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'"••••••••• t 'y , t .2. .t. 4 - 7.t.• 7•••• 'h 1.t. 1.• • " • ? •• • „. • IL • • ." • • so Zr • • 4 t. ✎ ✎✂ P 4 ...4114:110,s lfr• 1,- • . 43.? " •• • •n •••:.,"• •• , . ✔ • . '•- 3 • L 444 . •: 1 4 t t Nie• APS. n4ICV ■••11CV r F FD-3S0 0•3S0 (43-42) (43-42) , 7.„ ••• .11 • (Mount Clipping in Specs Below) le; ke, t*- TER •JACK RUBY TELLS HOW HE FELT FELT.IFTER _. SI101) TINGOSWALD kS H OTING OS WALD . , 6• • f — we. • RT •; .'" 4.4 • . e• • ••• , .6; ' , • • r *. • .. -1 ; ; „ .••••••• 1 ••c •s .7, id a I Tient , _: II[Y JACKRUBY RUBYWITH WITHWILLI WILLI II READ READ WbODFI WOODII IlfY JACK • •• • ' know HarveyOswald? Oswald? O. Did Did you everever know LeeLee Harvey a , ,0. you in the the w w neverin :” A. A. II never never saw saw him him in in the the Carousel Carousel Ciao. Cluh, never at any time. The master of ceremonies at the club, Bill DeMarr.. Dehiarr.. :i 11 .4 A ai be1,; - said said be he thought thought he he had had seen seen Oswald Oswald at at the the club, club, but but now nowbe I shock to to me because such aa shock I denies he ever ever saw him. It was such Bill has has such such aa wonderful wonderful memory. memory.He Hewas was trying trying to fix it up : Bill . ti to get on dic•Ed die ,Ed Sullivan show. That's the reason reason be be said said that.', that:. usuallygreet greetcustomers customers beard beard Oswald's Oswahl's name nameand andI Iusually fy ..I never I never apart. at apart'.' at at the theclub clubby byname. name. Someone Someone even even said I once had ah ., • . r 7next to Oswald, Oswald, but this is absolutely not true. true: . : .. tent meet next 1. , i. -. Q Why Q. Why . did ad you you carry carrya• gee? tea! at. knifed at and the only way to get respect .. • A. I've been cut at, thugs ugs and hoodlums know the th !7 in alias allas is to carry a gun and the knew , , 1111 it. Hoods Hoods can ancause causeall allkinds kindsof oftrouble. trouble.They Theyget getput putinIn1111 '*it. get out the next morning with a mere $10 fine. That's it is in Dallas an dthat's dthat's why why 1I carried a gun. gun, In to they know my business business and and my mymoney. money. I have have no nopermit— permit--they •• ' -hut --6but they they know all night club owners carry guns. You ha ,. to .,. to carry carry a gun. Dallas is is like like aa jUngle. jangle. .• .- • yee it's ;• Q. Yee Yee said sad you donesome some fighting,. fighting,. Could Could yew On • you bad had done 1. as us snort more deo& Adas about '1 shad dds? the , • .. '• . • • -• •!‘ eve . 'had 'hail to to defend defendmyself myself aa number of of tintei lima in in my may Ws. life. • i've ve had defended • • • had people peoplepull pull'knives tniva and andguns gunson onme me and and I've I've defended •. -•-.; • - ' • I,myseIf. ;myself.backed backedthem themoff offwith withmy mygun sunwhen whenI Ihad hadto. la*Coos .0aos • •• I ',• , . :re • 1,1I Ichased chased aa fellow fellow down and beat beat him him up. up. He He was was Within Within a down and r .• * waitress waitress and and I I came came to to her defense. Another Another time, time, I I came came across% screw • --c 7 *. three hoods was' • hoods beating beatingup upaaDallas Dallaspolice police'officer. officer. His name wee Blankenship. They Blankenship. Theywere wereabout aboutSotokW kill him and I jusiowLsiol jumiroulisl • .1 • . and hel and help 4the thqcop. cop. HeHe later later said said I saved I saved his his life.life. rat ;toed rot rood of,'':"-one, oat would would hive hive dostejt. dossejt.Rot antI Ididv00M.,..1,Add dik,,o,te.,,,,„Na sr? 4,‘ •ao 24.7-Alc•4.1. * • -e or••••• '4; ••• It • N .4 ...!" • • ••P ,••• 4- • -7C-27 • • I• f.- GO' • .• 7' *':; " • . 4 • ;f ir • .; -. - s' • GSM t.7 • • 4 •-• - „L. • „4 4,•/ ' , - e ••.1_,61. ,•14,61 •••• — a. ..,fic• .. • • • ✡✌ •Q. •0. Ina( ✱✎ ✩●❅✿❙❏◆✌❒❏■▲❉❄❅❒ ❙❏◆❒▲❅●❆ ❁ ❒❅●❉❇❉❏◆▲ ❍ are❁❒❅ your❙❏◆❒ feelings Q. Ilo_ru,gonsider yourself a religious mac! - toward the Dallas ✴◆▼ ❆❅❅●❉■❇▲ ▼❏◗❁❒❄ ✤❁●●❁▲ ❐❏●❉❃❅ ❁■❄●❏◗ police▼❈❅ endlow ✍ ❄❏ do-they ▼❈❅❙fia ❆❉❁✇▼❏◗❁❒❄▲ . towards you' ❙❏◆✟ don't go to scrod conservativslevtut. ✎❈◆▼✌ h ✎❄❏■ ✩ ✌ ✎✎▼ ✡✎ ✩✇❍ ❁ ❖❅❒❙ ❃❏■▲❅❒❖❁▼❉❖▲●❅◗ ✎✢✚ ✎ ●● ✔ ❏ ✎ ✚ ✌✎✎✎✎✔✎✚ ✑✓✑✔ ✿ A. I'm a very your . ✎ for ❙❏◆❒ ❍❙ ❁ ▲❅❒❖❉❃❅ must say (synagog) regularly any more. must a service ❒❅❇◆●❁❒●❙ ❁■❙✑You ❍❏❒❅✎ ✹❏◆ A. ✡✎I love ✩ ●❏❖❅ the Dallas ▼❈❅police. ✤❁●●❁▲ I love the ❐❏●❉❃❅✎ department. ✩ ●❏❖❅ I love ▼❈❅ ❄❅❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼✎ ●❏❖❅ (synagog) ❍❏❒■❉■❇ morning for 11 ❆❏❒ months ✑✑after_sleath..v. ❍❏■▼❈▲ ❁❆▼❅✔✔✑ ▼❏ to bang ❂❁■❇ around ❁❒❏◆■❄ there. They ▼❈❅❒❅✎ handle civil ✴❈❅❙ rights ❈❁■❄●❅ with less ❃❉❖❉● fuss ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄ ❒❉❇❈▼▲ ◗❉▼❈ every ●❅▲▲ ❆◆▲▲ parents ❐❁❒❅■▼▲ deceased ✐✖✌✔✎✎✎✛ ") •Af.„ ✌ ✎✌✎✎✇✉ ✎than ▼❈❁■ any town. ❁■❙ ▼❏◗■✎ The Marcus ✴❈❅ family ✭❁❒❃◆▲ has helped ❆❁❍❉●❙ the Dallis ❈❁▲ ❈❅●❐❅❄ ▼❈❅ ✤❁●●❉▲ ✪❅◗ • ✩ I did ❄❉❄ this. ▼❈❉▲✎ Jew • ✎ tremendously, but still ❂◆▼ you find.bigotry—things like the Thun▼❒❅❍❅■❄❏◆▲●❙✌ ❁●● ❙❏◆ ❆❉■❄✎❂❉❇❏▼❒❙▼❈❉■❇▲ ●❉❋❅ ▼❈❅ ✴❈◆■✍ -- ❙❏◆ ✣◆❂❁✎✇ CAA.' Wand ✷❏❒●❄ yew -to.. ▼❒❁❖❅●❅❄ you traveled to ✱✎ ✷❅ ❈❁❖❅ ❂❅❁❒❄ ▼❈❁▼ ❙❏◆ Q. We have beard that derbolt. That's a✴❈❁▼✇▲ filthy newspaper that too many people ▼❈❁▼ ▼❏❏ ❄❅❒❂❏●▼✎ ❁ ❆❉●▼❈❙ ■❅◗▲❐❁❐❅❒ ❍❁■❙ ❐❅❏❐●❅ done? ❁❂❏◆▼ this ▼❈❉▲ and about ❁■❄ any❁❂❏◆▼ other traveling ❁■❙ ❏▼❈❅❒ you have▼❒❁❖❅●❉■❇ ❙❏◆ tell os os about ; Dallas ✤❁●●❁▲ read.❒❅❁❄✎ It's anti-Negro, ✩▼✇▲ anti-Semitic, ❁■▼❉✍✮❅❇❒❏✌ anti-Catholic. ❁■▼❉✍✳❅❍❉▼❉❃✌ ❁■▼❉✍✣❁▼❈❏●❉❃✎ /✏its ❉▼▲A. ✯❒❉❅❁■▲✒✛ ✍ - Orleans::: ✡✎ Well, ✷❅●●✌ three ▼❈❒❅❅ or fodr months ❏❒ ❆❏❄❒ ago I ❍❏■▼❈▲ went to New ❁❇❏ ✩ ◗❅■▼ ▼❏ ✮ ✍a of trash. ❁piece ❐❉❅❃❅ ❏❆ ▼❒❁▲❈✎ hee.! spent two days with ❁■❄ ▲▼❏❐❐❅❄ ❏❆❆ ▼❏ ▲❅❅ ✣❁■❄❙ ✢❁❒❒✎ ✩ ▲❐❅■▼ ▼◗❏ ❄ and stopped off to see Candy Barr. I ✍ . ✷❅ We often have ❈❁❖❅ off-duty ❏❆❆✍❄◆▼❙ policemen ❐❏●❉❃❅❍❅■ working, in the ◗❏❒❋❉■❇✌ Carousel ❉■ ▼❈❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❅● ▼✿ n ■ beck ❂❁❃❋ io ❉❏ ChiairinlVe ✣❈❉❁❇❉✕✑✑✶❅ ✑✇❉❒❅ ▼ t I was also in Houston. I✎ avete ✑ ◗❁▲ ❁●▲❏ ❉■ ★❏◆▲▼❏■✎ ✩❁❖❅▼ ✎✎✔✔ ✍✎✎ ▼❏ to keep ❋❅❅❐ order. ❏❒❄❅❒✎ They get ✴❈❅❙ S7 per ❇❅▼ night.▼✗ This❐❅❒ is common. ■❉❇❈▼✎ At ✴❈❉▲ ❉▲ ❃❏❍❍❏■✎ ✡▼ ✎ ✄✙✍✕✔✚✍✎✍▲ ✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✍✎✣❈❒❉▲▼❍❁▲ -.Christmas cops get whisky. ❃❏❐▲But ❇❅▼ the◗❈❉▲❋❙✎ police never ✢◆▼ have▼❈❅ their ❐❏●❉❃❅ ✍■❅❖❅❒ ✎ ✍ ✍ ❈❁❖❅ ▼❈❅❉❒ L ❉▲▼ hands ❈❁■❄▲ out❏◆▼ in Dallas. ❉■ They ✤❁●●❁▲✎ get a special ✴❈❅❙ price ❇❅▼ on ❁ beer ▲❐❅❃❉❁● in the ❐❒❉❃❅ ❏■ ❂❅❅❒ ❉■ ▼❈❅ club-40 cents❃❅■▼▲ ✎ instead of❉■▲▼❅❁❄ . • ❃●◆❂✍✔✐ ❏❆ ✖✐don't ❃❅■▼▲❂◆▼ ❄❏■✇▼ ❄❒❉■❋ 60 cents—but they drink while ▼❈❅❙ Q. What about foreign◗❈❉●❅ travel' ✱✎ ✷❈❁▼ ❁❂❏◆▼ ❆❏❒❅❉❇■ ▼❒❁❉●✟ ✎ ▼ey're ❅❙✇❒❅ ❏■ ❄◆▼❙✎ ✡■❄ ✩ ❄❏■✇▼ ▼❈❅❍ ❐❁❙ ▼❈❅ ❃❏❖❅❒ ❃❈❁❒❇❅ on duty. And I don't make them pay❍❁❋❅ the cover charge ✡✎ ✩ ■❅❖❅❒ ▼❒❁❖❅●❅❄ ❁❂❒❏❁❄✎ ✩ ❏■●❙ ✬❁❒❅❄ A. I never traveled abroad. I only went to Laredo and ◗❅■▼ Juana, ▼❏ come ❃❏❍❅in.❉■✎ I never ✩ ask ■❅❖❅❒ an officer ❁▲❋ to❁■ do special ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒ favors ▼❏ for❄❏ me.▲❐❅❃❉❁● ❆❁❖❏❒▲ ❆❏❒ ❍❅✎ Out of ✭❅❘❉❃❏✎ Mexico. Also ✡●▲❏ to Windsor, ▼❏ ✷❉■❄▲❏❒✌ Canada, ✣❁■❁❄❁✌ Detroit I did ✯◆▼ go to❏❆ ✤❅▼❒❏❉ sensed ❆❒❏❍ ✤❁ '59.✇✕✙✎ I had ▼❏ a good friend there front Dallas▼❈❅❒❅ ✣◆❂❁ ✩◆▲❅ ❈❁❄ ❁ ❇❏❏❄ ❆❒❉❅■❄ I✩pass out permanent guest cards for the Carousel, to use any' ❐❁▲▲ ❏◆▼ ❐❅❒❍❁■❅■▼ ❇◆❅▲▼ ❃❁❒❄▲ ❆❏❒ ▼❈❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❅●✌ ❁■❙✇ Cuba in ❉■ a ht ▪ ✬ ✭❃✷❈❉▼❅❒▲ ✬❁▲ ✶❅❇❁▲ ★❅•◗❁■▼❅❄ ❍ C. McWhiters (a Las ✈❁ Vegas gambler). He❇❁❍❂●❅❒✉✎ wanted ate to cam ❈▼ but ❂◆▼ Saturday ✳❁▼◆❒❄❁❙ and Sunday ❁■❄ to✳◆■❄❁❙ certain people. ▼❏ ❃❅❒▼❁❉■ I give ❐❅❏❐●❅✎✎ ✩ ❇❉❖❅ L ✣✎ ✍✂✩ ▼❉❃❋❅▼ Havana:-1 ▼❏ ✣◆❂▲ ▼❏ ▲❅❅ ❈❉❍✎ ★❅plane ▲❅■▼ ❍❅so▼❈❅ ❐●❁■❅ to Cubs to see him. He sent me the ticket cards to the police. public relations. ❃❁❒❄▲ ▼❏ ▼❈❅It's ❐❏●❉❃❅✎ ✩▼▲ ❐◆❂●❉❃ ✭❁●❉❃❅✚✎ ✍ ✁ ✚❉✇✛ ✔✔ ✇ • :4''4-.414 ▲▼❁❙❅❄ ❏❒ ✑✐ ❄❁❙▲ ❁▼Apartments. ▼❈❅ ✦❏❃▲❁ ✡❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼▲✚ stayed S or✩✩ 10 days at the Focsa Q. Did ✱✎ Did you a romance with Candy Barr" (Candy ❙❏◆have ❈❁❖❅ ❁ ❒❏❍❁■❃❅ ◗❉▼❈ ✣❁■❄❙ ✢❁❒❒✇ ✈✣❁■❄❙ .✎ ✍ - ❐❏●❉▼ ❉▲ Is an❁■ "mode ❀❅❘❏▼❉❃✂ ✱✎ ❂❉❄ ❈❁❖❅ ❁■❙▼❈❉■❇ ❄❏pond& ◗❉▼❈ ✣❁❂❁❁ dancer.) ❄❁■❃❅❒✎✉ Q. bid you❙❏◆ have anything to do with ▼❏ Cabs' ❉ li▼❉❃❁● A.❈❅❒ No. I❆❏❒ didn't around at all ❁❒❏◆■❄ in any political le, ❐❏ ✡✎ ✮❏✎ ✩ ❄❉❄■✇▼ ❆❏❏● ❁▼ activities ❁●●❁❃▼❉❖❉▼❉❅▲ ✭ ❁■❙ A. No. We ✷❅ were ✡✎ ✮❏✎ ◗❅❒❅ ❁fool ❃❏◆❐●❅ good❇❏❏❄ friends.❆❒❉❅■❄▲✎ I visited her for✩a❖❉▲❉▼❅❄ couple celebration, that's all." ✣◆❂❁✎ ✩ ❂❏◆❇❈▼ ❁ ▼❉❃❋❅▼ ▼❏ ❁ ❄❁❙✍●❏■❇ ❃❅●❅❂❒❁▼ Cuba. I bought a ticket to a day-long of a while ago. I ❁❇❏✎ Wok her✩an ❏❆days ❄❁❙▲ ❁ ◗❈❉●❅ ▼❏❏❋ ❈❅❒ ❁■ unit ❁❉❒✍❃❏■❄❉▼❉❏■❉■❇ ◆■❉▼ ❁■❄ air-conditioning and ✂ . been Mere before. And I❂❅❆❏❒❅✎ ✩ ❈❁❄ ■❅❖❅❒ ❂❅❅■ ▼❈❅❒❅ ✡ went back ❁■❄ and I had never never back Deverwent ▼◗❏ two dogs, ❄❏▲▲✌ Dachshunds. ✤❁❃❈▲❈◆■❄▲✎ ...• ❐◆❐❁✎ -• ❆❒❏❍ ❈❁❖❅■✇▼ haven't received ❒❅❃❅❉❖❅❄ any letters❁■❙ from●❅▼▼❅❒▲ cubs. ✬❅▼✇▲ get back ▼❏ ❙❏◆❒ ❐❏●❉❃❅ Q. Let's get back to your police record. you ever record. Have ★❁❖❅ ❙❏◆ ◗❁❒ . ❒◆■ ✩■▼❏ ✣◆❂▲✟ ✍ Q. Did you❙❏◆ nee gnas❐❁▲ into Cuba? everrun ✱✎ ✤❉❄ ❂❅▼❁ ❁❒❒❅▲▼❅❄ ❆❏❒ ❁■❙▼❈❉■❇ ❏▼❈❅❒ ▼❈❁■ ❆❉❇❈▼❉■❇✟ been arrested for anything other than fighting? • Cuba WU. wai_ `•▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ✡✎ ✮❏✎ ❃❁❍❅ ▼❏ ❐❏◗❅❒✎ ✩e" But✢◆▼ when◗❈❅■ Castro✣❁▲▼❒❏ came to power, I thought A. No. ' A.✡✎ They ✴❈❅❙ were◗❅❒❅ mostly ❍❏▲▼●❙ minor fights. ❍❉■❏❒ I had❆❉❇❈▼▲✎ a little trouble ✩ ❈❁❄ with ❁ ●❉▼▼●❅ ▼❒❏◆❂●❅ ◗❉▼❈ going to ▼❏ be❂❅ a new ❁ ■❅◗ and democratic ❁■❄ ❄❅❍❏❃❒❁▼❉❃ country and ❃❏◆■▼❒❙ I tried to 'MINIS ❁■❄ ✩ ▼❒❉❅❄ ▼ going ▼❈❅ the liquor ●❉❑◆❏❒ men. Then ❍❅■✎ I was ✴❈❅■ in traffic ✩ ◗❁▲ court❉■ and▼❒❁❆❆❉❃ was pulled in ❃❏◆❒▼ ❁■❄ ◗❁▲ ❐◆●●❅❄ ❉■ • ❉■▼ earplug ▼❏ ▲❅●● ▼❈❅❍ jeeps. ▲◆❒❐●◆▲ ❊❅❅❐▲✎ ❇❏❉■❇ to ❏❆ sell them ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒▲✌ surplus I was going Imo the✩GI◗❁▲ foe carrying a gun. Even ❆❏❒ ❃❁❒❒❙❉■❇ ❁ ❇◆■✎ ✥❖❅■ ▼❈❏◆❇❈ ✩ ❋■❏◗ ❍❁■❙ ▼❈❅ though I know many of the officers, about it in Houston, but❉▼ be told me I ❂◆▲❉■❅▲▲✎ ✩ ▲❁◗ ❁ ●❁◗❙❅❒ ❁❂❏◆▼ ❉■ ★❏◆▲▼❏■✌ ❂◆ lawyer business. I saw a I never asked anyone to dismiss a ■❅❖❅❒ ❁▲❋❅❄ ❁■❙❏■❅ ▼❏ease ❄❉▲❍❉▲▲ ❁ Only against against ❍❅✎ me. once❏■❃❅ ✯■●❙ a deal. But there was no talk of.✢◆▼ -, ◗❁▲ ▼❏❏ ❁ ❐◆■❋ ▼❈❅❒ was ▼❒❉❅❄ too little●❉▼▼●❅ a▼❏ punk for such ❄❉❐ efip I ever ✩ ❅❖❅❒ have ❈❁❖❅ trouble ▼❒❏◆❂●❅ with an officer. ◗❉▼❈ He tried ❁■to ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒✎ rough me ★❅ ❒❏◆❇❈ ❍❅ ❆❏❒ ▲◆❃❈ ❁ ❄❅❁●✎ 1014 ❁■❄ ✭✲ ❃❁●●❅❄ ▼❈❅ and✦✢✩ have gun A lot of people the . FBI ❇◆■running. ❒◆■■❉■❇✎ ✡ ●❏▼have ❏❆ called ❐❅❏❐●❅ up7•■ n bit ▼❉❐✇ ❈❉▼ ◗❉▼❈ ❍❙and ❐❉▲▼❏● ❁■❄ ◗❈❅■ ▼❏ him❈❉❍ with my pistol when I apologized to ✩ ❁❐❏●❏❇❉❚❅❄ .-• the set • ▼❈❅❍ ❁ ●❏▼ ❏❆ ▼❈❉■❇▲✎ ❊◆▲▼ ▼❒❙❉■❇ ▼❏ ❇❅▼ ❉■▼❏ ▼❈❅ them a lot of things. just trying to get into ❅❁ ea n. ■✌he ❈❅ told ▼❏●❄ me to❍❅ forgit ▼❏ it. ❆❏❒❇❅▼ They didn't❉▼✎ want cops ✴❈❅❙like ❄❉❄■✇▼ th e ◗❁■▼ ❃❏❐▲ ●❉❋❅ ▼❈ the .force. ▼❈❅ ✎❆❏❒❃❅✎ Q. It ✩▼ has ❈❁▲ been rumored ❂❅❅■ ❒◆❍❏❒❅❄ that you went ▼❈❁▼ to Parithusd ❙❏◆ ◗❅■▼ ▼❏ ✰❁❒❉❄❁❁ ✱ • — r❒ ❏■ on the ▼❈❅ day❄❁❙ after❁❆▼❅❒ President ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ Kennedy died. Is ✫❅■■❅❄❙ this trot? ❄❉❅❄✎ ✩▲ ▼❈❉▲ I was ◗❁▲ not■❏▼ out at ❏◆▼ the Parkland ❁▼ ▼❈❅ Hospital. ✰❁❒❋●❁■❄ Any ★❏▲❐❉▼❁●✎ ✎ •✩ Seward Dallas' ✤❏ ❙❏◆ ❈❁❖❅ ❁■❙ ❁▲▲ ❁▲❈❙ ▼❏◗❁❒❄ ✤❁●●❁▲✇ have any aalniosUy .✎Do you . is❈❁❄ 111'04. I was • ✌ ▲❁❙▲ ✩ ◗◆ ❉▲❉■ ◗❒❏■❇✎ says ✡✎I'm ✩✇❍ ▲❏ ❇❒❁▼❅❆◆● ❆❏❒ ▼❈❅ I've❏❐❐❏❒▼◆■❉▼❉❅▲ had in Dallas. ✩✇❖❅ ✤❁●●❁▲✎•• so grateful for the opportunities r ❒ 4. I'm the ghetto of Chicago. ❏❆ I came to Dallas and do you eft did ❄❏ you ❙❏◆ beloag ✪❅◗from ❆❒❏❍ ▼❈❅ ❇❈❅▼▼❏ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏✎ ✩ was ❃❁❍❅ ▼❏ ✤❁✵❁▲ ❁■❄ ◗❁▲ ✷❈❁▼ ❏❒❇❁■❉❚❁▼❉❏■▲ ❏❒to? ❄❉❄ ❙❏◆ ✷❏■❇ ✩'❍a❁Jew .✎What orgenhhdoos ❍◆❃❈ ▼❈❉■❋ to▼❏ think made a❍❏❄❅ fine success. It thrills me very much .• A. ✡✎ The ✴❈❅ Boy✢❏❙ Scouts, ✳❃❏◆▼▲✌ the Democratic ▼❈❅ ✤❅❍❏❃❒❁▼❉❃ Party, the Variety✰❁❒▼❙✌ Club , ▼❈❅ ✶❁ ❁❃❃❅❐▼❅❄✎ ❁ ❆❉■❅ ▲◆❃❃❅▲▲✎ ✩▼ ▼❈❒❉●●▲ ❏■❅ accepted. ✲❅❐◆❂●❉❄❁■ ✤❅❍❏❃❒❁▼✌ accepted ❉■ in ▼❈❉▲ this Republidan entertainment union. I was never a member ✪❅◗✌❁ of it—me. a❁ Jew, a Democrat, ❁■❄ ✡✧✶✎✡✌ ❅■▼❅❒▼❁❉■❍❅■▼ ◆■❉❏■✎ ✩ ◗❁▲ ■❅❖❅❒ ' ✐✑ and AGVA, the ▼❈❅ ❁❃❃❅❐▼❅❄ ✔❍❅✍ ❁■❙ any 'Aversive ✇✡❖❅❒▲❉❖❅ hotbed. bathed. ▼❈❅ the Communist ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ Party or✰❁❒▼❙ any such❏❒ thing, ❁■❙or▲◆❃❈ ▼❈❉■❇✌ ✩■❃✎✌ ◗❈❉❃❈ ❉▲ ❁ ❂❏◗▲✇ which is a home' Angels or4anization. I made donations to Angels Inc, that am grateful ✂✁✇ ✩ ●❏❖❅ ✤❁●●❁▲✎ ▼ ●❏❖❅ ▼❈❅ ❐❏●❉❃❅ ❄❅❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼✎ ✩ ❁❍ ❇❒❁▼❅❆◆● ▼❈❁▼ ❏❒❇❁■❉❚❁▼❉❏■✎ ✑ ❍❁ the police department. I "!;' I love Dallas. t love ..Osba' Dallas for homeless kids. As for Play tert❆❏❒ ❒❉▲❅■ ▼❂❏❖❅ ▼❈❅ ❇❈❅▼▼❏ ✑ ❃❁❍❅ ❆❒❏❍ ❁■❄ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❐❅❏❐●❅ ❏❆the ❉■Fair ✤❁●●❁▲ ❈❏❍❅●❅▲ above the ghetto I came from and that the people of in I've I've risen sever belonged to k✑ and ✤❁●●❁▲ ❈❁❖❅ ❁❃❃❅❐▼❅❄ ▼❈❅❙ ❄❉❄ I◆■▼❉● ▼❈❉▲✎ I do ✩ not ❂❅●❉❅❖❅ belong to✩it,❁❍ ✣❏❍❍❉▼▼❅❅✌ ❄❏-■❏▼ ❂❅ until this. I believe tun Committee. Dallas have accepted mo—or they did❍❅❏❒ , ❁■❙ ❏▼❈❅❒ ✣◆❂❁✌ ❒❅❃❅❉❖❅❄ ❁■❙ ●❉▼❅❒❁▼◆❒❅ from it or any ❆❒❏❍ other Cuba ❉▼▲ any literature ❂❅a❁decent ❄❅❃❅■▼ ❍❁■✎ ✭❙ ❇❒❅❁▼❅▲▼ never received ✩ ❈❁❖❅ I have clever tried ✩ to"he ✍❈❁❖❅ man.▲❏ My greatest .11 righteous man. I have ✎❁ ❒❉❇❈▼❅❏◆▲ ❍❁■✎ ▼❒❉❅❄ ❁❂❏◆▼ guy about organization. once had ❈❁❄ an❁■ argument ❁❒❇◆❍❅■▼ with some ◗❉▼❈ guy ▲❏❍❅ - ✍ . I once Dallas ✎ Sheriff Of ' organization ambition mbiti❏n ◗❁▲ was to▼❏ rise❒❉▲❅ to sheriff ▼❏ of Dallas. ❁ f ❈❁❄ ▼❏ ▼❈❒❏◗ ❈❉❍ ❏◆▼ ❏❆✌ ▼❈❅ ❄◆❂✎ ✎ communism and had to throw him out of, the dub. „ communism and ◗❉■ ◗ ❁❂ ❁◆▼❅▲✎ ❋ ❐❅❒❉❏▲❁ i we ite for a few ❁ minutes. WW go into into your your personal We ❆❏❒ Q. Lers ✬❅▼✇▲ ✑✑✏✔ ✌✛✚✇✂ ✂✇ ✎✎✎✎❉✚ ✎✎✍ ❆❁❖❏❒❉▼❅ ✇❐❏●❉▼❉❃❁● commentator! ✍ ❅❏■◆■❅❁▼❁▼❏❒● Q. Who ✇ ❆❁▼❈❅❒✁ ✚ ✱✎ ✷❈❏ is ynuifavorite ❉▲✍ ❙❏◆❒ 'political ❙❏◆ you tell ▼❅●● as something ◆▲ ▲❏❍❅▼❈❉■❇ about your father' ❁❂❏◆▼✎❙❏◆❒ ✎✗✇✎✇ ✚✎✚✎✇ ✎ •✌✥❄◗❁❒❄ ✎✌✌ ✎ ✌✌▼✍✌✍ Is was Edward R.✌Murrow.• ❂❅●●❉❇❅❒❅■▼ ❅❍❂❁❒❒❁▲▲❅❄ ✡✎ ✩▼• ◗❁▲ ✲✎ ✇✌❆◆❒❒❏◗✎ My ❆❁▼❈❅❒ father was a very verybelligerent person. He❐❅❒▲❏■✎ embarrassed ★❅'A. ◗❁▲ ❁ .✎ A. ✭❙ ✑ ✡✎ ▼✎ ✎✿✎ ✍❁ ❅ ✇ ✍❒ ❊ ❏ ✇ ✤❏ ▲ from ❄❉❄ ❏◆ ❙ ❍❏❖❅ ❙ ❄❉❅❄ died an alcoholic. ❁■ ❁●❃❏❈❏●❉❃✎ ✌ ✱✌ ◗❈ and he be ▼❈❅ entire ❅■▼❉❒❅ family. He ❆❁❍❉●❙✎ was an alcoholic ★❅ ◗❁▲ ❁■ ❁●❃❏❈❏●❉❃ ❁■❄, Q. Why did you move from Chicago - r ❉the Chicago t9a Delhi? ✑ ✎ Ev ✂ ✔ ✔ I. ✩ business bete used she mustled ✌ ✔✎ ✥❖ went ◗❅■▼ into !he ❉■▼❏ night ▼❈❅ club ■❉❇❈▼ ❃●◆❂ ❂◆▲❉■❅▲▲ ❈❅ A. • ' ✇ a liomosekaor ✱✎ Q. W. ✭❒✎ Roby. ✢❁❂❙✎ ars you ❁❒❅ ❙❏◆ ❁ ✩▲❏❍❏▲❅●❅❁❅❒ ✎ It" ❒ ✔✔✎ ✩ ✍ ❂❅●❐✎ •, • • ✎ WO. guyswho've ◗❈❏✇❖❅ ❁▲❋❅❄ t A.✡✎ (Extramsly agitated) No Fee fought guys ▼ ✈✥❘▼❒❅❍❅●❙ ❁❇❉▼❁▼❅❄✉ ✮❏✎ ✴❖❅ asked ❆❏◆❇❈▼ ' ,4... 5..1:-.." • .,"14'44,01 tr ❙❏◆vote ❖❏▼❅ toe for ❉▲ b. the▼❂❅ ✎✌ Ind ✩■❋ electlosa ❅▲❏❏❍❅▲❃ ▼ ✌✌ ✑ ✗✎- 4 ✚✎✎✎✎ ✎✎ did ❄❉❄ ✱✎ you ✷❈❏ ✌ ✑✚ ✚ ❖❒ ✎ ▼ ✔✎✍✎✍✎✎✎✌✎ ✍✌✎✚ •: ✍✍ ✎ ✎ ✍ ✎Q.✌Wbo ✎ ✡■❁ ❄▲❁▼✎ ✌✍✌❉ i • Kennedy . A. A. John F. Kennedy. . '''',.;.?-';;It4rWWV;W w-1 . ' ✪❏❈■ ✦✍ ✇ ✌ ✎ ✍ ✎ ✎ ✎✍✗✛✌✎✎ ✚ ; ✩ ✗✗✌ •,, ✍ ✇ ✚ ✍•✇✇✇✎✎✛✚ r. bevolved ❖❅●❖✎✎ ✎ ✍ ✇ha ❈❁ ✇pandering" ❐❁■❄❅❒❉■❇✟ ✇ ✇. ✎✎✍ ,✛ •✍ ✎✄ ✱✎ ✢❅❖✛ ❒✇ ✗ ✇ ❙❅❒ ✑❏ ✎ ✔✁✎✎ ❀✍❋✍✍ ✷✇✇✑ .. ' Q. Have per' over ener "' bees ●❏▲❅▲ ✎ ✎ ✌✍✎✎ ✍ ❉❉ ✕ •✎ .✑ -r"/: " • 111 • _Q. Bernie that lo 19567 ! ❆ ✑ ,7 r N: ''141•1 ✑ ✌✎ ✔ ✔ ✇✌ ✗ ✎✛ ✛✌✎✎ ✑⑤ ✑✙✕✖ ✚ ▼❈❁▼ ✢❅ ● ✌✇✎✎❒✎✎ ❉✇✎✎✎✎✌ ▼❏❏❋ ❁ ❐❒❏▲▼❉▼◆▼❉❃❅ acing'❄❉❍❅✎ ✑ Abikolutd, MX I never never dime. I never ✡❂❏●◆❉▼●❉ ✯✩✬took ✩ a prostitution 1❆✌ A.✡✎ ... .4r°C111.311 Issas*. !' ,i-31'• .‘ 14 , aGY,,,-... .•4Y ia :'..4411 1"1.r) P19/.8•1 Steve hyper....'",1011.1 'pushed ✍✎❐◆▲❈❅❄ prodinttes ❐❒❏❄❉■■❅▲ at all. I have ❁▼been ❁●●✎ described ✩ ❈❁❖❅ as hyper❂❅❅■I ❄❅▲❃❒❉❂❅❄ ❁▲it' •• -.•1:'• I-17:1... ✚ ✍ ✌✌ ✛✇ ❆ ✇✩ ✚ ✎ ❉✌ ✍✑✛✌✚✌✎✎✑ ✔✔✑ ✎ ✚✔✎ ✚✚ ✩✂✎ ✎✎ ,ri ✍✛✛ ✎✎✎✎✎✇▼ ✚ ✎✎✍✌✇✇✎ ✇ ✛❖✛✁☛ ✡■❄❙ ✡■❄❅❒▲❏■ ◗❈❏ ◗❏❒❋▲ at the ❁▼ ▼❈❅ % who works .) rarim..lrypermaraL Anderson riMlriperrnoraL Andy .) , :r . • ✍ ✍ ✁✎ ✍ ✍✎✚✌ ✍✛ ✇✎ P ❅▼ , ▼❉ ✎ ✌ ✍ ✇✍ ✇✌✎✇ ✛ ✎✎ • . da-Fier7 , ✶❁●avfmu• I sever took calla for, for prostitutes ❒❏❄❋◆▼❅▲ at ❁▼ ▼✥❒✦●❁❒ ✍ ✎✇ ✚ ✇ ✎ ✇ ❃❁●●▲ MOW ✩ ✷❉❅❒ ✑✐✐❋ f • v • tfie. , • . Apr ' ,;✌✛.7✎✗ • ' • . • • - • ' • -- . , :0 • .. • 7 .-,!:;;•• ' ' • •••• • • •- • • „ / • ✎ e f'■ ✔ N .•• • ✚ ';"•••• •r• ✛✇ ✎ C1 , • •A 7_ I . 6. • e ' "," I • - - • 1.1 N4e: ✂✍, ✍ . ✌✎ • ' . • , P • • - . • ' • .s.; • • , , •• •. ✏✎✎✌ _ - ,• • _ X • • • • Those Those are the the things thingsthat that went went through through my mind. my mind. No oneNo one Q. Hale Hale )uu )uu ever ever had had any anytrouble trouble with with mental mental Illness! Illness! 9r 9r • going to to shoot shoot Oswald—slot Oswald—not even me. even rgrBbt enc. rgrBbt -rotas going I 'knew ltnew-rwas Lis h:Clourlamily sourlamily hadhad a history a history of mental of mental illness?illness? nor nor thought thought of of it. it. There There was nothing was nothing to discuss.: to discuss. • '. discussed discussed It It wen, " A.A. Well, I'veI've beenbeen hit onhit theon head theahead few times, a fewbut times, 1 don't but 1 don't meme or gave me me access. access. No one onehelped helped or gave • - 4- „,;.;..e.. 4 have haveaametal metal plate plate in my in my headhead or anything or anything like that. like There's that. There's No II Q.What What areare youryour feelings Wimp sow?ore no no history history ofof mental mental illness. illness. In 1958 In 1958 my brother my brother Earl hadEarl had • '••• '1 1;•• • soMe soMeproblems problems andand had had himself himself committed committed to the Veterans to the Veterans A. I1am ameven even more more remorseful remorseful now than now than after sitar * Preiidait; Administration Administration Hospital. Hospital. My mother, My mother, who passed who passed away in away in Kennedy's death. The The very very1hought Kennedy's death. .thought ofofthe the man man who who ra,ths pat. the 1943. 1943.thought thought mymy father father was was taking taking the children's the children's love fromlove from champion champion ofof thethe JewJew is like is like the world the world has died.. bas died.'.. • -•"4-4!:11-. -• • • r, her. her.but but I don't I don't know know if that if that meansmeans anything. anything. 4 Q.Do Doyou you feel a service Almada ,/ . . Q. feel youyou did did a service Ile theIs the U.S . * Almada, (Records (Records show show that that Ruby's Ruby's mother, mother, Mrs. Fannie Mrs. Rubenstein Fannie Rubenstein,, ,; , Oswald' . , • • I, was was committed committed to Elgin to Elgin StateState Hospital Hospital in 1937inat1937 the request at the request country.It's la's 'a 'ti shame. But A. No No It Itin' isn' a service $ service to to the country. Buit II. of her her oldest oldestchild, child, Hyman: Hyman: She She was paroled was paroled once, once,rs-admitted rs-admitted oft didn't didn't do do it it intentionally. intentionally. I'didn't I'didn't even know even I know had done I had done •• an•J an•Jfinally finally discharged discharged as improved as improved in 193$.) in 1938.) I'm I'msorry sorryI Ifed fadit.It. rye embarrassed embarrassed mymy country. country. : . Have Haveyou you ever ever thought thought of suicide? of suicide? 14 . . t• ' Q. . Q. What What do you do you think think should should be dose be with dose peewith pie . I1was wasvery very depressed depressed whenwhen my business my business failed infailed '5 . 1 in '5 . 1 . ; A. A. IIfeel feeltha tha something something should should be done be with doneme. with Teame. Tea broke brokedown down completely. completely. I wanted 1 wanted to commit to commit suicide.suicide. I just I hut willing willing totogogo into into a mental a mental hospital hospital and stay and as bog stayasasb'sloos as it's * stayed stayedininthe the Cotton Cotton Bowl Bowl Hotel Hotel for several for several weeks.weeks. I I dlUn't n't necessary--even if it's if it's the the rat of rest myof life. my I've life. offered I've offered to'submitto'submit • • want want totoface face people. people. I was I was ashamed ashamed of being ofabeing failureainfailure Dallas. in Dallas. . necessary--even th th serum serum test, test, polygraph polygraph testtest or any anyother other scientific scientific test test . so leftfor forChicago. Chicago., helped me Iafound lot. Ithe found the ,courage , so .1 left EarlEarl helped me a lot. courage the the I1wanted. wanted. They They saidsaid theythey didn'tdidn't \want \want me ao.me _I want no. I Want to to return return to to Dallas Dallas andand I've I've been been here ever ever since. since. __ ... „, • -2.,-,,•••••,; _ 4' ► '• -2.. a fide fidewith withthe the FBI. FBI. - - - -• •• 4' a be .7 1 Q.Q. What What are are youryour feelings feelings shoutabout death?death? i may? Q. Are Are 7011 larT A. I've y ealways always been beenpreoccupied preoccupied with with anyoneanyone who dieswho who's dies who's Q. Y? ' • st . - n•—• A. Yea. Yea. aa friend friendofof mine. mine. I have 1 have to gototogo thetofuneral the funeral and sendand a wreath. send a wreath. n 7: Particularly Particularly anyone anyone whowho dies violently. dies violently. I have to I have do something to do something Q. yes do do It agsla? • Q. Would Would you h 'gala? • •• • more. more.I Ican't can't just just be satisfied satisfiedwith with going to funeral. the funeral. going to the sot . A.A.Oh, Oh,hKll sot • sarootics squad squad waswas Detective DeleCtivtLeonard Leonard Mullenia Mullenia of of the sarootics , Q.What What Oewidd wore oatmss? the mime . Q. V Oswidd were Pot die working undercoverhere rely rely working undercover here in Dallas. in Dallas. Hi was Hikilled. was killed. I I and the district attorney's attorney's drift office antismade A. Then ThenDallas Dallas police police and the district 4 cw cw him himbut but I had 1 had to do tomeshing. do mething. I donated I donated some some ney ney aa hell hellofofaamistake. mistake.. My My attorneys attorneys tried so tried get Henry to getWade Henry to Wade to 200) 200) to topoor poor Mrs. Mrs. MuMu enix, cnix, closed closed my club, my took club,my took my agree agreehiincourt court thatthat Oswald Oswald was the was biter theofbiter the Prosidoot. of the President. ' • HenryWade Wade refused. I can't understand why.my with Henry refused. I can't understand why. With owe' my owe' enjp t loyes toyesand and my mysister sister to to • funeral. funeral. I just I just hadhad to pay to pay y y ears IIheard heard Henry Henry andand Chief Chief Fritz Fritz my there saywas there no doubt was Do thatdoubt that •• ears more money from from other people Mrs. for Mrs. •respects. respects.I raised I raised more money other for people •••• Oswald Oswald was was thethe assassin. assassin. idullenix Ttdullenitt tad. And Andhe besaid saidOswald Oswald wasn't wasn't insane, insane, let bethat knewhe what' knew he what' he ' SueSue Bailey, Bailey, a stripper, a stripper, lost her lost luisband her Istisband in an autoinaccident. an auto accident. ourPresident President andand. was was doing, doing,that that be be planned planned the murder the murder of our 1 had hadtotoarrange arrange a benefit a benefit for for her. II barely barelyknew knew barha butbut would kill killOswald Oswald in the in the electric electric chair.char.* , , Henry Henrypromised promised thatthat be would I had tickets printed to the benefit ;my imyheart heart bled for forher herloss. loss. 1 had tickets printed to the benefit 1I know knowHenry Henry Wade Wade is anishonest an honest man. Iman. believed I believed bita..0ewald hire..0twald :andstarted started selling selling them. them. The owner The owner of the club of the where club Sue where Sue • :and was was aadead dead man man before before I shot 1 shot him. •him. • At, worked became incensed that Ithat was Igiving the benefit worked became incensed was giving theinstead benefit instead ▪ of him. him.What What diddid I care I care whowho gave gave it? I just it? kept I just selling kepttickets selling tickets Q. Q. 'flies Thatyou yesdon't don'tdoubt doubt due due Oswald Oswald was vnas rake goatiW. e.:17 • I even though thethe benefit was going to be held at my competitor's • even though benefit was going to be held at my competitor's A.1 A. Ibelieve believeHenry Henry Wade. Wade. ' . • •.• club. club... . . • ..• ''.=ra '.'s=ra■amul n •=stawniat, asdwas.. was..saw aimsweiewspar waewai: 0 tamniai.vssti 1N4.asNit e.o La;.m. ..111:4• 6 • 4 • 4 4. • getshocked shocked and. and saddened aaddened by violent by violent death. Ideath. have to1do* have to do f ;'• II get • . something. something.I felt 1 felt so sad so sad and and sorrysorry for Mrs. forKennedy Mrs. Kennedy and and her , -v. ' - -• 4 • . reh' -eh'fen. fen.I felt I felt sadsad thatthat they they wouldwould have tohave endure to life endure withceit life withcen - • .4 .k tin th President. President. I became I became depressed depressed that they that would they have would have ro (o go through through a long a long trialtrial for that for person. that person. I get soIbivalved get so involved firs I- wa -/-0••■ ' "-•—• to to oosomething. something. I want I want to help. to help. „ • •. • ❒ - •• Q.Q.La's Let'sgo go Into Into your your feelings feelings about about the events the events at Nov. 22. of Nov. . 22. . A. 1I was wasin inmourning mourning from from the the minute minute. I heard I the heard news. the : • news. • • . , The The world world bad had ,come ,come to antoend. an end. c• A A • , ' $ O.Q. Did you know I. D.I.Tippet, the officer who was abet know D. Tippet, the officer who was abet Did yo's „ •_ _ • •, e . byOswald! Oswald? . ; by • . • Sid'mot 'sot'know' 'know' him, him,I Idod't don't recall meeting 4. 11Sad recall meeting him him or , or , tqw.47`" ,41.1-4: `seeing `seeing him himIsto the'dub. the 'dub. ' ' ••' '• ••••• . • .-:, • Zi Q. yon feel feelabout about Oswald? Oswald? ;• ;•07 0 " •".4 f st •_ •.. Q. How'did iisis •' r r• r.4t •• A. When Whenbebe appeared appeared me, me, something something inside inside me wentme blank went i-- blank t -c,c, • ••, • ce. +. : A. ; •_' i •• t and and ititjust just tors tors outout of me. of me. I beard I beard a •rabbia eulogize: rabbi eulogise: "Here "'Hare t _ . •,,.: - -,... ...i.s.,..,r.✔/... 1•4&AV,i10: .-; v._ ...-t▲ in. 1.4 , ,«. , was manl was aa manlettii eifbit has fought has fought In all battles. In all battles. He didn'tHe bradidn't have t<• ; ' • ' "- ' . " ' • '2 -..r ••.‘r: .!,E,.- mt.4;w • '.ei-, 1 chance chance t to fish this this one. oat. He He was was shot shot before before be could.' he could.' I owes I mover • • • -i...:,--te CO Ai '', "..';',4 '....,i'•Y, . !a:: . /4'kt * '0::'-'j,.• ... '-',t•• • • : ; 4% . ,. . . - dmiw_that dmiw_thatkind • .t• '•...-' of of person (Oswald) beta*baste m myInlife. •;• y• .k.',..••••.,!::;.' •-4 4!"•'. kind person (Oswald) my-Oswald life. 'Oswald Lt•-•' .-4'_*•7'.r... A . , '. ."e'', •.;! ( - ,--.'.',. . ;, •:) ... e n '.7..,' :-.• •'.•:4.,- ..c '.-r-, ''''. ••• 7 , -I.:, •..,.. ;;t. i. • Ihg:Plimilt ..:'' '•":,- ' -.' : '..,:i......`'' hadblemished blemished this beautiful ' had this beautiful city.city. i•,„ ., ., , . • -.:4, . ' ''. ••. 4. ;;i '044••••• ---":4....---'•ie../.4r.i.,> .... -i:e., .4 c4.; .s.> ,. --4-fi.t.-‘4,r.:..f.,..>.i'...i.:. ,...,. , .., J . _. _, , ., ,,,...„ , • ..,_ . . . ..., • ,..... •. • -:-...,✡ ..t.. ,.. . . ,, .... 1, ,. , .,..,' ....`:.-‘,.:i • - -•.'• • ....4,,-. ;;;.- a ,) ,54 -:,..., • -.,. "•• ..., , ,,, ....... -4 ....:P7,.; -,,r,-,,Y ',-.; :._-•-k...f .✑71 . ... ••,,. •, - ' •-: .ii❉❉❉ '., . !t .•t,:✎ • - •••n• •t. , 0- '3'• - ' ct: 1I''ftii' ;.: '.',... • •✎ •.: ,3✎ .-:i--. 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Y.✔ i•"n••4 ,• • • .• ✍ ✍✍ 6 .-9,, •• . ✍ ✎ •✎ ✎✎✎✎◗❅✎✎ ✑✔ ✌✔✩▼ 1 ..7.. - FD-300 ✦✤✍✓✓✐ (44-02) ✈✔✔✍✐✒✉ re rt w • Mount (Mewed Clipping Clipping in In Spec• Spec• 11.144.4 • ❆✎ _ ✪✡✣✫✎ ✲✵✢✹✇✳ JACK RUBY'S STORY ✳✴✣❏✲✹ .• ✩ . • , . • The following following Is Is Jock JackRuby's Ruby'saccount accountofofhit hishours howlafter after ; President Kennedy was assassinated on Friday (Nov. 22) 2 through hit capture by police for killing the arcalia--1b. ercalieetite. Teessinri.ee Harvey Oswald. Teessinnee 4. • •. • . "2.-7 emommiai anownwiniai ••• • •-•-• • '‘i• :ft A... • ‘' •, A • • •fs. 4_2 r Vie. . ,;••,,L" (1.40414-ets pegs. *own 441 •• 1 lid' -s aid r. ✢✹ BY JACK ✪✡✣✫RUBY ✲✵✢✹ WWI ✷✷✩ WILLIAM ✷✩✬✬✩✡✭ •-.„„• ,• 4ir ;;• • • • •• -' • • s . • ., a •• ." 'a 1," •• ."'" v4 " • •-n .4 .14 4 4 • " ;01r," . • •;• ' •• ▪ • a: t ?•-."..•• • ;---:',a;$•'' -47; 7•..■•1s7- .; -.7 ;A ✷✯✯✤✦✩✥✬✤ WOODFIELD •-•.-• 7. ✕. ✕ • 4 ". X • 4- 10:30 P.M.✰✎✭✎ Approximately ✑✐✚✓✐ -- Approximately ❉❖☛✎✏✎✝ ✩ I drove ❄❒❏❖❅ around ❁❒❏◆■❄ downtown ❄❏◗■▼❏◗■ Dallas. I saw ✤❁●●❁▲✎ clubs open,✩ people ▲❁◗ ❃●◆❂▲ ❏❐❅■✌ ❐❅❏❐●❅ ❈❁❖❉■❇ ✇✭❙I ✧❏❄✎✂ ✩ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼✌ ✂✷❈❙ ❁❒❅■✇▼ ▼❈❅❙ ❉■ ❍❏◆❒■✍✎ having fun. ❆◆■✎ "My God," thought, ' Why aren't they mourn. ●❅❒ Ingr I ✩ found ❆❏◆■❄ The Bali ✴❈❅ Hai ✢❁●❉ (another ★▲❉ night ✈❁■❏▼❈❅❒ club) open. I was ■❉❇❈▼ ❃●◆❂✉ ❏❐❅■✎ ✩ ◗❁▲ ▲❈❏❃❋❅❄ shocked that ▼❈❁▼ there was ▼❈❅❒❅ not more ◗❁▲ sadness. ■❏▼ ❍❏❒❅ ▲❁❄■❅▲▲✎ ✇ ✱◆❂✎ Club. I bad ✩✴❈❅ ❂❁❄ ✶❅❇❁▲ ✩ I went ◗❅■▼ to a ▼❏ delicatessen ❁ ❄❅●❉❃❁▼❅▲▲❅■ opposite The Vegas ❏❐❐❏▲❉▼❅ ❃❏❆❆❅❅ coffee and ❁■❄ read the ❒❅❁❄ paper. ▼❈❅ I read ❐❁❐❅❒✎ that homicide ✩ ❒❅❁❄ was working ▼❈❁▼ ❈❏❍❉❃❉❄❅ ◗❁▲ ◗❏❒❋❉■❇ ✎ overtime. I called ✩ homicide and ❁■❄talked ▼❁●❋❅❄ to my ▼❏ irieud, ❍❙Detective ❆❒❉❅■❄✌ ✤❅▼❅❃▼❉❖❅ homicide ❏❖❅❒▼❉❍❅✎ ❃❅●●❅❄ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂✩ you ❋■❏◗ have been ❙❏◆ ❈❁❖❅ wasting ❂❅❅■ hard and ◗❁❉▼❉■❇ I ❈❁❒❄ ❁■❄ ✩ Sims, ❁■❄ and I said, "1 know ✳❉❁❍✎ • Dims Una said, ▲❁❉❄✌ • ◗❁■▼ want to▼❏ bring ❂❒❉■❇ you some ❙❏◆ corned ▲❏❍❅ beef ❃❏❒■❅❄ sandwiches.' ❂❅❅❆ ▲❁■❄◗❉❃❈❅▲✎✂ ✂✧❅❅✌ Gee, lack, ✪❁❃❋✌ thanks,▼❈❁■❋▲✌ but we are all ❂◆▼ through. ◗❅ ❁❒❅ We are ❁■winding ▼❈❒❏◆❇❈✎ '. ✷❅ ❁❒❅ ◗❉■❄❉■❇ ✎ " ; ✍◆❐ op our ❏◆❒ interrogation.' ■▼❅❒❒❏❐▼❉❏■ ❉ ✎✂ 14. I called any ✴❈❅■ Then I thought ✩ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ of my friends ❏❆ ❍❙ at ICLIF❆❒❉❅■❄▲ ❁▼ ✫✬✩✦✍✩✶✎ ✩ ❃❁●●❅❄ ❍❙ ❆❒❉❅■❄✌ friend, Gordon ✧❏❒❄❏■ McLendon, ✭❃✬❅■❄❏■✌ to see if they ▼❏ wanted ▲❅❅some ❉❆ ▼❈❅❙ sand- ◗❁■▼❅❄ ▲❏❍❅ ▲❁■❄✍ been ❂❅❅■ working ◗❏❒❋❉■❇ hard all❈❁❒❄ day. ❁●● ❄❁❙✎ ◗❉❃❈❅▲✎ wiches. I knew ✩ they ❋■❅◗ ✎❈❁❄ . had ▼❈❅❙ ••• ✎ •••; 4.".; s' • ✎✌✌✎✌ ✍✍ ✂✎✎✎ ✎✑✎✍ .4.7...1 • . ✎• ✌ A . • ✌ Ars...•••• • ✩✍✩✶ so 1 ▲❏ called ✑ ❃❁■❅❄ ✩ I COULDN' ✣✯✵✬✤✮✇✴ T get through ❇❅▼ ▼❈❒❏◆❇❈ to ItLII -TV ▼❏ , :% , . • -.4 ✭❃✬❅■❄❏■✇▲ ❈❏❍❅ get the ▼❏ private ❇❅▼night ▼❈❅number. ❐❒❉❖❁▼❅ His=h■❉❇❈▼ ❁ a ✍ ▲ ■◆❍❂❅❒✎ ★❉▲▼❒❈ hicLendon's borne to ter Christine ✣❈❒❉▲▼❉■❅ answered ❁■▲◗❅❒❅❄ and I told her ❁■❄ I wanted ✩ ▼❏●❄ to bring ❈❅❒sand✩ ◗❁■▼❅❄ ▼❏ ❂❒❉■❇ ▲❁■❄✍ ter . ' -.; + s• • • . •..- ◗❉❃❈❅▲ Wiches to those ❁❏ ▼❈❏▲❅ people at❐❅❏❐●❅ the television ❁▼station. ▼❈❅ ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■ Ale gave ms me ▲▼❁▼❉❏■✎ ✡❈❅ ❇❁❖❅. 'r Sf; ......, ▼❈❅ the lumber ❁❍❂❅❒ but it ❂◆▼ (Wet❋ answer ❄❉❄■✇▼ either. ❁■▲◗❅❒ ❅❉▼❈❅❒✎ . „. : '• - ;‘,.1, ... .. ✎✑ .1 figured ❆❉❇◆❒❅❄ everyone ❅❖❅❒❙❏■❅ was at the city ◗❁▲ ball ❁▼ or police ▼❆❉❅headquarters ❃❉▼❙ ❈❁●● ❏❒ ❐❏●❉❃❅ ❂❅❁❄❑◆❁▼❅■ ,jtV.•.; ".t. A •• G..14e said ❁■❄I ✩ told ▼❏●❄ BM Miller ✢✭ ✭❉●●❅❒ (the delicatessen ✯❈▲ owner) ❄❅●❉❃❁▼❅▲▲❅■ to make me "10 ❏◗■❅❒✉ ▼❏ ❍❁❋❅ ❍❁ ✂✑✐ • 4-..,.•......i.,.';444•Ai,/ ,I . ,,, •.. A.11,:,,,, •,•• ,....4 good ❇❏❏❄soma ▲❏❒❂❅❄ beet beef ▲❁■❄◗❉❃❈❅▲ sandwiches and don' ❁■❄ t spars ❄❏■✇▼ the mese ▲❐❁❒▲ I ▼❈❅ ❍❅▲❅ ✩ • • ✎7, . ✯✡1. for ✩ I would ◗❏◆●❄ eve ❇❉❖❅ him a tree ❈❉❍ pass ❁ to ▼❒❅❅ the Carousel ❐❁▲▲ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❁● made ❍❁❄❅eight ❅❉❇❈▼ for some ❆❏❒ reason ✭✵✭ ▲❃❁▼▲ and ❁■❄I ✩ sot❇❏▼ a black ❁ ✭❁✆ awry❃❈❅❒❒❙ ‘ , ..,... 1.• "-:V.+: • . 44."."Sl❒✌❃✳✇ .if:' . 4. ' *- .•'.. ''' . .• phone mods) ▲❏❄❁✉ and ❁■❄ veto◗❁❒❄ tothe the▼❏ Owe to can❁❄ ▼❏ PH. ✮✎4✔✚✑ :1 • ✂❉ • ...., e••„ , , ,•. , ,.. • . ' • .4.••• •"- • .1•44, • C., •• • ❁▲❋❅❄ bar I✩asked WV✩❆ she▲❈❅ was all ◗❁▲ rill*❁●● and she ❒❉❇❈▼ add ohs ❁■❄ was✳❈❅ In a dam ❏●❄ ✆❁✎✎✎✎ ◗❁▲ ❉■ ❁ ❄❁❍ ✌ • iro4k; C ...,.x. •• '.••k-..' if .o...1.0 . 1. ''" .44.,-.. . . . ❄◆asked she smoked ❍❅ me✩❆ U I✩ had ❈❁❄ said▲❁❉❄ a pram ❁ for❐❒❁❍ Its ?raddled. ❆❏❒ ✩❈▲ ' • ✇✰❒❏❄❄❅❄✎ ❒ 1✇ ., .• ,■,. ,V,,,..,•;:;,,, t.v,..,"°:;:•;■-., .,•ei s ✌✇✩✍✂✎4, i . • ,:;.,,F.:`,-,"' ,'t , .' . heir bar ▼❈❁▼ that I did ✩ ❄❉❄ andfiat dot ❁■❄ I was was ●❏❉■▲ loins down❄❏◗■ to the city ball.❈❁▼ ✩ th❅▼❏ ❃❉▼❙ ✗✎ ✇ ✁ ✎ ✎ .- ..• ., • ..1,..%;' ' -.... ✎☛✚ -✇✍✑✎ -: ❏❋▼▼✇ .•.,•,:::..•pi;)tX‘'Ne ✎✔✍✌✚❉✎✎✍ ✎✍ ✍ ✍✍▲ ✎✌✎✎ ▲❏❍❅ ■❁❄❉❒✏✷❍ far i❊ ✎ a.a4 ✌✚ ✂✔ ✎✌✎ locos sandwiches kwthe the✌✫✬✩✦✍✴✶ XLIF-TV crow.1 ❃❒❏◗✎✇ wanted✩to◗❁■▼❅❄ dos▲✑ ✇✌✎✍ ,▼❏ ❄❏ ✚ . ✚✎ ✎✎✎✎✑✇ ✛✇✌ .:4: ,...." :;_. t-. .•✎✎✎❉ , %1 ,.,i , . ._ _ i_. 7.;.2:‘..4' -✶✎✎✁✌✇ a.; i-:...,' - I -11 2.4t ✧ ✎ ❉✎✎✎ ✍❆t kind. ❋❉■❄✎ Money ✭❁❃❅❙ bad too ❂❁❄ value. ❉▼☛ Boarythbli ❖▲●◆▲✎ bad bat✢❏❖❒❙❄❉❁❇ !la ❂❁❄ ❋❉▼ ✩▼▲ ✩✍✎✇ ⑤ ✎✛✎✌✌ ■✎✌✍✗✎ ❏❖❅✎✎ y❙ ◗❈❏●❅ whole✎world was yaw .1 ◗❏❒●❄ ◗❁▲ ❉❐❏▲✎✎ jut wanted to ✩ do ❊◆❇ yaw ✇▲❁●❁❄ ▼❏ ❄❏ ❍❏▲✍ ✍ ✍✍✌✚✁❀✚✚ ✍ ✎✎ , 1"1°.° ✎✎ — ❒✎ r -✍ ..• -"al , 0, - . ••;rr rill' ; .' .t3tardArt ✑ •❇❏ r! ;el J.:P.1 !,; . .v.',,, , . .. ✿lidp ✿✿✎✎✎✎✎ o✎ ✎✎✌✎✎✎ Apo us w 1111 V,' ✎✇✎✁ 1 • • ❁❋ ✎ ✌✌✌✎✎✎✎✎✎ to onions. 1;,-•'.✎✍✎✌ • '„brv'*4, ✌✌✌✎✎✚✿✎✎✎ :t‘ •• ❉❄▲ ❂❁■ ✎✎ '✮s ✎✌✎ -• sonm. A-L-- - - .•-- 44 ✎✎❒✎ ,„,;.t..-•iifnb.•. ✚✎✎✌ ✌✎✎✎✎✎✚✎✎❅✎☞✎✔ ..17,..+1 ✔✑✗ ✌ ✍ ✎ ✎ ✎✌ ✎✎✎❉ ✔ ✩ • '?• • 'e ) ✚☛✩✩✚ ✛ ✍✈✔✎❅ .• • • • . • • • • 4C '."); %.:41•• 1•; "...N.: ^ • • 17 • '• 4" . •a. .11, , • 1.4 " • , .,•n • : •- •-• . ••• . ✎✎•✎• ••■ • . • ✎✎ r ' • •• . -- ,....:. .• • • ✎✎✍ 711k. ✎-4-✎✎✎ ✍❆✍✯❋ ✎✎❃✎✎✎❒✎✔✐✗✑ r," 1 Cr.✣❒✎ ✑✚✑ I ✎ TO THE POLICE✰✯✬✩✣✥ station and▲▼❁▼❉❏■ ✑IN'EN1 ✷✥✒▲✑ ✴✯ ✴★✥☛ ❁■❄ parked in the lot. ❐❁❒❋❅❄ ❉■ ▼❈❅ ●❏▼✎ '.--41 ✑✑✎✔✔❂ I✩lift Shaba (the dog) The. Early Morning ireured.' and the ❋❆▼ ✳❈❅❂❁ ✈▼❈❅ ❄❏❇✉ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅ ▲❁■❄◗❉❃❈❅▲ sandwiches in In the efer.-1 -1-was ▼❈❅ ✖◗✚✔✍◗❁▲ ✎ looking for Iva DeLuig KLIF-TV. ●❏❏❋❉■❇ ❆❏❒ ✪❏❅of✤❁■■ ❏❆He✫✬✩✦✍✴✶✎ ★❅ to ❃❏◆●❄ ✇ ▼❅●● ❈❏◗ ▼❏✌ could tel me how Henry ❍❅ gave ★❅■❒❙ ❇❁❖❅ ❁ ▲▼❁▼❅❍❅■▼ ❐to a statement to the press ❅■ and ✡■ ❄▼❏ ▲ be ❉ ❅■ ☛ ✎❉❉ ▲❏❉▼ ha I✩ i▼❈❅ iienVd get through to Gordon ❇❅▼ ▼❈❒❏◆❇❈ ▼❏McLendon. ✧❏❒❄❏■A✭❃✬❅■❄❏■✎ ✡ ❐❏●❉❃❅ ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒ ☛❅❋❅❄ ❍❅ police officer asked ms 'Fair Play✰●❁❙ foe Cuba Corrioliliaa ." ✎ ✂✦❁❉❒ ❆❏❒ ✣◆❂❁ ✣❏❍■●❉▼▼❅❅✎✂✎ ▼❈❅ ✰❒✯ ;Orgenbatill where I was going ◗❈❅❒❅ ✩ ◗❁▲ ❇❏❉■❇ ❁■❄ ❈❉❍✎ ✍ and I told him.✩ ▼❏●❄.✎ •i ✎❉ to which Oswald belonged, ▼❏ ◗❈❉❃❈ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ❂❅●❏■❇❅❄✌ ❁▲ ▼❈❅ as tbe 'Free • Free Play ✰●❁❙ for ter Cuba ✣◆❂❁ As I ✩ walked ✇ ✡▲ ◗❁●❋❅❄ through ❇▼❈❒❏◆ halls,. fellows kept ❈the ▼❈❅ ❈❁●●▲✌✎ ❆❅●●❏◗▲ ❋❅❐▼ ▲❁❙❉■❇✎ ✇★❅●●❏ saying, 'Hello ✂ ✎✎✎✇ ✿✎✎ ✌✎✍✎ -✍• -. ✌ ✍✎✎✇ ✍ ✍ ✚ seseimanoC ✎✎✎✔ ▼✎ ◗ ❅❍❏✣✩ I✍✎✏ ✎ ✌ ✍ ✌✎✎✉ . -✍ . e•✇ ✇ 'Z. Jack," . ✪❁❃❋✎✂ 'Ni `Hi ●❁❃❋✎✂ Jack? ✍ ✍ ✚ sir ✇ ✚ ✌✌ ✎✎ ✚•✍✛✎✌ ✎ ✍ ✍✎✎✎ ✏ ✎✎❒❁✌ ✎✍✍ , I didn't feel so lost. r• Being with a Crowd ✢❅❉■❇ ✎✎ ✩ ❄❉❄■✇▼ ❆❅❅● ▲❏ ●❏▲▼✎ ❁■❄ ❂❅❉■❇ ❋■❏◗■ and being◗❉▼❈ •• known❁ ❃❒❏◗❄ ' I' . • - •• •A • 4 -— kind of took the mourning ❋❉■❄ ❏❆ ▼❏❏❋ ▼❈❅ ❍❏◆❒■❉■❇ ❁◗❁❙✎ ✩ ▼❏❏❋ ▼❈❅ ❅●❅❖❁▼❏❒✇ feeling away. I ❆❅❅●❉■❇ took the elevator ✍ ✍ ▼ ✎✎❁■❄ ❑✚ ✔◗❈❏ ✏✑✇✑✏ ✎✌ ✌ .s. There were a lot of 13psuu officers ✑✓❐▲❏◆▲✎ ✴❈❅❒❅ ◗❅❒❅ ❁ ●❏▼ ❏❆ ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒▲ ❍❅ who knew me and who ◗❈❏ ❋■❅◗ ✺ !).:::;:." 4: .. :.. .f. ❈❁●● 'e f.<•,...k✈✲◆❂❙ ,L.°4' ‘, said hello ▪▲❁❉❄ to me. But ❈❅●●❏ ▼❏no ❍❅✎ ✢◆▼ ■❏ ◗❁▲ ❃❉▼❙ one was sad in ❏■❅ the city ball.▲❁❄ (Ruby❉■ ▼❈❅ ✇✂ ✎❃✫✍✗ ✍✗✔✌✍✔✚✑✑✎✎✩❆ ❉❅ ✍ ✑ ✮✚✁✍✍✂❊ ✑ ✍✁✎ ✡❃▼◆❁●●❙ Actually means❍❅❁■▲ the police▼❈❅ station. ❐❏●❉❃❅ ▲▼❁▼❉❏■✎ ❁❒❅✛ ■❅❘▼✛ ❄❏❏❒ ▼❏ ❅❁❃❈ ✎ They are next door to each✴❈❅❙ ✌✎✎✍✌✎✎✌✣ ✍✇✎✔✎✑✎✌✎✎❉▼❉❅❉❒❁✍✮✎ ✇❀✍✎✑✎ ✍✎✌ ✎ ✍ ✍✌✎ ,......,•,.-e ✚✌✑✔ ✌ ✍✑✎✗ ✍✌✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✿ Pr and ' other few people think of them ❉■ ❏▼❈❅❒ ❁■❄ ❆❅◗ ❐❅❏❐●❅ ▼❈❉■❋ ❏❆ ▼❈❅❍ ❁▲There ▲❅❐❁❒❁▼❅ ❅■▼❉▼❉❅▲✎✉ ✴❈❅❒❅ as separate entities.) ❒ ✔ ✎ ✍❉▼✎✡❒❋❅✌✍✹✌✛✇✌✶ ✑ ✐✌✌▼✌✂✸✂✌✚✍ 1:.✎✁✌✉✌ no✤✯ crying. no tears. ✩was ◗❁▲ ❃❒❙❉■❇✎ ■❏ ▼❅❁❒▲✎ ✌ •✎• ✎✍ „✛❁ ✇❀ ✇ ✎✇ ✌ ▼✎✎❅▼ ✎✌✎✌ ✎✎ ✎✌ ✌✎✍ ✎✍✎✎✎✎ ✎ ✎ ✍✌✌✌✎ ✎✎ ✌ ✑ ✔✍❒✶❒❉✎✎ ✎✎✎✂✟ ✍ •. - *. • f The. Early Morning Ircrunrwf Nov. 23 23 • ✎✎✎ ✂ ✎ ✍✂✌✍ ✍✍ ✣ ✎✎✎❖✟ ✛✂✎✎✎✎ ✑✎✚✎✎✍✚ ✎✚✔✎ ✎✚ ✛✚✚ ✌✎ ✍✔✚ ✍✑✔✗ ✍✎✉☛ ✎✎✎✎✎✎ ✴✏ ✉ ✍✌ I✑asked ❁▲❋❅❄ ❁ ❐❏●❉❃❅ a police \.-.:• officer officer friend I, - ..„ 1 ,15.,,, to page ❆❒❉❅■❄ ▼❏Joe ❐❁❇❅ ✪❏❅ ❆❏❒ ❍❅ Delang for✤❅●❁■❙ me 1 .. . Midnig ht --Saturday, Saturday, Nov. Midnight -✎❂◆▼ but we couldn't find him. Suddenly ◗❅ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ ❆❉■❄ ❈❉❍✎ ✳◆❄❄❅■●❙ ✣❈❉❄ ✣◆❒❒❙ ✈✤❁●●❁▲ ✰❏●❉❃❅ Chief Curry (Dallas Police ✔❀ ☎✎✏ ✇ ✰● ❁☛✚ ✇ ✎✇ ✇ ✑✎☎✚ 1 ✂ ✔✎✑✎ '... ✎✑✎ ✚☛✇✍ :', .....,,,, 'Chief Jesse Curry) and Homicide ✛✣❈❉❅❆ ✪❅▲▲❅ ✣◆❒❒❙✉ ❁■❄Captain ★❏❍❉❃❉❄❅ ✣❁❐▼❁❉■ ✦❒❉▼❚ ❁❐❐❅❁❒❅❄ Will Fritz appeared ✷❉●● ✚✎✎✎✎✎✎✛✏✌✇✚ ✔✎✍✎✎✔✍✌✍ ✎ ✎✍✑✌ ✑ ✓✗✌✍✚✌✎✎✌✌✍ ✍✌✍✍✍ ✎ with Oswald. I was suddenly ◗❉▼❈ ✯▲◗❁●❄✎ ✩ ◗❁▲ ▲◆❄❄❅■●❙ ❁ ▲◗❁❒❍ ❏❆ ❐❅❏❐●❅✎ in a SV/arM of❉■ people. •ri:': ‘i '✩" ●❏▲▼ I lost my ''.1 '--- - •❍❙ N'' 1.'. 41./ /A • ' 41 . 1 V; -'' : purpose in going there. I'm▼❈❅❒❅✎ ❐◆❒❐❏▲❅ ❉■ ❇❏❉■❇ ❉■ ❁- ✍ ◗❏❒●❄ ❏❆✔✎✔✑✛✑ ✇❈❉▲▼❏ k. ✔❒✎ in a world ✩✇❍ of history. ❒❙✎ ☛☛✂✎ ✍✇✎ ". ✇✔✎ ✑✎✚✎✎ ✌✎✎✎✑✎✝ ✑✗✌✎✎✛✎✌ ✍✉✎✎✌✍✎ , ✴❈❅ The reporters and TV men started ❒❅❐❏❒▼❅❒▲ ❁■❄ ✴✶ ❍❅■ ▲▼❁❒▼❅❄ ❃❏❍❐●❁❉■❉■❇ ▼❏ ✣❈❉❄ complainin g to Chief ✍✇✌✗✔✈✇✛❅✔✎✏✍✑✑✍✑✇ ✂✚✍☛ ✍✂✚☛ .✎Corry about the hallway A.:J.. ✎✎❀ ✚ ✌ ✣◆❒❒❙ ❁❂❏◆▼ ▼❈❅being ❈❁●●◗❁❙ ❂❅❉■❇ ▼❏❏ ❃❒❏◗❄❅❄✎ ✴❈❅❙ ❐❒❏▼❅▲▼❅❄ too crowded. They protested ✑✎✚✐✒❉✑✗ ✑ ✍✚ ✌✎✎✎ 4✎ , ❉ f ✌✚ y : 40. 'that theytreaded '•‘',‹ . . that they needed we awe room ❒❏❏❍ Oswald was was▼❁❋❅■ 60✖✐ Oswald taken❏◆▼✎ out. He ★❅✔✎✖ ( ..,.p 1 %.,... 4t .was was ❍◆❍❂●❉■❇✎ mumbling. I didn't ✎✌ i✩think ❄❉❄■✇▼ ★❅ ●❏❏❋❅❄ much ▼❈❉■❋ of him. He❍◆❃❈ looked❏❆ like❈❉❍✎ a like ❁ ▪creep. But he didn't like be could ✌✎✎✖✇ ✔ ❃❒❅❅❐✎ ✢◆▼ ❈❅look ❄❉❄■✇▼ ●❏❏❋ ●❉❋❅ ✛✍ ❋❉●●❅❄ ✍ ❏◆❒ ✰❒❅▲❉ have killed❂❅ our❃❏◆●❄ Presi- ❈❁❖❅ ✍ ✎ ✔✎✌ ✇ ✔✚✍ ❉✔❉✍✚✛✎✚✚✇✇✎✇ • -•, ' '• dent all ❁●● ❁●❏■❅✎ alone. :.✚✎ •-❄❅■▼ . . . . ✎✔✌✚ • . a ' .• $, . ✎✎ ✌✌✌✎✎✌ .Z.--06;.4 : ✎❒✎ .. . . , . .. Approximate ii - - [2 ✵ ✩✎ Approxiniately ly 1A.M AM.• . . --- ,.- 4-&.,, •. ✎✌❅✌▼❒❆❏❉ ✎✍✍✚✇✌✎✎✎ ✎ ✎❑✎ ✍✑✑✚✎✌✎✎✑✎ ✔✔ ✎ ✓✂✎✎✌✍✎ ✔ ✔✌ ✎ ief Curry took ▼❏❏❋ us to the◆▲ ❉❅❆ ✣◆❒❒❙ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❂❁▲❅❍❅■▼ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✎✎✎✎✛✍✑✎✍❅ ❁▲▲❅❍❂●❙ basement to the assembly ❒❏❃▲ 4✎ U e., ✔✌ ✇✇✌ ✍ ✩ ◗❏✑✎✐ ✌✌ ☛✇❀❋✶✡✚✑✔✚✐✌✗✇ ❁ a ge❇room. ❉✇✇ ❁✍✑✔✇❀❀ ●✂ ✇✮▼▼ I sot up ▼ ❉▲ ✍ a table ❅ ❒❏❏❍✎ ✩ on ▲❏▼ ◆❐ in ❏■a ❁ ▼❁❂●❅ ❉■I ❁ ❃❏❍❅❒ ▲❏ ▼❈❁▼ corner so that ✍✑ ✍✍✚ ✑ `,❀❉ be be out of the way and everything. ❏◆▼ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ◗❁❙could ❁■❄see ❃❏◆●❄ ▲❅❅Captain ❅❖❅❒❙▼❈❉■❇✎ Fritz . ✣❁❐▼❁❉■ ✦❒❉▼❚ ❁❄❄ I i :Henry ❅ ❃❁❍ e earns out our all of •asudden sudden with with • mirky, i :mirky, *ling, ears defiant. of the▼❈❅ Dallas✤❁●●❁▲ County district ★❅■❒❙Wade, ✷❁❄❅✌ ✣❏◆■▼❙ ❄❉▲▼❒❉❃▼ ❁▼▼❏❒■❅❙ ✈❁■ ❁❃❑◆❁❉■▼✍ attorney (an acquaintexpression aweof awe in Jack ❉■ ricioiu ✎ Ruby's vicious expression on kit his lace. lace. .... .. IImust mustbans haw ,p ❏❆ ✪❁❃❋ ✲◆❂❙✇▲ ◗❈❏in✩▲ ■❏■ ❉■ ❃❈❁❒❇✲◆❂❙✉ who ls now p charge ❇❅of❏❆ prosecuting ❐❒❏❃❅❃◆▼❉❏ Ruby) brought Oswald . ;*, ❂❒❏◆❇❈▼ t ample my and seil of took s steps.`,..,-.. out into❏◆▼ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ❉■▼❏ ❖❉❅◗ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ✴✶ ❃❁❍❅❒❁▲ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅ ❐❈❏✍ -' ❏❆ view of the TV cameras and Ilse pho-. ✎✎✎ ✎✎ ✌ ❆ ✭✹ ✳❁❁✇ ❁■❄ ⑤❁● ❁ ❁❍✰●✎ °W. ✍ . ' •' -.• i ' sographa ●❏❇❒❁❐❈❅❒▲✎ s. ,• . /✏ •`. ., .. . • . . ❉;✎They their pictures ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅▲ and the reporters asked ✴❈❅❙took ▼❏❏❋ ▼❈❅❉❒ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅ ❒❅❐❏❒▼❅❒▲ ❁▲❋❅❄ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ❍❉▼▼❅❅✎✂ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ Play far Oswald fee Cubs-. ✣◆❂❁✎✇ knO✛ ✂✮❏✌ ★❅■ is Fair =tam" I said, 'No. Henri: ' questions. He•was★❅✇ ❑◆❅▲▼❉❏■▲✎ ◗❁▲ ❍◆❍❂●❉■ mumbling ❇❁■▲◗❅❒▲✎ answers. When 'warm bad beard had his because ✷❈❅■ ❅❖❅❒❙❏■❅ ❈❁❄ I❈❉▲ ❂❅❃❁◆▲❅ ❂❁❄.-❈❅❁❒❄ ❉▼ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❄❉❏✎ radio. it on the✩ . ✇ •, ✚ ✂✌ ✍ ✍ ✎ ✌✎ . ❏■ . • ✇✎ ■. ☛* pictures they took him▼❏❏❋ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅▲ ▼❈❅❙ away. ❈❉❍ ❁◗❁❙✍• . • '✡ "A ICBOX-TV man passed - ✟✍ ✑✈✑✓✐✸✍✴✶ ❍❁■ ❐❁▲▲❅❄ ❂❙ ❁■❄ ❆❅❅▼❂ MIX ice❁▲❋❅❄ ✭✸❈❉❍ the by and I asked :.7 him✩ ❐❏❃❋❅▼ eV❍❙ k ,... 'rI had ✩❈❁❄ SUlt ▼❏❏ ❉■ ❍❙ in InY Pocket ▼❈❉▲ ◗❁▲fest ❊◆▲▼ ❁ ■◆❍❂❅❒✎ few this WSW-■❉❇❈▼✎ TV number. I wits Just ✩ He pve k ★❅ ●❅◗ ❆❅❅▼ ✴✶ ❐❖❅ ❋ ▼❏ ❍❅✎understan ✩ ▲▼❉●● ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ e.✎ to me. I still couldn't d why ' F from the deceased (Ruby often refers to Lee Harvey Oswald ❉▼ ✌✍✂▼❒❏❍ ▼❈❅ ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄ ✈✲◆❂❙ ❏❆▼❅■ ❒❅❆❅❒▲ ✬❅❅ ★❁❒❖❅❙ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ■❏ ❆❅❅●❉■❇ ❏ there ▼❏ eras no feeling of sadness there. ▼❈❁▼ That was◗❁▲ slat at talk .•. ❁▲"the ✂▼❈❅ ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄✂ ❁■❄ ✂▼❈❁▼✂ ❐❅❒▲❏■ ✷✎✲✎✷✎✉✎ ✩ ❂❁❄ ■❏ "try' ❁❂❏◆▼ ❂❏◗ efecealor no *bout 1.. ' as and "that" Persica bow Henry — WAN.). I bad Wade would Scary ✷❁❄❅ ◗❏◆●❄ the "try" &coned. 1 asked ▼❈❅ ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄✎ ✑ ❁▲❋❅❄ thought of killing It never entered Besides, be some= ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ❏❆ him. ❋❉●●❉■❇ ❈❉❍✎ my ✩▼bead. ■❅❖❅❒ ❅■▼❅❒❅❄ ❍❙why ❂❅❁❄✎ ▲❏❍❅❏■❅ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ✣✯ ❉ else did k. Soma*❂❅ .Oswald✢❅▲❉❄❅▲✌ said, 'He's◗❈❙ a anti 1 •✍ was NM▲▼❉●● only a suspect—in nocent until proven guilty. ◆■▼❉● ✑ ◗❁▲ ❏■●❙ ❁ ▲◆▲❐❅❃▼❉■■❏❃❅■▼ ❐❒❏❖❅■ ❇◆❉●▼❙✎ ✌✑✚✌ ✇✇ • . 1-., '". diat's why." -,'• • ▼❈❅❒❅ ◗❈❙✎✂ ✍ ✚ ✌ ✌ ✩ ' : . I --, 1 ' ,-• ' ..: • -% ✍✂✌ ✑ ✍ ✇ ✍ ✟ ✚✎ ❉ ✍-✍: •❆☛✮❅✍✍✍ ✚ ✍ • f`Ne-9 ✙..-.✎✎✍ -' ✍lowg ❁●❙❇ KLIF-TV. HAVE✥✮✯✵✧★ ★✡❖✥ ❅❖❉❄❅■❃❅ ▼❏ ❃❏■❖❉❃▼ to convic ✚✌ ❂❅◆ ✏❉ ❒❄•✍ ❉❉ ❙1 'Novo/ evidence .t:w I talked to my friend / biird . I called ✑✍ ✩ ❃❁●●❅❄ ✸✩✍✩✦✍✴✶✎ ✩ ▼❁●❋❅❄ ▲❏ ❉■❙ ❆❒❉❅■❄ ✲❅ Len end tab! ham . about sandwiches 1.., ✑✎•'✎✌ . He He asked happening and friend. sad Henry Wade, ✎✎ ✭❅■❄✌ ★❅■❒❙ ✷❁❄❅✌ ❁■■❏◆■❃❅ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ announce to the hundreds hundreds of reporters allsY ❏❆ ❒❅❐❏❒▼❅❒▲ ❁■❄ ✎ ❒❉ d ▼❏❋▼ ▼ ▼❈ the ❈❉❍ ❅ ▲❁■ ✷❈❁▼ ❄◗✂ ◗❅▲✇ ❉ ;'IV ◗❊❅ asked ma ❍❉ ❋ ❉ ❅what was ❃❏◆●❄ .✎✎✍✎ him 1,✌.,TY men. ✑ Henry★❅■❒❙ ❍❅■✎ ❁●▲❏ ❁■■❏◆■❃❅❄ ▼❈❁▼ also announced that the the deceased (Oswald) bad I I told ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄ ✈✯▲◗❁●❄✉ ❂❁❄ ✩ what Wade had said. He saketi me If I could get = ' • refused to take Be detector ✎ ❒❅❆◆▲❅❄a▼❏ ▼❁❋❅ ❁test. ✢❅Wade ❄❅▼❅❃▼❏❒ ❁●▲❏ ▼❏●❄ ▼❈❁▼ also told ▼❅▲▼✎ us that Os-✷❁❄❅ ✎1✑ HearY ✤ ★❂❏■❅ ❅❁❒✹ ❉■▼ ☎ ❈❉▲ ✰ 4° ▼❈❅ ●❉❁ ● ● the Phme. ▼ ❅ ❉ ✚✫❅■ ✇ ✎▲❁❉ I◆▲ 'said ● ❍❅▼ awe ✲❉❒❅ ✎▼■❉❄ and ❁■❄ ✌✐✘✍ csiled ▼■❅ ❃❁●●❅❄ Sen17 ❉▼✎◗▲ ● ❅■✵ and ■ ▲❒◆❆ "Idle ❁■❄ ❋ ❇❅▼ ✰◆❒▼❈❅ ❙❋❉❒ ✎✚ ( '•✗ ; :✚✎◗❁●❄ Mkid had denied being a Communis ❂❁❄ ❄❅■❉❅❄ ❂❅❉■❇ ❁ ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ ❁❄❍❉▼▼❅❄ t but admitted being a .`✑✛ betas❂◆▼ phme s.,, int° !land'-, ... °Id'! Kell late! hiti A✎ t f." a grgaf ❁ " ❘i✎ .4, ●t ...‘ ❏▼ ▼ ❍❉❍❅❄ ✐✎ ✎✌✍✌ ✎ ✚✎ ✍✚ ✎✍ Marxist and having defected❄❅❆❅❃▼❅❄ ✭❁❒❘❉▲▼ ❁■❄ ❈❁❖❉■❇ ▼❏Curry ✲◆▲❅❉▼✎ ✭❉❄ ✣◆❒❒❙ ❃❏■❆❉❒❍❅❄ to Ruscit. Chief confirmed i -"" 4 '✎ ----":' ❉ ✎ ✎✎✎ ✚✇ ••• ✇☛ ' ''' •✚-`1✍''''☛✌✎✎ ✎✎✚✍ ☛✁ - ✍ ✍✑✎ ✿✿ ✎▼✎❃ ✿✌✌✌✌✎ ✍✑✐✛✑❀✎ -.1"..-✗'___, VV.: __ _ ✌✎✎✎❉ r ; that the evidence was 'coaclusive "' ✂❃❏❏❃●◆▲❉❖❅✂ and someone said that ❒ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❅❖❉❄❅■❃❅ ✷❁▲ ❁■❄ ▲❏❍❅❏■❅ ▲❁❉❄D▼❈❁▼ ❆❒❏❇❅❒✍✎✑✇✎✍ ✷✡✮✤✥✲✥✤ finger-. ' ' I WANDERE OFT and ran into InetT.night✩ ,ja,&411se..sill..ill AM; , . ✯✦✴ ❁ Z ...prints bad beakknsd. Everyone seemed✥❖❅❒❙❏■❅ convinced that the jockey. ❐❒❉■▼▲ ❈❁❄ ❂❅▲■❉❑❉■▼❄✎ ▲❅❅❍❅❄ ✝❅❖❉■❃❅❄ ▼❈❁▼for▼❈❅ ✩ ❈❁❄ ❁ ❍❅▲▲❁❇❅ ❆❏❒ I had a message bins.✛❊❏❃❋❅❙✎ .1 than took Liss downstabn ✡▼❅❅❍❅▼❅❉❒❅✚✌ ✍ i:_.. f_i?tilierPria te belonged ❈❅●✯❁❄❅❄ P Orisld=4; least, was the that ✩✹✩ ▼❅❒✰❒❉◆●● ●●❏ ✯❁◗❁●❄✍✔✚ ❋✷ ▼❈❁▼ ◗❁▲another interview . .and thetmpreeIppreearranged ❁■❄ ❁❒❒❁■❇❅❄ ❁■❏▼❈❅❒ ◗❉▼❈ ❈❉❍ ❁■❄ ✢❙ with❉■▼❅❒❖❉❅◗ him 61011(4;1J ✩ w. - -✎.,,OM ✩ ✳❅▼✁ ✎✎ ✒✂ ✎✑ ✔❒❅▼▼❆❉ ✑✚✍ ✍✍✎✚ ❖ ✎✎ :.: ❆..-✎✇✂ ✿ ❀. ✇ ✇✇✇✇ ✇✇.:- •'-`.„ ✌✇ 4 •..-:..,!,..-„Russ • .4"., „Russ▼❏ to ask ❁▲❋ Henry Henry IfIfOswald was◗❁▲ ✯▲◗❁●❄ ❉■▲❁■❅✛ insane: sad , c Henry tom▼❏●❄ ★❅■❒❙was ✷❁❁▲ ▼❈❁▼ ❂❅ ut that ◆▲ he would 'ark for◗❏◆●❄ sad set✇❁▲❋ ❆❏❒ ❁■❄ ❇❅▼ ▼❈❅ ❄❅❁▼❈ the deaih said inn❀■❉❘ likay.●❉❋❅●❙✎ ...'`%,. ▲❁❉❄ ☛✇ ✇✇✇▼ ✇✍✁✛✎✎ rt iltl'1 ..:.4; 1: .. ' '', ✎✟❀☎✌✌ ▼cr/ '-!-,''.,.*: e1 ✚ , .❃✔❒✎ C.4 ✌ • r.i'' ;;:',.*.t✎ ✍✇✑✌✎✎✎✎✎✎✂ ✑✗ - -✍✎✌✎✇✇✌✎☛ ...,..:* ✑ t ' ••• . ipenalty. " * .1 4heird :someone ❉❐❅■❁✑▼❙✎✂✍✎✑ ✇❂❅❁❒❄ ▲❏❍❅❏■❅ ❁▲❋ ❈❏◗ ❍▲ ask Henry how many men ★❅■❒❙ ■❊ be ❂❁ ❍❅❉✇ bad.❈❁❄✎ i-.." at any 1 i-..% . sow time ❒❁❅❖❅❒✎ ❁■❙ ❁▼✇ ❄❍❅ thought ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ❁▼ ▲❈❏✯❄❁❇ of shoOtia ✎✌ ' s Mi. iliOusht ❈❉▼❉✎✎✑●❈❏◆❇❈▼ lori bd 4 t ✌ ., seat to du electric ❙y ▲❅■▼ ▼❏ ❄❉❅ chile. ❅●❅❃▼❒❉❃ ★❅ ❁❄❄✎ He said, -❄❁❂✎ 23 at ❏▼❉▼ ❏❆ at 24.71, ✑✍✒✔✎✑✎ ✌,,olou ld her❇❅▼ tolriaL✯❉✇▼❒❉❁●✎ ✎ ✌ I did sot dank bi.irookl ✑◗❏◆●❄ ✩ ❄❉❄set ❁❃▼ ▼❈❉■❋ shot: 1 did ✩●❉✷❏❏❋● ❊ t▼▼ I thoug ❅❒▲ ▼❂❏◆ ❍❇ ❁ ❂ ht ❉ to myself ▼ ▼❏ ❍❙▲❅●❆ ✔ ❀✧❏❏❄ :Good wort, ✁❏■✌ Henry. Henry I'm ✎ ✩✇❍ -sure awe glad yours ❆ the cue :•, 44:7 ❇●❁❄ ❙❏◆✇❒❉❉ ✚●❅❄ ✣❁❐◆▼❏ : tell Captain-Will ✍ ✷❉■ Fritz-as Fritz❁▲be now' ❈❅ ❉▼❍❅❄❁●❍❅ ✩ ✩smug. debits I did—that did7thatl ◗❏◆●❄✌✎ ; • . I., . •!,...❙ ✁✿❈❁■❄●❉■❇ : ,r, ,,,,,,,,A.4litP M • v. ••:It .,. '-.shoot thaDdling ihs caw* .:-i. '4 - ....-. ✡❍ °maid. .. .. ..' •1 .. .A‘V. M...„.' '-•'..•,,:•'.;1:‘ 14:".S",•••74. ⑤◗❁❉❆✎ ,U 111 had add ✩ ❈❁❄ ▲❁✉✔✌❁●●❁▼ ✎❉●● ie.* At Waite ✎ a pr: ✑ ✑✏✑✑☎ ✑✐, ✩✩ ✌❐✝❃❁❐▼▼❉ lipasett Ia.'. r ‘l o t t e l l s t e l p roud ✕ ✍✇ ✂✩ ❆❅●▼dial ❐❒❏◆❄ ▼❈❁▼ Henry Wade. 'Henry Wade ❖❉❁❁❊❍❙ ❂❉■❄ ▲❏❄ viasiny friend atstf&liti ●❁ !would ✍ ▼✍◗❏◆●❄ ❈❅ he hays allowed ma. ■❉❅▼▼❏✌❁▼❁✹●❏▲✚●❂▲❁●❉❃❅ ha ❙❁❉❄●❏◗❅❄☛ **Alice etatioi ✍ ◗❉▼❈ ': ❁✇ ..- - ✎✇ whit as.✎✍✎✇ y' ,i card lato Havre pocket and✰❏❃❋❅▼ petted ❁■❄ ❃❁❒❄ ✩■▼❏ ★❁❖❒❅ ❐❁▼▼❅❄ ❃❅▼ op ✇ sts giskisoni::•:: ' ... k s .10 t a' ••' .4 . _rim✿❐❉❁✚ 1 42344..,0_,4 • it i otqt:' peieb.0.,It's. :owl ridiediciai.";";erttie tiii.!;* ••n••' ' ''-4,,,T4 " ., .:4,44 4.:$4kit•• ndalatiali41 .--.• ii4.:sx•it. ,aaaimiwi.T ,, 'bicc-7-74 '..44A); 91:4:4 .:Cti? ' 4.-44•1:• 4%-'-' ':.4 .,,Ve•cti?2 •• , .• •• ,'.e.-*Li.v.-1 I%,..-0-147-• - • ---.41 ---,- -- lie•. •,, ....'...'. -.*0 lit ,-❉ : 4.'. P. ' 84;C :7"Z‘ ' '': -.. ... . :.-.1 ✎ r . ..• • • , . ••••••■•••ND., • 7 ◗❈❁▼ ■❁❋❅ ◆✩ ❒✎❈❁✰✰❅✒❋❉❇ „..,:,..A.,. —...-,04."-,',A7 r -23 • • ▪• • •' '''."4:••*;.--"4....n..: - 4.* - • ❉❐❏● whirs ◗❈❅❒❅ President ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ Kennedy was✫❅■■❅❄❙ dot wee ◗❁▲ ❄❏▼ ◗❁▲ flow-eir ;F:Werrand aced wreaths ◗❒❅❁▼❈▲ ❂❙ ✤❁●●❁▲ by Dallas residents. ❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼▲ nu ✇✩●❅ ❆❏❒❅✌ fore, is the ❉▲ assassination ❁▲▲❁▲▲❉■❁▼❉❏■ site.) ▲❉▼❅✎✉ $.• , ,✌ - - ......,.......?Is.1.• ✍ ✌✎ ✪✑☎✑✌ I✩saw ▲❁◗ Officer ✯❆❆❉❃❅❒ Chaney (a Dallas policeman ✈❁ ✤❁●●❁▲ with eflioiu ❐❏●●❅❅ ▼❁■ ◗❉▼❈ t Rnhy_c Ruby'. 2 I left city ❃❉▼❙ hall❈❁●● and west ❁■❄ for◗❅▲▼ coffee. ❆❏❒ 'Men ❃❏❆❆❅❅✎ I went home✭❉❅■ and •✩ ◗❅■▼ ❈❏❍❅ ❁■❄ ✣❈❁■❅❙ was ◗❁▲ friendly) friendly) to show❈❉❍ me th▼❏ on ❏■the ▼❈❅ curb ❃◆❒❂ and asked ❁■❄ ❁▲❋❅❄ ▲❈❏◗ him e window '❍❅ ▼❈❅ talked ▼❁●❋❅❄ to George ▼❏ ✧❅❏❒❇❅ Senator (a✳❅■❁▼❏❒ friend of Ruby's ✈❁ ❆❒❉❅■❄ who shares❏❆ a two✲◆❂❙✇▲ ◗❈❏ ▲❈❁❒❅▲ ❁ ▼◗❏✍ • the ▼❈❅ shots ▲❈❏▼▲ fired ◗❅❒❅ from. ❆❉❒❅❄ He did❆❒❏❍✎ ★❅ ❄❉❄ and ✩ I looked ●❏❏❋❅❄ up❁■❄ and ◆❐ ❆❁▼ tat *LI. ▲✇❅✇▼❁ ☎ ; bedroom ❂❅❄❒❏❏❍ apartment ❁❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼ with him) ◗❉▼❈ about the ❈❉❍✉ murder ❁❂❏◆▼ of the ▼❈❅ Presi- ❍◆❒❄❅❒ ❏❆were ▼❈❅ ✰❒❅▲❉✍ I went over to the▼❏ Own. ✩ ◗❅■▼ ❏❖❅❒ ▼❈❅ ❐●❁❃❅✎ •, ✇._✚ suddenly remem❄❅■▼✎ ✡❇❁❉■ ▼❈❅ ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■ ❁❄ ❃❁❍❅ I◆❐ ❁■❄ ▲◆❄❄❅■●❙ ✩ ❒❅❍❅❍✍ dent. Again the Weissman ad came up and ✇✚ •.1.• e''• ... , .•• ./• ; i., ●❏❏❋❅❄ ❁▼wreath ❅❁❃❈ ◗❒❅❁▼❈ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅❙ I✩looked at each and read whalsbey ❒❅❁❄ ◗❈❁▼ said.' II▲❁❉❄✎✇ was too : ❋ ◗❁▲ ▲ bered ❂❅❒❅❄ seeing ▲❅❅❉■❇ a sign that ❁ ▲❉❇■ said "Ifopeach ▼❈❁▼ Earl ▲❁❉❄ Warren," ✂✩❆❏❐❅❁❃❈ (Chief . , ✥❁❒● ✷❁❒❒❅■✌✂ ✈✣❈❉❅❆ • *ad. ☛❁❄✎ ' ❁ ▲❉❍❉●❁❒✍ • • ✪◆▲▼❉❃❅ ✵✳✎ ✳◆❐❒❅❍❅ ✩ ❆❅●▼ ▼❈❅❒❅ ◗❁▲ • • • .1: Justice of the ❏❆ U.S.▼❈❅ Supreme Court) and I felt✣❏◆❒▼✉ there was a❁■❄ similar:t . • , 1, .' ..I. •.. .. it P.1 ;F: . • ✂✩❍❐❅❁❃❈ i • ' ity ❉▼❙ between ❂❅▼◗❅❅■ the ad▼❈❅ insulting ❁❄ ❉■▲◆●▼❉■❇ the President and▼❈❅ the "Impeach ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ Earl .%❁■❄ ▼❈❅ ✥❁❒● . I . ✎ Warren" ✷❁❒❒❅■✂ sign.▲❉❇■✎ ✎ ✎✚ I✩feh ❆❅●▼ I had✩ to ❂❁❄ do something ▼❏ ❄❏ abOut ▲❏❍❅▼❈❉■❇ it and I decided ❁❂❏◆▼ to photo❉▼ ❁■❄ ✩ ❄❅❃❉❄❅❄ ▼❏ ❐❈❏▼❏✍ I saw Wes Weiss, a disc jockey ✩ ▲❁◗ ✷❅▲ ✷❅❉▲▲✌ ❁ ❄❉▲❃ ❊❏❃❋❅❙ ✩●❁◆❄ ❋■❏◗✌ ❁■❄ ◗❅ int I know, and we Maid toi graph ❁❒❁❐❈ the▼❈❅ sign. I▲❉❇■✎ thought I✩would ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ give KI1F-TV ✩ ◗❏◆●❄ the picture. ❇❉❖❅ ✩✣✩✑✦✍✴✶ ▼❈❅ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅✎ aa few ❍❉■◆▼❅▲✎ ✩ ▼❏●❄ ❈❉❍ ▼❈❁▼ ✩ ❇❏▼ .. few minutes. I told him that I got Henry Wade Setalk so▼❁●❋ ▼❏ ★❅■❒❙ ✷❁❄❅ ❁▲✎ be would be ❁✌✎ I✩ called ❃❁●●❅❄ the club▼❈❅ and asked ❃●◆❂ Larry ❁■❄ (an❁▲❋❅❄ employe)✬❁❒❒❙ if ✈❁■ ❅❍❐●❏❙❅✉ ❉❆ ❂❅ ◗❏◆●❄ f, KLIF-TV on the ✫✬✩✦✎✴✶ ❏■phone. ▼❈❅ ❐❈❏■❅✎ ✴❈❅■ ✩ ❇❏▼ ❉■▼❏ Then I got into my car and saw Cep .!❍❙ ❅❁❒ ❁■ front ❆❒❏■▼ with the◗❉▼❈ Polaroid ▼❈❅ camera ✰❏●❁❒❏❉❄ and take a❃❁❍❅❒❁ picture for❁■❄ me. ▼❁❋❅ ❁ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅ ❆❏❒ ❍❅✎ ✔zi▼❉❋ f't in❉■ gain✈❁ Fritz and ❁■❄ ✯❄❅ ✦❒❉▼❚ ✣❈❉❅❆ ✣◆❒❒❙ Chief❃◆▲▲✍ Curry walking over to 68 .10= ◗❁●❋❉■❇ ❁❉❒ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❁✕❅■❅ ❄ George ✧❅❏❒❇❅ and❁■❄ I drove ✩ ❄❒❏❖❅ to Ross and ▼❏ the ✲❏▲▲ expressway ❁■❄ (a ▼❈❅ street ❅❘❐❒❅▲▲◗❁❙ cross▲▼❒❅❅▼ . fir .61141 • murder ❍◆❒❄❅❒ the. ▼❈❅✎ President. ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✎ • ✎ . .1.- -- -✍r.:. , e.•-..."0.16•ins) ✩■❁✉ and❁■❄ found❆❏◆■❄ the sign ▼❈❅ It was▲❉❐✚ about two ✩▼feet ◗❁▲ by ❁❂❏◆▼ four feet and ▼◗❏ ❆❅❅▼ ❂❙of ❆❏◆❒ ❆❅❅▼ ❁■❄ • like I backed ✩ ❂❁❃❋❅❄ ◆❐blew ❂●❅◗ my born up and my ❂❏❒■ to Wes ▼❏ ✷❅▲ Weiss.✷❅❉▲❅✎ "Wes," I,Talled, ✂✩ ❃❁●●❅❄✌ ✍ ✷❅▲✌✂ ✍ • ▲❁❉❄✚ ●❉❋❅ an American ❁■ ✡❍❅❒❉❃❁■ flag. It said: ❆●❁❇✎✎ ✩▼ "there goes ❇❏❅▲ ✂▼❈❅❒❅ ✦❒❉▼❚ ✴❁❋❅ ❁ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅✎✂ ✷❁ Fritz and Curry,❁■❄ Take✣◆❒❒❙✌ a picture." Was ❄❉❄ tfid and I ✩ ) ❁■❄ "Impeach ✂✩❍❐❅❁❃❈ Earl Warren ✥❁❒● ✷❁❒❒❅■• • off. •• „ 0 - . -•••• • -e4-• . Post ✰❏▲▼ Office ✯❆❆❉❃❅ Box 1757, ✢❏❘ &Ahem, ✑✗✕✗✌ Mass." ✆✡❈❅❍✌ ✭❁▲▲✎✂ drove otf. •• • . r LARRY ✬✡✲✲✹ TOOK. ✴✯✯✫✌ THREE ✴★✲✥✥ Polaroid ✰❏●❁❒❏❉❄ pictures of ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅▲ the billboard❏❆ ▼❈❅ ❂❉●●❂❏❁❒❄ P.M:• r .4714 ❁■❄I noticed ✩ ■❏▼❉❃❅❄ that the▼❈❁▼ post office ▼❈❅ box❐❏▲▼ number❏❆❆❉❃❅ was similar ❂❏❘ to ■◆❍❂❅❒ the ◗❁▲ ▲❉❍❉●❁❒ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ • and in the ad—Post Office Box 1757 on the ✢❏❘ ✑✗✕✗ ❂❏❘ number ■◆❍❂❅❒ ❉■%lumen ▼❈❅ ☎●◆❍❅■ ❁❄✰❏▲▼ ✯❆❆❉❃❅ ❏■ ▼❈❅ ◗❁■▼ ✳❏❒▲ ✩✮▲❒❆ I✩went 10 ▼❏ Sors Mat ✍ Bar and a lot❁of●❏▼ I% ✩▼☎ box ✳❁❉ ❁■❄ ❁ guys❏❆ are ❇◆❙▲ baklag❁▼❅ *Out ❂❁❋❉■❇ ✍ ▼❈❅ the ▼❈❅ peach ❐❅❁❃❈ Earl ✥❁❒● Warren" ✷❁❒❒❅■✂ sign and Post ▲❉❇■ Office ❁■❄ Box✰❏▲▼ 1792 ❏■ on✯❆❆❉❃❅ the ✢❏❘ Weinman ✑✗✙✒ad. Weinman ad. They're They're screaming is ❉ ▲• ▲❃❒❅❁❍❉■❇ mad. I❍❁❄✎ aid, Moot ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ what, ✇✬❏❏❋ ◗ I've got. Three pictures. Impeach Earl Warms ❅❉▲❍❁■ ad. ❁❄✎ Warren." "fs Weissman ✇I.:e ✤❁●●❁▲ ❐❏▲▼ ❁■❄ ❆❉■❄ ❏◆▼ ◗❈❏ I✩decided to go ▼❏ to the Dallas post office and❏❆❆❉❃❅ find out who ❄❅❃❉❄❅❄ ❇❏ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✯■❅ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂✩✇❍ ❑◆❉▼▼❉■❇ Oriel of the men ❍❅■ said, "I'm quitting Dallas. ✤❁●●❁▲✌✎ This is a✴❈❉❅ ❉▲ ❁ is ❉▲ Weissman ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■ was. Frankly, ◗❁▲✎ I✦❒❁■❋●❙✌ suspected it was ✩ ▲◆▲❐❅❃▼❅❄ a gentile using ❉▼ ◗❁▲ ❁ ❇❅■▼❉●❅ ◆▲❉■❇ ▼❏◗❅● ✡■❏▼❈❅❒ ❍❁■ ✩✇❍ ▼❈❒❏◆❇❈✎ lown."i Another man said "I'm▲❁❉❄ through. I'm❑◆❉▼▼❉■❇ quitting Dabs. ✤❁❂▲✎ I'm a❁Jewish ✪❅◗❉▲❈ name ■❁❍❅ to get ▼❏ us in❇❅▼ trouble. ◆▲I ❉■ couldn't ▼❒❏◆❂●❅✎ imagine a J✩ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ ❉❍❁❇❉■❅ ✪ enough I✩aid, ❁❉❄✌ "This town▼❏◗■ was ❁ good ✂✴❈❉▲ ◗❁▲ ❇❏❏❄for ❅■❏◆❇❈ you when❆❏❒ you ❙❏◆ ◗❈❅■ ❙❏◆ ✪❅◗▲✎ ❋ ❄❏❉■❇ doing this. ▼❈❉▲✎ It was the ✩▼ wont ◗❁▲ possible ▼❈❅ thing ◗❏❒▲▼ for the ❐❏▲▲❉❂●❅ Jews. ▼❈❉■❇ ❆❏❒ ▼❈❅ k ❍❏■❅❙✎ ✤❏■✇▼ ▲▼❁❒▼ ❋❉■❄✤❏■✇▼ money. Don't start that kind ❏❆ of▼❈❁▼ tumor. Don't hurt our ❈◆❒▼ ❏◆❒ ❒◆❍❏❒✎ • • Someone ✳❏❍❅❏■❅ else❅●▲❅ said, "Dallas ▲❁❉❄✌ is dead." ✂✤❁●●❁▲ ❉▲ ✎❄❅❁❄✎✂ ' ✌ ,, •✍ - ✿ ✎ • ----Approximately -----APPrOximately 4 A.M.. A.M. . Approximately Nooit Approximately Noon ..-•,....-,•;:;;;' • .. • 1 Approximately 1:15 1:15 P.M: Approximately • - Approximately 4:30 A.M. Approximately2:30 2:30P.M. Approximately P.M.v-;- :" • and ❁■❄ told ▼❏●❄ the man ▼❈❅ an❍❁■ ❁■ office the ▼❈❅ night ■❉❇❈▼ bell at ❂❅●● the post❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❐❏▲▼ ✩ I rang ❒❁■❇ duty ❄◆▼❙ I wanted ✩ ◗❁■▼❅❄ to see▼❏ Weissman's ▲❅❅ ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■✇▲ box-1792. He showed ❂❏❘✍✑✗✙✒✎ it to ★❅ ▲❈❏◗❅❄ ❉▼ ▼❏ I ✩called ❃❁●●❅❄ ●❁◗❙❅❒ ✳▼❁■●❅❙ ✲❁◆❆❂■❁■ lawyer Stanley itadiman and told him I❁■❄ bad ▼❏●❄ ❈❉❍ ✩ea ❈❅❄ ▼❈❉▲ me. ❍❅✎ It was ✩▼ stuffed ◗❁▲ ▲▼◆❆❆❅❄ full of man. ❆◆●● I asked ❏❆ the ❍❁■✎ post office ✩ man ❁▲❋❅❄ who ▼❈❅ ❐❏▲▼ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅ ❁■❄ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ▲❈❏◆●❄ ❄❏ ▲❏❍❅▼❈❉■❇✎ picture and ❏❆❆❉❃❅ thought he❍❁■ should◗❈❏ do❈❅ something. `What?" be ❍❉❄✎ mid. ✇✷❈❁▼✟ ✎ be . ✎ . ✎ ,✌ Weinman ✷❅❉■❍❁■ was. ◗❁▲✎ I✩didn't ❄❉❄■✇▼ know ❋■❏◗ what. ◗❈❁▼✎- • • .✎ ✌, • ✎✍ He ▲❁❉❄ said be didn't ❂❅ ❄❉❄■✇▼ know. ❋■❏◗✎ ✿ ✔ ★❅ ✩ ◗❅■▼ ❂❁❃❋ ❇◆❙▲ I went beck to the▼❏ guys▼❈❅ and made a speech about Dallas - • ☛✤❁●❁ ❁■❄ ❍❁❄❅ ❁ ▲❐❅❅❃❈ ❁❂❏◆▼ .✎I asked ✩ ❁▲❋❅❄ him if ❈❉❍ be would ❉❆ give ❂❅ ◗❏◆●❄ me Weissman's ❇❉❖❅ ❍❅ address. ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■✇▲ He said tieing ❁❄❄❒❅▲▲✎ ★❅ • ❋❉■❇ ❁ ❇❏❏❄ ✩ ●❅▼ ❏❆❆ a good town.▼❏◗■✎ Iles▲❁❉❄ off steam. Mat= Then I left ✴❈❅■ ✩ ●❅❆▼✎ .••• .:•-•t':!1•• ▼❆✎! couldn't. ▪ I was Weise and✩highly g❈●❙ nervous. ■❅❒❖❏◆▲ We ❁■❄ left✷❅ the❈❉ ●❅❆▼ Dallas ▼❈❅ ✤❁●●❁▲ ✁●❉❅ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼✎ ◗❁▲ ❉■▼❅■▲❅ ▼❈❅ ✳❏◆▼❈●❁■❄ ★❏▼❅● ▲❈❏❐✎ ✩ ❂❁❄ ;* post office and went to❁■❄ the Southland shop. I❃❏❆❆❅❅ bad ✇ ❐❏▲▼ ❏❆❆❉❃❅ ◗❅■▼ ▼❏Hotel coffee ✡ P.M.41.4: • • had ❈❁❐❐❅■❅❄ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✐✎ r some ▲❏❍❅ cafes.❏❏▼●❅▲✎ I couldn't understand ✩ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ what had ◆■❄❅❒▲▼❁■❄ happened to the ◗❈❁▼ I don't ❄❏■✇▼ know❋■❏◗ whether ◗❈❅▼❈❅❒ or not I wan ❏❒so ■❏▼ the talloras. ❉ ◗❅■▼ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❃❁■❏❅▲✎ ◗❏❒●❄✎ ✩ ✩▲ these things ▼❈❉■❇▲ happen. ▼ ❁ ❈❁❐❐❅■✎ Who would ✷❈❏ ◗❏◆●❄ world. I bad ▲ ❁ ◆ ❄▼❏❆❉■ to find ❉❅▼ out ❏◆▼ why ◗❈❙ • • . ▲◆❃❈ ad? Who would confront the Claid bidet take out such an ❁■ ✩with ◗❉▼❈ ▲◆❃❈ ❁There ▲❉❇■✟ is madness ✴❈❅❒❅ in ❉▲ the ❍❁❄■❅▲▲ world. . -_ ❉■ .. ▼❈❅ ◗❏❒●❄✎ 1 Rich a sign? 4 P.M. ✔ 4 ✬❁❒❒❙ ❁■❄home. ◗❅■▼ ❈❏❍❅✎ ✩ ◗❅■▼ ▼❏ dropped ! George ✧❅❏❒❇❅ and I❁■❄ dropped ✩ Larry off ❏❆❆ and went I•• went ID • I went ◗❅■▼▼❏ to Ev'a. ✥❖✇❁✎ I aboWed ❈❅❒ ▼❈❅ Me ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅▲ Wane ofof✭❅ ✷❁❒■▲ bed ❂❅❄ about ❁❂❏◆▼ 5:30 a.m. ✕✚✓✐ and fell ❁✎❍✎ asleep ❁■❄ immediately ❆❅●● . .✎. ❁▲●❅❅❐ ✎✩ ✇ ▲❈❏✷❅❄ ✍ her ✎ the pictures -_, . . , .• , ❉❍❍❅❄❉❁▼❅●❙✎ ▲❉❇■✎ ✥❖"If ▲❁❉❄✌ ✩❆ ▼❈❅ ❃❉▼❙ ●❅▼▲ ▼❈❅❍ ◆❐ sign. Ev said, the city lets them put up such a sign, Why, ❐◆▼ ▲◆❃❈ ❁ ▲❉❇■✌ ◗❈❙✎ i:, • .. - . '. i • should we worry?" (The sign has since been taken ,down). That ▲❈❏◆●❄ ◗❅ ◗❏❒❒❙✟✂ ✈✴❈❅ ▲❉❇■ ❈❁▲ ▲❉■❃❅ ❂❅❅■ ▼❁❋❅■ ✌❄❏ • •✇ Oswald ✯▲◗❁●❄ creep, ❃❒❅❅❐✌ that's something ▼❈❁▼✇▲ to ✇▲❏❍❅▼❈❉■❇ worry about. ❁❂❏◆▼✎ ▼❏ ✇❍❁❙ ✥❖❋❉■❄ Ev says ▲❁❙▲ she▲❈❅ said, ▲❁❉❄✌ "Someone ✂✳❏❍❅❏■❅ ought to shoot❏◆❇❈▼ him? fus ❈❉❍✎ : I got ✩ ❇❏▼ i siall ❉ from ❁●● Larry ❆❒❏❍ who✬❁❒❒❙ wanted to ◗❈❏ know ◗❁■▼❅❄ what kind ▼❏of✭❏◗ dog ◗❈❁▼ ❏❆ ❄❏❇ lus▼❏ et ❁❒▲❈❏❏▼ ▼❈❅ did, ❄❉❄✌ I❂❁◗●❅❄ didn't ✩ ❄❉❄■✇▼ bear bar.❂❅❁❒ Still I ❂❁❒✎ had no thought ✳▼❉●● ❈❁❄ ■❏✑ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ") !food ❆❅❅❄I wanted ✩ ◗❁■▼❅❄ soot with ▲❏❏▼ Al ✧❒◆❐❁✇▲ Grupa's ◗❉▼❈ &I. ✡● I❄❏❇✎ got mad ✩and ❇❏▼ bawled ❍❁❄ ❁■❄ at✩ of doing Meg camel : ✚• ◗❁❄ ❄❉❄✎ ✩ ◗❁▼❃❈❅❄ ✴✶President's ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✇▲ ❃❏❆❆❉■ ❂❅❉■❇ I watched TV of the coffin being wind boa ▼❈❅ '- - the poor boy❂❏❙ oat for Waking me and I haven't seen✩ ❐❏❏❒ ■❏▼ ❆❏❒ ✷❁❋❉■❇ ❍❅ ❁■❄ ▲❅❅■ , cot cr❈❁❖❅■✇▼ beard ❂❅❁❒❄did. ▼❈❅ ✷❈❉▼❅ the White House★❏◆▲❅ and juice—glais after !bat ✯■❅ ❁■❄drank ❄❒❁■❋ ❊◆❉❃❅✍✍❇●❁❉▲ ❆❒❏❍ • Iran him thus, 1 win back to sleep. :1 :..... ❁❆▼❅❒ r.: ..... et . juke-if _ •. •;. . ? ....: ✇❒❁▼ ❂❁❃❋ ◗ ✑✇✑✖✔✔ ✑ ❄❉❒▲ dried ❏◆▼ ◗❁▲dried out .from crying. ' ❃❒❙❉■❇✎ ✚ ••. ■• • •'''.i ii. ...,, • 1,4 ••5IP.,,t ... - .• • ;:'7•• TSVg • 1.:; d• •33 ' 'I was it°i . .❆❒❏❍ N. , •: fl,' iF.3"; i..... 3 .; ./: 11:30 . . . ✚✡✰✰❒❅✃✑✑✌✗✑❁▼❅ . t Approximately pproximately 3:30 Approximately Approximately 4 P.M. • ; Approximately Approximately8 8 A.M. A.M. •.•• '• ❒ Approximately A.M. M --.' , •.. .A . 11:30 8 Approiimately 8P . • ., Approximately . L..•: '• -.✩I -so❇❏▼ t"4,-i s ◆❐✌ , ❉❒▲❂❅✔ .,4eis dreaSed ✌❄❒❅▲▲❅❄ . ❁■❄ Mid Went ☛■❉▼ 'to "the ✇▼❏ ✂●❂❅ ◗❒❅❁●❉▲✎ wreaths.' (rbi • • : . . • i • ... ✖ ✎ ❋ ✌ ✍ ✎ ✍ ✍✎✔1 lef t Eva, • a • • ✟✌ • t. 410r•L'v.:..11‘el • ✩ ●❅❆▼ ✥❖✇▲✌ ◗❅■▼ ❍❁❄❅ went ❂❏▼■❅ botne and❁■❄ made myself❍❙▲❅●❆ diluter. wptclied, ❄❉✡❅❒✎ ✑ ◗❁▼❃❈❅❄✌ ❆❉❁▼ ❍❏◆❇❅❒▲ ❐❁▲▲ ❂❙ ▼❈❅ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✇▲ ttie mourner pass by the President's copn—thousands ❃❏❐❁✍✍▼❂❏◆▲❁❁❄▲ ❄❏■ at thew: , 0-Ike-.4 i ••••;f:-;( .:,3n% • 3.nuret round %kir.; ..-ui I 10-L.A.a.#;.11:4-2.001.:•4.1A.• '‘• f'• 14. a;4.:. ‘ e-✍✍▼❈❏◆▲❁■❄▲ .-thousands of grieving Ainericaast. „-4,,. promme- *☛✌ I. f -... .... . • • #✃ ...• •4 • • .., • • :1 • 6 •. • -; • . tt '. • , • ' .✍. • i i• ); •■•• • ••••• ✌::•••••:✎✑✖ 6 . .• 4.1Pa gr:t v Illhowin. -_ : 4? • .s4 1 "::: , '• • -A- ' • • - g' • '•' -• • " ••• ••• " • • •• • •• • • . . -4/ 14 ' • ••• t ; • C.• • • - • 1 • •••• • • to • a. s„ • ,, . ,...----i ,..ipproximately 10 ✰✎✏✑✏✎✂✗✚ --zipproximately P.Ilf✎✗.' ✎✍ , 31S: ❆▼ ,.,❇. t✩went So The ◗❅■▼ ❉❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❅● ✴❈❅ Carousel ❁■❄ and called Ruck Wall ❃❁●●❅❄ ✢◆❃❋ ❁■❄ and✷❉●● Joe Feder . ✪❏❅ ✦❅❄❅❒✎ ". ✴✛ Then I called ✩ Ev and asked she was. ✴❈❅■ ❃❁●●❅❄ ✥❖ ❁■❄how ❁▲❋❅❄ ❈❏◗ ◗❁▲✎ ✳❈❅ She▲❈❅ said, ii ❉❉ "Awf ul." I , ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂❅❉✎◗❆◆✬✂ ✩ ✌ k✬▲ j, said I'd call ▲❁❉❄ ✩✇❄ her❃❁●● back. ❈❅❒ ,✌ • • ❂❁❃❋✎ ✏✎ ; • I✩called her back about 20 minut ❃❁●●❅❄ ❈❅❒ ❂❁❃❋ ❁❂❏◆▼ ✒✐I beard ❍❉■◆▼❅▲ ●❁▼❅❒✎ ✩ ❂❅❁❒❄ ▼❈❅ es later. the ✴❖ TV on ❏■ _In the backg round. I asked her✩ ❉■ ▼❈❅ ❂❁❃❋❇❒❏◆■❄✎ ❁▲❋❅❄ ❈❅❒ning. ◗❈❁▼ ◗❁▲ ❈❁❐❐❅■❉■❇✎ what was happe ✎ 4 •- -She "Sadn❀✳❁❄■❅▲▲ ess is all. They'❉▲ ✳❈❅said, ▲❁❉❄✌ ❁●●✎ ✴❈❅❙✇❒❅ ❍❏❖❉■❇ ▼❈❁▼ ❃❒❅❅❐ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ re movin g that creep to the jail in the ing❍❏❒■❉■❇ . . ..at 10. I hope ❊❁❉● ❉■morn ▼❈❅ ✎ ✎he ✎✎ ✑✐✎ ✩ ❈❏❐❅ ❈❅ ❇❅▼▲ ❋❉●●❅❄✎✂ ✂✷❈❁▼ gets❁▼ killed ." "Wha t would◗❏◆●❄ t.'' lood▲❏❏❄ that do?" I said. "He shoul ▼❈❁▼ ❄❏✟✂ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✎ ✂★❅ ▲❈❏◆●❄ ❂❅ ✇▲❈❏▼✌ ▼❈❁▼✇▲ ❁❉●✌✂ d be 'shot, that's an,v saki. She said she▲❁❉❄ felt work and❆❅●▼ ✥❖ ▲❁❉❄✎ ✳❈❅ ▲❈❅ ◗❏❒▲❅ ❁■❄ ◗❁▲ ❇❏❉■❇ ▼❏ ❂❅❄✎ ✩ ▲❁❉❄ was going to bed. I said ,good to ber.▼❏ It still did not ❒❏❏❄night ■❉❇❈▼ ❈❅❒✎ ✩▼ ▲▼❉●● ■❏▼ enter my bead❄❉❄ to kill him.❅■▼❅❒ ❍❙ ❂❅❁❄ ▼❏ ❋❉●● ❈❉❍✎ ✇ ✍ 4-1 -..: App roximately 11 P.31 Approximately P.M...;.. ei r., • % .. 1. 4 .c::- ;went the ▼❈❅ ◗❅■▼to▼❏ ✰❏❇❏ Pogo❁▼❉❂ sub on nney St.A✳▼✎ 01 said, ❏■McKi ✭❃✫❉■■❅❙ ✡ ▲❋❉ "Hello▲❁❉❄✌ ✂✲❁❏ i✛ . Jack, " but I 'wasn 't cberr ❂◆▼ ✩ ◗❁▲■✇▼ ❃❂❅❅❒❆◆✬ ✢❏❂ ✭❏❒▼❏■ ✈▼❂❅ fuL Bob Mort on (the owner ) come! owner) • ✎✑❁❃❋✌✂ ,' -t , ' over and ✍ ✔ ✤❉✇❅❆ apolo gizes for staying❆❏❒ open. ❁■❄ ❁❐❏●❏❇❉❚❅▲ ▲▼❁❙❉■❇ ✩ ▼❏●❄ I told him ❏❐❅■✎ not to apolo giz4. ❈❉❍ ✤❏▼ ▼❏ ❁❐❏●❏❇❉❚❅✎ I✩had no ■❏ occasi on for any gaiety . I❁■❙ ❂❁❄ ❏❃❃❁▲❉❏■ ❆❏❒ ❉■ ❍❏◆❒■❉■❇✎ ✩ ◗❅■▼ was ❇❁❉❅▼❙✎ in mourning.✩I ◗❁▲ went to ▼❏ bed bed about 1 am. ❁❂❏◆▼ ✑ ❁✎❍✎ ..• • • 1 Approxiinately 9:30 A.M. ,. # i vitt irks up ◆❐*idly. he*. I✩was was sad. I took✩my diet pills ▲❁❉●✎ ▼❏❏❋ ❍❙ and ❄❉❅▼ ❐❉●●▲ ❁■❄ ❁ ❃❏●❄ a cold ... ✎✎✎ 0✐ ❐ p▲❃❒✚❒✎❉❏■✎ scr'p!ion. The diet pills ✴❈❅ ❄❉❅▼ ❐❉●●▲ ❈❅●❐ ❍❅ ◗❉▼❈ ❍❙ ❄❉❅▼ ❂◆▼ ❅❙ help me with my diet but cY IF ❁❇❇❒❁❖❁▼❅ aggravate me. They make my.pr ✩✦ ❍❅✎ ✴❈❅❙ ❍❁❋❅ ◗❏❒▲❅ oblon❍❙✍❐❒❏❂●❅❍▲ s worse and I had dou led ,, ❁■❄ ✑ ❈❁❄ ❄❏◆ ●❅❄ $✎ ❍❙ my ❄❏▲❁❇❅ dosage four❆❏◆❒ ❏❒ or fifive days befor e. When ❖❅ ❄❁❙▲ ❂❅❆❏❒❅✎ ✷❈❅■ ✩ ▼❁❋❅ ❁ ❄❒❉■❋ ☛▼❈ I take a drink *th i my❍❙ diet pills, ❐❉●●▲✌ I get nasty ✩ ❄❉❅▼ ❇❅▼ ■❁▲▼❙ and and conce ited. My friend ❃❏■❃❅❉▼❅❄✎ ✭❙s ❆❒❉❅■❄▲ ❄❏■✇▼ don't me. I don't care about the❁❂❏◆▼ business. ▼❈❅ ❍❅✎ ✩ ❄❏■✇▼ ❁❒❅ ❂◆▲❉■❅▲▲✎ ✩ ❊◆▲▼ ◗❁■▼ ▼❏ ❈❁❖❅ ❁ ❂❁●●✎ I just want to have a ball. morni ng I also took ❉ ✍This ✴❈❉▲ ❍❏❒■❉■❇ ✩ some ❁●▲❏ ▼❏❏❋ ❏▼❈❅❒ ▼❁❂●❅▼▲✎ other tablet▲❏❍❅ s. . . I✩was watch ing TV. Rabb i Seligs ◗❁▲ ◗❁▼❃❈❉■❇ ✴✶✎ ✲❁❂❂❉ ✳❅●❉❇▲❏■ ❉■ ✮❅◗ ✹❏❒❋ ◗❁▲ ▲◆❂✎ on in New York was tolo. ✌ 'sizing 'sizing the Presi dent. I became very ▼❈❅ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✎ ✩ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ ❖❅❒❙ ❅❍❏▼❉❏■❁●✎ ★❅ ❒❅❁●●❙ einot ionaL He really ▼ ei ❉ ❂❒❏◗ brought ht ▼❈❉▲ this thing ❂❏❒■❅ 1 renumber being down on the floor, borne to me. ▼❏ ❍❅✎ and I saki: l'oae • t ti ). •. , . • . • Jodi don•thave havesotobeer beat ote, rat .lack Roby lack Riby. .7//la Whoaft oreoiG di t " ,, z ‘ • . , Irou ✔✎ ❖✛ ✎✎✎✎ 4. •.... rrys Ian:04 bungingon zon guy: • •'. onow toe!a'?" fort' 1 ..•... .' Approximately 10 A.M. . • . . . . • ' - • .. -•: . : was movin . iit .....: ❁◆ dm. ❄❉❍ :.-- (floe Oswa ld was◗❁▲ edied eled to be move ✯▲◗❁●❄ ▲❃❈❅❄◆●❅❄ ▼❏ ❈❅ ❍❏❖❅❄ - • ◗❅❒❅ - _-• d bock by - ◗❁▲ ❍❏❖❉■❇ g my slow. ✇✇✇✇✍ ❖❅❒❙Many ▲●❏◗✚ ❃❁■ ❐❁▲▲❉■❇ .cars✭❁■❙ ❒✎✎ 'were passin ✛✌ ❉ g 6EbB ❅▲❒❅❁✯▲❀ r...... i. ✍ ❃❉▼❙ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❒❏❏❍❙ • ✇✯■ -✎✎ - . titY ✎✚ ban to❋❅■ the anal WO Every ❊❁✉, ✌ ✍-. ✎ -1✌"-:✍ ▼ ✛ ✇✍✍ one was ✛ ✥❖❅❒❙❏■❅ ◗❁▲ ❍❏◆❒■❉■❇✍ mourn . .. itig. *,;'" Linn (Kare ✑✍ ✬❉■■ ✈✫❁❒❅■ ✬❉■■ -:e4; n Una Benne tt) called Bennett) askin❁▲❋❉■❇ g for S2S to❆❏❒ ❃❁●●❅❄ ✳❉✳ ▼❏✇❐❁❙ ✌✍ pay her , • . ❈❉❒ . ✇ ▼✺✔✑✎✔✎☛☛☛✍✇ ✔✔❒❅■▼✎ 44 rent. Since✳❉■❃❅ we were◗❅ dosed , she was short of ◗❅❒❅ ❃●❏▲❅❄✌ ▲❈❅ ◗❁▲ ▲❈❏❒▼ ❏❆ ❍❏■❅❙✎ ✩ rox ▼❏●❄ ❂❅❅ mone • y. I sold bar ✎ App imately ..11 ✦ F rd❒❄ be ❂❅ going downtown and would ❇❏❉■❇ ❄❏◗■▼❏◗■ ❁■❄ ◗❏◆●❄ ▲❅❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❍❏■❅❙ ▼❏ ,11,-!7 send ; otif the mone y to ber la her ❉■ • ;;. .: are Western I✑g▲❏ o down ✛✎✎✎of❃❁❒❅ ❏❆ ✷❅▲▼✝ ✵■❉▼❁ ✷❏❒▼❈✎ Union , ...„. •✍❉ in Fort .:✂ . •✎ Maio Worth. ✩■ .. ✦❏❒▼ Scrag✳▼❒❅❅▼ and I see TV .1 ✎ ❄❏◗■ ✭❁❉■ ❁■❄ ❁■❄es❁● add✩al▲❅❅ hinds✴✶ of peopl . - •❉●●✆ ❁ • ●❁ froot ▼❒❅❁▼ of al the count y jail. I ❊❁❉●✎ knew that✩the ▼❈❅ ❃❏◆■▼❙ ❋■❅◗ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄ damm ed was going ✂✚ ".-be❂❅ move d at 10. ❁▼ I glanc ed at✩a clock ▼❏ ❍❏❖❅❄ ✑✐✎ ❇●❁■❃❅❄ ❁ e:* ❃●❏❃❋✎ ✩▼ .✑ , ✇-. , Approxiihately 10:15 A.M. ! .•'•'-', Ordn . h was a❁▼ coupl • utes past 11. 1❐❁▲▼ assum ed that ✇✩❍❉■◆▼❅▲ ✑✑✎ ✩ ❁▲▲◆❍❅❄ ▼❈❁▼ ❈❅ ❈❁❄ ❁● be had ✗ ✇I siad to GeoegelSen Alrea dy been isiovek. . etoe), 'George, rm going ✩ ▲●❅❄ ▼❏ ✧❅❏❒❇❅●✳❅■❁▼❏❒✉✌ ✂✇✧❅❏❒❇❅✌ ❇❏❉■❇ ✂▼❈❅ down to "the ✩✇❍ th '✇!to e ▼❈❅ county❄❏◗■ build▼❏ ing from ❀▼❏ ❃❏◆■▼❙ ❂◆❉●❄❉■❇ ❆❒❏❍ ▼❈❅ ❃❋❙ ❊❁❉●✎ ✩ ❃❏ the cky wreath s? " then contin to ued mod au Little 'up ; ◗❒❅❁▼❂▲✌✇✇ ▼❈❅■ ▼❏Linn ▲❅■❄ ✬❉■■ ❍❏■❅❙✎ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅■ ▼❁❋❅ that✬✩✵✉☛ money- and then▼❈❁▼ take %to the Nest= Union office and ✚✎▼❏ ▼❈❅ ✷❁◗❁ ✷❁■ ❏❆❆❉❃❅ ❁■❄ ❁▲ ✩ ❐❁▲▲❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❃❉ as I passe d the the dog city to SO I met club." ▼❈❅ ❄❏❇the ▼❏ ▼❈❅I ❃●◆❂✎✂ ✩ in ❐◆▼ ❍❏❏❅❙ ✯✤ put my matey saw, onee❍❙ pocke t and ❉■ peop my' ❐❏❃❋❅▼ ❁■❄ ❍❙✇ le there ❐❅❏❐●❅ ▼❈❅❒❅✌ ✳❏✎✎ ✗ ✍ ✚ i ❐❉▲▼❏● pistol ill My ❉■ right❍❙trouse ❒❉❇❈▼ ▼❒❏◆▲❅❒ ✩ ❇❏▼ ❉■ ❍❙could see , bo.. - : 7 r pocke „ A' • t. I got in my❐❏❃❋❅▼✎ car and pulled out. ❁■❄ ❐◆●●❅❄ ❏◆▼✎ peopl e down the ❃❏◆●❄ ◗❅ ❐❅❏❐●❅ ❄❏◗■ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❍❐ ramp In the ✿✿✿✿✿ beima✩■ ;☛ I almo set: ▼❈❅ ✩ ❁●❍❏▲▼ st aniseed❍❉❍❅❄ balernoalz.7f the ❒❏❁❄ the road to▼❏ Daly ✈▼❈❅ (the tassas siatiop I✩saw ●❁▲▲❅❁▲❉❁▼❉❏❐✿ ❅❋❅✉ ✌ was that them ●❁◗ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅❒❅ ◗❁▲ ■❏ ❐❁❒❋❉■❇ no parki ng place ila ❉●■❉❉❁✴❈❁● —are2bad badtobait N West ern❐●❁❃❅ ❂❁❃❋ ▲❐✎ ✷❁▲▼❅❒▲ ✿✶❉❄❁✠ il, Nom passed ✪ •• "the wread ✩✌✎✎✎✍ ❐❁■❅❄ ❉●●❅❉●❋❅ ia.• ✴❈❅ • ;so The tiaffic I made ▼❒❁❆❆❉❃ a 77.. ‘17. )eft 110 ✎✎✎✎✎✎ tun ✎✎✎✩✡ Fs./ • 4.- )VO ✍ and went ✛▲❁ ✩ ❍❁❄❅ ❁ ❋❉▼ ▼◆❒❁ ❁■❄ ◗❏■▼ ❉■▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❐❁▲▼ ✮❉❉❊❏✎✎✎✚ into ■ the ✍✖ pesti ✎✎ —...!4_, atiaL ....i. ✚✎✎✎ ..r. . . ... ✡▼ • -..1.... ..:• ... ^... ••••• • ...“ ❍❁❒▼ a s ti .7 • ' n /.... t ••' • nut of of: the car,. lit Sheba ▼❈❅ ❃❁❒✌ ●❅▼▼ ✳❈❅❂❁ .1 and an went into ▼● ◗❁▼▼ ❉■▼❏ ✇▼❈❅ ✷❅▲▼❅❒❋ th e Weig Sir wig ti el . — ; 1.( ..,, L :; .effice.1 waked 4" no' turn' ◗❁●●❅❄ ✭❙ ▼❉❒❏✇ ❁▼rn▼❈❅◗ at the Weste Union einCli: •: ❅▲▼❁❒❁✩✪❁❋▼❁ ⑤✭❁❉● ✎✎ • Mk • •s' ' 'LIMO✵■❁ 'Liao gise ▼❈❅ 12S. The • ✴❈❅-Cle ✍✣●❅❒❋ rk 'stamp ✇▲▼❁❍❐❅❄ ✳❁▲✇ ed the 'out 3.. I -4.."ef . the ▼❈❅ = tetkirs eirtahe • ✕✎ ✎ office; The ▼❉❍❅ tishe amp. ✑✐✎ • ••••f ✎✌ . ✌ ✇✚✌✎▲✔✎✎✎✎✎ , •. . ✎✎✌ 41•• —; • .. .•■•! . . '1• . s 0*-! ;i(e ':::••• :. ....',' ''. • ':' • ✎☛ .1P.•• ' .r.• 4.0 .., ,, es 441 ' , •-•.' .. !<,.. ' ' ;: r •' st .7 .4, 4 /1* IV .' ,'i,-• •4 :" a''' „,✂❉ '0••••"; ,-'••••1 • . ❖ ☛✍ ✂✛ . ❉ ❖⑤✹✚ ✇✔✂✚ ✗ ❆ ✇❖ ,, .„ „i;. ✍ ✎✎ ✍ ✛✎✑✗ .....t.. ✎✎✎✂✎✎✎✎✎ ‘ ✍✇✑✂✎✇ ✎✍✎✎✎✌✚✚✍✎ • ☛✍ ✍✚✇ ✚✚■✎ . , -,_-. - . t, ,. ..:-.. : ,;;!.'' :' . '-i_.:...',1--. - '' :',..1- e. ✔✇ ✌ ✑✇✸✎ ✂✎ ✍✎✇✎ ✎ ✑ ✔✎✕✈✛✛✫✚ ✚ ✎✎✺❀✍✇ ✎ ✌✚✇✇✇✉✔✍✗✍ ✎ ✍ ✎✚✎ ❀✌ ✇✇✎ f, . ✚✌ • "• ; .., • •• . • 2., 11 ' -*"...' •. • •• ■ - •"- •. -..' • 1• .' ..'" 4 . " •.... • 4 41. ....- • .f'-'• '4 ,S. • '401' et; • • • i': '-..'4 ' . •„AY.... .4. '••.•-• ‘..„,''C' .1. dYO't-A; ft '1 ■•'. % .4. . 1. [ # ;. • Approximately 9:30 A.111. . • ... i 1 Approximately 10 A.M.. .1 -. -. 1 '1 Approximaiely 11 A.M.: ApproxiMa j tely 10:15 A. 31.- I ...." ❉ ' . • . • • .. •• 4.4 V......i :{, .... . 1 , ' •,•• ✎❉ • . ▼✎ 7..4'. ' •• • '.--. el ''' f• • ; '-- ✇✌❉✇ 2✎✌✎ .., • ,✌✎✍▼ .., •4•✇ ,1✑•••✑■ .. • ;✇ .1 ✰✚✚ ✂✂✎✎✌ ✍✎ ✔✎✎✌✇✌ ✎ ✎✎✎✎✎ ✇ •✎ ✎✎✎ ;7 : S'✌ ✍✌ ✎ ./. -1✩✎✛ ✔✂✇ ✎✔✕✎ ✌✎✉✇✎✎✇✍ ✎ ✑ ✣✌'✌✛ ❀✎✎✏✎✎▼▲✎✎✛✚✎✍✗✎✗✛✚✎✚ 4'1'✞ V. ', '•) '''".....✚✎✍✎✚✚✌ ..- 4`• ,.,/, '", 1 : ✎✎✎✚✎✍ .:"....11*.. :1,4, ,....4-:i:It 4.1. ■%;. '' 4.4 '.. ''.:'e11;'Irkt4. '.1 ..`" 7c.":- r.. ''"• ._ ...4-4 • -.` • •,. ..i. '414r,..f ' ' : ..?if;., -t;),:, :4,:e•,.;: ::4.•■,'; el!.*-;r10 :!":i't f.‘. :,:i‘, " ,::i i,-4 .j'.4 1.1.4,..' 4. ...ZP i' e7:"t;wi - .-;:%: 0. .1\ - ': i;!... z ..-.a ' r'.: 1 i., ,=• . -.' ' ..'• 41, i..).. -IV .):. .'4184; =,4* ••• .. .e , l... ., */ • 4f. 4,-• 4%-'1-! ''k • :'!'irtr • t'141: :-J".7 -• -tf-.1▼ ❅✎ "-1 .✛❒ ,• . 7.„ .. -„e .•714-: ....::-..p;: r *'7 t r'.. •r• •••••. • ' : ii..rili::%10.: , ..7,,, %.),4,. aS• - • v: 41.i.r.:•.... ;.4' ❅✎▼✎❏✎ ✎ ✎ ▼✎▼▼✎✌✍✍ ■• ■;•f ✎✎✉✌ ✚ ✌ •6?;: ✍✎✗✑✎⑥✚❐✗✍ ✌ ✌ ✎✌✁❒✌ : •• `-, , •. r • • •• *to • • 1' v ... . • ,t• • fav !7. • !❉■ ;!{ 7.."" •• • • ■ .•••• ♦ r..1.‘• a. :• . r r.. * • • 2 • v ; ; : ;0' -ft.03 • ' a •. 1 1 $ r• :_ , • -4%4.̀, V. I• . .1 •— ••••• • -••■•-■ . )...2 22p roximately 11: 1eproximately 11:17 17 1.:1 • •' ..± . .).... A. . A.M 4,swER., ... . . , i Ap proximately 11: Approximately 11:19 19 A.M. ✎✳✷✥✲✚ ✯◆▼✎ I , ✩▼✍ ✛✚❒❆ ....t • " - lit *--• '41 walke d out❏◆▼ of the❏❆ telegr • .n N : aph▼❅●❅❇❒❁❐❈ ◗❁●❋❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❏❆❆❉❃❅ ❁■❄ office and started back towar d ▲▼❁❒▼❅❄ ❂❁❃❋ ▼❏◗❁❒❄ • " :sty cu. I saw the anwd still at ❉■❙ ❅❁❒✎ ✩ ▲❁◗ ▼❈❅ ❃❒❏◗❄ ▲▼❉●● ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❃❉▼❙ ❈❁●● ❁■❄ ❇❏▼ ❃◆❒❉❏◆▲✎✎ the city ball and got curio us.. It is a❉▲ block and shalt❁■❄ from❁ ✩▼ ❁ ❂●❏❃❋ ❈❁●❆ ❆❒❏❍ ✵■❉❏■ ❏❆❆❉❃❅ ▼❏ the Western Unio▼❈❅ n offic✷❅▲▼❅❒■ e so eitY ball. I passed✩the rarnp to the ❃❉▼❙ ❈❁●●✎ ❐❁▲▲❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❍❐ ▼❈❅ ❂❁▲❅❍❅■▼ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ❃❉▼❙ basem ent of ▼❏ the city .balL I✩saw a crow ▲❁◗ ❁ ❃❒❏◗❄ d there▼❈❅❒❅✎ . An office ✌✛ r was direc ting ears out of the❃❁❒▲ ✡■ ❏❆❆❉❃❅❒ ◗❁▲ ❄❉❒❅❃▼❉■❇ ❏◆▼ basement and❏❆ I . ▼❈❅ ❂❁▲❅❍✳❅❉▼ ❁■❄ ▲ • walk ed down the ▼❈❅ ramp just as scar ◗❁●❋❅❄ ❄❏◗■ ❒❁❍❐ ❊◆▲▼ ❃❁❒ ❄❒❉❖❅■ ❂❙ ✳❁❍ ✰❅❁❒❃❅✎✎ drive❁▲ n by ❁ Sam Pearce— an er I've know n for ❁■Affic ✌❏❆❆❉❃❅❒ ✴❙❅ ❋■❏◗■ ❆❏❒me ❙❅❁❒▲❃❁❍❅ ◆❐ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❍❐ ❁▼ ❆◆●● years—ca up the ramp at hdl speed . I just✩took my norm al stride ▲❐❅❅❄✎ ❊◆▲▼ ▼❏❏❋ ❍❙ ■❏❒❍❁● and.walked▲▼❒❉❄❅ down the ❁■❄ ramp.◗❁●❋❅❄ ❄❏◗■ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❍❐✎ „ter. QUE STIO N i Wha were your ✱✵✥✳✴✩✯✮✚✇t✷❈❁▼ ◗❅❒❅ ❙❏◆❒ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼▲ ❁▲ ❙❏◆ ◗❁●❋❅❄ ❄❏◗■ thoug hts as you walked down the ramp ▼❈❅ ❒❁❍❐✟ ? ✎ ✌ . ” ANSW ER I thoug ht I'd see what ✡✮✳✷✥✲✛ ✩ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ✩✇❄ ❈❁❐❐❅■❉■❇✎ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ was▲❅❅ hapP◗❈❁▼ ening. I◗❁▲ thoug ht they bad alrea a.. ✎ • i=likt 3 dy transferre d Oswald. I never ✯▲◗❁●❄✎ ▼❈❅❙ ❈❁❄ ❁●❒❅❁❄❙ ▼❒❁■▲❆❅❒❒❅❄ even expected✩. ▲❅❖❅❒ ❅❖❅■ ▲◆▲❐❅❃▼❅❄ "4-:✎ the ... dece ased was even .7 • ".•,r -•7 there ▼❈❅ ❄❅❃❅❁▲❅❄ ◗❁▲ ❅❖❅■ ▼❈❅❒❅✎ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ▲❏❍❅▼❈❉■❇ ❍❉❇❈▼ ❂❅ . 4••••4 . I thou ght some✩ thing might II .. doing and❁■❄ I thoug (4.1.1710. I might get ✩ ❄❏❉■❇ ✩ ht ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ❍❉❇❈▼ ▲❅▼ ❁d,▲❃❏❏❐ ❆❏❒ ❍❙ ❆❒❉❅■❄✌ ✧❏❒❄❏■ • J. I.e. • lib a scoop for my frien Gord on McL endon. I also✩thoug ht I migh ✭❃✬❅■❄❏■✎ ❁●▲❏ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ❍❉❇❈▼ ❐❁▲▲ ❏◆▼ ❁ ❆❅◗ ❇◆❅▲▼ ❃❁❒❄▲ t pass out✩a few guest Clird e for The Caro ❆❏❒ ✴❈❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❅● usel aub. . .- ✣●◆❂✎✎ ,• , . •✎ QUESTION: As✡▲ you❙❏◆ walk◗❁●❋❅❄ ed down the ✱✵✥✳✴✩✯✮✚ ❄❏◗■ ◗❅❒❅ ✰✭✇ ramp▼❈❅ , were❒❁❍❐✌ your • impd s in or ❈❁❐❄▲ ❉■ ❏❒ ❏❆ ets? ❙❏◆❒ ❐❏❃❋❅▼▲✟ out of ❏◆▼ your pock .. ✍❉ •_ „, • . ✎ ✎✇ ✎ ✌✇ ✛ !•: -: . .- : ' •- I✩reach ed the botto m of ▼❅❁❃❈❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❂❏▼▼❏❍ ▼❈❅ the ramp. ❏❆ I didn 't see❒❁❍❐✎ anyone ✩ ❄❉❄■✇▼ ▲❅❅ ❁■❙❏❏❅ knew . I put my hand into my pock ❋■❅◗✎ ✩ ❐◆▼ ❍❙s❈❁■❄▲ ❉■▼❏ ▼❏ ❂❅ ❃❏❍❆❏❒▼❁❂●❅ . -. et to❍❙ be❐❏❃❋❅▼ comfortable walked to get closer❁view of whatever ◗❁●❋❅❄ ▼❏a❇❅▼ ❃●❏▲❅❒ ❖❉❅◗ ❏❆ ◗❈❁▼❅❖❅❒ ◗❁▲ ❇❏❉■❇ ▼❏ ❈❁❐ was going to hap Suddenly there ✳◆❄❄❅■●❙ ▼❈❅❒❅ ❇❒❅❁▼ ❃❏❍❍❏▼❉❏■✎ was a◗❁▲ grea❁ t comm otion . .. • ., :._ ! ✌ , ( • Out of ther ✯◆▼ ❏❆ e▼❈❅❒❅ walked◗❁●❋❅❄ Oswald. . . -. t ✌✍✌ • • • ✌ ,, • He abou ★❅was ◗❁▲ ❁❂❏◆▼ ❆❅❅▼ ❍❅✎ t 10 feet✑✐ • from me. ❆❒❏❍ ✍ ✍ - .✎ - • •✌ , He out❏◆▼ all of ❁●● a sudd❏❆ en with . ' -. ★❅came ❃❁❍❅ ❁ ▲◆❄❄❅■ ✇❍❉❒❋❙✌ ❄❅❆❉❁■▼✌ ❃◆❒▲❉■❇✌ a smirky,◗❉▼❈ defia nt,❁cursi ng, viciou s expression on his face. I❏■ ❖❉❃❉❏◆▲ ❅❘❐❒❅▲▲❉❏■ ❈❉▲ ❆❁❃❅✎✇ ✩ ❃❁■✇▼ ❃❏■❖❅❙ ◗❈❁▼ ❉❍❐❒❅▲▲❉❏■ can't conve y what impr ession • - , '..r .• . i: • • 4 -b s • . .✌be ❂❅pve ❇❁❖❅ me. ❍❅✎ . ' - . .. 'A:" 417 :.#:.,' .. 0'. (i•I • Ther e was no one . • * : C T ' /. " ' i ‘.'. ',.e ✴❈❅❒❅ ◗❁▲ ❁■stand ❏■❅ing ▲▼❁■❄❉■❇ ❂❙ ❍❅✎ ✳◆❄❄❅■●❙ ▼❈❉▲ ❐❅❒▲❏■ by me. Suddenly .■ ' ✍ .t. _ • 1 this peno n' .. '''. okk II , ❐❏❐▲ pops out. I mud ✩ ,:'.. • , have pulled❈❁❖❅ ❏◆▼✎ ❍◆▼▼ ❏◆▼ ❍❙ le ❇◆■ ❁■❄ ▼❏❏❋ ❁ ❃❏◆❐●❅ ••• out my❐◆●●❅❄ pm and took a coup of steps - -.... . They (the ' '1 -• • 'It_ polic✈▼❈❅ P:' e) could❐❏●❉❃❅✉ ,14. tt. ., ❏❆ ▲▼❅❐▲✎ ✴❈❅❙ ❈❁❖❅ ✩° ✎ have blown ❃❏◆●❄ my bead off. I . ❂●❏◗■ ❍❙ ❂❅❁❄ ❏❆▼✎ - .• •.' • • .' . ...- • ;7: 3 441 . Sal. iii •,... ' only shot▲❈❏▼ him once. (This was 11:20 ✇ ❏■●❙ ❈❉❍ ❏■❃❅✎ ✈✴❈❉▲ ◗❁▲ ininu ✑✑✚✒✐ ❁✎❍✎✌ ▼❈❒❏❅ ❍❉■◆▼❅▲ ❁❆▼❅❒ a.m.. three 4,tes abet ' . .., . .,,,:„ s..., , . „1- .%•,. the time stam▲▼❁❍❐❅❄ ped co the wire❃❏ ▼❉❍❅ ). - •▼❈❅ %'• ◗❉❒❅✉✎✎✍ - ✑✍ 1 -• r-„, c.... - • -... ip. • , • • - ,✐✍ ✍ •✎ • •••• t- • . I HAD ✩ ★✡✤ ✴★✯✵✧★✴ NO✮✯ THO UGHT oiesdnin • ✧❏❉■❇ g any viole ❁■❙ nce ❖❉❏●❅■❃❅ tp anyooe▼❐ ❁■❙❏■❅ • -• - •••••••• •-• when went down❄❏◗■ there. ▼❈❅❒❅✎ I didn't even✩think ◗❈❅■I ✩ ◗❅■▼ ❄❉❄■✇▼ abou t k❅❖❅■ • • ▼❈❉■❋ ❁❂❏◆▼ ✩▼✎ I • T .._ . .. • •5,-. • •,4 leve u I✩/Me n be: being down . on the flo ❒❅❍❅❍❂❅❒ ❂❅❉■❇ ❄❏◗■ ❏■and ▼❈❅ ❆●❏❏❒ irez I Itaid„ "You ❁■❄ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✇✹❏◆ ❄❏■✇▼ • 7•-- - ".. : • - ; .4jr7,• 4, • beat❂❅❁▼ me—my❍❅▲▼❉❒ ❂❒❁❉■▲ ❈❁❖❅ ▼❏ ✩■▲✌ don't ✲◆❂❙ /ad ..!_,• ,. .' , ✷❈❁▼ ❁❍ . I✩doing et: bere? here? Wha t are ❄❏❊❏✚ ' 7,..'.. ‘ ''"r. ?); ■.4....• areyou youguys govtall ✷❈❁▼ jump ing on Me for? " .:;......?••••..4: ❁●● ❊◆❍❐❉■❇ ❏■Why ❍❅ ▼❏❅ ✷❈❙ .. . ....,.. ,... . ,, •% ..... -....t fain I here? ✡❍✇ ❂❅❒❅▼ ✩✇❍ ✪❁❃❋ ✲◆❂❙✎ ;,. 0,1;xt.,10ti`Z Fm lack i ... --i . . .,..:(. . Ruby . I'm net some body that's want ✤❏▼ ▲❏❍❅❂❏❄❙ ▼❈❁▼✇▲ ◗❁■▼❅❄✎ ✇ ed. / . 7 .. -•1.; .2.•.: '• ......:4 • .✎J....e --,...✛ ✍ • •••••••• .-- . • i"- ....‘•: ✎ ▼❉ • i : . ' ' :. • • n ●❅ '.. A Appproximately proximately 11: 21, AM 11:21 Ail.. 7• 31.1*,: IA 01,*:".. ✎'t....1; ,... . , . 1./2 . ,.7..t . , ••••✍✎✎✍ •••-•.. 711,. Illy dragged me Into the ' : • % ' - 4 `I" • • 9• - .0., .. . •- :•, ,.=. . .. n V •..., ✍ ..✎ nn✂✎ elevator. ✴❈❅❙ ❄❒❁❇❇❅❄ ❍❅ ✩■▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❅●❅❖❁▼❏❒✎ ❂❒❏◆❇❈▼ They 4. ...:.., ▼ -❍❒ .❉ - brought me ✇✌ ✔✑✙✐✎✛✎✎ . ✎✔✎ toe .1. ✴❈❅❙ . • They told me I❍❅ ✎✎✎ ❁ ✔✔✎✔✎✎✎ 0 ✎✔..-te..../r. 3 a • ' ---.47 i. ' had✩shot 1 • ... k i 4 ✟❂❅❙ ▼❏●❄ ❈❁❄ ▲❈❏▼ ✯▲◗❁●❄✎ ✴❈❁▼..,◗❁▲ ❂❅ Oswa ld. That was • ' ....1 ✍ I ' • .: .: ; ...e, .....A,c •....--.1 I✩lializ sd what I◗❈❁▼ ❒❅❁●❉❚❅❄ ✁❂❁❄ ❄❏❐❅✎ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ had done. I said, `My✣●❏❄✎ `My God. y Godl • ❙ "..✛ . v , fr .- . < '0' 1 •••• • -✪ • ; ..... /.:4e. Sil l God'. ; • .. J ••'.i 1 .144••• .:4••••__ ..:‘,....•........! -. . .. I' —✍✍✍ ---,-.• ✎✚ ..- .14nTN,....„ , ..-•'8'r lle- • ..cr •' -,A."4..t... ••• ' .• :-' iF 5.` --.,1r....",,. :: ,•✩- •• • ✔✑ j - •• . - .- y • ‘ 1".i.:4,1"1; MY • ...•-::..< • 1I ...-• iv,. • ... P.'. lib :e . .i .,4 tif ....7 • t, • ft :it. • ••• • •a • ✒✎ ▼ ✚✌▼ ✌ ✚✔✎ ✑✑✎✚☛ • ✎ ✛✚ ✌ --. ✎✎✎✎✚✎✇✎ Iirc r—s 1 Mk✍ ✎✎✎✂✎ ✍ .• . „: . ' • .? ..\-. -.. , -.,--... .. _ 4,, ; st .= .; . ✎ ✌✌❒I❉ ●❋✁ n ✎✇✇✌✎✎✄ I —...• , • — ✩❖ ☛ Li . ', ' 4 1 ! •$‘ :: ' . . '. • :, • - • .. . 2.1-4-:-. i',... f:-.T--i . :....e.. 4., , . -, ..t. .., L.. . . . .., •., ..-... 1 ....• .,, ;,,, -7„-• .., . t•a. .-.. -..... . " -..... 4.•..'., , -.11, :•7,•41' •, -=! ,4 c.!'........ .• _„'.1..,•.v a ,. i0 • , 0 • • - . -; 4.• • • • • , • • r,„ „• - . • . ;•• _ • : ,...Tr.....r.•-•• ii... ' • .! v. •• • IL •a -,.i• : •✎✎ 1, ▪ i „.„, a• . h. mo d ▼ ❇ ✑ ;111 i ❉. ✌,,. ✎✎ ❒ ❁ ❘ ✌✎ ✎ • • • ❇❏▼ ● ❁ ▲❉ ▲▼❉◆❃ ✓✑✌ ✚ ❉ ❉●▼✑✑✑ ✚✛ ✍ ✗✑ ▼ ✎✑✑✑✑✔ ❁✏ ✑ ✩ ❇ ✩ ❉●● ✍✔✚ ✔✑ ❉▼ ❅●● ✇✍✍✔✝ ✑✑✑✑ ✑✑✃✎✎✑ ●✇ ❁ ✚✛✑✓✎✔✑ ✩●● ❁ ● ✇ ✎✎✎✑ . ✌✛▲ ❆❅● ✑✎ ❁❚ ▼❁ ✌ ❒ ❒ ❆❁ ▲ ✰✔✑✎ ✑ ✪⑤ ✑✑ ✳❉ ▼❉ ✇✇✎✌ ✑✑ ✑✑✒❈ ✁✺❉,,▼ ii!fillilesleif▼ 1✌ ✐✔4✐❅❄i●ill! ❉ ❇●❁ ❉ ● ✔ ❉❉●▼✎✎✚✎✚✒✔✎ ✑✚✑✚ ✒ ✑✛✑✑ ✌ ✔✒ ✩✩✩ ❏❏✁ ❉❉ ▼ ✑ ❒ ▼ ❘ ✮ ❉ ❉▼▼❉ ❇❉▼● ● ● ❆ ✔✏✑✑ ●❁ ✔ ✑ ✙❉✑ ✍ ✔✔ ✒ ❉❉ ▼❉ ✒8 ✇● ✎ ✇❊❉❇ ✍✍✍✎✎✎ ✎ ❋❉● ✇✇✇✇✂✝✍ ✡ ⑤❉ ✎✍✌✉✔✑✓ • .• •-)‘. • :;, .,„ 14. •• ✎ ✇ ✍ ✗✑ ✮✇❒✍ • iti ' 4.1* ~-4 `. 4.. •' : • 4e , ; - 7 110. • - ✎✵ ✰✚✎✂ ❉▼❉❒❒❉✎✎✎✎ ✍✍ ❁❉●❉ ✍✇✍ .4 ,:••• . e • ▼❖✌✍✔✎✎ c .."..^....?,.‘; lr'li j‘ i'4 V -1f ^-.'441‘.'s ': . • iTbl•Z‘t4.j.6‘ W.,;;;_,•,,..l.tV• ' •••=0,1, * ' 4i.,•-•+-• it '. pd-tt'-r-• "; • ..,„;.,.. •,,..?.)..,..„4-4, i ...,:i 4., 4 4 5: r .. ,;.,-• •':1_7* • — .'.... k. ".„, . , ,,4,1 i• r . ,..•,.. , 4. `•. 10.04 -•••-11: • 4411. -•'•:.4 ✌5 ▲ ✔✇✎✎✚✂✌✎✎ 1 ✎✎ ✎ • tiltpill* ' ..‘ 1 ••• •1.14 .. 1 41:14.: . :•■! 4".4 .., : 4, ..1 .4. t .,, — . ••,. r.„,.._'„,,r• , ☛❐▼ ✖ ✎✐ /_. ,• ■• •:".• ✌ ❁▲ ✰ ✴✇✇ ✸ ❉ ✑ e ▼✎ ✎❉✚✍ ✑✑ ✎ ✶ rat ✂✑✑ ✔✌ ✪ joie*, coffee ind diet pile I 'Maned ' • the Morning News spin and this dens I noticed that the Weis. mu ad had a black header. Is my 'dialogs a black boy*, death. It made au feel strange. • Re (Eva Omsk id) So sea bee; An um • 4 -1. I ailed my •,teeling. By bad been sick and was lemming front n ems** • 'and was all weak. Rim told me that tea ?maa balling ,:utiderrgeweb in the min in i Pest 1Yetth Perth. log.W.;_i_ ble. &be would be len* for Ades le a ids Alb. • I • ' tety 0 sn A pro =ma • ✎ • 1f, ✎ 4 .4 . - • C • •• — •• ✇❒ ❃ • • . • - • •• •" ; . ✎ ❁ ❉ ✌▲✚ ✚ ❉ ✍ ✎✌✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✎✎✎ ✎✎✉✎✍ ✌ I went to bed. My last thoughts wars, "How woodsrful k 'for Dallas that our President Is going to visit tts." I wondered: • about Weissmas. "Who h this nut? I hoed the Presiding '• didn't as the ad. 'Why should ohs creep ruin his stilt m our • A • ❒ ✩ ✎ •• • ✛ • ✌ 5 r '" • r •■■•■•••41•JO ° •• •' ✎✎ ✇ ✇ ✇ ✎✔ ✟ Approximately 5:30 A.M. - I 3,7 I 4,•• • •• ••••• • ' a ✇✎✇..✍,.✑b ✌ -,✎ ✍✇ T 6:4 ✖✑ ✇✎ ☛✎☎ ✍ ✇ 4 i- 1 , ,.•• , • - it ,,.- .s,. . ... - ....,. -- .. -,.. , zr • ✎4 :• .‘. ✌ ✍✹❒ *•-• ✒✚✑ 10 ' 1 . % . a • ✔ ✌ ✌ ✔✔✔✑✌✎✌ ✔✑ .7r :4. t.. A, c . ,t-i--:.: . ..--4-. . • I dosed up, counted the eask put the rusiPts le is, kik WA put my -II caliber revolver In my lisle trouser pocket, _ usual. I always carry my pin wben I earry money. ylittle Daelubutid—end I went boas. „• , . --•% 7 • .• , .1 •• J n ✎✎ • 4 , . .0. Approximately ; . ir ' • .; • , • -• ;4 n • - • •• ?"•14--•.:,:••• ■ •• , (Ruby read an advertisement in the Dallas Morning Ni addressed to President Kennedy and aped by Bernard Weir• awn. It first 44014 Sum angered him. Sr May t• • .- 10. Ii:1 . It was quiet in the Carousel (the night club Ruby. operated). I did "the breaks" (mkde the announcements between shows) imd only had to order one I?elligerent Customer out of the clUb. - ;n%, -•<-• .;:••••; • S.,.• . BY ZACK RUBY WITH WILLIAM READ WOOD at • A to, s Early Morning H urs • 11 r ■7'.4 •, • I. • • 11.11..8.. ' %_ I ▪• ✩ ✎✁ ' • • ,• • • •■ ••••- • , • n j •• • • ••• or Ctiepiee I. Sem. telew) • • n t• . ✍ ••• • • liAsont .• • ✍ OV. - S FD-sso (4442) • . •i•• y. ✔✎ • ,„ ";' 44. ✚ • • • '1 --. . . ' • n ...: '.'?' 4111;7,7:1". il!•::::■-• • '...n'• 7r ✶ ...;-•••..,.... ' '; 1' 4 ✍▼✎ 49.4:--"..-:;' .‘ :✎ ❐ ,ii„-:;, ir.• - • . • ,. •-•• •• ',.."..r. 4,..4.0 r,y.-: ? . • , ''',.. '1"• •4: _ . 1 . 4;., e., .e 1 ' _✛✎✂✔✐✣❋▼❅✎ 7 . Pill • ✍ i • ou... I asked ✩ ❁▲❋❅❄ half ❈❁●❆ she bad▼❈❅ seen the ❈❁❄ Weissman ❍❅■ ▼❈❅ ad and ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■ she said ❁❄ ❁■❄ ▲❁❉❄ ✇ j:pm014— ✍✎✎✎✎✎✇✖✔✂❄✂▼ • . ▼❈❅ Ab • o o• ot 7& ✇✎ opened the paper yet. I told her to be sure—t—l ✑sheissdn'i. ❏❈▼❒❉▲▼❄❉❅☞ 11. : asiniv ❖ . ❁▼ ❉▼ ✿ ▼an◗❅■▼ ❄❏ ▼❈❁▼ itunned. ✍ ❃✇✰❅■❅❄ ▼ ◗❁▲ tl::jisl toevcry atoraad ❐❅❒❍❙❅▼✩ ◗■ ❉■ ▼❈❅ ✇❅●❅❖❁▼❏❒ ❁■▼❉✎✎✎✎✁✎✎▼❙ ●❉❆▼ ▼❈❅✇✩❆❅❒ andwt ✩❃❉ ●❄ ❂❅❒ ❂❅❒ Jew would li;ftd:!;;:for'4;e her that ❅ told told ▼❏ no ❋ ❁▼ at It—shark was✴❅❄❉✰❉❁❇❒❁ a disgrace. ❂✚✚◆❂● ■■ i41 . ❉✎ ✚ ✌✌✿ ✂✛ ◗❏ ◆●❄ ◗❁▲ ▲▼◆■■❅❄✎ ✩ ▲▼❁❒▼❅❄ ▼❏ down started cry ❁■❄Lett ▼❈❅ ❂❅■❄❉■ ❏❉■ ❇down to the run ▲◆❃❈ such an ❁■ ad. !❁❄✎ told Ev I was going ✩ that ▼❏●❄ ✢❙❇ ▼❈❁▼ ✩ ◗❁▲ ❇❉▲ ✩■❅▼▲✑✐✇✎✍ ❄❏◗■ ▼❏Morning ▼❈❅ ❃❏●❉●● ✇❆❅●▼ li ❋❅a❁nothin telt like ■❏▼❈❉■ ✍ ✑ ❇ g person. I left ✩ the world ❁❙✎❉■❇✎ ✩✤ ▼❈❅ ▲❏ ✩❒❁■ ❉ ▼❏ ▼❈❙ ❐❅❒▲❏■✎ ❁■❙ ❍❏❍ ❆❅●▼ ❉■❄❉❅▼ ◗❏❒●❄ ❂❁❄❒✎ ▲❏❄❁✎ ◗❏◆●❄ bung" ▼❈❅ ✣❁❒❏◆▲❅● ■❄ would ❁ call❅❁◆ News to▼❏ take▼❁❋❅ ears of ❃❁❒❅ the ads ❏❆ for tothe Carousel and ✮❅◗▲ ▼❈❅ ❁❄▲ I. ✎ j _ ..7_ woo _...7.7.r.,. 10 Ilya anY morn I &diet to pb • .:16;111101. 41111". ... 1 •bar ❂❁❃ ✇✂✜✏❈❒ ii ii.'• :t."*. ✎ ✂✚ ✚ ✚ ✩✎ ✎✎ ✁✇✎✎✎ ✎✎ ✇✗✗ ✎✎✎ Y ..• . .: ✍✎ ✗✗✍ ✗ ✚✍✎✍✍ ✗✎✌✍ ✡✍✎✎✎✎✍✍✍ ✎✎✎ ✌ • • -- . '.; !'.. .i.‘A ' ''',, 41b0/It Ap . iioxi oximately . mately 10:30 10:30 A.M. A.M.: •....." 245 P .54e ,:„. ;44 p. 2i15, P •., :„. ; 4 • ti bout , i3";.., A . . . • , ..--.1✩✌ ✎▼✎ ✎✎ ❃✍✍✎ ✍❖ 1. tit. ._ . ✎▼❏ and ✑✎✐✑✎✎ ✎✎ ✎ ❙ ✑✐ ❄◆❂ ✎✡■❄ ✑ ✎ ❁●❅❁▼ ▼❈❅ everybody❁■❄ ❁■❄chatted ❃❈❁▼▼❅❄ about ❁❂❏◆▼ ✎the ✮❅◗▲ buikrusg ❂◆●❋❆◆● ▲and as the❁▼ blousing ❇News ❁❒❒❉❖❅❄ ▼❈❅ ✭❏❒■❉■ 1 arrived -✩ 'T 'went to dub and ▼❁❄ told .Andy to ▼❁■ tall everybody and ✚ ✌✑✚✿✌✎ ❆❒❉❅■❄✚✇ ✇ ❍◆ ❇ ✡● ✧❒◆❂❅❒✌ ❂❅ ❏❐❅■ ▼❏■❉❇❈▼ ht. ✎ I Galled Al Grubm, a Muse ,;;;:. ❁❍ s ❇ ▲◆❐❐●❉❅❄ them ▼❈❅❍ ▼❈❅❍ trim✇❒❈❏ wed there. th❅❒❅✎ I regular!), ✩◆●❁❒●❙ ❒❅ 'supplied girls ❉❒●▲ ◗❏❒▼ ✎✎ diets ❉▲with ◗❉▼❈ two ❇ ▼◗❏ them we wouldn't be open tonig ❄❏❇✌ es 11 ▲❏9.t. ❉❋▼ ❉ ❇✚-. ✎ ✇✪ ❍ a✳dog, ❈❁ ❖❉■ ❇ ❁❐❏●❏❇❉❚❅ sent❈❉ hist ❄❉❅▼ fiend—but ❆❉❅■❄✍✴✍❂◆▼ with little 'profit ◗❉▼❈ ●❉▼▼●❅▼❏ ▼❏✡❃▼ beinga❁diet g sent ✎◗❉▼❈ with diet diet information—being ❉■❆❏❒❒■❁▼❉❏■ *AM havin gize for in California, California, to❐❒❏❆❉▼ apolo ✔✔ ❁■❄ neither ■❅❉▼❈❅❒ were were they. they. ✍✎✎❈❁❄ ❐❒❏❍❉▲❅❄ ❉ ✎ ◗❏◆●❄ ✍✎ ✎ ✇ ✚ ✌✌✚ ✎✌ ✎✎✎✎✎✚✚ ✌ ✂✌ ■✍✍ losing ◗❅❉❇❈▼and weight to any se. ❏❆ I wasn't ✌✎ ▼❏ of ❁■❙ ◆▲✎losing ✩ ◗❁▲■✇▼ ✇✛✇ had promised I would.'. . ' * •_,/;._..-, ...-: . for en sad% other for &lout .*, m ✡✭ ✌ ▼✌ ❅■ ❍❁▼ ❄❉❍ 'we we hadn't ❈❁❄■✇▼ ❅ ▲ ✈❈❅▼❉✌ ❅❖❅■ ❇ ▼❈❏◆ ✡■❄ gh ❏ ■❁■ and ❁■❄ work ◗❏❒❋ ❈ I ✩ went ◗❅■▼ op ◆❐ so the ▼❏ second ▼❈❅ Boor ▲❅❃❏■❄ see John ❆●❏❏❒ Noonan ✐ ▲❅❅ ✪❏❈■ ✮❏ And then, even thou F ❉✎▼ 44.ta ✔ ❉ ● ●▼▲▼❂ ❏ittlel stonk ❙❅❁❒called ✁❃❁●●❅❄ ✡●❉❃❅ ✮❉❃❈❏●▲ ▲❅❃❒❅▼❁ i year.1 Alice Nichoh (a Dallas secretaq✈❁ to I✤❁●●❁▲ . ✇ ✂✇✎✇• ✚ ❉ ▼❈❅deadline. ■❏❏■ ❄❅❁❄●❉■❅✎ before the noon . ;sot avid avid ❂❅❆❏❒❅ ✛❏◆▼ ✑✑ ❙❅❁❒▲❅▲ ❁■❄ ❏❆▼✉✎ ✩ ❊ about 11 years---on to for ❁❂❏◆▼ ed ❅❄ ▼ ❈❁▲ ❂❅❅■ ✇❏❐ has been copi ▲❈❁❋❅■ ❁■❄.•:_ ●❏●❄✎ voice. She was❖❏❉❃❅✎ badly shakes and◗❁▲ 101111body ❃❁●● ❂❅❒▼❏ ❈❅❒ ✳❈❅ to call ber—to bear ber❂❅❁❒ A.M. • .I •• ▼❏ Approxinzatety Approximately 12:30 A. - ◗❈❉❍ ❄❅❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼ store ▲▼❏❒❅ department Marais Neiman ❅ ❋ me she had been in the th Neiman-Marcus ❍❅ ▲❈❅ ❈❁❄ ❂❅❅■ ❉■ ❍❁ ▼❈❅ ❁❄somase ◗❂❅■ran ◗❁◗❁▲❅ ❐●❅▼❅❄ ❂❅❄ ❃❏❍ of 0 rievoos Ins :minim out ❁■❇I Ihad sale broke. sbe into the news completed the ad when into 0 icon. 4▼✎ k. toha and ✌ ✐✒ ❉❏■ . ,04, 41t , . . gra* ✎✐✐▲ ✎7 ❂❒❏❋❅✎ ✳❈❅ ▲❁❉❄ ❅❖❅❒❙ •;r. ,;,i. ✛▼❈❅ ❒❏❏❍ and said, ❁■❄'Somebody's ▲❁❉❄✌ ✇✳❏❍❅❂❏❄❙✇▲ been shot!" Then❂❅❅■ ▲❈❏❄✂ ✴❈❅▼✑ the room - ...kt -,-, r • .,-A,:-.09.4„t , closed. lsed. ' slid the stori co ▼ ✌ ✍ ❖ ◗✍ ❁❂❂❉▼❉❁▼❃ ✇❁✎✍ ❇❉▼ ✌✎✚ ✇✇✇ ❁❋ ✎✂✺ ❁✎ ❁ ❂❉❇❉❉ ✍ ✌ ✑✑ ✍ ✛ ▼❈❅❏✎✎✂✎✌✌✌❉ ▲▼◗❅ shesaid, ▲❁❉❄✌✎❒✎❋✎ ❁■❄ ❏▼ shod" ▲❈❏❄✇ Someone ✳❏❍❅❏■❅ else said,▲❁❉❄✌ "A Secret man ✳❅❒❖❉❃❅ got ❇ ●❉▼ ✂✡Service ✳❅❃❒❅▼ ❍❁■ Abe ✡ gtoo—ble.r.,_ ' Aiwa back to Wabbin g The President was bein ✎ ❉ ✎☛✎✎✌✎ ✚ ✎✌ ✗ ✛✚ ✿✌✎✎✎✌✎✎✎✎✎✎✎✎✎✌✍ ✔ ✎ ✍✍✍✍ ✍✍ ✌ ✍✍ : ... ✎ ✎✎ ✎✎✎ ✍✍✍✂ ✌✎✎ ✍✍ 1 4; 4."-..,„..q.. ❍ ❈❉❁❁◆▲❁✎ she ❅●▲❅ said,▲❁❉❄✌ "The Prod✇✴❈❅ ✰❒❏❄✍ someone someone✴❈❅■ •Vannally's ✩✣❃❏■❁●●❙✇▲ been shot" ❂❅❅■ Then▲❈❏▼✂ ■3„ 7at his side.' •'. ',. ...• 7 . . .. ,, ••;.'.-'; z wife Wifese. • ✇ $ • . ;4 bean shod" ❄❅■▼✇▲ ❂❅❅■ ▲▼❁❒ :dent's I lokt merchandise. ❍❅❏❏❅ ❃❁❍❅ ❉■ ▼❏ ▲❄● ❒❏❅ ▲❏❍❅ ❍❅❒❃❈❁■❄❉▲❅✎ meooe came in to 'di me some •Ipneopis I ry •4••• k ❐❅❏❐●❅❄ the ❒❉■ ❉ ❄❉I✇▼ ▲ ❉■ ❇ off ❏ff ▼❈❅ Everybody ◗❅■▼ went wild. ◗❉●❄✎ The phones ✴❈❅ ❐❈❏■❅▲ started ringing ▲▼❁❒▼❅❄ ❁■❙ merchandise. ❍❅❒❃❈❁■❄❉▲❅✎ Some people,. ✳❏❍❅ ❇any Isle buying ❈❉❍ ❂◆❙❉■ I di feel❆❅❅● ee -•• i ▼❈❅ ▼ walk. nut In✩the ◗❁●●▲✎ ✴❅❁ television. ✩■ ▼❈❅ The ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■✎ UPI (United Press✴❈❅ Inter-✵✰✩ ✈✵■❉▼❅❄ ✰❒❅▲▲ ✩■▼❅❒✍ Alice., ✡●❉❃❅✎ By, . ▼❏✚ ✥❖ tics 10: I felt ✩ ▼❅●▼ dote the f, . s I. • .-•.. . a A. . ✎• ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ at▲❈❏▼▲ President fire4 ❁▼ wires ◗❉❒❅▲ clicked❃●❉❃❋❅❄ out: "Three ❏◆▼ shots were ✇✴❈❒❅❅ ◗❅❒❅ ✿■ n❁▼❉ ational) ❏■❁●✉ ❁■▼❁❃❉❄▲ ✷✵ ❉● ✆✷❉◗❉Dap" ✮✢☛✂ ❉▼ ApprOximately him P ICsooidy's motorcade today is downtime It 33 1) ✪❏❈■ ✰✎ ✫❉■❉❄❒❉ A pproximateiy - 46, is' • • ✇✡✇ ✂✯◆▼ ✰▼❅❂❉❅▼❉● .6 :• old,❁■❏ kOur Molded th❅❒person ❐❅❒▲❏■ ▲ al!, ;was about 12:30 p.m. Then ,another ●❅❁▲ ❁❂❏◆▼ ✑✒✚✓✐ ❐✎❍✎ ✴❉■❁ •, , , ' • . 'a)other sister, Elleen-4he TabY Iasi✥■❅❅■✍✡●❅ ▼❁ ❃❁●●❅❄ ✇✭❏▼❈❅❒✇ ❁●❄❅❒✎ • ✍. I called bas been ❈❁▲ ❂❅❅■ shot."▲❈❏▼✎✇ . . .✇ ▼ ✩ I told stout❋ki -. told her her bow terrible 1 Sok❉ Chicago. I was in tears.✂ ❍❉▼ ✑ ● ❋ ❉✳ ❁✂ ✏❁❄☛ ❉●● ❋❍✇ ✩ thephone and ✩⑤●❉❅✎✂✇✂ ad, I went ▼to❁❄✌ ▼❏ the ❐❈❏■❅ and west Weissman ✑✩ ✴★✯✵✧★✴ ✷❅❉▲▲❍❁■ ✩ I THOUGHT Oir✯✦ the▼❈❅ • ❁■❄ ▲ the and the mid ❉ ❁■❄ ✩ ▲❁❉❄ ❍❁❙❂❅ up❒❄ sobs ✢❙with ◆❐ ▼❏family ❂❅ ◗❉▼❈ ▼❈❅ ✷❁❙ By maybe I'd laid and ▲❏❄❋❍ ❍❅▼ ❒❁❉■❙ ■❅■❅▲❉❁❘❙ ❁■❄ ▲●❁❍ ✢❙is✬❉▼ ❁■❄screaming. ▲❃❒❅❁❍❉■ ❇✎I ❉▼ g and ❇ ◗❁▲ ❃❒❙❉■ She was hysteric:AL ◗❁▲ hysterical.. ✳❈❅ She was cryin • ❃❁●●❅❄ called Ev. She ✥❖✎ bow shag siva, liar ✎. k isn't really necessaq and asked bow ‘13y fait endbow ✗✍ ❒❄ I'd Gall ❅❅● her❈❅❒ back. ❂❅❃❋✎ ✇✑✇ ✩ tar ▼❏●❄ •-•,, ••I told ..• • ✎✎✑✒ • ✩✬ ✌ '✇✌✍ ✇✎✎▲ ✌1 ✎✍ •▼✍ taking the Mews. - 4 • *✇"i✎t. ✍✍✬ ''•;:❁❂❅ ..1. ' ;:'✌✍✍ 5:▼❁❋❉■❇ ▼❈❅ ❄❅◗▲✎ ..grOi,:i. 4 ' 4P✎ ❙ ❃❈❅ ❙ ❍❉ ❄❉ ☛❄❉ ●❉❍ ❆❉▼ ▼❅❒❒❉❂●❅ ▼❉ ❁❒ ✎ -- • Then Walter Cronkite (television commentator) said the ❃❏❍❍❅■▼❁▼❏❒✉ ✍✍ ✇ ✴❈❅■ ✷❁●▼❅❒ ✣❒❏■❋❉▼❅ ✈▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■ ▲❁❉❄ I told Eileen she she htat terrible sod▼❈❅ s e mid 1 should aey with ,-. ✩ ▼❏●❄ ✥❉●❅❅■ " "Thank ✂✴❈❁■❋ God ✧❏❄ be' not❂❅✇ ❂❁❄been ❂❅❅■ "seriously ✂▲❅❒❉❏◆▲●❙✂ ▼❁▼ bad and sod Mt aal'oit✐✐✔ ❈▼ after ❁❆▼❅❒ 9 o'clock ✯❁❋ ght ❇ that si❅❁ ▲❈❅ call ◗❏◆●❄ ▼❈❁▼ ▲❉ ✙ she would Ey■❏▼ and❁■❄ ✎✎✥❖ ✪▼✍ ❏■▲✌✭❁ tgoae,1•4 ❇ Ey. but I hed ❏❋❅ ●❏ ❁❙✎ ❂◆▼ ✩ ❂❅❄ SD pt* ❁■❄ ◗ ✇ did Gall ✣❁ and 'a ❄❉❄ She both of us. ❂❏▼❈ ❏❆ ◆▲✎ • ✍✎✇✂✎✎✎ ✎✎ ✍✎✎❏✎✎ •✍ ✌ ✎ ✩ ❃❁●●❅❄ ✥❉●❅❅■ ❂❅❃❁◆▲❅✌ ✩ ❄❏■✇▼ ❏▲ ▲ ▼❈❅ ▲❙■❁ , ❋❉❅❏ I thought ✩ ▼❈❏◆ ❇❈▼ "Waybe ✂✭❁❙❂❅ Ws ✷▲ ❁■ ❍❉■ anerns' ccexak ❁ ●❅ ▼❏ ▲❐❁❋ ▼❏ ▼❈❏▲❅ ❄❏▲❅ ▼❏ ❍❅✎ ✂✚✎ ✎✎✑✁ ✇✌ ✇ ✇ ✎✎✂ 03 111S. ..": J?•• ,„:','"-,--",,Itte•=:* to speak to thole dose t .)* • • ,• ••• • • •• anpartidel." I bowl. .✩ ❂❏❐▲✆ ❏●●✰❏❒❆❉■▼❏●✎✂ , • . . . • r •: ✍✚ ✩ ▲❁❉❄ ❁ sad ❐❒❁❙❅❒ and waited I said a pmyer ◗❁❋❅❄ and ❁■❄ heard ❂❅❁❒❄ u du docton ❁▲ tried ▼❈❅le❄❏❃▼❏❒▲ ▼❒❉❅❄ ▼❏ ✚❒ ✇ . 3:80 PA Approximately:f - ' ApprOXithatey :ewe his❈❉▲ ✚▲❅❅ We, as●❉❆❅✌ the two ❁▲ priests ▼❈❅ ▼◗❏ ❐❒❉❅▲▼▲ pvs ❇❁❖❅ him ❈❉❍ the ▼❈❅ lea rites ●❁▲▼ and ese,' ❒❉▼❅▲ ❁■❄ ❏■❅ ✛ ea mat tot 1.ts0 pia* „about $2,000 la• ❂❁❄ ✡❂❏◆▼ ✳✒✎✐✐✐ Hof them ▼❈❅❍ ▲❁❉❄ ▲❈❉●● ❁●❉❖❅✎ -at said be was❂❅ soil◗❁▲ alive. My pounded as I waked.' My heart ❈❅❁❒▼ ❐❏◆■❄❅❄ ❁▲ ✩ , "✎ s ,.✩✤ . . had • rJ ! wept ◗❅❐▼ aod ▲❏❄ my mouth ❍❙ ❍❏◆▼❈ was dry.◗❁▲ I was❄❒❙✎ dizzy✩ and ◗❁▲ taint. ❄❉❚❚❙ ' • . ❁■❄ ❆❁❉■▼✎ ✎ ✎✇ lei ❂❅❁❋ •✩ beak with ◗❉▼❈ It. There ❉▼ was ✴❈❅❒❅inueb ◗❁▲ I:✡✩ Al❁❒❏◆■❄ ✩▼ ◗❁▲It❂❅❄●❁❍✎ ✩▼ tumor ◗❁▲ ❁✎ ❍❁❄❈❏◆▲❅✎ mood me k❁▲▲ was bedlam.. was a madhouse. Rumor ' ✎ ❍❅✎ ebb ✩ ✭❅❅ ❂❁❄ ❍❙• .6,14 •❏❆❆❉❃❉❁● ❒❅❐❏❒▼▲✌ ◆■❏❆❆❉❃❉❁● ❒❅❐❏❒▼▲▼❈❅❙ ❁❒❏◆■❄ official reports, al a! reports—they flew around the✧❅❍▲✎ teem ' ■▼s❆●❅◗ sua.. Iles ✔✔ ith ❉✎ /114•1 tad 84 Sul% ."-'4, ✌ ✔✍ r; ..,‘ 4-14•Ao. ▲ ✑✑✐✛✡☎ ✿ ,,t, t. I went ◗❅■▼ to ❆▼ the Iim ▼❈❅ " .1r -,, • tits ❄❅●❉❃❁▼❅▲▲❅■ ❁■❄ ❂❏◆✇✳❍❉▼❈ ❁▼ ❉▼ and ❇ ❈▼ ✄✑✐ .ii;ill a i4, a°101 $10 kw& even—gioudseblicateues Approxiinately >ti Approximately 1:30 1:30 P.M." P.M. '• ' lather it% ❂❅❄ bad tar▼❁▼ ❋❅❄✇ ◗❁■ ❄❏◆▲❂ ,r . ma. ❇ ❏▼ Nis. 1 jet QUI ❁ • ioz awned beef ❁❃▼❉●❅❄and ❈❅❅● ✷✭ ▼❏ ✇✥❖ went le❁■❄ Evb.'":•,:-.4L D' ... . ✇ " "' •••.-• .❂◆▼ ▼❈❅ But all ❁●● the timeI ▼❉❍❅ prayed—and ✩ ❐❒❁❙▲❄❁■❄ think of▼❈❉■❋ the million' ❏❆who ▼❈❅ Were ❍❉●●❉❏■▲ . V.14. • ., 7. ◗❈❏ ...,. ✷❅❒❅ ✎i ✔ • 04▼4. • ✑v ✔ ✍✎ , .'._ • . %. 51❖▲ praying praying as ❍ the ▼❈❅ same ▲❁❍❅ time—our ▼❉❍❅❏◆❒ President ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ was dead. At about ◗❁▲' ;$.' ❄❅❁❄✎ ❁❂❏◆▼ ✂☎✎ ...✡▼ 'Approia ltitei,,.4 • .,.,;, .. 01✔ eapprOXLMajety4 Rif pm. this asuman came ova the when ❐✎❍✎ ❉❂❉▲ ▲▼❁▼❅❍❅■▼ ❃❁❍❅'t ❏❖❅❒ ◗❉❒❅❃ ✩✎ '.. ✎ ✎ 1 ' -▼❈❅ . '✍ :. ; °I.The .'.. lidevisioo 6.▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■ ... ' ✩ 'was toer.at— ❁❒❍ et, • ❃❍✎ ❁▼ ✥❖❅ ; l' "President ✍ ✂✰❒❅❅❋❋❁▼ Jobe P. Xenia* ✵❂❅ ✰✎ died✫❅❁■❅☛ at apprintimately ❄❉❅❄ ❁▼ 1 o'❁❐❐❒❏❘❉❍❁▼❅●❙ ✷❅ • ad✴❈❅ ❅❒●❅❄ ✍ ✭❉❅● ' ✇ ❄❉❄ ✑✔✗ ❄❏ ❈▼✇ ✩ ❁▲❋❅❄✎ ✂★❅ ◗❁▲ ▲■❏▼ ❁ .i. I asked. "He ✳▼❁■❄❁❒❄ StandardTime Time 1✎ .. , Its Hs died ❄❉❅❄❏ of❆a❁❇ gunshot ◆■▲❈❏▼ was such a . did ✚ ❄❉❄ ❄❏ ❋❒✎ ◗ ❃❒◆❄ ❁■❄ • -. •P t'•',, —.:••••••--do id". We cried aod.erist163:': ,' It k ' .1 .' s . ✍ ❅❒❉❅▼❃✍✡✇ . .b.-L .. , bah' . l'••I''1 *.:" ,i-'''.1."'..'.• '''...'' ' . . br. ' : . • • - .', • ' - ✗ ✑✌☛✛✂ We ate. ❁▼❅✎ *Ws✎✑✶❅ ❇ jpet • - '" ✷❅ ❏▼dnmb ❄■❍☎ h' ✎▼❈❅▼ out❅■ dtat 'Hasher' ✫❏▲❈❅❒ - • .,r-t ✑✑✑✡✴ TEAT 'THAT PINE ✰✩✮✥ MAN✭✡✮ was dead. ◗❁▲A❄❅❁❄✎ pert of see ✡ ❐❅■ Me ❄❉❅❄ tried that, ▼❈❅▲✌ ' :and ❍✁ ✇❁▼❅❉❆❆❉❉✣✩✬✎ television; I any the PAISMISCI ❉ ✩✮✶ ▼❈❅ ✮✵✭✭✩☎ ✂❅●● 'odd ❁❍❉❄ hardy Witt ☛❍ weak. ❁❋✎ ✩ ▲❁❉❄ ✪❏❈■ ✮❏❏■✂ I said to John ▼❏ Noonan, 'Ts at ✯✮ going ID have I ✩ ●❂ ❂❁❙▲ from Ihe ltslet...._ plane to ▼❈❅ the✎✩❍❂◆❉▲▲◆ ▼❒❁▼▼ ▼❈❅ ❂ ❍ ✇ wit ✮❒❉✚ ✶ ❋◗☛ kayo ✤❁●●❁▲ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ ✩❏◗❁ ❂ ❒◆❉■❅❄✎ Dallas became this towu▼❈❉▲ b ruined. 'ibe Ilseshootin shooting g ❄❉ di at ❁▼ ✩ ▲❁◗ ❂❅❅ lb●❂ Ads.❁❉❄▲✎ I uw beilusband'e ambalasics ea✎ Ltkilis•••■ 4.1".. ..h ❁■❄ Wet ❖❒❅▼✑✸❅▲❉❄❅❁▼ ?residual will destroy ◗❉●● ❄❅▲▼❒❏❙ Dallas Dallas. . Dallas 'Dallas◗❉■ win die I was ❄❉❅ ✩smelt ◗ ❁▲ ❅ Mai n ❉✎✌ ❍❅●▼ ✛ ✌✇ ✎ ; 6✖ ✎✎ ✇ ✌✎✎✎✂✎✎✎✎ ❒✗ ✤✇❒❅ ❈❏❒ ❂❅❅▲ ✎✁❄❁■❄ ✿ ✔✑✑✑ •blood fl"ow IMO* tats vdto fdt dead. ' • 4❁❍▼✎ ❉▲ ❍❁ ▲❉❅❅ ✑❄▼ ✌ :4', • ''' '" - r•r••So". So''✌✇ l• • 1✇•' ;3 40 411: 1;;6: 1m. 0: :41 4,f4t • '...____ ' ' . '77.....)' ``'7•‘IL'74?'5644+4.10:1 or qgt4.4+1.1(it.14' :• ❉❅ ❅ ✭ ✌ ❃❒❙ ❉❉ ▲ ●❉❇ ❁ ✓ ❍❏❄Di✤❉ ❍❁❋ ✎lb. ❂▲ ▲❉ ◗❉❇❏▲ ● ✚✎ ▼✚✑✑▼❈✹ I called ✳✯✷✥✤/40 ▼❅❅ feryinj Rarrisy ❄❏◗❅❉❄ 0.4-11i of Hawn ● ✎ ✣✣✤❉❄●❅▼ ✎ catkin%▼❁●❉ telt I ooddn't ❁❏❁●❏❈❅▼ talk. I hdd the ✷❋✎ plume ✩ So ❈❅●❄ lioht „„__. ❁■ ❐❈❁▲❅ _ ✔ ❍the▼❈❅ lobs ✌ 1" 5°71=4 ✑ hes right'▼❉▼❈❅ ✂✐✑ dilies ✩●●❁■✡▼❅▲ ✇❉❐▼ ❈❁●❏✍ ✔If ●❉ ✑✐✑ ❍❅ me so❁▲ ❈❅bear ❍❅●❄ ✎ ❅✿ ✡❅❒ gut▼❈❅ he could EVA❂❅❁❒ grief. e✷❅ ✏▲❉▼ %liar VW Or▼❉▼❅❒✎✌✎ P⑤COMMUnke• '4,14)%adaspar-- " ✌ ✡❉❒ ✿ ✣❃■■■◆■❄●❅✎✂✚✔✇✔✑✌✓✔ ●❋❉▲●❁ ❒✚✹❏◆✇❄ Ikeakialfoo'd tatter ●❁▼▼❅❒ some ben." ▲❏❍❅ I✩said, 'TS ✇✴✳ ❏◗■▲✎✂ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✎✑✎ ✎ ❅Sat _ ✔❅❍❅▲❁❇❒ Latmaggre dire 14▼❈❉■ ▼❈❁▼ ◗❁▲ ❍❁❒❅ ▼❈❁■ • ✎✯■❅ ✎✎✎✌✌✦●❏❈❁ ▼❃❈●❉❁ ❊❇ !Sub ❅ wed& ●◆❂ ◗❉❄▼❈▲ be *wad ●❉❍❅❄ and I letto ▲❁❄ ✩'4,a0q lettoetanww ✎✎✑✌✔✔ ✰■about ▼❅❁❋❉■❐ rwsion. P° Palms ✇ ❂ ❏ Itha ◆▼ ❈❉❍ ❁ ▼ ❁◆ ❃❏❍❒ vai m acim alc „up. ✛✌ ✚ ✍✎✔✍✎ ✌✎✎ n ✚✚ ✎✎✌✎✎✎✌✌✌ ✔ ✎✎✎✎✎✑✌✎ n ✍ ✿✍ -41-• • •• f . .--t ✡ ✑✒✛✓✐ M P • Ns • toes, ✌ ✌✌ -✐✑✎✎✎✯✔❃✌▼✛ ❉ ✍✔☛✑✔▼ ✍ ✍✑✌✌ 4 •▪ • • . /. ❆ ✇✩❘ ❈❁▲ ✍✎✎ ❒✎✎✎✎✎✔✎✎✌ ✎✌ ❄❁❃❅ told ▼❏●❄ me that ❍❅ I was ▼❈❁▼ "broken, ✩ ◗❁▲ ✂❂❒❏❋❅■✌ beings! ❁■❄ and '❂❁❆❆●❅ ✍✮ r. . :. , ✌✎✎✍ ;.❐❒❅▲▲❅❄✚ pressed."._ ✑✿✑✭was ◗❁▲ no■❏ better ❂❅▼▼❅❒ oft Ev beard ❏❆▼ "Fair ✥❖ Play ❂❅❁❒❄ ✂✦❁❉❒ ✰●❁❙ ❆❏❒ ✍✪ ✎✂ • ✇ ❋:t'eA:i•Jii mentioned I Cuba" ✛ ✣◆❂❁✂ ❍❅■▼❉❏■❅❄ on the television ❅▲ ▼❈❅ and she ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■ ❐❁❄.✎▼✇ ▲❈❅ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ ❈❙▲▼❅❒❉❃❁● ✎ became hysterical . 7-1c.7. ;09 , 11, . • .- .- .1: .• ◗❏❒❒❙❉■❇ worrying about ❁❂❏◆▼ her Imo ❈❅❒ and ❅❏■ granddaughters--convinced ❁■❄ ❇❒❁■❄❄❁◆❇❈▼❅❒▲❃❏❏❖❉■❃❅❄ that ▼❈❁▼ • ev .'-•;11:4 • 11417. this would be the❂❅ ▼❈❉▲ ◗❏◆●❄ start ▼❈❅ ▲▼❁❒▼ ❏❆m.. ✷❏❒●❄ '!'•• •:;•.7. lbik of World War s... • ✍ ✎ - .✷❁❒ • .✎✭✎ ✎ • .10..,_ • AboUt P.111.•_About8:45 8:45 e""'""41. • A roxlmately • "p pprommately 55 P.M.. ; 1 .. • . ❈❏◆❒ ❁■ ✍ 1Ijust sat and grieved and watched ❁■❄ television. About✍ an boa ❊◆▲▼ ▲❁▼ ❁❁❄ ❇❒❉❅❖❅❄ ◗❁▼❃❈❅❄ ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■✎ I ✩I ■❉▼ ❉ ▼❈❅ ❒❅✍❒◆■ ▼❈❅ ❆❉●❍ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ❁■❄ ✭■✎ ✫❅■✍ new the re-run of the film❏❆ of the President and Mn. Ken-✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ I ❁■❄ just ❊◆▲▼ couldn't ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ Make it ❍❁❋❅ her ✩ ●❁▼❅❒✌ later, Linn ✬❉■■ called again ❃❁●●❅❄ and I sold ❁❇❁❉■ ✩ ▼❏●❄ ✛ ❒❅❅❄❙ ❁❒❒❉❖❉■❇ ❁▼ ✤❁●●❁▲✇▲ ✬❏❖❅ ✦❉❅●❄✌ ❊◆▲▼ ❁ few✡❉❒ ❍❉■◆▼❅▲ minutes ; nab' arriving at Dallas's Love Air Field, just a few the parkins . ❈❅❒ ▼ ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂✴❍ son ❊◆▲▼ ad" I asked ▼❏❏ bar ▲❁❄✎✂ to put ✩ ▲❁●▼❅❄ lust. I said, ❂❅❆❏❒❅ before be was ❂❅murdered. ◗❁▲ ❍◆❒❄❅❒❅❄✎ Do you remember ✤❏ ❙❏◆ bow ❒❅❍❅❍❂❅❒ he stopped ❂❏◗ ❈❅ ▲▼❏❐❐❅❄ I asked him to give✩Linn SS ●❏▼ ❁▼▼❅■❄❁■▼ ❏❏and ▼❈❅ ❐❈❏■❅ ❁■❄ ❁▲❋❅❄ ❈❉❍ ▼ lot attendant co the✩phone ✑ 1 at the rail or the fence and shook ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❒❁❉● ❏❒ ▼❈❅ ❆❅■❃❅ everyone's ❁■❄ ▲❈❏❏❋ hand? Iwish ❅❖❅❒❙❏■❅✇▲ I ❈❁■❄✟ ◗❉▲❈ ✩ .ao get home and promised him I would pay him back.. ✎▼❏ ❇❅▼ ❈❏❍❅ ❁■❄ ❐❒❏❍❉▲❅❄ ❈❉❍ ✩ ◗❏◆●❄ ❐❁❙ ❈❉❍ ❂ ••• I ▼ ✎ • had ❈❁❄ been ❂❅❅■ there ▼❈❅❒❅ to shake his ▼❏ hand. ▲❈❁❋❅ ❈❉▲ ❈❁■❄✎ r ◗❈❅■ ✡❍❂❁❉▲❅❄❏❅ I watched television and thought❁■❄ of how how when Ambassador • ✩ ◗❁▼❃❈❅❄ ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■ ✩ ▼❈❏◆❇❈▼ ❏❆ .4 • t' t: Don ✤❏▲ Saffran ✳❁❆❆❒❁■ called. He's ❃❁●●❅❄✎ with the Dallas ★❅✇▲Times ◗❉▼❈ Herald ▼❈❅and ✤❁●●❁▲ ✴❉❍❅ ★❅❒❁●❄ ❁■❄ Auditorium (Oct. 24, ✳▼❅❖❅■▲❏■ ▲❐❏❋❅ ❉▲ ▼❈❅ ✤❁●●❁▲ ✭❅❍❏❒❉❁● ✡◆❄❉▼ Stevenson spoke is the Dallas Memorial ✚✎ ;. be ❂❅ doesn't ❄❏❅▲■✇▼ like me. He ✲❅ wanted ❍❅✎to★❅ know ◗❁■▼❅❄ since Autry's ▼❏ ❋■❏◗ and the ▲❉■❃❅ ✡◆▼❒❙✇▲ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅ weeks before, pickets 'chested: ✑✙✖✓✉ ❏❆ ◗❅❅❋▲ ❂❅❆❏❒❅✌ ❐❉❃❋❅▼▲ ❃ 1963) just❊◆▲▼ a couple❁of❃❏◆❐●❅ ✣❁❂❁■❁ Cabana (two ✈▼◗❏ rival night ❒❉❖❁● clubs) ■❉❇❈▼ were going ❃●◆❂▲✉ to close,◗❅❒❅ would ❇❏❉■❇ I ▼❏ ❄❏▲❅✌ ◗❏◆●❄ ✩ ✍❂❅●▼ ✎✇ 'Kennedy will◗❉●● get his❇❅▼ reward in hell. • ✇✫❅■■❅❄❙ ❈❉▲ ❒❅◗❁❒❄ ❉■ : be ❂❅closed? ❄❏▲❅❄✟ I said, ✩ "Don, ▲❁❉❄✌ I'm✂✤❏■✌ closed." ✩✇❍ ❄❏▲❅❄✎✂ ▼❅❖❅■▲❏■ tevenson is going ❉▲ to'❇❏❉■❇ die. His ▼❏ heart❄❉❅✎ will stop, ★❉▲ slot❈❅❁❒▼ stop ◗❉●● Don said, ▲❁❉❄✌ "I don't ✂✑know ❄❏■✇▼ about❋■❏◗ SULrday ❁❂❏◆▼ and Sunday. ✳❉■❉❒❄❁❙ Abs ❁■❄ ✳◆■❄❁❙✎ ✡❂▲ ❃✍✤❏■ ❂◆❒■✌ ❂◆❒■✎✂ will burn, burn, burn." ◗❉●● ❂◆❒■✌ ❁■❄ and . • •• 5 ,. ❁■❄ and Barney ✢❁❒■❅❙ (owners ✈❏◗■❅❒▲ of night ❏❆ dubs) ■❉❇❈▼ don't ❋■❏◗ ❄◆❂▲✉ know what ◗❈❁▼ to do." ▼❏ ❄❏✎✂ ,••• • t- • • • . . ✧❏❄✌ God, what ◗❈❁▼ a world.. ❁ ◗❏❒●❄✎✎ ;• ✍ ✂✎ t I✩ ) ✉ ✁ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂✷❅■✌ I'm dosing ✩✇❍ Saturday ❄❏▲❉■❇ and Sunday. ✳❁▼◆❒❄❁❙ I turned ❁■❄ .. • said, •.- ✳◆■❄❁❙✎ ✩ ▼◆❒■❅❄ ✇ ' 1D ▼❏Ev ✥❖ and ❁■❄ said,▲❁❉❄✌ "Money✂✭❏■❅❙ don't mean ❄❏■✇▼ that much." ❍❅❁■ ✍-▼❈❁▼ •❍◆❃❈✎✂ ✎ About10:15 10:15 P.M..,;.. • About ✩ I said ▲❁❉❄ to Don, ▼❏'That ✤❏■✌ means ✂✴❈❁▼ I'm dosed ❍❅❁■▲ tonight. ✩✇❍ Friday ❃●❏▲❅❄ night, •▼❏■❉❇❈▼✌ ✦❒❉❄❁❙ ■❉❇❈▼✌ ▼ t ✩ I unwed ❁❉❒❉❖❅❄ late at●❁▼❅ Shearith ❁▼ Israel ✳❈❅❁❒❉▼❈ and took my ✩▲❒❁❅● on out of ❁■❄ ▼❏❏ ✳❁▼◆❒❄❁❙ Saturday 'night ✇■❉❇❈▼ and Sunday ❁■❄ night. ✳◆■❄❁❙ Money■❉❇❈▼✎ don't mean✭❏■❅❙ that ❄❏■✇▼ ❍❅❁■ ▼❈❁▼ my ❐❏❃❋❅▼ pocket and ❁■❄ dipped ❄❉❐❐❅❄ it down behind ❉▼ ❄❏◗■ my air ❂❅❈❉■❄ mat. I mimed ❍❙ ❏❒ ❍❁▼✎ • ❍❙ ❍◆❃❈ much to▼❏ me. ❍❁✎ Out of✯◆▼ respect ❏❆ to ❒❅▲❐❅❃▼ the President,▼❏ Fre▼❈❅ closing." ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✌ ✴❍ ❄❏▲❉■❇✎✂ the dead) ❄❅❁❄✉ and❐❒❁❙❅❒ • ❁■❄ • for for ▼❈❅ ▼❈❅ the services, ▲❅❒❖❉❃❅▲✌ but✩ I said ❂◆▼ a Kaddish ✩ ▲❁❉❄ (a prayer ❁ ✫❁❄❄❉▲❈ ✈❁ ✛✩ ❄❉❄■✇▼ didn't know❋■❏◗ about the ❁❂❏◆▼ funeral▼❈❅ being❆◆■❅❒❁● Monday so I ❂❅❉■❇ didn't ✭❏■❄❁❙ ▲❏ ❄❉❄■✇▼ wit 5 ❂❁❄ ▲❁❉ ❐❅❏❐●❅ ◗❈❁▼ ✲❁❂❂❉ ✳❉●❖❅❒❍❁■ people what Rabbi Silverman bad kw ❁▲❋❅❄ tea ❁ asked a ✛ ;✳❁❋❅ make any ❁■❙ plans ❐●❁■▲ for Monday. ❆❏❒ ✭❏■❄❁❙✎ want to talk M ◗❁■▼ ▼❏ ▼❁● ❙y ❍❉■❄ ◗❁▲ ❆❏❇❇❙✎ ✩really ❄❉❄■✇▼ ❒❅❁●●❙ mind was foggy. I didn't ✍ _ ;✛• ✩ I CALLED ✣✡✬✬✥✤ MY ✭✹ FRIEND ✦✲✩✥✮✤ and physician, ❁■❄ ❐❈❙▲❉❃❉❁■✌ ✤❒✎ ✣❏●❅❍❁■ ✪❁❃❏❂✍ Dr. Coleman Jacob◗❉■morbid. ❍❏❒❂❉❄✎ Someone ✳❏❍❅❏■❅ tamed Leona ❁❁❍❅❄ tried to ✬❁❍❁ talk M▼❒❉❅❄ ▼❏ ▼❁●❋ I eve , to ask❁▲❋ *hat ◗❈❁▼ time Rabbi Silverman would be holding sere. ✌ ▼❏ ▼❉❍❅ ✲❁❂❂❉ ✳❉●❖❅❒❍❁■ ◗❏◆●❄ ❂❅ ■✇▼ ❈❏●❄❉■❇ n't want ◗❁❄ to. ▼❏ I▲❅❍✎✍ got✩ in❇❏▼ line to❉■ shake ●❉■❅ bands ▼❏ with ▲❈❁❋❅ the ❂❁■❄▲ ◗❉ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ ❁▼ ✳❈❅◆❉▼❈ for for ❏◆❒ our President at Sheuith Israel (synagog).✩▲❒❁❅● ✈▲❙■❁❇❏❇✉✎ sat on say my aff•I❂❁❃❋ ✩ ●❅❆▼ ▼❈❅ ▼❅❍❐●❅ ❉▲ ❁❒▲ ❃❁❒✎ I left the temple and got back❁■❄ in my❇❏▼ ✤❒✎ Dr. Jacobson ✪❁❃❏❂▲❏■ told me ▼❏●❄ $:30 and ❍❅ I said, ✘✚✓✐ "It's❁■❄ terrible. ✩ ▲❁❉❄✌ It's ❁■❄ ✂✩▼✇▲ ❐◆▼ ❋▼❅❒❒❉❂●❅✎ ❂❁❃❋ ❍❙ ✩▼✇▲ ❒❉❇❈▼ ▼❒❏◆▲❅❒ ❐❏❃❋❅▼✎✎✎ and put k back into my❉■▼❏ right trouser • ✍ . . ❄❏ • ❆❏❒ ✂ " and ❁■❄ Dr.✤❒✎ Jacobson ✪❁❃❏❂▲❏■ asked me what ❁▲❋❅❄ be could ❍❅ do ◗❈❁▼ for ❂❅ ❃❏◆●❄ ★❅ He wondered ◗❏■❄❅❒❅❄ if I needed ❉❆ ✩ ✤❅❅❄❅❄ any medication. ❁■❙ ❍❅❄❉❃❁▼❉❏■✎ What could ❄❏ do✷❈❁▼ ❃❏◆●❄ • • •• •c :• !or tor ❍❅✟ me? Could ✣❏◆●❄ be restore ❂❅ ❒❅▲▼❏❒❅ the President ▼❈❅ to life? ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ ▼❏ ●❉❆❅✟ -. • ••-,„ • • . •• ✍✌By ✥❖and ❁■❄ I watched ✩ ◗❁▼❃❈❅❄ television. ▼❅●❅❖❉▲❉❏■✎ We saw the President's ✷❅ ▲❁◗ ▼❈❅ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼✇▲ ❃❃✥❆❉■ in ' arrive in Washington. ❁❒❒❉❖❅ ❉■ ✷❁▲❈❉■❇▼❏■✎ We saw Mrs. Kennedy, ✷❅ ▲❁◗ ✭❒▲✎ still covered ✫❅■■❅❄❙✌ ▲▼❉●● ❃❏❖❅❒❅❄ I • . with ✎ ◗❉▼❈ her ❂❁ husband's ❈◆▲❂❁■❄✇▲ blood, join him ❂●❏❏❄✌ in the ambulance ❊❏❉■ ❈❉❍ with ❉■ the▼❈❅ ❁❍❂◆●❁■❃❅ ◗❉▼❈ ▼❈❅ `attorney general. I became depressed ✇❁▼▼❏❒■❅❙ ❇❅■❅❒❁● ✩ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ again ❄❅❐✬❅▲▲❅❄ and could barely ❁❇❁❉■ ❁■❄ ❃❏◆●❄ ❂❁❒❅●❙ ❅❁▼ ▲❃❒❁❍❂●❅❄ ❁■❄ Everything ●❏❘ ✥❖ ❃❏❏❋❅❄✎ eat the▼❈❅ scrambled eggs and lox❅❇❐ Ev cooked. tasted Everything taste4 • c•/••. • • 'C.: ' .` •• • aI et tsars. ▼❅❁❒▲✎ I left Esq. ✩ ●❅❆▼ ❂❏❁✎ i.„ k;stc. •• ■ . • ✰✎✭✎ ✰✎❍✎ P.M P.M.'. •• • • • • 41, .• •• • 4 • • .1 44 4.. . • About AboUt 7:30 7:30 P.M.: P.M..t'• • •• . • . .' .„ +. • • ✩ I arrived ❁❒❒❉❖❅❄ at my ❁▼ place, ❍❙cleaned ❐●❁❃❅✌ up and ❃●❅❁■❅❄ dr,essed to◆❐ go ❁■❄ 'to . ❄❒❅▲▲❅❄ ▼❏ ❇❏ ▼❏ ✎ ✳❈❅❁▼❈✇▲ Shark's Israel. I❂❒❁❃▼ turned the ✩ ▼◆❒■❅❄ ▼❅◗❉▲❉❏■ ❉■ ▼❈❅ television on in❏■ the living room●❉❖❉■❇ ❒❏❏❍ ❁■❄ and kept ❋❅❐▼ watching ◗❁▼❃❈❉■❇ the news that ▼❈❅.eas ■❅◗▲ happening ▼❈❁▼ and ✎✎❁▲ the re-rutie ❈❁❐❐❅■❉■❇ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅ ❒❅✍❒◆▲❅ , ❏❆ of earlier ❅❁❒●❉❅❒ Dews. I▲❅◗▲✎ was low, depressed. ✩ ◗❁▲ ●❏◗✌ ❄❅❐❒❅▲▲❅❄✎ • ✴❈❅ The phone ❐❈❏■❅ mg.❒❁■❇✎ It was Karen ✩▼ ◗❁▲ Lan ✫❁❒❅■ Bennett, a ✬❉■■ stripper ✢❅■■❅▼▼✌ who ✎ ❁ ▲▼❒❉❐❐❅❒ ◗❈❏ * • works to❆❏❒ ◗❏❒❋▲ ❍❅ ◆■❄❅❒ ▼❈❅ ■❁❍❅ ✂✬❉▼▼●❅ ✬❉■■✎✂ ✈✴❈❅ ▲❁❍❅ ✂✬❉▼▼●❅ me under the name "Little Linn." (The same "Little 7 ✬❉■■✂ Linn" charged ❃❈❁❒❇❅❄ with carrying ◗❉▼❈ a❃❁❒❒❙❉■❇ concealed weapon—a ❁ ❃❏■❃❅❁●❅❄ 25 auto- ◗❃❁❐❏❏☛ ✎✒✕ ❁◆▼❏✍ 22,✤❁●●❁▲ 1963. • ❀❍❁❄❅ `made into❉■▼❏ the Ruby ▼❈❅ bond ✲◆❂❙ bearing ❂❏■❄ in Dallas ❂❅❁❒❉■❇ oo Dec.❉■ ❏❏ ✤❅❃✎ ✒✒✌ ✑✙✖✓✎ ✸❉▲ Xis Bennett ✢❅■■❅▼▼ is six mouths ❉▲ ▲❉❘ pregnant, ❍❏◆▼❈▲ lives with ❐❒❅❇■❁■▼✌ her common-law ●❉❖❅▲ ◗❉▼❈ ❂❁ ❏❉❘❁❍❏❏✍●❁◗ ✎ ✑✌❀ ✌husband ❈◆▲❂❁■❄ Is Pert ●❁ Worth ✦❏❒▼ and✷❏❒▼❈ has denied ❁■❄ ever❈❁▲ being❄❅■❉❅❄ intimate with ❅❖❅❒ ❂❅❉■❇ ❉■▼❉❍❁▼❅ ◗❉▼❈ • • ✟ ✪❁❃❋ ✬✡✷✇✌✂ ✔✑ Jack Roby3',14'"••• ✍ ✇ a ✎ • ✎ *• ; ✍✑ ✎ zkt...- • • • ✑✎ 1. ✬❉❅■ ❈❁❄ ▲ ❏◆▲ ✳❏the ▼❈❅ ❋ didn't Linn had gone Se club,❄◆❂✌ found ❆❏◆■❄ k closed closed t and ❁■❄ ❄❉❄■✇▼ under◆■❄❅❒✍ • 2 . •••• why.1 sot sore. "Don't you have ✂✤❏■✇▼ any.respect tot ✌stand ▲▼❁■❄ ◗❉❅❒✎✑ ❇❏▼ ▲❏❒❅✎ ❙❏◆the ❈❁❖❅ ❆❏❒ •▼❈❅ Pad-❁■❙✎❒❅▲❐❅❃▼ • • ✴❁❁●✍ r 4-4r. • I • • • • 4/ . - dear i asked ✛❄❅❁❒ ❁❄❋❅❄ Rm. bet. ✳❈❅ She said ▲❁❉❄ she did ▲❈❅ but❄❉❄ that she ❂◆▼ bad▼❈❁▼ come ▲❈❅ ❂❁❄ ❃❁❍❅ #s ;r.: .•• •e• • r • ° • • ❆❒❏❍ from her ●❅▼ home ❈❏❍❉ ia Port ❉■ Worth ✦❏❒▼ (about ✷❏❒▼❈ ✎ 20 ✒✐ miles ▲❁●❅▲ ✈❁❂❏◆▼ away) without ❁◗❁❙✉ ◗❉▼❈❏◆▼ 7 . •‘• ✍ -If • ✚❍❏■❅❙✌ ICA,. 1.4 ••4 :, nsoney, aipeidas ❃❁ ❃❅❄❅ ▲▼❏ ❐ to p✎ ❍ week. ◗❅❅❋✎ She✳❈❅ mid▲❁❉❄ the was ❅●▲❅ ◗❁▲ ▲▼❒❁■❄❅❄✌✍✔✌ serantleRz, •„. , •• • . • • r• • • •• ^‘ I asked ❁▲❋❅❄ her where ❈❅❒ ◗❈❅❒❅ she was ana ▼❈❅ she ◗❁▲ said,❁■❄ ▲❈❅ ▲❁❉❄✌ the Colony ▼❈❅ ✣❏●❏■❙ Club.✣●◆❂✎ f• f• ✩ ;.• • •• • ' •, . • ✑ 1 was shocked that It ▼❈❁▼ was open,' ◗❁▲ ▲❈❏❃❋❅❄ ❋ ◗❁▲ ❏❐❅■✌✇ ❂◆▼ ✩ ▼❏●❄ • but I told JONI • ‘..• • • . lief.A4;04 ▼❏ to shLyyni,gog ❄❒✆✍❅❇■❉❇❏❇ would●❁❄ drop◗❏◆●❄ moneyto ❏❆❆ ▲❏❍❅ ❍❏▼❅ ● ✚ ✔ ✛ ✐ ✑ 00 , ❅◗❏❒❒❉▼ 7„ ▲❏ ▲❁❇dad ❁❍❉❄ ✂ ◗❈❁❍ ✌ off some❄❒❏❐ oe. t:WAY SO sag could rtIrmsdi:.: • am,. • .. , *P Piff . • "t■1• •:4"!/1 ..t•b t r ; , ;7.. 4' , . . • N. 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KENNEDY, deep contentions on tba past your administration, the State • Department, the mayor of Dallas, the Dallas City Open- • al and members of purr party, we bee-thinking, and America - thinking chime of Dallas 1411 have, through a itUtift Imply linotad oat, the tisk %iodates .IVIBC14, so question you, ere with you and to . alla '11VIACIC RI117"b tempt that hs citizens hcseainfis o Mors coaservadvi• •. IVith WILUAM • READ WOODFIELD lArnericans so public office.. 1 " . . A 'CM that is en Someone mentioned that economic 'boom town, no be:. of federal handouts, but President Kennedy would•be cause °troy $ b somereadve am . it in Dallas in a few bows and !stage and worms prietios‘ recoil hoped that be would CITY that will coo.2( De our city and that nothing flood° grow and prosper 'azha what happened to Adlai wit s e ffor ts by you and you Stevenson would ItaPP an to admin istrat ion to penal ize k Prooldeot Konoody. 1 opene d for its news-c onform ity In 'New the Dallas Morning News and • saw a full page ad that arid:, Pacifiable. . . A CiTY that reineted • 'Welcome Mr. Kennedy to philosophy and policies 4 Dallas ...' I thought to m 1960 and yell do so a in 1964—even more amp ically than before. I "Good, let's show much we love him.* ) I noticed that the ad wu signed Bernard Weinman. "A Jew welcomes our President," I thought 'How good that is • since our President has always / been a friend to the few." I i knew from placing ads myself that a fun page in the Morning News costs about $1,500. "An expeaslYa welcome,' thought. I started to read the I ad. • •• • "4.'4.* •• "'WELCOME MR. ZEN.' don Yea. ••• -*- , , . . , I. . dr . 4111•11...10...0.4 " ":‘ ...a.I. lb. • 4...•01■ 111 '‘ • • -• • 4 • ••• - 4. NEDY TO DAILAS •'• l• awart ing this coma s¢ c, .13: gl'Y do graced Eons! right, iss with to . adt • • by a recen t ilbsnl .etnea r you p u b 1 I e 1 y the follow 1 ing • Iwt-.' • ••• % it ' . •••• -• ► . indeed, questioos 4.• 1 ... ,., ,•4 .,:t4,- .e..... .".: -' I: . ... ., , s of paramount importance sad . '‘: • I ' '''. • '' '' • .•i . . . . ' 0 • •• ' Intere ' • st II) 411 tree • peopl i . ..'t• ,. _,-.,. ., _ es 4 '; ...It. ..n -;‘,"4c , ' ..... 5A-: , ' ..• t'. ■:v.. . 1 ' ' 1 ......,i, .•' - -'zr ., I • • •. yea WiElinewee • . . • • la pabbe I ...:t I .,., ' . • I . ' 1 without sooblany. 'llose goes-, •I' •••••••• ••pi.. `• ,.?" '' — • :t; `: • ■*< A., • !..• IA A 4 • • • •n s •' ' 't' •,• • ' '•, rs -ft • ,• •-C11Ikto •• • ,441A-• • 'LA •4 •••-• , ,111.:5„ • IA'..••• st•r? • I • n s'"•'it'''. • rtr• yit .; • f „ 1 !, , } . . r''' i • •s• , ' • in, • ..... — , i., • - • ; :: tir.. i, .4 '. ..n,,, *. :7•••• ' •- - ' . • ' (4, r144.74 ' ''Al ...t. 1. .*'1 -• 1, °...••••,,,S' rii',...j? .., ,Q'' ' lizt4-11 ...:• ,-..!-,, t.:..t.le..., f!"Fc ,..- ' -ir. • ,, 4:-,,, . .:. ,.... if e- , ,....,....,.•,-, : e.,.4,. rr.L.,,,,' .-'''.....', - ..,:, .... •••• .•• •, . t..r, •› ••• " ; ••••n• ✍ ✎❒ • •.c 1/.1 • AP ' ' " '-' ' : ...1 • ; ••• .*1.Pr 1••••;f" n • - „ •' 1 1• . •-• : : : i l'.... r., . •- i.4 • -,• 'iou ) .•.: .— A, I i-t, '.,. • r • i •-,:e: .. ',•'. 1. •:.! ' ,.•. . .,,,.. . 'i -,..•-*r 0, • • ..k .. '.,. Ny. 4 , ...' ., , it. '',...- „ . s?; .• 1, • '.. • - ,- %, - , : 1flos•wor....,... / e .• . ' ./. '. .'•A •f • • )• • ..e• 1,, e•: , /•;•1 rj.....i.i ../6. ' , : • •._ 1 .i - "r.:44.4. s ` .. . • 5 ❉❒❒❅●●❘☛❒ ✔✇ •1 .4 • , .41 , .. . . t ,; ... - • 4.3 ...-1 ••••„ _,i y.-. )y 1(. 4;ri • 'h F • ❇❒❉❆▼❉❆❆❏● • • ..„. ,.,. . -. -..,...„..k -,,,....0-•••• —y,.,...r-A ---,, ' 4::^ 3.-,../( ..,.c--, k.••••.-;,.-_ _. ,:„-..-,.3 -,,,„:;. „ x :-, - .- --. •,— .., - ..,.• • ' —, ... ..e.- .... t. 41,.. .,.. •.4. . :..,.: .....„,, , # .;:,,„ , ; ;..,.....i ik., . .--..--: •"3,>.. i....z. , -A,.. v .--....... ,..; ,... t . -.4:!, •-;= ' .,:i4; 4., .?-44:2,--1,7.:-.--:-..'-:•.4•1 - 1`. 4. 1..--' vt. '*t' t! • , ,...„ --.. .....— . . . ..-ili:,..--r-• .-rje!' ,,__ . .-•1..' .. • , . a!!,...,,,,,, *.:;1','r ;s!....•r+; • :T.:. : • .•. - ••.: • ,„ ••r-r,., •, . ...., : ...:-; -,r'•:;' , .-10,•*:7—.1-T.e , •, . . ••, ,• .......;:( rge . • .. --" .K.4 -, - ..,, • .....:. •:.•.r......__:.4..,.......,3. i kJ:I.,- • ;. ,• .•..,.. i;4..-, ,---:,.e. ,J - .. • •.:, .:, r, ,„,„ .• y •....,,,: 0%:: 4 , .." ,✍✇✌✎✕✌✎ 1. ....,...;.•—•,;..„ :1; I ❅✚ ✎✎✎✎✎✎☛✡✎✍ ✿✎ ✂ ;✛.. •, -..! • -, _ , • •D . . .7 .i4, . .i, J... . , t . r• • , . • .I, .; .1 . - .4 •• s ▲ ✌ ▼◆❁▲▼ is Latin ',Pieria❉▲ ▼❁❄▲ ✡■❉❅❒❉❅❉ l i ' .• ' '-11:..Y. 1, . . aT ✎saber • •• .. , ❏▼❈❅❒ anti-Amerian k. - - • ,...•,. ❒✌✎ ✎✎✌ "1.-"' ✎✎✎✎✌✌✌✌✌ ✡✌✎✌ • • r.. or of Commualstie, Commualstic, et of bbth, ' 4, ••• „1...,;✍ -!. ✌✍ ✎1✌ t« ✎✎✎✎ . a-,.1,.:...641. ▼✎❒ ✎ ❂❂▼❈✌do. • spits ▲ ❐❉▼❅✇ locomeed ❉▲❃❒❅❍❅❄ US foreign ✵✳✎ • ❆❏❒❅❉❇■ '''■ ' ' .., - ✎✎ ✎✎✌ t. . -ift: . ,.✌✎ :...:✚✎✎✎ .',..;"iy,v. ✎✂✎✛ ■✎ ☛✡✡✚✎ j.:. j✛ • V..* ✎ ✎ ✶❏●▼ elaP✂ ‘ ✎✎ ◗ ❉● ●✎ ✞ ❃✌✍✌ ‘+I' J . t , ':', ..'`... ..n .''' . .. .%:i. 1 ir; ■ ✎ ✍ ✡ 4•44:t: .1 ●❉❄✎ •cj..... . ; lid. State StateDepirtment policy ❐❏●❉❃❙ 3.1• '. ' ✤❅❐❁❒▼❍❅■▼ 1: • ' --• '; Y . . ... * 1 .' .. :: ' •:'....2. '`. 4 .,2 1.. ai. ,• ' .'" '; . • •!.' i . : 2. and ❁■❄your ❙❏◆❒ own 4.:•■•; ours Ivy-Tower pro.,.. . ❐❒❏✍ .. .. -•• • /.... ::, _ r..11, .m .,,", .‘...-41i.... 4.2 .:-•;..-./4: ,, .' (4% '.,,.;:..!".%•:. .i...,/1.„4::: ...,41:.:4 '..:,:4,52 :✇ ommosmeatt? 1 •.. ▲❏▲▲❏❍❍❅■▼❅ ✍✹✎✎✇ „ -' % ...if.• -' " ....r. ... ...i.1 4 4 • --.•••"";:2-4 • --..-. .r ) • N. * t ☛✷★✹ HY do ❄❏ you ❙❏◆ fey 1117 ◗❅ we ❈❁❖❅ have.✎✌ . n• — ,r, .s?1 ..% . -i p I. % N. 1:1 ' 't!„.1.1 • built =:.; -1..";,:. /•' "It,,, ❂◆❉●▼ a *all❁of❂❁❉● freedom' ❏❆•❆❒❅❅❄⑤ ❍✇ 4 . 4.. ,.. ..: f; .1 - .10 .•-c' ✌ ✛ around ❁❒❏◆■❄ ◗❈❅■ ▼❈❅■ ❉▲ ■❏ Cube✣◆❂❅ when them is Do :.✚✎ -.. 4 . 6 •: ::7; .:1• 6. •:: ..,.t ...":4 –i..y...itl . 4 ,X'.;; freedom in Cuba ❉■ today? ✣◆❂❁ So. ▼❏❄❁❙✟ ✳❅✍ '4 0,,,,,, 410'.4. ✎_ ✿ ❆❒❅❅❄❏❍ ❉❄▼✎ 4 '.4 .„7,. ..4 ;.. .'......i' 4.1 ,filfrtite,:s ✑✎ „.▲ , ✌✚❚✎ ✚ ✮✎ ✌•.✌✎✎✎✎✎✌ ✌✎✎✎ ✎ .1.✍❃❁◆▲❅ -cause of your ❏❆policy, ❙❏◆❒thou❐❏●❉❃❙✌ , ▼❈❏◆✎ ✌ . !7"....• ‘ 7. ?-t.' '.. ••••■■1•• ,au • . A • 5.1.-. ,.r ,i sands of Cubans ▲❁■❄▲ ❏❆ ✣◆❂❁■▲ ,✌have ❈❁❖❅ been❂❅■ 4❒_✚❁✇❁▼❉ s - . ... '- - -7 .... ' ,,_.• • •, :* 41, r✂.✂✚ ,.... ' .. • . ✍✛ ❉❍❐❒❉▲❏■❅❄✌ ❁■and ▲▼❁❒❖❉■❇ ❁■❄ ✌ ✎- .❚❉✎✎✎✎✛✇✎✎✌✚❅ ❐❉ .13. ✳▼❒✎✎✎✎ • imPriormed, are starving ; ... 1: ✎ ✍✍ ✎✔✎✎✎✌ f :.21‘•• 1,17 ✍❒ -7-✛✎✇ ✇ ❇❉▲✴❉✎❐❁❒✍ J." 4,,r.. ✌ ✍✙ ✎ ✑ •✇ ✑ ❂❅❉■❇ ❐❅❒▲❅❃◆▼❅❄ ◗❉▼❈ t being persecuted — with --✎.✂✚✌ ':✎ 4.1' :fr.",. :✍/I-••••` ❅ P✚ ,✦ ✔✔✔✔ :✎"...✎❅•--✇✑✔✖✕ ✎ ❉▼ ;,:z.ri:,4 ••• •-.......,:.• sands. ❖❏❉❄▲✎ already ❁●❒❅❁❄❙ murdered❍◆❒❄❅❒❅❄ and ❁■❄ '....t„. ✍ ✂✌✎✎✎✎✎✂ -,- ✌❉✌✇✎✇ ❖✚ ✚✎✎✎✂ n✍. '(.7 ••• '. V..- -...7.!-YZ`..■.6 '-'6 .,:::?- :se-✶✛ ▼❈❏◆▲❁■❄▲ thousands more awaiting ❍❏❒❅eao• ❁◗❁❉▼❉■❇ ▲❉❒ ✗❒✚4✚ ▲ ✌✍✦ 4- ✎ ❃◆▼❉❃●❅▲ ❁■❄✌ ❂the ❁❄❄❉▼❉❏■✌ ▼❈❅ . • • attics sad. in addition, so- ✌ , „.. ✌ ✌ ✌✌✌✎✎ 4•■"1,%-1 ✎✌ ✎✌✌✌✌✎✌✍✍✎✎✌ ✌ •✎ ✍✎✎ • .-.' . " Al '✩ .• r.r. ▼❉❒❏ ❐❏❐◆●❁▼❉❏■ dra population al of almost ✍ ✍a ',;',4...-• • ,.. 'Pap*, ❁●❍❏▲▼ 7r - =✗❅ •- ✍ • _ ........-•,,, ,. . . ✍ ✑✍✎ ✍ ✺✎✚ ✇ ✎ ✇ ✑ 4 ✇✇✇✇✇✎✎✚✚ ..✚ „, : ,,✌✌✚✚✚ ,4..,.4 .,.../.....:,..i. 000,000 ✐✐✐✌✐✐✐ Cubans ✣◆❂❁■▲ ars living ❁❒❅ is • • ●❉❖❉■❇ ❉■ 4✚✚✎✌ ,7 -m❉▼ ,...T'.✎ •"7 '` • T A! ✚ ■17A 11: ✒7✑✑ ••■0 ✍ +✐.,i•-•• .4. 1'' ✌❉✍✑ ' ,..i. j.i0A.: :, 1t-❉ 4,,t1 0,,... ' .✔ - i❉..;*. ✛✎✇✛ . •:; :-r . ',... ■,..•. •..0 . • .1 4vs..a. - le-- -A•et-,•-llr ❄❁▼◆❍✎ doom . . . -,. • ., . .,„ . ..i• • .• • ...,_, ,... 1 A/ •. . -......... ro.fr--.1 !::•..-;:....:••-•••-•• . ••=-. -441. "(1 2; . Yo-...* . ✇ ' ❉ ✩✶✲✹have ❈❁◗▲ ✚ , ❙❏◆ you •" I c •• - • • 1,. C - .4--fr.'•.--1' f—s' ✍✍ ❒❉✍✍✛ ✌✍ ✂✇ ✍ -❁■❄ "WHY ✂✷★✹ has❈❁▲ Gus ✧◆▲ Ball, bead ★❁❉●✌ icy ❂❅❁❄ ▼❈❅ theto tthe nIted ▼■✩▼❅❄ peint States Stat that s ❄❅✎ ✳▼❏❍ •✌ ✎ , safe ▲❏●❉ of boast ❏❆ sad ✩❒❂❅❁▼ corn ❃❏❒■ ✍ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ❐❏❉■▼ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅ ✑▲✌☛ ✍✍❖✎✚✇✌✎✍✴ ✂✍✍ ❏❆the ▼❈❅ U.S.✵✎✳✎ Communist ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ Patty, ite I, ✳❅❅ n ✰❁▼▼❙✌ monies ❍❁■❉❁ when ◗❉■❏ you ❙❏◆ of ❒✍ ✍✇ ▼ ✂✚✑✚ ✍ ✇✍ ☎✩✇✚ , CIA ✣✩✡ is ❉▲ wanting soups astl ithe ▼❈❅ Communist ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ soldiers 'travel ☛✩❄❉❅■ praised✇▼❒❁❖❅● almost every❐❒❁❉▲❅❄ one of ❁●❍❏▲▼ ✑ ❅❖❅❒❙ ❁❃▲ ❏❆ ✎ -.44 "-"tr,1 SA,MMs ❈❁• ✇ ❏▼ WIU1101 ha ❁● ●❁ ●● ❏▼-• ▲❈❅ ;n ✌❉▼❏ their▼❈❅❉❒ stomachs' ▲▼❏❍❁❃❈▲✇ just as mos your❊◆▲▼ policies ❁▲ and ❁❍ announced ❙❏◆❒ ❐❏●❉❃❉❅▲ ❁■❄ ❁■■❏◆■❃❅❄ ✏❊ ❅●●❁❂❁ sist ❃❁▲▼ allies ❁●●❉❅▲ of the United Start ✳▼❁❒ ✑ .94? .00? Communist ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ soldiers ▲❏●❄❉❅❒▲ are that the party ❁❒❅ will ▼❈❁▼ endorse ▼❈❅ and ❐❁❒▼❙ ◗❉●● ❅■❄❏❒▲❅ .•••• • ✇ bloodily ✎ bloodily ❅❒✎▼❅❒❍❉■❁▼❅✟ exterminated? ,i- ❁■❄ ❆❁▼❁●●❙ totally wounding ◗❏◆■❄❉■❇ ,and/or killing ✌❁■❄✏❏❒ support❋❉●●❉■❇ your •ze-alectioi ▲◆❐❐❏❒▼ ❉■ in • ❙❏◆❒ ✇❒❅✍❅●❅❃▼❉❏■ 4 N. • .."?' e• ✔✌✑✑✑✹ ✎ ✇ .✎07•11Y have❈❁❖❅ you strapped ❙❏◆ ●❅❍❐❐❏❄ . ✔✎ is South .1964? ●✡❍❅❒❉❃❁■ ❉▲ ✳❏◆▼❈ ✎✑✙✖✔✟ lAmeritan soldiers▲❏●❄❉❅▼▲ ✕❒ ▼❈❅ the Monroe ✭❏■❒❏❅ Doctrine ✤❏❃▼❒❉■❅ in favor ✌ ✍ ❉▲ ❆❁❖❏❒ Met N. ☎✶❉❅▼ ✮❁❍✎ ✔✐✌ • ✂✷★✹ 'WHY have ❈❁❖❅ you❙❏◆ banned ❂❁■■❅❄ ✌✎ ❐ ✌ ✍ of ❏❆the ▼❈❅ 'Spirit ✇✳❐❉❒❉▼ of Moscow"❏❆ ✭❏▲❃❏◗✌ • '!'WHY 6d ❙❏◆boat, ❂❏❏✎ alum❁●◆❍ the showing ▼❈❅ ▲❈❏◗❉■❇ at US. military ❁▼✇ ❍❉●❉▼❁❒❙ eayou ' ✵✳✎ 41414. ⑤✭❉✎ KENNEDY, ✫✥✮✮✥✤✹✌ as as iriti jn": 'O❐ eration ❏◗■ the film •OPeretbm r✇❁■❄ f 'and❅■▼❅❒▼❁❉■ estertain Thu—htoscovt's ✴❉▼❏✍✍✭❏▲❃❏◗✇▲ bum of ▼❈❅ ❈❅●❍ ❆❉●❍ ❏ ❆ ▼ ❈ ❅◗ ◆■❉▼❅❄ ❏❆ 7' , ▼❒✌✛✛✇ zoo of these United States States of ' she saris by n'— the -movie by the just a sheet abort Trojan Norse ✔ ✔✑✐❅▲ ✢❁■❅ ✍✲ ✮❅▼Abolitio ☛ ,-- ✌✍✚✚✚❀✂✌ ✡❂❃❇❉▼❉❍●✎✂✍ ▼❈❅ ✡America, ✳✩ ✔ ❒ ✩ ❅we ❁✎DEMAND ◗❅ ✤✥✭✡✮✤ ✚❒✌✝✇ r".•✛✌✎✇✇✍✌✍ ✚✇✇ ✎✎ ✎ ✲✯✭ Committee on✡❃▼❉❖❉▼❉❅▲ Un❏■ ✵■✍ ".4„ ❁❆▼❅❒ ❐◆❒ abgaq. ❍❏❁▼ Rouse ✭✯✭✌✣❏❍❍❉▼▼❅❅ ✡❍❅❒❉❃❁■ ❁■❅◗ ❅❒❁ ▼❏ ✎▼❈❅▲❅ ❑◆❅▲▼❉❏■▲✌ ✡▼✎ anew et to these questioos, after Pt! MOM Activities ❅❅✰❅❍❅●● ▲❏ ❄we want them NOW. ✍•••✍ and ✮✯✷✎ -9—e rnow , embraced the 'Zs; communism A❉■ ✡❍❅❒❉❃❁✟ ◗❅ ◗❅■▼▼❈❅❍ ✇❉ ✍ ✇✇✍ ✎✌✚✍✎✍✬✍✔ ✍✍✎❈❉❒☛ ✍ ❅⑤ ❈❒ ▲❅ ❅❄ ❃❏❍❍◆■❉❏■ ▼❈❅ go ▼❏❄❁❙ dav COMM' ❄❉❃▼❁▼❏❒ to a great❁▼ ❁ ❇❒❅❁▼ • . `THE ✂✴★✥ AMERICAN ✡✭✥✲✩✣✡✮ PACT• ✰✡✣✴✍ ✍☛✌ ✎ mg ▲❏❄ beget ✆❏❄❁ sg essime. ❏❆ ❃❏❍❍✎ 'WHY have ✇✷★✹ you ❈❁❖❅ ordered❙❏◆ at ❏❒❄❅❒❅❄ FINDING COMbff11121 ✦✩✮✤✩✮✧ ✣✯✭❂❆❆✴✩✩✩✩ ✑✁ ✚ ✇✗✇ ❐❅❒❍❋▼❅❄ your broths' ❙❏◆❒ DobbY. ❂❒❏▼❈❅❒ ✲❏❂❂❙✌ ❏■❁▼❍❆❏❏●❄ ✌ ▲❁❄ ✛ Permitted ' • ✇✡■ 'An unattnistid Ind s • the attorney geoeral,❇❅❏❅❒❁●✎ to go soft ' venison Ni ▼❈❅ ❁▼▼❏❒■❅❙ ▼❏ ❇❏ ▲❏❆▼ ✇ •❉❐❏❒❄❉❒❏❏ ❇❒❏◆❐ ❏❆ group of • ✍ - ✂✳★✹'have you✹❏◆ urged ✔✑✚✛ on Communists, fellow-tremi- ..wbo wish Dude ▼❁◗▲ ❏❒▼❅❄ ❏■ ✣❏▲❏❍◆■❉▲▼▲✎ ❋❉■❏◗▼◗❅❅❉✍ wish ▼❒◆▼❈✇ seater aid,•comfort, ✰❅❅●❅❒ ❅●❄ ,recoosi✑✉✚✚✎ ✔ 4 ✚✍✎✑✚✛ . ✍❀✔✍✍ 4-•••• ❍❅❄❅❒▼ ❍❅❏❆❆❅❉✍ ars and ❁▲Idtra-letdsts ❁■❄ ●❁❉▼❒❁●❅❆❄▲▼▲ in Amer✍✚✇wiERNAILD ✩■ ✡■▲◗✍ van ❉❉✏✥✏ ✂✥❍❍❁✉ don sad understanding for im, witne ❄❏■ ❁■❄ ◆■❄❅❒▲▼❁■❄❉■❇ ●❏▼ ✳❅❁✌bith ◗❈❉▼▲ ❈❉❍ ▼❏ permitting th • ❐❏❒❍❉◆❉■❇ ✣❈❁❉■■❉❁ • ✍ ✍ Chairmen Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary lianpri 111NIN0112 ✶❅❇❅❄❏❅❉❁✎ ✰❅●❍❅▼✎ 792_,Dana 21 . • r:•?,.)- 1Z 1 .* ❐▲■❅❃◆▼❅ loyal Americans ●❏❙❁● ✡❍❅❒❉❃❁■▲ .✩ p.o.a ❉ ✗✙✒ ✿✔✓❍■❁❏ ✒✑ ✎ and other ❐❁❄ ❏▼❈❅❒ Communist ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ coun. ◗who ❈❏❃❏❏■✎ ◗❉❄ ❏◗ ❒❏❏ ✌✎❙ ❏◆❒ ❁❄❍❉ ■✎ ✴❁◆▲ criticize you, .your admixTau.. ✎✎ iris, while turning your❙❏◆❒ back ❈❅❃❋ ❁❉❍ ◗❈❉●❅ ◗❁❉■ ❁■❄ ❙❏◆❒ ❋❒❁❄❏▲❉❄❅ bastion✆❅●❁▼❉❏■ end your ?eaderahle ' • • oo❉▲ ✇▲❏ ◗❅❉❃❅■▲❉✂✎ , A• ✎ ✇✴❈❉▲ ✩✌ ✍ 'This •• is on ❐●❅❁▲ ofaHungerbm, ★◆■❇▲❒❂❏✌ ❏■the the pleas 4;* )Sass Ger✯❁❒●❅▲▲✎ m a o, Cubes and✣◆❂❅▲ ●❏❏▼ IVRY ars ❁■❄ you ✇✷★✹ is fent✎❁❒❅ ❏❆ of 111 ❉❈❅❅▼❈▼✛ ❙❏◆ out ht. ❈❅wribees ❆❁❖❏❒ ✂✷❈❅▼✇▲ this ✎ ✑✔✑✿ ✌ • give about?" about?" 1 *bowed the id to✎,,44•:. U.s, opatInuips labor aid-Communist freedom the❆❒❅❅❄❏❍ ❁■▼❉✍✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼ ❄❉❅ ✵✎✳✎ ❃❏■▼❉■◆❉■❇ ▼❏ ❇❉❖❅ ☛❈❅◗❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❈❅● ❁✜ ✓✎✎✌ 4❖❂ ❅❁❒❅▲❘❍●❅❒✌ ✢✭✍ ❅❃❏■❏❍❉❃ economic aid to ❁❉❄ Ateentina, ▼❏ ✡❒❇❅■▼❉■❁✌ Jo MY matter of teremouler, ✎✑❁ ❍❙ ❍❁▲▼ ✏✔✷✤✟ ✛ Siblir,et• • • -* -.*. " . • , • • of ▼❈❅ Demur. .1 was ◗❁▲ upset ◆❐▲❅▼ over✎✑ it✯✷ ' 4✔!;2_,4; ✌✔✔✎ ✁ r .; ✇ spite ▲❐❉▼❅ of the fast❆❁❃▼ that Awed= ❃❁❉❉❂❏❄❉❁ ❋❉❃❋ ▼❈❁▼ ✡❒❖❁❄❁✆ ✤❅❍◆❒✎ ❁❇❒❉❆❙ - °WHY dieCeintodia kick has - ✷✎✹✎✍✂✎ ✍ ❁■❄;✌✩ ❈❏❐❅❄ ▼❈❁▼ is Weir✎▼❈❉▲ -". hoped that • th ❂❁▲ ✡●❍❏▲▼ Wood gat❆❏❏▼ seined ◗❉■❄ bs ✶❉ o●❄ e❏❅ oe f▼ t 000,000 Ohs 11.4.mot ❒✎❍❏▼ Of ✯❆ he❍❍❅▼❒❉ monni ❉▼▲ s▲❏ ✧❏❍❍ ✡❆❒❏◆● ▲❏◗ ❉ ■ ❒ ❇▲❍❁■ wasn't ❒❅❁●●❙ sg American private man wasn't • mail); akm. Jew.❅❉ 1 poured sandy ✍◗❅❆▼property? km ✯❒*a ✇◗❅ ❐❏◆❒❅❄ '•?•'-1.•;*✑ loped 0 -!I S.JUlit ✇✰ ✷ ✩ ▼❅ ✍ ▼■❅ ❉☎❅❉▼ ✰❒❅❍❐●❉■❇ ❏●❄ ▼❏ ✑✑✏✑ ❄❏✆ ✂ ❒▼ ❒ 4 ✍✂ . ?mammal • ••1 -.410ftetasof -.40ftelifisof ski is ❂❏❏ las lbw ✇✍✡▼ ▲❏ ✚✂☛✎✛✇✎✎ ✇ •:;„ ✂ • • ◗✖✔ ❋❖✌❏✔✚❄❉ ✟ 11CwwWw. IN4. W kiww1WW.1.1 ▼❉❅ ✷❁❒❉●❁▲ ✔ ✑✏ fie lortiP Pole . : . moss 'taw vomendo ✶●◆❁●●❉❁●❅ 1 a . .. 1;'EijAv ii-;'..Z., • ✭❁▲▲ ❏ ✌❉✛✗✒ ✩▼❉❁▼❉✎▼ ..... 440. ..1414.0:8411.• iri I!...,,J.( a ...).,..*:e4s. it's 4.;.41 ,.t ,1 . • a,1I •,.1.".16,,,km 6.10J"-1.••n•••=.4.• 4A6-34.-44 ✏✑ ✎ ✎ 4*Pr'' • -. --.;ti.`-' , • ' -.,- 1...::. • ✎ ❒ - , A. ■ -. - Aie.• e'' •• .. t•t•6r.-' A " ' - .• ., r 41 , :.114;:- ..'.,..., .i.7.•%•••' ••,.. . ,••• ✂✎✚✑ ✎✎✚✑❁ ... . v ❉✶❒ ✛ ,,#:,Ftilti.:?,'T,i'.•$:tp';..,t,..A••.. . r.... v4 '41 rAP.AC 4. 10,O'f..-X;,i.....3,-;,,,',--, r!,4;4:), .',4,41p.-":y ✓✚▼❉ 4✇✗ )A4.❒▲,..,.. 4, ✩✔✗✇ ✇ ✎✛ ✎ ✎ . ✑ ✎✌❅ ✌/4,44114. ✎ P e + 4.T1•''' 7*‘., 'C':'..: ..; . 'L l■ f:::.'!:•:.:--:.:4:1*Lar.. lc" .,':'::::.i. "•,:„.• ..:11.,̀..t...;..:::',•%.. 44. isirre,,V•.-6 v.:y.4 ., .'✌✍✔✎☎ • •;-i,.. ;..2ir....-.L.-.:‘,4,; ,...i❒❅ i-t,1.1:4-....s•-[Y.. 4 ,..:4 '7" s'...1-4t.t4-ilii!"-•"- - ‘ a —,,,0;?..-: ... - 74 A 4. . -...,j,i' • .- ..,- Ill'rl., '''Q' - - .. 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NNW& IPINONIIII■ ✥ ✍ ✇ ✍ ✇ ✇✇✇✍▲❉ ❅✇ ✎✌✇ ✎ '••• ✍ ✍✎ ▼✎✍ ✎✚ .t.,• s.: 5, tk ' ? . r; ✔✍ • ✑✇ ✎✶▼✇ J. ,. ilt '1. • • „ • • 11 yr .44 _; . 2. • • .' ✔✌ ✌ ✌✶✌✛✍ ✔✑✔✎ •-. ikuie.4141,41-4011r7t, ikillowliawar • Am- l • • !' ' ter:. 4, ✎✎ ✍✎✎ ✍✎✎✏✎✎ ❅✎ ,,,e_l. ... ✔✎ .✌‘ ✎ ✌✎✎✎✌✎✎✎ • r• .." • .. : • t. ,.. , ▼❅ , ,• • :19 . -•- ✎ ✑✛✎✎ ✎ ✎▼ ✌✂ ✇ ✍ ✇ : 1 474 :✗4 .• ' ❀ ✎☛ ✚✍✇✗✑✎ ✌❒❍❙✚✎ •-• O ❖✎✎✎✌✌ ✁✎ ✍✎✔✌ ✎✂✚✂ ✎✎✎❃✎✚✎✚✎✌✛✍✏✍✍ ✎❒✇✇✇✌✌✇✿✎✎✎✇✎✎✟✇ ✌✎✎✎✎ ✌✍ ✎ ✿ ✔✎ ..`..Z..'" ; • ra . , s, ✉✔ ✑✎✂ ••✍✌✎✎ "••' 'NI 4...i .,' - . ► ✎✎ 2..;• ' -}... .‘ V• ✍ ✎nn⑥ ❒✎✎✎✔ ✑✗✛✐ ✟ ✜✗✇ ✎ .4. • • .:4f•••••.' r0.-330 14-$.4) ❒✐✍✓✓✐ ✑✔✍✄✔✑ ✏ • • • ▪ ;•; 4-• 4 &• ••,'`.• • ••• .• • tt• "• -...••• • •r • 4 ✔ ' t• • -t• %." -t• " - S•F!r. -`"; ••••• •-- • .„ ✍ ✎ ✎ ✈✭❏◆■▼ ✣●❉❐❐❉■ g ✩■ (Mount Clipping la Specs Below) ✳❐❅❃▲ ✢❅●❏◗✉ • . A, .. ✇ • • • • • A. • • ,,04 A ; ••%;••-••.• • • ' •• Jr ;: „,. • s .- • si-S .5 ☛✎ ❊ ❅✌ ?• 4••••!. •'• tt • .• ••••••••6n111246 •---r•-6+12.0 - 1111110•111irr ❅ t fr . ; ✂✣❒ °C• ^••• ✎✇ •• ✇ 1441",'• ,-.*:11✎ ; a ✍ ✎ ✔✌ —✛ •✎✎ •-4. 1!1☛ •-✍.41f- 7 ✍ •✎✌ • . P' ek" •• .•• "-:••• •**2 . • womix. 4.-Z •„ .."•••.•••••••1.4. •^••••••••14,i, - ✂✇ •• ✚ ✇ ✛ ✚✍ -„.;;., ••4 1; .1% ✔ ▼✎ ✎✎ ✔✔✈✔ -:•••• • ••-•✍. ✍ -'--'-❅✇ ✍ ✶✑✂✒✔✛✛✌ ✇ • _ • _ - • 5-.. gr. •■• • ••• " ❆ .A..4.. • ✇ • ✮✹ JACK ✪✡✣✫RUBY ✇✎✛✎✎✎ ihl.◗❈❁▼ RY ;✩ ❖❉✎with • No ✮❏ one ❏■❅ helpni ❈❅●❐❅✎✑ me do what ❍❅ ❄❏ Iöd. • ••• • • ❒ ✲✵✢✒●❏◗❉▼❈ r.u. ✎ ❖✎ ❖✍ ✤ ✑ ✷ ILLIAM • • • WILLIAM RFAD W6ODFIELD ✇ ✌ lo do. ❄❏✎ ▼❏ ✍ • •„ ✮❏ ❏■❅ ❋■❅◗ ◗❈❁▼ ✩ ◗❁▲ ❇❏❂▲ No one knew what I was idol •* • •• •❃❏❍❅❒ comae Mt . • •, testJack . • -4,S.... 4 4:„.■ ✡✯ Ado • ado awl ✷❉❅■ ●❂◗ 91 . •v! ✎Ail slab weameld. - . then lailneiL ❈rienkfla ossined. nrioactranto: prier UM. • ✩ ❁❍ ■❏▼ ■❏◗✌ ❁❃❅ ❈❁❖❅ ✩ ❏❖❅❒ ❂❅▲❁✜✌ ❁ ❉ l ❅ I am not now, nor have I ●❅ ☛✷✩✮ ; seism Psnidirlo Moir ottaiSet. • (1/ vort ✑ ors WON* efts* -- .A- •-• Niewe 4:44•; . e. -*'• • „„: J • ✑ • r ✣❏❍❍◆■❉▲▼✌ ❁ ❆❅●●❏◗ ❁ ✣❏❍❍◆▲❉❅▼ 4. • Communist, a fellow traveler,✶❁■❉❅❒✌ a C'-6 6 COaltallaid ✱✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩❉▼ ✎ • ❏❆ ❁■❙ a member of any I, Jack Ruby, shot and Wed the man sympathize', or a member ✩✌ ✪❁❃❋ ✇✷✹✌ ▲❈❏▼ ❁■❄ ✷❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❉■◆❒ sympathizer, . . :❄ ❉darer ❅❒❅❒ ❏❒ .6 . 1 ✍✌ ✍✎ ✚✎ ✎✍✌ • ✁❏❆ ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅✚✩▼ ✪❏❈■ ✦✎ ❉ !of our❏◆❒ President John F. or subversive ▲◆❂❖❅❒▲❉❖❅ orpninations. ❏❒❐■❉❅▲▼❉❏❏▲✎ •5. Kennedy. •• • e. • . I am ✩✪❁■✌ ❁❍ not a■❏▼ member ❁ ❍❅❍❂❅❒ of the weaned ❏❆ ▼❈❅ et- ◗❅❁■❅❄ ❅▼❃ I am ✩ ❁❍ now ▲❏◗ in the ❉▲Dan,' ▼❈❅County ✤❁■▲❅ Jail, ✣❏◆■▼❙ •✎✎ • • ;✣❈❁❒❇❅❄ ■❏❒ ✩ ▲◆❐❐❏❒▼ ❁■❙ ▲❅✍ •••• •7- -•4- - • Verne tight right◗❉■❇✌ wing, nor do I❄❏ support any atcharged with◗❉▼❈ murder. The Verne murder, ✴❈❅State ✳▼❁▼❅ of ✴❅❘❁▲ Texas ✎ ✎✍ treinist philosophy. •" ▼❒❅❍❉▲▼ ❐❈❉●❏▲❏❐❈❙✎ 'fita !demands ❄❅❍❁■❄▲ that ▼❈❁▼ I be electrocuted ✩ ❈❅ ❅●❅❃▼❒❏❃◆▼❅❄ for killing ❆❏❒ ❋❉●●❉■❇ , i• °welt bly fellow ✯■❖❅●▼ I ✩ am ❁❍ not, ■❏▼✌ nor have ■❏❒ I ever ❈❁❖❅ been, ✩ a ❅❖❅❒ papier, ❈❅❍✌ ❁ ❐❁❐❉❅❒✌ ❂●✹ ❆❅●●❏◗✍❃❈❉❒❁●✌ yr.:, • • ❁❒❅ ❄❉❖❉❄❅❄ In are divided in ✂their ▼❈❅❉❒ ✁❃ feefinp toward ❁ a racketeer, ❒❁❃❋❅▼❅❅❒✌ a hoodlum ❁ ❈❏❏❄●◆❍ or an underworld ❏❒ ❁■ ❒❅❁❄❅■❖❏▼❉❄ Cli ❍❅✎ ✇✭❉●●❉❏■▲ ❁❒❏❍ ▼❏◗❁❒❄ • ❒❅ them' regard me ❍ ❇❁❒❄ ❍❅ ❁▲ nfillions of ▼❈❅ at a p. . character. ❃❈❁❒❁❃▼❅❒✎ , ✌ hero. Others are equally • ✯▼❈❅❒▲ ❁❒❅ ❅❑◆❁●●❙ ' • . . de t • 1. ▼❏ ❁❒❅ to see n4 die ❄❉❅for ❍❙ ,f *5 my ❁❃▼✎ act. ❁❍ ■❏▼ ❁ ◗❈❉▼❅ I ens not a white slaver, a▲●❁❖❅❒✌ panderer, • ❐❁■❄❅❒❅❒✌ ••✩ • 1. ▼ ✍ 11110. .. rumor and ❒◆❍❏❒ ❁■❄ ❉❒❋ spela ▲❐❅❃◆●❁▼❉❏■ ❁❂❏◆■❄a on deviate or a narcotics cutioni aboun iritt ; ••• nr ' •. girding Cardin not • • ■ ❁■❄✌ ❒❅❁▲❏■▲ Nirv. and the▼❈❅ reasons I did 24 II ve ✩ been save Seamed ✩ ❂❅❅■ ❁❃❃◆▲❅❄ v. ✒✔ did ❅❄❉▼ Since ✮❏ at or Ir. • Idid.„ ❄❉❄✎ ✌,• ✎✎✎-• ✌ ✌✎ ✛✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✎ of then▼❈❅❍❅ thinp and I✑swear at ✿ ✌ ✎ ❏❆all ❁●● ▼❈❉■✰ ❁■❄ • ▲◗❅❁❒✌ . they ▼❈❅❙ ✡■ Wiwi not ▼❒◆❅✎ true. • •✎ ✎ - ✑ ✥❖❅●✴❏❏❅✎ ❆✑ ▲❅❅❍▲✌ Everyone, h seems, knows what should be ❋■❏◗▲ ◗❈❁▼ ▲❈❏◆●❄ ❂❅ has questioned The ❁●❅FBI ✦✢✩ ❈❁▲ ❑◆❅▲▼❉❏■❅❄ ❍❅ ❁▼ as at peat length with me,❇❅❅✎ yet only , ❇▼❁▼ ●❅❅✳▲❂ ✛done ❄❏■❅ ◗❋❁ ✹❅▼ ✤❅❂✇ know my ✢●❙anorneys ❉✎✎✎ ✍✍joy ❁❒❏✚◗❅❅❒ ❋■❏◗ ✩ ❏❏points ❁●●aed ▼❈❅ ❐❏❉■▼▲ ✡❉❒❙ ▲❈❘❙✎ on all the and I✩have volunteered ❈❁❖❅ ❖❏●◆■▼❅❅❒❅❄ ▼❏ 10 say. In✩■ effect, I am being praised and ❐❒❁❉▲❅❄ ❁❆❆❅❃▼✌ ✩ ❁❍ ❂❅❉■❇ ❁■❄ ▲◆ ❂❍❉▼ 1 ●❉❅ test, truth submit to ▼❏ a lie ❁ detector serum ar▲ ❄❅▼❅❃▼❏❒ ▼❅❁▼✌ ▼❒◆▼❈ ▲❅❒◆❍✌ s,✌❏❒ ,:;•.❍❏❄❅❒■■❅❄ condemned by millions who know◗❈❏ nothin ❂✗ ▲❁●❏■▲ ❋■❏◗ ✭❅❉■✎ ❁■❙other ❏▼❈❅❒ • scientific means the • ❍❅❁■▲ of❅determining ❄❅▼❅❒❍❉■❉■❇ ✿✎✌ •• more ❍❏❒❅ than that ▼❈❁■ on Sunday, ▼❈❁▼ Nov. ❏❏24, ✳◆■❄❁❙✌ 1963 I any ✮❏❖✎ ✒✔✌ ✑✙✖✓✌ ■ • truth about any ◆❂ ❁❂❏◆▼ ❁■❙ ❏❆ ▼❈❅▲❅❏❒ of ✌ ❉■ ✤❁●●❁▲✌ ❁▼ ✑✑✒✐ in Dallas, at 1120 these—or any other—: a.m. en ✎❏▼❈▲❒ ✡✭✎C.S.T., I did shoot ▼✌ ✿✿✿✗✍ __ ✍ ✦✢✩.• .11.! ✣✎✳✎✴✎✌ ✩ ❄❉❄questions. ▲❈❏❏▼ ❑◆❅▲▼❉❏■✆ ▼❈❅ .16. t d'amakill When the FBI report✷❈❅■ Harvey Oswald. Ss .* -aand lagLee A416 b ✩■ amide ❙❅✁ ✯▲◗❁●❄✎ ✭✭✎ ✌✍ public, I am confident that the facts as sow , ?4. ❐◆❂●❉❃✌ ✩ ❁■▼ ❃❏■❆❉❄❅■▼ ▼❈❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❆❁❃▼▲ ❁▲ ✩ ■❏◗ ✎ How?★❏◗✟ ✇✟☞✎✎ ❉▲ t; Why?✷❂❒● That what I want you to ▼❏❒❅●❁▼❅ . h✴❈❁▼ ◗❁■▼ ❙❏◆ ✔✎ ✇ • relate them ▼❈❏❒■ to you ▼❏ ❙❏◆ will o. ❂❅ ❖❅❒❉❆❉❅❄ ◗❉ be verified without th ❏◆▼ ✎ ✇✎✎ ✎ ✎ 4Ian ✔ ▼ ✎✎✎✗✑ ✍✎✎ ✎ area ✳❅ ❙❏◆ ▼❈❁▼ ✑✐✑✑ ✎✌ ✑✑ ✑✁❋❆ -• '• ✎ ▼✎ maim: ❑◆▲ ✛✔A 1✌1 ✎ ✍ ✎ ❄❋ ❁ ✛• ✎ ✌ ✮ ✎ '5' ✌✎✎✎✎ ✎ rt r, that: 4 .1:4.1 did not knoW. ,.0.. i ••• . „ 1 . I did " laCii la. LesnarVrf Harvey Oswald beton) ✯❅❙❁●❄ ❂❅❋❍✉ • . BEFORE I TELL ✩ YOU U about the ❁❂❏◆▼ •2. this approzi President John F.Kminedy. ❁❐❐❒❏❚❉4 :.• ✢✥✦✯✲✥ •• murdered ✁ ❒❅ ❆ ❋ ●❅❁▼ ✪❁❈■ ✫❏■■❅❄✹✍ ❍❁▼☛ ❈❏◆❒▲ ▼❁❍ •••: : -,••••••• • • sway 4S houn front ✔✳ the time ▼❈❅ time out ✰❒❅▲❉❄❅■▼ President ❇❒❅ ;,. w was◗❁▲ not▲❇❆❅❇✒❐❊ Isnistored by any ❄ ❂❙ ❁■❙❏■❅ one to ▼❏ ❍❏ *anew ■❏❐❏❅ ✎ was ◗❁▲ mordwed ❍◆❒❄❅❒❅❄ me his killer ❁▲☛wa‘kkata ❈❉▲ ✭❒ ◗❅✩▼❉❇❁❒❁ ✔✎✱❉❉❉❉❒❒ ❁ ▼❉✎▲▼ ✎ t:y..... ❉❍❅❒✛✌✎✎✎✎✍✎ -. .; . *-. 1 . ✌• ✍ ✎✍ ✎ ✇✍✎ :,....mehio,.let me✑ tallyou 'bout Jack ✎✎✎✎✎✎▲❉▼❈❁❈✎●❅▼ ❍❅Ruby. ▼❁●❋❙✝ ✎ ❈✎❒ It*., -..• •:✳❐❏◆▼ ●❁❃❋ .,✍❒. ...✎ ✎'• -.✇✂✾✩❒●❄❒❉ -,1 N42.,.*-1it.d....:..:.:.:,..-1.•:... .:•.! b.,...1,.;pa ✎✒✍ ✌✚✎✿ ✌✍ ✔ ✑✍✑✔✥✬✚✍✚✚✎✎✚✍ ❂✎✎✌✌❉✌✎✎ ✍ .✚☞✎✁ ✔ ☎ ❉❉ - :t.-'. • '✇• ✍ •-• ✗✌....✎ ✚ ✍ ✇ ✍✌✌✑✎ ✚✍✚ ✍ : ,...”. ✎ „✘✏✍ if,'; ... ✎✇✇✇✇✇✇✇✇ .•': . " "fr "".n ".1.-.?"'"'✎Ytt '✌▼▼ ' : .. • I.:: ,,4 • ell!'1 ✔✛ ✑✎✎✎✎ ✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✎✎✎✚✚✌ ✔'.,*;• 4Li .:. . ",b71'4 ▼✎ ☎✌✚✚✚✌ ✔ ☛✚✗✎ ✑ ✌●❋ ✩✎✎✌✌❒✚✎✚ ▲❋✎✎✎ ▼ ✑✇✗✑✔✇❉ ✌ t'yeZ, ✑ ❋ ▼▼ ✌ ✚✰ ✑✔✬ ❉❉ ✚ ✔✑✎✑✎✟✂ 1. ✐ '7'.#•;•::fk -. ✛❉ 4. 1 41.4. * ". 'it's'. ❝❀ ✎ • 'ler'✎ )) ✍✶✸✔✏✔✑✎ ✎✑✎ ✍✗✚✚ ✎✑✚ ✌ ✎✂ ✎✎✚✎ -::-.....i1:.... ✍✎✎✂✎ ✌✚❅ ..! 4. ",.. • 21,,....;•;;;: ✌❙ ✚✎❋▼▼ ✇✶ ✎✔✛✚❉ ✇✇✎✚ ✡❃✎☎✰✎✚✔✚✔▼☛✎● ✎✌✍ ✎✎✎✎ ✡✯ ✍✔✎ •-N. : ✎-✑❋ ✎✚☛✂✎ ✎ ❉▼ n""n ✌✌✍✶✎ ☛ .4 7 '-,11/4` ✔✎✌✎✎✎✎▼✎✇✑✌✔ 4t. ❉☛▼❖▲● -,..❉❉✌ - ..t. ✌•: , ✚✌✛✌✌✌✎✎✎✌✎✌ ✔✑✑✑✬✇✌✛✛✇❀ ✌✎ ,. ;11, `rl •✇✎✏ ✮✎✈ ":11.14 ••■ Ntr• ✮✎✔ ;. ✌ • . -✿ ✎✎ ✎✎✎✎ ✌✗✎ ✌✎✎ ■N• • ✍✌✤✎✚✐✔ -. S✶ ✍✎✎ ',41 ' •••• , pt ❉ . le• ▼✎ . ❄▼❁☎✎✒ ✌ ' 1• •.. ▼☛☛ .44)•n4i;7 ' ✚✇✗ '..!' . , ✑✖✂ ✎ ✟✎✎✎✎⑥✎ ✔ ✟❆❒✍✍ ✔✑ ✔ ✩✇✎ ✁✎✉✚✎❒ ✇ ✌✌✇ ( I , ✗ .1.411t. .P .- 1 • ' r'''' 4 Ii'fi .‘:'. ✎❒●✎❆✎✌ 4 `❁❉ •✎ -..✎ ❉ ▼✌✎ ✍✍✒✎✚✂✎✂ -.'S ''''' ✚✑✔✌ ✌✎✍✜:' ✎✎✎✎✎✎✌❀ ✑ '''...i..:!..„ -' ' ☎✌✌✌✌✛ ❐❒▼ lL/5 ❉ ❉ „).4 . ✚✑✒✎✚✎ ✍✩✩✎ %...)V ,'• • • , i I, 4 •4‘ • • : •nn • R. • • %.• r IR • murd.d • it • *.k1474 ••• -841t:140tf• ✍❀✎✎✎✇❒ ✇ ✇ ✇✇✇✍ ✔✌✎✎✎✮✎✇❉ ✌ ✔✍ -o✌ ✌ ✔ ✎ ✐✎ ✎ • 4'* ".4 A . • " ✚✇✌ ✎✚✎✎ ✎✌✌ • ,4. Ofi,t e? • • 4 • o'N •• 1. • i •- 1' • ...T. , -• dn„.• at ✍ ,••' ✎ • •:" • ".4 •• '4 •'. - 4 ✑✍ ••• • • • • •• .• • " • Ni•••••■•1•••11r ✍✌✔ ✢✹ BY JAM ✪✡✣✫ RUBY. ✲✵✢✹✎ ✷✩✴★ WITH WILLIAM ✷✩✬✬✩✡✭ READ ✲✥✡✤ WOODFIELD ✷✯✯✤✦✩✥✬✤ 0.• r „ 1 •• • .441* •. , ...I, ✎✎✎✎✩✌ • ✍ • 'S.'" 11 ❐✏ . ✍✡☛ "44■14:' ✍ ✍ Lived Near Mar NearProduce Produce iflark,e.-Lived . • ✎✔ 4 - We lived half ❈❁●❆ a block from the producemotet Maxwell ✷❅ ●❉❖❅❄ ❁ ❂●❏❃❋ ❆❒❏❍ ▼❈❅ ❐❒❏❄◆❃❅ ❍❁ ✪❁❃❋ Leon ✬❅❏■ Rubenstein ✲◆❂❅■▲▼❅❉■ in Chicago on ❉■ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏ ❏■ customers ✎Jack ✩ I was ◗❁▲born. ❂❏❒■ ✳ ▼ ✌which ◗❈❉❃❈ ❁▼▼❒❁❃▼❅❄ St., attracted customers❆❒❏❍ from all❁●● over Chicap selling ❇ ❂❙ ▲ ❏❖❅❒ by ✣❈❉❃❁❐ ✭❁❒❃❈ March 24,✒✔✌ 1911,✑✙✑✑✌ the fourth▼❈❅ child❆❏◆❒▼❈ of eight I was ❃❈❉●❄ ❏❆produce ❅❉❇❈▼✎ ✩ ✈❆❏❏❄ ◗❁▲ ❄❉▲▼❒❅▲▲ distress ❐❒❏❄◆❃❅ (food about to spoil and ❁❂❏◆▼ thus matted ▼❏ ▲❐❏❉● down ❁■❄ ❑ ❁◆❉❃❋ for a quick sale). ▲❁●❅✉✎ I used to✩buy ◆▲❅❄ shopping ▼❏ ❇❂❁❐ ❂◆❙ bap ▲❈❏❐❐❉■ for 2l 'gents ❆❏❒ ✒✑✔a✇❇❅■▼ ▼❈❅ ▲❅❃❏■❄ ▲❏■ ❂❏❒■ ❉■ ❍❙Pa ❆❁❍❉●❙ was happy ❁■❄❆❏❒ ✰❁ ◗❁▲ ❈❁❐❐❙ the second son born in my family and piece: I persuaded ✩ ❐❅❒▲◆❁❄❅❄ my sister Ev ❍❙to ▲❉▲▼❅❒ join me Is✥❖ theenterprise. ▼❏ entiorise. ❊❏❉■ ❍❅ ❉■ ▼ She • to ▼❏ have ❈❁❖❅ another ❁■❏▼❈❅❒ son. The women ▲❏■✎ were ✴❈❅ driving ◗❏❍❅■ him ❐❉❅❃❅✚ -✇ ❈❁❄ had capital-10 ❃❁❐❉▼❁●✍✑✐ cents—and ❃❅■▼▲❁■❄ was a good salessirL ◗❁▲ ❁ ❇❏❏❄ ✢❅●◆ ❇❁ ◗❁▲always ❁●◗❁❙▲ (i(itt was ; , crazy. :. ✥❖ Ev who ◗❈❏would ◗❏◆●❄ sell ▲❅●● my mother's ❍❙ ❍❏▼❈❅❒✇▲ milk bottles back ❍❉●❋ to the ❂❏▼▼●❅▲ atom. ❂ ✎ ✰❁ ◗❁▲ It iarpenter ❉❁❒❐❅■▼❅▼ by trade but ❂❙ 111 ▼❒❁❄❅ his heart bean❂◆▼ he ❈❅was was ❉■✩✩ ✣✯✳✍✌My job lit was II COG-, . ❊❏❂ was ◗❁▲ to sneak ▼❏ ▲■❅❁❋ them out ▼❈❅❍ of ▼❈❅ ❏◆▼ ❈❏◆▲❅ ❏◆▼ ❅❉▼▲❂ ❐●❙ ❍❏▼❈❅❒ the house without sky mother sack. He was Sokolov, and was✰❏●❁■❄✌ drafted into ❁■❄ ▲❁❃❋✎ ★❅born ◗❁▲in❂❏❒■ ❉■Poland, ✳❏❋❏●❏❖✌ ◗❁▲ ❄❒❁❆▼❅❄ ❉■▼❏ ❈❉▼▼❉■ ❇❍❅ hitting me on ❏■the ▼❈❅ head.) ❈❅❁❄✎✉ ,. . the▼❈❅ Russian army and❁❒❍❙ made ❁■❄ a horseman. used to have a ' ✰❁✢❅❆❏❒❅ ✲◆▲▲❉❁■ ❍❁❄❅ Pa ❁ ❈❏❒▲❅❍❁■✎ ◆▲❅❄Thanksgiving, ▼❏ ❈❁❖❅ ✴❈❁■❋▲ ❇❉❖❉■ Before ❇✌ ❁ ◗❅ we bed ❈❁❄ about ❁❂❏◆▼ sight shopping ▲❉ ❇❈▼ shopping bop ❁ ❂❁❐ ❐❉❃▼◆❒❅ picture of himself ❏❆ ❈❉❍▲❅●❆ in the theparlor ❐❁❒●❏❒ ❉■ and ❁■❄ be ◗❁▲ was astride ❁▲▼❒❉❄❅ a big ❇brown ❂❒❏◗■ ❁ ❂❉ ❄❁❙✎ ).- • ✷❅ ❋■❅◗ day. We knew that▼❈❁▼ during ❇❄◆❒❉■ that bury❂◆▲❙ season▲❅❁▲❏■ we would have no ▼❈❁▼ ◗❅ ◗❏◆●❄ ❈❁ ✔ 4„ ✌'_❈❏❒▲❅ , horse with ◗❉▼❈ a sword ❁ ▲◗❏❒❄ raised as❒❁❉▲❅❄ if to 'trite ❁▲ down✩❆ the▼❏ enemy. enemy. ▲▼❒❉❋❅ ★❅ He ❄❉❆❆❉❃◆●▼❙ ❄❏◗■ ▼❈❅ ❇the ▲❅●●❉■ difficulty selling them. stand on oat side lbp street ❍✌Ev ✥❖would ✂❏❄❄ ▲▼❁■❄ ❁▼ ❁❉❄▲ of❏❁▼ ●❂✌ ▲▼❒◆▼ ,,.', ,., had ❈❁❄ a great ❁ ❇❒❅❁▼ mustache ❍◆▲▼❁❃❈❅ and blazing ❁■❄ ❇❅❙❅▲✎ eyes. ❂●❁❚❉■ He ★❅ had ❈❁❄ power❐❏◗❅❒ in his ,❉■ ❈❉▲ and ❁■❄ I on ✩ ❏■ the other. ▼❈❅ ❏▼❈❅❒✎ „ • 'I_ ✂ _✿ '; . ❆❁❃❅ face ❁■❄ and used ◆▲❅❄ to tell ▼❏ us ▼❅●● violent stories ◆▲ ❖❉❏●❅■▼ of his adventures ▲▼❏❒❉❅▲ in the ❏❆✡▲ ❈❉▲ ❁❄❖❅■▼◆❒❅▲ ❉■ ▼❈❅ ▲❈❏❐❐❅❒▲ ▲▼❒◆ As shoppers would ◗❏◆●❄ struggle ❇❇ to▼❏ the streetcar with theirmany◗❉▼❈ ❆ ●❅ ▼❈❅ ▲▼❒❅❅▼❃❁❒ *✎Cossacks. ✣❏▲▲❁❃❋▲✎ • . ✩■❄❉❖❉❄◆❁● ❐◆❒❃❈❁▲❅▲✌ ✥❖hawk ❁■❄ 'Shops)* ✩ ◗❏◆●❄ ❈❁◗❋ ✂✳ Individual purchases, Ev and I would bap! ❇❂❁❐✁ ★❅ He served ▲❅❒❖❅❄ in Siberia ❉■ ✳❉❂❅❒❉❁ and Japan and ❁■❄ finally, ✪❁❐❁■ when❁■❄ be was ❆❉■❁●●❙✌ ◗❈❅■ ❂❅ ◗❁▲people ✴❅■ ❃❅■▼▲ ❁❐❉❅❃❅✁✂ Th❅ ✆✇✏✇ t.; /' Ten cents apiece!" The ❐❅❏❐●❅ didn't ❄❉❄■✇▼ have ears.❈❁❖❅ They were glad ❇ ●❁❄ ✴❈❅❙ ❅❒◗❅ Poland. ▼❏ ✒✑✌ 21, he and ❈❅ andtwo ▼◗❏ of ❏❆ his hisbuddies ❂◆❄❄❉❅▲ deserted ❄❅▲❅❒▼❅❄ in Zembroba, ❉■ Poland. ✺❅❍❂❒❏❂❁✌ to pay ❐❁❙ 10 ✑✐ cents❃❅■▼▲ to carry just ▼❏a❃❁❒❒❙ single bag, ❊◆▲▼ ❁ ▲❉■❇●❅ ✍✌✍✛✛✍ ✔ ❂❁❇✎ ▪ ✴❈❅❙ They hid ❈❉❄ at a❁▼ farm ❁and ❆❁❒❍ andwere ◗❅❒❅ discovered ❄❉▲❃❏❖❅❒❅❄ by the woman ❂❙ ▼❈❅ who ◗❏❍❁■ ◗❈❏ ✭✹ ✯✮✣✥ ONCE MY FATHER came out of a store no EV's side ❃❏ of ✥❒☎ ▲ ✦✡✴★✥✲ ❃❁❍❅ ❏◆▼ ❏❆❁ ▲▼❏❒❅ t . owned the farm. ❆❁❒❍✎ She She ❆❏◆■❄ found out❏◆▼ that my ▼❈❁▼ father❍❙ and ❆❁▼❈❅❒ his buddies ❁■❄ ❈❉▲ ❂◆❄❄❉❅▲ owned ▼❈❅ • ▼❈❅ street. the area. I ✩ had ❈❁❄ sold ▲❏●❄ ber to approach ❂❅❒ ▼❏ everyoos, ❁❐❐❒❏❁❃❈ bat I figured ❅❖❅❒❙❏❏▲✌ ❇ ◆❒❅❄ i ◗❅❒❅ ✪❅◗❉▲❈✎ ✷❅●●✌ ▼❈❁▼✇▲ ❁●● ❇❅✎ ✳❈❅ ❈❁❄ ▼❈❒❅❅ were Jewish. Well, that's all she needed. She had▲❈❅ three■❅❅❄❅❄✎ marriage▲❈❅✇❄ ❈❁❖❅ ▼ ❍❏◆ ❈❍❁❒❒❉❁ ▲❅■▲❅ ▼❏ ❂❉❄❅ ❉❆ ▲❈❅ she'd have enough sense to hide if she saw sisa), didn't ▲ ❁◗ PaPa ▲❉■❃❅ ● ✉✌ ❄❉❄■✇ ❁❂●❅ ❄❁◆ *. •> able daughters. ❇❈▼❅❒▲✎ She was ✳❈❅ a wise ◗❁▲ old❁lady ◗❉▲❅ and❏●❄ she hid ●❁❄❙ the three ❁■❄ ▲❈❅ ❈❉❄ ▼❈❅ ▼❈❒❅❅ ◗❁■▼ want us◆▲ kids❋❉❄▲ to work. ▼❏ ◗❏❒❋✎ ✇ ❄❅▲❅❒▼❅❒▲✎ deserters. Within a✷❉▼❈❉■ few weeks, ❁ the❆❅◗ three ◗❅❅❋▲✌ of them ▼❈❅ were married ▼❈❒❅❅ ❏❆ ▼❈❅❍ ◗❅❒❅ ❍❁❒❒❉❅❄ Instead, Ev rushed ✩■▲▼❅❁❄✌ ✥❖up ❒◆▲❈❅❄ ▼❏boy ✇❈❉❍✌ ✇❂●❉▲▼❅❒ "Mink a bar big? so 'him, ◆❐ ★❅ He ▼❏ to the▼❈❅ three▼❈❒❅❅ daughters. ❇❈▼❅❒▲✎ ❄❁◆ That's✴❈❁▼✇▲ bow my father ❂❏◗met ❍❙ and ❆❁▼❈❅❒ married❍❅▼●❏❏❋❅❄ ❁■❄ down ❍❁❒❒❉❅❄ ❄❏◗■ ❇▼❁❉●▲ ✥❖✌and ❐❉a ❁■❄ looked at Ev,❁▼ pigtails stockists ❁ esp. "Who showed stocking ◆❐✎ ✂✷❈❏ ▲❈❏◗❅❄ • • my ❍❙ mother. ❍❏▼❈❅❒✎ . ❙❏◆ ❄❏ ▼❈❉▲✟ ▲❁❉❄✌ ▼◆❒❆❉■ you to▼❏ do this?* he said, ❈❅ louring ❇❈❉▲ his packages cos of ❐❁❃❋ ❁❇ ❅▲Into ✩■▼❏ ear ❁❒▼ our❏◆❒ t , •• ••• ••••✭✹ MY ✦✡✴★✥✲ FATHER CAME ✣✡✭✥to▲❏ this▼❈❉▲ country❃❏◆■▼❒❙ 60 years aand ✖✐ ❙❅❁❒▲ ❁ ▼❁■❄ Sibard. ❂❁❒❄✎ settled in Chicago. Chicago ★❅worked ◗❏❒❋❅❄ hard ❈❁❒❄ and drank ❁■❄ ❄❒❁■❋ ▼❏●❄ told ▲❅▼▼●❅❄ ❉■ . He ✂✪❁❋❅✁✂ ✥❖❁ ▲❁❉❄✰❁ "Jake' Eva said proudly. Pa look Ev by the❂❙hand Use ●❏❏❋ ✥❖ ▼❈❅ ❈❁■❄ ✭▼✈ ❆❁❂◆●❏◆▲ fabulous stories▲▼❏❒❉❅▲ and drank. Uwe' ❁■❄his ❄❒❁■❋✎ favorite because ✵◗❅✇ ❈❉▲ was ❆❁❖❏❒❉▼❅ ❂❅❃❁◆▲❅ ◗❁▲ ✪❅◗❉▲❈✉✌ Jewish), 'Come ✂✣❁❍❅ on. You" ❏■✎ pet✹❏◆✇●● a odd" pat ❁ ❏❄❄✂ As Ev ✥❖was ◗❁▲ ❉■family. ▼❈❅ I❆❁❍❉●❙✎ ❂❅●❉❅❖❅❄ ▼❈❅ ▼❈❅ the fighter ❇❈▼❅❒ ❆❉ in the believed the✩stories he' told gn and ▲▼❏❒❉❅▲ ❂❅ ▼❏●❄ ❍ ❁■❄ ✎ . fought anyone ❁■❙❏■❅ who hurt ◗❈❏my ❈◆❒▼ family ❍❙or❆❁❍❉●❙ friends. I❏❒ was❆❒❉❅■❄▲✎ always ✿ ✩ ◗❁▲ ❁●◗❁❙▲ ✎ ❆❏◆ ❇❈▼ ❉❆❉❄■✇▼ see are▲❅❅ because ❍❅I.❂❅❃❁◆▲❅ ✩ far me. She She ❏❆❆✌ off, looked back ❂❁❃❋ didn't ❆❏❒ ❍❅✎ scrapping and I would ❁■❄ ✩ always ◗❏◆●❄ tell ❁●◗❁❙▲ Pa about my ▼❅●● fights. fi❇❈▼▲✎ ✰❁ He❁❂❏◆▼ ★❅'she✇▲❈❅ ❍❙ ●❏❏❋❅❄ • ▲❃❒❁❐❐❉■❇ - . • r; ✍ ❉■the ▼❈❅ ✚ half away, running ❇in other❏▼❈❅❒ direction.❄❉❒❅❃▼❉❏■✎✍ ❂●❏❃❋ ❁◗❁❙✌ ❒◆■■❉■ ball a❁block 4', ❃❁●●❅❄ ❍❅ "Little ❈❉▲Cossack." called me his "Little ✣❏▲▲❁❃❋✎✂ ▼❉❍❅ ✩ ▼▼❁❍❉ ❇❂❙ Ev bad already gotten ❏▼▼❅■ her ❈❅❒ whipping ◗❈❉❐❐❉■ by▼❈❅ the time I found k _•. • We ✷❅ lived ●❉❖❅❄ a half❁block ❈❁●❆ from ❂●❏❃❋ Maxwell ❆❒❏❍ St. In✭❁❘◗❅●● Chicago. (Ruby' ✳▼✎ ✩■✥❒ ✣❈❉❃❁ ❇❏✎ ✈✲◆❂❙✇ ❇ ❂❁❄ ❁●❒❅❁❄❙ into ✑✖ ❏◆ ❈❏❍❅✎ ✩parlayed ❈❁❄ ❐❁❒●❁❙❅❄ ❁❂❏◆▼ the courage to go❁▼ home. I had about 16 omits into ,- 1 . ◗❁▲ was born ❂❏❒■✇ in a flat ❉■on ❁ Johnson ❆●❁▼ ❏■ St., ✪❏❈■▲❏■ now Peoria St., ✳▼✎✌ at 900■❏◗ west✰❅❏❒❉❁ ✳▼✎✌ ✙✐✐ ◗❅▲▼ ▼❈❅ ❃❏◆❒❁❇❅ ▼❏ But ❆❁▲▼ as I❐❏❒✌❆❉❅ ❁▲ ✩ , ✂and ❁■❄ about ❁❂❏◆▼ 1300 or ✑✓✐✐ 1400 south.) ❏❒ ✑✔✐✐ ▲❏◆▼❈✎✉ $1.30, just because ❂❅❃❁◆▲❅ I rebought ✩ ❒❅❂❏◆▼❈▼ bap with por,fiss ❂❁❐ ◗❉▼❈ ❊◆▲▼ ✄✑✎✓✐✌ ''✰✎' ' • It was ✩▼a◗❁▲ ghetto, ❇❈❅▼▼❏✌ ❁ a slum.❁We ▲●◆❍✎ always had ✷❅ ❁●◗❁❙▲ enough ❇❈to ▼❏ ❈❁❄ sat,▲❁▼✌ but ❅■❏◆ ❂◆▼ ✇ ✍ ❒ ✍ ✉ ▲❏●❄ ▼❈❅❍✎ - -• • 4 - •• ) sold them. ;4• ✍ •4 •*, ✍ • •• • 4*. s■ig✍✎✓ ◗❅ we ■❅❖❅❒ never had❈❁❄ any luxuries. ❁■❙ ●◆❘◆❒❉❅▲✎ We didn't buy ✷❅toys—we ❄❉❄■✇▼ made ❂◆❙them. ▼❏❙▲◗❅ ❍❁❄❅ ▼❈❅❍✎ ✑ I THOUGHT ✴★✯✵✧★✴ MY ✭✹ PA ✰✡ would ◗❏◆●❄ be lenient ❂❅ ●❅■❉❅■▼ with me limas◗❉▼❈ I had ❍❅ ▲❉■ ❋ ee✍ -✍- Carts ✍ ✣❁❒▼▲ and coasters ❁■❄ ❃❏❁▲▼❅❒▲ we made from old ◗▲ roller ❍❁❄❅skates ❆❒❏❍ and❏●❄ baby❒❏●●❅❒ i ✩ ▲❋❁▼❅▲ ❁■❄ ❂❁❂❙ ❄❉❄ ❙❏◆ ❍❁❋❅❒ much worked so hard. Pa said, "How much did you maker I sold✩ ▲❏●❄ ✩ ◗❏❒❋❅❄ ▲❏ ❂❁❒❄✎ ✰❁ ▲❁❉❄✌ ✂★❏◗ - ' buggies. ❂◆❇❇❉❅▲✎ ✌• to ◗❅✆ ❇❏❉■ ❇❂❁❃❋ him and be ❂❅ asked me when was going back to out., ❁■❄ ❁▲❋❅❄ ❍❅I◗❈❅■ ✩ ◗❁▲ ✂✛✍☛☛ ::';' . ✢❁●●▲ Balls we made ◗❅ ❍❁❄❅ by foraging ❂❙ ❇❉■ ❆❏❒❁ ❇❆❏❒ for old❏●❄ rubber ❒◆❂❂❅❒ bands in❂❁■❄▲ the alleys❉■❈❉❍ ▼❈❅ ❁●●❅❙▲ be ❁■❄that ▼❈❁▼ angry bewas ◗❁▲angry I could tell by his loos voice●❏❏▲ be and be ✩ ❃❏◆●❄ ▼❅●● ❂❙of❈❉▲ ❏❆ ❖❏❉❃❅ ❂❅❈❉■❄ behind the ▼❈❅ banks. banks. The ✴❈❅banks ❂❁■❋▲ would ◗❏◆●❄ throw away ▼❈❒❏◗ hundreds ❁◗❁❙ ❈◆■❄❒❅❄▲ of ❇❏❉■ ❇ ✩ ▲❁❉ didn't me working on the streets. said, ▲▼❒❅❅▼▲✎ "I'mmot au going ❍❅ ◗❏❒❋❉■❇ ❅■ I▼❈❅ ❇❁▼❈❅❒ them ▼❈❅❍ up and◆❐❄❉❄■✇▼ ❁■❄ want◗❁■▼ Ir.- ✍ -❒◆❂❂❅❒ rubber bands ❂❁■❄▲ each day ❅❁❃❈ and we❄❁❙ kids❁■❄ would◗❅gather ❋❉❄▲ ◗❏◆●❄ ❇ you won't ❁❒❅■✇▼ ❂❅ ■❅❅❄❉■ ass✎ back." "Ala," said my▲❁❉❄ Pa, "in❍❙ that case;yes be seeding ✂✡❂✌✂ ✰❁✌ ✂❉■ ▼❈❁▼ ❇❉■ ❒❏●● ❉■▼❏ ❂❁●●✎ ❇we ◗❅ had ❂❁❄a good ❁ r ' roll them▼❈❅❍ into a ball. After❁a week a ◗❅❅❋ of scrounging ❏❆✡❆▼❅❒ ▲❃❒❏◆■ ❇❏❏❄ ❂❁❃❋✎✂ 171 gm the $1.30 ✄✑✎✓✐ to buy▼❏ more❂◆❙ hap❍❁❒❅ with. Give ❂❁❐ It OP ◗❉▼❈✎ ❋ ✯✰ ✩■ In and✧❉❖❅ v ": ball ❂❁●● for catch ❆❏❒or❁❒❃❈ stick ball ❏❒tames. ▲▼❉❃❋ ◆ ▲✎ ❂❁●● • ❐● ✎. - ✌ k for ❆❏❒ you." ❙❏◆✎⑤ .:✇Whatever ✷❈❁▼❅❖❅❒ we bad, ◗❅we ❂❁❄✌ earned. ◗❅ We ❅❁❒■❅❄✎ didn't steal ✷❅or❄❉❄■✇▼ steal beg for ❋ ✍ anything. ❁■❙▼❈❉■ ❁✎We ✷❅earned ❅❁❒■❅❄ cur own ❏◆❒ money ❏◗■ even ❍❏■❅❙ as tiny ❅❖❅■ kids.❁▲ I used ▼❉■❙ ❋❉❄▲✎ ✩ ◆▲❅❄ ❏❖❅❒ I was trapped. I banded❈❁■❄❅❄ the money ova and Sad ❍❙ any✰❁ Ps sal4 ❅ ▲ ●✔ ✩ ◗❁▲ ▼❒❁❐❐❅❄✎ ▼❈❅ ❍❏■❅❙ is ❊ j✎ ❁●● . to▼❏ save▲❁❖❅ pennies❐❅■■❉❅▲ all year year SD ▲❅that ▼❈❁▼ a week❁❂❅❆❏❒❅ before the Fourth ▼❈❅ ✦❏◆❒▼❈ of ❄ ❏❆◗❁■▼ ❇❂❁ ▲ ▲✎✂ •. don't want my children on Maxwell St.✭❁❘◗❅●● mains bap." ❏■✇▼ ❍❙ ❃❈❉●❄❒❅■ ❏■ ✳▼ ▲❅●●❉■ 'Maywoo❄-4 ✇✪◆●❙ ✩ ❃❏◆●❄ buy fireworks ❂◆❙ ❆❉❒❅◗❏❒❋▲ in'Maywood—a ❉■ - town - My 1 could ▼❏◗■about ❁❂❏◆▼ 12 ' ✑✒ ✇▲❍◆▼ I newt got my❍❙ S1.30 ✄✑✎✓✐ back. It❂❁❃❋✎ hurt my ✩▼ bogus ❈◆❒▼ ✩ ❇❏▼ tura✢❐ bus❂◆▲❉■❅ 4*._ • ❏◆●❅❉▼ ▼❈❅ ✬❏❏❐❁■❄ ✩❍❐❁❒▼✂ ▼❏❃❁◆▲❅ ▲❅●● ▼❏❁▼ ▼❈❅ smiles from❆❒❏❍ the Loop—end Impart" them to sell to the▼❈❅❍ kids kids In ✩■ cause usually usually at Christmas ✣❈❒❉▲▼❍❁▲ 11❂❏◆ bought ❇ ❈▼a❁stock ▲▼❏❃❋ if Cards, ❏❆wnppinp ❇❁❒❄❅✌ ' ❅❁▲❐✯ ❃,the ▼❈❅ neighborhood. ▼ ■❅❉ ❈❂❏❒❈❏❏❄✎ ;4 ✌ ✎ • . . '✇ ❁■❄ • ❈❏◆▲❅❒■❙❖ ■✌ and thing thinp and ❁■❄ sold ▲❏●❄ them house ▼❈❅❍ to. bourns ▼❏ ❈❏◗▲✎☛☛ 's 4* L was ✩✳✔■❉●❅ h ✷❁●❋ ◗❁❙ ❂◆▼ ✩✎S▲❏ ❃❏◆●❄ ✑✐ ✚• ▲■❁❋❅ but I could make. to 10; was❁ISlle walk Sad) way✭❉❃❈ MAXWELL ✭✡✸✷✥✬✬▲❈◆■ ■✎ n. ✷✡✳ WAS a❁breeding ▼❅❅❅❄❉❁ ▼ pOuod ❐✯◆❏❄ erg Mesa: ✭❁❏✚ ✒✔▲❈❉●❙ Nightly Cllaes✝ was◗❁▲ % ✴❈❁▼ a be❁of●❏▼ money❏❆ for❍❏■❅❙ a 11-year-old ❆❏❒ slum ❁ ✙✍❙❅❁❒✎❏●❄ .'"*"..AoLlars =✓ 3That of ◆●❁❒ ✢❁▼❈❅ *Men ☛❁■❅■▼ of ▼❈❅ the robberies ❒❏❂❂❅❒❉❅▲ and murders ❁■❄ were ❍◆❒❄❅❒▲ as regular ❇ ◗❅❒❅ as ,the ❁▲ ❒❅ tic that ❅ early that the ▼ he secret cret of ❏❆ bonnets ❂◆●❉❍❉❁ Was ✷◆✎✎✎ .. ✑ 1 ✐✷✌ . 0 ..V, ▲ . .✎ up ✎ . the ▼❈❅ feature; ❆❅❁▼◆❒❅▲ at the movie ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❍❏❖❉❅ of the tide up ❈❏◆▲❅✎ house. Mot ✭❏▼ at So Ws I Few ✩ ✰❅◗ sell ✫✢Teta ❒❅▼❁❉●✎ I was a businessman. ✩ ◗❁▲ ❁ ❂◆▲✩■❅▲▲❉■❁✢ ▲❉❘▼ ✍✚ 1419,044 and n ✡✹✇r ✌✑✑✑❈❉❚❉✎✇☎ ,✌ ✎✐ Act ✩■ kouble ▼❒❏◆❂●❅ ❁■❄ ❐●❁❙❅❄ ❂❁●● ❉■❈◆▼ later ✤❅❒✡❐ ▼h ; ◗❉▼❈ with and played ball with in Douglas Past ❏◗❉▼❈ ◆❇ ●❁▲ ●❁▼ "'• L:::. .4,41 • ✎✍ J-7 • ' •:; 4 ‘, - e. • ; with the▼❈❅ law. 7 ✎✔✛✎ ✐ ✿ ✇✍ .✍ • ◗❉▼❈ ❋◗✎ 1 :7:111 . : • 2: 44 . ,7-.r I.•L. ••7 I • •• .• ❍❏❂▲▼❅❒▲ • ❉ ✩ I have ❈❁❖❅ been❂❅❅■ accused of knowing sappers ❁■ ❇▲▼❅❒▲❉■❄ and mobsters. I it...,7ip:r4110..r..12i12; A? accused❏❆ knowing ❇ ';* 2 I j•• ,••• • . .4: .4 ; • . n..." ; ' ❐❅◗ pew up a be kids❏❆ hoodlums. When ❈❏❏❄●◆ ◆❐with ◗❉▼❈ ❁of ●❏▼ ◗❈❏ ✷❁❒ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ who❋❉❄▲ War became I •S :•••✚✎✎ ••/....J":11 '• • anything ❇ 1, ,•1• ■• • ;',1•• emsdoing ❁■❙▼❈❉■ ▼❈❅❙ they were ◗❅❒❅ all right ❁●● ❅❂▼aterr ❄ Zwere ▼❈❅❙ .✎;.; r ☎ : .41; .1. 1.71.41•■•• • *emus, they knot their mouths l'emmursrmo ☛☛ ✳✎ ☛✔✑❖❍✌ ▼❈❅❙ ❋✰❒❅ 4 11 .:,4 1. ;: 11.1.1""i ✍ -• • ,i • - ;:t: .• • :•;'":17.0•/, 1:P1'` . •. - •••• • „. • S. • . • • •• •••: • . , • • • 11■1 k " . • •..,7 , •• • • .• Z' :‘i e. .44 •• • 4 I •...; • • • •, k• '• ••• ,•:7; , j I' 4. • , ,e • - • We. Nr. " - - ✂✩✸ 74.Nic1/4 ••••• ' • ' !"-1. 'if.. .A...Lp• • ro • 4t *'1/4 .• • . • . • • • _A:, ".•"."-f * \..k...•:‘ _- • ilitTIP4i111111 ; ,_.III a1a4 -•Alga 4.2 i11-49 V' 64 s ..e .4 • "• • ⑤ ✣▲✚ ✎ C- I* .6;1 ø jj: • . -- • "4.., • ). -•• ▪▪ •, • - • -• • i'll.;11711 12 !iii I. kke,11 . •• •. "la it° ..ii121 I 4124siii 143-2 1ili 9:11 2 1k g fc.- 42 •* ' 7- )."?'• •4 , -112 siz.1 -4 nA...fit..,,,2 3. • t a b! " •17 , . 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I becam e a candy butiber wren ▲❈❅✇❄❉❅❄✎ she died. We (&wept and ✇ ✈❇ ✍ ✷❅ ◗❅❐▼ ❁■❄ ◗❅❐▼✎ wept4 ydierr t via it in 'Chic ago's Garrick Theat ❘❁▼❅❒❒❉❁ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏✇▲ ✧❁❒❒❉❃❋ er. 'Cand✴❈❅❁▼❅❒✎ y hissia -aied ❁ Mares-cad a✂✣❁■❄❙ kit the▼❈❅ loos deept ❐❒❉❚❅✍▼◗❏ prize— ,:r3.N.:: - 44:1,L. twoDin—buy ❈❉▼ ❋❍ ❄❅❅✰✑✗✔✓✮✛✛✛✍✿✾ bin-buy one for❆❏❒ your❙❏◆❒ girl, Miste d' ❏■❅ ❇❉❒●✌ ✭❉▲▼❅❒❒ ◗❁▲ ❍❏❏❅❙✎ It was mone y. ' ✩▼ It all ❁●● added ❁❄❄❅❄ ●▼ ◆✎ op. ..• ✎✎ -4 ✇✌ .✎ •• ;• Di IAN FRA it 1934 I vas ✤✩ ✳✡✮ ✦✲✡✮✣✩✳✣✯ ✑✙✓✔ ✩ ◗❁▲ NCIk0 iraim❅❒❁▲❅❄ Life was◗❁▲ pod--❇❏❏❄✍✍❁●● all but Ma and Pa`i ✬❉❆❅ ❂◆▼ ✰❅❉ ❄❅❅❐●❙ ❆❉❇❈❄❏❅✎ ❐▼ deepl y in love. fighti✭❁ ng. it❁■❄ She :am got wane was ❉■ ●❏❖❅✎ ✳❈❅ ◗❁▲ ❁ ❂❅❁◆▼❉❂❄ ❇❋❉●●❅▼▼ a 'beau tiful girl wocte and worse worm. No g. but scream ing and r. It ✮❏hittin ❋❉▼▼❉■❇✌ ❂◆▼ ▲❃❒❅❁❍❉■❇ ❁■❄.✎ ❁◆▲❉■▲✎ ✰❁ cursing. Pa drank was❄❒❁■❋ In mans ❒❏❍❁■❃❅ ❉■✌❍ an unusu ▲❉■❉❁✍✍✎ ✩▼ ◗❁▲al❁■ ◆■◆▲◆❁● gini roma a--nce '''inore ❍❏❒❅and and ✩✯✷☛✎ loon. Final✦❉■❁●●❙✌ ly. Pa moved✰❁ ❏◆▼ came out❍❏❖❅❄ from and a very Ma✩❄❁ and be ❃❁❍❅ ❆❒❏❍ ❁ wealt ❖❅❒❙hy◗❅❁●▼❈❙ ❆❁❍❉●❙✌ ❁ ❆❁❍❏◆▲ went.◗❅■▼ funny; a famou ❈❅and ❁■❄ s 'In to court so separ ate My▲❅❐❁❒❁▼❅ world ended.-1✭❙ She ❂◆❒❒ ❃❏◆❒▼ ✁✩●❉ ◗❏❒●❄ ❂❅❃❁❍❅ ❁■ was rkb◗❁▲ becam and❏❒❐❈❁■✎ 1--I just❁■❄ e an ❅■❄❅❄✍✑ orphan. ✎. ✎✎ ✳❈❅ ❒❉❃❈ ❊◆▲▼ made✩✍✩ a living . T'he ❍❁❄❅ ❁ ✷❉■▲✎ ✴❈ 40tht-the depre❄❅❐❒❅▲▲❉❏■✌ 'didn' t ea**, ❃❁●▲❏✛ ssion. you'll remem❙❏◆✇●● ✇❄❉❄■✇▼ ☞✾✴▼❈❅ ❒❅❍❅❍❂❅❒✎ ber. ; in lave ••• ●❏▲▼ Inn I god. the but were ▼❈❅ ✁❍❉▼☛ giv ✩ ✔❒❏❄✎ ✷❅ ◗❅❅ ❉■ ●❁❖❅ jive ❂◆▼ ✩ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ I e could We n't ✎ ✎ ❏•❒ ✍ ✎✎✍✪✎✍ ✔c -iv . tor fsk ,-.••••• 14 ❀The ✴❈❅court ❃❏◆❒▼ ❂❒❁❅ ◆❐ ❏◆❒ ❆❁❍ broke up our family . We il❙✎ bad been en werek sent ✷❅childr ❃❈❉●❄❒❅■ ◗❅❒away❁❉❒▲ used ◆▲❅❄ ❂❁❄ ❂❅❅■ to. I was❏■❅◗❁▲ happy to ▲❅■▼ snake "tig cc ▼❏ ✴✡✩✬ ❁ ❈❉❐✳✚✇✇✔✎✌✁ W homes. ❈❏❍❅▲✎ Some were lucky 'al ▼❏foster ❆❏▲▼❅❒ ✳❏❍❅ ◗❅❒❅ ❅■❏◆❇❈ ▼❏ ❆❉■❄ ▼❈❁▼ ❍❉ enoug -W ✍ h to●◆❃❋❙ ireelli❈❏❍❅▲ ❉❆❅❅●●❉■❇ find ng newsp home ◗❁▲ aper s that subscr▲◆❂▲❃❒❉❐▼❉❏■❅ iptions from 41..2; ▲❐❁❐❅❒ ❆❒❏❍ ❄❏✬❋✿ 'woul d take two ✑ ✂✚✚ childr en. My brothers Earl ✛◗❏◆●❄ ▼❁❋❅ ▼◗❏ ❃❈❉●❄❒❅■✎ ✭❙ ❂❒❏▼❈❅❒▲ ✥❁❒● ❁■❄ ✳❁❍ ■❅ with each subsc and Sam were sent away ◗❅❒❅ premi ums ❁▼ ✇giving ❇❉❖❉■❇ ❁◗❁❙ ❐❒❅❍❉◆❍▲ ◗❉▼❈ ▼❅❃❈ ▲◆❂▲❃❒❉❐❄❏■✎ ✩❍ riptio n. I made thM al $40. ❅❒▼ ✳✔✐✿ so a nice They liked the✴❈❅❙ ✎✌✎ ▲❏ ❁farm. ■❉❃❅ ❆❁❒❍✎ ▼❈❅ ❐❅❏❐●❅✌ ▼❈❅ ❆❏❏❄✌ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅❙ in $SO peopl●❉❋❅❄ ce e, the food, a "reek sad . I they was helpin were g so suppo were ✳✕✐ ❁ ◗❅❅❋✎ ✩ ◗❁▲ ❈❅●❐❉■❇ ▼❏ ▲◆❐❐❏❒▼ ❍❙ ❅❉❄❅❒ ❁ rt my eider and ber nooN out of the ❏◆▼ ❏❆ ghett ▼❈❅o.❇❈❅▼▼❏ • Mow ✇ could I ask a❅●❋ girt ★❁◗ ❃❏◆●❄ ✩ ❁ ❇❉❒● ●◆▼❅ ✩❂❉▲ ▼❏ ❇❉❖❅ ❏❐ file this to give up tin way bet of r. • Me, life ◗❁❙ ❏❆ ★❉❅ ✍✇✎ -'• I tiled the ghetto . It was borne. I love6 ✭❅✌ ✩ ❂●❅❄ ▼❈❅ ❇❈❅▼▼❏✎ ✩▼the ◗❁▲ ▼❈❅ ❈❁❙✌ ❐❅■ and like ❁■❄live ●❉❖❅ ✩ ●❉❖❅❄✟ ✯❂❖❉❏◆❄❙ fS,mi❂❁■❅ I❈❉❋❅ lived? ly. pen ✩ ●❏❖❅❄ Obvio usly✎ I could n't and❁■❄ the way ✩ ❃❏❄❁☛ ▼❈❅ thing❏■●❙ Pa's I ✰❁✇▲ ▼❈❉■❇ ✩✿✌ drinking., ✩ drinking I loved his stori could es.▲▼❏❒❉❅▲✎ I loved to ad him do▼❅●● ●❏❖❅❄ ❈❉▲ ✩ my ●❏❖❅❄ ▼❏ ❈❉❍ ❍❙I✡■❄ was run. ❃❏◆●❄ ❄❏ ◗❁▲ ❒◆■✎ ❒◆■ ✩ ▼❏ ✣❈❉▼✚❅❁▼ And run did. d ❉ d. Back to ✢❁❃❋ ✎✎✎✔✌✌✎ :,:adv entur es. Instead, I was sent--elone--to ✎✎❁❄❖❅■▼◆❒❅▲✎ ✩■▲▼❅❁❄✌ ✩ ◗❁▲ ▲❅❁▼✍ ✍❃●❏■❅✍✎▼❏❁ ❆❁❒❍ ❁■❄ ✩ ✖✘✖✑ „: • .c a farm sad I Cad -✍ ✍✍✎ ✡✮ ✯✬✤ 'ea& OLD Nothing✮❏▼❈❉■❇ FRIE ND:✦✲✩✥✮✤✌ to sell. no cos▼❏ Lean ✣❅❏❋❅●◆❉ ✇▼❈❄❒❅✎ ▲❅●●✌ ■❏ ess ▼❈❅ ▼❏ ❂◆❙✌ ■❏ki ✍✌ e.00ke✬❅◗✛ t.in✍ to buy, eteoe seg tad no busin ❁▼❉❏✛■❉❆✌ ❂❅❄ business so 40. ▼❏ ❄❏✎ ✪❏❅✌ ☛ ✇✇✇✌ Jae start _ a scrap and Junk fresh air.❁❉❒✎ hindle ❁■❄ ❈◆❂ ✩ '◗❁▲ ✑✔✎ ✇ I was 14. rs• tank 4 . ems and ▲▼❁❒▼ ❁ iron ▲❃❒❁❐ ❉❒❏■ ❁■❄ ❊◆■❋ ❈❉■❄●❅❒❅ ◆■❉❏■ ❁ s and asked me ft ."help him. Now went this wasn'◗❁▲■✇▼ for❆❏❒ t to be two years ✮❏◗ ▼❈❉▲ ▼❏ ❂❅ ❁ ❒❁❃❋❅▼✎●❅❏■✇▲ a racke ◗❅■▼on❏■ ▼◗❏. ❙❅❁❒▲✎ ✴❈❅■ ❍❙ ❍❏▼❈❅❒ ▲❅❁▼ t. Then my mothe Leon' s fasidl ylorn r seat id ❀❏◆❒■❉❄ ✎ for fog ✌✿ ue ◆❅✎ •koo and junk yards and bad were❁■❄ ❋❁❐ ❁■❄ ❊◆■❋ ❙❁❒❄▲ ❖❅❒❙ ❄❅❂ ❐❅❏❐●❅✎✇ d, an ❁■ very ◗❅❒❅ azort rich peopl ment and was bring e.' ✐✔ ❈❁❄rente ✝◗❅❄✎ ❁❒❍❁❍❅■▼ ❁■❄ing ◗❁▲ ▼❈❅ ❆ the ❂❒❉■❇❉■❇ famil ✍❀✍✍✇✇✇✇❃✇✂✟ ✿✎ ✇✇✴ atallyy . Leon wante ✬❅❏■ ◗❁■▼❅❄ ▼❏ize th d to unico unionize e scrap handl — ers ▼❈❅ ▲❃❒❁❐ ✭❁❄❁❍ ❂❅❁▼❁▲❉ be s ts . ✎1mi ●❍❉ fek .••• Odt ✍ again . Pa was sending ✛▼❏❇❅▼❈❅❒ ❁❇❁❉■✎ ✰❁her◗❁▲ ▲❅■❄❉■❇ ❈❅❒we ❍❏■❅❙◗❅ ❁❉❄ mone that ▼❈❁▼ they▼❈❅❙ y airO were ✍ ◗❅❒❅ th-sibit gettin ✐✑✑✔❂❉▼ g a lousy ❁ deaL Ten to❄❅❁●✎ ❁❏▼▼❉■▲ ●❏◆▲❙ ✴❅■ ▼❏ ✵4.❃❅■▼▲ 15 mots an limar 11.1 could make ✑✎ —wen. we'd be ◗❅✇❄ ◗❏◆●❄ ❍❁❋❅✍◗❅●●✌ a famil y spin. ▼❈❁▼✇▲ Who asked that's ❁ ❆❁❍❉●❙ ▲❐❉■✎ ✷❈❏ ▼❏❉●❅ all. al Ha to be❁▲❋❅❄ ✲▼ was ✎✎✝ being altrui stic and I liked hint. ❂❅❉■❇ ❁●▼❒◆❉▲▼❉❃ ❁■❄ ●❉❋❅❄ The✩ durey ,” ❈❉❍✎ Oloosy.'' ✩✎ ✎✎ ✌ ✍ ❆●❏❈✎ ●❏❏▼ ✎ ✎ ✌ ✌ ✎ 'P✎✎ wasn 't much❍❏❃❋✍✄✔✐ 440 * $$0 a week●❅ ., .: ◗❁▲■✇▼ ❉■ ❁ ◗❅❅❋ ✚❉✎ . :i.,✍ -Vz.ir diAW -iiittrr ,#41,:r ✶❚✎❉❒❉❅▼❉✏❒❉❆❉▲ -40444. Wllhi a s. ✷❉▼❈❉■ few months, ✔✌▼❏◗ V! mont Wri— hs.❁❆▼❅❒ ALL OF US afterwe we' jot dm▼❈❅ ✇✳❏▼ ◆■❉▼❅ ✐✐✑✔ Woo goks. ted working together. ▼❉▼ ✷✥✍✡✩✬ ✯✦KIDS ✵✳--star ✫✩✤✳✍▲▼❁❒▼❅❄ ◗❏❒❋❉■❇ ▼❏❇❅▼❈❅❒✎ ✷❅✇❄ -Lee ✍ t,1: ✑✔✐✑✑✿ We'd ✓✌✍ had as argnm eat ▼❏ with Sohn◗❉▼❈ t✌✌✇ !poo ✇❐❏❏● l our mone Martin,✪❏❂▲ y and ❈❁❄ ❁■❄❏❏❒ ❏❒❇■❍❅❁▼ ✭❁❒▼❉■✌ ☛✷❁❄ president buy❂◆❙ articl es wholesale to◗❈❏●❅▲❁●❅ ❍❏■❅❙ ❁■❄ ❁❒▼❉❃●❅▲ the eirdoo peddle door to▼❏• ❐❅❄❄●❅ .1 7. ✗✇ ✔✑ 'Leon and Mart N▲▼,door in inn at retail In the anion ✍ ●❏❏■ ❁■❄ ✭❁❒▼❉■ ◗❅❒❅ ✩■ ▼❈❅ ❏■❋❅● ❏❆❆❉❃❅ . We worke office and d as MUM ✌❄❏❏❒ ❁▼prices ❒❅▼❁❉● ❐❒❉❃❅▲✎ ✷❅and ◗❏❒❋❅❄ ❁▲ ▼❅❁❍▲ ❁■❄ ❃❁■❖❁▲▲❅❄ ❂●❏❃❋▲ Leon was shot.; canvassed ,, blocks ✂ ▲❁❄ la dip ids.✧❏❄ Natu❏■●❙ selling rally bottle ❂❏▼▼●❅ I wan%✩stay openers, salt ▲❅●●❉■❇ ❏❐❅■❅❒▲✎ ✳❁●▼ ❁■❄ ❐❅❐❐❅❒ ▲❈❁❋❅❒▲✌ ●❁ ▼❈❅ ▲❉❄❅ ✮❁■❚❁✢❙ ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ ❁❍❅■❄✌ ▲❏ around. so❄❁❙ and pepper Aram I Ay* , God bar' only know knows s unio n. They 'what. were That ✴❈❁▼ .oveo was in the tua.9 ✇◗❈❁▼✎ ◗❁▲ ❉■me. ▼❈❅ ◆■❉❏■✎ ✴❈❅❙ ◗❅❒❅ ❅❖❅❏●◆❁●●❙✍●❅ ✑✐✕✗✌ ✩ ▼❂●❁❋ 57.,1 dayti Ibisk • ❄❁❙▼❉❍❅✎ 7:19 .✎ ••' ✎. • .elled !ETA*. . the ✳▼❁❄❉◆❍✎ AFLC:10. i❉.Nigh ✡✦✬✣✓✐✎ ts weworked parking cars ✎ ❒✎✎✌✎ ✎✎ ✎✮❉❇❈▼▲ ◗❅✇◗❏❒❋❅❄ ❐❁❒❋❉■❇ ❅❁❒▲ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏ ✷❈❅■✍ at Chimp Stadi • ,4 zi: fs q7'. um.❁▼ When -, . 1 . P14" ever • we'd put ❐❁❒❋ a car, we'd N... . itt*. ❅❖❅❒ ◗❅✇❄ ❁ ❃❁❒✌ ❉❆ ❁■❙❏■❅ ask if ◗❅✇❄ ...tr.' anyone❁▲❋ had an extra ❈❁❄ ❁■ ❅❘▼❒❁ THEN.✩✮ ticket▼❉❃❋❅▼ IN ✑✐✓✗✌ Dr, 1 went Into ✩ ◗❅■▼ ✩■▼❏✇ ▼❈❅ ❐❉❉▲❃❈❂❏❁❒ the proch hoerd 'they 'Hueycould n't um. We'd ❃❏◆●❄■✇▼ ◆▲❅✎ ❇❉ ❁ pick✷❅✇❄ up S or❐❉❃❋ 30 ticket s a night the ✑✐ ▼❉❃❋❅▼▲ ❁ ❅❉❇❈▼ Now ▼❈❉▲ this kni t as siniste it sounds. There ▼❈❈ ❈❁●▼ ❁▲r as ▲❉■❉▲▼❅❒ ❁▲were ❉▼ no ▲❏◆■❄▲✎ ✴❈❅❒❅ ◗ gen tray and❁■❄ we'd◗❅✇❄ ✎●❁❁❙ ▲❅●● ▼❈❅❍ ✌ ✎ ✌ sell than. ...f . „ involv ❉■ ❖❅❄✎ ✮❏ n. I ✩ ed. Noracketeer, Adme ✛ just❊◆▲▼ bought ❂❏❏❇❈▼ a bandi 1 ✩ 1✇ ❁ ❂❏❁▼ ❏❆ t Earl— ✌ ✍ of the baby ❂❁❂❙ of the boys— ✥❁❄✍▼❈❅ ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ❂❏❙▲✍✍◗❅ ❄✛❁▲❅❄ ❁▲ ❁ ❒❁❇❁❍◆❆ we dress ed as a raeanuiffin fi■ • and prize s whole sale and placed❁■❄ ❐❒❉❚❅▲ ◗❈❏●❅▲❁●❅ 41❅ ✍❖❁❒❉❏ them❐●❁❃❅❄ in various▼❈❅❍ ▼❏ ✁ ti and at the gate. He'd ❁■❄put ❐◆▼ ❁▼ ▼❈❅ ❇❁▼❅✎ ★❅✇❄ ❅❖❅❒❙❏■❅ ask every one for extra for❁▲❋ • aroun ticket ❅❘▼❒❁ ▼❉❃❋❅▼▲ ❁■❄ d the ▼❈❅ s and East Caen . Ther ❁❒❏◆■❄ ✥❁▲▼ ✣❏❁▲▼✎ ◗❅❒❅ ❁❏7✗✩•❒●❉❃❅ ❐ e were no ✴❈❅❒❅ police 'could IiertI lh set more loth anyon e eke.❁■❙❏■❅ ❃❏◆●❄ ❇❅▼ than ❍❏❒❅ ▼❈❁■ ✳❏❍❅▼❉❍❅▲ ◗❈❅■ ▼❈❅❒❅ ◗❁▲ ✎ Sometimes▼❈❅✎ when .there was Mks❅ that ●❉❋ ▼❈❁▼✎ ✎ ▲- • ✌✍✍✍ ✍ ✍ ✇ ✇✚ ■✍ ✎ ✎✍ ✍✌✏✚✛✍ ✍✍✌✍✍ really big attrac ✌✍✔✕ ✂✎ ❒❅❁●●❙ ❂❉❇ tion. ❁▼▼❒❁❃▼❉❏■✌ ◗❅✇❄ ❐❏❏● ❁ ❐❒❏❆❉▼▲✌ ❃❏◆❐●❅ ✍ ❆✌✚✎✰✔✇ we'd pool a coupl ✑✑✔❀✑☛ ✌ e of week s' peens ◗❅❅❋▲✇ , • I'd ❄❒❉❖❅ drive into●❁▼❅▼ ❁ ▼❏◗■✌ ❁▲❋ a tows, ask the duet claic▼❉❃❋ ;buy extra or &IMO ❄❉▲❋ ❏❆ ❁ ticket If I coade s and scalp ❁■❄ ❅❘▼❒❁ ▼❉❃❋❅▼▲ ▼❈❅❍✎ ✢◆▼ ▼❈❉▲ ◗❁▲ ▼❏❏ ✭◆❄❄ them.▲❃❁●❐ But this was too risky. risky. lain Rain put a . ✎ ❐◆▼ ❂❏❁❒❄ ❁ beard hi a bowl lobby . He'd★❅✇❄ make it wipe prize (a ●❏❂❂❙✎ ❍❁❋❅ ❁ ceder ❐❒❉❚❅ ✈❁. •❏●❄❅❒ d in 24'iped us ❏◆▼ au mots aut) ❍❏■ ▼❈❁■ than ono.. ,❏■❃❅ .-.;:.. ✍ ▼✎✎ . -, -.t.✑ ✌✌✛✍ ✎✌ ., - ,.• •✍:.✌❊ ,11 be sold ✎ . .✎✇✌✩❆ .# ▲ ✎ out▲❏●❄ the board ❂❅ ❏◆▼ ▼❈❅ ❂❏❁❒❄✎ ✩ ❍❏❄❅✌ ✩ ✯❋●❁ . I Node, ▼ I think , $3.50 pie sobs. Tit ❒ ✚ f ' place '✇ Di them▼❈❅❍ Di1933, at factor came ❃❁❍❅ the Chica ies;❆❁❃▼❏❒❉❅▲✛ ✑✐✓✓✌ ▼❈❅ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏ in offices, any place❉■ ❐●❁❃❅ ❁▼ ❏❆❆❉❃❅▲✌ ▲■❉❆❆●❅ go Worl Wood's d's Pair -✍. I Ooul ✦❁❉❒✎ ✩d. where could hers wen ✇ ❐❅❏❐●❅✎ ✩▼ y aell— 'people. It was Illegal, but ❋ banners, saying.▲❁❙❉■❇✌ ●❙ ▲❅❄✍❂❁■❁◗▲✌ ✂✷❅●❃❏❍❅ "Welcome m it was big❂❅❅ Chicago," ❍ ✣❈❉❃❁❇❏✌✂ deaL ❄❅❁● No one ✮❏ ◗❁▲no■❏ cared❏■❅ ❃❁❒❅❄ ✳❏ pillow I✩did s. turtles. all ❁●● right is❅❉❇❈▼ I was happy. I ✩ this▲❅●● right❉▲ ❐❉●●❏◗▲✌ ▼◆❒▼●❅▲✎ ◗❁▲ ❈❁❐❐❙✎ ▼❏ Pp ▼❈❉▲ ❄❉❄ ❒❉❇❈▼ ◗❁❄❉ ✩ ✇▼❈❁▼ mod I wede had novel ties to sell✩ ❈❁❄ ■❏❖❅●▼❉❅▲ ln* the◆❐ Aram ty 4 • , , ,,, , ✭❁❙ .• ✣❁❐▲ custom Cape In❉■ ▼❙of❏❆ ❁◗❅▲❏❍❅ ers. - , • ✍ ✌ of 1943 May ✑✮✓✎ ☛☛✌ . **„., 5.•;.:.,iis&..• ❉❉☛❉▼✑✗✑▼ ✌✍ ✎ wrvy: ' t When the 4,0 fair❆❁❉❒ ended, ❅■❄❅❄✎ ❉ ✷❈❅■ ▼❈❅ ◗❏❏❄❅■ I sold wood✩ ' pa. chests en▲❏●❄ WI from ❈❏❐❅ ❃❈❅▲▼▲ ❆❒❏❍ ii▼❏ doora nd kitch en❋❉▼❃❈❅■ pots and pans ❄❏❏❒ ❁■❄ ❐❏▼▲ ▼❏ ❐❁▼ ▲▼❁▼❉❏■ to ps❁■❄ statio❐❁■▲ n ed I drove from gas statio ◗❁▲*palm ❉■❇❅■❉❏◆▲✉ ✩ ❄❒❏❖❅ ❆❒❏❍ ❇❁▲ ❇❁▲ ■❁▼❉❏■ n to gas natio▲▼❁▼❉❏■ 1 with was *se▼❏ n. se❄❒❁❆▼❅❄ teartb s✩✚✑✐ ill') use ●❂☛ Airay✎_ii ✑✑✔✎ ✡❒❍❙ Fong pro ❒ ◗❉▼❈ ❆❏◆❒ four sets▲❅▼▲ of pots and or Eve pans in the ❆❉❖❅ ❏❆ ❐❏▼▲ ❁■❄ ❐❁■▲ ❉■ ▼❈❅ back back of my ❏❆ ❍❙ ❃❁❒✎✚ ear.: priva te first dui. I did ✗❐❉❖❁▼❅ ❆❉❒▲▼ ❄❁▲▲✎ ✩ ❄❉❄ ■❏▼❈❈❉❇ ▼❏ ❂❅ nothi ng much to be proud 'i❉ ❒Of ◆❄/4,1 pia ❍◆❃❈ e, the trunk irai ✯❆cours ❃❏◆❒▲❅✌ ▼❈❅ass ▼❒◆■❋ ◗❁▲ ❆◆●● sets ❉❉❒▲❉✝✎✇ and of full ▲❅▼▲ I❁■❄ would✩tell ◗❏◆●❄ ▼❅●● ◗❅■❄ the attend ✁ ! ❄❉❅ .a mech anic In the Air Carp s ✎❁ ❍❅❃❈❁■❉❃ ●❁ ▼❈❅ ✔❈ ✣❏❒❐▲✎ ✩ ■❅❖❅❒ ■❏▼ ❍❅■ I never jot overe at a s41It little fib—namely, X . lined -; from a selling trip ❆❒❏❍ ▼❍▼ ❁ ●❉▼▼●❅ ❆❉❂✍✍■❁❍❅●❙✌ ❁any ▲❅●●❉■❇ ▼❒❉❐ ❁●✍✌ my comp bull al-, never ❍❙ did❃❏❍❐❁■❙ anyth ing hut be sues ofthe Unwe the d me eight to ▼❏ pr sea*▲❅●●☛ tame samples at▲❁❍❐●❅▲ •,1 ●❏◗❅❄ ❍❅ ❁▼ ❃❏▲▼✍✳✙✌ ✩ ▼❈❉■❋ ❉▼ ◗❁▲✎ ✍ eost-49, I think it was. ❉ . ❈❏■❁❒❁❂❉❅ . ●❉❄ the scene ▼❈❅ s ▼❒❅❖❅❒❙ for every ●▲❃❅❏❁ ❒❖❉▼▼●❉✂❅ man●●◆ ❁■✹▼❉❄❁❉ who was fight: ●❉✴▼◗❁❙ I was•❒ '1 d gas static ❖✒❆◗❁❇ because they ❂❅❃❁◆▲❅ ❏❉❒✗▲✑✔✔✎ ✖❄❁▼❉■❉ ❅▼ins.■ ✑picke ❐❉❃❋❅❄ ❐▲ s& ✇▼❁▼▼❏❏▲ ▼❈❅❙ ❂❁❄ Ovary' bad malia ✍ ❁■❄ ▼❈❅✇boo:t nd ✇❁●◗❁❙▲ the ✚ able❃❁❄▼ disch ✑✑✑✑✑❅ arp ✌ Febru ❆ ary of; 1944. only ❆●❙1141,4110 ❂❉❄ ✌▼❏ ✎✑✐❁■❃❅ ❉■ p▲❅❁▼ illanc :bar7❂❅❅❋ in✎the k seat ▼❈❅ ❅■ ▼❈❅ ✇ en the ❊❏ • ir ❉❒ .4111i4x:-•5 ■◆❉❉❉▼▼❉❉ ✇. ✔❅ ❅❖ ,,--tiit ✎✎✎ ✍✍● ..,1,..4'. o'r,::: :::,-74 ✯✇❒ : ✌ ✇✚✝✚ ,..4w.: ✔ ✎ ✛ ✑ ✚❒ ✎ *•!'l ✚✇ ✔ ✇✇ ✚ ✎ ✛ ☛✎✇❉ ✎☛✔ ✔ ` ✚ ✁✇✇✎✂✁✛✌✇✂ ✇ d to ✳✯ ✯◗❁❙▼ alway R••••s ◗❁■▼❅❄ wante i • be . the °wait ❂❅ ▼❈❅ ❏◗■❅❄✁ ✔✚❂❉❇ -P er' . kbig ■••"✦ ra ❉✣❒✎✂✎✑✑✔✑✔✎✔ .1 stk ✷ -1̀ ✎✍✰ ❃ ✎Ili✎ rAK"' . ❁❈ p hewin ❅ ❐ ●❅ ✎ 10 g comp . ✎❆❁❃▼◆❒❉■❇ ❃❏❍❐❁■❙✎ ✑ ✇❂❅❄ ☛◗❁❙▲ aey. 1 had *way s it' ,' .-': el - • ' ,0 ••• if,„/ . , ,• , SP ie '• „ . ' , ". ' '• • •• ' . . ' • .- fellow ❆❅●●❏◗ with !utop ❙❉▼❈ ✂✡✣✴✩✮ ia shoul d nett ▲❈❏◆●❄ ✁❁❒▼ ✡●❉☛ ; 1t. 1 tieciii deCi d441, Wilt rWest IN l;tosee . eailiarii.':i itallfai rl . ibid Sidiiii litrived ill; . ''' ✎ Job ✔- ✭❘ ✍ s liirittl i •"1"i0444S) ✩☛✐✔✖✔☛✎❉❋ , !tak ✍ '` ,.`thers then ✩▼✏❈❅❁● when I received word that my◗❏❒❄ !potb▼❈❁▼ ❒❅❃❅❉❖❅❄ ❍❙a ✁✰❏▼❂❅●●❉❅❄ ❈❁❄ ❁ ❂❅❁❋✍ f •✡✢ ellied bad Al my tie'✳▼❅✇ break.: ❆ ✤✩✹ ◗❁■▼❅❄ I :want ed le' ✚ ❂❉❂▲ ✳❁ My broth :: er was forced ✌✌ilown. ✇❄❏◗■✎ ✭❙ ❂❒❏▼❈❅❒ ◗❁▲ ❆❏❒❃❅❄ ▼❏ the ❃❏❍❍❉▼ ▼❏ ▼❈❅ ★❏❅✍ to comm it bac?, ❃❈❁■❃❅✎ e. My✥●▲●❁ pale Bor❈❅❒•chanc broth er Ear! ❂❒❏▼❈❅❒ ❉■▼✈ Pt✎bid of of✰▼ 161:4 ✔✘✉ '17'4 *eir Ailed ✑✔✑✔✗✇✔ ital as Ns Insan ❉▼❉❉✌❅●❉❅❅ . 'of :( e perso ✌❐❉▼❁● ▲❅ ✂❁■ ✩■▲❁■❅ ▼me and had 'Maid entan✥❁❒● n" • : ' ''' ',❐❅❒▲❏■✇ "rA;., ..t •... :,.:... .:.-•! ••••✍✌ . ✚■ ' • :❏❒✍✌❑ • ufacti ❏❆ ❍❅ ❁■❄ ❈❁❄ ❆❒❉❅❄ ❋❉■❁❒▼◆❆❉❃▼❉■❉▼❉❇ ▼❉❁▼❉ ning a %tom was◗❁▲ PrOdu ☎❆❏▼❏ lick ▲❉❃❋ cts year for about antfth ❁❂❏◆▼ ❙❅❁❒ ❁■❄✇ ❃❁■❅ in'Aii▼❈❁✷❄❈❅ came linme l boo Co. ✇●●❂❅ ✇ ..Ihe I joine ' d him ❊❏❉■❅❄✇❈❉❍ ❁▲ ❅● ❏◗■✍❍❁❉❄✇ as iii.Ow na44 * vlired ❁◆▼ ✍ clved with' some ❁●● memb ✑✑✏✔✑ er ar die famil ◗❉▼❈ ▲❏❍❅ ❍❅❍❂❅❒ ❁❆ ▲❈❅ ❆❁❒❏✆ ✭✢ ▲❈❅ ❄❉▲❋ didAvi✍ y all site died, in. mad ✑✑✑✑✙✔✔✌ 1944, -i- • • ❉❅▼■❁❄❅✡❅❄ ❍❏●❄ ❍❅●●❏◗ el sold milico s of Mt ✭✩ sot, ❉❉❁❄ ✇ time ▼-.X. ilk iffy -:-/-..✌. -•-• ' ✑✎✛✇✍✇ •=li'c✌✎ '4%.' ,-.• ✇✎ '' 11.1 "----';',7'7k '... 471: 1rt:-., ✗✎ ✍;;;44*:;jite„ . -", • 0 7-; ✎✎ ❁■✉ ✎ ✍✌ ✌✎✎ ✌✌✎✎✎✎✎✍✌❖✗ ❒❄✎✌✎ ✍ ✌ :•?•❀✇✇✇✍✎✍✍✚✍✆✍✚✍☎✛✇✇✎ net - -lott erri rte.:64 ,,,•.1104,1* ).;„-10* ✑✑✑✑✐✔❁❍❍◆❍❍❁❍❍❏❍❏●❅ ✎✎✎ t" ✏ • t •• s:4,1 • u" ✎✎✎✎ .1 Ch ildren Sint Children SinttotoFoster FosterHomes Children Homes:-. ;. • • •• • ••• / -• • _ Nwr rd 4 Me chanic .'in Mechanic in the Air ' Co Air* tort. ,117:` 1 -was t iforn za; Mot iforniii; Mailier her fa if: v -,—„, ✑ p■z m •-
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