Conseils: Discovering French, Nouveau!–Rouge

Conseils: Discovering French,
Welcome to Discovering French, Nouveau!–Rouge, Français pour hispanophones.
By the time your Spanish speakers have reached level three, they have learned most of the
fundamental concepts of the French language. They are familiar with basic parts of speech,
verb conjugations in several tenses, pronunciation and spelling rules, and the major
similarities and differences between French and Spanish. They are used to learning French as
an additional language, and will continue to be successful because of the crossover between
the two languages.
In level three, as the authors tell the students on page xv of the Pupil Edition, they will
expand their communication skills and learn to function in a wide variety of new situations,
such as traveling, shopping in different stores, asking for services, seeing a physician,
discussing the environment or other global issues or plans after high school, seeking
employment, and continuing their education.
After learning about their teenage counterparts in the French-speaking world, students in
level three will be introduced to an in-depth study of French history from the Middle Ages to
the present and to francophone culture, including music, art, and cinema.
Students will also begin their study of French literature throughout the centuries in a variety
of genres from all over the French-speaking world. As they read authentic literary selections,
they will also be asked to write longer passages as they express opinions and reactions as
well as write creative pieces of their own.
With the wealth of content available to you in Discovering French, Nouveau!–Rouge, you
will have many opportunities to continue to hone the French language skills of your Spanish
speakers. In the corresponding Unit Resource Books for each unit of Rouge, you will also
find a wealth of practice and assessment tools to meet these needs, whether they be listening,
speaking, reading, or writing.
It is at this advanced level of French that students learn the fine points of grammar that will
advance them to higher levels of proficiency and serve them should they continue their
studies in additional high school courses or in college. Some of these grammar points are
specific to French and do not have much in common with Spanish equivalents, such as
relative pronouns, certain uses of the future and conditional, and negative constructions.
There are, however, certain linguistic commonalities of which you should be aware in order
to assist your Spanish speakers. In Rouge, you will be reviewing and expanding upon some
grammar points which are tricky for both Spanish and English speakers.
The following concepts have direct connections to Spanish:
The subjunctive mood – Units 2, 7, and 10
The subjunctive is used much more frequently in Spanish than in French. In French, there are
many ways to avoid the subjunctive, and French-speakers often do so. In Spanish, the
subjunctive is, for the most part, unavoidable, and is used in many everyday constructions.
p. 34
Conseils: Rouge
Français pour hispanophones Discovering French, Nouveau!
In French, the subjunctive is used most often after the conjunction que, whereas in Spanish, it
is used after many different conjunctions, such as que, cuando, como, or the preposition si.
Once Spanish speakers learn the uses of the subjunctive, which are presented gradually
throughout Rouge, they will see that there is far less guesswork involved in using the
subjunctive in French than in Spanish.
For remembering the uses of the subjunctive, the Teacher’s Edition note on page 273
suggests using the mnemonic device “w-e-i-r-d-o-s”, which is a handy tool for many students.
Spanish teachers, in fact, use the same device for their students.
The passé composé vs. l’imparfait – Unit 3
Continue to suggest to your Spanish speakers that, when they are about to choose between
one of these two past tenses, they should think whether they would use the pretérito or the
imperfecto in Spanish.
Pronouns – Units 4, 6, and 9
Spanish speakers will continue to do well with object pronouns (Unit 4) because of the word
order and usage in Spanish. The choice of the pronoun may pose a few problems, however,
especially with y and en, which have no counterparts in Spanish.
A major difference between the two languages is object pronoun word order with the
infinitive. In Spanish the pronoun is attached to the end of the infinitive instead of being
placed before it:
Je vais te téléphoner demain.
Voy a llamarte mañana.
Robert ne veut pas le faire.
Roberto no quiere hacerlo.
Negation – Unit 5
In French, the negative expressions other than ne … pas have a resemblance to Spanish.
Whereas a parallel to the simple negative pas does not exist in Spanish, Spanish does have
additional negatives which have two parts. Note the following equivalents, which you may
want to use when presenting page 192:
ne … personne
no … nadie
ne … rien
no … nada
ne … aucun
no … ningún
Note that ningún agrees with the noun, just like aucun does in French.
The future tense and the conditional mood – Units 5 and 8
Remind students that in forming both the future and the conditional, there is always an r in
the stem right before the ending, as in Spanish. (See page 201.)
You may also want to repeat that the stems for être and aller are the same as the Spanish
infinitives of those verbs: ser and ir. For voir, the stem is verr-, similar to the Spanish
infinitive ver, but with two r’s.
Discovering French, Nouveau!
Conseils: Rouge
Français pour hispanophones
p. 35
The uses of the future and the conditional are also rather similar, but the main difference lies
in compound sentences with a clause beginning in si. While the French sequence is imperfect
in the si clause and conditional in the result clause, the Spanish sequence is imperfect
subjunctive in the si clause and conditional in the result clause.
In Unit 8, when you are introducing the plus-que-parfait, Spanish speakers will relate it to
their compound tense, the pluscuamperfecto. This is a commonly used compound tense,
the equivalent of the plus-que-parfait.
j’avais voyagé
había viajado
Remember, however, that Spanish uses only one auxiliary verb, haber, unlike French, which
uses both avoir and être.
Vocabulary acquisition and comprehension, both in listening and reading, may still be the
strongest areas for your Spanish speakers. Therefore, you may wish to include some of the
following additional resources and activities while you spend time with their classmates:
Reading the stories and doing the activities in the Images readers
Exploring authentic literature from your collection at school
Web research projects, WebQuests available on the Internet at
our companion website,
reading on the Internet for each unit’s theme: Most common search
engines have corresponding sites in French. One good activity is to read the
daily news updates on these websites. Since students are familiar with the
content, the French articles should be comprehensible to them and reading
them will help the students to expand their vocabulary. They could take turns
giving news bulletins to their classmates in French.
French films or listening to French audio soundtracks of American
and Spanish-language films on DVD and writing reviews of the films
French or Canadian television broadcasts, which are available on
some cable TV and satellite systems.
French-speaking people in the community and interviewing them
about topics related to the unit being studied or about their stories on how
they came to live in the United States
You may ask the students to act out the Lectures in Rouge.
Particularly enjoyable are Conte pour enfants de moins de trois ans, page
56, La couverture, page 92, King, page 134, and Le mystérieux homme en
bleu, page 208.
p. 36
Conseils: Rouge
Français pour hispanophones Discovering French, Nouveau!
Discovering French, Nouveau! Copyright © by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.
prendre mon llevar mi
courrier à la poste correspondencia al
restante correo
Quelle boutique?
¿Qué boutique?
Quel rayon?
¿Qué sección?
chez le photographe al fotógrafo
à la pharmacie
a la / en la farmacia
à la supérette
al / en el supermercado
Quels articles?
¿Qué artículos?
un carnet
un cuadernillo /
una libreta
un crayon
un lápiz
un stylo à bille
un bolígrafo /
una pluma
du papier
du papier à lettres
papel de cartas
des enveloppes
de la colle
du scotch
cinta adhesiva
un trombone
un sujetapapel /
un clip
un élastique
una liga /
una goma
blanco y negro
une pile
una pila / una batería
du dentifrice
pasta de dientes
de l’aspirine
des vitamines
du shampooing
de l’eau de toilette
(agua de) colonia
un coton-tige
un bastoncillo de algodón (para limpiarse las orejas)
un mouchoir un pañuelo de papel
en papier
de l’ouate
un pansement una curita / una
adhésif venda adhesiva /
una tirita
du savon jabón
de la lessive
detergente (para lavar ropa)
du papier hygiénique papel higiénico
du Sopalin
toallitas de papel
de la ficelle
cuerda / cordón
une allumette
un cerillo /
un fósforo
Vocabulaire: Rouge, Unité 4
Français pour hispanophones
à la papeterie
a la / en la papelería
Je voudrais du Quiero / Busco papel
papier à lettres. de cartas.
Pouvez-vous me ¿Podría darme papel
donner du papier de cartas?
à lettres?
S’il vous plaît, Por favor, deme papel
donnez-moi du de cartas.
papier à lettres.
Vous désirez quelque ¿Quiere alguna otra
chose d’autre? cosa?
Vous désirez ¿Quiere algo más?
autre chose?
Donnez-moi aussi Deme también un
un stylo à bille. bolígrafo /
una pluma.
J’ai besoin d’un Necesito un bolígrafo
stylo à bille.
/ una pluma.
Il me faut Necesito un bolígrafo
un stylo à bille. / una pluma.
Et avec ça?
¿Qué más?
C’est tout, merci.
Es todo, gracías.
Ça fait combien?
¿Cuánto es?
Combien est-ce que ¿Cuánto le debo?
je vous dois?
Ça fait 6 euros Es 6 euros cincuenta.
Et voici votre Y aquí está su
monnaie. cambio.
à la poste
al / en el correo
C’est votre tour.
Es su turno. /
Sigue usted.
des timbres
sellos / estampillas
Combien en ¿Cuántos / Cuántas
voulez-vous? quiere?
Donnez-m’en dix.
Deme diez.
(El pronombre “en” se refiere a lo que se va a comprar: estampillas, sobres, etc.)
Voilà. C’est tout?
Aquí tiene. ¿Es todo?
envoyer cette lettre mandar esta carta
envoyer cette carte mandar esta postale tarjeta postal
envoyer ce colis
mandar este paquete
envoyer ce paquet
mandar este paquete
faire des photocopies hacer / sacar fotocopias
Unité 4
Unité 4 Aspects de la vie quotidienne
p. 83
enlever cette tache quitar esta mancha
développer ces revelar estas fotos
réparer mon arreglar / componer
appareil-photo mi cámara
Oui, quel est ¿Sí, cuál es el
le problème? problema?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? ¿Qué pasa?
Qu’est-ce qui ¿Qué es lo que no
ne marche pas? funciona?
Le flash est cassé.
Se descompuso el flash.
Le flash ne No funciona el flash.
fonctionne pas.
Le flash ne No sirve el flash.
marche pas.
La pile est usée.
La pila está desgastada. / Se desgastó la pila.
le flash
el flash
le téléobjectif
el teleobjectivo
la lentille
el objetivo / el lente
le filtre
el filtro
le bouton
el botón
el objetivo normal
les freins
los frenos
la roue
la rueda
le micro
el micrófono
le haut-parleur
el altoparlante / la bocina / el altavoz
el amplificador
la antena
la pantalla
la prise
el enchufe
la pile
la pila / la batería
Dans deux jours.
En dos días.
D’ici une semaine.
En una semana.
chez le teinturier
al tintorero / a la tintorería
Vocabulaire: Rouge, Unité 4
Français pour hispanophones Discovering French, Nouveau!
Copyright © by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.
Unité 4
p. 84
une épingle
un alfiler
une épingle de sûreté un seguro
Quelles quantités?
¿En qué cantidades? / ¿Cuánto?
un bloc
un bloque
un paquet
un paquete /
una caja
un tube
un tubo
un rouleau
un rollo / rodillo
une boîte
una caja
une bouteille
una botella
une pelote
una bola
Pouvez-vous me ¿Puede cortarme el
couper les pelo?
une coupe de un corte (de pelo)
cheveux une coupe-brushing un corte (de pelo) estilizado
un shampooing
una lavada de pelo
une permanente
un permanente
une mise en plis
un peinado
dejar el pelo corto / dejar al descubierto (las orejas por ejemplo)
Dégagez-les sur Déjemelo corto a los
les côtés. lados.
Coupez-les-moi Déjemelo corto
courts sur le devant. enfrente.
Laissez-les-moi Déjemelo largo
longs sur le dessus. arriba / encima.
Ne me les coupez No me lo deje muy
pas trop courts corto por detrás.
chez le cordonnier al zapatero
reparar / componer
changer les talons
cambiar los tacones
Quand est-ce que ¿Cuándo estará
ce sera prêt? listo(a)?
Tout à l’heure.
Ahora mismo. / Dentro
de un momento.