PROGRAM/PROGRAMME 3rd International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies: Improving Learners’ Proficiency and Accuracy Time Event Rooms SATURDAY/SAMEDI February 1, 2014/Le 1er février 2014 Instructional Building (IB), University of Toronto Mississauga 8:00-8:30 8:30-8:45 8:45-10:00 BREAKFAST/REGISTRATION PETIT-DÉJEUNER/INSCRIPTION OPENING/BIENVENUE: Prof. Emmanuel Nikiema, Chair, Department of Language Studies, UTM Plenary Session 1/Séance plénière 1 IB 2nd floor lobby IB235 IB235 Professor Tom Cobb Université du Québec à Montréal Does Research Have a Role in “Improving Language Learners' Accuracy and Proficiency”? What Kind of Research? Few L2 practitioners doubt the value of “evidence based” or “research based” language instruction, in principle. But few can cite the research behind many of the instructional decisions they make, and fewer keep up with the research literature – even when they have done a research degree. My plenary presentation will look at why research is not taken seriously in frontline ESL or FSL, and what failure to take it seriously costs us. It will argue that an “applied applied linguistics” is yet to emerge and describe what this would look like. 10:15-11:30 Session 1 Session 1.1: Communicative Teaching and Learning Chair: Prof. Denise Mohan (U of G) The Glossary Project Ms. Jennifer St. John, OLBI, University of Ottawa Ms. Catherine Danforth, OLBI, University of Ottawa The Role of Written Corrective Feedback and revisions in L2 writing Performance Dr. Anastasia Riazantseva, University at Buffalo Keeping Hybrid Courses Communicative and Interactive Dr. Florian Vauleon, Purdue University Calumet IB240 Session 1.2: Social Context and Language Learning Chair: Prof. Mihaela Pirvulescu (UTM) IB220 Non-Level Language Learning Through the FICCS Curriculum: An Italian Example Mr. Nevin Brown, International Center for Intercultural Exchange, Italy Ms. Lavinia Bracci, International Center for Intercultural Exchange, Italy The Contribution of Gesture to Today’s Pedagogy of Second Languages in Canada Dr. Giuliana Salvato, University of Windsor Development of Pragmatic Awareness in EFL: The Impact of Study-Abroad, Individual Differences and Strategy-Building Dr. Anna Trebits, Leuphana University Luneburg, Germany Session 1.3: Pratique de l’enseignement Chair: Prof. Margot Irvine (U of G) IB210 Vers une didactique du français langue seconde dans les universités francophones en milieu minoritaire Ms. Anne-Sophie Troit, York University Correction phonétique comme projet de classe Ms. Eugénie Mottironi, IFAGE, Genève Perspective actionnelle par tâches : résultats de recherche et de pratique Dr. Sirajit Dejamonchai, Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand 11:30-12:45 LUNCH/DÉJEUNER 12:45-14:15 Workshops I IB 2nd floor lobby I-1. High Impact Practices in the Introductory Language Class Dr. Mercedes Rowinsky-Geurts, Wilfrid Laurier University IB240 I-2. Techniques de classe : l’interaction en action Dr. Eliane Lousada, University of São Paulo Miss. Luiza Guimarães-Santos, University of São Paulo IB220 I-3. Community Service Learning: An Alternate Way of Achieving Proficiency and Accuracy, and so much more... Dr. Malama Tsimenis, University of Toronto Scarborough IB210 I-4. Authentic Assessment and Content-Based Course Design in the Language Classroom: Making Exams and Language Learning More Meaningful Ms. Rachael Montesano, University of Vermont IB200 14:15-14:30 14:30-15:45 BREAK/ PAUSE Session 2 Session 2.1: Online Learning Chair: Dr. Azita Taleghani (UTM) IB240 Enhancing Reading Fluency in Spanish through Online Courses Ms. Maria Mahaffey, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ms. Emily Kristoff, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mr. Shaun Stone, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte A Call for the « Human Feel » in Online English Language Learning Programs Dr. Geoff Lawrence, York University The Drawbacks and Benefits of Online Translation for L2 Writing in French Dr. Errol O'Neill, University of Memphis Session 2.2: PANEL - Technology in the Language Classroom - an Activity-Theoretical Perspective IB220 Dr. Mathias Schulze, University of Waterloo Dr. Catherine Caws, University of Victoria Dr. Marie-Josée Hamel, University of Ottawa Session 2.3: PANEL - Program Hybridization; Lessons Learned IB210 Dr. Ian Wigglesworth, George Brown College Dr. Maria Glass, George Brown College Dr. Liz Romero, George Brown College 15:45-16:00 COFFEE BREAK / PAUSE-CAFÉ IB 2nd floor lobby 16:00-17:15 Session 3 Session 3.1: Apprentissage et stratégies pédagogiques Chair: Ms. Reed Thomas (U of T) IB240 Un nouveau paradigme pour améliorer l’apprentissage du FLS : l’approche neurolinguistique Dr. Joan Netten, Memorial University of Newfoundland Dr. Claude Germain, Université du Québec à Montréal Mr. David Macfarlane, Independent consultant Perspectives variées, thèmes communs : des futurs enseignants de français langue seconde décrivent leur développement... Ms. Reed Thomas, OISE, University of Toronto L’effet de l’immersion en salle de classe sur le sentiment d’auto-efficacité et l’utilisation de stratégies d’apprentissage Dr. Muriel Peguret, Glendon College,York University Session 3.2: Linguistics Studies and Language Learning Chair: Prof. Katherine Rehner (UTM) IB220 How do ESL Students Define a Syntactic Category? Dr. Olga Kharytonava, Western University What is Corpus Linguistics Anyway? Mr. Ahmed Kandil, University of Toronto How Good is my French, Really? Well, Let Me Tell You… Dr. Katherine Rehner, University of Toronto Mississauga Session 3.3: PANEL - Outwit, Outlast, Outplay: Survival Techniques (for Teachers and Students) in the Large Language Classroom Facilitator: Prof. Arsalan Kahnemuyipour (UTM) IB210 Dr. Arturo Victoriano, University of Toronto Mississauga Dr. Teresa Lobalsamo, University of Toronto Mississauga Dr. Wendy Schrobilgen, McMaster University 18:00 BANQUET Hotel NOVOTEL – Room Paris A 3670 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, ON L5B 1P3 Tel (+1) 905/8961000 SUNDAY/DIMANCHE February 2, 2014/Le 2 février 2014 Instructional Building (IB), University of Toronto Mississauga 8:30-9:00 BREAKFAST/REGISTRATION PETIT-DÉJEUNER/INSCRIPTION IB 2nd floor lobby 9:00-10:15 Session 4 Session 4.1: Besoins langagiers et enseignement de l’art discursif Chair: Dr. Catherine Phillips (UTM) IB240 La reformulation en cours universitaire de FLS/FLE : avantages pédagolinguistiques et mobilisations progressives Dr. Catherine Phillips, University of Toronto Mississauga Apprendre à apprendre, une nouvelle approche didactique pour un enseignement/apprentissage efficace du français à l’université Ms. Awatif Beggar, University Moulay Ismaïl, Morocco Automatisation des macrostructures à l'oral Mme. Leila Gharahbeigi, Institut de Langues d'Iran Session 4.2: Focalisation sur l’apprenant Chair: Prof. Eliane Lousada, (U of G/USP) IB220 Apprentissage en ligne centré sur l’apprenant : théorie et pratique Dr. Alena Barysevich, Glendon College, York University Dr. Chantal Dawar, Western University Mémorisation du lexique et des structures langagières du support filmique émotionnellement chargé par les apprenants de FLE Ms. Claire Del Olmo, University of Toulouse Enjeux linguistiques spécifiques à un campus bilingue Ms. Huguette Bourgeois, University of Ottawa Session 4.3: Language Teaching for Heritage Learners Chair: Dr. Derong Chen (UTM) IB210 Balance between Heritage and Non-heritage Students: A Challenge from Mixed Chinese Language Classes Dr. Derong Chen, University of Toronto Mississauga Accessing Native Speakers of the Target Language using New Technologies Dr. Laurie Massery, Randolph-Macon College Changing the Mind Frame: Learning Chinese, Teaching to Chinese Ms. Alessia Ursella, Univeristy of Guelph 10:15-10:30 10:30-11:45 BREAK/PAUSE Plenary Session 2/Séance plénière 2 Professor Larry Vandergrift Professor Emeritus, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa Facilitating Language Learning: Developing Smart Listeners This talk will inform teachers on how they can help students become successful listeners by putting more emphasis on the process of listening rather than just the product (i.e., the correct answer) alone. Participants will: • review research related to comprehension processing and the critical role of metacognition in the process; • learn to help students plan, monitor, problem-solve and evaluate as they engage in listening tasks; in other words, help students learn how to regulate the comprehension processes; and, • examine and evaluate a few listening tasks that lead students through the process of listening and develop listener metacognition. In sum, participants will gain an enlarged view of what it means to teach listening comprehension and, thereby, help students learn to listen so that they can better listen to learn. IB235 11:45-13:00 LUNCH/DÉJEUNER 13:00-14:30 Workshops II 14:30-14:45 14:45-16:00 IB 2nd floor lobby II-1. Tools of the Trade: A Look at Electronic Resources for L2 Teachers and Learners Dr. Errol O'Neill, Wilfrid Laurier University IB240 II-2. Self-Direction in Learning and LMS: How to Foster Personalized Learning Experiences Using Collaborative Online Platforms Ms. Nataliya Borkovska, University of Guelph Ms. Ling Hu, University of Guelph Mr. Scott Jamieson, University of Guelph IB220 II-3. Understanding the Influence of Context on our Second Language Teaching Realities Ms. Dianne Tyers, University of Toronto IB210 II-4. It’s not the destination, but the journey that counts: un apprentissage du FLS menant à un bilinguisme durable Dr. Johanna Danciu, York University Dr. Mirela Cherciov, Language Training Centre for Studies in French, Glendon College, York University IB200 BREAK/PAUSE Session 5 Session 5.1: Technological Approaches in the Language Classroom Chair: Mr. Colin Gomez (U of G) Twitter’s 140 Characters’ Language-Base Constraint: a Learner-Centered Communicative Tool Ms. Caroline Lebrec, University of Waterloo The Blog as an Interactive Tool for Social Action in FFL Class Ms. Magda Tigchelaar, University of Guelph Digital Stories: Critical Language and Photomontage in the Creation of Language Ego Mr. Colin Gomez, University of Guelph IB240 Session 5.2: Effective teaching tools Chair: Dr. Azita Taleghani (UTM) IB220 Developing Aural Comprehension Skills in L2 via an Interdisciplinary Approach in a University Setting Dr. Serafina Filice, Università della Calabria, Italy The Relative Effectiveness of Different Learning Methods for FSL Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition Ms. Jade Shapiro, University of Toronto Vocabulary Acquisition in a Flipped Classroom Model of a LowIntermediate EAP Speaking Course Mr. James Papple, Brock University Visualization in the Teaching of Grammar and Writing to Second language Learners Dr. Vinita Gaikwad, Wenzhou-Kean University, China Session 5.3: PANEL - Teaching Oral Communication Effectively in a Second or Foreign Language: the Seven Steps of the Neurolinguistic Approach IB210 Dr. Joan Netten, Memorial University of Newfoundland Mr. David Macfarlane, Independent Consultant 16:00-16:15 COFFEE BREAK/PAUSE-CAFÉ IB 2nd floor lobby 16:15-17:30 Session 6 Session 6.1: Pedagogical projects Chair: Prof. Denise Mohan (U of G) IB240 One Language, Multiple Fluencies Prof. Denise Mohan, University of Guelph Project-Based Learning: An Engaging Approach Dr. Liz Romero, George Brown College Dr. Maria Glass, George Brown College Teaching and Learning Spanish Online: Action Research and Professional Development for Three Language Teacher Educators Dr. Antoinette Gagné, OISE - University of Toronto Dr. Clea Schmidt, University of Manitoba Dr. Marlon Valencia, OISE - University of Toronto Session 6.2: Learning in the community Chair: Mr. Bill Hodges (U of G) IB220 Troubling the Server/Served Relationship: English Language Teaching in the Global "South" Dr. Paula Mellom, University of Georgia Mr. Michael Ariail, University of Georgia Cultural and Linguistic Acquisition Through Service Learning with Marginalized Communities Dr. Brian Boisvert, SUNY Fredonia From the Inside Out: Learning Italian as a Complete Process Dr. Chiara De Santi, SUNY Fredonia Second Language Learner and Teacher Beliefs about Corrective Feedback Dr. Paul Quinn, University of Toronto Session 6.3: Tâches et interaction Chair: Prof. Johanna Danciu (York U) IB210 Main dans la main: classe inversée et approche par tâches dans un cours d'espagnol A1-A2 au niveau universitaire Ms. Esther Boucher, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Le groupe de discussion et le suivi des pairs : un dispositif authentique d’enseignement-apprentissage du FLS à l’université Dr. Marie-Élaine Lebel, Glendon College, York Univesity Dr. Usha Viswanatha, Glendon College, York Univesity Enseignement du vocabulaire dans les cours de langue au niveau postsecondaire : une approche mixte Dr. Ross Bilous, York University 17:30-17:45 CLOSING/CLÔTURE IB235
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