INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPÉCIALES JEAN LUTZ SA 2 rue du Forbeth - F 64110 Jurançon - France Tél. + 33 (0)5 59 06 34 22 - Fax + 33 (0)5 59 06 15 99 Email : [email protected] Measuring systems for underground works Measuring systems for foundation engineering Jean Lutz establishes the company in 1975. Design, development, manufacture and forwarding of measuring systems in Jurancon France. 60 employees, including travelling agents (service technicians) for maintenance in France, Germany, Italy, England, etc. Sales agents in Europe and in the world. INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES T his document presents the whole instrumentation of JEAN LUTZ S.A. for the Special Foundations, under a simplistic shape. For every application we shall find the principle of the installation with devices, sensors and accessories, data transfert and treatment on PC. INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES BAP USB LUBAP TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF USB · CINAUT LT3 PR BAP LUBAP MC 188933 1653562 566 64654 0 852539 35.6 25.2 12.3 5.8 0.0012 4659984 53 66009 8941 21 102 5 2 7 8 4 5 1 0 3 USB LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C16 400 VR28 BAP + PREVO 100 CL88 TARALOG LT3 JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL TARALOG CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL USB CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 CL88 DIALOG ANTE RIM P IM R TE IN DIALOG BAP BA P+ Measuring systems : main devices CinauT 15 INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES DIALOG >> MEASURE & CONTROL OF SPECIAL FOUNDATION PROCESSES >> COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION IN REAL-TIME >> MULTIPURPOSE & FRIENDLY INTERFACE CFA piles Injection Soilmixing Jetgrouting Stone columns Diaphragm walls verticality Etc. INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES DIALOG Bluetooth - GPRS - GPS Heavy duty stainless steel casing USB Anti-glare touch screen External connector : Printer - Remote modem Orientation adjustment Power supply and sensors connection INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES LED Power supply indicator DPV >> DISPLAY AND SIMPLE CONTROL OF FLOW, PRESSURE, VOLUME INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES Measuring systems : main application TIGOR DRAINAGE DRILLING DRILLING DEVIATION VIBRODRIVING GEOTECHNIC BORED PILES JETGROUTING GROUTING DRIVING KELLY PILES N W E S INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES x.y. VIBROFLOTATION *this list is not exhaustive ANCHORAGE DIAPHRAGM WALL SOILMIXING GPS POSITIONNING CPF COMPACTION GROUTING - Installation INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 CL88 CL88 JEAN LUTZ SA F82 ou / or D907 Depth LT3 LT3 C16 50D Grouting pressure @ EXCPF Processing software C16 400 Weight on bit Memobloc SC Memory card C16 400 Torque Radio Memotel (option) Data transfer B2CF1 Junction box SP 500 /400 + C16 xx Grout pressure BS Driller’s button or GU300 - Pressostat Pressostat INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES Radio I/O DP3 Mortar volume VR 28 Detector DRA DRAINAGE - Installation CL88 JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx LT3 CL88 LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 DRAINS DRAINAGE P80 Depth MEMOBLOC Memobloc SC Memory card @ Memotel (option) Data transfer C16 400 Weight on bit EXDRA EXDRA Processing software B2CF1 Junction box V16AF50 Amplitude + frequency BS Driller’s button INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES NTE IMA PR M I · LUBAP LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF PR @ BAP LUBAP MC 188933 1653562 566 64654 0 852539 35.6 25.2 12.3 5.8 0.0012 4659984 53 66009 8941 21 102 160 D90 F82 Profondeur Depth BAP 5 2 7 8 4 5 1 0 3 USB LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C16 400 VR28 BAP + R TE IN BA P+ EPF DRILLING PARAMETERS - Installation USB EXEPF EXEPF Processing software VR28N Rotation speed IA1620 Inclinometer B1AA1/B2AA1 Junction box V16AF50 Vibration C16 400 Retain pressure BS Driller’s button EDHxx Grout flow or GU300 Pressostato C16 50D Grouting pressure C16 400 Thrust pressure C16 400 Torque INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES EVA SERVO VIBRODRIVING - Installation BAP 160 P80 Depth VIBROFONÇAGE VIBRODRIVING BAP USB @ EXEVA EXEVA Processing software B1AA1/ B2AA1 Junction box V16AF50 Amplitude + frequency Vibrodriver control under 3 or 4 amplitude INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES C16 400 Hydraulic pressure TR16 Particle speed sensor JTC JETGROUTING - Installation CL88 EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 F82 D907 Depth CL88 JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF JETGROUTING JETGROUTING LT3 LT3 @ Uplift control MEMOBLOC Memobloc SC Memory card B1CC1 Memotel (option) Data transfer TP110nx (option) Printer Jean Lutz SA Imprimante Printer Drucker TP110nx Jean Lutz SA Imprimante Printer Drucker TP110nx Jean Lutz SA Imprimante Printer Drucker TP110nx Jean Lutz SA Imprimante Printer Drucker TP110nx Jean Lutz SA Imprimante Printer Drucker TP110nx LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 VR28N Rotation speed EXJTC EXJTC Processing software C16 M - Pression et débit d’eau Water pressure and flow B2CF1/B3CB2 Junction box IA1620 Inclinometer C16 400 Thrust pressure C16M50 + SP100H Grout pressure. Computed grout flow and volume INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES BS Driller’s button AT50 Air flow and pressure or GU300 Pressostato Tigor Déviation - Deviation @ EXLGH EXLGH Processing software LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C16 400 VR28 LUBAP MC 188933 1653562 566 64654 0 852539 35.6 25.2 12.3 5.8 0.0012 4659984 53 66009 8941 21 102 JETGROUTING JETGROUTING LUBAP 5 2 7 8 4 5 1 0 3 PORNU Carrier USB LGH PERMEABILITY TEST (Lugeon) - Installation B2CF1 Junction box Cable drum EDHxx Flowmeter C16100+SP100 Water pressure INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES RP25 R.P. connector LG18 Pressure sensor PFC DRIVEN PILES - Installation VR28N (x2) Hydraulic Hammer GPRS + BLUETOOTH DIALOG DIALOG USB @ P80 Movement DXPFC DXPFC Processing software IA1620 Inclinometer B2IA1 Junction box P80 Depth Electrovalve control V16C03 Diesel hammer INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES PRS PRESSURE VOLUME CONTROLLER - Installation @ EXPRS Processing software EXPRS GEOTECHNIQUE GEOTECHNIC PREVO 100 BAP INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES Pressure probe PVD GROUTING - Installation LUBAP LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF DXPVD LUBAP MC 188933 1653562 566 64654 0 852539 35.6 25.2 12.3 5.8 0.0012 4659984 53 66009 8941 21 102 EXPVD - DXPVD Processing software 5 2 7 8 4 5 1 0 3 USB LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C16 400 VR28 @ BAP 160 Pumps control (4) EDH / SP100+C16 50D (x 4) Grout flow, volume and pressure B2IA1 Junction box BAP USB B2IA1 Junction box INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES SMX @ DXSMX SOILMIXING - Installation DXSMX Processing software F89 Depth Junction box B1IA2 GPRS BLUETOOTH VR28 Rotation speed DIALOG DIALOG USB C16 400 Torque EDHxx / SP100 + C16xx Grout flow, voume and pressure B2IA2 Junction box INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES PRAD - Pressure and deviation TAN ANCHOR - Installation LUTIN / TAN LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C16 400 VR28 188933 1653562 566 64654 0 852539 35.6 25.2 12.3 5.8 0.0012 4659984 53 66009 8941 21 102 5 2 7 8 4 5 1 0 3 LUTIN B2DI3 Junction box INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES TCT CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER - Installation SP400 / SP500 Concrete volume Antoise - MA Centimeter positioning by gps @ DXTCT DXTCT Processing software C16 50K + SPxx Concrete pressure Junction box F89 Depth B1IA1 VR28N - Rotation speed GPRS BLUETOOTH C16 400 - Torque DIALOG DIALOG C16 400 - Retain pressure USB C16 400 - Thrust pressure Junction box B2IA1 IA1620 Inclinometer Auto. mast position Automatic uplift R511P - Pump radio R511M Radio Antoise - BA I/O C16 400 + RHTC16 Pump stoke PRAD - Pressure and deviation INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES TGR BOREHOLES DEVIATION - Installation LT3 LT3 JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx JEAN LUTZ SA INSTUMENTS ET SYSTEMES EN GENIE CIVIL CL88 nx LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 CL88 CL88 LT3 nx TP110 nx F89 / D907 VIB16AF50 C16 400 C16 50D C16 400 C164 00 VR28 IA1620 EDxx BS GU300 B2CF1 FC225A12 Memotel Memobloc SC Memolec SC EXEPF Sensor of drilling head rotation Depth Battery charger Rig connection box Process sensors TIGOR Connection box TIGOR ST Connection box Collar TIGOR ST Laser aiming device Target INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES TRB DIAPHRAGM WALL - Installation GPRS + BLUETOOTH DIALOG DIALOG USB @ DXTRB DXTRB Processing software B1IA1 Junction box NEMOK / PRAD Deviation P80S Depth INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES DIALOG VBF @ VIBROCOMPACTION - Installation GPRS BLUETOOTH DXVBF DXVBF Processing software DIALOG DIALOG USB P80S Depth (mast) V16AF50 Amplitude + frequency B2IA1 Junction box C16 400 Vibratory power (hydraulic) MI 16 500 Vibratory power (electricity) BS Driller’s button PH2 Depth (hydrostatic) IA1620 Inclinometer INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES SENSORS DEPTH - ROTATION - SPEED - DEVIATION - INCLINATION POSITIONING - PRESSURE - FLOW - VIBRATION - Etc. (some examples) INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES PRAD Deviation and in depth pressure for augers applications TCT 1 1. Drilling measurement TECHNICAL FEATURES Maximal concrete pressure/ resolution Maximal inclinations 3 axes/ resolution Deviation accuracy Battery autonomy Operating temperature Interface Supply voltage of the charger 25 bar/0.01 bar ± 90°/0.01° 3 cm / 10 m 50 h. -20 C° / 85 C° Bluetooth 13-30 Vdc / 100-230 VAC 2 3 2. Concreting measurement 3. Data Transmission INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES The sensor is easy to install. The underground information is known as soon as the tool is out of the ground. PRAD Deviation sensor for Kelly piles 1 TLK 1. Lowering 3 2. Measurement 3. Data Transmission INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES The sensor is easy to install. TECHNICAL FEATURES Maximal inclinations 3 axes/ resolution Deviation accuracy Battery autonomy Operating temperature Interface Supply voltage of the charger 2 ± 90°/0.01° 3 cm / 10 m 50 h. -20 C° / 85 C° Bluetooth 13-30 Vdc / 100-230 VAC The underground information is known as soon as the tool is out of the ground. TAUPI Deviation and in depth pressure for augers applications TCT E REAL TleIM data boreho A single strand wire (simplified connection) connects the transmitter located just below the rotation head to the sensor placed at the bottom of the auger. The transmitter sends the measures to the Dialog. Borehole information is known in real time. 64110 Jurançon : + 33 (0)5 59 06 34 22 92240 Malakoff : + 33 (0)1 46 62 61 47 B4XC1 64110 Jurançon : + 33 (0)5 59 06 34 22 92240 Malakoff : + 33 (0)1 46 62 61 47 B4XC1 GPRS BLUETOOTH DIALOG DIALOG USB TECHNICAL FEATURES Maximal concrete pressure/ resolution Maximal inclinations 3 axes/ resolution Deviation accuracy Battery autonomy Operating temperature Interface Supply voltage of the charger 25 bar/0.01 bar ± 90°/0.01° 3 cm / 10 m 50 h. -20 C° / 85 C° Bluetooth 13-30 Vdc / 100-230 VAC INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES CCPVBR Vibration sensor CCPVBR Sensor measurements: Amplitude and frequency of vibration Temperature of the vibrator Inclination of the vibrator Deviation of the vibrator Operating time Pressure by external sensor DIALOG USB TECHNICAL FEATURES Temperature Power supply Inclination resolution Temperature resolution Maximal amplitude Amplitude resolution Running band frequency Frequency resolution Pressure input -40 / +85 C° 110-220-450 Vdc 0.05° 0.5 C° 50 mm 0.05 mm 5 - 60 Hz 0.5 Hz 4 - 20 mA INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES TIGOR Instrumented rod for the drilling deviation measurement 5° 0° 5° TIGOR Adaptator Contact for data reading and battery charge. TIGOR BS Double jet Sensors Memory Battery Monitor 5° 0° 5° Valve INSTRUMENTATION POUR FONDATIONS SPECIALES TIGOR BS Double jet Data reading Collar LTGR
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