THE BEST SEEDS TO DEVELOP CROP PRODUCTIONS ON YOUR TERRITORIES ... ON ALL TERRITORIES! High-performance genetics, the best seeds and innovative services 1 Maïsadour Semences is a seed company, with a 65-year expertise in field crop hybrids A recognised expertise in the 3 activities of the seed business: • Research & Development: 5 research centres in Europe, focused on genomics and agronomy. • Quality seed production in France, Ukraine and Spain and subcontractors in 9 other countries. • Sales in more than 40 countries. A unique expertise in agribusiness Who we are and what we do... Maïsadour Semences at a glance p4 At the heart of our Research and Development p6 High quality seed production p8 Maïsadour Semences benefits from the unique expertise in agribusiness of the Maïsadour Cooperative Group, its majority shareholder. •Our specialists advise our customers on how to maximise their agricultural productions. •Our customers can benefit from our experience of a well-organised value chain, from the field to the consumer’s plate: maize and oilseed seeds, agricultural supplies, vegetables and cereals productions, animal feed, breeding and gastronomic products. Bordeaux Our commercial teams p 10 Our product portfolio p 12 Mont de Marsan Toulouse Innovative services for farmers and distributors p 16 Our unique expertise in agribusiness p 18 Headquarters in Haut-Mauco (France) 2 3 Maïsadour Semences at a glance Our people & values Our strategy Maïsadour Semences is a leading European elite breeder and seed producer for field crops hybrids (grain maize, silage maize and oilseeds). Our mission is to provide high-performance genetics, the best seeds and offer a complete range of innovative services to enhance the value of our customers’ agricultural production. Quality Management is also essential to our business: our R&D, Production&Processes, Marketing&Sales activities are certified ISO-9001 in all our locations. High-performance genetics To create our varieties, our researchers are working with cutting-edge tools in our bio-molecular laboratory, our nurseries and in more than 300,000 trial plots in Europe which are representative of soil diversity, climates and crop systems. As a subsidiary of the Maïsadour Cooperative Group (5,700 people; € 1.5 billion turnover in 2013), our priority is to have close contact with our customers thanks to our experienced teams and to provide innovative solutions to maximise agricultural productions. The Maïsadour Semences strategy is also strongly linked to our ISO 9001 quality management system (R&D, Production&Processes, Marketing&Sales activities). Sustainable development and corporate social responsibilities are also a strategic orientation for the Maïsadour Group which is undergoing an ISO 26000 complete assessment in 2014. The best seeds As the leader of hybrid seed production in Europe, we apply to each Maïsadour Semences seed bag the highest quality standards used on the market, both in germinative vigour and in seed treatment quality (ESTA certification). Our three factories and production networks in France, Ukraine and Spain are equipped with the latest technology. Experienced teams to guide and support our customers To ensure the full genetic potential of our hybrids, our customers can benefit from a complete range of services. Thanks to our Precosem and Mas’Pilot services, we support the farmers at each crop stage, from the choice of variety to harvest. Since 2013, we have broadened our product portfolio thanks to our new partnership with Jouffray Drillaud (a subsidiary of the Terrena cooperative group): we provide new solutions to cereal and cattle farmers (cover crops, alfalfa, silo additives). Employees by activity 688 Administration 4 32 R&D 170 Commercial 210 Production 276 Key facts & figures Countries of operation 12 subsidiaries in Europe and Northern Africa Sales in 40 countries Number of employees 688 Our teams 21 nationalities Turnover 130 million euros in 2014 - 1,300,00 bags sold R&D investment 15% of turnover ISO 9001 - Quality Management Covers all our activities: R&D, production, processes, supply, marketing and seed traceability 5 At the heart of our Research and Development Genomics and agronomy, 2 pillars of genetic innovation Each bag of seeds is the result of 10 to 15 years of R&D during which we have dissected the behavior of each hybrid in order to advise the farmers on the best use and positioning. 1 GENOMICS An innovative biomolecular laboratory and strong private or public collaborations 2 AGRONOMY A diversified trial network 4 groups of breeding programmes: early maize, late maize, sunflower, rapeseed Our international partners 10 to 15 years are required to complete a breeding cycle IDENTIFYING THE EXISTING DIVERSITY • Identifying and characterizing the genetic material (phenotype and genotype) • Characterizing diversity Counter-season Breeding nurseries R&D Partners RHODON MOGILEV HAUT-MAUCO: Biomolecular laboratory HAUT-MAUCO BELCIUGATELE NECKARMÜHLBACH SILAGE trials GRAIN trials SUNFLOWER trials Grain maize 6 • 8,500 lines and populations Sunflower GRAIN and SILAGE trials RAPESEED trial Rapeseed Silage maize •170 people, 32 engineers and R&D managers •Budget : 15% turnover •More than 40 professions CREATING LINES • Cross-breeding lines with interesting and complementary characteristics to create fixed lines • Cross-breeding the lines entering into the final hybrid formulas with testers • Selecting the best lines • Fixing the lines • 15,000 breeding lines • 20,000 breeding hybrids • 10 million of genome analyses • 70 new lines each year CREATING HYBRIDS • Retaining the best combinations between new and existing lines • Testing the hybrids in different agro-climatic and technical conditions • Selecting the best hybrids • 3,500 hybrids under test • 300,000 plots in 218 locations • 1,500,000 field notations each year REGISTERING AND POSITIONING ADVICE TO FARMERS • Registering and protecting • Drawing-up the instructions for use • Producing commercial seeds • 50 registrations each year • 350 files in process of registration in 24 countries • 30 new hybrids in our portfolio each year 7 Outstanding field management and high-tech manufacturing processes, to guarantee a single high- quality seed all over Europe Maïsadour Semences guarantees a single quality of high-performance seeds thanks to a reliable network of performant producers and hightech processes. Quality control Objective -To guarantee a single quality of seed in our bags What we do -A single quality control plan •276 people, including 50 engineers & technicians •500 farmer-producers -One quality control laboratory in each plant -Self-control circuit between Maïsadour Semences quality control laboratories A reliable and performant network of farmer producers Seed production plant in Ukraine Objective Same high-standard crop management in all fields What we do -We build a long-term trustful relationship with the producers Mogilev, Dniepropetrovsk -18,000 ha of seed production of maize, sunflower and rapeseed -250 varieties : hybrids and parental lines -10,000 hives -One European research program in seed production Haut Mauco, Mont de Marsan Modern plants and high-tech processes Zaragoza Objective Manufacturing high-quality seeds of maize, sunflower and rapeseed What we do -Cutting-edge processes 3 Maïsadour plants and 3 quality control labs 4 quality certified partner plants -One European research unit in seed technology and process -Maïsadour Semences high quality seed treatments: ESTA certification A network of seed production fields with a wide range of earliness MAS HIGH-QUALITY SEEDS 8 Sunflower production field Seed manufacturing plant Maize production field 9 Our commercial teams Our priority is to be in close contact with our customers, farmers and distributors, thanks to our experienced teams and to provide innovative solutions to maximise agricultural productions. Agro Forum in Romania Kuban Deutschland 12 subsidiaries in Europe and Northern Africa Polska Ukraine 210 sales representatives, marketing managers and agronomists Hongrie Italia Romania To h u m c u l u k Grain corn porfolio (69 hybrids) Cattle farmers portfolio (51 silage maize hybrids, alfalfa and forage biological additives) Oilseeds portfolio 22 sunflower hybrids and 10 rapeseed varieties Sales in more than 40 countries Maroc Italia Subsidiaries Mas distributor 2,830 distributors all over Europe, CIS, Northern Africa and Middle East area. Field-day in France 10 11 A broad corn, oilseeds and cover crop portfolio GRAIN CORN PORTFOLIO MID EARLY ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 360 Mas 37.H 370 Mas 35.K Mas 38.D Mas 39.T Mas 40.F Mas 44.A Mas 47.P Mas 51.G Mas 48.F Mas 52.K Mas 53.B Mas 56.E Mas 57.R Mas 55.F PELOTA DM5053 Mas 59.P Mas 58.M Mas 70.F Mas 71.B Mas 72.A Mas 73.E Mas 75.A Mas 78.T CALCIO 380 380 380 410 430 470 480 490 520 520 550 550 550 550 560 580 580 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 CCM = corn-cob-mix ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Mas 80.IR Mas 91.IR Mas 87.IR Mas 95.IR Mas 92.IR Mas 83.R Mas 82.A Mas 81.C DT6022 Mas 89.M Mas 84.E ● ● ● ● ● ● Birdfeed Organic • Mas 31.WX - FAO 360 • Mas 39.WX - FAO 380 Semolina industry Agriculture UE CERTIPAQ FR-BIO-09 • Mas 22.D - FAO 270 • Mas 26.K - FAO 275 12 • Mas 38.D - FAO 380 • Mas 47.P - FAO 470 • Gritz - FAO 480 • CAPSIR - FAO 480 • Mas 21.D - FAO 260 • Mas 26.K - FAO 275 • Gritz - FAO 480 **** **** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** **** ****: High ***** ** : Market level Maturity mid-late mid-early mid-early mid-late mid-early mid-early Flowering precocity AZUR mid-early MAKILA mid-late MINOTAUR mid-late OSPREY mid-late Oil Oil GLS Maturity type content content mid-early classic *** low mid-late classic **** low mid-early classic ** high mid-early classic **** low ****level: Market: High ** ****level: Market: High ** ● ● • Mas 45.WX - FAO 490 • Mas 56.WX - FAO 530 OIL CONTENT Characteristics Oil Oil GLS type content content classic *** medium classic **** medium classic *** medium classic *** medium classic *** low classic *** high ● Waxy • Mas 40.CR - FAO 420 • Mas 50.CR - FAO 520 • DM4022CR - FAO 480 Mas 86.K Mas 90.T Mas 94.C Mas 96.P Mas 97.A Mas 88.OL DT5302OL Mas 85.OL Mas 95.OL Mas 96.OL Mas 97.OL Characteristics Flowering precocity DC2050 mid-early GALIA mid-early MARSAC mid-early MARSTRIP mid-early REGIS mid-early TOCCATA mid-late Cover crop portfolio CCM = corn-cob-mix DUO System *** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** **** ** **** *****: High ***** ** : Market level EARLINESS BROOMRAPE TOLERANT mid-early A-E mid-early A-E mid-late A-E mid-late F+ mid-late A-E early A-E mid-early A-E mid-early A-E mid-late A-E mid-late Clearfield Technology mid-late - RAPESEED PORTFOLIO Crop conditions Special Uses • Mas 32.CR - FAO 320 • Mas 36.CR - FAO 360 Characteristics OIL CONTENT LINOLEIC Mas 37.V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ EARLINESS BROOMRAPE TOLERANT early A-E early mid-early A-E mid-early mid-late early A-E early A-E early F+ early F+ mid-early A-E Clearfield Technology mid-early A-E HIGH OLEIC ● 340 350 350 Silage LINOLEIC CL ● Mas 34.C Mas 36.A BOLIDE CCM Characteristics LINOLEIC ● ● ● Type of corn dent dent dent dentflint dentflint dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent dent OTHER USE HYBRIDS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FAO MID EARLY 190 200 200 200 210 210 210 220 230 230 240 250 250 250 240 260 260 260 260 270 270 270 275 280 290 290 290 300 320 330 Silage MID LATE Mas 10.K DM0022 Mas 11.F Mas 12.R Mas 12.H Mas 14.G Mas 15.P PLENTY Mas 16.R Mas 17.G VICKY AMELIOR Mas 20.F Mas 25.T DM2002 DM2012 Mas 24.A Mas 25.F Mas 22.R Mas 21.M Mas 22.D Mas 23.K Mas 26.K Mas 30.K Mas 24.V Mas 24.N Mas 29.T Mas 31.R DM3903 Mas 33.A CCM Characteristics LATE EARLY VERY EARLY FAO Type of corn flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint flint dent dent flint dent dent dent dent OTHER USE VERY LATE Characteristics SUNFLOWER PORTFOLIO LINES Chlorofiltre® 31 Chlorofiltre® PROFIL Chlorofiltre® MTR Cover crop quality Composition Dosing rate Sowing date Animal feeding Soil structure Parasit breaker Bristle oat, Common vetch, Berseem clover Purple vetch, Berseem clover, Phacelia White mustard, Berseem clover, Radish 25 kg/ha July / Sept 5 4 5 5 5 4 12 kg/ha August / Sept 2 5 3 4 5 5 8 kg/ha August / Sept 1 3 5 3 3 5 20 to 35 Kg/ha 25 to 35 Kg/ha March - April / August - Sept 8 to 10 maize leaves 5 5 4 2 5 2 5 4 4 3 5 4 Chlorofiltre® ST Bristle oat, Forage rye Chlorofiltre® SCM Ray-grass Hybrid 2n, Hairy vetch 1 = Low Restitution Easy to next crop Biomass destruction 5 = Excellent 13 Cattle farmer portfolio Use the correct type of silage maize for better profitability SILAGE maize PORTFOLIO USE USE EARLY 170 180 190 200 200 210 220 230 230 235 240 240 240 245 250 250 250 250 250 260 260 260 260 270 270 275 280 280 280 280 290 BIOGAS ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ FAO SILAGE GRAIN Industry / CCM MID EARLY / MID LATE DM0002 DM0012 Mas 10.K Mas 07.B DM0022 Mas 11.F Mas 12.H Mas 16.V Mas 16.R Mas 17.E Mas 19.H LOKANGA VICKY DM2002 Mas 18.T AMELIOR Mas 20.F DYNAMITE Mas 23.E Mas 25.T Mas 24.A Mas 21.D Mas 22.R Mas 27.L Mas 22.D Mas 21.M Mas 26.K Mas 24.N Mas 28.A Mas 28.F Mas 29.H Mas 26.B SILAGE VALUE LATE VERY EARLY FAO SILAGE ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ● ● Mas 36.A Mas 34.C Mas 33.A BOLIDE Mas 37.H Mas 37.V Mas 38.D Mas 40.F Mas 44.A Mas 47.P Mas 48.F Mas 53.B PELOTA Mas 55.F Mas 58.M Mas 78.T Mas 70.F Mas 71.B CALCIO SILAGE VALUE 330 340 350 350 370 360 380 400 420 470 490 520 550 540 570 600 630 700 750 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Special Uses ● ● ● ● Organic Agriculture UE CERTIPAQ FR-BIO-09 • Mas 19.H - FAO 235 • Mas 22.D - FAO 270 • Mas 26.K - FAO 275 • Mas 38.D - FAO 380 • Mas 47.P - FAO 470 •High fiber digestibility •More than 60% corn silage in the diet •Balanced energy and optimal fodder structure for animal health Color Red Yellow-Orange •Massive plant •High methan yield per hectar Alfalfa portfolio Harvesting mode Dormancy Galaxie Max SAS Energy Speeda Max SAS Energy Mélissa SAS Energy Harpe Kali 4,3 8 8 4,5 4,5 Hay Crop conditions Wrapping Silage Dehydration ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Dosing rate Sowing date 2 precidoses*/ha 2 precidoses*/ha 2 precidoses*/ha 25 Kg/ha 25 Kg/ha March - April / August - September March - April / August - September March - April / August - September March - April / August - September March - April / August - September Fodder quality Perennial Proteins crop *** : very good ** : good * : medium Harvesting mode Dormancy MULTIPRES Herba fibres Festuca arundinacea + Timothy + Perennial ryegrass Crop conditions Grass, Temporary grasslands, Fodder crops Form Cylindroconical Conical Biogas corn Silage corn Wet grain corn Crop situation Harvested 3 to 4 days after cutting Harvested 1 day after cutting Silage 1 day after cutting Harvested 3 to 4 days after cutting Harvested 1 day after cutting Silage 1 day after cutting Special maize for biogas production All types of maize All types of maize Fodder quality Grazing Hay Wrapping Silage Dosing rate Sowing rate Perennity Wet Drying Proteins MELOPRO ESTIVAL Foxtail millet + Berseem clover MELOPRO TROPIC Pearl millet + Berseem clover MELOPRO Full-One Annual ryegrass + Italian ryegrass + Crimson clover MELOPRO Dial Alsike clover, Red clover, Crimson clover, White clover Mixture for perenial parture, Fescue, Cocksfoot, MULTIPRES Perennial ryegrass, Alfalfa, Purple clover PERFORMANCE and White clover, Trefoil 25 to 35 Kg/ha April to May 20 to 25 Kg/ha April to May 25 to 35 Kg/ha September - October 25 to 35 Kg/ha August -September Digestibility 2 to 4 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 8 months 2 to 3 years ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ March-April / 4 years and + ✓ 25 to 35 Kg/ha August-September ✓ ✓ Digestibility 4 years and + 4 years and + 4 years and + 4 years and + 4 years and + Fodder crops portfolio Alfalfa Fodder beets portfolio 14 •High starch content •Less than 60% corn silage in the diet •Excellent when mixed with alfalfa Harvested fodder Use Silage Silage Biomass production March-April / 4 years and + 25 to 35 Kg/ha August-September A Silo-King solution for each harvested fodder ● ● ✓ Type MULTIGERM MONOGERM, TRIPLOID GRAIN Industry / CCM ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Milk production CCM = corn-cob-mix CCM = corn-cob-mix Rota Rivage BIOGAS Milk production and cattle fatening Storage % of DM Objectives of conservation Round bales >75% DM Improve quality for dried alfalfa market Wrapping 45-65% of DM Improve fibre quality Silo 30-35% of DM Fast pH decrease and digestibility improvement Round bales >75% of DM Overheating reduction and quality improvement Wrapping 45-65% of DM Reduction of Protein degradation Silo 30-35% of DM Fast pH decrease and digestibility improvement Silo 30 and 35% Improvement of methane production Silo 28% and 50% Digestibility improvement, Overheating reduction, Decrease in DM losses Silo 30-40% of moisture Stabilization of wet grain corn and quality preservation (pigs and cattle) : very good : good : medium ***** * Recommended product Silo-King DRY Silo-King DRY / Silo-King GS Silo-King GS Silo-King DRY Silo-King DRY / Silo-King GS Silo-King GS Silo-King MS Silo-King MS Silo-King MS 15 Our goal: the profitability of the farms Maïsadour Semences is offering you support at each stage of your crop culture: The success of your crop is determined at each crop stage, from the choice of variety to harvest. Thanks to the advices and personalized services of Maïsadour Semences, you will be able to achieve the full potential of your productions. € Benefit from our services for growing maize and sunflower new Advice throughout the growing period Added value Dear clien weather t, the for your conditions „Grieshe location optimumim“ is start sow . You may ing. Your Mais Precosem adour Team A customized service and a guarantee to help you sow at the right time The best suited variety Alerts sent at key stages from sowing to harvest. Follow your plots on your online Pro Access Storage Harvesting Crops Sowing Meet our specialists, our distributors and industrial partners to discuss on how to maximise your maize and sunflower productions. Summer meetings Secure your top-quality forage production 16 Increase your grain corn profitability Maximize your sunflower yields Discover the best suited hybrids Winter meetings Professional meetings for farmers and distributors Share your experiences to maximise your productions Discover all our services at 17 Our unique expertise in agribusiness Maïsadour Semences benefits from the unique expertise in agribusiness of the Maïsadour Cooperative Group, its majority shareholder. ApexAgri, a Maïsadour Subsidiary Agriculture Performance Expertise Maïsadour Group activities Animal Division 20% Agrifood and Distribution Division 47% • 8,000 farmers • 5,700 employees • € 1.5 billion turnover in 2013 • 3 strategic guidelines : Innovation, International Development, Corporate Social Responsabilities Thanks to its unique expertise in the agribusiness, Maïsadour has set up a consultancy company specialized in the development of efficient and sustainable businesses in the agrifood sector: ApexAgri. ApexAgri’s offer is designed on 3 axis focusing on the development of integrated agrifood operations: 1. Securing supplies 2. Creating or optimizing agrifood businesses 3. Distributing and increasing the value of productions • Historical Group Seed and Plant Division 33% 2013: € 1.5 billion turnover founded in 1936 in the South-West of France Maïsadour Group in the world A well-organised value chain SEEDS AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES, VEGETABLES, CEREALS ANIMAL FEED BREEDING gastronomic PRODUCTS Our specialists advise our customers on how to maximize their agricultural productions. Our customers can benefit from our experience of a well-organised value chain, from the field to the consumer’s plate: maize and oilseed seeds, agricultural supplies, vegetables and cereals productions, animal feed, breeding, gastronomic products. 18 Commercial foothold and business partners 19 For more information, visit our website at: Other countries: ROUTE DE SAINT-SEVER - 40280 HAUT-MAUCO BP 27 - 40001 MONT-DE-MARSAN CEDEX - FRANCE TEL: +33 5 58 05 83 11 FAX : +33 5 58 05 89 34 Contact: [email protected] Graphic conception: - Photo credits and copyright: ©thinkstock - Iurii Kovalenko - © Maïsadour semences
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