Publications du Groupe "Energie et Transferts" Publications dans des revues à facteur d’impact Année 2014 1. M. H. Ahmadi, M. A. Ahmadi, M. Mehrpoova, H. Hosseinzade and M. Feidt, Thermodynamic and thermo-economic analysis and optimization of performance of irreversible four-temperature-level absorption refrigeration Energy Conversion and Management, vol.88, 1051-1059, 2014. 2. M. H. Ahmadi, M. A. Ahmadi, A. H. Mohammadi, M. Feidt and S. M. Pourkiaei, Multi-objective optimization of an irreversible Stirling cryogenic refrigerator cycle, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.82, 351-360, 2014. 3. M. H. Ahmadi, M. A. Ahmadi, A. H. Mohammadi, M. Mehrpoova and M. Feidt, Thermodynamic optimization of Stirling heat pump based on multiple criteria, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.80, 319-328, 2014. 4. F. Asllanaj, S. Contassot-Vivier, A. Liemert and A. Kienle, Radiative transfer equation for predicting light propagation in biological media: comparison of a modified finite volume method, the Monte Carlo technique, and an exact analytical solution, Journal of biomedical optics, vol.19 (1), 10, 2014. 5. R. Auvray, S. Rosin-Paumier, A. Abdallah and F. Masrouri, Quantification of soft soil cracking during suction cycles by image processing, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, vol.18 (1), 11-32, 2014. 6. S. A. Bahrani, Y. Jannot and A. Degiovanni, Extension and optimization of a three-layer method for the estimation of thermal conductivity of super-insulating materials, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.116 (14), 8, 2014. 7. M. Blaise and M. Feidt, A four objectives optimization for an energy system considered in the environment, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 1-11, 2014. 8. G. Blanck, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri, Soil treatment with organic nontraditional additives for the improvement of earthworks, Acta Geotechnica, vol.9 (6), 1111-1122, 2014. 9. M. B. Boubaker, B. Le Corre, Y. Meshaka and G. Jeandel, Finite element simulation of the slumping process of a glass plate using 3D generalized viscoelastic Maxwell model, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol.405, 45-54, 2014. 10. B. Cherki, B. Rémy, A. Khabbazi, Y. Jannot and D. Baillis, Experimental thermal properties characterization of insulating cork-gypsum composite, Construction and Building Materials, vol.54, 202-209, 2014. 11. D. Coinchelin, D. Stemmelen and F. Bartoli, A simple model for estimating Ni availability and leaf Ni accumulation for the Ni-hyperaccumulator Plant and soil, vol.374, 131-142, 2014. 12. T. Colinart, J. C. Perrin and C. Moyne, Application of a Micro/Macrohomogenization Procedure to the Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Ionomer Membranes for Fuel Cells, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, vol.52 (22), 1496-1509, 2014. 13. O. Cuisinier, D. Deneele, F. Masrouri, A. Abdallah and N. Conil, Impact of highpH fluid circulation on long term hydromechanical behaviour and microstructure of compacted clay from the laboratory of Meuse-Haute Marne (France), Applied Clay Science, vol.88-89, 1-9, 2014. 14. O. Cuisinier, F. Masrouri, G. Stoltz and G. Russo, Multi-scale analysis of the swelling and shrinkage of a lime-treated expansive clayey soil, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, vol.1, 441, 2014. 15. J. Dillet, D. Spernjak, A. Lamibrac, G. Maranzana, R. Mukundan, J. Fairweather, S. Didierjean, R. L. Borup and O. Lottin, Impact of flow rates and electrode specifications on degradations during repeated startups and shutdowns in polymer-electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, vol.250, 6879, 2014. 16. T. Ding, Y. Jannot and A. Degiovanni, Theoretical study of the limits of the 3 omega method using a new complete quadrupole model, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.86, 314-324, 2014. 17. L. Dubau, L. Castanheira, M. Chatenet, F. Maillard, J. Dillet, G. Maranzana, S. Abbou, O. Lottin, G. De Moor, A. El Kaddouri, C. Bas, L. Flandin, E. Rossinot and N. Caque, Carbon corrosion induced by membrane failure: The weak link of PEMFC long-term performance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.39 (36), 21902-21914, 2014. 18. L. Dubau, L. Castanheira, F. Maillard, M. Chatenet, O. Lottin, G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, A. Lamibrac, J. C. Perrin, E. Moukheiber, A. ElKaddouri, G. De Moor, C. Bas, L. Flandin and N. Caque, A review of PEM fuel cell durability: materials degradation, local heterogeneities of aging and possible mitigation strategies, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Energy and Environment, vol.3 (6), 540-560, 2014. 19. H. Eslami, S. Rosin-Paumier, A. Abdallah and F. Masrouri, Impact of temperature variation on penetration test parameters in compacted soils, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-21, 2014. 20. J. Fraissard, S. Leclerc, W. Conner and D. Canet, Physical State of di-Nitrogen in the Presence of SBA and Various Zeolites Probed by N-15 Spin Lattice Relaxation of Pure N-15(2) in the 30-300 K Temperature Range, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol.118 (9), 4741-4750, 2014. 21. A. France-Lanord, E. Blandre, T. Albaret, S. Merabia, D. Lacroix and K. Termentzidis, Atomistic amorphous/crystalline interface modelling for superlattices and core/shell nanowires, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.26 (5), 055011, 2014. 22. A.France-Lanord, S. Merabia, T. Albaret, D. Lacroix and K. Termentzidis, Thermal properties of amorphous/crystalline silicon superlattices, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, vol.26 (35), 10, 2014. 23. S. Fumeron, E. R. Pereira and F. Moraes, Principles of thermal design with nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review E, vol.89, 2014. 24. A.Horbaniuc, G. Dumitrascu, M. Feidt and A. Dumencu, Finite difference approaches for one-dimension solid-liquid phase change in plane and cylindrical geometries, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.659, 389-394, 2014. 25. M. Isaiev, S. Tutashkonko, V. Jean, K. Termentzidis, T. Nychyporuk, D. Andrusenko, O. Marty, R. M. Burbelo, D. Lacroix and V. Lysenko, Thermal conductivity of meso-porous germanium, Applied Physics Letters, vol.105 (3), 5, 2014. 26. V. Jean, S. Fumeron, K. Termentzidis, S. Tutashkonko and D. Lacroix, Monte Carlo simulations of phonon transport in nanoporous silicon and germanium, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.115 (2), 13, 2014. 27. A.Kimmoun, N. Ducroq, N. Sennoun, K. Issa, C. Strub, J. M. Escanyé, S. Leclerc and B. Levy, Efficient Extra- and Intracellular Alkalinization Improves Cardiovascular Functions in Severe Lactic Acidosis Induced by Hemorrhagic Shock, Anesthesiology, vol.120 (4), 926-934, 2014. 28. M. Klein, J. C. Perrin, S. Leclerc, L. Guendouz, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Anisotropy of Water Self-Diffusion in a Nafion Membrane under Traction Macromolecules, vol.46 (23), 9259-9265, 2014. 29. N. Laaroussi, G. Lauriat, M. Garoum, A. Cherki and Y. Jannot, Measurement of thermal properties of brick materials based on clay mixtures, Construction and Building Materials, vol.70, 351-361, 2014. 30. A. Le Corre, A. Collin, L. Soudre-Bau, Y. Meshaka and G. Jeandel, Glass sagging simulation with improved calculation of radiative heat transfer by the optimized reciprocity Monte Carlo method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.70, 215-223, 2015. 31. V. L. Le, M. Feidt, A. Kheiri and S. Pelloux-Praver, Performance optimization of low-temperature power generation by supercritical ORCs (organic Rankine cycles) using low GWP (global warming potential) working fluids Energy, vol.67 (1), 513-526, 2014. 32. V. L. Le, A. Kheiri, M. Feidt and S. Pelloux-Praver, Thermodynamic and economic optimizations of a waste heat to power plant driven by a subcritical ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) using pure or zeotropic working fluid Energy, vol.78 (15), 622-638, 2014. 33. M. T. Mabrouk, A. Kheiri and M. Feidt, Displacer gap losses in beta and gamma Stirling engines Energy, vol.72 (1), 135-144, 2014. 34. J. Mainka, G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, S. Didierjean and O. Lottin, On the estimation of high frequency parameters of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Journal of Power Sources, vol.253, 381-391, 2014. 35. J. Mainka, C. Moyne, M. A. Murad and S. Lima, A modified form of Terzaghi's effective stress principle of unsaturated expansive clays, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, vol.1, 227, 2014. 36. J. Mainka, M. A. Murad, C. Moyne and S. A. Lima, A Modified Effective Stress Principle for Unsaturated Swelling Clays Derived from Microstructure, Vadose Zone Journal, vol.13 (5), 17, 2014. 37. M. Marin, F. Asllanaj and D. Maillet, Sensitivity analysis to optical properties of biological tissues subjected to a short-pulsed laser using the time-dependent radiative transfer equation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol.133, 117-127, 2014. 38. J. Marthe, E. Meillot, G. Jeandel, F. Enguehard and J. Ilavsky, Explorations and 3D models of Atmospheric and Suspension Plasma Spraying coating microstructure, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014. 39. S. Merabia and K. Termentzidis, Thermal boundary conductance across rough interfaces probed by molecular dynamics, Physical Review B, vol.89 (5), 9, 2014. 40. R. Morlon, P. Boulet, G. Parent, S. Lechêne, E. Blanchard, C. Rebuffat, P. Fromy, J. P. Vantelon and D. Borgiallo, Study of De-stratification and Optical Effects Observed During Smoke/Mist Interactions, Fire Technology, 1-18, 2014. 41. M. Panfilov and I. Panfilova, Method of negative saturations for flow with variable number of phases in porous media: extension to three-phase multi-component case, Computational Geosciences, vol.18, 385-399, 2014. 42. O. Rahbari, M. Vafaeipour, F. Fazelpour, M. Feidt and M. A. Rosen, Towards realistic designs of wind farm layouts: Application of a novel placement selector approach, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.81, 242-254, 2014. 43. M. Rasoulzadeh, M. Panfilov and F. Kuchuk, Effect of memory accumulation in three-scale fractured-porous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.76, 171-183, 2014. 44. V. Robin, O. Cuisinier, F. Masrouri and A. A. Javadi, A new formulation to model the degradation in structured soils, Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, vol.1, 97, 2014. 45. V. Robin, O. Cuisinier, F. Masrouri and A. A. Javadi, Chemo-mechanical modelling of lime treated soils, Applied Clay Science, vol.95, 211-219, 2014. 46. C. Rodiet, B. Rémy and A. Degiovanni, Thermal characterization of anisotropic materials by integral transforms taking into account the thermal coupling with the sample-holder, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.79, 67-75, 2014. 47. Y. Rouizi, W. Al Hadad, D. Maillet and Y. Jannot, Experimental assessment of the fluid bulk temperature profile in a mini channel through inversion of external surface temperature measurements, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.83, 522-535, 2014. 48. G. Stoltz, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri, Weathering of a lime-treated clayey soil by drying and wetting cycles, Engineering Geology, vol.181, 281-289, 2014. 49. A. Thomas, G. Maranzana, S. Didierjean, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Thermal and water transfer in PEMFCs: Investigating the role of the microporous layer, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.39 (6), 2649-2658, 2014. 50. A. Torok, S. Petrescu, G. Popescu and M. Feidt, Some Kinetic-Molecular considerations on gas-piston interaction and their implications at macroscopic scale UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, vol.76 (4), 113126, 2014. 51. Vaudrey, F. Lanzetta and M. Feidt, H. B. Reitlinger and the origins of the efficiency at maximum power formula for heat engines, Journal of NonEquilibrium Thermodynamics, vol.39 (4), 199-203, 2014. 52. Y. J. Xu, E. Padayodi, S. A. Bahrani and D. Chamoret, Minimizing Thermal Residual Stresses in Ceramic Matrix Composite by BSG-Starcraft Radius PSO, International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, vol.7 (2), 21-24, 2014. 53. X. Zianni, V. Jean, K. Termentzidis and D. Lacroix, Scaling behavior of the thermal conductivity of width-modulated nanowires and nanofilms for heat transfer control at the nanoscale, Nanotechnology, vol.25 (46), 9, 2014. Année 2013 M. Ajdari, G. Habibagahi and F. Masrouri, The role of suction and degree of saturation on the hydro-mechanical response of a dual porosity silt-bentonite mixture, Applied Clay Science, vol.83-84, 83-90, 2013. R. Auvray, S. Rosin-Paumier, A. Abdallah and F. Masrouri, Quantification of soft soil cracking during suction cycles by image processing, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2013. H. Bal, Y. Jannot, S. Gaye and F. Demeurie, Measurement and modelisation of the thermal conductivity of a wet composite porous medium: Laterite based bricks with millet waste additive, Construction and Building Materials, vol.41, 586-593, 2013. G. Blanck, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri, Soil treatment with organic non-traditional additives for the reduction of environmental impact of earthworks Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol.4 (4), 703-708, 2013. G. Blanck, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri, Soil stabilisation with organic non-traditional additives for the improvement of earthworks, Acta Geotechnica, 2013. R. Bouzouidja, G. Sere, R. Claverie and D. Lacroix, Caractérisation du fonctionnement thermo-hydrique in situ d'une toiture végétalisée extensive, La Houille Blanche, (5), 62-69, 2013. D. Brissinger, G. Parent and D. Lacroix, Mechanical etching of atomic force microscope tip and microsphere attachment for thermal radiation scattering enhancement, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.84 (12), 3, 2013. A. Cherki, A. Khabbazi, B. Remy and D. Baillis, Granular cork content dependence of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the composite material/granular cork bound with paster, Energy Procedia, vol.42, 83-92, 2013. O. Cuisinier, A. A. Javadi, A. Ahangarasr and F. Masrouri, Identification of coupling parameters between shear strength behavior and chemical’s effects with an evolutionarybased data mining technique, Computers and Geotechnics, vol.48, 107-116, 2013. S. Dap, R. Hugon, D. Lacroix, L. de Poucques, J. L. Briancon and J. Bougdira, Agglomeration processes sustained by dust density waves in Ar/C2H2 plasma: From C2H2 injection to the formation of an organized structure, Physics of Plasmas, vol.20 (3), 10, 2013. S. Dap, D. Lacroix, R. Hugon and J. Bougdira, Retrieving particle size and density from extinction measurement in dusty plasma, Monte Carlo inversion and Ray-tracing comparison, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol.128, 18-26, 2013. C. S. De Munck, A. Lemonsu, R. Bouzouidja, V. Masson and R. Claverie, The GREENROOF module (v7.3) for modelling green roof hydrological and energetic performances within TEB, Geoscientific Model Development, vol.6 (6), 1941-1960, 2013. M. Feidt, Evolution of thermodynamic modelling for three and four heat reservoirs reverse cycle machines : A review and new trends, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol.36 (1), 8-23, 2013. M. Feidt, Two Examples of Exergy Optimization Regarding the "Thermo-Frigopump" and Combined Heat and Power Systems, Entropy, vol.15 (2), 544-558, 2013. M. Ferrari, J.P. Mérel, S. Leclerc, C. Moyne and D. Stemmelen, Study of dispersion by NMR: comparison between NMR measurements and stochastic simulation, Diffusion Fundamentals, vol.18 (11), 1-4, 2013. J. Francois, L. Abdelouahed, G. Mauviel, F. Patisson, O. Mirgaux, C. Rogaume, Y. Rogaume, M. Feidt and A. Dufour, Detailed process modeling of a wood gasification combined heat and power plant, Biomass and Bioenergy, vol.51, 68-82, 2013. J. Francois, G. Mauviel, M. Feidt, C. Rogaume, Y. Rogaume, O. Mirgaux, F. Patisson and A. Dufour, Modeling of a Biomass Gasification CHP Plant: Influence of Various Parameters on Energetic and Exergetic Efficiencies, Energy & Fuels, vol.27 (12), 7398-7412, 2013. S. Fumeron, E. Pereira and F. Moraes, Modeling heat conduction in the presence of a dislocation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.67, 64-71, 2013. B. T. Huang, Y. Chatillon, C. Bonnet, F. Lapicque, S. Leclerc, M. Hinaje and S. Raêl, Experimental investigation of pinhole effect on MEA/cell aging in PEMFC, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol.38, 543-550, 2013. N. Jamali-Zghal, N. Y. Amponsah, B. Lacarriere, O. Le Corre and M. Feidt, Carbon footprint and emergy combination for eco-environmental assessment of cleaner heat production, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.47, 446-456, 2013. Y. Jannot and A. Degiovanni, Thermal properties measurement of dry bulk materials with a cylindrical three layers device, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.84 (9), 9, 2013. F. U. Jauregui, B. Remy, A. Degiovanni and O. Verseux, Model identificaton for temperature extrapolation in aircraft powerplant systems, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.64, 162-177, 2013. M. Klein, J. C. Perrin, S. Leclerc, L. Guendouz, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Anisotropy of water self-diffusion in a Nafion membrane under traction Macromolecules, vol.46 (23), 9259-9269, 2013. T. D. Le, C. Moyne, M. A. Murad and S. A. Lima, A two-scale non-local model of swelling porous media incorporating ion size correlation effects, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol.61 (12), 2493-2521, 2013. D. Maillet, Y. Jannot and A. Degiovanni, Analysis of the estimation error in a parsimonious temperature-temperature characterization technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.62, 230-241, 2013. J. Marthe, E. Meillot, G. Jeandel, F. Enguehard and J. Ilavsky, Enhancement of scattering and reflectance properties of plasma-sprayed alumina coatings by controlling the porosity, Surface and Coatings Technology, vol.220, 80-84, 2013. A. Morin, F. Xu, G. Gebel and O. Diat, Evolution of water distribution in PEMFC during on/off cycling, Fuel Cells, vol.12 (2), 156-161, 2013. P. J. Newby, B. Canut, J. M. Bluet, S. Gomes, M. Isaiev, R. Burbelo, K. Termentzidis, P. Chantrenne, L. G. Frechette and V. Lysenko, Amorphization and reduction of thermal conductivity in porous silicon by irradiation with swift heavy ions, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.114 (1), 9, 2013. A. Nowamooz, G. Radilla, M. Fourar and B. Berkowitz, Non-Fickian Transport in Transparent Replicas of Rough-Walled Rock Fractures, Transport in Porous Media, vol.98 (3), 651-682, 2013. M. Panfilov and M. Rasoulzadeh, Appearance of the nonlinearity from the nonlocality in diffusion through multiscale porous media, Computational Geosciences, vol.17, 269-286, 2013 E. R. Pereira, S. Fumeron and F. Morae, Metric approach for sound propagation in nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review E, vol.87, 2013. D. Pudlo, L. Ganzer, S. Henkel, A. Liebscher, M. Kühn, M. Lucia, M. Panfilov, P. Pilz, V. Reitenbach, D. Albrecht, H. Würdemann and R. Gaupp, Hydrogen underground storage in siliciclastic reservoirs - intention and topics of the H2STORE project, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.15, 2013. G. Radilla, A. Nowamooz and M. Fourar, Modeling Non-Darcian Single- and Two-Phase Flow in Transparent Replicas of Rough-Walled Rock Fractures, Transport in Porous Media, vol.98 (2), 401-426, 2013. C. Rodiet, B. Remy, A. Degiovanni and F. Demeurie, Optimisation of wavelengths selection used for the multi-spectral temperature measurement by ordinary least squares method of surfaces exhibiting non-uniform emissivity, Quantitative Infrared Thermography Journal, vol.10 (2), 222-236, 2013. S. Rodts and D. Bytchenkoff, Extrapolation and phase correction of non-uniformly broadened signals, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol.233, 64-73, 2013. Y. Rouizi, D. Maillet and Y. Jannot, Fluid temperature distribution inside a flat mini-channel: Semi-analytical wall transfer functions and estimation from temperatures of external faces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.64, 331-342, 2013. L. Soudre-Bau, Y. Meshaka, G. Parent, P. Boulet, B. Le Corre and G. Jeandel, Combined Temperature and Deformation Measurement During Glass Forming in a Real Scale Setup, Experimental Mechanics, vol.53 (9), 1773-1781, 2013. Y. Souhar, B. Remy and A. Degiovanni, Thermal Characterization of Anisotropic Materials at High Temperature Through Integral Methods and Localized Pulsed Technique, International Journal of Thermophysics, vol.34 (2), 322-340, 2013. K. Termentzidis, T. Barreteau, Y. X. Ni, S. Merabia, X. Zianni, Y. Chalopin, P. Chantrenne and S. Volz, Modulated SiC nanowires: Molecular dynamics study of their thermal properties, Physical Review B, vol.87 (12), 8, 2013. K. Termentzidis, O. Pokropyvnyy, M. Woda, S. Y. Xiong, Y. Chumakov, P. Cortona and S. Volz, Large thermal conductivity decrease in point defective Bi2Te3 bulk materials and superlattices, Journal of Applied Physics, vol.113 (1), 7, 2013. A. Thomas, G. Maranzana, S. Didierjean, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Measurements of Electrode Temperatures, Heat and Water Fluxes in PEMFCs: Conclusions about Transfer Mechanisms, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol.160 (2), F191-F204, 2013. A. Thomas, G. Maranzana, S. Didierjean, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Thermal Effect on Water Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Fuel Cells, vol.12 (2), 212-224, 2013. R. Touaibi, M. Feidt, E. E. Vasilescu and M. T. Abbes, Parametric study and exergy analysis of solar water-lithium bromide absorption cooling system, International Journal of Exergy, vol.13 (3), 409-429, 2013. K. Wojtanowicz, B. E. Bekbauov, A. Kaltayev and M. Panfilov, Numerical modeling of the effects of disproportionnate permeability reduction water-shutoff treatments on water coning, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol.135, 2013. F. N. Xu, S. Leclerc and D. Canet, NMR Relaxometry Study of the Interaction of Water with a Nafion Membrane under Acid, Sodium, and Potassium Forms. Evidence of Two Types of Bound Water, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol.117 (21), 6534-6540, 2013. Année 2012 B. Amaziane, J. Pina Milišić, M. Panfilov, and L. Pankratov, "Generalized nonequilibrium capillary relations for two-phase flow through heterogeneous media", Physical Review E, 85 (18) (2012), p. 016304. F. Asllanaj and S. Fumeron, "Applying a new computational method for biological tissue optics based on the time-dependent two-dimensional radiative transfer equation", Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17 (7) (2012), p. 075007. H. Bal, Y. Jannot, N. Quenette, A. Chenu, and S. Gaye, "Water content dependence of the porosity, density and thermal capacity of laterite based bricks with millet waste additive", Construction and Building Materials, 31 (2012), 144-50. A. Celzard, G. Tondi, D. Lacroix, G. Jeandel, B. Monod, V. Fierro, and A. Pizzi, "Radiative properties of tannin-based, glasslike, carbon foams", Carbon, 50 (2012), 4102-13. M. Costea, M. Feidt, G. Alexandru, and D. Descieux, "Optimization of Gas Turbine Cogeneration System for Various Heat Exchanger Configurations", Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue D Ifp Energies Nouvelles, 67 (3) (2012), 517-35. S. Dap, D. Lacroix, R. Hugon, L. De Poucques, J.L; Briancon, and J. Bougdira, " Cluster Agglomeration Induced by Dust-Density Waves in Complex Plasmas", Physical Review Letters, 109 (24) (2012), p. 245002. S. Didierjean, A. Chenu, T. Geneston, A. Rakotondrainibe, G. Maranzana, E. Rozier, F. Beille, and O. Lottin, "Experimental study of the start-up of a fuel cell stack for backup power application", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (2012), 9193-201. S. Didierjean, A. Lamibrac, T. Geneston, A. Rakotondrainibe, G. Maranzana, E. Rozier, F. Beille, and O. Lottin, "Internal currents in response to a load change during fuel cell start-up", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(8), 6798-807. M. Feidt, "Thermodynamics of energy systems and processes : A review and perspectives", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 5 (2) (2012), 85-98. M. Feidt, D. Tutica, and B. A., "Energy Versus Environment", Scientific Bulletin - University Politehnica of Bucharest, 74 (2012). V. Felix, Y. Jannot, and A. Degiovanni, "A thermal porosimetry method to estimate pore size distribution in highly porous insulating materials", Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (5) (2012). J. Gerardin, N. Seiler, P. Ruyer, L. Trovalet, and P. Boulet, "P1 approximation, MDA and IDA for the simulation of radiative transfer in a 3D geometry for an absorbing scattering medium", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113 (2012), 140-49. M. Gradeck, A. Ouattara, B. Remy, and D. Maillet, "Solution of an inverse problem in the Hankel space - Infrared thermography applied to estimation of a transient cooling flux", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 36 (2012), 56-64. L. Guendouz, A. Robert, A. Retournard, S. Leclerc, S. Aissani, D. Canet, Off resonance effects and selectivity profiles in pulsed nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole resonance, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 47-48 (2012), 39-46. B. T. Huang, Y. Chatilllon, C. Bonnet, F. Lapicque, S. Leclerc, M. Hinaje, and S. Raël, "Experimental Investigation of Air Relative Humidity (RH) Cycling Tests on MEA/CELL. Aging in PEMFC Part I : Study of High RH Cycling TestWith air RH at 62%/100%", Fuel Cells, 12 (3) (2012), 335-46. B. T. Huang, Y. Chatilllon, C. Bonnet, F. Lapicque, S. Leclerc, M. Hinaje, and S. Raël, "Experimental Investigation of Air Relative Humidity (RH) Cycling Tests on MEA/CELL. Aging in PEMFC Part II : Study of Low RH Cycling TestWith air RH at 62%/0%", Fuel Cells, 12 (3) (2012), 347-55. N. Jamali-Zghal, N. Yaw Amponsah, B. Lacarriere, O. Le Corre, and M. Feidt, "Carbon Footprint and Emergy Combination for Eco-Environmental Assessment of Cleaner Heat Production", Journal of Cleaner Production, 47 (2012), 46-56. Y. Jannot and D. Lasseux, "A new quasi-steady method to measure gas permeability of weakly permeable porous media", Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (1) (2012). S. Kerzalé, D. Maillet, and A. Girard, "Estimation of simultaneous leakage flow rates and initial thermal state inside soil dikes through temperature measurements", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20 (2012), 707-20. D. Lacroix, K. Joulain, J. Muller, and G. Parent, "Silicon Nanowire Conductance in the Ballistic Regime : Models and Simulations", Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme, 134, n°051007 (2012). S. Leclerc, M. Petryk, D. Canet, and J. Fraissard, "Competitive diffusion of gases in a zeolite using proton NMR and a slice selection procedure", Catalysis Today, 187 (2012), 104-07. T. Maalej, D. Maillet, and J. R. Fontaine, "Estimation of position and intensity of a pollutant source in channel flow using transmittance functions", Inverse Problems, 28 (2012). J. Mainka, G. Maranzana, A. Thomas, J. Dillet, S. Didierjean, and O. Lottin, "Onedimensional Model of Oxygen Transport Impedance Accounting for Convection Perpendicular to the Electrode", Fuel Cells, 12 (5) (2012), 848-61. L. Maldonado, J.C. Perrin, J. Dillet, and O. 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Skali-Lami, “Hydrodynamic control of wastewater biofilm organization”, Houille Blanche, Revue Internationale de l’Eau, Issue 5, pp; 29-33, 2011. A. Kheiri, M. Feidt, R. Boussehain, M. Costea, and T. Popescu, "Refrigerant charge reduction: On a new design optimization criterion for compact heat exchanger", International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 1462-1470, 2011. D. Lacroix, K. Joulain, J. Muller, and G. Parent, "Silicon nanowire conductance in the ballistic regime: models and simulations", Journal of Heat Transfer, vol.134, 2011. A. Lamibrac, G. Maranzana, O. Lottin, J. Dillet, J. Mainka, S. Didierjean, A. Thomas, and C. Moyne, "Experimental characterization of internal currents during start-up of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell", Journal of Power Sources, vol. 196, (22), pp. 9451-9458 2011. D. Lasseux, P. Jolly, Y. Jannot, and E.S.B. 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Diat, "Influence of PEMFC gas flow configuration on performance and water distribution studied by SANS : Evidence of the effect of gravity", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 3096-3109, 2011. J. Muller, G. Parent, S. Fumeron, G. Jeandel, and D. Lacroix, "Near-field and far-field modelling of scattered surface waves. Application to the apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 112, Issue 7, pp. 1162-1169, 2011. J. Muller, G. Parent, G. Jeandel, and D. Lacroix, "Finite-difference time-domain and nearfield-to-far-field transformation in the spectral domain: application to scattering objects with complex shapes in the vicinity of a semi-infinite dielectric medium", Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 868-878, 2011. S. Oladyshkin and M. 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Feidt, "Thermodynamics applied to reverse cycle machines, a review", International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 33, n° 7, pp. 1327-1342, 2010. B. Fiers, G. Ferschneider, and D. Maillet, "Reduced model for characterization of solid wall effects for transient thermal dispersion in granular porous media", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 53, Issues 25-26, pp. 5962-5975, 2010. F. Gal, K. Le Pierres, M. Brach, G. Braibant, C. Beny, A. Battani, E. Tocqué, Y. Benoît, E. Jeandel, Z. Pokryszka, A. Charmoille, G. Bentivegna, J. Pironon, P. De Donato, C. Garnier, C. Cailteau, O. Barrès, G. Radilla, and A. Bauer, "Surface Gas Geochemistry above the Natural CO2 Reservoir of Montmiral (Drôme, France), Source Tracking and Gas Exchange between the Soil, Biosphere and Atmosphere", Oil & Gas Science and Technology, vol. 65, pp. 635-652, 2010. Y. Jannot, V. Felix, and A. 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Jannot, "Solar timber kilns : State of the art and foreseeable developments", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 13, pp. 1446-1455, 2009. L. Momayez, P. Dupont, T. Popescu, O. Lottin, and H. Peerhossaini, "Genetic algorithm based correlations for heat transfer calculation on concave surfaces", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 29, n° 17-18, pp. 3476-3481, 2009. B. Monod, A. Collin, G. Parent, and P. Boulet, "Infrared radiative properties of vegetation involved in forest fires", Fire Safety Journal, vol. 44 (1), pp. 88-95, 2009. A. Nowamooz, G. Radilla, and M. Fourar, "Non-Darcian two-phase flow in a transparent replica of a rough-walled rock fracture", Water Ressources Research, vol. 45 (7), n° W07406, 2009. C. Petre, M. Feidt, M. Costea, and S. Petrescu, "A model for study and optimization of realoperating refrigeration machines", International Journal of Energy Research, vol. 33 (2), pp. 173-179, 2009. S. Raji, Y. Jannot, P. Lagière, and J.R. Puiggali, "Thermophysical characterization of a laminated soli-wood pine wall", Construction and Building Materials, vol. 23, pp. 3189-3195, 2009. J. Ramousse, O. Lottin, S. Didierjean, and D. Maillet, "Heat sources in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells", Journal of Power Sources, vol. 192, n° 2, pp. 435-441, 2009. A. Soltani, M. Ravalec-Dupin, and M. Fourar, "An experimental method for one dimensional permeability characterization of heterogeneous porous media at the core scale", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 77 (1), pp. 1-16, 2009. D. Terris, K. Joulain, D. Lemonnier, and D. Lacroix, "Modeling semiconductor nanostructures thermal properties : The dispersion role", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105 (7), n° 073516, 2009. D. Terris, K. Joulain, D. Lemonnier, D. Lacroix, and P. Chantrenne, "Prediction of the thermal conductivity anisotropy of Si nanofilms. Comparison of several numerical methods", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 48, pp. 1467-1476, 2009. M. Yemloul, V. Castola, S. Leclerc, and D. Canet, "Self-diffusion coefficients obtained from proton-decoupled cabon-13 spectra for analyzing a mixture of terpenes", Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, vol. 47, pp. 635-640, 2009. Année 2008 G. Almeida, S. Leclerc, and P. Perre, "Imaging of a fluid pathways during drainage of softwood in a pressure membrane chamber", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 34, pp. 312-321, 2008. F. Bauget and M. Fourar, "Non-Fickian dispersion in a single fracture", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, vol. 100, pp. 137-148, 2008. J. Bedet, G. Maranzana, S. Leclerc, O. Lottin, C. Moyne, D. Stemmelen, P. Mutzenhardt, and D. Canet, "Magnetic resonance imaging of water distribution and production in a 6 cm2 PEMFC under operation", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 33, pp. 3146-3149, 2008. J. Bedet, P. Mutzenhardt, D. Canet, G. Maranzana, S. Leclerc, O. Lottin, C. Moyne, and D. Stemmelen, "Etude du comportement de l’eau dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse d’ions (PEMFC) : étude par RMN et IRM", Comptes Rendus - Chimie, pp. 465473, 2008. N. Blanchot, G. Behar, T. Berthier, E. Bignon, F. Boubault, C. Chapuis, H. Coic, C. DamiensDupont, J. Ebrardt, Y. Gautheron, P. Gibert, O. Hartmann, E. Hugonnot, F. Laborde, D. lebeaux, J. Luce, S. Montant, S. Noailles, J. Neauport, D. Raffestin, B. Remy, A. Roques, F. Sautarel, M. Sautet, C. Sauteret, C. Rouyer, "Overview of PETAL, the multi-Petawwatt project on the LIL facility", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 50, Issue 12, Article 124045, 2008. I. Bombard, P. Laurent, J. Lieto, and G. Jeandel, "A model of the infrared cure of powder coatings based on surface absorptivities in-situ measurements", Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, pp. 353-363, 2008. C. Bonnet, S. Didierjean, N. Guillet, S. Besse, and T. Colinart, "Design of an 80 kWe PEM fuel cell system : scale up effect investigation", Journal of Power Sources, vol. 82, pp. 441448, 2008. T. Colinart, S. Didierjean, O. Lottin, G. Maranzana, and C. Moyne, "Transport in PFSA Membranes", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 155, pp. B244-B257, 2008. A. Degiovanni and B. Remy, "Thermal transient behaviour of a bi-layer material with a nonplane interface", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 47 (5) pp. 546-551, 2008. S. Didierjean, O. Lottin, G. Maranzana, and T. Geneston, "PEM Fuel Cell voltage transient response to a thermal perturbation", Electrochimica Acta, vol. 53 pp. 7313-7320, 2008. M. Feidt, "Optimal use of energy systems and processes", International Journal of Exergy. IEEES-3. special issue, vol. 5, pp. 500-531, 2008. S. Fumeron and D. Lacroix, "Multiscale heat conduction near a disclination", Europhysics Letters (EPL), vol. 82 (6), art n°66003, 2008. M. Girault, D. Maillet, F. Bonthoux, B. Galland, P. Martin, R. Braconnier, and J. R. Fontaine, "Estimation of time-varying pollutant emission rates in a ventilated enclosure : inversion of a reduced model obtained by experimental application of the Modal Identification Method", Inverse Problems, vol. 24, 2008. L. Guendouz, S. Leclerc, A. Retournard, A. Hedjiedj, and D. Canet, "Single-sided radiofrequency field gradient with two unsymmetrical loops : Applications to nuclear magnetic resonance", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 79, 2008. N. Hiblot, B. Cordier, M. Ferrari, A. Retournard, D. Grandclaude, J. Bedet, S. Leclerc, and D. Canet, "A fully Homemade 14N quadrupole resonance spectrometer", Comptes rendus Chimie, vol. 11, pp. 568-579, 2008. T. Ilina, M. Panfilov, M. Buès, and I. Panfilova, "A pseudo two-phase model of colloid transport in porous media", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 71 (3), pp. 311-329, 2008. J. Jonnet, P. Van Uffelen, W. T., D. Staicu, B. Remy, and J. Rest, "Growth mechanisms of interstitial loops in a alpha-doped UO2 samples", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 266, Issue 1213, pp. 3008-3012, 2008. Y. Lucas, M. Panfilov, and M. Buès, "The impact of instability appearance on the quadratic law for flow through porous media", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 71, pp. 99-113, 2008. G. Maranzana, O. Lottin, T. Colinart, S. Chupin, and S. Didierjean, "A multi-instrumented polymer exchange membrane fuel cell. Observation of the in-plane non-homogeneities", International Journal of Power Sources, vol. 180, pp. 748-754, 2008. M.A. Murad and C. Moyne, "A Dual Porosity Model for Ionic Solute Transport in Expansive Clays", Computational Geosciences, vol. 12, pp. 47-82, 2008. H.Q. N'Guyen, B. Remy, and A. Degiovanni, "Fast and accurate simplified radiative model for modeling coupled heat transfers in glass forming process", Advanced Materials Research, vol. 39-40, pp. 575-578, 2008. S. Oladyshkin, J.-J. Royer, and M. Panfilov, "Effective Solution through the Streamline Technique and HT-Splitting for the 3D Dynamic Analysis of the Compositional Flows in Oil Reservoirs", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 74 (3), pp. 311-329, 2008. M. Panfilov, Y. Stepanyants, and I. Panfilova "Mechanisms of particle transport acceleration in porous media", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 74 (1), pp. 49-71, 2008. Y. Peng, D. Lacroix, R. Hugon, C. Brosset, and J. Boudgira, "Experimental and theoretical investigations of absorbance spectra for edge-plasma monitoring in fusion reactors", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 109 (9), pp. 1549-1562, 2008. M. Petryk, S. Leclerc, D. Canet, and J. Fraissard, "Modeling of gas transport in a microporous solid using a slice selection procedure : Application to the diffusion of benzene in ZSM5", Catalysis Today, vol. 139, pp. 234-240, 2008. T. Pierre, B. Remy, and A. Degiovanni, "Microscale temperature measurement by the multispectral and statistic method in the ultraviolet-visible wavelengths", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 103 (3) Article 034904, 2008. D. Queiros-Conde, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm-Rousselle, H. Kassem, and M. Feidt, "A scale entropy diffusion equation to describe the multiscale features of turbulent flames near a wall", Physica A, vol. 387, pp. 6712-6724, 2008. M. Radulescu, V. Ayel, O. Lottin, M. Feidt, B. Antoine, C. Moyne, D. Le Noc, and S. Le Doze, "Natural gas electric generator powered by PEMFC fuel cell : numerical model and experimental results", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 49, pp. 326-335, 2008. J. Ramousse, S. Didierjean, O. Lottin, and D. Maillet, "Estimation of the effective thermal conductivity of carbon felts used as PEMFC Gas Diffusion Layers", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 47, pp. 1-6, 2008. A. Salim, M. Fourar, J. Pironon, and J. Sausse, "Oil-water two-phase flow in microchannels : Flow patterns and pressure drop measurements", Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 86, pp. 978-988, 2008. A. Salim, J. Sausse, J. Pironon, M. Fourar, and C. Le Carlier de Veslud, "3D confocal scanning laser microscopy to quantify contact angles in natural oil-water mixtures", Oil & Gas Science and Technology vol. 63, pp. 645-655, 2008. Année 2007 F. Asllanaj, X. Brige, and G. Jeandel, "Transient combined radiation and conduction in a onedimensional non-grey participating medium with anisotropic optical properties subjected to radiative flux at the boundaries", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 107, pp. 17-29, 2007. F. Asllanaj, V. Feldheim, and P. Lybaert, "Solution of radiative heat transfer in 2-D geometries by a modified finite volume method based on a cell vertex scheme using unstructured triangular meshes", Numerical Heat Transfer. Part B, vol. 51 - n° 2, pp. 97-119, 2007. F. Asllanaj, G. Parent, and G. Jeandel, "Transient radiation and conduction heat transfer in a gray absorbing - emitting medium applied on two dimensional complex shaped domains", Numerical Heat Transfer. Part B vol. 52 - n° 2, pp. 179-200, 2007. J. Bedet, S. Leclerc, D. Stemmelen, O. Lottin, C. Moyne, P. Mutzenhardt, and D. Canet, "Water motional properties in proton exchange membrane of fuel cell (PEMFC) by NMR (spin relaxation and translational)", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 25, p. 551, 2007. N. Berour, D. Lacroix, P. Boulet, and G. Jeandel, "Contribution to the improvement of the QUICK scheme for the resolution of the convection-diffusion problems", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 43, pp. 1075-1085, 2007. M. Boillot, C. Bonnet, S. Didierjean, and F. Lapicque, "Investigation of the response of the separated electrodes in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell without reference electrode", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, vol. 37, pp. 103-110, 2007. P. Boulet, A. Collin, and J.L. Consalvi, "On the Finite Volume Method and the Discrete Ordinates Method regarding radiative heat transfer in acute forward anisotropic scattering media", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 104, pp. 460-473, 2007. A. Collin, P. Boulet, G. Parent, and D. Lacroix, "Numerical simulation of a water spray Radiation attenuation related to spray dynamics", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 856-868, 2007. D. Descieux and M. Feidt, "One zone thermodynamic model simulation of an ignition compression engine", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 27 (8-9), pp. 1457-1466, 2007. M. Feidt, M. Costea, C. Petre, and S. Petrescu, "Optimization of the direct CARNOT cycle", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 27 (5-6), pp. 829-839, 2007. T. Lemaire, C. Moyne, and D. Stemmelen, "Modelling of electro-osmosis in clayey materials including pH effects", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. 32, pp. 441-452, 2007. Y. Lucas, M. Panfilov, and M. Buès, "High velocity flow through fractured and porous media : role of flow non-periodicity", European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids, vol. 26 (2), pp. 295303, 2007. S. Oladyshkin and M. Panfilov, "Limit Thermodynamic Model for Compositional Gas-Liquid Systems Moving in a Porous Medium", Transport in Porous Media, vol. 70 (2), pp. 147-165, 2007. S. Oladyshkin and M. Panfilov, "Streamline splitting between thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in a compositional gas-liquid flow through porous media", Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 335 (1), pp. 7-12, 2007. S. Oladyshkin, S. Skachkov, I. Panfilova, and M. Panfilov, "Upscaling fractured media and streamline HT-splitting in compositional reservoir simulation", Oil & Gas Science and Technology, vol. 62, pp. 137-146, 2007. M. Sheindlin, D. Staicu, C. Ronchi, L. Game-Arnaud, B. Remy, and A. Degiovanni, "Experimental determination of the thermal conductivity of liquid U02 near the melting point", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 101 (9), Article 093508, 2007. A. Testu, S. Didierjean, D. Maillet, C. Moyne, T. Metzger, and T. Niass, "Thermal dispersion coefficients for water or air flow through a bed of glass beads", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 1469-1484, 2007. E.E. Vasilescu, R. Boussehain, and M. Feidt, "Exergy analysis of an adsorption refrigeration machine", International Journal of Exergy, vol. 4, pp. 197-215, 2007. C. Zamfirescu and M. Feidt, "Cascaded fins for heat transfer enhancement", Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 1-9, 2007. Autres revues Année 2014 1. M. Blaise and M. Feidt, A four objectives optimization for an energy system considered in the environment, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 1-11, 2014. 2. J. Mainka, M. A. Murad, C. Moyne and S. A. Lima, A Modified Effective Stress Principle for Unsaturated Swelling Clays Derived from Microstructure, Vadose Zone Journal, vol.13 (5), 17, 2014. Année 2013 J. Dillet, A. Lamibrac, G. Maranzana, J. Durst, D. Spernjak, J. D. Fairweather, R. Mukundan, R. L. Borup, S. Didierjean and O. Lottin, Internal currents, CO2 emissions and decrease of the Pt eectrochemical surface area during fuel cell start-up and shut-down, ECS Transactions, vol.50 (2), 701-710, 2013. H. Eslami, S. Rosin-Paumier, A. Abdallah and F. Masrouri, Influence de la variation de température dans les pieux énergétiques sur la capacité portante des sols, Annales du BTP, vol.12, 20-26, 2013. M. Feidt and K. A., Efficacité Energétique : quels critères utiliser pour les machines à cycles inverses dans leur environnement ?, Revue Générale du Froid, (1134), 55-61, 2013. M. Klein, J. C. Perrin, S. Leclerc, L. Guendouz, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, NMR study of the anisotropic transport properties of uniaxially stretched membranes for fuel cells, diffusionfundamentals. org, vol.18, 1-4, 2013. M. Klein, J. C. Perrin, S. Leclerc, L. Guendouz, J. Dillet and O. Lottin, Spatially and Temporally Resolved Measurement of Water Distribution in Nafion Using NMR Imaging, ECS Transactions, vol.58 (1), 283-289, 2013. G. Maranzana, A. Lamibrac, J. Dillet, S. Abbou, S. Didierjean and O. Lottin, Numerical model of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell startup and shutdown, ECS Transactions, vol.58 (1), 1619-1630, 2013. Année 2012 F. Asllanaj, and S. Fumeron, "New Computational Method for the Short-Pulsed Nir Light Propagation in Biological Tissues“, ICHMT Digital Library Online, (2012), 23 V. Coeuriot, S. Didierjean, J. Dillet, G. Maranzana, O. Lottin, “Two-phase flow in the minichannels of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) flow field plates“,Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 395 (2012), n°012168 Y.X. Dong, A. El-Bakkali, G. Descombes, M. Feidt, C. Perilhon, “Association of Finite-Time Thermodynamics and a Bond-Graph Approach for Modeling an Endoreversible Heat Engine”, Entropy, 14 (4), 642-53. M. Feidt, M. Costea, "Energy and Exergy Analysis and Optimization of Combined Heat and Power Systems. Comparison of Various Systems", Energies, 5 (9), 370122. J. Francois, L. Abdelouahed, G. Mauviel, M. Feidt, C. Rogaume, O. Mirgaux, F. Patisson, and A. Dufour, "Estimation of the Energy Efficiency of a Wood Gasification Chp Plant Using Aspen Plus", Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29 (2012), 76974. A. Lamibrac, G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, O. Lottin, S. Didierjean, J. Durst, L. Dubau, F. Maillard, and M. Chatenet, "Local Degradations Resulting from Repeated Starts-Ups and Shut-Downs in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuell Cell (PEMFC)", Energy Procedia, 29 (2012), 318-24 A. Thomas, G. Maranzana, S. Didierjean, J. Dillet, and O. Lottin, "Study of Coupled Heat and Water Transfer in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells by the Way of Internal Measurements”, Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 395 (2012), n° 012065 Année 2011 E. Barthélémy, C. Vigreux, G. Parent, M. Barillot, and A. Pradel, "Telluride films and waveguides for IR integrated optics", Physica Status Solidi C, Acceptée, 2011. M. Krause, J.C. Perrin, and S.M. Benson, "Recent Progress in Predicting Permeability Distributions for History Matching Core Flooding Experiments", Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 4354-4361, 2011. C.W. Kuo, J.C. Perrin, and S.M. Benson, "Simulation studies of effect of flow rate and small scale heterogeneity on multiphase flow of CO2 and brine", Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 45164523, 2011. G. Laheurte, M. Feidt, R. Boussehain, and D. Queiros-Conde, "Constructal Dascade of CARNOT Engine Cycles", International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, vol. 19, Issue 4, 2011. A. Merabet, M. Feidt, A. Bouchoucha, and A. Kadja, "Modelling Taking into Account the Irreversibilities of Dual Cycle Applied to Internal Combustion Engines", International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, vol. 19, Issue 4, 2011. J.C. Perrin, R.W. Falta, S. Krevor, L. Zuo, K. Ellison, and S.M. Benson, "Laboratory experiments on core-scale behavior of CO2 exolved from CO2 -saturated brine", Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 3210-3215, 2011. Année 2010 J.C. Candoré, J.L. Bodnar, V. Detalle, B. Rémy, and P. Grossel, "Approach of the measurement of thermal diffusivity of mural paintings by front face photothermal radiometry", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 214, article 012094, 2010. M. Feidt, "Reconsideration of Criteria and Modeling in Order to Optimize the Efficiency of Irreversible Thermomechanical Heat Engines", Entropy, vol. 12, pp. 2470-2484, 2010. M. Feidt, "Energy efficiency and environment ", UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering vol. 72 (1), pp. 39-52, 2010. Y. Jannot, B. Rémy, and A. Degiovanni, "Measurement of Thermal Conductivity and Contact Resistance Through a Tiny Hot Plate Experiment", High Temperatures - High Pressures, vol. 39 (1), pp. 11-31, 2010. M. Panfilov, "Underground storage of hydrogen : natural methane generation and in-situ selforganisation", Gas Industry, vol. 644, pp. 98-105, 2010. B. Remy, J.P. Lassere, and A. Degiovanni, "Estimation of the spatial distribution of high flux pulse stimulations through Infrared Thermography", International Journal on IR Thermography - QIRT Journal, vol. 7 n° 2, pp. 237-254, 2010. W. Salameh, S. Leclerc, D. Stemmelen, and J. M. Escanyé, "NMR Imaging of Water Flow in Packed Beds", Diffusion Fundamentals, vol. 14 (5), pp.1-5, 2010. Année 2009 R. Boussehain, E. Vasilescu, Y. Abdellouche, and M. Feidt, "Entropy generation in the compression refrigeration systems in transient regimes", Bulletin of the transilvania University of Brasov, vol. 1(51), serie 1, special issue, pp. 21-28, 2009. B. Cretin and B. Remy, "Thermal Microscopy with Photomultipliers and UV to IR Cameras", Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials Book Series : Topics in Applied Physics, vol. 118, pp. 411-438, 2009. M. Feidt, "Efficacité Energétique : quels critères ?", Termotehnica, vol. 1, pp. 25-33, 2009. M. Feidt, "Optimal Thermodynamics New Upperbounds", Entropy, vol. 11, pp. 529-547, 2009. J. Mainka, G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, S. Didierjean, and O. Lottin, "A simple alternative to the expression of finite Warburg diffusion impedance in porous electrodes by considering oxygen consumption along the air channel ", ECS Transactions - Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (General), vol. 19, n°32, p. 33, 2009. H.Q. N’Guyen, B. Remy, and A. Degiovanni, "Modèle radiatif simplifié pour la simulation rapide et précise des transferts couplés dans les procédés de mise en forme du verre", Revue Verre, vol. 15, n° 3, pp.54-56, 2009. C. Petre, M. Feidt, M. Costea, R. Boussehain, G. Petropol-Serb, and S. Petrescu, "Optimal conditions in transient operating regime for refrigeration systems according to equilibrium thermodynamics", Bulletin of the transilvania University of Brasov, Roumania, vol. 2(51) serie 1, special issue, pp. 79-86, 2009. S. Petrescu, C. Harman, C. Petre, M. Costea, and M. Feidt, "Irreversibility generation analysis of reversed Carnot machine by using finite speed thermodynamics", Thermotehnica, vol. 1, pp. 43-49, 2009. S. Petrescu, C. Petre, M. Costea, V. Maris, O. Malancioiu, and M. Feidt, "Geometrical aspects of polygonal fresnel mirrors with double tracking designed for a solar Stirling engine", Bulletin of the transilvania University of Brasov, vol. 2 (51) serie1 special issue, pp. 551-558, 2009. H. Pop, M. Feidt, G. Popescu, V. Apostol, and C. G. Alionte, "Optimization of conventional irreversible cascade refrigeration systems ", UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering vol. 71 (4), pp. 17-28, 2009. Année 2008 V. Apostol, G. Popescu, H. Pop, M. Feidt, and T. Popescu, "Thermodynamic analysis of new eco-refrigerants ammonia and dimethylether blends", Termotehnica, vol. 2, pp. 75-79, 2008. S. Araujo de Lima, M. Murad, C. Moyne, and D. Stemmelen, "A three-scale model for pHdependent steady flows in 1:1 clays", Acta Geotechnica, vol. 3, pp. 153 -174, 2008. T. Colinart, J. Mainka, O. Lottin, and S. Didierjean, "2D Modellierung einer PEMBrennstoffzelle", VDI Berichte, vol. 2036, pp. 447-450, 2008. A. Constantinescu, M. Feidt, and A. Badea, "Utilizarea biocombustibilor in sistemele motoare – modelarea proceselor termodinamice de combustie din cilindrul motorulin", Revista Romana de Informatica si Automatica, vol. 18, pp. 23-31, 2008. M. Feidt, G. Popescu, and M. Tazerout, "Editorial 4th COFRET Conference", Termotehnica, vol. 2, p. 17, 2008. B. Fiers, A. Testu, D. Maillet, and T. Niass, "Wall effects characterization for thermal dispersion in porous media : Importance of a parsimonious parameterization", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 135, n° 1, p. 2041, 2008. A. Kheiri, "Dimensionamento delle installazioni di transporto pneumatico nell’industria dei cereali Part I", Revue italienne Tecnica Molitoria n° issn 0040-1862. Anno 59, 10, vol. I, pp. 1184-1205, 2008. A. Kheiri, "Dimensionamento delle installazioni di transporto pneumatico nell’industria dei cereali Part II", Revue italienne Tecnica Molitoria n° issn 0040-1862. Anno 59, 11, vol. 2, pp. 1317-1335, 2008. S. Petrescu, M. Feidt, M. Costea, C. Petre, and N. Boriaru, "Calcul de la génération d'entropie dans un moteur irréversible à échanges thermiques isothermes à l'aide de la thermodynamique à vitesse finie et de la méthode directe", Termotehnica, vol. 2, pp. 4-11, 2008. T. Pierre, B. Remy, and A. Degiovanni, "Mesure de hautes températures par méthode multispectrale et statistique", Revue de l’Electricité et de l’Electronique, vol. 10, pp. 34-39, 2008. D. Queiros-Conde and M. Feidt, "Entropy skins geometry applied to dynamics of turbulent reactive fronts", International Journal of Thermodynamics, vol. 11, pp. 11-19, 2008. E. Vasilescu, R. Boussehain, M. Feidt, and A. Dobrovicescu, "Analyse énergétique des systèmes frigorifiques à adsorption à un ou deux étages, à simple ou double effet", Termotehnica, vol. 2, pp. 11-18, 2008. Année 2007 P. Chantrenne, K. Joulain, D. Terris, and D. Lacroix, "Prediction of the thermal conductivity of nanofilms", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 92, article n° 012080, 2007. D. Lacroix, K. Joulain, D. Terris, and D. Lemonnier, "Monte Carlo modeling of phonon transport in nanodevices", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 92, article n° 012078, 2007. A. Merabet, A. Bouchoucha, and M. Feidt, "Contribution to study heat transfer in an atmospheric diesel engine with variable compression ratio", Scientific Bulletin Automotive series, vol. 17, pp. 119-131, 2007. M. Petryk, S. Leclerc, D. Canet, and J. Fraissard, "Mathematical Modeling and Visualization of Gas Transport in a Zeolite Bed using a Slice Selection Procedure", Diffusion. Fundamentals, vol. 4, pp. 1-11, 2007. B. Remy, M. Girault, and A. Degiovanni, "Réduction de modèles dans les fours verriers : application au bain de verre", Revue Verre, vol. 13, n°4, pp. 13-18, 2007. D. Terris, K. Joulain, D. Lacroix, and D. Lemonnier, "Numerical simulation of transient phonon heat transfer in silicon nanowires and nanofilms", Journal of Physics : Conference Series, vol. 92, article n° 012077, 2007. Livres ou chapitres d’ouvrages M. Feidt, “Thermodynamique optimale en dimensions physiques finies", collection Thermique, Hermes Science Publications, 2013 C. Moyne, T.D. Le, S.A. Lima, and M.A. Murad, "Statistical mechanics-based multiscale models of swelling porous media including ion size correlations", Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids 2011: a Tribute to Pr. Olivier Coussy, IFSTTAR Editeur, 2011. H.R.B. Orlande, O. Fudym, D. Maillet, and R.M. Cotta, "Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques", CRC Press, Serie Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. B. Remy and S. André, "Thermal Measurements and Inverse Technique ", CRC Press, Helcio R.B. Orlande ; Olivier Fudym ; Denis Maillet ; Renato M. Cotta, 2011. J.L. Battaglia and D. Maillet, "Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, chap 1 : Modelling in Heat Transfert", CRC Press, pp. 4-52, 2011. D. Maillet, Y. Jarny, and D. Petit, "Problèmes inverses en diffusion thermique ", Dossiers BE 8266 (Formulation et résolution du problème des moindres carrés), Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Paris, 2011. D. Maillet, Y. Jarny, and D. Petit, "Problèmes inverses en diffusion thermique", Dossiers 8267 (Outils spécifiques de conduction inverse et de régularisation), Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Paris, 2011. T. Metzger and D. Maillet, "Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques, chap 17 : Multisignal least squares, dispersion, bias and regularization", CRC Press, pp. 599-618, 2011. F. Lapicque, C. Bonnet, S. Didierjean, O. Lottin, and D. Conteau, "Experimental techniques for fuel cell monitoring", Polymer electrolyte membrane and direct methanol fuel cell technology (PEMFCs and DMFCs), édité par C. Hartnig and C. Roth, Woodhead Publ. Company.2010. P. Chantrenne, K. Joulain and D. Lacroix, "Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials (Topics in Applied Physics, 118) ", SPRINGER, Editor S. Volz, Chapitre 2 “Nanostructures”, pp. 17-62, 2010. B. Cretin and B. Remy, "Thermal Microscopy with Photomultipliers and UV to IR Cameras" (chapter 14 in Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials), ISBN 978-3-642-04257-7, Springer, 2009. C. Petre, M. Feidt, M. Costea, and S. Petrescu, "Optimization of refrigeration Carnot cycle machine : case study, chapter II in Thermal Engineering Research Developments", Ed. J. EVGOVA, O. KOSTADINOV, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2009. D. Petit and D. Maillet, "Techniques inverses et estimation de paramètres" chap. Sciences fondamentales. Physique-Chimie. Mathématiques pour la physique. Paris, France, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, 2008. S. Maddi, I. Bihannic, P. Levitz, C. Baravian, L. J. Michot, and P. Davidson, "Propriétés cristal liquide des argiles gonflantes", Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2007. Brevets D. Lasseux, Y. Jannot, "Mesure de paramètres liés à l’écoulement de fluides dans un matériau poreux", N° de dépôt : 1050437, Année de dépôt : 2010, Extension PCT : Tous pays, N° de dépôt de l’extension : FR2011050123, Année de dépôt de l’extension : 2011. B. Jamart-Grégoire, N. Brosse, N.P. Quoc, D. Barth, A. Scondo, A. Degiovanni, "Utilisation d’aérogels pour la préparation de matériau pour isolation thermique", N° de dépôt : FR09/53363, Année de dépôt : 2009, Extension PCT : Tous pays, Année de dépôt de l’extension : 2010. COMMUNICATIONS Internationales avec actes 1. Z. Acem, A. Collin, A. Kadi, A. Marchand and P. Boulet, Radiative behaviour of firefighters protective clothing, 11th International Association for Fire Safety Science Symposium, IAFSS 2014, Christchurch, 9-14 février 2014. 2. W. Al Hadad, Y. Rouizi, Y. Jannot, B. Rémy and D. Maillet, Estimation of the heat transferred to a fluid in a minichannel by an inverse technique, 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, 10-15 août 2014. 3. W. Al Hadad, D. Maillet, S. André and R. B., Regularization using Truncated Singular Value Decomposition for estimating the Fourier spectrum of a noised space distribution over an extended support, ICIPE 2014, Cracow, 12-15 mai 2014. 4. W. Al Hadad, Y. Jannot and D. Maillet, Lateral heat losses in a flat minchannel, 4th European Conference on Microfluidics, Limerick, 10-12 décembre 2014. 5. R. L. Borup, R. Mukundan, D. Spernjak, Y. S. Kim, D. A. Langlois, K. L. More, R. Ahluwalia, S. Arisetty, G. Maranzana and O. Lottin, PEM Fuel Cell MEA Structure Degradation, Meeting Abstracts, 6. O. Cuisinier, G. Stoltz and F. Masrouri, Long Term Behavior of Lime-Treated Clayey Soil exposed to Successive Drying and Wetting, Geo-Congress 2014 Atlanta USA, 23-26 février 2014. 7. O. Cuisinier and G. Kervern, Chemo-Mechanical Couplings characterisation by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Lime-Treated Soils, International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, 1-4 septembre 2014. 8. O. Cuisinier, G. Stoltz, F. Masrouri and G. Russo, Multi-scale analysis of the swelling and shrinkage of a lime-treated expansive clayey soil, International Conferences on unsaturated Soils, Sydney, 2-4 juillet 2014. 9. O. Cuisinier, D. Deneele and F. Masrouri, Impact of high pH fluid circulation on the long term hydromechanical behaviour of compacted clayey soil, Int. Conf. Performance of Engineered Barriers: Backfill, Plugs & Seals, Hannover, 6-7 février 2014. 10. B. Hagemann, M. Rasoulzadeh, M. Panfilov, L. Ganzer and V. Reitenbach, Hydrogenization of Underground Storage of Natural Gas - Impact of Hydrogen on Biochemical Transformations of Stored Gas, 14th Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Catania, 8-11 septembre 2014. 11. V. Jean, K. Termentzidis, S. Fumeron and D. Lacroix, Phonon transport through constrictions in silicon nanowires, EUROTHERM, Lyon, 15-17 octobre 2014. 12. V. Jean, S. Fumeron, K. Termentzidis and D. Lacroix, Monte Carlo simulations of thermal properties of silicon and germanium mesoporous nanostructures, International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, 10-15 août 2014. 13. V. Jean, S. Fumeron, K. Termentzidis and D. Lacroix, Monte Carlo simulations of phonon transport in porous semiconductors nanostructures, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING, Lille, 26-30 mai 2014. 14. S. Leclerc, J. Fraissard, W. Conner and D. Canet, Physical state of di-nitrogen adsorbed in zeolites probed by 15N spin-lattice relaxation at low temperature, EUROMAR 2014, Zurich, 29 juin-03 juillet 2014. 15. D. Maillet, S. André, B. Rémy and W. Al Hadad, Regularization using Truncated Singular Value Decomposition for estimating the Fourier spectrum of a noised space distribution over an extended support, 8th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Cracovie, 12-15 mai 2014. 16. D. Maillet, Experimental inverse problems: potentials and limitations, Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, 17. J. Mainka, M. A. Murad, C. Moyne and S. A. Lima, A modified form of Terzaghi's effective stress principle of unsaturated expansive clays, Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications (UNSAT 2014), ydney, 2 au 4 juillet 2014. 18. M. Panfilov, I. Panfilova and A. Naimanova, Barodiffusive Extension of Threephase Flow Model for NegSat Method and Regularization of Three-phase Instability, 14th Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Catania, 8-11 septembre 2014. 19. V. Robin, A. A. Javadi, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri, A chemo-mechanical coupling for lime treated soils International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, 1-3 septembre 2014. 20. V. Robin, O. Cuisinier, A. A. Javadi and F. Masrouri, A new formulation to model the degradation in structured soils, 8th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, Delft, 18-20 juin 2014. 21. S. Rosin-Paumier, S. Leclerc, A. Abdallah and D. Stemmelen, Determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of clayey samples using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), UNSAT2014 - Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, Sydney, 2-4 juillet 2014. 22. K. Termentzidis, E. Blandre, A. France-Lanord, V. Jean, S. Merabia, T. Albaret and D. Lacroix, Thermal conductivity of amorphous/crystalline silicon nanowires and superlattices, Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, 10-15 août 2014. Nationales avec actes 1. W. Al Hadad, Y. Rouizi, Y. Jannot, B. Rémy and D. Maillet, Modélisation et inversion de l’évolution transitoire de la température de surface externe dans un mini-canal extracteur de chaleur plan, Congrès SFT, La Rochelle, 26-29 mai 2014. Sans actes 1. S. Abbou, J. Dillet, D. Spernjak, R. Mukundan, J. Fairweather, R. L. Borup, G. Maranzana and O. Lottin, Time Evolution of Local Potentials during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode, 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Lausanne, 31 août-5 septembe 2014. 2. R. L. Borup, R. Mukundan, D. Spernjak, Y. S. Kim, D. A. Langlois, K. L. More, R. Ahluwalia, S. Arisetty, G. Maranzana, O. Lottin and J. Dillet, PEM Fuel Cell MEA Structure Degradation, 225th ECS Meeting, Orlando, 11-16 mai 2014. 3. M. Ferrari, D. Stemmelen and C. Moyne, Dispersion in saturated porous media: measurements from NMR propagators, EUROMAR 2014 - TD 774, Zurich, 29 juin-3 juillet 2014. 4. M. Ferrari, D. Stemmelen and C. Moyne, Mesure par RMN de la dispersion en milieu poreux : influence de la rhéologie du fluide, JEMP2014, Toulouse, 9-10 octobre 2014. 5. M. Ferrari, Mesure par RMN de la dispersion en milieu poreux : influence de la rhéologie du fluide, Séminaire IFP, Rueil, 5 décembre 2014. 6. B. Hagemann, M. Rasoulzadeh and M. Panfilov, Kinetic model with memory for biochemical reactions in underground hydrogen storage, Réunion Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014. 7. S. Leclerc, J. Fraissard, W. Conner and D. Canet, Observation de l’état du diazote dans des zéolites par RMN de l’azote 15 à basse température, GERM 2014, Biarritz, 1-6 juin 2014. 8. S. Leclerc, J. Fraissard, W. Conner and D. Canet, Observation de l’état du diazote dans des zéolites par RMN de l’azote 15 à basse température, GERM2014, Biarritz, 1-6 juin 2014. 9. J. Mainka, M. A. Murad, S. A. Lima and C. Moyne, A multi-scale form of Terzaghi's effective stress principle of unsaturated expansive clays, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15), Stanford, 29 juin- 2 juillet 2014. 10. G. Maranzana, J. Dillet, A. Lamibrac, S. Abbou and O. Lottin, Hydrogen starvation in PEMFC during startups, shutdowns and with dead-ended anode, Séminaire CEA, Grenoble, 22 avril 2014. 11. M. Panfilov and A. Naimanova, Singular transition between two- and three-phase multicomponent flow in porous media, 12èmes Journées d'Etudes des Milieux Poreux, Toulouse, 9-10 octobre 2014. 12. M. Panfilov and A. Toleukhanov, Self-organization in Underground Bacterial Methanation Reactors, Hydrogen Storages and Natural Hydrogen Reservoirs, Réunion Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014. 13. M. Panfilov, Flow in fractal fractured-porous media: macroscopic model with super-memory, appearance of non-linearity and instability, International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media Dubrovnik, 29 septembre-3 octobre 2014. 14. K. Termentzidis, A. France-Lanord, E. Blandre, T. Albaret, S. Merabia, V. Jean and D. Lacroix, Phonons at amorphous/crystalline silicon interfaces, European Materials Science spring meeting, Lille, 26-29 mai 2014. 15. K. Termentzidis, T. Barreteau, E. Blandre, S. Merabia, K. Zianni and D. Lacroix, Thermal conductivity of modulated nanowires, Eurotherm 103, Lyon, 26-29 mai 2014. 16. N. Tran, J. Mainka and C. Moyne, The role of particle correlation function in Terzaghi’s effective stress principle of unsaturated expensive clays, 7th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (Interpore), Padova, 18-21 mai 2014. Autres productions F. Asslanaj, G. Jeandel, Logiciel "Simulation en rayonnement et couplage thermique", Date de dépôt : 2009.
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