ῌ,**0 The Japanese Society for AIDS Research The Journal of AIDS Research MSM Men who have Sex with Men HIVῌAIDS HIV/AIDS Studies on MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology Akitomo SHINGAE ῌ Doctoral Programs in Modern Cultures and Public Policies, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. : MSM Men who have Sex with Men 2 : .1῍/, ,**0 hZG<U7;!a2) <Y"@AB # `)*#+. O# @5A HIVῌAIDS $ H 6I@i%<Y";K<LMN#. !"# HIVῌAIDS !$% &'()*#+,-#. /)& 0 12)345 67%891%:; HIV ῌ AIDS +ῌ+ "#$%&'()* OUOU+$I& O\KBj% k&' !"#+l$Zm<U7;)*7 <=>?@AB CA@D ;. n Medical Anthropologyo +$I(p& HIVῌAIDS <E+? F G +30* )R*qrsteuv ?%H6I@J<87;K<LMN#. 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" Schoepf+*' 89~B !"#$% &Health Belief Model' ()*+ +ῌ, ,-./ 012 34 Douglas Feldman +32* #$56 " !"#$% ()*/ 0789:9;%<=ῌ>?87@A&' /( dU (!7 )* " !"#$% )*+.B/' ./ 99n 4 &practice' #$% ῌ +,-3 ! "12 X |9%4 !C*DE & F9GH9ῌFI;JKJ 0 HIVῌAIDS (!¡ *DU]B ;.FI;J!L12 /M +/6v6 |9%¡ t4 ' ῍ ,0N0OP0 & Q$AR1 <UM/¢E_ B 34£=9%1 BS=T20UM' ῎ ,0N3 HIV ῌ AIDS 46,-! Schoepf 45(VW XE & +( B637 .Bt>} Y5789(' ῏ :;Z[<=>2 9¤D] 1+!t:¥! \?E & @<UM' !2] ¦g Mm ta6]/§¨} 0ABU]B^_ Feldman <=C( (`9a ©9} B HIVῌAIDS (!ª« b9Dc0 EdFefGHD 36.B++' x/ ¬®% 1+gDhIiG(jJ4 . ^ D HIV ῌ AIDS , - . / R. B S=TKkl(cL1+ MmB Parker S|@AI;¡ (!tA /!#$%)*X nN U]4U]B/+,' ( o^B 2nOBp/0] ¯0°tAU]/ #$%)*/PQRS 12_ ^B\?U]BN(¯ (+E.BqOU] N _! ! ¬®%1 +^+ rT12 sO )* [0/ ]± .B R. 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MSM Neil McKenna,* A, # z{: ^0 |E;:2 &BC# Dunbar Moodie ,! ;:^>G>6 A,+ Moodie ; &BC#8$D1 z{:? FK ^;:CD?G HIV ῌ %&'E78 ()*+F+?G,-<H AIDS 0Y8A .7-.IG6 A/JKFL ,ῌ+ 8&MῌNOP)QRS6? HIVῌAIDS +32* st| u68S6y TU01VW:28 XNYBῌNOP)Z : =fῌK῏gaCy!, HIVῌAIDS [345 A C)P6\&M ῌ u~TUaK῏gHE45l NOP)7]>6^8 ^6G\8G7 +I)Yῌ% HIVῌAIDS 9:>6:;<=_^7] ~=yKb =fgM)z8 # ^6G01>?@`aA b Bc l {TU:ΐ;,G6 ῌ3CDdEFG῎e0;:HG ^,0 u6FXlH HIV ῌ XIJfῌK῏g hCritical Medical AnthropologyZ AIDS 0S,1 u<,2 BY,3 ,, 5!6LiM=G6 ^;:N5 X*qgZ-* ῑ-.-+ H Paul Farmer ,. y HIV ῌ AIDS >6A b Y ^N5H K7O%jY Kb¡¢ u^?G HIVῌAIDS ~=y kMῌ32M^: l XPQ Kb£dn=n$y ^6G¤¥¦§ RmZ SH;TU>6 V ¨<E ©ª«>G>6Kbf Scheper-Hughes N5 Oῌ3CD ῌ«-?G¬Bc~sS6 -.nGo Wῌp7ῌq῎rPj-.X -, ,- d Nancy Scheper-Hughes YZ[?GI0;:a[8 Farmer G\] HiMs ?^6G HIVῌAIDS 0Y ®e y¯ ^I>6M). ? IJfῌK῏gH^ EFG῎t] >68Ab°ῒ<=ygH :n Kb7_`abc uvwK7 ¡8A -- +32+ s&C#". Od+>/ HIVῌAIDS %jYkMxefg0 ±H?G#C"¢²£¤>6Fu ^ ?^8yz{:? ^[ h| ³c.±H$B)M-.A8 iBajBCD[8A ^CD l ?S6¥0 g¦§´¨N8 0}MY kHlm8 HIVῌ l u®µ©Abn<§dªI«,¬ AIDS 01]:n ~: o6pq;: R8l-. r: u^8 +32* st?G^y HIVῌAIDS u¦®jB9w C) 02CD ,-~ +2 RFuK P % M Y ¶ E 8 A + K ῏ g H Nina G. vqwx;:Cy ? Schiller C)P%MY¶E·a0 ? 2Ab>?zM?6 N?CS¸!G®¹ uEC)P% K HIVῌAIDS ;:z MY¶+Ha^; º}2 ,/ u6 ? MSM -.?Ga +2¯°±=²;:zs:-/ X³Z d X´2Tµ¶·HZ ¸»C)P% MY¶E u¹ºH»¼ 01]:¼ a8?:~S6 .3 h .3 A Shingae : HIV/AIDS Studies on MSM from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology ~ G; HIVῌAIDS zi,r ! #ῌsU8B 5I "#$% & Ronald J. Frankenberg t ῌsU8k'@=#?H & HIVῌAIDS && $.*/% '&()* )ῌq?r u,9? ` $+!#$,- HIVῌAIDS . a ,$OcJ"C% |} 9, $-0/% 01" U `YYa ?v\!? 0g ` Melissa Parker #( 234 HIV ῌ AIDS a ,$OcJ?.Q\!% 0) ` 5 + +0678 a w#xI? ῌ 9:;""#< ,=>? ,y%,#<% ` L.a @#$, + 1! "9#A B $% ` xIa ` ῌpa ?C"#$,&'9-1/% & DE ,$OcJ +32* ^z{R ῌ ()*+F G;HI, -J #G5 |}#cJ1T,#.+/% HIVῌAIDS #HK L./0#(M1 )ῌ1,~> "+N23)O,9?4#HK53 ` a , 01" ` a $% xI9 S QR @O),%m9 ,ῌ, % ` a F,?O% 6P HIVῌAIDS .QR7 S89,0 ῌ?9 ` a L.,p T$:<;<=>U% ?@ QR[ j9 "+-,G5 HIVῌAIDS "S?(O ), #% 00¡¢ Hzi?"U &M"M"#< ,VW! #$P ` a ePHEF\!ab\ SXY#89)AB =>U !),,#.,/% 4 Q $ _ s£R¤/ ZC,[D8,$O"EF \H\!U `¥Yῌ a ¦&+ HIVῌAIDS ?Od/ % 0&$<DU i=H!#$:*O% ",(O !F\! @S] ῌqr#ZC HIVῌAIDS Od/0 ,G^9:*O% & Mary & g ,$OcJ§ ` Douglas $ _ `H!a ,,Bb T$ a ,$OcJ,95= +j, I$ cJ?K!$+5 k5l{0O,,o=% +LM"C,+N% T@5, OdeP ¨g#pYq G$+ ¨© "9)Od QR fS\!+,Bb?C5 g#h ª,08?+N\!5 C$$ _ T G$!F\!#;!W#H#$,i=H!% C # ` a ,#¨gmB?«p S?G^9), #U#j"C 9),? ¬ ,y%"C, #HKQR#+"+C % )O# Douglas k o '.V\l#?H W Elizabeth Miller a `Y¯a +,°<#A ±Y² -2/ !®$.-/% $ _ `¥Y ῌ XY G;WmB HIVῌAIDS "9"M,Z ±Y²&\H @³<´µ?C5 +, XY n[ QH!,o ! `pYq\r] sAIDS +,OdwBb|"¤JJ¶$ MSM ? 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