IMMIGRATION Video Script 入国に関してのビデオ Slide 1.) Welcome

Slide 1.) Welcome to video on Immigration Information for IELI Students.
IELI の生徒のための入国管理に関する情報ビデオへ、ようこそ。
Slide 2.) If you ever have any questions about immigration, you can get advice from the IELI International Student
Adviser. Remember that rules change. Be sure to always get advice BEFORE you act, and know that your
legal status is YOUR responsibility.
米国への入国について質問がある場合、IELI 留学生アドバイザーにご相談ください。入国ルー
Slide 3.) Acronyms to Know: Here are some important acronyms that you should know. I-20 is your F-1 eligibility
document. F-1 is your student immigration status. I-94 is the admission/departure record, which is
accessible online. Visa is a stamp in your passport that allows one to enter the United States. CIP stands
for the Center for International Programs. IELI is the International English Language Institute. DSO is
your Designated School Official, also your International Student Adviser. USCIS is the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services. DHS stands for the Department of Homeland Security. DOS is the
Department of State. POE is the Port of Entry.
覚えるべき略語について:ここでは知っておくべき重要な略語をご紹介いたします。I-20 とは
あなたの F-1 適格書類です。F-1 とは学生の在留ステータス(立場、状態)です。I-94 はオンラ
れによって米国への入国が許可されます。CIP とはインターナショナルプログラムセンター
(Center for International Programs)の略語です。IELI は国際英語力研究所( International English
Language Institute)の略語です。DSO は、指定の学校関係者(Designated School Official)の略語、
または留学生アドバイザー(International Student Adviser)を指します。USCIS は、米国市民権
もしくは移民局サービス(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)のことです。DHS
は、国土安全保障省(Department of Homeland Security)の略語です。DOS は国務省
(Department of State)の略語です。POE は通関手続きまたは入国管理事務所のある港/空港
(Port of Entry)の略語になります。
Slide 4.) Important Immigration Documents: The following are documents that prove your visa status: form I-20,
valid passport, visa stamp, and your I-94 card (accessible online). It is important that you keep your
immigration documents in a safe place, and do not lose them! Also, keep all I-20 originals together, as
they show your immigration history. Note that a valid visa is not required to continue studies, but it is
required to re-enter the United States after a visit abroad. The visa must be renewed in your home
country- you cannot renew your visa while in the United States.
スポート、ビザ証紙、I-94 カード(オンラインでアクセス可)。米国へ入国する際に必要な書
する際に必要になるため、すべての I-20 の書類の原本は一まとめにして保管しておいてくださ
Slide 5.) SEVIS: SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System. SEVIS is an internet based system
that allows schools and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to exchange information and data
regarding international students in the United States
SEVIS: SEVIS とは Student and Exchange Visitor Information System の略語のことです。SEVIS とは、
Slide 6.) Maintaining Your Status: As an international student, you are required to “maintain status” of your visa.
Failure to maintain status could result in your deportation from the United States.
Slide 7.) Maintaining Your Status is YOUR responsibility. You must tell your International Student Advisor any
changes in your plan and you must follow proper procedures for these changes. Your International
Student Adviser is here to help you maintain status. Always ask before you act. Here are some
responsibilities that you have to maintain status. Report to and attend the school listed on the I-20 and
visa within 10 days of the start of the session. Pursue a full course of study during every session except
during school breaks, meaning attend all your classes. Make normal progress towards program
completion by the program end date on the I-20. If necessary, apply for an extension of stay prior to the
end date on the I-20. Follow proper procedures for a change in level (i.e. moving on from IELI to a
university). Follow proper procedures for transferring schools (60 days after completion of study/15
days if in the middle of your program).
事柄をいくつかご紹介します。学期の開始から 10 日以内に、I-20 とビザに記載されている学校
に通い、報告しなくてはなりません。生徒は指定された休校日以外は全日制コース(full course
of study)に通う必要があり、すべての講義(class)に出席しなくてはなりません。I-20 上のプ
米国への滞在延長をする場合は I-20 修了日までに滞在延長を申請してください。学業レベルを
変更する(例えば、IELI から大学へと編入する場合)は、適切な手順に従い手続きを行ってく
ださい。学校を転校する場合には適切な手順に従ってください。(プログラム完了から 60 日後、
また、プログラムの途中である場合は 15 日後。)
Slide 8.) Maintaining Your Status: Report any change of address/name within 10 days of the change. Follow grace
period rules (for example, stay in the US no longer than 60 days after completion of study, 15 days if
authorized withdrawal and 0 days if unauthorized). Follow rules requiring disclosure of information and
prohibition on criminal activity. Accept employment only if authorized under the regulations. Carry
adequate health insurance throughout the length of the program. For more information on maintaining
status, please visit the following website.
米国への在留ステータスを継続するために:住所や名前を変更する場合には、変更する 10 日以
内に報告してください。グレースピリオド(猶予期間:grace period)の規則に従ってください。
Slide 9.) Dependents: If you came to the United States with dependents (like a husband, wife, or children), they
are required to follow the same or similar rules in order to maintain their F-2 status. International nonimmigrants with F-2 visas cannot work, pursue a degree-seeking program, or study full time. They can,
however, take occasional vocational and recreational courses. Make sure your F-2s know these
扶養に関して:扶養家族を連れて米国に入国した場合(例えば夫や妻、子供等)、彼らは F-2
ステータスを継続するために、同様、または同等の規則に従うことが要求されます。F-2 ビザを
Slide 10.) Your DSO or International Student Advisor is required to report various events in SEVIS. For example, if
you stop attending classes, or if you change your address. Please read through these reporting
DSO もしくは留学生アドバイザーは様々なできごとを SEVIS 内に報告する必要があります。例
Slide 11.) Your DSO must also report these events in SEVIS. Pause this video to read through this information.
DSO も SEVIS 内にでこれらのできごとを報告しなければなりません。この情報を参照するため
Slide 12.) HSU Email Address: Your HSU email address is the ONLY way that we will contact you. We will NOT use
your alternate email address, like Yahoo or AOL. Check your HSU email account EVERY DAY for:
Important Immigration Advisories, IELI Updates, and information on upcoming Activities and Events.
HSU のメールアドレスについて:あなたの HSU のメールアドレスは私たちがあなたと連絡を取
れる唯一の手段です。Yahoo や AOL のような、予備のメールアドレスは使用しません。重要な
入管勧告や、IELI に関する情報の更新、および今後の活動•イベントに関する情報が送られてき
ますので、毎日 HSU メールをチェックしてください。
Slide 13.) Full Course of Study: To be considered in-status, you are required to have a full course of study with
good attendance. In the IELI, a full course of study is 25 hours per week of class. You must attend 90% of
your classes to have good attendance. Don’t worry- you will be automatically enrolled in a full course of
study. Failure to regularly attend your classes and make normal progress is a violation of F-1 regulations.
全日制コース(full course of study)について:米国在留ステータスであると考慮されるために
は、高い出席率で全日制コースを修了する必要があります。IELI では、全日制コースは週 25 時
が高く、講義についていけなくなった場合はこの条件を満たしていないとみなされ、F-1 ビザに
Slide 14.) Reduced Course Load: Under some circumstances, you may take less than a full course of study. This is
called a “Reduced Course Load,” or RCL. A serious medical condition is the only exception to the full
course of study requirement. You must provide documentation from a licensed medical doctor or
clinical psychologist as proof. RCL is a very rare allowance and must be requested of your International
Student Adviser, or DSO, BEFORE you can reduce your course load. It’s very important to note that if you
stop going to one or more of your courses without prior approval, you will be terminated in the SEVIS
system, considered out of status, and could be deported.
能です。これを、“Reduced Course Load”(コース負担を減らす) 、もしくは RCL と呼びます。
校に提出しなくてはなりません。RCL は非常にまれなケースであり、講義数を減らす前に DSO
減らした場合、SEVIS 記録が終了し、ステータス外とみなされ、強制送還される可能性があるこ
Slide 15.) Name & Address Changes: If you move or change where you live, you must report your new address to
your International Student Adviser within 10 days! You must fill out a Change of Address form, which
you can find on our website. You also must report if you change your name, which will require a new
名前と住所の変更について:住居を変更した場合、10 日以内に留学生アドバイザーに新しい住
Slide 16.) Travel: If you would like to travel outside of the US during a school break, you must first have your I-20
signed by your International Student Adviser/DSO. Complete the Travel Request Form online or in the
CIP at least two weeks prior to your scheduled departure. Submit the form along with your passport
with visa stamp, I-94 and SEVIS I-20 to the CIP for processing. It’s important to note that a valid visa is
required to re-enter the US after a visit abroad. You should also check to make sure that your passport
isn’t expired and won’t expire for at least 6 months.
旅行に関して:休暇中にアメリカを出国し海外を旅行する場合は、まず最初に、I-20 に留学生
アドバイザーまたは DSO にサインをしてもらう必要があります。少なくとも出発予定の 2 週間
前までに、オンラインまたは CIP の旅行要請用紙を完成させ提出してください。手続き処理の
ためにビザ証紙がついているパスポート、CIP に I-94 と SEVIS I-20 を添付して書類を送ってく
トの有効期間が 6 ヶ月以上であるかどうかも確認しておいてください。
Slide 17.) “B” Visitor Visas: We strongly recommend that you NEVER enter and/or reenter the US on a short-term
visitor’s B-2 visa. While you may request a change of status once in the U.S., the process can be delayed
and your visitor visa could expire before your status can be changed.
「B」観光ビザ:短期間滞在者のビザである B-2 ビザを使い米国に入国または再入国は決してし
Slide 18.) Employment Information: As an IELI student, you are allowed to get a part-time job on-campus. There
are strict regulations for international student employment. You may NOT work off campus. Talk to your
International Student Adviser if you would like to seek out employment.
就職に関しての情報:IELI の学生はキャンパス内でのアルバイトを許可されています。しかし、
Slide 19.) Social Security Number: Social Security Numbers (abbreviated SSN) are required for you to get a job. You
must first have a job offer before you can qualify for a Social Security Number. Wait 10 days after
arriving in the US days before applying for a Social Security Number. The data from your Port of Entry
needs time to be entered in the computer system.
社会保障番号:仕事をするためには社会保障番号(Social Security Numbers : SSN)が必要です。
は、米国到着後 10 日間待つ必要があります。これは、通関手続地(Port of Entry)のデータを
Slide 20.) Early Completion: If you complete the IELI program before the end date on your I-20, you must alert
your International Student Adviser so they can give you a new Form I-20.
早期に修了した場合:IELI プログラムが I-20 に定められた修了日時よりも早く完了した場合に
は、新たな I-20 書類を申請するために早急に留学生アドバイザーに知らせなければなりません。
60 Day Grace Period: When you have completed the IELI program, you get a grace period. A grace
period is time allotted before you must leave the country that you may use to gather your things or
travel within the United States. The grace period after IELI program completion is 60 days! Failure to
depart the US within 60 days of completion of studies is grounds for removal from the US (deportation).
Please note that authorized early withdrawal from your program is not completion of studies – in this
circumstance you only have 15 days to depart the country.
60 日のグレースピリオド(猶予期間:grace period):IELI プログラムを修了後はグレースピリ
や米国内旅行などに使うことができる期間のことです。IELI プログラム修了後のグレースピリ
てください。この場合、出国までに15日 間のみ猶予が与えられます。
Slide 21.) Program Extensions: Your program end date is listed on your Form I-20. If you do not complete the IELI
program by that date, you must request an extension from your International Student Adviser/DSO. You
will need a good reason, such as severe academic difficulty, or medical problems. Program Extensions
must be requested before the I-20 expiration date, or you will be considered “out of status” and will
have to apply for reinstatement.
プログラムの延長:プログラム修了日は I-20 に記載されています。その日までに IELI プログラ
ムを修了していない場合、留学生アドバイザーまたは DSO に延長期間を申請する必要がありま
う正当な理由が必要になります。プログラムの延長は I-20 の失効期限前に申請されなければな
Slide 22.) Reinstatement & Status Violation: If you violate your status and your SEVIS record has been terminated,
you may apply for “reinstatement.” You must have sufficient documentation for the reason of your
violation in your application for reinstatement. The violation has to have been due to circumstances
beyond your control. If you have questions about falling out of status or reinstatement procedures,
please meet with your DSO as soon as possible. Remember, a student who has been out of status for 5
months cannot apply for reinstatement.
ステータスの回復&と違反について: 自分のステータスに違反し SEVIS 記録が終了した場合、
場合は、可能な限り早急に DSO にご相談ください。 ステータス外の状態が5ヶ月間続いた学生
Slide 23.) Filling a Tax Return: Some international students must file information on taxes and employment. Check
your email for important information on taxes during the spring sessions. The tax requirement is
administered by Ward Angles located in the Office of Extended Education in SBS 211. You can contact
him if you have questions about filing a tax return.
学期中に E-メールで送付される税金に関する重要な情報を確認しておいてください。税金に関
しては Ward Angles のオフィス、Extended Education in SBS 211 をお訪ねください。確定申告につ
Slide 24.) Final Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guideline only and is subject to change without notice
at any moment. It is important for you to understand that the responsibility for maintaining your status
Slide 25.) Questions? Please do not hesitate to meet with your International Student Adviser in the IELI prior to
making any decisions that may impact your immigration status. Thank you for listening to this
Immigration Presentation.
学生アドバイザーにご相談ください。IELI の留学生アドバイザーに相談することを躊躇する必