Distributed Computing and Analysis Lamberto Luminari Italo – Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Martignano - May 20, 2004 Outline Introduction – General remarks Distributed computing – Principles – Projects – Computing facilities: testbeds and production infrastructures Database Systems – Principles Distributed analysis – Requirements and issues Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 2 General remarks Schematic approach – For the purpose of clarity, differences among possible alternatives are stressed: in reality, solutions are often a mix or a compromise – Only main features of relevant items are described: no aim of exhaustivity HEP (LHC) oriented presentation – Examples are mainly taken from HEP world – Projects with HEP community involvement are preferred – Options chosen by LHC Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 3 Distributed Computing Distributed computing What is it: – processing of data and objects across a network of connected systems; – hardware and software infrastructure that provides pervasive (and inexpensive) access to computational capabilities. A long story: – mainframes more and more expensive; – cluster technology; – RISC machines very powerful. What makes it appealing now: – CPU power! – Storage capacity!! – Network bandwidth!!! ... but Distr. Comp. is not a choice, rather a necessity or an opportunity. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 5 Network performances Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 6 Advantages of distributed computing Scalability and flexibility: – in principle, distributed computing systems are infinitely scalable: simply add more units and get more computing power. Moreover you can add or remove specific resources and adapt the system to your needs. Efficiency: – private resources are usually poorly used: pooling them greatly increases their exploitation. Reliability: – failure of a component little affects the overall performances. Load balancing and averaging: – distributing tasks according to the availability of resources optimize the behavior of the whole system and minimize the execution time; – load peaks arising from different user communities rarely sum up, then the use of resources is averaged (and optimized) over long periods. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 7 Disadvantages of distributed computing Difficult integration and coordination: – many heterogeneous computing systems have to be integrated; – data sets are splitted over different storage systems; – many users have to cooperate and share resources. Unpredictability: – the quantity of available resources may largely fluctuate; – computing units may become unavailable or unreachable suddenly and for long periods, making unpredictable the completion time of the tasks running there. Security problems: – distributed systems are prone to intrusion. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 8 Applications and distributed computing Suitable: – – – – – high compute to data ratio; batch processes; loosely coupled tasks; statistical evaluations dependent on random trials; data mining through distributed filesystems or databases. Unsuitable: – – – – real time; interactive processes; strongly coupled; sequential. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 9 Distributed computing architectures Peer-to-peer: – flat organization of components, with similar functionalities, talking to each other; – suitable for: independent tasks or poor inter-task communication; access to sparse data organized in a non hierarchical way. Client - server : – components with different functionalities and roles: processing unit (client) provided with a lightweight agent able to perform simple operations: detect system status and notify it to the server, ask (or wait) for tasks, accept and send data, execute processes according to priorities or in spare cycles, .... dedicated unit (server) provided with complex software able to: take or send computing requests, monitor the status of the jobs sent to the clients, receive the results and assemble them, possibly in a database. It also takes care of security and access policy, and stores statistics and accounting data. – suitable for: complex architectures and tasks. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 10 Multi-tier computing systems Components with different levels of service, arranged in tiers: – computing centers (multi-processors, PC farms, data storage systems); – clusters of dedicated machines; – individual, general use PCs. Different functionalities for each tier: – amount of CPU power installed and data stored; – quality and schedule of user support; – level of reliability and security. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 11 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 12 Distributed computing models Clusters: – groups of homogeneous, tightly coupled components, sharing file systems and peripheral devices (e.g., Beowulf); Pools of desktop PCs: – loosely interconnected private machines (e.g., Condor); Grids: – heterogeneous systems of (mainly dedicated) resources (e.g., LCG). Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 13 Comparison of computing models Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 14 Condor is a specialized workload management system for compute-intensive jobs. It provides: – – – – – a job queueing mechanism; scheduling policy; priority scheme; resource monitoring; resource management. Users submit their serial or parallel jobs to Condor, which places them into a queue, chooses when and where to run the jobs based upon a policy, carefully monitors their progress, and ultimately informs the user upon completion. Unique mechanisms enable Condor to effectively harness wasted CPU power from otherwise idle desktop workstations. Condor is able to transparently produce a checkpoint and migrate a job to a different machine. Condor does not require a shared file system across machines: if no shared file system is available, Condor can transfer the job's data files on behalf of the user, or Condor may be able to transparently redirect all the job's I/O requests back to the submit machine. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 15 resources data network Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 16 Distributed computing environment DCE standards: – A distributed computing network may include many different systems. The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) — formulated by The Open Group — formalizes the technologies needed to make the components communicate with each other, such as remote procedural calls and middleware. DCE runs on all major computing platforms and is designed to support distributed applications in heterogeneous hardware and software environments. DCE provides a complete infrastructure, with services, interfaces, protocols, encoding rules for: – authentication and security (Kerberos, Public Key certificate); – objects interoperability across different platforms (CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture); – directories (with global name and cell name) for distributed resources; – time services (including synchronization); – distributed file systems; – Remote Procedure Call; – Internet/Intranet communications. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 17 Grid computing specifications The Global Grid Forum (GGF) is the primary organization whose purpose is to define specifications about Grid Computing. It is a forum for information exchange and collaboration among people who are doing Grid research, designing and building Grid software, deploying Grids, using Grids, spanning technology areas: scheduling, data handling, security… The Globus Toolkit (developed in Argonne Nat. Lab. and Univ. of Southern California) is an implementation of these standards, and has become a de facto standard for grid middleware because of some attractive features: – a object-oriented approach, which allows developers of specific applications to take just what meets their needs, to introduce tools one at a time and to make programs increasingly "Grid-enabled“; – the toolkit software is “open-source“: this allows developers to freely make and add improvements. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 18 Globus toolkit Practically all major Grid projects are being built on protocols and services provided by the Globus Toolkit, a software "work-inprogress" which is being developed by the Globus Alliance, which involves primarily Ian Foster's team at Argonne National Laboratory and Carl Kesselman's team at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The toolkit provides a set of software tools to implement the basic services and capabilities required to construct a computational Grid, such as security, resource location, resource management, and communications. Globus includes programs such as: – Computing Element: receives job requests and delivers them to the Worker Nodes, which will perform the real work. The Computing Element provides an interface to the local batch queuing systems. A Computing Element can manage one or more Worker Nodes: Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 19 Globus Toolkit The Globus toolkit provides a set of software tools to implement the basic services and capabilities required to construct a computational Grid, such as security, resource location, resource management, and communications: – GRAM (Globus Resource Allocation Manager), to convert a request for resources into commands that local computers can understand; – GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure), to provide authentication of the user and work out that person's access rights; – MDS (Monitoring and Discovery Service), to collect information about resource (processing capacity, bandwidth capacity, type of storage, etc); – GRIS (Grid Resource Information Service), to query resources for their current configuration, capabilities, and status; – GIIS (Grid Index Information Service), to coordinate arbitrary GRIS services; – GridFTP, to provide a high-performance, secure and robust data transfer mechanism – Replica Catalog, a catalog that allows other Globus tools to look up where on the Grid other replicas of a given dataset can be found – Replica Management system, which ties together the Replica Catalog and GridFTP technologies, allowing applications to create and manage replicas of large datasets. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 20 OGSA: the future? Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 21 Grid projects … and many others! Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 22 Grid projects •UK – GRIPP •Netherlands – DutchGrid •Germany – UNICORE, Grid project •France – Grid funding approved •Italy – INFN Grid •Eire – Grid project •Switzerland - Network/Grid project •Hungary – DemoGrid •Norway, Sweden – NorduGrid •……… •NASA Information Power Grid •DOE Science Grid •NSF National Virtual Observatory •NSF GriPhyN •DOE Particle Physics Data Grid •NSF TeraGrid •DOE ASCI Grid •DataGrid (CERN, ...) •DOE Earth Systems Grid •EuroGrid (Unicore) •DARPA CoABS Grid •DataTag (CERN,…) •NEESGrid •Astrophysical Virtual Observatory •DOH BIRN •GRIP (Globus/Unicore) •NSF iVDGL •GRIA (Industrial applications) •GridLab (Cactus Toolkit) •Grid2003 •CrossGrid (Infrastructure Components) •……. •EGSO (Solar Physics) •EGEE •……… Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 23 Middleware projects relevant for HEP EDG – European Data Grid (EU project) EGEE – Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe (EU project) Grid2003 – joint project of the U.S. Grid projects iVDGL, GriPhyN and PPDG, and the U.S. participants in the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 24 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 25 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 26 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 27 LCG hierarchical information service Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 28 Replica management Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 29 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 30 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 31 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 32 A Job Submission Example UI JDL Input “sandbox” Data Management Services LFN->PFN Input “sandbox” Output “sandbox” Resource Broker Job Query Job Submit Author. &Authen. Information Service Job Status Storage Element Brokerinfo Job Submission Service Logging & Book-keeping Output “sandbox” Job Status Compute Element 33 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 33 Job submission steps (1) Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 34 Job submission steps (2) Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 35 Portals Why a portal? • • • • • Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari It can be accessed from everywhere and by “everything” (desktop, laptop, PDA, phone). It can keep the same user interface independently of the underlying middleware. It must be redundantly “secure” at all levels: • • • • secure for web transactions, secure for user credentials, secure for user authentication, secure at VO level. All available grid services must be incorporated in a logic way, just “one mouse click away”. Its layout must be easily understandable and user friendly. 36 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 37 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 38 Computing facilities (1) Computing facilities (testbeds or production infrastructures) are made up of one or more nodes. Each node (computer center or cluster of resources) contains a certain number of components, which may be playing different roles. Some are site specific: – Computing Element: receives job requests and delivers them to the Worker Nodes, which will perform the real work. The Computing Element provides an interface to the local batch queuing systems. A Computing Element can manage one or more Worker Nodes: Worker Node: the machine that will actually process data. Typically managed via a local batch system. A Worker Node can also be installed on the same machine as the Computing Element. – Storage Element: provides storage space to the facility. The storage element may control large disk arrays, mass storage systems and the like; however, the SE interface hides the differences between these systems allowing uniform user access. – User Interface: the machine that allows users to access the facility. This is typically the machine the end-user logs into to submit jobs to the grid and to retrieve the output from those jobs. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 39 Computing facilities (2) Some other roles are shared by groups of users or by thwe whole grid: – Resource Broker: receives users' requests and queries the Information Index to find suitable resources. – Information Index: resides on the same machine as the Resource Broker, keeps information about the available resources. – Replica Manager: coordinates file replication from one Storage Element to another. Useful for data redundancy but also to move data closer to the machines which will perform computation. – Replica Catalog: can reside on the same machine as the Replica Manager, keeps information about file replicas. A logical file can be associated to one or more physical files which are replicas of the same data. Thus a logical file name can refer to one or more physical file names. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 40 Computing facilities relevant for HEP EDG – Testbed LCG – Production infrastructure EGEE – Production infrastructure Grid3 – Production infrastructure operated jointly by the U.S. Grid projects iVDGL, GriPhyN and PPDG, and the U.S. participants in the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 41 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 42 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 43 LCG hybrid architecture Multi-tier hierarchy + Grids Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 44 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 45 EGEE Timeline Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 May 2003: proposal submitted July 2003: proposal accepted April 2004: start project Lamberto Luminari 46 Grid3 infrastructure Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 47 Virtual Organizations (User Communities) Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 48 Multi-VO and one Grid Grid (shared resources and services) Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 49 One VO and multi-Grid ATLAS Production System Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 50 Multi-VO and multi-Grid VO services VO services and private resources and private resources Shared Resources and Services VO services Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Shared Resources and Services Shared Resources and Services VO services and private resources VO services Lamberto Luminari 51 HEP Requirements User requirements: – Concerning services, the HEP community has already made a lot of work within EDG and LCG. The basic requirements have already been specified as use cases for HEP data processing ( HEPCAL report, May 2002). Using the HEPCAL document to provide templates for requirements analysis, the EDG/AWG(Application Working Group) aim at defining requirements for a high level common application layer based on the needs of HEP, Bio-medicine and Earth Sciences, and is. High level APIs for Grid Services have also been defined by the EU funded project Gridlab. – Concerning resources, the production service must provide a continuous, stable, robust environment and a controlled, reliable access to the resources. The agreed sharing policies must be fully implemented and easily changeable. Besides implementing the user requirements, practical help should be given in interfacing the experiment applications to grid services, and to evaluate the performance of the software deployed within the production environment, as well as in pre-production testbeds. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 52 Security Security Policy – The security organizational model, often tailored so far on the needs and characteristics of homogeneous communities, should in the future be based on service needs of many heterogeneous V.O.’s, introducing in the Grid organizational and security model a new complexity. CA Policy – A European Grid Policy Management Authority is a prerequisite for running a Grid infrastructure both in Europe and worldwide. The Grid Security Infrastructure relies on trusted Certification Authorities (CA). It is therefore essential that a network of CA’s, based on a commonly agreed set of requirements, is established and maintained in Europe. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 53 VO management As more and more communities will join common production infrastructures, VO management is becoming crucial. Current technology offers support for rather static and large communities. The assignment of access rights is separated into two parts: local resource administrators grant rights to the VO as a whole, while VO administrators grant them to individual members of the community. In the future there will be the need for small (even only two people), short-lived (of the order of few days) and unforeseen (dynamically discovered) VO’s. The goal would be to provide a very fine-grained authorization and access control mechanism, where applicable based on global standards. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 54 Resource allocation and usage Resource allocation and reservation Resource usage and accounting – In order to meet the needs of all the different Grid users, mechanisms will be required to control and balance usage of the resources (including networks) by highly demanding applications, and to categorise and prioritise jobs so that they can receive the required level of service. – In particular, users should be able to allocate resources both immediately and in advance. Allocations must be restricted to authenticated users acting within authorized roles, the services available must be determined by policies agreed with the user organisations, and the aggregate services made available to VOs must be monitored to ensure adherence to the agreements. – A major issue is the control of usage of resources, once access to them has been established. This includes interfaces to traditional Usage Control mechanisms such as quotas and limits, and also the extraction and recording of usage for Budgeting, Accounting and Auditing purposes. – The usage quotas may be owned either by individuals or by VO's, and specified both in site-specific or Grid-wide protocols. This will include the ability to allow enforcement of quotas across a set of distributed resources. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 55 Organizational issues The need for resource sharing gives rise to a set of organisational issues to be faced, analysed and solved. Indeed, when a given organisation makes its own resources available on line: – Each organisation has its own decision and management independence: the resources to be shared with other organisations should not jeopardize such independence. – Each organisation has its own access policies. It's not true that everybody in the Grid can use everything, but it's true that new generations of network and grid technologies allow to define new sharing models. Each organisation should be able to decide on each individual data, on each individual resource and on which organisation have the access/use right. – Each organisation has its own security policies: University security policies are usually completely different from those of physics laboratory that works in close co-operation with government and the army. In order to guarantee a real resources sharing among different kinds of organisations, it's necessary to ensure the maximum level of flexibility in the management of the above mentioned issues. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 56 Requirements in LCG Requirements are set by Experiments in the SC2 + Requirements and Technical Assessment Groups (RTAGs): On applications: On Fabrics On Grid technology and deployment area – – – – – – – data persistency software support process mathematical libraries detector geometry description Monte Carlo generators applications architectural blueprint detector simulation – mass storage requirements – Grid technology use cases – Regional Center categorization Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 57 HEPCAL LCG RTAG: Common Use Cases for a HEP Common Application Layer Requirements are given as a set of use cases free of implementation details GENERAL USE CASES: – – – – Obtain Grid Authorization Revoke Grid Authorization Grid Login Browse Grid Resources Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 58 HEPCAL DATA MANAGEMENT USE CASES: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Data Set (DS) Metadata Update DS Metadata Access DS Registration Virtual DS Declaration Virtual DS Materialization DS Upload Catalogue Creation DS Access DS transfer to non-Grid storage DS Replica Upload DS Access Cost Evaluation DS Replication Physical DS Instance Deletion DS Deletion Catalogue Deletion Read from Remote DS DS Verification DS Browsing Browse Expt Database Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 59 HEPCAL JOB MANAGEMENT USE CASES: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Job Catalogue Update Job Catalogue Query Job Submission Job Output Access or Retrieval Job Error Recovery Job Control Steer Job Submission Job Resource Estimation Job Environment Modification Job Splitting Production Job Analysis DS Transformation Job Monitoring Conditions Publishing Software Publishing Simulation Job Exp’t Software Dev for Grid Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 60 HEPCAL VO MANAGEMENT USE CASES: – Configuring the VO: Configuring the DS metadata catalogue (either initially or reconfiguring). Configuring the job catalogue (either initially or reconfiguring). Configuring the user profile (if this is possible at all on a VO basis). Adding or removing VO elements, e.g. computing elements, storage elements, etc… Configuring VO elements, including quotas, privileges etc. – Managing the Users: Add and remove users to/from the VO. Modify the user information ( privileges, quotas, priorities…) either for single users or for subgroups of users within a VO. – VO wide resource reservation The Grid should provide a tool to estimate the time-to-completion given as input an estimate of the resources needed by the job. This is needed in particular to estimate the access cost. There should be use cases for releasing reserved resources, and system use cases for what to do in case a user does not submit a job for which resources are reserved. – VO wide resource allocation to users or groups/users of a VO – Software (or condition set) publishing, i.e. making it available on the Grid Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 61 Database Systems Database Systems Database : – one or more, large structured sets of persistent data. Usually associated with software to update and query the data. A simple database might be a single file containing many records, each of which contains the same set of fields, where each field is a certain fixed width. A database is one component of a database management system. Database Management System (DBMS): – a set of programs (functions) that allows to manage the large, structured sets of persistent data, which make up the database, and provide access to the data for multiple, concurrent users whilst maintaining the integrity of the data. The DBMS is in charge of all the functionalities related to the database: access, security, storage… Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 63 Database Management Systems DBMS provides: – security facilities to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system, using names and passwords to identify operators, programs and individual machines and sets of privileges assigned to them; these privileges can include the ability to read, write and update data in the database; – lock facilities to maintain data integrity; locks are used for read and write to chunks of data: by doing this only one user at a time can alter data or users can be prevented from accessing data being changed. These requirements are referred as ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability): Atomicity: all the parts of a transaction's execution are either all committed or all rolled back. All changes take effect, or none do. This ensures that there is not erroneous data in the systems or data which does not correspond to other data as it should. Consistency: the database is transformed from one valid state to another valid state. A transaction is legal only if it obeys user-defined integrity constraints. Illegal transactions aren't allowed and, if an integrity constraint can't be satisfied the transaction is rolled back to its previously valid state and the user informed that the transaction has failed. Isolation: the results of a transaction are invisible to other transactions until the transaction is complete. Durability: once a transaction has been committed (completed), the results of a transaction are permanent and can survive future system and media failures. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 64 Database Systems Databases are based on many different models, each of which is designed with a specific problem, industry or set of functions in mind. Here we attempt to look at the main types in some depth: – Relational Databases: data are structured in a series of tables, which have columns representing the variables and rows that contain specific instances of data. Currently the most wide spread model. – Object Oriented Databases: information is stored as a persistent object, and not as a row in a table. User defines objects and operations which can be executed on them. – Object Relational Databases: relational systems to which object oriented functions are added. They allow data to be manipulated in the form of objects, as well as providing the traditional relational interface. – Distributed Databases: data are stored on two or more computers, called nodes, and that these nodes are connected over a network across a country, continent or planet. – Multimedia Databases: model for storing several different types of file i.e. text, audio, video and images in a single database. – Network Databases: organizes data in a network of linked records. A very early form of database, fast but not very adaptable, which is little used at present. – Hierarchical Databases: data are stored as records, linked with Parent-Child Relationships. Mostly used in the past on mainframes. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 65 Relational Database Systems The Relational Model is one of the oldest models used for creating a database, and the one that is used by the majority of businesses today. It was first outlined in a paper published by Ted Codd in 1970. The relational model is based on Set Theory and Predicate Logic: – set theory allows data to be structured in a series of tables, which have columns representing the variables and rows that contain specific instances of data. These tables are organized using normalization, which is a process (derived from Normal Forms theory) of reducing the occurrences of repeated data by breaking it into smaller pieces and creating new tables (e.g., personal data of a customer). – predicate logic is the basis of the query language, i.e. the set of commands that allows to insert, retrieve, modify or delete data, according to some specified criteria. Data can also be virtually or effectively joined in new tables. The current standard for relational databases is set out in the Structured Query Language. Version 2 of the language is currently in use with Version 3 expected to be released in the near future by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and American National Standards Institution (ANSI). – The most widely used relational database systems are produced by Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, Sybase, IBM, but there is a large number of other RDBMS designed to be either a general system or for specific applications used in HEP, like MySQL and PostgreSQL. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 66 Object Oriented Database Systems The ODBMS’s were introduced to overcome many restrictions imposed by the relational model on certain types of data (mainly in case of huge amounts or complex structures). Its main advantage is the degree of low level control of the system it allows the programmer. This gives the programmer control of how the data is to be store and manipulated: – information is stored as a persistent object (and not as a row in a table). This makes it more efficient in terms of storage space requirements and ensures that users can only manipulate data in the ways the programmer has specified. It also saves on the disk space needed for queries, as instead of having to allocate resources for the results, the space required is already there in the objects themselves. Because of the specific low level methods used in a ODBMS, it is very difficult for third parties to produce add-on products. Whilst relational databases can benefit from software which has been produced by other vendors, users of ODBMS's either have to produce additional software in house, by contracting other firms or in collaboration with other organizations using the same system. – The first commercially available object oriented DBMS became available in the mid1980's. By the early 1990's there were a range of ODBMS's available from a variety of vendors. Objectivity/DB is the most widely used in HEP community. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 67 Distributed Database Systems Distributed databases have the common characteristics that they are stored on two or more computers, called nodes, connected over a network. They are classified as homogeneous and heterogeneous : – homogeneous databases: use the same DBMS software and have the same applications on each node. They have a common schema (a file specifying the structure of the database), and can have varying degrees of local autonomy. They can be based on any DBMS which supports this function, but it is not possible to have more than one DBMS type in the system. To be efficient, they have to have very large network connections and a lot of processing power. – heterogeneous databases: have a very high degree of local autonomy. Each node in the system has its own local users, applications and data and dealing with them itself, and only connects to other nodes for information it does not have. This type of distributed database is often just called a federated system or a federation. It is becoming more popular with organizations, both for its scalability and the reduced cost in being able to add extra nodes when necessary and the ability to mix software packages. Unlike the homogenous systems, heterogeneous systems can include different database management systems in the system. This makes them appealing to organizations since they can incorporate legacy systems and data into new systems. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 68 Beyond standard Database Systems Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 69 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 70 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 71 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 72 Distributed Analysis Distributed Analysis Within LCG a working group, with representatives from all LHC experiments is working on a blueprint architecture for grid services: ARDA (A Roadmap to Distributed Analysis). This will serve as a first input to the EGEE Architecture team. The HEPCAL work is continuing in the framework of the LCG/GAG (Grid Applications Group), developing use cases and requirements for the analysis of physics data. This will also give important input to architecture and design work. GAG reports: – Hepcal Systematic descriptions of HEP Grid Use Cases CERN-LCG-2002-020 (29 May 2002) lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/sc2/RTAG4/finalreport.doc Hepcal-prime: cern.ch/fca/HEPCAL-prime.doc – Hepcal 2 Analysis Use Cases CERN-LCG-2003-032 (29 October 2003) lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/SC2/GAG/HEPCAL-II.doc Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 74 ARDA working group mandate To review the current Distributed Analysis activities and to capture their architectures in a consistent way To confront these existing projects to the HEPCAL II use cases and the user's potential work environments in order to explore potential shortcomings. To consider the interfaces between Grid, LCG and experiment specific services – Review the functionality of experiment-specific packages, state of advancement and role in the experiment – Identify similar functionalities in the different packages – Identify functionalities and components that could be integrated in the generic GRID middleware To confront the current projects with critical GRID areas To develop a roadmap specifying wherever possible the architecture, the components and potential sources of deliverables to guide the medium term (2 year) work of the LCG and the DA planning in the experiments. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 75 ARDA Architecture Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 76 SEAL Overview Shared Environment for Applications at LHC SEAL aims to Provide the software infrastructure, basic frameworks, libraries and tools that are common among the LHC experiments Select, integrate, develop and support foundation and utility class libraries Develop a coherent set of basic framework services to facilitate the integration of LCG and non - LCG software The scope of the SEAL project is basically the scope of the LCG Applications Area. Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 77 PROOF (Parallel ROOT Facility) Collaboration between core ROOT group at CERN and MIT Heavy Ion Group Part of and based on ROOT framework – Uses heavily ROOT networking and other infrastructure classes Currently no external technologies The PROOF system allows: – parallel analysis of trees in a set of files – parallel analysis of objects in a set of files – parallel execution of scripts on a cluster of heterogeneous machines Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 78 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 79 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 80 Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 81 Useful links Projects – – – – – EDG (European Data Grid): http://eu-datagrid.web.cern.ch/eu-datagrid/ GGF (Global Grid Forum): http://www.gridforum.org/ Globus: http://www.globus.org/ LCG (LHC Computing Grid): http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG/ Pool (Pool Of persistent Objects for LHC): http://pool.cern.ch/ Italo - Hellenic School of Physics 2004 Lamberto Luminari 82
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