechanical displacement etc. • expertise on composite materials Due Diligence and Consulting • support contract negotiation • supervision of technical documents and legal support • evaluation of expertise reports Construction • support to wind farm owners • construction supervision • approval/take-over of various project milestones • punchlist clearance follow-up LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 8.2 France is a subsidiary of 8.2 Consulting AG, a German Group of experts in the Renewable Energy. The dynamic French team, consisting of nine employees, is supported by a large network of engineers and experts from the 8.2 Group, achieving specific missions or to reinforce the team in case of a punctual excessive demand. The company counts 24 independent offices including its subsidiaries abroad, and keeps growing nationally and internationally. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 131 SUPPLIERS Germany, France, Portugal, Austria. 8 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Products and services for energy and automation technology 3 avenue du Canada - Immeuble Athos, 91978 Courtaboeuf +33 (0)1 64 86 88 00 +33 (0)1 64 86 98 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ABB is a world leader in energy and automation technologies with activities in five main areas: energy products, energy systems, automation products, process automation, and robotics. ACTIVITIES ABB offers both asynchronous and synchronous generators for wind turbines.Tailored to each client’s specifications, ABB’s generators use technology that has been tested and shown to be reliable in other motor and generator applications, in particular in permanent magnet technology. The Energy Products and Systems unit designs and supplies substations and high-voltage switches adapted to the wind power market. LOCATIONS Throughout France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ABB A 132 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Wind power / Renewable energy maintenance 10 rue Jules Verne - Z.A. de l’Orée du Golf, 59790 Ronchin +33 (0)3 20 41 55 70 +33 (0)3 20 41 55 71 ORGANIZATION Head office in Ronchin (59790). Office ADS Picardy: 4 Rue de la Tour Roland in Lassigny (60310). ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Backed by its experience in assembly and preventive and corrective maintenance, ADS carries out operations on your wind parks and installations (assembly, inspections, monitoring, diagnoses, handling of emergencies) as part of HSE organisation. ADS is MASE-certified and offers services focusing on quality performance and feedback in a strict safety environment. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ACCES DIFFICILES SERVICES LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 133 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais, Picardy. A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS Predictive maintenance 200 chemin des Ormeaux, 69578 Limonest cedex +33 (0)4 72 52 48 00 +33 (0)4 72 52 47 57 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION OneProd is a brand owned by ACOEM. ACOEM expertise is based on acoustic and vibration technology. The company has been growing for 40 years thanks to its innovations in the fields of industry, the environment, and defence. Its areas of expertise are threefold for lasting reliability: • Monitoring, through predictive maintenance and quality or performance surveillance systems • Diagnostics and related recommendations to evaluate and adjust designs or prevent production failures • Solutions, using dedicated tools, co-design development and systems that help clients meet their objectives in terms of reliability, quality, and comfort. ACTIVITIES The OneProd Wind System was designed as a simple, robust solution for reliable upstream detection of mechanical and electrical failures in wind turbines. The OneProd Wind System has proven, innovative features reinforced by specific analysis methods, for unrivalled reliability in the monitoring of the wind turbine’s various elements including the turbine’s very slow moving main bearing, the gearbox, and the generator. The OneProd Wind System: 3 key points for non-stop productivity: • Reliable monitoring Why: No time wasted with false alarms. How: By including trigger conditions for similar measurements. • Intelligent parameters like ShockFinder Why: To efficiently monitor wind turbines, from the main shaft to the generator. How: By creating appropriate parameters specific to wind turbines. • Extended analysis capabilities Why: For reliable, robust diagnostics. How: By integrating powerful, ergonomic analysis software based on industry experience. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Alsace, Lower Normandy, Île-de-France, Nord-Pas de Calais, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. A 134 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ACROPHOTO Supply and installation of turnkey met masts 42 avenue du 8 mai 1945, 38130 Echirolles +33 (0)950 704 705 +33 (0)955 704 705 [email protected] ACROPHOTO possesses unique expertise, offering comprehensive solutions for all your needs. Our structures are inspected by APAVE and VERITAS and can withstand even the harshest conditions. Our strict standards and patented bases guarantee the quality of your measurements. ACTIVITIES ACROPHOTO installs, inspects, and maintains several dozen met masts across Europe for the main renewable energy developers and producers. Activities, products, and services: • Design, manufacture, and installation of turnkey met masts from 3 to 100 metres tall • Consulting and project assistance to meet even your most specific needs • Preventive and corrective maintenance for met masts • Installation of measuring instruments and aircraft warning lights • Aircraft warning lights for wind turbines • Installation and inspection of safety equipment • Installation of solar met masts to conduct research for photovoltaic projects MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION ACROPHOTO is located in Rhône-Alpes but its employees travel anywhere throughout France and Europe. Its Polish subsidiary was formed in 2010 to better serve development projects in Eastern Europe. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 135 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ACTEMIUM SUBSIDIARY OF VINCI-ENERGIES- Electricity and industrial data processing 22 rue Gaston Planté - ZI de Kergaradec - BP 70076, 29802 Brest cedex 9 +33 (0)2 98 34 64 00 +33 (0)2 98 42 32 22 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Actemium executes electrical and industrial data processing studies. It operates in workshops or on-site. Onshore and offshore operations (for oil platforms). Maintenance. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Brittany, Finistère. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Electricity and industrial data processing. Power plants, wind farms. Electrical and fibre optics networks. Industrial data processing: automation, human-machine interfaces, supervision, databases, traceability. A 136 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF VINCI-ENERGIES- New constructions and maintenance 24 route de Fort-Mardyck - BP 70004, 59430 Saint-Pol-sur-Mer +33 (0)3 28 26 73 91 +33 (0)3 28 25 96 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The VINCI Energies group is present worldwide and has a structure with over 800 companies in Europe. ACTIVITIES Manufacture and assembly of metal structures, walkways, and control and process booths. Electricity, automation, mechanics, and instrumentation. Maintenance of wind turbines at Total’s Dunkirk site. Wind turbine assembly for individuals. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ACTEMIUM DUNKERQUE WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 137 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais, Picardy. A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS A AGRAFE ENR SUBSIDIARY OF THE BEMORE GROUP- Employment agency for fixed-term and permanent contracts and temporary work Technolac BP371 - 19 rue du lac Saint-André, 73372 Le Bourget-du-Lac cedex +33 (0)4 79 44 03 51 +33 (0)4 79 44 03 52 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Agrafe EnR is an employment agency specialising in hiring and deploying personnel for positions in the wind power industry. Six full-time staff manage a team of over 400 technicians recruited from all over France. ACTIVITIES To date, Agrafe EnR has supplied 500,000 hours of work in the wind power industry and provides technicians for: • assembly • electrical maintenance • preventive and corrective maintenance • inspections Agrafe EnR has helped companies hire more than 100 employees for jobs as diverse as mast-fitter, team leaders, maintenance technicians, supervisors, commissioning, and project managers. LOCATIONS Agrafe EnR has two management centres: one located in “Solar Valley” in Technolac in Savoie, and one in Lausanne in Switzerland. Our technicians are recruited from around the country and work in France and throughout Europe. Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, UK, etc. 138 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED AINELEC Manufacture of inverters ZI de la Boitardière, rue Ernest Mabille, 37400 Amboise +33 (0)2 47 23 67 67 +33 (0)2 47 23 67 60 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Ainelec’s conversion products (inverters, chargers, and converters) are interfaced between the source (solar, hydroelectric or wind) to which a backup can be added (such as a genset) and the application (lighting, communication, refrigeration, etc.) Our recognised expertise in converters used for renewable energy such as wind and solar, has led us to develop innovative products for fuel cells. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 139 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Centre. MANUFACTURERS Ainelec is part of the HAP group (€5.6 billion). Since 1990, it has been specialising in the design and production of low- and medium-power “smart” electronic products. It has an engineering office staffed by engineers and technicians who work closely with the production unit for total command of our products. The company is ISO 9000:2000 certified, so our partners can be assured of the quality of the production and maintenance studies carried out on our products. Ainelec is the only French company that manufactures grid-connected inverters. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS A ALIOS INGENIERIE SUBSIDIARY OF ALIOS GROUP- Geotechnical and geological engineering 26 avenue Ferdinand de Lesseps - ZAC Actipolis, 33610 Canéjan +33 (0)5 57 35 41 90 +33 (0)5 57 35 41 91 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ALIOS Ingénierie is a subsidiary of ALIOS. It is an SARL (limited liability company) with capital of €40,000. Total number of employees: 60, including 16 engineers, 10 technicians, 27 surveyors, and 7 administrative staff. ACTIVITIES Founded in 1995, ALIOS Ingénierie is a geotechnical engineering office acknowledged for its soil and subsoil surveys. In 2003, ALIOS Ingénierie decided to become involved in the development of alternative energy, creating a department exclusively for wind power. This strategic decision has helped it gain extensive experience in the field to become one of the top soil engineering offices in wind generator construction. ALIOS Ingénierie conducts surveys for 150 to 200 wind power foundations in France every year. It also conducts numerous surveys abroad (in Turkey, Morocco, and Poland, among others). ALIOS Ingénierie works on all aspects of geotechnical surveys, including: • In situ reconnaissance work conducted by drilling and testing teams in powerful, high-performance workshops • Laboratory testing on samples • Geotechnical surveys that follow the sequencing of geotechnical tasks required by standard NF P 94-500: - Preliminary geotechnical surveys of a site - Pre-project geotechnical surveys - Geotechnical surveys for projects - Geotechnical surveys for execution and monitoring - Geotechnical supervision during execution - Geotechnical diagnostics LOCATIONS Originally located in the southwest of France, ALIOS Ingénierie now has nine offices across France: Bordeaux, Biarritz, Dijon, Héricourt, Niort, Périgueux, Tarbes, Toulouse, and Valence. The offices are located near wind turbine construction zones for better responsiveness and more efficient supervision of construction sites. ALIOS Ingénierie abroad: In 2011, the company opened an office in Poland called ALIOS Polska. Created in partnership with a Polish geotechnical engineering office, ALIOS Polska has already conducted numerous geotechnical surveys, in particular for the wind power industry. 140 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Geotechnical studies: The solid Geotechnical studies and dia gnos tics ı Hydroge ology ı TRAINING CENTRES foundation guarantee Expertise Your projects deserve full attention… and the best skills! MANUFACTURERS A network of wind turbine specialists The particularity of ALIOS Ingénierie Company is the creation of a special wind turbine department. Furthermore, always the same persons, enjoying several years of experience, treat and assess the data: these are wind turbines specialists. ı A network of 10 agencies in France ı Means in men and material ı Expertise that has proven ı Expertise that exports Z AC Actipolis - 26, avenue Ferdinand WINDUSTRY de Lesseps 33610 CANEJAN - FRANCE FRANCE-- THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 141 Phone +33 5 57 35 41 90 - Fax +33 5 57 35 41 91 - eolien @ ı © SERVICE COMMUNICATION GROUPE ALIOS. ALIOS Ingénierie : SUPPLIERS supervision… DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ı In Situ tests ı Laboratory tests ı Advice, geotechnical feasibility studies ı Execution studies ı Execution monitoring ı Geotechnical X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Preventive and corrective maintenance 44 bis avenue de Gerbéviller, 54300 Lunéville +33 (0)3 83 73 15 15 +33 (0)3 83 76 39 95 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The Alliance Lorraine Maintenance Energies Alternatives (ALMEA) is an economic interest grouping formed in 2010 by three complementary companies already offering various services for the wind power industry. By joining forces, ALMEA was able to form a 180-person team to provide more comprehensive solutions for the maintenance of wind farms. ACTIVITIES • Turnkey CMS solutions for predictive maintenance • Global preventive maintenance and blade inspection • Corrective maintenance and blade repair • All types of rope access work: painting, sanding, interior and exterior cleaning, etc. • Inspection of safety equipment • Training in suspended access and rescue at heights LOCATIONS Lorraine, Grand Est. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ALMEA A 142 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Special transport, lifting, assembly, and maintenance Rue du Moulin Neuf, 85800 Le Fenouiller +33 (0)2 51 55 54 07 +33 (0)2 51 54 30 11 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The company currently has 2,400 employees. In 2011, the AltéAd group achieved a turnover of €250 million. The head office of the AltéAd group is located near Nantes. ACTIVITIES Special transport, handling, and lifting. Assembly, transmission, maintenance, wind power sector. AltéAd is a multi-activity company providing transport, lifting, assembly, and maintenance services for wind turbines in France and worldwide. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ALTEAD WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 143 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 60 locations in France and abroad. Morocco, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Switzerland. A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ANDRE LAURENT Manufacture of specially designed mechanical fastener components ZI de Bayon, 42150 La Ricamarie +33 (0)4 77 59 32 80 +33 (0)4 77 80 62 64 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The company has 131 employees. Its head office is in Loire. ACTIVITIES André Laurent designs and produces fasteners and connectors by hot forging, machining, thread rolling, nuts and bolts, and special screws for the energy sector. It is an expert in working with metals such as low-alloy steels, stainless steels, tool steels, superalloys, titanium, nickel, copper, aluminium, and cobalt. Rhône-Alpes and Île-de-France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS A 144 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Engineering office Immeuble AXEO29 - Avenue Aristide Briand - CS 10006, 94117 Arcueil cedex +33 (0)1 57 63 14 00 +33 (0)1 57 63 14 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Antea Group has 3,000 employees and experts worldwide, more than 550 being in France. ACTIVITIES Engineering project management, expertise in the areas of Infrastructure, Environment, Water, Urban planning more than 1,000 wind turbines since 2004. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ANTEAGROUP LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 145 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS 20 locations in France, the Antilles, Guiana, Reunion, and around the world. A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufactures and sells rubber-based anti-vibratory solutions for the railway, energy, water, military markets as well as industrial applications Usine des Caillots - BP01, 58302 Decize cedex +33 (0)3 86 77 31 09 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Anvis Industry are constantly looking for customerspecific solutions and using their R&D resources for the benefit of their clients and promote innovation (rubber with low creep, compensation system, complete assemblies, largedisplacement expansion joints, resistance, ...). ACTIVITIES Anti-vibratory mounts, designed on demand, are used to reduce vibration and mechanical noise in all industrial sectors (transport, energy, navy, etc.). Expansion joints under the brand name Dilatoflex® are renowned worldwide and equip all kinds of pipe systems exposed to high-temperature or vibrations. LOCATIONS Burgundy. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ANVIS INDUSTRY A 146 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 9,800 employees, including 7,000 engineers and technicians. €763.9M in turnover in 2012. 130 offices across France. 47 locations abroad. 143 training sites. 31 test laboratories and centres. ACTIVITIES Apave strives to control risk using its comprehensive offer of quality technical and intellectual services: inspections, buildings, testing and measurements, training, and advice. All our services aim to keep people and property safe and protect the environment. They apply to all areas of activity: electricity, automation, pressurised equipment, construction supervision, non-destructive testing, energy control and management, construction equipment (lifting, handling, machines), construction and civil engineering, the environment, fire prevention, and health and safety. Its work in renewable energy includes: • Technical inspections of construction and civil engineering • Risk prevention at work sites and during operation • Operations safety (equipment reliability, machine safety, safety reports, etc.) • The environment (impact studies, noise studies and measurements) • Acceptance (initial verifications, performance measurements, etc.) • Assistance in operation and maintenance (non-destructive testing, measurements of energy and mechanical performance, inspections, diagnostics, etc.) LOCATIONS All of France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 147 MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 191 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris +33 (0)1 45 66 99 44 +33 (0)1 45 67 90 47 [email protected] SUPPLIERS Assists companies and local authorities in the control of technical, environmental, and human risks TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED APAVE A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF SOFIPLAST- Application of innovative coatings Parc d’entreprises - Les Portes de l’Artois Plantin, 62190 Lilliers +33 (0)3 21 54 10 77 +33 (0)3 21 54 10 78 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Sofiplast: around 100 employees. Engineering office (Rhône), management (Rhône) and technical management, methods and production (Pas-deCalais), project managers (Pas-de-Calais). ACTIVITIES Application of innovative surface coatings and treatments, including fluoropolymers, resins, and LAM’LCOAT for lubrication, anti-corrosion, anti-adherence, and anti-fouling purposes on turbines, masts, composite structures, and more. Metal boilermaking for mast construction. LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais, Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS APPLISURFACES A 148 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ƉƉůŝ^ƵƌĨĂĐĞƐ ZsdDEd^^W/hy Η>ĞƐWŽƌƚĞƐĚĞů͛ƌƚŽŝƐΗͲWůĂŶƟŶͲϲϮϭϵϬ>/>>Z^ dĠů͗нϯϯ;ϬͿϯ͘Ϯϭ͘ϱϰ͘ϭϬ͘ϳϳ &Ădž͗нϯϯ;ϬͿϯ͘Ϯϭ͘ϱϰ͘ϭϬ͘ϳϴ ͲŵĂŝů͗ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůΛĂƉƉůŝƐƵƌĨĂĐĞƐ͘Ĩƌ ϰŵĂũŽƌƉŽůĞŽĨĐŽŵƉĞƚĞŶĐĞ͗ ^hZ&^&hEd/KE>/d/KE ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚĐŽĂƟŶŐƐͬŝŶŶŽǀĂƟǀĞĐŽĂƟŶŐƐ Ed/͗&Z/d/KE^>/W͕,^/KE͕Z^/KE͕KZZK^/KE͕'>>/E'͕tZ͕^,K<͕ Kyŝd/KE͕d,ZD>Ͳ>dZ/>/E^h>d/KE͕^>/E'͕Wd,/E'͙ ^dZ/WW/E'WZK^^t/d,K>K'/>D/^ MANUFACTURERS ƵƐƚŽŵͲŵĂĚĞ ^dZ/WW/E'ĂŶĚ>E/E'KE^E^/d/s^h^dZd^ s>KWDEdE/DW>DEdd/KEKE^/d ĞƐŝŐŶ͕ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚĂŶĚŝŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƟŽŶŽŶͲƐŝƚĞŽĨƐƵƌĨĂĐĞĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐƉƌŽĐĞƐƐĞƐ ƚŽŽƉƟŵŝnjĞƐŽůƵƟŽŶĨŽƌzKhZďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĂŶĚzKhZĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŶĞŵĞŶƚ K/>ZD</E' WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶŽĨƉĂƌƚƐŽƌŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂůĂƐƐĞŵďůŝĞƐĨƌŽŵƉůĂŶƐ͗ dĂŶŬƐ͕ďƌŝĚŐĞƐ͕ĨƌĂŵĞ͕ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞĨƌĂŵĞƐ͕ǁŽƌŬďĞŶĐŚĞƐ͙ WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 149 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ǁǁǁ͘ƐŽĮƉůĂƐƚ͘Ĩƌ X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ARCADIS Geotechnical surveys y and foundations 9 avenue Réaumur, 92354 Le Plessis-Robinson cedex +33 (0)1 46 23 77 77 +33 (0)1 46 01 35 80 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Arcadis is an international group that provides services in project management, consulting, and engineering to improve mobility, sustainable development, and quality of life. Arcadis develops, conducts studies, implements, and manages projects in the fields of infrastructures, buildings, and the environment. Arcadis France: 600 employees with 10 regional offices; developing from the merger of 3 well-known companies: Europe Etudes Gecti, Simecsol, and Gester. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Thanks to its multidisciplinary teams, Arcadis offers services for fields where geotechnics are directly applicable (such as geological engineering or the mechanics of soil and rocks), as well as for applications related to the design, execution, supervision, and even consolidation of structures where the behaviour of the ground is crucial. In geotechnics, as the part which is known is always limited due to the random nature of the formation of the subsoil, Arcadis provides expert analysis of geotechnical risks for all projects, regardless of the stage of design or execution. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS The company has 10 offices in the following regions: Île-de-France, Nord-Pas de Calais, Rhône-Alpes, Provence-AlpesCôte d’Azur, Pays de la Loire, Brittany, Languedoc-Roussillon, and Alsace. A 150 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF AREVA- Maintenance 27 rue de l’Industrie - BP 189, 59573 Jeumont cedex +33 (0)3 27 69 90 00 +33 (0)3 27 56 33 90 [email protected] ORGANIZATION AREVA NP - Etablissement de Jeumont is a subsidiary of the Areva group specialising in the manufacture of mobile power plant equipment (pumps and mechanisms) and maintenance and operation of wind farms. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT Nord, Drôme, Aude, Côtes-d’Armor. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 151 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Areva NP specialises in the manufacture of mobile equipment (pumps and mechanisms) for nuclear power plants and the maintenance and operation of wind farms. With a background in manufacturing J48 wind turbines and 10 years of experience in wind farm manufacturing, assembly, and operation projects, Areva NP offers comprehensive management for your installations, including: • Complete maintenance of wind farm sites • Wind farm operation and management, including remote monitoring and installation resets • Technical audits of wind farms and machines • Coordination of external companies and HSE management for a site • Improving machine reliability • Design, installation, and operation of CMS gearboxes, generators, etc. • Revamping • Training in wind power technology and specialities MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ARTELIA EAU ET ENVIRONNEMENT Engineering specialists 6 rue de Lorraine, 38130 Echirolles +33 (0)4 37 65 56 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Artelia is an engineering group with multiple specialities. It is 100% employee-owned, guaranteeing independence in the accomplishment of its assignments. Artelia is especially known for its expertise in renewable energy and energy efficiency. It has all the all the technical and financial analysis skills it needs in-house to work on any stage of renewable energy projects, including diagnostics, feasibility studies, project management, regulatory studies, audits, and due diligence. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES A Artelia helps develop hydroelectric projects, photovoltaic power plants, thermodynamic solar power plants, wind farms, and hydro-kinetic power plants. It integrates the exploitation of geothermal, biogas and biomass resources and creates innovations in marine energy. Artelia provides and implements solutions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, industrial sites, and public facilities, develops strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, evaluates the vulnerability and impacts of climate change and offers strategies for adjustment. LOCATIONS ARTELIA has 35 locations in France and 75 worldwide over 35 countries. Jérôme MERCIER - Branche Reneable energy Tel. : 04 37 65 56 00 - [email protected] Sébastien LEDOUX - Marine energy Tel. : 02 28 09 18 49 - [email protected] 152 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS AAA perfoms for more than 20 years, all technical services (production, quality, industrialization) on sets often substract on custumers’ site and in our unit of Tarbes. We operate in the fields of aviation, nautical and rail according to custumer contracts in France and abroad, with dedicated teams constituted and managed by AAA. ACTIVITIES AAA, through its 2,000 formed and experimented employees, has the capacity to provide our custumers with the flexibility and reactivity in their development while ensuring compliance with quality requirements, skills’ reliability and staff’s qualifications. AAA operates in the following main domains: • Manufacturing of subset in composite and in metal/composite • Assembly structure, electricity and system • Controllers, Inspectors, Quality control managers, NDT Experts • Technical Assistance, Logistics and Technical Supports for the production • Creation of “work packages” LOCATIONS We are located in the north of France, the West, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Trabes, the South East, Central and Paris. We have got also sites in Germany, in Morocco, in Canada, in China and Philippines. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 153 MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 10 rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris +33 (0)1 48 06 85 85 +33 (0)1 48 06 32 19 [email protected] SUPPLIERS Technical services on custumers’ sites or in our unit of Tarbes TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ATV Blade manufacture CD3, 83560 Rians +33 (0)4 94 78 35 38 +33 (0)4 94 80 94 67 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ATV was founded in 1988 under the name Atout Vent and initially produced small, carbon wind turbine blades. ACTIVITIES Design and manufacture of wind turbine blades. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. A 154 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Assembly of wind measurement towers 7 rue de l’industrie - Bâtiment A - ZI de Vic, 31320 Castanet Tolosan +33 (0)6 79 47 68 63 +33 (0)5 61 54 06 42 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SARL (French limited liability company) - 7 employees. ACTIVITIES Assembly of wind measurement towers. Instrumentation for operation towers. Sales of equipment. Sunshine measurement stations. Sixteen years of experience. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 155 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon, and Brittany (Toulouse/Montpellier/Vannes). A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS AVENISENSE Design, manufacture, and sale of measurement instruments and related products and services Savoie Technolac - 17 allée du Lac Léman, 73374 Le Bourget-du-Lac +33 (0)4 57 08 02 25 +33 (0)4 57 08 02 25 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Avenisense is a group of experts specialising in the design and manufacture of microsensors for the instantaneous analysis of fluids. Avenisense is active in the fields of chemistry, refining, energy, and maritime transport and works with both laboratories and industrials. Using its innovative measurement systems, Avenisense helps clients increase the profitability of their industrial processes, perform more detailed and more flexible quality controls, and monitor the health or rotating machines. Avenisense’s technologies are suitable for both fixed and on-board applications and for harsh environments. ACTIVITIES Avenisense is the leader in on-board lubricant monitoring, thanks to its Cactus® line, featuring in situ systems that diagnose oil quality. With Cactus®, you can reduce maintenance costs while improving wind farm output by monitoring the physicochemical properties of lubricants in real time. By analysing viscosity, temperature, water activity (relative humidity), and particulates, you can anticipate maintenance stoppages, reduce the risk of failures, and adjust the load of your installations based on their age. In short, you can control what happens inside your wind turbines. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS A All of France. 156 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Special transport and lifting 82 avenue Didier Daurat – BP80564, 64010 Pau cedex +33 (0)5 59 32 15 58 +33 (0)5 59 62 15 56 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Ayala is a player in the transport sector, including special transport, lifting, factory transfers, handling, and storage. It owns special equipment for transporting wind turbine nacelles, blades, and masts. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 157 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Midi-Pyrénées and Île-de-France. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED AYALA A PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES BATTERIES GLOBAL SERVICES Design, installation and maintenance (on/offshore) of industrial battery packs 6b rue de l’Elorn, 29400 Landivisiau +33 (0)2 98 24 99 38 +33 (0)2 98 46 91 04 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 2005, BGS specialises in supplying, installing, and maintaining industrial batteries. ACTIVITIES All types of fixed and mobile industrial batteries (lead-acid, NiCad, and lithium), technical accessories and equipment (chargers/converters, remote surveillance, accessories), and on-site and in-workshop maintenance. Brittany, Finistère. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS B 158 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of wind turbine masts - Transport of wind turbine parts 60 rue de la Brosse, 45110 Chateauneuf-sur-Loire +33 (0)2 38 46 38 46 +33 (0)2 38 46 38 47 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Located near Orléans, Baudin Châteauneuf has been a steel construction company for 90 years. In 2007, it began manufacturing masts and foundation components. Its subsidiary, STEX, provides special transport for wind turbine components (e.g. towers, nacelles, blades) from its workshops in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire or from any other manufacturing plant or unloading port to construction sites. ACTIVITIES TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF MANUFACTURERS Since 2007, Baudin Chateauneuf has made more than 200 foundation parts and 30 80-foot wind turbine towers. Its goal is to be producing 40 masts and 80 foundation parts per year within two or three years. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 159 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Centre. B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES BECK CRESPEL SUBSIDIARY OF BECK INDUSTRIES- Standard and specialised bolting 40 rue des Fusillés, 59280 Armentières +33 (0)3 20 77 78 88 +33 (0)3 20 77 82 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Special connectors and mechanical components: Beck Crespel is a leading European manufacturer of connectors for specific industries, including energy (wind, gas, hydroelectric and steam turbines), the nuclear industry and diesel engines. Beck Crespel also makes connectors for the petrochemicals industry (offshore platforms), the engineering industry and equipment (public works and construction). Special connectors for the wind power industry: offshore wind farms, turbines, parts with high tensile strength, double-end studs, studs for all threaded parts, forged parts, heavy hex nuts with high tensile strength, screws, anchor bolts, and studs. LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES B 160 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Earthworks and foundation work Rue du Moulin - BP 26, 55320 Dieue-sur-Meuse +33 (0)3 29 87 60 70 +33 (0)3 29 87 73 45 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Berthold is the Grand Est subsidiary of the Baudin Chateauneuf group. ACTIVITIES Berthold is comprised of several business departments: the structural engineering department, the general business department, the metal bridges department and the metal frames department. Each of these departments has its own engineering office. Berthold also has an equipment and transport service, an administration service, and a workshop dedicated to steel construction. Since 2006, Berthold has been constructing concrete wind turbine foundations, as well as access tracks and access platforms for wind turbine assembly. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 161 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Lorraine. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BERTHOLD B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES BEUZIT FRANCOIS SARL SUBSIDIARY OF BREMAT GROUP- Travaux de terrassement et fondations CS 57839, 29678 Morlaix cedex +33 (0)2 98 88 73 26 +33 (0)2 98 88 70 22 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Beuzit François is a subsidiary of the Bremat group, which currently works in four trades related to public works and industrial bodywork. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Brittany. Morbihan and Finistère. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Beuzit François is a specialist in the mechanised laying of cables and HDPE throughout France. The company works with high-speed networks, buries cables for MV networks, and connects wind turbines. B 162 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Port logistics Zone portuaire de Mielles - BP 161, 50110 Tourlaville +33 (0)2 33 88 66 15 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With 18 offices in 15 of France’s main ports, BLP, a subsidiary of the Bolloré group, is one of the leaders in specialised port handling in France. BLP’s 600 employees handle about 10 million tonnes of merchandise on the national market for bulk (biomass, fertiliser, livestock feed, etc.), industrial projects (wind turbines, EPR, heavy packages), and other conventional industries (wood, paper pulp, iron and steel, etc.) BUSINESSES SELECTED SUBSIDIARY OF BOLLORE GROUP- TRAINING CENTRES BLP (Bolloré Logistique Portuaire) Over the past few years, BLP has developed a division specialising in port logistics and dedicated to wind farm projects. The division has also been working for many months on the logistics problems relating to offshore wind energy and hydro-kinetic power development in France. Thanks to its presence at 15 ports, including Cherbourg and Saint-Nazaire/Montoir, and its partnerships with specialised transporters, lifting contractors and barge charters, BLP is able to respond to any logistics problem related to MRE development. With significant storage capacities at each port, BLP also transports biomass. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 163 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais, Normandy, Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, and Île-de-France. B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES BMP Plastic boilermaking and composite materials ZAC de la Grande Plaine - 1 rue des Entrepreneurs, 14760 Bretteville-sur-Odon +33 (0)2 31 26 66 21 +33 (0)2 31 26 70 93 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For more than 15 years, BMP has been manufacturing custom parts, individually or in very small numbers, for the following industries: • plastic boilermaking • composite materials Our production site currently has 14 employees qualified to work at height (N1/N2 CACES), including: • 1 project manager • 1 workshop manager SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES B 1) Plastic boilermaking: digital cutting, forming, thermoforming, marking 2) Composites: • polyester, monolithic or sandwich on PVC foam or honeycomb structures • carbon with an accuracy of 0.2 mm, resistant, rigid and light-weight • machining to an accuracy of 0.05 mm for large-volume parts up to 6 x 2 x 3 metres 3) Construction sites: lamination, repairs, maintenance Examples of our work: • Protection for antennae, radomes, and markers • Tubs, vats, and tanks • Retention tanks and retention mats • Housings, machine guards, covers • Plumbing and ventilation • Lamination of tubs and vats • Plastification of floor and walls LOCATIONS Lower Normandy. 164 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Solutions for power transmission and movement control 13 rue Eugène Pottier – ZI Moimont II, 95670 Marly-la-Ville +33 (0)1 34 47 45 10 +33 (0)1 34 68 88 00 ORGANIZATION Bonfiglioli Transmissions is the French subsidiary of the Italian leader in Bonfiglioli drive systems. Bonfiglioli offers specific solutions for power transmission and movement control. The company has 75 employees, and its head office and assembly plant are located in Marly-la-Ville, near Roissy. ACTIVITIES The third largest operator on the power transmission market, Bonfiglioli offers a complete range of geared motors, drivetrains, and epicyclic gear motors constituting an integrated offer specific to each application. Bonfiglioli provides solutions for the industrial and mobile sectors. For sustainable development and specifically the wind power industry, we have a wide range of products dedicated to setting in motion the pitch, yaw, and drive in wind turbine installations. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 165 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Head office: Marly-la-Ville. Sales engineers throughout France. A large network of distributors available across France. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF BONFIGLIOLI- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BONFIGLIOLI TRANSMISSIONS B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS B BOSCH REXROTH SUBSIDIARY OF BOSCH GROUP- Solutions for power transmission and movement control 91 boulevard Joliot Curie, 69200 Vénissieux +33 (0)4 78 78 52 52 +33 (0)4 78 78 68 90 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Bosch Rexroth is one of the world’s leading specialists in drive and control technologies. Under the brand name of Rexroth, the company supplies over 500,000 clients with custom drive, control, and movement solutions for industrial applications and automation, mobile applications, and renewable energy. Bosch Rexroth is capable of adapting to the specific needs and demands of each market. The Drive and Control Company, Bosch Rexroth, develops, produces, and sells components and systems in over 80 countries. In 2011, the company in the Bosch group had close to €6.4 billion in turnover and 38,400 employees. ACTIVITIES Since the beginning, Bosch Rexroth has been contributing to the technical development of wind turbines. It has become an important partner and multi parts manufacturer through its hydraulics and gear offering. Bosch Rexroth has been investing for several years and has created a division dedicated entirely to wind power grouping its know-how and technological skills in three plants: two in Europe and one in China. Wind turbine drivetrains face many challenges: variable wind loads, increasing power, small spaces, minimal mass, and changing weather.To meet these challenges, Rexroth has developed comprehensive regulation, control, and safety mechanisms specific to wind power applications and turbines.These include main gearboxes, slewing reduction gears, hydraulic and electromechanical controls for regulating rotor blade pitch, central differentials, braking systems for the main transmission, and slew brakes. LOCATIONS Geographical coverage throughout France. Head office in Rhône-Alpes (Vénissieux). Offices in the Paris area, Strasbourg, Lille, and Toulouse. 166 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 103 boulevard Denfert-Rochereau - BP 77, 38502 Voiron cedex +33 (0)4 76 05 22 36 +33 (0)4 76 65 75 28 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Société anonyme (Limited liability company) with an executive board. ACTIVITIES Fonderie BOT has been working for industry since 1913. It is a specialist in the production of individual parts or small runs made of cast iron, EN-GJL, EN-GJS, haematite, or cast iron alloys (Ni-hard and Ni-resist) weighing 50 kg to 10 tonnes (max. 7 tonnes for EN-GJS) (up to 500 parts/year). For the wind power industry in particular, Fonderie BOT can produce EN-GJS 400-18 LT type parts made of spheroidal graphite cast iron resilient to low temperatures (e.g., hubs, blade roots, and shafts). Fonderie BOT also offers stabilisation, painting, and machining services for ready-to-install parts. Its tools range from simple polystyrene models for single parts to complex wood and resin tools for the production of repetitive parts. Fonderie BOT is also available to perform feasibility and design studies for clients. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 167 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. MANUFACTURERS Cast iron TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BOT FONDERIE B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF VINCI CONSTRUCTION FRANCE- Foundations 5 rue Ernest Flammarion - ZAC du Petit le Roy, 94550 Chevilly-Larue +33 (0)1 49 61 48 00 +33 (0)1 49 61 48 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Botte Foundations is a subsidiary of Vinci Construction France dedicated to special foundations. ACTIVITIES Botte Foundations is part of the Vinci Construction France group. It makes all types of special foundations: pile foundations (all kinds), underpinning, micropile foundations, injection grouting, quarry work, anchors, diaphragm walls, support, drilling, foundations for pylons and wind turbines. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Nord-Pas de Calais, Ouest, Sud-Ouest, Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne-Ardenne. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS BOTTE FONDATIONS B 168 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Geotechnical surveys and foundations 25 allée du parc de Garlande, 92227 Bagneux cedex +33 (0)1 49 61 48 00 +33 (0)1 49 61 48 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Botte Sondages is an independent soil engineering office. ACTIVITIES Bottes sondages provides consulting services to project owners, project supervisors, and companies for soil and foundation adaptation issues. A few years ago, Botte Sondages expanded into diagnostics for soil and underground water pollution and structure surveys. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BOTTE SONDAGES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 169 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France and Brittany. B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Remote vibration monitoring of wind turbines 46 rue Champoreux, 91540 Mennecy +33 (0)1 69 90 63 86 +33 (0)1 64 57 02 45 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Brüel & Kjaer Vibro is part of the Spectris group. The company has two plants (in Germany and Denmark) where the brand’s products are developed and manufactured. It also has several diagnostics centres for remote vibration monitoring of wind turbines. The company operates in 62 countries through various subsidiaries and agents. It has been providing vibration monitoring solutions for all types of rotating machinery for over half a century. ACTIVITIES Brüel & Kjaer Vibro is an independent leader in all types of machine manufacture for predictive maintenance systems. It offers specific solutions for remote monitoring of wind turbines, allowing very early detection of failures and mechanical wear, accurately evaluate changes, and perform precise diagnostics (performed by Brüel & Kjaer Vibro engineers, who are wind power specialists and ISO 18436-2 and -3 certified). This remote monitoring helps prevent machine breakdowns and optimises production and maintenance. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS BRÜEL & KJAER VIBRO B 170 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Bureau Veritas, your partner for safe, long-lasting, high-quality, environmentallyfriendly installations 67/71 boulevard du Château, 92571 Neuilly-sur-Seine cedex +33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Bureau Veritas is a world leader in testing, inspections, and certifications (TIC). We help clients improve performance by offering innovative services and solutions that go beyond simple compliance with standards in order to reduce risks, improve performance, and promote sustainable development. Bureau Veritas is recognised and accredited by the largest national and international bodies. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED BUREAU VERITAS All of France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 171 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Bureau Veritas offers solutions for all types of needs. Its skill sets cover the entire life cycle of your project, including feasibility, authorisation, design, construction, installation, operation, transfers, and dismantling. • Offshore and onshore wind turbines: Assistance handling HSE risks and regulatory compliance. Safety reports, environmental impact studies, collision risk studies, review of ocean meteorology studies and the hydrodynamic behaviour of foundations. Review of wind turbine design. Technical evaluation of suppliers and first- and second-party inspections. Technical inspections of constructions, coordination of health and safety, periodic regulatory inspections. Maintenance optimisation advice. Certification services through Bureau Veritas Certification for certification of wind turbine types (or parts) and projects. • Photovoltaic and biomass: Feasibility studies. Risk analysis: supplies, production, distribution. Administrative and contract assistance. Verification of load capacity of existing structures. Examination of sealing and existing roofing insulation. Provisional inspections of installations. Evaluation of overall annual output. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES B PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacturer of parts and systems for fluid measurement and control BP 21, 67220 Triembach-au-Val +33 (0)3 88 58 91 11 +33 (0)3 88 57 20 08 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Bürkert’s trading subsidiary in France currently has 50 employees, including 18 sales engineers and 12 office-based sales staff. Its head office is located in Alsace, near Strasbourg. The company operates throughout France through its distribution network. ACTIVITIES Bürkert is the market leader in fluid process management. Bürkert develops products and systems used to measure, monitor, and regulate liquid and gaseous fluids. Over the years, the company’s skills centres have developed unique lines of products such as solenoid valves, process and analysis valves, pneumatic pilot valves, and sensors. Thanks to its expertise, Bürkert offers complete solutions and products based on its client’s needs for applications that include plastics, thermal, and mechanical processes. LOCATIONS Throughout France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS BURKERT CONTROMATIC FRANCE B 172 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF CAHORS GROUP- Construction of MV distribution and transformer substations and concrete building envelopes TRAINING CENTRES 33 avenue du Général Leclerc, 65203 Bagnères-de-Bigorre +33 (0)5 62 91 44 66 +33 (0)5 62 91 44 54 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED CAHORS DIVISION MOYENNE TENSION ORGANIZATION Group involved in photovoltaic power, wind power, and bioenergy. Initially an electrical engineering company, today the Cahors group is a coherent commercial and industrial entity organised around six main trades: • MV / LV transformers • Distribution, connection, and metering (of electricity, gas, and water) • MV / LV connector technology • Equipment for telecommunications networks • Cutting-edge electronics and satellite reception • Services. Cahors uses its synergy of expertise to research, design, and implement global scalable solutions to optimise energy and fluid distribution. Transfix and Pommier offer a complete line of products to connect wind turbines to public highvoltage electrical grids. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 173 SUPPLIERS Basse-Normandie / Brittany / Pays de la Loire / Poitou-Charentes : Patrice GESTIN - [email protected] Mobile : 06 85 53 83 08 Île-de-France : Cyril LAUDET - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 07 66 29 32 Haute-Normandie / Nord-Pas de Calais / Picardie : Arnaud LOT - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 42 11 68 44 Alsace / Lorraine / Champagne-Ardenne Luc GUNIA - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 79 04 02 04 Centre : Dimitri BALY - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 30 55 69 04 Rhône-Alpes / Burgundy / Auvergne / Franche-Comté : Hassan BENNOUNA - [email protected] Mobile : 06 85 22 26 88 Aquitaine / Charentes : Christophe MARTINS - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 72 27 61 66 Limousin / Midi-Pyrénées / Roussillon : Laurent LEVILLAYER - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 86 20 28 14 PACA / Languedoc : Christophe LACOMBE - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 73 68 41 04 DOM TOM : Bruno MICHEL - [email protected] - Mobile : 06 07 85 37 83 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS C CAP INGELEC Electrical connection engineering for wind turbines 47 allée des Palanques - BP12, 33127 Saint-Jean-D’Illac +33 (0)5 56 68 83 20 +33 (0)5 56 68 83 39 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1992, Cap Ingelec is an engineering firm specialising in electrical engineering. It has 250 engineers and technicians and achieved €33 billion in turnover in 2010. ACTIVITIES Cap Ingelec can handle the following operations on wind power electrical grid projects: • Pre-project design • Project design • Assistance in selecting companies to carry out the work • Management of construction work. Cap Ingelec also conducts the following types of studies and expert assessment: • Designing electrical grids (and HV/MV substations) for the connection of wind turbines to power grids, and optimising cable sections (to minimise electricity loss) • Verifying the compatibility of wind turbine electrical infrastructure with electrical grids (harmonics and flicker) • Ensuring that the quality of electricity produced by wind turbines complies with legislation • Designing voltage maps • Making electrical comparisons to verify voltage levels at each level of production (100%, 75%, 50%, etc.) • Conducting high-voltage protection selectivity studies • Conducting stability studies. Cap Ingelec draws on the knowledge of 50 experts in HV and MV electrical grids and uses the following software: • EMTP-RV ( used to create electricity simulations to optimise electrical stability • ETAP ( used to create electricity simulations to improve electrical grid design. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Champagne, Centre, Pays de la Loire, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, Rhône-Alpes, and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. 174 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED CAPELLE Special transport Mas David, 30360 Vezenobres +33 (0)4 66 25 55 00 +33 (0)4 66 25 55 09 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES Capelle specialises in transport, logistics, assembly, and access road construction. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 175 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Languedoc-Roussillon. C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES CATEXE-CATEOLE Special transport 31 rue des frères Lumière, 68000 Colmar +33 (0)3 89 41 87 10 +33 (0)3 89 24 25 87 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A team of eight to ten people working throughout France and Europe for over 25 years. ACTIVITIES Catexe Cateole is a player specialised in organising special transport, logistics, freighting, surveys, authorisations, and access studies. Alsace, Lorraine. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS C 176 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED CATHIE ASSOCIATES Offshore geotechnics and marine geoscience 1 rue de Craïova, 92000 Nanterre +33 (0)1 47 32 48 30 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES • Management of surveys (specifications, scope of work, supervision). • Desktop studies, site evaluation, cable route selection. Foundation design (feasibility, FEED, basic, detailed). • Installation engineering : pile driving or drilling analyses, cable trenching assessments. • Pile dynamic load testing, Certification dossier. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 177 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Île-de-France. C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS CEGELEC RENEWABLE ENERGIES Electrical engineering, electricity transmission and distribution, foundations 1 rond-point du Général Eisenhower - CS 40605, 31106 Toulouse cedex 1 +33 (0)5 62 87 01 28 +33 (0)5 62 87 01 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Cegelec Renewable Energies is a company in the VINCI Energies Group. The Group’s 64,000 professionals are at the service of businesses and public authorities to deploy, equip, operate and optimise their energy, transport and communications infrastructure, industrial facilities and buildings. The leader in France and a major player in Europe, VINCI Energies is present worldwide. ACTIVITIES As a general contractor, member of a consortium, or through separate contracts, Cegelec Renewable Energies makes the engineering, procurement and construction of windfarms infrastructure (electrical works LV, MV, HV, access roads and crane pads, foundations, networks and if applicable windturbine erection). Cegelec Renewable Energies works in close relationship with project developers during the permitting process, making them benefit of more than 15 years of experience (ERDF and RTE connections, contact with local authorities, infrastructure cost optimization through micrositting, support for administrative process…). For international projects, Cegelec Renewable Energies teams up with the Group’s companies and local partners to bid for important windfarms in countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Turkey, Romania etc. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS C Cegelec Renewable Energies is based in Toulouse, France, and has site managers based on windfarms under construction. This enables us to work everywhere in France and internationally thanks to the strong network provided by the VINCI Group. 178 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Immeuble Arago 1 - 41 boulevard Vauban, 78280 Guyancourt +33 (0)1 34 52 10 80 +33 (0)1 34 52 27 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION CG France (formerly PAUWELS France) has 50 employees across its 2 entities: • CG Sales Network France, based in Paris (Yvelines) and Lyons (Rhône), sells the range of CG products. • CG Services Systems France, based in Fécamp (Seine-Maritime) and Avignon (Vaucluse), provides services and maintenance for transformers. BUSINESSES SELECTED Supplier of equipment, solutions, and services - Conversion and distribution of highvoltage electricity TRAINING CENTRES CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE LOCATIONS Île-de-France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 179 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Supplier of equipment, solutions, and services for the transformation and distribution of electrical energy. CG Sales France offers: • Turnkey project solutions for transformer substations, with particular expertise in connecting onshore and offshore wind farms to the high-voltage grid • Distribution transformers, including SLIM transformers specifically for wind turbines • Power transformers • A complete line of HV and MV equipment, both conventional and shielded GISs (circuit breakers, isolators, current and voltage transformers, etc.) CG Services Systems specialises in the construction of transformer substation installations, transformer maintenance and services, and substation equipment. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED CHOMARAT Technical textiles 39 avenue des Chabannes, 07160 Le Cheylard +33 (0)4 75 29 81 00 +33 (0)4 75 29 20 12 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Chomarat is an international textile group which employs 1,500 people. The group operates on diverse markets and technologies, and is organised in three areas of activity: composites, textiles, and fashion. ACTIVITIES Chomarat develops uni- and multi-directional reinforcement using fibreglass and carbon. The reinforcements are used in the manufacture of blades and nacelles. The Chomarat group has been located in Rhône-Alpes for more than 100 years. It also operates in the United States, Tunisia, and China. Thanks to its global presence, it assists clients in their development abroad–a major advantage for markets such as wind power which are going global. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS C 180 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Mechanised welding, supports, power plant pipework 57 rue de Franche-Comté, 21760 Lamarche-sur-Saône +33 (0)3 80 77 11 00 +33 (0)3 80 77 11 03 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Cita Production is a mechanised welding company specialising in structure support. It works directly with major nuclear pipework players whose clients include Areva and EDF. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 181 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Burgundy. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED CITA PRODUCTION C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS CLM INDUSTRIE Small production runs of mechanically-welded parts and assemblies (machining, boilermaking, assembly) 3 impasse du champ chardon - Parc excellence 2000, 21800 Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur +33 (0)3 80 74 40 10 +33 (0)3 80 74 47 22 [email protected] ORGANIZATION • Small industrial OEM (having an industrial organisation with the responsiveness of a small business). • Experience working with the major energy players (such as EDF and Areva). • ISO 9001 certification v2008. • Welding qualifications. • Completely independent document management (manufacturer files). • Precise engineering. • Expertise from an integrated mechanical engineering office. • Assembly and test area. ACTIVITIES Target segment: Mechanical and mechanically-welded parts and assemblies weighing less than one tonne for small or offshore wind turbines - Prototypes, individual and small-scale production (<250 items). LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Burgundy. C 182 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF CIF DE BUSSY GROUP- Manufacture of gears, reducers, and gearboxes 36 avenue de l’Europe, Immeuble l’Etendard – BP 43, 78142 Vélizy-Villacoublay +33 (0)1 34 63 12 24 +33 (0)1 34 63 12 12 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For more than a century, CMD has been designing and producing gears, reducers, and gearboxes for low-speed, hightorque installations, including wind generators, which currently require gears several metres in diameter. The company was founded in 1901. In 2008 it achieved a turnover of €90 billion, 70% of which came from export. It has 430 employees, including 60 engineers and executives. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED CMD GEARS • Mori Seiki horizontal machining centres: Ø 1,100, length = 6,000, max. mass = 7 tonnes • BERTHIEZ TV13 vertical lathe: Ø 13,000, height = 2,700, max. mass = 70 tonnes • Internal and external gear cutting: PFAUTER P4500: Ø 4,500, module = 32, max. mass = 70 tonnes • 2 SCHIESS RF30 internal/external: Ø 12,700, module = 50, max. mass = 100 tonnes • Internal and external gear grinding: PFAUTER P4500 G, Ø 4,350, module = 46, max. mass = 40 tonnes, precision = ISO3 • KLINGELNBERG PNC260 monitoring machine: Ø 2600, module = 50, max. mass = 20 tonnes MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS 183 SUPPLIERS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Head office and plant in Cambrai (Nord), 539 avenue du Cateau, 59400 - Cambrai. Plants in Fourchambault and Guérigny (Nièvre). Subsidiaries in Germany, the United States, and Canada. Sales offices in Lille, Lyon, Rennes, and Vélizy. C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS C CMI TECH 51 PASTOR SUBSIDIARY OF CMI GROUP- Wind turbine maintenance and assessment Lot n°34 la Feuillane, 13770 Fos-sur-Mer +33 (0)4 42 40 05 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION French Société par actions Simplifiées (Simplified limited company). ACTIVITIES CMI Tech 5I Pastor is active in the onshore and offshore wind energy sector, offering a wide range of services: • Machine commissioning with help from the manufacturers • Preventive maintenance • Corrective maintenance • Predictive maintenance • Troubleshooting, repair • Vibration analysis and monitoring • Oil sample analysis • Reliability and availability analysis • End-of-warranty evaluations • Specific tasks (gearbox or generator replacement, etc.) LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. 184 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 6(59,&(6 commissioning scheduled and unscheduled maintenance fault finding fault diagnosis and trouble shooting predictive maintenance (MINT) reliability and availability analysis assessment after warranty period heavy equipment on site works such as gearboxes or generator replacement Education and training of CMI skilled technicians: CMI Services has selected and trained high level technicians a successful education of Bachelor or master in electro-mechanics is the minimum required before employment CMI Teams Strength: familiar with HSE plan and risks assessments, dully trained for: BOSIET, HUET (Opito) helicopter winching first aid working and rescue at height TRAINING CENTRES CMI teams are: CMI references Wind turbine farm operators: Belwind C-Power La Compagnie du Vent EDF EN Wind turbine manufacturers: REpower Vestas Nordex Alstom Ecotechnia Gamesa MANUFACTURERS Safety first continuous awareness of HSE rules, health safety environment and working conditions dedicated to our Client’s needs fully equipped workshops with large capacity for supporting operational teams policy of continuous training ISO 9001 certification Contact CMI Services Windturbine Technology Pole CMI Tech5i/Pastor Lot 34 La Feuillane 13770 Fos sur Mer cedex Tel: +33 4 42 40 05 00 Email: [email protected] WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 185 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Since 2008 CMI Services is active in wind turbines maintenance offshore and on shore as well supplying its customers with a wide range of high level services: JIF? AS .?=BHIFI SUPPLIERS CMI Services is involved in Wind turbines maintenance #( 1#(./, BUSINESSES SELECTED Your partner in wind turbines X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS C CMR FRANCE (Contrôle Mesure Regulation) SUBSIDIARY OF CMR GROUP- Instrumentation, engineering, industrial data processing, automation Technopole de Château Gombert - 7 rue John Maynard Keynes, 13013 Marseille +33 (0)4 91 11 37 00 +33 (0)4 91 11 37 02 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1959 in Marseille (France), CMR is an international group of 8 subsidiaries located around the world. Today, 500 people including 40 engineers develop and market in perfectly equipped premises a full range of products from sensors to complete supervision systems. CMR is ranked amongst the French 100 most successful SMEs/ETIs (according to the French “Express” magazine, ...). 8% of the turnover of CMR is dedicated to the research of new technologies whose reliability is strictly controlled by Classification Societies. Our Group is ISO 9001:2008 certified by the AFAQ Certification. CMR FAR EAST, a subsidiary of CMR Group in Singapore is specialized in the manufacture of low an medium-voltage switchboards. ACTIVITIES Design, development and marketing of a full sensor range for rotating machines, harnesses and monitoring and control/command systems meeting the requirements of the industry sector dedicated to the production of energy. Engineering is also a strong business of CMR which is able to offer solutions for monitoring, automation and supervision for end-users even in offshore or far distant areas. LOCATIONS In France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Abroad: USA, UK, Tunisia, Germany, India, China, Singapore. 186 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 18 allée de Montréal - BP439 Ville-La-Grand, 74108 Annemasse +33 (0)4 50 87 72 50 +33 (0)4 50 37 67 51 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Cobham Sliprings has been designing and manufacturing electrical slip rings since 1962. Electrical slip rings create an electrical connection between a stationary part and a rotating part in multi-turn rotations when cable transmission is not possible. Standard or custom, with or without bore. Transmission of low-level or high-frequency signals up to 500 MHz. Transmission of video, RS 422, RS 485, and Profibus signals, field networks, and ethernet. Power transmission up to several hundred amperes. Since 1997, over 35,000 wind turbines have been equipped with Cobham electrical slip rings. Wind turbine applications: • Electrical or hydraulic pitch control • Generator excitation • Transmission of power, signals, bus networks, etc. • Blade heating power supply LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Design and manufacture of electrical slip rings TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED COBHAM SLIPRINGS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 187 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS C COFELY ENDEL SUBSIDIARY OF GDF SUEZ- Industrial Maintenance and associated services Tour Voltaire - 1 place des Degrés, 92059 Paris La Défense cedex +33 (0)1 57 60 90 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ENDEL SAS is a GDF SUEZ subsidiary. ACTIVITIES French leader for industrial maintenance and associated services, and privileged partner of industrial companies, Cofely Endel pilots or accompanies complex projects in a number of different sectors. With a staff of 5,500, and more than 140 sites, the subsidiary of the Energy Services Business Line of GDF SUEZ today achieves a turnover of almost 700 million Euros. Its primary objective is to allow its clients to remain centered on their core businesses and improve the dependability and performance of their installations with an ongoing concern for safety and security. The professionalism of the Cofely Endel teams is expressed through its many specific abilities such as boiler making, electromechanical, piping, maintenance and realization engineering, project management, research and logistical skills, … To improve the industrial performance of its clients, Cofely Endel is committed to a process of energy and environmental efficiency. Its eco-solution experts are therefore available for the entire range of businesses – to analyze and meet its clients’ energy efficiency needs. Key sectors: • Aeronautics/space industry • Agro-food • Army • Wind turbines • Rail • Gas • Hydraulics • Engineering • Naval • Nuclear • Petrochemical • Pharmacy / cosmetics • Port authorities • Steel • Thermal. LOCATIONS 140 sites in France and overseas departments and territories (French Guiana & Reunion). 188 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED COFELY INEO Execution of wind farm infrastructures Tour Voltaire - 1 place des degrés, 92059 Paris La Défense [email protected] Cofely Ineo works on projects for industrial and tertiary-sector electrical installations, energy networks, public lighting, transportation and telecommunications infrastructures, overall security, energy production, information systems, and outsourcing. Cofely Ineo is part of GDF SUEZ Energy Services, european leader of multi-technical services and one of five business lines of GDF SUEZ, a leading worldwide energy company. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Cofely Ineo, GDF SUEZ, is a leading supplier of renewable energy solutions. As a wind turbine infrastructure manufacturer, Cofely Ineo provides integrated solutions from feasibility studies to grid connection. As an installer and a system integrator, Cofely Ineo designs and develops turnkey photovoltaic solutions suitable for various setup: roof-mounted solar panels or photovoltaic plants. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 189 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 300 facilities in France and 15,500 employees. C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES COLAS Construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure 7 place René Clair, 92653 Boulogne-Billancourt +33 (0)1 47 61 76 93 +33 (0)1 47 61 74 72 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The Colas group is a leader in the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructures. Colas operates in 50 countries through a network of 800 establishments and 1,400 equipment production sites. It has 66,000 employees and executes 110,000 construction sites each year, using resources from a dense network of quarries, emulsion plants, and coating sites. In 2012, Colas had a consolidated turnover of €13 billion, 42% of which came from abroad. In France, Colas operates through its 450 locations grouped in seven regional subsidiaries, as well as its subsidiary SPAC, specialised in network activities. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES C Colas has been working on construction sites for energy production (wind, solar, biomass, etc.) for several years, providing: • Know-how from its construction units in earthwork, roadways, foundations, and networks • A single contact nationwide following cases and local monitoring of the execution of your projects • The ability to conduct studies anywhere in France • A global work offer or in separate work packages • Technical solutions suitable for all types of land • Construction optimisation that meets quality standards and deadlines. Thanks to its numerous locations, Colas employs locals at all its construction sites. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. 190 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ORGANIZATION Comer Industries is a world leader in the design and production of power transmission engineering systems. The company is a player various sectors: • Agriculture • Industrial • Mobile • Energy It has 1,300 employees and turnover of more than €330 billion. Comer Industries is a reliable partner with a reputation for its continuous improvement, flexibility, rapid response to client needs, and collaboration in co-engineering projects. It has strategically-placed premises, the ability to innovate, and highly-qualified international staff. ACTIVITIES Comer Industries is a strategic partner to major manufacturers of renewable energy machines in over 60 countries around the world. Its power transmission solutions have been used by some of the world’s topmost players in wind power. Comer Industries has developed a wide range of drivetrains that set pitch, yaw, and drive in motion in wind turbines up to 10 MW. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 191 MANUFACTURERS 1 avenue Christian Doppler, 77700 Serris +33 (0)1 60 31 70 50 +33 (0)1 60 31 03 71 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Design and execution of engineering systems for power transmission SUPPLIERS SUBSIDIARY OF COMER INDUSTRIES SPA- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED COMER INDUSTRIES C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES CORDIAL SUBSIDIARY OF PROMAN- Hiring and deployment of wind turbine assembly and maintenance specialists (fixed-term and permanent contracts and temporary positions) ZI Sud-Est , Immeuble « Le Lotus » - 22 rue du Bignon, 35000 Rennes +33 (0)2 23 41 20 50 +33 (0)2 23 41 20 51 [email protected] ACTIVITIES HR management solutions: Hiring, deployment, and management of technicians. Fixed-term and permanent contracts and temporary jobs. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS National and international deployment. C 192 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of gears Zi de Tavannes - BP 50099, 55103 Verdun cedex +33 (0)3 29 84 33 89 +33 (0)3 29 84 17 99 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For 30 years, CORDM has been manufacturing straight-cut, helical, and conical gears up to 1,600 mm in diameter and a maximum module of 25. Its gears meet ISO 1328-4 standards.The company works with client drawings and can provide comprehensive manufacturing services or à la carte machining, cutting, or tooth correction only, as needed. All services are accompanied by complete quality documentation. Our head office and production facilities are located at the same site in Verdun in France. Thanks to its significant investment policy, CORDM has a newly-renovated 6,000 m2 plant equipped with around 50 cutting-edge machines. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED CORDM Quality measurement has been our top priority for many years. Our efforts are focused both on our quality management system (CORDM is ISO 9001-certified) and inspection of our products. CORDM has a three-dimensional WENZEL WGT1000 measurement centre and a facility for magnetic particle inspection and chemical attack (Nital etching) for non-destructive testing. Thanks to the quality of its products, CORDM has doubled its turnover in the past three years. It supplies gears to the some of the largest prime contractors in the world in diverse markets, including railways, wind power, crushing, heavy industry, oil and gas, tunnel boring, and mining machinery, etc. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Lorraine (Verdun). WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 193 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS C PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING Wind turbine foundation engineering 33 rue du Haut Chemin, 35780 La Richardais +33 (0)3 89 66 60 58 +33 (0)2 23 15 09 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A LLC created in 2012 and located in Dinard (Brittany). CTE WIND is part of the CTE group, based in Mulhouse (Alsace), which has been active in the wind energy sector since 2003.The corporate group owns subsidiaries in Poland (Warsaw), Germany (Freiburg im Breisgau), Portugal (Lisbon), Vietnam (Hanoï) and Brazil (Porto Alegre). CEO : Thierry Hummel. Director : Alexander Martin. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES An experienced design office specializing in the analysis and design of onshore wind turbine foundations. CTE WIND also offers consulting and expertise services for the design of foundations. Share of the wind sector in our activity: 100% Staff: 15 employees Achievements: foundation design for more than 4,800 wind turbines (8,600 MW) in more than 670 farms, in France and in over twenty countries throughout the world (Germany, Belgium, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, Vietnam etc.). Future work: reinforced concrete towers, strengthening of our activity in Eastern Europe and Africa. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS C Britanny and Alsace. 194 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 663 avenue de la première armée française ZIP Brégaillon, 83500 La Seyne-sur-Mer +33 (0)4 94 11 54 20 +33 (0)4 94 06 62 67 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Independent private company founded in 1986. Team: naval architects, structural engineers, systems engineers, hydrodynamic engineers, anchor engineers, engineers specialising in ocean and meteorology studies and designers. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS La Seyne-sur-Mer (Var) and Le Pecq (Yvelines). WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 195 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Naval architecture and marine engineering studies focusing on: • Foundations, anchors, and structures for marine renewable energy systems (wave, current, wind) • Studies of a site’s environmental conditions: analysis and processing of ocean meteorology data, statistics, and extreme conditions • Engineering for offshore construction, installation procedures, maritime capabilities • Studies of floating and bottom-fixed platforms for the offshore oil industry • Anchoring of offshore oil structures • Marine operations (marine procedures for installation and transport, maritime and mechanical tools, lifting at sea, towing) • Ship design, especially lay barges, crane sizing, and dynamic positioning • Risk studies. MANUFACTURERS Engineering office for naval architecture and marine engineering TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED D2M ENGINEERING D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES DAHER INTERNATIONAL SUBSIDIARY OF COMPAGNIE DAHER- Engineering - Manufacture - Integration - Industrial logistics 1 allée Maryse Bastié, 91325 Wissous +33 (0)1 49 75 98 47 +33 (0)1 49 75 98 33 [email protected] ACTIVITIES • Aeronautics: design - manufacture - systems integration (metal and composite expertise). • Nuclear: nuclear environment authorisations and certifications. • Consideration of safety and security and environmental impact. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Île-de-France. D 196 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Naval defence applications and energy innovation 40-42 rue du Docteur Finlay cedex 15, 75732 Paris +33 (0)1 40 59 50 00 +33 (0)1 40 59 58 75 [email protected] ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS DCNS is a world leader in the naval defence sector and an innovator in energy. An international, high-tech company, DCNS serves its clients using its exceptional expertise and unique industry capabilities. The group designs, builds, and maintains submarines and surface ships and related systems and infrastructure. It also provides services to construction sites and naval bases. DCNS also offers a wide range of energy solutions, particularly for marine renewable energy. DCNS is committed to sustainable development and was one of the first players in its sector to achieve ISO 14001 certification. DCNS was awarded France’s Trophée national de l’entreprise citoyenne (national corporate citizenship trophy under the patronage of the President of the Senate.) The prize was awarded to the company for its knowledge transfer programme ‘Les Filières du Talent DCNS’. The company has 12,000 employees and a turnover of €2.4 billion. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DCNS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 197 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES DEC+ Thermal cutting and the machining of metal components 8 rue du Creusot - BP 34, 71210 Montchanin +33 (0)3 85 80 27 49 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 6,500 m2 storage facility with 14 overhead cranes near a railway freight station. ACTIVITIES Dec+ provides computerised thermal cutting, machining and chamfering on one single machine and shot-blasting for Wind-industry companies. Burgundy. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS D 198 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 9 rue du Saule Trapu, 91882 Massy cedex +33 (0)1 60 13 81 81 +33 (0)1 60 13 81 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Established in France in 1958, DEF provides services to the fire trade for over 50 years. DEF designs, supplies, installs, commissions and services a wide range of fire detection and fire extinguishing systems. DEF’s mission is to provide you with the best fire protection solutions to “protect your future”. ACTIVITIES Fire fast “out of control” and can evolve into a catastrophy. It is the only event that has a high impact on loss of life, environmental exposure, and costs. Fire endangers the continuity of an operation and a early detection and extinguishing is the only way to prevent a fire developing into a catastrophe. As for the wind energy activity, European reference tables recommend to integrate fire safety systems in the hazardous areas such as nacelles, transformers, switchgear cabinets, and electric power stations. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 199 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS The DEF Group counts 30 companies, 1,700 employees, local branches in 8 countries and 30 local agencies in France – among with agencies dedicated to specific activities (Nuclear, Telecom, Transport and Wind Energy), 6 factories, 4 in France, 1 in Italy and 1 in China for a turnover of € 175 million in 2012. MANUFACTURERS Solutions and services for fire safety systems TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DEF D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Technical and human risk prevention 34-36 rue Alphonse Pluchet - CS 60002, 92227 Bagneux cedex +33 (0)1 55 48 22 63 +33 (0)1 55 48 23 60 [email protected] ORGANIZATION DEKRA Industrial SA is a holding grouping the various subsidiaries in the group and is a branch of the DEKRA International group dedicated to risk prevention at all project stages (design, construction, operation, and transfer). ACTIVITIES Equipment inspection, construction inspection, HSE recommendations, consulting in property matters and technical audits, property and real estate diagnostics, and management systems certification training. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS DEKRA INDUSTRIAL D 200 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 9 rue de Bourgogne, 89250 Chemilly-sur-Yonne +33 (0)3 86 40 92 10 +33 (0)3 86 40 92 15 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Delta Box is a French company specialising in the design and manufacture of aircraft warning lights. With 20 years of experience in obstacle warning lights, Delta Box’s products meet ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) guidelines.The company’s research and development department is constantly producing innovations to offer products that use the latest technology, such as LEDs and solar power. Delta Box offers four different ranges of low-, medium-, and high-intensity obstacle warning lights: • LEDEO: LED technology • SERA: Neon technology • STROBEO: Strobe technology • SOLEO: Solar technology Delta Box’s products are particularly suitable for warning lights on telecommunications towers, airport towers, buildings, cranes, wind turbines, and large civil engineering structures. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Burgundy. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 201 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Delta Box has developed a complete line of solutions for met masts (solar) and wind turbines (synchronised and with backup) that meet current regulations. All Delta Box products are certified by STAC (Service Technique de l’Aviation Civile). Delta Box’s products feature LED technology, solar-powered systems, and UPS cabinets. It offers various types of synchronisation depending on clients’ needs. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturer of aircraft warning lights TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DELTABOX-SERA D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEUBLIN SARL Precision rotating joints 61 bis avenue de l’Europe - ZAC de la Manoue, 77184 Emerainville +33 (0)1 64 61 61 61 +33 (0)1 64 61 63 64 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The Deublin group is a world leader in the manufacture of precision rotating joints. Deublin is present on every continent, with four modern production facilities and 18 subsidiaries, plus a network of exclusive distributors around the world. ACTIVITIES Thanks to its know-how, Deublin has been supplying wind turbine developers, builders, and users with: • Single- and multi-way hydraulic rotating joints • LV, MV and HV electrical slip rings • A comprehensive inventory of rotating joints and spare parts available instantly anywhere in France and abroad • Specialists to provide technical support, after-sales service, and studies to find a suitable technical solution • Repair service on-site or at our facilities. Deublin has become an essential partner to the wind power industry, with tens of thousands of rotating joints sold to first tier manufacturers. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Operating from its base in Emerainville (Seine-et-Marne), Deublin SARL delivers rotating joints and spare parts and can operate anywhere in France. D 202 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 21 rue François Garcin, 69003 Lyon +33 (0)4 27 46 22 70 +33 (0)4 27 46 22 79 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The DEWI group currently employs 160 people and has been part of the Underwriters Laboratories company since June 2012. UL is an international certification and safety body that has been in existence for over 100 years. DEWI’s parent company is located in Germany and has subsidiaries in Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Brazil, and China. ACTIVITIES As a one of the world’s leading wind energy consultants, DEWI offers all types of measurement, analysis, and study services, onshore and offshore certifications for wind turbines and other components, in-depth training, and technical and financial consulting services to wind power developers and banks. Visit our websites for more information: / / Wind measurement; studies of wind potential and forecasted resources; measurement of power curves; measurement of mechanical load; acoustic and vibration measurements; integration, quality, grid connection conditions; technical due diligence; wind turbine inspections; R&D; training and seminars; certification (DEWI-OCC) of turbines and components. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Measurements, analyses, and studies, onshore and offshore certifications TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DEWI FRANCE WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 203 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Electrotechnical engineering ZA des Alleux, 7 rue du noroît, 22100 Taden +33 (0)2 96 87 48 00 +33 (0)2 96 87 48 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A “Société Coopérative et Participative à forme anonyme” (worker cooperative in the form of a limited liability company) with variable capital. 15 employee associates. €2.5 billion in turnover. ACTIVITIES Development, studies, design, manufacture, and installation of electrical cabinets and control and command cabinets for the process industry. Commissioning. Design and construction of all kinds of systems for supervision, remote management, automation, and industrial data processing. After-sales service hotline. Sale and resale of machines, accessories, and supplies. One R&D office. LOCATIONS Head office in Dinan in Côtes-d’Armor in Brittany. Long-standing trading region: France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS DINALEC SCOP SA D 204 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Ditribution boards 16 rue des Cortots, 21121 Fontaine-lès-Dijon +33 (0)9 62 21 17 62 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The company employs 7 technicians, four of whom have 20 years of experience in industrial wiring as well as trainees on various courses. Proactive in cost estimates and production, with a 620 m2 workshop space, DM Tableaux produces small and middlesized series. LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DM TABLEAUX WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 205 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Burgundy. D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED DNV GL (ex GL GARRAD HASSAN France) Technical consultingg 69, rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris +33 (0)1 44 50 56 10 +33 (0)1 44 50 56 20 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION DNV GL is the world leader in technical consulting in the field of renewable energy. An acknowledged expert in services for the wind power industry, the company also has cutting-edge expertise in solar and marine energy. ACTIVITIES DNV GL provides assistance to project owners (developers, investors, equipment manufacturers, etc.) at all stages of their project, from initiation to operation. Development/financing: • Wind measurements (conventional, LiDAR, SoDAR) • Site identification (feasibility and impact studies) • Studies of production potential (wind, solar, ocean) • Banking audits (due diligence: review of supply, construction, and maintenance contracts) • Project audits for investors (buyers or sellers) • Complete engineering services for onshore and offshore wind farms (civil and electrical engineering, marine construction, maintenance and operation plans). Supply/construction: • Construction site management and acceptance of structures • Comprehensive project management for offshore wind farm projects. Operation: • Monitoring and optimisation of project performance, operation audits • Commissioning and end-of-warranty inspections, routine inspections • Power curve measurements • Measurement of electrical and acoustic properties • Short-term projections of renewable energy production. Manufacturing: • Machine design (wind turbines, hydro-kinetic) and monitoring systems. Training, strategy and policy studies, market studies. Software: WindFarmer (for wind farm design), Bladed (to model wind turbines), SCADA (for supervisory control and data acquisition during operation). SUPPLIERS LOCATIONS D Île-de-France. 206 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Designer and manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic systems, piston accumulators, and Jarret Structures shock absorbers 2 rue de l’Industrie - BP 20213, 80303 Albert cedex +33 (0)3 22 74 31 00 +33 (0)3 22 74 78 43 [email protected] ACTIVITIES A prototype for a retractable wind turbine is currently being tested. Douce-Hydro designs and manufactures counterweight and lifting cylinders. LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DOUCE-HYDRO SAS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 207 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Picardy. D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES DUFF NORTON EUROPE Manufacture of rotating joints and check valves 45 route nationale, 02310 Romeny-sur-Marne +33 (0)3 23 70 70 00 +33 (0)3 23 70 70 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The company was founded in 1927 under the name Raccord Gautier but became Duff Norton Europe in 1998 when it was bought by the Colombus McKinnon group. Its production facilities and head office are based in Romeny-surMarne in Aisne. Duff Norton Europe has about 30 employees and makes 50% of its turnover from export, mostly within Europe. The Duff Norton subsidiary based in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the US has helped strengthen the company’s world presence. Duff Norton Europe is a manufacturer of rotating unions, swivel joints, and check valves.The experience of its sales and technical teams, backed by the engineering office, allow it to conduct studies and offer specific solutions according to clients’ needs. LOCATIONS Picardy, Languedoc-Roussillon. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES D 208 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Transport and handling 21-23 route de Bourbourg, 59380 Spycker +33 (0)3 28 25 36 22 +33 (0)3 28 60 37 97 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Dufour Transports et Manutentions SA owns France’s largest fleet of high-capacity construction cranes on the wind power sector: • Lattice boom crawler cranes (all types up to 600 tonnes) • Lattice boom wheel cranes (all types up to 750 tonnes) • Wheel cranes with telescopic boom (all types up to 700 tonnes) TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED DUFOUR Dufour Transports et Manutentions SA specialises in crane operations, transport of indivisible parts, and wind turbine assembly. It has lifting cranes and cranes that can lift nacelles to great heights, suitable for wind turbine dimensions. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 209 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES D PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED EADS ASTRIUM Design and manufacture of wind turbine blades and related solutions Avenue du Général Niox - BP 20011, 33165 Saint-Médard-en-Jalles +33 (0)5 56 57 30 00 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION E Astrium is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the EADS group. It is dedicated to civil and military space systems and services and launched a Wind Energy entity five years ago. ACTIVITIES Using its experience and expertise in the space sector, EADS Astrium develops innovative solutions for the wind power sector. It designs differentiating technologies, provides maintenance support, and offers solutions to optimise energy production for manufacturers of wind turbines and wind farm operators.To guarantee the reliability and competitiveness of its services, EADS Astrium focuses its innovation on engineering activities (development and industrialisation of new blades or kits for specific issues, analyses of blades damaged in operation, etc.) while aiming for optimisation of the entire system. EADS Astrium provides clients with services they can trust and helps clients stay ahead of the competition: • Design of light, reliable blades • Licences for innovative solutions for specific needs: as lightning protection, blades with low radar interference, and blades with linkages • Manufacture of prototype and pre-series blades • Optimisation, automation, and reliability-improvement in blade manufacturing processes (production lines, tools and processes) • Non-destructive inspection methods for blades on-site or coming off the production line • Optimised wind farm operation solutions and energy storage management. EADS Astrium also has a dedicated industrial site that can be used as needed for additional high-quality production. LOCATIONS Aquitaine. 210 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacturer of equipment for special machines 100 rue Chalant, 59790 Ronchin +33 (0)3 20 88 70 70 +33 (0)3 20 88 70 99 [email protected] [email protected] ORGANIZATION • 500-person site: Design, support, project management, and machine installation at the client’s site • 250-person workshop: Scheduling, supplies, methods, project management, manufacturing and testing, quality, and ESS • 8 subsidiaries with 250 employees: UAE, India, China, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, South Africa, Mozambique. ACTIVITIES • Steel plate cutting machines (plasma, laser, oxy-acetylene) • Manual and automated welding, machining, painting/shotblasting, assembly (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, automation) and operational testing • Parts from 15 kg to 50 tonnes with 47 bridge cranes from 5 to 50 tonnes; 60 davit arms. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 211 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF RIO TINTO ALCAN- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ECL E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES EDF EN SERVICES SUBSIDIARY OF EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES- Operation, Maintenance 10 rue de la Jasse -ZA Viargues, 34440 Colombiers +33 (0)4 67 09 82 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Energies Nouvelles, EDF EN Services operates and maintains green power plants in Europe for EDF EN and for third parties. The activity groups over 350 specialists dedicated to operation, maintenance, and engineering services. EDF EN Services operates 1,261 MW of power through strategic partnerships with the players in the sector. EDF EN Services has achieved certification for ISO 9001 (quality management), OHSAS 18001 (health and safety), and ISO 14001. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Safety • Industrial risk management • Safety inspections, supervision and performance monitoring • 24/7 access control (for plants and substations) • Remote systems reboots • Grid manager relations • Troubleshooting • Preventive and corrective maintenance • Replacement of major wind farm components • On-call 7 days a week • Engineering • Cutting-edge expertise in mechanics, electricity, and automation • End-of-warranty wind farm inspections • Resources • Qualified personnel trained by the company • A cutting-edge monitoring centre for remote control of equipment, data analysis, support to teams on the ground • Local maintenance offices to optimise lifespan and reduce production losses. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS E Colombiers (Languedoc-Roussillon, head office), Saint-Gilles (Brittany), Caen (Lower Normandy), Saint-Quentin (NordPas de Calais), Toul (Lorraine), Salles-Curan (Midi-Pyrénées), Eyguilles (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), Fresnay-l’Évêque (Centre), Losses (Aquitaine). 212 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Geotechnical surveys and foundations 6 rue des Essarts, 38610 Gières +33 (0)4 76 42 63 69 +33 (0)4 76 42 63 70 [email protected] ORGANIZATION EG Sol was founded in 1993 when it set up its first office near Grenoble. ACTIVITIES EG Sol specialises in geotechnics, geology, project management of special foundation projects, the environment, and expert assessment. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED EG SOL WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 213 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France, Lower Normandy, Brittany, Poitou-Charentes, Rhône-Alpes, Languedoc-Roussillon, and Provence-AlpesCôte d’Azur. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF EIFFAGE- Construction - Civil engineering 6 rue Jean Rostand - BP 242, 76142 Le Petit-Quevilly cedex +33 (0)2 35 58 82 00 +33 (0)2 35 68 12 49 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Within the Eiffage group, France’s third largest and Europe’s sixth largest group in the building and public works sector, Eiffage Construction combines all the trades related to urban development, real estate, construction, operations, maintenance, and facility management. LOCATIONS Le Havre - Rouen - Caen. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION HAUTE NORMANDIE E 214 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 Eiffage Construction Métallique is a subsidiary of the Eiffage group. Its historical metal construction business activities include building, civil engineering structures, mechanical construction, boilermaking, industrial plants, and turnkey contracts for various sectors, including the offshore industry. Eiffage Construction Métallique is present in France with over 20 industrial sites and numerous construction sites, including one construction site on the Mediterranean coast at Fos-sur-Mer mainly dedicated to the offshore industry and the construction of wind turbine masts. ACTIVITIES Backed by years of experience and its engineering resources, Eiffage Construction Métallique has the capacity to develop any onshore or offshore project. Its manufacturing capabilities, skills, and expertise are recognised in major projects, such as the Millau viaduct, which required 40,000 tonnes of steel, and in marine projects such as references acquired in construction and installation in the offshore oil sector. Eiffage Construction Métallique has all the skills and resources necessary to undertake major construction on land and offshore requiring considerable resources. In 2007, Eiffage Construction Métallique built a plant entirely dedicated to the construction of metal masts. The plant has a capacity of 80 masts per year. The company recently expanded its onshore expertise to offshore applications by acquiring the Smulders group. With over 10 years of experience, Smulders has manufactured over 950 steel foundations for offshore wind turbines and is a world leader in this sector. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 215 BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES 48/50 rue de Seine, 92707 Colombes cedex +33 (0)1 47 60 47 00 +33 (0)1 47 60 47 05 MANUFACTURERS Construction of foundations, masts, and electrical substations for offshore wind farms DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUBSIDIARY OF EIFFAGE- SUPPLIERS EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF VINCI CONSTRUCTION- Offshore Installation, equipment supplier, port operator, more products service 2 boulevard de l’Europe - CS 10128, 44603 Saint-Nazaire cedex +33 (0)2 40 11 29 00 +33 (0)2 40 11 29 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Foundations, port infrastructure, and service vessels, 250 floating units: jack-up platforms, floating cranes, dippers, suction dredgers, multicats, and barges. Foundation equipment: cranes, drills, hydraulic drills, vibrodrills, rock-breaking masts, etc. ACTIVITIES Dredging and rock-breaking with and without explosives. Maritime, subaquatic, and river construction work: sheet pile driving, bridge construction, jetties. Handling and installation of pre-fabricated items. Installation of sealines and underwater outlet pipes. LOCATIONS Pays de la Loire. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS EMCC E 216 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Ester Technopole - 1 avenue d’Ester, 87069 Limoges +33 (0)5 55 36 28 39 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For more than seven years, the engineering office of Encis Energies Vertes SAS and its independent, multi-disciplinary team have been providing reliable, high-quality expert assessment of wind power potential to determine the production of future wind farms. ACTIVITIES Encis Energies Vertes uses its expertise in renewable energy technical engineering to serve public and private project owners. Its primary wind power services include: • Wind studies (collecting and analysing meteorological data, extrapolating this in the long-term, and modelling wind resources) • Calculations of production potential and optimising wind farm energy • Financial simulations • Technical and financial feasibility studies • Wind farm safety reports MANUFACTURERS Technical and environmental engineering TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ENCIS ÉNERGIES VERTES LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 217 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Head office in Limoges, Encis Energies Vertes’ team operates throughout France. E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES ENCIS WIND Wind measurement - Aircraft warning lights 17 rue Charles Lindbergh, Parc d’activités d’Océalim, 87270 Couzeix +33 (0)5 55 489 490 +33 (0)5 55 489 321 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Encis Wind offers project developers and wind farm operators turnkey installations of wind measurement masts. Encis Wind also supplies and installs Obelux LED night-time aircraft warning light systems on all types of structures. Lights are available in all intensities and are STAC-certified. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS The company is based in Limousin but operates throughout France, in neighbouring countries, and further abroad. E 218 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS High-pressure hydraulics 32 avenue de la Baltique, 91140 Villebon-sur-Yvette +33 (0)1 60 13 68 68 +33 (0)1 69 20 37 50 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Enerpac is the undisputed world leader in high-powered tools and equipment used on the industrial market. ACTIVITIES Always at the cutting edge of technology, Enerpac has developed a range of products and solutions for the wind power industry. Manufacturers of wind turbines and parts, installers, and maintenance and servicing providers can all count on Enerpac for practical solutions. With its experience in products for the oil and gas industry, Enerpac provides appropriate, sought-after solutions for both onshore and offshore installations. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 219 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF ACTUANT CORPORATION- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ENERPAC E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of wind turbines with a power rating of less than 36 kW 2 ZA La Cigalière, 84250 Le Thor +33 (0)4 90 31 28 16 +33 (0)4 90 31 29 11 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Eole System is a French company founded in 2008. It is located in the Rhône valley, one of the windiest regions in Europe. Eole System has invested heavily in R&D to develop simple, innovative products that are robust and reliable. The company has an engineering office that can develop custom wind turbines for specific applications. It also designs and builds helicopter blades, offering complete control of the aerodynamics and composite materials. ACTIVITIES Currently, Eole System’s catalogue features two wind turbine models: a 3 kW turbine 4.10 m in diameter, and a 10 kW turbine 8 m in diameter. Eole System designs and develops wind turbines. Blades are manufactured and assembled at its facilities. The company uses local suppliers (machiners, boilermakers, etc.) and works directly with installers, providing them with all the materials necessary to complete an installation. Eole also trains installers in how to install and maintain its equipment. LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Vaucluse). SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS EOLE SYSTEM E 220 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED EOLECLEAN Waste collection and management, clean-up Rue de la Fère, 02100 Neuville-Saint-Amand +33 (0)3 23 09 98 63 +33 (0)9 71 70 63 77 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION • Teams of technicians and engineers • Installation of containers for special waste • Establishment of comprehensive clean-up procedures (technical, operational, and administrative aspects). ACTIVITIES Collection and management of waste from renewable sources, including wind power waste. Clean-up of wind farm sites, collection and processing of photovoltaic panels. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 221 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Picardy. E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES EOLTECH Wind energy expert 39 chemin de Fournaulis, 31170 Tournefeuille +33 (0)5 61 15 44 13 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Established in 2002, Eoltech is an independent consultancy whose core business is focused on the analysis of the wind resource. With over 10 years experience in this field, our company has expanded its range of services and is now the leading French player in this market. Totally independent from any project development, Eoltech is a trusted third party and thus meets the requirement of independence which is necessary in the financing phase of wind projects. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES E From the assessment of the theoretical wind energy potential in the development phase of a project to the re-analysis of the production data of wind farms in operation, Eoltech offers a wide range of services all related to the assessment of the wind resource and the associated risks. • Measurement and analysis of wind data, • Assessment of wind potential in the development phase, • Re-evaluation of wind potential of operating parks, • Pre-diagnosis of operating wind farms, • Control of the overall performance of operating parks, • Estimation of the impact of project specific curtailments (noise, bats, etc.), • Training. These areas of expertise are offered to our clients mainly through technical assistance, audits and due diligence. Whether on the French territory or abroad, Eoltech has gained significant experience with more than 5 GW of wind projects analyzed for major players in the energy sector. Over 1.5 GW of these parks are currently in operation. LOCATIONS Midi-Pyrénées / France. 222 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Design and construction of small wind turbines Route de la Châtaigneraie, 85120 Saint-Hilaire-de-Voust +33 (0)2 51 50 10 99 +33 (0)2 51 00 50 38 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SAS (simplified private limited company) with a capital of €100,000. ACTIVITIES Eolys Ressources et Energies is a manufacturer of wind turbines under 36 kW. Its product line is called ‘La Métronome’. The company has three products: La Métronome 6 kW, La Métronome 12 kW and La Métronome 36 kW. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS BUSINESSES SELECTED SUBSIDIARY OF BOUY AUSARE- TRAINING CENTRES EOLYS RESSOURCES ET ENERGIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 223 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS EPSILON COMPOSITE Manufacture of carbon-fibre parts 5 route de Hourtin - BP 30 052, 33340 Gaillan-en-Médoc +33 (0)5 56 73 47 74 +33 (0)5 56 73 40 80 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Epsilon Composite has its head office in Gaillan-en-Médoc (33) in France, and has a young, dynamic team of 150 employees (10% of whom work in innovation).The company has a worldwide market, with a turnover of €18 million in 2008, 80% of which came from abroad (> 30% from Japan and 25% from Germany). ACTIVITIES Epsilon Composite is the world leader in the pultrusion of carbon-fibre shapes for diverse industries, including niche markets, energy with offshore oil drilling and wind energy, civil engineering, and more. Epsilon Composite is expert in the techniques of carbon fibre and epoxy resin pultrusion and pullwinding, and in various bonding and assembly techniques. With 20 pultrusion lines, Epsilon Composite produces more than 3.5 million metres of round technical profiles per year, (Ø 6 to 200 mm tubes in standard production and solid rods Ø 6 to 25 mm), square tubes (30 x 30 mm to 101 x 101 mm), flat bars 30 to 200 mm long and 1.2 to 4 mm thick, parts made from these bars and special profiles in various shapes. Epsilon Composite also includes HS, IM, HM, and UHM products (up to 450 GPa for some). LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Aquitaine. E 224 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Cap Alpha - Avenue de l’Europe, 34830 Clapiers +33 (0)4 67 59 30 35 +33 (0)9 81 70 30 65 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Erneo is an SAS (simplified private limited company) founded in 2009 by three doctors of electrical engineering. The company stands out for its extraordinary ability to innovate. Backed by its experience in electric motors for cutting-edge applications, such as aeronautics, Erneo has been developing high-performance magnetic generators since 2010 for the renewable energy sector. Its patented technology has received multiple national awards, including one from a competition held by the Ministry of Research and one from the Tremplin PME competition. BUSINESSES SELECTED Manufacture of permanent magnet generators for small wind turbine applications TRAINING CENTRES ERNEO Erneo designs and manufactures permanent magnet generators for small wind turbine applications. It offers direct drive generators between 2 and 50 kW. Generators are sold in kits or assembled. Erneo offers customisation (adaptation of mechanical interfaces and voltage levels) for perfect integration into various types of wind turbines. Our generators are characterised by their high level of output, compactness, reduced use of materials and high reliability. They are simple to connect and unlike other products existing on the market, can operate on both active rectifiers and simple passive rectifiers without affecting performance. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 225 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Languedoc-Roussillon. E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS ETAIR MEDITERRANEE Maintenance of wind turbine blades 2 rue Lucien Vidie, 66600 Rivesaltes +33 (0)4 68 52 88 15 +33 (0)4 68 63 54 51 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ETAIR Méditerranée is a SARL founded over 10 years ago. It has 47 employees working on difficult-to-access sites, including 12 specialists in wind turbine blade maintenance. ACTIVITIES • Interior and exterior inspections and diagnostics of blades. • Repair of composites (fibreglass, carbon, polyester, epoxy). • Interior and exterior cleaning of masts, blades, and nacelles. • Access methods: 2 cable platforms, ropes, telescopes, and drones. • Electrical inspections of lightning arresters. Assistance assembling wind turbines. • Regular preventive inspections. Laying of life lines (cables, rails, etc.) • Work in confined spaces. Fast response to lightning damage. • Lashing of rotors and blades to the ground. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Languedoc-Roussillon. E 226 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED ETHM SUBSIDIARY OF FIPAM GROUP- Supply of harbour equipment TRAINING CENTRES 1 avenue du président Georges Pompidou, 92500 Rueil Malmaison +33 (0)6 07 04 43 02 +33 (0)1 41 39 22 57 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SARL with a capital of €7,000. Part of the FIPAM group (financial company of shareholders). ACTIVITIES Specialist in mooring calculations for the definition and supply of fenders and mooring systems. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 227 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France, Upper Normandy, Lower Normandy. The FIPAM group has locations in the Paris and Normandy region via its shipyards. E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF CHARIER- Civil works, foundations, maintenance 1 rue de la mer - ZI Caen Canal, 14550 Blainville-sur-Orne +33 (0)2 31 72 35 37 +33 (0)2 31 72 64 62 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ETV is the subsidiary of Charier specialising in civil works. ACTIVITIES ETV specialises in structural engineering, maritime construction work, driven foundations, industrial civil works, and more recently, the construction of wind turbine foundations. LOCATIONS Lower Normandy. Operation in a 600 km radius. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ETV E 228 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES Composites, p mechanical pprojects, j engineering, g g R&D 2 rue de la Fonderie, 44470 Carquefou +33 (0)2 51 70 04 94 +33 (0)2 51 70 05 83 [email protected] LOCATIONS Pays de la Loire. Head office and most subsidiaries are located in Carquefou (Loire-Atlantique). WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 229 MANUFACTURERS • Composites Department: With the help of its engineering department, Europe Technologies develops parts made of composite materials for its clients. Working together with the client, the company determines the best materials and manufacturing processes to use and tests the outcome by building prototypes and creating a validation plan. Europe Technologies also repairs parts made of composite materials. It has a department specialised in machining assessment and in-house equipment for metal and composite-material parts, providing clients with turnkey solutions for machining optimisation, programming, monitoring systems, and vibration analysis systems. Its instrumentation solutions and vibration analysis solutions allow you to monitor the operation of a machine’s moving mechanical systems in real time to help reduce maintenance operations. • Technology Department: Europe Technologies’ impact surface treatment (an innovative, patented ultrasonic process) helps extend the lifespan of metal parts and structures subject to harsh conditions. Shot-peening is used on mechanical parts subject to high stress, new parts, or as preventive maintenance (e.g. turbine parts, gears, shafts, etc.) Hammering welds helps put a finish on mechanically-welded structures, thus improving their resistance to the environment. • Mechanics Department: The mechanics division has methods and industrial means for the industrialisation of composite and metal parts (definition of the machining procedure, cutting tools, fitting tools, and programming). Europe Technologies has the facilities to machine large-scale items (X=8 m Y=3 m Z=2 m, for lifting of 30 tonnes) for the production of parts and tools made of metal or composite materials. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ACTIVITIES SUPPLIERS The Europe Technologies group is comprised of three divisions–Composites, Mechanical projects, and Technology–and works in various wind power sectors. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION E PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS FAUCHE AUTOMATION AQUITAINE SUBSIDIARY OF JP FAUCHE GROUP- High- and low-current industrial electricity, process and automation, energy, maintenance ZI Pessac Canéjean - 9 rue Jean Perrin, 33600 Pessac +33 (0)5 57 26 67 80 +33 (0)5 57 26 67 89 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The JP Fauché group has been working in four areas of activity for over 45 years: industrial electricity, processes, energy, and maintenance. JP Fauché is a particularly well-known player in the design and construction of all types of power plant, including biogas cogeneration plants, photovoltaic power plants and wind farms. JP Fauché has all the experience and expertise necessary to execute turnkey industrial projects. In 2008, it had a turnover of €165 million. ACTIVITIES JP Fauché is a service provider to many prime contractors in a wide range of activities including aeronautics, the military, hospitals, major retailers, hotels, and agrifood business. It is heavily involved in the development of renewable energy, especially wind energy. It is an expert in building and maintaining facilities for distributing wind-generated electricity, including supplies of delivery substations, inter-turbine cables, mast foot cubicles, and dry-type transformers. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS F The JP Fauché group currently has over 1,000 employees across 35 sites in France and Poland. Fauché Automation Aquitaine has locations in Pessac (Gironde) and Dax (Landes) and is one of the subsidiaries specialising in wind power. 230 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED FAVIER TPL Manufacture of insulatingg sheaths Le Bourg, 63480 Bertignat +33 (0)4 73 82 12 93 +33 (0)4 73 82 20 62 [email protected] ACTIVITIES In terms of electromechanical engineering applied to the wind power industry, Favier TPL’s sheaths are used in particular in alternators, transformers, and electrical cabinets to provide dielectric, thermal, and mechanical protection for winding outlets and cable bundles. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 231 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Favier TPL has a subsidiary in the US and a network of agents in numerous countries. MANUFACTURERS With over 80 years of experience in the manufacture of braided insulating sheaths, Favier TPL is one of the European leaders in this field. 65% of its production is exported to 40 countries around the world. The main areas of application for its products are electromechanics, household appliances, vehicles, lighting, railways, and metallurgy, etc. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of wind turbine blades Hangar d’Afrique - Quai du Maroc, 76200 Dieppe +33 (0)5 55 10 05 80 +33 (0)5 55 10 05 81 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SARL (French limited liability company) ACTIVITIES • Manufacture of wind turbine blades for onshore and offshore activities • ‘One-set’ technology to create a blade as a single piece • Optimisation of lifespan and reliability, and costs over the life-cycle (maintenance) reduced by up to 20% • Refitting and repowering of blades no longer being made LOCATIONS Located in Upper Normandy in Dieppe Port. Blades can be built near construction sites. Innovative technology allows manufacturing sites to be built at low cost. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS FDKOMPOSITES F 232 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Geotechnics BP 767, 84035 Avignon cedex 9 +33 (0)4 90 31 23 96 +33 (0)4 90 32 59 83 [email protected] ORGANIZATION FONDASOL, the leader in French geotechnics, can leverage over 50 years of experience in the field. FONDASOL is an independent engineering office with 485 employees. It conducts nearly 8,000 geotechnical surveys every year. Since 2001, all of its investigations and engineering studies have been conducted in accordance with ISO 9001 quality management processes certified by Bureau Veritas Certification. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED FONDASOL FONDASOL’s engineers, experts, and teams are located in 27 local offices throughout France. Each office works with one of three regional management departments in Lyon, Nantes, or Nice. Its International Studies Management team in Avignon can help you with your projects abroad. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 233 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS With more than 3,000 wind turbine studies conducted since 2005 (in mission G11, G12, G2, and G4), FONDASOL has become an essential partner to wind power companies. With its experience in geotechnics which affects all areas of the construction industry and land-use planning, FONDASOL has a thorough understanding of soil dynamics and has developed expertise specific to wind turbines. FONDASOL is composed of a team of 110 experts and engineers which relies on a dynamic, efficient organisation structure to provide clients with top-notch services: a scientific and technical department, a geophysics and geology department, a department for complex investigations, and four laboratories (soil identification, mechanical testing and testing on concrete, rocks, and aggregate, etc.). FONDASOL can help you. FONDASOL’s engineers assist clients at every stage of their project to solve any kind of geotechnical issue: pre-project and project studies, geotechnical surveys and monitoring during execution, geotechnical supervision during execution and geotechnical diagnostics. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Earthworks, access roads, and wind turbine foundations Site Agroparc Bât. C1 - 200 rue Michel de Montaigne BP 41223, 84911 Avignon cedex 9 +33 (0)4 32 74 15 60 +33 (0)4 32 74 06 22 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Fondasolutions is an independent company specialising in the construction of foundations for wind turbines. ACTIVITIES Founded in February 2004, Fondasolutions is the French arm of Schmees Bau in Germany, which has been an integral part of the wind industry for over 10 years. The company has built more than 500 foundations in Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, and France. Fondasolutions can handle any project and provides comprehensive civil engineering services: access roads, platforms, excavations, and foundations. Fondasolutions has developed a special formwork system for its clients’ wind turbine foundations which saves time during assembly but still allows the use of uses concrete and steel rebars. LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS FONDASOLUTIONS F 234 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 82 avenue de Bammental, 51130 Vertus +33 (0)3 26 53 21 96 +33 (0)3 26 53 02 03 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The product of a Franco-German partnership, Fondéole SAS has been operating in France since 2006.The combination of its expertise and the experience of its founders makes Fondéole a sound value in wind power civil engineering. ACTIVITIES Fondéole offers a global service for all wind turbine infrastructures and all types of machines. Its solutions are designed to meet wind turbine developers’ budgets and deadlines. Its integrated engineering office develops projects anywhere in France and now also in Eastern Europe.The company operates in three main areas: foundation construction, roadway construction, and the installation of buried networks. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 235 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Fondéole is located in Champagne-Ardenne and has helped install more than 200 wind turbines in France, for a total of approximately 500 MW of power. MANUFACTURERS Foundation work, roadways, and buried networks TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED FONDEOLE F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Anticorrosion zinc and aluminum anodes manufacturing - alloys trading 201 rue Jean Jaures, 56600 Lanester +33 (0)2 97 76 14 81 +33 (0)2 97 76 65 12 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Zinc and aluminum foundry since 1987, foundry Hellin is specialized in casting of corrosion protection pieces for submerged structures, also materials and alloys trading for mechanical workshops. ACTIVITIES Welded and bolted zinc and aluminum anodes manufacturing (supply vessels and pleasure boats, offshore wind turbines structures, subsea pipes). Copper and copper alloys trading activity: bronze (UE7, UE12), aluminum bronze, brass, copper. LOCATIONS Brittany, Finistère. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS FONDERIE HELLIN F 236 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Forged and seamless rolled rings 4 rue Jules Campagne, 59330 Hautmont +33 (0)327 697 373 +33 (0)327 697 385 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With 3 production plants, Forgital Group is leader on the market of seamless rolled rings. We are producing rings from 300 mm to 8,200 mm with a maximum weight of 45 tons. We can supply rings in steel, stainless steel, super alloys, aluminium, titanium etc… We can also deliver rings up to 12.000 mm diameter made from forged segments. ACTIVITIES We can deliver flanges for wind mills towers, either rough rolled or fully machined and drilled. Our metalurgical expertise enables us to offer you the grade and the heat treatment condition which will answer your technical requirements. We also produce rings for gear boxes. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 237 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Forgital Dembiermont 59330 Hautmont, Forgital Italie 36010 Seghe di Velo, Forgital FMDL 42500 Le Chambon-Feugerolles. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF FORGITAL GROUP- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED FORGITAL DEMBIERMONT S.A.S F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Lifting - Industrial maintenance - Industrial pipework - Industrial cleaning - Modular construction - Logistics & storage 530 rue Mayor de Montricher - PA Les Milles, 13798 Aix-en-Provence cedex 3 +33 (0)4 42 24 57 57 +33 (0)4 42 24 57 76 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 1,800 employees, with 450 in the Lifting/Handling/Transport department. ACTIVITIES FOSELEV has developed a special offer for the “Wind Power” sector. FOSELEV offers a fully integrated service, including lifting, installing and assembling parts, performed by highly-qualified, skilled workers. LOCATIONS Network of 64 offices (France and export). SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS FOSELEV F 238 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF PELICAN VENTURE- Manufacturer of masts, foundation pparts and internal pparts for wind turbines 100 allée Hubert Curien - Espace Harfleur 2000, 71200 Le Creusot +33 (0)385 779 800 +33 (0)385 779 810 [email protected] ORGANIZATION FrancEole is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pelican Venture. A French family holding based in Paris, Pelican Venture supplies equipment for the energy markets with top-ranking companies in their cutting-edge activities. FrancEole has two dedicated production sites and is France’s top provider of masts and foundation parts for wind turbines. With the support of Pelican Venture, FrancEole has set up an organisation giving it sufficient operational autonomy to satisfy the market, involving on-going professional training for its teams, quality initiatives and certifications. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED FRANCEOLE Île-de-France, Burgundy. Head office in Paris and with both of its production sites located in Burgundy [Creusot (Saôneet-Loire) and Longvic (Côte-d’Or), near Dijon], FrancEole is conveniently located near its clients and their projects, as well as being near a historic steel centre for the qualification of its personnel. The company’s location allows it to work on wind turbine projects and constructions anywhere in France and neighbouring countries. Contact: Mathias Regnier: +33 671 328 431, [email protected] WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 239 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS Since 2003, FrancEole’s production sites have been manufacturing masts, foundation parts and internal parts for wind turbines using its skill and expertise in steelworking. From delivery of the raw materials to when the masts are handed over to the clients, FrancEole manages the purchase, manufacture, assembly, protection, and design of the internal equipment for the segments in accordance with clients’ specifications while offering an unbeatable level of quality control. With its dedicated, specialised teams of nearly 200 qualified staff and large-scale equipment, FrancEole can produce 600 finished, ready-to-install mast segments each year. Thanks to its experience and the engineering office abilities, FrancEole provides consulting services, optimises design, and supplies and assembles the internal parts on its production of masts and for external demand. FrancEole understands its customers’ needs, providing them with a quick-response unit specialising in on-demand construction site services, including expert assessment, inspections, adjustments, internal and external repairs, painting touch-ups, and more. Major builders and budding companies alike trust FrancEole with their projects. To date, FrancEole has built nearly 2,500 mast segments that have been erected in France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, and England. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES F PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES FRANKI FONDATION SUBSIDIARY OF FAYAT GROUP- Special foundations 9-11 rue Gustave Eiffel, 91350 Grigny +33 (0)1 69 54 21 00 +33 (0)1 69 54 21 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Franki Foundation is one of the four companies making up the Foundations Division of the Fayat Group, the other companies being Sefi-Intrafor, Sotraisol, and Sols et Fondations. Through these companies, the Fayat group offers a complete range of technical solutions for all types of foundations and soil consolidation work (piles, micropiles, supports, diaphragm walls and beams, injections and jet grouting, quarry consolidation, drilling, etc.). The teams from Franki Foundation operate in the field of special foundations providing a full range of piles, supports, and soil reinforcement techniques. Franki also has an engineering office that uses the latest technology to develop reliable, economic solutions, and a materials centre that designs and adapts tools to the needs of particular projects. LOCATIONS Île-de-France, Upper Normandy, Pays de la Loire, Franche-Comté, Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES F 240 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Specialised in geophysics, G-tec has been a player at world level since 1993, assisting clients with risk management by executing investigations on sites to allow decisions to be made concerning major land-development projects. G-tec currently has over 50 engineering geologists, geophysicists, electronics engineers, oceanologists, and biologists. ACTIVITIES G-tec is an engineering office specialising in geophysical exploration, assistance, and consulting. It is an expert in using and adapting the various methods to respond to all structural issues and issues concerning the determination of soil and seabed subsoil characteristics. Throughout wind turbine projects, G-tec responds to needs concerning knowledge of the seabed: • Magnetometry and gradiometry: detection of UXO, wrecks, and cables • Seismic refraction: characterisation, compactness and rippability of materials • Seismic reflection: structure of geological layers • Single- and multibeam bathymetry: morphology of ocean floors • Sidescan sonar: cartography of the properties of ocean floors • Design, supervision, and analysis of geotechnical surveys • Drilling inspections • Underwater imaging • 4D sonar imaging: for monitoring and positioning during construction • Impact studies and compilation of regulatory documentation • Environmental monitoring. G-tec owns its own equipment and vessels. The company is ISO 9001:2008 certified and is in the process of becoming OHSAS 14001 certified. LOCATIONS Upper Normandy. Dieppe, Le Havre, Rouen, and the Paris area. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 241 MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 120 boulevard Amiral Mouchez, 76087 Le Havre cedex +33 (0)2 35 24 76 17 +33 (0)9 72 11 68 21 [email protected] SUPPLIERS Geophysics, geological engineering, hydrography, and environmental surveys TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED G-TEC SA G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS GANTOIS SA Manufacture of metal cloth and fabric, perforated plates, netting, and formed products BP 307, 88105 Saint-Dié-des-Vosges cedex +33 (0)3 29 55 21 43 +33 (0)3 29 55 37 29 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 520 employees at 2 production sites. 6 business activities: • Weaving and forming • Perforated sheets for industry • Equipment for industry and for quarries • Fencing and protection for local authorities • Architecture and the building sector • Distribution ACTIVITIES Blade de-icing • Lightening protection • Electromagnetic compatibility • Electrical conductivity • Climbing safety • Perimeter protection. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France • Lyon • St-Priest • Rennes • l’Hermitage • Lille • Wasquehal • Marseille • Bordeaux • Mérignac. G 242 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 1 rue John H. Patterson, 91345 Massy cedex +33 (0)1 77 31 20 00 sofi[email protected] ORGANIZATION GE’s Power Conversion business uses its expertise in power conversion systems to help drive the electric transformation of the world’s energy infrastructure. We design and supply advanced products and systems to improve industrial processes for a cleaner, more productive future. Power Conversion supplies specialised sectors such as energy, marine applications, industry and related services. We provide cutting-edge technology using rotating machinery, frequency converters and automation systems to serve the energy sector, including oil and gas, energy production, and renewable energy. ACTIVITIES GE Energy’s Power Conversion unit is a world leader in converters for the wind power sector, having equipped over 25 GW of turbines. It is also a specialist in wind generators–mainly permanent magnet generators–of varying speeds, from very low speed (direct drive) to standard- and medium-speed (hybrid) wind generators. Besides supplying products, Power Conversion can help you optimise both the entire powertrain and the quality of the energy produced, and thanks to its engineering expertise, it can adapt wind farms to grid codes. Its innovations include high-temperature superconductivity prototypes. BUSINESSES SELECTED Energy conversion TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF GENERAL ELECTRIC- MANUFACTURERS GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 243 SUPPLIERS Lorraine, Île-de-France and Franche-Comté. Generator and motor plant in Nancy. Converter assembly workshop in Massy. Engineering and R&D centres in Belfort and Massy. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Geotechnical surveys and foundations 9 boulevard de l’Europe, 21800 Quétigny +33 (0)3 80 48 93 20 +33 (0)3 80 48 93 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Géotec has been manufacturing and selling tools specifically for soil and foundation studies since 1985. ACTIVITIES Géotec provides services and consulting in two main areas: • Building and civil works: mechanical soil services, foundation and geology studies, including in situ surveys and testing • Underground water and the environment (specifically, landfill and contaminated soil): hydrogeology services and environmental studies, including water regulations, impact studies, pollution diagnostics, and sampling of polluted soil. Géotec generally works in two phases: • In situ surveys and testing by field teams • Analysis and study of survey data performed by engineers, followed by a study report. LOCATIONS Géotec currently has around twenty offices and subsidiaries throughout France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS GEOTEC G 244 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of large cast parts 2 rue de Flandres, ZI du Drout, Local 5.12, 68100 Mulhouse +33 (0)3 89 43 13 10 +33 (0)3 89 60 14 02 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Geotech Industries specialises in the study, manufacture and sale of industrial parts and assemblies. It works in the automotive, aerospace, railway, military, defence, and telecommunications industries. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 245 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Alsace. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED GEOTECH INDUSTRIES G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS GINGER CEBTP SUBSIDIARY OF GINGER GROUP- Geotechnical surveys, expert assessment, project management, inspections, analysis 12 avenue Gay Lussac, ZAC La Clef-Saint-Pierre, 78990 Elancourt +33 (0)1 30 85 24 00 +33 (0)1 30 85 24 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Ginger CEBTP is a company specialising in building assessment and civil works. ACTIVITIES Ginger CEBTP is specialised in geotechnical surveys for: marine construction, civil engineering structures, masonry mechanics and masonry pathology, geotechnics and structural restoration. Ginger CEBTP is proud to offer the following: • Expert assessment, engineering, turnkey projects, and maintenance, • A unique synergy of knowledge drawn from engineering offices, analysis, testing, and inspections laboratories, • The ability to execute any project related to the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment to help improve the quality and safety of living conditions, • An offer and global project management coordinated by a single contact person, for more efficient communication at all stages of work and greater reliability in project execution, for both project management and turnkey projects. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Ginger CEBTP has a network of nine regional centres and 45 offices in France with over 900 employees. G 246 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED GKN STROMAG FRANCE - SIME BRAKES SUBSIDIARY OF GKN LAND SYSTEM- Manufacture of disc brakes ORGANIZATION Stromag France is a company wholly-owned by GKN Land System. Founded in 1927, GKN Stromag France has 160 employees and is the world leader in industrial disc brakes. GKN Stromag France exports over 60% of its production through its subsidiaries, agents and distributors worldwide. ACTIVITIES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS The company is the No.1 on the industrial disc brake market. The GKN Stromag adventure started in 1927 with the creation of SIME. Originally a manufacturer of electromagnetic separators for the mining and steel industries, the company soon expanded into designing industrial brakes. It began selling jaw brakes in 1945, then introduced the first industrial disc brakes to the steel industry in the early 1960s. Thanks to its consistent focus on the evolving needs of the market and the desire to orientate its development around quality, innovative products, the company’s reputation has spread rapidly, reaching every continent. Today, 60% of its turnover comes from exports. SIME operates in fastgrowing markets, such as wind power and port logistics, as well as in traditional industries, such as steel, nuclear, and passenger transport, and has acquired skills of world renown. LOCATIONS Centre. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 MANUFACTURERS [email protected] 247 SUPPLIERS TRAINING CENTRES Avenue de l’Europe, 18150 La Guerche-sur-l’Aubois +33 (0)2 48 80 72 72 +33 (0)2 48 74 05 24 G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM Power transmission and control systems 21 rue Ampère - ZA les Blettrys - BP 70314, 71530 Champforgueil +33 (0)3 85 47 89 00 +33 (0)3 85 41 69 28 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SARL (French limited liability company) with 97 employees. ACTIVITIES Fuidexpert/Novium is a specialist in industrial hydraulics and power transmission via pressurised fluids up to 1,200 bars for stationary installations. • Sale of hydraulic and pneumatic spare parts and accessories • Troubleshooting and repairs of hydraulic parts • Design, manufacture, and installation of hydraulic power plants, entire industrial automation assemblies and didactic benches • Preventive maintenance at industrial sites • Training of clients in hydraulics. Certified teaching body since 1994 • Activities specific to EDF equipment • Railway specialist. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS G Burgundy. Rhône-Alpes. Paris area and South-West. 248 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF PROTECTOR- Surface treatment : hot dip galvanizing & powder coating Z.I la Gare, 56460 La Chapelle Caro +33 (0)2 97 74 76 56 +33 (0)2 97 74 81 37 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Anti-corrosion surface treatment specialist (hot dip galvanizing + powder coating). Prestia is a leader in the north of France. Prestia guarantees a high quality level, large services offers (container, packaging, training, audits, etc.). ACTIVITIES TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED GROUPE PRESTIA MANUFACTURERS Hot dip galvanising, powder coating, shot-blasting, metallisation, dedicated logistics. Prestia is well recognized for duplex treatments (anticorrosion + esthetics). Prestia offers you an offshore specific treatment. We are qualisteelcoat labelized. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 249 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Prestia is a leader in the north of France. G PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES GUERTON uerton SUBISDIARY OF NAWI GROUP- Heavy boilermaking - Storage silos - Manufacture of parts for wind turbine masts Z.I. Saint Gilles RN 10, 28800 Bonneval +33 (0)2 37 97 56 00 +33 (0)2 37 96 22 36 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Guerton is one of the companies in the Nawi Group specialising in heavy boilermaking. Guerton currently employs 70 men and women with the skills and expertise necessary to respond promptly to clients’ needs and the motivation to satisfy them. Guerton has been qualified by GSI-SLV Saabrücken to execute steel structures in accordance with standards EN 1090-1 and 1090-2 and by DEKRA for its ISO 9001 quality management system. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Guerton is acknowledged for its experience in three main areas of activity: the manufacture of storage silos, pressure devices, and sheet metal constructions. Guerton has also decided to diversify into the promising onshore and offshore renewable energy markets, manufacturing wind turbine mast bases. To date, the company has produced more than 400 turbine mast bases of 3 to 4.5 m in diameter and 25 to 50 mm thick. All processing operations take place in its workshop, including oxy-acetylene sheet metal cutting, rolling of cylindrical and conical sections, approach, welding, non-destructive testing, flange facing for tight tolerances, shot-blasting and surface treatments, welding and assembly of internal parts (platforms, railings, etc.), and storage at farms. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS G Guerton is located 100 km from Paris, in Eure-et-Loir. The site covers 60,000 m2 of land and includes 10,000 m2 of workshops. 250 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 BUSINESSES SELECTED nawi PARTNERS !HQSGNE@MDV EQDMBGHMCTRSQH@KFQNTONE ANHKDQVNQJR@MCL@HMSDM@MBD MANUFACTURERS RP F SH X R LJU Z QD Z ZZ 21$1'2))6+25(:,1'785%,1(6 /QNUHCHMFENTMC@SHNMR@MCEDQQTKDRENQVHMCSTQAHMDSNVDQR 2SNQ@FD(-TBKD@Q %211(9$/ /DSQNBGDLHRSQX "GDLHRSQX( QLR %NNCOQNBDRRHMF 6@SDQSQD@SLDMS -TBKD@Q /G@QL@BX .t.i irod sisa maintenance 3GDQLNMTBKD@Q 5@BTTLQDRD@QBG QLR((MCTRSQX (MCTRSQH@K SQ@MREDQ -DVVNQJR WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 251 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS -TBKD@Q("GDLHRSQX /G@QL@BX(1DRD@QBG %NNCOQNBDRRHMF gYDKC@- 6(&1.4/$2 2VHSG@B@OHS@KNEŵ2(1$-1"2/ 1(29(+DR!¤SGTMDR UDMTDCD!NTQFNFMD2 (-3.4$-+ŗ 4,-$%1 -"$ TRAINING CENTRES groupe X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS HAWE-OTELEC SAS SUBSIDIARY OF HAWE HYDRAULIK SE- Manufacturer of hydraulic systems and components 13 rue des Pyrénées, ZAC du Bois Chaland - CE 561, 91256 Evry cedex +33 (0)1 69 47 10 10 +33 (0)1 60 79 20 48 [email protected] ORGANIZATION HAWE Hydraulik has been designing and producing quality hydraulic parts for targeted markets for 60 years. HAWE Hydraulik has a worldwide presence, with 1,800 employees in its 13 subsidiaries and 30 distributors. ACTIVITIES HAWE Hydraulik’s exclusive use of steel for all its pressurised parts means that they can operate at high pressure and have an extended lifespan in a compact assembly. Its leakless check valves are safe and energy-efficient. The modular assembly of its constructions facilitates maintenance. The compactness and moderate weight of the units mean no special handling equipment is required. The main components used in the wind power industry are compact power plants, high-pressure radial piston pumps, poppet valves, hydraulic manifolds (study and manufacture of), and cartridge valves. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS French head office in Evry (Essonne), with regional sales engineers and a network of partners. H 252 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF TOTAL- Design and manufacturing of flexible connections and/or antivibration systems 2 rue Balzac, 75384 Paris cedex 8 +33 (0)3 89 39 60 15 +33 (0)3 89 39 89 62 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1853, HUTCHINSON is partner of the world’s top manufacturers dealing with safety, energy management, reliability and comfort. Its close-to-customer technical centers design and produce a complete array of components and systems using elastomers, other polymers and composite materials in 4 main activities: Sealing, Fluid Transfer, Thermal, Vibration and Acoustic Insulation, Mobility and Transmission. We have been widely involved in advanced technologies, particularly related to Marine activities: Navy, Offshore Oil&Gas... TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON provides a wordlwide footprint through its 95 locations in 23 countries. More specifically, its French subsidiaries Paulstra and Techlam offer dedicated to wind energy applications. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 253 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS We provide a full range of rubber products for motion, shock, vibration and sealing control in the most severe environment. We promote innovative solutions adapted for any current and future developments dedicated to Marine Renewable and Wind Energies. Potential main applications are: Articulations for high cycling load and pressure, Anchoring devices, Bending restrictors, Fenders, Gearbox Mounts, Installation assistance devices, Vibration and shock Absorbers Main advantages of our solutions are: • Easy to install and to use • Performance and reliability • Life duration, high operating fatigue resistance • Free of maintenance and of operating cost MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES H PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of filtration and cooling systems Technopôle Forbach Sud - BP 30260, 57604 Forbach +33 (0)3 78 29 26 00 +33 (0)3 87 85 90 81 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With over 7,000 employees worldwide, Hydac is a leading company in the field of fluid technology, hydraulics, and electronics. ACTIVITIES Hydac works on cooling and filtration systems for nacelles and for cable attachments inside wind turbine masts. As a systems and fluids specialist, Hydac offers à la carte services ranging from cleaning to comprehensive maintenance, including system optimisation. Hydac strives to increase machine availability and reduce breakdowns. Hydac’s components are found in many wind turbines around the world and include complete systems and filtration concepts for lubrication and hydraulics, cooling systems for transmission fluid and generators, and cable attachment systems inside turbine masts. LOCATIONS Geographical coverage throughout France. Head office in Lorraine (Forbach). Offices in the Paris area, Lyon, Aix-enProvence, Bordeaux, and Montbéliard. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS HYDAC H 254 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 7KH+<'$&FRPSRQHQWVDUHLQVWDOOHGLQPDQ\ :LQG7XUELQHVWKURXJKWKHZRUOGDV &RQGLWLRQPRQLWRULQJRIRLOFOHDQOLQHVV DJHLQJLQK\GUDXOLFDQGOXEULFDWLRQRLOV 7HPSHUDWXUHUHJXODWLRQDQGOXEULFDWLRQV\VWHP IRUWKHPXOWLSOLHU &RROLQJRIJHDUER[DQGJHQHUDWRU 2SWLPL]HG¿OWUDWLRQIRUVHFXUHRSHUDWLRQ DQGH[WHQGHGVHUYLFHOLIH DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS 6\VWHPVDQGK\GUDXOLFFRPSRQHQWVIRUVDIHW\ DQG\DZEUDNHURWRUVWRSDQGSLWFKFRQWURO WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 255 SUPPLIERS +<'$&6jUO 7pO FRPPXQLFDWLRQ#K\GDFFRP ZZZK\GDFFRP TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED :LWKRYHUHPSOR\HHVZRUOGZLGH +<'$&LVRQHRIWKHOHDGLQJVXSSOLHUVRIÀXLG WHFKQRORJ\K\GUDXOLFDQGHOHFWURQLFHTXLSPHQW MANUFACTURERS &RPSRQHQWV 6\VWHPVDQG6HUYLFH IRU:LQG7XUELQHV X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES HYDRATIGHT SAS SUBSIDIARY OF HYDRATIGHT LIMITED, ACTUANT GROUP- Bolted assembly solutions and machining services 49-53 rue Salvador Allende, 95870 Bezons +33 (0)1 34 10 57 17 +33 (0)1 34 10 50 81 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Hydratight has been providing world-class bolted assembly solutions and machining services to the oil and gas, energy production, industry, aerospace, and subsea sectors for over 30 years. Hydratight develops and sells products designed for the needs of the wind power sector. These products enable wind turbine manufacturers to satisfy customer demand by reducing bolting times and achieving accurate bolt loads, first time. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Hydratight sells and hires out: • Hydraulic clamping solutions for bases, masts, and nacelles: hydraulic wrenches and hydraulic tensioners • Hydraulic gensets • Ultrasound measurements • On-site machining services • Training LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Hydratight operates around the world through a network of 35 strategic sites and a team of 1,000 employees. H 256 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Geotechnical, geological, hydrogeological, and hydrological engineering applied to buildings and the environment. Civil engineering, infrastructure, surveys, in situ and laboratory soil tests TRAINING CENTRES 28/30 avenue Jacques Anquetil - BP 90226, 95192 Goussainville cedex +33 (0)1 34 38 73 63 +33 (0)1 39 88 58 23 [email protected] BUSINESSES SELECTED HYDROGEOTECHNIQUE ORGANIZATION Société Anonyme (Limited liability company). ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Backed by a 70-strong team of engineers, Hydrogéotechnique is a specialist in geotechnical engineering. It performs all geotechnical tasks, G11 and G12 geotechnical feasibility, G3 project execution, G4 geotechnical supervision, and G5 geotechnical diagnostics. It has the capabilities to perform investigations in situ (56 units) or in a laboratory (10 units). LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 257 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Twenty-four regional offices across France (excluding overseas departments and territories). H PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS H HYTORC Torque tightening tools, hydraulic wrenches 18 avenue de la République, 91370 Verrières-le-Buisson +33 (0)1 69 20 01 53 +33 (0)1 73 76 89 16 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Development, sale, hiring, on-site assistance, and training in hydraulic torque-tightening tools: • Hydraulic torque wrenches • Pneumatic and electric drills • Impact sockets and bolting accessories • Mechanical tensioners and reaction washers. With 40 years of experience and over a hundred patents filed for hydraulic torque wrenches, HYTORC can be considered to have set the bar for high-power torque tightening. Whether you are a manufacturer, installer, or maintenance provider, HYTORC’s teams are ready to help you with your requests for development, special programmes, etc. With most varied and comprehensive line of products on the market, we will find a solution together. We can also create tools for you that are specially adapted to your technical needs and safe and ergonomic to use. We can help you develop customised use sheets and provide preventive maintenance and after-sales service for our tools at our own centres. LOCATIONS HYTORC operates throughout France via representatives and regional offices: • Brittany, Nord, and Île-de-France: Le Mans (Pays-de-la-Loire) • Port-de-Bouc (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) • Central east: Tassin-la-Demi-Lune (Rhône-Alpes) • Southwest: Saint-Loubès (Gironde). It also operates in Europe and worldwide. 258 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Industrial Supply Chain logistics provider ZAC de Cadréan - BP 55, 44550 Montoir-de-Bretagne +33 (0)2 40 90 70 25 +33 (0)2 40 00 12 56 [email protected] ORGANIZATION S.A.S. with assets of 1,270,000 €, IDEA Logistique is subsidiary of IDEA Groupe with 76 M€ turnover in 2012 and 750 employees. ACTIVITIES Industrial Supply Chain logistics provider for specific and sensitive products, IDEA offers comprehensive and dedicated solutions. Strengthened by ten years of experience in the energy market, IDEA works with its customers on traditional sectors (nuclear, power stations...) as well as promising new markets such as off shore windmills or solar energy. IDEA is a partner for projects of leading actors such as ALSTOM, AREVA, EDF, MAN, SYSTOVI... Our activities: Project engineering, Management and IT systems, Subcontractor management, Customer Service, Supplier/ Vendor-Managed inventory, Supply of assembly lines, Production outsourcing, Stock management, Preparation of Orders, Kitting, Delayed differentiation, Shipping Management, In situ and Ex situ operations. IDEA daily manages flows of offshore windmills components and we rely on a solid network of partners who have additional specific competencies. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF IDEA GROUPE- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED IDEA LOGISTIQUE LOCATIONS 259 SUPPLIERS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS • French west region (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Cherbourg) • Ile-de-France (South of Paris) • French north region (Lille) • French South West region (Toulouse) • French South East region (Lyon) I PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES IDEOL Floating foundation solutions for offshore wind farms Espace Mistral Bât. B - 375 avenue du Mistral, 13600 La Ciotat +33 (0)4 86 20 80 50 [email protected] ACTIVITIES IDEOL specialises in designing and installing new foundation solutions for offshore wind farms. Based in La Ciotat in France, IDEOL has extensive experience in renewable energy and industries related to offshore oil and gas. In particular, it develops floating foundation solutions based on its patented Damping Pool® technology aiming to achieve a major transformation of the offshore wind energy potential, regardless of depth. IDEOL has received the Tremplin PME Innov’Eco award, the 2012 Cleantech Republic grand prize, the Trophée 2012 innovation award for the Aubagne-La Ciotat development area, and a prize at the national competition for the creation of innovative technology companies, held by the Ministry of Research in 2011. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS I 260 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED IFM ELECTRONIC Manufacturer of CMS solutions ((vibration analysis) y ) Immeuble Uranus, 1-3 rue Jean Richepin, 93192 Noisy-le-Grand cedex +33 (0)8 20 22 30 01 +33 (0)8 20 22 22 04 [email protected] IFM ELECTRONIC is an international group specialising in the manufacture of electronic sensors. We have over 3,000 employees and are present in 70 countries around the world. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS IFM offers a various ranges of products for the wind power industry: • Condition monitoring systems and vibration analysis systems • Pressure sensors and transmitters • Temperature sensors and transmitters • Level probes • Inductive sensors • Safety sensors • Rotation controllers • Encoders • Switched-mode power supplies • Connectors with shielded cables TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 261 SUPPLIERS Pays de la Loire, Rhône-Alpes. Nantes office: Parc d’activité EXAPOLE, Bâtiment D, 275 boulevard Marcel Paul, BP 90397, 44819 Saint-Herblain cedex Lyon office:“Bois des Côtes II”, 304 Route Nationale 6, 69578 Limonest cedex DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS I X SUPPLIERS 262 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 © ENERTRAG DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS ZA La Grande Halte, 29940 La Forêt Fouesnant +33 (0)2 98 51 41 75 +33 (0)2 98 51 41 55 [email protected] ORGANIZATION IN VIVO is a 30 people oceanographic and marine environmental consultancy company created in 1997. Working in the field and availing of extensive facilities at sea and a wide range of instrumentation, IN VIVO is autonomous and efficient right from the initial collection of data at sea. IN VIVO specialises in data collection, processing, interpretation and use, in particular presentation of cartographical data (GIS), and project management and execution of surveys. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS La Forêt Fouesnant, Brittanny. Carqueiranne, Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 263 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS IN VIVO provides studies and services for coastal works project developers as marine renewable energies and harbour works. With extended and multidisciplinary knowledge of marine environment and a strong field experience, IN VIVO has been involved in offshore windfarms, tidal turbines and ocean wave energy projects development since 2006, from pro-project site surveys to legal authorization reports and environmental monitoring. Hydrography, geophysics, currents, sediments, marine fauna and flora expertise, ornithology, acoustic noise measurement: IN VIVO specialist teams work in the field with state of the art equipment at sea. A leading consultancy company, with strong experience and knowledge of marine environment, IN VIVO watches carefully the evolutions of regulations and techniques to carry environmental impact assessment and regulatory studies required by the authorities. IN VIVO also specializes in artificial reefs, fishing preservation and Natura 2000 inventories and spends 20% of its time on R&D on its expertise areas. MANUFACTURERS Oceanography and marine environment consultancy TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED IN VIVO I PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES INGETEAM SAS Manufacturer specialising in power electronics 140 rue Carmin - Le Naurouze C, 31670 Labège +33 (0)5 61 25 00 00 +33 (0)5 61 25 00 11 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Manufacturer of inverters for the wind and photovoltaic power industry, wind generators, electronic automation for renewable energy, and turnkey solutions for biomass, biogas, hydroelectricity, smart grids and thermodynamic solar power, wind turbine and photovoltaic panel maintenance, grid voltage regulation, battery storage systems, power grids in remote areas, and electric vehicle chargers. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Midi-Pyrénées. I 264 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Experience in wind. Service partnership. With + 3 GW of Wind Installed Capacity O&M projects worldwide, Ingeteam Service can provide you flexible solutions for wind farm Services. Since 1999 Ingeteam Service has been immersed in the Renewable Maintenance Sector, gaining an intense technical background. Wind Maintenance and Exploitation End of Warranty Audits Blades Services Spare parts supply [email protected] READY FOR YOUR CHALLENGES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 265 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS \ \ \ \ MANUFACTURERS The formula of the new energy X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS I ITRON SUBSIDIARY OF ITRON INC.- Design and manufacture of electrical components Avenue des Temps Modernes, 86361 Chasseneuil-du-Poitou +33 (0)5 49 62 70 00 +33 (0)5 49 62 70 89 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Itron is the world leader in the supply of intelligent metering technology, data collection systems, and software solutions for water and energy distributors. ACTIVITIES We are the world’s number one provider of solutions for intelligent metering, data collection, and metering data management. Nearly 8,000 distributors around the world trust us to help them optimise their water and energy supply and consumption. We offer electricity, gas, water, and thermal energy metres, communication infrastructure and systems for metering data collection (AMR and AMI), data management software solutions and services such as project management, installation, and consulting. We sell innovative solutions to help integrate electricity produced by wind- and photovoltaic-powered production sources while ensuring that grids remain completely safe and stable. LOCATIONS Poitou-Charentes. Itron has been strongly established in France for over 130 years, with six production sites, an administrative/sales office, four research and development centres and over 1,000 employees. 266 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED JADE Work at height, g trainingg and design g safetyy systems y 9 rue des Lainiers - P.A. du Beck, 59150 Wattrelos +33 (0)3 20 68 99 47 +33 (0)3 20 68 99 48 [email protected] • Development: Safety system devising and supplying (innovative anchorage system Ancravie, ladders with safety rails, ...) • Engineering: Fitting the blades together - Setting up fall protection safety sytems : access ladders, anchorage points, life lines – supervising all services (set up and maintenance) Setting up elevators and access help systems • Maintenance: JADE’s work teams provide clients with maintenance for all work at height - confined spaces and dangerous work environment - Supervising and repairing blades - Welding – checking on PPE (COFREND Certification level 2) - Anticorrosion paint - Non-destructive control – concrete and steel thickness, ... Yearly checking on fall protection equipment and safety systems • Training: 330ft high windmill at JADE’s training facilities for practical exercises: access at height, rescuing and evacuating people - Rope access training (IRATA, CQP1, CQP2) LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS JADE is a work at height and safety consultancy business which has been holding expertise in these fields for 16 years. JADE supplies 3 complementary services which offer a package solution for safety in work at height and rescue: • Quality rope access, work at height and safety systems supplying • Specialist safety training centre – real technology training facilities with access to a 330ft high windmill • Fall arrest systems – design and supply JADE’s fifty technicians are ready to step in anywhere in France, Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands, offering top quality and safe work at height at a good rate. JADE - MASE, VCA, QUALIBAT 1452, COFREND certifications. JADE – a firm with assets of 1.2 million euros realizing a 5.5 million euro turnover. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 267 SUPPLIERS Lille, Dunkerque, Auray, Grenoble, Brussels. J PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of mechanical parts ZI Le Tronchon BP36, 17 rue Jean Elysée Dupuy, 69542 Champagne-au-Mont d’Or cedex +33 (0)4 37 49 74 80 +33 (0)4 37 49 74 83 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Designer and builder of sealing systems: • Research and production of high-performance elastomers • Development of designs for specific applications • Numerous patented products, like the Rotabolt®, a bolt tension control system. As a technical expert, JW: • Helps clients upgrade their technology • Offers comprehensive solutions that include designs, plans, and mounting the seals. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS JAMES WALKER J 268 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Welding, Machinning, Painting and Stucture Assembly - Subcontracting, codevelopment, execution 41 boulevard des marchandises, 85260 L’Herbergement +33 (0)2 51 42 86 72 +33 (0)2 51 42 47 34 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Jefmag is an equipment manufacturer supplying components and complete assemblies to its customers. Jefmag is located in the West of France, south of Nantes. In a 15 000 m² workshop, Jefmag produce welded, machined, painted and assembled technical structures. Since 1977, thanks to its industrial know-how and equipment, Jefmag has been assisting its customers from the design to the manufacturing stage, guaranteeing that their quality, cost and timeline requirements are met. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED JEFMAG LOCATIONS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS PRODUCTION: To mass-produce parts from 5 kilos to 5 tonnes in weight, and up to 7,50m in length, Jefmag has a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment, which are operated by trained personnel. We have: • Bending and forming presses, • 10 robot welding stations, • 60 manual welding stations, • 10 machining centres, • Dynamic and static paint facilities, • An assembly workshop. QUALITY: Jefmag has obtained certifications which guarantee that your quality requirements are met: • ISO 9001 for the quality management system ; • NF EN 15 085 class 1 for our welding know-how. CUSTOMER SUPPORT: Jefmag assists its customers from design to deliveries by even studying logistics solutions to make deliveries directly to assembly sites. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 269 SUPPLIERS Jefmag is located in Vendée, a few kilometers from Nantes, St-Nazaire or Noirmoutier. J PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES JEUMONT ELECTRIC SAS SUBSIDIARY OF ALTAWEST GROUP- Electromechanical construction 367 rue de l’Industrie - BP 20109, 59572 Jeumont cedex +33 (0)3 61 99 96 00 +33 (0)3 61 99 97 33 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Société par Actions Simplifiée (simplified private limited company) with a capital of €16,498,592 - Valenciennes Trade and Companies Register 444 571 772. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Jeumont Electric Maintenance (Nantes, France); Jeumont Drives Systems (Etupes, France); Jeumont India (Mumbai); Jeumont Middle East (Abu Dhabi). SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Design and construction of complete electrical systems (alternators, controls, and converters) for high-power onshore and offshore wind turbines (1 to 6 MW). J 270 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 18 quai Malbert, 29200 Brest +33 (0)4 86 82 03 60 +33 (0)1 73 72 95 85 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Vessels’s armament, design and achievement of complex maritime projects for the Department of Defence, MRE, Oil&Gas and maritime transport of heavy package in France, North Sea, Baltic Sea and Africa. ACTIVITIES Inspection, maintenance and repair of surface and underwater systems (pipes, cables, buoys, etc.). Salvage and debris recovery. UXO survey. Consulting and assistance to project owner maritime projects. BUSINESSES SELECTED Shipowner and Marine contractor TRAINING CENTRES JIFMAR OFFSHORE SERVICES SAS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 271 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Brittany, Finistère. J PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Supervision of energy production installations Espace Performance - 2B avenue Jean Rouxel, 44481 Carquefou cedex +33 (0)2 28 232 555 +33 (0)2 51 13 14 90 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Keops Automation specialises in monitoring rotating machinery, mainly for the power production sector. A designer and provider of turnkey systems, Keops Automation offers innovative solutions to maintain equipment in working order and to assist operation using appropriate dashboards. ACTIVITIES Keops Automation is leading the HYPERWIND project, which consists in developing a complete monitoring system for onshore and offshore wind farms, and more generally for installations classed as marine renewable energy. Its mission is to provide wind farm operators with a dynamic, systemic view of their installations and of their entire farms to ensure efficient maintenance and optimise performance. Keops Automation also works alongside machine manufacturers and maintenance providers to design control and command modules for machines. LOCATIONS Based in Carquefou near Nantes, Keops Performance operates throughout France and abroad. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS KEOPS AUTOMATION K 272 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ORGANIZATION KTR France is the French subsidiary of KTR Germany. The company has 50 years of experience in mechanical drives and offers couplings for the output side of gearboxes in wind turbines. KTR has an annual turnover of €6 million in France and over €100 million for the company as a whole. ACTIVITIES KTR has been designing and manufacturing wind turbine couplings since 1988 and has equipped more than 25,000 turbines, ranging from 250 kW to 6 MW worldwide. RADEX-N couplings feature steel laminae and fibreglass spacers with brake discs to correct misalignment, provide electric insulation, and reduce overloads through the inclusion of a RUFLEX torque limiter. KTR France provides these couplings for new builds and as spare parts, as well as brake pads and callipers for aftersales service and maintenance. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. KTR has locations around the world, with more than 20 subsidiaries and numerous employees and distributors on every continent. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 273 MANUFACTURERS 46-48 chemin de la Bruyère, 69570 Dardilly +33 (0)4 78 64 54 66 +33 (0)4 78 64 54 31 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Mechanical drives SUPPLIERS SUBSIDIARY OF KTR GERMANY- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED KTR FRANCE K PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Cast iron - Machining - Painting 22 rue Joliot Curie, 08440 Vivier-au-Court +33 (0)3 24 53 64 70 +33 (0)3 24 52 77 57 [email protected] ACTIVITIES La Fonte Ardennaise is an expert in smelting, machining, and assembly processes. LOCATIONS Champagne-Ardenne. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES LA FONTE ARDENNAISE L 274 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED LEROY-SOMER Generators and motors for backupp equipment q p Boulevard Marcellin Leroy - CS10015, 16915 Angoulême cedex 9 +33 (0)5 45 64 45 64 +33 (0)5 45 64 45 04 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Leroy-Somer products are made in ISO 14001-certified plants. It is an active participant in the production of electricity from renewable sources, including: • Solar: photovoltaic inverters and drivetrain systems for trackers • Wind/water: generators and motors for backup • Hydroelectricity: alternators and generators • Biomass: alternators for cogeneration systems LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Leroy-Somer is the world leader in industrial alternators and one of the top suppliers of electronic and electromechanic drivetrain systems worldwide. A subsidiary of the Emerson Group, Leroy-Somer is a French company with 9,300 employees across 30 production units and 470 points-of-sale and service worldwide. In 2012, it achieved a turnover of €1.342 billion. A veteran in energy savings and motorisation for low-emission vehicles, Leroy-Somer is continuing to invest in environmental technologies in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 275 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Poitou-Charentes. L PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS LINAK FRANCE SUBSIDIARY OF LINAK A/S GROUP (DENMARK)- Manufacturer of low-voltage, electric linear actuators 13 rue de la Claie, 49072 Beaucouzé cedex +33 (0)2 41 36 34 34 +33 (0)2 41 36 35 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A French subsidiary of the Danish company LINAK, LINAK France is present in 35 countries and has 1,700 employees. LINAK specialises in industrial automation, solar tracking, and MV circuit breaker switches, putting its expertise at the service the wind power sector. ACTIVITIES LINAK offers an alternative to hydraulics through its line of energy-saving electric motors. The company has over 10 years of experience in wind power. Its powerful, compact, maintenance-free solutions with multiple integrated sensors are used to improve the reliability of systems such as automatic bearing lubrication, pitch locking, rotor locking, sluice gate activation, and opening/closing of hatches. LINAK actively participates in optimising weight and noise and meeting size-efficiency goals. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Based in Pays de la Loire, operations nationwide. L 276 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS The ppartner you y can trust for your y maritime challenges g 28 quai Gallieni, 92158 Suresnes cedex +33 (0)1 70 38 60 00 +33 (0)1 70 38 60 01 ACTIVITIES The LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS (LDA) group is one of the world’s leading players in the transport and the logistics of dry bulk cargo, with a fleet of around 30 freighters and logistics resources. A well-known traditional and offshore port operator, it is your ideal partner for innovative logistics around the world. It also specialises in industrial technological partnerships (underwater cable-laying with Alcatel-Lucent, offshore seismic research with CGG, transport of heavy specialised packages with Airbus, etc.) and other offshore services, including offshore towing of industrial installations and rescue operations (Fairmount Marine). A pioneer in the “Motorways of the sea” concept, LDA is a major player in vehicle and passenger transport in Europe in partnership with Danish company DFDS. Louis Dreyfus Travocean is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Louis Dreyfus Armateurs group specialising in underwater work, in particular the installation, burying, and protection of underwater cables, in particular for MRE projects. MANUFACTURERS The Louis Dreyfus Armateurs group (LDA) is a French, family-owned group that provides maritime transport and services. Its head office is in France. It is present worldwide and has 2,000 sea-going and shore-based employees. The development of shipping under the French flag is central to the strategy of the LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS group. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION LOCATIONS 277 SUPPLIERS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Cherbourg: Cherbourg Terminal Vrac, a specialist in port logistics. Marseille: Louis Dreyfus Travocean (head office) and Nicolas Frères (port handling). Dunkerque: Louis Dreyfus Travocean (operational base). Dieppe, Le Havre, Calais, St-Nazaire, Marseille: ferry terminals. L PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF LUFKIN INDUSTRIES (LUFKIN, TEXAS - USA)- Gearbox manufacture and repair, servicing and maintenance Avenue des Chavannes, 70220 Fougerolles +33 (0)3 84 49 64 00 +33 (0)3 84 49 64 44 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Two sites in Fougerolles: an administrative site and a production site. ACTIVITIES Lufkin France specialises in the sale, design, manufacture, repair, and maintenance of gear drive systems, including wind turbine gearboxes. LOCATIONS France: Franche-Comté. USA: Texas. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LUFKIN FRANCE X 278 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Design and production of electrical cabinets Parc d’activité Bellevues - 2 avenue du Gros Chêne - BP 90209, 95610 Éragny +33 (0)1 34 30 17 20 +33 (0)1 34 64 99 09 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Our company is a skilled, experienced, and flexible long-standing player in the energy industry, bringing you products tailored to your installations and electrical equipment. Lufkin France works as a partner to its clients, who come from all areas of the manufacturing industry. We strive to establish long-term relationships, earning clients’ trust and offering the best solutions to suit their specific needs or standards. Our production site in the Eure region is entirely dedicated to making electrical distribution boxes and electronic power systems designed by our technical teams, using best industry practices and in accordance with the current European standards. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED MADEP In 2005, we began designing and producing electrical cabinets for industrial applications, building and public works. Three years ago, we developed a line of AC and DC junction boxes for photovoltaic installations, ranging from a 3 kW kit to over 250 kW of power in AC cabinets. Based on your data we design wiring diagrams, which we submit to you with a quote. We can deliver standard 3 kW kits from our stock. We are particularly stringent about quality control and pay close attention to current norms and their changes in the areas of switchgear, lightening arresters, and wiring. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 279 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS MANCHE MARINE INDUSTRIE SUBSIDIARY OF FIPAM GROUP- Shipbuilding and naval repairs, industrial boilermaking 19 rue Charles Blound, 76200 Dieppe +33 (0)2 32 90 56 00 +33 (0)2 35 84 28 36 [email protected] ORGANIZATION • A société anonyme (Limited liability company) with 45 full-time employees and 15 fixed-term and temporary employees • a turnover of €3.2 billion; a surface area of 25,000 m2, 10,000 m2 of which is indoors; 2 assembly halls measuring 60 m x 20 m and 75 m x 15 m • 1 NC calculation and programming unit • 1 NC oxy-acetylene cutting machine, 25 m x 7 m and 0 to 300 mm • 1,200-tonne hydraulic press brake, 4 m for thin sheets • 1,300-tonne and 1,400-tonne hydraulic arch press • 1 pyramid roll with rolling width of 7,200 mm x 14 mm and diameter 710 mm, sheet pinched by moving lower rolls, cone and cylinder rolling • 2 40-tonne tower cranes • 12 bridge cranes from 5 to 20 tonnes • 1 vacuum spreader with vacuum pump, 3-tonne and 5-tonne • 2 inclined planes for launching and removing from water • 2 slipways (with width capacity of 33 m) • and 1 railway connected to the SNCF rail network. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ACTIVITIES M Subcontracted shipbuilding and repair for offshore wind farms. Metallic structures for manufacturers of wind turbines and hydro-kinetic turbines. LOCATIONS Upper Normandy. Dieppe, Le Havre, Rouen, and the Paris area. 280 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ORGANIZATION MANOFFSHORE emerged in 2010 from the initiative of two leading companies of the french maritime sector, to build up a strong provider of Port and Marine services, dedicated to the developpers of offshore wind parks in the Atlantic, English Channel, North and Irish Seas. HUMANN & TACONET stands as the leading independant port agency in France, with 12 fully manned offices all along the french coast. Handling more than 3,500 ships call annually in french ports, Humann & Taconet boasts of a reputed name amoung european and worldwide shipowners and shipping companies, but also major energy and commodity trading houses, heavy industries, etc. The company is also involved in overseas freight forwarding activities, and offers customs clearance,and storage services. TERMINAUX DE NORMANDIE is the leading port terminal operator in France. Handling 2 million TEU’s, 250,000 vehicules and 90,000 tons of general cargo and heavy lifts annually in Le Havre, the company is also involved in operations of river terminals, and barge shipping operations on the rivers Seine and Rhône, though various partnerships. ACTIVITIES A one shop concept, Manoffshore offers in one single organisation a concentrate of expertise and experience in all aspects of port operations, and project cargo logistics, including chartering of vessels, pontoons, tugs and barges, management of port terminals dedicated to pre-assembly and handlings of heavy pieces, shipping agency, customs formalities, wharehousing, etc.... The purpose of the company is to mutualize heavy handling equipments in one single hub, in order to reduce the operating costs for the developpers of offshore wind parks and their subcontractors alike, and be an interface between on and offshore operations, throughout the construction phases, and beyond that, the maintenance period. LOCATIONS Le Havre. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 281 MANUFACTURERS 73/75 quai de Southampton, 76600 Le Havre +33 (0)2 35 19 39 89 +33 (0)2 35 19 39 78 [email protected] DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Port & marine services to the wind offshore industry SUPPLIERS SUBSIDIARY OF TERMINAUX DE NORMANDIE ET HUMANN & TACONET- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED MANOFFSHORE M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of large parts and metal subassemblies Route de Guerstling - BP 11, 57320 Bouzonville +33 (0)3 87 39 78 78 +33 (0)3 87 39 78 92 [email protected] ACTIVITIES For many years, Manoir Industries has enjoyed a sound reputation for its technical expertise in the manufacture of highperformance moulded and forged parts and subassemblies. The company is expanding into aeronautics, armament, the petrochemical industry, and nuclear and wind power. Its Manoir Industries Specialties–Forges division offers steel-forged parts with high mechanical properties obtained through: • Stamping (up to 1000 kg – gears, shafts, pinions) • Extrusion (solid and hollow shafts up to 2000 kg) • Ring rolling (crowns up to 2.5 m in diameter) • Open-die forging (shafts, discs, rollers, etc. up to 10,000 kg). M.I.S. produces gears and shafts for wind turbine gearboxes, as well as safety parts intended mainly for the oil and gas-related industries, building and public works machinery, and the railway and energy industries. LOCATIONS Lorraine. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS MANOIR INDUSTRIES M 282 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Earthworks and foundations 3 bis rue de l’Industrie, 35730 Pleurtuit +33 (0)2 99 88 41 54 +33 (0)2 99 88 48 47 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Marc SA was founded in Brest in 1876. Today, it is a leader in public works in Brittany. Located in Brest, Rennes, Lorient, and Cherbourg, Marc SA draws on the expertise and experience of over 500 employees working in urban, rural, roadway, railway, river, maritime, industrial, and environmental planning. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Brittany. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 283 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Fields of activity include: • Networks for drinking water and sanitation • Earthwork • Civil and structural engineering • Building • Urban planning • Marine construction • Scaffolding design and construction • Waste collection, sorting, transport, and recycling of waste • Dredging • Special works • Telecommunication and video communication networks • Construction of wind turbine foundations using reinforced and pre-stressed concrete TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED MARC S.A. M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED MASER ENGINEERING SUBSIDIARY OF CRIT GROUP- Maintenance of industrial pprocesses 92/98 bd Victor Hugo, 92110 Clichy +33 (0)1 55 46 50 97 +33 (0)1 55 46 00 37 [email protected] SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION M General Management with transverse services: Technical, Commercial, HR, Accounting. 5 regional centers with: Management, Business Officers, Administrative & Operational technicians. Or 400 employees, including 60 productive. The Wind Turbine Division has 45 technicians on the National Territory. ACTIVITIES Maintenance of industrial processes is a key and strategic expertise to MASER ENGINEERING. With experience of over 40 years in the profession of operational maintenance and maintenance engineering allows MASER ENGINEERING to provide its customers with a global maintenance offer that meets the requirements of availability of production means and / or exploitation and control maintenance costs. MASER Engineering is specializes in preventive maintenance (maintenance service). MASER Engineering teams, perform the periodic maintenance operations that are defined in the constructors maintenances ranges. Our maintenance offering, decline in different contractual forms according requirements. And MASER ENGINEERING teams intervene in the context of time or annual contract with obligation of means or obligation of results. MASER ENGINEERING has developed its maintenance sectors of renewable energies and especially in the wind thanks to a team of experienced technicians, consisting of 38 persons involved in work such as: • Maintenance engineering (development of maintenance plan) • Monitoring (preventive maintenance) • Repair (corrective maintenance). Our expertise • The maintenance engineering • Centralized management of “wind energy” activity • The expertise of a general and independent maintainer • Monitoring / inspection (preventive maintenance • Repair of generators, multipliers (corrective maintenance) • The contribution of our methods with service lines and optimization of existing plans • Our risk analyzes. Our methods • Rapid interventions through our regional offices throughout the country, as well as assembly workshops and storage available to stakeholders • A team of 40 experienced technicians, qualified and mobile in good physical condition and of all trades, automation, mechanics through the electromechanical • A policy HSE (Health Safety Environment) respected by all our technicians • The protective equipment and special tools periodically checked. LOCATIONS Pays de la Loire, Nord-Pas de Calais, Rhône-Alpes, Midi-Pyrénées, Île-de-France. Région Centre Ouest (Allonnes - Saint Nazaire) / Région Nord-Est (Douai-Vesoul) / Région Rhône-Alpes (Poisy) / Région Sud-Ouest (Colomiers) / Région IDF (Roissy-Villaroche). 284 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Parc d’affaires Silic, 18 rue des Pyrénées - BP 30519 Wissous, 94623 Rungis cedex +33 (0)1 56 70 27 60 +33 (0)1 56 70 27 61 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy, the world leader in soil work, MCCF is a civil engineering and foundations company specialising in operations related to the energy industry. Backed by its group’s resources and expertise, MCCF is involved in projects from design to delivery, both in France and abroad. ACTIVITIES Over the past 10 years, MCCF has built approximately 250 wind turbine foundations on nearly 45 wind farms across France. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 285 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. BUSINESSES SELECTED Construction of special foundations TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF SOLETANCHE-BACHY GROUP- MANUFACTURERS MCCF M X SUPPLIERS 286 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 MANUFACTURERS © WeserWind - Matthias Iberler DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED MEDIACO LEVAGE Hiringg of telescopic p and crawler cranes 17 avenue André Roussin, 13016 Marseille +33 (0)4 91 03 81 91 +33 (0)4 91 09 32 82 [email protected] WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 287 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS 70 offices in France, including: Marseille • La Ciotat • Toulon • Cannes • Nice • Fos • Avignon • Manosque • Montpellier • Béziers • Narbonne • Perpignan • Carcassonne • Toulouse • Pau • Bayonne • Agen • Bordeaux • La Rochelle • Angoulême • Nantes • Saint-Nazaire / Brest • Rennes • Angers • Poitiers• Caen • Le Havre • Rouen • Mantes • Paris Sud • Paris Nord • Reims • Valenciennes • Lille • Metz • Nancy • Saint-Avold • Strasbourg • Colmar • Chalampe • Mulhouse • Belfort • Besançon • Dijon • Bourges • Mâcon • Lyon • Saint-Etienne • Clermont•Ferrand • Valence • Grenoble • Orange. Offices in North Africa, including: Libya • Tunisia • Algeria • Mauritania • Senegal • Niger • Nigeria • Cameroon. TRAINING CENTRES LOCATIONS M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS MENARD SUBSIDIARY OF SOLETANCHE FREYSSINET GROUP- Ground improvement 2 rue Gutenberg, 91260 Nozay +33 (0)1 69 01 37 38 +33 (0)1 69 01 75 05 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 694 employees around the world. Turnover of €178 million. Subsidiaries: United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Spain, USA, Canada, Middle East, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia. ACTIVITIES Menard offers soil improvement solutions adapted to the soil encountered and to the load. Menard uses 12 techniques: Dynamic compaction, dynamic replacement, stone columns, bimodulus columns, controlled modulus columns (CMCs), vibro compaction, atmospheric (or Menard vacuum) consolidation, vertical drains, jet grouting, soil-bentonite walls, soil mixing, and compaction grouting. Some of these techniques require additional materials, while others do not. Jet grouting can be used to reinforce soil and for underpinning. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS North, East, Île-de-France, Rhône-Alpes, South, Southwest. M 288 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS :LQG)DUP)UÅOLJQÅ :LQG)DUP%RQQHXLO/HV(DX[ 0(1$5' UXH*XWHQEHUJ%312=$<)5$1&( 7ÅO)D[ WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 FRXUULHU#PHQDUGPDLOFRP ZZZPHQDUGZHEFRP DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS :LQGIDUP)DQWDQHOH5RPDQLD 289 SUPPLIERS :LQG)DUP6DLQW3LHUUHGH%ÅQRXYLOOH MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES *5281',03529(0(1763(&,$/,67 '\QDPLF&RPSDFWLRQ'\QDPLF5HSODFHPHQW5DSLG,PSDFW&RPSDFWLRQ 6WRQH&ROXPQV%L0RGXOXV&ROXPQV&RQWUROOHG0RGXOXV&ROXPQV 9LEUR&RPSDFWLRQ0HQDUG9DFXXP9HUWLFDO'UDLQV -HW*URXWLQJ'LDSKUDJP:DOO6RLO0L[LQJ&RPSDFWLRQ*URXWLQJ X X SUPPLIERS 290 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 MANUFACTURERS © Eiffage Construction Métallique DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED MERCERON TP Earthworks 172 rue Carnot - BP 579, 85305 Challans cedex +33 (0)2 51 93 05 87 +33 (0)2 51 35 01 39 [email protected] Merceron TP is a civil works company operating in three main areas of activity: earthwork, roadway construction, and marine construction. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 291 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Pays de la Loire. TRAINING CENTRES ACTIVITIES M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED MERSEN Global expert in electrical specialties and graphite-based materials 2-3 Place des Vosges, 92400 Paris La Défense +33 (0)1 46 91 54 00 +33 (0)1 46 91 54 01 [email protected] SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION M Our 7,000 employees put their skills and passion to serve customers across the globe, in more than 30 countries. ACTIVITIES • Manufacturing of carbon brushes, brush-holders, slip rings and signal transfer systems improving the performance of wind turbines. • Manufacturing of overvoltage protection devices, fuse and fusegear, low voltage and high power switches, complete cooling systems for the electrical protection of wind turbines. Mersen specifically invests in renewable energies. Our multiple solutions for the wind industry (encompassing signal transfer systems, carbon brushes and brush-holders, slip ring assemblies, overvoltage protection devices, fuse and fusegear, low voltage and high power switches, cooling of power electronics) have enabled us to become a leading supplier to the Wind Industry, in both the original equipment and replacement markets. LOCATIONS Over 50 subsidiaries in France and in the world. Mersen’s addresses in France: • MERSEN France Amiens 10 avenue Roger Dumoulin, 80084 Amiens cedex 2 Tel. : + 33 (0)3 22 54 45 00 - Fax : + 33 (0)3 22 54 46 08 web site : Email : [email protected] • MERSEN France Gennevilliers 41 rue Jean Jaurès, 92231 Gennevilliers Tel. : +33 (0)1 41 85 43 00 - Fax : +33 (0)1 41 85 43 15 web site : Email : [email protected] • MERSEN France St-Bonnet-de-Mure 15 rue Jacques Vaucanson, 69720 St-Bonnet-de-Mure Tel. : +33 (0) 4 72 22 66 11 - Fax : +33 (0) 4 72 22 67 13 web site : Email : [email protected] 292 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS TRAINING CENTRES ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY BUSINESSES SELECTED ENERGY 0HUVHQSURYLGHVZLQGWXUELQHDQGJHQHUDWRU2(0VZLQGIDUPRSHUDWRUVDQGPDLQWHQDQFH VSHFLDOLVWVZLWKLQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQVWDLORUHGWRDOORSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQVGHVLJQHGDQGWHVWHG IRURSWLPXPSHUIRUPDQFH z&DUERQEUXVKHVz%UXVKKROGHUVz6OLSULQJDVVHPEOLHVz6LJQDOWUDQVIHUV\VWHPV z)XVHDQGIXVHJHDUz6XUJHSURWHFWLYHGHYLFHVz&RROLQJRISRZHUHOHFWURQLFV z%XVEDUVz:LQGWUDFNHU70VHUYLFHV8SWRZHUGLDJQRVWLFVDQGWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUW 0HUVHQLVDJOREDO([SHUWLQPDWHULDOVDQGVROXWLRQVIRUH[WUHPHHQYLURQPHQWVDVZHOODV LQWKHVDIHW\DQGUHOLDELOLW\RIHOHFWULFDOHTXLSPHQW ZZZPHUVHQFRP WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 293 7OV[VZ!1\WP[LYPTHNLZ.L[[`PTHNLZ4LYZLU0THNL3PIYHY` DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS &$5%21(/255$,1(,612:0(56(1 SUPPLIERS DF :LQGWU 0 U7 VHUY L V FH NH X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR Designs and manufactures power resistors for grounding, capacitor banks, filtering, rail traction applications, motor control, heating and various electrical products 1 route de Semur, 21500 Montbard +33 (0)3 58 55 58 42 ORGANIZATION Today, Metal Déployé Resistor has a team of 75 employees, including 25 engineers and technicians, ready to listen to your needs in the following fields: research and development, design, manufacture, testing, shipping, and after-sales service for electrical power resistors. With over half of its turnover coming from outside France, Metal Déployé Resistor is the European leader in load bank construction, filtering, and grounding. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES M • Load banks (for testing): For testing wind turbine electrical installations under load (under real-life conditions) before connecting them to the power grid. Testing can be performed at total or partial power, with rapid load increase and loss (impacts, loading, load-shedding), with or without varying the power factor of the load. • Neutral grounding resistors (for protection): To connect a transformer’s neutral point to the earth and limit the shortcircuit current in the event of a phase-to-earth fault. • Harmonic filter resistors: To eliminate harmonics generated by electronic power converters and provide a clean signal to the power grid. Associated with inductance coils and/or capacitance to form a filter. • Motor control resistors: To gradually start or stop an electric motor (winch, turret, hoists, etc.). Often combined with a frequency variator. LOCATIONS Burgundy. 294 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 14 boulevard Winston Churchill, 44100 Nantes +33 (0)2 40 71 05 05 +33 (0)2 40 71 05 06 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SAS (French simplified limited liability company) with capital of € 87,800. ACTIVITIES Meteodyn develops high-technology CFD wind modelling software and brings consulting services for wind park developers, turbine manufacturers and all actors of the wind farm industry. • meteodyn WT software: wind resource assessment, site suitability and energy optimization. • meteodyn Forecast: short and very short term wind production forecast system. • UrbaWind: wind resource assessment, site suitability specific to urban areas, small wind and community projects. • Consultancy: wind potential studies, technical and economic feasibility reports, operation and maintenance efficiency... Meteodyn is supporting the wind energy industry at every steps, siting, design, management of wind farms. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 295 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Headquarters based in Nantes - France Subsidiaries in Beijing (China), Pune (India) and Philadelphia (USA). MANUFACTURERS CFD wind modeling software TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED METEODYN M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MICEL SUBSIDIARY OF ADDEV- Processing and distribution of insulation products and technical films for industrial use 3 allée Léonard de Vinci - Parc d’activités Stelytec, 42400 Saint-Chamond +33 (0)4 77 29 39 49 +33 (0)4 77 28 39 48 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Micel is the specialist in custom solutions for electrical insulation (flexible and rigid insulation, resins and varnishes, technical adhesives, sheaths, cables, and accessories) for motors, transformers, cables, and electrical switchgear. Micel is a subsidiary of ADDEV specialised in high-performance technical equipment and organised around four main activities: electrical insulation, technical films, glues and adhesives, and composites and plastics. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Micel helps industrial electrical engineering clients choose flexible electrical insulation materials that meet their needs. These materials include Nomex®, polyester Mylar®, Kapton®, Tedlar®, Teflon®, alu-pet, and laminate. Micel delivers custom, finished products (reels, flat rolls, technical parts, kits, etc.) through its service offer, including slitting, decoiling, die-cutting, transverse winding, lamination, hot forming, and ultrasonic welding. For the wind power industry, Micel specialises in electrical insulation for generators and transformers. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS M France (Saint-Chamond and Valence). Poland. Sales offices: Germany, United States, Czech Republic. 296 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Movement control components and systems 38 rue du Morvan - Parc d’affaires Silic - BP 40417, 94573 Rungis cedex +33 (0)1 45 60 70 00 +33 (0)1 45 60 70 01 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Moog is an American company with 9,000 employees and 28 subsidiaries worldwide. It is a manufacturer of highperformance movement control components and systems for industry, aviation, space, and medicine. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Moog manufactures the following products: • Electrical actuators for wind turbine blade positioning • Hydraulic actuators for wind turbine blade positioning • Blade load measurement systems • Environment monitoring systems (ice, lightning, breakage) • Rotor stress analysis software • Electrical slip rings • Fibre optic rotating joints • Hydraulic rotating joints • Solar panel direction actuators TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED MOOG LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 297 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France, Rungis: Industry. Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse: Aeronautics. M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS M MOTEURS J.M. Designer, Manufacturer and Distributor of Electric Motors for demanding environments based on customer specifications ZI BP 23, 61700 Domfront +33 (0)2 33 30 73 30 +33 (0)2 33 30 14 85 [email protected] ORGANIZATION MOTEURS J.M. is a producer of choice in Europe of protected electric motors designed for severe environments (temperature, humidity, subsea, salinity, aggressive gas, vacuum, pressure, dust, irradiation, vibration…) in the small to medium range of power (from 10 to 500 KW), based on client’ specification requirements. MOTEURS J.M. designs and manufactures water cooled and air cooled electric motors according to CODAP/DESP, ATEX certifications for clients located all over the world and clients operating in various industries. We are dedicated to bring Quality (reliability-resistance-durability), Adaptability to clients specification (assistance, guidance in motors conception and definition), Reactivity in design (ability to propose and innovate) and Capability in maintaining and refitting motors to our clients. ACTIVITIES MOTEURS J.M. produces motors for prominent energy and marine players, such as EDF, AREVA, DCNS… . The company can provide ventilation solution for cooling the generator, spinning of the nacelle (yaw control motors), blade pitch control motors, hydraulic pump motors, mast elevator motors and for all other auxiliary equipments in marine environment. MOTEURS J.M. motors offers a high cooling effiency, compacity and electric performance. LOCATIONS MOTEURS J.M. sales all over the world. Its manufacturing plant is located in Normandy, France. It consists in a design department, CNC machines, winding, testing equipments...under a 5,000 square meter manufacturing plant. 298 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS General mechanical engineering 409 rue des Frères Lumière, 71000 Macon +33 (0)3 85 20 56 56 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With 150 employees and 200 machines, the MSB Group has a strong presence in Burgundy through its four facilities in Saône-et-Loire, providing full industrial solutions for design, manufacture (mechanical welding, machining, sheet metal welding, pipe systems), assembly, installations and maintenance. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Areas of expertise: general mechanics and mounting, NC machining, sheet metal manufacture, mechanical welding, metal work, industrial boilers and pipe systems, electrical engineering and automated systems, industrial refrigeration, custom-built machinery... TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED MSB LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 299 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Burgundy. M PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES NASS&WIND INDUSTRIE Design and engineering of bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind farms 1 rue Henri-Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves, 56100 Lorient +33 (0)2 97 37 56 06 +33 (0)2 97 37 56 54 winfl[email protected] ORGANIZATION Nass&Wind Industrie is a subsidiary of the independent French group Nass&Wind, the specialist in the development of projects and technologies in renewable energy. This subsidiary, located in Lorient (Morbihan), has a team of around fifteen high-level engineers dedicated to engineering activities and assistance to project owners for offshore wind farms. In particular, Nass&Wind Industrie leads the Winflo project for the development of a high power floating wind turbine technology in partnership with large industrial players and French academics, including DCNS and Ifremer. This project was certified by the Mer Bretagne competitiveness cluster in 2008. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES N Nass&Wind Industrie is leading the Winflo project, a project the aim of which is to develop innovative technology for high-power (over 4 MW) floating offshore wind turbines effective at a depth of more than 50 m. This technology is based on a semi-submersible (free-floating) platform that optimises nacelle motion. It will include an anchor system that is suitable for all types of seabed and has a minimal impact on the environment. The nacelle will be optimised in conjunction with the float for the best possible energy production.The system will require limited installation resources, and maintenance design will be innovative and suited to distances far offshore.The initial pre-series will be manufactured and installed beginning in 2015. A number of large pilot farms will be built between 2015 and 2020, with the creation of a French wind power industrial sector which will generate many jobs into the bargain. Nass&Wind Industrie also conducts engineering studies for bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind farm locations, using its expertise to provide clients with project management support for project owners. LOCATIONS Brittany. 300 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 1 rue Goethe, 67000 Strasbourg +33 (0)3 88 14 16 00 +33 (0)3 69 20 80 44 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Natural Power is an engineering office specialised in second opinions, wind studies, and the planning, construction and operation of wind farms. Since it opened in 1995, Natural Power has built itself a sound professional experience and an enviable reputation in the wind industry. From its British and international offices, Natural Power has earned over 20 GW of references for a wide range of customers by supplying high-quality technical solutions and an approach based on practical advice. Located in the heart of Europe, in our Strasbourg-based office (formerly Ventec), our team of engineers specialising in second opinions, wind studies and assessments and construction, works both in France and abroad. Our office in Nantes means we can be close to the French offshore sites and direct our assistance to project owner assignments. ACTIVITIES As renewable energy consultants, Natural Power specialises in second opinions for banks and investors, site studies and development for its clients, from the feasibility studies through project development, construction, machine inspection and operations management to dismantling. It also provides a weather forecasting service that, when combined with its technical skills, helps clients optimise wind farm maintenance and on-site work. The company’s success is ensured by the cutting-edge technology it uses, such as the CFD software VENTOS® and Melogale&trade (its system for analysing wind farms in service). The tools it uses to model complex land and forests are recognised in the industry and can significantly reduce uncertainties with regard to wind resources. Alsace. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 301 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Studies, expert assessment TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED NATURAL POWER N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS NAVALU Aluminium ship building Port du Bec, 85230 Bouin +33(0)2 51 49 06 49 +33(0)2 51 49 20 73 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For 30 years,The NAVALU company builds ships of aluminum work for the jobs by the sea. Since 2002, NAVALU dashed launched into the ships of servitude and since 2008 on the market of wind offshore, catamarans and monohulls for the transfer and the survey. NAVALU is the first French shipyard to build wind ships offshore. ACTIVITIES After the signature of first two contracts of catamarans of 24m for the installation and the maintenance of wind turbines at sea for England, NAVALU continues the production of the more and more sophisticated and innovative ships to ally efficiency in comfort at sea. The construction site is equipped with buildings to build going ships 35m. The port has 2 holds of launch, one for the boats at least of 12m and the other one for the superior boats in 12m of length. With a naval architect, of the qualified personnel for the assembly and the soldering of hulls, constructed NAVALU of the bâteaux of quality, following the standards of the regulations and can benefit from a certification of an international classification company. Thanks to its fame and its know-how, NAVALU pursues its progress on the international wind market and turned a considerable corner in term of innovation, reactivity, quality and control of the costs. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS The NAVALU company is implanted in a port on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in Vendée, in 30 min of Nantes arranging all the big accesses (airport, stations, highways) necessary for its progress in France and on the international stage. N 302 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Project management, multiple specialities, shipbuilding, industrial, MRE, Oil&Gas 52 boulevard Marfille - CS 12938, 29229 Brest cedex 2 +33 (0)2 98 43 15 39 +33 (0)2 98 43 20 14 [email protected] ORGANIZATION ISO 9001-certified. Multidisciplinary project supervision. Industrial studies, manufacture, assembly, and maintenance for industrial sectors and civil and military naval sectors. ACTIVITIES Expertise in project supervision and execution in the fields of mechanics, structures and fluids, fairings, electricity, instrumentation, and vibration control. NAVTIS works with leading manufacturing and shipbuilding companies in France and abroad. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED NAVTIS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 303 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Brittany, Finistère. N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED NENUPHAR Design and manufacture of vertical-axis wind turbines for floating offshore applications ABM Center, 128 rue du Faubourg-de-Douai, 59000 Lille [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION Nénuphar is a limited liability company. ACTIVITIES Nénuphar designs vertical-axis wind turbines. It assembles its wind turbines and manufactures the blades for its machines. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Nord-Pas de Calais. N 304 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 58 boulevard Pierre Lefaucheux, ZI Sud, 72025 Le Mans +33 (0)2 43 60 38 10 +33 (0)2 43 60 38 11 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Net-Wind SAS was founded in April 2011. It expanded soon thereafter when it purchased a well-established wind turbine maintenance company. ACTIVITIES Net-Wind’s technical and industrial expertise allow it to offer global maintenance services (available as annual and multi-year contracts) and a range of services defined from a wide range of skills, including: • Corrective, preventive, and predictive maintenance of wind farms (including high-voltage maintenance) • Technical operations and regular reporting • Remote surveillance and monitoring • Performance controls and improvement • End-of-warranty inspections and technical audits • Structural inspections and repair (turbine blades, bases, and masts) • Inspection and monitoring of electrical and mechanical components (gearboxes, generators, etc.) • Replacement of main parts and large-scale machining on-site • HSE management of the site (prevention plans, regulatory inspections, etc.) • Management of wind farm maintenance (waste, roadways, green spaces, etc.). Pays de la Loire. Net-Wind is present throughout France via regional locations and partners. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 305 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Wind turbine maintenance and technical assessment TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED NET WIND N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of cables and wiring systems 4-10 rue Mozart, le Christophe 2, 92587 Clichy cedex +33 (0)1 56 69 84 00 +33 (0)1 55 62 78 00 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Nexans is a specialist in wiring systems. ACTIVITIES Nexans provides custom wiring solutions for wind turbines around the world. The company recently launched its WINDLINK® line, a set of complete wiring solutions specifically designed for wind turbines of all sizes. Products include energy cables, control cables, special cables, and accessories. This new line includes cables and components made of copper, aluminium, and fibre optics. Products have been fully tested under actual operating conditions and mechanical constraints to ensure systems compatibility and longevity, helping turbine manufacturers produce electricity as efficiently as possible. LOCATIONS Nexans’ head office is located in the Pays de la Loire region of France. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS NEXANS N 306 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED NHEOLIS Designer and manufacturer of 3D wind turbines for domestic and professional applications Europôle Méditerranéen de l’Arbois - Avenue Louis Philibert Immeuble Gérard Mégie, 13857 Aix-en-Provence cedex 3 Founded in early 2006, Nheolis is headquartered in Marseilles, with offices in Aix-en-Provence and London. Nheowind products are available in France and worldwide through a network of certified partners. ACTIVITIES Nheolis designs and manufactures wind turbines with a new technological dimension. The company specialises in small wind turbines for the most competitive electricity production possible. In 2009, Nheolis revolutionised the wind power industry with the design of its 3-dimensional blades, which were used as a world-first in the Nheowind 3D 100 CP. Nheolis improved on the design of the Nheowind still further with curved “Chistera” 3D blades, introduced in 2010 on the Nheowind 3D 50 and 3D 100. Nheolis wind turbines can be installed in both urban and rural areas and can be adapted to clients’ needs, helping to quickly satisfy growing global demand. Nheolis’ technology creates an original design that has achieved performance, robustness, and quietness levels never before seen in small wind turbines. In 2010, Nheolis won the EEP Gold Award for its work. MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZATION TRAINING CENTRES +33 (0)4 42 25 98 40 +33 (0)4 42 20 51 19 [email protected] LOCATIONS 307 SUPPLIERS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Marseille, Aix, and more than 30 certified partners throughout France. N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacture of logistics vehicles, including for nacelle and mast transport RN 6 - BP 3, 89290 Champs-sur-Yonne +33 (0)6 86 40 33 88 [email protected] [email protected] ORGANIZATION SARL with 67 employees. ACTIVITIES Transporting wind turbine parts such as masts, nacelles and blades often requires special accessories and modular vehicles. NICOLAS has therefore developed a line of accessories fully compatible with the various families of modular vehicles, so you can transport your goods safely. Convoy manoeuvrability is improved and logistics tasks are simplified. LOCATIONS Burgundy. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS NICOLAS N 308 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ORGANIZATION 100 employees. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 309 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nidaplast has an international reputation for the design of its extruded polypropylene honeycomb panels. Nidaplast offers light-weight, resistant solutions for daily applications in the fields of transport, sailing, industrial goods, capital equipment, and buildings. It also provides a range of products suitable for nacelle use in wind turbines, including honeycomb panels for lamination, infusion, or RTM, depending on the parts of the nacelle. Nidaplast also offers technical services, such as laboratory testing and development engineers to assist client projects. It also features a Nida-Kits concept with pre-cut, ready-to-use parts (not available for infusion). The Nidaplast® 8RI is both light-weight and resistant, both essential properties for wind turbines. When core thickness is important, Nidaplast ® 8RI takes precedence over other materials. Both more economical and environmentally-friendly than monolithic structures, Nidaplast®8 honeycomb structural cores use less fibreglass and resin. The recyclability of polypropylene, its excellent mechanical properties, and its high-performance acoustical characteristics make Nidaplast® 8RI the ideal core for use in wind turbine nacelles. Thanks to the geometry of the alveoli, polypropylene honeycombs are perfect for vibration reduction and acoustic absorption and insulation. Honeycomb structural panels maintain all these advantages in the long term when used in wind turbine nacelles. BUSINESSES SELECTED Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 59224 Thiant +33 (0)3 27 44 72 00 +33 (0)3 27 44 88 05 [email protected] TRAINING CENTRES Manufacturer of extruded polypropylene honeycomb cores for sandwich panels Manufacturer of finished sandwich panels with polypropylene and aluminium cores MANUFACTURERS NIDAPLAST COMPOSITES N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES NOMA COMPOSITES SAS SUBSIDIARY OF BFG EUROPE- Composites manufacturing - Producer of nacelles « La Gare », 61400 Mauves-sur-Huisne +33 (0)2 33 85 16 16 +33 (0)2 33 83 59 55 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Noma Composites is a subsidiary of BFG Europe which is a subsidiary of BFG International. BFG International is located in Bahrein and own several plants all over the world. BFG which is a recognized market leader in the design and manufacture of a wide and diversified range of composite products for all sectors. BFG International have a technical center (CAD and design of parts) and a dedicted factory to manufacture the tools. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES Noma Composites specializes in the design and production of fiber reinforced polyester (FRP) and other composite moldings to a designer’s specifications virtually without restraint with regard to finish, color and shape. BFG International and Noma Composites produce Nacelle for Wind Turbines. ( LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Bahrein, Philippines, China, India, USA, Brazil, Spain, France (2 plants - Noma Composites in Normandy & ATMC in La Rochelle). N 310 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Design and sale of vertical-axis wind turbines 53 rue du Vercors, 86240 Fontaine-le-Comte +33 (0)5 35 54 02 04 +33 (0)5 35 54 02 13 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 10 employees. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Noveol is the designer and seller of the nov’éolienne, a quiet, vertical-axis wind turbine whose unique shape allows it to operate in all types of wind. Nov’éolienne is an attractively-designed vertical-axis wind turbine in which art meets technology. Its small size makes it particularly suitable for domestic use, even in urban areas. It is particularly intended for local authorities, individuals, and in isolated areas. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED NOVEOL LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 311 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Poitou-Charentes. N PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS N NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS Design and manufacture of ball bearings 1 rue des Usines, 74010 Annecy +33 (0)4 50 65 30 00 +33 (0)4 50 65 33 84 [email protected] ORGANIZATION NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS is a subsidiary of NTN Corporation, the world’s third leading producer of ball bearings. NTNSNR ROULEMENTS designs and manufactures very high-quality technical products. Innovation plays a key role in our developments: smaller, lighter, more reliable, better-performing, and more environmentally-friendly ball bearings. We are constantly innovating both with and for our clients. ACTIVITIES NTN-SNR’s brands are widely known and trusted. The company is very active in the automotive, industrial and aeronautics sectors: • Automotive: No.1 on the European vehicle market. • Industry: A partner to leading high-tech companies working in wind power, solar power, railway, agriculture, transmissions, etc. thanks to its dedicated teams and wide range of bearings. In the wind power sector, NTN-SNR works closely with wind farm designers and operators to develop and manufacture bearings for rotors, gearboxes, generators, and slewing rings. NTN-SNR also offers services to help clients optimise their bearing use. These services include lubrication, monitoring, training, assistance with assembly and disassembly assistance, expert assessment, tools, etc. • Aeronautics: A leader in helicopter transmissions, NTN-SNR was also a partner in the first flight of the Airbus A380. It is a supplier to major aeronautic and space programmes (including the European launcher Ariane and the CFM56 jet engines). LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. 312 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF CITEL- Obstruction lights 2 rue Troyon, 92316 Sèvres +33 (0)1 41 23 50 10 +33 (0)1 41 23 50 11 [email protected] ORGANIZATION OBSTA is specialized in long life obstruction lights dedicated to obstacle to air navigation like broadcasting towers, high rise buildings, stacks, transmission lines, gsm towers etc. Our products are compliant and certified by STAC in France in accordance with ICAO annex 14 chapter 6 and for some of them compliant and certified by Intertek in US in compliance with FAA regulations. OBSTA is part of CITEL group specilized in manufacturing surge protection devices. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED OBSTA Since beginning of 2000, OBSTA has developed and installed mainly in France complete medium intensity dual color first xenon and now led obstruction lighting systems dedicated to windturbines. Thanks to our long experience, we propose a complete range of obstruction lighting systems with very modular design for easy and low maintenance cost. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 313 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Our commercial office is based in Sèvres close to Paris and our factory is in the city of REIMS. OBSTA also has two subsidiaries through CITEL in Bochum (Germany) and Miami (USA). MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES O PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS O OILGEAR TOWLER Design of complete electro-hydraulic systems for wind power and tidal projects 5 allée des Frères Montgolfier, 77183 Croissy Beaubourg - ZI Pariest +33 (0)1 64 62 72 00 +33 (0)1 64 80 79 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION 750 employees on 5 continents, including 170 employees in Europe (Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, and France). 30 employees in France, with 10 in engineering (5 hydraulic specialists and 5 electronics engineers), 3 sales engineers, and 5 after-sales service specialists (for commissioning, troubleshooting, and repair). 2012 turnover in France of €6.8 million ACTIVITIES Builder of hydraulic/electric parts and turnkey systems. Oilgear Towler provides hydraulic power and functions, automation, and command and control systems for equipment from design to commissioning and maintenance. For more than 90 years, Oilgear Towler has working in the areas of energy (including wind and hydro-kinetic power), industry (forging, extrusion, steel), aeronautics, structural engineering, test benches, and oil applications. • Hydraulic/electric systems: Global supply of equipment, including: - Hydro-electric power stations, hydraulic manifolds with function and regulation valves, pipework, actuators - Power and command and control cabinets, human-machine interface, wiring - Supervision and development of PLC programs • Products: A line of piston pumps delivering 10 to 1,000 kW, transfer barrier pumps, standard cartridge valves, specific components and a water hydraulic range with flow metres and electronic boards. • Services: Studies, custom design and development, comprehensive project management, equipment modernisation, hydraulic/ electric technical audits and assistance, maintenance contracts, remote maintenance, on-site troubleshooting, approved repair centre, training, and a stock of parts in Europe. LOCATIONS Île-de-France. 314 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of mechanical assemblies and wind turbine slewing rings ZA de l’Espérance, 85600 Saint-Hilaire-de-Loulay +33 (0)2 28 15 07 23 +33 (0)2 51 08 89 08 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A Europe Technologies company, Oratech Innovation is a specialist in complex, large-scale machining for prototypes and small production runs. Oratech also creates moulds for composite parts. ACTIVITIES Oratech Innovation is skilled in building mechanical assemblies such as metal moulds and machining many large, metal parts for the aeronautics, defence, wind power, nuclear, and transport sectors. It also produces metal moulds for composite parts. In 2008, Oratech’s activities in the wind power sector represented nearly 5% of its turnover, and it is intending to increase this percentage. Oratech is an assembly expert. Its resources include fitter-assemblers, buildings equipped with large lifting and handling equipment and it is considering the assembly of wind turbine parts for the future. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 315 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ORATECH INNOVATION O PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS O ORMAZABAL - ORMAPOST SUBSIDIARY OF VELATIA- Ormazabal is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of medium-voltage units and gives its clients solutions with high value-added products and services for publically run electrical grids as well as applications for private clients ZI, rue des Ferancins, 71210 Torcy +33 (0)3 85 80 07 40 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A range of products adapted to the ERDF network has been developed: units, transformers, prefabricated substations. Ormazabal’s French Factory, Ormapost, in Torcy (Saône-et-Loire), received ERDF seal of approval in 2003 and has had ISO 9001 Certification since 2005. Ormapost manufactures transformer substations, in concrete mono-block structures, and manages every phase of the manufacturing process. With high industrial standards, Ormapost guarantees delivery deadlines and quality control over the entire production and after-sales process. ACTIVITIES In the renewables sector, Ormazabal offers its clients optimised solutions with a full range of prefabricated substations with modification and distribution services, according to technical specifications. These substations (Preforma, PFU, Ormabat, CFI...) are fully equipped including units, incorporated low-voltage and medium-voltage transformers. LOCATIONS Burgundy. 316 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ZAE La Bayette, 83220 Le Pradet +33 (0)494 036 584 +33 (0)494 666 232 [email protected] ORGANIZATION OSEAN is one of the European Leaders of the underwater acoustic measurement systems. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS OSEAN headquarters are in Southern France near Toulon. OSEAN’s coverage is national and international. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 317 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS OSEAN designs and manufactures underwater electronic systems in the fields of Marine Renewable Energies, Defence, Oceanographic Research. OSEAN proposes a wide range of programmable acoustic data loggers for impact studies, construction monitoring... Depending on the application, their main features are the following: • Bottom-fixed or floating sytems. • Programmable at any time (floating systems). • 4 hydrophone inputs. • Very low noise. • Great autonomy thanks to low power electronic and high performance batteries. • Large storage capacity, up to several Teraoctets. • Wide choice of communication: WiFi, GSM, Radio, Iridium satellite or ethernet cable. More info at: OSEAN supplies underwater lighting fixtures: high power & efficiency metal halide bulbs or DMX controlled/programmable LED modules. More info at: MANUFACTURERS Bioacoustic systems to monitor and manage underwater noise impact TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED OSEAN O PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF MS GROUP- Civil works, foundations, and power grids 6 A chemin des près, 38240 Meylan +33 (0)4 76 18 95 97 +33 (0)4 76 18 95 92 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SAS (Simplified private limited company) with a capital of €600,000. Turnover of €9,200,000. 48 employees. ACTIVITIES • Civil works for foundations (wind turbines and hydroelectric plants). • Dry utilities (telecommunications and energy distribution). • Solar power: underground networks and wiring. OT Engineering provides construction activities to developers and major installers. LOCATIONS Head office: Rhône-Alpes, operating in France and Europe. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS OT ENGINEERING O 318 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacturer of cranes, davits, and vessels ZA les Basseaux - BP 73, 26802 Étoile-sur-Rhône cedex +33 (0)6 27 43 33 81 +33 (0)4 75 60 77 54 ORGANIZATION SA (French limited liability company) with turnover of €70 billion. Palfinger France is part of the Vincent group. It has a staff of 45 employees at 3 assembly sites, 35 dealers and 135 after-sale service points in France. ACTIVITIES Palfinger BU Wind is the world’s foremost company for offshore wind turbine cranes for the handling of nacelles, masts, and electrical and logistics platforms. Provider to all offshore wind turbine manufacturers. Owned by the Palfinger family, the company’s head office is located in Austria, where its wind power activities are based. It works in conjunction with plants and subsidiaries around the world. Palfinger Neddeck Marine provides evacuation solutions for platforms (davits and boats). LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 319 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Rhône-Alpes. Head office in Etoile-sur-Rhône near Montélimar and operating across France via its offices in all major cities and at least one office per French département. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF PALFINGER AG (AUSTRIA)- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PALFINGER FRANCE P PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacturing and selling of hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems 142 rue de la forêt, 74130 Contamine-sur-Arve +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25 +33 (0)4 50 03 67 37 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With annual sales of $13 billion in fiscal year 2013, Parker Hannifin is the world’s leading diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies and systems, providing precision-engineered solutions for a wide variety of mobile, industrial and aerospace markets.The company employs approximately 58,000 people in 49 countries around the world. ACTIVITIES Main products: fittings, hoses, quick couplings, filters, seals, cylinders, hydraulic, pneumatic and electromechanical systems. Many value added services complete this unmatchable offer of products and systems: EDI, kitting, emergency hose repair and replacement service… Parker offers a first class service to its customers. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS PARKER HANNIFIN FRANCE SAS P 320 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacturer of hydropneumatic accumulators and heat exchangers 16 rue de Seine, 92704 Colombes cedex +33 (0)1 41 19 17 00 +33 (0)1 41 19 17 20 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Parker Olaer supplies accumulators and heat exchangers for all manufacturing industries, especially wind power. Parker Olaer, with its experience in this field, helps clients at all stages of their projects by the development of dedicated determination software, simulation tools, special constructions, a wide range of Olaer accumulators (bladders, membranes, and pistons), cooling solutions (air/oil and water/oil exchangers, circulation pumps), and international support with sales companies around the world. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARKER OLAER LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 321 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Île-de-France, Rhône-Alpes, and abroad. P PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES PIRIOU SUBSIDIARY OF PIRIOU GROUP- Shipbuilding, repair and naval engineering ZI du Moros - BP 521, 29185 Concarneau +33 (0)2 98 97 09 48 +33 (0)2 98 97 20 36 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Piriou is a specialist in shipbuilding and ship repair for medium sized vessels with high value added, thanks to high performance engineering, combined with the worldwide locations of its industrial sites. ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Brittany, Finistère. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Global custom solutions for a large range of vessels for artisanal or industrial fishing, offshore oil&gaz service, offshore wind service, towing, public service’s vessels and patrol duties. P 322 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS ZAC Marmande Sud, 47250 Samazan +33 (0)5 53 64 22 22 +33 (0)5 53 64 20 76 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Plastinov SNE’s main area of expertise is the design and production of composite material parts (polyester or epoxy). It has a team of 25 employees. ACTIVITIES Plastinov is active in the wind power, nautical, and aeronautical industries. Its engineering office and research and development department allow Plastinov to cover all the manufacturing stages based on client drawings, including master casts and moulds. With over 25 years of experience in composites, Plastinov can adapt to client requests in particular thanks to its various production methods, which include 5-axis numerical control, simultaneous projection, numerical cutting, vacuum forming, infusion, and RTM. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 323 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Aquitaine. MANUFACTURERS Manufacture of composite material parts TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PLASTINOV SNE P PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL Freight forwarding - Port handling - Shipping office - Lifting 19 boulevard du Midi, 76108 Rouen cedex +33 (0)2 35 73 63 10 +33 (0)2 35 73 63 93 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Promaritime International has long been established in port activities in Normandy. Its experienced staff conduct operations for shipping, handling, port lifting, heavy-package transport, ship freighting, and door-to-door logistics. Promaritime’s trademark is its proximity to clients and its ability to implement customised solutions. The entire Promaritime team is bilingual and available 24/7. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Promaritime has been established in Normandy for many years (in Rouen and Dieppe), and recently opened three offices on the Mediterranean coast in Fos-sur-Mer, Sète, and Port-La-Nouvelle. P 324 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Distributor of aircraft warning lights ZI Stelytec - Allée Galilée, 42400 Saint-Chamond +33 (0)4 77 47 52 74 +33 (0)4 77 47 52 57 [email protected] ORGANIZATION For over 20 years, Promic has been the preferred partner for companies using high-tech optical glass and reflectors. Due to the need to constantly improve the optical quality of its aircraft warning lights, the French company Promic has established a partnership with the Italian manufacturer Luxsolar to become its exclusive distributor in France. Founded in 2005, Luxsolar has rapidly become an expert in lighting systems for high-risk areas and now manufactures LED aircraft warning lights. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PROMIC Promic distributes LED aircraft warning lights that are certified by STAC (the civil aviation technical department) and compliant with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation). Whether low-intensity or high-intensity, type A, B, C, or AB, Promic distributes products adapted to aircraft warning lights for wind turbines and wind measurement masts. It also offers GPS synchronisation and backup electrical cabinets which are essential for aviation safety around wind farms. Promic also makes aircraft warning light kits for wind measurement masts. The kits are completely autonomous thanks to a solar panel and batteries incorporated in an underground box. Through partnerships with companies that install aircraft warning lights and met masts, Promic is fully able to respond to the requirements of wind power industry professionals. Promic is located in Rhône-Alpes. Its products are available in all French-speaking countries. Luxsolar is based in Italy. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 325 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES P PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS R REETEC FRANCE Wind farm solutions 10 avenue de la Jasse - ZAE de Viargues, 34440 Colombiers +33 (0)4 67 09 83 63 +33 (0)4 67 09 83 70 [email protected] ORGANIZATION REETEC is a company with its head office in Bremen. With over 200 employees in Europe, REETEC has been specialised in wind power for 18 years and its unique expertise is acknowledged by all the players in the wind power industry. ACTIVITIES • SAFETY: Painstaking preparation for operations, integrating safety procedures every step of the way. • AIRCRAFT WARNING LIGHTS: Design and manufacture of aircraft warning lighting which complies with all European standards for onshore and offshore wind turbines - Systems incorporating highly-specific LED technology which many demanding turbine manufacturers have selected for their machines - Installation possible on existing sites. • BLADES: Inspections with full reports, including very high definition photos to monitor changes in defects over time - Turnkey repairs, from rolling to repairs of blades on the ground (turnkey solutions). • REPLACEMENT OF LARGE COMPONTS: Partnership with the major players in the lifting sector - Highly responsive, in France and abroad - Turnkey: REETEC manages entire projects all the way to commissioning - Diversified expertise: replacement of gearboxes, generators, blades, bearings, nacelles, etc. • MAINTENANCE: Corrective or preventive, on multiple types of turbines. Eighteen years of experience in the field. • INSTALLATION: In partnership with the major players in the transport and lifting sector - Turnkey assembly: from the plant all the way to commissioning - A single point of contact throughout the project for transport, construction, and hoisting. LOCATIONS Languedoc-Roussillon. 326 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Design and manufacture of seals Zone industrielle du bois Bernoux, 71290 Cuisery +33 (0)3 85 32 10 14 +33 (0)3 85 32 52 12 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Design and manufacture of seals and sealing systems, including for rotors and hydraulic cylinders. 33 employees. Areas of expertise: PTFE, elastomers, and technical plastics. R&D for new profiles and seals. In-house test centre/test bench. LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED REPACK-S WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 327 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Burgundy. R PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Lifting, handling, and special transport 26-28 boulevard Frédéric Sauvage, 13014 Marseille +33 (0)4 42 05 60 61 +33 (0)4 42 05 69 75 [email protected] ACTIVITIES Revel specialises in lifting, handling, work platforms, transport logistics and telecommunications. It also carries out wind turbine lifting operations. LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Revel has 13 locations with 180 employees. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES REVEL R 328 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS DEPARTMENT OF DEFONTAINE SA- Manufacture of slewing rings, including blade and yaw bearings for wind turbines Rue Saint-Eloi, 85530 La Bruffière +33 (0)2 51 45 94 94 +33 (0)2 51 45 92 98 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Defontaine SA has 825 employees at its La Bruffière site. ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS Design and manufacture of slewing rings for wind turbine blades and nacelles.The Rollix range of rings covers all wind turbine applications, from small turbines to the latest multi-megawatt offshore turbines. Rollix rings can be found in 40,000 wind turbines around the world, representing rated power of 67 GW (including 2.1 GW off shore). TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED ROLLIX - DEFONTAINE LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 329 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. Rollix’s main plant is located in La Bruffière, south of Nantes. R PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS ROXTEC FRANCE SAS Modular sealing systems 37 rue La Fayette - Bâtiment B, 75009 Paris +33 (0)1 82 73 02 00 +33 (0)1 40 82 99 98 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Dedicated to safety since 1990. Roxtec was founded due to the invention of a unique technology called Multidiameter™, which allows products to be easily adapted to all diameters of cables and pipes using modules with peelable layers. Now a world leader on its market, Roxtec is present worldwide through a dense network of subsidiaries that provide clients with the best possible service and technical solutions adapted to their needs. ACTIVITIES Roxtec has been working in the wind power sector around the world for more than 10 years and has developed extensive expertise in cable bushings and modular pipework. Its solutions are regularly used in all fields related to energy production and distribution. Its products provide varied and cumulative protection, such as fire resistance up to two hours, sealing against water (up to 4 bars) and gas (2.5 bars), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and rodent protection. Roxtec’s solutions are multi-purpose and highly versatile. They can be used in existing bushings or to provide spare capacity in order to add or change cables in the future. In short, Roxtec helps you save money throughout the lifespan of your installations. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS R Île-de-France. 330 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF ORTEC GROUP- Industrial engineering Route du canal Bossière, 76700 Gonfreville-l’Orcher +33 (0)2 35 25 62 50 +33 (0)2 35 25 62 59 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SOM is a French engireering company created in 1980. The company has 1,000 employees and a 85 million euro turnover. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED S.O.M. (Services Organisation Méthodes) SOM operates across all industrial sectors. Our pragmatic approach to project management brings our clients technological expertise and cost efficiency. SOM can provide the following services : • Project Management • QHSE Project Engineering • Engineering and Regulatory Monitoring • Maintenance Engineering • Certified Professional Training Aix-en-Provence (Head office), Le Havre, Paris, Lyon, Martigues. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 331 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Geotechnical surveys and foundations Z.I de Jarry - BP 2118, 97193 Jarry cedex +33 (0)5 90 26 76 43 +33 (0)5 90 26 94 32 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1980, SAFOR is one of the leaders in the French Guiana region in geotechnics, special foundations, nails, the environment, and maritime construction. ACTIVITIES Geotechnics is one of SAFOR’s main activities. It works in partnership with local and national soil engineering offices. SAFOR conducts most types of soil testing, including pressuremeter tests, core drilling, SPT tests, drilling parameter recording, water tests, piezometers, installation of pore pressure metres and settlement gauges, crosshole test drilling, installation of inclinometric pipes, and pumping tests. LOCATIONS Antilles and Guiana. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SAFOR S 332 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Design and production of high-tech batteries for industry 12 rue Sadi Carnot, 93170 Bagnolet +33 (0)1 49 93 18 56 +33 (0)1 49 93 19 55 ACTIVITIES Saft (Euronext: SAFT) is a world leader in the design and manufacture of advanced technology batteries for industry. The Group is the world’s leading manufacturer of nickel batteries and primary lithium batteries for the industrial infrastructure and processes, transportation, civil and military electronics’ markets. Saft is the world leader in space and defence batteries with its Li-ion technologies which are also being deployed in the energy storage, transportation and telecommunication markets. Saft’s 3,800 employees present in 18 countries, its 15 manufacturing sites and extensive sales network all contribute to accelerating the Group’s growth for the future. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SAFT WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 333 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SAIPEM Engineering, construction, installation, and maintenance 1/7 avenue San Fernando, 78884 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines +33 (0)1 61 37 85 25 +33 (0)1 61 37 62 88 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded over 50 years ago, the Italian group, Saipem is a world leader in services to onshore and offshore oil and gas industries. Saipem has three units: offshore, onshore, and drilling. Saipem operates in over 35 countries and has one of the world’s largest fleets of machines for installing offshore structures and pipelines, and onshore and offshore drilling. The company currently has 36,500 employees of 120 different nationalities. In 2009, it made €10.3 billion in turnover. ACTIVITIES Saipem SA is the French subsidiary of the Saipem group. Saipem SA specialises in onshore activities, some offshore activities, marine construction, engineering, and research and development. With the group’s offshore experience in marine construction and oil rigs, Saipem SA has developed installation systems for offshore wind turbines both with tubular foundations (monopile and multipod), and gravity base foundations, as well as for the installation of the wind turbines themselves. The company has conducted numerous feasibility, design, and technical and financial pre-project studies for French and foreign operators, and is capable of executing complete EPC projects. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. S 334 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SARENS FRANCE SUBSIDIARY OF SARENS GROUP- Special transport and lifting TRAINING CENTRES 54 avenue de la Gironde, 59640 Dunkerque +33 (0)3 28 64 01 10 +33 (0)3 28 64 01 11 [email protected] ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURERS General activities: • Lifting • Engineering, handling technology • Hiring of cranes with 30 to 2,000 tonnes of capacity (lattice and telescopic booms) • Road, river, and maritime transport. Wind power-related activities (company dedicated to this sector: Sarens Wind): The company offers three types of services in this field: • Lifting • Combined lifting and assembly of wind turbines • Combined lifting, assembly, and transport of wind turbines. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 335 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Centre, Haute-Normandie, Basse-Normandie, and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SUBSIDIARY OF GENOYER GROUP- Manufacture of flanges and forged blanks for slewing rings La Gare - BP 6, 42130 Boën +33 (0)4 77 96 80 00 +33 (0)4 77 96 80 50 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SBS is part of the Genoyer group, a leading industrial and commercial operator for major international petroleum, gas, and water projects. ACTIVITIES SBS manufactures forged and machined parts for various industries, such as oil and gas, nuclear, mechanical engineering, and wind power. In 2008, it achieved €43 billion in turnover, 35% of which came from export. For the wind power industry, SBS makes parts for masts, slewing ring blanks, and various forged blanks for the production of reduction gears. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SBS FORGE S 336 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF FOOK TIN TECHNOLOGIES GROUP- Measurement specialist Technosite Altéa - BP 501, 74105 Annemasse cedex +33 (0)4 50 87 78 64 +33 (0)4 50 87 78 42 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Scaime is a company specialising in the design and production of industrial weighing and measurement solutions. The company is renowned for its technological expertise and the quality of its products. Scaime is a world leader in its field. Its production methods are flexible enough to manufacture items individually or in mass production. It is ISO 9001-certified, guaranteeing that products comply with international norms and standards. Its growth strategy involves investing heavily in research and development in order to constantly offer new innovative solutions. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SCAIME SAS Rhône-Alpes. Scaime is present in 65 countries through a network of subsidiaries and distributors. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 337 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS In line with its desire to bring its clients new solutions, Scaime has developed fibre-optic measurement systems. As development on the wind turbine market is considered to be strategic, Scaime has developed a range of solutions specially designed for this market. Scaime offers stress sensors, temperature sensors, inclinometers, and other functions to give clients added value, as well as data acquisition units developed and produced in-house by Scaime using its electronics expertise. The MDX400T-X is a multi-channel unit with a measurement frequency of 100 Hz. It comes in a stainless steel box with an IP66 protection rating, and is equipped with sealed connectors. The MDX400T-X comes with an intuitive, user-friendly web interface that lets you configure the entire system and transfer data using the TCP-IP protocol. Communication is also possible using the CANopen protocol. Scaime’s solution can be conveniently installed in various parts of a wind turbine, including the blades, mast, or foundations. It has many uses, from continuous monitoring of blade loads, to managing alerts, detecting ice, and estimating remaining lifespan. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SCHAEFFLER FRANCE SAS SUBSIDIARY OF SCHAEFFLER TECHNOLOGIES AG & CO. KG- Mechanical drives 93 route de Bitche - BP 30186, 67500 Haguenau +33 (0)3 88 63 40 40 +33 (0)3 88 63 40 41 ORGANIZATION Schaeffler develops and manufactures precision products for everything that moves – in machines, equipment, and vehicles as well as in aviation and aerospace applications – with its INA, LuK, and FAG brands. ACTIVITIES For over 30 years, INA and FAG have designed and produced bearing arrangements for wind turbines. Within Schaeffler Group Industrial, the specialists from the business unit “Wind power” work closely with designers, manufacturers and operators of wind turbines. As early as the concept phase, detailed attention is paid to customer requirements. Bearing selection and documentation are backed up by sophisticated calculation methods. Products developed to a mature technical level are optimally matched to the particular task. The range is intelligently rounded off by Condition Monitoring systems, lubricants, mounting and maintenance tools. In this way, Schaeffler Group Industrial helps to achieve low operating costs for wind turbines. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Alsace, France. S 338 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Low-friction INA and FAG rolling bearings are used worldwide in the drive train of modern wind energy turbines (from 220 KW to the latest multi-megawatt class). WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 339 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS The split spherical roller bearings FAG ensure for example the proper performance of the wind turbines and reduce the friction of the deep groove ball bearings Generation C implanted in electric motors by 35 %. TRAINING CENTRES An extensive range of products and services are made available by Schaeffler to original equipment manufacturers and operators of wind energy plants. MANUFACTURERS Our actions today will shape our world of tomorrow X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE Energy gy management g 35 rue Joseph Monier, 92506 Rueil-Malmaison cedex +33 (0)4 7660 5885 [email protected] SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION S A world specialist in energy management present in over 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions for many market sectors.The group is a leader in energy, infrastructures, industrial processes, building automation, data centres and networks and has a large presence in residential applications. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, and efficient, the company’s 114,000 employees achieved a turnover of more than €18.3 billion in 2008, through an active commitment to help individuals and organisations make the most of their energy. ACTIVITIES Schneider Electric offers wind power solutions that provide greater energy efficiency and reduced maintenance. These solutions are divided into two approaches, one for wind turbine manufacturers and one for wind farm developers and operators. Wind turbine manufacturers will find solutions for the main electrical system of turbines (from generators– which are not included–to grid connections), for wind turbine monitoring, and for all auxiliary electric systems (nacelle orientation, blade orientation, lighting, heating, climate control, and goods lifts). Developers and operators will find solutions for connecting wind turbines to each other (MV electrical grid), connecting the entire wind farm to the electrical grid, and supervising wind farms remotely. LOCATIONS Through Schneider Electric France’s sales offices (, Schneider Electric SA is present in France in Aix-en-Provence, Ganaches (Pringy), Belfort, Bordeaux (Pessac), Brest, Caen (Bourguebus), Calais (Coquelles), Clermont-Ferrand (Aubière), Compiègne, Dijon (Longvic), Fontenay, Grenoble, Lille (Seclin), Limoges, Lyon (Saint-Priest), Metz, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice - Côte d’Azur, Orléans, Paris - Massy, Paris Saint-Denis, Pau (Lescar), Reims, Rennes (Cesson-Sevigné), Rouen (Mont St-Aignan), Strasbourg (Illkirch-Grafenstaden), Toulouse, and Tours. Its subsidiaries manufacture: conversion substations (PV Box) and prefabricated delivery substations for photovoltaic power plants at the St-Alban Leysse (Savoie) site, monitoring and supervision systems (Kerwin/iRIO) at the Beymost (Rhône) site, residential photovoltaic boxes (SunEzy line) at the Sarre-Union (Bas-Rhin) site, LV and MV switchgear, electrical cabinets and transformers for photovoltaic power plants, at the Alès (Haute-Garonne), Chalons (Saône-etLoire), Montmélian (Savoie), Libourne (Gironde), and Maizières-les-Metz (Moselle) sites. The Project Engineering Centre (PEC) is based in Grenoble (Isère) and is a world skills centre, providing turnkey electrical solutions for photovoltaic power systems to investors and integrators. 340 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Production of resins, gelcoats, and structural adhesives for the manufacture of wind turbine blades 65 rue Sully - BP 51601, 80016 Amiens cedex 1 +33 (0)3 22 66 27 66 +33 (0)3 22 66 27 80 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Scott Bader is a subsidiary of the Scott Bader Group. It has 600 employees, 10% of which work in research and development and is present on every continent. Scott Bader is a European leader in synthetic resins and stands out thanks to its unique financial structure that has no outside shareholders. BUSINESSES SELECTED SUBSIDIARY OF SCOTT BADER LTD- TRAINING CENTRES SCOTT BADER SA The company is specialised in the development and production of structural adhesives and resins, as well as gelcoats for the production of wind turbine nose cones, nacelles, and blades. Scott Bader is a leader in several industries, including sailing, relining, polymer concrete, and transport. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 341 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Picardy. Production sites: England, France, Croatia, South Africa, and Dubai. Distribution companies: USA, China, Scandinavia, Spain, Germany, and Czech Republic. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES S X SUPPLIERS 342 © AREVA WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS Manufacture and sale of gensets 12 bis rue de la Villeneuve - ZI de Kergonan, 29200 Brest +33 (0)2 98 41 41 41 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SDMO is acknowledged as a world leader in gensets, welding units, and motor pumps. ACTIVITIES 2 SDMO has 31,000 m of production facilities, not including its logistics operations. It designs, manufactures, and installs standard gensets from 1 to 3,300 kVA. It also provides engineering expertise for the construction of custombuilt power plants. No matter the size or purpose of your genset, SDMO’s ISO 9001-certified quality processes ensure that each product it designs meets your performance expectations and schedule. MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SDMO WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 343 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Brittany. S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS S SDI (Société de Dragage International) SUBSIDIARY OF DEME GROUP- Construction of offshore wind farms Parc du Pont Royal - 251 avenue du Bois, Batiment i, 59130 Lambersart +33 (0)3 20 10 87 30 +33 (0)3 20 34 77 08 ORGANIZATION With 150 years of experience in maritime construction and 10 years in offshore wind farms, Société de Dragage International (SDI) offers its expertise for the construction of offshore wind farms. Its knowledge and the assistance of its parent company, DEME, make SDI an obvious partner for offshore wind farms and projects. Its skills cover pre-feasibility studies to assistance in wind farm operation. SDI has a modern, versatile, innovative, scalable fleet of 90 ships and 200 auxiliary units. ACTIVITIES All types of offshore wind farm construction, including: • Preliminary studies (hydrographic studies, seabed studies, mast installation, foundation sizing, and technology decisions) • Foundations (dredging, bed, erosion protection, drilling and driving, transport, installation) • Wind turbines (lifting, transport, assembly, installation) • Connections (trench, directional drilling, installation) • Maritime assistance in maintenance and operation of offshore wind farms. SDI worked at the following offshore wind farms: Outer Thames Estuary off the North Kent Coast (UK), 2013-2015; Borkum Riffgrund 01 (DE), 2013-2014; (Northwind) Lodewijkbank (BE), 2013-2014; Belwind II OWF (BE), 2013; Le Tréport (FR), 2013; (Dong) Westermost Rough (UK), 2013-2014; Borkum West II (DE), 2011-2012; Thortonbank II + III (BE), 2011-2013; Humber Gateway (UK), 2011-2012; Baltic II (DE), 2010-2013; Walney I & II (UK), 2010-2011; Ormonde (UK), 2010; Alpha Ventus (DE), 2009; Thortonbank I (BE), 2007-2011; 2000-2007: Utgrunden (SU); Horns Rev, Samso I, Rodsand (DK); Béatrice (UK). LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais. 344 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED Member of the DEME group Self-elevating platform “Neptune”. C-Power project, Belgium. From the beginning, the “Société de Dragage International” (S.D.I.), French branch of the DEME group, has been a real pioneer on major marine and waterways projects in France. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Innovative marine and offshore solutions adapted to a continuously changing environment S.D.I. and the DEME group, propose a total solution for offshore wind farm construction, and provide a full range of specialized services: from geotechnical, geophysical and dimensional studies, over foundation works, transport, lifting and installation of the wind turbines, to the electrical connection and marine assistance during the operational phase. With an experience of over 10 years in the offshore wind sector and over 150 years in it’s core business, the DEME team is ready to create the offshore wind farms of the future! WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 345 SUPPLIERS Société de Dragage International “S.D.I.” sa Parc du Pont Royal, 251 avenue du Bois, Bâtiment I F-59130 Lambersart, France T +33 (0)3 20 10 87 30 F +33 (0)3 20 34 77 08 [email protected] DEME: creating land for the future X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Electrical engineering Allée du traité de Rome - BP 74, 59279 Bailleul +33 (0)3 28 50 00 15 +33 (0)3 28 50 00 16 [email protected] ACTIVITIES SEL is a specialist in electrical engineering for wind and photovoltaic power plant infrastructure. Services include: • Designing of all types of delivery and distribution substations • Cable-laying • HV and LV connections • Fibre optics • HV substations. These expertises complement each other and allow the SEL group to study, design, and implement comprehensive, scalable solutions to optimise energy production and distribution. As part of its evolution, the company has invested in the wind power industry, a field in which it has developed real expertise. SEL expanded into the fast-growing sector in 2002 and quickly made a name for itself. As it expanded into different markets, SEL developed and designed its own delivery substations to connect wind turbines to the EDF power grid. Today, SEL earns 70% of its turnover from the wind power sector. LOCATIONS SEL is a small business and has been located at the Bailleul site in Nord (Nord) since it was founded in 2000. Based between Lille, Dunkerque, and Saint Omer, SEL is ideally located for its market. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SEL ENERBETON S 346 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of wind turbine masts 2 rue Monge, 22000 Saint-Brieuc +33 (0)2 96 33 42 77 +33 (0)2 96 61 38 61 [email protected] ACTIVITIES SEMA is a boilermaking company with around 20 employees. It specialises in large-scale structures, including tubular masts for wind turbines. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SEMA (Société d’Entreprise Metallurgique d’Armor) LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 347 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Brittany. S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES SEMANTIC TS Engineering consulting compagny specialized in acoustic oceanography R&D. 1142 chemin Saint-Roch - Quartier La Baou, 83110 Sanary-sur-Mer +33 (0)4 94 88 24 58 +33 (0)9 55 78 63 12 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SEMANTIC TS is an engineering consulting company devoted to acoustic oceanography, hydrograpgy and geophysics. ACTIVITIES Environmental measurements : hydrography, geophysics and undrwater acoustics. Bottom classification. Environmental monitoring. Specific softwares. Measurement campaign at sea. Specific instrumentation. Survey vessel. Underwater acoustic propagation and communication. Noise. SEMANTIC TS is established in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France), but does not limit its displacements while working and surveying everywhere in the world. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS S 348 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 1 bis avenue de la Méditerranée, 81240 Saint-Amans-Soult +33 (0)5 63 98 06 15 +33 (0)4 92 61 51 17 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SERHY SAS • Capital of €1,540,000 • Castres Trade and Companies Register B379 746 001 • SIRET 379 746 001 00070 • APE Code 7112B • Intracommunity No. FR 78 379 746 001. ACTIVITIES • Hydroelectricity: development, studies, execution, project management, operation, property maintenance, buying and selling of sites, commercialisation of energy purchase contracts, and guarantee of origin. • Wind power: development, studies, project management, engineering and substantial optimisation of electrical connections, operation. • Photovoltaic: development, studies, project management, engineering and optimisation of electrical connections, operation. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 349 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Midi-Pyrénées, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes. MANUFACTURERS Engineering office, consulting, operation and maintenance TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SERHY S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SETEC ENERGY SOLUTIONS Engineering and consulting Immeuble le Crystallin - CS 20087 - 191/193 cours Lafayette, 69458 Lyon cedex 6 [email protected] Setec Energy Solutions specialises in energy production and management in France and abroad. Setec Energy Solutions handles all missions ranging from studies, assistance to project owners, project management, expert assessment and assistance for private and public clients. We operate in the following fields: energy efficiency, hydroelectricity, onshore and offshore wind farms, biomass and fossil thermal energy, geothermics, and solar. ACTIVITIES • Consulting: Setec Energy Solutions helps its partners and clients define their projects and develop their strategies through feasibility studies, project management, due diligence, expert assessment and diagnostics, studies of resource potential, and general upstream studies (master plan, carbon footprint, strategic advice and studies of energy resources). • Engineering: Setec Energy Solutions uses its operational trades including civil engineering, hydraulics, equipment and energy production processes. It performs all the technical studies for the project phase right through to construction site management. LOCATIONS Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION S 350 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED SGS QUALITEST INDUSTRIE Inspections, p verifications, analyses y and certification Domaine de Corbeville Ouest, 92100 Orsay +33 (0)1 69 33 69 14 +33 (0)1 64 46 02 04 [email protected] LOCATIONS Île-de-France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 351 MANUFACTURERS SGS works on all stages of industrial projects, from design to construction and operation. SGS offers a wide range of services wind farm projects covering their entire life-cycle to ensure that machines are reliable and efficient. Services include: • Studies: design verification, site evaluation, project certification • Technical consulting: due diligence, project risk management, support for calls for tenders, project owner representation, assistance for authorisation procedures • HSE: regulatory audits and consulting, outsourcing • Supplier monitoring: technical audits and evaluations of suppliers, factory inspections, acceptance testing, follow-up and reminders • Verifications: non-destructive testing, quality control/assurance, blade inspections • Supervision of construction and loading/unloading operations • At acceptance: functional and safety tests, commissioning supervision, final inspection • During operation: periodic and end-of-warranty inspections, vibration studies, oil analyses, endoscopies, blade inspections, damage analyses. DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS ACTIVITIES SUPPLIERS Founded in 1878 in Rouen, SGS is the world leader in inspections, verifications, analyses, and certification. Acknowledged as a reference for quality and integrity, SGS has over 78,000 employees and a network of over 1,500 offices and laboratories around the world. TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS SGURRENERGY Technical consulting 34 rue de Cléry, 75002 Paris +33 (0)1 44 88 57 10 [email protected] ORGANIZATION With a track record of over 110 GW and its innovative technologies, SgurrEnergy is recognised as one of the world’s largest specialists in independent technical consulting in the field of renewable energy (onshore wind energy, offshore wind energy, photovoltaic power and marine energy). Founded in 2002 in Scotland • 180 consultants and engineers • 10 international offices, including an office in Paris, France, since January 2009. ACTIVITIES SgurrEnergy’s impartial technical expertise is called upon during the entire life-cycle of a renewable energy project by project owners, investors (due diligence), operators and manufacturers. Objectives: To significantly reduce risk and significantly increase project value. SgurrEnergy has developed Galion, second-generation LIDAR remote detection technology. Objectives: Improve understanding of wind resources and optimise wind farm performance. Project design/development • Resource measurement/analysis (using met masts, LIDAR, SODAR) • Calculation of production potential • Selection of sites • Feasibility studies • Sizing and optimisation • CFD • Technology audits • Electrical and civil engineering, control systems • Pre-contract phases • Completely impartial technical and financial due diligence (financing or project transfers/acquisitions) • Consulting for operation and maintenance. Products: Galion; Orqa (offshore measurement and data analysis platform); SgurrSCADA (SCADA data analysis software). SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS S Île-de-France. 352 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 84 rue Edouard Vaillant, 93351 Le Bourget +33 (0)1 49 92 80 33 +33 (0)1 49 92 80 97 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Sika is an independent Swiss group founded in 1910. It has a worldwide presence with over 15,000 employees in 74 countries. Sika France SA has over 650 employees and an annual turnover of more than €280 million in the construction and industry trades. ACTIVITIES Sika Industry develops solutions for bonding, sealing, soundproofing, and reinforcement for industry (automotive, marine, transport, and construction components). Its products are particularly used in windows, façades, structural glass bonding, photovoltaic and thermal panels, and solar concentrators. With more than 30 years of experience in developing façade solutions (bonded exterior glass), and over 15 years in renewable energy, Sika has a complete line of adhesives for assembling photovoltaic and thermal panels and solar concentrators, as well as for building wind turbines from the foundations (concrete additives, anti-corrosion systems) to the blades. Its adhesives for the solar power industry have been optimised to combine performance, ease of use, and setting time to enable largescale, automated application. With worldwide assistance available for all your projects, Sika is the ideal partner for manufacturers of solar power systems. MANUFACTURERS Assembly and sealing solutions for renewable energy TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SIKA INDUSTRY LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 353 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. S X SUPPLIERS 354 © ALSTOM WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS Sale of sealing components and systems and anti-vibration parts 170 rue Branly, 71020 Mâcon cedex 9 +33 (0)3 85 29 30 00 +33 (0)3 85 29 30 87 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Freudenberg Simrit SAS has 70 employees. It is a subsidiary of the Freudenberg group, which has 35,000 employees worldwide. Its head office in France is located in Mâcon, and the sales department in Emerainville (77). In 2009, Freudenberg Simrit SAS had a turnover of €40 million. ACTIVITIES Thanks to its cutting-edge technology, Simrit already operates in numerous segments of the wind power industry, with renowned products and solutions adapted to the requirements of the sector. The large number of products known worldwide such as sealing rings (Simmerring), hydraulic components (Merkel), hydraulic accumulators (Integral Accumulator), O-rings, and liquid silicone products is proof of Simrit’s positioning on the market. With specific solutions and anti-vibration systems, Simrit has the largest selection of products in this field. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 355 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Burgundy, Île-de-France. Sales division: Freudenberg Simrit SAS 49 bis Avenue de l’Europe - La Malnoue/Emerainville 77436 Marne La Vallée cedex Tel +33 (0)1 60 95 89 00 - Fax +33 (0)1 60 95 89 29 MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF FREUDENBERG GROUP- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SIMRIT S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Bearings manufacturer ZA de l’Observatoire - 34 avenue des Trois Peuples - 78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux +33 (0)1 30 12 73 00 +33 (0)1 30 12 76 50 [email protected] ORGANIZATION The SKF group is the world’s leading supplier of bearings, lubrication systems, mechatronics, seals and services. ACTIVITIES SKF designs bearings, seals and couplings, as well as lubrication and vibration monitoring systems that work in tandem with its Remote Diagnostic Centres. The company develops bespoke solutions such as gearbox kits and made-to-order seals to help wind-turbine operators increase production and cut costs. SKF also supplies equipment such as Hydrocam bolt tensioners, endoscopes and alignment systems. SKF engineers and teams regularly work alongside OEMs and wind farm operators to help them improve equipment efficiency and increase energy savings, whilst at the same time reducing their impact on the environment. LOCATIONS 9 sites in France including: • Avallon (89) - slewing bearings • Saint-Cyr sur Loire (37) - generator bearings • Montigny-le-Bretonneux (78) - Hydrocam tensioners and Remote Diagnostic Centre. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SKF IN FRANCE S 356 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS 7KH3RZHURI.QRZOHGJH(QJLQHHULQJ BUSINESSES SELECTED :LQGSRZHUPD\EHWKHDQVZHUWRPXFKRIWRGD\³V HQHUJ\GHPDQG%XWPDLQWHQDQFHVHUYLFHDQGRSHUDWLRQ RIZLQGWXUELQHVDUHFRVWO\DQGFRPSOH[1RWRQO\DUH WKH\KLJKXSLQWKHDLUWKHLUORFDWLRQVDUHRIWHQUHPRWH 6RPHDUHHYHQORFDWHGRIIVKRUH 7RVLPSOLI\OLIHIRUZLQGIDUPRZQHUVDQGRSHUDWRUV ZHRIIHUDQDUUD\RIVROXWLRQVVXFKDV6.):LQG&RQ 8VLQJZLUHOHVVWHFKQRORJ\LWHQDEOHVUHPRWHPRQLWRULQJ RIWKHWXUELQH³VRSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQV7KHUHVXOWLVFRVW HIIHFWLYHPDLQWHQDQFHDQGRSWLPDOVHUYLFHSODQQLQJ &RPELQHGZLWK6.):LQG/XEDFHQWUDOL]HGDXWRPDWLF OXEULFDWLRQV\VWHPLWSURYLGHVWKHEHQHILWVRILQFUHDVHG DYDLODELOLW\DQGVDIHW\ 7KHERWWRPOLQHLVDGUDVWLFDOO\UHGXFHGFRVWSHUN:K SURGXFHG7RILQGRXWPRUHSOHDVHYLVLWVNIFRP TRAINING CENTRES 0DNLQJFRVWO\PDLQWHQDQFH EORZDZD\ 6.)1DXWLOXV 0DWWKLDV+RIPDQQ6.) WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 VNIFRP 357 SUPPLIERS &RPSDFWWXUELQHV X PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED Electrical engineering 87 avenue de Aygalades, 13015 Marseille +33 (0)4 91 61 58 00 +33 (0)4 91 61 58 13 [email protected] ACTIVITIES The SNEF group is a specialist in electrical engineering, industrial processes, communication and safety systems, climate engineering, and maintenance. LOCATIONS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. SNEF has 62 offices and 29 subsidiaries in France and 13 subsidiaries abroad. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES SNEF S 358 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS SUBSIDIARY OF SNEF GROUP- Shipbuilding and repair 170 rue de l’Elorn, 29200 Brest +33 (0)2 98 44 72 69 +33 (0)2 98 46 79 75 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SOBEC, a subsidiary of the SNEF group, has a permanent staff of 55 high-qualified employees specialising in naval trades and in industry. Shipbuilding and repair of all types of vessels. ACTIVITIES TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SOBEC SARL MANUFACTURERS • Construction and fairings for port infrastructures, including floating docks, pontoons, walkways, and sea gates. • Construction and fairings for all types of service vessels including pilot boats, and naval training vessels. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 359 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Brittany, Finistère. S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Import of parts and manufacture of hydraulic cylinders ZI du Plessis Beucher - BP 52116, 35221 Châteaubourg cedex +33 (0)2 99 00 84 00 +33 (0)2 99 00 84 09 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Socah Division Hydraulique was founded in 1993 and today has 54 employees. Its head office is located in Châteaubourg, near Rennes in France. It also has two other sites: a sales office in Ancenis (Loire-Atlantique) and a production plant in Vinay (Isère) manufacturing Luce Hydro cylinders. In 2008, the company’s turnover was up by 25% at €12 million. ACTIVITIES Socah Hydraulique’s main areas of speciality are agriculture, vehicle bodywork, and manufacturing. Its three primary trades are: importing parts, designing and building hydro-electric power stations, and manufacturing hydraulic cylinders under the brand name Luce Hydro. It has one of the largest stocks in the industry (over €3 million worth) to ensure excellent responsiveness. In January 2008, Socah Hydraulique bought back CHS (Composant Hydraulique Service), allowing the company to offer a complete line of components. LOCATIONS Châteaubourg in Brittany, Ancenis in Pays de la Loire, and Vinay in Rhône-Alpes. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE S 360 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Port operations and services for goods and ships Rue Des Morées, 44550 Montoir-de-Bretagne +33 (0)2 40 90 41 42 +33 (0)2 40 90 25 37 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Sogebras is a subsidiary of the Sogena and Maritime Kuhn groups. Together, the two groups a network of 16 agencies in all the major French ports and employ 600 people. Sogebras’s main activities are port operations and services for goods and ships. It also specialises in the transport and handling of heavy, bulky items. ACTIVITIES Liner agency, ship agency, stevedoring, storage, forwarding, and customs. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SOGEBRAS MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 361 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire, France (Maritime Kuhn and Sogena). S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Lifting, handling and industrial transfers ZAC du Moulin Lamblin, 248 rue du Général de Gaulle, 59320 Hallennes-lez-Haubourdin +33 (0)3 20 50 71 00 +33 (0)3 20 50 83 75 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Soliman has 50 technicians who are CACES-certified (safe driving aptitude certificate). They receive continual training and are educated in safety awareness. Soliman operates in a number of sectors, including industry, the construction trade, and civil works. ACTIVITIES Three sectors of activity: lifting, assembly/handling/industrial transfers, and leasing of equipment. The company owns 40 of the latest telescopic cranes, 35 to 400 tonnes. It recently created a new department for lattice boom crawler cranes. LOCATIONS Nord-Pas de Calais. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS SOLIMAN LEVAGE S 362 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Harsh environment connector RD 323, 72470 Champagné +33 (0)2 43 54 35 14 [email protected] ORGANIZATION SAS ACTIVITIES • Engineering & manufacturer of specific connectors for harsh environement including marine & offshore application • Machining, plating, plastic injection & assembly • Certified laboratory for electrical and environmental test • Harnessing & overmoulding • Full knowledge on optical technologies, Ethernet, low and high elctrical signal LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 363 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Plant close to “Le Mans” : 900 people. MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF ESTERLINE- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SOURIAU S X SUPPLIERS 364 © AREVA WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS 70 chemin de Payssat - BP 4056, 31029 Toulouse cedex 04 +33 (0)5 61 36 77 77 +33 (0)5 61 36 75 56 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A service professional in industry, energy, and communication networks, SPIE works closely with public and private clients from the industrial and tertiary sectors to design and produce their equipment and assist with operation and maintenance. SPIE draws on its European network of local companies and its specialised services to develop and implement quality solutions tailored to its clients’ current and future needs. ACTIVITIES Originally a project manager and installer for the construction of hydro-electric power stations, it was only natural that in 1996 SPIE should begin working in renewable energy (wind, photovoltaic, biomass, and ORC). SPIE has the expertise necessary to help investors develop their projects. For turnkey contracts, SPIE covers everything from earthwork to commissioning. LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 365 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Midi-Pyrénées. MANUFACTURERS New energy TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED SPIE ENERGIES NOUVELLES S PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES STE GLOBAL Supplier and installer of met masts 10 Parc club du Millénaire - 1025 rue Henri Becquerel, 34000 Montpellier +33 (0)4 67 20 40 50 [email protected] [email protected] ORGANIZATION STE GLOBAL has its head office in Villanueva de Gallego in the province of Zaragoza in Spain, at the foot of the Pyrénées mountain range, two hours from the French city of Pau. Since 2003, STE GLOBAL has had a satellite office in Montpellier which has always been the company’s showcase and contact point for its French clients. In 2013, the company opened a sales branch in Dakar, Senegal, for its new area of activity: providing and installing telecommunications aerials. The goods for meteorological masts and the teams of technicians dedicated to them are physically located in Villanueva de Gallego. Operations are controlled and directed from its head office. Its warehouse is used for the new equipment for the installations and for temporary storage for some of its clients whilst seeking a new site for reassembly. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES S STE GLOBAL specialises in wind measurement. Its main area of activity is the supply and installation of meteorological masts and measuring equipment. It provides a wide range of services, including preventive and corrective maintenance, solutions to communication problems and electrical supply problems for heated equipment, programming of aircraft warning lights in the data logger, replacing sensors that are broken or need recalibration, supplying and installing met masts that are equipped and installed in accordance with IEC norms, dismantling and storage of met masts, technical assistance, communications testing, and data downloading. Its second area is telecommunications. STE GLOBAL opened a sales office in Dakar to expand its knowledge of metal aerials in the growing telecommunications market. STE GLOBAL SENEGAL offers a range of metal antenna suited to telephone, radio, and television antenna and equipment, (relay antenna, Yagi antenna and parabolic antenna). STE GLOBAL employees travel regularly in France, Spain, and Belgium. Occasionally, they perform installation and maintenance in Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Mexico, Jordan, and Senegal. The company has its own in-house installation team with extensive experience in installing, lifting, disassembling, and maintaining guyed, self-supporting, and tubular masts. STE GLOBAL also provides and installs all equipment necessary for meteorological measurements, including data loggers, wind gauges, weathervanes, and other sensors of all brands. New products: LT47 guyed lattice masts, HD60 super-reinforced guyed lattice masts, self-supporting masts: new, effective, profitable solutions. STE GLOBAL can work on several models of mast as it has the tools to disassemble or install several of the most well-known mast models in Europe. LOCATIONS France, Spain, Senegal. 366 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 SUPPLIERS 367 X DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED PARTNERS PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS STX FRANCE ENERGIES MARINES Design and manufacture of foundations for offshore wind turbines, electrical substations, and specialised ships Avenue Bourdelle - BP 90180, 44613 Saint-Nazaire cedex +33 (0)2 51 10 90 12 +33 (0)2 51 10 48 71 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Organisation dedicated to marine energy, located at the former shipyard Chantier de l’Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire. ACTIVITIES Studies and manufacture of foundations for offshore wind turbines, electrical substations, and specialised ships; development of concepts and manufacture of prototypes. Services include: • Turnkey contracts • Engineering: basic and detailed design • Manufacturing • R&D. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Pays de la Loire. S 368 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS 89 avenue de la Grande Armée, 75116 Paris +33 (0)1 47 78 25 53 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering, and construction for the energy industry. With sites in 48 countries on every continent, Technip has offices in Paris (head office), Lyon, and Marseille. ACTIVITIES From the deepest subsea developments to the largest, most complex onshore and offshore infrastructure, Technip’s 30,000 employees provide the best, most innovative solutions and technology to face the world’s energy challenges. Technip owns cutting-edge, industrial infrastructure and a fleet of specialised ships for pipe installation and underwater construction. As a major designer and provider of comprehensive energy solutions,Technip has delved into the renewable energy sector, focusing on biofuels, solar and marine energy, and the capture and storage of carbon and geothermal energy. In 2011, Technip expanded into offshore wind energy and created Technip Offshore Wind, a division dedicated entirely to the construction and installation of European offshore wind farms. In France, Technip, along with Iberdrola, Eole-RES, and Neoen Marine, was one of the winners of the government project to develop, build, and operate a wind farm on the Saint-Brieuc bay. The farm will consist of 100 wind turbines and cover 80 km2. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Construction and installation of offshore structures TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED TECHNIP WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 369 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Île-de-France. T PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS TEXSYS Automation, SCADA, System Engineering 14 avenue de l’Europe, 31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne +33 (0)9 52 22 40 09 +33 (0)9 57 22 40 09 [email protected] ORGANIZATION TEXSYS is a SME specialised in the study, development and supply of automation and SCADA systems for renewable electricity production : wind, solar, hydro, wave and tidal power. ACTIVITIES TEXSYS provides its system named ACTEM to wind energy producers, on wind farms either under construction or already in operations. This system is a full SCADA system which enables the owner to monitor in real-time the wind turbines and in the long term to follow-up their production and performances. Fitted also for maintenance, it allows the operators to react quickly and to minimize the unavailability of the machines. TEXSYS also develops automation systems for managing wind farms production in conformity with the DEIE rules imposed by ERDF. Besides, we support our clients to define and develop with them any automation or instrumentation solution for specific needs. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS We are implanted in Toulouse area in the Midi-Pyrénées region and we are providing our systems in wind farms located in France or in Europe. T 370 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS +33 (0)3 87 38 41 41 [email protected] ORGANIZATION A subsidiary of the Germany group SAG, the Thepault group specialises in the construction of high-voltage and medium voltage electrical infrastructure (overhead and underground lines and transformer stations). The Thepault group draws on the expertise of its various subsidiaries allowing it to cover every stage of network construction from the project phase right up to delivery of the equipment. ACTIVITIES The Thepault group is qualified to undertake framework contracts with some of France’s biggest prime contractors in electricity (RTE and ERDF) and telecommunications (France Télécom), and works with private, institutional, and local authority clients as well. The group’s trades and skills include: • HV, MV and LV overhead networks: engineering, foundations, assembly and lifting of supports, cable stringing, removal and dismantlement • Transformer substations: technical and administrative studies, civil engineering, substation construction, and connection to the grid • Underground networks: burying of HV, MV and LV electrical networks, telecommunications and television networks, connections, temporary connections, junction rooms, laying of networks in tunnels and confined spaces • Illumination and outdoor lighting: roadways, open spaces, sporting arenas, monuments, and civil engineering structures • Special construction: mechanised laying of networks, trenching and micro-trenching, directional drilling and boring • Alternative energy and sustainable development (wind, photovoltaic, biomass): pre-project tasks and administrative applications, access studies, burying of networks and laying of underground connections, connections to transformers, construction of delivery substations • Engineering offices: studies of overhead, underground networks and transformer substations, ground surveys, applications for construction and easement permits and right-of-way agreements • Environmental studies: feasibility studies (overhead and underground electrical lines, gas pipelines, roadway projects, etc.), impact studies, ensuring correctness of urban planning documents and administrative applications (construction permits, consulting, etc.) LOCATIONS Lorraine. National coverage. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 371 MANUFACTURERS 45 route de Metz, 57130 Jouy-aux-Arches +33 (0)3 87 38 40 18 DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Electrical engineering, foundations, and earthworks SUPPLIERS SUBSIDIARY OF SAG- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED THEPAULT T PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TPL INDUSTRIES Treatment of metal surfaces ZA Auralis - La Maucarrière, 79600 Tessonnière +33 (0)5 49 64 42 49 +33 (0)5 49 64 42 50 [email protected] SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES ORGANIZATION T TPL INDUSTRIES specialises in surface treatments. It has an industrial clientele, whose products can be found in over 80 countries worldwide in a wide range sectors, such as wind power (wind turbine ball bearings, structures), airports (aircraft tugs, bag carts, stairs, and miscellaneous handling equipment), boilermaking (vats, pipes, skids, etc.), handling (bridge cranes, scissor lifts, davit arms, etc.). TPL INDUSTRIES has three workshops with a production area of 5,000 m2 featuring handling and treatment equipment. In 2008, the company had around €4 million in turnover and a staff of 35 employees. TPL INDUSTRIES offers a comprehensive line of services to help clients manage their flow. Services include picking up parts from clients’ sites, storing products before and after treatment, and delivery. TPL INDUSTRIES also has vehicles to do rounds to customers’ sites and can organise special transport on demand. ACTIVITIES TPL INDUSTRIES specialises in shot-peening, sandblasting (corundum and angular grit), metallisation, surface preparation (sanding, filling), and applying liquid paint for corrosion protection. TPL works hard to provide quality services and satisfy its clients by performing stringent inspections during production (verifying surface conditions, measuring thickness, using gloss metres, and performing pull-out tests) and by training its employees. Some of its operators are ACQPA-certified and work with OHGPI benchmarks. TPL INDUSTRIES provides guidance and advice for anti-corrosion systems, developing an ACQPA-certified single-coat to four-coat system to provide the solution to meet clients’ needs. Certified operators use complex systems that guarantee treatments will last for years. TPL INDUSTRIES performs treatments on carbon steel, galvanisation, aluminium, and stainless steel. It also applies all types of liquid paints, including glycerophthalate paint, zinc-based primers, solvent-free and food-grade epoxy, and polyurethane. LOCATIONS Head office in Poitou-Charentes. Geographical coverage throughout France. Workshops in Tessonnière, Louin, and Châtillon-sur-Thouet. 372 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Manufacture of composite RTM parts ZI Vallée du Bois - BP 44, 62450 Bapaume +33 (0)3 21 58 92 55 +33 (0)3 21 48 07 88 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Small business with 40 employees specialising in polyester and phenolic resin injection for the manufacture of largescale single skin or sandwich parts. The company works primarily in industrial bodywork, manufacturing insulated doors for refrigerated lorries and semi-trailers, and formed parts. ACTIVITIES Testing for manufacture of small blades for prototypes. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED UNIJECT MANUFACTURERS LOCATIONS WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 373 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Nord-Pas de Calais. U PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED VALEOL SUBSIDIARY OF VALOREM- Facilities Management, Industry and R&D programs in wind energy 213 Parc de l’Intelligence Environnementale - Cours Victor Hugo, 33323 Bègles cedex SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS TRAINING CENTRES +33 (0)5 56 49 28 58 +33 (0)5 56 49 24 56 [email protected] V ORGANIZATION SAS. Staff: 8 EFT ACTIVITIES Subsidiary at 100% of VALOREM Group, Green Energy Productor, VALEOL brings technical and industrial expertise to develop and to implement VALOREM R&D programs. Thanks to its Know-How and skills of its engineers and Ph.Doctors, VALEOL takes profit of its direct contact with wind market to design and realize true applications and innovative solutions from patent to commissioning. Nowadays, VALEOL is involved in 3 european commission founded projects and 7 national founded projects regarding issues in Materials, Grids, Operation&Maintenance, in both On and Offshore, sharing its works with Large Companies and 1st ranking Universities Labs. VALEOL also provides Transportation, Mecanical Completion, Erection and Commissioning of wind turbines for Promotors, local Utilities and turbine Manufacturers, french or foreigners. This expertise brought VALEOL to offer services to customers or to follow them abroad in North and West Africa, Central America, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. LOCATIONS Amiens, Rouen, Nantes, Bordeaux Bègles, Carcassonne. 374 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Espace Champlain, 59 rue Desseaux, 76100 Rouen +33 (0)2 35 12 29 50 [email protected] ORGANIZATION VALREA, a subsidiary of the VALOREM group, is specialised in project engineering, project management, assistance to project owners and consulting for the construction of wind farms and biogas and photovoltaic power plants. In 2010, the company had 15 employees based in Rouen and Bordeaux. With over 380 MW under its belt since 2007, VALREA has supervised over 34 construction sites in France for a many clients, including RWE, E.ON/Endesa, Eolfi/Veolia, VOLTALIA, RENERCO, TPF, Iberdrola, VALOREM, VIVAL ENERGIES, BL FINANCE, RF Invest, and more. ACTIVITIES VALREA performs all tasks for the project management of wind farm constructions, providing pre-project and project studies, assistance in awarding construction contracts, execution studies, approval, supervision of construction work, construction site scheduling/coordination/management, and assistance to project owner for acceptance. Working closely with clients, VALREA helps make projects a reality: • VALREA stays with project owners through all the construction phases to coordinate development and operation, from obtaining construction permits to commissioning, acceptance and final acceptance. • VALREA provides advice and helps clients make construction choices, optimise projects, choose vendors, carry out administrative procedures, and manage risk • VALREA is regularly present at construction sites to structure, plan, coordinate, and organise the worksite to meet deadlines, budgets, and quality, safety, and environmental requirements • VALREA helps clients obtain approvals and contracts for power grid and telecoms connections and handles the local and administrative tasks necessary to make your project successful. Backed by its extensive experience, VALREA also offers more specific missions involving assistance to project owners, auditing services in particular fields related to connection or construction. It is an expert in all areas of infrastructure construction and project engineering in France and abroad. LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS Engineering, project management and assistance to project owners DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUBSIDIARY OF VALOREM- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED VALREA WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 375 SUPPLIERS Aquitaine and Upper Normandy. V PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES Manufacturer of lifting and handling equipment 2 boulevard de l’Industrie - BP 20059, 28509 Vernouillet cedex +33 (0)2 37 38 95 95 +33 (0)2 37 38 95 99 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 1858, Verlinde supplied the naval and engineering industries with a revolutionary device: the wormscrew hoist. In 1918, when electricity was making its debut, Verlinde was the first manufacturer in France to design and sell winches and hoists. ACTIVITIES Verlinde is France’s number one manufacturer of lifting and handling equipment, offering ranges of equipment specifically made for the wind power industry (electric chain hoists and electric winches for wind turbines). LOCATIONS Centre. Offices worldwide. SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS VERLINDE V 376 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Power transmission, drive and control technology 21 boulevard Champy Richardets, 93166 Noisy-le-Grand +33 (0)1 48 15 69 38 +33 (0)1 48 15 69 30 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Voith Turbo, specialising in heavy machinery, was founded in Germany by a craftsman in 1860. Today, the Voith group is present in around 40 countries on five continents. Through various industrial companies and commercial subsidiaries, Voith is a leader in most of its sectors. In 2008-09, the company achieved a turnover of €5.1 billion and employed 39,330 people. Voith’s products include automatic gearboxes, hydrodynamic transmissions, reduction gears, fluid couplings, universal drives, and gearboxes. ACTIVITIES In the wind power industry, Voith’s WinDrive is a variable hydromechanical gearbox. Its innovative technology drives generators at a constant given speed, despite large variations in the turbine’s rotor speed. This makes it possible to use synchronous generators, which are known for their reliability and can deliver MV currents. The WinDrive is composed of an epicyclic gearbox and a hydrokinetic torque converter working in parallel. The main components of the wind turbine are thus, in the direction of energy transmission: the wind turbine’s main rotor, the main shaft, the main gearbox, the WinDrive variable gearbox, and the generator (no power electronics). The WinDrive can transfer up to 8 MW of power. Head office in Île-de-France. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 377 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS LOCATIONS MANUFACTURERS SUBSIDIARY OF VOITH TURBO GMBH & CO. KG- TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED VOITH TURBO V PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES WESERWIND European specialist in foundations for offshore wind turbines Riedemannstraße 1, D-27572 Bremerhaven +49 04 71 8 09 31 0 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Founded in 2002, WeserWind has a staff of over 500 employees and specialises in complex steel structures for offshore wind farms. With over 10 years of experience, 100 tripods and 5 substations built, and major R&D, WeserWind is an acknowledged specialist in the offshore wind energy market. Located in Bremerhaven, the European hub for the offshore wind power industry, we also offer storage capacities for up to 60 foundations, to help you optimise your installation strategies. MANUFACTURERS ACTIVITIES • Foundation production (tripods, jackets, transition pieces). Thanks to its new Am Lunedeich production facilities, WeserWind can produce almost any size! The largest foundations on the market were produced by WeserWind. • Electric substation (foundation and topside). With its long experience, WeserWind is ready to face any challenge. These two products are available in production only, or in EPC. In association with these products, WeserWind offers O&M services to ensure the parts continue to function properly. LOCATIONS SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS Germany. W 378 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PARTNERS Products, systems and services for wind turbine operation and maintenance Aéroparc A13Bis - 12 rue de Caulet, 31300 Toulouse +33 (0)5 34 51 58 16 +33 (0)9 58 67 21 60 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Wind Direct Services was founded in early 2009 to provide technical services and solutions to wind power players, including operators, maintenance firms and builders of wind turbines. Our products, services, and solutions are the culmination of many years of experience in the sector and provide outstanding cost-effectiveness to our partners and clients. We are constantly striving to improve our services and solutions to make wind energy more competitive. Our experience, quality of service, responsiveness, competitiveness, and professionalism guarantee your satisfaction. TRAINING CENTRES BUSINESSES SELECTED WIND DIRECT SERVICES ACTIVITIES LOCATIONS Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse. WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 379 SUPPLIERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS Services: • Installation of additional equipment, vibration analysis systems (CMS), and particle counting • Technical inspections (nacelles, blades, rotors, masts, weathervanes, etc.) • Performance monitoring and wind farm operation • Measurements and non-destructive inspections (laser alignment, endoscopy, thermal cameras, etc.) • Installation and replacement of aircraft warning lights Distribution and hiring out: • Specific tools (wrenches, hydraulic cylinders) • Measuring devices • Devices for non-destructive inspections Distribution: • Consumables • Spare parts • Personal protective equipment W PARTNERS BUSINESSES SELECTED TRAINING CENTRES MANUFACTURERS DEVELOPERS/OPERATORS SUPPLIERS W WIND PROSPECT Technical assessment, operation and construction 22 rue de Palestro, 75002 Paris +33 (0) 175 770 680 [email protected] ORGANIZATION Leading service provider, Wind Prospect is an independent group of technical experts at the investors’ service. Since 1995, Wind Prospect is a reference platform delivering audit and technical advisory, asset management, technical inspections and construction to the renewable industry (wind, solar, hydro). Wind Prospect has been active in France since 2007 through 6 regional offices located at the nearest of sites. MANAGEMENT: • French Director: Barthélémy Rouer • Group Director: Euan Cameron STAFF: • France: 25 staff • Wind Prospect Group: 200 staff ACTIVITIES • Audit & Advisory: On behalf of buyers, lenders or sellers, Wind Prospect has conducted audits on more than 35 GW to date. Wind Prospect identifies the risk profile of a project from the technical, administrative and economical points of view and advocates for the interests of its clients during negotiation phases. • Asset Management: As a one-stop boutique for third party owners, Wind Prospect takes care of the whole administrative and technical management. Beginning 2014, Wind Prospect operates an aggregated capacity of 850+ MW. • Tests & Measurements – Construction: Our experts carry out more than 500 technical inspections each year. During construction phase Wind Prospect issues calls for tenders, negotiates contracts, monitors construction works and commissioning. LOCATIONS France: Amiens, Issoudun, Lyon, Nancy, Paris (HQs’), Toulouse. Worldwide: South Africa, Australia, China, Ireland, Poland, United-Kingdom (HQs’), Turkey. 380 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 INDEX ALPHABETICAL INDEX # BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF ………………………… 159 3E FRANCE …………………………………… 130 BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS ………………………… 77 8.2 FRANCE …………………………………… 131 BECK CRESPEL ………………………………… 160 BERTHOLD……………………………………… 161 A BESNÉ MÉCANIQUE DE PRÉCISION ……………… 37 ABB …………………………………………… 132 BEUZIT FRANCOIS SARL ………………………… 162 ACCES DIFFICILES SERVICES …………………… 133 BLP (Bolloré Logistique Portuaire) ……………… 163 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 BMP …………………………………………… 164 ACROPHOTO …………………………………… 135 BONFIGLIOLI TRANSMISSIONS ………………… 165 ACTEMIUM …………………………………… 136 BOREAS ………………………………………… 79 ACTEMIUM DUNKERQUE ……………………… 137 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 AETE ENERGIE …………………………………… 36 BOT FONDERIE ………………………………… 167 AGRAFE ENR …………………………………… 138 AILENERGIE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE ……………… 76 AINELEC ……………………………………… 139 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 ALIZEO …………………………………………… 59 ALMEA ………………………………………… 142 ALSTOM ………………………………………… 60 ALTEAD ………………………………………… 143 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 BOTTE SONDAGES ……………………………… 169 BRETAGNE DEVELOPPEMENT INNOVATION ………… 21 BRETAGNE POLE NAVAL …………………………… 22 BRÜEL & KJAER VIBRO ………………………… 170 BUREAU VERITAS ……………………………… 171 BURKERT CONTROMATIC FRANCE ……………… 172 ANDRE LAURENT ……………………………… 144 C ANTEAGROUP ………………………………… 145 C.E.P.S. (Centre d’Etude et de Pratique de la Survie) 52 ANVIS INDUSTRY ……………………………… 146 APAVE ………………………………………… 147 APPLISURFACES ……………………………… 148 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 AREVA - BU OFFSHORE WIND ……………………… 62 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 ARTELIA EAU ET ENVIRONNEMENT ……………… 152 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 ATV …………………………………………… 154 AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT ……………………… 155 AVENISENSE …………………………………… 156 AYALA ………………………………………… 157 CAHORS DIVISION MOYENNE TENSION ………… 173 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 CAPELLE ……………………………………… 175 CATEXE-CATEOLE ……………………………… 176 CATHIE ASSOCIATES …………………………… 177 CCI LITTORAL NORMAND-PICARD ………………… 24 CEGELEC RENEWABLE ENERGIES ……………… 178 CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… 179 CHOMARAT …………………………………… 180 CITA PRODUCTION ……………………………… 181 CLM INDUSTRIE ………………………………… 182 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 B CMI TECH 51 PASTOR ………………………… 184 BATTERIES GLOBAL SERVICES ………………… 158 CMR FRANCE (Contrôle Mesure Regulation) …… 186 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 381 INDEX COBHAM SLIPRINGS …………………………… 187 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION HAUTE NORMANDIE … 214 COFELY ENDEL ………………………………… 188 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 COFELY INEO…………………………………… 189 ELECTRAWINDS …………………………………… 87 COLAS ………………………………………… 190 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 COMER INDUSTRIES …………………………… 191 ENCIS ÉNERGIES VERTES ……………………… 217 COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE (CNR) ……… 80 ENCIS WIND …………………………………… 218 CORDIAL ……………………………………… 192 ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE …………………… 88 CORDM ………………………………………… 193 ENERCON GMBH ………………………………… 66 CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… 194 ENERPAC ……………………………………… 219 D ENERTRAG ……………………………………… 89 ENERYO ………………………………………… 90 D2M ENGINEERING …………………………… 195 EOLE AVENIR DEVELOPPEMENT …………………… 91 DAHER INTERNATIONAL ………………………… 196 EOLE SYSTEM ………………………………… 220 DCNS ………………………………………… 197 EOLECLEAN …………………………………… 221 DDIS ……………………………………………… 65 EOLFI …………………………………………… 92 DEC+ ………………………………………… 198 EOLISSIMA ……………………………………… 26 DEF …………………………………………… 199 EOLTECH ……………………………………… 222 DEKRA INDUSTRIAL …………………………… 200 EOLYS RESSOURCES ET ENERGIES ……………… 223 DELTABOX-SERA………………………………… 201 EPSILON COMPOSITE ………………………… 224 DEUBLIN SARL ………………………………… 202 EPURON SAS ……………………………………… 93 DEWI FRANCE ………………………………… 203 ERNEO ………………………………………… 225 DIALOG …………………………………………… 38 ETAIR MEDITERRANEE ………………………… 226 DINALEC SCOP SA ……………………………… 204 ETHM ………………………………………… 227 DM TABLEAUX ………………………………… 205 ETV …………………………………………… 228 DNV GL (ex GL GARRAD HASSAN France) ……… 206 EUROCAPE NEW ENERGY FRANCE ………………… 94 DONG ENERGY …………………………………… 82 EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES ……………………… 229 DOUCE-HYDRO SAS …………………………… 207 DUFF NORTON EUROPE ………………………… 208 F DUFOUR ……………………………………… 209 FALCK ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……………… 95 DUNKERQUE PROMOTION ………………………… 25 FAUCHE AUTOMATION AQUITAINE ……………… 230 E FAVIER TPL……………………………………… 231 FDKOMPOSITES ………………………………… 232 E.ON ……………………………………………… 83 FERRY CAPITAIN …………………………………… 39 EADS ASTRIUM ………………………………… 210 FIXATOR…………………………………………… 40 ECL …………………………………………… 211 FMGC …………………………………………… 41 ECO DELTA ……………………………………… 84 FONDASOL …………………………………… 233 ECOTERA DEVELOPPEMENT SAS ………………… 85 FONDASOLUTIONS …………………………… 234 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 FONDEOLE …………………………………… 235 EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES ……………………… 86 FONDERIE HELLIN ……………………………… 236 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 FORGITAL DEMBIERMONT S.A.S ………………… 237 382 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 FOSELEV ……………………………………… 238 ITRON ………………………………………… 266 FOURÉ LAGADEC SARL …………………………… 42 J FRANCEOLE …………………………………… 239 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 JADE …………………………………………… 267 JAMES WALKER ………………………………… 268 G JEFMAG ……………………………………… 269 G-TEC SA ……………………………………… 241 JEUMONT ELECTRIC SAS ……………………… 270 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 JIFMAR OFFSHORE SERVICES SAS ……………… 271 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 JMA ENERGIES ………………………………… 105 GDF SUEZ ………………………………………… 96 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION ……………… 243 K GE WIND ENERGY ………………………………… 68 GEG ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES … 99 GEOLIS ………………………………………… 100 KEOPS AUTOMATION …………………………… 272 KTR FRANCE …………………………………… 273 GEOTEC ……………………………………… 244 L GEOTECH INDUSTRIES ………………………… 245 LA COMPAGNIE DU VENT ……………………… 107 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 LA FONTE ARDENNAISE ………………………… 274 GKN STROMAG FRANCE - SIME BRAKES ………… 247 LE MANS WIND CLUSTER ………………………… 27 GLOBAL WIND POWER FRANCE ………………… 101 LEROY-SOMER ………………………………… 275 GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… 248 LINAK FRANCE ………………………………… 276 GROUPE PRESTIA ……………………………… 249 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 GUERTON ……………………………………… 250 LP RAOUL MORTIER (Lycée des métiers des énergies et H des services aux entreprises) …………………… 53 LUFKIN FRANCE ………………………………… 278 HAWE-OTELEC SAS …………………………… 252 HUTCHINSON ………………………………… 253 LYCEE DHUODA …………………………………… 54 LYCEE FRANCOIS BAZIN …………………………… 55 HYDAC ………………………………………… 254 M HYDRATIGHT SAS ……………………………… 256 HYDROGEOTECHNIQUE ………………………… 257 MADEP ………………………………………… 279 HYSEO ………………………………………… 102 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 MANCHE MARINE INDUSTRIE …………………… 280 MANOFFSHORE ………………………………… 281 I MANOIR INDUSTRIES …………………………… 282 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 MARC S.A. IDEOL ………………………………………… 260 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 IDEX SAS ……………………………………… 103 MCCF ………………………………………… 285 IFM ELECTRONIC ……………………………… 261 MEDIACO LEVAGE ……………………………… 287 IN VIVO ………………………………………… 263 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 INGETEAM SAS ………………………………… 264 MERCERON TP ………………………………… 291 INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES ……………… 104 MERSEN ……………………………………… 292 …………………………………… 283 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 383 INDEX METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR……………………… 294 PAUMELLE ………………………………………… 43 METEODYN …………………………………… 295 PICARDY - SOMME WIND POWER NETWORK ……… 30 MICEL ………………………………………… 296 PIRIOU ………………………………………… 322 MOOG ………………………………………… 297 PLASTIMA COMPOSITES…………………………… 44 MOTEURS J.M. ………………………………… 298 PLASTINOV SNE………………………………… 323 MSB …………………………………………… 299 PÔLE MER MEDITERRANÉE ……………………… 31 N PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL ………………… 324 PROMIC ……………………………………… 325 NASS&WIND INDUSTRIE ……………………… 300 PRONAL SAS ……………………………………… 45 NASS&WIND SAS ……………………………… 109 NATURAL POWER ……………………………… 301 NAVALU ………………………………………… 302 NAVTIS ………………………………………… 303 Q QUADRAN (JMB énergie + Aérowatt) ………… 113 R NENUPHAR …………………………………… 304 NEOEN ………………………………………… 110 REETEC FRANCE ……………………………… 326 NEOPOLIA EMR …………………………………… 28 RÉGION CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE ………………… 32 NET WIND ……………………………………… 305 REPACK-S ……………………………………… 327 NEXANS ……………………………………… 306 REVEL ………………………………………… 328 NHEOLIS ……………………………………… 307 ROLLIX - DEFONTAINE ………………………… 329 NICOLAS ……………………………………… 308 ROXTEC FRANCE SAS…………………………… 330 NIDAPLAST COMPOSITES ……………………… 309 S NOMA COMPOSITES SAS ……………………… 310 NORDEX FRANCE ………………………………… 69 NOUVERGIES ………………………………… 111 NOVEOL ……………………………………… 311 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS ………………………… 312 S.O.M. (Services Organisation Méthodes) ……… 331 SAFOR ………………………………………… 332 SAFT …………………………………………… 333 SAINT-LAURENT ENERGIE ……………………… 114 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 O SAMEOLE ……………………………………… 115 OBSTA ………………………………………… 313 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 OILGEAR TOWLER ……………………………… 314 SBS FORGE …………………………………… 336 ONEM (Ouest Normandie Energie Marine) ……… 29 SCAIME SAS …………………………………… 337 ORATECH INNOVATION ………………………… 315 SCHAEFFLER FRANCE SAS ……………………… 338 ORMAZABAL - ORMAPOST ……………………… 316 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE ………………… 340 OSEAN ………………………………………… 317 SCOTT BADER SA ……………………………… 341 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 SDI (Société de Dragage International) ………… 344 OT ENGINEERING ……………………………… 318 SDMO ………………………………………… 343 SEL ENERBETON ……………………………… 346 P SEMA (Société d’Entreprise Metallurgique d’Armor) 347 PALFINGER FRANCE …………………………… 319 SEMANTIC TS…………………………………… 348 PARKER HANNIFIN FRANCE SAS ………………… 320 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 PARKER OLAER ………………………………… 321 SERGIES ……………………………………… 116 384 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 SERHY ………………………………………… 349 VENDÉE ENERGIE ……………………………… 122 SETEC ENERGY SOLUTIONS …………………… 350 VENT D’EST SAS ……………………………… 123 SGS QUALITEST INDUSTRIE …………………… 351 VENTS D’OC ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……… 124 SGURRENERGY ………………………………… 352 VERGNET ………………………………………… 73 SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… 71 VERLINDE ……………………………………… 376 SIKA INDUSTRY ………………………………… 353 VESTAS FRANCE ………………………………… 72 SIMRIT ………………………………………… 355 VOITH TURBO…………………………………… 377 SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 VOL-V SAS……………………………………… 125 SNEF…………………………………………… 358 VOLTALIA ……………………………………… 126 SOBEC SARL …………………………………… 359 W SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE ………………… 360 SOFIVA ENERGIE ……………………………… 118 SOGEBRAS …………………………………… 361 SOLIMAN LEVAGE ……………………………… 362 SOLUTIONS COMPOSITES ………………………… 46 SOURIAU ……………………………………… 363 SPIE ENERGIES NOUVELLES …………………… 365 ST INDUSTRIES …………………………………… 47 WESERWIND …………………………………… 378 WIND DIRECT SERVICES ……………………… 379 WIND FOR FUTURE ……………………………… 34 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 WINDLAB ………………………………………… 56 WINDVISION …………………………………… 127 WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE ……………………… 128 STATKRAFT FRANCE SAS………………………… 117 STE GLOBAL …………………………………… 366 STO LOGISTIQUE ………………………………… 48 STX FRANCE ENERGIES MARINES ……………… 368 T TE2M …………………………………………… 49 TECHNIP ……………………………………… 369 TEXSYS ………………………………………… 370 THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… 119 THEPAULT ……………………………………… 371 TPL INDUSTRIES ……………………………… 372 U UBIFRANCE ……………………………………… 33 UNIJECT ……………………………………… 373 UNITE ………………………………………… 120 V VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 VALREA ………………………………………… 375 VELOCITA ENERGIES …………………………… 121 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 385 INDEX INDEX BY SPECIALITY AIRCRAFT WARNING LIGHTS DELTABOX-SERA………………………………… ENCIS WIND …………………………………… OBSTA ………………………………………… PROMIC ……………………………………… REETEC FRANCE ……………………………… 201 218 313 325 326 ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE ACCES DIFFICILES SERVICES …………………… 133 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 AGRAFE ENR …………………………………… 138 ALMEA ………………………………………… 142 ALTEAD ………………………………………… 143 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 CMI TECH 51 PASTOR ………………………… 184 COFELY ENDEL ………………………………… 188 CORDIAL ……………………………………… 192 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 EOLECLEAN …………………………………… 221 ETAIR MEDITERRANEE ………………………… 226 FIXATOR…………………………………………… 40 FOURÉ LAGADEC SARL …………………………… 42 JADE …………………………………………… 267 KEOPS AUTOMATION …………………………… 272 LUFKIN FRANCE ………………………………… 278 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 NET WIND ……………………………………… 305 PALFINGER FRANCE …………………………… 319 REETEC FRANCE ……………………………… 326 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 SDI (SOCIÉTÉ DE DRAGAGE INTERNATIONAL) …… 344 TEXSYS ………………………………………… 370 WIND DIRECT SERVICES ……………………… 379 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 BLADES ATV …………………………………………… 154 386 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 CHOMARAT …………………………………… EADS ASTRIUM ………………………………… EPSILON COMPOSITE ………………………… ETAIR MEDITERRANEE ………………………… FDKOMPOSITES ………………………………… PLASTINOV SNE………………………………… SCOTT BADER SA ……………………………… UNIJECT ……………………………………… 180 210 224 226 232 323 341 373 BRAKES GKN STROMAG FRANCE - SIME BRAKES ………… 247 CAST PARTS BOT FONDERIE ………………………………… 167 FERRY CAPITAIN …………………………………… 39 GEOTECH INDUSTRIES ………………………… 245 LA FONTE ARDENNAISE ………………………… 274 MANOIR INDUSTRIES …………………………… 282 DOMESTIC WIND POWER EOLE SYSTEM ………………………………… EOLYS RESSOURCES ET ENERGIES ……………… NHEOLIS ……………………………………… NOVEOL ……………………………………… 220 223 307 311 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ACTEMIUM …………………………………… ACTEMIUM DUNKERQUE ……………………… BEUZIT FRANCOIS SARL ………………………… CAHORS DIVISION MOYENNE TENSION ………… CAP INGELEC ………………………………… CEGELEC RENEWABLE ENERGIES ……………… COFELY INEO…………………………………… DINALEC SCOP SA ……………………………… DM TABLEAUX ………………………………… FAUCHE AUTOMATION AQUITAINE ……………… FONDEOLE …………………………………… MADEP ………………………………………… ORMAZABAL - ORMAPOST ……………………… 136 137 162 173 174 178 189 204 205 230 235 279 316 OT ENGINEERING ……………………………… SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE ………………… SEL ENERBETON ……………………………… SNEF…………………………………………… SPIE ENERGIES NOUVELLES …………………… THEPAULT ……………………………………… 318 340 346 358 365 371 TE2M …………………………………………… 49 TEXSYS ………………………………………… 370 EXPERT ASSESSMENTS 3E FRANCE …………………………………… 130 8.2 FRANCE …………………………………… 131 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS ABB …………………………………………… AINELEC ……………………………………… AVENISENSE …………………………………… BATTERIES GLOBAL SERVICES ………………… CAHORS DIVISION MOYENNE TENSION ………… CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… CMR FRANCE (CONTRÔLE MESURE REGULATION) COBHAM SLIPRINGS …………………………… DEF …………………………………………… DEUBLIN SARL ………………………………… ERNEO ………………………………………… FAVIER TPL……………………………………… GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION ……………… GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… IFM ELECTRONIC ……………………………… INGETEAM SAS ………………………………… ITRON ………………………………………… JEUMONT ELECTRIC SAS ……………………… LEROY-SOMER ………………………………… LINAK FRANCE ………………………………… MADEP ………………………………………… MERSEN ……………………………………… METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR……………………… MICEL ………………………………………… MOOG ………………………………………… MOTEURS J.M. ………………………………… NEXANS ……………………………………… OILGEAR TOWLER ……………………………… ORMAZABAL - ORMAPOST ……………………… PARKER HANNIFIN FRANCE SAS ………………… SAFT …………………………………………… SCAIME SAS …………………………………… SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE ………………… SDMO ………………………………………… SOURIAU ……………………………………… 363 ARTELIA EAU ET ENVIRONNEMENT ……………… 152 132 139 156 158 173 179 186 187 199 202 225 231 243 248 261 264 266 270 275 276 279 292 294 296 297 298 306 314 316 320 333 337 340 343 BRÜEL & KJAER VIBRO ………………………… 170 CMR FRANCE (CONTRÔLE MESURE REGULATION) 186 CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… 194 DAHER INTERNATIONAL ………………………… 196 DEWI FRANCE ………………………………… 203 DNV GL (EX GL GARRAD HASSAN FRANCE) …… 206 ENCIS ÉNERGIES VERTES ……………………… 217 EOLTECH ……………………………………… 222 G-TEC SA ……………………………………… 241 IN VIVO ………………………………………… 263 NATURAL POWER ……………………………… 301 NET WIND ……………………………………… 305 OSEAN ………………………………………… 317 REETEC FRANCE ……………………………… 326 SEMANTIC TS…………………………………… 348 SERHY ………………………………………… 349 SETEC ENERGY SOLUTIONS …………………… 350 SGURRENERGY ………………………………… 352 S.O.M. (SERVICES ORGANISATION MÉTHODES) … 331 VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 VALREA ………………………………………… 375 WIND DIRECT SERVICES ……………………… 379 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 FLANGES AND SLEWING RINGS CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 COMER INDUSTRIES …………………………… 191 FORGITAL DEMBIERMONT S.A.S ………………… 237 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS ………………………… 312 ORATECH INNOVATION ………………………… 315 ROLLIX - DEFONTAINE ………………………… 329 SBS FORGE …………………………………… 336 SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 387 INDEX FOUNDATIONS AND EARTHWORKS ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 BERTHOLD……………………………………… 161 BEUZIT FRANCOIS SARL ………………………… 162 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 CEGELEC RENEWABLE ENERGIES ……………… 178 COFELY INEO…………………………………… 189 COLAS ………………………………………… 190 CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… 194 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION HAUTE NORMANDIE … 214 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 ETV …………………………………………… 228 FMGC …………………………………………… 41 FONDASOLUTIONS …………………………… 234 FONDEOLE …………………………………… 235 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 IDEOL ………………………………………… 260 MARC S.A.……………………………………… 283 MCCF ………………………………………… 285 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 MERCERON TP ………………………………… 291 OT ENGINEERING ……………………………… 318 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 SPIE ENERGIES NOUVELLES …………………… 365 STX FRANCE ENERGIES MARINES ……………… 368 THEPAULT ……………………………………… 371 WESERWIND …………………………………… 378 GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYS ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… ANTEAGROUP ………………………………… ARCADIS ……………………………………… BOTTE SONDAGES ……………………………… CATHIE ASSOCIATES …………………………… EG SOL ………………………………………… FONDASOL …………………………………… GEOTEC ……………………………………… GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… G-TEC SA ……………………………………… HYDROGEOTECHNIQUE ………………………… 388 140 145 150 169 177 213 233 244 246 241 257 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 SAFOR ………………………………………… 332 SEMANTIC TS…………………………………… 348 INSPECTION OFFICES APAVE ………………………………………… BUREAU VERITAS ……………………………… DEKRA INDUSTRIAL …………………………… SGS QUALITEST INDUSTRIE …………………… 147 171 200 351 MASTS BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF ………………………… 159 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 FOURÉ LAGADEC SARL …………………………… 42 FRANCEOLE …………………………………… 239 GUERTON ……………………………………… 250 SEMA (SOCIÉTÉ D’ENTREPRISE METALLURGIQUE D’ARMOR)……………………………………… 347 MECHANICAL PARTS ANDRE LAURENT ……………………………… 144 ANVIS INDUSTRY ……………………………… 146 APPLISURFACES ……………………………… 148 BECK CRESPEL ………………………………… 160 BESNÉ MÉCANIQUE DE PRÉCISION ……………… 37 BONFIGLIOLI TRANSMISSIONS ………………… 165 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 BRÜEL & KJAER VIBRO ………………………… 170 BURKERT CONTROMATIC FRANCE ……………… 172 CITA PRODUCTION ……………………………… 181 CLM INDUSTRIE ………………………………… 182 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 CORDM ………………………………………… 193 DEC+ ………………………………………… 198 DEUBLIN SARL ………………………………… 202 DOUCE-HYDRO SAS …………………………… 207 DUFF NORTON EUROPE ………………………… 208 ECL …………………………………………… 211 ENERPAC ……………………………………… 219 EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES ……………………… 229 FERRY CAPITAIN …………………………………… 39 FIXATOR…………………………………………… 40 FONDERIE HELLIN ……………………………… 236 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… 248 HAWE-OTELEC SAS …………………………… 252 HUTCHINSON ………………………………… 253 HYDAC ………………………………………… 254 HYDRATIGHT SAS ……………………………… 256 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 IFM ELECTRONIC ……………………………… 261 JAMES WALKER ………………………………… 268 JEFMAG ……………………………………… 269 KTR FRANCE …………………………………… 273 LINAK FRANCE ………………………………… 276 LUFKIN FRANCE ………………………………… 278 MANCHE MARINE INDUSTRIE …………………… 280 MANOIR INDUSTRIES …………………………… 282 MOOG ………………………………………… 297 MSB …………………………………………… 299 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS ………………………… 312 OILGEAR TOWLER ……………………………… 314 PARKER HANNIFIN FRANCE SAS ………………… 320 PARKER OLAER ………………………………… 321 PAUMELLE ………………………………………… 43 REPACK-S ……………………………………… 327 ROXTEC FRANCE SAS…………………………… 330 SBS FORGE …………………………………… 336 SCHAEFFLER FRANCE SAS ……………………… 338 SIKA INDUSTRY ………………………………… 353 SIMRIT ………………………………………… 355 SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE ………………… 360 SOURIAU ……………………………………… 363 ST INDUSTRIES …………………………………… 47 TPL INDUSTRIES ……………………………… 372 VOITH TURBO…………………………………… 377 NACELLES ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 BMP …………………………………………… 164 CHOMARAT …………………………………… 180 EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES ……………………… 229 NIDAPLAST COMPOSITES ……………………… 309 NOMA COMPOSITES SAS ……………………… 310 PLASTIMA COMPOSITES…………………………… 44 SOLUTIONS COMPOSITES ………………………… 46 UNIJECT ……………………………………… 373 OFFSHORE AETE ENERGIE …………………………………… 36 CATHIE ASSOCIATES …………………………… 177 D2M ENGINEERING …………………………… 195 DCNS ………………………………………… 197 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 ETHM ………………………………………… 227 FMGC …………………………………………… 41 FONDERIE HELLIN ……………………………… 236 GROUPE PRESTIA ……………………………… 249 G-TEC SA ……………………………………… 241 IDEOL ………………………………………… 260 IN VIVO ………………………………………… 263 JIFMAR OFFSHORE SERVICES SAS ……………… 271 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 MANCHE MARINE INDUSTRIE …………………… 280 MANOFFSHORE ………………………………… 281 NASS&WIND INDUSTRIE ……………………… 300 NAVALU ………………………………………… 302 NAVTIS ………………………………………… 303 NENUPHAR …………………………………… 304 OSEAN ………………………………………… 317 PALFINGER FRANCE …………………………… 319 PIRIOU ………………………………………… 322 PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL ………………… 324 PRONAL SAS ……………………………………… 45 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 SDI (SOCIÉTÉ DE DRAGAGE INTERNATIONAL) …… 344 SEMANTIC TS…………………………………… 348 SOBEC SARL …………………………………… 359 STO LOGISTIQUE ………………………………… 48 STX FRANCE ENERGIES MARINES ……………… 368 TECHNIP ……………………………………… 369 WESERWIND …………………………………… 378 PARTNERS OF THE WINDUSTRY FRANCE PROJECT BRETAGNE DEVELOPPEMENT INNOVATION ………… 21 BRETAGNE POLE NAVAL …………………………… 22 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 389 INDEX CCI LITTORAL NORMAND-PICARD ………………… DUNKERQUE PROMOTION ………………………… EOLISSIMA ……………………………………… LE MANS WIND CLUSTER ………………………… NEOPOLIA EMR …………………………………… ONEM (OUEST NORMANDIE ENERGIE MARINE) …… PICARDY - SOMME WIND POWER NETWORK ……… PÔLE MER MEDITERRANÉE ……………………… RÉGION CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE ………………… UBIFRANCE ……………………………………… WIND FOR FUTURE ……………………………… 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SPECIAL TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, HANDLING, AND HOISTING ALTEAD ………………………………………… 143 AYALA ………………………………………… 157 BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF ………………………… 159 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 CAPELLE ……………………………………… 175 CATEXE-CATEOLE ……………………………… 176 DAHER INTERNATIONAL ………………………… 196 DIALOG …………………………………………… 38 DUFOUR ……………………………………… 209 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 FOSELEV ……………………………………… 238 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 MANOFFSHORE ………………………………… 281 MEDIACO LEVAGE ……………………………… 287 NICOLAS ……………………………………… 308 PALFINGER FRANCE …………………………… 319 PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL ………………… 324 REVEL ………………………………………… 328 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 SDI (SOCIÉTÉ DE DRAGAGE INTERNATIONAL) …… 344 SOGEBRAS …………………………………… 361 SOLIMAN LEVAGE ……………………………… 362 VERLINDE ……………………………………… 376 TRAINING CENTRES C.E.P.S. (CENTRE D’ETUDE ET DE PRATIQUE DE LA SURVIE) ………………………………………… 52 390 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 LP RAOUL MORTIER (LYCÉE DES MÉTIERS DES ÉNERGIES ET DES SERVICES AUX ENTREPRISES)……………… 53 LYCEE DHUODA …………………………………… 54 LYCEE FRANCOIS BAZIN …………………………… 55 WINDLAB ………………………………………… 56 WIND FARM DEVELOPERS AILENERGIE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE ……………… 76 BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS ………………………… 77 BOREAS ………………………………………… 79 COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE (CNR) ……… 80 DONG ENERGY …………………………………… 82 ECO DELTA ……………………………………… 84 ECOTERA DEVELOPPEMENT SAS ………………… 85 EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES ……………………… 86 ELECTRAWINDS …………………………………… 87 ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE …………………… 88 ENERTRAG ……………………………………… 89 ENERYO ………………………………………… 90 EOLE AVENIR DEVELOPPEMENT …………………… 91 EOLFI …………………………………………… 92 EPURON SAS ……………………………………… 93 EUROCAPE NEW ENERGY FRANCE ………………… 94 FALCK ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……………… 95 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 GDF SUEZ ………………………………………… 96 GEG ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES … 99 GEOLIS ………………………………………… 100 GLOBAL WIND POWER FRANCE ………………… 101 HYSEO ………………………………………… 102 IDEX SAS ……………………………………… 103 INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES ……………… 104 JMA ENERGIES ………………………………… 105 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 LA COMPAGNIE DU VENT ……………………… 107 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 NASS&WIND SAS ……………………………… 109 NEOEN ………………………………………… 110 NORDEX FRANCE ………………………………… 69 NOUVERGIES ………………………………… 111 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 QUADRAN (JMB ÉNERGIE + AÉROWATT) ……… 113 SAINT-LAURENT ÉNERGIE ……………………… SAMEOLE ……………………………………… SERGIES ……………………………………… SOFIVA ENERGIE ……………………………… STATKRAFT FRANCE SAS………………………… THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… UNITE ………………………………………… VELOCITA ENERGIES …………………………… VENDÉE ENERGIE ……………………………… VENTS D’OC ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……… VOLTALIA ……………………………………… VOL-V SAS……………………………………… WINDVISION …………………………………… WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE ……………………… 114 115 116 118 117 119 120 121 122 124 126 125 127 128 WIND FARM OPERATORS AILENERGIE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE ……………… 76 BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS ………………………… 77 BOREAS ………………………………………… 79 COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE (CNR) ……… 80 DONG ENERGY …………………………………… 82 ECOTERA DEVELOPPEMENT SAS ………………… 85 EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES ……………………… 86 ELECTRAWINDS …………………………………… 87 ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE …………………… 88 ENERTRAG ……………………………………… 89 ENERYO ………………………………………… 90 EOLE AVENIR DEVELOPPEMENT …………………… 91 EOLFI …………………………………………… 92 E.ON ……………………………………………… 83 EPURON SAS ……………………………………… 93 EUROCAPE NEW ENERGY FRANCE ………………… 94 FALCK ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……………… 95 GDF SUEZ ………………………………………… 96 GEG ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES … 99 GLOBAL WIND POWER FRANCE ………………… 101 INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES ……………… 104 JMA ENERGIES ………………………………… 105 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 LA COMPAGNIE DU VENT ……………………… 107 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 NASS&WIND SAS ……………………………… 109 NEOEN ………………………………………… 110 NORDEX FRANCE ………………………………… 69 NOUVERGIES ………………………………… 111 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 QUADRAN (JMB ÉNERGIE + AÉROWATT) ……… 113 SAINT-LAURENT ÉNERGIE ……………………… 114 SAMEOLE ……………………………………… 115 SERGIES ……………………………………… 116 SOFIVA ENERGIE ……………………………… 118 STATKRAFT FRANCE SAS………………………… 117 THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… 119 UNITE ………………………………………… 120 VELOCITA ENERGIES …………………………… 121 VENDÉE ENERGIE ……………………………… 122 VENT D’EST SAS ……………………………… 123 VOLTALIA ……………………………………… 126 VOL-V SAS……………………………………… 125 WINDVISION …………………………………… 127 WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE ……………………… 128 WIND MEASUREMENTS ACROPHOTO …………………………………… AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT ……………………… DEWI FRANCE ………………………………… ENCIS WIND …………………………………… EOLTECH ……………………………………… METEODYN …………………………………… STE GLOBAL …………………………………… 135 155 203 218 222 295 366 WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS ALIZEO …………………………………………… ALSTOM ………………………………………… AREVA - BU OFFSHORE WIND ……………………… DDIS ……………………………………………… ENERCON GMBH ………………………………… GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… GE WIND ENERGY ………………………………… NORDEX FRANCE ………………………………… SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… VERGNET ………………………………………… VESTAS FRANCE ………………………………… WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 59 60 62 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 72 391 INDEX INDEX BY REGION Alsace Brittany ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 ACTEMIUM …………………………………… 136 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT ……………………… 155 BURKERT CONTROMATIC FRANCE ……………… 172 BATTERIES GLOBAL SERVICES ………………… 158 CATEXE-CATEOLE ……………………………… 176 BEUZIT FRANCOIS SARL ………………………… 162 CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… 194 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 GEOTECH INDUSTRIES ………………………… 245 BOTTE SONDAGES ……………………………… 169 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 BRETAGNE DEVELOPPEMENT INNOVATION ………… 21 NATURAL POWER ……………………………… 301 BRETAGNE POLE NAVAL …………………………… 22 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 C.E.P.S. (CENTRE D’ETUDE ET DE PRATIQUE DE LA SCHAEFFLER FRANCE SAS ……………………… 338 SURVIE) ………………………………………… 52 THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… 119 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 Aquitaine CORDIAL ……………………………………… 192 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS ………………………… 77 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 EADS ASTRIUM ………………………………… 210 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 ELECTRAWINDS …………………………………… 87 EPSILON COMPOSITE ………………………… 224 CTE WIND CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… 194 DINALEC SCOP SA ……………………………… 204 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 FALCK ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……………… 95 FONDERIE HELLIN ……………………………… 236 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 GROUPE PRESTIA ……………………………… 249 FAUCHE AUTOMATION AQUITAINE ……………… 230 INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES ……………… 104 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 IN VIVO ………………………………………… 263 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 JADE …………………………………………… 267 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 JIFMAR OFFSHORE SERVICES SAS ……………… 271 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 JMA ENERGIES ………………………………… 105 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 MARC S.A.……………………………………… 283 PLASTINOV SNE………………………………… 323 NASS&WIND INDUSTRIE ……………………… 300 VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 NASS&WIND SAS ……………………………… 109 VALREA ………………………………………… 375 NAVTIS ………………………………………… 303 Auvergne FAVIER TPL……………………………………… 231 392 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 PIRIOU ………………………………………… 322 PLASTIMA COMPOSITES…………………………… 44 SDMO ………………………………………… 343 SEMA (SOCIÉTÉ D’ENTREPRISE METALLURGIQUE OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 D’ARMOR)……………………………………… 347 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… 71 SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 SOBEC SARL …………………………………… 359 SOLUTIONS COMPOSITES ………………………… 46 SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE ………………… 360 VERGNET ………………………………………… 73 ST INDUSTRIES …………………………………… 47 VERLINDE ……………………………………… 376 TE2M …………………………………………… 49 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 VOL-V SAS……………………………………… 125 Burgundy Champagne-Ardenne AILENERGIE CHAMPAGNE ARDENNE ……………… 76 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 ANVIS INDUSTRY ……………………………… 146 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 CITA PRODUCTION ……………………………… 181 FERRY CAPITAIN …………………………………… 39 CLM INDUSTRIE ………………………………… 182 FONDEOLE …………………………………… 235 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 LA FONTE ARDENNAISE ………………………… 274 DEC+ ………………………………………… 198 LYCEE FRANCOIS BAZIN …………………………… 55 DELTABOX-SERA………………………………… 201 OBSTA ………………………………………… 313 DM TABLEAUX ………………………………… 205 RÉGION CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE ………………… 32 FRANCEOLE …………………………………… 239 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 GEOTEC ……………………………………… 244 VENT D’EST SAS ……………………………… 123 GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… 248 WINDVISION …………………………………… 127 METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR……………………… 294 MSB …………………………………………… 299 DROM NICOLAS ……………………………………… 308 ALIZEO …………………………………………… 59 ORMAZABAL - ORMAPOST ……………………… 316 ANTEAGROUP ………………………………… 145 REPACK-S ……………………………………… 327 SAFOR ………………………………………… 332 SIMRIT ………………………………………… 355 SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 WIND FOR FUTURE ……………………………… 34 Foreign stakeholders active in France DONG ENERGY …………………………………… 82 WESERWIND …………………………………… 378 Centre AINELEC ……………………………………… 139 Franche-Comté ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 BAUDIN CHATEAUNEUF ………………………… 159 ALIZEO …………………………………………… 59 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 DEF …………………………………………… 199 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION ……………… 243 GKN STROMAG FRANCE - SIME BRAKES ………… 247 GE WIND ENERGY ………………………………… 68 GUERTON ……………………………………… 250 LUFKIN FRANCE ………………………………… 278 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 393 INDEX Ile-de-France ABB …………………………………………… 132 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 ENERPAC ……………………………………… 219 ENERTRAG ……………………………………… 89 ENERYO ………………………………………… 90 ALSTOM ………………………………………… 60 EOLE AVENIR DEVELOPPEMENT …………………… 91 ANDRE LAURENT ……………………………… 144 EOLFI …………………………………………… 92 ANTEAGROUP ………………………………… 145 E.ON ……………………………………………… 83 APAVE ………………………………………… 147 EPURON SAS ……………………………………… 93 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 ETHM ………………………………………… 227 AREVA - BU OFFSHORE WIND ……………………… 62 FRANCEOLE …………………………………… 239 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 AYALA ………………………………………… 157 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 BAYWA R.E. FRANCE SAS ………………………… 77 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 GDF SUEZ ………………………………………… 96 BONFIGLIOLI TRANSMISSIONS ………………… 165 GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION ……………… 243 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 GE WIND ENERGY ………………………………… 68 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 BOTTE SONDAGES ……………………………… 169 GLOBAL WIND POWER FRANCE ………………… 101 BRÜEL & KJAER VIBRO ………………………… 170 GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… 248 BUREAU VERITAS ……………………………… 171 HAWE-OTELEC SAS …………………………… 252 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 HUTCHINSON ………………………………… 253 CATHIE ASSOCIATES …………………………… 177 HYDRATIGHT SAS ……………………………… 256 CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… 179 HYDROGEOTECHNIQUE ………………………… 257 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 COFELY ENDEL ………………………………… 188 IDEX SAS ……………………………………… 103 COFELY INEO…………………………………… 189 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 COLAS ………………………………………… 190 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 COMER INDUSTRIES …………………………… 191 MADEP ………………………………………… 279 CORDIAL ……………………………………… 192 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 D2M ENGINEERING …………………………… 195 MCCF ………………………………………… 285 DAHER INTERNATIONAL ………………………… 196 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 DCNS ………………………………………… 197 MERSEN ……………………………………… 292 DEF …………………………………………… 199 MOOG ………………………………………… 297 DEKRA INDUSTRIAL …………………………… 200 NEOEN ………………………………………… 110 DEUBLIN SARL ………………………………… 202 NORDEX FRANCE ………………………………… 69 DNV GL (EX GL GARRAD HASSAN FRANCE) …… 206 NOUVERGIES ………………………………… 111 EDF ENERGIES NOUVELLES ……………………… 86 OBSTA ………………………………………… 313 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 OILGEAR TOWLER ……………………………… 314 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 PARKER OLAER ………………………………… 321 ELECTRAWINDS …………………………………… 87 ROXTEC FRANCE SAS…………………………… 330 394 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 SAFT …………………………………………… 333 VESTAS FRANCE ………………………………… 72 SAIPEM ………………………………………… 334 VOL-V SAS……………………………………… 125 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC FRANCE ………………… 340 Limousin SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 SGS QUALITEST INDUSTRIE …………………… 351 SGURRENERGY ………………………………… 352 SIKA INDUSTRY ………………………………… 353 ENCIS ÉNERGIES VERTES ……………………… 217 ENCIS WIND …………………………………… 218 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 SIMRIT ………………………………………… 355 Lorraine SKF IN FRANCE ………………………………… 356 ALMEA ………………………………………… 142 S.O.M. (SERVICES ORGANISATION MÉTHODES) … 331 BERTHOLD……………………………………… 161 TECHNIP ……………………………………… 369 BOREAS ………………………………………… 79 UBIFRANCE ……………………………………… 33 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 VELOCITA ENERGIES …………………………… 121 CATEXE-CATEOLE ……………………………… 176 VESTAS FRANCE ………………………………… 72 CORDM ………………………………………… 193 VOITH TURBO…………………………………… 377 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 VOLTALIA ……………………………………… 126 GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION ……………… 243 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 HYDAC ………………………………………… 254 WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE ……………………… 128 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 Languedoc-Roussillon MANOIR INDUSTRIES …………………………… 282 8.2 FRANCE …………………………………… 131 ALIZEO …………………………………………… 59 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT ……………………… 155 MERSEN ……………………………………… 292 SAINT-LAURENT ÉNERGIE ……………………… 114 THEPAULT ……………………………………… 371 VENT D’EST SAS ……………………………… 123 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 CAPELLE ……………………………………… 175 Lower Normandy DUFF NORTON EUROPE ………………………… 208 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 BMP …………………………………………… 164 ERNEO ………………………………………… 225 DIALOG …………………………………………… 38 ETAIR MEDITERRANEE ………………………… 226 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 EUROCAPE NEW ENERGY FRANCE ………………… 94 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 LA COMPAGNIE DU VENT ……………………… 107 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION HAUTE NORMANDIE … 214 QUADRAN (JMB ÉNERGIE + AÉROWATT) ……… 113 ETHM ………………………………………… 227 REETEC FRANCE ……………………………… 326 ETV …………………………………………… 228 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 GROUPE PRESTIA ……………………………… 249 STE GLOBAL …………………………………… 366 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… 119 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 VENTS D’OC ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES ……… 124 MOTEURS J.M. ………………………………… 298 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 395 INDEX NOMA COMPOSITES SAS ……………………… 310 BECK CRESPEL ………………………………… 160 ONEM (OUEST NORMANDIE ENERGIE MARINE) …… 29 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 SAMEOLE ……………………………………… 115 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 Midi-Pyrénées DDIS ……………………………………………… 65 DUFOUR ……………………………………… 209 3E FRANCE …………………………………… 130 DUNKERQUE PROMOTION ………………………… 25 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 ECL …………………………………………… 211 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 ECOTERA DEVELOPPEMENT SAS ………………… 85 AUTAN ENVIRONNEMENT ……………………… 155 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 AYALA ………………………………………… 157 EOLISSIMA ……………………………………… 26 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 FERRY CAPITAIN …………………………………… 39 CAHORS DIVISION MOYENNE TENSION ………… 173 FORGITAL DEMBIERMONT S.A.S ………………… 237 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 CEGELEC RENEWABLE ENERGIES ……………… 178 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 EOLTECH ……………………………………… 222 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 JADE …………………………………………… 267 HYSEO ………………………………………… 102 JEUMONT ELECTRIC SAS ……………………… 270 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 INGETEAM SAS ………………………………… 264 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 MOOG ………………………………………… 297 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 NENUPHAR …………………………………… 304 SERHY ………………………………………… 349 NIDAPLAST COMPOSITES ……………………… 309 SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… 71 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 SPIE ENERGIES NOUVELLES …………………… 365 PRONAL SAS ……………………………………… 45 TEXSYS ………………………………………… 370 SDI (SOCIÉTÉ DE DRAGAGE INTERNATIONAL) …… 344 WIND DIRECT SERVICES ……………………… 379 SEL ENERBETON ……………………………… 346 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 Nord-Pas de Calais SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… 71 SOLIMAN LEVAGE ……………………………… 362 ACCES DIFFICILES SERVICES …………………… 133 UNIJECT ……………………………………… 373 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 ACTEMIUM DUNKERQUE ……………………… 137 Pays de la Loire APPLISURFACES ……………………………… 148 ALTEAD ………………………………………… 143 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 BESNÉ MÉCANIQUE DE PRÉCISION ……………… 37 396 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 Picardy ACCES DIFFICILES SERVICES …………………… 133 EMCC ………………………………………… 216 ACTEMIUM DUNKERQUE ……………………… 137 EOLYS RESSOURCES ET ENERGIES ……………… 223 CCI LITTORAL NORMAND-PICARD ………………… 24 EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES ……………………… 229 DOUCE-HYDRO SAS …………………………… 207 FIXATOR…………………………………………… 40 DUFF NORTON EUROPE ………………………… 208 FMGC …………………………………………… 41 ENERCON GMBH ………………………………… 66 FONDASOL …………………………………… 233 EOLECLEAN …………………………………… 221 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 MERSEN ……………………………………… 292 GEOLIS ………………………………………… 100 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 PICARDY - SOMME WIND POWER NETWORK ……… 30 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 SCOTT BADER SA ……………………………… 341 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 IFM ELECTRONIC ……………………………… 261 SIEMENS WIND POWER …………………………… 71 INITIATIVES & ENERGIES LOCALES ……………… 104 STO LOGISTIQUE ………………………………… 48 JEFMAG ……………………………………… 269 VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 JEUMONT ELECTRIC SAS ……………………… 270 WINDLAB ………………………………………… 56 JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT ………………… 106 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 KEOPS AUTOMATION …………………………… 272 Poitou-Charentes LE MANS WIND CLUSTER ………………………… 27 LINAK FRANCE ………………………………… 276 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 MERCERON TP ………………………………… 291 METEODYN …………………………………… 295 NAVALU ………………………………………… 302 NEOPOLIA EMR …………………………………… 28 NET WIND ……………………………………… 305 NEXANS ……………………………………… 306 ORATECH INNOVATION ………………………… 315 PLASTIMA COMPOSITES…………………………… 44 ROLLIX - DEFONTAINE ………………………… 329 SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE ………………… 360 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 ITRON ………………………………………… 266 LEROY-SOMER ………………………………… 275 LP RAOUL MORTIER (LYCÉE DES MÉTIERS DES ÉNERGIES ET DES SERVICES AUX ENTREPRISES)……………… 53 NOMA COMPOSITES SAS ……………………… 310 NOVEOL ……………………………………… 311 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 SERGIES ……………………………………… 116 TPL INDUSTRIES ……………………………… 372 SOGEBRAS …………………………………… 361 Provence-Alpes-Côte dAzur SOURIAU ……………………………………… 363 ACOEM, 01DB-METRAVIB SAS ………………… 134 STX FRANCE ENERGIES MARINES ……………… 368 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 VENDÉE ENERGIE ……………………………… 122 ASSISTANCE AERONAUTIQUE ET AEROSPATIALE … 153 WPD OFFSHORE FRANCE ……………………… 128 ATV …………………………………………… 154 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 397 INDEX BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 ALIOS INGENIERIE ……………………………… 140 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 ANDRE LAURENT ……………………………… 144 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 APPLISURFACES ……………………………… 148 CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… 179 ARCADIS ……………………………………… 150 CMI TECH 51 PASTOR ………………………… 184 AREVA NP - ETABLISSEMENT DE JEUMONT ……… 151 CMR FRANCE (CONTRÔLE MESURE REGULATION) 186 ARTELIA EAU ET ENVIRONNEMENT ……………… 152 D2M ENGINEERING …………………………… 195 AVENISENSE …………………………………… 156 ECO DELTA ……………………………………… 84 BOSCH REXROTH ……………………………… 166 EDF EN SERVICES ……………………………… 212 BOT FONDERIE ………………………………… 167 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 BOTTE FONDATIONS …………………………… 168 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE ………… 215 CAP INGELEC ………………………………… 174 EOLE SYSTEM ………………………………… 220 CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… 179 FONDASOL …………………………………… 233 CHOMARAT …………………………………… 180 FONDASOLUTIONS …………………………… 234 CMD GEARS …………………………………… 183 FOSELEV ……………………………………… 238 COBHAM SLIPRINGS …………………………… 187 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE (CNR) ……… 80 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 CORDIAL ……………………………………… 192 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 DEWI FRANCE ………………………………… 203 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 EG SOL ………………………………………… 213 IDEOL ………………………………………… 260 ENEL GREEN POWER FRANCE …………………… 88 IN VIVO ………………………………………… 263 FONDASOL …………………………………… 233 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 LYCEE DHUODA …………………………………… 54 MEDIACO LEVAGE ……………………………… 287 MENARD ……………………………………… 288 NHEOLIS ……………………………………… 307 OSEAN ………………………………………… 317 PÔLE MER MEDITERRANÉE ……………………… 31 PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL ………………… 324 REVEL ………………………………………… 328 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 SEMANTIC TS…………………………………… 348 SERHY ………………………………………… 349 SNEF…………………………………………… 358 S.O.M. (SERVICES ORGANISATION MÉTHODES) … 331 VOLTALIA ……………………………………… 126 FORGITAL DEMBIERMONT S.A.S ………………… 237 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 GANTOIS SA …………………………………… 242 GEG ENERGIES NOUVELLES ET RENOUVELABLES … 99 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 GROUPE INICIA - FLUIDEXPERT / NOVIUM ……… 248 HYTORC ……………………………………… 258 IDEA LOGISTIQUE ……………………………… 259 IFM ELECTRONIC ……………………………… 261 JADE …………………………………………… 267 JAMES WALKER ………………………………… 268 KTR FRANCE …………………………………… 273 MAÏA EOLIS …………………………………… 108 MASER ENGINEERING ………………………… 284 Rhône-Alpes MENARD ……………………………………… 288 ACROPHOTO …………………………………… 135 MERSEN ……………………………………… 292 AGRAFE ENR …………………………………… 138 MICEL ………………………………………… 296 398 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 NTN-SNR ROULEMENTS ………………………… 312 S.O.M. (SERVICES ORGANISATION MÉTHODES) … 331 OSTWIND INTERNATIONAL ……………………… 112 THEOLIA FRANCE ……………………………… 119 OT ENGINEERING ……………………………… 318 VALEOL ………………………………………… 374 PALFINGER FRANCE …………………………… 319 VALREA ………………………………………… 375 PARKER HANNIFIN FRANCE SAS ………………… 320 VOL-V SAS……………………………………… 125 PARKER OLAER ………………………………… 321 PROMIC ……………………………………… 325 SBS FORGE …………………………………… 336 SCAIME SAS …………………………………… 337 SERHY ………………………………………… 349 SETEC ENERGY SOLUTIONS …………………… 350 SOCAH DIVISION HYDRAULIQUE ………………… 360 SOFIVA ENERGIE ……………………………… 118 S.O.M. (SERVICES ORGANISATION MÉTHODES) … 331 STATKRAFT FRANCE SAS………………………… 117 UNITE ………………………………………… 120 WIND PROSPECT ……………………………… 380 Upper Normandy AETE ENERGIE …………………………………… 36 AREVA - BU OFFSHORE WIND ……………………… 62 BLP (BOLLORÉ LOGISTIQUE PORTUAIRE)………… 163 CCI LITTORAL NORMAND-PICARD ………………… 24 CG SALES NETWORKS FRANCE ………………… 179 EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION HAUTE NORMANDIE … 214 ETHM ………………………………………… 227 FDKOMPOSITES ………………………………… 232 FOURÉ LAGADEC SARL …………………………… 42 FRANKI FONDATION …………………………… 240 GAMESA EOLICA ………………………………… 67 GINGER CEBTP ………………………………… 246 GROUPE PRESTIA ……………………………… 249 G-TEC SA ……………………………………… 241 LOUIS DREYFUS ARMATEURS …………………… 277 MANCHE MARINE INDUSTRIE …………………… 280 MANOFFSHORE ………………………………… 281 PAUMELLE ………………………………………… 43 PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL ………………… 324 SARENS FRANCE ……………………………… 335 SENVION FRANCE SAS …………………………… 70 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014 399 INDEX ADVERTISERS ALIOS INGÉNIERIE …………………………………………………………………………………………… 141 ALSTOM …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61 APPLISURFACES …………………………………………………………………………………………… 149 AREVA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 ARIA ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 BRETAGNE PÔLE NAVAL ……………………………………………………………………………………… 23 CGR LEGAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74 CMI TECH 5I PASTOR ………………………………………………………………………………………… 185 COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHÔNE ………………………………………………………………………… 81 GDF SUEZ …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 97 GUERTON …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 251 HYDAC ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 255 INGETEAM…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 265 MENARD …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 289 MERSEN …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 293 MOTEURS JM ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 PEFC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58 REGION CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE ………………………………………………………………… INSIDE COVER. SCHAEFFLER FRANCE ……………………………………………………………………………………… 339 SDI ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 345 SKF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 357 STE GLOBAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 367 WINDLAB …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50 400 WINDUSTRY FRANCE - THE FRENCH WIND POWER INDUSTRY 2014
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