EIGHT YEARS OF ACOUSTIC BAT MONITORING IN FRANCE: INCREASING SAMPLING EFFICIENCY WHILE COMMONEST SPECIES ACTIVITY IS DECREASING. J.-F. JULIEN, A. HAQUART, C. KERBIRIOU, Y. BAS, A. ROBERT & G. LOÏS Thanks to all the volunteers : Alain Abba, Olivier Allenou, Karine Ancrenaz, Ronan Arhuro, Edith Armange, Jacqueline Armange, Arnaud Bak, Yves Bas, Franz Barth, Jean-Pierre Bavent , Paul Ballongue, Joël Bec, Yannick Bernicot, Elodie Bideau, Romain Bion, Laurent Bokhor, Yves Bolnot , Sandrine Bouligand, Annick Boutard, Pierre Boyer, Sandrine Bracco, Célia Bresson, Matthieu Buis, Nathalie Carnino, Bruno Cart, Livio Casella, Pascal Cavalin, Julien Cavallo, Frédéric Chapalain, Claude Chapalain ,Thomas Chatton, Dominique Chavy, Nicolas Chenaval, Pierre Chico-Sarro, Julie Coulhon, Denis Couvet, Flore Cambon, Cindy Da Costa, Thomas Darnis, David Yves, Leïla Debiesse, Louis De Redon, Guy Derivaz, Robin Dérozier, Nicolas Deguines, Michel Di Maggio, Romuald Dohogne, Samuel Dorange, Aggeleki Doxa, Grégory Duclaud, Léa Dufrêne, Cécile Edelist, Alexandre Emerit, Gilles Faggio, Anne Ferment, Grégory Fiquer, Cyrille Frey, Nicolas Fillol, Ondine Filipi- Codaccioni, Nicolas Flament, Benoît Fontaine, Jérôme Fouert-Pouret, Marie-Hélène Froger, Cécile Hignard, Anne-Sophie Gadot, Laurent Gager, Yann Gager, Miguel Gailledrat, Gilles Galbrun, Sébastien Galtier, Sébastien Gaultier, Amandine Gasc, Gérard Goujon, Anne-Laure Gourmand, Antoine Griboval, Jean Guinard, Benjamin Guyonnet, Mélanie Hinz, Clément Heroguel, Colette Huot-Daubremont, William Huin, Emmanuel Jacob, Frédéric Jiguet, Florie Johanot, JeanFrançois Julien, Christian Kerbiriou, Roman Landouzy , Sabrina Languin, Marion Laprun, Cécile Larivière, Marine Lauer, Virginie Ledez , Mathilde Lesur, Benoit Lecaplain, Thomas Le Campion, Isabelle Le Viol, Catherine Longuet, Romain Lorrillière, Jean Pierre Lair, Laura Lugris, Nathalie Machon, Olivia Magnoux, Sylvain Mahuzier, Louis Manche, Julie Maratrat, Alexandre Mari, Olivier Matton, Jean-François Magne, Charlie Mangin, François Martin, Julien Masquelier, Antoine Meirland, Sébastien Merle, Anne Métaireau, Robert Meunier JeanBatiste Mihoud, Didier Montfort, Sylvain Montagner, Justine Mougnot, Jean Pierre Moussu, Romain Morvan, Bruno Munilla, Dominique Munilla, Gilles Naudet, Issa Nidal , Grégory Patek, Christophe Parisot, Roman Pavisse, Marie Pellé, M. Penpeny, Hérvé Picq, Yannick Pochon, Arthur Pommerais, Emmanuelle Porcher, Olivier Renault, Sylvain Richier, Gaétan Rizet, Loïc Robert, Magali Roche , Dominique Rombaut, Philippe Roy, Salaun Loic, Etienne Sarrazin, David Sautet, Maurevas Sempé, Silva Régina, Nathalie Sionneau, Bérengère Soye, Anne Thebault, Anne Tessedre, Celine Teplitsky, Vincent Ternois, Jean-Paul Urcun, Denis Vandromme, Pauline Van Laere, Fabien Verfaille, Alan Vergnes, Marie-Laure Villa , Sophie Wrobel, Maxime Zucca, Jean-Marc Lustrat, Adeline Pichard, Berenger Remy, Elouan Meyniel, Erwan Guillon, Frederic Bichon, Florence Mattutini, Etienne Ouvrard, Jerome Fuselier, Julien Tranchard, Julien Penvern, Justine Przybilski, Laurene Trebucq, LPO Aveyron, Matthieu Vaslin, Marie-Lilith Patou, Sebastien Devos, Vincent Prié, Clément Lemarchand, Clémentine Azam, Christophe Boulanger, Charlotte Roemer et Thierry Disca. Vigie Chiro: french bat monitoring scheme Car transects 10 x 2 km / 25 km/h Point counts 10 points within 2x2 km 6 minutes recording Starting 30 minutes post sunset, lasting ~90 mn. 2 evenings / year: 1 in June-July 1 in August-September 178 car transects, 3560 km (in red) 90x10= 900 count points (in blue) + 37x10= 370 count points in Paris National trends over eight years. 3 alarming decreases among common species: Nyctalus leisleri Pipistrellus pipistrellus - 33 % p < 10-4 - 42 % p < 10-4 - 39 % p = 0.0008 Eptesicus serotinus National trends over eight years. 2 increasing taxa (could be expected? ) : Myotis spp. Pipistrellus kuhlii + 84 % p < 10-4 In coherence with observed range expansion in France, both latitudinal and altitudinal. It will be necessary to decipher it at regional scale. + 76 % p = 0.0004 In coherence with hibernacula monitoring, cf. « European bat population trends ».EEA Tech. Report, 19, 2013 National trend for P. pipistrellus Woodland - 33% Farmland ? - 33% Urban areas - 42% Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Many new long-term automatic recorders since 2006 (beginning of our monitoring scheme) Impressive data collection, particularly for species: -With low abundance -With low detectability -Active during the whole night Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Many new long-term automatic recorders since 2006 (beginning of our monitoring scheme) Impressive data collection, particularly for species: -With low abundance -With low detectability -Active during the whole night Opportunity for a new monitoring scheme? Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Many new long-term automatic recorders since 2006 (beginning of our monitoring scheme) Impressive data collection, particularly for species: -With low abundance -With low detectability -Active during the whole night Opportunity for a new monitoring scheme? Use of available data to test the power of such data collection to detect species trends Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Testing trend detection power: Input data for simulation ACTICHIRO (A. Haquart – see poster 42) 6023 whole night SM2BAT recordings made by Biotope consulting agency > First reference levels of species activity Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Testing trend detection power: Input data for simulation ACTICHIRO (A. Haquart – see poster ) 6023 whole night SM2BAT recordings made by Biotope consulting agency > First reference levels of species activity Average activity Spatial heterogeneity Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Testing trend detection power: Input data for simulation ACTICHIRO (A. Haquart – see poster ) 6023 whole night SM2BAT recordings made by Biotope consulting agency > First reference levels of species activity Average activity Spatial heterogeneity + 10 whole-year recordings (Biotope) Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Testing trend detection power: Input data for simulation ACTICHIRO (A. Haquart – see poster ) 6023 whole night SM2BAT recordings made by Biotope consulting agency > First reference levels of species activity Average activity Spatial heterogeneity + 10 whole-year recordings (Biotope) Temporal variability (among « good-weather » nights) Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring Testing trend detection power: N=100 Number of stations N=250 N=500 N=1000 Simulations: -Whole night bat passes counts repeated 11 years -Negative binomial distributions (both spatially and temporally) -30% negative trend (= smallest decreasing trends that could justify listing as VU according to UICN Red List) -2 nights recording/ year / points -Iteration: 500 data sets for n points -GLM: Bat passes ~ Time + Site => Target: getting significant effect of time (z-test, p < 0.05) on > 50% simulated datasets Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? 100 car transects: Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Myotis spp. Eptesicus serotinus Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? SM2BAT: 100 stations Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Pipistrellus pygmaeus Myotis spp. 100 car transects: Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Myotis spp. Eptesicus serotinus Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? SM2BAT: 100 stations Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Pipistrellus pygmaeus Myotis spp. similar 100 car transects: Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Myotis spp. Eptesicus serotinus Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? SM2BAT: 250 stations Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Pipistrellus pygmaeus Complementary!! Myotis spp. Plecotus spp. Hypsugo savii Miniopterus schreibersii Barbastella barbastellus 100 car transects: Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Myotis spp. Eptesicus serotinus Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? SM2BAT: 500 stations Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Pipistrellus pygmaeus Myotis spp. Plecotus spp. Hypsugo savii Miniopterus schreibersii Barbastella barbastellus Eptesicus serotinus Myotis daubentonii Pipistrellus nathusii Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Myotis emarginatus 100 car transects: Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Myotis spp. Eptesicus serotinus Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Automatic long-term recorders for bat monitoring What species trends can we get? SM2BAT: 1000 stations Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrellus kuhlii Pipistrellus pygmaeus Myotis spp. Plecotus spp. Hypsugo savii Miniopterus schreibersii Barbastella barbastellus Eptesicus serotinus Myotis daubentonii Pipistrellus nathusii Nyctalus leisleri Nyctalus noctula Myotis emarginatus Rhinolophus hipposideros Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Tadarida teniotis Myotis blythii/myotis Myotis nattereri Vigie Chiro: french bat monitoring scheme Car transects 10 x 2 km / 25 km/h Point counts 10 points within 2x2 km 6 minutes recording Starting 30 minutes post sunset, lasting ~90 mn. 2 nights / year: 1 in June-July 1 in August-September Stations 1 - 10 points within 2x2 km Whole night recordings Stations: a new standardized scheme 2x2 km square randomly chosen Stations put on a systematic grid within squares Good representativity and controlled biases (accessibility problems) 1-10 stations according to recorders availability Recorder settings standardized and monitored microphones. 30 volunteers 48 squares sampled in 2014 150 stations Promising for a first pilot year (target: 250 stations)! (ongoing) Holcim project: Automatic treatment for bat and bush-cricket large-scale monitoring Open-source toolbox helping both volunteers and us analysing the data: Generic tool for automatic detection of animal vocalizations (from bat to insects) on a contour-based model Call feature extraction inspired by known identification criteria User-friendly interface to quickly label sounds call-by-call. Both supervised and unsupervised classification of call sequences in order to produce the most relevant sorting and reducing at most the validation time. Expected results: Accelerating data exchange between participants and scientists (+motivation) Improving the feedback on automatic acoustic identification of animals Collaborative collecting of bat call libraries. Main conclusions and perspectives 1) The commonest species of France, P. pipistrellus, is declining while the not so different, but more thermophilic, P. kuhlii is increasing. > Spatial variations of these trends to be investigated 2) Other common hawking bats such as Eptesicus serotinus and Nyctalus leisleri strongly decrease while Myotis species overally increase. > Other species trends needed for potential trait linked pattern to emerge. 3) Long autonomous recordings open the way to monitor twice more species, especially the ones with low detectability and/or longer activity period. > Such monitoring stations promise robust national trends for Miniopterus schreibersii, Barbastella barbastellus, etc. . 4) Car transects are still complementary to such new scheme > Better efficiency for detecting trends of large hawking species with short and early foraging bout (Nyctalus, Eptesicus…) 5) Increasing need in automation of data processing > ongoing project to identify automatically both bats and bushcrickets Thank you for your attention … and once again to all the volunteers: Alain Abba, Olivier Allenou, Karine Ancrenaz, Ronan Arhuro, Edith Armange, Jacqueline Armange, Arnaud Bak, Yves Bas, Franz Barth, Jean-Pierre Bavent , Paul Ballongue, Joël Bec, Yannick Bernicot, Elodie Bideau, Romain Bion, Laurent Bokhor, Yves Bolnot , Sandrine Bouligand, Annick Boutard, Pierre Boyer, Sandrine Bracco, Célia Bresson, Matthieu Buis, Nathalie Carnino, Bruno Cart, Livio Casella, Pascal Cavalin, Julien Cavallo, Frédéric Chapalain, Claude Chapalain ,Thomas Chatton, Dominique Chavy, Nicolas Chenaval, Pierre Chico-Sarro, Julie Coulhon, Denis Couvet, Flore Cambon, Cindy Da Costa, Thomas Darnis, David Yves, Leïla Debiesse, Louis De Redon, Guy Derivaz, Robin Dérozier, Nicolas Deguines, Michel Di Maggio, Romuald Dohogne, Samuel Dorange, Aggeleki Doxa, Grégory Duclaud, Léa Dufrêne, Cécile Edelist, Alexandre Emerit, Gilles Faggio, Anne Ferment, Grégory Fiquer, Cyrille Frey, Nicolas Fillol, Ondine Filipi- Codaccioni, Nicolas Flament, Benoît Fontaine, Jérôme Fouert-Pouret, Marie-Hélène Froger, Cécile Hignard, Anne-Sophie Gadot, Laurent Gager, Yann Gager, Miguel Gailledrat, Gilles Galbrun, Sébastien Galtier, Sébastien Gaultier, Amandine Gasc, Gérard Goujon, Anne-Laure Gourmand, Antoine Griboval, Jean Guinard, Benjamin Guyonnet, Mélanie Hinz, Clément Heroguel, Colette Huot-Daubremont, William Huin, Emmanuel Jacob, Frédéric Jiguet, Florie Johanot, JeanFrançois Julien, Christian Kerbiriou, Roman Landouzy , Sabrina Languin, Marion Laprun, Cécile Larivière, Marine Lauer, Virginie Ledez , Mathilde Lesur, Benoit Lecaplain, Thomas Le Campion, Isabelle Le Viol, Catherine Longuet, Romain Lorrillière, Jean Pierre Lair, Laura Lugris, Nathalie Machon, Olivia Magnoux, Sylvain Mahuzier, Louis Manche, Julie Maratrat, Alexandre Mari, Olivier Matton, Jean-François Magne, Charlie Mangin, François Martin, Julien Masquelier, Antoine Meirland, Sébastien Merle, Anne Métaireau, Robert Meunier JeanBatiste Mihoud, Didier Montfort, Sylvain Montagner, Justine Mougnot, Jean Pierre Moussu, Romain Morvan, Bruno Munilla, Dominique Munilla, Gilles Naudet, Issa Nidal , Grégory Patek, Christophe Parisot, Roman Pavisse, Marie Pellé, M. Penpeny, Hérvé Picq, Yannick Pochon, Arthur Pommerais, Emmanuelle Porcher, Olivier Renault, Sylvain Richier, Gaétan Rizet, Loïc Robert, Magali Roche , Dominique Rombaut, Philippe Roy, Salaun Loic, Etienne Sarrazin, David Sautet, Maurevas Sempé, Silva Régina, Nathalie Sionneau, Bérengère Soye, Anne Thebault, Anne Tessedre, Celine Teplitsky, Vincent Ternois, Jean-Paul Urcun, Denis Vandromme, Pauline Van Laere, Fabien Verfaille, Alan Vergnes, Marie-Laure Villa , Sophie Wrobel, Maxime Zucca, Jean-Marc Lustrat, Adeline Pichard, Berenger Remy, Elouan Meyniel, Erwan Guillon, Frederic Bichon, Florence Mattutini, Etienne Ouvrard, Jerome Fuselier, Julien Tranchard, Julien Penvern, Justine Przybilski, Laurene Trebucq, LPO Aveyron, Matthieu Vaslin, Marie-Lilith Patou, Sebastien Devos, Vincent Prié, Clément Lemarchand, Clémentine Azam, Christophe Boulanger, Charlotte Roemer et Thierry Disca.
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