Ordinary General Meeting Lycée Français of Singapour LTD Monday November 23rd 2015 The Lycée Français of Singapore (LFS) consists of 77 Corporate Members (representing 279 “corporate” votes) and 1,549 Individual Members (representing 1 549 “individual” votes). 14 Corporate Members representing 140 votes and 484 Individual Members representing 484 votes are present or represented. A quorum being reached, the President of the Executive Committee, Axel Foucault, opens the session at 7.45 p.m. 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of June 4th 2015 The President reminds everyone that the Minutes were sent out with the notices and that copies are available for participants in the General Meeting. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of June 4th 2015 are unanimously approved. 2. Activity Report on the start of the 2015/2016 school year The President invites the Principal, Bernard Pujol, to speak, who thanks him for his words of support in his speech. The Principal also thanks his pedagogic management team as well as all the teams at the Lycée who work on a daily basis for the students’ well-being. In particular he has in mind the team led by Yves Marcel, who work, for example, to allow this meeting to be held in this beautiful auditorium or to implement all the on-going works at the old site. The Principal also praises the quality of the relationship between the Lycée and the Embassy and the Department for Culture, Science and Education, who, within the framework of the agreement with the AEFE, are at the Lycée’s side to facilitate the various joint actions that contribute to the quality of the LFS environment. The Principal reflects on the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13th 2015: the atrocity of these actions must raise questions for every citizen as well as the teams at the Lycée. The school alone cannot resolve all society’s ills. It is therefore appropriate to work together on France’s values and the desire to train young, free, intelligent citizens, with the opportunity of choosing their way in life. The Principal reminds everyone that the President brought up in his speech the notion of benevolence. Benevolence is necessary and fundamental, between the students’ parents, between the teachers and the students and between the students. This benevolence must however be accompanied always by firmness, particularly in respect of living together. The Principal says that parents can count on the commitment of all the Lycée’s teams to fulfil the mission entrusted to them, that is, the transmission of knowledge and education. Concerning the return to school in September 2015, the Principal points out that it was disrupted by the move to the new campus, the need to settle into the new environment, as well as to the particularly long period of haze. Numbers The Principal reminds everyone that the numbers as at November 10th 2014 were 2,554 students: it was 2,752 as at November 10th 2015. He adds that 2,802 are expected for the return to school in January 2016. Based on the information given by the families, the numbers expected on January 1st are divided as follows: - Kindergarten: 443 - Elementary: 1,270 - Secondary: 694 for the Lower Secondary School and 395 for the Upper Secondary School Personnel The Principal points out that the Lycée has, at September 30th 2015, 367 personnel in full-time equivalents. They are divided as follows: 228 Teachers including: 24 in the Kindergarten 89 in Elementary School 115 in the Secondary school - 132 people in administration, including teaching assistants, kindergarten assistants and supervisors. 7 maintenance personnel Examination Results The Principal announces that the LFS had a 100% success rate in the 2015 Baccalauréat for the candidates who sat for the examination. He clarifies that 2 students were sick and were unable to sit for the Baccalauréat: the figures to be announced by the AEFE will take this into account and will therefore not affect the 100% success rate. The Principal adds that the number of “Bien” and “Très Bien” was at a record high. The Principal points out that, for the first time, the Lycée had students sitting for the International Option of the Baccalauréat (OIB). Few students sat for this, but the number of “Très Bien” was high since 6 students out of 10 received one. 2 students received the “Bien” mention. This ranks the Lycée in a very honourable position compared to other French Lycées in Asia. Concerning the results of the Advance Examinations, the Principal reminds everyone that he had made the teaching of French one of his priorities since taking up his duties. He emphasises that there is still work to be done in this direction but the results have progressed in writing as well as in the oral domain since the written average is 13.33 (against 12.85 and 2013 and 13.9 in 2014) and in the orals 15.59 (against 13.32 in 2013 and 14.9 in 2014). The Principal highlights the fact that it will be difficult to reproduce such good results as those achieved in the orals but that all the teams are committed to this. The average achieved for the Sciences is 13.71 and for the TPE (Personal Research Project) 15.45. The Principal announces that the Lycée had 146 candidates sitting for the Diplôme National du Brevet achieving a 100% success rate, with 41% “Très Bien” and 31% “Bien”. More than 70% of the students achieved a special mention at “Très bien” or “Bien”. The Principal emphasises that the success rate for the Brevet is often lower than for the Baccalauréat. In respect of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), the Principal announces that the results were very good, particularly in English Language and English Literature. The Principal points out that 128 candidates sat for the Baccalauréat in 2016: 69 in the Science stream (S), 54 in Social Sciences and Economics (ES) and 5 in Literature (L). 16 students will sit for the International Option of the Baccalaureate (OIB). 145 students will sit for the Diplôme National du Brevet, including 48 for the International Option. Projects The Principal announces that two major cross-curricular projects will take place during the 2015/2016 school year: French Language, Press Week and the International Youth Games. French Language and Press Week, in March, will be preceded by the SIMUN which will host around 400 young people to work on the Model United Nations. For French Language Week, the Lycée will welcome 3 authors who will make different presentations to all levels, from the Kindergarten to Terminale. Press Week will follow this event. The International Youth Games will be organised in June, in association with the AEFE and the National Union of School Sport (“Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire (UNSS)”). These games have been held 6 times previously, and in agreement with the French Ministry of National Education and the UNSS, are organized abroad once every three years. This year will therefore be the second time these games have been held abroad. The Lycée will play host to around 350 young people who will have the opportunity of practising sports activities but also of participating in a cultural event and meeting students from all continents and all walks of life. Sharing will be the key word for these activities. The Principal highlights the fact that numerous other events will be organized, such as Christmas concerts which will soon take place. School Catering The Principal points out that the school catering is now spread over the 2 campus and in 4 locations: - Serangoon: 2 services o 11.30-12.30: CP - CE1 o 12.30-13.30: CM1 - CM2 - AMK - Kindergarten: 3 services (PS, MS, GS) in room B104 - AMK – Lower Secondary School: Service from 11.30 to 13.00 in the canteen - AMK – High School Cafeteria Works for the beginning of the school year The Principal presents the works carried out on the Ang Mo Kio (AMK) campus in preparation for the start of the school year in September 2013. - Two new Earth & Life Sciences and Physical Science & Chemistry laboratories - A new technology room - Creation of 3 new classrooms in Building A Creation of classrooms in Building G Renovation of the two changing rooms for the Secondary School Setting up an examination room in Building H Renovation of Kindergarten recess areas Extra-Curricular Activities (AES) The Principal says that 1,146 children are involved in extra-curricular activities, out of 2,752 students at the LFS. 1,437 requests for registrations were made for the 2015-2016 school year and 80% of these received a positive response. The students enrolled are divided as follows: - Kindergarten: 118 - CP-CE1: 132 - CE2-CM2: 357 - Secondary school: 539 The Principal says that new activities will be implemented from January 2016 due to the opening of the new buildings. 91 extra-curricular activities will be organized and divided as follows: - Kindergarten: 10 - From CP to CE1: 24 - From CE2 to CM2: 21 - Secondary 36 The extra-curricular activities involve 78 trainers, including 53 LFS personnel. 3. Financial position at the end of September 2015 and forecast for 2016 Arnaud Lambotte, replacing the Treasurer Pascal de Petrini, presents the key elements for 2015: - The extension of the Elementary School and the creation of the new administrative buildings: estimate of expenditure incurred in 2015 is 48.9 MSGD - Financing of the extension, drawing down the loan as closely as possible to cash flow requirements: amount of 14.6 MSGD drawn at September 30th and 3rd draw down planned for December 2015. This process of drawing down as closely as possible to requirements has resulted in savings of more than 100K SGD in interest. - Student numbers continued to increase with an average rise in numbers of 7.2% in 2015 in comparison to 2014. Arnaud Lambotte reminds everyone of the need to generate sufficient annual cash flow to meet future settlement deadlines and maintain an appropriate level of capital. Arnaud Lambotte indicates that the key elements for 2016 are as follows: - - Finalisation of the extension project (covering the canal), which should take place from January to March 2016, with depreciation of the new campus on a full-year basis. Drawing down the bank loan for the last time to finance the extension ; this is to be adjusted according to cash requirements in the medium term, taking account of Phase 2 of the extension in 2020 and renewal of the AMK lease renewal in 2023. The continued increase in student numbers, with a rise of 6.5% expected in 2016 compared to 2015. - The implementation of the new fee policy voted on at the last Annual General Meeting in June: o More moderate fee increase (3.5% on average) and differentiated by school. o Compulsory activities such as class trips included in the school fees. o Single European fee rate and doubling of 1st registration fees. Arnaud Lambotte presents the forecast for 2016 in respect of the evolution of the key performance indicators: - Number of classes: 127 - Number of teachers: 220 - Number of Students at September 2016: 2,902 - School fees: increase of 3.5% on average as voted during the Annual General Meeting of 4th June 2015. - Ratio teaching expenses to revenue, a rise of 3.5% against 2.2% en 2015. This increase is due to integrating expenses for class trips into the school fees. - Ratio personnel costs to turnover: 54.9%. - Interest on the loan: from 2.28% to 2.98%. - Depreciation of the new site on a full year basis. Regarding revenue following the increase in numbers and fees, Arnaud Lambotte says that the revised estimate for 2015 is 53 MSGD, which is higher than forecast: in fact, the LFS does not take into account new arrivals during the year when preparing the budget. In 2016, revenue should rise to 59 MSGD. Arnaud Lambotte presents the evolution in average numbers since 2012, which shows a substantial rise of + 36%. Then he explains the breakdown of LFS revenue, which is divided as follows: - Kindergarten: 13.5% - Elementary: 38.7% - Secondary: 41.9% - Canteen: 4.6% - Extra-curricular Activities (AES): 1.1% Arnaud Lambotte emphasizes that canteen revenue is not net revenue since this item also appears under costs: billing to the parents is offset in the expenditure by SODEXO’s billing and depreciation of the equipment. Arnaud Lambotte indicates that costs of personnel engaged in 2015 were slightly lower than the budgeted amount, at 30 MSGD. For 2016, due to the increase in numbers of Students, personnel costs should rise to 32 MSGD. Arnaud Lambotte clarifies, concerning Administration posts – back office, that the structure stabilized in 2015 after the staffing increases in 2014. Strengthening of this structure is planned for 2016. Concerning other operating expenses, Arnaud Lambotte states that they are under control and detailed as follows: - Teaching expenses: stable ratio estimated at 2.2% of revenue in 2015 (2014: 2.0%). - Increase in 2016 related to compulsory activities being incorporated into the school fees. - Other direct expenses: Canteen and 6% contribution to the AEFE. These items vary according to numbers and fees, 5.074 MSGD in 2015 and 5.783 MSGD in 2016. Central costs: Evolution mainly linked to maintenance and I.T. at the new site as well as to the JIJ (International Youth Games) in 2016 (6.428 MSGD in 2015 and 6.904 MSGD en 2016). Arnaud Lambotte announces that the self-financing capacity (CAF) of the Lycée was 10.343 MSGD in 2015 and is expected to rise to 11.895 MSGD for 2016. He states that the financial result is mainly affected by interest charges. These interest charges were lower in 2015 than expected following the staggering of construction project costs and drawing down the loan as closely as possible to cash requirements. Interest charges in 2016 are estimated at 1.228 MSGD; the amount will depend on the final amount drawn on the loan of 60 MSGD. Arnaud Lambotte says also that depreciation and provisions of respectively 4.413 MSGD and 8.917 MSGD in 2015 and 2016 are principally affected by the opening of the new site in two waves in 2015 and a full year in 2016. Taking these elements into account, Arnaud Lambotte explains that the net profit has increased considerably in comparison with the budget, with 5.979 MSGD in 2015 against 2.672 forecast. The net profit forecast for 2016 is 1.749 MSGD. Arnaud Lambotte says finally that there is at the end of the period 14.605 MSGD in cash in 2015 and 27.989 MSGD forecast for 2016. In conclusion, he highlights the fact that the Lycée’s self-financing capacity has significantly increased, which enables the LFS to be in the position to curb the fee increases for the years to come, as already announced at the General Meeting of June 4th 2015. The President thanks Arnaud Lambotte and invites the French Ambassador in Singapore, Mr. Benjamin Dubertret, to address the Assembly. His speech is reproduced in Annexe III. The President thanks the Ambassador for his presence and speech: it reflects the Embassy’s commitment and support for the Executive Committee and the LFS. The President invites the Executive Director, Yves Marcel, to give a progress report on the extension project. 4. Progress Report on the new campus The Executive Director announces that the Lycée has taken possession of all the new buildings: three classroom buildings with a capacity of 1,500 students, bringing the total capacity of the LFS to around 3,400 students, two administrative buildings with about one hundred work stations, two libraries, an auditorium sports’ facilities, a canteen, a kitchen and a bus bay. The Lycée is in the reception phase of these buildings and the rectification phase for any possible defects. The Executive Director indicates that the project relating to exterior elements is still in progress. This relates mainly to the covering of the canal, creating a playground, installing a drain along the houses on Hythe Road, raising the level of the land, installing fencing and various demolition works on the former Serangoon premises that the LFS has vacated and must return to the Singaporean authorities. Concerning the construction budget, the Executive Director reminds everyone that the initial budget was 67 MSGD. At this stage, 64 MSGD has been spent. Costs have therefore been controlled. The Principal shows a slide presentation of the new facilities and buildings. He specifies that all the classrooms have been equipped new furniture and the same items, which meet fully the teachers’ requirements. The Principal also highlights the soundproofing quality of the buildings. 5. Discharge of the Executive Committee for the 2014/2015 management. The Executive Committee’s discharge for the 2014/2015 management is unanimously approved. 6. Confirmation of the election of the 6 parents’ representatives to the Educational Committee who were elected online The President announces the result of the online elections: Elected parents’ representatives in the Primary school: For the Kindergarten: 1. Mrs. Samantha THASSIM with 194 votes 2. Mrs. Mirelle NGUYEN with 171 votes For the Elementary School: 3. Mr. Ludovic BERNARD-MAISSA with 187 votes 4. Mr. Philippe LAMBERT avec 156 votes Elected deputy for the Elementary School: Mrs. Laurence LACHAUD with 147 votes Elected parents’ representatives for the Secondary school: For the Lower Secondary School: 1. Mrs. Hélène VALENTIN with 233 votes For the Upper Secondary School: 2. Mrs. Marie-Odile SIMON with 275 votes Deputy for the Secondary School: Mrs. Christelle JOLLIVEL with 89 votes. The election of the 6 parent representatives to the Educational Committee is unanimously confirmed. 7. Other subjects/Miscellaneous A parent asks about the Lycée’s contribution to the AEFE. The President replies that, in the framework of the agreement with the Agency, the AEFE receives 6% of the Lycée’s turnover, in return for which the Lycée receives expatriate personnel, paid for by the State. In addition the AEFE has paid without consideration 10 MSGD for the Lycée’s extension project and co-finances, according to certain criteria, the Résident (French public servant) personnel of the Lycée. The President underlines the fact that the latest calculations showed that the amount the Lycée was paying the AEFE was equal to what it received. As the Assembly does not have any more question, the President continues on to the election of new members of the Executive Committee. 8. Election of the new members of the Executive Committee The President presents the candidates for election to the new members of the Executive Committee and reminds everyone that the mission statements were sent to all the Members and distributed at the beginning of the General Meeting. The Members of the General Meeting proceed to vote. The results are as follows: Result of the elections of Corporate Members Elected members of the Executive Committee: Annexe I : Discours du Président, Axel Foucault Monsieur Benjamin DUBERTRET, Ambassadeur de France à Singapour, est retenu pour le moment par d’autres obligations. Il a néanmoins tenu à être présent. Il nous rejoindra donc au cours de l’Assemblée Générale et adressera son discours lors de son arrivée. Comme à chaque fois, c’est avec plaisir et grand honneur que je préside les Assemblées Générales, qu’elles soient uniquement Ordinaire, comme la plupart du temps, ou Extraordinaire et Ordinaire, comme ce soir. Vous entrez comme moi, pour la première fois dans ce magnifique Amphithéâtre, au sein de notre nouveau campus. Cette réunion est probablement pour vous l’occasion d’une première visite au sein de ces locaux. Nous espérons qu’ils vous plaisent et que vous vous y sentez déjà chez vous. Je crois savoir que vos enfants, eux, s'y sentent bien et nous espérons qu'ils continueront à y être heureux. Vous aurez l’occasion, lors d’un verre qui sera servi en fin d’Assemblée Générale, de découvrir la terrasse de la restauration scolaire, abritée par des majestueux arbres centenaires, qui en font déjà un endroit si spécial. Je ne doute pas que ce sera un lieu de rendez-vous que vous apprécierez également lors de nos futures célébrations. Comme d’usage, je voudrais saluer les nouvelles familles qui nous ont rejoint et leur présenter les membres du Conseil Exécutif du Lycée Français de Singapour, dont j’assure la présidence et dont je souhaite rappeler qu’ils sont tous des membres compétents et bénévoles : - Corrine Petit, notre Secrétaire Générale est aussi Présidente de la Commission gouvernance et fonctionnement. De plus, elle est Secrétaire Générale de la FAPEE (La Fédération des Associations de Parents d’élèves des établissements d’enseignement français à l’étranger) – Je vous remercie de l’applaudir. - Pascal de Petrini, notre Trésorier et aussi Président de la Commission Finance et membre des Commission Infrastructure et Gouvernance. Il est absent ce soir. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Grégoire Barry Delongchamps est Président de la Commission Audit. Il est également absent ce soir. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Jean-Marc Deromedi est membre de la Commission Finance et de la Commission Infrastructure. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Frédérique Empeigne est membre de la Commission Audit. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Stéphanie Inserra, membre de la Commission Gouvernance & Fonctionnement et de la Sous-Commission RH. Elle est absente ce soir. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Arnaud Lambotte est membre de la Commission Finance et de la Commission Infrastructure. Il représente ce soir Pascal de Petrini en qualité de trésorier. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Caroline Pinhas-Paumier, est membre de la Commission Finance ainsi que de la souscommission Fundraising. Elle nous rejoindra en cours de séance. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Daniel ROUX, est membre de la Commission Audit, de la Commission Gouvernance et de la sous-commission RH. Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Guillaume SACHET, applaudissements. - Laure Veyres, est membre de la Commission Gouvernance & Fonctionnement et de la Commission Audit. Elle est absente ce soir. Merci pour vos applaudissements. est membre de la Commission Audit. Merci pour vos Nos deux membres suppléants sont : - Patrick Burguet. Il est membre de la sous-commission RH - Merci pour vos applaudissements. - Et Michaël Chaille. Il est membre de la sous-commission RH et de la sous-commission Fundraising - Merci pour vos applaudissements. J’adresse un remerciement particulier à Laure et à Jean-Marc, qui ont accepté de remettre en jeu leurs mandats ce soir, pour nous permettre de respecter la règle du renouvellement annuel par tiers. Ils se représentent donc à l’élection des membres du Conseil Exécutif qui aura lieu en fin d’Assemblée Générale : - Laure Veyres en tant que membre Individuel et, - Jean-Marc Deromedi en tant que membre Corporate. Comme prévu dans nos statuts, nos membres suppléants, Patrick Burguet et Michaël Chaille, remettent également leurs mandats en jeu ce soir. Je leur souhaite à tous les quatre, bonne chance, pour leurs réélections afin de pouvoir poursuivre les actions entreprises et finaliser les projets auxquels ils participent au sein du Conseil Exécutif. Je souhaite également adresser un remerciement particulier aux deux membres du Conseil Exécutif dont les mandats prennent fin ce soir et qui ne se représentent pas. - Tout d’abord, Pascal de Petrini. Il a rejoint le Conseil Exécutif en 2010 et a accepté cette année, avec sérieux et détermination, le rôle important de Trésorier. Ses interventions vont nous manquer lors de nos Conseils Exécutifs. Ses remarques nous permettaient toujours d’aller un pas plus loin ou d’explorer un nouvel angle. Bien que Pascal soit absent ce soir, permettez-moi de le remercier au nom de la Communauté du LFS pour la qualité de son implication sans faille. - Ensuite, Grégoire Barry de Longchamps. Grégoire a rejoint le Conseil Exécutif en 20132014 d’abord en tant que suppléant et avait été ensuite élu membre du Conseil Exécutif en 2014. Cette année, il était Président de la Commission Audit. Au cours de ses deux années, nous avons pu compter sur Grégoire pour apporter toute son expertise juridique au LFS. Même s’il nous quitte, du fait d’un calendrier professionnel trop chargé, je suis certain qu’il ne sera jamais très loin du LFS, en cas de besoin. Bien que Grégoire soit également absent ce soir, permettez-moi aussi de le remercier au nom de la Communauté du LFS pour son engagement de ces deux dernières années. J’adresse également en mon nom et au nom de mes collègues, de sincères remerciements à vos élus du Conseil d’Etablissement qui quittent cette instance : Stéphanie GLEASON, Julie CHIAVASSA, Valérie ROGER, Pauline WRAY, Catherine WESTON et Laura BOHBOT. Si vous me le permettez, je vais adresser un mot à Valérie Roger, en tant qu’ancienne membre du Conseil Exécutif et membre de longue date du Conseil d’Etablissement. Valérie, tes 5 années d'investissement ont sans aucun doute participé considérablement à "l'édifice LFS". Valérie, au nom de la Communauté du LFS, je te remercie d’avoir su mettre ton énergie au service des élèves. Je souhaite enfin la bienvenue aux nouveaux membres de la Direction Pédagogique qui ont rejoint le Lycée au mois de septembre : 2 - Sébastien CLERGEAULT, Directeur de la Maternelle. Sébastien, merci de te lever. - Philippe LUQUET, Proviseur Adjoint. Philippe, merci de te lever. - Nadine VIAL-PRADEL, Proviseure Adjointe. Nadine, merci de te lever. Bernard, peut-être peux-tu dire un mot pour les présenter ? Comme tous les ans, depuis ma première Assemblée Générale en 2013 en tant que Président, je vous propose de reprendre la liste des projets que nous avions fixés, à l’époque. Je suis particulièrement heureux de réaliser cet exercice cette année, puisqu’il permet de mesurer le chemin que nous avons parcouru, grâce à votre soutien et à nos efforts conjoints. Je pense aux efforts des équipes du LFS, des membres bénévoles du Conseil Exécutif, mais aussi des parents d’élèves qui ont su nous soutenir en nous apportant leur aide ou nous accorder leur bienveillance. La liste formulée en Décembre 2013 était la suivante : - poursuivre l'extension du Lycée sur le site de Serangoon ; - finaliser la mise à jour des statuts ; - faire fructifier notre excellent partenariat avec l'AEFE ; - avoir une meilleure ouverture sur Singapour ; - accompagner la Direction Pédagogique dans sa réflexion sur les valeurs du LFS et la mise en place d’un parcours en langue pour tous les enfants ; - et plus généralement, en relation avec la Direction Pédagogique, définir la vision d'avenir du LFS de demain, au travers du projet d'établissement 2014/2017 ; - mais aussi de permettre au LFS, de rester un lycée d’excellence, avec le présent et l'avenir de nos enfants, au cœur de ses préoccupations. Le fait même, que nous tenions cette assemblée générale dans ces nouveaux locaux, montre que nous avons fortement progressé dans la réalisation de notre premier projet – la poursuite de l’extension du Lycée. Je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui ont travaillé à cette réussite : - l’ensemble de mes collègues du Conseil Exécutif et plus particulièrement les membres de la Commission Infrastructure : Jean-Marc Deromedi, Pascal de Petrini, Arnaud Lambotte et Laurent Lebarbier, invité du Conseil Exécutif qui nous a beaucoup apporté ; - la Direction Exécutive avec à sa tête Yves Marcel et en particulier Laurence Bigot, chef de projet ; - la Direction Pédagogique : Bernard Pujol ainsi que Magali Jourdan et Claude Morbelli et l’ensemble des enseignants qui ont déménagé dans ces nouveaux locaux ; - et enfin un remerciement tout particulier à Dragages Singapour, filiale de Bouygues, qui a apporté un soutien sans faille au LFS, au cours de ces deux dernières années, en mettant à disposition bénévolement et régulièrement les expertises de 4 de ses salariés, lors des différentes phases du projet. Une partie de la construction reste à finaliser. Notre Directeur Exécutif, Yves Marcel, y reviendra plus en détail lors de sa présentation. La réflexion sur l’extension du Lycée n’est en outre pas achevée, puisque se pose maintenant la question de sa poursuite. En effet, ce nouveau campus ne constitue que la première phase d’un plan en 3 étapes, qui, si elles étaient toutes mises en œuvres, permettraient au LFS d’accueillir jusqu’à 4,400 élèves autour de 2025. 3 Par ailleurs, nous tenons ce soir une Assemblée Générale Mixte, c’est-à-dire Extraordinaire puis Ordinaire, parce que nous vous proposons d’adopter des modifications aux Statuts du Lycée. Cela constituait le second projet majeur listé en décembre 2013. Les nouveaux statuts que nous allons vous présenter et soumettre au vote, vous ont été envoyés avec la convocation à l’Assemblée Générale et aussi distribués au début de cette réunion. Je suis convaincu, que les importantes modifications que nous proposons, permettront au Lycée de travailler en pleine efficacité, dans le cadre d’une gouvernance rénovée. Cette tâche fondamentale a été réalisée par Corrine Petit, notre Secrétaire Générale, que je remercie très sincèrement. Cela a été un travail de longue haleine, parfois ingrat, avec une exigence professionnelle de tous les instants. Comme vous le verrez, le résultat en vaux vraiment la peine. Quelques modifications restent cependant à effectuer. Elles sont en attente d’une validation finale des autorités Singapouriennes et ne sont pas de nature à nous empêcher de fonctionner pleinement. Aussi, nous avons décidé de repousser leur adoption à une date ultérieure. Nous reviendrons vers vous lors d’une prochaine Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire avec ces derniers éléments. Je vous propose de dresser un point d’étape, sur les autres projets, lors de notre prochaine Assemblée Générale, en juin. Soyez assurés que nous continuons à progresser. En plus de ces projets, le Conseil Exécutif s’est également fixé des objectifs au fil des ans : - L’objectif de la première année a été de fédérer, au sein du Conseil Exécutif, les contributions des élus du collège parents avec les élus du collège corporate, afin de mettre toutes nos compétences au service du LFS. - Celui de la deuxième année a été de réaffirmer le LFS dans son statut de lycée conventionné avec l’AEFE. - Le but de la troisième année a été la mise en application d’une nouvelle gouvernance, avec notamment la création du Poste de Directeur Exécutif, qui est maintenant un poste essentiel de la Direction du LFS. La troisième année a été aussi l’ouverture, à la société Singapourienne, avec l’arrivée de SAC (Student Advisory Centre) au sein du Groupe Humanitaire. SAC est une association caritative qui vient en aide, aux enfants Singapouriens, de familles en difficultés financières. - L’objectif de la quatrième année a été de rappeler, que nous sommes tous, au service de ce bien collectif, que nous avons tous à cœur et qu’est le Lycée Français de Singapour. Le LFS fait partie du réseau mondial de l’AEFE, le plus grand réseau d’enseignement hors de ses frontières. Pour rappel, l’AEFE est présente dans 136 pays. Elle regroupe 494 établissements, qui accueillent 340,000 élèves. Cette appartenance au réseau se manifeste parfois par la participation de nos élèves aux voyages AEFE ou encore par l’accueil en Juin 2016 à Singapour de la sixième édition des Jeux Internationaux de la Jeunesse, où nous accueillerons environ 350 lycéens du monde entier. Bernard y reviendra plus en détail lors de sa présentation. Si je devais proposer un mot comme objectif de cette cinquième année, ce serait la Bienveillance, la bienveillance de tous et pour tous. Cet objectif découle tout naturellement de celui de l’année dernière, qui était relatif au bien commun. Je vous indiquais l’an dernier, que le LFS n’appartenait à personne en particulier, mais a la communauté. Ainsi, très loin d’une relation client-fournisseur 4 qui parfois effleure la pensée de certains, nous sommes, ce qui veut dire, vous aussi, tous des artisans de ce bien collectif. C’est parce que nous œuvrons tous pour le bien commun, parce que nous sommes tous acteurs, et partenaires de cette belle école, que je souhaite mettre en avant aujourd’hui, cette notion de bienveillance, afin que cela devienne un morceau de l’ADN du LFS. Naturellement, le LFS a rencontré des difficultés, notamment lors de la rentrée des classes du mois de septembre, qui s’est avérée compliquée, du fait notamment du déménagement par étape, vers notre nouveau campus et de la mise en application des horaires différentiés entre les deux sites, qui nous ont été imposés par les autorités singapouriennes. Ces horaires différentiés ont eu un impact très important sur le transport de vos enfants, et ont nécessité un certain nombre d’ajustements, jusqu’aux vacances de la Toussaint. Cette rentrée a été par ailleurs compliquée par deux évènements exceptionnels, l’épisode du Haze qui s’est prolongée sur plusieurs semaines, et plus récemment, les attentats en France, avec les impacts sur le dispositif de sécurité, en relation avec les autorités Singapouriennes et l’Ambassade de France. Je tiens à rendre hommage ce soir, à toutes les personnes extrêmement investies et impliquées dans la vie de l’école, qui ont tout fait pour rechercher des solutions à ces problèmes : les parents bénévoles, agissant au sein des différentes instances, les équipes professionnelles du LFS, les prestataires de service et aussi, comme déjà évoqués, des parents d’élèves qui, sans nier l’existence des difficultés, ont su nous suggérer des pistes de solution ou nous soutenir par leur bienveillance. Je crois qu’aujourd’hui tout est rentré dans l’ordre et nous sommes à nouveau dans un mode de fonctionnement normal. Je vous rappelle enfin, que toutes les bonnes volontés sont les bienvenues au sein du Lycée. Nous procéderons ce soir, à la validation de l’élection des représentants parents au Conseil d’Etablissement, ainsi qu’à l’élection des membres du Conseil Exécutif. Tous les ans, ces élections sont ouvertes à tous les parents. Je vous invite vivement à vous présenter l’an prochain à l’une de ces instances, qui font vivre la gouvernance du LFS et assurent que la voix des membres du Lycée soit entendue. Enfin, je tiens à rappeler, que du fait du statut de Charity du LFS, l’argent qui appartient au LFS a obligation d’être réinvesti dans l’école, afin d’assurer sa stabilité financière et un développement pérenne. Ceci explique pourquoi la tarification du LFS est si compétitive par rapports aux autres écoles internationales à Singapour, en étant l’une des moins chères si ce n’est pas la moins chère. Le Lycée est ainsi, par nature, un bien collectif. Le LFS est en outre, pour quelques mois encore, un IPC (Institution of Public Character). Ce statut permet d’offrir une déduction de 2.5 du montant de la donation de l’assiette d’imposition. A l’occasion de SG50, ce chiffre est porté à 3 fois pour les donations intervenues en 2015. Le statut d’IPC risque de ne pas être renouvelé au-delà du 31 décembre 2015. Aussi, le Lycée a démarré une démarche de Fundraising, qui sera lancée avant la fin de l’année civile, afin de permettre aux donateurs de bénéficier une dernière fois de l’avantage fiscal lié au statut d’IPC. Une première démarche avait été mise en œuvre en juin, et avait notamment permis la création d’une page Donations sur notre site internet. Je vous invite à la visiter. Nous allons renouveler cette démarche, et essayer de l’inscrire dans la durée. Très prochainement, vous allez recevoir un message de l’école, auquel je vous demande d’apporter votre soutien, à la hauteur de vos moyens. Ce qui est important, quand on contribue au LFS, ce n’est pas le montant, mais le symbole qui est derrière, ce sentiment d’appartenance à notre communauté et la fierté sousjacente. Je finissais il y a deux ans, mon premier discours, avec ces quelques mots : « je suis résolument optimiste pour l’avenir du LFS et qu’aujourd’hui chacun a sa place au LFS et une place de choix 5 afin de construire le LFS de demain. » Après un an de Présidence, j’avais accolé à ces quelques mots la phrase suivante : « Afin de porter le LFS encore plus loin, pour nos enfants, soyons tous, à notre façon, des artisans au service de ce bien collectif qu’est le LFS, et qui nous tient tous tant à cœur ». Je vous propose cette année de compléter mon intervention comme suit : « Continuons de progresser dans le respect et la bienveillance de tous et pour tous, vers une école toujours plus efficace, et au service de nos enfants ». Nos enfants sont les citoyens de demain : il appartient à l’école de les guider, vers une citoyenneté responsable, en éclairant leurs esprits. Nous savons, que l’éducation est un rempart essentiel, contre tous les obscurantismes. Je ne peux pas finir mon discours, sans rendre un hommage appuyé, à un homme, Bernard Pujol, notre Proviseur, avec lequel je travaille maintenant depuis deux ans. Il est un homme d’engagement et de conviction, d’une énergie débordante et communicative, avec un esprit d’ouverture et de dialogue sur tous les sujets de gestion. Il vit et respire le LFS, en étant au service de tous les élèves, de tous vos enfants, sans aucune préférence, en ayant à cœur d’être simplement juste à tout moment. Bien sûr, comme tout le monde il peut faire des erreurs, et à nouveau je vous demande votre bienveillance, car je peux vous assurer, que dans ce moment de transformation, si important pour le LFS, il est l’homme de la situation. Au nom de la Communauté du LFS, Bernard je te remercie pour ton engagement de tous les instants et sans faille. Merci pour vos applaudissements. Je vous remercie pour votre attention et vous souhaite une excellente Assemblée Générale. Axel Foucault, Président du Conseil Exécutif 6 Annexe II LYCEE FRANCAIS DE SINGAPOUR LTD. – COMPARISON TABLE OF AMENDMENTS TO MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AS AT 9 OCTOBER 2015 1. Changes to the Memorandum of Association of Lycee Francais de Singapour Ltd (“LFS”) Existing Clause 6. Every Member of the Association undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Association, in the event of its being wound up while he is a Member, or within one year after he ceased to be a Member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association contracted before he ceases to be a Member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding ten dollars (S$10/-). 2. No. 1. Proposed amendment 6. Every Member of the Association (as defined in the Articles of Association) undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Association, in the event of its being wound up while he is a Member, or within one year after he ceased to be a Member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association contracted before he ceases to be a Member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding ten dollars (S$10/-). Reason for the amendment The words “as defined in the Articles of Association” are added for clarity. La mention « tels que définis dans les Articles of Association » est ajoutée pour clarification Changes to the Articles of Association of LFS Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment 1. Words Meaning 1. Words Meaning Academic Board A board of Members established in accordance with Article 37A. Academic Board A board of Members established in accordance with Article 37A. The previous Article 37A referred to in the meaning of “Academic Board” was amended to Article 37 due to a re-numbering of the articles. Changement de numérotation. 1 No. 2. 3. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment 1. Words Meaning 1. Words Meaning Chairman The chairman of the Executive Committee for the time being. Chairman The chairman of the Executive Committee for the time beinga relevant committee, or as the case may be, the chairman of a General Meeting, who is appointed in accordance with Article 53. The words “who is appointed in accordance with Article 53” were added to set out the provisions under which the chairman is appointed. The Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education of the French Em bassy in the Republic. The title of the former “Cultural Councellor” has been updated to comply with the new official title. This update will be reiterated when needed in all subsequent articles. Cultural Councellor The Cultural Councellor of the French Embassy in the Republic. Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education 4. Examination Board A board established in accordance with Article 37C. Examination Board A board established in accordance with Article 37BC. 5. Executive Committee The committee having the general management of the Association for the time being. Executive Committee The committee having the general management of the Association for the time being, the members of whom are registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority as the “directors” of the Association for the time being. 6. Private Education Act The Private Education Act (No. Private Education Act 2 The Private Education Act Les mots « qui est nommé conformément à l’Article 53 » sont ajoutés pour préciser les dispositions en application desquelles le Chairman est nommé. Le titre du « Conseiller Culturel » a été mis à jour avec le nouveau titre officiel : « Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle ». Ce changement sera reproduit pour chaque occurrence dans les articles des présents statuts. The previous Article 37C referred to in the meaning of “Examination Board” was amended to Article 37B due to a re-numbering of the articles. Changement de numérotation. The meaning of “Executive Committee” was amended to clarify that the members of the Executive Committee are also the directors of LFS. La définition du « Conseil Exécutif » a été modifiée afin de clarifier que les membres du Conseil Exécutif portent également le titre de directeurs du LFS. The meaning of “Private Education Act” was No. Existing Article Proposed amendment 1. Words Meaning 1. Words Meaning 21 of 2009) of Singapore. 7. Private Regulations 8. Secretary 9. Education No existing article Reason for the amendment (No. 21 of 2009) (Chapter 247A) of Singapore. amended so that the reference of the Private Education Act is accurate. Mise à jour de la référence à la loi. The meaning of “Private Education Regulations” was amended so that the reference of the Private Education Act is accurate. The Private Education Regulations 2009 of Singapore. Private Education Regulations The Private Education Regulations 2009 of Singapore, made pursuant to the Private Education Act. The secretary of the Executive Committee for the time being. Secretary The secretary of the Executive Committee for the time being. Executive Director The executive director of the School for the time being. Mise à jour de la référence à la loi. The defined term “Secretary” is deleted as it was replaced with the defined term “General Secretary”. This update will be reiterated when needed in all subsequent articles. Suppression de la définition de Secretary pour la remplacer par celle de General Secretary. Ce changement sera reproduit à chaque occurrence dans les articles des présents statuts. The Executive Director is a new appointment in LFS. Ajout de la définition du poste de Directeur Exécutif, créé au LFS depuis la dernière mise à jour des statuts. 10. No existing article. General Secretary 11. No existing article. President 12. No existing article. Principal The general secretary of Executive Committee for time being. The president of Executive Committee for time being. the the the the The definition of “President” was added for clarity. The principal of the School for the time being. Ajout de la définition du Président pour clarification. The new definition of “Principal” was added for clarity. Ajout de la définition du Proviseur pour clarification. 3 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment 13. 5 Corporate Membership. Any company/organisation, which is qualified to satisfy the statutory requirements of the government authorities in the Republic and having an interest in the promotion of the advancement of the objects of this Association and having paid any subscription fee or other charges as might be levied upon by the Executive Committee might become a member of the Association (a “Corporate Member”), subject to the approval by the majority of members of the Executive Committee. 5 (b) (b) Corporate Membership. Any which is company/organisation, qualified to satisfy the statutory requirements of the government authorities in the Republic and having or organisation that has an interest in the promotion of the advancement of the objects of this Association and having who has paid any subscription fee or other charges as might be levied upon by the Executive Committee might become a member of the Association (a “Corporate Member”), subject to the approval by the majority of members of the Executive Committee 14. 8. WITHDRAWAL. Any Member may withdraw from the Association by giving notice in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the proposed withdrawal. 8. WITHDRAWAL. Any Member may withdraw from the Association by giving notice in writing to the General Secretary not less than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the proposed withdrawal. 15. 11. REQUEST FOR GENERAL MEETING. The Executive Committee shall on the written request of the Member affected by their decision under the preceding Article convene a General Meeting for the purpose of reviewing their decision provided that the request shall be signed by at least one-third of the Members and deposited with the Secretary within fourteen (14) days following the decision of the Executive Committee under the preceding Article calling upon such Member to resign. 11. REQUEST FOR GENERAL MEETING. The Executive Committee shall on the written request of the Member affected by their decision under the preceding Article convene a General Meeting for the purpose of reviewing their decision provided that the request shall be signed by at least one-third of the Members and deposited with the General Secretary within fourteen (14) days following the decision of the Executive Committee under the preceding Article calling upon such Member to resign. 16. 14. (a) 14. (a) MANAGEMENT. The management of the affairs, administration and business of the Association shall be vested in the Executive MANAGEMENT. The management of the affairs, administration and business of the Association shall be vested in 4 Reason for the amendment This Article was amended to clarify the definition of Corporate members. Cet article a été modifié afin de clarifier la définition des membres Corporates. This Article was amended to elaborate on the responsibilities of the Executive Committee. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment the Executive Committee who may pay all the expenses incurred in the formation and registration of the Association and may exercise all such powers; and do. The Executive Committee shall, in particular, be in charge of the long term strategy of the Association, and shall ensure that the Association has the necessary human and financial resources, and such necessary investments are made from time to time. Without prejudice to the above-mentioned specific responsiblities, the Executive Committee shall have the general role of doing all such acts and things as the Association is by its Memorandum and these Articles or otherwise authorised to exercise or do and are not hereby or by the Act required to be exercised or done by the Association in General Meeting but subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Act and of these Articles and to any regulations (not being inconsistent with these Articles) from time to time made by the Association in General Meeting. Committee who may pay all the expenses incurred in the formation and registration of the Association and may exercise all such powers; and do all such acts and things as the Association is by its Memorandum and these Articles or otherwise authorised to exercise or do and are not hereby or by the Act required to be exercised or done by the Association in General Meeting but subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Act and of these Articles and to any regulations (not being inconsistent with these Articles) from time to time made by the Association in General Meeting. (b) BUDGET. The budget and proposed expenditure and receipts derived from the activities of the Association shall be presented and proposed to the Members by the Executive Committee and approved in an Annual General Meeting. The budget shall also be presented to the Ambassador of France in the Republic who may delegate one of his representatives to verify the use of grants made to the School by the French Government. (b) BUDGET. The budget and proposed expenditure and receipts derived from the activities of the Association shall be presented and proposed to the Members by the Executive Committee and approved in an Annual General Meeting. The budget shall also be presented to the Ambassador of France into the Republic who may delegate one of his representatives to verify the use of grants made to the School by the French Government. 5 Reason for the amendment Modification de l’article afin de préciser les responsabilités du Conseil Exécutif. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment 17. 15. FIRST MEMBERS. The first members of the Executive Committee shall be the Cultural Councellor and the first Members as mentioned in Article 4 of the Articles, who shall hold office until the close of the First Annual General Meeting of the Association. 15. FIRST MEMBERS. The first members of the Executive Committee shall be the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education and the first Members as mentioned in Article 4 of the Articles, who shall hold office until the close of the First Annual General Meeting of the Association. 18. 16. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than eight (8) members and no more than twelve (12) members, the majority of whom must be of French nationality, and provided always that there are at least two (2) members who are citizens or permanent residents of the Republic. The Cultural Councellor is a member of the Executive Committee by right and will attend the meetings of the Executive Committee in a consultancy role. The number of members of the Executive Committee who are Individual Members shall be equal to the number of members which are Corporate Members and shall comprise (i) a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) elected among the Individual Members; and (ii) a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) elected among the Corporate Members. 16. (a) COMPOSITIONMEMBERS OF COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than eight (8) members and no more than twelve (12) members, the majority of whom must be of French nationality, and provided always that there are at least two (2) members who are citizens or permanent residents of the Republic. The Cultural Councellor is a member of the Executive Committee by right and will attend the meetings of the Executive Committee in a consultancy role. The number of members of the Executive Committee who are Individual Members shall be equal to the number of members which are Corporate Members and shall comprise (i) a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) elected among the Individual Members; and (ii) a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) elected among the Corporate Members. Members of the Executive Committee cannot be concurrently members of the Educational Committee and vice versa. One shall not apply to be elected to both the Educational Committee and the Executive Committee in the same election. In the event that the number of Corporate 6 Reason for the amendment The amendments to this paragraph are to clarify the roles of the members of the Executive Committee. Les amendements apportés à cet article visent à clarifier les rôles des membres du Conseil Exécutif. This addition is to be more in line with AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger) regulations and to avoid conflicts of interest. Cet ajout vise à être davantage en conformité avec les dispositions de l’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) et à éviter les conflits d’intérêts. This paragraph clarifies the latest time that the No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Members differs from the number of Individual Members at any time, the situation shall be remedied within a reasonable time and no later than the next election. (b) 19. 17 (a) ELECTION. The members of the Executive Committee (other than the first members above mentioned and other than the Cultural Councellor) shall be elected by the Members at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Association to be held in October/November each year. 17. In addition to the members of the Executive Committee set out in Article 16(a) above, the Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education shall be a member of the Executive Committee by right and shall attend the meetings of the Executive Committee, in an advisory capacity. (c) The Principal and the Executive Director shall be invited to all the meetings unless otherwise decided otherwise by the members of the Executive Committee. They shall be present in an advisory capacity and shall have no voting rights. (d) The Executive Committee may invite individuals to its meetings or its subcommittees’ meetings to serve in an advisory capacity, on an ad hoc basis or otherwise, to advise its members on those issues and subjects which might demand special expertise or advice. (a) ELECTION. The members of the Executive Committee (other than the first members above mentioned and other than the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education) shall be elected by the Members at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Association to be held in 7 Reason for the amendment situation can be remedied, in the event that the number of Corporate Members differs from the number of Individual Members. Ce paragraphe clarifie le délai dans lequel il convient de remédier à la situation dans le cas où le nombre de membres Corporates diffère de celui des membres Individuels. Paragraph (b) clarifies the role of the Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education in relation to the Executive Committee. Le paragraphe (b) clarifie le rôle du Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle au sein du Conseil Exécutif. Paragraph (c) clarifies the entitlement of the Principal and the Executive Director to attend (in an advisory capacity) but not vote at Executive Committee meetings. Le paragraphe (c) clarifie les droits du Proviseur et du Directeur Exécutif, qui sont invités au Conseil Exécutif sans droit de vote. Paragraph (d) gives the Executive Committee the right to invite individuals to attend its or its sub-committees’ meetings and to serve in an advisory capacity. Le paragraphe (d) autorise le Conseil Exécutif à inviter des individus à participer à ses réunions ou à celles de ses commissions à titre consultatif. This Article was amended so as to limit the duration that members of the Executive Committee can serve for. Cet article a été modifié pour limiter la durée des mandats des membres du Conseil Exécutif. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment October/November each year. Each member of the Executive Committee shall, commencing from 23 November 2015, be entitled to serve for: (i) (ii) a term of four (4) years; and an aggregate period of eight (8) years. For the avoidance of doubt, the eight (8) years do not need to run consecutively. (b) RETIRING MEMBERS. One third of the members of the Executive Committee shall retire every year but all retiring members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for reelection, unless they otherwise agree among themselves, the members to retire each year shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election and as between persons who were elected members on the same date, those to retire shall be determined by lot. (b) RETIRING MEMBERS. One third of the members of the Executive Committee shall retire every year but all retiring members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for reelection, unless they otherwise agree among themselves, the members to retire each year shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election and as between persons who were elected members on the same date, those to retire shall be determined by lot. (c) PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION. The election of the Executive Committee shall be conducted in the following manner, that is to say, the Members present in person (or by proxy) at the Ordinary General Meeting in October/November shall propose in writing their candidates at the said General Meeting. Individual Members shall propose in writing their candidates chosen among Individual Members and Corporate Members shall propose in writing their candidates chosen among Corporate Members. Each Individual Member shall (cb) PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION. The election of the Executive Committee The election of the Executive Committee shall be conducted in the following manner, that is to say, the Members : (i) 8 An Individual Member who wishes to be elected to the Executive Committee shall firstly submit his application (the “Application”) as a candidate in writing to the The amendments to this Article are to clarify the procedure for the election of the Executive Committee. Les modifications à cet Article visent à clarifier la procédure relative à l’élection des membres du Conseil Exécutif. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment have one vote and each Corporate Member shall have such number of votes as is equal to the number of Deemed Shares held by it. Reason for the amendment General Secretary prior to the Ordinary General Meeting. (ii) Subject to Article 16, candidates who have received the most votes shall be elected and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the chairman of the General Meeting shall have a second or casting vote. All voting for election of members of the Executive Committee under this Article shall be by written secret ballot. The Application may be refused by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee if the members of the Executive Committee are of the opinion that, including but not limited to: (1) (2) (3) (iii) 9 there is a conflict of interest; if such a person was elected, it would prevent the Executive Committee from operating satisfactorily; or the person has had a political role in the Republic or overseas in the past two (2) years. In respect of candidates whose Applications have not been refused by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee (the “Candidates”), Individual Members present in person (or by proxy) at the Ordinary General Meeting in October/November shall propose in writing their candidates at the said General Meeting. Individual Members shall propose in writing their candidates chosen among Individual Members and Corporate Members shall propose in writing their No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment candidates chosen among Corporate Members.shall vote for their representative Candidate amongst the Candidates. (iv) Corporate Members shall follow the same procedure for their members who wish to be elected to the Executive Committee. Each Individual Member shall have one vote and each Corporate Member shall have such number of votes as is equal to the number of Deemed Shares held by it. Subject to Article 16, candidatesCandidates who have received the most votes shall be elected and in the case of two (2) or more candidatespersons receiving an equal number of votes, the chairman of the General Meeting shall have a second or casting vote. All voting for election of members of the Executive Committee under this Article shall be by written secret ballot. (d) RESERVE MEMBER. At the Ordinary General Meeting, the Individual Members shall nominate among themselves one reserve member of the Executive Committee who shall automatically fill any vacancy of an Individual Member in the Executive Committee created by reason of resignation, vacation of office (other than retirement of one third of the members of the Executive Committee as above (dc) RESERVE MEMBER. At the Ordinary General Meeting, the Individual Members shall nominate among themselves one reserveCandidate, who is an Individual Member having received the greatest number of votes after the Candidate who was elected as a member of the Executive Committeewho, shall be designated as a reserve member. He shall 10 The amendments to this Article are to set out clearly who can be appointed as a reserve member. Les modifications à cet article visent à énoncer clairement qui peut être désigné en tant que No. Existing Article Proposed amendment automatically fill any vacancy of an Individual Member in the Executive Committee created by reason of resignation, vacation of office (other than retirement of one third of the members of the Executive Committee as above provided), disqualification as set out in Article 39, death or removal. provided), death or removal. Corporate Members will proceed the same way for their reserve member. Reason for the amendment Membre de Réserve. Corporate Members willshall proceed in the same way for their reserve member. 20. 18. (a) PRESIDENT, TREASURER, SECRETARY. The Executive Committee shall forthwith elect among themselves a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary who must be of French nationality and registered at the French Embassy in the Republic. The President and the Treasurer must be members of the Executive Committee elected by the Corporate Members. 18. (a) PRESIDENT, TREASURER, AND GENERAL SECRETARY. The Executive Committee shall forthwith elect among themselves a President, a Treasurer and a General Secretary who mustshall be of French nationality and registered at the French Embassy in the Republic; provided that if there is no available French member to fill the position of Treasurer and/or General Secretary, the Executive Committee reserves the right to elect a non-French member(s) as the Treasurer and/or General Secretary (as the case may be). The President and the Treasurer must be chosen among the members of the Executive Committee elected by the Corporate Members. If there is no person who accepts the Treasurer position among the Corporate Members, the Corporate Members in the Executive Committee shall vote to decide which Individual Member of the Executive Committee is eligible to fill the Treasurer position. Upon such 11 This Article was amended to set out the procedure for selecting the General Secretary and the Treasurer. Cet article a été modifié afin de fixer la procédure relative à la sélection du Secrétaire Général et du Trésorier. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment Individual Member of the Executive Committee being chosen by the Corporate Members of the Executive Committee, such Individual Member’s appointment as Treasurer shall be subject to a vote by all the members of the Executive Committee. If at any time, the Treasurer is deemed unsuitable by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee, he shall resign. The term of the Treasurer shall not exceed four (4) consecutive years; and in the case of a Treasurer who has served a term of four (4) consecutive years, there shall be a lapse of at least one (1) year before he can be considered for re-election as the Treasurer. (b) COMPANY SECRETARY. For the purpose of compliance with the Act, the Executive Committee may appoint a company secretary who shall be a resident of the Republic for such term, at such remuneration and upon such conditions as they may think fit. The appointment and duties of the company secretary shall comply with the provisions of the Act. (b) COMPANY SECRETARY. For the purpose of compliance with the Act, the Executive Committee mayshall appoint a company secretary who shall be a resident of the Republic for such term, at such remuneration and upon such conditions as they may think fit. The appointment and duties of the company secretary shall comply with the provisions of the Act. (c) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The appointment and dismissal of the Executive Director shall be at the sole discretion of the majority of the members of the Executive Committee. The role of the Executive Director shall be of an operational nature, and he shall perform the duties that shall be 12 The addition of this paragraph is in accordance with the comments made by MOE. L’ajout de ce paragraphe fait suite à une recommandation du Ministère de l’Education Singapourien. This Article was added so as to set out the role of the Executive Director. Cet article a été ajouté pour définir le rôle du Directeur Exécutif. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment delegated to him by the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall report hierarchically to the Executive Committee and functionally to the Principal. 21. 20A. The Executive Committee shall cause each member of the Management Committee to: (a) maintain: (i) a telephone number; (ii) a residential address; and (iii) an electronic mail address or a facsimile number, 20A. The Executive Committee shall (if the following is required under applicable laws or regulations) cause each member of the Management Committee as well as its own members to: This Article was amended to provide that members of the Executive Committee also have to provide their contact details to the Council for Private Education. (a) Cet article a été modifié pour préciser que les membres du Conseil Exécutif doivent eux aussi fournir leurs coordonnées au Council for Private Education. at which he may be contacted by the Council for Private Education in relation to any matter concerning the School; (b) (c) upon the registration of the private education institution or his becoming a manager of the School, notify the Council for Private Education of the contact information he is required to maintain under paragraph (a); and notify the Council for Private Education of any change in the contact information he is required to maintain under paragraph (a) within a period of 14 (fourteen) days after the date of the change. maintain: (i) a telephone number; (ii) a residential address; and (iii) an electronic mail address or a facsimile number, at which he may be contacted by the Council for Private Education in relation to any matter concerning the School; (b) upon the registration of the private education institution or his becoming a manager of the School, notify the Council for Private Education of the contact information he is required to maintain under paragraph (a); and (c) notify the Council for Private Education of any change in the contact information he is required to maintain under paragraph (a) within a period of fourteen (14) days after the date of the change. 13 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment 22. 21. MEETINGS. The Executive Committee may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and business as they may think fit. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be convened on request of its President or by a requisition in writing signed by two members of the Executive Committee stating the objects for which such meetings are to be convened and forwarded to the Secretary. A member of the Executive Committee who is absent abroad shall not be entitled to notice of a meeting. 21. QUORUM. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Executive Committee shall be a majority personally present of the members of the Executive Committee. For the avoidance of doubt, there shall be at least three (3) members of the Executive Committee for the purpose of constituting a quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Executive Committee. 23. RESOLUTION IN WRITING. The Executive Committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of papers, and a resolution in writing signed by a majority of the members thereof shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee. 26. 23. 24. 23. 26. MEETINGS. The Executive Committee may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and business as they may think fit. For the avoidance of doubt, meetings of the Executive Committee may be held by means such as telephone, video conference or other similar communication by which all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear or be heard without the need for the participant to be physically present. The meeting shall be deemed to be held at the place where the Chairman of the meeting participates in the meeting. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be convened on request of its President or by a requisition in writing signed by twothree (3) members of the Executive Committee stating the objects for which such meetings are to be convened and forwarded to the General Secretary. Reason for the amendment This Article was amended to state that meetings of the Executive Committee are not limited to physical Executive Committee meetings, and provide for alternative modes of meetings. Cet article a été modifié afin de fournir des modes de réunion alternatifs à la réunion physique. QUORUM. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Executive Committee shall be a majority personally present of the members of the Executive Committee. For the avoidance of doubt, there shall be at least three (3) members of the Executive Committee for the purpose of constituting a quorum necessary for the transaction of the business(being more than half) of the members of the Executive Committee. This Article was amended to clarify what the quorum requirements are. RESOLUTION IN WRITING. The Executive Committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of papers, and a resolution in writing signed by a majority of the members thereof shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee. This Article was amended to state clearly what constitutes a resolution in writing, and the requirements to be complied with regards to resolutions in writing. 14 Cet article a été modifié afin de clarifier la définition du Quorum. Cet article a été modifié afin d’indiquer clairement en quoi consiste une Résolution No. Existing Article Proposed amendment A resolution in writing or copies thereof signed or approved by letter, telex or fascimile or other form of visible communication by majority of the members of the Executive Committee (or their alternates) shall be effective for all purposes as a resolution passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee duly convened, held and constituted. Reason for the amendment Ecrite et quels sont les critères qu’il convient de respecter. Any resolution may be signed in counterparts and when so signed all parts shall be read together as one document. A copy of the resolution signed by the members transmitted by fax or any form of electronic communication shall be sufficient evidence of the member’s signature and consent to the resolution for the Executive Committee to declare the resolution valid and effectual. None of the foregoing shall relieve any member from the obligation to deliver the originally signed resolution to the Executive Committee in due course. 25. 30. VACANCY. Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee by reason of death, resignation or removal or other disability will be filled firstly by the reserve member nominated in accordance with Article 17(d) and failing him by such person selected by the Executive Committee, but the person so chosen shall be subject to the same conditions as to eligibility and tenure of office as his predecessor. 30. VACANCY. Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee by reason of death, resignation or removal or other disability willshall be filled firstly by the reserve member nominated in accordance with Article 17(dc) and failing him by such person selected by the Executive Committee, but the person so chosen shall be subject to the same conditions as to eligibility and tenure of office as his predecessor. have to stand for election at the next Ordinary General Meeting. In addition, he shall not be eligible, prior to his election at such Ordinary General Meeting, to be appointed as President or Treasurer or General Secretary. 15 This Article was amended to state that the person who fills a vacancy in the Executive Committee has to stand for election at the next Ordinary General Meeting. This article also clarifies that the person who fills such vacancy, shall not be eligible, prior to his election at such Ordinary General Meeting, to be appointed as President or Treasurer or General Secretary. Cet article a été modifié pour indiquer que la personne qui remplace un membre du Conseil Exécutif doit se présenter aux élections lors de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire suivante. De plus, cet article précise que cette personne ne No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment peut pas, avant son élection, être désignée Président, Secrétaire Général ou Trésorier. 26. 31. MINUTES. The Executive Committee shall cause proper minutes to be made in books provided for the purpose of : (i) (ii) 31. the names of the members present at each meeting of the Executive Committee; and MINUTES. The Executive Committee shall cause proper minutes to be made in books provided for the purpose of : (i) all the resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. (ii) the names of the members present at each meeting of the Executive Committee; and all the resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. All discussions that occurred during the meeting and the minutes of the Executive Committee shall be kept confidential unless stated otherwise. 27. 32. (a) RECRUITMENT. Two recruitment are possible: methods of (i) Where application is made for the use of funds specially allocated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France for such posts, the recruitment is made according to the rules applicable to teachers seconded abroad through the Cultural Councellor with the agreement of the Executive Committee. (ii) Where the recruitment of the Principal is effected directly without recourse to the financial participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, the Cultural Councellor must nonetheless give his assent to the 32. (a) RECRUITMENT. Two methods recruitment are possible: of (i) Where application is made for the use of funds specially allocated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France for such posts, the recruitment is made according to the rules applicable to teachers seconded abroad through the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education with the agreement of the Executive Committee. (ii) Where the recruitment of the Principal is effected directly without recourse to the financial participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 16 This Article was amended to state that minutes of Executive Committee meetings shall be kept confidential. Cet article a été modifié de façon à préciser que les procès-verbaux des réunions du Conseil Exécutif sont confidentiels. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment France, the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education must nonetheless give his assent to the application submitted. In this case, the Executive Committee willshall determine the terms and conditions of the contract signed with the successful applicant. application submitted. In this case, the Executive Committee will determine the terms and conditions of the contract signed with the successful applicant. (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF PRINCIPAL. The Principal is responsible for the organisation of the School. His duties are among the following: - - He will prepare the work of the Educational Committee over which he will preside. He recruits, with the agreement of the Cultural Councellor and the Executive Committee, and has authority over all the staff placed at the service of the School. Reason for the amendment (b) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL. The Principal isshall be responsible for the organisation of the School. His duties are amonginclude the following: This Article was amended to state clearly the duties of the Principal and to comply with the latest AEFE Regulations. - He willshall prepare the work of the Educational Committee over which he willshall preside. Cet article a été modifié afin de préciser les responsabilités du Proviseur en accord avec les dernières définitions de l’AEFE. - He shall assume the entire educational responsibility of the School. - He shall ensure that the quality of the teaching provided at the School meets the requirements set out in the Certification Rules which are recognised as meeting the standard of the French National Curriculum (as defined by the Inter Ministerial Committee for the Certification of French Teaching Abroad presided by the French Ministry of Education). - He recruits, with the agreement As the person in charge of the organisation of the School and running of the scholastic life of the establishment, he will determine the work of each of the teachers within the framework of their contracts, draw up timetables, control the distribution of teaching material, ensure that proper teaching is carried out as well as the proper conduct of tests and examinations. He will take all measures in liaison with the Management Committee to ensure the safeguard of persons and property, the sanitation and hygiene of the establishment. 17 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment He is responsible for the order of the establishment. He will ensure the respect of the rights and duties of all the members of the scholastic community and the application of the internal rules and regulations. He will take disciplinary action. He may, in an emergency, particularly in the event of threats or action against order of the school premises: - - prohibit access to all persons on the premises, whether they are attached to the establishment or not; or suspend all classes activities of the School. or other In that event he must, as soon as possible, give an explanation for the decisions taken in application of the present Article and inform the different Committees and the Cultural Councellor. Reason for the amendment of the Cultural Councellor and the Executive Committee, and The Principal’s responsibility, as set out in the paragraph above, is the founding principle of his authority. As such, the Principal has hierarchal authority overupon all the academic educational staff placed at the service of the School and functional authority in respect of all the other staff whatever their status and regardless of whom appointed them. As the person in charge of the organisation of the School and running of the scholasticeducational life of the establishment, he willshall determine the work of each of the teachers within the framework of their contracts, draw up time-tables, control the distribution of teaching material, ensure that proper teaching is carried out as well as the proper conduct of tests and examinations. He willshall take all measures in liaison with the ManagementExecutive Committee and the Executive Director to ensure the safeguard of persons and property, the sanitation and hygiene of the establishment. He isshall be responsible for the order of the establishment. He willshall ensure the respect of the rights and duties of all the members of the scholasticeducational community and the application of the internal rules and regulations. 18 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment He willshall take disciplinary action. He may, in an emergency, particularly in the event of threats or action against order of the school premises: - - prohibit access to all persons on the premises, whether they are attached to the establishment or not; or suspend all classes or other activities of the School. In that event he must, as soon as possible, give an explanation for the decisions taken in application of the present Article and inform the different Committees and the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education. 28. 33. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. The Educational Committee will examine and advise the Principal on all educational aspects. The Executive Committee will be kept informed of the deliberations and will have to give its approval before implementation of any decision with cost or financial consequences. For all other matters, deliberations will be validly applied provided the Cultural Councellor does not make any objection within 20 (twenty) days after their publication. In case of disagreement expressed by the Executive Committee toward such matters without financial consequences, the final decision will then be taken by the Cultural Councellor. A further examination of certain questions may be requested. 33. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. The Educational Committee willshall examine and advise the Principal on all educational aspects. The Executive Committee willshall be kept informed of the deliberations and willshall have to give its approval before implementation of any decision with cost or financial consequences. For all other matters, deliberations willshall be validly applied provided the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education does not make any objection within twenty (20) days after their publication. In case of disagreement expressed by the Executive Committee toward such matters without financial consequences, the final decision willshall then be taken by the Cultural Counscellor for Culture, Science and Education. A further examination of certain questions may be requested. 19 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment The Educational Committee shall advise and present all suggestions to the Principal on the educational role of the School and all questions pertaining to the running and the life of the School, including the following: The Educational Committee shall advise and present all suggestions to the Principal on the educational role of the School and all questions pertaining to the running and the life of the School, including the following - - the creation or cancellation of classes or subjects; teaching methods and the use of free periods; principles for the development of the school syllabus and the distribution of the working hours of the teachers and time tables; the choice of text books; the pedagogic agreements to which the School is a signatory; information of staff, parents and students; social questions; programmes for associations operating within the School particularly the sports association and socio-educational associations. - - In respect of the examination of a specific question, the Educational Committee may, with the agreement of the Principal, create for the duration of the survey, a special subcommittee and determine its object and composition. (a) The Educational Committee will comprise of such committee members as required by the regulations of the Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger of France as may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time. For the time being, the Educational Committee is Reason for the amendment the creation or cancellation of classes or subjects; teaching methods and the use of free periods; principles for the development of the school syllabus and the distribution of the working hours of the teachers and time tables; the choice of text books; the pedagogic agreements to which the School is a signatory; information of staff, parents and students; social questions; programmes for associations operating within the School particularly the sports association and, socio-educational and humanitarian associations. In respect of the examination of a specific question, the Educational Committee may, with the agreement of the Principal, create for the duration of the survey, a special subcommittee and determine its object and composition. (a) The Educational Committee willshall comprise of such committee members as required by the regulations of the Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger of France (“AEFE Regulations”) as may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time. For the time being, the Educational Committee 20 The amendments of this Article were made to comply with the AEFE Regulations vis-à-vis members of the Educational Committee. Les modifications apportées à cet article visent à mettre la composition du Conseil d’Etablissement en conformité avec les derniers textes de l’AEFE. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment composed of: is composed of shall comprise the following: (i) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (v) the Principal, Chairman of the Committee; a representative of the Executive Committee who shall be appointed by its Chairman; two (2) elected representatives of the administrative and service personnel; five (5) teachers elected from the School out of which three (3) shall be from the Primary/Infant Section and two (2) from the Secondary Section; five (5) parents of children regularly registered at the School out of which: (a) (b) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) three (3) shall be nominated by the Management Committee; and two (2) shall be elected by the parents at the Ordinary General Meeting held on October/November (one from the Primary Section and the other from the Secondary Section); (vi) two (2) elected representatives from the students; and (vii) three (3) prominent members of the French community in Singapore, including: (vi) (vii) (a) (b) (c) the representative of the French Business Association; the representative of the Association Francaise in Singapore; and the third member who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Educational Committee in agreement with the Cultural Councellor in view of his the Principal, Chairman of the Committee; a representative of the Executive Committee who shall be appointed by its Chairman; two (2) elected representatives of the administrative and service personnel; five (5) teachers elected from the School out of which three (3) shall be from the Primary/Infant Section and two (2) from the Secondary Section; five (5) parents of children regularly registered at the School out of which: (a) three (3) shall be nominated by the (b) two (2) shall be elected by the parents at the Ordinary General Meeting held on October/November (one from the Primary Section and the other from the Secondary Section);two (2) elected representatives from the students; and three (3) prominent members of the French community in Singapore, including: (a) the representative of the French Business Association; (b) the representative of the Association Francaise in Singapore; and (c) the third member who shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Educational Committee in agreement with the Cultural Councellor in view of his competence in the educational 21 Reason for the amendment No. Existing Article Proposed amendment competence in the educational field. field. The Vice-Principal, the Director of the Primary School, the Director of the Kindergarten, the Education Councellor and the Chief Operating Officer are members of the Educational Committee by right. The Vice-Principal, the Director of the Primary School, the Director of the Kindergarten, the Education Councellor and the Chief Operating Officer are members of the Educational Committee by right. The Cultural Councellor or his representative and the Supervisor may attend all the meetings of the Educational Committee. The Chairman of the Educational Committee may invite any person whose presence he deems useful at a meeting of the Educational Committee, on a consultative basis. (i) Members with a right to vote: (a) Management: Committee; and - The Principal - Chairman of the Committee - The Counsellor for Culture, Science and Education or his representative - The Vice-Principal(s) - The Executive Director or his representative - The most Senior Education Counselor, within the meaning of the AEFE Regulations - Primary School Director(s), within the meaning of the AEFE Regulations (b) Staff: - Teachers representatives elected at the beginning of each academic year by their peers - Representatives of the nonteaching staff elected at the beginning of each academic year by their peers (c) Parents and Students: - Parents representatives The Principal will fix dates and times for the meetings of the Educational Committee, which shall be held at least once a school term, at the beginning of each school term. He will send letters convening the meeting together with the draft agenda and preparatory documents at least 10 (ten) days prior to the meeting of the Educational Committee. This period of notice might be reduced in an emergency at the discretion of the Principal. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Educational Committee shall be a majority of the members of the Educational Committee. If this quorum is not reached, the Educational Committee will be convened with the view of holding another meeting which must be held within a minimum of 8 (eight) and a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days. It will then deliberate validly whatever the number of members present. In case of an emergency, this period may be reduced at the discretion of the Principal. The minutes of the meeting of the Educational Committee shall be sent within ten days following the meeting to the Executive Committee and the Reason for the amendment 22 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Cultural Councellor. elected for one academic year, in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 33(b) - Students representatives elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic year The Educational Committee shall meet in disciplinary session to decide upon the proposal submitted by the Principal to expel a student. (b) Reason for the amendment All the members of the Educational Committee will be appointed or elected for a term of 1 (one) year and may be reappointed or reelected. (ii) Consultative Members with no voting rights: - The French Vice-Consul, head of Consular Section - The Representatives of French Nationals abroad, or their representatives as appointed by the Ambassador of France - The Vice-President of the Student Committee, within the meaning of the AEFE Regulations - Local public figures chosen from the French Community for their competence/expertise in the social, economic and cultural domain on the Principal's proposal within the meaning of the AEFE Regulations - The President of the Association(s) of French in Singapore or his representative - The President of the Student Alumni or his representative, within the meaning of the AEFE Regulations - Two Representatives of the Executive Committee duly appointed by the Executive Committee - The Regional Coordinator of the AEFE management The Cultural Councellor Supervisor or his representative and the Supervisor may attend all the 23 No. Existing Article Proposed amendment meetings of the Educational Committee. The Chairman of the Educational Committee may invite any person whose presence he deems useful at a meeting of the Educational Committee, on a consultative basis. The Principal willshall fix dates and times for the meetings of the Educational Committee, which shall be held at least once a school term, at the beginning of each school term. He willshall send letters convening the meeting together with the draft agenda and preparatory documents at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting of the Educational Committee. This period of notice mightmay be reduced in an emergency at the discretion of the Principal. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Educational Committee shall be a majority of the members of the Educational Committee. If this quorum is not reached, the Educational Committee willshall be convened with the view of holding another meeting which must be held within a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of fourteen (14) days. It willshall then deliberate validly whatever the number of members present. In case of an emergency, this period may be reduced at the discretion of the Principal. The minutes of the meeting of the Educational Committee shall be sent within ten days following the meeting to its members, the Executive Committee and the Cultural Councellor. The Educational Committee shall meet in disciplinary session to decide upon the proposal submitted by the Principal to expel a studentCounscellor for Culture, Science and Education as soon as practical. (b) All members of the Educational Committee will be appointed or elected for a term of 1 (one) 24 Reason for the amendment No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment year and may be reappointed or reelected. All parents representatives shall be elected by the Individual Members of the Association for one (1) year through an internet voting system or any method deemed fit by the General Secretary. The result of the election shall be confirmed by the Chairman as defined in Article 53 during the Ordinary General Meeting. 29. 34. The Educational Committee shall present reports of its work to the Executive Committee who shall decide on the implementation of the suggested projects. (c) The remaining members of the Educational Committee shall be appointed or elected for a term of one (1) year and may be reappointed or re-elected according to the AEFE regulations. 34. The Educational Committee, through the Principal or his duly appointed representative, shall present reports of its work to the Executive Committee who shall decide on the implementation of the suggested projects. This Article was amended to clarify that the Educational Committee presents, inter alia, reports on its activities through the Principal or his duly authorised representative. Cet article a été modifié afin de préciser que le Conseil d’Etablissement rapporte sur ses activités au Conseil Exécutif via le Proviseur ou son représentant. 30. 34A. The Educational Committee shall keep proper records, including records containing information on: (i) the administration of the courses offered or provided by the School; (ii) the teachers deployed by the School; (iii) the attendance of the students of the School; and (iv) such particulars as may be prescribed about the School's administration and governance arrangements, financial viability, educational programmes and student welfare processes, resources and 34A. The Educational Committee shall keep proper records, including records containing information on but not limited to: (i) the administration of the courses offered or provided by the School; (ii) the teachers deployed by the School; (iii) the attendance of the students of the School; and (iv) such particulars as may be prescribed about the School's administration and governance arrangements, financial viability, educational programmes and 25 This Article was amended to state that the documents that the Educational Committee has to retain are not limited to those documents specified in Article 34A. Cet article a été modifié pour préciser que les documents que le Conseil d’Etablissement doit conserver ne se limitent pas à ceux précises dans l’article 34A. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment other matters. 31. 32. 35 36. student welfare processes, resources and other matters. REMOVAL, DISMISSAL, RESIGNATION. The Executive Committee may remove or dismiss a member of the Management Committee from office and any Member so removed or dismissed and any Member whose term of office has expired and has not been renewed or extended by the Executive Committee shall forthwith tender his resignation in writing to the Director of Education as a registered manager under the Education Act. 35 MANAGE INTERNAL AFFAIRS. The Management Committee shall manage the internal affairs of the School in co-operation with the Principal and in consultation with the Executive Committee and Educational Committee. 36. (b) Reason for the amendment (b) REMOVAL, DISMISSAL, RESIGNATION. The Executive Committee may remove or dismiss a member of the Management Committee from office and any Membermember so removed or dismissed and any Membermember whose term of office has expired and has not been renewed or extended by the Executive Committee shall forthwith tender his resignation in writing to the Director of Education as a registered manager under the Education Act. MANAGE INTERNAL AFFAIRS. The Management Committee shall manage the internal affairs of the School in co-operation with the Principal and in consultation with the Executive Committee and Educational Committee. The editorial amendments were made to this Article as “Member” refers to a member of the Association, and not the Management Committee. Cette modification rédactionnelle est due au fait que « Membre » correspond aux membres de l’Association et non à ceux du Comité de Gestion. This Article was deleted because the provisions of this previous Article 36 have been combined into the new Article 36, so as to highlight the special responsibility of the Management Committee. L’article 36 a été modifié car ses dispositions ont été combinées avec celles du nouvel article 36 afin de mettre en valeur les responsabilités spéciales du Comité de Gestion. 33. 34. 37. 37A. SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY. It shall be the special responsibility of a Management Committee to conduct the school in accordance with the Education Act, and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director of Education. 3736. ACADEMIC 37A. BOARD. The School shall SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY. It shall be the special responsibility of athe Management Committee to conduct the schoolSchool in accordance with the Education Act, with the co-operation of the Principal and in consultation with the Executive Committee and Educational Committee, and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Director of Education This Article was re-numbered as the existing Article 36 was deleted. ACADEMIC BOARD. This Article was re-numbered as the existing 26 The School shall Cet article a été renuméroté suite à la suppression de l’article 36. No. 35. Existing Article 37B. Proposed amendment establish and maintain an Academic Board which shall consist of no fewer than 3 (three) Members in accordance with the provisions of the Private Education Regulations. The Academic Board shall report to the Educational Committee. establish and maintain an Academic Board which shall consist of no fewer than 3 (three) (3) members Members in accordance with the provisions of the Private Education Regulations. The Academic Board shall report to the Educational Committee. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACADEMIC BOARD. The Academic Board shall have the following responsibilities: 37AB. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACADEMIC BOARD. The Academic Board shall have the following responsibilities: (a) to develop and review the policies and procedures on all academic matters of the School, including but not limited to academic quality assurance measures; and (b) to facilitate the implementation of and compliance with such policies and procedures. (a) to develop and review the policies and procedures on all academic matters of the School, including but not limited to academic quality assurance measures; and (b) to facilitate the implementation of and compliance with such policies and procedures. 37C. EXAMINATION BOARD. The School shall establish and maintain an Examination Board which shall consist of no fewer than 3 (three) members in accordance with the provisions of the Private Education Regulations. The Examination Board shall report to the Educational Committee. 37BC. EXAMINATION BOARD. The School shall establish and maintain an Examination Board which shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members in accordance with the provisions of the Private Education Regulations. The Examination Board shall report to the Educational Committee. 37D. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board shall have the responsibility to develop examination and assessment procedures for the School, including but not limited to: 37CD. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board shall have the responsibility to develop examination and assessment procedures for the School, including but not limited to: (a) the security of examination scripts and 27 Reason for the amendment Article 36 was deleted. Cet article a été renuméroté suite à la suppression de l’article 36. The editorial amendments were made to this Article as “Member” refers to a member of the Association, and not the Academic Board. Cette modification rédactionnelle est due au fait que « Membre » correspond aux membres de l’Association et non à ceux du « Academic Board ». The existing Articles 37B to 37E were renumbered to Article 37A to 37D respectively as the existing Article 36 was deleted. Les articles 37B à 37E ont été renumérotés en article 37A à 37D suite à la suppression de l’article 36. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment (a) the security of examination scripts and answer scripts; and (b) the conduct of assessments; of (c) the duties and responsibilities invigilators and markers; answer scripts; 37E. 38 examinations examinations and (b) the conduct assessments; (c) the duties and responsibilities invigilators and markers; (d) the moderation of examination assessment marks; and and (d) the moderation of examination and assessment marks; and (e) the handling of appeals from students with regard to examination or assessment matters. (e) the handling of appeals from students with regard to examination or assessment matters. VACATION OF OFFICE OF MEMBER OF ACADEMIC BOARD OR EXAMINATION BOARD. No person shall be appointed or continue to hold office as a member of the Academic Board or the Examination Board if he: (a) is an undischarged bankrupt; (b) has been convicted in any court of law in the Republic or elsewhere for an offence under the Private Education Act, or for any other offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or the conviction for which involved a finding that he had acted fraudulently or dishonestly; or (c) 36. of Reason for the amendment (a) 37DE. VACATION OF OFFICE OF MEMBER OF ACADEMIC BOARD OR EXAMINATION BOARD. No person shall be appointed or continue to hold office as a member of the Academic Board or the Examination Board if he: (a) is an undischarged bankrupt; (b) has been convicted in any court of law in the Republic or elsewhere for an offence under the Private Education Act, or for any other offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or the conviction for which involved a finding that he had acted fraudulently or dishonestly; or (c) is otherwise disqualified under the Private Education Act. (a) APPOINTMENT. The Executive Committee shall with the agreement of the majority of the members of the is otherwise disqualified under the Private Education Act. APPOINTMENT. The Executive Committee shall with the agreement of the majority of the members of the Management of 38 28 This Article was amended to provide for the amended procedure by which the Executive Committee appoints the Supervisor. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Committee nominate a member of the school Management Committee to be the supervisor of the School (the “Supervisor”) either for a fixed term or without any limitation as to the period for which he is to hold such office and thereupon the Management Committee shall recommend such person to the Director of Education for his approval in accordance with the Education Act. The Supervisor shall preferably be chosen among the members of the Executive Committee elected by the Individual Members. (c) 37. 39. REPLACEMENT. The Executive Committee with the agreement of the majority of the members of the Management Committee shall nominate another Supervisor to replace one who has been removed or dismissed or whose term of office has expired and thereupon the Management Committee shall recommend such person to the Director of Education for his approval in accordance with the Education Act. VACATION OF OFFICE. The office of a member of the Executive Committee, the Educational Committee and the Management Committee shall be vacated if:(i) Management Committee nominate a member of the school Management Committee to be nominate one of its members as the supervisor of the School (the “Supervisor”) either for a fixed term or without any limitation as to the period for which he is to hold such office and thereupon the Management Committee shall recommend such person to the Director of Education for his approval in accordance with the Education Act. The Supervisor shall preferably be chosen among the members of the Executive Committee elected by the Individual Members. He is or becomes disqualified by law from acting as a director of a company incorporated under the Act, or if he becomes bankrupt or makes a composition or scheme of arrangement with his (c) 39. Cet article a été modifié afin de mettre à jour la procédure selon laquelle le Conseil Exécutif désigne le Superviseur. REPLACEMENT. The Executive Committee with the agreement of the majority of the members of the Management Committee shall nominate another Supervisor to replace one who has been removed or dismissed or whose term of office has expired and thereupon the Management Committee shall recommend such person to the Director of Education for his approval in accordance with the Education Act. VACATION OF OFFICE. The office of a member of the Executive Committee, the Educational Committee and the Management Committee shall be vacated if:(i) Reason for the amendment He is or becomes disqualified by law from acting as a director of a company incorporated under the Act, or if he becomes bankrupt or makes a composition or scheme of arrangement 29 This Article was amended to provide that Educational Committee members are not bound by the “vacation of office” provisions, and to add the additional circumstances that vacation of office is required for members of the Executive Committee and the Management Committee, but not the Educational Committee. Cet article a été modifié afin d’indiquer que ses No. Existing Article Proposed amendment creditors. 38. 41. with his creditors. (ii) He is found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind. (ii) He is found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind. (iii) He resigns his office by notice in writing to the Association. (iii) He resigns his office by notice in writing to the Association. (iv) He is directly or indirectly interested in any contract with the Association and fails to disclose the nature of his interest in manner required by the Act. (iv) He is directly or indirectly interested in any contract with the Association and fails to disclose the nature of his interest in manner required by the Act. (v) He is no longer a Member under Articles 7, 8 or 10 of these Articles. (v) He is no longer a Member under Articles 7, 8 or 10 of these Articles. (vi) He takes on a political role in the Republic or overseas. (vii) He ceases to be ordinarily resident in the Republic. (viii) The other members of the Executive Committee, or Management Committee that he serves on (as the case may be) are of the view that he utilises his position as a member in any way whatsoever for the purposes of furthering personal benefit or gain. (ix) He is deemed unsuitable in accordance with the ethical principles of the Executive Committee to be a member of the Executive Committee or Management Committee that he serves on (where applicable). AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE. The Chairman of the Executive Committee or, failing him, any 41. AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE. The ChairmanPresident of the Executive Committee 30 Reason for the amendment dispositions ne concernent pas le Conseil d’Etablissement et afin d’ajouter des cas dans lesquels les membres du Conseil Exécutif ou du Comité de gestion doivent quitter leurs fonctions. The term “Chairman” was changed to “President” for clarity as the definition of No. Existing Article Proposed amendment or, failing him, the Treasurer, or the General Secretary, or, failing them, any member of the Executive Committee appointed by resolution of the Executive Committee, shall be the authorised representative of the Association. member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee, shall be the authorised representative of the Association. Reason for the amendment “President” was added. Changement du terme “Chairman” pour “Président” pour clarification suite à l’ajout d’une définition du Président. The existing Article 41 provides for any member of the Executive Committee, in lieu of the President of the Executive Committee, to be appointed as the authorised representative of the Association. The amended Article provides for the Treasurer or General Secretary, or failing them, any member of the Executive Committee appointed by resolution of the Executive Committee, to take on the role of authorised representative of the Association. L’article 41 existant dispose que tout membre du Conseil Exécutif peut être désigné comme représentant autorisé de l’Association à la place du Président. L’article modifié indique que le Trésorier ou le Secrétaire Général ou, à défaut, tout membre du Conseil Exécutif peut être comme représentant autorisé de l’Association via une résolution du Conseil Exécutif. 39. 48. MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED. Members who are desirous of having particular questions regarding any item in the agenda to be considered at any General Meeting must communicate in writing the text of such questions to the Executive Committee at least seven (7) days before the date fixed for the holding of the General Meeting, and subject to applicable law, the Executive Committee shall have the full discretion to decide whether or not to include such questions for consideration at the General Meeting. The agenda for the General Meetings must include:- 48. MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED. Members who are desirous of having particular questions regarding any item in the agenda to be considered at any General Meeting must communicate in writing the text of such questions to the Executive Committee at least seven (7) days before the date fixed for the holding of the General Meeting, and subject to applicable law, the Executive Committee shall have the full discretion to decide whether or not to include such questions for consideration at the General Meeting. The agenda for the General Meetings must include:31 No. Existing Article (i) Proposed amendment At the Ordinary General Meeting - - (i) Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting Report on the beginning of the academic year Consideration of the interim administrative and financial accounts for the current and next financial year Election of new members of the new Executive Committee Election of the members of the Educational Committee Release of the outgoing Executive Committee in its financial and other functions. At the Ordinary General Meeting - - - 40. 41. 53. 54. CHAIRMAN. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Association. If at any meeting the Chairman shall not be present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meetings, or if he shall have previously notified the Association of his intention of not being present, one of the members of the Executive Committee shall preside, or if no member of the Executive Committee be present or willing to take the chair, the Members present who are entitled to vote shall choose one of their Members to preside. 53. ADJOURNMENT. The Chairman may with the consent of any General Meeting at which a quorum 54. Reason for the amendment Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting Report on the beginning of the academic year Consideration of the interim administrative and financial accounts for the current and next financial year Election of new members of the new Executive Committee ElectionConfirmation of the memberselection of the parents’ representatives of the Educational Committee by the Chairman as defined in Article 53. Release of the outgoing Executive Committee in its financial and other functions. This paragraph was amended to provide clarity on how parents’ representatives are elected. Cet article a été modifié de façon à préciser le mode d’élection des représentants des parents d’élève. CHAIRMAN. The ChairmanPresident of the Executive Committee shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Association. If at any meeting the ChairmanPresident shall not be present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meetings, or if he shall have previously notified the Association of his intention of not being present, one of the members of the Executive Committee shall preside, or if no member of the Executive Committee be present or willing to take the chair, the Members present who are entitled to vote shall choose one of their Members to preside. This is an editorial amendment. ADJOURNMENT. The Chairman may with the consent of any General Meeting at which a An editorial amendment was made to this Article by adding “(8)”. 32 Modification rédactionnelle. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Reason for the amendment quorum is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting) adjourn the General Meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned General Meeting other than the business left unfinished at the General Meeting from which the adjournment took place. When a General Meeting is adjourned for eight (8) days or more, notice of the adjourned General Meeting shall as far as possible be given in the same manner as of an original General Meeting. Save as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned General Meeting. is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting) adjourn the General Meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned General Meeting other than the business left unfinished at the General Meeting from which the adjournment took place. When a General Meeting is adjourned for eight days or more, notice of the adjourned General Meeting shall as far as possible be given in the same manner as of an original General Meeting. Save as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned General Meeting. 42. 60. DEPOSIT OF PROXY. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deposited with the Secretary, before the time fixed for holding the General Meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote; otherwise the person so named shall not be entitled to vote in respect thereof. No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid except for the General Meeting mentioned therein and any adjournment thereof. 60. DEPOSIT OF PROXY. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deposited with the General Secretary, before the time fixed for holding the General Meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote; otherwise the person so named shall not be entitled to vote in respect thereof. No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid except for the General Meeting mentioned therein and any adjournment thereof. 43. 61. REVOCATION OF PROXY. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the proxy, provided no intimation in writing of the death, insanity, or revocation shall have been received by the Secretary before the time fixed for holding the General Meeting, or if the meeting has been adjourned, before the time fixed for holding the adjourned meeting. 61. REVOCATION OF PROXY. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the proxy, provided no intimation in writing of the death, insanity, or revocation shall have been received by the General Secretary before the time fixed for holding the General Meeting, or if the meeting has been adjourned, before the time fixed for holding the adjourned meeting. 44. 64. KEEPING OF ACCOUNTS. The books of account 64. KEEPING OF ACCOUNTS. 33 The books of Modification rédactionnelle afin d’ajouter (8) après la mention “eight”. This Article was amended so that the books of No. Existing Article Proposed amendment shall be kept at the Registered Office of the Association or at such other place or places as the Executive Committee think fit, and shall always be open to the inspection of the members of the Executive Committee. 45. 46. 47. 48. 67. 67A. 68. 71. Reason for the amendment account shall be kept at the Registered Office of the Association or at such other place or places as the Executive Committee think fit, and shall always be open to the inspection of the members of the Executive Committee during normal business hours. account can only be inspected during normal business hours. Cet article a été modifié pour préciser que les comptes peuvent être inspectés uniquement pendant les heures d’ouverture normales. BALANCE SHEET TO BE SENT TO MEMBERS. A copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) which is to be laid before the Association in General Meeting together with a copy of the Auditor's Report shall not less than 14 (fourteen) days before the date of the meeting be sent to all persons entitled to receive notice of General Meetings of the Association. 67. BALANCE SHEET TO BE SENT TO MEMBERS. A copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) which is to be laid before the Association in General Meeting together with a copy of the Auditor's Report shall not be sent less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting be sent to all persons entitled to receive notice of General Meetings of the Association. There was an editorial amendment to this Article. ANNUAL REPORT. The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to the Council for Private Education, by the 31st of December each year, an annual report on the activities and affairs of the Associations in accordance with the Private Education Act 2009. 687A. ANNUAL REPORT. The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to the Council for Private Education, by the 31st of December each year, an annual report on the activities and affairs of the Associations in accordance with the Private Education Act 2009. This Article was amended so that the defined term “Private Education Act” is set out accurately and renumbered further to current article 68’s deletion. RECEIPTS. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys coming into the Association. His receipt shall be the only sufficient discharge and he shall pay into a Bank to be named by the Executive Committee all money received by him. 68. SEAL. The Executive Committee may from time to time make regulations as to the custody and use of the Seal. Until arrangements to the contrary shall be made by the Executive Committee, the Seal shall be kept at the Registered Office or at such other place 71. RECEIPTS. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys coming into the Association. His receipt shall be the only sufficient discharge and he shall pay into a Bank to be named by the Executive Committee all money received by him. SEAL. The Executive Committee may from time to time make regulations as to the custody and use of the Seal. Until arrangements to the contrary shall be made by the Executive Committee, the Seal shall be kept at the 34 Modification rédactionnelle. Cet article a été modifié avec de mettre à jour la référence au Private Education Act et renuméroté suite à la suppression de l’article 68 actuel. This Article was deleted as it is no longer in use and not mandatory under the relevant regulations governing the LFS. Cet article a été supprimé car il est tombé en désuétude et ses dispositions ne sont pas imposées par l’environnement légal du LFS. No. Existing Article Proposed amendment Registered Office or at such other place as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine, and all documents requiring the Seal to be affixed thereto shall be signed (i) by two (2) members of the Executive Committee and (ii) by the General Secretary or some other person appointed by the Executive Committee. as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine, and all documents requiring the Seal to be affixed thereto shall be signed (i) by two members of the Executive Committee and (ii) by the Secretary or some other person appointed by the Executive Committee. 49. 72. SERVICE. A notice may be served by the Association upon any Member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such Member at his address appearing in the register of Members kept by the School, and any communication, request, notice or proxy to be given by any Member under any of these Articles shall be delivered to the Registered Office for the attention of the Association or the Executive Committee or the person referred to in the relevant Article, as the case may be. Reason for the amendment 72. SERVICE. A notice may be served by the Association upon any Member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such Member at his address appearing in the register of Members kept by the School, and any communication, request, notice or proxy to be given by any Member under any of these Articles shall be delivered to the Registered Office for the attention of the Association or the Executive Committee or the person referred to in the relevant Article, as the case may be. A notice may also be served by the Association upon any Member by electronic means: at his electronic mail address (“email address”) as appearing in the Register of Members (if any); or at any other email address or website supplied by him to the Association for the purpose of such transmission. 35 This Article was amended to provide an alternative means in which a notice may be served. Cet article a été modifié afin de prévoir d’autres moyens de notification en intégrant les nouvelles technologies. Annexe III : Discours de l’Ambassadeur de France à Singapour, Benjamin Dubertret Monsieur le Président du Conseil Exécutif, Monsieur le Proviseur, Monsieur le Directeur exécutif, Chers amis, chers parents, Cette Assemblée Générale est naturellement très particulière, tant les attentats du 13 novembre restent présents dans nos cœurs, tant ils ont bouleversé nos consciences et celles de nos enfants. Comme en janvier dernier, un magnifique élan de solidarité nationale s’est manifesté à Singapour et le LFS y a pris toute sa part. Nombre d’entre vous étaient présents à l’Ambassade lundi dernier et je sais qu’un important travail a été effectué auprès des élèves pour les aider, en adaptant le discours à chaque âge, à surmonter cette épreuve traumatisante. Au-delà d’une légitime émotion, de la compassion à l’égard des victimes et de leurs proches, et d’une solidarité nationale réaffirmée avec force, reste la réalité d’un contexte géopolitique et sécuritaire nouveau avec, pour de nombreux pays, mais plus particulièrement pour le nôtre, la nécessité d’en tirer les conséquences. C’est le cas sur notre territoire, mais je ne reviendrai pas ici sur les mesures qui ont été prises afin de répondre aux actes de Daech. C’est aussi le cas en matière de protection des emprises françaises à l’étranger, pour lesquelles le Ministère des affaires étrangères a appelé à la plus grande vigilance. Comme je l’ai indiqué lors du récent comité de sécurité, il ne s’agit naturellement pas de céder à la panique, mais de prendre la mesure d’une menace nécessitant une réelle prise de conscience individuelle et collective. De réels progrès ont été réalisés au LFS dans ce domaine, notamment depuis janvier dernier, mais il faut sans doute encore renforcer ce dispositif, tout en ayant bien conscience qu’un établissement scolaire a des spécificités dont il faut tenir compte. Cette ambassade est à la disposition du LFS pour l’aider dans cette démarche et des discussions ont déjà eu lieu dans cette optique. Mais si des protocoles et matériels de surveillance efficaces sont nécessaires, ils ne sont pas suffisants, car la sécurité est d’abord l’affaire de tous et de chacun, et je sais pouvoir compter sur votre sens des responsabilités. Après le 13 novembre, tout paraît devoir être relativisé, mais je voudrais revenir brièvement sur l’épisode de haze qui a perturbé cette rentrée 2015. En lien avec l’ambassade, le protocole prévu à cet effet a été précisé, avec, en permanence, le souci de privilégier la santé de vos enfants. Adapter à tout moment la vie d’un lycée de 2800 élèves à un phénomène changeant chaque heure au grès du vent n’est pas chose aisée mais, au final, cet épisode a été surmonté avec responsabilité. Enfin, et pour terminer sur une note plus réjouissante, je voudrais ici saluer le travail de l’ensemble du LFS, son conseil exécutif, ses personnels, enseignants et administratifs, qui n’ont pas ménagé leurs efforts pour que l’installation dans ces nouveaux locaux se fasse le plus tôt possible et dans les meilleures conditions pour nos enfants. Dans un contexte de croissance non démentie, cette extension permet au LFS de faire rayonner davantage la présence française à Singapour et d’être attractif auprès des autres communautés, notamment européennes. Plus que jamais, nous devons être fiers de notre école et de ses valeurs. Plus que jamais, elle doit prôner la Liberté, l’Egalité et la Fraternité et je me réjouis que notre devise nationale soit prochainement mise en exergue sur les murs du LFS. Je vous remercie.
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