PBN SG/1-WP/6 25/03/2014 International Civil Aviation Organization Performance Based Navigation Sub-Group (PBN SG) First Meeting (Cairo, Egypt, 1 - 3 April 2014) Agenda Item 4: PBN Implementation in the MID Region STATUS OF PBN IMPLEMENTATION IN THE MID REGION (Presented by the Secretariat) SUMMARY The aim of this paper is to review and update the status of PBN implementation in the MID Region. Action by the meeting is at paragraph 3. REFERENCES - 1. MIDANPIRG/14 Report INTRODUCTION 1.1 In accordance with its Terms of Reference (ToR), the PBN Sub Group is required to monitor the status of implementation of PBN in the MID Region. 2. DISCUSSION 2.1 The meeting may wish to note that MIDANPIRG/14 reviewed and updated the MID Region PBN Implementation Strategy and Plan taking into consideration the global and regional developments. MIDANPIRG/14 noted with appreciation that Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE provided their progress reports related to PBN implementation. Accordingly, the meeting urged States to submit their PBN progress reports to the ICAO MID Regional Office, whenever major progress is achieved, in addition to their updated National PBN Implementation Plans. 2.1.1 The meeting may wish to note that MIDANPIRG/14 reviewed and updated the status of PBN implementation and PBN focal points in the MID Region. The following progress achieved in the implementation of PBN (Terminal and Approach) in the MID Region was noted: 2.1.2 - Jordan and Kuwait had completed the implementation of RNAV SIDs, RNAV STARs and Approach procedures with vertical guidance (LNAV/VNAV) for all its instruments Runway ends. - Bahrain completed the implementation of RNAV SIDs, RNAV STARs and RNAV GNSS Approach (LNAV) for all its instruments Runway ends; PB BN SG/1-WP P/6 -2- Lebanon coompleted thee implementation of RN NAV STARss and RNAV V GNSS Approach (L LNAV) for all a its instrum ments Runwaay ends; - PBN implem mentation haad significanntly improved d in Saudi Arabia A by an increase of 30%, andd - that only PBN implem mentation in UAE had reeached 70%.. It is to be emphasized e UAE had im mplemented RNP-AR R appproaches in the t MID Region, four (44) at Abu Dhabi and tw wo (2) at Al Bateen Interrnational Airrports. The meeting maay wish to no ote that MID DANPIRG/14 4 recalled thaat the 37th Assembly A through Resolution A37-11 A resoolved that States complette a PBN im mplementation n plan as a matter m of t implemeentation of appproach proccedures with h vertical guiidance (APV V) (Barourgency to achieve the mented GNSS), including LNAV onnly minima for f all instru ument Runw way ends, VNAV and/or augm y approach or as a back k-up for preccision approaaches by 2016 with inteermediate either ass the primary milestonnes as follow ws: 30% by 2010, 2 70% by 2014. In thhis regard, itt was noted with w concernn that the implemeentation of Approach A Prrocedures with w Vertical guidance inn the MID Region is fa far below expectattion (nine (9)) States havee not yet startted implemenntation). 2.1.3 Based d on the aboove, the meetting may wissh to note that Iran, Iraq,, Lebanon, Libya L and 2.2 s theeir national PBN P implem mentation plann. Sudan hhave not yet submitted The meeting m mayy wish to noote that the status of PBN N implementtation in the terminal 2.3 w Graphs reeflect the area, as of Februaryy 2014 is at Appendix A to this woorking paperr. The below i ion related to t PBN Appproach Proceedures, RNA AV SIDs andd RNAV Regionaal status of implementati STARs: RNA AV SID Ds 49 9% 42% 58% RNAV STARs 61% PBN RWYS Non PBN RW WYs 60 54 50 41 40 30 20 13 10 3 0 % ILS % LNAV AV % LNAV/VNA % RNP AR PBN SG/1-WP/6 -345 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Number of Instrument RWY ENDs Number of Instrument RWY ENDs with ILS Number of Instrument RWY ENDs with LNAV Number of Instrument RWY ENDs with LNAV/VNAV PBN RWYs Status by State 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Number of Instrument RWY ENDs Number of RNAV SIDs Number of RNAV STARs RNAV SIDs and STARs Status by State PBN SG/1-WP/6 -4100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 70% by Dec 2014 % of Instrument RWY ENDs with LNAV % of Instrument RWY ENDs with LNAV/VNAV % of RNAV SIDs % of RNAV STARs Percentage of PBN Approaches, RNAV SIDs and RNAV STARs by States Annual PBN Progress in the MID Region PBN SG/1-WP/6 -52.4 It is to be highlighted that only 58 instruments RWY ends are provided with vertical guidance out of 180 RWY ends (32%). Taking into consideration that APVs enhance safety by providing stable approaches, States are urged to take necessary measures to foster the implementation of approach procedures with vertical guidance (APV) (Baro-VNAV and/or augmented GNSS), for all instrument RWY ends, either as the primary approach or as a back-up for precision, in accordance with the agreed performance target. 2.5 The meeting may wish to note that the following ICAO documents and guidance materials supporting the PBN implementation are available on the ICAO NET: • • • • • • • • • 3. 3.1 PANS Ops (DOC 8168) PBN Manual (Doc 9613) 4th Edition RNP AR Procedure Design Manual (Doc 9905) PBN Ops Approval Manual (Doc 9997) Manual on Use of PBN in Airspace Design (Doc 9992) CDO Manual (Doc 9931) CCO Manual (Doc 9993 GNSS Manual (Doc 9849) Procedure QA Manual (Doc 9906) ACTION BY THE MEETING The meeting is invited to: a) review and update the status of PBN implementation in the MID Region at Appendix A; b) urge States to take necessary measures to improve their PBN implementation in order to meet the agreed performance targets; c) urge States to provide their PBN implementation plans or their updated plans to ICAO MID Regional Office as soon as possible; and d) review and update the list of PBN Focal Points in the MID Region at Appendix B. ------------------ PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Feb‐14 MID REGION TMAs PROCEDURES Implementation Status Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY Precision xLS CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional RNAV BAHRAIN OBBI Total % 12L ILS I VORDME Y Y 30R ILS I VORDME Y Y 2 2 100 2 100 2 100 VORDME Y 22 VORDME Y 36 VORDME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 100 Y Y 0 0 2 100 EGYPT HEAX 4 18 HEBA 14 32 HESN 35 HEAT HECA HEAR ILS I 17 ILS I Y Y VORDME Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 31 ILS I VORDME Y 05L ILS I VORDME Y 05C ILS II VORDME Y 05R ILS I 23L ILS I VORDME 23C ILS II VORDME Y 23R ILS I VORDME Y 16 VORDME 16 34 HELX Y Y 13 34 HEGN Y VORDME ILS I 2 20 ILS I VORDME Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y Remarks PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY HEMA 15 VORDME 33 VORDME 10 VORDME Precision xLS HEPS CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional RNAV 28 HEOW 1 HESH 04L NDB 19 ILS I 04R HESC HETB HEAL HESG Total % VORDME Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y 22L VORDME Y Y Y 22R VORDME Y Y Y 17 NDB 35 NDB VORDME Y Y Y 22 4 VORDME Y Y Y 13 VORDME Y 31 VORDME Y 15 VORDME 33 VORDME 40 ILS I 13 33 32 80 23 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 38 0 0 I.R. IRAN OIKB 03L 03R VORDME / NDB Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y 08L VORDME / NDB Y Y 08R VORDME / NDB Y Y 21L ILS I 21R OIFM 26L 26R ILS I VORDME / NDB Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y 14 35 Remarks PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY Precision xLS OIMM CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional 13L VORDME Y Y 13R VORDME Y Y 31L 31R ILS I VORDME / NDB Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y RNAV 12R 30L OIIE VORDME 30R ILS I VORDME Y Y 11L ILS I VORDME / NDB Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y 11R 29L VORDME Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y 29R Y Y OIZH 17 Y 35 ILS Total % 30 9 30 15L ILS 29R OIII ILS II 11L 11R 29L ILS I I VORDME 22 73 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 87 IRAQ ORBI VORDME Y 15R Y Y 33L Y Y 33R ORMM I ILS I VORDME ILS I VORDME 14 32 VORDME Y Y 0 0 23 77 0 0 Remarks PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach SID STAR Int’l Aerodrome RWY xLS CAT ORER 18 ILS II Y Y Y 36 ILS I Y Y Y ORSU ORNI Precision VOR or NDB LNAV LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional RNAV Conventional 13 ILS I VOR Y Y 31 ILS I VOR Y Y RNAV 10 28 ILS VOR ORBM Total % Remarks NO DATA 12 8 67 7 58 4 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 67 0 0 4 33 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y VORDME / NDB Y Y Y Y Y Y Y JORDAN OJAM OJAI 6 24 ILS I 08L ILS I 08R OJAQ Total % NDB DME Y Y Y Y Y NDB DME Y Y Y Y Y Y 26L ILS II VOR / NDB Y Y Y Y Y Y 26R ILS I VORDME / NDB Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 ILS I VORDME Y Y Y Y 19 N/A N/A Y N/A Y Y N/A Y 8 6 75 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 7 88 8 100 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6 75 0 0 0 0 Y KUWAIT OKBK Total % 15L ILS II 15R ILS II VORDME VORDME 33L ILS II 33R ILS II 4 4 100 2 50 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 100 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 100 0 0 4 100 LNAV/VNAV not feasabile PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY Precision xLS CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional RNAV Y Y Y Y Y Y Remarks LEBANON OLBA 3 ILS I VORDME Y 16 ILS I VORDME Y 17 ILS I VORDME / NDB Y 21 Total % Y Y Y Y Y Y 34 N/A N/A N/A Y N/A N/A Not used for landing 35 N/A N/A N/A Y N/A N/A Not used for landing 6 5 83 5 83 6 100 6 100 6 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 83 0 0 LIBYA HLLB 15R VORDME Y Y 15L VORDME Y Y 33R VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y 33L HLLS 13 ILS I 31 HLLT Total % 9 27 ILS 8 2 25 I VORDME Y Y VORDME Y Y 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 100 ILS not flight checked ILS not flight checked 0 0 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OMAN OOMS OOSA Total % 08R ILS I VORDME 26L ILS I VORDME Y VORDME Y 7 25 ILS 4 3 75 I Y VORDME 4 100 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 100 PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY Precision xLS CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV STAR RNP AR LPV Conventional RNAV Conventional RNAV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QATAR OTBD OTHH 15 ILS I VORDME Y 33 ILS II/III VORDME Y Y 16L ILS I VORDME 34R ILS I VORDME 6 4 67 2 33 1 17 16R 34L Total % 4 67 SAUDI ARABIA OEDF OEJN OEMA 16L ILS II VORDME 16R ILS II VORDME 34L ILS II VORDME 34R ILS II VORDME 16L ILS I VORDME 16C ILS II Total % Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 16R ILS II Y Y Y 34L ILS II Y Y Y 34C ILS II VORDME Y Y Y 34R ILS I VORDME Y Y 17 ILS I VORDME Y Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y Y 18 OERK Y Y 35 ILS I VORDME Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 36 ILS I VORDME 15L ILS I VORDME 15R ILS I 33L ILS I 33R ILS I 18 17 94 Y Y Y VORDME 13 72 Y 10 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 89 4 22 0 0 10 56 Remarks PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY Precision xLS CAT VOR or NDB LNAV SID LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional RNAV Remarks SUDAN HSKA 2 Charts are Not Published 20 HSSS HSPN Total % 18 ILS I 36 ILS I 17 VORDME VORDME VORDME / NDB 35 ILS 6 3 50 I VORDME / NDB 4 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYRIA OSAP OSLK VORDME Y Y 27 9 ILS II VORDME / NDB Y Y 17 ILS I VORDME / NDB Y Y VOR Y Y VORDME / NDB VORDME / NDB DME VORDME Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7 88 1 13 1 13 35 OSDI 05L 05R ILS II 23L Total % 23R ILS 8 4 50 II 0 0 0 0 7 88 0 0 7 88 0 0 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES OMAA OMAD OMAL 13L ILS II Y Y Y 13R ILS I VOR Y Y Y 31L ILS II/III VOR Y Y Y 31R ILS II Y Y 13 31 ILS I 1 ILS I 19 OMDB Y VORDME Y Y Y Y VORDME Y Y Y Y VOR VOR 12L ILS II/III VOR Y Y Y Y 12R ILS I VOR Y Y Y Y PGN SG/1-WP/6 Appendix A Approach Int’l Aerodrome RWY 30L OMDW OMFJ Total % VOR or NDB LNAV LNAV / VNAV RNP AR LPV Conventional STAR RNAV Conventional RNAV xLS CAT ILS I - Y Y Y Y VOR ILS II/III Y Y Y Y 12 ILS II/III Y Y Y Y 30 ILS II/III Y Y Y Y 11 Remarks Y ILS I 16 34 OMSJ SID 30R 29 OMRK Precision VOR Y VOR ILS I VOR Y 12 ILS I Y Y Y Y 30 ILS II Y Y Y Y 20 16 80 10 50 8 40 8 ILS 13 65 6 30 0 0 3 15 14 70 0 0 14 70 YEMEN OYAA OYHD VORDME Y Y 26 VORDME Y Y 3 VOR 21 VOR / NDB OYRN 6 OYSN 18 I 24 Y Y VORDME ILS 36 I VORDME Y Y Y Y Y Y VOR Y Y Y Y Y Y OYTZ Total % Results Total % NO DATA 8 2 25 7 88 3 38 2 25 0 0 0 0 4 50 2 25 4 50 3 38 180 98 136 73 24 6 0 89 49 59 61 54 76 41 13 3 0 49 27 33 34 4 PBN APV + 54 ILS 32% PBN SG/1-WP/6 APPENDIX B PBN IMPLEMENTATION FOCAL POINT STATE NAME Bahrain Saleem Mohamed Hassan Egypt TITLE Chief Air Traffic Management ADDRESS Civil Aviation Affairs P.O. Box 586 Ministry of Civil Aviation Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority Cairo International Airport Road Cairo - EGYPT Ashraf Elkhashab EMAIL [email protected] FAX TEL +973 17329966 +973 17321117 MOBILE +97339608860 [email protected] Iran Habib Davoudi Dana Chief of Procedure Design Office ATM Department Mehrabad International Airport Tehran 13445 [email protected] +982144649269 +982 166025013 Iran Mohammad Khodakarami D.G. of Aeronautical Affairs (in CAO) Mehrabad International Airport P.O. Box 13445 – 1798 [email protected] +98214464 9269 +982 16603 6241 Jordan Nayef Marshoud Director ATM department P.O. Box 7547 [email protected] +962 6 4891266 +962 6 4897729 Kuwait Abdulla Adwani Superintendent of AIS Directorate General of Civil Aviation Kuwait International Airport P.O. Box 17 Safat 13001 [email protected] +965 4346221 Walid Alhassanieh Chief ACC Air Navigation Department Beirut Rafic Hariri Int’l Airport hassaniehw @beirutairport.gov.lb +9611629023 +9611629106 Sabri Said Saud AlBusaidy DMS Manager Directorate General of Meteorology & Air Navigation (DGMAN) Muscat International Airport P.O. Box 1 CPO Seeb [email protected] +96824518990 +24519 939 [email protected] (974) 465 6554 Iraq Lebanon +965 4346220 +962 797498992 +965 9571755 +961 1629026 +961 3509902 +968 24519501 +968 99359415 Libya Oman Qatar Ahmed Al-Eshaq Director Air Navigation Civil Aviation Authority P.O. Box 3000 Doha – QATAR (974) 462 2300 (974) 555 0440 PBN SG/1-WP/6 APPENDIX B B-2 STATE NAME TITLE ADDRESS EMAIL FAX TEL MOBILE Qatar Faisal Alqahtan Head of AIS Civil Aviation Authority P.O. Box 73 Doha – QATAR [email protected] (974)44656554 (974)44656221 (974) 5553 7060 Saudi Arabia Ali H. Hakami Navigational Aids Systems Planner General Authority of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 21444 Jeddah 21444 [email protected] +966 2 671 7717 Ext 1594 +966 2 671 7717 Ext 1593 +966 59 840 2598 Syria Al Layth Al Hammoud Chief of Air Navigation UAE Talal Al Hammadi Head - Airspace Coordination General Civil Aviation Authority [email protected] +97125996883 97125996890 +971508180873 Ahmed Mohamed Al Kobati Director Air Navigation Operations [email protected] +9671344047 +9671345402 +967 777241375 Sudan Yemen Sheikh Zayed Air Navigation Centre P.O. Box 66 Abu Dhabi – UAE Air Navigation Sector CAMA Airport Road P.O. Box 3473 Sana’a – REPUBLIC OF YEMEN - END -
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