2 B/ 5 2013年度 1限目 【一般入試前期B日程(1日目) 】 1 限 目 注 意 1.試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2.問題冊子は1部,解答用紙は1枚です。 3.解答科目の選択方法は,下表のとおりです。○印は選択できる科目を,×印は選択できない科 目を表しています。本日複数の学科(専攻)を志願している方は選択できる科目を受験票で再 度確認のうえ,解答科目を選択しなさい。 募集学部・学科・専攻 医療経営 総合リハビリテーション 医療福祉 選択科目 心理科学 保健医療 リハビリテーション工学 救急救命学 義肢装具学 保 育 学 コミュニケーション心理 臨 床 工 学 医療ビジネス学 言語聴覚療法学 医療福祉学 病院管理学 臨 床 心 理 臨床検査学 理学療法学 介護福祉学 診療放射線 作業療法学 看護 薬 看護 薬 英 語 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 数学I・A ○ × ○ ○ × ○ × 数学I・A・Ⅱ・B × ○ × × ○ × ○ 4.解答は全てマークセンス方式です。マークはHBの黒鉛筆(シャープペン シル可)で右の例のように正しくマークしなさい。 マーク例 5.解答用紙には解答欄のほかに次の記入欄があります。 (1)受験番号欄 受験番号を受験番号欄の上欄に算用数字で記入し,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしな さい。 (2)解答科目選択欄 解答する科目を1つだけ○で囲み,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしなさい。 ※受験番号および解答した科目が正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないことがあり ます。 6.記入したマークを訂正する場合は,プラスチック製消しゴムで完全に消し,改めてマーク しなさい(消しくずを残さないこと) 。 7.解答用紙は折り曲げたり,汚したりしてはいけません。 8.解答用紙の※印欄はマークしてはいけません。 9.問題冊子と解答用紙にページの落丁・乱丁および印刷の不鮮明な箇所や汚れなどがある場合は, 手を挙げて監督者に知らせなさい。 10.試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰りなさい。 英 (解答番号 語 ⑴ ~ Ⅰ 次の英文を読み,問1~問7について,それぞれ 選び,解答を ⑴ ~ ⑺ � ) ~ から最も適切なものを一つ に入れなさい。 (₂₈点) Everything seemed normal in space. Astronauts* were hard at work on the International Space Station. Suddenly, alarms sounded. Mission Control ordered them to abandon the station. They rushed to the escape shell, where they waited for further orders. What was the emergency? A small piece of space junk* was speeding toward the space station at 28,000 kilometers per hour. Mission Control feared it would crash into the station. Ten minutes later, Mission Control sent an all-clear order. The station was safe. This close call happened on March 12, 2009. It wasnʼt the first time space junk threatened astronautsʼ lives. And it wonʼt be the last. Iʼve been interested in trash since I was 12 years old. I donʼt mean the trash thatʼs lying around your bedroom that makes your parents mad. I mean the trash thatʼs littering* the space around our planet. We put a lot of trash in space. Each year, we add more. ⑴ Space trash is out of sight, so it is out of mind. Yet space junk has caused a lot of problems. The first artificial satellite was launched in October 1957. Since then we have launched thousands of satellites. I used one of them to hunt for black holes. Many are still in orbit*. Only one in five still work. The rest are junk. Satellites come in many shapes and sizes. Some are as large as a school bus. Despite their size, most arenʼt that dangerous. They are large enough to track. We can map where they are. Burned-out* satellites are just one kind of space junk. Rockets go through space to place satellites there. Usually one section of a rocket ends up staying in space, too. These once valuable rockets now are part of a growing band of space waste. Many still contain rocket fuel that can explode. If one blows up, ⑵ it can break into hundreds of small pieces. Each one of those small pieces adds to the amount of space junk. Making less rubbish and protecting astronauts are only the first steps. We know that the junk already in space is very dangerous. At present, about 13,000 close encounters −1− take place between working spacecraft* and space junk each week. To make matters worse, the junk already in space is making more junk. So something needs to be done. Scientists are looking for ways to clean up space waste. One idea is to shoot lasers* at trash. The lasers would move the trash away from working satellites. The only problem is that Earthʼs gravity* would pull the junk back. So the junk would become a problem again. New spacecraft also can act like rubbish trucks. Nets on these high-flying rubbish trucks could catch junk and throw it into Earthʼs atmosphere. The junk would burn up before hitting the ground. Some of the burning trash might light up the sky. One thing is clear: Scientists must work together to find solutions. No single country is responsible for cleaning up space. Many countries threw junk into space. Now those countries have to clean it up so space is safe! 出典:From ʼSpace Junkʼ by Jonathan McDowell, National Geographic Extreme Explorer, May 2010. ©2010 National Geographic Society. Used with permission. (注)*astronaut: 宇宙飛行士 *junk: くず *litter: 散らかす *orbit: 軌道 *burned-out: 使い果たした *spacecraft: 宇宙船 *laser: レーザー *gravity: 重力 問1 When the alarms sounded, Mission Control told the astronauts ⑴ . to work on the station to leave the station to look for space junk to leave the escape shell 問2 ⑵ Why did the alarms sound? Mission Control was crashing into the Space Station. Mission Control was hit by space junk. Space junk was hitting the Space Station. Space junk was approaching the Space Station. 問3 Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined sentence ⑴ Space trash is out of sight, so it is out of mind in paragraph 2? We do not know how much space junk exists. We forget the trash around our bedroom until our parents get mad. We do not care much about space junk because we cannot easily see it. We ignore space junk because it has never caused problems. −2− ⑶ 問4 According to the article, most satellites in space ⑷ . cannot be located are still working were launched to catch space junk can be easily located 問5 What does the underlined word ⑵ it in paragraph 4 stand for? ⑸ rocket fuel an old rocket with fuel a valuable rocket space where rockets place satellites 問6 ⑹ According to the article, which of the following is true? Space junk pushed away by lasers would be pulled back by gravity. It is dangerous to throw space junk into Earthʼs atmosphere. New spacecraft can catch space junk and crush it like a rubbish truck. There are many effective ways to remove space junk. 問7 The author thinks space junk should be cleaned up by ⑺ . the country that has produced the most space junk countries that are not interested in space all the countries in the world countries which have launched rockets and satellites Ⅱ 次の各文の空所 ~ 1 ⑻ ~ ㉕ に入れる語句として最も適当なものを,それぞれ から一つ選びなさい。 (₁₈点) The door bell rang while Jennie talks ⑻ on the phone. was talking had been talking 2 Sarah was almost asleep when she heard her name call 3 It was kind called ⑽ of you to accept ⑼ have been talking by the teacher. calling to be called in you accepting on you accepting his offer. for you to accept −3− 4 ⑾ no knowing what will happen. It is There is 5 Peter goes to the theater other 6 A dragon is an ⒀ ⒁ You see both every imaginative imagination Almost of Almost all two weeks. before creature. imaginary 7 ⑿ We have imaginable my works are written in English. All most Almost 8 There are many beautiful Japanese gardens, several in which 9 ⒃ of which in that Nothing Neither ⒄ 10 If Nancy had left five minutes earlier, she will be were as far as 12 I wonder what has grown find I know. no more than become gone turned None Any ㉑ founding founded in 1998. you were so sick, I would have asked somebody else to do the job. 16 Jane is very shy. She little ㉔ would have been of my high school teacher. found Had I known 17 ⒆ ⒅ so much as Each 14 This university was ㉒ except that Some student bought a new computer. All 15 of that in time for the meeting. could be 11 John is planning to be there for Christmas, ⒇ are in Kyoto. of yesterdayʼs football games was exciting. Both 13 ⒂ To be known ㉓ Without knowing Because I know talks to other people. seldom few rare I in your place, I wouldnʼt make that decision. If Were 18 My dog is very ugly, but I love him more As ㉕ ever the more. all −4− Being most Ⅲ 次の会話文A~Cの空所 解答群の ~ ㉖ ~ ㉞ に入れるのに最も適当な英文を,それぞれの から一つ選びなさい。 (₁₈点) 会話文A A: Iʼve been thinking about my future really hard these days. B: So do you know what you want to do? A: Well, I think Iʼd like to work for an IT company. B: Good. You like computers. ㉖ A: Yes, I really want to work for Apple Computer. B: Hey. Go for it. But remember that company is really hard to get into. A: I know. ㉗ B: Well, if you could speak two foreign languages, that could be a big plus. A: OK. Iʼll brush up on my English. B: ㉘ ㉖の解答群 Do you have any special ability? Do you have any special computers? Do you want to buy a new one? Do you have any specific companies in mind? ㉗の解答群 What do you think I should do? Do you know how I can relax? It seems to be easy for me. Itʼs a piece of cake. ㉘の解答群 Come on! Here you go. Good luck! What an excuse! −5− 会話文B A: ㉙ B: But itʼs so warm! A: Itʼs supposed to get cold later tonight. B: ㉚ A: An hour ago, on TV. B: Really? A: Yes. They said itʼs going to cool off from around 8 oʼclock. B: Iʼll be back before then. A: ㉛ B: I am, but it ends at 7:30. ㉙の解答群 You should take a jacket. Itʼs cold, isnʼt it? Why are you wearing a jacket? Itʼs really cold today. ㉚の解答群 When did you hear that? What time? When will it get cold? Where did you hear that? ㉛の解答群 Are you sure? Where are you going? I thought you were going to a movie. Please make sure you get back before 8. −6− 会話文C A: Welcome to Star Travel. Can I help you? B: Yes. I would like to arrange a trip to Europe this summer. A: ㉜ B: My wife really wants to go to Italy and Spain. I am most interested in Greece. A: I see. ㉝ B: How much more is it if we go to three countries? A: About 30 percent. B: ㉞ A: So just Italy and Greece? ㉜の解答群 Have you been to Europe before? How many people will be going? Where would your wife like to go? Which countries are you interested in visiting? ㉝の解答群 We have a special four-country package. Iʼm afraid that is too many countries. We have a special two-country package. We have a special three-country package. ㉞の解答群 I guess weʼll go to Italy next time. I think weʼll skip Spain then. Iʼll take the three-country package. What would you recommend? −7− Ⅳ 次のA~Dの各問いに対し, その解答を ㉟ ~ ㊿ に入れなさい。 (₁₆点) ~ 次の1~4の各英文の下線部と最も近い意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ A から一つ 選びなさい。 ㉟ 1 In short, I canʼt agree with you on this issue. In brief In advance In detail In case 2 We will discuss some of the latest developments as to our new technology. concerning by from to 3 The book gives you a very accurate description of each hotel in Kyoto. precise primitive awkward yearly symbolic ㊳ miserable 次の1~4の各英文の下線部と反対の意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ B ㊲ neutral 4 The Snow Festival is a popular annual event in Sapporo. atomic ㊱ ~ から一つ 選びなさい。 ㊴ 1 People gathered to watch the fight. competed predicted scattered elected ㊵ 2 America is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. smartest toughest maddest poorest ㊶ 3 I want an objective opinion about my children. subjective innocent historic convenient ㊷ 4 Here is the top ten list of common diseases. upper rare 次の1~4につき,それぞれ C solar ~ false のなかで,下線部の発音が他と異なる単語を一つ 選びなさい。 1 slight ghost though tightly ㊸ 2 blame escape ancestor shake ㊹ 3 inch video image machine ㊺ 4 jail claim tail certain ㊻ 次の1~4につき,それぞれ D ~ のなかで,最も強いアクセントのある音節の位置 が前から数えて他と異なる単語を一つ選びなさい。 1 tri・umph trou・ser mis・take fail・ure ㊼ 2 de・li・cious in・no・cent nu・me・rous pre・vi・ous ㊽ 3 fa・mil・i・ar o・rig・i・nal con・ve・ni・ent ne・ces・sa・ry ㊾ 4 de・moc・ra・cy in・de・pen・dent ar・ti・fi・cial e・lec・tron・ic ㊿ −8− Ⅴ 次の1~10の日本語に合う最も自然な英文になるように,それぞれの語群を並べ替え, � ~ � に入る語を一つ選びなさい。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文字で書かれて いる。各問の解答が共に正しい場合のみ正解とする。 (₂₀点) 1 いつか君はすてきなお父さんになるだろう。 ( ) ( � � ) ( ) ( will ) ( ) someday. a wonderful you father make 2 浮世絵のことはほとんど知らないけど,北斎はすばらしい芸術家だと思います。 � Though ( ) ( � ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , I believe Hokusai was a wonderful artist. know about Ukiyoe little or I nothing 3 どんな天才も,想像力なくして成功はしない。 ( ) ( � � ) ( ) ( can ) ( ) the power of imagination. no without succeed genius 4 メアリーは花の写真でいっぱいのアルバムを取り出した。 Mary ( ) ( � with ) ( ) ( � a lot of ) ( ) pictures of flowers. filled took out an album 5 彼はチームメイト全員より多くのことを成し遂げるかもしれない。 � He may ( ) ( the other � ) ( ) ( all ) ( ) . teammates accomplish more than 6 彼女に本当のことを言わないでほしいです。 I ( ) ( � ) ( ) ( tell � ) ( ) her the truth. didnʼt you rather would 7 なぜ現実に向き合って,やらなければいけないことをしないんだい。 Why donʼt ( ) ( you � do ) ( ) ( � ) ( ) what is required? and face −9− reality 8 他のチームに追いつくのは,もう手遅れだ。 It is ( ) ( � catch up ) ( ) ( � ) ( ) the other teams. late too to with 9 そのころの私の一番の楽しみは読書でした。 The ( ) ( � had ) ( ) ( � ) ( ) in those days was reading. greatest that I pleasure 10 私たちの会社はグリーンさんのような人を必要としている。 Mr. Green ( ) ( our company � of ) ( ) ( � ) ( ) needs. the kind −10− is person ご注意 1. 本書の一部あるいは全部について,発行者の許可を得ずに,無断で複写・転写することは 禁じられています。 2. 本書の内容に誤り・誤字脱字などございましたら,ご連絡いただけると幸いです。 2013/8/1 発行・制作:広島国際大学入試センター 連絡先:739−2695 広島県東広島市黒瀬学園台555−36 TEL: 0823−70−4500 FAX: 0823−70−4518 Mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.hirokoku-u.ac.jp/ Copyright © 2013 Hiroshima International University, All rights reserved.
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